HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. One-Stop Right-of-Way Permit System Agreement with Dakota County �R�SEMOLII�JT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: May 15, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: One-Stop Right-of-Way Permit System AGENDA SECTION: Agreement with Dakota County Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of AGENDA NO. �,� � Works/City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Agreement APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Approve Agreement and Authorize Necessary Signatures. ISSUE Considex approval of an agreement with Dakota County for the payment and use of a County developed and maintained right-of-way permit application and administration program. BACKGROUND Through the County wide High Performance Project (HiPP) initiative, Dakota Counry in collaboration with the cities has developed an online right-of-way pernnit program for use by the Counry and participating cities. The goal of this program is to pxovide a one-stop shop fox private utility contractors to obtain right-of-way permits for the installation of private utilities for Dakota County highways and participating city rights-of-way. It was determined for particulaxly for pxojects that occur within County rights-of-way and one or more city rights-of-way that a one-stop shop fox pexmits that are administered consistently will be effective and efficient for applicants and the government agencies. At this time, the participating cities include Apple Valley, Burnsville, Eagan, Farmington, Hastings, Inver Grove Heights, Lakeville, and Rosemount. It is anticipated that additional cities will consider jouung at a later date. With this agreement and system, the City's right-of-way permit requirements and application will be maintained on the Dakota County web page with a link from the City web page. Administration and processing of the permits will continue to be completed by City staff that axe provided access to the County perxnit system. All payments will be made to Dakota County with monthly reimbursement to the City. This system will replace the current third-party web based permit system the city has utilized for the past several years. The cost associated with this pxogram is an initial $2,000 chaxge for costs associated with the development of the system and an average monthly charge of $50 to $60 dependent on the number of perniits processed. T'he current program used by the Ciry has a flat $400 per month cost and a 30-day cancellation notice which will be provided pending approval of this agreement and launching of the county one-stop permit program. G:\Right of Way Management\20120515 CC One Stop ROW Agreement-Dal:ota Counry.docx SUMMARY The agYeement has been reviewed by the City attorney. Staff is requesting Council approval of this agreement. 2 DAKOTA COUNTY SERVICE AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF FOR ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM THIS DAKOTA COUNTY SERVICE AGREEMENT FOR ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM ("Agreement") is made and entered into by and between the County of Dakota, a body politic and corporate under the laws of the State of Minnesota ("County"), and the City of , a __ ___ __municipal_corpocation ocganized undeG_the laws of the State of Minnesota ("City"). County and City are each sometimes referred to herein as a"Party" and collectively as the "Parties." WHEREAS, Dakota County's One-Stop Permit System brings together the permitting processes of the County and participating cities into one, easy to use permitting application process where the public can easily apply for permits that apply to one or more entities within the County; and WHEREAS, Dakota County and the City of desire to partner with each other to offer the One-Stop Permit System to the public as part of their mission to provide efficient, effective and responsive government to their citizens. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and agreements made herein the Parties agree as follows: 1. Definitions (a) "System Software" means County's proprietary computer software program(s) described in Exhibit A(the "System Overviev�'), in object code form only, including all Updates. (b) "Permit System" means the One-Stop Permit System Internet site operated by the County, accessible by the City and the general public as applicable, through secure access points, with a specific Uniform Resource Locator to be provided to the City (or any successor URL). (c) "City Data" means the data collected by the Permit System issued on behalf of the City relating to the Permits issued. (d) "Documentation" means any Permit System user manuals, training or education materials, technical manuals, and specifications describing the System Software and Services created by the County relating to the Permit System, in printed and/or electronic form, including all Updates. (e) "Permitted User" means the City's employees and the general public who are provided access to the Permit System in accordance with the procedures in Section 10 of this Agreement. ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 1 of 14 (f) "Provider Content" means County's reports, information, and data other than City Data made available to the City and its Permitted Users as part of the Services. (g} "Renewal Term" has the meaning set forth in Section 16. (h) "Services" means operating the System Software and utilities in County's host computer system, providing Provider Content to the City, storing City Data, and making the System Software, Provider Content and City Data available to Permitted Users via the Permit System, as more fully described in Exhibit A. Services do not include integrating the Permit System or City Data with any application or computer system other than email notification that a permit has been issued and the standard reports included in the Permit System. (i) "Update" means, as applicable, any update, modification, or new release of the System Software, Documentation, or Provider Content that the County makes generally available to the City at no additional cost. 2 Provision of On-line Services (a) The City hereby engages the County, and the County hereby agrees (subject to the terms and conditions herein) to provide the Services more fully described in this Agreement and in the system overview attached hereto as Exhibit A(the "System Overview") and grants to the City a non- exclusive, non-assignable and non-transferable license to use the Permit System for its intended purpose during the term of this Agreement. (b) The City acknowledges and agrees that the County's provision and perFormance of the Services is dependent and conditioned upon the City's full performance of its duties, obligations and responsibilities hereunder. (c) Each party shall at all times during the term of this Agreement designate an individual to serve as its primary point of contact regarding the Services provided and the rights or obligations of each Party under this Agreement. 