HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.m. Professional Services Contract for Engineering and Landscape Architect Services – UMORE Ball Fieldst } EXECUTIVE SUMMARY AGENDA ITEM:` Professional Services Contract for AGENDA SECTION: Engineering and Landscape. Architect Consent N. Services — WORE Ball Fields PREPARED BY:, Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. Director, ATTACHMENTS:. Proposed Construction Documentation APPROVED BY: Service Agreement % RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve entering into a professional services agreement with WSB to provide Construction' Documentation services for the WORE ball field project. ISSUE In August of 2011'the City of Rosemount completed the process of acquiring 27 acres of land through a pre - dedication agieement with the University of Minnesota to be used for athletic fields. Staff and the City's design consultants have finished the design development phase (stepl) of the UMore Ballfield project and the plans were recently shared with the City Council. The next step in moving forward with this project is to, have WSB /HKgi prepare the construction documents needed to build phasel of the project. The phasing plan for the project is attached, along with the site plan for the complex. These documents will be the plans and specification that will be used to publically bid the project in early 2012. ;t WSB has provided a proposal for the necessary services "for the construction documentation phase (step 2) of the project. WSB's proposal includes using Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. (HKgi) as a subcontractor for the landscape architect work on the project. The total cost for the construction documentation phase of the project is $109,400. Staff is expecting,to spend $800,000 from the park improvement fund to construct phase 1 of the project in the spring of 2012. Staff is also planning on using an in-kind donation from SKB in the form of earthwork / grading ($200;000) later this fall to grade the "•site. BACKGROUND The University of Minnesota contracted with HKgi to develop the original preliminary concept plan for the project. HKgi's cost estimate for the entire project was approximately,$4,000,000. The consulting services that we typically need for a project of this size include: s Step 1- DESIGN DEVELOPMENT The design development phase of the work will include further refinement of the layout and site organization, materials selection, grading and drainage strategies; and construction costs. Step 2f-.CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION �. Upon approval of design development documents, the consultant will prepare construction documents and technical specifications for site elements WSB it Awarlatrx. hie, September 16, 2011 Mr.' Dan Schultz Park and Recreation Director City of Rosemount 2875 145` Street Rosemount, MN, 55068 ` . Re: Estimate of Professional Services Fee UMore Park and Ball Fields City of Rosemount, MN Dear Mr. Schultz: WSB & Associates is pleased to present this proposal for professional engineering services relating to the design of improvements associated with the UMore Park and Ball Fields, The scope of services presented in this proposal are based on discussions with the City of Rosemount, Design Documentation preliminary layouts and designs completed by Hoisington Koegler Group,, Inc. and WSB, and our familiarity with the project area due to recent projects completed by WSB in the nearby vicinity. Also attached are the following: ■ HKGi's Letter of Services Agreement for Landscape Architecture for the Ball Field Park located at UMore Park in Rosemount, Minnesota ■ Schematic Design Plan of the park ■' Phasing Diagram WSB's 2011 Fee Rate Schedule PROJECT UNDERSTANDING: This project is being constructed on land currently owned by the University of Minnesota and will be 6onstructed'as a City park. Preliminary design of the ball fields, parking lot, access roads and other site amenities has been completed by HKGi and WSB and is the basis of this proposal. The land has been dedicated to the City of Rosemount by the U of M and it is anticipated that Carl Bolander and Sons Company will be completing the mass grading of the site as a donation to the City in the fall of 2011. Through Design - Development,,phasing for park improvements was developed, and this proposal'addresses professional engineering services to complete c6nstruction documents for Phase 1 improvements, anticipated for 2012 construction. Phase 1: Initial Ball Field Construction M, Mass grading of the Site area for the future construction of the proposed facilities is anticipated to have •been'completed by Carl Bolander and Sons Company. This mass a. •• %�4. 1.`.i' >:'1 K.