HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Dakota Aggregates Text Amendment Request to Add Large Scale Mineral Extraction as an Interim Use in the AG: Agricultural Zoning District . , ..: g t., ;ROSEN4 UNT - „ EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PLAN COMMISSION , Planning` Commission Work Sess December 27, 2011 AGENDA ITEM: Case 12 -TA Dakota Aggregates Text Amendment Request to Add`Large Scale, AGENDA SECTION: Mineral Extraction as an Interim Use in Discussion ' the AG: Agricultural Zoning District PREPARED BY:, Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 2. a.' ATTACHMENTS: Large Scale Mineral Extraction w - Ordinance Redline; George and Alexandria Geogleris Comment Letter; Johb and Karen Woolery Comment le L etter; V. Larry Smith Comment Letter; , Notes for City Meeting Submitted by Kris R OVED BY: 1 Johnson; Dakota Aggregates LLC , Comment Letter; Excerpt from'the Draft February 28 Planning Commission ' Meeting Minutes; Jordan Millington ” `. 4 Comment Letter. . F i- 4 • .. w + a • • e t RECOMMENDED "ACTION: Discussion. . 1 . U SUMMARY On February 28, the Planning , Commission conducted a public hearing the text amendment proposed to the Zoning Ordinance to allowLarge Scale Mineral Extraction as an interim use within the AG: = Agricultural zoning district. Three letters were submitted to the City before the meeting from residents, six residents spoke at the meeting including one that submitted his written notes, and Dakota Aggregates ' submitted a comment letter about their concerns with specific sections of the proposed Ordinance. The Planning Commission continued the public hearing to their March 27 meeting and scheduled a work session on March 13 to discuss the comments that were received and whether amendments to the draft 4 ordinance should be considered.` ' Written Comments from Residents f Staff has received five written comments regarding,the£Ordinance proposal. One letter was in support of mining and one letter was opposition, questioning if there will be a decrease in their property value. The other,three letters expressed `concefns'about traffic, noise and`dust. The Ordinance does not address traffic volume directly but does limit the truck traffic to collector or arterial roads. Noise is addressed in draft Ordinance sections H.2. limitation on the location of accesses; H.6. addressing hours of operation; H.8. stating that noise must be below the PCA and EPA standards; and H:11. stating that the use of explosives are prohibited. Mitigative measures are proposed to address dust associated with the : mining activity. These measures are found in draft Ordinance sections H.2. limitation on the location of accesses; H. 3. requiring setbacks to mining activities; H.5. addressing screening and berming; H.9. requiring the first 150 feet of the access road to be paved; H.10. allowing the City to require a dust control' ` plan; H.16. requiring land to be vegetated when the mining is complete; and 1.3. limiting the,amount of ` ,, land open to mining to a total of 160 acres. f a F 1 ' , a y p, r , Oral Comments from Hearing , . w Six residents spoke during the public hearing. A draft excerpt of the Planning Commission minutes is attached to, this summary for reference. Beyond similar general comments as those received in the written comments, there were several very specific comments. The resident requested that screening should be measured for opacity in the winter; berms should 20 feet in height instead of 10,feet; landscaping be ' installed on the north side of County' Road 42; and that the mining'setback from Bloomfield should be • 1,300 feet. He also asked about the current noise ordinance andnoted' that the current 42/52 interchange could not support the anticipated truck traffic. The followin' is staffres:onses td the s .ecific comments: Staff does not support measuring the opacity in the winter because :there will not be mining in the winter. Measuring the opacity in the summer would be more appropriate since that is when the mining activity will '" occur. X 4 .. w Staff believes a berm 10 feet in height measured from the shoulder of the road is sufficient because this will shield all vehicles from view 'during the mining operation. Additionally, as mining' occurs equipment V; - and activity wi l l"move lower, as m ore gravel is removed_from the site, furt reducing visual impacts• a _ , ° ° The City`does not have a stand alone noise ordinance but, either uses PCA or EPA standards or limits the ° noise through hours'of operation. To address, potential noise impacts during the evening, the ordinance - recommends mining must end by 7 pm: , x , Because the current process'is development of an ordinance, it would not be appropriate through the ° j ordinance to require landscaping on property outside of the mining site..This is something that will be , ,,; discussed further through the permit process, should the ordinance be adopted.. p , ,. The Ci and the County have the reconstruction of the County Road 42 and US'Highway52 interchange' in our capital improvement plan ( CIP and are're requesting State and Federal fiinding., _ ' ' {'' r p p P ) q g g. Per the draft ordinance, a 350 foot residential setback will apply to ahresidential buildings from the "mining activity, including any future residential built in UMore. The City may require a greater setback from the , - ,Bloomfield neighborhood as part of the mining permit review. pr . A, Dakota Aggregates Comment Letter. „. s Dakota Aggregates submitted a letter listing a number of concerns that they have with the language of t draft ordinance. These comments include: What line setbacks'will be measured from; requesting allowance for multiple concrete plants; clear language that they will have two mining areas of 80 acres open for a , total of 160 acres that stockpiling and equipment used daily are aCcess`ory uses; that the ancillary uses can ry f continue when the mining moves to Empire';' and how the fmancial surety will be provided and used. To s address these issues; staff changed the setback language to be measured from the mining EIS boundary; • ,. revised the language to-permit multiple coricrete plants; and added. stockpiling and equipment used daily as an accessory uses. Staff would consider any language proposed to`clarify,that mining can have two separate area of 80 acre mining that totals' 160 acres. The City Council had previously' stated at.their work ' session that they understand the ancillary uses would exist until all the mining within the EIS is completed. ' ' Staff- is,willing to more fully address -the financial surety within the actual mining permit.. 7 .. In addition Aggregates provided 23 specific comments. Staff has made revisions to. the . Ordinance to address •Comments 1 2 6 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 18 and 19. Staff disagrees with,Comment 3 t increasing the demolition time'for buildings_from l2 to 18 months. Building and structure demolition can i.:. - occur during winter months so it is unclear why the applicant is requesting more time. * , 2 A , Staff disagrees with Comment .4 to add "could" " issues because it waters down nexus between 4 the issues and the regulations of the Ordinance that address the issues. Similarly, staff did not add the .. "under law" proposed in Comment 5 because the City Council cannot have a regulation that is contrary = the existing laws and the addition is redundant. In response to Comment 7, staff did add language regarding the °outdoor conveyor. However, it has bees " requested that the applicant provide information on what is stored in the silos and why that material 9 cannot be stored in the building, perhaps still in interior silos. . ' ` Addressing Comment 13, staff would be supportive of adding language to clarify that the percentage of recycling can be measured on the total amount produced per year so long as it still 'encourages the use of . mined material. The goal of this` standard it to `have the material mined at the site processed and moved out`as quickly as possible so the mine is completed as soon as possible. If too much recyclable material is brought into the p ro c essing, it can - extend the life of the mining operation and the ancillary uses associated with the mine.., 4, ` Comment 14 is addressed in the attached draft ordinance that conveyors can the height when they are used but must be lowered'when"they are not in use. For Comment 15, staff is supportive of language that would clarify that the measurement would be from "the public right -of -way or neighboring property, during the summer: ,, mer: Staff is not supportive of changing the "high wind day" standard as requested in Comment` 16 because dust must be addressed when it occurs. Setting a general standard may not address'when it is windy or dusty depending upon where the mining is occurring onrthe site or which way the wind is blowing. 