HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout5.a Volunteer recognition6.a. Minutes of the March 3, 2009 Regular City Council Proceedings6.b. Bills Listing6.c. Set Public Hearing to Consider New Off-Sale Liquor License Application - FPW, LLC DBA MGM Liquors - Rosemount6.d. Set Public Hearing to Amend Current Liquor Licenses - Shenanigan's Pub Class A On-Sale Liquor License and Special Sunday Liquor License6.e. HIPP (High Performance Partnership) Memo of Understanding6.f. Public Purpose Expenditure Policy6.g. Fund Balance Transfer/Encumbrance6.h. 2009 Leprechaun Days Service Agreement6.i. Receive Donation - Parks & Recreation Dept.6.j. Appointment of Assistant Fire Chief6.k. Public Safety Interoperable Communications Syster (PSIC) Grant Application6.l. Vesterra, LLC and Stonex, LLC Annual Mineral Extraction Permit Review and Renewal, 09-02-ME6.m. Rottlundd Homes Minor PUD Amendment allowing garage additions to the Rottlund homes already approved under the Harmony PUC, Case 09-07-AMD6.n. Approve Final Payment for Fire Station No. 2 Contractor - Weather Proof Systems9.a. Request by Kraus Anderson for a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan, Rezoning and Final Site and Building Plan; Preliminary and Final Plat to construct a 17,027 square foot Professional Office Building named South Robert Commons9.b. Shannon Parkway - 145th Street to Connemara Trail9.c. Brockway Park General Site Improvements Project9.d. Authorization to submit a Comment Letter to Empire Township concerning the Regional Energies Blomass Gasification Facility9.e. MnDot Municipal Cooperative Agreement Funding for Trunk Highway 3 (143rd to 145th) Street and Signal Improvements, City Project 4219.f. Commissioner AppointmentsAgenda