HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Recieve Quotes/Award Contract - Sanitary Sewer Lift Station 1 Modifications, CIty Project 440 ROSEI �✓1C�LINT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: April 17, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Quotes Award Contract- AGENDA SECTION: Sanitary Sewer Lift Station #1 Consent Modifications, City Project 440 PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of Public AGENDA NO. Works/ City Engineer i) ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Letter of Recommendation; APPROVED BY: Quote Summary; Map Q' RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Receiving Quotes and Awarding the Contract for the Sanitary Sewer Lift Station #1 Modifications, City Project 440. BACKGROUND: On December 12, 2011, this project was presented to the Utilit�� Commission. The Commission made a motion to authorize preparation of plans and specifications, and to solicit quotes for the Sanitar�� Se�ver Lift Station #1 Improvements. Quotes have been obtained and are listed �vithin the Quote Summar��. Lift Station #1 is located just �vest of the lo�ver City� Hall parking lot drive�va5� and primarily sernes the downto�vn and Central Park area including the City Hall and the public `voYks facilities. Improvements included in the project are listed below. These items address the known safet�� concerns and performance issues. Replacement of access doors Replacement of the existing pump guide rails Installation of a ne�v concrete top slab over the lift station Removal of the ele�ated concYete slab in the �vet well Replacement the pump impellers to increase the pumping capacin- Replacement of the access ladder Paaing around the lift station structure rllternate #1 of this bid is included as an option to replace the e�cisting pumps if testing during the project determines that it is not feasible for pump repairs to be made. Costs associated with these improvements �vill be funded through City Sanitary- Se«�er funds. SUMMARY: Staff recommends that Council adopt the attached resolution receiving the quotes and awarding the contract for the Sanitary Sewer Lift Station #1 1�lodifications, City Project 440. G:AI�;NGPROJ\44U\2U120�117 CC Kccci�'c(�uo[es-.A�cardCon[tact.docz CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2012 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING QUOTES AND AWARDING THE CONTRACT FOR SANITARY SEWER LIFT STATION #1 MODIFICATION CITY PROJECT 440 WHEREAS Cit�� Council hexeby ratifies action of Cit�� Engineer to secure quotes for the Sanitary Se�ver Lift Station #1 Modifications, City Project 440. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the Cin� of Rosemount, Minnesota, as follows: 1. �ll quotes for the construction of the Sanitary Sewer Lift Station #1 I�lodification are hereby received and tabulated. 2. Based on the Base Bid (Schedule r� B) plus rllternate 1, the quote of l�iagney Construction, Inc. of Chanhassen, l�linnesota in the amount of �99,555.00 for the Sanitar�� Se�ver Lift Station #1 l�lodifications shall be and hereb}� is accepted. 3. The l��ayor and Clerk are hereby authorized and directed to enter into a contract �vith said bidder for the construction of said improvements for and on behalf of the Cit�� of Rosemount. ADOPTED this 17`'' day of rlpril, 2012. William H. Droste, I�iayor A'I"I'EST: Amy DomeieY, City Clerk wsB Engineering Planning Environmental Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763-541-4800 Fax: 763-541-1700 March ?7. ?01? llonorablc Ma�or and Cit� Council Cit}� of Rosemount 287� 145'�' Street �Vest Rosemount, MN ��068 Attn: Cind�� Dorniden, Public Works Secretan� Re: Litt Station No. 1 Impro��ements City� of Roscmount Project No. 440 WSE3 Project No. 1916-40 Dear Ma�or and Co�u�cil Members: Quotes ��ere recei��ed forthe abo�e-relcrenced project on Tuesda�. March 27. "?012. Three quotes ��ere recei�cd. The quotes �iere checked fur mathematical accurac} and tabulated. It should be noted that thc project included a Qase Qid and one alternate. Alternate 1 is for new submersible pumps at Lift Station No. 1. Please tind enclosed the quote tabulation indicatin�, May,ne�� Construction, Inc.. Chanhassen, Minncsota. as