4 1 Staff will respond to language provided regarding Comment 17. Comments 20, 21, and 22' all apply to am maximum total of 160 acres° being mined' at any one time. As noted earlier, staff is supportive of language :. that clarifies that Dakota Aggregates can have two separate areas of up to 80 acres `open for a total 160 acres. That is the intent of the current language. If the draft is unclear staff would welcome some recommendation from the applicant. ° Staff has added language °regarding Comment 23 that the 'City Council may add a minimum amount of time to mine before`a'24 month notice is issued, but staff does not support the language that Dakota , Aggregates proposed. The language as proposed by Dakota Aggregates requires that there is,a minimum r time given to mine, the time should be set in the mining permit if one is determined to be in the best interest of the City. _ , 'RECOMMENDATION Provide feedback on the changes that staff has made to the Ordinance in response' to the comments received. Provide comment on the issues that - staff has not proposed changes. €T < r 3 4. r 3 r u t. 4 { 1 V 3 . y 4 e , ° ° y t e • e . . . a 1 't CITY OF ROSEMOUNT COUNTY OF DAKOTA " ' STATE OF MINNESOTA ORDINANCE NO. 3 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO LARGE SCALE MINERAL EXTRACTION; AMENDING R , ROSEMOUNT CITY CODE, SECTIONS 11 -1-4, 11-4 -1 AND 11 -10=4 AND -• ` , 4 ` ' r. ADDING NEW SECTION 11- 10-4 -1 t . 1 . THE CITY - COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ORDAINS as follows: s Section 1: Purpose. The purpose of this ordinance is`" e -" • 1. To provide for the economical availability and removal of sand, gravel, rock and. soil , vital to the growth of the city and the region; 2. To establish regulations, safeguards and controls in the city regarding noise, dust, ' traffic, drainage, groundwater quality and other factors that will minimize the 4 ° environmental and aesthetic impacts on mined or adjacent property; A . 3. To reduce the potential for pollution caused by wind and soil erosion and i sedimentation; ,. 4. To establish the locations, orderly approval process, and the operating conditions under which large scale sand and gravel extraction and processing will be allowed- iii I the city; and to establish conditions that insure the restoration of mined areas consistent with existing and planned land use patterns; 5. To regulate and ensure - that mitigation measures are implemented on large scale mineral extraction operations that have completed their' environmental impact statementsand/or other appropriate environmental review; 6. To establish a large mineral extraction overlay district as the only location where large scale mineral extraction operations will be allowed, pursuant to City Council s approval of an interim use permit and annual Council approval of annua1cxcavation . - -{ Formatted: Strikethrough , J .3 operating permits. - - -{ Formatted: Double underline ) ?' - Section 2. The Rosemount City Zoning Code, Section 11 -1 -4 is amended by adding the following i. definitions: l LARGE E SCALE MINERAL EXTRACTION: Mineral extraction at`a scale that would req >>i rre a s •ni_n n slim,, s,"•m•n ,s sri ,••inMinn-s• , C.•s P,4 "11.' S ••. I } L n U - ,lli Min-r,1 nit . - — 'MAL S A _ -- M _ ERAL E T' • ►: U �n•r.1 -x r, ' , , s , • -ss h,n . : • is, ,•, -nvir nm-n ,, *s., , s , -m-n ,s • s ri,'• 'nMinn•s• . R 1 s ,.0 "11.': S.,,' Non Metallic Mineral Minim Section 3. The Rosemount City Zoning Code ,. .Section 11 -4 -1, paragraph D is amended by deleting - - ' mineral extraction as a conditional use as follows: ` r ` 3 7 1 .. 1 4 ., , r :x V . s _ .. t D. Conditional Uses: t t . +, g . Mineral extraction, provided the site is cast of State Trunk Highway 52 on propertica situated within one half (1/2) mile of County State Aid Highway 12. Section 4. The Rosemount City Zoning Code, Section 11 -4 -1, paragraph E is amended as follows: ' , E. Uses Permitted By PUDLnterim Use : ,.N t None. .r= S .1- Min-r. .. r. :on .n. - , -ss• s-s . i hin - L.r= S .1- • .1 S .. :. Extraction Overly District described in Section 11- 10 -4 -1. , . • K L Scale Mineral Extraction Aricillary Utis as defined iii Section 11113-4-1.--' .H = s e Small Scale Mineral Extraction and related Accessory 1Jses within the Small Scale Overlay ' District descrihed_in Section 11- 10 -4. Section 5. The Rosemount City Zoning Code, Section 11 -10 -4, paragraph A is amended as follows: 11 -10 -4: SMALL SCALE MINERAL EXTRACTION: ' A. Permit Rewired: It shall be unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to remove, store 1 or excavate rock, sand, gravel; clay, silt or other like material in the city, or to' fill or raise the existing surface grades, without receiving a permit for mineral extraction. Such permit:.Permits for small scale mineral extraction under this Section may only be issued in then zoning district -where `° . mineral extraction is listed as an interim use. Furthermore, Small scale mineral extraction shall notmay be allowed only 1:i h Sm.11 S' .1- . ' .1 Ex _ . • n • - _ . - J is i so as not to x. interfere with the orderly growth and expansion of public utilities. Permits for mineral extraction {- within the Large Scale Mineral Extraction Overlay District may be issued only under Section'11 -10- I a . . 41. { r E -•:•.s:An-xr. • • . -• s 11 n• • - • -. for .n of h fell win•: , Ex .v. e • • • . f. n . • n -ll. • • •.s- n • • . • • • .in_ if .. Il ._,__ -rmi ` ' . has been issued: 1. N r 1 2. . . . •n• s. •.•• r is ..h • '-s in •nn- '• •. • ens t. :•i'•_ 1 • . a.0 n.n - •fr•, . •i .. s or : '' s. . 1 • - 9 3. . Curb cuts, utility hookups or street openings - which another permit has been iss - • - ill-. ' 4 '_ i t, 4C Excavation less than one hundred (100) s .. = - in .r- on • • 1') in depth?'. l'' 5. Excavation or trading for agricultural purposes. (Ord: B. 9 -19 -1989) ' • . _ s , .. E 2 4 ,, , 1 + 1 i _ o. p 't a ' s l K ' . 7 r . e? n . y ..a r .. r ft i Section 6 The Rosemount City Zoning Code Section 11 -10 -4, paiagraph B is amended as follows: 1. , Excavation for foundation, cellar or basement of a building if a building permit i has bccn issued. + ,. ± `' 2. Excavation by state, county or city authorities in connection with construction or .,.. maintenance of roads, highways or utilities. ' 3.. • w Curb cuts, utility hookups ^ or - .street openings for which another permit has been . s . issued by the city.. . Y . " B. Small Scale MLeLalExtiQ rac n Q3T r1, as ict: The small scale mineral extraction overla „ ., .is i •s -s s •lish-.. .- •) n., • • 's ri is , . n h .lf 1 _ .._ nor h •f • ns u . , S :. Ai. Flit '2 h- m' i • .,1 •i .n., ,s , lin- - ,lf 1 'mil- i . h of r s ° County State Aid High 42 and US Hi 52 t o - the west. c ; -. '. Section 7. The Rosemourit City Zoning Code is amended by adding new Section 11 10 -4 -1 as ®:, follows: e 7 , „1 A , • 11- 10 -4 -1: LARG SCALE MINERAL EXTRACTIONi A . ° A. P-r t .r .: I sh, . - nl, . f _1 f•r , • -rs n it •` • or. •.n m v- ti • w • •x ,v, - r . s,n. • . - sil or • h- .. - m, -ri,l i • it or • i. or r,is- - -- -xis -. r s rf, - •r._ s • h- L,r)-- S .1 1i•n-r, Ex , . • •v-rl; Is - , .lis. -. i A ei s this S- tion without receiving a permit for large scale mineral extraction. Such permits may s •nl . - issu-• in , z _ . .'s • .h r 1 , - s , - mi - _ , -x. , ion •s lis • ,s , n i ini , . • use and in the large scale mineral extraction overlay district. Permits for mineral extraction - . i bin - S .11 ' .1- M. .l Extr, 1;.n • rl. Dis ri .; • iss - _ • no -r S • . . 11 -10 -4. , ,f Inn... _- s .l- min ", -x r, :•n it ...li , ns -• . -rmi .n. is - .. sh. be submitted with considered simultaneously with an application for. an interim use • r,' n. -rS• •. -11 -:. • • - ..••. ill . r-. • - f r,n o f •• fill*, i 1. Excavation for a foundation cellar or basement of a buildih if a buildini pe rmit has 1 . been issued. , , 1 2. Excavation b state:coun or ct authorities in connection with construction or y � ��y - , maintenance of roads,li s g or utilities. 1 3. Cur_b_c_u_ts.,utility hookups or street opening for which another permit has_bcen iss -.'.1 h .; i s dr 4. Excavation less than one hundred (100) square feet in area or one foot (1') in dep 5. Ex - on • sr. ant for ..• s. r,1•_••ss. . , 3, r o /- t ,. re" z 4 , • 4 y ..,.. !._ _ i z ,:. 4 m. ,. s ,7 1 , 4 4 B. ,r >• S .1 . • r.1 Ex r. • . •v-rl, Dis e ` Th- 1.r - s . •e_" rii -x . • n •v-r , " .is ri Is • s ..lish•.. s . .n.. of • . ' s • ' ` i ' • S. ' 2 h- no Akre v - h - , s SAH . h- s • h ;n- 's , n • h s ` C. D•fini• as F r h- •"•:ties f his S• • ". = toll' .'nr . • - I, ssh.11.• 1 : t . r, Asphalt Plant - i s` a facility used to manufacture asphalt or other fo of coated road stone, son i •s ,: • . .s •li•'k • • _•is'f, ilia - • , s h- .in. •. m.- . ,> •r -T, •s s.e. ,n. fill -r e- ere,. . s •. •..n. fin._ , •. •,. .in. .sin it, 1 ..seh.1 ( , T T r - s - r ' _ _ s s-. ,s •, of h•, - mix. Berm - is a level space. shelf_ or raised barrier se rating two areas • Bathymetnc or Hydrographic Charts - are charts that show lake bottom relief or terrain as na u F . . contour lines (called depth contours or isobaths) and selected depths (soundings), r •„ on r• -'s i rnixe r• •f as . • . - , -s s..... .. r k . Th- •,s •me •s•. . ._• n ,n• .. -r , s h s rf. • f h- f• s,n• .n , s , _,• -se •s r• ,s ,n. 1 binds them together into a rock -like mass known as concrete. .. i, ., ens . • f >gr`gatesor "A ge =kegs ' -is , Ire .• . tt of °,rs• •,r' 1. - m, • s' ., us-d in onstruction incl sin t- sand navel crus ed stone sla and ec 1•d concrete. °• Conveying Co, nve tr. - is a common iece of mechanical handling equipment that moves materials from one location to another, °- Ci_usl s ingPl.n -m- • . •••• or el,n .-si_•-e • -a - l.r_r r) ,sin • sm.11-r • rocks or g vel. .. ` D \fie' is minin> . . , i n h. .k s e , - .. v- h- • r n. . , -r ..1-. ., F1oatin Dredsg (Dredgin ®_l - is an activity of mining that is carried out underwater with a , hin• • •• • - • iv. • m. •ri.1 f • .. 