HomeSearchMy WebLinkAbout11. Announcements4.a. Introduction of Nancy Schrupp, Secretary Aide for Parks & Recreation4.b. Introduction of Randy Bellmore, Maintenance II5.a. Minutes of December 21, 1993 Regular Meeting5.b. Bills Listings5.c. Approval of Licenses and/or Permits 19945.d. Naming Depositories and Financial Institutions5.e. Appointment of Health Officer5.f. Appointment of Weed Inspector5.g. Appointment of Acting Mayor5.h. PC & Printer Purchases for Community Center5.i. Armory/Community Center Architectural Pay Request, November 19935.j. Armory/Community Center Construction Pay Request #125.k. Set Speed Limit - 145th Street West5.l. Receive Petition/Order Feasibility Report - O'Leary's Hills 7th & 8th Addition, City Project #2535.m. Engineer Technician Training - Request for Reimbursment from MnDot5.n. Change Order #1, 145t h Street Reconstruction, City Project #2355.o. Payment #4, 145th Street Reconstruction, City Project #2355.p. USPCI Trustee Appointment5.q. Designation of Official Newspaper6. Appeal of Variance Decision by James Atwood, 3190 145th Street West7.a. TH 52 Frontage Road Turnback7.b. 145th Street Reconstruction, City Project #2458.a. Resolution Supporting a Grant Application for a MVTA High Speed Bus ProjectAgenda