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Attachment - 2012-2014 Street Improvement Project2012 Street Improvement Project and 2013-2014 Street Improvement Program Feasibility Report 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300, Minneapolis, MN 55416  763.541.4800 WSB Project No. 1916-45 City Project No. 437 Prepared for: November 1, 2011 Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project and 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 FEASIBILITY REPORT 2012 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT AND 2013-2014 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY PROJECT NO. 437 FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA November 1, 2011 Prepared By: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 763-541-4800 763-541-1700 (Fax) Minneapolis St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Engineering Planning Environmental Construction November 1, 2011 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 – 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project and 2013–2014 Street Improvement Program City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: Transmitted herewith for your review is a feasibility report which addresses improvements associated with the 2012 Street Improvement Project and a multi-year Street Improvement Program. We are available at your convenience to discuss this report. Please do not hesitate to contact me at 651-322-2015 if you have any questions regarding this report. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Philip C. Olson, PE Assistant City Engineer / Project Manager Enclosure Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project and 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. Philip C. Olson, PE Date: November 1, 2011 Lic. No. 47999 Prepared By: Joe Koscielak, PE Date: November 1, 2011 Lic. No. 49133 Quality Control Review Completed By: Kevin B. Kawlewski, PE Date: November 1, 2011 Lic. No. 25496 Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 FEASIBILITY REPORT 2012 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT CITY PROJECT NO. 437 FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA November 1, 2011 Prepared By: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 763-541-4800 763-541-1700 (Fax) Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 1 2. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT ............................................................................... 3 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 3 2.1.1 Authorization .................................................................................................... 3 2.1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................ 3 2.1.3 Data Available .................................................................................................. 3 2.2 General Background ..................................................................................................... 4 2.2.1 Project Location................................................................................................ 4 2.2.2 Project History .................................................................................................. 5 2.3 Existing Conditions ....................................................................................................... 6 2.3.1 Surface .............................................................................................................. 6 2.3.2 Municipal Utilities ............................................................................................ 8 2.4 Proposed Improvements ................................................................................................ 9 2.4.1 Surface .............................................................................................................. 9 2.4.2 Municipal Utilities ............................................................................................ 9 2.4.3 Pedestrian Facilities .......................................................................................... 9 2.4.4 Trail Construction Impacts ............................................................................. 11 2.4.5 Bicycle Facilities ............................................................................................ 11 2.4.6 Permits / Approvals ........................................................................................ 13 2.4.7 Construction Traffic and Activities ................................................................ 14 3. FINANCING .......................................................................................................................... 15 3.1 Opinion of Cost ........................................................................................................... 15 3.2 Funding ....................................................................................................................... 15 4. PROJECT SCHEDULE ....................................................................................................... 17 5. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION .................................................................... 18 Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Appendix A 145th Street Surface Improvements – Opinion of Probable Cost Shannon Parkway Surface Improvements – Opinion of Probable Cost Shannon Hills – Opinion of Probable Cost 145th Street Trail Improvements – Opinion of Probable Cost 145th Street Ped Crosswalk and Bumpout Improvements – Opinion of Probable Cost Bicycle Signing and Striping Improvements – Opinion of Probable Cost 2012 Pavement Management Program Maintenance – Opinion of Probable Cost Appendix B Assessment Calculations Preliminary Assessment Map – 145th Street and Shannon Parkway Preliminary Assessment Map – Shannon Hills Neighborhood Preliminary Assessment Roll – 145th Street and Shannon Parkway Preliminary Assessment Roll – Shannon Hills Neighborhood Appendix C Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Options Memo Traffic Calming Bumpout Renderings Bicycle Lane Signing Only Rendering Shared Bicycle Lane Rendering Designated Bicycle Lane Rendering Appendix D Public Comments Summary Public Comments Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 1 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2012 Street Improvement Project (SIP), City Project No. 437, was initiated based on the City’s Pavement Management Program. The streets proposed for mill and overlay improvements in 2012 are based on the current roadway conditions and the overall Capital Improvement Program budget. The mill and overlay improvements proposed for construction in 2012 include: • 145th Street: Shannon Parkway to Cameo Avenue. The proposed improvements proposed also include traffic calming measures (curb bumpouts) and crosswalk improvements at the intersections with Canada and Cameo Avenues, and bicycle lane striping from Shannon Parkway to Robert Trail South (TH 3). • Shannon Parkway: 145th Street to CSAH 42. The proposed improvements also include striping for designated bike lanes. • Shannon Hills neighborhood located in the northeast quadrant of 145th Street and Shannon Parkway (1st Addition – 3rd Addition). The 2012 Street Improvement Project includes roadway mill and overlay improvements for approximately 7,200 feet (1.36 miles) of various 42-foot wide urban streets on 145th Street and Shannon Parkway and 4,650 feet (0.88 mi) of various 32-foot wide urban streets within the Shannon Hills neighborhood. These improvements consist of 2-inch full width bituminous mill and pavement overlay along with the improvements previously discussed. An additional improvement for consideration with the 2012 project as planned by the Pedestrian Facilities Map includes the possible installation of a trail on the north side of 145th Street between Shannon Parkway and Chippendale Avenue. Based on the Pedestrian Facilities Map a segment of bituminous trail is planned along the west side of Shannon Parkway between 145th Street and CSAH 42. Due to budget constraints and a low priority for trail installation this segment of trail was not included with the improvements planned for 2012. Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 2 The total estimated project cost for the 2012 Street Improvement Project is $1,208,000. The proposed estimated cost is summarized as follows: 145th Street Surface Improvements $ 363,200 Shannon Parkway Surface Improvements $ 218,300 145th Street Bituminous Trail $ 115,800 145th Street Crosswalk and Bumpout Improvements $ 168,800 Bicycle Signing and Striping Improvements $ 15,900 Shannon Hill Surface Improvements $ 291,200 2012 Pavement Management Program $ 34,800 Total Estimated Project Cost $1,208,000 Proposed funding for the project is summarized as follows: Street CIP Fund $ 728,000 Special Assessments $ 179,500 State Aid $ 245,500 Storm Utility Fund $ 55,000 Total Project Funding $1,208,000 It is proposed that construction begin in April 2012 and be completed, including all restoration items, by the end of September 2012. This project is feasible, necessary, and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint, and should be constructed as proposed herein. Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 3 2. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROJECT 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Authorization On August 8, 2011, the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of an Engineering Feasibility Report for the 2012 Street Improvement Project. This project has been designated as City Project No. 437. 2.1.2 Scope The 2012 Street Improvement Project is a continuation of the 2011 Street Improvement Project which began to prioritize Pavement Management funding for projects focused on long-term preservation of the roadway network. 145th Street between Shannon Parkway and Cameo Avenue; Shannon Parkway from 145th Street to CSAH 42 and streets within the Shannon Hills neighborhood have been identified as showing pavement distresses using the 2011 Rosemount Overall Condition Index (OCI). Improvements within this report have been proposed to address these pavement distresses in accordance with the City’s Pavement Management Plan. 2.1.3 Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following:  City of Rosemount Utility Plans  City of Rosemount Record Plans  City of Rosemount Topography Maps  Field Observations of the Area  Field Review  Private Utility Maps  Utility Maintenance Records  Roadway Test Holes  Bituminous Coring Logs  City of Rosemount Pedestrian Facilities Map  City of Rosemount Bike and Pedestrian Plan  City of Rosemount Assessment / Improvement Policy Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 4 2.2 General Background 2.2.1 Project Location The two project areas are located in the southwest area of the City, as shown on the location map below. The streets proposed for improvements as shown below include: • 145th Street: Shannon Parkway to Cameo Avenue • Shannon Parkway: 145th Street to 150th Street • Streets within the Shannon Hills Neighborhood:  143rd Street: Shannon Parkway to Cobbler Avenue  Crofton Court: 143rd Street to cul-de-sac  Cobbler Avenue: 143rd Street to 144th Street  Cormorant Way: Cobbler Avenue to Cobbler Avenue  144th Street: Shannon Parkway to Cobbler Avenue  Crescent Circle: 144th Street to cul-de-sac Location Map Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 5 2.2.2 Project History This project was initiated through the continued development and implementation of the City of Rosemount Pavement Management Program (PMP). A copy of the 2011 Pavement Condition Index Map containing the current OCI values for the entire Rosemount street network is included in Appendix C. The graph below illustrates the typical lifecycle of a pavement utilizing PMP best practices to maintain the OCI rating and extend pavement life by optimizing the timing of maintenance. Figure 1: Rosemount Pavement Management Program Pavement Lifecycle In 2010, the City of Rosemount shifted priority from reconstruction projects to preservation projects. This was done to address pavement distresses at critical points in a roadway life and to extend pavement life and reduce overall system cost. On August 11, 2010, the Rosemount City Council held a Work Session to discuss the current PMP and work towards the development of the 2011 – 2016 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP). The results of this Work Session led to the discussion of a multiple-year feasibility study proposed to provide early communication to residents impacted by projects in 2011, 2012, and 2013. The feasibility report contained herein is continuation of that program extending the street improvement program out to 2014. An overall figure of the future capital improvement program is contained in Appendix C. Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 6 2.3 Existing Conditions 2.3.1 Surface Streets within the proposed improvement area are aging and experiencing differing severities of alligator cracking, edge cracking, longitudinal cracking, and transverse cracking. The curb and gutter is in fair condition; however, some cracking and settlements have resulted in isolated drainage issues and additional pavement distress. Figure 2 below is a listing of the roadway lengths and their corresponding OCI rating: Figure 2: Roadway Condition Ratings Street Name Length (feet) From To Year Constructed* OCI 145th Street 4540 Shannon Parkway Cameo Avenue 1993-1994 47-58 Shannon Parkway 2650 145th Street CSAH 42 1987 53 143rd Street 1100 Shannon Parkway Cobbler Avenue 1993 59 Crofton Court 100 143rd Street Cul-de-sac 1993 59 Cobbler Avenue 1090 143rd Street 144th Street 1991, 1993 43 Cormorant Way 1080 Cobbler Avenue Cobbler Avenue 1991 53 144th Street 1110 Shannon Parkway Cobbler Avenue 1990, 1991 32 Crescent Circle 180 144th Street Cul-de-sac 1990 53 *Estimated date of wear course paving 145th Street and Shannon Parkway are generally 42-foot wide urban streets with B618 concrete curb and gutter. The existing right-of-way width along both streets varies from 83-feet to 100-feet and contain landscaping and numerous other private improvements behind the back of curb. Streets within the Shannon Hills neighborhood are generally 32-foot wide urban streets with a 60-foot right-of-way. The boulevard areas are generally sodded and landscaped residential yards behind the curb. The overall condition index for the project area is generally within the mid to upper range of values supporting mill and overlay type improvements. It has been the City’s policy to maintain collector streets at an OCI minimum level of 75 and residential / local streets at a minimum OCI level of 60. Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 7 145th Street at Canada Avenue (Facing East) Pavement corings were completed by a geological testing firm, McGhie & Betts, Inc in the fall of 2010 along 145th Street and Shannon Parkway. The cores revealed pavement thicknesses ranging from 3 ¾ -inches to 7-inches in these areas. Results of the coring further identified the condition of the existing seal coat and bituminous asphalt layers. Although the seal coat was determined to be in acceptable condition, several areas within the roadway were noted for layering, indicating that the different bituminous pavement layers were easily separated. The bituminous coring results can be found in Appendix C of the 2013-2014 Street Improvement Program section of this report. The Shannon Hills neighborhood consists of 32-foot wide urban streets with surmountable concrete curb and gutter. The existing right-of-way widths for the streets within this neighborhood are 60-feet and contain landscaping and numerous other private improvements behind the back of curb. 144th Street (Facing East) Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 8 Pavement cores were taken in the Shannon Hills neighborhood in the fall of 2011 by WSB & Associates, Inc. The cores identified pavement depths ranging from 3 ¾-inches to 4-inches of bituminous pavement in these areas. Analyses of the cores indicate the pavement is stable but the seal coating on the surface is delaminated. Cobbler Avenue 2.3.2 Municipal Utilities Storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main located within the project area have been determined to be in fair condition. No major issues have been reported or identified with these existing facilities. Numerous storm sewer and sanitary sewer manhole castings are located within the project that does not meet current City standards. Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 9 2.4 Proposed Improvements 2.4.1 Surface The proposed surface improvements included with the 2012 Street Improvement Project include a full width 2-inch mill and overlay on 145th Street from Shannon Parkway to Cameo Avenue and on Shannon Parkway from 145th Street to CSAH 42. These improvements were originally planned to be completed in 2011 but were delayed until 2012 to maintain the annual CIP budget. Spot repair and replacement of broken and settled curb will be completed based on a field review of the site. The proposed improvements for the Shannon Hills neighborhood consist of a 2-inch mill and overlay and spot curb and gutter replacement. Streets within the Shannon Hills neighborhood include: • 143rd Street from Shannon Parkway to Cobbler Avenue • Crofton Court from 143rd Street to the cul-de-sac • Cobbler Avenue from 143rd Street to 144th Street • Cormorant Way from Cobbler Avenue to Cobbler Avenue • 144th Street from Shannon Parkway to Cobbler Avenue • Crescent Circle from 144th Street to cul-de-sac 2.4.2 Municipal Utilities It is proposed that all storm sewer and sanitary sewer castings not meeting current City standards be removed and replaced with this project. Additionally, manholes with rings in poor condition are proposed to be replaced with a casting adjustment. Water main valve boxes are proposed to be adjusted to match the new pavement grades. Damaged valve boxes are proposed to be replaced with a new top section or repaired as necessary. 2.4.3 Pedestrian Facilities Trail The Rosemount Pedestrian Facilities Plan was adopted by City Council to identify the existing and proposed pedestrian improvements throughout the developed areas of the City. The plan was created to link existing pedestrian facilities to provide a safe and comprehensive network to serve the community. In past roadway projects, pedestrian facilities within the project area have been included in the project as a way for the City to obtain favorable bids in grouping construction activities together. The Rosemount Pedestrian Facilities Plan, shown in Appendix D of the 2013-2014 Street Improvement Program section of this report, identifies a future 8-foot trail along the north side of 145th Street between Shannon Parkway and Chippendale Avenue. The proposed trail would be constructed with an 8-foot boulevard and a 1-foot grass buffer from the outside edge of the trail to the right-of-way line. Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 10 The trail improvements may be completed in conjunction with the roadway improvements if additional state aid funding is allocated to the Trail and Sidewalk Improvements Fund. Additionally, due to the existing right-of-way width, an easement will be required at 3535 145th Street. Easement acquisition may impact the project if the property owner is unwilling to grant easement for trail improvements. Bumpouts The proposed improvements along 145th Street include the construction of traffic calming nodes (curb bumpouts) at the intersections of Canada Avenue and Cameo Avenue. The nodes would be constructed at these intersections to narrow the roadway openings and shorten the crosswalk distance for pedestrians at these intersections. Graphic renderings of the nodes can be seen in Appendix C. Crosswalks The crosswalks at the intersection of 145th Street are proposed to be constructed of concrete and will match the crosswalks installed with the Stonebridge Project east of T.H. 3 at 146th Street. The crosswalks are proposed to be gray concrete with one-foot colored strips along each edge. Pedestrian ramps will be constructed with truncated domes in accordance with ADA requirements. Enhanced Crosswalk LED Signs The intersections at Canada Avenue and Cameo Avenue are identified as part of the City’s Safe Routes to School network and experience substantial pedestrian traffic volumes. As a result, the crosswalks are also proposed to be identified with LED light enhanced crosswalk signs. An example of these types of light enhanced signs is shown below. Rendering of intersection of 145th Street at Canada Avenue with proposed crosswalks and traffic calming nodes The signs are proposed to be operated by solar powered battery cells which attach to the signs. The lights will be pedestrian push button activated. This system will remain consistent with what has been installed in previous years along Shannon Parkway and Connemara Trail. Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 11 2.4.4 Trail Construction Impacts The proposed trail is proposed to be installed where facilities do not currently exist which will have a large impact on adjacent properties. Examples of impacts associated with the construction of new trail typically include tree removal, fence replacement, grading within front lawn, removal and replacement of driveways, and modifications to existing driveway grades. Work associated with these impacts will primarily occur within the public right-of-way, but driveway removal and grading within the yard may extend further into the property. Exact impacts to properties are typically determined during the final design process. A number of utility poles are currently located along the north side of 145th Street. Impacts to existing utilities may be mitigated by reducing boulevard width; however, additional analysis is necessary to determine if relocation is feasible. This work is typically completed during final design. 145th Street East of Diamond Path (Facing East) 2.4.5 Bicycle Facilities Shannon Parkway north of 145th Street has 11-foot wide travel lanes with 5-foot wide striped designated bicycle lanes along both edges. This is proposed to continue along Shannon Parkway south of 145th Street to CSAH 42. The bicycle lanes will be stopped short of vehicular turn lanes at intersections due to inadequate width on the roadway. On street parking is currently not allowed on Shannon Parkway and is not proposed to be modified. There is currently on street parking on both sides of 145th Street between TH 3 and Cameo Avenue. On street parking is allowed on one side of the road between Cameo Avenue and Chippendale Avenue and no on street parking between Chippendale Avenue and Shannon Parkway. It is proposed to reduce the travel lanes to 11 feet and stripe designated bicycle lanes along the shoulders similar to Shannon Parkway. Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 12 East of Chippendale Avenue, three options are being considered for implementation of bicycle facilities following the overlay of the street. As the result, the three options that have been developed are presented as follows: 1. No striped bicycle lanes, signs only – With this option, the striping would be applied in its current configuration and signs placed indicating shared use with bicycles. 2. Designated bicycle lanes – Travel lanes would be narrowed to 11 feet with a 5- foot wide bike lane on the north side and 6-foot wide bike lane on the south side and would be striped as shown. This option would allow parking to remain on one side of the roadway. Designated bicycle lanes could be extended from Shannon Parkway to TH 3. 3. Shared bicycle lanes – Shared bicycle lanes would allow bicyclists to utilize the main through lanes with motorists. The shared bicycle lane markings (sharrows) would be painted in the travel lanes as shown below, allowing bicyclists and motorists to share the road equally. This option would result in no loss of the on Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 13 street parking that currently exists. The shared bike lanes could be utilized for the entire length of 145th Street from Shannon Parkway to TH 3. The three options are discussed in greater detail in the memo on Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Options. A copy of the memo is included in Appendix C. A neighborhood meeting was held with residents in this area on October 5, 2011. A copy of the comment cards received from the meeting are also included in Appendix C for the Council’s review. The general consensus of the residents at the meeting was that bicycle lanes, either designated or shared are not preferred on 145th Street. Each of the three options previously presented are supported by the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD) and the MnDOT Municipal State Aid Office. Each of the three options is effective at accommodating bicycle traffic on a public street system and it becomes a preference decision for the Council on which facility is installed on 145th Street. 2.4.6 Permits / Approvals The National Pollution Discharge Elimination Systems (NPDES) General Stormwater Permit for Construction Activity from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) will be required to complete the mill and overlay, trail, and pedestrian improvements as proposed. The mill and overlay work on Shannon Parkway is proposed to end north of the right-of- way line for CSAH 42. As a result, a Dakota County Work in Right-of-Way permit is not required for the work proposed at that intersection. Similarly, the mill and overlay work on 145th Street will end at Cameo Avenue and will not extend into the TH 3 right-of-way. As a result, a MnDOT Work in Right-of-Way permit is not required. Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 14 2.4.7 Construction Traffic and Activities During construction, it is anticipated that the there will be a hard surface on the streets within the project area at all times. All residents will have access to their properties during construction. There may be some exceptions if some residents have the curb in their driveway replaced due to cracking or settlement related issues. Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 15 3. FINANCING 3.1 Opinion of Cost Detailed opinions of cost can be found in Appendix A of this report. The opinions of cost incorporate estimated 2012 construction costs and include a 5% contingency for the mill and overlay components and 10% for new improvements proposed with the project. Indirect costs are calculated 20% for mill and overlay improvements and 25% for all new improvements. Indirect costs include legal, administrative, engineering, and financing items costs associated with the project. Table 1 below provides a summary of the opinion of probable cost for the 2012 Street Improvement Project. Table 1 - Summary of Cost Total 145th Street Surface Improvements $363,200 Shannon Parkway Surface Improvements $218,300 145th Street Bituminous Trail $115,800 145th Street Crosswalk and Bumpout Improvements $168,800 Bicycle Signing and Striping Improvements $15,900 Shannon Hills Neighborhood Surface Improvements $291,200 2012 Pavement Management Program $34,800 Total $1,208,000 3.2 Funding Special Assessments are determined as set forth by the City’s Assessment Policy and current fee resolutions. According to the City of Rosemount’s 2011 Fee Resolution, street assessments for mill and overlay projects are 35% of the total improvement cost. The total funds proposed to be recovered through special assessments are estimated at $179,510.00. The preliminary assessment roll can be found in Appendix B. The Street CIP fund and State Aid fund will finance the remaining cost of the project surface improvements. A summary of the proposed assessments is shown below on Table 2. Detailed assessment calculations, assessment methodology and the preliminary assessment rolls for both project areas can be found in Appendix B of this report. It should be noted that only the mill and overlay costs are included in the assessment calculations. Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 16 Table 2 – Proposed Assessments Calculated Assessment Units Total Assessment 145th Street: Single Family $1,090 38 $41,400 145th Street: Multi-Family $15.00/FF 1882 $28,200 145th Street Improvements: Commercial $15.00/FF 484 $7,300 Shannon Hills Neighborhood $1,140 90 $102,600 Total 98 $179,500 A summary of the proposed project funding is shown below on Table 3. Table 3 - Proposed Funding Street Capital Improvement Fund *Special Assessments Municipal State Aid Fund Storm Utility Fund Total 145th Street/Shannon Parkway Improvements $504,600 $76,900 $581,500 Shannon Hills Improvements $188,600 $102,600 $291,200 145th Street Trail Improvements $115,800 $115,800 145th Street Crosswalk and Bumpout Improvements $113,800 $55,000 $168,800 Bicycle Signing and Striping Improvements $15,900 $15,900 2012 Pavement Management Program $34,800 $34,800 Total $728,000 $179,500 $245,500 $55,000 $1,208,000 * The preliminary assessment roll can be found in Appendix B of this report. The proposed mill and overlay costs are proposed to be funded through Street Capital Improvement funds and assessments to benefitting properties as described herein. Project costs associated with the bituminous trail along 145th Street from Shannon Parkway to Chippendale Avenue along with the bicycle and pedestrian facilities improvements are proposed to be funded with Municipal State Aid funds allocated to the City annually. The costs proposed to be funded from the Street Capital Improvement as shown in Table 3 include project cost associated with the mill and overlay improvements on 145th Street, Shannon Parkway and streets with the Shannon Hills neighborhood. They also reflect costs associated with the City’s annual seal coating program for 2012. Project costs for the 2012 seal coating project are estimated at $34,800. Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 17 4. PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed project schedule for the 2012 Street Improvement Project is as follows: City Council Receives Feasibility Report / Order Public Hearing ................................................................................... November 1, 2011 Public Hearing / Order Plans and Specifications ..................................... December 6, 2011 Approve Plans and Specifications / Ratify Advertisement for Bid ........... January 17, 2012 Open Bids / Compute Assessments ........................................................... January 27, 2012 Declare Costs / Set Assessment Hearing ................................................... February 7, 2012 Receive Bids / Assessment Hearing ............................................................ March 20, 2012 Award Contract .................................................................................................... April 2012 Begin Construction .............................................................................................. April 2012 Final Completion of Project ........................................................................ September 2012 Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 18 5. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION The following improvements are recommended to be constructed as part of the 2012 Street Improvement Project: • A 2-inch pavement mill and overlay along 145th Street between Shannon Parkway and Cameo Avenue. • A 2-inch pavement mill and overlay along Shannon Parkway between 145th Street and CSAH 42. • A 2-inch pavement mill and overlay along all streets contained within the Shannon Hills Neighborhood (1st Addition – 3rd Addition). • Spot curb and gutter replacement throughout entire project area. • Restripe Shannon Parkway to provide 11-foot travel lanes with designated bicycle lanes. • Trail installation along the north side of 145th Street between Shannon Parkway and Chippendale Avenue. • Install pedestrian facilities including traffic bumpouts, crosswalks, and LED light enhanced crosswalk signs as proposed. • Provide direction on signing and striping bicycle facilities on 145th Street for inclusion in the final constructed project. The total estimated cost of the 2012 Street Improvement Project is $1,208,000. Proposed funding for the project is provided through a combination of Special Assessments, Street CIP funds, Storm Utility funds, and State Aid funds. The total funding responsibility of the Street CIP is estimated to be $728,000. The funding level anticipated through the levy of special assessments to benefitting property owners is $179,500. Storm Utility funds in the amount of $55,000 will be utilized to construct drainage improvements associated with bumpouts and pedestrian related improvements. Additionally, an estimated $245,500 is proposed to be funded from the City’s annual State Aid allotment for the construction of the trail along the north side of 145th Street, bumpouts, and pedestrian improvements. The project is feasible, necessary, and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint. It is our recommendation that the improvements be implemented as outlined in this report. Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 APPENDIX A 145th Street Surface Improvements – Opinion of Probable Cost Shannon Parkway Surface Improvements – Opinion of Probable Cost Shannon Hills Surface Improvements - Opinion of Probable Cost 145th Street Trail Improvements – Opinion of Probable Cost 145th Street Pedestrian Crosswalk and Bumpout Improvements – Opinion of Probable Cost Bicycle Signing and Striping Improvements – Opinion of Probable Cost 2012 Pavement Management Program Maintenance – Opinion of Probable Cost 1 of 6 K:\01916-450\Quantity\Preliminary\2012-2014 Feasibility Cost Estimate WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Design By:JPK Project Location:City of Rosemount Checked By:KAK City Project No.:437 WSB Project No:1916-45 Date:10/18/2011 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No. Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $13,700.00 $13,700.00 2 2102.502 PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVAL LIN FT 11,830 $0.50 $5,915.00 3 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT 900 $4.50 $4,050.00 4 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 1,150 $1.00 $1,150.00 5 2104.503 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK SQ FT 510 $0.75 $382.50 6 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 113 $2.00 $226.00 7 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 410 $1.00 $410.00 8 2104.509 REMOVE SIGN EACH 100 $25.00 $2,500.00 9 2104.523 SALVAGE CASTING (STORM)EACH 9 $75.00 $675.00 10 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV)CU YD 60 $7.00 $420.00 11 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA 1 $150.00 $150.00 12 2231.501 BITUMINOUS PATCHING MIXTURE TON 60 $150.00 $9,000.00 13 2232.507 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0")SQ YD 24,578 $0.75 $18,433.50 14 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 1,230 $2.50 $3,075.00 15 2360.505 TYPE SP 9.5 BIT MIX FOR TIGHT BLADE LEVELING TON 50 $70.00 $3,500.00 16 2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B)TON 2,780 $52.00 $144,560.00 17 2360.503 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) 3.0" THICK SQ YD 113 $25.00 $2,825.00 18 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 $500.00 19 2504.602 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH 7 $350.00 $2,450.00 20 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (STORM)EACH 18 $300.00 $5,400.00 21 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY)EACH 12 $300.00 $3,600.00 22 2506.522 CASTING ASSEMBLY (STORM MANHOLE)EACH 2 $450.00 $900.00 23 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 1,150 $6.00 $6,900.00 24 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT 900 $17.00 $15,300.00 25 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 128 $35.00 $4,480.00 26 2557.602 REPAIR DOG FENCE EACH 5 $65.00 $325.00 27 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 28 2564.531 SIGN PANEL TYPE C SQ FT 135 $30.00 $4,050.00 29 2564.602 SIGN PANEL TYPE D EACH 25 $250.00 $6,250.00 30 2564.604 ZEBRA CROSSWALK WHITE - EPOXY SQ FT 1,500 $2.50 $3,750.00 31 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 29 $125.00 $3,625.00 32 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL TOPSOIL & FERT)SQ YD 400 $3.50 $1,400.00 33 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY LIN FT 9,500 $0.25 $2,375.00 34 2582.502 12" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY LIN FT 100 $1.00 $100.00 35 2582.502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LIN FT 4,800 $0.50 $2,400.00 36 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT LIN FT 9,500 $0.30 $2,850.00 37 2582.502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT LIN FT 4,800 $0.20 $960.00 38 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW ) - EPOXY EACH 8 $130.00 $1,040.00 39 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) - PAINT EACH 8 $50.00 $400.00 Opinion of Probable Cost A. 145TH STREET SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 2 of 6 K:\01916-450\Quantity\Preliminary\2012-2014 Feasibility Cost Estimate WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Design By:JPK Project Location:City of Rosemount Checked By:KAK City Project No.:437 WSB Project No:1916-45 Date:10/18/2011 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No. Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost Opinion of Probable Cost 40 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) - EPOXY EACH 8 $130.00 $1,040.00 41 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) - PAINT EACH 8 $50.00 $400.00 42 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT THRU ARROW) - EPOXY EACH 4 $155.00 $620.00 43 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT THRU ARROW) - PAINT EACH 4 $70.00 $280.00 44 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT THRU ARROW) - EPOXY EACH 4 $155.00 $620.00 45 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT THRU ARROW) - PAINT EACH 4 $70.00 $280.00 Subtotal Schedule A - 145th Street Surface Improvements $288,270.00 + 5% Contingencies $14,410.00 Subtotal (Rounded)$302,700.00 + 20% Indirect Cost $60,500.00 Schedule A Total - 145th Street Surface Improvements $363,200.00 3 of 6 K:\01916-450\Quantity\Preliminary\2012-2014 Feasibility Cost Estimate WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Design By:JPK Project Location:City of Rosemount Checked By:KAK City Project No.:437 WSB Project No:1916-45 Date:10/18/2011 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No. Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost Opinion of Probable Cost 46 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $8,000.00 $8,000.00 47 2102.502 PAVEMENT MARKING REMOVAL LIN FT 5280 $0.50 $2,640.00 48 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT 600 $4.50 $2,700.00 49 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 220 $1.00 $220.00 50 2104.503 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK SQ FT 690 $0.75 $517.50 51 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 100 $2.00 $200.00 52 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 23 $1.00 $23.00 53 2104.509 REMOVE SIGN EACH 43 $25.00 $1,075.00 54 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT 200 $4.50 $900.00 55 2104.523 SALVAGE CASTING (SANITARY)EACH 1 $75.00 $75.00 56 2104.523 SALVAGE CASTING (STORM)EACH 8 $75.00 $600.00 57 2231.501 BITUMINOUS PATCHING MIXTURE TON 50 $150.00 $7,500.00 58 2232.507 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0")SQ YD 13830 $0.75 $10,372.50 59 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 700 $2.50 $1,750.00 60 2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B)TON 1720 $52.00 $89,440.00 61 2360.503 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) 3.0" THICK SQ YD 100 $25.00 $2,500.00 62 2360.505 TYPE SP 9.5 BIT MIX FOR TIGHT BLADE LEVELING TON 50 $70.00 $3,500.00 63 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 $500.00 64 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (STORM)EACH 3 $300.00 $900.00 65 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY)EACH 5 $300.00 $1,500.00 66 2506.522 CASTING ASSEMBLY (STORM MANHOLE)EACH 8 $450.00 $3,600.00 67 2506.522 CASTING ASSEMBLY (SANITARY MANHOLE)EACH 1 $450.00 $450.00 68 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 910 $6.00 $5,460.00 69 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT 600 $17.00 $10,200.00 70 2557.602 REPAIR DOG FENCE EACH 5 $65.00 $325.00 71 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 72 2564.531 SIGN PANEL TYPE C SQ FT 135 $30.00 $4,050.00 73 2564.602 SIGN PANEL TYPE D EACH 8 $250.00 $2,000.00 74 2564.604 ZEBRA CROSSWALK WHITE - EPOXY SQ FT 530 $2.50 $1,325.00 75 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 5 $125.00 $625.00 76 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL TOPSOIL & FERT)SQ YD 250 $3.50 $875.00 77 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY LIN FT 5280 $0.25 $1,320.00 78 2582.502 12" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY LIN FT 48 $1.00 $48.00 79 2582.502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW-EPOXY LIN FT 2640 $0.50 $1,320.00 80 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT LIN FT 500 $0.30 $150.00 81 2582.502 4" DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT LIN FT 2640 $0.20 $528.00 82 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) - EPOXY EACH 4 $130.00 $520.00 83 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) - PAINT EACH 4 $50.00 $200.00 84 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) - EPOXY EACH 2 $130.00 $260.00 85 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (LEFT ARROW) - PAINT EACH 2 $50.00 $100.00 Subtotal Schedule B - Shannon Parkway Surface Improvements $173,270.00 + 5% Contingencies $8,660.00 Subtotal (Rounded)$181,900.00 + 20% Indirect Cost $36,400.00 Schedule B Total - Shannon Parkway Surface Improvements $218,300.00 B. SHANNON PARKWAY SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 4 of 6 K:\01916-450\Quantity\Preliminary\2012-2014 Feasibility Cost Estimate WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Design By:JPK Project Location:City of Rosemount Checked By:KAK City Project No.:437 WSB Project No:1916-45 Date:10/18/2011 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No. Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost Opinion of Probable Cost 86 2021.501 MOBILIZATION (5%)LUMP SUM 1 $12,000.00 $12,000.00 87 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT 2000 $4.50 $9,000.00 88 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 200 $2.00 $400.00 89 2104.503 REMOVE BITUMINOUS WALK SQ FT 500 $1.00 $500.00 90 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 30 $7.00 $210.00 91 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 300 $2.00 $600.00 92 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER SQ YD 50 $20.00 $1,000.00 93 2104.509 REMOVE CASTING EACH 5 $50.00 $250.00 94 2104.509 REMOVE SIGN EACH 10 $25.00 $250.00 95 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT 75 $4.50 $337.50 96 2401.511 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LIN FT 550 $2.50 $1,375.00 97 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0") (P)SQ YD 15400 $0.75 $11,550.00 98 2350.501 BITUMINOUS PATCH MATERIAL TON 20 $300.00 $6,000.00 99 2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2, C) 2.0" THICK TON 1900 $52.00 $98,800.00 100 2360.503 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) 3.0'' THICK SQ YD 300 $25.00 $7,500.00 101 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 1700 $2.50 $4,250.00 102 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR LUMP SUM 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 103 2504.602 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH 6 $250.00 $1,500.00 104 2504.602 RECONSTRUCT VALVE BOX EACH 6 $500.00 $3,000.00 105 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EACH 27 $400.00 $10,800.00 106 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (STORM)EACH 5 $450.00 $2,250.00 107 2521.501 4'' CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 500 $6.00 $3,000.00 108 2521.511 2" BITUMINOUS WALK SQ FT 300 $10.00 $3,000.00 109 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIAL LIN FT 2000 $17.00 $34,000.00 110 2531.604 7" CONCRETE VALLEY GUTTER SQ YD 50 $55.00 $2,750.00 111 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 88 $35.00 $3,080.00 112 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 113 2564.531 SIGN PANEL TYPE C SQ FT 12.5 $30.00 $375.00 114 2564.531 SIGN PANEL TYPE D EACH 8 $250.00 $2,000.00 115 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 19 $200.00 $3,800.00 116 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)SQ YD 1000 $4.00 $4,000.00 Subtotal Schedule C - Shannon Hills Additions Surface Improvements $231,077.50 + 5% Contingencies $11,560.00 Subtotal $242,600.00 + 20% Indirect Cost $48,600.00 Schedule C Total - Shannon Hills Additions Surface Improvements $291,200.00 C. SHANNON HILLS SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 5 of 6 K:\01916-450\Quantity\Preliminary\2012-2014 Feasibility Cost Estimate WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Design By:JPK Project Location:City of Rosemount Checked By:KAK City Project No.:437 WSB Project No:1916-45 Date:10/18/2011 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No. Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost Opinion of Probable Cost 117 2021.501 MOBILIZATION (5% MAXIMUM)LUMP SUM 1 $3,750.00 $3,750.00 118 EASEMENT ACQUISITION LUMP SUM 1 $9,000.00 $9,000.00 119 2101.511 CLEARING AND GRUBBING - SHRUB EACH 12 $50.00 $600.00 120 2104.501 REMOVE CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER (LIN FT)LIN FT 60 $3.00 $180.00 121 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 50 $2.00 $100.00 122 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT 20 $3.00 $60.00 123 2104.601 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL LANDSCAPE STRUCTURES LUMP SUM 1 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 124 2104.602 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL MAILBOX EACH 1 $75.00 $75.00 125 2504.602 SPRINKLER SYSTEM REPAIR EACH 1 $300.00 $300.00 126 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 300 $4.00 $1,200.00 127 2521.501 6'' CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 100 $5.00 $500.00 128 2521.511 2" BITUMINOUS WALK SQ FT 20600 $2.60 $53,560.00 129 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER, DESIGN SPECIAL LIN FT 60 $15.00 $900.00 130 2531.507 6'' CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 20 $55.00 $1,100.00 131 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 32 $35.00 $1,120.00 132 2557.602 REPAIR DOG FENCE EACH 1 $100.00 $100.00 133 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 $500.00 134 2564.602 SALVAGE AND REINSTALL SIGN EACH 5 $100.00 $500.00 135 2571.505 DECIDUOUS SHRUB NO. 5 CONT SHRUB 12 $100.00 $1,200.00 136 2573.502 SILT FENCE, TYPE MACHINE SLICED LIN FT 100 $5.00 $500.00 137 2573.602 INLET PROTECTION EACH 5 $100.00 $500.00 138 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)SQ YD 2870 $4.00 $11,480.00 Subtotal Schedule D - 145th Street Trail Improvements $88,230.00 + 5% Contingencies $4,410.00 Subtotal (Rounded)$92,600.00 + 25% Indirect Cost $23,200.00 Schedule D Total - 145th Street Trail Improvements $115,800.00 139 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $6,000.00 $6,000.00 140 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT 600 $4.50 $2,700.00 141 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 800 $1.00 $800.00 142 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 550 $3.00 $1,650.00 143 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LIN FT 1,000 $4.00 $4,000.00 144 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD 620 $5.00 $3,100.00 145 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW CU YD 420 $8.00 $3,360.00 146 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON 200 $15.00 $3,000.00 147 2301.604 CONCRETE PAVEMENT (SPECIAL)SQ YD 80 $110.00 $8,800.00 148 2360.502 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,C)TON 110 $85.00 $9,350.00 149 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V LIN FT 400 $30.00 $12,000.00 150 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 LIN FT 10 $200.00 $2,000.00 151 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 2 $450.00 $900.00 152 2506.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 2 $750.00 $1,500.00 153 2506.602 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 1 EACH 4 $1,400.00 $5,600.00 154 2521.501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 2,000 $4.00 $8,000.00 155 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN B618 LIN FT 750 $17.00 $12,750.00 156 2565.602 PEDESTRIAN PUSH BUTTON AND SIGN EACH 4 $9,000.00 $36,000.00 157 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT)SQ YD 250 $5.00 $1,250.00 Subtotal Schedule E - 145th Street Ped Crosswalk and Bumpout Improvements $122,760.00 + 10% Contingencies $12,280.00 Subtotal (Rounded)$135,000.00 + 25% Indirect Cost $33,800.00 Schedule E Total - 145th Street Ped Crosswalk and Bumpout Improvements $168,800.00 E. 145TH STREET PED CROSSWALK AND BUMPOUT IMPROVEMENTS D. 145TH STREET TRAIL IMPROVEMENTS 6 of 6 K:\01916-450\Quantity\Preliminary\2012-2014 Feasibility Cost Estimate WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Design By:JPK Project Location:City of Rosemount Checked By:KAK City Project No.:437 WSB Project No:1916-45 Date:10/18/2011 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No. Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost Opinion of Probable Cost 158 2021.501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 $500.00 159 2564.531 SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQ FT 125 $35.00 $4,375.00 160 2582.502 4" SOLID LINE WHITE-EPOXY LIN FT 10,000 $0.25 $2,500.00 161 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (BIKE SYMBOL) EPOXY EACH 38 $110.00 $4,180.00 Subtotal Schedule F - Bicycle Signing and Striping Improvements $11,560.00 + 10% Contingencies $1,160.00 Subtotal (Rounded)$12,700.00 + 25% Indirect Cost $3,200.00 Schedule F Total - Bicycle Signing and Striping Improvements $15,900.00 162 2356.604 BITUMINOUS SEAL COATING SQ YD 24000 $1.45 $34,800.00 Schedule G Total - Pavement Management Program Maintenance $34,800.00 Grand Total - 2012 Street Improvement Project $1,208,000.00 G. 2012 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MAINTENANCE F. BICYCLE SIGNING AND STRIPING IMPROVEMENTS Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 APPENDIX B Assessment Calculations Preliminary Assessment Map – 145th Street and Shannon Parkway Preliminary Assessment Map – Shannon Hills Neighborhood Preliminary Assessment Roll – 145th Street and Shannon Parkway Preliminary Assessment Roll – Shannon Hills Neighborhood Assessable Project Cost $291,200 Assessment Rate 35% Total Assessment (Exact)$101,920 Total Assessment (Rounded)$102,600 Assessable Units 90 Assessment Per Unit (Exact)$1,132 Assessment Per Unit (Rounded)$1,140 Assessable Project Cost $581,500 145th Street Frontage 8,736 Shannon Parkway Frontage 4,956 Total Front Footage 13692 Cost per Front Foot $42.00 Assessable Percentage of Roadway 79% Assessment Rate 35% Assessment Per Front Foot $12.00 145th Street Assessable Frontage 3207 Shannon Parkway Assessable Frontage 226 Total Assessable Frontage 3433 Total Assessment $41,192 Total Assessment (Rounded)$41,400 Number of Units 38 Unit Assessment (Exact)$1,084 Unit Assessment (Rounded)$1,090 Assessable Project Cost $581,500 145th Street Frontage 8,736 Shannon Parkway Frontage 4,956 Total Front Footage 13,692 Cost per Front Foot $42.00 Assessable Percentage of Roadway 100% Assessment Rate 35% Assessment Per Front Foot $15.00 145th Street Assessable Frontage 1,019 Shannon Parkway Assessable Frontage 863 Total Assessable Frontage 1,882 Total Assessment $28,230 Assessable Project Cost $581,500 145th Street Frontage 8736 Shannon Parkway Frontage 4956 Total Front Footage 13692 Cost per Front Foot $42.00 Assessable Percentage of Roadway 100% Assessment Rate 35% Assessment Per Front Foot $15.00 145th Street Total Assessable Frontage 484 Total Assessment $7,260 2012 SIP Assessment Calculations Shannon Hills Addition Surface Improvements 145th Street & Shannon Parkway Mill & Overlay: Commercial 145th Street & Shannon Parkway Mill & Overlay: Multi-Family 145th Street & Shannon Parkway Mill and Overlay: Single Family 5 7 8 9 3 1 4 2 6 10 11 29 14 22 23 37 13 1615 17 36 4841 27 30 43 18 19 31 32 463533 12 45 20 34 2524 26 424038 4439 28 47 21 150TH ST W 145TH ST W DO DD BLVD144TH ST W SHANNON PKWY147TH ST W CANADA AVE W146TH ST W CAMEO AVECHIPPENDALE AVE WUPPER 143RD ST W 148TH ST W CHILI AVECOVINGTON AVECOBALT AVECOLORADO AVECRANDALL AVECIMARRON AVE WCAMERO LNCHIANTI AVEUPPER 147TH ST W LOWER 147TH ST W UPPER 148TH ST WDAHOMEY AVE WUPPER 149TH ST W 149TH ST W CRESTVIEW AVECOBBLER AVEPRIVATE RDDALLARA AVE WLOWER 150TH ST WCHARLESTON AVECHROME AVECHORLEY AVE WROBERT TRL SCAMFIELD CIRCANTATA AVE WC OB A L T L NCRESCENT CIRCHEVELLE CTCIMARRON AVE W146TH ST W UPPER 149TH ST W 144TH ST W 150TH ST W 148TH ST W LOWER 147TH ST W CHILI AVECIMARRON AVE W147TH ST W UPPER 149TH ST W 149TH ST W Path: K:\01916-450\GIS\Maps\145thSt_Assessment.mxd Date Saved: 9/30/2011 10:38:12 AM145th St. Assessed Parcels2012 Street Improvement ProjectRosemount, MN ±0 500250Feet 2012 Street Improvements Assessed Parcels 145TH ST W 143RD ST W 144TH ST WSHANNON PKWYCOBBLER AVEDAWSON CT CIMARRON AVE WCORMORANT WAY CRESCENT CIRD A W S O N P L C R O F T O N C T 144TH ST W143RD ST WCRANBERRY WAYUPPER 143RD ST W 86 12 4 3 11 29 5 41 7 10 39 79 9 30 2 13 1 42 31 40 65 71 32 78 64 28 66 14 67 15 68 72 6261 60 56 57 53 43 27 80 23 38 22 47 17 34 33 16 52 77 59 55 58 54 63 73 70 82 86 84 81 83 85 87 88 89 90 74 75 76 44 45 69 36 50 35 37 24 49 25 51 2118 26 2019 48 46 Path: K:\01916-450\GIS\Maps\ShannonHills_Assessment.mxd Date Saved: 9/27/2011 3:26:28 PMShannon Hills Assessed Parcels2012 Street Im provement ProjectRosemount, MN ±0 200100Feet 2012 Street Improvements Assessed Parcels WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Project Location:City of Rosemount 145th Street & Shannon Parkway Overlay Proposed Single Family Residential Unit Assessment:$1,090.00 145th Street & Shannon Parkway Overlay Proposed Multi-Family Residential Front Foot Assessment:$15.00 WSB Project No.:1916-45 145th Street Overlay Proposed Commercial Front Foot Assessment:$15.00 USE DESCRIPTION FF UNIT 12 2911519350023 MATTHEW A TRONGARD 3405 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4300 3405 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 13 2911519350084 MICHAEL SEEPERSAUD 13669 ATWOOD TRL ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 3395 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 14 2911519350086 DAVID & KATHY GRIMES 3375 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 3375 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 15 2911519350088 ASHLEY J KORNOVICH 3355 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4356 3355 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 16 2911519350089 DONALD E & KATRIN R SINNWELL 3335 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4356 3335 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 17 2911519350085 ROBERT & BETTY TOOMBS PO BOX 43 ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-0043 3325 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 18 2911519350087 STEVEN & DEBORAH STRESE 3315 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4356 3315 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 19 2911519350083 STEVE J & CHRISTINE WERNER 4795 250TH ST HAMPTON MN 55031 3305 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 20 2911519350081 MATTHEW P MCDONALD 3285 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 3285 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 21 2911519350082 WILLIAM P KELLY 14370 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 3265 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 22 2911519370030 GENEVIEVE ANN TSTE SMITH 3185 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4422 3185 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 23 2911519370031 BRADLEY A OLSON 3175 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4422 3175 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 24 2911519370032 LARRY D BERGSGAARD 3165 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4422 3165 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 25 2911519370033 ROBERT L & DIANE R CHERRY 3155 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 3155 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 26 2911519370034 LLOYD L & SANDRA K BURDINE 3135 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4422 3135 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 27 2911519370035 KEVIN J & LISA M LEARY 3125 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4422 3125 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 28 2911519370036 LETITIA L RINDELS 810 N LAKE DR WATERTOWN SD 57201-5520 3115 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 29 2911519530056 REGINA R RAHN RIEGERT 3450 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4333 3450 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 30 2911519530057 KENNETH RECHTZIGEL 3400 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4333 3400 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 31 2911519530058 MARTHA FAYE RIETVELD 3390 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4325 3390 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 32 2911519530022 ANDREW T & SARAH J MCMULLEN 3380 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4325 3380 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 33 2911519530004 ROBERT & EVONNE M BUE 3340 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 3340 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 34 2911519530005 ARNOLD B DRUSCH 3330 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 3330 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 35 2911519530013 JENNIFER L & JESSE J NELSON 3320 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4324 3320 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 36 2911519530012 JARED A SMITH 3310 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4324 3310 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 37 2911519530020 MATTHEW K THOMPSON 3300 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4324 3300 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 38 2911519530019 KIMBERLY ANDERSON 3260 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4335 3260 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 39 2911519530003 LUELLA HARPSTER 3240 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4335 3240 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 40 2911519530002 MARK A RUD 15074 DUNWOOD TRL APPLE VALLEY MN 55124 3220 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 41 2911519510121 TIMOTHY & JOAN D LOESCH 3180 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 3180 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 42 2911519510017 BRIAN & MONICA EISELE 3170 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 3170 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 43 2911519510016 CHAD V & GRETA A HINDERAKER 3160 145TH AVE W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 3160 145TH ST E Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 44 2911519510015 ROBERT L & AMY L GOLLA 3150 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 3150 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 45 2911519510014 MICHAEL L & MAUREEN BOUCHARD 3130 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 3130 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 46 2911519510013 RICHARD J HEINEN 3110 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 3120 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 47 2911519510012 RICHARD J HEINEN 3110 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 3110 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 