HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.A. Meeting with Rosemount Area Arts Council (RAAC) 4 ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session Meeting: May 9, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Meeting with Rosemount Area Arts Council (RAAC) AGENDA _ WWI PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator AGENDA NO. ).A. ATTACHMENTS: RAAC report APPROVED BY: Dig) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discuss and consider the recommendations in the attached RAAC report. BACKGROUND The Rosemount Area Arts Council has been gathering data and establishing plans for an increased number of arts programs and performances in the community. The attached information from RAAC shows significant increases in programming over the last couple of years. Recently, they indicated that they are ready to meet with the City Council to consider possible partnerships both at the Steeple Center and in the greater community. The Port Authority has also identified RAAC as a valuable partner in the City's economic development efforts. RAAC will be represented by Jim Kotz (Chair), John Loch (Programming Chair) and Jeanne Schwartz (Vice Chair). 1.\11Nll \I kNI.\ 1k1 \l II. "Rosemount's Front Porch" Rosemount Area Art Council's Role in Our Community "We used to gather together on the front porch ... Not for any special reason, just to be together... as family, friends, neighbors and community. This was how we shared life and how we made meaning. This was also how we made community. It was intentional. It was spontaneous. It was fun ... We are losing our front porch. We are losing our gathering place ... We are losing our center and losing touch with the core values that keep us together as a community, perhaps as a nation .... " "Community is more a 'state of mind' than it is a 'place of residence' Community isn't defined by where we live as much as it is by the relationships we have with the people where we live." "Community arts bring people of all ages, genders, races, religions, and economics together for the common good of sharing and celebrating who we are as individuals and as communities." Paul Overton, Author Re- Building the Front Porch of America: Essays on the Art of Community Making Rosemount's Front Porch — RAAC's Metaphor Paul Overton's book lays out a great metaphor than resonates strongly with the Rosemount Area Arts Council. The very first item the founders discussed was the mission of the yet- to -be- founded group. Our founders adopted the mission statement, "Building and strengthening our community through the arts ". Each of the founders had a personal history of community service and community building. They understood the value of community. And, they understood that a strong sense of community does not "just happen ". A strong sense of community requires active building and active participation. It isn't just being, it's contributing. Five years later, RAAC's Board of Directors and its members are as much about community building as we are about the arts. Our mission continues to be the same, "Building and strengthening our community through the arts." Background The Rosemount Area Arts Council was founded in 2007 by four area residents (Stephanie Molstre- Kotz, John Loch, Jeanne Schwartz and Beth Adams) who had been serving on the St. Joseph's Task Force. The Task Force had been appointed by the Rosemount City Council, charged with exploring a broad array of possible reuses for the former St. Joseph's Church, researching the various possibilities and finally making a recommendation to the City Council. The final recommendation was that the former church be re- dedicated as a community arts center. Just as the Task Force was making its final decisions on its recommendations, these four members concluded that the arts in Rosemount were about more than just a building. We determined that "B ot sty our y th'o-jh, a,v'tk I:,I \I 141 0141 we needed an arts council that could spearhead action and programming. The Rosemount Area Arts Council (RAAC) was born! We held a public meeting in the former church in October 2007. Two dozen people showed up, all interested in the arts in Rosemount. By the end of 2007, we had eight members. The year 2008 was a year of basic organization. We researched other area arts organizations, drafted by -laws, incorporated, applied for and received our 501(c )(3) tax exemption. We also sponsored our first event, the Shamrock Short Film Festival. The years 2009 -2011 saw growth in programming. In 2011, RAAC's activities looked like this: Total Events 25 Free Events 15 Patrons Served 4315 Artists Presenting 284 Documented Spending in Rosemount $18,502 Artist Grants Awarded to Local Artists 1 Volunteer Hours (formal tracking began January 2012) 3960 est. Events Held in City of Rosemount Facilities 9 Events Held in Robert