HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.C. CSAH 42/Akron AUAR Update 1 4ROSEN4OUNT SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session Dat March 14, 2012 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: CSAH 42 /Akron AUAR Update , 1 Discussion AGENDA °NO. PREPARED BY Eric Zweb er, Senior Planner i.t. ATTACHMENTS: CSAH 42 /Akron AUAR Update; APPROVED BY: Metropolitan Council Letter dated February 16; Minnesota Department of Transportation Letter dated February 16; Minnesota Pollution Control Agency Letter r dated March 1. 0 D RECOMMENDED ACTION: None: ISSUE The City Council adopted the CSAH 42 /Akron AUAR (Alternative Urban Areawide Review) in 2007. State Statute requires that the City review and update the AUAR every five years and allow the required reviewing agencies to comment on the update. The agency comment period expired on March 7. Staff is revising the update as needed and preparing a resolution to adopt the update on March 20: I DISCUSSION - x ,. 1 Staff prepared an update to the CSAH 42 /Akron AUAR which was initially adopted in 2007. The AUAR covers about 1,500 acres of land generally located north of CSAH 42, along both sides of Akron Avenue. The area goes as far as north of the Harmony and Meadows of Bloomfield - neighborhoods. The update to the AUAR includes the DR Horton and Lennar neighborhoods in Prestwick Place and minor changes resulting from the adoption of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan in } 2009. The resulting change reflected in the update is a 390 housing unit reduction °from a-total of fi 5;090 units`to 4,700 units. The update covers how this reduction affects the traffic and infrastructure projections for the City. No major changes are anticipated'to the City's capital improvement planning as a result of the update but the reduction in units may delay the need for the next well or water tower. The full update is attached to this Executive Summary. To begin the agency review of the update, hard copies were mailed to eleven State agencies, five Federal agencies, and the Metropolitan Council. The availability of the update was published in the EQB Monitor and the Rosemount Town Pages. The comment period was for 30 days and ended on March 7. During the comment period, staff received three letters: one from the Metropolitan Council with comments; letters from the Minnesota Department of Transportation and the Pollution Control Agency stating that they have no comments; and an e -mail from Dakota County staff stating they will not be sending a comment letter. The three letters are attached to this Executive Summary. The yetropolitan Council comments pointed out a numerical error on page 2 of the update, asked for the City to include a riew Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) map if we've adopted one since 2007, a statement that the regional sewer system can accommodate the level of development within the update but could not handle the level of development with Scenarios 2 and 3 of the original AUAR, and a request for additional data on how the traffic calculations were determined. In response, staff will correct the error on page 2. The City is current working on a new DWSMA map but it has not been adopted. The City can include that new DWSMA map in the 2017 update. The coniment about Scenarios 2 and 3 relates to the maximum densities allowed by the land uses but we understand that it is highly unlikely that all development within the 1,500 acres will be at the maximum density. With the recent reviews of the Pulte plans for Marshes of Bloomfield and the Ryland plans for Greystone (both of which are within the AUAR), staff is comfortable that the entire area within the AUAR will not develop at the maximum density. For the final Metropolitan Council comment regarding traffic, staff will discuss the process used to determine the traffic counts with their transportation staff. RECOMMENDATION Staff wanted to update the Council on the actions needed to ensure