4 n• • .. •r . . •' . i • • slier- . •r• $ can be processed into constructiongrade aggregates. 2 Haul Road — is an internal private road used to transport material.` a i Haul Route — is an external public road used to transport material. - , :n•r 1 x r, ..n -'s - '•n •finer_..' m, •ri.ls s h .s • r,v-1'rs. ,, e • :n• . ff-r S .. . - 's h• •'s .n ."`s A* • r ° • is in s a- _.•m h • -• • ,:. { Formatted: Strikethrough , EIS boundary line. Portable Processing Equipment - is equipment designed on a skid or axel assembly that c • ° m • fr. •t' • in • • sin .11.. • • for shorter travel times and reduced emissions. ,- t:. . Precast Cast Concrete Products `are roducts such as brid e beams or lank concrete i e , seer .' • se- • ens s •. s -"..f -r • • •s h. ,r• .s , , f,` iha .n. 1. •r . a_hraper curing time has been achieved, j . Ready Mixed Concrete Plant - is a facility that manufactures s • 'fi .__ • - Si - • . r- - , - r . •live • , .s em-l's ens i.', si in . fr•s.l .e d •r 1.s • .n•. • •n-• s . •. ) r ,. 9 .. s i . 4 t . F e c , e r y a k e X. - 1 3 R- 1. , • n En. s• -is h• • • •ss •f , 'm '.s- .n s ,ors o: I , , i•s • _ •, s. in 1 .•s , , . so- s • •'s ork i u.in_ m. .1 0l, - • s ,•ilizi r = roil = r- ,._• r ,n. oh •o _ • •r s•_s _ - , _•n ,n. . ..• ,n — a R-.. Asoh.1 ,•. •rAr -r-rr, Pre.. s "P -, • • -r r. coolish-. n x• - ,. , or asphalt products: These products are recycled (reproduced) and reused in production of , new products or road base products used on construction sites. a r S r - - . r S r • - •o l,n -'s, It, of - h. ., s •r,n -1, -• o•, ri,l.n. s •,r, -s' • multiple ,grades by particle size" >- S,uor- iss- .n .••f• i. -o • . .k1• in or- o,r,.:• , .'s, o• it. S o koi - is , oil- o r s • , - I. , • o f • lk m, e_. s f• minx •,r h- . `1k to, -ri,1' . handlinr • • -ss. S • koit-s , - o•rm,ll created by a stacking conveyor . S i••• _ - isr-m. •n l, ',soil • k - 1, • • ` •t_sh,n• .,s ; >grte eganr� ducts ,. from the to of th minin= de osit to expose the q_ualir sand and gravel needed iii ° the • ••n • o.r •.,fio • so. *•n, •r•r. s. Too • M. -rid -is , S. sh • II • _nos • .o, ri,l. - .. T •s • ' 1 - i s h- _ o • _ • -tines 1, • soil 5 . , 1 ' . .- • o 2 • :in • - s . I h.ti • - h i s an •n r. 'o • orr,ni m, , • o is . h• ••s h- -. h's •io • • ,l s vi occurs. en Ne Truck Scale - is a latform device that a truck will drive onto for weir hi to i nsure that the truck is of legal weight and or dimension. We Minin_ - is mi in• and excava *on ,r•a that wil ,k• 1. ce below the ground water table ,shin= .s , o -is , m, hin• •• • .hi h s , ' . , o . . r , -lis on • _. s•o,r, =. • r - size, washed, dewatered. and then sent to stockpiles for load out D. Review Process: 1 . . 1. _.h H-,a : • • _. • h•,rm .1_ 'ins n. •. •s1•-r, •• • •• rru applications. The public°hearina. public notice and procedure requirements for the , p e rm its sha be the same as those for amendments as rov ided i n section 11 - 10 -11 of this chapter. , • 2. r ri - xi.. f• rmi Ao ors , • Th- foil... r . rs ill . • - h-n r.•_ o.s . h- h • ...rev- , 1,r • s .1- min-r,1 •x r, _ ••-r.... . 1 - ` a - • s. ,••_• 1 •r.•ni,11 . •-r - sh,llin ..- • n• li • •. • fin.in.s • - following factors n a. •nsis • • .i h is Phns , o. P 11 i - s : Th- • • o.s-• 1.r - s .1- . nor, w ex traction per mit is co nsistent wi the co rehen s ide lan a nd th . location is suitable in that the excavation, mining, processing, stockpiling or 't h.. *.. r . f s,n. .11_ . ,v-1 . - o •si s . • n - -n. • x-, - , n.'s,n - •r ' unreasonably adverse land use impacts or exceed local, state or federal safety and environmental standards on the adiacent properties ? applicant for a " 1 permit, at the applicant's sole cost, shall provide information to help F e s ., 5 • A 5, P I. I. . _ t . .. t is - k P .- r - - .'_.1 in_•. n 'limi - . , m•1 -_z•nin> , •h ,m-.t -n .• ,'..• •xhi•is' us r, •n• ,•.', -. ,n. •• -si ' - .•.rs - and Jami uses; existing elevations and percent of slope'within and 300 feet ;, 1 - beyond the perimeter of the iteE1S boundar and an environment im• , statement. . s ° b. E j • m-n ,1Im•, s' n -n ire. -n ,lim•, s , m-n ,s' -fin-. • Minnesota Environmental Quality Board Rules) shall be completed fofeach = la re scale gravel mining= oieet ronosed. The I r tied roiect shall be so , ( des p-ned and operated as to minimize adverse impacts identified in the environmental impact statement. The environmental impact statement shall he considered by th ity Council prri it than final action on a large scale mineral extraction permit request. The application for large scale _•n r,1 . ,- - .. , r, •.n •-r ' s•,_ n. .- •ns..-r-t • .1 - - .._ - .m- .s _ ,1 . comment has been received cin the adequacy of the environmental imp act : statement. t c. _ . r S .1 Mi -r, _ r, • n Il - , Dis ri : Th- . . ,ri-s of .- ro used large scale mineral extraction operation shall be completely within .. h ..r.- s , . .._ r, - x , • • .. rL is i _ E. Application Requirements: The apcation for a la ge`scale mineral extraction permit shall - include the following_ 1. h- err , .-s ri • n'of h- 1, s n .hi h . ,i•nis or•••s.... , 2. Th- n,.. no ;•.r - .f - ,,,h ,n h- .. r • h- 1 • ,n. .- •-r- n •_ corporation co ductinf3- the actual removal o r • n. 3. The names and addresses of all adiacent landowners within o ou ne- frth ( /mile. - 4. The purpos of the }posed exca " l 5. The estimated time required to complete the proposed excavation and reh -.ili tion. 6. The names of the highways. streets or other public roadways within the city upon . .• h h- m, - ,. shall .- r, s•. -s. 5. 7. A map p of the pro osed pit or excavation area to a scale of one inch equals 200 feet 1, s • .'. h- •r-s- , , • ,r-, • ',r-. •r •.s-. . , , -. - - • h- . •••.._ . riot ,n. • • im m,n. .,.m m-1-v: • ns ) h- ,r-. ,n- s.• in. , •..• m of 11 f -- of h- ,t', -n L. null sides of thepropose• -x ati n area, 1 4 ;t . . 6 , w u R , Y _ e.. t n. e 4. •. 9. 8. • -1-1, pill ; • - 1, ,i•n ,n. - r-s • , _•n •1.n r. •.•• - • h- • . , • its _, ._ , r-h,.ili`: _•, • , x , -. ., a. S. • •1,nsh,ll'' s_. .sin>,.•r••ri. - ••( , r, ohs ,•s -,n_ s - s ._r.. ,.s 1- f n- inh - : ,1s 211 f-- ,n. .i _ - -f..` •• _r A . in - , s, is , • h' ni, h- f•11. in?: , 1) The r emoval or planned contours of the land when the mineral removal . operations are com 2leted. k y s 2) h- -s -. • . _ _ - h, h- •i .'_ ,` ••-r, `:s .n. , se'''- 1-. s- in f h n _•• ,.1 for -x . . •• , i _ h,•ili , '•n • 1 in'. , within the active, inactive and restoration areas. 3) Those areas of the site used for storal;e of topsoil and overburden. I- • 4) The depth of all water bod t slopes of all slopes after- rehabilitation a n d a desc ript i on of the tun a n d q uanti � f plantings wh r e- s vegetation is to he established, 5) Th_e five foot'contours shall extend at least 200 feet beyond the • i n•. of h- ••-r ion r .- •n. - ,..•.'t''. ri.h of .. . . 4 whichever is more inclusive. b. s- r- 1.m.'•n.1,ns . ,s•in 1 •-.h .ri 1 , s•. .h »Y, r-s •r. '•n , •` • • s . r m: in .1 '- fi - , g -gfany gr undwate_ . excavation. No nroundwater excavation shall he filled, in whole or in parr, K .ih • -•• - 'o.- il, ir•v.l. T,' t • •. 1. ,ls• - s,, in 1 •- h- 1 in 1) Description of each groundwater excavation (ti; izg - shape and location). ' . a 2) D-s ri• • of s- • ,•s -. ad placement procedures) .. 3) D -s ri, e'en f h- ....f- h,r. -psi s i h- , -, f - h , g roundwater excavation to be affected by reposed fill activity ((aquifer thickn s general geological settir nl. a ! 7 a , i. i a ` r S As b 1 r a 4) Description of the impacts of the proposed fill activity on l; roundwater , ow re ' s. e fl , 5) r .• ,, -r *hi . T•1, • R , P 6) Such other information as the city may from time to time require. . .. c. An '_,., ,n• , -ss• .s h;• ,'• • ,m, • ,n. -s . • • .•. d. . Within eih n gtee 1 months after the termination of long term mineral' , . ter, n••-r,••.s r.ihin1..- mnhs, -r.- -x•ir, n• _• , t ,1 -x , ' • - • •r• '. - . 's s- ' n h . _• _ ,n ` r o . - Z N- shall dismantle buildin >s and structures incident to extraction o • `r; ' • "• s ,n sh,ll r,.- -. , ionsi - ,s ,s •m•1- - .11 vs.... . n on .- si as provided by the rehabilitation plan. _, e. r h- m,xim s •- of h- r 1.m, '•• ,r-, h, is t -1o•,i shall • , ,' n• s - -• ., fv- f-- h.'•• ,1 • •n- 1 f • e ,1. Th maximum slope'of the reclamation area that is undevelo abl such as the `: k area between a water body and a right -of -way line shall he no steeper tha two (21 feet horizontal to one Ofoot vertical. An slo greater than three a. (31 feet horizont to o ne (1) foot vertical shall be designed by a licen i „ 9, -n 'n -r .n• ,• • h '. •'in- -r. - f. Adjacent fo Water Bodies: For manmade groundwater lakes, the bottom; . -7., • n o" r" sh. • , , • 11 sl• •in ", h- slier-lin- 0 h of the water body at a maximum slope of teh feet horizontal to'one foot verticalj10:11 from at least ten (1 feet upland from the pro osed s r-line • toatleastfifty(5.0'f-- from • - or( ••s- sh• - ' • .r lh- -. -r f h . , -- .•. . 13- on fif, 1 f-- ' • . • ,1 ..s , - h- s •- of h- ' y .. ` bottom contours may he no steeper than 2:1. , >- m 9. Location of any and ille sting wells and the size and depth thereof. - F � � 10. Such other information as the city may from time to time require, including, but not Hp! - . • ' h- 1. , *•n , • ' , e• l• , i n • , s • k il-s of , r_ -•,s-. , construction debr material on the land for w the p is desired F. 1 ss. s-s: . i hi , , - s 1- min-r.1 x , '•n • • -r, ' h- f• . win s s , - customarily incidental to its operation and do not require a separate permit or ap rov I. t Th-s- . ° ss• .s -s m s •• h's,m- •-rf. ,n s ,n.,r.s .s •- .r- s ;1- •' r,l !, extraction'o e anon. - 1. Gravel Crushing 1 8 3 A. I J- t 1 r A R 4 ` 2 It 7 a G x . . - A0 I _ 4 . t- , . - , ., -,., .' . 