HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Hawkins, Inc. Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan, 08-25-FP & 08-26-LS4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY -COUNCIL ' City Council Meeting Date: September'20,'2011 AGENDA ITEM: Case 08- 25 -FDP; 08- 26 -LS; Hawkins, Inc. AGENDA SECTION: Planned Unit Development Final Site and New Business Building Plan. PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGE �DA NO. G. ATTACHMENTS: Site Map; Resolution; Planned Unit, APPROVED BY: Development Agreement; Site Plan; Existing Conditions Plan; Grading and Erosion Control Plan; Utility Plan; Photometric Plan; Exterior Elevations; Floor Plan; Rail Photometric Plan;, Excerpt from the Draft August 23 Planning Commission -Meeting Minutes; City ,. Engineer's Memorandum dated y September 14. D RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution approving the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site and Building Plan for Hawkins, Inc. Motion to approve the Planned Unit Development Final Site.and Building Plan agreement for Hawkins, Inc. and authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the Agreement. ISSUE Hawkins, Inc. is purchasing approximately 25 acres of the former Continental Nitrogen Resources (CNR) property located on the southeast corner of US Highway 52 and MN Highway 55. Hawkins is a chemical company that produces, dilutes, and /or repackages chemicals including acids and bases. Hawkins is proposing to construct a 62,640 square foot manufacturing and warehousing with an associated tank farm to-receive products by train car or semi - trailer and ship product by the truckload or totes. Hawkins has `proposed a site plan that meets setback requirements from the west (US Highway 52), east (Feed Products) and north (MN Highway 55) property lines, but is requesting a, planned unit development which would include reduced south setbacks. AUGUST 23 PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING The Planning Commission conducted a Public Hearing for Hawkins during their August 23 meeting. No residents spoke during the public hearing. Commissioner Powell asked about the maintenance stormwater ponds and of the property that is not developed with the initial building. Engineer Olson stated the pond are private infrastructure and will 3 be maintained by Hawkins. Senior Planner Zweber stated `that the undeveloped portion of "the property will be planted with native vegetation`or other similar low maintenance vegetation. Commissioner Miller asked about the location of the masonry on the accessory building and if there was an alternative to installing bollards. Senior Planner Zweber stated that the City Code is not K specific on the location of the 40% masonry required on building but that it is typically installed as a wainscoting on the base of the building. He also state that some other type of truck barrier, such as barrier curb instead of the flat curb proposed, would be a suitable replacement for the bollards. The Planning Commission unanimously recommended approval of the Planned Unit Develop (PUD) with the staff recommendation and the additional ability to install a barrier curb instead of the bollard. Hawkins has revised their plans to install barrier curbs (B612 Curb) in the locations recommended by staff. BACKGROUND` , Hawkins, Inc. has a purchase agreement with CNR to purchase approximately 25 acres of property to construct a 62,640 square feet building -to manufacture and warehouse chemicals. The -site is approximately 800 feet deep by 1,400 feet wide which is the portion of the former,CNR between the railroad spur and MN Highway 55 from north to south and between Feed Products and the US Highway 52 frontage road from east to west. The site includes the existing CNR office and lab buildings, the majority of the parking lot, and the northern site access. Feed Products currently gains access through this property. The proposal includes having a separate access drive constructed from the existing parking lot to the Feed Products site°between the Hawkins facility and MN Highway -55. All other CNR structures on the site will be demolished except for one 44 foot diameter and 34 foot tall cylinder tank that will be relocated to the tank farm., Hawkins is requesting a planned unit development to relax the setback requirements on the south. The lot split for the property is exempt from City review by State law because it results in industrial `parcels