that the 42 /Akron AUAR remains valid. If the Council is comfortable with the above information, the item will be scheduled for the March 20, 2012 City Council meeting and will be asked to approve the update by resolution. s , � f I n I• a , 2 . . G � a . January 30,'2012 Update Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review CSAH 42 /Akron 1. Project Title: CSAH 42 /Akron Study Area 2. Proposer: City of Rosemount 3. Responsible Unit of Government (RGU): Ms. Kim Lindquist Community Development Director City of.Ro°semount 2875 145`h. Street West a 4 Rosemount, MN 55076 E -mail: kim.lindquist @ci.rosemount.mn.us 4. Reason For AUAR Update Preparation: Minnesota Rules 4410.3610, Subp. 7 states that an AUAR must be dated every five years to remain valid. The CSAH 42 /Akron AUAR was originally adoptedon February 6, 2007. 5. Project Location: F .. } County: Dakota City /Township: Rosemount T115N R19W SE 1 /4 S16 SW 1 /4 S15 NE 1 /4 S21 W 1/2 S22 SE 1 /4 S22 SW 1 /4 S23 N '/a S27 NW 1 /4 S26 6. Project Description: a. Description Development Scenarios Three Comprehensive Plan Amendments have occurred within the AUAR area since its adoption. First, the 2030 Comprehensive Plan was adopted on May 19, 2009. The 2030 Comprehensive Plan changed the title of Urban Residential to Low Density Residential, reduced the average density of Low Density Residential froth 2.5 units /acre to the 2.35 units /acre, and increased the density of the 1 1 . 3, o w �, in m .. r High Density Residential` from 12 units /acre to 20 units /acre. The density changes were a result of historical plat' monitoring data for Rosemount. The'2030 Comprehensive Plan approved the land r use changes of the Prestwick Place preliminary plat within the AUAR which reduced the Low Density Residential by 33 acres, increased the Medium Density Residential by 24 acre's, increased the High Density Residential by 2 acres,°reduced the Commercial by are and increased the Public /Institutional by 8 acres. Second, the Prestwick Place 2n Comprehensive Plan Amendment was approved on June '15, 2010, and increased the Low Density Residential by 45 acres, decreased the Medium Density Residential ' by 20_acres, and increased the High Density Residential by 25 acres. ' Third, the Prestwick Place 3rd Comprehensive Plan Amendment was approved on May 17, 2011, and w increased the Low Density Residential by 30 acres by decreasing the Medium Density Residential by 30 acres: n r - _F° The three Comprehensive' Plan Amendments result in the potential decrease of 3,090 housing units. $ T FY " Table 1: 2007 Sc O ne and the 2012 Comprehensive Plan Land Use Designation * -d . v 'a y N 7 o .Z ° - 1 2 g am , Z R te ' • ' o „ U o u ' Acres Potential Acres Potential Acres Potential ' c Acres . Square ¢ `n , Units Units Units Fe °" 2007 AUAR 1,035 2,590 285 2,000 41 500 5,090 85 844,500 10 Scenario 1 r -1 2012 1,077 2,530 5 259 1,810 18 360 4 4,700 84 840,000 18 % Comprehensive ) '11 Plan Change j + 42 - 60 - 26 - 190 - 23 - 140 , 390 - 1 - 4,500 ;+ 8 f , b. Description of Surrounding Areas There are no changes to the surrounding area in the last five years. c. Anticipated Infrastructure There are no changes to the anticipated infrastructure. 1 . a 4, 2 i , 4 y.. { 7. Project Magnitude: 1 I Table 1 summarizes the proposed land uses for the'AUAR area based on the adopted Comprehensive Plan. ,, - 8. Permits and Approvals: 8 There are no changes t6 the permits -and approvals needed to implethent the AUAR. . N . 9. Land Use: . - .._K The first two phases of single family development (29`lots for DR Horton in Prestwick Place 2n and , 27 lots for Lennar in Prestwick Place 3r have had their public infrastructure installed. These .. developments are located directly north of CSAH 42 and west of Akron Avenue. No other land use • s changes have occurred in the AUAR area. i .101 Cover Type: ,, .., -; . The only changes to the cover type is that 27 acres of property were transferred from Cropland to , , Developed as a result of Prestwick Place 2n and Prestwick Place 3` A Table 2: Cover Type Cover Type 2007 Acreage 2012 Acreage Wetlands 66 - 66 Wooded /Forest 93* , . 