Trail Library 6 Events Held in Local Business Establishments 9 Additional Success Measures There is mounting evidence that RAAC is a recognized community asset. • Positive feedback from audiences • Increased attendance at annual events • Membership - New members are seeking us out and becoming active (we're fun!) • Unsolicited donations increasing • Public communications opportunities offered: speaking requests and blogging participation requests • Local and metro news coverage increasing • Volunteer hours increasing • Grants awarded: 5 out of 6 applications (83% success rate) • RAAC Board members hold 2 of the 4 Executive Board positions of the newly organized Dakota County Regional Arts Collaborative, and we hold 3 of the 16 Board seats. • We've been asked to co -host a fundraiser for Children's Lighthouse, a group that is raising $8 million to build a hospice for children, the only such facility in the State of Minnesota. We've been asked to participate, not because we're excellent at fundraising, but because we are excellent at programming. • RAAC is increasingly being approached to partner in the production of arts events: most recently by Dakota County Library and the City of Rosemount (Annie Griffiths), Hastings - Prescott Area Arts Council (Spring Lake Park Festival), Children's Lighthouse (fundraising musical event), and comedy club troupe director (bringing a comedy club to a local restaurant). "3 wacilAitg curd sty ai.kr con14444.kni,ty thrntg-h, the cwt = " 11,111 Iht ,kl \i II The Rosemount Area Arts Council is a 100% volunteer -run, financially independent organization. Unlike most of our counterparts in surrounding communities (Burnsville, Eagan, Lakeville), we receive no monies from our home city. While there are definitely benefits to our freedom, our comparatively miniscule budget, lack of an arts - friendly facility, lack of staff, and lack of a permanent home have made our recognition in the community, our growth, and therefore, our ability to contribute to our community much slower. Our member volunteers have done an outstanding job in remaining dedicated to our mission and in turning out regularly to pitch in to bring events to the City. Our growth has followed the classic pattern of growth curves that have been touted in business schools for decades for any new concept or product. Please refer to the illustration below. We sense that we are on the cusp of a growth spurt where our presence and our results are about to really "take off ". This is also the very point that becomes very challenging for an organization, fueling and managing the continued growth. Classic Growth Curve 15 10 5 —Growth 0 1 3 5 7 9 On the Horizon: 2012 & Beyond RAAC is on track to meet or exceed all its measurement points in 2012. We have some exciting programming scheduled for the remainder of 2012, including an enhanced Bluegrass /Americana Festival. The Saturday of the festival will be a day -long event, featuring children's and family programming during the day, along with a craft fair, farmer's market, and rib feast. The evening will be family entertainment with high - quality bluegrass bands that have been drawing people to our event for the past three years. Our Sunday event has been enhanced to a Roots Music Sunday, which will feature a variety of "American- grown" music genres, ranging from gospel to barbershop to blues to rock with some things tucked in between. We have invested in and are in the process of implementing a new branding strategy. We've commissioned a professionally designed logo and will soon be introducing a new website. In January we completed a 7 -month long strategic planning process with the guidance of a professional arts group strategy consultant, Bethany Gladhill. We are already planning for a successful 2013 when we would like to introduce a community theater company for adults 50+ , another community festival, and a joint venture event with the "B wad, j' and/ stv °I AA ' y tywo-t uh. the/ arts!' ' ro,rmn>r wr.\ \Nl ,,„,, 11. Hastings /Prescott Community Arts Council, capitalizing on Rosemount's Mississippi River connection, a concert chime (bell- ringer) group. For 2014 we are discussing the possibility of launching a children's theater group. We have had a preliminary reach -out from the Children's Theater as a possible collaborator. We would like to see one of the goals of the potential children's theater to be focused, in part, on social justice issues such as anti - bullying, homelessness, hunger, etc. As mentioned, our greatest challenges are: 1. A modest budget 2. Not having a permanent physical space 3. Not having a functional arts exhibit or performance space We are seeking opportunities to overcome these challenges, not for the mere aggrandizement of the arts council, its Board, or its members, but because we are eager to serve our community in many more ways