HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. 2012 Street Improvements Project Hearing, City Project 437 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: December 6, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: 2012 Street Improvements Project AGENDA SECTION: Hearing, City Project 437 Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director ' - • lic AGENDA NO. - 4: b, Works /City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Resolutions; Comment Sheet; Location Map APPROVED BY: Op) RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Motion to Adopt a Resolution Authorizing the Preparation of Plans and Specifications and include Bike Lane Striping Option A, B, or C on 145 Street between Chippendale Avenue and Trunk Highway 3 for the 2012 Street Improvements Project, City Project 437. - and - 2. Motion to Adopt a Resolution Ordering the 2012 Street Improvements Project, City Project 437. - and - (Optional Motion) 3. Motion to Authorize the Acquisition Process for Easements to Facilitate Construction of Sidewalk on the North Side of 145 Street between Diamond Path and Shannon Parkway. BACKGROUND: On November 1, 2011, the Rosemount City Council received the Feasibility Report for the 2012 Street Improvements Project, City Project 437. Staff will present a brief overview of the project and respond to questions that Council members or the public may have regarding the proposed improvements or assessments. A summary of the proposed improvements and estimated project cost and funding is provided below. Proposed Improvements The 2012 Street Improvement Project includes mill and overlay of the following streets: • 145` Street West from Shannon Parkway to Cameo Avenue (0.9 miles) • Shannon Parkway from 145` Street West to CSAH 42 (0.5 miles) • Shannon Hills 1st — 3 additions (0.9 miles) The project will also include traffic calming measures (curb bumpouts) and crosswalk improvements on 145t Street West at Canada and Cameo Avenues, and bicycle lane striping on 145 Street West and Shannon Parkway. G: \ENGPROJ \437 \20111206 CC PHOrdPrjPlsp.docx Roadway Striping Shannon Park�vay is proposed �vith 11-foot �vide thru lanes and 5-foot �vide designated bicy�cle lanes along both Yoad�va�� cdgcs. This layout is an extension of the striping configuration on Shannon PaYkway noYth of 145`" Street �vithout the center left turn lane. 145`�' St�-eet bet�veen Shannon PaYktivay and Chippendalc rlvenue is proposed with 11-foot wide thru lanes and )-foot wide bike lanes. This bike lane layout is an eYtcnsion of the stciping configuration on 145` Street �vest of Shannon Park�vay. For 145`�' Street bet�veen Chippendale Avcnue and Z'runk High�vay 3 three striping options for bike lanes ha�-e been de��eloped. These options have been de�reloped to acknowledge the eYisting on-street parking on each side of this segment of 145`" Street. Below is a brief description of striping options for consideration. r1. No stri�ed bic�-cle lanes, signs onl� 11-foot wide thru lanes �vith signs indicating shared use of the parking lane �vith bicy cles. B. Designated bicycle lanes 11-foot wide thYU lanes with a 5-foot wide bicycle lane on the noYth side and G-foot wide Uicycle lane on the south side. This option allows parking to remain on one side of the roadway between Chippendale Avenue and Cameo �venue. Designated bicycle lanes would be extended from Chippendale r��-enue to Trunk Highway 3. C. Shared bic��cle lanes 11-foot �vide shared thru lanes that �vould allo�v bic�-clists to utilize the Yoad�vay lanes �vith motorists. The shared bicy cle lane markings �vould be painted in the tYavel lanes allo�ving bic��clists and motorists to share the road equall�-. This option allo�vs for no loss in on-street parking. The shared bike lanes �vould be utilized from Chippendale r1�-enue to Trunk High�va�- 3. Schedule It is pYOposed that construction begin in June 2012 and is anticipated to be completed, uicluding all restoration items, by the fall of 2012. r� final schcdulc �vill be developed in recognition of the Leprechaun Days PaYade on 145`" Strcet. Public Informational Meetinq Prior to the public hearing, staff hosted a public informational meeting for propert�� o�vners on Tuesda��, October 5, 2011 to address questions and comments regarciing the project and proposed assessments. Public comments �vere recorded and arc attached. 