93 • . Brush /Grassland 139 " 139 , I Cropland 1,134 ` ` 1,107 1 Right -of- Way /Developed 24 51 Total 1,456 "1,456 11: Fish, Wildlife, and Ecologically Sensitive Resources:, . b - Y There have been no changes to fish, wildlife, and ecologically sensitive resources. 12: Physical Impacts on Water Resources: Stortnwater infrastructure has been installed with Prestwick Place 2 Prestwick Place 3r the construction of Connemara Trail; and the reconstruction of Akron Avenue to prevent any impacts to the water resources. k = 13. Water Use: p , ' There is a 7.7% reduction in proposed units due to Comprehensive Plan land use designation . change. ,,This level of reduction will not result in a change the need for drinking water wells, water , storage, or water treatment. , [ 3 y 7 s - t r l " J k F , 3 , a t_ } Y ' . Tab 3: Water, Demand .. 2012 Comprehensive . 2007 Scenario 1 Change'' Plan Designations Area Served 1,456 1,456- None Population Served _ 15,270 . 14,100 1,170 Average Day Water Demand (MGD) 1.522 1.412 € 0.110,. Maximum Day Water 3.805 3.530 '0.275 ,, Demand (MGD) ., j 14. Water - related Land Use Management Districts: There has been no n the development withi AUAR area regulated by the City's Shoreland Zoning district. 4 ' z { 15. Water Surface Use: s . ~ Not applicable. Y. K _ 16. Erosion and Sedimentation: _ All development and construction has occurred following ale appropriate SWPPP'and NPDES p g permits. f 17. Water Quality,— Surface Water Runoff: The changes to the Comprehensive Plan land use designations shown on Table 1 will not result in K; ,, any changes to the water quality of the surface water runoff. Stormwater infrastructure has been i, installed with Prestwick Place 2"`', Prestwick Place 3rd, the construction of Connemara Trail, and the reconstruction 'of Akron Avenue to prevent any impacts to the water resources. 18. =• Water Quality — Wastewater: t f f F '.i a . y .There is a 6.8% reduction'in estimated wastewater flow due to the changes in the Comprehensive ` Plan larid use designation resulting in a 100,000 gallon per day reduction in wastewater flow. This level'of flow reduction will not require any changes in the sanitary sewer infrastructure planned ' within`�the AUAR. i , r , T ' With the reconstruction bf Akron Avenue, the 24 inch sanitary sewer MCES. diversion pipe was v a¢ installed from CSAH 42 to Connemara Trail and the City trunk sanitary sewer line was installed from Connemara Trail to thenorth side of Bonaire Path. A . The City trunk line was a 24 inch pipe . _ , ,.0 from Connemara Trail to a location about 2,000 "feet north of,Connemara Trail and a 20 inch pipe from that location to the stub location north of Bonaire Path. r A_ S . i 1 1 t Table 4: Estimated Average day and Peak Hour Wastewater Flow . 2007 Scenario 1 2012 Comprehensive Change ,. � w , . Plan Designations 1 Number of Equivalent 5,337 4,974 -363 Residential Units , Average Daily ' Waterwater Flow per r 274 274 None Unit (gpd) Total Average Daily Waterwater Flow, (gpd) - 1,463,000 1,363,000 - 100,000 Peak Hour Waterwater 4,389,000 4,089,000 - 300,000 Flow (gpd) . 19. Geologic Hazards and Soil'Conditions There are no changes to the geological hazards or soil conditions within the AUAR. 20. Solid Wastes, Hazardous Wastes, and Storage Tanks: k (- The solid wastes generated from the AUAR are projected to be reduced by 5,733 pounds per day as a result of the reduction of 390 housing units. There are no changes to hazardous waste or storage tanks as a result of the housing unit reduction. 