the lo�� quoter ith the follo�� in�� quote amounts: l�tagne�• Gnginccr's Construction, Inc. Estimate Total E3ase E3id (Schedules A+ E3) $89,9��.00 $88.761.00 f\lternate I— Ne�� Submersible pumps $9,600.00 $1 1.000.00 Grand Total Bid (I3ase Fiid Alternatc 1) 599,55�.00 S99,761.00 E3ased on the results of the quotes recei��ed. ��e recommend that the Cit� Council consider these quotes and a«ard a contract f��r the Base E3id plus Alternate I in the amc�unt of $99,555.00 to Magney� Construction. Inc. Sincereh�, 66 SB Assncintes. Inc. F �����v Kevin F. Ne��man, PE Senior Project Mana`�er Enclosures cc: Andy E3rotzler, Cit� of Rosemount Phil Olson, Citv of Roscmount Mark Ma�,ne}, Magner Construction, Inc. srb QUOTE TABULATION SUMMARY PROJECT: Lift Station No. 1 Improvements City Project No. 440 OWNER: City of Rosemount, MN WSB PROJECT NO.: 1916-40 QUOTES RECEIVED: Tuesday, March 27, 2012, at 1:00 p.m. Bid Bond Addendum No. 1 Contractor (5°/a) Received Grand Total Bid 1 Magney Construction, Inc. N/A X S99,555.00 2 Municipal Builders, Inc. N/A X S147,900.00 3 Lametti Sons, Inc. N/A X 5219,720.00 Engineer's Opinion of Probable Cost 599,761.00 I hereby certify that this is a true and correct tabulation of the quotes as received on March 27, 2012. 1 ��t,�/'/�� �_vl Kevin F. Newman, PE, Senior Project Manager Denotes corrected figure K:1019f6-4001AdminlConstruction Admin11916J0 puofe Tab Summary•012712-signed f l� V1..7 r, i,,, WSB Project Bid Abstract Project Name: RSMT Lift Station No. 1 Contract No.: �utodifications DENOTES CORRECTED FIGURE Client: Citv of Rosemount Project No.: 01916-40 Bid Opening: 312712012 1:00 PM Owner: Minneaaolis ProjecY 01916-40 RSMT Lift Station No. 1 Modlfications Engineers Estimate Ma9ney Construction, Inc. Murndpal Bwlders. I Item No. Item Units Quantity Unit Price Total Pnce Und Price �Total Price Unit Pnce Total f SCHEDULE A SITE WORK 1 2021.501 MOBILIZATION (5%) LUMP SUM 1 $3,500.00 53,500.00 $4,000.00 54,040.00 55.000.00 y5.( 2 2101.511 CIEARING AND GRUBBING LUMP SUM 1 $1,500.00 51,500.00 S500.00 8500.00 5200.00 5: 3 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 5 510.00 $50.00 $40.00I 5200.00 $60.00 5: 4 2104.513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT 50 53.50 $175.00 56.00. 5300.0a 53.00 5' 5 2105,501 COMMON EXCAVATION (P) CU YD 30 514.00 5420.00 $25.00' S750.00 50.00 6 2112.601 Sl1BGRADE PREPARATION LUMP SUM 1 5500.00 5500.00 51.000.00� S1.000.00 51.000.00 51.( 7 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 TON 40 535.00 51.400.00 530.001 51,200.�0 525.00 51.( 8 2360.501 TYP SP 12.5 WEARING COURSE MI XTURE (2,C) TON 30 5200.00 56.000.00 5'100.00 53.000.00 5�00.00 53,( 9 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 6 511.00 566.00 550.00 5300.00 52.0� 10 2575.505 SODDING. TYPE LAWN (INCL. TOPSOIL FERT.) SQ YD 15 510.00 5150.00 57.00' S1�5.00 S20.00 S: Totai SCHEDULE A- SITE WORK St3.761.00 511,355.00 510.f SCHEDULE B- LIFT STATION MODIFICATIONS 11 2503.601 SANITARY SEWER BYPASS PUMPING IUMP SUM 1 510,000.00 510.000.00 511.00O.00i $11.000.00 $0.00 '12 2506.601 LIFT STATION MODIFICATIONS LUMP SUM 1 565.000.00 565.000.00 567.600.00� 567.600.00 5127.938.00 $127.'. Total SCHEDULE B- LIFT STATION MODIFICATIONS: $75,000.00 $78,600.00 3727.E ALTERNATE 1- NEW SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS 13 2506.601 F&I NEW SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS LUMP SUM 1$11.000.00 $11,000.�0 �9.600.00' $9.600.00 59.000.00 59.( Totai ALTERNATE NEW SUBM ERSIBLE PUMPS: $11.000.00 59,600.00 59.( Total SCHEDULE A- SITE WORK 513761.00 511.355.00 510.! Total SCHEDULE B- LIFT STATION MODIFICATIONS I 575.0oo.0o I 578.600.00 5�27.! Total ALTERNATE 1- NEW SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS j 511.000.00 i 59,600.00 59.1 Totals for Project 01916-40 599.761.00 599.555.Q0 5147.t °1� of Estimate for Project 019�6-40 I -021°/, 4 I hereby certify that this is an exact reproduction of bids received. Certified By: ✓����ti �����f )��7 License No. 25198 t Date: March 27, 2012 RosEMOu ..:Y_� n r e a ar w W J; Z =e L"� �I p n .�i 0 90 1 80 360 540 720 Feet T:/GIS/City/Maps/Departmental Maps/Engineering/Chris/Location Map 440 I March 2012