of over 5 acres. Therefore setbacks to existing structures could not be addressed during the plat. The south property.line is the railroad. The new manufacturing building will be 35' tall and therefore falls into the 75' setback category. This setback will permit the proposed building and the expansion building shown on the plans. However, there are some tanks that would not meet the 150' setback requirements. A reduction in the setback requirement, from the south property line is necessary so a nonconformity does not occur. Because the tanks are grouped between.the two buildings (soon to be built and expansion building) staff believes that is the best location for the tanks. Additionally, grouping of tanks works well operationally for Hawkins. Due to the location of the tanks and because of the two adjoining land uses, staff does not believe there would be any adverse impact in reducing the south and east setbacks to 75 feet for all structures under 250 feet tall including tanks. Surrounding Land Uses: North: Heavy Industrial East: General Industrial South: General Industrial' West: Heavy Industrial Existing Zoning District: HI: Heavy Industrial Proposed Zoning District: HI: Heavy Industrial Planned Unit Development Required Setbacks: Structures less than 35 feet tall: 75 feet Building under 50 feet and Tanks under 35 feet tall: 150 feet Structures up to 250 feet tall 300 feet Proposed South and East Setbacks for All Structures (250 feet and under): 75 feet RI SUMMARY Site Layout The site design is configured into three sections., The most western is the location of the proposed 62,640 square foot building with future expansion to the west and to the north. The building has a truck dock on the south of the building and an indoor truck loading bay to the east. The access road is designed for one way traffic with trucks traveling east between the building and the railroad tracks, to the north along the east side of the building, and to the west between the building and MN Highway 55. The center section of the site will be the tank farm with the initial installation of twenty -one (21) 12 foot diameter tanks 37 feet tall, three (3) 19 foot diameter by 24 foot tall tanks, two (2) 36 foot diameter by 32 foot tall tanks, and the relocation of the existing 42 foot diameter by 34 foot tall tank. The tanks will be supplied by overhead pipe from the rail line and then serve the building through overhead pipes into the truck loading bay. The tank farm is designed for expansion to serve a future second building in the eastern third of the property. Building Design and Materials The building will have two sections. The first section is a 200 foot deep by 270 foot wide section Y that is 35 feet tall and will house production and warehousing. The second section is 90 feet deep by 96 feet wide that is 30 feet high that would house five (5) indoor truck loading bays. The warehouse loading docks and main entrance will be on the south side of the building and not be visible from any public right -of -way. Facing north along Hwy 55, the first section of the building will be constructed of concrete tip up panels with vertical ridges and eight (8) small windows. The second section of the building (the truck loading bays) is flat tip -'up panels with two horizontal lines running above the truck doors. City Code requires that elevations facing the public right -of -way be broken up every 100 feet. To meet this requirement, Hawkins has provided five vertical bands of exposed aggregate panels that are ten (10) feet wide across the north facade. These five vertical bands with break up the facade every 50 feet and meet the code requirement. This design is similar to the design that Flint Hills used in their maintenance building. There is a small (30 by 40 foot) 'rail storage building proposed near the rail line on the. south side of the tank farm. The building is proposed in a location that is not visible from the right -of -way and the City Code requires at least 40 %'masonry. Hawkins has proposed that the bottom eight (8) feet of the twenty foot tall building would be masonry and the top twelve (12) feet will be prefinished metal panel. This design meets the City Code. Mechanical Equipment The mechanical equipment proposed includes a roof top cooling tower and'a roof mounted scrubber. The location of this equipment is required because it is directly over the processing and reaction tanks located within the building. Staff is supportive of this