than we have had the resources to do in the past. We believe a collaboration between the City of Rosemount and the Rosemount Area Arts Council will go a long way to move us forward together in building the Rosemount Community. Art is relevant and important today as a powerful way to develop common ground, positive shared values, and a sense of community. The arts reach out to a broader spectrum of residents than do any sports. Interest, enjoyment and participation in the arts transcends all age groups, all ethnicities, all income levels, races, genders, learning abilities, and sexual preferences. The arts stay with us throughout all the stages of our lives. The arts touch us on a spiritual level. The arts are healing, which is a major reason Mayo Clinic has such an enormous investment in the arts. The arts make us the human beings we are. We would like to see the arts on an equal footing with sports in the City of Rosemount when it comes to city investments for the benefit of its residents. We value your time and consideration of our proposal. Sincerely, Board of Directors Rosemount Area Arts Council "3 wad c t.& ate y thro jh, the/ mss= 10,1,1 A1 1KLA II "Rosemount's Front Porch" Proposal The Rosemount Area Arts Council proposes a closer, mutually beneficial relationship with the City of Rosemount. We see our contributions to the City primarily in three areas: 1. Optimizing exposure, marketing, use and revenue of The Steeple Center 2. Bringing additional new festival programming to Rosemount 3. Connecting Rosemount to its Mississippi River Heritage in a positive cultural way, not just as a heavy industrial area I. The Steeple Center & Amphitheater Current situation: • Serves as an historical building and landmark in the City • Facility is unknown by much of the public • It's locked and inaccessible most of the time • Underutilized, and therefore, under - producing as a revenue source to the City • Lacks apparent marketing plan • Underutilized staff paid by the City during events • Unusable for art exhibits • Marginally usable for performances due to inadequate sound and lighting Possibility: Imagine a scenario where RAAC member volunteers would act as a "concierge corps" for the City. The concierge corps would provide staffing of a welcome center located in the Gathering Space in The Steeple Center (Rosemount's Front Porch). The benefits of this arrangement would provide increased accessibility to the facility. The Steeple Center could be open to the public weekdays on a regular schedule. RAAC member volunteers could provide tours of the facility as well as information regarding building amenities, pricing, availability. With appropriate training, RAAC member volunteers could replace current paid staff during weekday events, reducing City staffing costs, or at least better utilizing current staff. (City staff would still be needed to prepare rental permits, as well as to collect and process payments, set up, break down and clean the facility.) The concierge corps could act as a pseudo- visitor's bureau, providing Local information and directions to visitors and residents to local amenities. Rosemount businesses could sponsor a local coupon book which could be handed out to visitors and distribute other information normally provided by other City departments. "3 u,i l d.i v► - a vtd' strongthonl of r coilunkonity thv o,,i the arts," I t 1101 WI lkl .01V The concierge corps could partner with the Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce, the Rosemount Business Group and other civic organizations to distribute their information and promote their causes. RAAC could assist and /or collaborate in providing programming for seniors on site, or in the new senior housing facility. In return, RAAC could have a lockable, rent -free office in The Steeple Center by partitioning off approximately one -third of the large room stage right (formerly the "crying room "), which has an outside entrance. RAAC would furnish its own office equipment and furniture. RAAC would also have rent -free use of The Steeple Center /Amphitheater for a designated number of events, such as Christmas at The Steeple Center, Rosemount Photo Contest, and Mystery Dinner Theater. Because RAAC member volunteers would have been trained in the mechanics of The Steeple Center, city staff would no longer be required during RAAC events. Equipment such as sound system, projectors, and projection screens would be shared between RAAC and the City. RAAC Board members could be called upon as informal consultants to the City regarding matters concerning revitalizing The Steeple Center as an Arts Center (performance, exhibit, and classroom spaces), taking into consideration strategic planning for the arts in Rosemount, mapping out projected usages and potentially avoiding costly mistakes in identifying what is needed for various usages. RAAC