3. Additional Countv Responsibilities. During the Term of this Agreement, the County shall be responsible for the following: (a) The County shall provide all required hosting and operations support for the Permit System. (b) The County may, from time to time, in its sole discretion, install Updates, modify the Services or any component thereof provided that such Updates shall perform and contain functionality that is equal to or better then the current version of the Services. The County will complete such installations and modifications in accordance with the County's normal application implementation plan and will, where possibie, minimize any impact on the City's or general public's use of the Permit System and its Services. The County will notify the City by standard methods of notification such as email, system generated messages on the Permit System home page or similar communication methods, in advance of the instatlation of an Update or modification to the Services. (c) The County will provide support and system maintenance to the Permit System as more fully described in this Agreement and the System Overview. ONE-STOP PERMTf SYSTEM SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 2 of 14 (d) The County will provide the computer servers that will run the Permit System, providing secured (SSL Certificate) access to the City and the general public. (e) The County will provide technical support for the servers that are hosting the Permit System and for the Permit System code and the databases that hold the information collected and used to run the Permit System. (f) The County will provide timely email notification to the City prior to any scheduled maintenance outages that could make the Permit System unavailable. (g) The County will provide help desk support for the Permit System during the hours of 7:00 am to 4:30 pm (CST) on County business days. (h) The County shall have in place a Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Plan and will utilize industry standard back-up and archival procedures. - -(h) The County will configure and maintain the Permit System to provide reasonable system response time for the City's Permitted Users and the general public that is within the control of the County. (k) The County will provide training on the use of Permit System for City staff as set forth in Section 9 of this Agreement. 4. The Citv Responsibilities. During the Term of this Agreement, the City shall be responsible for the following: (a) The City will pay the initial "sign on fee" and monthly fee as set out in the Payments section below. (b) The City shall be responsible for providing, at no cost to the County, the necessary personnel and information needed to configure and run the Permit System for the City. (c) The City shall identify the City's staff that need to have access to the Permit System so that the security access can be setup for them. (e) The City shall be responsible for ensuring that the City's use of the Permit System complies with this Agreement and all laws applicable to the City. (� As between the Parties, the City shall be responsible for the accuracy and completeness of all records and data provided by the City in connection with this Agreement. 5. Svstem Features and Confi�uration. The City acknowledges and agrees that it will be using the Permit System that is also utilized by other Cities and agencies in Dakota County and potentially elsewhere in Minnesota. The capabilities and functions of the Permit System will be determined by County. County will consult with the County Permits Collaborative Users Group (the User Group}, which is comprised of the member cities who have met and continue to meet the payment responsibilities described in the Payments section of this agreement. When settings or features have been added to the Permit System that are designed by the County in conjunction with the Users Group, the Parties shall work cooperatively to identify ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM SERVICE AGRBEMENT 4-26-12 Page 3 of 14 System features or functionality (common practices, processes, and procedures conducted by the City in day-to-day operations as they relate to utilizing the Permit System) that are configurable to best fit the City's business practices. The County shall set available configurations in the Permit System for the City. 6. Ownership, Protection and Securitv. (a) The County shall own the intellectual property and all other proprietary rights and interests associated with the Permit System and Services and afl components thereof and associated documentation, except as expressly provided herein. The City acknowledges and agrees that nothing in this Agreement or any other agreement grants the City any licenses or other rights with respect to the Permit System (source code or object code) or Services other than the right to receive Services as expressly provided herein. (b) Ownership of any data, text, graphics or other information or content materials and all records and databases supplied or furnished or entered into the System by the City hereunder for incorporation --- into or delivery through the application(s) described in the System Overview shall remain with the City, and the County shall cease use of all such material upon termination of this Agreement. (c) The County grants to the City a limited (icense during the term of this Agreement to use and reproduce the County's trademarks and logos pertaining to the Permit System for purposes of including such trademarks and togos in City materials and links relating to the Permit System. All uses of such trademarks and logos shall conform to the County's guidelines and requirements for use of such trademarks and logos. (d) By storing City Data on the County's equipment and System, the County does not obtain any ownership interest in the City Data except to the extent that the County is obligated to keep said data intact and secure and to regularly backup the data for redundancy and disaster recovery purposes. As between the City and the County, City Data is and shall remain the sole and exclusive property of the City, inc(uding all applicable rights to copyrights, trademarks or other proprietary or intellectua! property rights thereto. (e) The City shall be responsible for responding to any data practices requests related to any City Data the City or its Permitted Users have entered into the System. 