• VJ41001UMore WSB CDp ,royosal09.16/l.doc i Al 'Umore Park CD Proposal September 16, 2011 TP ge.2 grading will include hold downs for the future site` improvements and will be for the following ., ■ . Proposed ball fields (2 youth baseball fields) ,. ■ Parking lot (western half) ..Internal site access fiom Akron Avenue ■ Irrigation well and associated piping ■ Drainage improvements and storm sewer will be installed as necessary to facilitate interim drainage with this phase . ■ . Future phase improvements identified.on the attached phasing illustration,.or: accommodations for within grading and other Phase 1 improvements, identified as necessary to allow completion of future phases without reconstruction or removal of Phase 1 improvements. To make full use of donated site grading by Carl Bolander• and Sons Company, WSB understands that site elements that may be identified for future installation and not initially constructed need to be accounted for in the Phase 1 detail design and construction documents. As a cost savings and design efficiency measure, this approach will include interim improvements that will serve a use for future stages, but that with installation in Stage 1 will allow for future improvements and additions to be made to the facility with minimum impact and disturbance to the ball fields,. turf, and other site elements already in place. PROJECT APPROACH & WORK PLAN: WSB's project approach and work plan is based on our understanding of the project as discussed previously and will be completed as described in the following work plan: Proiect Mai aaement:' This task includes planning and coordination of, all work tasks, establishment and monitoring of budgets, meetings, and correspondence with the City, HKGi, U of M, geotechnical engineer, electrical engineer subconsultant on a periodic basis. The project manager will provide technical direction on all aspects of the project review;,all work products, and prepare monthly progress reports. The project manager will serve `a primary role in the many design considerations. M , Data Collection i Available data willbe collected from'the City of Rosemount, U of M, HKGi,'private utility companies, and adjacent developments as, necessary. r ,St t GradiriuRe'cord'S''urvey:, c'Al;, ;I This task will involve the electronic collection -of the as -built grade information of the approximately 30 acre site to verify mass grading efforts provided by Carl Bolander and Sons. It will consist of the survey field work, crew coordination and data reduction into a cad format p J Final Phase 1 Grading Plan Design and Construction Documents: K.IIS4- IOOIUMore WSB CD propoaa104.16.1l.doc R� ' ,f Umore Park CD Pioposal _ September 16,2011 Page 3 WSB will work with -HKGi to develop a ,final grading plan for Phase 1 improvements on the site., A. Will be designed in conjunction with the drainage design:. 2'• Will provide plans.for future grades on the surrounding streets to ensure that the site will match into future grades and drainage will work in both the interim and future. conditions. 3. 'Earthwork balances will be analyzed for site balance. 4. Soil borings and available information from mass grading efforts will be utilized to ensure there is sufficient good material for hard surfaced areas, topsoil for green areas and for structural design aspects. 5. Grading pad design for all proposed buildings (does not include footing designs). 6. Infiltration and pond design will be done under the drainage design work plan. 7. Estimates for earthwork 8. Erosion control and site SWPPP plans + 9. Temporary sedimentation basins as necessary, 10. Hold.downs -for parking lots, ball fields, and driveways will be included. 11.Onsite soiis'are assumed to be free of hazardous materials. 12. Spot elevations for pavements, trails, plaza, building FFEs, ballfield areas and other key site features as necessary 13. ADA•grading design of plazas, sidewalks, parking lots and other site facilities. Detail Drainage Design and Construction Documents: Analysis and design of the stormwater drainage and conveyance system, including ponding and infiltration basins as identified in preliminary design within the park. The analysis will'be based the standards of the City.'s stormwater management requirements. 1. Storm water modeling — volume analysis 2. Storm water modeling — water quality analysis 3. Storm water.pond grading onsite 4. Storm "water rainwater garden/infiltration system design" , 5, Storm'sewei design' site only- does.not include Akron Ave., east -west roads on north and south end of site. design includes treatment cell routing to east, parking lot storm sewer system, pond outlet structures. 6. Storm water design of temporary parking lot and off site dramage from the west Detail Sanitary Sewer'and Water Utility Design and Construction Documents: No design is assumed to be provided for a septic type of system. 