Board members could also consult on the new center associated with the senior housing on the site to provide maximum flexibility and utilization of the new space. Regular open hours would also enable the City and RAAC to offer art exhibits on a regular basis, creating another reason for people to visit The Steeple Center while showcasing the work of local artists. Grant Seeking: As a non - profit, RAAC sometimes has the opportunities to apply for grants that may not be available to the City. RAAC's goal would be to optimize its grant seeking efforts, particularly in areas where we could bring revenue to the City for use in further development of the arts and art venues in the City. As mentioned, we have an excellent track record in capturing grant awards. Investment Required: • Build a reception desk in the Gathering Space (Rosemount's Front Porch) and furnish with appropriate chairs • Building out an office for RAAC stage right in the auditorium, and moving the sink for use in the remaining portion of the room which would be used as a dressing room /green room. • Install a camera system and a door beeper in the Gathering Space (Rosemount's Front Porch) which would be viewable /audible in the RAAC office to facilitate monitoring people entering the building • Provide concierge corps volunteers with access to the rental calendar for The Steeple Center & Amphitheater "3 u CLdi 't j cwwl, str o w y throtgh/ the/ cuts" 1,,, NI' \k1:1 • • j, Ik 1' iut • Install Wi -Fi in The Steeple Center We would suggest that a number of simple wood rocking chairs also be provided to reinforce the theme and ambience of Rosemount's Front Porch, a welcoming drop -by place for information, conversation and community- building. • Exterior Signage (Not as part of this proposal, but not to lose sight of the fact that eventually, as funds permit, enhancements in sound and lighting will be needed in the auditorium. In order to hold art exhibits, a hanging system and a variety of pedestals and shelves will also be needed. For comfortable year - round use, air conditioning will also be needed. A lovely landscaped outdoor seating area near the back door of the Gathering Space would be highly desirable to add to the ambience and friendliness of the facility. The Master Gardeners could likely be brought in as partners in all phases from planning to maintenance for this critical space. Space permitting, a labyrinth would add to the serenity of the outdoor area. A space for people to collect their thoughts, ponder life in their city, decompress from the hustle - bustle of everyday life.) II. Cooperative Programming Successful arts programming is a building process, dependent on a number of criteria: • Program quality (building toward a solid reputation) • Program schedule consistency (regularity and predictability) • Programming compatible with market demand Current Situation: The City sponsors or co- sponsors a number of events for its residents each year, most notably Leprechaun Days in conjunction with the Leprechaun Days Committee. Leprechaun Days has a long, successful history and is highly anticipated and well attended each year. RAAC has become the sponsor of several of the major events that have become part of Leprechaun Days, most notably the Bluegrass Americana Weekend and the Rosemount Photo Contest. In its fourth year, the Bluegrass Americana Weekend is expanding again in 2012. Held on the first weekend of Leprechaun Days, our Friday evening event will again be a live square dance event. For the first time last year, we attracted 20 metro area square dance clubs. To our surprise, they do not normally have the luxury of dancing to live music, which we provided. They were thrilled. The square dance clubs brought a higher level of experienced dancers to our event, which made the event more fun for spectators, especially with their colorful costumes. They also provided casual instruction to resident dancers, many of whom were trying square dancing for the first time. The community truly came together to have fun! The experienced club dancers were so enthusiastic about the event that we know they will be back again, likely in larger numbers, this year. Saturday has traditionally been an evening event of Bluegrass bands with great musical reputations throughout the State of Minnesota. We will continue this again this summer, but we are also expanding the event to Saturday afternoon, bringing in kid- oriented family entertainment - a kid- "13 wadi -cm&,tr T y thr the, s," ca,f:NnI %HI\ • .,x \r friendly Bluegrass band, juggler, magician, balloon artist, face painting, along with a craft fair, farmer's market and a rib feast, likely to be hosted by Famous Dave's. The Lion's Club has re- scheduled their Kiddy Parade for Saturday, rather than Sunday, so it ends up in Central Park in the midst of the entertainment. RAAC has also