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: . off o oh: PROPERTY DESCRIPTION: Lot 8, Block 2, EVERMOO
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\`0\'1` ` - `g � \ GLENDALOUGH 7TH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota.
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, 0 • `, o V \ We hereby certify that this is a true and correct survey of the above
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1 described property and that it was performed by me or under my
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` � � 6 y 5\ � direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Surveyor under the ry 0- N • \ `g 6 \ t s� L.A./ I / laws of the State of Minnesota. That this survey does not purport to
rn \ n i� n n ►T show all improvements, easements or encroachments, to the property
\ LOT bk 'I\ � °�� V rl.��1 v 1 except as shown thereon.
` 96 1 `g 6 �� o S , Signed this 2nd day of A•ri 2009. = °1 3 R. Hill, Inc., A ei ,
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....., . CP , \_ 1- 4 ` C o � � Harold C. Peterson, Minnesota L.S. No. 12294 00
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\ g- ',-0 •o 1h �' J Notes- e ¢
C � o �o _ '-' 9y'''` ..1'"‘;- \ �\ � 0 0, qs / completed ths R. Hill, Inc. 0 Denotes set spike o� o
L vT v O, \ `9 6 T :1 1 \ \ .,0 ° The suitability of soils to support the specific 0 Denotes set iron monument
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� / 9 0 house proposed is not the responsibility of
® Denotes found iron monument : o 0
A � o x 927.6 z
n f n I-1- c9 ,9 p . 6 "• •�\ 51 J ames R . Hill, Inc. or the surveyor. ] Denotes as -built el o,,,
v n \--11-‘1 v I �/ No rc� h (930.0) Denotes proposed elevation
9 2. No s ecific tit s -
\ o� ' ° / 00 .a a $ 01 � -� 6�• 4) P earch for existence or non _ Denotes rear of buildin pad
�a"h� o� o `, ., o / , existence of recorded or un- recorded easements D proposed drainage ✓ 6 11 ° \ 6 ,� ��� 0 has been conducted by the surveyor as a part TC Den otes top of curb h �° .tl 9 o ° , of this survey. Only easements per the recorded % DRAM! BY g0 �� 65� �'� r: � , plat are shown. PLM - �� °,6,,,,30,:o
� Be nch Mark: 972 .96 _ TNH -Lot 10, Block 2 2/09
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� p� / 5/14 /09 Fo
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pE � 1 ' Proposed Garage Floor= 96 8.4 as -built
e o ��G cg�� (3 i2 Existing Garage Top of Block= 968.8 Proposed Garage Top of Block= 96 8.8 8/4/09 a -built
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•c `I i Existing House Top of Block= 968.8 Proposed House Top of Block= 96 8.8 final grad
g , � '� 3 960.8 0888.:.8884
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Existing g Top of Block Proposed Top of Block
`g r�,`c `� 'c, (--1 at Egress Window= 964.0 at Egress Window= 964.0
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�J LOT 8 = 16,072 SQ. FT. Bearings are
s�al� on assumed datum
Asbuilt A roved:, I2 - HSE /GAR = 1,960 SQ. FT. W _ ,
PP 1 - 3®
/ PORCH = 120 SQ. FT.
Date:. 8-5 -° 9 DRIVEWAY = 829 SQ. FT.
Total Impervious = 2,909 SQ. FT. SAN. SERVICE INVERT PROJECT NO.
OR 18.1% OF LOT AREA ELEV.= 954.61 ALE NO.