1. Design of a "sewer and water service to the proposed concessions/restroom , _building' located• at the center of the four multi- purpose ballfields in the south half of the site. it (is that these services would extend from stubs that are yet to lie constructed to the west within Akron Avenue as a separate project: 2. Design of a'sewer and water service to the proposed concessions /restroom stadium seating located north half of the'site. It is assumed that these services ,would extend from stubs that are yet to be constructed to the west within Akron - Avenue as a separate project. k 3. ' Designof an alternate well for site potable, water and irrigation system (see well design section below for details) KA154.1001UM61e IVSB 6propm.109.16.11AM 1 e 3 Umore Park CD Proposal ,September 16,2011. ._ - Page .4.: 4. It is assumed that the irrigation consultant will,provide pressure 'and flows needed for the service feeding the irrigation'system. Detail Weli Design and Construction Documents: As identified during preliminary Design. Documentation, a well,of this capacity will require development (sandstone removal to "expand the open hole. portion) which adds to the complexity of the design and construction observation requirements for the well. Assumptions: L... One double cased Jordan well that produces approximately 350 gpm at 50 psi. 2; Pump and* submersible motor w/ VFD 3. Pitless unit instead of a well house 4. No chemical feed systems required w 5. Electrical engineering and irrigation design by others 6. Does not include time for any additional DNR requirements related to the well and permit that may come up, such as additional test pumping or investigations into well interference 7. Final pump;design will take place after test pumping the completed -well Final Design and Construction Documents h Coordination with irrigation company, DNR, electrical engineer, and others as needed 2. Design of one well and pump 3. Well profile, drawing 4. Inforinatiori'to be added to the site'arid grading plans,_ 5. Well construction specification 6.. Pump specification 7 Inrtial''appropriations permit discussions with DNR Electrical Engineering: ° c Electrical engineering design will be provided byBarr Engineering and will be utilized for power to the site buildings, site lighting, ball field lighting, irrigation system and proposed well ` Cost's for this work are not included in our proposal and would be included in the final design package. This would be a pass through fee and WSB would include time for coordination of this work onlibn a cost reimbursable basis based our hourly fee rate'schedule. Due to the likely power needs this site would require 3 -phase electric 'service'4' nd,the'hnal design scope would be -dependent +on the availability of '.the power connection source within the project`area. BuildiniArchitecture'and associated Structural / Mechanical / Electrical Design: Scope of services and costs for the building architecture for the stadium seating, concession staii3 and'storage facility building work are not included in our proposal and would be mcluded`in the final design package. This work would also include and structural, mechanical and electrical design work associated with these structures. For these designs this;would be a pass through fee and WSB would include time for coordination'of this work only on a cost reimbursable basis based our hourly fee rate schedule. 'We'have discussed this project with Oer`tel Architects, a firm we have extensive -N KAIM- 1001UMom FYSB Mproposn 109- 16.11.4c .. Nil.' experience with and they are interested in the project. They specialize in municipal type projects ;of this nature and can provide a scope of services and fee if the City is interested Permits: 1. Completion and submittal of the NPDES Phase II stormwater permit ($400 application fee included) at 90 % plan: completion. Assumes erosion control plan, SWPPP,:and required erosion and sediment control details., 2:. Completion and submittal of Department of Health for watermain ($150 application fee not included) at 90 %plaii.completion. If necessary, it is assumed that final plan revisions and modifications to the bid documents will be completed` by WSB & Associates, Inc. prior to 100 % completion. 3. Completion and submittal of MPCA permit for sanitary sewer ($240 application fee not included) at 90% plan completion. 1 .. 4. Completion and submittal of City of Rosemount grading permit (application fee not included) prior to start of construction. 5. Completion'and submittal of City of Rosemount building permit for onsite sewer and'water services only (application fee not included) prior to start of construction. 6. DNR Well appropriation permit is not included and is assumed to be coordinated during the construction phase. SCOPE OF SERVICES WSB will provide design development documentation and construction documentation for the ball park at the UMore Park based on the approved schematic site design. The proposal includes construction related services and has been included as separate fee from the design development and construction documentation tasks. We will work with HKGi to develop the landscape architecture construction documents-as outlined iii their ' Letter of Services Agreement. In order to complete the project, we propose the following scope of services which outlines our tasks and deliverables: ' I CO, NSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION WSB will prepare constriaction'documents and technical specifications for all site elements approved in the design development phase of the work. " ' Specifically, the following will be provided: A Prepare construction and bidding documents for all site elements within the Ball Park determined to be included in Phase One construction. 