location but has recommended a condition that the cooling tower be of a color similar to the color pattern of the north elevation and that the scrubber be located south (behind) of the cooling tower. Landscaping and Tree Preservation The portion of the CNR property that Hawkins is'purchasing is generally devoid of any trees or landscaping aside for some trees within the MN Highway 55 right -of -way and near the existing 3 office building. None of the existing vegetation is proposed to be removed. Additional landscaping will be required based on the area developed by Hawkins during this phase, not on the entire site. r. Hawkins is proposing to develop this first phase within an area approximately 650 feet wide by 650 feet deep, resulting in a development area of 422,500 square feet. The City Code requires one (1) tree per 3,000 square feet,of development.,(422,500 /3,000 =141 trees) and one (1) foundation plant per linear feet of building perimeter (1,132 ft/ 10 = 113 plants). The , City allows industrial buildings to replace four (4) foundation plants with one (1) tree resulting in 28 trees in place of the 113 foundations plants fora total requirement 169 trees. The City requires, that trees are a minim of 2 caliper inches in size and count every two feet in height of a conifer as "one caliper inch'of a deciduous tree. Based on those standards, Hawkins is responsible for the equivalent of 338 caliper inches of trees. The site plan'shows eighty five (85) eight (8) foot tall white pine trees screening the tarik fall which is equivalent to 340 caliper inches of trees. The trees are predominately on the north and west portions of the property where they would provide screening for the building and tank farm. Staff is supportive of the landscape plan. Landscaping Requirement. The City allows industrial buildings to replace four foundation plants with one tree Landscaping Deficienc Standard Requirement Equivalent Caliper Inches Development Area 1 Tree /3,000 S . Ft. 141 Trees 282 Inches Building Foundation' 1 Plant/ 10 Lin. Ft. 113 Plants 28 Treesa ' 56 Inches Total Tree Requirement n/a 169 Trees 338 Inches The City allows industrial buildings to replace four foundation plants with one tree Landscaping Deficienc G The City counts every two feet in height of a conifer as equivalent to one caliper inch of a tree Access and Parking Access to the site is from the existing parking lot and northern access to' the US Highway 52 frontage road. From the north side of the parking lot, a new access to Feed Products will be constructed but will not require a new access to the .frontage road. The interior access road will be asphalt pavementwith mostly flat concrete curb. The City Code requires a curb'to prevent the asphalt from breaking off if an errant truck drives off the access aisle. To meet this requirement, Hawkins has proposed a barrier (B612) curb at all curves greater than 45 degrees, at the loading dock, and at the rail storage facility. Hawkins has stated that the facility will employ between eight and twelve people. Eleven parking stalls are provided at the' new building along with nineteen "proof of parking" stalls associated with the interior access road, and forty one (41) parking stalls within the existing parking lot by the old CNR office building. This parking plan fulfills the forty nine (49) required parking stalls. Building Use Area Parking Code Parking Required Manufacturing Equivalent Caliper Caliper Inches 13 stalls Trees Proposed Inches Required Overage 85 — 8 foot White Pines 340 inches 338 Inches 2 Inches G The City counts every two feet in height of a conifer as equivalent to one caliper inch of a tree Access and Parking Access to the site is from the existing parking lot and northern access to' the US Highway 52 frontage road. From the north side of the parking lot, a new access to Feed Products will be constructed but will not require a new access to the .frontage road. The interior access road will be asphalt pavementwith mostly flat concrete curb. The City Code requires a curb'to prevent the asphalt from breaking off if an errant truck drives off the access aisle. To meet this requirement, Hawkins has proposed a barrier (B612) curb at all curves greater than 45 degrees, at the loading dock, and at the rail storage facility. Hawkins has stated that the facility will employ between eight and twelve people. Eleven parking stalls are provided at the' new building along with nineteen "proof of parking" stalls