1 ■■ . ... - - . , — , 4i ‘-' . , . s , Gravel Washing_ 3. -Offices associated with the mining operation and ancillary uses. ' 4. „Truck Washing: p, Miii. r-hi .no at'ninYE __. m- M.i ,n .1 . 6. ' Stockpiling. . ... 5,7. St6rage of Machinery used daily in the extraction area - ' ' -,?....:-.-{ Formatted: Double underline J .,. G. An ilclap s s: -- r n'LU,e,Ihe&a-is . .., sit& f , • ... '.-s • . YTr._ 5. .r s •r A - - i fr., is- .r...mia • a_ - s r . Mineral extraction operation but also generate issues nuisances and adverse land use ith • ont • s •-'.1 h- . . - , . . . ' s - f . Th ' ell ..• r"--1 Li:. es .•'•l • h-s . ill. • < . uses to a large scale Mineral ektraction op_m_d_dm ' .: • A- _ . 1 . S 0 a, - I im s • t ii- : .T. .... 'ss h- i . s . s n ; s .na .. - s- _ . . .. iieirnp generated by ancillary Uses; a separate interim use permit as i, 0) - ., ' ..„ . or .•. • in s 'on 11-11-: •f his ' .P_t_er_slibea.p•li • for .1 I 0 or. -• f• . . . . . h .1 ill. a ' s . 11,- lis 'n ( , s- i• h- f. .._ • s . es' .. n . s no • - ,n 7 `• h. ' • e use will be approved within the large scale mineral extraction 'Operati n` • that the n'Se will be allowed during the enrire duration of the operation. The decision ... .. « , . • 1-r - I .11 • Tr. .. h ono.: 'ins • I- ' . ...li . •on s h ..., . ill.A %. . uselsWiti JiesLi discretion lteCitTCoutci 11. ;. . 2. n ' .4 s s nsi• -r- .: V - fill . in is . 's of .. ' 1. .s-s h. . • - , t, considered in association with a large scale mineral extraction operation and the issues and performance standards that' shall be addressed within the interim use r ,r= permit. ' ,,, . .. .4 ,.. . .;. a. Concrete Production: ..A plant for the production of concrete may he .11 . - on . si - h.s .n.•• • ' • a - s .1 min- .1 -x . 'one- in compliance with this section. In addition h .11: . in_ o -rfor .t - 1 standards shall appt .. ' j t '''' % .S. , e , 1) I, . I S h suc A s Irlin1 “iS , . . . s 1, ili a fr. i ..n ,... - r-si..- ',Ls- . `.. • oli ' h if .. . This 'i m,. s ... •lish _ hr. )-h '`olls.r. oh . IS 1 ,in - Xis It e- r"s - .. k. Vs mi ' `. s • . . r:m . sy , , : t " 4 , I ' *: * ' EIS boundary 11i ___.....{ Formatted: Strikethroudh i S. sIII1 g. 1 s O. k _ic. his • • - hi h v-r is .r-. a -* 7. 0 . L ,.. . 2) Multi, ' -.d Mix o r - P1 s: I ,.f. ilia is to have multi r ` i. 1.ri 1-1A.u-irii i The ripwm concretej 1 1.1s ia`i.T' , tquipnael_t1 _eicept for the conveyors that transport materials into the , • hLi...ad _o r inorc,..,iccaudary • ' ' 1 ' 3 p.c.02,09.timp„ip0gbt.eep.. that.„thc,.primajys.(i0f, -, Ilrlixs90( . , ,, , . ' 9 1 t' ? 4 r : ` - 3 , . ... ._.= . k. j . , , , } b aY a Y Z. t N , 3 x 4 v .4 d i r« .1ll,,bt4tiALL�aS14 44R,.. .. .,,,,, 1.S ...,. SS,SS1lf ............ ... . .._ i, fu me. '7. iinss.t. 7 .• * a, p* aiLnt,s aglir , s,nill_ _ . Secondary concrete plants may not be ' permitted unless an active interim use permit for the primary concrete . has been approved that includes a requirement that the prirhary concrete plant building be completed within eighteen (18) months of approval. 3) Plant Height: The maximum heiy t of any concrete plant shall be one h n.'•.' n 1 - f-- 1 . . 4) Material Stockpiles: Stockpiles associated with these uses shall be ' ' • . - • to a heis >ht of sixty feet (60').. F 5) 0 tdoor Storage: There shall'he no outdoor storage of finished material ° ' o roducts. All equipment and raw material associated with the cement or concrete plant must I s_�re -nn z� d fr m i w fr nu an adjacent - r 4 •g residential use or public right of wap in conformance with section 11 -2- „ • . • S ( r . f i s i 1 . ' ` r ', 6) Hours of Operation: The houi s of operation shall belimited to 7 a.m. 4, , r. to 7 p o h ghiS r nl-ss s • , • -rmission is r n ' • h- it )nit i hin 'n -rim s- • - • . Th- =x r. rs • a - . ) • eration`ma he conditioned on more restrictive erformance „. standards to address the additional adverse impacts resulting from the z ._ extra hours.`' 7 4 7) • ,u1 R• -5: , T -n-r, - , • his s - sh. . __ z - h, r• .. s ' ` ` anoroved bit e ci and other a >encies as required. The lant owner . s . •- -r-s• si•1 or no.... im• -m-n s ,n• -,s -n s n- . • for . inrr ss,n• -sss_• • ,•• • ,_. h- i•. T•- , Ir.. s` . re • uir- Dakot. Coun Hi rhwa De r menf o =the Minnesota , w Department of Transportation apuxoval as well. 9 . b. 5•11,1 P .. ' n: A •1„11 •r h- .r.. _ . n of s•h,1 ••, - ,11.. • • • . , si h as . .• r • ,r• - s .1 _,1 -x_ , : • • ` • in • compliance with this section. In addition, the following performance s,_ r.s sh, <iil: ' 1) L. a '•a• Th- asphalt plant and all equipment associated with i shall he + t s , -. ,'mi _a. f six h_ .r-. six', f 1' fr m ,n •on- agricultural zoned land. 4 2) Setback "and Buffering• The plant and aWeauinment and materials p w associated with it shall he set back'a minimum of seventy five feet 7( �__)5 ., f • ,n a•;,,,,,:,,, EIS • i . n. , n- no s r-- _ • n; •. r, , • r- s { Formatted: Strikethrough in _••• •=rmin •r '-- • `Y-,' . no • h_ ter- . • r - 100° o "opaque screening with earthen berms and landsca in. shall be :• required fromround level to the first thirty percent 30 %1 of the r 10 1 a 7' 1 ,4 e; : r n overall height and fifty percent (50%) opaque to fifty peisetji the overall height of the plant as viewed from eye level from surrounding right of way or roadways. 3) It._ -s. _ -t • 's .s- so— 1Z • . s approved by the city and other agencies as required: The plant owner shall he res.. es'ol go roveinents and easements needed for ingress and egress subject to approval by the city. The haul routes may • re uire Dakota Coun Hi =hwa "De artment or the Minnesota Department of Transportation as well. 4) ' Access: Traffic generated fiy this use shall enter onto streets consistent with city access and design standards. The owner of these uses shall be • , responsible for all costs associated with road improvements re iqutedto serve the use. 5) Material Stockpiles: Stockpiles associated With these uses shall be • • h-*.h f six• f— 1'. 6) Outdoor Storage: There shall he no outdoor storage of finished • :•m-n m. -t ih h .s•h.1 .plant must be screened from view 'from an adjacent residential use or • •li rizh of : in conformance with section 11-2-9, "Outdoor ge/ of this title. 7) Air Emisi. ts: As,t oo- 'ens so .1 i 11 n-s.. R. -s Part 7011 for testiiw. mn.n r ri 1 r ir n sm 8) Waste Byproducts: This use shall operate so as not to discharge onto the soils within the EIS boundary of thc lot, across the boundaries of the lot EIS boundary line or throuth ercolation into the subsoil within EIS boundary r ond the boundarY f)f thc lot EIS boundary line where such use is located • tr n xi• 25 - in s • concentrations as to be detrimental to or endanges_the_public health, sf-i mfor •r -1f.r-• or sin .11 re • - a r bus iness. 9) Odors: This use shall o ei-ate so as to prevent the emission of odorous -r f s h s o • - - .• - • - • thc lot line of the aite EIS boundai - line, 10).S. 1 o:' eis oiled h h _ s•- .ir-m-n s .n. f _ r-s tr. 'on s .nt ass f• -x r. 'ens,- ifi-t in s ..s- ioe' •f his S- , 11) HolusolD.peratim.Thela. to 7 .m. Monda throw h Saturda unless s ecial permission is granted • h- i1 • nil i hin h- in -rim s- • -rmi Th- -xrh.rs f 11 r — _ , �. H.. a =s 44. :1 - _ I t 3 x A , ,. ••- , '•nm, •• •n.• *•n-, nm• - -sri • • • ••-rf •. ,n r standards to address the adverse impacts caused by the extra hours. , c. Maintenance Facility: A facility for the repair of trucks, other vehicles and etc u ipment used in a mineral ex ra ion ope anion may be alloy= ed nn'a si e that _ha, an agnroved large scale min e xtract ion permit • compliance with ,, his S- ' • . _ • cis i. ' • ,. . s•_• of h •,•_ -n, •`f,' sh, comply with site, lot and building standards within Section 11 -4 -16 " €, Paragraphs F and G. d. : Casting Yard A facility for he man ufa tiring • f •• r• , s en n r s " may be allowed on a site tha has n approved large scale mineral ex ractinn' .4 • .mi in • •li,n h hiss • n., To ,sin. • • on - ,r.. s shall occur within a building while the curing of the roducts may occur ^. A "outdoors lon ., o . The construction and design of a castin y ard that will exist n h than ten (10)`years shall comply with site; and building standards within Section 11 -4 -16 Paragraphs F and G. .. e. Tr _ , - -ssin_ , • . R• - _ A•r•te. - r•• s ) •• °: Th- c ) , n in - .tih: > mbdn s r - •• T ,n• „s•_•g�aggregaite� tad' s. ' recy�ng concrete and as hal ay be allowed on a si e tha has an a r large scal- mineral extraction ermit in com fiance with this section. Iri i ' n the following_performance standards shall apply: • 1) Locatic • in The plant shall be locatedm such a way as o mi imsz i s ` t visibili fro a adiacen reside u or a pub righ cif way T his . , i • may be accomplished through to_po ra• 1,n•s , • >' xis •n> -_- , • . rmin s- - .2) Material Stockpiles• Stockpiles associated i= ith these uses sha 1 b li i d 4 ,1 to a height of sixty feet (60") r 3) Hours of Operation: The hours of operation shall he limited to 7 a.m. to 74).m. Monday through Saturday unless special permission is granted by the City Council within the interim use permit. The extra hours of t aeration may be cond on more rest rictive performance standards , to-address • dv•rse impacts caused by the extra hours. 