HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.F. Council goal setting 4 ROSEtv1GUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMA „ RY CITY COUNCIL City Council Workshop Meeting: January 11, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Council goal setting 7 DA CTION: A 5 S &I4 PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator AGENDA NO. Z, ATTACHMENTS: proposed agenda; department issue APPROVED BY: papers u �� RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review the proposed agenda and plans for the Council goal setting meeting BACKGROUND The Council plans to hold its annual goal setting session meeting. Staff requests that the Council review the several items below to help prepare for the meeting. DISCUSSION Items for discussion: 1. Re- confirm date /time /location of the meeting.' The meeting is planned for Saturday, January 21 at City Hall. Originally, we asked the Council to set aside the time from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. However, Kim Shoe - Corrigan must leave by 2:00 p.m. 2. Review the attached proposed agenda for the meeting. It generally follows the pattern of the last several goal setting meetings. 3. Review the attached "issue” papers developed by each Department Director and determine which staff members, if any, need to be asked to attend the Goals meeting. 4. Discuss with staff any special arrangements or logistics such as -food, supplies, etc. Draft Agenda for Goal Setting Meeting January 21, 2012 8:00 a.m. Review of agenda and desired outcomes 8:15 a.m. City Administrator: review of 2011 goals, financial outlook and possible 2012 issues 9:00 a.m. Council discussion: what went right in 2011 and what needs to change in 2012 9:45 a.m. Break 10:00 a.m. Discussion of desired amenities 10:45 a.m. Discussion of longer term goals 11:30 a.m. Lunch break 12:00 p.m. Develop list of possible 2012 -2013 goals; consolidate similar goals 1:00 p.m. Prioritize goals 2:00 p.m. Adjourn 4 ROSEMOUNT POLICE DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator From: Gary Kalstabakken, Chief of Police Date: January 4, 2012 Subject: Police Department — Issues for the Future The issues the Police Department will face in future years are dependent, at least in some cases, upon the development of the City. The speed of any growth will impact the Department and the type of development that occurs will also have an impact. Staffing Issues Succession Planning— Significant turnover is anticipated in the supervisory and management positions within the Department within the next five (5) years. Retirements are anticipated within that time frame of the chief, lieutenant and records supervisor. In addition, two patrol supervisors (sergeants) may leave about five years from now. This leaves one sergeant remaining of the existing supervisory /management staff. While many factors may alter the plans of the individuals in the positions, it is predictable that there will be departures over the next 5 years. General Staffing— The Department has maintained the same staffing level for a few years now and that level has been adequate. As development occurs, additional police officers and office staff will be needed. Housing developments will bring more residents, traffic concerns and retail demands. Retail development, particularly any big box retail, may have a greater impact than residential development. Based on the experience of cities with big box retail, we can anticipate more financial card transaction fraud, theft /shoplifting, thefts from vehicles and other related criminal activity at large retailers than occurs at the existing strip mall complexes. Currently our staffing levels allow for sufficient coverage and response times. Because the majority of development is located within the western third of the community, resources can be dedicated as needed in the more densely populated area. However, if development occurs more on the eastern and center sections of the community, it will be more difficult to provide the same level of service with existing staff. As development occurs there will be a need and an expectation that patrol officers will patrol and quickly respond throughout the new developments. Crime Trends Crime trends have been good (declining) over the last decade - including the last few years. In addition to the comments included already about retail development, other crime issues can be anticipated based on demographic changes and experiences in other communities. Fraud and theft cases facilitated via the Internet are increasing. These crimes are difficult to investigate and prosecute due to the suspect being located virtually anywhere in the state or country. As the population ages, we will see more cases of the financial exploitation of vulnerable adults, as well as abuse and mistreatment. Fire. Department Issues 1) Delay of Tender replacement. 2) Lack of full time employees. 3) Level of fire call compensation. 4) No television at station 2. 5) No increase of retirement benefits in 5 years. 6) Delay of replacement and age of PU trucks. Vehicle Current Age Projected Age Chief 1 (1999) 13 14 Chief 2 (2003) 10 14 Brush 12 (1991) 22 24 Brush 11 (2000) 12 15 Brush 21 (1996) 17 23 7) Water smell and quality at station 1. 8) HVAC temperatures at station 2. 9) Roof leaks at station 2. 4 ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION M E M O R A N D U M To: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: January 3, 2012 Subject: Issues Memo for 2012 The following issues are items that the Parks and Recreation Department is being mindful of as we continue our short and long term planning efforts. • Staff will continue to work to meet the needs of a community that has many young families with children and also an aging population of baby- boomers. • Funding sources will need to be identified for replacing or 'making major repairs to aging facilities such as the Erickson Park shelter, Rosemount Community Center and Steeple Center. • Many of the desired recreational amenities that have been discussed for the community do not have an identified funding source to pay for the construction or operation. • Staff expects that additional staffing and an increase in operating funds will be needed should the City open a new Senior /Activity Center. • There has been opposition from RAAA, Dakota REV and RAHA with regards to paying new fees for using park facilities. Please let know if you have any questions about this memo. Johnson, Dwight From: Foster, Emmy Sent: Tuesday, January 03, 2012 4:08 PM To: Johnson, Dwight Subject: Administration Issues Hi Dwight: Two issues that I anticipate occurring in 2012 and beyond are: 1. Labor Negotiations: We are currently in negotiations with each of the 4 unions for contracts in 2012. While a two year contract settlement would be desirable, realistically I anticipate that we may have a few one year contracts. Wage issues seem to be the major area of concern. 