associated with the interior access road, and forty one (41) parking stalls within the existing parking lot by the old CNR office building. This parking plan fulfills the forty nine (49) required parking stalls. Building Use Area Parking Code Parking Required Manufacturing 4,000 s . ft. 1 stall per 300 s . ft. 13 stalls Warehousing 51,690 s . ft. 1 stall per 2,000 s . ft. 26 stalls 'Office 2,100 s . ft. 1 stall per 300 s . ft. 7 stall Lab 850 s . ft. 1 stall per 300 s . ft. 3 stalls 4 Truck Loading 8,640 s . ft. n/a None Total 67,280 s . ft. n/a 49 stalls Parking Provided Proof of Parking Parking Required Overage 11 stalls 60 stalls 71 stalls 22 stalls Lighting Hawkins has provided a lighting plan that meets code and shows that light does not spill beyond the property line.. Utilities Hawkins is proposing to hook onto the existing twelve inch water line along the frontage road and MN Highway 55 and into the sanitary sewer line along US Highway 52. Hawkins is working with the City Engineer to ensure that the sanitary sewer line can be extended to the east to serve Feed Products in the future. The stormwater system will employ ponds, swales, and infiltration basins that will be fed via overland sheet flow. The'City Engineer's memorandum contains several corrects or additions to the plans but none of ihese issues such result in changes to the proposed site plan. RECOMMENDATION Staff has prepared a recommendation of approval for the PUD and the PUD agreement. r t S p a +r 7 r a rP Y 1 5 AL I r wal A 61� - rr 1� _ .. `'`� I , y � Imo;:' r •_. � i �. _ ',� ' � ;I• , I �� � 4 C c G� C) 4W. N.o 2 7 N co C = O U Q U r E �= O u v "= o or C 0-c N.0 •T (0 C U N co @ c ( D «- • V U j N U •� L � W E �,. AL I r wal A 61� - rr 1� _ .. `'`� I , y � Imo;:' r •_. � i �. _ ',� ' � ;I• , I �� � 4 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2011 - ARESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) FINAL SITE AND BUILDING PLAN FOR HAWKINS, INC. WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Hawkins, Inc. requesting a planned unit development (PUD) final site and building plan concerning property legally described as: That part of the North Half of Section 19, Township 115, Range 18, and.the South Half of Section 18, Township 155, Range 18, all in Dakota County, Minnesota described as follows: Commencing at the Southeast corner of the Northeast Quarter of Northwest Quarter of said Section 19; thence North, along the North - South center line of said Section 19, to a point of beginning which is 2929.96 feet Nor_ th of the North right -of -way line of the Chicago and North Western Railway, (said right -of -way line is 200 feet North of the center line of track in place), measured along said North -South center line; 'thence deflect to the right 26 degrees 24 minutes 10 seconds a disfance of 476.29 feet; thence deflect to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds a distance 113.17 feet; thence Northeasterly through a point on the North line of said Section 19, said point being 318.23 feet'East of the Northeast'comer of the Northeast Quarter of the Northwest Quarter of said Section 19 to a point which is 150 feet Southwesterly from and at right angles to the center line of State Trunk Highway No. 55; thence deflect to the left 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds along a line which is 150 feet Southwesterly from and at right angles to the center line of said State Trunk Highway, a distance of 743.10 feet to point of beginning; thence continue along said parallel line a distance of 1269.64 feet; thence deflect to, the left 52 degrees 12 minutes 34 seconds along a Brie which extended Southwesterly intersects a point 600 feet north of and 225 east of the Southwest corner of said Section 18, a distance of 681.87 feet; thence deflect left 90 degree 00 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 478.16 feet; thence deflect left 35 degrees 47 minutes 26 seconds a distance of 1105.15 feet; thence deflect left 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 22.24 feet; thence deflect right 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 175.40 feet; thence deflect left 90 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds, a distance of 810.50 feet to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, on August 23, 2011, the,Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the requested application; and . 