purchased three large portable canopies to provide shade to the audience members from the hot July sun or shelter in the event of light rain. Sunday will be American Roots Music Day. While the program is still under development, the program will offer up "American- grown" music spanning much the 20th century American music scene: Barbershop, Blues, Dixieland, Gospel, Swing, and Rock 'n' Roll. RAAC believes this is a fairly robust community festival offering that has established a growing reputation and audience, drawing people primarily from Rosemount and Dakota County, but also from the broader metro area, out -state Minnesota, western Wisconsin, and a few from Iowa. Our goal is for Rosemount to become a recognized Bluegrass bastion. Possibilities ... . Imagine Rosemount having other festivals that bring residents together in community and also bring people to our community. Multi- Cultural Heritage Festival Music, dancing, food, arts and crafts representing many of the cultures now represented in our neighborhoods, schools, churches, and workplaces. Educational and entertaining. Bringing people together, bridging divides. Celebrating the many heritages and histories of our residents. Spring Lake Park Mississippi Celebration Spring Lake Park is a gorgeous Dakota County park that is situated partially in Rosemount and partially in Hastings. The natural beauty of the park, overlooking the Mississippi River, features abundant wild life and photo opportunities. We think it is also a great place to relax, come together as community and enjoy the arts. RAAC has had discussions with both the Hastings Prescott Area Arts Council, Dakota County Park staff and our respective Community Bands regarding a September 2013 music and arts festival at the park. For Rosemount, this festival would emphasize the City's relationship to the great Mississippi River in a positive way, not just as a heavy industrial area. It would also help highlight the trail and greenway systems that will be connecting through Rosemount in the near future. Music Movies & Art (In the Park) Rosemount's Central Park Amphitheatre is a beautiful community amenity that is also vastly underutilized. Why not provide regularly scheduled summer events featuring a themed community concert, a movie, a farmer's market and an art feature - an art exhibit, a poetry slam, storytelling or a Shakespeare comedy? At the same time, bring attention to the emerging Veterans' Walk. In Summary The RAAC Board of Directors has given the above proposal a great deal of thought. However, we do not presume to have a corner on great ideas for the City of Rosemount. Nor do we necessarily share the same perspective on all matters as the City Council. We have asked to be part of your work session agenda in order for us to meet together face -to -face to explore these and other possibilities Council members may have with regard to the arts in Rosemount. "3 wad, g cu(td / str y tYuro-u. , the/ e.rvuur III \HIS ixil \I „ We recognize resources will always be scarce and will always come at a premium. We pledge to leverage each and every investment (time, in -kind or money) anyone (private or public) makes to the arts in Rosemount to promote our city as a vibrant, thriving place to live, work, play, shop and go to school. We would like to see the arts on an equal footing with sports in the City of Rosemount when it comes to city investments for the benefit of its residents. We deeply desire to create a very welcoming community gathering place at The Steeple Center, which will lead to better utilization of the facility and a better return on the city's investment in both The Steeple Center and the Central Park Amphitheater. Rosemount Area Arts Council Your Neighbor On Rosemount's Front Porch Building Community - Strengthening Local Economy - Promoting Understanding Having Fun! "The front porch is a powerful metaphor to discuss how this nation can once again make community - by being together, by sharing, and most important of all, by communicating with each other, as human beings.... the front porch is symbolic of a place where we can meet and welcome the stranger and friend alike .... the new front porch must be a place where we can communicate unconditionally with each other. We must create places where we not only recognize and value diversity but also learn to accept the differences between us as the strength of our social fabric, not the cause of its frayed edges. Community arts development can do this. Community arts development can help us create a common ground where we can all be together. !f we are successful, we can renew our sense of place, our sense of purpose, our sense of community." Paul Overton, Author Re- Building the Front Porch of America: Essays on the Art of Community Making April 4, 2012 "3 u,i,Ld i vty x4td, stv ow(' confwvwxvity thro-ujh, the' cc vtt%'