21. Traffic: . There is a 5.1% percent reduction in average daily trips (ADT) due to the Comprehensive Plan land' use designation change. This level of traffic reduction will not require any changes to the transportation system as planned in the adopted Transportation Plan. 1 Two roadway improvements were conducted within the AUAR during the last five years. Akron Avenue was constructed to a three lane urban design from CSAH 42 to Bonaire Path and 3 Connemara Trail is currentlybeing constructed to a three lane urban design from the western { AUAR boundary to Akron Avenue: The Connemara Trail construction will be completed in the - summer of 2012. L Table 5: Traffic Generation u n 2007 Scenario 1 2012 Comprehensive Change Plan Designations ADT Volume' 46,794 44,408 - 2,386 PM Peak Volume 4,351 4,129 - 222 . ,. of f I, 5 r <. S I # k' 22. Vehicle - related Air Emissions: Not applicable. 23. Stationary Source Air Emissions: Not Applicable.,_ 24. Odors; Noise and Dust: Construction activities in the AUAR have followed the regulations in place at the time regarding odor, noise and dust. There will be no increase in traffic - related noise above that described in the 2007.Scenario 1. Train noise has been reduced at Akron Avenue due to the upgrades to the railroad crosing "and approval of the Federal Quiet Zone. There will be no increase in odors above that described in the 2007 Scenario 1. 25.,Nearby Resources: fi There are no changes to the resources described within Section 25 of the AUAR. 26. Visual Impacts: There are'no changes to the visual impacts within the AUAR. 27. Compatibility with Plans and Land Use Regulations: The developments within the AUAR have applied for and received all necessary Comprehensive Plan Amendment approvals from the City Council and the Metropolitan Council. 28. Impacts: on Infrastructure and Public Services:' 4 There is a 7.7% reduction in proposed units and population due to the Comprehensive Plan land use' designation change. This level of reduction will not result iri a change in the need for infrastructure and public services. '' u 0- 29. Cumulative Impacts: There is a 7.7% reduction in proposed unit and population due to theComprehensive Plan land use designation change. This level of reduction will not result in a change of the cumulative development im`pac`ts. f 30.,,Other Potential Environmental Impacts: Not applicable. 6 't Metropolitan Council 1 1 February 16, 2012 7 Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director City of Rosemount } 2875 - 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55076 • RE: CSAH 42 & Akron Study Area _, Final Alternative Urban Areawide Review (FAUAR) and Mitigation Plan Update Metropolitan Council District 16 Metropolitan Council Review File No. 19859 -3 I t � Dear Ms. Lindquist: Metropolitan Council staff has reviewed the FAUAR Update (Update) to determine the document's accuracy and completeness in addressing regional concerns. Council staff finds the Update accurate and complete, and raises no major issues of consistency with Council policies or systems plans. Council staff provides the following technical comments for your consideration. Item 6 — Project Description The Update indicates on page 2 that the three Comprehensive Plan Amendments that have been approved for the AUAR area result in the potential decrease of 3090 housing units. Table 1 on the same page however, indicates a decrease of 390 potential housing units. The City needs to correct the inconsistency between these two figures. Item 13 — Water Use The western side of the AUAR area is located within the City of Rosemount's Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA), which has been designated as being highly vulnerable to contamination by the City and the MN Department of Health. Redevelopment within this area should be consistent with the City's Wellhead Protection Plan to protect the community's drinking water sources. If the most recent DWSMA map and descriptive information are not included in the AUAR, it should be added in the appropriate places. Items 14 (Water - related Land Use Management Districts), 17 (Water Quality — a Surface Water Runoff), 20 (Solid Wastes...), 25 (Nearby Resources), and 27 (Compatibility with Plans:..) are all places would benefit from acknowledging the City's DWSMA and Wellhead Protection Plan. The figure below illustrates the project area in relation to the City of Rosemount's DWSMA. Green denotes low vulnerability areas, yellow denotes moderately vulnerable areas, and orange denotes highly vulnerable areas h 1 t" 1 www.metrocouncil.org 390 Robert Street North • St. Paul, MN 55101 -1805 • (651) 602 -1000 • Fax (651)602 -1550 • TTY (651) 291 -0904 An Equal Opportuntty Employer ' 1 . 