HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout10.a. Accept Resignation / Approve Job Description /Authorize Ad for Mechanic10.b. Set Joint Meeting with Utility Commission / Water & Sewer Rates10.c. Goal Setting Session10.d. Resignation of Port Authority Commissioner10.e. Meeting with the Rosemount Middle School - Problem of the Homeless12. Announcements2. Additions3.a. Donation from Koch Refining4.a. Minutes of April 5, 1994 Regular City Council Meeting4.b. Bills Listing4.c. Approval of Licenses and/or Permits 19944.d. City Unity Day Resolution, April 21, 19944.e. Gambling License for American Legion Post 654.f. Temporary Liquor License4.g. Temporary Beer Licenses4.h. Legal Fees - McDonough Litigation4.i. Donation Account Expenditure Approval for Egg Hunt4.j. Payment No. 3 Trunk Highway 3 Improvements, City Project #2394.k. Change Order No. 1. Trunk Highway #3 Improvements, City Project #2394.l. Expenditure from Donation Accoutn - CPR Mannequin4.m. Expenditure from Donation Account - Fire Safety Trailer4.n. Fund Transfers and Yearly Administrative Fees4.o. Fitness Equipment Purchase4.p. Expenditure for Community Center Cleaning Equipment4.q. Expenditure for Community Center Podiums4.r. Expenditure for Community Center Miscellaneous Items5. U.S.P.I. - Zoning Text Amendment6. Adventure Zone Interim Use Permit7. Splatball, Inc. Interim Use Permit (IUP) for Commercial Outdoor Recreation8. Hinzman Addition Preliminary Plat/Final Plan9.a. Local Effort Funding for Rosemount Village Square9.b. Geraghty Building Parking9.c. Receive Plans & Spec's/Authorize Ad - Bid Shannon Hills 6th Addition, City Project #2519.d. Receive Plans & Spec's/Authorize Ad - Bid, Shannon Pond 3rd Addition, City Project #248 and West Ridge 5th Addition, City Project #2429.e. Receive Plans & Spac's/Authorize Ad - Bid O'Leary's Hills 7th and 8th Additions, City Project #253 and #2549.f. Shannon Hills 6th Addition Final Plat and Development Agreement9.g. Rosemount Village Square Final Plat and Development Agreement9.h. Wensmann 6th Addition Final Plat and Development Agreement9.i. Wensmann 6th Addition RezoningAgenda