48 2911519510122 THOMAS E & MINDY WYCHOR 3100 145TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4423 3100 145TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 0 37 $40,330 6 3011519570009 THOMAS & SHARON PIEKARSKI 14800 DODD BLVD ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4507 14800 DODD BLVD Residential 35%1 $1,090.00 0 1 $1,090 7 3011519730001 ROSEMOUNT 2006 LIMITED PTNSHP 400 SELBY AVE STE C SAINT PAUL MN 55102 3810 145TH ST W Apartments 35%440 $6,600.00 8 3011519710005 PARK PLACE DEVELOPMENT LP 3033 EXCELSIOR BLVD STE 215 MINNEAPOLIS MN 55416 14508 CIMARRON AVE Apartments 35%164 $2,460.00 9 3011519710003 NEW CHALLENGES PROPERTIES LLC 4670 SLATER RD EAGAN MN 55120 3710 145TH ST W Apartments 35%415 $6,225.00 1019 0 $15,285 1 3011519730005 LIMERICK WAY LLC 616 LINCOLN AVENUE SAINT PAUL MN 55102 14500 SHANNON PKWY Apartments 35%143 $2,145.00 2 3011519730006 LIMERICK WAY LLC 616 LINCOLN AVENUE SAINT PAUL MN 55102 14520 SHANNON PKWY Apartments 35%120 $1,800.00 3 3011519730007 LIMERICK WAY LLC 616 LINCOLN AVENUE SAINT PAUL MN 55102 14540 SHANNON PKWY Apartments 35%150 $2,250.00 4 3011519730008 LIMERICK WAY LLC 616 LINCOLN AVENUE SAINT PAUL MN 55102 14560 SHANNON PKWY Apartments 35%130 $1,950.00 5 3011519730009 LIMERICK WAY LLC 616 LINCOLN AVENUE SAINT PAUL MN 55102 14600 SHANNON PKWY Apartments 35%320 $4,800.00 863 0 $12,945 10 3011519710002 MARKOS N CHOULIARIS 14490 CRESCENT CIR ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4052 14537 DODD BLVD Commercial 35%189 $2,835.00 11 3011519710001 NASH HOLDINGS LLC 900 2ND AVE SO MINNEAPOLIS MN 55402 14515 DODD BLVD Commercial 35%295 $4,425.00 484 0 $7,260 2366 38 $76,910 $76,910 145TH STREET & SHANNON PARKWAY MILL AND OVERLAY IMPROVEMENTS SHANNON PARKWAY - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SHANNON PARKWAY SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL ASSESSMENT METHOD 145TH STREET - SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 145TH STREET SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL 145th Street & Shannon Parkway Preliminary Assessment Roll MAP ID PID FEE OWNER FEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODE PROPERTY ADDRESS ASSESSABLE RATE PROPOSED ASSESSMENT 145TH STREET COMMERCIAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL GRAND TOTAL ASSESSMENT 145TH STREET - MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL 145TH STREET MULTI FAMILY RESIDENTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL SHANNON PARKWAY - MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTIAL SHANNON PARKWAY MULTI-FAMILY RESIDENTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL 145TH STREET - COMMERCIAL 145TH STREET & SHANNON PARKWAY ASSESSMENT TOTAL WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Shannon Hills Overlay Proposed Single Family Residential Unit Assessment:$1,140.00 Project Location:City of Rosemount WSB Project No.:1916-45 USE DESCRIPTION FF UNIT 2 3011519150075 WAYNE C & GAYLE M NICKSON 14293 CROFTON CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7118 14293 CROFTON CT Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 3 3011519150073 DARRYL R & EVA M WICK 14281 CROFTON CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7118 14281 CROFTON CT Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 4 3011519150072 DAVID C & REANN M COSSALTER 14269 CROFTON CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7118 14269 CROFTON CT Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 5 3011519150071 SCOTT W & SHELLIE M WILSON 14268 CROFTON CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7118 14268 CROFTON CT Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 6 3011519150070 ANTHONY J FORYSTEK 14280 CROFTON CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7118 14280 CROFTON CT Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 7 3011519150069 STEPHEN A & ROXANE R SIPE 14292 CROFTON CT ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7118 14292 CROFTON CT Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 1 3011519150074 RONALD & LAURIE BOYD 3997 143RD ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4061 3997 143RD ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 8 3011519150068 JAMES N & KRISLYN A SCHELLBERG 3933 143RD ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4061 3933 143RD ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 9 3011519150067 MICHAEL A & LISA A GLAUS 3911 143RD ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4061 3911 143RD ST Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 10 3011519150088 CYNTHIA J & KURT D BEAVER 3996 143RD ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4060 3996 143RD ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 11 3011519150087 DANIEL P & KATHRYN A MCGINN 3978 143RD ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4060 3978 143RD ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 12 3011519150086 DAVID A & CARMEN P JOHNSON 3962 143RD ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4060 3962 143RD ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 13 3011519150085 MICHAEL J DOHERTY 3944 143RD ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 3944 143RD ST Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 14 3011519150084 STEPHEN G & DEBRA L WARWEG 3926 143RD ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4060 3926 143RD ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 15 3011519150083 MICHAEL T & KATHLEEN BAKER 3908 143RD ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4060 3908 143RD ST Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 16 3011519150082 GAYLE A JENSEN 3892 143RD ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4060 3892 143RD ST Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 17 3011519150081 GORDON L & PAULA A PHILLIPS 3874 143RD ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4060 3874 143RD ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 18 3011519150080 JOHN D GRUNDMAN 3858 143RD ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4060 3858 143RD ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 19 3011519150079 ANN LAPOINTE 3840 143RD ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4060 3840 143RD ST Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 20 3011519150078 JENNIFER J MOQUIN 3822 143RD ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4060 3822 143RD ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 21 3011519150077 DANIEL L NELSON 3806 143RD ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4060 3806 143RD ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 22 3011519150076 BRUCE D & MAUREEN H WINCHESTER 3788 143RD ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4062 3788 143RD ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 23 3011519150057 KARI R ORLANDO 14325 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14325 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 24 3011519150056 CARL W & JENNIFER K PLUCKER 14331 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14331 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 25 3011519150055 KEVIN J STRAYTON 14335 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14335 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 26 3011519150054 SLAVA & OLGA GEKHT 4604 GALAXIE PT EAGAN MN 55122 14341 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 27 3011519150053 JEFFREY D & SANDRA J GARBRECHT 14345 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14345 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 28 3011519150052 MARK W & PAULA J REBER 14351 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14351 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 29 3011519150051 DAVID G & ANGELA H MRACEK 14355 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14355 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 30 3011519150050 DANIEL & JENNIE BENNETT 14361 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14361 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 31 3011519150049 HOWRY PROPERTIES LLC 1150 CENTRE POINT CURV MENDOTA HEIGHTS MN 55120 14365 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 32 3011519150048 JAMES A SWENSON 14371 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14371 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 33 3011519150047 DOUGLAS B & LORI A MANLEY 14375 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14375 CORORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 34 3011519150046 SEAN R & TRACI L MCCARTHY 14381 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14381 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 35 3011519150045 CURTIS MODELL 14385 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14385 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 36 3011519150044 JASON T ROWAN 14391 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14391 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 37 3011519150043 BRIAN J FILIP 14395 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14395 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 38 3011519150042 WILLIAM & MARY ANN K GRAVEM 14401 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14401 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 53 3011519150062 PHILIP L & MARILYN K KREUN 14360 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14360 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 54 3011519150063 JEFFREY A HOFFMAN 21679 CEDAR AVE LAKEVILLE MN 55044 14350 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 55 3011519150064 MICHAEL A & DELORES GOETZKE 14340 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14340 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 56 3011519150065 MARY KATHRYN MARCOTTE-SCHOUWEIL 14330 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14330 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 57 3011519150061 WILLIAM P & LOIS H KELLY 14370 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14370 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 58 3011519150060 EDWARD C & SANDRA J ANDERSON 14380 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14380 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 59 3011519150059 RENAE M ANDERSON 14390 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14390 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 60 3011519150058 LEON VANCOLLER 14400 CORMORANT WAY ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7113 14400 CORMORANT WAY Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 39 3011519150011 KENNETH D BAKER 3999 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4059 3999 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 40 3011519150010 GMAC MORTGAGE LLC PO BOX 8300 FORT WASHINGTON PA 19034 3979 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 41 3011519150009 FEREYDOON TAHMOORESSI 3959 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4059 3959 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 42 3011519150008 SANDEEP R & RENEE S BURMAN 3929 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4059 3929 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 43 3011519150007 JOHN P & MARY B WOLLERSHEIM 3909 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4059 3909 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 44 3011519150006 DAVID A & SHERYL A OLEYAR 3891 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4031 3891 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 45 3011519150005 DEANNA M & DAVID R BENTLEY 3871 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4031 3871 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 46 3011519150004 MATHEW F & DEBORAH J LANGENFELD 3865 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4031 3865 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 47 3011519150003 THOMAS G & KIMBERLY RYAN 3861 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4031 3861 144TH ST Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 Shannon Hills Preliminary Assessment Roll MAP ID PID FEE OWNER FEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODE PROPERTY ADDRESS ASSESSABLE RATE ASSESSMENT METHOD PROPOSED ASSESSMENT SHANNON HILLS MILL AND OVERLAY IMPROVEMENTS CROFTON COURT 143RD STREET W CORMORANT WAY 144TH STREET W WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Shannon Hills Overlay Proposed Single Family Residential Unit Assessment:$1,140.00 Project Location:City of Rosemount WSB Project No.:1916-45 USE DESCRIPTION FF UNIT Shannon Hills Preliminary Assessment Roll MAP ID PID FEE OWNER FEE OWNER ADDRESS CITY/STATE ZIP CODE PROPERTY ADDRESS ASSESSABLE RATE ASSESSMENT METHOD PROPOSED ASSESSMENT 48 3011519150002 ANDREW G PAPALEO 3859 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4031 3859 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 49 3011519150001 JAMES R BONKOSKI 3853 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4031 3853 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 50 3011519150039 DENNIS W & KIMBERLY REINHARDT 3825 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4031 3825 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 51 3011519150040 JUSTIN BALFANY 3815 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4031 3815 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 52 3011519150041 MICHAEL & ELIZABETH HUKKA 3805 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4031 3805 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 61 3011519150025 EDWIN H & KAREN R ENGELKING 3998 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4053 3998 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 62 3011519150024 JEFFREY & JENNIFER LOCKE 3982 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4053 3982 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 68 3011519150018 DALE M & KATHLEEN M PEDERSEN 3920 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4064 3920 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 69 3011519150017 KEVIN T & CINDY S TUCKER 3900 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4064 3900 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 70 3011519150016 KIM R AUSTVOLD 3886 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4049 3886 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 71 3011519150015 ROBERT A & JUNE C KORTHAUER 3880 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4049 3880 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 72 3011519150014 ROBERT D & BECKY L OBERLE 3872 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4049 3872 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 73 3011519150013 JEREMIAH J & JESSICA HORN 3856 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4049 3856 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 74 3011519150012 CYNTHIA LYNN MICKE 3850 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4049 3850 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 75 3011519150026 KATHLEEN A THYMIAN 3830 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4049 3830 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 76 3011519150027 WILLIAM J & DEBRA A HANSEN 3820 144TH ST ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4049 3820 144TH ST Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 77 3011519150028 PAUL G CORRELL 3810 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4049 3810 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 78 3011519150029 TERRI L & RICHARD D OLSEN 3790 144TH ST W ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4054 3790 144TH ST W Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 63 3011519150023 DOROTHY M MEYER 14483 CRESCENT CIR ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4052 14483 CRESCENT CIR Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 64 3011519150022 CHRISTOPHER P & DODI MATTI 14487 CRESCENT CIR ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4052 14487 CRESCENT CIR Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 65 3011519150021 NORBERT J SCHMIDT 14493 CRESCENT CIR ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4052 14493 CRESCENT CIR Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 66 3011519150020 MICHAEL C JR GRILL 14494 CRESCENT CIR ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4052 14494 CRESCENT CIR Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 67 3011519150019 MARKOS CHOULIARIS 14490 CRESCENT CIR ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-4052 14490 CRESCENT CIR Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 79 3011519150030 DEAN & SHERRY NELSON 14450 COBBLER AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7116 14450 COBBLER AVE Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 80 3011519150031 JEFFREY W & SHERYL A CLAUSSEN 14440 COBBLER AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7116 14440 COBBLER AVE Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 81 3011519150032 GREGORY C KUHLMAN 14420 COBBLER AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7116 14420 COBBLER AVE Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 82 3011519150033 KEITH G & YOKO KIPPLEY 14410 COBBLER AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7116 14410 COBBLER AVE Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 83 3011519150034 JOHN T & JOSEPHINE M VANDEWEGE 14390 COBBLER AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7111 14390 COBBLER AVE Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 84 3011519150035 DONALD J & SUSAN K HORTSCH 14370 COBBLER AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7111 14370 COBBLER AVE Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 85 3011519150036 CHAD & PHILANA TENHOFF 14360 COBBLER AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 14360 COBBLER AVE Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 86 3011519150037 WILLIAMS J ERICKSON 14340 COBBLER AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 14340 COBBLER AVE Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 87 3011519150038 ROGER C & DIANE C WOODS 14330 COBBLER AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068 14330 COBBLER AVE Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 88 3011519150092 DOUGLAS D & SUSAN A SCHMODE 14320 COBBLER AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7111 14320 COBBLER AVE Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 89 3011519150091 JOHN P & MARY L BOHLIG 14310 COBBLER AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7111 14310 COBBLER AVE Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 90 3011519150090 MICHAEL J & MARY E LALONE 14302 COBBLER AVE ROSEMOUNT MN 55068-7111 14302 COBBLER AVE Residential 35%1 $1,140.00 0 90 $102,600 $102,600GRAND TOTAL ASSESSMENT SHANNON HILLS RESIDENTAL ASSESSMENT TOTAL CRESCENT CIRCLE COBBLER AVENUE Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 APPENDIX C Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Options Memo Traffic Calming Bumpout Renderings Bicycle Lane Signing Only Rendering Shared Bicycle Lane Rendering Designated Bicycle Lane Rendering Engineering  Planning  Environmental  Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Minneapolis  St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer    Memorandum  To: Andy Brotzler, P.E.   Director of Public Works / City Engineer   City of Rosemount  From: Reuben Collins, EIT  Date: September 7, 2011  Re: 2012 Street Improvement Project   Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvement Options   145th Street & Shannon Parkway     BACKGROUND  The City of Rosemount is proposing to perform a mill and overlay of the following roadway  segments in 2012:   Shannon Parkway between 145th Street and CSAH 42   145th Street between Shannon Parkway and Cameo Avenue  As part of this project, the City has the opportunity to evaluate options for implementing  the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan that was accepted by council in November 2010.  This memorandum will provide an overview of the proposed improvements and the  options available.  