HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.E. Large Gathering on Public Park Land Ordinance 4 RJSENS4 S UNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL P 4 City Council Work Session. Meeting: February 15, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Large Gathering on Public Park Land AGENDA SECTION: Ordinance Discussion PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and AGENDA NO . . Recreation ATTACHMENTS: Current Ordinance for a Large Gathering On Public Park Land and proposed APPROVED BY: application. p � RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. ISSUE After discussing a few summer rentals that have taken place in Central Park, staff from the Police, Administration and Parks and Recreation Departments reviewed the Large Gathering on Park Land Ordinance, the application forms and the trigger number for the Large Gathering on Public Parkland. Some large events that have taken place at Central Park in the past have had issues with trash, restrooms, parking, not calling in utility locates and bringing in equipment into the park that might impact future users. Typically, the park locations that could accommodate large user groups would include Erickson Park, Central Park, Shannon Park and the DCTC Soccer Complex. In most cases, large events that take place at an athletic complex do not pose as many issues because the user groups are rotating use of the space or the site has been designed to accommodate events. After ;discussing with the City Attorney the possibility of exempting athletic tournaments from the ordinance, the City Attorney felt that staff could be given the authority to exempt events from applying for the Large Gathering Permit should they feel the proposed event does not raise concerns. BACKGROUND The u ose of the Large Gathering on Public Park Land Ordinance is to regulate and control the p � g g g assembly of large numbers of persons on city park land and to establish regulations which promote the health, safety and welfare of large public gatherings organized on city park land. (Ord. XVI.49, 7 -16- 2002). The current ordinance defines "large gathering" as a gathering numbering more than one thousand two hundred (1,200) persons; or actions by one or more persons the intention of which is to attract and assemble a gathering of persons in excess of one thousand two hundred (1,200) persons at a single time on city park land. The current ordinance requires an application for a large assembly license (application fee of $150) shall be made in writing and filed with the City Clerk no less than sixty (60) days in advance of the proposed date for the large assembly, upon forms provided by the City Clerk. SUMMARY Staff feels that the Large Gathering on Public Park Land Ordiriance should be amended. Staff suggests the trigger number should be decreased from 1,200 people to 500 people and that the application forms should be updated to collect additional data from potential event coordinators. Also, as recommended by the City attorney, staff would be given the authority to exempt events from applying for the large gathering permit should they feel the proposed event does not raise concerns. A e 3 Chapter 5 LARGE PUBLIC GATHERINGS ON CITY PARK LAND 4 -5 -1: PURPOSE: 4-5-2: DEFINITIONS:: 4 -5 -3: LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: 4 -5-4: APPLICATION FOR LICENSE: 4 -5 -5: LICENSE FEES: 4 -5 -6: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: 4 -5 -7: ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS: 4 -5 -8: PENALTY: 4 -5 -1: PURPOSE: The purpose of this chapter is to regulate and control the assembly of.Iarge`numbers of persons on city park` land and to establish regulations which promote the health, safety and welfare of large public gatherings organized on city park land. (Ord. XVI.49, 7 -16 -2002) 4 -5 -2: DEFINITIONS: "Large assembly" means a gathering numbering more than one thousand two hundred (1,200) persons; or actions by one or more persons the intention of which is to attract and assemble a gathering of persons in excess of one thousand two hundred (1,200) persons at a single time on city park land. (Ord. XVI.49, 7 -16- 2002) 4 -5 -3: LICENSE REQUIREMENTS: No person shall permit, maintain, promote, conduct, advertise, manage, sell, barter or give tickets to an actual or reasonably anticipated`assembly of one thousand two hundred (1,200) or more people on city park land unless a license to hold the assembly has been first issued by the city council as provided herein. In to the permit required herein, the applicant must possess and submit to the city any other necessary state, county or city licenses and /or permits necessary to carry on the assembly. (Ord. XVI.49, 7 -16 -2002) 4 -5 -4: APPLICATION FOR LICENSE: The application for a large assembly license shall be made in writing and filed with the city clerk no less than sixty (60) days in advance of the proposed date for the large assembly, upon forms provided by the city clerk. The application shall contain, without limitation, the following information: A. The name, age, residence, social security number and mailing address of the applicant, if an individual, all partners if a partnership and all officers of the corporation if the applicant is a corporation. B. A full description of the nature, purpose and extent of the proposed large assembly. C. The maximum number of persons which the proposed large assembly will attract at any given time, together ° with the dates and hours during which the proposed large assembly will be conducted. D. A full description of plans for sound amplification and sound control to be utilized by the. applicant. E. Plans for food or other concessions which will be provided. F. A detailed plan to ensure waste disposal, sanitary facilities, inspections of vehicle or equipment, post event cleanup and other necessary precautions to prevent pollution to land or ponds. G. All other information required or requested by the city council or the parks and recreation department. (Ord. XVI.37, 4 -15 -1997) 4 -5 -5: LICENSE FEES: The license fee shall be set from time to time by city council resolution. A. The license fee shall be nonrefundable. B. As a condition of granting a license the city may require establishing of a cash escrow to be deposited with the city clerk. The cash escrow shall be used to guarantee payment by the applicant of the city's costs for planning, sanitation, health, traffic control, law enforcement services and other city costs which are directly attributable to the large assembly. (Ord. XVI.37, 4 -15 -1997) 4 -5 -6: CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL: The city council may impose any condition reasonably required to protect the health, safety and welfare of the general public and the persons assembled. A violation of any of the conditions shall be a violation of this chapter. (Ord. XVI.37, 4 -15 -1997) 4 -5 -7: ADDITIONAL REGULATIONS: The following regulat must be complied with: A. -No person granted a permit pursuant to this chapter shall gain a vested right to obtain such permits in the future. B. By making application, the applicant consents to permitting officers and agents of the city to enter the event area at all times to investigate the activities and to determine whether the conditions of the permit and all applicable laws are being complied with. C. A surety bond or other financial guarantee approved as to form by the city clerk in an amount deemed sufficient by the city council to guarantee performance by the applicant of the conditions may be imposed by the city council in granting the large assembly license. D. A comprehensive general liability insurance policy, naming the city as an additional insured, covering any and all damages, claims or other liabilities arising out of the operation of the large assembly whether incurred by the city or by any other association or person. Government agencies do not apply,to this condition. • E. No person holding a large assembly license shall permit and no participant in a Iarge.assembly shall remain overnight at the location of a large assembly, except for a reasonable number of persons required for security purposes. (Ord. XVI.37, 4 -15 -1997) 4 -5 -8: PENALTY: Any person violating any provision of this chapter is guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished as described in title 1, chapter 4 of this code. (Ord. XII.21, 6 -15 -2004) 4 a