7. Implementation. The County agrees that upon execution of the Agreement and payment of the required funds as set forth in the Payments section, the County will work with the City to setup and configure the Permit System so that City permits can be requested and paid for by the general public in accordance to the City's schedule of fees. The time table for implementation is provided in Exhibit D. 8. Trainina and Acceptance Testin�. The County will hold a half day training session for a!I Cities that are going live when the Permit System initially goes live. An Administration User's Guide will be provided to all people attending the training session. A second half day training session will be provided for the Cities that are coming online in the second batch of Cities. The Cities will be asked by the County to participate in the Acceptance Testing of the Permit System, which will take 10 (ten) days. Any defects found by the Cities will be communicated to the County giving full details of the situation that caused the defect and ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 4 of 14 screen shots where possible to assist in the troubleshooting process. Dates for the Training Sessions and the Acceptance Test period will be communicated to the Cities by the County's Project Manager. The County will undertake to have, wherever possible, all defect corrections made prior to going live. If a defect is found that cannot be resolved prior to the go live date, and if the Cities agree to go live anyway, the County will communicate the date on which the final defect resolutions will be implemented. 9. User Access Restrictions The Parties acknowledge and agree that access to the Permit System will be restricted to those employees or agents of the City having a business need to enter and view City Data or Provider Content. The City will request access to the Permit System by filling out a Permit System Access Request form and emailing it to the County Help Desk at help.deskCa)co.dakota.mn.us. The Permit System Access Request form can be obtained from the County's Help Desk by emailing the above email address or by contacting the County's Help Desk on (651) 438 4346. The Permit System Access Request form will be included in the Permit System Administration User's Guide given out in the training sessions. The City shall promptly notify the County's Help Desk whenever an Authorized User ceases to be an employee or agent of the City or no longer has a position that requires access to the Permit System. Authorization to access to the System by all City Approved Users will expire on the date this Service Agreement terminates. 10. Countv Representations and Warranties. (a) The County shall provide the Provider Content and Services to City for the Permit System to be accessible to the City and the General Public without interruption, except for scheduled maintenance and required repairs, and except for any interruption due to causes beyond the reasonable control of the County including, but not limited to, any Force Majeure Event (as defined in Section 19). (b) The County warrants that the Permit System and Services will operate in conformance with the criteria set forth in this Agreement, its Schedules and Exhibits, and the applicable specifications and Documentation, not including any post-Acceptance modifications or alterations to the Documentation which represent a material diminishment of the functionality of the Permit System, Service, or Provider Content; when used in accordance with the Documentation and all of the terms and conditions hereof. (c) The County warranties that the Permit System is compatible with and will operate successfully with the following internet browsers: Microsoft Internet Explorer version 7 and up, Firefox version 10 and up, Google Chrome version 17 and above and Apple's Safari version 5 and above. (d) In the event that the City discovers a non-conformance with any of the County's warranties or representations as stated in this Agreement, the City shall promptly inform the County of such fact in writing, and, upon receipt of such notice the County shall correct the non-conformity within a reasonable period of time not to exceed thirty (30) days without any additional charge to the City. (e) THE SERVICE LEVEL WARRANTY SET FORTH HEREIN SHALL ONLY APPLY TO THE PERMIT SYSTEM PROVIDED BY THE COUNTY AND DOES NOT APPLY TO (A) ANY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES; (B) ANY SUPPLEMENTAL SERVICES; (C) ANY SERVICE(S) THAT EXPRESSLY EXCLUDE THIS SERVICE LEVEL WARRANTY (AS STATED IN THE SYSTEM ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 5 of 14 OVERVIEW FOR SUCH SERVICES). THIS SECTION STATES THE CITY'S SOLE AND EXCLUSIVE REMEDY FOR ANY FAILURE BY THE COUNTY TO PROVIDE SERVICE(S). (f) Ownership of Services and System Software. The County warrants that it is the sole owner and developer of the Permit System and has the right and authority to provide access and use of the Permit System software, Provider Content and Services to the City and authorized users as set forth in this Agreement. If the County's ownership rights are successfully challenged to the extent that the City must cease using the Services, the County shall refund a prorated portion of the annual fees paid by the City (should the fees be paid annually) for the current term of this Agreement as measured from the date the City must cease using the Services. (g) No Other Warranfv. EXCEPT FOR THE EXPRESS WARRANTIES SET FORTH IN THIS AGREEMENT, THE SERVICES ARE PROVIDED ON AN "AS IS" BASIS, AND THE CITY'S USE OF THE SERVICES IS AT ITS OWN RISK. THE COUNTY DOES NOT MAKE, AND HEREBY DISCLAIMS, ANY AND ALL OTHER EXPRESS AND/OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, NONINFRINGEMENT AND TITLE, AND ANY WARRANTIES ARISING FROM A COURSE OF DERLING, USAGE, OR TRADE PRACTICE. THE COUNTY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE SERVICES WILL BE UNINTERRUPTED, ERROR-FREE, OR COMPLETELY SECURE. COUNTY DOES NOT AND CANNOT WARRANT THE RESULTS OBTAINED BY USE OF THE SERVICES. COUNTY DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE FUNCTIONS CONTAINED IN THE COUNTY SOFTWARE WILL MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE CITY OR GENERAL PUBLIC. (h) Disclaimer of Actions Caused bv and/or Under the Control of Third Parties. THE COUNTY DOES NOT AND CANNOT CONTROL THE FLOW OF DATA BETWEEN THE POINT THAT THE PERMIT SYSTEM CONNECTS TO THE INTERNET (WHETHER SECURE OR NOT) AND THE CITY'S FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENT. SUCH FLOW DEPENDS IN LARGE PART ON THE PERFORMANCE OF THE INTERNET SERVICES PROVIDED OR CONTROLLED BY THIRD PARTIES. ACTIONS OR INACTIONS OF SUCH THIRD PARTIES CAN IMPAIR OR DISRUPT THE CITY'S CONNECTIONS TO THE COUNTY'S PERMIT SYSTEM. ALTHOUGH THE COUNTY WILL USE REASONABLE EFFORTS IT DEEMS APPROPRIATE TO REMEDY AND AVOID SUCH EVENTS, THE COUNTY CANNOT GUARANTEE THAT SIJCH EVENTS WILL NOT OCCUR. ACCORDINGLY, THE COUNTY DISCLAIMS ANY AND ALL LIABILITY RESULTING FROM OR RELATED TO SUCH EVENTS. 