HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.n. Teamsters Labor Agreement 2012-2013 �ROSEMOLINT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: April 17, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Teamsters Labor Agreement 2012-2013 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator Emmy Foster, Assistant City AGENDA NO. Administrator ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve the Labor Agreement for the Teamsters, Local No. 320 Collective Bargaining Unit for the Years 2012 through 2013 and to Authorize the Necessary Signatures. ISSUE The City of Rosemount and Teamsters, Local No. 320 (Public Works) have negotiated in good-faith and have come to a tentative agreement. BACKGROUND Negotiations with the Teamsters union have been completed for a 2012 through 2013 contract. The Collective Baxgauung Unit and City have reached a tentative agreement on the following items: ARTICLE 15 CALL BACK Add language. 15 2 If a call out can be cleared (handled remotel�) by use of a Smart�hone and the em�loyee does not need to �hysicall� res�ond to alarm� the em�lo�ee will be com�ensated for one and one- hal£�1 '/z) hours'�a�r at one and one-half (1 '/a� times the em�loyee's_ egular �a� rate ARTICLE 34 CLOTHING ALLOWANCE Mexge the clothing and boots allowance into one amount of $540 for 2012 and for 2013. 34.1 The annual clothing allowance �including boots� in both �B�A 2012 and in 2013 shall be €e�-five hundxed forry dollars ($43A540.00). Replace language. 34.5 Clothing allowance for new em�lo�ees will be �rorated from their first day of em�lo�ment to the end of the calendax year. Article 39. DURATION Two year contract: January 1, 2012 thxu Decembex 31, 2013. APPENDIX A WAGES 1% incYease on January 1, 2012. 1% increase on January 1, 2013 and 1% increase on July 1, 2013. APPENDIX B Remove the foxmer employee names and replace with current employees. HEALTH CARE SAVINGS PLAN The City Council is being asked to appxove this as an additional item on this evening's agenda. SUMMARY On Apri19, 2012, the Teamstexs members voted and approved these contract changes. Therefore, it is xequested that Council appYOVe the labor agreement fox the Teamsters, Loca1320 Collective Baxgaining Unit for the years 2012 thxough 2013 and to authorize the necessary signatuxes. 2