1 •' . ,. . , a 1 I I 6 ' . -f. +, ' '.: 1..A,..: , 1-- `1 1 ' , ...'''. 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V drk' .' i I / 7 Item 18 — Water Quality — Wastewater , 1 1 The Update states that approval of the three Comprehensive Plan Amendments for the AUAR area have resulted in a net potential decrease of 390 homes which is equivalent to a 100,000 gallon per day reduction in wastewater flow. The Update makes several references to Scenario #1. The Meti'opolitin Disposal System will have adequate capacity to provide wastewater services to the AUAR area for Scenario #1; however, Scenarios i #2 and II#3 may require a Comprehensive Plan Amendment (CPA). : 1 4 , Item 21 - Traffic i The Update states that there has been a 5.1 % reduction in average daily trips (ADT) due to the Comprehensive ;Plan land use designation changes. Council transportation staff requests clarification on I how the ADT'reduction was calculated: I A 1 If you have any "questions or need further information, please contact Jim Larsen PE,principal reviewer, .• at 651-602-1159. i I Sin i Cere , , i (1 ' _ / 1 Phyllis ( ' a son, 1 Manager : - i , cc: Wendy Wulff, Metropolitan Council District 16 I- I ; Patrick Boylan, Council Sector Representative i I Judy Sventek, MCES Water Resources Assessment Manager Cheryl Olsen, Reviews Coordinator ' f I i N \CommDeVLPA\Communities\Rosemount\Letters\RosemtAUAR5 doc _ ° 1 , I _ 1' 1 , . s ' 1 - I r I 4 ' ° ` Minnes I' Department of Transportation a Metropolitan District N.,. l e Waters Edge Building 1500 County Road B2 West I Roseville, MN 55113 t i I 3 ° February 16, 2012 Eric Zweber, Senior Planner • City of Rosemount 2875 —1459' Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 — 4997 _ ' 1 1 r.: SUBJECT: I CSAH 42 /Akron Avenue AUAR Update a x Dear Mr. Zweber:. 1 1 i Thank you for the opportunity to review the CSAH 42 /Akron Avenue AUAR Update. MnDOT . has no concerns with the updated plans. I 4 If you have a ny questions, please feel free to contact me at (651) 234 -7794. d f ; 5 Sincerely, k 1 I , E Tod Sherman Planning Supervisor a 1 i 1 t ' f i 1 i + 1 r, r I � 't Minnesota Pollution Control Agency 520 Lafayette Road North 1 St. Paul, Minnesota 55155 -4194 1 651- 296 -6300 800- 657 -3864 1 651- 282 -5332 TTY 1 www.pca.state.mn.us ( Equal Opportunity Employer 3 March 1, 2012.1 . I lo- a Mr. Eric Zweber Senior Planner City of Rosemount 2875 145 Stree West 1 Rosemount, MN, 55068 Re: CSAH 42 /Akron Avenue Alternative Urban Areawide Review Update Dear'Mr. Zweber: - 1 Thank you for th opportunity to review and comment on the Alternative Urban Areawide Review" (AUAR) Update for the County State Aid Highway (CSAH ) 42 /Akron °Avenue project (Project) in Rosemount, Minnesota. The Project consists of a mixed use residential, commercial, and institutional development. Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff has reviewed the AUAR Update and has no comments atthis time. Please be aware that this letter does not constitute approval by the MPCA of any or all elements of the Project for the purpose pending or future permit action(s) by the MPCA. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of the Project proposer to secure any required permits and to comply with any requisite p Y 1 p p Y q P pY Y q permit conditions. If you have any questions concerning our review of this AUAR Update, please contact me at 651- 757 - 2508. _ 1 I' 1 Sincerely, VW 1 Karen Kromar Planner Principal Environmental Review Unit Resource Management and Assistance Division KK:mbo cc: Craig Affeldt, MPCA, St. Paul Doug Wetzstein, MPCA, St. Paul 1 l r 3