4) Ratio of Aggregate Processin = o R vcled Aggregate Products Production: To maximize the use of mined aggregate material and . ' nimi�e importing of material transported from'outside the associated , gravel mine, a ratio of a, yrre ate processing to recycled aggregate roduct , or •ssin_ sh, • - -s ,.lis - . •t h- in - • s - •r •.T'ra• s ,llh, , 'nirri m• s- -tit •-r -n 1°o_.r-t =•r• -ssin•...• i a maximum of thirty percent (30 %)recycled aggreste product 'manufacturing. The actual production ratio shall be reported to the City on an annual basis. , 12 . , • r m , 1 a. , s• ¢ g. - 'S , . • .. H. Performance Standards_ 1 • 1. Boundary Extraction operations shall he conducted within the confines of the .. - s. - described in the r pit '2. A -ss:-Ex . 'on ••-r.i•nssh.11•" . .11•,-.•nsi-s , h, . -ss to a rin ncipal arterial, minor arterial,-or collector street as designated in the city of - . • Rosemount comprehensive` mide plan. A Local street may be used if approved by . •.n V. • 4 3. S- •. ks•S- ., . .. sari -s sh,1 s- .s f• .s Wh-r- s- It ks .r- ,s r-. from zoning district boundari p es that occur along a ublic street ri = - f- Ay Y z•ni' is i .•,• , is .ss ..• • .- h- -rlin- of ,..•li ri_ -•f -,. ,. , a. Residential Zoning District: 350 feet •' _ .. , b. Industrial, Commercial or Institutional Zoning District: 150 feet ° ` c. Agricultural Zoning District: 30 feet ` d.` •o`..i R s•. • - • in. • si.- Z` ..:. as i : 11 f--' e. Right -of -ways or Streets: 75 feet - ride f. Pre - existing Water Bodies: 150 feet • t 4. Height: - ,. . a. Th- • i =h of all - ..•m n `'s .•_ .n.. • r .-r. •• s x -•` , „< •s• .•s .• . .• s .s .•n ran. s 1 . ,i hi h- • • ' - n5i .1 . r. '.n•• :i•nsh.11nc -x -- six•_ 1 f-- . This 'a...r. _• -s • ° , apply to the ancillary facilities covered by a separate interim use permit: i b. ` T. • - • •ns h s s 1 f . •••. `ri s • ` - s m. .. - i s.1 .. m..•• ni ifs-v-'• 1 f-- in..os r• •. . - ., h- conveyors are not installed more than twelve 12 before operation to - ens _e. h- s • • k•:_- .n h-” • •. rs .r- 1. , - . 1. , six 1 f- - 'Within twelve (12) hours of completing the stockpile. c. Th- f1•, _n• . r - . . - s • s • -x - . s•v na f i - inh-i i . 5. Appearance. Screening, and Berming: The mining -s he screened from any public 6 ' r•h -.f- •rur..ns -1•• -n hr. _h . m.in,:o of -xis' =s .s• .1 --s .-rmin• .n." ' s .11-. l.n_s .•. •. . a. xisting Tree Stands: The preferred method of screeninp the minim ,.a. • - . .•n ish-•,n.inin• -xis . •s .nos •f "sh.`,•_.•r•vi.-. , level of at least ninetypercent (90 %) opacity. If the stand of 'trees dries not • i.- nin-• •- -n 91 °e. s•, it h-n sass . ..11.n.s .•'.> shall • • ,, ins all-. arc '.- ni -•_• r -n 1 °, o . i• . n , nu.1 •., is a .i of the tree stands shall be conducted and dead vegetation shall be removed arid e ass'. n.11.n.s • shall .- i.s .11-. main ._• •_:. - - s 1 °o ••., is. b. B-rms s .11 •- •ns _. ' -• in . .s h-r- h- -. 1 g ee stands lij n , ` exist. The berms shall be at least ten feet in height measured from the toe of R 13 ,. r ' a K, . .7 A E „ • 4 r � ro h-•-rm• •m'h-f• =li - of - xis :.=_. li r•. _ .._E-v-rrs_si 1 h- •r-. s h-i*h of h- s m. , 6. Hours of O ns: , r a. . inin : The hours of operation shall he limited to 7 a.m. to 7 • . Mon • . through Satur y The Community Development Director may authorize - S n•s•- ._•.frcm:..m. • .m. on •. h.nfi - _ S n•, s annuall rovided the o • -r. • • . fi - s t- . mm ni s Develop -n s 1 4. Director no less than 72 hours before a Sunday operation. The City Council 3 . r.n sr . .1 •-rmission x r, h.. s • • r, ion .i hi. •- ,nn..1 extraction permit. The extra hours of operation maybe conditioned on _ Trier- r-s - *v- •-rf•r .. - s .n..r..s • . r-ss h-...': n.1 .. - ti” £ , . _ impacts caused by the extra hour* s of o r n. - L b. shin _ '... ..shin_: -Th- .rs of • •-r.: .. . s .11 . - limi _ • ..m. o ' 7 .m. Monda throe h Saturda . The Ci Council ma = . • s, i.1 e . • -rmissi. • c r x r. h• .rs • • , on . ' ._. h- .n .1 x _. •.n , -r Th -x_. r• s •fo. r. - . • •._:. -._ n •r -s i : • rf•rm.. - s .n_.r s • .. _ ss h- .• -rs- imp. s ..s-• • h -x r, x hours of operation. • • t. C. " T k 'n : Th he _rs • lc . • n s.. • - limi . ..... .. . i - Mon g da throuh Saturday. The Community Development Director may authorize Sunda' operation from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m`on no more than five (5)' . { e` S n.. s .nn .11 i - . . . • • n. _ t-s h mxn_. • .. t „ Development Director no less than 72 hours before a Sunda • • r.. •n. - 4 Th- i• •`_. • • . •r.n s• i.1 ••-rmissi• x . h. s - • ••-r. •n .i._. h-.nn`.1-x.. ion •-r • . - -x .h s f r. *ohm. . ' c conditioned on mo`re restrictive performance standards inc1udin= a limited to the truck haul routes to address the adverse imp acts' caused by the _ extra' hours of operation. '- d. S . =in= • vi_ -s: S ..i =.ctivitieswill be permitted one'half hour -f. ; normal hours' and one half hour after normal hours Staging= activities in 1 . li ing . .n. 1.: _•n_ ._ ks -. _ '• .-• - specdons, fueling, d a •h-rs'.•1.rr-1. -.. '•ns. T s m, - r h- si - .i hit r-h.lfh.. - •r- h- n r .l h - s• h -v-r ... . -1 ks m. -.v- h- si 11 1 5 - n r••. ho rs •f r.. • f -r h .0 • r .lh. s'•. •r-r. '.n. • • r n. , within one half hour past the P.M. normal hours of operation. site clean- u1z and equipment maintenance is permitted as well. 4. 7. Slopes; -. t 3 a. Minin_: D` rin h- -n: • rip. of • -r. _ ns .11 -x . .. is •th-r .. •° the working face shall he sloped on all sides no steeper than one (1� _f94t 4 horizontal to one (1) foot vertical, unless a steeper slope is approved by the ' C E ngineer. 7 r 14 . F ` 1 ti a 4 v I •, 1 ' f i _ 4 tt 1 ' t s w b. ' 1 rrnin•: ,- • • • i• . r ri•h -• - . , f, - • - • rim- - • - s s - b e sl n steepe t f (41 fee h to one (1 f oot v ertical . r The extraction side of the • -rim - -rm shall • - s • ed no steeper than A hr= h•riz . • •n- 1 •• ' .1. I 8. Noise: Maximum noise level at the perimeter of the e cc nation siteEIS boundary . "° shall comply with the limits or standards established by the Minnesota Pollution a Control A - and the 1 Jnited States Environmental Protection A• -n : -- -- se. 9. Paved' Access Road: All access roads from a larg scale mineral extraction operation e • . • • r•... , shall s- ., i h .s• • . • `•n r- - f• . is .n - . L 1 - . . s 1 1 •m..s r . )• h mini =s' • of h- • .li -_. -•f -.- minimiz - ., _ e- 1 .., - • .s _ _•ns. D.rin . • • , n ,1 :T.,r., - o eratin=_• - u_ -vi- . - is _ -. --{ F St 6 -- C ma 're uire additional .vin_'len if dust and mud trackin=are i -ntified as a problem b • i . A n.. . r , . s . i . ` . - *ning • . eration sha11 be , W. r ' s ti, treated with a dust retardant on a regular basis as stipulated in the annual -={ Formatted: Strikethrough r. o_ ratio ' rmit. r 40.4: Dust Co _ .1: 0 .erators•shall use all ractical means to reduce the amount of J t fup • - • s n r- • -x .v, . n • era ions. In any event, the amount of dust k I or other particulate matter generated by the excavation shall not exceed air pollution ., r f standards -stahlished by the'Minnesota Pollution Control As- :" • n ' _• . in. ti t ._ i s h- ( m ni• D •r -n Dir• • _ s_. r . • - .4 - n . n-r,1 -x s : •n ,, ° operation ceas p lim e oerations to einate additiona l dust generati on 9 11. , x 1•si -s: _.- s- of ;.1 si -s h- 1-b- s.- *n-r.1 -xr, ._ - .••-r,:' • *s • prohibited., s 12. Surface Water Pollution: The minin lans shall corn l with the Ci 's S rf, - Wa gcorn ter Manament Plan. x v, 'on o erat rs shall co 1 with .11 a licabl s. . ,r. d 1tJnn-s. , 11 •• on •1A n ,n. D-•,r -n • . t r,1 R-s . -s - 1. *ois ,n..11. li - •1 ` .. S , -s n ir• m n .1 Pro - • • -n - . a ., . I 1 r 14 ns • h• rr - : • • t-r - • N ,s - •r•. s or - ss•. r -s *. in 1 J ain; .•` •. •• ,sh . - *-r shi .- . • ` s* - • i ` .n• . Ili ., -rs • the State of Mom iesota' .- 13. roun.. , 1:: av, ion o. ,tors s' .11 .r •.r- •r• n:. - ni •rin= plan to ensure that groundwater flow. level. or quality is not impacted. Th- - =r.. "._w,t- mcni •r 1 n,sh.11 !• 1 wih it - . _.. -so., D •<' -n f- Health regulations. 14. `U.s - .. -r: )n si s . r-, m-n s s - ms'sh, c . . i h' i• • • - Ti 1 r' . h- -r D, • , n• 0 •._..n - ....11 ,,'rli = ',•1- s , an. f-. .1 ' rreeulations. i a r =I 15. Topsoil: All topsoil located on the sitewithin the ISIS boundary before the rn I I, c .tra on • -r. n • ' ns -x •. • ••s• • • •v-r.r-.s - .r- .1- -. o ` 1 15 ..F . . y M .. _ 4 R C 4 9 • , . . , . , -- ■ . ' . , . . .. .- ... .. . .. . . , k I .7 .. / . .. . . .8 / .... ..... - , 7 7,7 L 1 h . a r . , , . . • , be reclamated as open water; shall remain within boundaries of the operation. 4 ,7 1 0 a i • n.1 • ts ilm. - "- .1- • -ns. , , minim t' in h-s • otseil is plated:onallarea,srs 16. Landscap:i4 . ..• , I , a. .'s *n r- . = ..n. -r se, 1 t - r-s- - • - modm. et -x -n feas e. maintained or supplemented by selective cutting transplanting_and replanting of frees, shrubs and other ground cover along all setback areas. • i - b. The public view and right-of-way side of berms that are planned t xis ' _ - r h.n f i f I 1 -as s . •-- hilts .•-• .i • . - sit of to r-- per 625 square feet. A minimum of 66% of the trees shall he conifers. . . r , • , . llierified to exist less than 15 years shall be landscaped ..' . r- r s 1 .r• ■ D T RS mix. d. . All areas reclaimed shall be seeded with a City_approved seed mix 'within . --n 1' 4.. s •,1 ..