11. Nondisclosure Through exercise of each Party's rights under this Agreement, each Party may be exposed to the other party's technical and financial information and data, in electronic, magnetic, photographic and other forms that is confidential or private information ("Confidential Information"). In recognition of the other Party's need to protect its legitimate business interests and legal obligations, each party agrees that it shall regard and treat each item of information or data constituting Confidential Information of the other Party as confidential or private and that, except as required by law including the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, it will not redistribute or disclose to any other person, firm or entity, or use or modify for use, directly or indirectly in any way for any person or entity any of the other Party's Confidential Information. If Confidential Information is required by subpoena, court order or government requirement to be disclosed, each Party shall give the other Party prompt written notice of such subpoena, court order or government requirement to allow the other Party an opportunity to obtain a protective order to prohibit or restrict such disclosure. ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 6 of 14 12. Data Securitv. During the term of this Agreement, the County shall, at a minimum, implement the following procedures designed to protect the security of City Data: (a) User identification and access controls designed to limit access to City Data to Authorized Users; (b) Industry standard firewalls regulating data entering the County's internal data network from an external source, which will enforce valid secure connections between internal and external systems; (c) The County will maintain and follow a disaster recovery plan designed to maintain access to the System Software and Services and to prevent the unintended destruction of City Data; 13. Liabilitv Limitations. (a) NEITHER PARTY SHALL BE LtABLE TO THE OTHER PARTY OR TO ANY OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE OR DUE TO ANY EVENT WHATSOEVER, FOR CONSEQUENTIAL OR INDIRECT DQMAGES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOSS OF PROFIT, LOSS OF USE OR BUSINESS STOPPAGE. (b) Under no circumstances shall the County's total liability to the City related to the System Software, Provider Content, or performance of Services under this Agreement exceed the aggregate amount of fees and revenue received by the County hereunder for the prior twelve (12) month period. 14. Parties Liable for Own Acts Each party to this agreement shall be liable for its own acts and the results thereof to the extent authorized by law and shall not be responsible for the acts of the other party, its agents, volunteers or employees. The Municipal Tort Claims Act, MN Stat. Ch. 466, and other applicable laws shall govern the County and City's liability. 15. Term and Termination (a) This Agreement shall commence as of the date executed by both Parties and shall remain in effect unless terminated by either party as set forth herein ("Initial Term"). After three years and every three years after that, the County may revise the cost associated with this agreement, by creating an amendment to this agreement which would then be agreed to and signed by both parties. (b) Each Party reserves the right to terminate this Agreement immediately if the Services provided hereunder become illegal or contrary to any applicable law, rule, regulation or public policy. Each Party shall have the right to terminate this Agreement upon ninety (90) days prior written notice to the other party. Termination of this Agreement by the City does not entitle the City to a refund of any annual fees the City has paid to the County. ONE-STOP PERMTT SYSTEM SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 7 of 14 (c) Within sixty (90) days of termination of this Agreement, the County shall provide the City with a copy of aN of the City Data contained in the Permit System. Within a reasonable time after providing the City Data, the County shall delete and remove all of the City Data from the County's servers and data storage. 16. Pa ments. (a) Initial Buy In Payment and Monthly Fees. The City will pay the County an Initial Buy-In Fee of $2,000 as the City's share of the development costs. The City will also pay the County a monthly fee to cover the hosting and support costs. The monthly fee is calculated using the average count of the last three years permits multiplied by $3.50, divided by 12 months, plus $25. The City may pay this fee on an annual basis, calculated as the Monthly Fee multiplied by 12 months. The details of this calculation are set out in Exhibit C. Based on these calculations the monthly fee to be paid by the City is $ -(b} The Permit System will allow the public to apply for a permit in a `bne stop shop" portal that is accessed from the internet. For example, if the member of the public requires a permit from the County, the City of Apple Valley and the City of Lakeville, the Permit System will allow the member of the public to apply for all three permits at once. If the permits are paid for by credit card, the County will collect the money paid for the permits and will distribute the permit fees to the Cities according to the Cities permit fees structure. Credit card fees applied to the County by the credit card companies will be subtracted from the permit fees distributed to the Cities by the County, proportioned according to the ratios of the County's and City's fee structures. (c) If the permits are paid for with a check instead of by credit card, the person applying for the permits will pay the check directly to each, the County and Cities involved. (d) Fees for any extra services provided by the County that are outside the services that the County must provide under this Agreement shall be paid by City at a rate of $65.00 per hour. 17. Participation on the Permit Svstem User Groua. The Permit System User Group will provide input to the County's Information Technology staff as to upgrades and enhancements that need to be made to the Permit System. The User Group consists of representatives from the County and cities who have committed to using the Permit System by paying the above mentioned fees and by signing this Agreement. The County will take the Cities requests into consideration when planning work on the Permit System. The County retains the right to make the final decision on what new functionality will be included in future releases. 