SHANNON PARKWAY ‐ 145TH STREET TO CSAH 42  No improvements for off‐street cyclists or pedestrians are proposed at this time. There is  an existing shared‐use off‐street path along the east side of Shannon Parkway that will  remain in place. There is currently no off‐street bicycle or pedestrian accommodations  along the west side of Shannon Parkway. Construction of an off‐street path along the west  side of Shannon Parkway is identified in the pedestrian facility plan for future construction.  After the mill and overlay is complete, the vehicle lanes will be reduced to a width of 11 feet  to encourage compliance with the posted speed limit. All existing turn lanes will remain in  place. Minor modifications are proposed to be made to the shoulder space to add bicycle  lanes to the corridor. The overall roadway footprint will not be changed. Parking is not  currently permitted along Shannon Parkway.     2012 Street Improvement Project    Page 2  Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements  Shannon Parkway and 145th Street    9/7/2011  The proposed bike lanes will terminate approximately 450 feet north of CSAH 42 to allow  cyclists to merge with motorized traffic prior to the intersection of Shannon Parkway and  CSAH 42.  There is not sufficient width on Shannon Parkway at the intersection of 145th Street to  allow the bicycle lanes to be continuous through the intersection while maintaining the  existing turn lane. As a result, the northbound bike lane will be discontinued approximately  400 feet south of 145th Street. At the locations where the bike lane ends to accommodate  the right turn lane, striping and shared lane markings will be used to direct cyclists to  merge into the motorized traffic lanes, as shown on Figure 1 in the Appendix. This is  similar to the existing striping and signing on Shannon Parkway at the intersection with  Connemara Trail.  145TH STREET ‐ SHANNON PARKWAY TO CHIPPENDALE AVENUE  As part of the proposed roadway project along 145th Street between Shannon Parkway  and Chippendale Avenue, an 8 foot off‐street shared‐use path is proposed to be constructed  along the north side of the roadway. There is an existing off‐street path or sidewalk along  the south side of 145th Street that will remain in place.  After the mill and overlay is complete, the travel lanes will be reduced in width from the  existing 13 feet to 11 feet. Reducing the width of the traffic lanes is anticipated to  encourage compliance with the posted speed limit and allow for the existing shoulders to  be used to add bicycle lanes to the corridor. The overall roadway footprint will not be  changed. Parking is not currently permitted along this portion of 145th Street.  The westbound bicycle lane is proposed to terminate approximately 200 feet east of  Shannon Parkway to maintain the existing right‐turn lane. Striping and shared lane  markings will be used to direct cyclists to merge into the motorized traffic lanes as shown  in Figure 1 in the appendix.   The eastbound bicycle lane will be terminated 600 feet west of Chippendale Avenue to  accommodate the existing left‐turn lane. Striping and shared lane markings will be used to  direct cyclists to merge into the motorized traffic lanes (similar to the configuration shown  at Shannon Parkway).  145TH STREET ‐ CHIPPENDALE AVENUE to TH 3  Three options have been evaluated for Council consideration to enhance conditions for  cyclists and pedestrians along 145th Street between Chippendale Avenue and TH 3. There  are existing sidewalks along both the north and south sides of this portion of145th Street.  These sidewalks will not be modified. There are no off‐street bicycle facilities along this  portion of 145th Street, and no paths are proposed. Parking is currently permitted on both  the north and south side of 145th Street.    2012 Street Improvement Project    Page 3  Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements  Shannon Parkway and 145th Street    9/7/2011   Existing Lane Configuration ­ 145th Street  To enhance conditions for pedestrians, bumpouts are proposed to shorten the crossing  distance across 145th Street at Cameo Avenue and Canada Avenue. A new crosswalk is  proposed across 145th Street on the east side of Cameo Avenue. In‐pavement LED  crosswalk lighting is proposed for two crosswalks ‐ Canada Avenue and the western  crosswalk at Cameo Avenue. Additional information on in‐pavement LED lighting and LED  signs at each crosswalk location is provided for Council consideration in the Appendix.  Generally, each lighted crosswalk application will cost approximately $30,000‐$40,000.  Conditions for on‐street cyclists will be improved using a combination of signage, bike  lanes, and/or shared lane markings. The three options identified for this portion of 145th  Street are as follows:   Option A ‐ Signage Only   Option B ‐ Shared Lane Markings and Signage   Option C ‐ Bike Lanes and Signage (remove parking on south side of road)  Option A: Signage Only  This option would reduce the width of the traffic lanes from the existing 13 feet to 11 feet.  The narrower traffic lanes would encourage compliance with the posted speed limit. All  existing turn lanes would remain in the current configuration. Parking would remain on  both sides of 145th Street. Bumpouts would be added on the north and south sides of the  road at Cameo Avenue and Canada Avenue. Signage will be used to encourage cyclists and  motorists to share the roadway. An example of this lane configuration between Canada  Avenue and Cameo Avenue is shown in Figure 2 in the Appendix. A larger‐scale view of the  proposed bumpouts are shown in Figure 3 in the Appendix.    2012 Street Improvement Project    Page 4  Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements  Shannon Parkway and 145th Street    9/7/2011   Option A ­ Cross Section   Option A ­ Example of Typical Signage  Strengths:   Lowest cost option   Signs such as “BIKES MAY USE FULL LANE”, “SHARE THE ROAD”, or “BIKE ROUTE”  will help give cyclists confidence to ride in the roadway and encourage motorists to  exercise care when passing.      2012 Street Improvement Project    Page 5  Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements  Shannon Parkway and 145th Street    9/7/2011  Drawbacks:   Many cyclists will choose to ride on the sidewalks instead of in the roadway.  Research has shown that bicycling on sidewalks can place cyclists in high‐risk  situations, especially when cyclists are riding against traffic.    This option does not include any pavement markings directing cyclists where in the  roadway they should ride. Inexperienced cyclists will often ride as far to the right as  possible, putting themselves at risk in the “door zone” or encouraging motorists to  pass unsafely.   Many cyclists will choose to ride in the parking lane. In some cases, this is an  acceptable practice when there aren’t any cars in the parking lane. However, in this  case, the bumpouts planned for Canada Avenue and Cameo Avenue present safety  concerns. Cyclists riding in the parking lane will have to swing into the roadway to  get around the bumpouts (or any parked cars). Drivers may not be anticipating  cyclists weaving in and out of the driving lanes.   Cyclists using general purpose lanes will increase motorist travel time during semi‐ congested periods.  Option B: Shared Lane Markings and Signage  This option would re‐stripe 145th Street to the same configuration as Option A, with the  addition of shared lane markings. Parking would remain on both sides of 145th Street.  Bumpouts would be added on the north and south sides of 145th Street at Cameo Avenue  and Canada Avenue. Signage will be used to encourage cyclists and motorists to integrate in  the roadway. This option is the same as Option A, other than the addition of Shared Lane  Markings. An example of this lane configuration between Canada Avenue and Cameo  Avenue is shown in Figure 4 in the Appendix.  Shared lane markings are typically used in locations where there is not sufficient room to  stripe standard width bicycle lanes. These markings, also known as “sharrows” are placed  in the roadway with the intent that cyclists will ride directly on top of the symbols. Unlike  bicycle lanes, when cyclists are not present motorists are permitted to drive over the  shared lane markings. Sharrows do not change the expectations or rules placed on cyclists  or motorists. By definition, all motor vehicle lanes are “shared lanes.” Sharrows have been  shown to encourage predictable behavior from cyclists and motorists. Sharrows are  intended to help cyclists exhibit the behavior that is already expected of them.  For the past several years, there has been confusion about whether the use of shared lane  markings is permitted on State Aid routes and an eligible use of State Aid funds. Shared  Lane Markings were officially adopted and endorsed by the Federal Highway  Administration in the December 2009 release of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control  Devices (MUTCD). However, shared lane markings are not included in many local design  guidelines that were published prior to December 2009. The Mn/DOT Metro District State  Aid Office has recently provided clarification regarding State Aid policies and confirmed  that shared lane markings are approved for use on State Aid routes at this time.    2012 Street Improvement Project    Page 6  Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements  Shannon Parkway and 145th Street    9/7/2011   Option B Shared Lane Marking Cross Section   Option B ­ Example of Typical Shared Lane Marking Configuration  Strengths:   Signs such as “BIKES MAY USE FULL LANE”, “SHARE THE ROAD”, or “BIKE ROUTE”  will help give cyclists confidence to ride in the roadway and encourage motorists to  exercise care when passing.   Shared Lane Markings will help inexperienced cyclists have the confidence to ride in  the roadway, and will help cyclists position themselves safely within the shared  lane. The expectations of where and how cyclists should ride are identical to Option  A ‐ the shared lane markings help cyclists to understand where they should be    2012 Street Improvement Project    Page 7  Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements  Shannon Parkway and 145th Street    9/7/2011  riding. The markings will also encourage motorists to pass safely. Shared Lane  Markings have been shown to discourage risky cyclist behaviors such as wrong‐way  riding, and riding in the “door zone”.  Drawbacks:   Shared Lane Markings are a relatively new strategy. Some cyclists and motorists  may not understand what the markings mean.   Cyclists may still choose to ignore the shared lane markings and ride on the  sidewalks or in the parking lanes.   Cyclists using general purpose lanes will increase motorist travel time during semi‐ congested periods.   Shared lane markings require frequent re‐striping, as they tend to wear away  quickly from motor vehicle traffic.  Option C: Bicycle Lanes and Signage  This option would re‐stripe 145th Street to include exclusive bicycle lanes a minimum of  five feet wide. Parking would remain on the north side of 145th Street. Parking would not  be allowed along the south side of 145th. Bumpouts would be added on the north side of  145th Street at Cameo Avenue and Canada Avenue. Signage will be used to indicate the  presence of a bike lane. An example of this lane configuration between Canada Avenue and  Cameo Avenue is shown in Figure 5 in the Appendix.  The bike lanes will terminate at least 200 feet west of TH 3 to allow cyclists to merge into  the motorized traffic lanes ahead of the intersection.     Option C ­ Bike Lane Cross Section      2012 Street Improvement Project    Page 8  Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements  Shannon Parkway and 145th Street    9/7/2011   Option C ­ Typical Bike Lane Configuration  Strengths:   Cyclists generally prefer bike lanes over shared lane markings under most  circumstances.   Bike lanes provide reduced overall safety risks for cyclists compared to roadways  without bike lines.   Signs such as “BIKE LANE” and standard bike lane pavement markings will indicate  the presence of a bike lane.   Cyclists and motorists are generally more familiar with bike lanes than with shared  lane markings.   Bike lanes encourage bicycle ridership more than shared lane markings  (inexperienced cyclists feel safer in bike lanes than on roadways with shared lane  markings). Bike lanes permit slower cyclists to ride at their desired pace (shared  lane markings tend to be more attractive to faster cyclists than slower cyclists).  Drawbacks:   Increased risk of right‐hook crashes at driveways compared to shared lane  markings, but reduced risk of right‐hook crashes compared to sidewalk riding, and  reduced overall risk compared to all other options.   Bike lanes and adjacent parking lanes must be fully cleared of snow for the bike lane  to remain usable year‐round and to avoid encroachment from parked vehicles.   Parking would be removed from one side of the roadway.   Bumpouts would be constructed on only one side of the street resulting in a larger  crossing distance compared to Options A or B.      2012 Street Improvement Project    APPENDIX  Pedestrian and Bicycle Improvements  Shannon Parkway and 145th Street    9/7/2011              APPENDIX  Engineering  Planning  Environmental  Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 Minneapolis  St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer Memorandum To: The Honorable Mayor, City Council and Staff c/o Andy Brotzler From: Janelle Borgen, PE, PTOE Kevin Kawlewski, PE Date: September 2, 2011 Re: Pedestrian Crosswalk In-Pavement LED Markings and LED Crosswalk Signs The City of Rosemount is considering mill and overlay improvements with re-striping of lane configurations to accommodate bicycle traffic on both Shannon Parkway from 145th Street to CSAH 42 and also along 145th Street from Shannon Parkway to TH 3. The improvements proposed for consideration include the installation of in-pavement LED lighted crosswalks and LED enhanced crosswalk signs at the intersections of Cameo Avenue and Canada Avenue on 145th Street. This memo presents a summary of the installation and maintenance procedures along with anticipated costs associated with these facilities. Pedestrian Crosswalk In-Pavement LED Summary of Situation The 145th Street corridor is a primary access point into the downtown area. The area contains multiple sidewalk and trail facilities and presents a substantial amount of pedestrian traffic into the area. This area is also identified in the City’s Safe Routes to School Program which presents heightened concerns with children using the crosswalk areas. With the on-street bicycle lanes currently proposed along 145th Street, motorists will need to be even more aware of the shared usage in the corridor. A pedestrian activated, active in-sign and in-pavement flashing LED system has been identified as a viable application to provide drivers with pedestrian presence information. Summary of the Proposed System The proposed system is designed to warn motorists they are approaching an active pedestrian crossing either occupied by pedestrians or about to be occupied by pedestrians and bicyclists. The system includes three primary components: a 10-LED lighted, bi-directional system , and blinker signs. Discussions with vendors have revealed that use of Optical Motion Sensor’s can result in false triggers of the system and the vendor recommends the use of beam activated sensors mounted on bollards in the crosswalk area. These sensors cost about $6,000 for each application. Pedestrian Crosswalk In-Pavement LED Markings September 2, 2011 Page 2 Operations Summary The beam activated sensors detect movement in the pedestrian ramp area which then activates the blinker signs and the in-pavement LED’s. The pedestrian then enters the crosswalk. Drivers will be alerted to the pedestrian entering the crosswalk by the Blinker signs and the in-pavement LED’s. An image from the driver’s viewpoint is presented below. In-Pavement LED Installation Procedures It is recommended that the installation of the LED system equipment be outsourced to a contractor. A high-level summary of the installation procedures has been included to educate readers on the contractor’s responsibilities.  Mark the locations of the In-pavement LED’s  Core drill 1- 8” dia. by 3.5” depth void at each marking  Saw cut 1-3/8” x 3” deep slot connecting the in-pavement LED voids to each other and connect into the push button pedestals.  Insert the wiring and equipment into the voids  Apply the epoxy  Let epoxy cure for 8-15 minutes  Connect the system to power  Test for operations The vendor will provide on-site installation support. Pedestrian Crosswalk In-Pavement LED Markings September 2, 2011 Page 3 Please note that the source of power installation will have to be performed by a licensed electrician and approved by the state electrical inspector. Installation Cost LED System Equipment A planning level cost estimate for the standard system equipment, a 5 year warranty, vendor on- site support during installation and contractor installation is $35,000 with the beam activated sensors as previously discussed. System options will continue to be evaluated during design and may increase the cost. Power The proposed systems are being considered with either solar power or a hard wired connection from the permanent power facilities in the corridor. A planning level cost estimate for power installation is as follows:  110V – The price listed previously includes the use of a 110 volt power source that would need to be provided at each location. This would typically require the installation of a drop service and pad mounted transformer which can cost from $2,500 to $3,000.  Solar – The installation of a solar power source results in additional $4,000 onto the base price listed under the “Installation Cost” discussion. It should be noted that the power source will need to be provided at each site by the City if permanent power facilities are elected. ADA Compliance An assessment of the crosswalk for compliance with current ADA standards should be performed and any costs associated with upgrading to meet current ADA standards have not been identified as part of the development of this memorandum. Operational Cost The system has a life expectancy of 10-15 years as reported by the vendor. The on-going operational cost includes the power required to run the system. It is envisioned that power will be provided by an in-place power service as described previously. Monthly power usage and costs will vary depending on the source of power installed with the system. Maintenance Summary City staff should be able to perform the maintenance of the system. The vendor provides support for the first five years of the system. During that time it is recommended that City staff be trained on system maintenance and participate in the maintenance activities. Maintenance Costs Equipment maintenance and replacement for the first 5 years is covered under the warranty. From years 6-15, 7% of capital cost ($2,500) can be used for an annual maintenance budget for each system installed. Warranty A full 5 year warranty is included in the cost of the system. Pedestrian Crosswalk In-Pavement LED Markings September 2, 2011 Page 4 Case Study The City of Rochester installed a similar system in May 2011. The local paper did a nice article and in general they have received positive feedback from residents. Rochester has not yet experienced a winter with the system and therefore has not encountered any problems with snow plowing. Because of the installation process, it is anticipated that snow plowing activities should not impact the system. A copy of the article is attached for the Council’s review. The Minnesota Department of Transportation has installed in-pavement lighting LED’s on 35W. The in-pavement LED’s have lasted through several winters with plowing operations. However, early on the system ran into some wiring issues and connections had to be redone. Further problems have not been encountered since the wiring concerns were resolved. In speaking with a Minnesota Department of Transportation representative, in pavement LED’s work. However, close attention must be given to the installation process. CAMEO AVELED ENHANCED SIGNS LED ENHANCED SIGNS LED ENHANCED SIGNSCANADA AVECAMEO AVE145TH ST W CAMEO AVE145TH ST WCANADA AVELED ENHANCED SIGNS LED ENHANCED SIGNS CAMEO AVELED ENHANCED SIGNS Feasibility Report 2012 Street Improvement Project City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 APPENDIX D Public Comments Summary Public Comments Item #Resident Name Resident Address Phone Date Received Comment 1 Tom Piekarski 14800 Dodd Boulevard 651-587-2348 10/5/2011 Not needed, Assessment unacceptable, I consider it cosmetic, No bike path needed. 