• t i = s .• .sh-s. A.. ••n. s- -sin shall z he li as needed uritil the vegetation s dA1 s-A)r,uei established. I. e. I'lle.__Giqumay_Le_qwieeoyeroverareasremi is for f , . i. r .n ii, -1v 12 1 • s if i is • • .• • , h-s- .r-.s =-n-r. - airborne dust particles. .. — 17. Maintenance of Mining Vehicles: . i ,... a. 7 ... 4. . . . All machinery shall he kept op- at nal. ; r , . b. ••_•.n. on- . m. j .no t *is so.11 o - trom• r-m • fr'm h • - excavation site. . .4 4 ' c. All machine shall he eriodicall ins ected 're aired and tainted as need to . . 1 , rr v-n - s 'n_ • • her - -fie . it •f h m. hint . : .., . .. . , 18. .=.• n•: Ai li_ B =s .11 • - shi-la -• ' tr- -n li h s from . . g i.,,Alecteslat traffic on a public road in such brilliance that it impairs the vision of the driver and , - m". nt . • erf/r- i h r s r r ffi si_ s • si_ is T 's...1.‘"—..- -'----- - _.7.---{ Formatted: Strikethrough ' ) , .....i.k.trz.......to...z....;,....:,:;,_4.....i...;:,_.a.,,..:. - . The level of lighting'shall'not 1 , - exceed 1.0 lumen at the EIS boundary line. 19. • Council Waiver: The City Council, at the time of issuance of the annual extraction - I -res m, ..i - sr rn ...t ,n of h- • • isi ns in his s- 1 • tr im, ivy t - , • • • ..n.lr ...1-m-n s if i fi as , h- tl.n • so- , :on sr • h-r go, -ri.ls • , . s s'ini —i h h- ,ttli .:o r tli-if. • s in,k- .• re tri, - or sui .• measures for standards consistent with the public health safety and welfare. . , I 1 I. So ' i . - . -m-n s: — .-- 4 , • , 16 • 7 r . .. , ... '.7 . k . r . 4.. + k. -.. ....... ." .. . T 4 , ± , . . , ' f • , . , ra . .47 . . h. . g g. 4 7 7 4 +.0- . . . .- I ' y I n , a 1 . ••. s - of is •s s: .- • ••• sh,llr•i . .rs• • - • r h• s • t' t i-ri .. ins• ' es • h• • •os• f •- - se I h, h- rr•visi ns • h- extractionpermit and this Section are bein fg ollowed 2. Haul Routes: The applicanf shall submit to the city a detailed map of thestreets on . . hi _ • - 4_ . rit r mi • • sh.11 ., ,ns• r • _ , 1 v,.; • routes 1 - is s•, _ - --{ Formatted: Strikethrough j ins, - h 1 -,.c • routes , , . s • . - ti • • • h- to •li ti • _ . , n•r .n• -' -{ Formatted: Strikethrough J sh.11 r• •i•• .. • h- • n it n• -ss. r . • _r, • *n? •r r , .irin • h •, :r,. _ _ ._ -{ Formatted: Strikethrough ) • • routes,ri•r r h• _s . .. 10111i .n •r '.n : T. •.• iish,ll.•si • . - • - •. 1s .1,.• routes • ••, psi m r h- r- •m- ., •.s• h et:,•nsi.1• . • --_-- { Formatted: Strikethrough ] . ' officials in the extraction ermit issued to the a •licant. It shall he the res. •nsi,ili• of h- to o ' ,n r • n-r • m.in in • - • . o,to routesin`accord with the , 1 f....--,{ Formatted: Strikethrough J •r• 'si•nss- • • n h •-rmi . Th- it s•, •-.••i ,11 *Hs,- h 1 -,,.. _ -- { Formatted:Strikethrough { T routes to ensure corn fiance with the ermit. Durin the eriod of -or u on ,, " . , _ _ -- •mil• '•n of h- • . , ,• ••r, *ins h- ,•• ' to • . rs ,llm.k to -ss. r •.irs • h- h. _ w_.; • routes ,s r- mm- • • . • , 's . All fist) ` _ - -{ Formatted: Strikethrough ' ina n p p ctiorovided for in this "subsection shall he borne by thcanplicant or owner, I Th ,s • h- . 1 v... • routes -sh, • • s ,• • .n r : tn _ . i_.- , •s ri .iris, { Formatted: Strikethrough , F . m,•s -• , h- i•. •- •• , •rs .11 •• vs, s. •_ _ . rsin_ h• '• _• - ` - '{ Formatted: Not Strikethrough any additional maintenance costs incurred for ublic roads as a result of the minin• opera on. 4 , , - • o ; � 3. Gravel Production and Phasing: . s a. A • ,s el.nmus , '.r • , mi s •r•r, *on c . m.xi • m .r•. > eighty (80) acres per phase of operations. t e b. mineral extraction permit for the first phase' of an extraction operation s. sh 11 . limi -. • , m. .re -r-, of -i.h• :1 , r-s. ..o =x r, n • - ' " N for hase two 2 or subse.u-n hases of a mineral extractori o eration shall not he issued until at least seventy percent (70 %) of the previous phase ,, • •r r '•nsh,s. nrh..' . - • s rdin. • .n.rrn rehensive reclamation plan. comp 1 era ext p erm it s au ex o t o b e l c. No min l a =rt n.. .i m•r- h.n•.•.2 • • •.s- s• f.n-xr, ti n•r ' -, concurrently. F :" d. No mineral extraction permit shall authorize extraction to be conducted on more than one hundred and sixty acres at one time. ' (160) s ' 27 k 4. • 1 -rR __: .s.-• s 1i D• -radii- • h • il: Th- ••rmi • sh.1 •m,1 p will • h•r... s .F h- • n ils•,_ m- . m- • ,r.,•r.n. r hs r• a s n• -ss, f r • • - n •fi s i =ns , • _-n-r.1 .'•lf,r . a 1 J. Reclamation, Restoration, ;and Rehabilitation: i , 17 l` r •# i . t I ,, e p ' l 7 t i s 4 11 . ' r 1 Ph.s _ • r -r, ' . : T -ns h, h- $.' i- . s r- . '1:u -. -in , 'n - .n _ •r• -r1 , m.n h- 'flint •r-r, ' s ,ll r- •'vi• . 'n • .h,s s *fn. m - h,n •i ht t _1 , r-s • •h,s-. T.- .2n• sh, . to or -- • h- n , rh.s- n . 1 - •_• ' s .h,s 's s ....z-. - 1,im a .n. r-- . Th- ►.,s . • .r h-r •' ..-q ' € 1 in s •- •h.s-s • -,s.r- h, • . •r- h, , -1.f •e n r-. s' it 1 r-s ' •fmini.Tis • -ii ... h. n• t h,n-iht :1 ,rs o,nin,•. s' 1-,r-,. .. 2. Si „ 'f cant T ansportation Corridors: The reclamation plan sliall show all future - t .11- • -n. .r -ri. . .. s - •r '.- f• • r.,... .n_ . "t •.s`._ n of these future roadways, a reasonable reclamation grade as determined by the City sh, • -s ..lish . .ihin • •-si . i'h -•f -.. .i. hf r • ,rr srri, 4•<.. _ l.ss' ,..n. ihi•_ 114 -nt f.. m nhs • -'r of .. -n n : - em h ' h, h 41 • or .r ri, rir - f -. , 's --4-4 for -i • -•., . . •r ''t s . '•n • r ' -• ._' •m.1- - i .ihin that right -of -way and reclaim the right -of -w. to he Trades , roved withi the - . Interim Reclamation Plan. 'Ile City Council may within the interim use permit `' i s provided a minimum period of time such thaCthe operator ■vill have mine before the twenty four (24) month advance can be given. R a 3. T nk __'t S- i`'s: ,' 'n t- rill .•._ 2' nit •s of it 4 - n ' , from t Ci ty �uhlic trunk ut ili ty serv ar - • • ► ens A -. , i I • . h ...nin• •-r,. n h- .• •• - sh,ll rovi. ,n -,s- • ' r h- 'lit r construction, complete the mining within the se- rn1 and reclaim the easement to h- • rades a roved within the Interim Reclamation Plan. - The Ci , Council may h. within the interim use permit provided a minimum period of time such that the operator will have nine before the twenty four (24) month advance can be given. 4. Water Bodies and Drainage Plan:.The City has an adopted Surface Water M-n.. - .. n Pl -n hi ..1 -ns for h- -n - • s _ f, . - •ss h- it. Th- .._ 'n•- .• -r.i•. s -11 -11 wf• •- v- .n - fs ., -r .ihi h- a roved minin ar- .s as called for ithin the Surf. ce Wat`-r Man.. ement Plan. - 5. Interim Reclamation Plan: The permittee shall provide an interim reclamation plan whifh rr•vi. -s r- L..., *•n .r,d=s .11 -i ht :1 , r- • .s-s , . • 1. ,llo for agricultural use immediately following reclamation. , 6. En. s- ,.' Plan: T _ •m r- h-nsiv- 1 -n ,n ' ir, f `s h, h- 1 _ ••, .s >. ,f r h- n' -t f h- • is r•,n ._ - • i -n . T. - •mm•., - .'s' •.. s s and allow for orderl . 1 •m the • r ' s.. rr•vi. - . • . _ .s- .r,•'nT .1 -n h, .n -.s n..1 . •. • , - rb n. 1 •m- - r minin. •-r, •• s r that are ex.- -. • r - . uire more than twen._21 ears to com•_ - h- it • .n ilm. .•• •v- -n -n .ti r,•in..I.n f•_ - ,r-. .. 's -x.- -d t • c - completed within twenty (201 years The Citv Council shall not annrove an annual • r, .n_ - .. r ,n .r-. . i h . ,n ,• rev-. -n. s- :. _ rl -n. , 7. :. -. ,1 •fB il.. Ts S r r-s .n. 7- hi 1-s: W .'n -i - -n 1: m n s of h- -, reclamdion of each phase. all buildings. structures and plants incidental to that phase • • . r -'• sh. •- ism. -.. - -m• -. • .•. , h- -x -ns- • h ` ,n•,, 18 . a v " K , A w a -r' P £ x Y y . sr m b. . x r F 1 x . . . 3 a 47 . a " " uravel nroducer last operatinjthe building, structure or plant, �r the owner of the , a , or r =rs . -ss h• st -•`r- c` s• is •. •,:• • .ih h : it. . 1: •. - s of h-•.••r•.= 11• il-i1ss •._-s r•.nsn• • •_.sr- _•.• ••s y i. s _•n m. .- r-m• • h- 's .i h s s or h- r- .1 h. ged to th . • ••'•• or • •.n- • h trot-rt. < 8. . 1 - •. " la. •ri, s . • •• r; .'•ns: *s. is il- '. • 4 • •• s' ngaf -. ■ clean and compactable inorganic fill that is able to support urban development tcS , ' achieve the reclamation grades The pe i t shall s �bmit a lia -ba k mana :, '' plan that includes the types of fill that shall he deposited where the fill comes from :? `' and what testing of the fill shall occur All fill deposited �x i +bin `the mining o eration must be able to.support urban residential development ' 9. D D. . _ f '•in_ .n. • n ill, s s: T. • i - f r - it •rl . -" 1` • !..T _ _ .° of the it the Ci ouncil shall determine the'dura u on of the 'minin or ancilla — _ • _ . - . - s• . i •• in ri • .s • •rmi. ' ...^ , K. Annual Operatine Permit 1.' Ptupose of the Annual Operating Permit: A large scale mineral extraction operatio 1 may extend for years or decades to complete. The purpose of the annual- operating t: - .. permit is to provide anoptiortur itv for the City Council to review the operati >n of p the e. gather public comment on the operation. modify any permits n ' ti min ns as . necessary to address adverse impacts that arise from the operation. and revise the . h;s•s . •• •r s` . -• •.s -s f h ••_'• -. Th = s .1 min- . - r. . in 'ri • e use ermit provides a "zonino- basis for the mine provided the city issues an annual operating permit , 0 2. A• •li ...n P •h' ■_ , in" N. • • n• Pr. • • •: Th• . • • • • • , '•n_• .