18. Force Maieure. Neither Party shall be liable to the other Party for any damages, costs, expenses or other consequences incurred by a Party or by any other person or en#ity as a result of delay in or inability to deliver any Services or comply with other obligations and responsibilities under this Agreement due to circumstances or events beyond the Party's reasonable control, including, without limitation: (i) acts of God; (ii) changes in or in the interpretation of any law, rule, regulation or ordinance; (iii) strikes, lockouts or other labor problems; (iv) transportation delays; (v) unavailability of supplies or materials; ONE-STOP PERMTT SYSTEM SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 8 of 14 (vi) fire or explosion; (vii) riot, military action or usurped power; or (viii) actions or failures to act on the part of a governmental authority. 19. Miscellaneous Assiqnment. The Parties shall not assign its rights or obligations under this Agreement without the prior written consent of the other party. Severabilitv. If any provision of this Agreement is held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be contrary to law, such provision shall be changed and interpreted so as to best accomplish the objectives of the original provision to the fullest extent altowed by law and the remaining provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. Waiver and Amendment. No modification, amendment or waiver of any provision of this Agreement shall be effective unless in writing and signed by the Parties. No failure or delay by either Party in exercising any right, power, or remedy under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver of any such right, power or remedy. Governinp Law. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of the state of Minnesota, and the Parties hereby submit to exclusive jurisdiction in the federal and state courts located in Dakota County, Minnesota for all disputes in connection with this Agreement or the transaction contemplated hereby. Notices. All notices and other communications required or permitted hereunder shall be in writing and shall be mailed by United States �rst class mail, postage prepaid, sent by facsimile or delivered personally by hand or nationally recognized courier. All such notices and other written communications shall be effective one business day after the date of mailing, receipt of confirmed facsimile transmittal or delivery. All notices shall be addressed to the applicable Party at its respective address first set forth above or such other address as may be designated on notice to the other Party pursuant hereto. Independent Contractors. The County and its personnel or agents, in performance of this Agreement, are acting as independent contractors and not as an employees or agents of the City. Under no circumstances will either Party have the right or authority to enter into any contracts or assume any obligations for the other or to give any warranty to or make any representation on behalf of the other. INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 9 of 14 iN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have caused this Service Agreement for One-Stop Permit System to be executed by their respective duly authorized officers as of the date set forth above. This Agreement shall be effective only when executed below by both Parties. CITY OF By Mayor Date Approved As To Form: City Attorney/Date Attest: City Clerk Date COUNTY OF DAKOTA By Anita Scott, Director Information Technology Department Date Approved As To Form: Dakota County Board Resolution Na County Attorney/Date Contract No. ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 10 of 14 EXHIBIT A SYSTEM OVERVIEW Dakota County's one stop Permit System brings together the road right-of-way permitting processes of the County and the Cities within the County into one, easy to use permitting application system where the public can apply for permits that apply to one or more entities within the County. Customers will have an online web user interface where they will be able to: 1) Create and update their profile 2) Purchase mu(tiple permits in a shopping cart environment 3) Make one payment via Credit Card for all permits 4) Be able to view purchased permits and reprint permit copies 5) Be able to view pending permits and update as needed Cities will be able to: 1) View alt permits at a glance 2) Create user profiles or update user profiles 3) View reports of purchased permits, be able to see who has not paid for a permit and suspend their purchase abilities until payment has been made 4) Update permits that have been purchased and accept or reject their status for further review. 5) Add/Update/Delete documents to permits as needed 6) Create permits for customers as needed Procedure: A member of the public can become a customer by creating a user or company profile to do business with the Permit System. A customer can go to their "work place° where they have options to purchase a permit or print existing permit copies. Once they request to purchase a permit a customer will be given an option to select a permit type. Once that type is selected the customer will be prompted to select a city or cities in which they need a permit. If multiple cities are selected the permit system will loop through the process creating permits for the customer for each city that is selected and place the completed permit(s) into a shopping cart for further review or purchase. Upon the completion of the purchase the customer will receive verification of their application for the permit(s). The city can accept or reject the permit. If accepted the customer is notified by email that the permit was approved and a copy of their permit will be included in the email to them. !f the city rejects the permit, the city will contact the customer and tell them why and allow them to update and supplement the permit request as needed. ONE-STOP PERMTI' SYSTEM SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 11 of 14 EXHIBIT B MAINTENANCE AND SUPPORT SERVICES The County shall maintain the Permit System including related hardware and software hosted by the County according to the separate Service Level Agreement (SLA) between Dakota County Information Technology and the Dakota County Cities. ONE-STOP PERMTI' SYSTEM SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 12 of 14 EXHIBIT C PERMIT SYSTEM FEE CALCULATIONS summer summer 2012 2012 Apple gurnsville Eagan Farmington Hastings G ove Wkeville Rosemount West St. Mendota St Paul Valley Hts. Paul Ht's 2009 149 110 174 60 73 0 140 68 50 50 Not ......................................................................................................................................................................................