HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Commendation of state championship for Rosemount High School marching band6.a. Minutes of the October 9, 2013 Work Session Proceedings6.b. Minutes of the November 5, 2013 Regular Meeting Proceedings6.c. Minutes of the November 5, 2013 Special Work Session Proceedings6.d. Bills Listing6.e. Accept Tort Liability Insurance Limits6.f. Receive Donation – Parks & Recreation Dept.6.g. Expenditure Approval from the Donation Account – Parks & Recreation Dept.6.h. Splash Pad – Equipment Specifications6.i. Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specifications - Bacardi Avenue Improvements, City Project 4526.j. Receive Bella Vista Feasibility Report, City Project 433 and Adopt a Resolution Ordering the Project and Authorizing Plans and Specifications – Bella Vista 2nd Addition Street and Utility Improvements, City Project 4546.k. Tower Lease Agreement6.l. MDH Source Water Protection Grant Agreement6.m. Payment 9 and Final - Greystone 1st Addition, City Project 4396.n. Payment 7 and Final - Prestwick Place 4th Addition, City Project 4446.o. Payment 6 and Final - 2012 Street Improvements, City Project 4376.p. Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specifications - CDA Senior Housing Street & Utility Improvements, City Project 4566.q. Request by US Homes Corporation (Lennar) for the Approval of the Bella Vista 2nd Addition Final Plat, Case 13-34-FP6.r. 2014 Community Funding Application for Landfill Abatement6.s. Regional Indicators Initiative6.t. Trunk Sanitary Sewer and Water Assessment Policy6.u. Receive Donation – Administration Dept.6.v. Metropolitan Council Thrive 2040 Estimates7.a. Approval of Wine (including Strong Beer) and 3.2% Malt Liquor On-Sale Liquor License Application – House of Curry, LLC DBA House of Curry9.a. 10-Year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Working Program9.b. Request by SKB Environmental, Inc. for an Interim Use Permit Including an Expansion to their Landfill which would Fill Wetlands, Case 13-16-EAW, 13-17-IUPAgendaANNOUNCEMENTS