3 WHEREAS, on August 23, 2011, the Planning Commission recommended approval of die requested applications, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on September 20, 2011, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED,, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the planned unit development (PUD) final site and building plan of Hawkins, Inc., subject to: 1. The setback to the south- property line for structures less than 250 feet tall shall be 75 feet. 2. The roof top cooling tower shall be of a color compatible with the north elevation color pattern. The roof top scrubber unit shall be located south of (behind) the cooling tower. RESOLUTION 2011- 3. The sanitary sewer line shall be designed to serve Feed Products to the east and a drainage and utility easement in the interest of the City shall be recorded over the sewer line. 4. Compliance with the Conditions within the City Engineer's Memorandum dated September 14, 2011. ADOPTED this 20` day of September, 2011, by the City Council of the City-of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: r Amy Domeier, City Clerk t r e � F c s z re 2 a 4 Y DECLARATION OF COVENANTS, AND RESTRICTIONS HAWKINS, INC. FINAL SITE AND BUILDING PLAN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made this 20 day of September, 2011, by Hawkins, Inc. (hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant "); WHEREAS, Declarant' is. the owner of the real property as described on Attachment One, attached hereto and hereby made a part hereof (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Subject Property "); and WHEREAS, the Subject.. Property' is subject to certain zoning and land use restrictions imposed by the City of Rosemount (hereinafter`referred to as the "City ") in connection with the approval of an application for a master development plan planned unit development for a residential development on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City has approved such development on the basis of the determination by the City Council of the City that such development is acceptable only by reason of the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject Property; and that but for the details of the development proposed and- the unique land use characteristics of such proposed use, the master development plan planned unit development would not have been approved; and 1 r s " WHEREAS as - 5i condition of a royal of the master develo ment , ln" lanned unit Pp P p p development, the City has required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (hereinafter the "Declaration "); and WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of such planned unit development, Declarant desires to subject the`Subject Property to the terms hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents, plans and drawings: a. City Resolution No. 2011 -xx, Attachment Two a b. Paving and Landscape Plan, Attachment Three C. Grading and Erosion Control Plan, Attachment Four d. Utility Plan, Attachment Five e. Floor Plans' Attachment Six e. Exterior Elevations and Roof Plan, Attachment Seven all of which attachments are copies of original documents_, on file with the City and are made a part hereof. 2. The Subject Property may only be developed and used in accordance with Paragraph 1 of`this Declaration unless the owner firsf secures approval'by the City Council of an amendment to the planned unit development plan or a rezoning to a zoning classification that permits such other development and use. t a 2 3. In . connection with . the approval of development of the Subject Property, the following deviations from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions were approved: a. Section' 11-4-16-1 F. 5. HI Minimum Setback: The minimum setback to the project `south property line, shall be 75 feet for all buildings and structures less than 250 feet in height. The project west (US Highway 52), project north (Minnesota Highway 55), and project east (Feed Products) setbacks shall comply with the HI: Heavy Industrial Zoning District. B In all other respects the use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the requirements of the Paragraph I bf this Declaration and the City Code of Ordinances. 4. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration "run with the land of the Subject . Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and `the owner of owners of the lot or, lots to be affected by said amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT Hawkins,'Inc. BY Its (SEAL) 3 t j STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument Was acknowledged before - me this day of 2011, by the for and on behalf of a by and on behalf of said Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145 STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 4 651- 423 -4411 t J 3 L i e t 4 h y F €: L �szs�ssrse 6)ozrsrae�se sussew' +tee enwn £LbSS NW'SIIOdV'3NNIW AnN3AVNId3NN3H '30N£ NW '1Nf10W3S021 .r p w za a `g ° �a C- ~ p,.N..q VNE ��i eul,aau!eu3 `SNDIMdH JNi(nn8 3snOH32ib'N1 � p €a #3 G x 8 Z U ONI /301430 43SOdO2Jd M B <� / 8 lei LU to • %t LU f MTPO Mo P • , K•• 'f, .r • • Mz CL LA � - lll NY � 7 L �szs�ssrse 6)ozrsrae�se sussew' +tee enwn £LbSS NW'SIIOdV'3NNIW AnN3AVNId3NN3H '30N£ NW '1Nf10W3S021 $ g� E p w za a `g ° �a C- ~ p,.N..q VNE ��i eul,aau!eu3 `SNDIMdH JNi(nn8 3snOH32ib'N1 � p €a #3 G x 8 Z U ONI /301430 43SOdO2Jd M B <� / 8 J F W W LLJ H0 re Z O ° U z) 'g � m m U r � 0 �90 7 TTfl7 ZTT TTTI7T Tr1ZTT l OO i OO � T �f�l`l I/N IIyI O Ir Q 10� 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 l Cce 1 1 1 G 1LLQQL i J a � / 8 w � ~ , " -, ~ w ~ LU LU LL 0 ^ UOSJe ONI'SNNMVH /30171:30 (13SOdO�I]d f " HIM - w (DO, ^ LU Of CO ~ � cc MH LLI ^ ~ � ^ C1,V99 NNIN NVViNnoiN3so6 , \ ; M99 NA "x,l ... a p4m C P_ —1-1 �mNSAVNId3NN31H 30OLE ONimine �isn .Oul )Uljeeu!BU3 ONI 'SNI>IMVH /301-4=10 (13SOdMid u0sie ( ) \� � �\ 0 \�\ . �, , ,�� \ Lu U, 0 0 LU zo 0 ®2 CL U) /iz a/ V+ z JL : ` { , O-- --------- -- ,j � I I V FA 5 1 @). - --- — -- --------- ------- 4L- i t— rFF I T 0 NW 'junowasoU 'out l igunime . H ❑o.l Su!pllne posodOld 1 B.P-6.3 uosie- ja al/V [nLdjq O-- --------- -- ,j � I I V FA 5 1 @). - --- — -- --------- ------- 4L- i t— rFF I T 0 -------- ------- - LO NW 'junowasoki O 'Oul'SUPIM E5 ii F :jo.1 Buipling posodOJd msouulw jo Buu;;ulBu3 UOSJL,-1 :� I NXI I I 31 I H I I I la aw tnL"I..jj - -------- ------- - LO If O O E5 ii F If O O I ii F - 0 IS •-hrl, k . I ii F •-hrl, k . Iu O p�. NW '1NnOW3SOU OIH.Aan 5` JNUHO11BOIH31X3 IVOIW3HOlNnOW3SOd _ § z a �! c ey s •)3,.'ii Siff - 'r }e` } R -31 M tT z" i� ; .: , J`e _ T } r' t €A i; E Eei - 1 t a9 o li °• 1 !° F I 1 i '� ■ 1 c g EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION MEETING AUGUST 23, 2011 b. Hawkins, Inc. Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan (11- 27 -FDP). Senior Planner Zweber stated Hawkins, Inc. is purchasing approximately 25 acres of the former Continental Nitrogen Resources (CNR) pr6perty located on the southeast corner of US Highway 52 and MN Highway 55._ Mr. Zweber further reviewed the staff report. Mr. Zweber stated that Condition #6 in the staff report was an error and should be removed. Chairperson Powell asked staff about the interim surface treatment where the building will be located, the monument sign at the entrance, the access drive and maintenance of the ponds. Mr. Zweber responded that the surface` treatment will be a type of native vegetation that requires low maintenance. He further stated the monument signs at the entrance will need separate staff approval and the access drive is required to provide access to Feed Products. Project Engineer Olson responded that the ponds are private ponds and will be maintained by the owner, not the City. Commissioner Miller asked staff if there were certain requirements as to how the masonry is applied in Condition #4. Mr. Zweber replied that there is some latitude in the condition as to how the applicant applies the masonry. The intent of the requirement is mainly for long term maintenance and aesthetics. Commissioner Miller then asked the purpose of the bollards requirement of Condition #7 and the proof of parking requirement in Condition #8. Mr. Zweber replied that the bollards will help prevent road surface erosion and provides a safety measure to keep the trucks on the road. He further stated that Hawkins may not currently need additional parking but the code requires them to be able to show that space is available for additional parking should it ever be needed in the future. Commissioner Miller asked staff if there is any requirement for the applicant to provide proof of maintenance of the stormwater ponds. Mr. Olson responded that there are no specific forms or checks in place to assure that the applicant maintains their ponds, however, staff would respond to any complaints issued regarding insufficient upkeep with an inspection at that time. Chairperson Powell asked if the City could deem the applicant noncompliant if they do not maintain the stormwater ponds. Mr. Olson responded that if the applicant does not maintain the ponds correctly in accordance with code and their grading plans, then it would be out of compliance with City ordinance and enforcement measures would need to be taken. The Applicant was present but did not have comment. The public hearing was opened at T07p.m. There were no public comments. MOTION by Irving to close the public hearing. Second by Demuth. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion approved. The public hearing was closed at 7:07p.m. Commissioner -Miller asked Mr. Zweber if there was alternative language to use in Condition #7 so as not'to restrict the applicant to bollards only. Mr. Zweber stated that the phrase "or other acceptable truck barriers" could be added to Condition #7. MOTION by Irving recommend that the City Council approve the Planned Unit Development Final Site & Building Plan, subject to ,the following conditions which includes the removal of Condition #6 and the addition to Condition #7: 1. The setback to the south property line and the east property line for structures less than 250 feet tall shall be 75 feet. 2. Submission of a revised Landscape Plan that fulfills the requirements of the equivalent of 338 caliper inches of trees. Trees should be concentrated along the north and west street frontages at a minim spacing of one tree per 50 feet and as landscaping within the infiltration basins. 3. The north elevation of the building shall be revised to include a minimum of four (4) exposed aggregate concrete panels to create a column effect every 90 feet. The exposed aggregate panels shall be a dark earth tone and the finished concrete panels shall be a light earth tone. The concrete panel of the truck loading bays shall have a horizontal colored band in the same color pattern as the north elevation. 4. The rail service shed (garage) shall have at least 40% masonry per the HI -Heavy Industrial building standards. 5. The roof top cooling tower shall be of a color compatible with the -north elevation color pattern. The roof top scrubber unit shall be located south of (behind) the cooling tower. 6. Removal of the ve" sign aft the south fitgade faeing the teside!ftts spu� of 454 St 7. Bollards, or other acceptable truck barriers, shall be installed at any access drive radius greater than 45 degrees, at the intersection of the loading dock and the access drive, and at intersection of the rail service shed and the access drive. 8. Submission of the parking lot layout of the parking lot west of the existing office to ensure that there is parking and proof of parking for 130 parking stalls. Additional proof of parking stalls shall be designed if the total is less than 130 parking stalls. 9. The sanitary sewer line shall be designed to serve Feed Products to the east and a drainage and utility easement in the interest of the City shall be recorded over the sewer line. 10. The stormwater plan shall be revised to ensure that the pond designs and site stormwater system meet the City requirements. Second by Miller. Ayes: 5. Nays: None. Motion carried. As follow -up, Mr. Zweber stated this item will go before the City Council at their regular meeting on September 20, 2011, provided the applicant submits revised plans to staff by September 6, 2011. F ROSEMO PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: September 14, 2011 TO: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Ahdrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works /City Engineer Kathie Hanson, Planning Department Secretary Chris Watson, Management Analyst FROM: Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer RE: Hawkins, Inc. Site Plan Review SUBMITTAL: Prepared by MFRA and Larson Engineering Inc., the Hawkins, Inc. site plan was received September 9, 2011. The review comments within this memo were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: • w Paving and Landscape Plan, dated September 6, 2011. • Grading and Erosion Control, dated September 6, 201 i. • Utility, Plan, dated September 6, 2011. • Boundary Topographic Survey,,. dated June 14, 2011. • Proposed Conditions_ Hydrocad Model, (36 sheets), dated September 9, 2011. • Existing Drainage Map, submitted August 10, 2011. • Proposed Drainage Map, submitted September 9, 2011. r • Water Quality Storage, dated September 9, 2011. • Parking Plan, dated September 6, 2011. DEVELOPMENT FEES: 1. Development fees are based on 2011 Fee Resolution and are estimated for the site as follows: • ' Sewer Connection Fees — SAC units are calculated by MCES: o MCES Fee $2,230 /SAC o City Fee = $1,200 /SAC • Water Access Charge: 0 2" Meter = $19,600 0 6" Meter,= $39,250 0 8" Meter = $44,150 1 . 