2. Staff turn - over /Retirement: We have a large number of staff members who may be retiring in the next few years. This includes personnel from the bottom to the top. Our City Administrator, Fire Chief, PW Superintendent, and some support personnel may decide to retire in the next couple of years. Our Police Chief, Lieutenant, Sergeants and a few key support personnel are eligible to retire in the next few years. To be clear, no one has officially given word, so we can only anticipate at this time. Succession planning in an organization of our size is difficult. If I think of anything else, I will let you know. Also, if you have anything to add, feel free to do so. Thanks, Emmy Emmy Foster Assistant City Administrator City of Rosemount 2875 —145 St. W Rosemount, MN 55068 651 - 322 - 2002. 1 4ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator From: Andy Brotzler, Director of Public Works /City Engineer Date: January 3, 2012 Re: Future Public Works Items for Consideration As requested, following are Public Works items for future consideration and discussion. • With the anticipated addition of the UMore ball fields being brought online in the fall of 2012, additional funding will be necessary for operational maintenance of the complex. • We are approaching a point in our fleet replacement schedule where several large items will be approaching the anticipated useful life. To assist with the decision making process for evaluating the replacement of fleet equipment, there are several models that have been obtained that assign a point scoring system. The goal of these systems once adopted is to reduce the subjectivity from the decision for when to replace items based on pre- established parameters. It would be our goal to review these parameters in 2012 with Council for adoption and implementation with purchasing decisions in 2013. • With the aging of the city trail system, a preliminary trail and sidewalk maintenance program is being developed. As part of the development of this program, maintenance level goals will need to be determined along with associated funding needs and sources. • As previously noted, staff has recently begun a review of alternate de -icing programs that utilize liquid brines. We will continue this evaluation for future consideration to transition to the use of liquid brines in addition to the current practice of 100% salt for de- icing. A transition to the use of liquid brines will require coordination with Dakota County along with potential capital investment for equipment and brine storage onsite. We look forward to working with you and the Council on these items in the future. Please let me know if there are additional items that should be included for consideration. 4 ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA M E M O R A N D U M To: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator From: Jeff May, Finance Director Date: « January 5, 2012 Subject: 2012 Finance Department Issues Finance Department issues for 2012: • Trying to do more with the same resources. One of the biggest issues we face is the ever increasing reporting requirements that are often times incredibly time consuming. Whether the requirements come from the State of Minnesota, our insurance carrier or internally, these "information gathering" projects put a tremendous strain on our resources. • Continuing to meet high expectations. It is getting more and more difficult to come up with solutions to -lower taxes or have "extra funds" to complete projects and continue to maintain the same level of service, or in some cases, a higher level of service (added amenities including the Steeple Center, the DCTC soccer fields and the future ball fields on the UMore site). We have paid off or "internally defeased" most of our "G.O. levy" debt. In order to continue to lower our levy we may be at a point that we will have to look at reducing services or adding new revenue sources. There are a few small things that we can do for the next year or two to try to maintain our levy but after that if we want to continue down that path we will have to look at the more unpopular alternatives like a street light utility or an electric or gas franchise fee. Those are viable options that many other communities have but are extremely unpopular to implement. • 2012 Community Development Issues Economic Development Issues: • Hotel attraction • Business Park Attraction /Marketing • Marketing of Genz Ryan Site • Steeple Center Redevelopment o Senior Center o Senior Housing o` Utility Relocation /upgrades o Pocket park planning & design o Grant Management • Partnership with Greater MSP, Chamber, DCTC • Work with private developers for pre -plan of utilities and access UMore Development: • Mining Ordinance • Mining Permit • AUAR • Business Park Marketing Strategy • Participate in Academic Mission Activities as requested Residential Growth • Work with Ryland for final approvals • - Monitor Lennar and DR Horton neighborhoods • Continue follow up with Klein Bank • Work with County on Regional trails Building Division • Training for new Fire Marshall /Code Compliance • Improve rental unit licensing compliance Officer • Provide good service to new projects: o Hawkins o McDonalds o Proto Lab o Residential Builders Other • Grant Applications • Department Budget • City -wide GIS Applications