HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Utility Reimbursement Agreement between the City and University of MN 4 ROSEIvKI1LINT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL. City Council Meeting: February 21, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Utility Reimbursement Agreement AGENDA SECTION: between the City and University of MN Consent PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development AGENDA NO. (rf. Director ATTACHMENTS: - Reimbursement Agreement APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve Reimbursement Agreement for Utility System Evaluation Between the City of Rosemount and the University of MN ISSUE Staff has been meeting with the University of the MN regarding development of the UMore property for some time. One of the questions raised during the discussions is the capacity of the current in -place utility system to service development without expansion of the service. WSB, the City's engineering consultant, has submitted a scope of services for a utility system evaluation. WSB will continue to be a consultant to the City, however, similar to other developers the cost of the study will be reimbursed by the University. The attached agreement sets out the terms of the repayment. The City Attorney has reviewed the document and finds it acceptable. RECOMMENDATION Recommend approval of the attached agreement for reimbursement of the Utility System Evaluation Study for UMore properties. • REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR UTILITY SYSTEM EVALUATION THIS REIMBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR UTILITY SYSTEM EVALUATION (the "Agreement "), is entered into effective , 2012 ( "Effective Date "), by and between Regents of the University of Minnesota (the "University ") and City of Rosemount (the " City " RECITALS WHEREAS, the University owns approximately 5,000 acres of land commonly known as UMore Park within the City and Empire Township; and WHEREAS, the University's Board of Regents approved a concept master plan for UMore Park for the residential, commercial, industrial, institutional and recreational development of UMore Park; and WHEREAS, the City desires to complete an evaluation w co uation of the water and sanitary Y p Y sewer systems' capacity to serve the proposed development of UMore Park; WHEREAS, the University seeks additional information regarding such systems and their impact on phasing of development in UMore Park; WHEREAS, the University has agreed to reimburse the City for certain fees and costs the City is required to pay in connection with the evaluation of such systems; and WHEREAS, the University and the City desire to enter into this Agreement to memorialize the specifics of the allocation of responsibilities and the University's commitment regarding its reimbursement of certain of the City's expenses related to the evaluation of the water and sanitary sewer systems. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual obligations of the parties contained herein, it is agreed by the parties as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Term of Agreement. The term ( "Term ") of this Agreement shall commence on the Effective Date and continue until the earlier of (i) the date WSB completes the Work, both as defined in Section 2, and (ii) , 2012. 2. Water and Sanitary Sewer System Review. a. The City has retained WSB & Associates, Inc. ( "WSB ") to perform an evaluation of the water and sanitary sewer systems' capacity to serve the proposed development of UMore Park as described in the work plan and schedule set forth in the letter dated 515486 December 22, 2011, which is attached to this Agreement as Exhibit A. The services to be provided by WSB pursuant to said letter will be referred to herein as the "Work ". The City has approved the work plan and schedule. The University agrees that the work plan and schedule are acceptable. The University is responsible for fees charged by WSB as provided in Section 3, below. b. Schedule. The City will use its best efforts to complete the Work in accordance with the schedule attached in Exhibit A. c. Cooperation; Consultation with University. The City and the University intend to work cooperatively to economically and efficiently complete the Work. The City will regularly (at least weekly) consult with the University regarding the progress of the Work, will give the University prior written notice of any meetings between City staff and WSB, and will use its best efforts to accommodate any requests made by the University related to the Work. d. Additional Development Phasing Scenarios. The City will not request that WSB evaluate any additional development phasing scenarios without the University's prior written consent. 3. Reimbursement Obligation. The parties to this Agreement are both accountable to the public for their expenditures and, accordingly, the City will prudently manage the Work so as to assure that the costs borne by the University are reasonable. The University agrees, within thirty (30) days of its receipt of the Invoice (as defined in Section 4 below), to reimburse the City for the - reasonable out -of- pocket costs and expenses that the City pays to WSB for the Work (the "Reimbursable Costs "). , The parties agree that in no case shall the Reimbursable Costs exceed $23,846.00. If this Agreement is terminated by mutual agreement of the parties, the University agrees that it shall reimburse the City for the Reimbursable Costs the City has incurred for services rendered by WSB on or before the termination date. 4. Invoicing. The City agrees to provide the University, within thirty (30) days following completion of the Work, a detailed written invoice and supporting documentation from WSB identifying the Reimbursable Costs that the City incurred (the "Invoice "). Within fifteen (15) days of its receipt of the Invoice, the University may request, in writing, that the City furnish additional information to explain or substantiate any of the costsfor which the City seeks reimbursement. 