3 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT PLAN: , 1. The City requires a minimum storm sewer pipe diameter of 15 inches. The storm sewer on the east side of the site will serve areas from offsite should be sized according to the proposed conditions 10 -year event design capacity with a minim size of 15 inches. 2. The storm sewer design calculations for the 10 year event design flow rate with the 100 -year event pond discharge are required to be supplied. The stormwater management plan and storm sewer calculations should include the conveyance of offsite stormwater from the north and east of the site. 3. The stormwater modeling should not use infiltration during the event to determine the high water, elevations for the 100 -year, 24 -hour event. Please provide and updated digital model with the infiltration outlets removed. 4. The Hydrocad`stormwater modeling of the railroad tracks with an SCS curve number of 61 does not represent the fully developed conditions for subwatersheds 20S, 21S, and 22S. The stormwater model input for these subcatchments should be modified to represent the gravel railroad bed under the tracks. The SCS curve number for this area should be 85 in the modeling. The high water elevations for Ponds 14P and Infiltration Area 2 should be updated based on this modification. The high water elevations should be updated and the overflow structure elevations adjusted accordingly. 5. The Pond 9 stormwater model input should have a starting elevation of 903.0 to reflect the ,proposed storm sewer outlet. 6. The emergency overflow (EOF) routes and elevations should be added to Grading Plan Sheet C2. The EOF from each pond, infiltration area, depression,, and low point should be shown on the plan. If a pipe is an emergency overflow it should be labeled as such. 7. The proposed drainage area map should include the proposed storm sewer system to define the stormwater routing. The map should include storm water flow patterns for the site and all elements defined in.the City Engineering Guidelines. 8. The Utility Plan (Sheet C3) Pond 4 and 14 outlet structure data does not correspond to the detail shown on the plan sheet. The plan data indicates the pipe slope will not provide for 0.5' of skimming from the crown of the inlet pipe to the invert at the structure. The FES invert of the pipe should be lowered 0.5' and the pipe slope should be revised to provide for skimming consistent with the City Engineering Guidelines: GRADING PLAN: 1. Drainage and utility easements are °required over the storm sewer system and emergency overflow routes on the eastern end of the site° Easements should be shown on the grading plan. 2. The elevations and contours of the future railroad spurs should be shown on the grading plan. 3. Please verify that the proposed 12" HDPE pipe under a railroad spur on the south end of the project will be designed for railroad loading. .a 4. Please verify that the condition of the 30" pipe in the southeast corner` of the site'is adequate and is capable of handling the additional loading of the.proposed railroad spurs. Also,'the existing pipe should be shown on the topographic survey plan sheet. SANITARY SEWER EXTENSION COMMENTS: 1. The extension of main line sanitary sewer will be required to be a public project and funded by developing properties. A brief feasibility report has been prepared to detail the sewer service area, anticipated costs and proposed funding. The City is currently working with the adjacent developers on the timing and funding of the sewer extension project. 2. A City drainage and utility easement is required over the main line sanitary sewer and for access across the site. The easement shall be located in an area which is accessible to City maintenance staff. 3. Part of the drainage and utility easement will be required on the property south Hawkins, Inc. Additional coordination will be required by the developer to secure this easement on behalf of the City. 4. The proposed private water main alignment will need to be revised through the final design of the sanitary sewer. xCoordination will be with the, developer through the design process. Should you have any questions or'comments regarding the'items listed above, please contact me at 651 - 322 -2015. 9 S =