HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.a. Volunteer Recognition RQSE .��I��INT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council regular meeting: April 17, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Volunteer recognition NDA ECTIO g PREPARED BY: William H. Droste, Mayor AGENDA NO. 3,Q� ATTACHMENTS: APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Present commendations to honorees The Rosemount City Council offers its commendation and gratitude to the many citizens who donate their energy and time to improve the quality of life in our community. For the ninth consecutive year, the Council has invited nominations of these individuals, families, and organizations to be recognized during National Volunteer Week. The work of volunteers provides vast benefits to the communiry as a whole as well as to specific causes or initiatives. A national xesearch group called the Independent Sector estimates that the average value of one volunteer's effort is more than $21 an hour. In 2009, 63.4 million Americans reported that they paxricipated in some form of community service, contributing 8.1 billion hours of service. The City Council recognizes the many benefits provided by the honorees ga.thered here tonight. We hope that more of oux citizens will be inspired to help the community and the causes they support. Leprechaun Days and Haunted Woods Trail Rosemount's major community celebrations continued to thrive during the past year. They pxomise to provide more low-cost entertainment fox the City's families and foY thousands of visitors this year. Steve Ball Bruce Bendey Justin Bottem Patrick Bouchard Maureen Mike Bouchard (also thanked for their efforts with Breakfast with Santa) Bob Julie Brawley Laura Briggs Laura Emiola Pam Farmer Abby Guse Rich Herman Barb Paul Hester Gene Illg Tad Johnson Sharon Keefer Randy Komorouski June Bob Korthauer Justin Lecher Tim Little John Ann Loch Jodi Lucast Gerald Mattson Nick Rapp Rosemarie Elaine Ratzlaff Cheryl Ruud Jane Bob Schwartz Joe Walsh (also thanked for his efforts with Family Winter Fest, Spring Egg Hunt, and Breakfast with Santa) Lynda Joe Webber Diane, Gene Kelli Wellman Tom Werner 2 Adopt-a-Park Adopt-a-Park volunteers assist their community by keeping Rosemount's parks clean, attcactive, and safe. In addition to picking up trash, some Adopt-A-Park groups also help with caring for flowers, pulling weeds, and doing an occasional painting job. Through their presence in the parks, they also help the City by repoYting any suspicious activities or unsafe conditions they may observe. Tom, Monica, Sara Nicholas Bayer Bixch Park Nicholas, Alex Karla Dyson Bisca ne Paxk Simply Massage Bloomfield Park Disc Golf Crazy, L.L.C. Brockway Park Disc Golf Course The Engel Family Brockwa Park Rosemount Moms Club Camfield Park The Murphys CaYxolls Woods Claret Patk Rotary Club of Rosemount Central Paxk The Steinle Family Charlies Park Pat, Connie, Ryan, Maria Blake Chippendale Twin Puddles Gilson Park The Swanson Family Connemara Park The Otto Family DallaYa Park Rosemount Knights of Columbus, Columbian S uires S uirettes Erickson Park Community Action Council Famil Resource Center The Swearingen Family Innisfree Park Alec, Kim, Noah Sophia Gorjestani a cee Park The Olson Family Kidder Park Haage, Peterson Studley Families Lions Park Bukovich, Toll, Wolf, Fliger, Lang T rrell Families Meadows Park Fluegel's Farm, Garden and Pet Schwarz Pond Park Megan Marie Shannon Park The Mullin Family Winds Park 3 Wetlands Health The City and Dakota County recruit and train volunteers in the Wetland Health Evaluarion Program. Participants work with a community-based team to monitor the biological health of wedands. The collected data allow the City to study trends and changes in wedand health and assist with natural resource management. Barbara Brian Berggren Bejamin Determan Lauren Dietemann Becca Newman Terry Pearson Kailyn Pederson Jane Porterfield Emily Rekstad Dan Stinnett Denise Tom Wilkens Police support The Rosemount Police Department calls on the services of volunteer Reservists to help the fulltime force in crowd control and disastex situations. Cmdr. Gene Allen Lt. Dick Knights Officer Dennis Coughlin Officer Mario DiLodovico Officer Kenneth Engberg Officer Kim Ericksen Officer Stacy Heins Officer Caren Mogen Officer Charles Parrish Officer Christine Orthmann Officer Chase Rabege Officer Scott Wug Officer Dan Wolfe The Police Department also relies on a group of local clergy, serving as Chaplains, to assist victims and families in times of great stress. Reverend Mike Markley Pastor Neil Ristow Pastor Bruce Bentley Pastor Gary Ohlemacher 4 Schools The schools of Rosemount benefit from a dedicated group of volunteers, many but not all of them parents of current students. Red Pine Elementary Sheila Pak creates arts projects and volunteers teaching hel for them in kinder arten andlst ade Lori Urkiel has served on PTO board and the district's special education council; box top coordinator, literac arent, hel s on field tri s Rosemount Elementary Patty Grunklee volunteer coordinator; helped with after-school events like Famil Fun N' ht Ken Steffke Shannon Park Elementary Karoline Buck Site Council member and worked fox Winter Conference Luncheon; classroom volunteer Heidi Gustafson-Green Art Adventure Coordinator since 2008 Michelle Hathaway Fall Fundraiser Coordinator the past two years, S rin Fundraiser the ast three ears Rosemount Middle ackie Emerson Becky Haage Volunteer coordinator five years; ta,kes pictures of musicals to raise funds Chris Waloch Rosemount High Becky Busho President of the school's Site Council; spearheaded many fundraising initiatives for the Council and booster clubs Tracey Casey Site Council member; organizes meals, donated by parents, fox faculty on parent teacher conference ni hts Girl Scouts Dozens of giYls benefit from the Girl Scouts program, which is gxowing at a rapid pace in Rosemount thanks to the efforts of many caring adults like these. Keri Chumbley is the Rosemount Valley's Service Unit Recruiter, spending many hours setting up and placing new Girl Scouts in troops. She also helps lead her daughter's Girl Scout Brownie Troop. Jennifer Leholm is a leader to her daughter's Brownie Troop and is Rosemount Valley's Service Unit Registrar. She and Keri put in many, extra hours last year starting a record number of new troops. Joann Murphy the Service Unit Cookie Manager for the Unit. She coordinated nearly 80 Troop Cookie Managers to ensure proper training and efficient operation of cookie sales in the Rosemount area. She was responsible for not only trauung but helping people handle day-to-day issues. 5 Rosemount Area Athletic Association The Rosemount Area Athletic Associarion supports almost 4,000 participants between ages 4- 14 with unique athletic programs throughout the year. Fifteen adults serve as program directors for the Association. Many have served three-plus years in their positions, providing the backbone to the RAAA program. Hila Laihinen Track �-6 Ronna ohnson Track �-6 Smoak Vitek unior Ol m ic Volle ball Todd Krenz Travelin Softball Scott Benni In-house Basketball on Thissen Football 3-8 Dallen Schnichels Travelin Baseball Brett Bo um Travelin Basketball Lisa Slinde In-house Fall Volle ball L ette Hatlen Travelin Tennis Paul Henderson In-house Baseball Softball Mike Alberts Travelin Lacrosse Katie Herzon In-house Soccer Mike Hatlen In-house Tennis Gre Haase Senior Teen Baseball At this time of year the City Council also expresses its thanks to the many citizens who serve on advisory commissions, helping the Council research and consider issues of importance to Rosemount. 'Those Commissioners will be honored at a separate event next month. 6