5. Estimate. The University and City agree that the estimate of $23,846 provided by WSB in 'Exhibit A for administration, coordination, project management, and technical analysis in connection with the Work is reasonable and that the University's obligation to reimburse the City will not exceed the estimate. However, the University acknowledges that the estimate is based on information available as of the time it was provided and that neither the City nor its consultant has guaranteed that the Work can be completed for the amount or within the timeframe set forth in Exhibit A. The City agrees that it will use its best efforts to manage the Work of WSB so as to keep Reimbursable Costs for the Work within the estimate. The City will immediately notify the University in writing when it becomes aware that the estimate will or is likely to be exceeded, and will provide revised estimate and a detailed explanation of the basis for the change with such notification. The City and the University shall negotiate in good faith regarding any increase in Reimbursable Costs over the estimate. 6. Independent Contractors. The parties agree that each party is solely responsible for payment of all wages, benefits, taxes, and insurance on behalf of its employees, contractors or agents relating to the Work. Nothing contained in this Agreement can or shall be interpreted as creating an employee relationship between the parties and no employee or contractor of either party shall be considered an employee or contractor of the other party. 7. Merger; Counterparts. The entire Agreement between the parties is contained here and this Agreement supersedes all oral agreements and negotiations between the parties relating to the subject matter. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all o f which shall constitute one and the same instrument. 8. Modification. This Agreement may be modified or amended only in writing and upon signatures by the parties. 9. Severability. The provisions of this Agreement are deemed severable! If any part of this Agreement is rendered void, invalid, or unenforceable, such finding shall have no effect on any other portion of this Agreement. 10. Headings and Captions. The headings and captions contained in this Agreement are for convenience only and are not intended to alter any of the provisions of this Agreement. 11. Controlling Law. The laws of the State of Minnesota shall govern all questions and interpretations concerning the validity and construction of this agreement and the legal relations between the parties and performance under it. 12. Third Parties. This Agreement is between the University and the City as the only parties and no provision of this Agreement shall in anyway inure to the benefit of any third person (including the public at large) so as to constitute any such person as a third party beneficiary of the Agreement or of anyone or more of the terms hereof, or otherwise give rise to any cause of action in any person not a party hereto. Date: , 2012 REGENTS OF THE THE UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA By: Its: F Date:. , 2012 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: Its: 4 } EXHIBIT A WSB vv„, Engineering •Planning Environmental ■ Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763441 .4800 Fax: 763441.1700 December 22, 2011 Ms. Kim Lindquist Community Development Director City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Proposal and Estimate of Fee to Provide Professional Engineering Services for UMore Development Utilities Evaluation City of Rosemount, MN Dear Ms. Lindquist: WSB &Associates, Inc. (WSB) is pleased to present this proposal to the City of Rosemount to provide professional engineering services as they relate to an evaluation of the sanitary sewer and water system (utilities) necessary to serve the development of the UMore area. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING The UMore area is shown on the attached map supplied by the University of Minnesota. Several locations within the UMore may develop into a variety of land uses including low to high density residential, retail, commercial, office, business park, and light industrial. The City is concerned about the impact to the existing, water and sanitary sewer systems (utilities) and how the properties would be served as they develop. The University is concerned with developing the UMore area in the most cost - effective manner possible based on impacts to existing utilities Therefore, the City would like to complete an evaluation of the water and sanitary sewer systems' capacity to serve the proposed development and develop a plan for utility service to the proposed development. The University has not yet defined how development within UMore would be phased, but would like to determine the most cost - effective phasing of development based on providing utility service: The development areas shown on the attached map (Area 1, Area 2, etc) are not planned to develop in any particular order. Based on the goals of the City and the University, this study will be an iterative effort and may include evaluation of many different development phasing scenarios. It is difficult to define all of the development phasing scenarios to be evaluated at this time because they are dependent on many factors. Therefore, several initial development phasing scenarios will be evaluated, and based, on the results, it may be desired to evaluate additional development phasing scenarios. L101001001111Ka' elaNMf i2Drvelop .etLP1PROP-RAndptu.122114WH cAMylm1.4ts A -1 Ms. Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director December 22, 2011 Page '2 The initial development phasing evaluations will assume that properties would generally develop from north to south, due to the desire to develop closest to transportation route. Therefore, seven (7) initial development phasing scenarios will be evaluated consisting of: • Areal • Area 2 • Area 5 • Areas 1 and 2 together • Areas 1 and 5 together • Areas 2 and 5 together • Areas 1, 2, and 5 together As discussed previously, the goal of the University is to determine the most cost - effective phasing of development. Since only a certain land area can be developed within each development area without major utility improvements, the study will identity the point at which major utility improvements will be necessary in each development scenario. For example, it may be possible to develop all of Area 5 by extending water and sewer to the area. However, in Area 1 duly the north half may be developable by extending water and sewer to the site Development in the south half of Area 1 would require construction of a lift station. Utility system improvements necessary for serving each development area will be determined in relation to the City's Comprehensive Water System Plan (CWP) and Comprehensive Sanitary Sewer System Plan (CSSP). The final deliverable for the project will be a report providing descriptions and drawings of utility improvements necessary and estimated costs of improvements in each development phasing scenario. If additional development phasing scenarios are evaluated, the results will be incorporated into the study. The initial development phasing evaluations included in the project scope are defined below. If additional development phasing scenario evaluations are necessary, additional fees for that analysis will be negotiated at that time An estimate of cost to complete the study assuming only the initial development phasing scenarios are evaluated is included in the following sections. Also included in the following sections is an estimate of cost to complete evaluations of additional development } phasing, scenarios. PROJECT APPROACH/SCOPE OF SERVICES WSB's project scope and proposed work plan is based on our understanding of the project and experience on similar projects. The following are the major tasks that will be performed in preparing the Utilities Evaluation. Available Information and Assumptions The proposed development plan, including phasing, is shown on the attached map. Water demands and sanitary sewer flow generation estimates will be made based on the planned number of units and developable areas. Z401005-001abro &W M.! O¢ ivloprrcrtllLlRPR OPklfidqa/sR /M1I1C✓MrvLLtgaval dz A -2 Ms. Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director - December 22, 2011 Page 3 The proposed development plan provided by the University of Minnesota, which is attached, will be the basis of the analysis. As detailed in the project understanding, initial development phasing scenarios will be evaluated, results discussed with the University and the City, and then WSB, will be directed to complete the report or complete additional evaluations. The City will provide WSB with a direction on additional analysis. 'City Tasks In, order to complete our tasks, we will need the City to provide the following: • A designated project contact person • Proposed land use map including development phasing (attached) • Recent water system demand data Task 1: Project Management and Coordination Project management is :a key task included in each project undertaken by WSB. This task consists of management, project coordination, and communication with the City of Rosemount on the project. Proper completion of this task will help keep all affected parties routinely updated and informed regarding project issues as well as keeping the project on schedule and within budget. The proposed work plan will include two (2) meetings with City staff and will include the following: • Meeting to discuss preliminary system evaluation results and necessary improvements • Meeting to review draft report Task 2: Water System Evaluation Task 11 Collect updated water system demand data from City staff for the past five years including average demands and maximum -day demand. WSB already has some of this information. Task 2.2: Review and update existing water system model based on updated water demand data. Verify there are no existing water system deficiencies based on the updated existing water system model. Task 2.3: Develop water demand projections for each area of development. Task 2.4: Determine water system capacity to serve the UMore development and system improvements necessary to serve each initial development phasing scenario using the City's WaterCAD model. Seven (7) initial development phasing scenarios will be evaluated as detailed in the project understanding. Task 2.5: Verify proposed development and resulting water demands are in conformance' with the City's CWP and determine if additional changes will be necessary to the City's CWP. Should an update to the CWP be necessary as a result of the proposed development plan, the update would be completed as part of a separate project. Xi01005- 001CA!,,R fn14i'AnlopnoelLIRPROPktmlyult 122111- CBdreLLllbRd.de A -3 Ms. Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director December 22, 2011 Page 4 Task 3: Sanitary Sewer System Evaluation Task 3.1: 'Collect MCES flow data to verify existing system wastewater flows. The proposed development is located in three different sewer districts (southwest, southwest central, and south central) all of which would connect Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) interceptor sewers. The sewer districts in which development is proposed are currently undeveloped. Task 3.2: Develop wastewater flow projections for each area of development. Task 3.3: Review existing topography and determine how each initial 'development phasing scenario would be served based on existing sanitary sewer elevations and existing ground elevations. Task 3.4: Determine' sanitary sewer system capacity to serve the UMore development and system improvements necessary to serve each initial development phasing scenario using the City's SewerCAD model. Seven (7) initial development phasing scenarios will be evaluated as detailed in the project understanding. Task 3.5: Evaluate and estimate operation and maintenance' costs for installation of temporary lift station to serve the east hases of development in the south central district. The CSSP plans for P P the wastewater flow from this district to ultimately flow north across CR 42; however, a lift station' could be utilized until property north of CR 42 develops. Task 3.6: Verify proposed development and resulting wastewater flows are in conformance with the City's CSSP and determine if additional changes will be necessary to the City's. CSSP. Should an update to the CSSP be necessary as a result of the proposed development plan, the update would be completed as part of a separate project. Task, 4: Cost Estimates and Report Task 4.1: Prepare construction cost estimates for each phase development based on improvements necessary to serve each phase of development Task 4.2 Prepare a draft report incorporating findings and review with City staff Task 4.3: Finalize report based on City staff comments and provide copies to the City'. The final report will include a brief description of the analysis completed, assumptions, cost estimates, but mainly consist of figures summarizing necessary improvements.. FEE WSB & Associates, Inc. will complete the proposed work plan as proposed herein on an hourly basis for an estimated fee of $23,846. K101005-001WkEva Host butyl Mai manalRPROP k lindAiiF171111- CBdoniRilita ddx A -4 Ms Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director December 22, 2011 Page 5 As discussed previously :the estimated fee includes evaluation of seven (7) development phasing scenarios and the need for additional phasing scenario evaluations will be discussed following . completion of the initial development phasing scenarios. Since the scope of additional development phasing evaluations is unknown at this time, they will be billed on an hourly basis. Assuming the scope of additional development phasing scenarios will be similar to the seven (7) initial development phasing scenarios, it is estimated that evaluation of each additional development phasing scenario could be completed for an estimated fee of $4,500: The scope of additional development phasing scenario evaluation will have to be negotiated at that time since it cannot be defined until after the initial developmentphasing scenarios are completed: The hourly breakdown by task for each employee class proposed for the project is located on the attached spreadsheet. The proposed fee is based on our 2012 rate schedule. SCHEDULE WSB will complete the project within eight (8) weeks of receipt of a written authorization. This represents our total understanding of the project and proposed scope of services. If you are in agreement with the scope of services, please have the City block of this letter signed and return a copy to WSB. Our receipt of an executed copy will be WS B's authorization to proceed. Should the City request additional services outside of the above scope of services, we will work with you to establish a revised scope and fee. Please contact me at your convenience at 763 -541 -4800 if you have any questions or concerns relating to this proposal as presented. We appreciate the opportunity to assist you and your staff with the completion of the UMore Development Utilities Evaluation. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Nancy Zeigler, PE Joseph C. Ward, PE Associate' Project Engineer Enclosures ACCEPTED BY: City of Rosemount Name Title Date IC WINS 001U111aedaft haffi1OnetvwevIL72 1201 RliSth 122Il1.OMmeUIYihatt A -5 / e f , ' • " r *'''..x +; . - , a' y e t a ' ' - " . 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X 54 , "` rp � � k ,+ 3 '� k ?,- '; . �p f F x cit lo:4,,,.7.1.7...• .„.........., A - 6 A l Estimate of Coet WSB City of Rosemount Minneeots Professional Services to Complete !. Umore Development UIIMiee Evaluation I Estimated hours Task Description N Zeigler K. Newman J.Ward B. Pittman S. Buckley Total hours Total labor cost No. 1 prdj8�tmariagaa�e�tandtwcrdltattrpi ,,. s � 1.1 Project management 10 10 3 23 $ 2,456.00 .,.,_ t z ...., ,.. r .„, 2 Y #tm%Sys1,,,6„de:Eiattuat{a11" 2.1 Collect updated water system demand data 2 2 .:._ $ 198.00 2.2. Review and update existing water system model - 1 6 7 $ 722.00 j 23 Develop water demand projections 1 4 5 $ 524.00 2.5 Model proposed development and determine necessary system improvements 4 28 32 $ 3,284.00 2.6 Verify conformance to CWP and Identify any updates necessary 1 2 3 $ 326.00 s $s - stasis tv tray �. 3.1 Collect and review MCES flow data 2 4 2 $ 198.00 3.2 Develop wastewater flow projectaiona 4 4 $ 396.00 3.3 Identify proposed sewer locations based on existing topography and flows 1 8 9 $ 913.00 3.4 Model proposed development and determine necessary system improvements 2 16 18 $ 1,826.00 3.5 Evaluate temporary lift station alternative for serving east areas 2 8 10 $ 1,034.00 3.6 Verify confornance to CSSP and Identify any updates necessary 1 2 3 $ 319.00 4 ry> � Crhrt t�t19f1tteapndt'r� �. 3 n 4.1 Prepare cost estimates for each development phase • 2 2 12 16 $ 1,686.00 4.2 Prepare draft report 2 -:2 20 40 6 70 $ 6,010.00 4.3 Finalize report based on City staff comments ', 2 2 12 24 6 46 $ 3,954.00 Total fours 23 12 136 64 15 250 I Hourly billing rate $ 128.00 $ 121.00 $ 99.00 $ 7900 $ 62 00 (Total direct labor costa $ 2,944.00 $ 1,452.00 $ 13,464.00 $ 5,05600 $ 930.00 $ 23,848.00) 4 Ke,msmuw,. e.rFwvw.v.e..2 VI Wan YE. bell 1:410.... 1 f A -7