2 Cost and Funding A summary of estimated project costs and proposed funding is provided below: Table 1 - Summary of Cost 145th Street mill and overlay $363,200 Shannon Parkway mill and overlay $218,300 145th Street bituminous trail $115,800 145th Street crosswalk and bumpout improvements $168,800 Bicycle lane signing and striping $15,900 Shannon Hills mill and overlay $291,200 2012 Sealcoat $34,800 Total $1,208,000 Table 2 - Proposed Assessments Calculated Assessment Units Total (or FF) Assessment 145th Street: Single Family $1,090 38 $41,400 145th Street: Multi - Family $15.00 /FF 1882 FF $28,200 145th Street Improvements: Commercial $15.00 /FF 484 FF $7,300 Shannon Hills Neighborhood $1,140 90 $102,600 Total $179,500 Table 3 - Proposed Funding Street CIP Assessments State Aid Storm Total Utility Fund 145th Street /Shannon Parkway mill and overlay $504,600 $76,900 $581,500 Shannon Hills mill and overlay $188,600 $102,600 $291,200 145th Street bituminous trail $115,800 $115,800 145th Street crosswalk and bumpout improvements $113,800 $55,000 $168,800 Bicycle lane signing and striping $15,900 $15,900 2012 Sealcoat $34,800 $34,800 Total $728,000 $179,500 $245,500 $55,000 $1,208,000 SUMMARY: At this time, staff is requesting Council consideration of the proposed striping options for 145` Street between Chippendale Avenue and Trunk Highway 3. The proposed options are as follows: A. No striped bicycle lanes, signs only B. Designated bicycle lanes with parking on one side of roadway C. Shared bicycle lanes with no loss of parking 3 In addition, at prior meetings Council has discussed the potential for including the construction of sidewalk on the north side of 145` Street between Diamond Path and Shannon Parkway with this project. This segment of sidewalk was originally proposed as part of the 2011 Street Improvement Project but was not included for construction due to the need for a formal easement acquisition process. Based on the previous bids received for this project, the estimated cost is $240,000 plus the cost of the easement acquisition process. This amount was proposed to be funded with Municipal State Aid monies which are still available for the project. As previously reviewed with Council, easements from six property owners along 145th Street are required to complete the sidewalk improvements. Easements are required from these property owners based on the fact that as a former County Road, 145th Street exists based on prescriptive rights rather than dedicated right -of -way or recorded easements for these six parcels. City staff did host an informational meeting with these property owners to present an offer to compensate the owners for the establishment of an easement to accommodate the construction of the proposed sidewalk. At that time, not all property owners were willing to provide the necessary easements. Should Council want to consider these sidewalk improvements at this time, easements will be necessary and direction to move forward an easement acquisition process is requested. An optional motion has been included in the Recommended Action to authorize the initiation of easement acquisition. This authorization would only include the completion of appraisals and presentation of offers to the property owners for the necessary easements. Further easement acquisition measures would require separate Council action at a later date. Staff is requesting that the City Council adopt the attached resolutions ordering the project and authorizing the preparation of plans and specifications for the 2012 Street Improvements Project, City Project 437. 4 1 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2011 -104 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND INCLUDE BIKE LANE STRIPING (OPTION A, B OR C) ON 145 STREET BETWEEN CHIPPENDALE AVENUE AND TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 2012 STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CITY PROJECT 437 D WHEREAS, the City Council has received and accepted the Feasibility Report on November 1, 2011 for City Project 437, and WHEREAS, the City Council held a Public Hearing on December 6, 2011 and ordered the project. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount orders the preparation of plans and specifications (Option A, B or C) for said improvements of City Project 437. ADOPTED this 6`' day of December, 2011. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Q I W" Amy Domeier, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2011 -105 A RESOLUTION ORDERING THE PROJECT 2012 STREET IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT CITY PROJECT 437 WHEREAS the City Council has received and accepted the Feasibility Report on November 1, 2011 for City Project 437, and WHEREAS the City Council held a Public Hearing on December 6, 2011. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby orders the improvements of the 2012 Street Improvements Project, City Project 437. ADOPTED this 6' day of December, 2011. 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