'Our scope or work in this task will include the following: '1 1.. Summary of Quantities Worksheet .1 2. Title Sheet �' =..r.1 'lit i ,•• . ,, 3' n General Layout Plan ' h, } 4. Site Grading Plans 5. Earthwork Summary 6. Pavement Designs and Typical Sections 1 7. Storm Sewer and Drainage Plans r� 11- P, .t i• ai. • ?� K: 11 54- 1001UMomWSOCDpropotn109- 16 -11.da .S ty -f Ain l! .)A, r i ` Umore Park CD"Proposal- September 16, 2011.. Page 6 8. Site Utility Plans .9. Site Well Plan 10. Site Construction Details 11: Erosion Control Plans and SWPPP 12. Street Cross Sections' . B. - Prepare Technical Specifications C. Prepare Final Cost Estimate D Permit Applications, E '.Prepare and present 50% CD Set to City Staff, Parks and Recreation Committee, City Council and University of Minnesota representatives F. Prepare and present 100% CD .Set to City Staff, Parks and Recreation Committee, City Council and University of Minnesota representatives G. Prepare Final Bid Documents, including all required plans, technical . specifications, summary of quantities, and final cost estimate. H. Bidding Assistance — It is assumed the project will be bid as one package for the site grading, utilities, pavement construction landscaping, rr irngation system, site lighting, ball field lighting and site electrical service. The building structures would be bid as a separate package. This project would be bid in phases as described under the Project Understanding section of this proposal. WSB will provide services for bidding assistance including the following: 1. Advertisement for bids 2. Copy and distribute plan sets to Contractors 3. Field questions from Prospective Bidders { 4.' Issues and addendunis'as necessary 5 Attend the bid opening 6. Prepare tabulation of bids 7.. Prepare letter of recommendation for contract award ,1 8. Attend City Council Meeting for contract award as needed A separate proposal for professional engineering services for the Construction Documentation phase will be submitted to the City upon request. CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS ' This proposal is based on the understanding that the Client, the City of Rosemount or the University of Minnesota will provide the following information or services. Our proposal does not include design and fees for the following. ' 1. Landscape Architect items as outlined in the HKGi Letter of Services Agreement. >�,.. 1h, 2. Architecture associated with any required buildings and stadium seating. 3. Electrical engneering associated with any site lighting, field lighting land building lighting. r , h 1'.', :< , 1i , 4.' Mechanical'engirieenng associated with`any mechanical systems related to'the buildings. "•'" 5. Structural engineering associated with structures including buildings and grandstand seating. 1 ,f Kr /34 -1001 More WCD propwai 09- l6 -//.A .. r . PROPOSED.FEE: I. Construction Documentation Project management and other miscellaneous project work is included in the below construction documentation fees. Finaf Design Meetings ................. ............. .........................$4,200 Site Layout Plan ............................ ................. .........................$2,000 Grading Plan .................. ............................... .........................$3,800 Pavement Design ................................ ..................................... $1,300 - Drainage Plan .... ........................ ....... .........................$6,800 Utility Plans .......................................... .. ........................$3,000 Well Plans and Specifications. ..... ....... ...............:..:......$6,500 Construction Details ........................... ......................................... $2,000 ' Erosion Control Plans and SWPPP ................ .........................$1,800 Permits......' ....................... ............................... ........................$2,700 'Technical Specifications . ............................... .........................$6,700 FinalCost Estimate ..................... ....................... ....$2,700 q. Bidding Documents ................ ..':!'........ .........................$8,700 _ " . Bidding Assistance...... ..............:`:..: ............................... 6700' ... Total ::::................: ....$58,900 COMBINED 1TOTAL PROPOSED FEE (WSB and HKGi): Hoisington Koegle`r Group, Ind. (HKGi) ha`s' provided WSB & Associates, with a proposal for landscape architecture services (see attached) which details their understanding, approach, work plan for this project.. As identified in their proposal, HKGi's design fees `for the Construction Documentation phase are $50,500. The combined total proposed fees of WSB &'Associates and Hoisington I- oegler Group for Design Development phase engineering and landscape architecture services is $109,400 The proposed scope and fee presented herein represents our complete understanding of the project based on available information. , If you have any questions or need additional �. '.'I T�i(� �Y'� {, t•I' K: 154= 1001UMo reWSBCDpropoia709- I&II.Aoc X-1154-1001UMore M COproposaI09-16-11.doc 20.11 Schedi d � .fat& . Billing Rate /Hour•,,: Principal; $134.00 " Associate $126.00 Sr, Project Manager /Sr, Project.Engineer. $121,00 Project Manager II /Project Engineer III /Engineering Specialist IV $112.00 Project Manager /Project Engineer II /Engineering Specialist III $105.00 Project Engineer /Registered Land Surveyor/ Engineering Specialist 11 ' $96.00 Graduate Engineer II /Engineering Specialist I /Sr. Construction Observer, $86.00 Graduate Engineer /Engineering Technician V /Construction Observer $76.00 Planner ' a �f4 $72.00 Engineering Technician IV /Scientist III $68.00 Engineering Technician III /Scientist II ? $62.00 Engineering Technician II /Scientist I $56.00 Engineering Technician I z N ­ ; $49.00 Office Technician II .,r. $62.00 Office Technician I $33.00 Survey (Two - Person Crew /GiPS.Crew) $140;00 Survey (Three- Person Crew /Expanded GPS Crew) , s ..i i ,, $167.00 Costs associated with word processing, vehicle mileage, cell phones, reproduction of common correspondence and maitii4ar6 included In the'' `above hourly rates. Reimbursable expenses'include costs associated with plan, specification and report reproduction, permit fee, delivery cost, etc, Rate Schedule is adjusted annually." y Wt i � �, „�. .CArrnrinka. lue, 1 � t i " f r 4k I I August 5, 2011 Dear Morgan s Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. (HKGi) is pleased to provide,WSB & Associates, Inc. - (WSB /Client) with this proposal for landscape architecture services related to the Ball. Field Park project located at UMore Park. The following letter outlines our understanding of the project, our approach, work plan, professional fees, and our assumptions for the project. , PROJECT] UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH The scope of services to be provided by HKGi is understood to include construction documentation for the ball park at UMore Park based on the approved design developii ent.'-Itis our understanding that HKGi would work with WSB to complete construction documentation for phase one ball park elements as outlined in the attached phasing diagram and cost estimate. We understand HKG1 will be responsible for the design and documentation of the following site'elements associated with Phase One: n - ball fields �and �associated practice facilities - landscape areas surrounding the ball fields - pedestrian walkways,! - planting t - irrigation We understand that WSB will e lead the project team. Construction documentation will include the preparation of construction drawings, technical specifications and bid documents for all site elements approved for.Phase One. Our approach Will include the n„ ,t.; , , ;,,.,�, . ; ., collaboration and coordination with other design and construct ion'team members, WSB and City Staff to prepare clear and coinstructible`drawings, specifications and bid documents: The following is a more detailed discussion of the proposed work plan and deliverables �a SCOPE OYWORK : i L; _.Cil( if > (r' _ i •i ::a , •' r. ens, -�: 1 �,'�1�: ' ,. The Scope of Work includes the following tasks and deliverables: 1. Constrtiction D&uni&tation a Upon appro v I-of design development documents, HKGi willprepare -,-construction document' for all s and technical site elements' -Design Developm approv-ed the, ent documents for Phase One. 'Specif ically, the following will be provided; ' :--:A. ; -Prcparc construction and bidding `d ocuments; for all site elementiwithin'- the Ball Park determined to be included in,Phase One construction: ;Our% scope . of work in s task k.,Mll. include the following: 1. Summary of Quantities: Worksheet :-:'2;. Site Materials' Plans (including enlargement plans) 13. Site Layout Plans (including enlargement plans) 1; 4. Site Sections 5. Planting Plans 46. Fencing Plans 7. Irrigation Plans a 8.: Site Lighting Plans (does not include ball field lighting or electrical engineering) 9. Site Construction Details B. Prepare Technical Specifications C.. 'Prepare Final CostEgiiniaii D. -Prepare and present 50% CD Set to WSB, City Staff, Parks and Recreation Committee', City Council'a,nd University of Minnesota representatives E. Prepare and present 1006A CD' Set to WSB, City §taff, Parks ',and ,,,,- j 1, r — *"b" ilandUnivesi' ot Minnesota -" Recreation Committee, City, Council University representatives .1 1 I F. 'Prepare Final Bid Documents, including all required plans, technical specifications, summary, of quantities, and final cost estimate.,,,., CONDITIONS AND EXCLUSIONS" This proposal is based on the understanding,ihai thevClient, the City of Rosemount or the University, of Minnesota will provide the'following information or services. Should HKGi be required t¢o`provide service's in obtaining or coordinating compilation of this information, fees associated with such services would be in addition to any fees identified in this pioposal. In order to begin 'con uction documenfkibrf, HKGi will require the foil owing information: -suiwy� of & 1. Topographic field FoP64;��jch includes but is not limited to the propert�,liln'6'9�,"-'�elas'em'ents, Utiliti&g, structures, buildings, one (1) foot contour intervals, significant vegetation, etc.