2 Chad Hinderaker 3160 145th Street W 10/5/2011 I believe it is imperative to protect pedestrians, especially those crossing 145th Street. It's time to progress into the 21st century. Add the bike lanes, add the bumpouts, improve the city. Bikes are not the enemy. They are visiting our businesses. Narrow the lanes to control and calm traffic Public Response for Project Comment Cards Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 FEASIBILITY REPORT 2013 – 2014 STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM CITY PROJECT NO. 437 FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA November 1, 2011 Prepared By: WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 763-541-4800 763-541-1700 (Fax) Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ..................................................................................................... 6 2. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM ............................................................................. 7 2.1 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 7 2.1.1 Authorization .................................................................................................... 7 2.1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................ 7 2.1.3 Data Available .................................................................................................. 7 2.2 General Background ..................................................................................................... 8 2.2.1 Project Location................................................................................................ 8 2.2.2 Project History .................................................................................................. 9 2.3 Existing Conditions / Proposed Improvements ........................................................... 10 2.3.1 Carrollton Addition ........................................................................................ 10 2.3.2 155th Street ...................................................................................................... 11 2.3.3 West Ridge Additions..................................................................................... 12 2.3.4 Motz Addition ................................................................................................ 13 2.3.5 Municipal Utilities .......................................................................................... 14 2.3.6 Pedestrian Improvements ............................................................................... 15 2.3.7 Permits / Approvals ........................................................................................ 16 2.3.8 Construction Traffic ....................................................................................... 16 3. FINANCING .......................................................................................................................... 17 3.1 Opinion of Cost ........................................................................................................... 17 3.2 Funding ....................................................................................................................... 17 4. PROPOSED SCHEDULE .................................................................................................... 20 5. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION .................................................................... 21 Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 TABLE OF CONTENTS (continued) Appendix A Typical Section – Motz Addition Appendix B 2013 Street Improvement Project – Opinion of Probable Cost 2014 Street Improvement Project – Opinion of Probable Cost Assessment Calculations Appendix C Bituminous Coring Logs Bituminous Coring Location Map Appendix D 2011 Pavement Condition Index Map Proposed 3-year CIP: 2012 – 2014 and Beyond Pedestrian Facilities Map Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 6 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program, City Project 437, consists of a multi-year program for street improvements recommended by the Rosemount Pavement Management Program (PMP). This report more accurately calculates the costs associated with each improvement proposed by the PMP. The 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program is intended to provide forecasting estimates for those improvements proposed with the 2013 and 2014 Street Improvement Projects. The following improvements are proposed with the 2013 and 2014 Street Improvement Projects: 2013 Street Improvement Project Bituminous Pavement Mill and Overlay: • 155th Street: Shannon Parkway to Chippendale Avenue • Local Streets within the Carrolton Addition north of 145th Street and west of Chili Avenue • Local streets within the West Ridge Additions north of CSAH 42 and west of Shannon Parkway Roadway Sealcoat: • 2013 Improvement Project Area 2014 Street Improvement Project Street and Utility Reconstruction: • Local streets within the Motz Addition Roadway Sealcoat: • 2014 Improvement Project Area The estimated costs associated with the proposed improvements have been calculated for each of the aforementioned roadways. The proposed schedule for these improvements have been adjusted from the original CIP schedule based on the severity of the observed road distresses, utility condition, and available funding. Project funding tables have been provided within this report detailing the estimated special assessments and City funding requirements. Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 7 2. STREET IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2.1 Introduction 2.1.1 Authorization On August 8, 2011, the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of an engineering feasibility report for the 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program. This project has been designed as City Project No. 437. 2.1.2 Scope The 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program is a continuation of the 2011 Street Improvement Project which began to prioritize Pavement Management funding for projects focused on long-term preservation of the roadway network. The Carrollton Addition (143rd Street, Upper 143rd Street, 144th Street, and Cimarron Avenue), 155th Street between Shannon Parkway to Chippendale Avenue) and West Ridge Additions (157th Street, 157th Court, 158th Court, 158th Street, 159th Court, Dakota Drive, Danville Avenue) have all been identified as showing pavement distresses and rated using the 2011 Rosemount Overall Condition Index (OCI). Improvements within this report have been proposed as pavement mill and overlays to address pavement distresses along with reconstruction improvements in accordance with the City’s Pavement Management Plan. The Motz Addition (143rd Street, Upper 143rd, 144th Street, Chili Avenue and Cantata Avenue), has significant utility concerns and the pavement has reached levels of pavement distress warranting complete reconstruction. Chili Avenue’s pavement is in fair condition, but the replacement of utilities within the Motz Additions may require the reconstruction of a portion of Chili Avenue. 2.1.3 Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following: • City of Rosemount Utility Plans • City of Rosemount Record Plans • City of Rosemount Topography Maps • Field Observations of the Area • Field Review • Private Utility Map • Soil Boring Logs and Bituminous Coring Logs • City of Rosemount Trail and Sidewalk Plan • City of Rosemount Bike and Pedestrian Plan • City of Rosemount Assessment / Improvement Policy Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 8 2.2 General Background 2.2.1 Project Location Roadways proposed for improvement with this project are listed and shown on the location map on the next page. • Carrollton Addition o 144th Street: Cimarron Avenue to Chili Avenue o Upper 143rd Street: Cimarron Avenue to Chili Avenue o 143rd Street: Cimarron Avenue to Chili Avenue o Cimarron Avenue: 144th Street to 143rd Street • 155th Street: Shannon Parkway to Chippendale Avenue • West Ridge Additions o 157th Court: Danville Avenue to west cul-de-sac end o 157th Street: Danville Avenue to east cul-de-sac end o 158th Court: Danvile Avenue to east cul-de-sac end o 158th Street: Danville Avenue to 450’ east of Danville Avenue o 159th Court: Danville Avenue to west cul-de-sac end o Dakota Drive: Danville Avenue to 350’ east of Danville Avenue o Danville Avenue: Approx. 200’ north of 157th Street to 150th Street • Motz Addition: o 143rd Street: Chili Avenue to Cantata Avenue o Upper 143rd Street: Chili Avenue to Cantata Avenue o 144th Street: Chili Avenue to Canada Avenue o Cantata Avenue: 144th Street to 143rd Street o Chili Avenue: 145th Street to 143rd Street Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 9 Location Map 2.2.2 Project History On August 11, 2010, the Rosemount City Council held a work session to present the City’s current Pavement Management Plan and work to develop the 2011 – 2016 Capital Improvement Program (CIP). Discussions at this City Council work session resulted in the decision to produce a multiple-year feasibility report aimed at providing early communication to residents impacted by Street Improvement Projects in 2011, 2012, and 2013 as identified in the City’s Pavement Management Plan. The City has continued this program annually to evaluate street conditions and identify areas of more rapid deterioration. Addressing differing rates of deterioration in this manner allows the City to be more proactive in maintaining street surfaces at the desired levels. Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 10 Additional information regarding the history and methodology of the Pavement Management Program can be found in the 2012 Street Improvement Project section of this feasibility report. 2.3 Existing Conditions / Proposed Improvements 2.3.1 Carrollton Addition Existing Surface Conditions The Carrollton Addition is located north of 145th Street and west of Chili Avenue. The roadways within this neighborhood generally consist of 32-foot wide urban street sections with surmountable concrete curb and gutter. The existing right-of-way width is 60-feet and contains landscaping and numerous other private improvements behind the back of curb. Figure 1 below is a listing of roadway lengths within the Carrollton Addition and their corresponding condition ratings: Figure 1: Roadway Condition Ratings Street Name Length (feet) From To Year Constructed* OCI 144th Street 1450 Cimarron Avenue Chili Avenue 1978 (1996 Overlay) 60 Upper 143rd Street 1300 Cimarron Avenue Chili Avenue 1978 (1996 Overlay) 56 143rd Street 1040 Cimarron Avenue Chili Avenue 1978 (1996 Overlay) 55 Cimarron Avenue 670 144th Street 143rd Street 1978 (1996 Overlay) 58 *Estimated date of wear course paving Roadways within the Carrollton Addition are aging and experiencing differing severities of alligator, edge, longitudinal, and transverse cracking. Roadways west of Chili Avenue, within the Carrollton Addition, were originally constructed in 1978. Roadways within this subdivision have received 1 ½-inch mill and overlay improvements within the last 15 years. The photo on the next page illustrates some of the varying levels of pavement distresses found along 143rd Street, west of Chili Avenue. Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 11 143rd Street at Chili Avenue (Facing West) Proposed Surface Improvements Streets within the Carrollton Addition are proposed to receive a 2-inch pavement mill and overlay with spot curb and gutter replacement. Spot curb repair due to broken or settled curb is also proposed. 2.3.2 155th Street Existing Surface Conditions The proposed sections of 155th Street are 44-foot wide urban streets with B618 concrete curb and gutter. The existing right-of-way width for 155th Street is 80 feet. The right-of- way along this street contains landscaping and numerous other private improvements behind the back of curb. Pavement thicknesses were determined from bituminous coring and were found to be 7-inches. Figure 2 below is a listing of roadway lengths along 155th Street and their corresponding condition ratings: Figure 2: Roadway Condition Ratings Street Name Length (feet) From To Year Constructed* OCI 155th Street 44 Shannon Parkway Claret Avenue 1987 52 155th Street 44 Claret Avenue Chippendale Avenue 1987 67 *Estimated date of wear course paving Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 12 Proposed Improvements A 2-inch pavement mill and overlay is proposed for the entire length of 155th Street along with spot curb and gutter replacement. Milling the pavement to a depth of 2-inches is necessary due to the separation of bituminous pavement layers identified in the coring samples. Pavement coring samples were taken along 155th Street by WSB & Associates, Inc. in fall, 2011. Additional information pertaining to these coring samples can be found in Appendix C of this report. 2.3.3 West Ridge Additions Existing Surface Conditions The West Ridge Additions are located north of 150th Street and east of Diamond Path. The roadways within these neighborhoods generally consist of 32-foot wide urban street sections with surmountable concrete curb and gutter. The existing right-of-way widths for the streets within this neighborhood are 60 feet and contain landscaping and numerous other private improvements behind the back of curb. Bituminous coring logs taken in this area have identified pavement depths varying from 3 inches to 4-1/4 inches. Figure 3 below is a listing of roadway lengths and their corresponding condition ratings: Figure 3: Roadway Condition Ratings Street Name Length (feet) From To Year Constructed* OCI 157th Court W 670 Danville Avenue W Cul-de-sac 1987 42 157th Street W 670 Danville Avenue W Cul-de-sac 1987 35 158th Court W 670 Danville Avenue W Cul-de-sac 1986 37 158th Street W 450 Danville Avenue W 450’ west of Danville Ave. 1986 33 159th Court W 630 Danville Avenue W Cul-de-sac 1986 47 Dakota Drive 350 Danville Avenue W 350’ west of Danville Ave. 1986 45 Danville Avenue 1000 200 N. of 157th Court W 150th Street 1986-1987 24 *Estimated date of wear course paving Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 13 Proposed Surface Improvements Streets within the West Ridge Additions are proposed to receive a 2-inch pavement mill and overlay with spot curb and gutter replacement. Spot curb repair due to broken or settled curb areas are also proposed as part of the improvements. 2.3.4 Motz Addition Existing Surface Conditions The Motz Addition is located north of 145th Street east of and including Chili Avenue. The roadways within this neighborhood generally consist of 32-foot wide urban street sections with surmountable concrete curb and gutter. The exception is Chili Avenue, which contains barrier-style B618 curb and gutter. The existing right-of-way widths for the streets within this neighborhood are 60-feet and contain landscaping and numerous other private improvements behind the back of curb. Figure 4 below is a listing of roadway lengths and their corresponding condition ratings: Figure 4: Roadway Condition Ratings Street Name Length (feet) From To Year Constructed OCI 143rd Street 820 Chili Avenue Cantata Avenue 1959 (1995 Overlay) 57 Upper 143rd Street 820 Chili Avenue Cantata Avenue 1959 (1995 Overlay) 32 144th Street 820 Chili Avenue Canada Avenue 1965 (1995 Overlay) 49 Cantata Avenue 730 144th Street 143rd Street 1960 (1995 Overlay) 56 Chili Avenue 1100 145th Street 143rd Street 1960 (1993 Recon) 86 Roadways within the Motz Addition are aging and experiencing severe levels of alligator, edge, longitudinal, and transverse cracking. Roadways east of Chili Avenue, within the Motz Addition, were originally constructed in 1959. Roadways within this development have received 1 ½-inch mill and overlay improvements within the last 15 years. The subsurface utilities along Chili Avenue were originally constructed in 1960 with the initial construction of streets in the Motz subdivision. The pavement was reconstructed in 1993 but the original utilities were left intact. Due to the replacement of utilities within the Motz Additions, portions of Chili Avenue may need to be reconstructed. The photo on the next page illustrates some of the varying levels of pavement distresses found along 143rd Street east of Chili Avenue. Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 14 143rd Street at Chili Avenue (Facing East) Proposed Surface Improvements Roadway segments within the Motz Addition are proposed for full-depth reconstruction due to the severity and types of distresses found in the roadway. The new roadway section will include 4-inches of bituminous pavement, 6-inches of aggregate base, and 24-inches of select granular material. Chili Avenue is proposed to be partially reconstructed due to utility connections associated with the reconstruction of the Motz Additions. Areas not reconstructed due to utility connections are proposed for mill an overlay improvements similar to the Carrollton Additions. 2.3.5 Municipal Utilities Existing Conditions Properties within the Motz Addition are currently served by 8-inch vitrified clay pipe (VCP) sanitary sewer and 6-inch cast iron pipe (CIP) water main constructed in 1959. Although no major maintenance issues have been found with the sanitary sewer and water main in this area, VCP pipe sewer and CIP water main become more brittle with age. This increases the likelihood of future breaks, especially during construction-related disturbances. The existing storm sewer system in the Carrollton Addition and Motz Addition does not meet the City’s current storm sewer design standards. Additional analysis will be completed with final design to determine if additional storm sewer is necessary to improve drainage and prolong the life cycle of the pavement within that neighborhood. Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 15 Existing sanitary sewer and water main located within the remaining 2013-2014 project areas has been inspected and determined to be in fair condition. Numerous storm sewer and sanitary manhole castings within the proposed project area do not meet the current City standards, making the manholes difficult to access and/or allowing inflow to occur during rain events. Proposed Improvements Sanitary sewer replacement is proposed within the Motz Addition. Improvements include removing the existing VCP sanitary sewer system to the right-of-way line and replacing it with new 8-inch PVC sanitary sewer pipe. The sanitary sewer services are proposed be replaced with 4-inch PVC to the right-of-way line of each property. Water main replacement is also proposed within the Motz Addition. Improvements include the removal of existing 6-inch CIP water main and the installation of new 8-inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) water main. Replacement at this time is practical and cost- effective, as the water main will be undermined by the replacement of the sanitary sewer facilities in the area. Increasing the size of the water main from 6-inch to 8-inch pipe provides the additional benefits of improving the delivery of potable water and increasing fire flow volume at reasonable pressure and head loss. Storm sewer replacement is also proposed within the Motz Addition. A cost estimate for storm sewer improvements, which includes the removal and replacement of the existing system as well as installing additional storm sewer, has been included within this report. It is recommended that a more detailed storm sewer analysis be completed with final design to determine the exact storm sewer needed to meet current City storm sewer design standards. Within all of the 2013-2014 project areas, it is proposed that all storm sewer and sanitary sewer manhole castings not meeting current City standards be removed and replaced. Additionally, manholes with rings in poor condition are proposed to be replaced through casting adjustment. All storm sewer and sanitary sewer castings meeting City standards will remain in-place. Water main valve box adjustments are proposed as needed to match pavement grades within all project areas. Damaged valve boxes will be repaired or replaced as necessary. 