HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout10.a. Commercial Zoning Districts Zoning Text Amendments10.b. Receive Bids/Award Contract - Evermoor 6th & 7th Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #33610.c. Accept Bids and Award Sale - G.O. Improvement Bonds, Series 2001A10.d. Accept Bids and Award Sale - G.O. Storm Water Revenue Bonds, Series 2001B11.a. Hillcrest Homes - Washington Heights Preliminary Plat for Outlot C, McNamara Addition12. Announcements2.a. Additions5.a Fire Explorer National Award Presentation6.a. Minutes of July 17, 2001 Regular City Council6.b. Minutes of July 31, 2001 Special Meeting6.c. Bills Listing6.d. Donation Account Expenditure - Administration6.e. Ordinance Pledging City's Full Faith and Credit to Port Authority General Obligation Public Facility Bonds, 2001C6.f. Firefighters Relief Fund Schedules to State Auditor6.g. Approve Plans & Spec's/Authorize Ad for Bid/Approve Project Cost-Sharing Agreement with Dakota County-CSAH 42 (Diamond Path to Shannon Parkway), City Project #3276.h. Receive Bids/Award Contract - Hawkins Pond Lift Station, City Project #3286.i. Approve Plans & Specs/Authorize Ad for Bid for Evermoor 8th Street & Utility Improvements, City Project #3376.j. Street Lighting Contract with Xcel Energy, Highway 3 Project6.k. Award Contract to Xcel Energy to Bury Overhead Power Lines on Highway 3 Project6.l. On Sale Liquor License on Public Premises - Celts Irish Pub & Grill6.m. Church of St. Joseph's Jeffery Nelson Lot Split7.a. Bay & Bay Transfer Sign Variance Appeal8. Application for Off-Sale 3.2% Malt Liquor License9. Drainage and Utility Easement Vacation for BloomfieldAgenda