�_........._..._.._.�................................_____....�...................__.__ _.__....................._....�.......�.....�.............................................................................................................................. 2010 156 116 209 75 75 76 150 47 50 SO At __ .................................... ................................................................................... ..._�_...._....___ _ ___.... ......................... __.........�._...�___ .� � _____. ....�..._..._....�_�.._..___ ...................................._................................................ .................................... 2011 158 100 202 65 70 134 130 53 50 50 This _.._......_....�_ ...................... ........._............................... ................................................................................... ..__...__....._.........._.._ --.. ....._ .................._.._.._. .._._..........._...._.._ _ __R ....�_...�._..�.__....._..___. .................................................................................... ....... . . Time 2012 ___ ................................................................................................................._....�............._...........�....__ __............................_.. _�.�_..�...........�......�......__..�__.___._ ........._....................__.......... .......................................................................................................................... ..................................... � .. __.. � _.._......_.... ....................................... ................................................... ._.................................... ........................................ .........................._...._... .............�.__ __ _-__..._.._._ ...................................................................................... .................................... ........�.� .:............................................................ _._...._.............�..................................:.........................:.......................---_..............�........._...................�.._��........_.._........_._��.._�...._ .......................................................................................................................... ,._ ...............�.........�.......... ............_.........................................,........................... .................._......_�..... ..........._.............�_. ._.�_,_............�...�..� _..�._.___ __ ......._...�_ _._ ........................ ROW/Utility W W W W W W W W ......................................... ............................_............ ......................_................... ...................................... ................................................... ..........................._.._�.,.. ..�__ ________ _ _.._._._.__._ .....�_.._.._...�_.. �._ ...................................................................................... .................................... Registration W W W W W W W W ............................................................._.......................................................................................................�.._. .......................................�.__..._._................................._...__....____..._......_ .._._...._....�........................................................................................................................... Obstruction W W W W W ...................._....,.........................................................................................................................................................................................................._..................................._................._..........�..........................._.�. ...... ..... ,__ _ .. Special Events - -- - .... ..................................................................................... .................................... ..................___...._......�.............._..._...........................................................................�............................................._...........................................,............................................................_.............__.._._ ._ _ Excav./Grade W W W Oversize load W ..............__..._.............__ ._................................_... ..._................_............... ................................................... ._...__..._.........._...._.. ................_. �.........._ .........._.._.�.............__. _... _ Access(New DrJ ................................_............_..............................................�..............................................................................,.._..........................................._........................................................._.. _�..____.____.............................................................................................................................. Landscaping W W W W W ..............................................._......�......._...............__..................................................................................................._................�............................._.......................................................__. _._��_....._...__..___................................................................................................................................ Permit# Avg. 154 109 195 67 73 105 140 56 50 50 Monthly $�0.01 $56,69 $81.88 $44.44 $46.19 $55.63 $65.83 $41.33 $39.58 $39.58 charge: Annual Sg40.17 $680.33 $982.50 $533.33 $554.33 $667.50 $790.00 $496.00 5475.00 $475.00 Charge: Start Up Fee: $2000. $2000. $2000. $2000. $2000. $2000. $2000. $2000. $2000. $2000. The County will charge $65.00 per hour for consulting services that are outside the scope of this Agreement. This hourly rate may be increased by the County every three years when the other fees of the agreement are reassessed. ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 13 of 14 EXHIBIT D IMPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE Permit Date Comment Utility Right of Way Permit Week of testing in test environment Week training in production environment Training for Utility Right Of Dakota County Northern Way & Registration Service Center for all City staff affected Release to the ublic Registration Form Week of testing in test environment Week trialing in production environment Release to the ublic General Excavation Permit Release to the ublic Obstruction Permit Release to the ublic S ecial Event Permit Release to the Public Oversized Load Permit Release to the Public Access (New Driveway) Release to the Public — New Permit Landscaping Release to the Public — New Permit ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM SERVICE AGREEMENT 4-26-12 ' Page 14 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities EXHIBIT B Service Level Agreement (SLA) Between Dakota County iT And Dakota County Cities For One-Stop Permit System Effective Date: April 1, 2012 . • ..• �. • Version . �. . �• . . . 1.0 6-21-10 Draft Don Turner/Anita Scott 1.1 3-28-11 Final Don Turner 1.2 2-9-12 Update for Dakota County Cities Anita ScottlTim Auld Approval (By signing below, all Approvers agree to all ferms and condifions outlined in this Agreement.) �.. . �.. . �. � . Anita Scott IT Director, Dakota County City POC Agreement Termination �.. . . •.. . �. . . Anita Scott IT Director, Dakota County City POC SLA EXHIBIT B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 1 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities Table of Contents 1. Agreement Overview ......................................................................................................................................................3 2. Goals & Objectives .........................................................................................................................................................3 3. Stakeholders ...................................................................................................................................................................3 4. Service Environment .......................................................................................................................................................4 5. Periodic Review ..............................................................................................................................................................4 6. Service Agreement .........................................................................................................................................................4 6.1 Service Scope and Costs ........................................................................................................................................4 6.3 Service Availability ...................................................................................................................................................5 6.4 Incident and Service Request Reporting and Management ....................................................................................5 6.5 Incident and Service Request Prioritization .............................................................................................................6 6.6 Response and Resolution Times ............................................................................................................................8 6.7 Escalation Procedures .............................................................................................................................................9 6.8 Service Provider Responsibilities ............................................................................................................................9 6.9 Service Assumptions ...............................................................................................................................................9 6.10 Customer Requirements ........................................................................................................................................10 7. Service Level Management ..........................................................................................................................................10 7.1 Availability Restrictions ..........................................................................................................................................10 7.2 Service Measurement and Performance Targets ..................................................................................................10 7.3 Service Level Reviews ..........................................................................................................................................11 7.4 Service Requests .................................................................................................................................................11 7.5 Service Maintenance ............................................................................................................................................11 Amendments: ........................................................................................................................................................................11 AppendixA: Definitions ........................................................................................................................................................12 Appendix B: Maintenance Schedule ....................................................................................................................................13 SLA EXHIBIT B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 2 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities 1. Agreement Overview This Agreement represents a Service Level Agreement ("SLA" or "AgreemenY') between the Dakota County IT Department and Dakota County IT Customers of the One-Stop Permit System for the provisioning and delivery of IT infrastructure core services and support. � This Agreement may be updated by Dakota County from time to time after consultation with the Stakeholders. Update changes will be recorded in the Amendments section of this Agreement and are effective upon the date recorded therein. 2. Goals & Objectives The purpose of this Agreement is to define the service level expectations as it relates to the delivery and support of - IT infrastructure core services to Dakota County IT Customers by the Service Provider (Dakota County IT). -- � The goal of this Agreement is to obtain as much as possible a mutual agreement and understanding for IT infrastructure services and support between the Service Provider and Customer. The objectives of this Agreement are to: • Provide clear reference to service ownership, accountability, roles and/or responsibilities. • Present a clear, concise and measurable description of service provision to the customer. • Match perceptions of expected service provision with actual service support & delivery. 