2.3.6 Pedestrian Improvements Existing Conditions The existing pedestrian facilities are shown on the Pedestrian Facilities Map in Appendix D of the 2012 Street Improvement Project section of this feasibility report. The existing pedestrian facilities in the separate project area include concrete sidewalk adjacent to the roadways and have been found to be in acceptable condition. Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 16 Proposed Improvements Based on the existing conditions of the sidewalks in the project areas, there are no pedestrian facilities improvements proposed at this time. 2.3.7 Permits / Approvals Permits and approvals will be required for the proposed improvements included in this report. Project-specific permitting will be itemized with the project feasibility report and completed during final design. 2.3.8 Construction Traffic Construction traffic will be reviewed for each specific project during final design. General construction traffic will most likely include an increase in truck traffic on the streets adjacent to the construction area. Residents will have access to their properties during construction; however, minor inconveniences are anticipated. Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 17 3. FINANCING 3.1 Opinion of Cost Detailed opinions of cost can be found in Appendix A of this report. The opinions of cost incorporate estimated 2011 construction costs and include 10% contingency and 20% or 25% for all related indirect costs (legal, administrative, engineering, and financing items). Table 1 below provides a summary of the opinions of cost for the 2013 improvements and 2014 improvements: Table 1 - Summary of Cost 2013 Improvements Total Schedule A – Carrollton Surface Improvements $224,400 Schedule B – 155th Street Surface Improvements $181,900 Schedule C – West Ridge Improvements $277,200 Schedule D – 2013 Pavement Management Program Maintenance $204,600 Total $888,100 2014 Improvements Total Schedule E – Motz Addition Surface Improvements $1,120,400 Schedule F - Motz Addition Sanitary Sewer Improvements $600,900 Schedule G - Motz Addition Water Main Improvements $415,400 Schedule H – Motz Addition Storm Sewer Improvements $163,900 Schedule I – Pavement Management Program Maintenance $51,200 Total $2,351,800 3.2 Funding Special Assessments are determined as set forth by the City’s Assessment Policy and current fee resolutions. The City of Rosemount’s 2011 Fee Resolution identifies the street assessment rate for overlay and rehabilitation projects as 35% of the total improvement cost and a flat assessment rate of $6,000, respectively. A summary of the proposed assessment calculations can be found in Appendix B. The Street CIP Fund will fund the remaining surface improvements. Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 18 Table 2 below provides a summary of the estimated assessments for the proposed 2013 improvements. Table 2 – Estimated Assessments: 2013 Rate Assessment Units Total Assessment Carrollton Addition 35% $994 79 $78,500 155th Street 35% $911 55 $50,100 West Ridge Addition 35% $1,078 90 $97,000 Total $225,600 Table 3 provides a summary of the estimated assessments for proposed 2014 improvements. Table 3 – Estimated Assessments: 2014 Assessment Units Total Assessment Chili Avenue Surface Improvements $1,200 7 $8,400 Motz Addition Surface Improvements $6000/Unit 66 $396,000 Total $404,400 Table 4 provides a summary of the anticipated funding for the proposed 2013 improvements. Table 4 - Proposed Funding 2013 Street Improvement Project Street Capital Improvement Fund Special Assessments Total Schedule A – Carrollton Addition $145,900 $78,500 $224,400 Schedule B – 155th Street Improvements $131,800 $50,100 $181,900 Schedule C – West Ridge Addition $180,200 $97,000 $277,200 Schedule D – 2013 Pavement Management Program $204,600 $204,600 Total $662,500 $225,600 $888,100 Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 19 Table 5 presents the anticipated funding summary for the proposed reconstruction of the streets and utilities in the Motz Addition in 2014. Table 5 - Proposed Funding 2014 Street Improvement Project Street Capital Improvement Fund Special Assessments Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund Water Utility Fund Storm Utility Fund Total Schedule E – Motz Addition Surface Improvements $716,000 $404,400 --- --- --- $1,120,400 Schedule F – Motz Addition Sanitary Sewer Improvements --- --- $600,900 --- --- $600,900 Schedule G – Motz Addition Water Main Improvements --- --- --- $415,400 --- $415,400 Schedule H – Motz Addition Storm Sewer Improvements --- --- --- --- $163,900 $163,900 Schedule I – 2014 Pavement Management Program Maintenance $51,200 --- --- --- --- $51,200 Total $767,200 $404,400 $600,900 $415,400 $163,900 $2,351,800 Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 20 4. PROPOSED SCHEDULE The following improvements are proposed for construction as stated below. Schedules specific to each project will be developed concurrently with the final feasibility report. 2013 Street Improvement Project • Carrollton Addition Surface Improvements – Mill and Overlay • 155th Street: Shannon Parkway to Chippendale Avenue – Mill and Overlay • West Ridge Addition Surface Improvements – Mill and Overlay • 2013 Pavement Management Program Maintenance 2014 Street Improvement Project • Motz Addition Surface Improvements – Reconstruction • 2014 Pavement Management Program Maintenance Feasibility Report 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program City Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 Page 21 5. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION The following improvements are included within the 2013 – 2014 Street Improvement Program and are recommended to be constructed in 2013 and 2014 dependent upon available funding. 2013 Street Improvement Project Bituminous Pavement Mill and Overlay: • Carrollton Addition Surface Improvements – Mill and Overlay • 155th Street: Shannon Parkway to Chippendale Avenue – Mill and Overlay • West Ridge Addition Surface Improvements – Mill and Overlay Roadway Sealcoat: • 2013 Street Improvement Project Area 2014 Street Improvement Project Street and Utility Reconstruction: • Local streets within the Motz Addition Roadway Sealcoat: • 2014 Street Improvement Project Area The total estimated cost of the 2013 Street Improvement Project is $888,100. Proposed funding for the project is provided through a combination of Special Assessments, Street CIP Funds, and the Trail and Sidewalk Improvement Fund. The total estimated cost of the projects scheduled for 2014 Street Improvement Project is $2,351,800. Proposed funding for the project is provided through a combination of Special Assessments, Street CIP Funds, and various utility funds. The total funding responsibility of the Street CIP is estimated to be $662,500 in 2013 and $767,200 in 2014. The funding level anticipated through the levy of special assessments to benefitting property owners is $225,600 for 2013 and $404,400 for 2014. Utility improvements completed in 2014 would be funded through various utility funds. The project is feasible, necessary, and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint. It is our recommendation that the improvements be implemented as outlined in this report. Feasibility Report 2012 – 2013 Street Improvement Program City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 APPENDIX A Typical Section – Motz Addition Feasibility Report 2012 – 2013 Street Improvement Program City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 APPENDIX B 2013 Street Improvement Project – Opinion of Probable Cost 2014 Street Improvement Project – Opinion of Probable Cost Assessment Calculations 1 of 3 K:\01916-450\Quantity\Preliminary\2012-2014 Feasibility Cost Estimate WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Design By:JPK Project Location:City of Rosemount Checked By:KAK City Project No.:437 WSB Project No:1916-45 Date:10/18/2011 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No. Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION (5%)LUMP SUM 1 $8,600.00 $8,600.00 2 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT 890 $4.50 $4,005.00 3 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 200 $2.00 $400.00 4 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 60 $7.00 $420.00 5 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 100 $2.00 $200.00 6 2104.509 REMOVE CASTING EACH 13 $50.00 $650.00 7 2104.509 REMOVE SIGN EACH 5 $25.00 $125.00 8 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT 150 $4.50 $675.00 9 2401.511 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LIN FT 200 $2.50 $500.00 10 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0") (P)SQ YD 13500 $0.75 $10,125.00 11 2350.501 BITUMINOUS PATCH MATERIAL TON 20 $300.00 $6,000.00 12 2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2, C) 2.0" THICK TON 1800 $52.00 $93,600.00 13 2360.503 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) 3.0'' THICK SQ YD 100 $25.00 $2,500.00 14 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 1500 $2.50 $3,750.00 15 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 $500.00 16 2504.602 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH 2 $350.00 $700.00 17 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EACH 3 $300.00 $900.00 18 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY (CATCH BASIN)EACH 3 $500.00 $1,500.00 19 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (SANITARY)EACH 5 $450.00 $2,250.00 20 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (STORM)EACH 5 $450.00 $2,250.00 21 2521.501 4'' CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 420 $6.00 $2,520.00 22 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIAL LIN FT 890 $17.00 $15,130.00 23 2531.507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 60 $55.00 $3,300.00 24 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 56 $35.00 $1,960.00 25 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 26 2564.531 SIGN PANEL TYPE C SQ FT 25 $30.00 $750.00 27 2564.531 SIGN PANEL TYPE D EACH 5 $250.00 $1,250.00 28 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 7 $100.00 $700.00 29 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)SQ YD 600 $4.50 $2,700.00 Subtotal Schedule A - Carrollton Addition Improvements $169,960.00 + 10% Contingencies $17,000.00 Subtotal $187,000.00 + 20% Indirect Cost $37,400.00 Schedule A Total - Carrollton Addition Improvements $224,400.00 Opinion of Probable Cost A. CARROLLTON SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 2 of 3 K:\01916-450\Quantity\Preliminary\2012-2014 Feasibility Cost Estimate WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Design By:JPK Project Location:City of Rosemount Checked By:KAK City Project No.:437 WSB Project No:1916-45 Date:10/18/2011 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No. Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost Opinion of Probable Cost 30 2021.501 MOBILIZATION (5%)LUMP SUM 1 $5,600.00 $5,600.00 31 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT 600 $4.50 $2,700.00 32 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 400 $2.00 $800.00 33 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 20 $7.00 $140.00 34 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 70 $2.00 $140.00 35 2104.509 REMOVE CASTING EACH 6 $50.00 $300.00 36 2104.509 REMOVE SIGN EACH 11 $25.00 $275.00 37 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT 50 $4.50 $225.00 38 2401.511 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LIN FT 120 $2.50 $300.00 39 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0") (P)SQ YD 8300 $0.75 $6,225.00 40 2350.501 BITUMINOUS PATCH MATERIAL TON 20 $300.00 $6,000.00 41 2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2, C) 2.0" THICK TON 1030 $52.00 $53,560.00 42 2360.503 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) 3.0'' THICK SQ YD 70 $25.00 $1,750.00 43 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 920 $2.50 $2,300.00 44 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 $500.00 45 2504.602 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH 3 $350.00 $1,050.00 46 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EACH 6 $300.00 $1,800.00 47 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (SANITARY)EACH 5 $450.00 $2,250.00 48 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (STORM)EACH 1 $450.00 $450.00 49 2521.501 4'' CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 400 $6.00 $2,400.00 50 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIAL LIN FT 600 $17.00 $10,200.00 51 2531.507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 20 $55.00 $1,100.00 52 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 48 $35.00 $1,680.00 53 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 54 2564.531 SIGN PANEL TYPE C SQ FT 37.5 $30.00 $1,125.00 55 2564.531 SIGN PANEL TYPE D EACH 5 $250.00 $1,250.00 56 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 10 $100.00 $1,000.00 57 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)SQ YD 300 $4.50 $1,350.00 Subtotal Schedule B - 155th Street Improvements $108,470.00 + 10% Contingencies $10,850.00 Subtotal $119,300.00 + 20% Indirect Cost $23,900.00 Schedule B Total - 155th Street Improvements $143,200.00 58 2021.501 MOBILIZATION (5%)LUMP SUM 1 $1,400.00 $1,400.00 59 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0") (P)SQ YD 3400 $0.75 $2,550.00 60 2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2, C) 2.0" THICK TON 420 $52.00 $21,840.00 61 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 380 $2.50 $950.00 62 2582.502 4'' SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT LIN FT 5100 $0.25 $1,275.00 63 2582.502 4'' DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT LIN FT 2550 $0.50 $1,275.00 Subtotal Schedule B1 - 155th Street Improvements (Oversizing Cost)$29,290.00 + 10% Contingencies $2,930.00 Subtotal $32,200.00 + 20% Indirect Cost $6,500.00 Schedule B1 Total - 155th Street Improvements (Oversizing Cost)$38,700.00 155th Street Improvement Grand Total Cost $181,900.00 B. 155TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS (EQUIVALENT RESIDENTIAL) B1. 155TH STREET IMPROVEMENTS (OVERSIZING COST) 3 of 3 K:\01916-450\Quantity\Preliminary\2012-2014 Feasibility Cost Estimate WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Design By:JPK Project Location:City of Rosemount Checked By:KAK City Project No.:437 WSB Project No:1916-45 Date:10/18/2011 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No. Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost Opinion of Probable Cost 64 2021.501 MOBILIZATION (5%)LUMP SUM 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 65 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT 1400 $4.50 $6,300.00 66 2104.503 REMOVE CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 1500 $2.00 $3,000.00 67 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 40 $7.00 $280.00 68 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 160 $2.00 $320.00 69 2104.509 REMOVE CASTING EACH 13 $50.00 $650.00 70 2104.509 REMOVE SIGN EACH 16 $25.00 $400.00 71 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT 150 $4.50 $675.00 72 2401.511 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT LIN FT 300 $2.50 $750.00 73 2232.501 MILL BITUMINOUS SURFACE (2.0") (P)SQ YD 14700 $0.75 $11,025.00 74 2350.501 BITUMINOUS PATCH MATERIAL TON 40 $300.00 $12,000.00 75 2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIX (2, C) 2.0" THICK TON 1850 $52.00 $96,200.00 76 2360.503 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) 3.0'' THICK SQ YD 160 $25.00 $4,000.00 77 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 1600 $2.50 $4,000.00 78 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR LUMP SUM 1 $1,500.00 $1,500.00 79 2504.602 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH 6 $350.00 $2,100.00 80 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING EACH 8 $300.00 $2,400.00 81 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (SANITARY)EACH 8 $450.00 $3,600.00 82 2506.602 CASTING ASSEMBLY (STORM)EACH 5 $450.00 $2,250.00 83 2521.501 4'' CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 1500 $6.00 $9,000.00 84 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIAL LIN FT 1400 $17.00 $23,800.00 85 2531.507 6" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 40 $55.00 $2,200.00 86 2531.618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 112 $35.00 $3,920.00 87 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 88 2564.531 SIGN PANEL TYPE C SQ FT 70 $30.00 $2,100.00 89 2564.531 SIGN PANEL TYPE D EACH 4 $250.00 $1,000.00 90 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 16 $100.00 $1,600.00 91 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)SQ YD 650 $4.50 $2,925.00 Subtotal Schedule C - West Ridge Addition Improvements $209,995.00 + 10% Contingencies $21,000.00 Subtotal $231,000.00 + 20% Indirect Cost $46,200.00 Schedule C Total - West Ridge Addition Improvements $277,200.00 92 2356.604 BITUMINOUS SEAL COATING SQ YD 132000 $1.55 $204,600.00 Schedule D Total - Pavement Management Program Maintenance $204,600.00 Grand Total - 2013 Street Improvement Project $888,100.00 D. 2013 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MAINTENANCE C. WEST RIDGE ADDITION IMPROVEMENTS 1 of 3 K:\01916-450\Quantity\Preliminary\2012-2014 Feasibility Cost Estimate WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Design By:JPK Project Location:City of Rosemount Checked By:KAK City Project No.:437 WSB Project No:1916-45 Date:10/18/2011 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No. Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION (5%)LUMP SUM 1 $69,000.00 $69,000.00 2 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT 6700 $4.50 $30,150.00 3 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 15500 $1.00 $15,500.00 4 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 1900 $7.00 $13,300.00 5 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 430 $2.00 $860.00 6 2104.509 REMOVE SIGN EACH 14 $25.00 $350.00 7 2104.509 REMOVE CASTING EACH 5 $50.00 $250.00 8 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT 1080 $4.50 $4,860.00 9 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT 450 $2.50 $1,125.00 10 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD 11500 $7.00 $80,500.00 11 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CU YD 100 $12.00 $1,200.00 12 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV)CU YD 10000 $8.00 $80,000.00 13 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA 89 $150.00 $13,350.00 14 2123.610 STREET SWEEPER (WITH PICKUP BROOM)HOUR 3 $115.00 $345.00 15 2130.501 WATER M GALLONS 120 $30.00 $3,600.00 16 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON 5200 $12.00 $62,400.00 17 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 850 $2.50 $2,125.00 18 2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B)TON 2150 $52.00 $111,800.00 19 2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B)TON 1700 $50.00 $85,000.00 20 2360.503 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) 3.0" THICK SQ YD 430 $25.00 $10,750.00 21 2504.602 IRRIGATION SYSTEM REPAIR LUMP SUM 1 $500.00 $500.00 22 2504.602 ADJUST VALVE BOX EACH 5 $350.00 $1,750.00 23 2506.522 ADJUST FRAME AND RING CASTING (SANITARY)EACH 10 $300.00 $3,000.00 24 2531.507 6'' CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 1900 $40.00 $76,000.00 25 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIAL LIN FT 6700 $13.00 $87,100.00 26 2557.602 REPAIR DOG FENCE EACH 5 $65.00 $325.00 27 2563.601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $10,000.00 $10,000.00 28 2564.531 SIGN PANEL TYPE C SQ FT 50 $30.00 $1,500.00 29 2564.602 SIGN PANEL TYPE D EACH 7 $250.00 $1,750.00 30 2573.530 STORM DRAIN INLET PROTECTION EACH 5 $100.00 $500.00 31 2573.602 TEMPORARY ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE EACH 4 $500.00 $2,000.00 32 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)SQ YD 12000 $3.50 $42,000.00 33 2582.502 PAVEMENT MESSAGE (RIGHT ARROW) - EPOXY EACH 2 $130.00 $260.00 34 2582.502 4'' SOLID LINE WHITE - EPOXY LIN FT 120 $1.50 $180.00 35 2582.502 4'' SOLID LINE WHITE - PAINT LIN FT 120 $1.00 $120.00 36 2582.502 12'' SOLID LINE WHITE - EPOXY LIN FT 12 $10.00 $120.00 37 2582.502 4'' DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW - EPOXY LIN FT 1000 $0.75 $750.00 38 2582.502 4'' DOUBLE SOLID LINE YELLOW - PAINT LIN FT 1000 $0.50 $500.00 Subtotal Schedule E - Motz Addition Surface Improvements $814,820.00 + 10% Contingencies $81,490.00 Subtotal $896,300.00 + 25% Indirect Cost $224,100.00 Schedule E Total - Motz Addition Surface Improvements $1,120,400.00 Opinion of Probable Cost E. MOTZ ADDITION SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 2 of 3 K:\01916-450\Quantity\Preliminary\2012-2014 Feasibility Cost Estimate WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Design By:JPK Project Location:City of Rosemount Checked By:KAK City Project No.:437 WSB Project No:1916-45 Date:10/18/2011 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No. Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost Opinion of Probable Cost 39 2104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (SANITARY)LIN FT 2850 $12.00 $34,200.00 40 2104.501 REMOVE CURB & GUTTER LIN FT 2200 $2.00 $4,400.00 41 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 3300 $1.00 $3,300.00 42 2104.505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 90 $7.00 $630.00 43 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 70 $2.00 $140.00 44 2104.509 REMOVE SANITARY SEWER SERVICE LIN FT 2200 $4.00 $8,800.00 45 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE (SANITARY)EACH 16 $800.00 $12,800.00 46 2104.511 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT 80 $4.50 $360.00 47 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH)LIN FT 120 $2.50 $300.00 48 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD 4500 $7.00 $31,500.00 49 2105.507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CU YD 100 $12.00 $1,200.00 50 2105.522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV)CU YD 3000 $8.00 $24,000.00 51 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA 11 $150.00 $1,650.00 52 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON 1500 $12.00 $18,000.00 53 2360.501 TYPE SP 12.5 NON WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B)TON 450 $50.00 $22,500.00 54 2360.503 TYPE SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) 3.0" THICK SQ YD 70 $25.00 $1,750.00 55 2451.507 PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL TON 200 $12.00 $2,400.00 56 2503.601 SANITARY SEWER BYPASS PUMPING LUMP SUM 1 $5,000.00 $5,000.00 57 2503.602 8'' X 4'' PVC WYE EACH 73 $30.00 $2,190.00 58 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING MANHOLES (SANITARY)EACH 4 $1,000.00 $4,000.00 59 2503.602 RECONNECT SANITARY SEWER SERVICE EACH 73 $300.00 $21,900.00 60 2503.603 4'' PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 26 LIN FT 2200 $25.00 $55,000.00 61 2503.603 8'' PVC PIPE SEWER - SDR 35 LIN FT 2850 $28.00 $79,800.00 62 2503.602 TELEVISE SANITARY SEWER LIN FT 2850 $1.25 $3,562.50 63 2506.522 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 16 $450.00 $7,200.00 64 2506.603 CONST 48'' DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE LIN FT 220 $225.00 $49,500.00 65 2531.507 6'' CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 90 $40.00 $3,600.00 66 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER DESIGN SPECIAL LIN FT 2200 $13.00 $28,600.00 67 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL & FERT.)SQ YD 2500 $3.50 $8,750.00 Subtotal Schedule F - Motz Addition Sanitary Sewer Improvements $437,030.00 + 10% Contingencies $43,710.00 Subtotal (Rounded)$480,700.00 + 25% Indirect Cost $120,200.00 Schedule F Total - Motz Addition Sanitary Sewer Improvements $600,900.00 F. MOTZ ADDITION SANITARY SEWER IMPROVEMENTS 3 of 3 K:\01916-450\Quantity\Preliminary\2012-2014 Feasibility Cost Estimate WSB Project:2012 Street Improvement Project Design By:JPK Project Location:City of Rosemount Checked By:KAK City Project No.:437 WSB Project No:1916-45 Date:10/18/2011 Item No. MN/DOT Specification No. Description Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Price Estimated Total Cost Opinion of Probable Cost 68 2104.501 REMOVE WATER MAIN LIN FT 4400 $6.50 $28,600.00 69 2104.501 REMOVE WATER SERVICE PIPE LIN FT 2200 $3.50 $7,700.00 70 2104.509 REMOVE CURB STOP AND BOX EACH 73 $75.00 $5,475.00 71 2451.602 PIPE BEDDING MATERIAL TON 100 $12.00 $1,200.00 72 2504.601 TEMPORARY WATER SERVICE LUMP SUM 1 $18,000.00 $18,000.00 73 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH 5 $650.00 $3,250.00 74 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING SERVICE PIPE EACH 73 $170.00 $12,410.00 75 2504.602 1'' CORPORATION STOP EACH 73 $135.00 $9,855.00 76 2504.602 1'' CURB STOP AND BOX EACH 73 $220.00 $16,060.00 77 2504.602 1'' TYPE K COPPER PIPE LIN FT 2200 $17.00 $37,400.00 78 2504.603 8'' WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 LIN FT 4400 $35.00 $154,000.00 79 2504.604 4'' POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SQ YD 50 $25.00 $1,250.00 80 2504.608 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND 1960 $3.50 $6,860.00 Subtotal Schedule G - Motz Addition Water Main Improvements $302,060.00 + 10% Contingencies $30,210.00 Subtotal (Rounded)$332,300.00 + 25% Indirect Cost $83,100.00 Schedule G Total - Motz Addition Water Main Improvements $415,400.00 81 2104.501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM)LIN FT 1000 $6.50 $6,500.00 82 2104.509 REMOVE MANHOLE OR CATCHBASIN EACH 19 $200.00 $3,800.00 83 2503.541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CLASS V LIN FT 2900 $27.00 $78,300.00 84 2503.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 1 $600.00 $600.00 85 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN SPECIAL 1 EACH 9 $1,500.00 $13,500.00 86 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DESIGN 48-4020 LIN FT 60 $200.00 $12,000.00 87 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 9 $500.00 $4,500.00 Subtotal Schedule H - Motz Addition Storm Sewer Improvements $119,200.00 + 10% Contingencies $11,920.00 Subtotal $131,100.00 + 25% Indirect Cost $32,800.00 Schedule H Total - Motz Addition Storm Sewer Improvements $163,900.00 88 2356.604 BITUMINOUS SEAL COATING SQ YD 33000 $1.55 $51,150.00 Schedule I Total - Pavement Management Program Maintenance $51,200.00 Grand Total - 2014 Street Improvement Project $2,351,800.00 I. 2014 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROGRAM MAINTENANCE G. MOTZ ADDITION WATER MAIN IMPROVEMENTS H. MOTZ ADDITION STORM SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Assessable Project Cost $224,400 Assessment Rate 35% Total Assessment $78,500 Assessable Units 79 Assessment Per Unit $994 Assessable Project Cost $143,200 Assessment Rate 35% Total Assessment $50,100 Assessable Units 55 Assessment Per Unit $911 Assessable Project Cost $277,200 Assessment Rate 35% Total Assessment $97,000 Assessable Units 90 Assessment Per Unit $1,078 Estimated Assessment Rate $1,200 Assessable Units 7 Total Assessment $8,400 Assessable Project Cost $1,120,400 Assessment Rate $6,000 Assessable Units 66 Total Assessment $396,000 Chili Avenue Surface Improvements Motz Addition Surface Improvements 2014 SIP Assessment Calculations 2013 SIP Assessment Calculations Carrollton Addition Improvements 155th Street Improvements West Ridge Addition Improvements Feasibility Report 2012 – 2013 Street Improvement Program City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 APPENDIX C Bituminous Coring Logs Bituminous Coring Location Map Core #Location Lane Depth Notes 1 4272 159th Court 3' from Centerline 4.25 2 Dakota, 200' east of Danville 2' from Centerline 3.75 3 158th Court, 200' east of Danville 6' from Centerline 3.75 4 157th Court, Middle of street 7' from Curb 3 Core taken on a crack 5 Danville Ave, 50' North of 157th Court 4' from Curb 3.25 6 150' South of upper 154th Street 4' from Curb 4 7 Dapple Circle, 20' from Culdesac 6' from Curb 3.75 8 100' SE of Dapple Circle 6' from Centerline 3.75 9 Core not taken, Part of different Addition 10 Colorado, 100' south of 147th SB 4' from Curb 3.5 11 Colorado, 150' north of upper 148th NB 7' from Curb 4 12 front of house 14838 Covington NB 12' from Curb 3.5 13 front of house 14900 Crandall SB 8' from Curb 3 14 front of house 14848 Crestview NB 4' from Centerline 2.75 15 front of house 3938 149th WB 5' from Centerline 3 16 30' south of north Cormorant SB 5' from Centerline 4 17 Midway between Cormorant Way streets SB center of Lane 3.5 Top seal coat delaminated 18 25' North of Culdesac NB 5' from Curb 4 19 100' East of Crescent WB 5' from Centerline 4 20 142nd street WB 4' from Centerline 5 21 143rd street WB 8' from Centerline 4 Alligator cracking present 5' out from curblines 22 144th Street EB 8' from Centerline 5 23 Between 144th and 143rd streets NB 6' from Centerline 5 24 100' South of Birch street SB center line of road 5 25 75' North of Belfast 5' from middle of center turn lane 5.5 26 100' South of RR tracks Centerline of middle turn lane 4.5 27 Biscayne Ave, 50' South of Beech and Biscayne NB 3' from Curb 5.25 28 Biscayne Ave, 150' North of Biscayne Way SB shoulder, 4' from Curb 6 29 Biscayne Ave, 75' South of Biscayne way 3' East of Centerline 5.5 30 Core not taken due to consistency in depths 31 Biscayne Ave, 25' South of Bittesweet Way Centerline of Road 5.5 32 front of house 3698 153rd EB 6' from Centerline 3.5 33 front of house 15446 Chokecherry NB 6' from Curb 3.5 34 front of house 3583 155th WB 8 from Curb 7 35 front of house 3716 155th EB 4' from curb 7 36 front of house 3866 155th EB 6' from Centerline 7 37 Core not taken due to consistency in depths 38 front of house 15265 Columbary SB 4' from Curb 4 39 front of house 3954 154 Culdesac 20' from center of Culdesac 4.25 40 front of house 3890 153rd EB 8' from Centerline 3.75 41 front of house 3886 154th WB 7' from Centerline 3.5 42 50' north of December trail SB 6' from Curb 4.5 top .5" of core delaminated 43 Intersection of Shannon Pkwy and 151st NB 4' from Curb 4.75 44 Core not taken due to consistency in depths 45 Shannon Pkwy 100' north of 156th NB 5' from Curb 5 46 15953 Shannon Pkwy NB 8' from Curb 4.5 top .5" of core delaminated 47 Shannon Pkwy, 100' South of Cornell Tr.NB 3' from Centerline 4.5 48 Shannon Pkwy 150' north of 153rd 2' from Centerline 5 49 Core not taken due to consistency in depths 50 Core not taken due to consistency in depths Bituminous Coring Information Feasibility Report 2012 – 2013 Street Improvement Program City of Rosemount Project No. 437 WSB Project No. 1916-45 APPENDIX D 2011 Pavement Condition Index Map Proposed 3-year CIP: 2012-2014 & Beyond Pedestrian Facilities Map S ROBERT TR145TH ST E (CSAH 42)AKRON AVE (CR 73)145TH ST W (CSAH 42)BLAINE AVE (CSAH 71)PKWY140TH ST E BISCAYNE AVEDODD BLVDBONAIRE PATH E SHANNONBISCAYNE AVEMCANDREWS R D W S ROBERT TRL (STH 3)TRLBACARDI AVEBONAIRE PATH W COURTHOUSE BLVD S (STH 55) COURTHOUSE BLVD (STH 55) 160TH ST E (CSAH 46) 145TH ST E (CSAH 42) 142ND ST E 145TH ST W RI CH VALLEY BLVDCHIPPENDALE AVE160TH ST W (CSAH 46)150DIAMOND PATH (CSAH 33)CONN T R LBISCAYNE AVEDODD BLVDD O D D 160TH ST E (CSAH 46) S ROBE RT T RL AKRON AVEBLAINE AVEBLVDCONNEMARA (CSAH 38)(STH 3)TRL (STH 3)AKRON AVE (CR 73)US 52 / STH 55145TH ST E (CSAH 42) 160TH ST W (CSAH 46) 140TH ST E S ROBERT(STH 3)MARAC O N NE145TH ST W 145TH ST W TRL 160TH ST W (CSAH 46) E M A R ASHANNON PKWYDANUBE T R L CROSSMOOR AVECOACHFORDBENGAL AVE WCAMERO LN130T H W A Y AZALEAAVECLARET AVECRANDALL AVE125TH ST W 138TH CHIANTIC R O C U S W A Y AUTUMN CTBANYANDELMAR CTP A T HCROSSCROFTAVE PAT H CT PINE BEND TRL AVEDARTMOORCT DECEMBER TRL BOULDER AVEU 145THST W CIMARRONAVE WD A WS ONP LCTDANVILLE AVEWAYA V E DAYTONADARWINCTCURRANTCIR 158TH ST EDENVER CTBI TTER-SWEETCTGLENNCTPATHCRUSHEEN CT C R OLLY PATH132ND CT WCT C LA R E D O W N SDECEMBERBITTER -S W EETCIRBLOOOMF IELDWAYA U T U M NWOOD D A F FO DIL PATHCL O VER LNAUGU S TA WAY 155TH ST E U. 149TH ST W EMERY AVE ECLARK RD153RD ST W 130TH ST W 151ST ST WDANUBE LNPRIVATE ROADSTATION TRLEVERMOOR FAHEY AVEBRAZIL AVE156TH ST W AUBURNAVE1 3 6 T H S T W 152ND ST E 144TH ST W AUDREY AVE131ST ST W 156TH ST E EHLERS PATH 155TH ST W 126TH ST W ANGUS AVECHILI AVE147TH ST W CONLEY AVE121ST ST W 146TH BARBARA AVE143RD ST W BLOOOMFIELDPL B L O O M F IE L D C IR B R ASS PKWY BONAIRE PATH W COBBLER AVEFISCHER AVEBIRCHWOOD AVEDELFT AVE WCAMEO AVEDALLARABELMONT TRL137TH ST W C O FFEE TRL BLANCA AVED E A R B O R N P A T H 120TH ST W 154TH ST W BARDON AVECT WCT COBALT DR CRYSTAL PATH 152ND ST WDANVILLE AVE WDANBURY WAY WBABCOCK AVEDEEPWOODS CTCHARLSTON WAY BOULDER TRL BLOOMFIELDB E L FA S T S T W DEKALB AVEUPPER 143RD 128TH DARLING PATH CANADA AVEC R O S S L O U G H 158TH ST W 148TH ST W 142ND ST W DOYLE PATH 136TH ST W 138TH BOLIVIA AVE W138TH ST W BIRCH COVINGTON AVED A R T M O U T H P A T H BUNRATTY AVEBEECH ST W CTCROSSGLENNPATH147TH ST W BRI LLI ANTCAMBRIAN AVEDANE AVEBURMA AVEU. 138TH ST W COLORADO AVEC O U C H T O W NCHINCHILLA AVECOBBLESTONE LNDELLWOOD WAY124TH CT W BRIANBORU AVEDAVENPORT AVEA U T U M N WO O DC T A ZA LE A C R O S S R I D G EWAY A V E ST ST W COBALTLANEDAISY CT154TH CT W DALTON ATRIU M AVE CARROUSEL WAYU. 147TH ST WDANNERUPPER 135TH ST W BAY B ERRY T R L CARDINAL L. 147THDAWSON CTDAVENPORT PATH DAHLIA CT CASCADE 158TH CT W 157TH CT W D A M A S K 127TH CT W 153RD ST W DRUMCLIFFE BLANCA AVE W133RD CT W DAMASK AVE139T H S T W DAKOTA DR L. 138TH ST W 159TH CT W 157TH ST WDANBURY AVE WCANADA CT CRA NBER R Y W A Y AVE CIR CRUMFIELDAVEDANDERCROCUS AVEU. 148TH ST WDAHOMEY AVE W149TH ST W D A L L A S B E L F A S T CRESTVIEW152ND CT W 124THST W DAPHNE LNDO DDBELMONT COLU MBIAL. 150TH ST W WAY COPPERCTDANBURYDANVILLE AVE WAUT U MNWOODAVANTI CHIL I CT BUSINESS PKWYB A Y B E R R Y BURNLEY AVEBOYSENBERRY CTCHROMEST W ST W LN CT WDEL T A AVECRESTONEAVEBLACKBERRY AVECIRC OLU MBI A151ST CT W CUMBERLANDCANTATA AVE WCHO RLEYCHARLSTONCAMFIELDATWOODCIRU 145TH ST W 137TH CTCHARLESTON AVEBIRDSONG PATH TRL AVEST WCARDINAL PATHBLOOMF I E L DAVE AVECICERONEBUNDORAN AVEDRUMCLIFFECIR BURGUNDY AVECIRCLEB LU EB ER R Y CT141ST CROCUSDAVY CTC TAPPALACHIANTRLBIRDSONG CT BI S C A Y NE WAYP A T H C R U M P E TPATH C R O M W E L LTRL COUCHTOWN136TH ST W BROUGHSHANE AVEDANBURYDAKOTA LNBAYBERRYST W A U TUM N W O O D W AYCHINCHILLA CTAT WOOD AVE C T COLESHIRE PATHCORLISS TRL 137TH ST CORCORANAVECORCHMANAVECROMPTONCROSS CROFT PL156T H ST W C R E G G SCI R C R A N F O R DCI R A UDOBA N WAYTRL 153RD ST W 143RD ST W CANADA AVEDANBURY WAY W148TH ST W147TH ST W U. 149TH BLANCA AVE W154TH ST W 149TH 158TH ST W 151ST ST W 156TH ST W 146TH ST WCRO SSLOUGH TRLBLANCA AVE WCIMARRON AVE W120TH ST W UPPER 149TH ST W U.150TH ST W 155TH ST W AUTUMN147TH ST W CIMARRON AVE W152ND 144TH ST W CR O M PTO NCROM WELL 1 5 1 S T S T W CIMARRON A V E CLAR E DO W NS146TH ST W DA NVILLE AVE DANVILLE AVE WLOWER 147TH ST W CHILI AVE1 2 8 T H 143RD ST W CLARET AVEU. 148THST W CICERONEP A T H WAYDERRY-DANUBE LN DECEMBERWAY C H E R R YCOLUMB ARY CTCTCO RNE LLCT SCRYSTALDAPPLECIRDAPPLE CTCARDINALCIRCOUCH-TOWNEVERLEIGH CIR DERBYCIR CRESTONECIRCRESTVIEWCIRC LA R E TC IR CIMARRON CIMARRON CTT R L CTD E W B E R R Y C T DARJEELINGCT COLUMBARY CIR CHOKECHERRY AVEU. 149TH CTBRENNERCT BOSTONCIR D E L T A C TDAVENPORTCT 143RD ST WCROFTONCT CRESCENT CIR CHASEWOOD CTC H E S T N U TWA YCROSSC LIFFE PL ATWOODCTB IR M IN G H A M C T BELVIDERE CT DELLWOOD CT DARNELL CT DALLASCTDELTA PLCROOKHAVEN CTD E R R Y -M O O R C T PATHDANUBECTDRUMCLIFFECT PKWYD RU M CLI F FE 142NDST W C I RCTWAYCORLISS W AYU. 156TH W156TH CT WDARLING PATHDARLING PATH CINNA M ON WAYCO RNE LLCT N CTCRESTONECTCRESTONEPATHTRL CANADA CIRCHEVELLECT151ST ST WDAMASKC T C O R M A C KCI R WAYCOBBLESTONECT 132ND ST W B E L L EC T 142N D C T WBREMEN AVECTWAY1 3 5 T H S T W 1 3 3 R D S T BRI CK PATHBRASS PKWYGEM AVEBLANCACTBLARNEYCT PATHB R O N Z ECT ATWOODATWATERPATHATWOODAVE AVE ATRIUM ATHENA CTATWATERCTATHENACOACHFORDAVE BLANCACORM O R A NT WAYCT PATH C A R R A C H AVE CARRACHAVECROLLYCT BLOO M F IELD PATH ATWATER WAY CT AVEDANVILLE CT BIRNAMWOODBIRCHWOOD AVEW A Y 139TH ST WAVEA V E CT AVAL O N PATH LNB ENTLEYST W CIC E RONE PATHBOISECIRWAYCOACHFORD ST W BELMONT TR DARJEELING PATHCO R N E LL 140T H ST W AUBURN AVE AZALEA P A THC O B A L T A V E 140TH ST W D A L LARA AVE WDANBURY PATHPATH AVECO UCHTO W N CTC O UCHTOWN C T WAY 144TH ST W U 145TH ST W 146THST W CHRYSLERDAYBREAK AVEAURORA AVEBROCKCARLINGFORDCARLINGFORD LANEB O ULD E R CT 134TH ST W BRICK PATHBLAINE CT140TH CIR BURGUNDY CTBURGUNDY WAYBURMA AVEBURNLEY WAYC R O SS- C R OFT AVE S WAYCROSS C LIFFE PATH CROSSMOORCTST W BONAIRE PATH E CARBURYWAY136TH ST W 140TH ST W 148TH ST W CORNELL TRL155TH C T W E V ERMOOR PKWY---- 149TH ST WWAY AVE1 3 5 T H S T W 133RD ST BRONZE PKWYBUTTERFLY PATH1 3 4 T H S T 160TH ST E 160TH ST E (CR 48)CLAYTON AVE (US 52)CLAYTON AVE (US 52)TH ST W (CSAH 42)150TH ST W (CSAH 42)DIAMOND PATH (CR 33)BRONZE PKWYCARBURY AVEDODD BLVDCAR RAC H WAYCOA C HFORD AVE BOXWOOD PATHL 147THCT 8 9 929 2 848787 99 7 5 9052 95 95 817087 95 90 89157687 58 809535874395925 9 5992 92 8 7 8 1898787 999395 636 98 79077 39 91 8797 918792 87 92 389572 2487 449 2 28905684 8 7 99 868 3 90100 89 53873895 3 3 92 167987 95 60 8586 84 688 68792 99 9 2 906 6 91879660 7175 77687385 37518187 856759 77698 6 87948288 198693 688 7 53 7895 72 8387 67 448087 92888789819890858397928892 88 8982 69 45 9487 3 0 857090 8581 618677 689588 8 7 52 9591 82 7486 87 95 81 9587 94 79 92 9164 73 82 92937191738796959 0 35 91 92 87 268 99281 8 2 47 81 9 1 8734 87 91 706 6 8874 880 42 37 87 75 9 5 798 2 8 9 88 76719191 8 6 9182 76 9465 998797 4880 73 9 5 8327759 2 54807558 94 9487 618463916885 95 919576 9521 65928828 419233 9187 89165 91878778 9 0 72 368 59753 9175 9563564339 729 2 76258881 95 84 57 9091 53 76 948794 9495 74 6151 91 9090 918186678487 50 8356 87 8595 9182 8 7 9595788792 84 94 47 8 7 8 7 5 9 5351 47 72 5693 1 9 9293 32 8366 6 2 39 71 938528868 5 4 95 92 58 85 21 7195 95 8 5 86906199 928923 772476 73869266 66888992 67 81 9654 8 9 86 92 77 85907587277087 62 919 0 35759587 958785758 987 9192 96 958786 791483 58 75 69919 2 7 2 928 8 12 948590 639 286 22 9980 3086 67 2 3 7 0 83 7 87 12 27879066 867535 6 30 Current Pavement Condition Index (PCI) MapJuly 2011Rosemount, MN ¯0 3,0001,500 Feet Todays OCI 0 - 35 Rconstruct 36 - 60 Overlay 61 - 90 Sealcoat 91 - 100 Do Nothing Inspection Year 2011 2012 2013 Not Inspected UMore 42/52 File: Z:\2010 PCI.mxd, Aug 06, 2010 3:30:57 PM, Copyright City of Rosemount S ROBE RT T RLBLVD CONNEMARA TRL (STH 3)S ROBERT(STH 3)MARACO N N E150145TH ST W 145TH ST W TRL 160TH ST W (CSAH 46) 150TH ST W (CR 42)S ROBERT TRL (STH 3)PKWYTH ST W (CR 42)BISCAYNE AVETRLDIAMOND PATH (CSAH 33)CHIPPENDALE AVE160TH ST W (CSAH 46)DIAMOND PATH (CSAH 33)145TH ST W DO D D SHANNON PKWYSHANNONBISCAYNE AVE?§A@ G±WX G¥WX Path: K:\01916-450\GIS\Maps\ProposedStreetImprovements.mxd Date Saved: 10/26/2011 2:20:00 PMProposed 3-year CIP Improvements: 2012 - 2014 & BeyondNovember 2011Rosemount, MN ±0 1,500750Feet Legend 20 12 Mill & Overlay 20 13 Mill & Overlay 20 14 R econ struction Beyon d 2 01 4 July 2010 File: T:\GIS\City\Maps\Departmental Maps\Engineering\Ped_Fac_Map.mxd, Jul 26, 2010 4:52:07 PM, Copyright City of RosemountPedestrian Facilities MapCity of Rosemount Pedestrian Facilities Improvement Plan EXISTING BITUMINOUS PATH EXISTING CONCRETE SIDEWALK EXISTING TUNNEL PROPOSED BITUMINOUS PATH PROPOSED CONCRETE SIDEWALK ´