•h`h•, n__ . public notice and procedure requirements for annual operatinv permit shall be the 1 l ' same as those for amendmen s as provided in section 11 -10 -11 < f this ca h per, .. except that the permit may be issued only on the affirmative vote of a major* of t- i . entire council. , i, 3. Area without an End Use rading Plan The Citv Council shall not issue an annual • -r. 'n >••rmi for .•,r•..ih•_ .n - r•r •.En. s- ..ingPlanthat accommodates urban`development. 4. Dr.:on f ••r. :•.Prmi: y.- r >-s .: n•rmishall _• from January 1 through December 31 of the same year or fora lesser period of time as the Cit Council mayspecify at the time of issuance of the extraction perm If ti • -x . ' 'c n • . • • ilk • .n .., a 5. era 'n Permit ee F• 5 The fee for la ge scale m ineral e xtract i n permit shall be as i $ established from time to time by resolution of the City Council 3 r - 19 . t J M a , 3 • . a , r 6. n s ections: The City may i all mineral extraction sites wherea_1ae scale min-r,1 - . , • n •-rmi h,s • - - n i s s- . - . . . to . r r n r 1 , r extraction o erasion found imviolation of the requirements of this title or its extraction r - to • sh,ll r-m- a such violations within the time specified by written • ` notice from the City` 7. t Financial Surety: The council shall require the an_nlicant or owner of the nreniises on 34 which the excavation operation is located to post a surety with a surety acceptable to '1 the city, cash escrow or letter of credit ( "security") in an amount and source determined by the council, in favor of the city, conditioned to pay the city the costs .1. ,• _ s- •fr-',irin• ,n sr-"s ,h r s. ._ -•,_ s ...,. ' n - SS, . •" 4 ' s• - .,4. .-nr s 1'n from h, •n . ,•.. - -.• is. _ s.: -r*,lfr•m,n •• , ' , ,tion , n. • n. 'n_ r- uired rehabilitation and conditioned further to, _ comply with all the requirements of this:title and the particular extraction permit, and to a an ex -nse the ci• ma incur :b reason of doin an thin required to be _ A done y any applicant.to'whom a permit is issued. The security shall remain in full E 1. o K, for ,n. -ff• for ', minim.m i - • . ` n- ,r ,f -r -x•ir, • n f h- -x r, : . • •-rmi A ,r,n h r . - ,_ • ,:on,s.-11,s h- h-rr- * m s herein rovided. The sure bond will he based "on the number of acres requested r - • .ihin h- ,nn.,1 -••,, . _., : n• rmi h- ,m• n •f, r-s h, v'•• • - n , r- Lim-._ • h- -n. .s- , __. r • ,. 1 , ns ,nd' h ,m• n h, ,n . - . immediately withdrawn for the special burden of street repair or to replaceinen s *ns ffi i-n hilts ,•in)-. S r • f - .nf.- _ -. miti , • nm-,s.r-s .- q. , ' determined and a securit will be reQuired as lon gs the miti tion measures are not • eted• r 8. Ins r,n -i Th • -r • s , ., ,i. -n-r,l li, ,n _ .ili. ins r,n - s •r. i h- is ,nn.,ll , -r_fi , - - . - , 1 i,•ili• Ins r.n - iss - . . ins r rs .. •• licensed within the State of Minnesota.* The City Council shall determine the ,, a a nn n r o n r i a t e amount of li abili ty insurance during the annual permit renewal. x Section 8. This Ordinance shall be in effect following its passage and publication. .1 F A a r, r t Adopted this day of , 2012 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, ' I. Minnesota. ' , } . By - . William H. Droste, Mayor t ,. ATTEST: i p a By: . a Amy Domeier, City Clerk 20 . t: i . 3 r ` 4. ,. } S ,. ., 3 x C. Published in the Rosemount Town Pages the. day of " , 2012. 1 4 cra • w r. t a u , C4 t ■ v N s i 0. S k '4,. = o- t k T. . cf st t i 1 . y * ' b 1 fc $ 11 0, I a . 3. , f a t, 71 , f t A ' ' f y T im , 9. M Y s , • :i d e . a , `e 1: We'need to clarify that a performance bond (instead of cash or letter. of credit) can be posted for 1E the following: B • Reclaiming what has not as yet been reclaimed • Costs of final grading , x _ We assume that a cash deposit or letter �f credit will be required for the "special burden of street repair" and for "replacing insufficient. landscaping ". We arrive at that conclusion because the ordinance speaks of "an amount that can be immediately withdrawn" for those two items. Is our understanding correct ? - Further; what expectation does the City have for the amount to 'cover the "special burden of street repair" and for "replacing insufficient landscaping ". In addition, what is the City's 'expectation on a per acre basis with regard to the amount of the performance-bond to cover rehabilitation and final grading? i ' t ' C. Specific Comments. The following comments relate to specific items contained in the subparts of Section 11- 10 -4 -1.. - 1. * Section 11- 10 -4 (K) imposes the requirement of an annual operating permit. The ro " defined term is Annual Operating Permit. This permit' is referred to throughout the . ordinance. About 20 to 30 times it is referred to as the, Annual Excavation Permit arid ' about .5 to 6 times it is referred to as the Annual Operating Permit.. Only "the defined term should be namely, the Annual Operating Permit. w ' 2. Subpart (C) contains - a definition of "mining' b setback This definition references a distance from a "lot ". ,The reference should be to the property of the overall property , identified in the EIS.- ,. -' 3. " Subpart (E)(8)(d) only gives the applicant 12 months : after expiration of the Annual Operating Permit to remove all buildings and structures. and to complete rehabilitation (reclamation and restoration).- This is too short. Dakota Aggregates suggests 18 months. e 4. Subpart-(G) in the introductory paragraph states 'that certain facilities generate issues, nuisances and adverse land impacts beyond the scope of the operation itself. The language . should be .modified to state that these facilities "could" generate issues, nuisances, eta. 3 _ A . ._ 5. The language in Subpart (G)(1) 'that an interim use - permit is "within the discretion of the 4 City Council. seems unnecessarily self- serving to the City. The language should be 1 - "within the discretion of theCity Council under law ". 6. Subpart (G)(2)(a) deals with the ancillary use of a concrete plant. The setback is twice the height of the plant or the . applicable set back under the code, whichever is greater. j The setback is measured from the "property line ". We assume the "property line" is the boundary of the overall property identified in the EIS. .. . ti Y x k 3 . , , , $ e f k . r k 7. Subpart (G)(2)(a) (dealing with a concrete plant) states that all the equipment` has to be "enclosed within a building ". There should be exceptions for conveyors and silos. I 8. Subpart (G)(2)(b)'`deals with asphalt plants. The setback is measured from the "property n k line ". We assume the "property line" is the boundary of the overall property identified in the EIS. . k r . r 9. Subpart (G)(2)(b)(8) dealing with waste byproducts speaks .about "a prohibition of_not .. ` 4. -- allowing discharge beyond the boundaries of the "lot ". The reference should be to the ° , r "property line" which is the boundary of the overall property identified in the EIS. F f 10. Subpart (G)(2)(b)(9) deals with odors from the asphalt p lant and states that odors cannot be detectible "beyon the lot line of the site on which such use is located ". What is the l "lot line "? The reference should be to the "property line" which is the boundary of the is overall property identified in the EIS. i , t 11. Subpart (G)(2)(c) deals with the maintenance facility. - S etback,requirements relate to' the "lot ". The reference should be to the "property line ", which is the boundary of the overall s property identified in the EIS., -i k 12. Subpart- (G)(2)(d) deals with pre -cast concrete products. Again, the setbacks deal with the "lot ". What is the "lot "? The reference should be to the "property line "`which is the i boundary of the overall property identified in the EIS. - s f a 13. Subpart (G)(2)(e)(4) establishes a ratio 'of a minimum 70% aggregate processing to a maximum 30% recycled aggregate. We assume this ratio is not a plant by plant ratio but A is a ratio for the entire operation of everything on the UMore site. We also presume the t ratio does not just take into account the material used in the plants but also takes into account the aggregate 'that is produced on site and sold off site to others. We need to , I address how the ratio applies when mining ceases 111 Rosemount but mining Continues in Empire Township with the auxiliary uses continuing in Rosemount. A , 14. Subpart (H) deals with performance `standards with regard to mining (extraction). The . height requirement for equipment is 60 feet. The height requirement for stock piles is 60 feet. There should be exceptions.for the conveyors. - S : :15. Subpart (H)(5) sets a number of screening standards: How does one measure 90% R_ opacity as a practical matter? What time of year is the measurement taken? Do we really ` need an annual opacity audit of the tree stands? From what level or viewpoint does one -. .. , measure opacity? From the street? From the excavation area? From a property line? i I 1 6. Subpart (H)(10) deals with dust control. The Community Development Director can shut down the operation on "high wind days ". What is a "high wind day'-'? This term is too ambiguous. We suggest further research on this matter so that the ordinance can reference quantifiable "miles per hour" for specific durations as reported by a reputable source. 1 z . e 4 a a t J a A 7 w , e w. A.- 1 17. Subpart (H)(16) deals with landscaping. Dakota Aggregates reserve the r ight' to make . further comment concerning this section. fi . a 18. Subpart .