HomeMy WebLinkAbout13514 CARBURY AVE 9 .
4 I z , W j ADDRESS: 13514 CARBURY AVENUE ,� a
I 30 ,- 0 -. ® o 2 I
� XOO Lot 2, Block 2, GLENDALOUGH, �, 2 e
I I \ r Dakota Count Minnesota. ®® g gt
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, L = s Go" Go" oa, ' — L (,) We hereby certify that this is a true and correct survey of the above N
"- _ 982.&J 1 44 . 2 J r _ descr property and that i t was performed by me or under my \ b '
1 : ef I �' >e.e.� _ [98 N �� direc supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Surveyor under the cn
/ Y (98245)- . _ r 9J 39 1 / 1 1
Q r ]Q � � �� . _ - -- (979 8 � 9 ` _ L laws of the State of Minnesota. That this survey does not purport to ,
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� rn show all improvements easements or encroachments to the property a cg t
0 ' h • • QJ (98 "' . - '.- m / — except as shown thereon.
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_ - Signed this 2nd day of , December, 2009. Jades R. H Inc., , x f
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a — o 6- c sA r - v c l -,2 N Harold C. Peterson, Minnesota L.S. No. 12294 °
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J J 16 / 6 21 A/ — ' ` � I (%) 1. No specific soils investigation has been 0 Denotes set spike ike -4(-:
1 fs83 _ I P 9 p
7 7 ° 3 ' 44 .98 _ / C) completed on this lot by James R. Hill, Inc. 0 Denotes set iron monument e
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9 18 � �985 :a -- The suitability of soils to support the specific ® Denotes found iron monument -1 J -8
W Y f �- x927.6 Denotes existing elevation m
moo o h o u s e p is not the responsibility of (930.0) Denotes proposed elevation � ® o ��
4 N James R. Hill, Inc. or the surve or.
2, No specific title search for existence or non-
N c" y [969.0] Denotes as -built elevation
j rn o.. \� _ _ _ _ Denotes rear of building pad ° o
Denotes proposed drainage
r T existence of recorded or un- recorded easements -' u
V r oG +, _ has been conducted b the surve as a part t c Denotes top of curb DRAI�td BY
i ( y ' S ail, of this survey. Only easements per the recorded SHP
�� 9 0 plat are shown. DATE
G �ti --, Bench Mark: 984.71 _TNH —Lots 4 &c lock 1 12 02 09
Garage Floor @ Front= 98 12 18 09 Add
°� ' Cy - Existing Garage Top of Block= 987.5 Proposed Garage Top of Block= 987.5
c�' 'IQ L. Existing House Top of Block= 987.5 Proposed House Top of Block= 987.5 3 12 23 09 Rear
3 F Existing P Existin Lowest Floor= 979.5 Proposed Lowest Floor= 979.5 , yard drainage
. 1 05 10 Foundation
Existing Top of Block Proposed Top of Block As —built
at Lookout Window= 982.65 at Lookout Window= 982.7 3719 b 10 t Final Grade,
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PER GRADING PLAN = 970.25 LOT 2 = 11,453 SQ. FT. _, �.,
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4\ - HSE /GAR = 1,760 SQ. FT.
DRIVEWAY = 450 SQ. FT. o t2009 291170.dw. ,cc\ are on assumed datum Total Impervious = 2,327 SQ. FT. PROJECT NO.
fl_ O R 20.3% Y: _ - _ 291170
SCaie : =3® 3 OF LOT AREA fir: �O -zB Zo 4 FILE NO.
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