HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the February 15, 2012 Work Session Proceedings ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 15, 2012 CALL TO ORDER' Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday; February 15, 2012 at6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145`'' 'Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Shoe - Corrigan, Weisensel and Kearney attending. Staff members present included City Administrator Johnson, City Clerk Domeier Project Engineer Olson, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz,,Community• Development Director Lindquist, Chief of Police Kalstabakken, Police Lieutenant Ericson, Parks Supervisor Schuster and Assistant City Administrator Foster.. City Administrator Johnson stated, that Senator Gerlach would not be attending the meeting. He added that some local business owners have requested to meet - With City Council at 7 p.m. DISCUSSION 2012 Street Improvement Traffic Control Plan, City Project 437 Project Engineer Olson provided a summary of the staff report. He explained the proposed detours for the project. Council Member Weisensel was concerned about access to the post office. Mr. Olson stated he would meet with the postmaster. Mr. Weisensel stated that the residents need to be made aware of the access issues. Council Member Weisensel also questioned the installation of the detour signs. Mr. Olson replied that the detour signs will go up two weeks prior to the project start. Mayor Droste requested that staff communicate with Super America and TOPS about the access issues so they may notify their clients. 2.F. Steeple Center — Front Steps Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz explained the proposal for the front steps at the Steeple Center. The monies for the project are part of the CDBG funds received by the City. Council Member Weisensel questioned adding a canopy structure. Mr. Schultz stated that a canopy has not been considered to date. Council Member Weisensel suggested adding a handicap accessible ramp. Mayor Droste preferred to use cobblestone instead of concrete. Discussion was held about sidewalk improvements :Community Development Director Lindquist stated the CDBG money is for the front step proposal. She suggested doing the sidewalk enhancements should be done when the pocket park is complete. Council Member Weisensel requested that staff work with the architect on the possibility of a canopy being added in the future. Council Member Shoe- Corrigan to have a removal canopy so that ie does not take away from the architecture of the church. Ms. Lindquist planned to move forward with the project.this summer. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan preferred to have planters added to the front steps area. 2.H. Local Business Owners Concerns Dave Landgrebe represented Carbone's Pizza. He stated that the harassment and excessive enforcement of DWI laws by Rosemount police officers was affecting his business. He provided some of the reasons why people get pulled over. Mr. Landgrebe also expressed frustration that cops park in the Shenanigan's parking lot at closing time. A representative of the American Legion stated that within a two week period he seven employees pulled over leaving the Legion. He further explained'the reasons the employees were stopped. He will provide Police Chief Kalstabakken with more descriptive information such as the date and times of the stops. Linda Young represented ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 15, 2012 Rudy's Redeye Grill. She said that Rudy's has received emails and letter's from guests stating they will not come back to Rosemount because they were pulled over for no .reason. She noted that her manager was pulled over five tithes. Steve Poplar represented the Rosemount VFW. He was concerned about where the cops were sitting iii the evenings. Police Chief Kalstabakken stated there has not been a directive to increase DWI enforcement. He stated that he has been the Chief for over 14 years and that DWI enforcement has always been a priority. He stated the number of traffic stops may fluctuate based upon staffing, weather, and individual officers. Since mid- December 44 DWI arrests were made. He stated'that the average for Rosemount is 150 per, year. He added that in comparison to other similar sized cities that Rosemount does not have the highest DWI rate. Mr. Kalstabakken added that some people say the'allegations have been made up. He will review the tapes. He noted that even thought there is a video tape it did not mean everything would show up., He stated that it is very common to ask if someone has been drinking if a stop is made late in the evening. Mayor Droste stated that in the 9 years he has never told the police chief how to operate the department. He most often receives complaints about speeding from residents. Mr. Poplar`did not like that cops charge the back of cars nor did he like that the drinking limit is .08. He` "noted that some of his patrons received DUIs after having a .08 BAC. Mr.-Kalstabak pointed out that the average BAC for stops in Rosemount is .14. City Administrator Johnson expressed concern about the .14 average. Ms. Young clarified that she wasn't frustrated about - tickets' being given, but instead about the reason for people being pulled over Council Member Shoe- Corrigan requested that business owners provide the police chief with specific dates and times if they feel someone was pulled over without cause. She added that all the businesses present are valuable to the community. Mayor Droste stated that once-the specific stop information is provided to the Police Department that staff will review the videos and recordings. He stated that the item would be discussed again at the March 14 work session. Mr.`Kalstabakken provided statistics on the number of DUIs. He noted that Rosemount did not have the highest number of `stops when comparing cities of similar size. He stated he would review the tapes and collect the data as requested. 2.D. Shade Tree Pest and Disease Control Ordinance Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided background on the proposed ordinance. Parks Supervisor Schuster provided an overview of the ordinance. Mr. Schultz stated that City Attorney will review the ordinance. The City Council preferred that staff should hold two readings on the ordinance. It was anticipated the first reading may occur at the end of March. j A ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 15, 2012 2.E. Large Gathering on Public Park Land Ordinance Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided background on the ordinance and information on the proposed changes to the ordinance. He noted that the 500 person threshold was the biggest change. He also overviewed the proposed application. Mr. Schultz stated that some events would not require a permit such as local school events or baseball tournaments: The City Council supported the proposed changes. The draft ordinance will be brought to the City Council at a later date. 2.B. Draft Park and, Ride Plans Community Development Director provided an update on the park and ride plans. The Planning Commission will review the plans in March. The Port Authority will consider conveying the land to the City Council. Ms. Lindquist also provided information on the proposed signage. 2.A. Gravel Mining Community Development Director Lindquist stated that,both neighborhood meetings went well. Staff is in the process of drafting an ordinance for the gravel mining.- The changes to the zoning 'ordinance will require a public hearing at the Planning Commission. The details for the gravel mining will be included in the permit. The City,Council requested that staff notify the 'same people- that have attended meetings of the public hearing.' Ms. Lindquist stated that the next AUAR meeting would beheld on February 21. ` a 2.G. Draft Council Goals for 2012 -13 "City Administrator Johnson requested feedback on the proposed goals to ensure that the proposed working document captured theintent of the City Council. The City Council suggested indenting the items and creating a little more white space in the document. Council Member Weisensel suggested adding the words "sustainable community" into the goals statement. The City Council will consider approving the goals at the February 21 meeting. } UPDATES 2.B. Labor Negotiations City Administrator Johnson and Assistant Administrator Foster provided an update on the negotiations with the Police Department. 2.C. Redistricting Plan City Clerk Domeier shared the redistricting plan drafted-by staff. She noted that the le slative �' gP Y � s official plan would not be available until February 21. Pending no changes, staff will bring forward their plan as proposed. The City Council supported the draft plan. - 3.D. Updates from City Council /Staff ,. Mayor Droste provided an update on a meeting with Superintendent Beranz, an email received from Dr. Thomas regarding stakeholders for the YMCA, and an article related to Protolabs IPO. He also requested that staff send a letter to Health East sharing coneerns about the ambulance response times in Rosemount. Council Member Weisensel explained the documents added to Dropbox related to the DCC. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS FEBRUARY 15, 2012 ADJOURNMENT. There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, • second by Weisensel the meeting was adjourned A 10:42 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk .g , 4 3 .3 /