(H)(18) deals with lighting. One requirement is that "lighting may not illuminate any adjacent properties, buildings or streets ". This is too restrictive. The language should be that "lighting may not directly illuminate any adjacent properties, buildings or $ streets ". - There will always be .some indirect lighting that will illuminate, adjacent properties. ,. g 19. Subpart (I)(2) deals with haul roads which (in the language of the ordinance') are the , '' public roads that wilDbe used to ,transport material to the property as well as from the k property. In .the'industry, the term haul roads usually refers to the iriternal private roads and the term "haul route" usually refers to the external pa roads The terminology in this section should conform to the industry use of these terms. , 20. Subpart (I)(3) dealing wit pha is confusing. 'The phase 'Cannot 'exceed 80,acres. The $ ` language says that ,Dakota Aggregates cannot proceed to the next phase unless at least 70% of the previous phase has been rehabilitated. Yet, the language 'says that ,the operating permit cannot allow mining on more than 160 acres at one time. How do all .. these numbers relate to each other? y � $. 21. Subpart (J)(1) dealing with phasing is confusing with respect to this issue of 160 acres . r versus 80 acres. We need to clarify how many total acres can be open for mining at one time. 1 22. In Subpart (J)(1) some words are missing. It should be that Dakota Aggregates cannot proceed to the net phase unless 70% of the previous phase is reclaimed. The word "70 %" is missing. 1 ' 23. Subpart (J)(2) requires Dakota Aggregates to finish grading in an accelerated fashion if the area is needed by the City for road right of way. Is this realistic? The same issue arises with respect to trunk utility. services under Subpart (J)(3). The ordinance should that advance notice cannot be'given until after a period of tine has expire d as the set 24 in the inter im use permit for the operator to have the opportunity to mine • the areas adjoining: the right of way and trunk utility lines. $ L, , f ; r k r f , e. .. t P.. c P se , m w . p 4 ss m s F. DRAFT FEBRUARY PLANNING COMMISSION MINUTES DAKOTA AGGREGATES EXCERPT r 5.b. Dakota Aggregates Request for Ordinance Text Amendment to Allow Large Scale Mining (12 -02- ` ' I TA). Senior Planner Zweber stated the University of Minnesota is proposing to develop the 5,000 acre UMore property (3,000 acres in Rosemount and 2,000 acres in Empire Township) into a mixed use community of up to 30,000 people. Before the development occurs, the University and`their partner , Dakota Aggregates are proposing to mine the western 1,600 acres of UMore over a °40 year period (25 -4 Sears in Rosemount and the final 15 years in Empire). The Rosemount Zoning Ordinance, does not , permit mining in UMore. Dakota Aggregates has requested a Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment to allow mining in the western half of UMore. s Mr. Zweber f. stated that staff has prepared a Large Scale Mineral Extraction Ordinance that would regulate the mining request and recommends that the Planning Commission open the public hearing and take testimony from all the public that is in attendance. He further recommended`to continue the _. a public hearing to the March 27 Planning Commission meeting. This continuance will allow time to evaluate the public testimony and consider revisions to the ordinance to address concerns raised. Commissioner Miller asked about the monitoring methods the city will use for mit efforts of noise and dust and whether or not it is appropriate to place the ancillary uses within an agricultural zoned area rather than an industrial zoned area Mr. Zweber responded that establishing the ordinance allows the applicant to apply.,forfla permit and deals with the standards for any mining organization, not exclusive to Dakota Aggregates. The permit will address any mitigation efforts I required. With respect to the ancillary uses, Mr. Zweber stated that Section G of the ordinance 1 . k addresses ancillary uses and it states they can only be active on the property as long as the mine is _ active. If the ancillary`uses were set up in an industrial zoned area, then they could stay there long term regardless. R s k Commissioner Demuth asked about' the compaction requirements. Mr. Zweber responded that the ordinance is not specific as to what the requirements are but simply states in Section J8. that the , f � material needs to be compactible. r 1 Chairperson Powell asked staff to explain the process with the ordinance amendment and permitting process and Mr. Zweber clarified the process.' _ f ' The applicant, - Timothy Becken from Dakota Aggregates, stated this has been a long process of identifying issues and creating solutions involving a series of neighborhood He stated they ' are excited to be at this stage in the planning. , The public hearing was opened at 8:39p.m. Kris Johnson, 14414 Atwater Way, stated that he is happy to hear that expl are prohibited, the ! landscape screening requirement should be "reviewed during the winter months when coverage is at a minim" inimutn berm be at least 20 feet high on the other side of the tree line which will aide in dust protection, and that the truck traffic should be kept to County Road 46 if possible. He asked. how the noise levels affect the current noise ordinance the city already has and asked the 'economic f benefit the city will gain from the mining. . 1 P s. MEMO TO: Rosemount Planning Commission A City of Rosemount City Hall x 4 ".: 2875 W. 145 Street Rosemount, MN 55068 , ` r 1 FROM: Dakota Aggregates, LLC- . [ DATE: February 28, 2012 , a I RE: Comments on City of Rosemount Large Scale Mineral Extraction Ordinance l Section` A. Introduction. Dakota` Aggregates, _LLC _ offers the following _co` rimrnents =and - — suggestions with respect to the draft City - ordinance dealing with'' large scale mineral extraction. This memo is divided into essentially two, parts. There are conceptual items that form the first ' part of the memo. The second part of the memo contains specific' comments about particular -- ambiguities with regardto certain sections of the ordinance.. . .Section B. Conceptual Items. =The following comments in this Section B'relate to conceptual issues that run throughout the ordinance. r n , I : 1. Measurement of Distances. Throughout the ordinance, there are references to setbacks r t" f or mining - and setbacks for ancillary uses, as well as performance standards (such as i , .. 1 t those relating to dust, odors noise, air emissions and lighting) that `reference various 9 distances: There is no consistency with respect td'. how these physical distances are measured. Some of the sections relate to a distance from the "lot line" and other sections relate to the "property lines' and other sections relate to the "site line ". -What is meant by lot? ,What is meant by site? As we know, the property is not platted so there are not , 1 . defined lots in the traditional sense. Every time there is a reference to a distance it should l be to the -"property line" of the overall property identified in the EIS: r 2. Multiple Concrete Plants. Section 11- 10- 4- 1(G)(2)(a)(2) dealing with concrete plants is confusing. The first sentence ,of the - section seems to indicate that there can be multiple y concrete plants, but the rest of the section seems to , indicate that the only additional concrete plant is a "secondary unenclosed portable ready mix- concrete, plant" that can be used only while the primary plant is being built.. The important questions are how many • permanent enclosed concrete plants can there be and whether there can be a seasonal unenclosed concrete, plant. 4 t s_ I , 1 r �„ E From:•Jordan Millington [ mailto :jordanmillingtonCa�gmail.coml, , Sent: Friday, March 09, 2012 2:40 AM , To: Rosemount Mayor C , a P Cc: iordanrnillington(agmail.com . Subject: umore mining article response , r r . „ . . ,, ,There was a recently published article online'about mining taking place at UMore in the future. This is my response to that article:' n 1 I don't have a problemrwith the mining at UMore. I'm sure will become a big deal soon, When all of the people who believe in global warmingstart speaking their opinion on it., I have` , l no problem with them speaking their opinion, because that's what I'm doing here, but I simply believe they are wrong. I respect thei(opiniohs, but 'I don't agree with them. I am just giving them an opposing view, and hoping they will agree with me. Like when people from my church go to foreign countries and try convert them to Christianity. It's, the same concept, except 1' church is more important. And that's not an opinion, that's a fact. _,, I ` Anyways, I'msure people will say thatmining here will leadto mining there, and then there will be mining everywhere. That's where l believe these people are wrong. Everybody on s this planet does care about the world in which they live in: We do want our planet to be abetter- a E. place, we do want gas prices to go down, we do want more "people " be employed (not that this is the Great Depression), but mining in a mineral -rich area is not going to ruin our lives, i especially if we can potentially make 5 million dollars a year doing so. 2 rr Maybe I'm making too big of a deal out of this, but I "can see - arguments about the mining f A taking place in the future. And to quote Forrest Gump, "that's all I.have_to say-about that." ' v- x I 1 _ F I f r a t y z i . .4 w j ' 1 P y , m 4