3. Stakeholders The following Senrice Provider(s) and Customer(s) witl be used as the basis of the Agreement and represent the primary stakeholders associated with this SLA: IT Service Provider(s): Dakota County IT Infrastructure IT Customer(s): Dakota County Cities The following stakeholders are responsible for the deployment and ongoing support of this agreement ..• -. . . . Anita Scott IT Director, Dakota County anita.scott@co.dakota.mn.us Dave Miland IT Mana er, Dakota Coun Dave.Miland co.dakota.mn.us Tim Auld IT Mana er, Dakota Coun Tim.Auld co.dakota.mn.us Cit POC SLA EXHIBIT B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-12 � Page 3 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities 4. Service Environment The following information provides an estimate of the number of users, permits and the infrastructure supported by this SLA: �• . . � Number of Users Unlimited Number of Permits Number of estimated permits to be processed by the city each year: see Exhibit C of the contract between the Dakota County and the Cities for host the Permits System. Number of Servers One web server and one database server. Location Dakota Coun Administration Center Nefinrork Devices Switches, firewalls, load balancers, ta e libraries, etc. 5. Periodic Review This Agreement is valid from the above Effective Date and is valid until the Date of Termination. This Agreement may be reviewed on an annual basis; however, in lieu of a review during any period specified, the current Agreement will remain in effect. The IT Relationship Manager ("Document Owner') is responsible for facilitating regular reviews of this document. Contents of this document may be amended by Dakota County after consultation with the primary Stakeholders and communicated to all affected parties. The Document Owner will incorporate all subsequent revisions and obtain mutual agreements / approvals as required. IT Relationship Manager: Dave Miland Review Period: Annually Previous Review Date: None Next Review Date: January, 2013 This Agreement will be made accessible to all Stakeholders electronically. 6. Service Agreement The following detailed service parameters are the responsibility of the Service Provider in the ongoing support of this Agreement. 6.1 Service Scope and Costs The following Services are covered by this Agreement. The funds for these standard services are provided via Dakota County I.T. operating budget. The operating budget supports personnel costs, training, contractual services, equipment maintenance, software licensing and maintenance and technology infrastructure improvements for the County. A breakdown of what senrices are charged back to the cities is in the tab►e below. SLA EXHIBI'T B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 4 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities ' • •-• • • �- • -• TS1.1 Network Infrastructure Support Services - Included in $25 a month flat fee installation, configuration, management and support for data networks, network servers, firewall maintenance and administration and other security related services, management of the stora e and backu of files and data. TS1.2 Application Hosting Services — installation, Included in $25 a month flat fee configuration, management, and support for application software, server hardware, server operating systems, and management of remote network access. TS1.3 Help Desk Services — single point of contact for Included in $25 a month flat fee reporting of all IT related problems and requests. Records and tracks reported incidents and service requests; assigns related priority levels and coordinates IT communications, manages the accounts required for security and access control to s stems and files. TS1.4 Fee er permit processed $3.50 • The funds required to provide these services — including the tools required to provide them — are generally supported via the Dakota County 1.7. operating budget. Exceptions to this rule are found where services are not evenly consumed or can be directly attributed to a specific request to enhance the appfication for one or more of the cities. For example, the cost of establishing a new permit type or customization that is specific to a city or a request to add additional functionality that is requested by all the cities. • Non-Standard services are not covered by the terms of this SLA and may require further negotiation and may be subject to additional fees. Any required fees will be agreed to prior to the work commencing. 6.2 Service Availability Coverage parameters specific to the service(s) covered in this Agreement are as follows: • Monday to Friday 7:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. • Coverage from 6:00 P.M. to 9:30 P.M. on most nights 6.3 Incident and Service Request Reporting and Management The IT Help Desk is the singte point of contact for all IT related services and requests. There are primarily two classifications of all inquiries received by the Help Desk categorized as: • Incident — any event which is not part of the standard operation of a service and which causes, or may cause, an interruption to, or a reduction in, the quality of that senrice. • Service Repusst — a simple request from a Customer that does not involve a failure such as a software installation, te{ecom change, etc. SLA EXHIBIT B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 5 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities 6.4 Reporting Procedures To report incidents or initiate service requests, please select one of the methods below: • Call the Help Desk telephone number to be connected with an agent — 651-438-4346 - and after hours select from the main menu the appropriate option for assistance. Based on your selection, your call will be handled appropriately. OR • Email Help.Desk@co.dakota.mn.us and enter your problem and/or service request. The Help Desk will review your request, assigned a priority, and route it to the appropriate technical teams for action. -- Once an incident orservice request has been received, the Help Desk primary responsibilities are ta • Record and track reported incidents (e.g. problem) and service requests; • Enter a ITSM ticket • Provide initial classification (e.g. assign service category) and support; • Assess impact and urgency; • Determine priority leve{; • Alert appropriate technical teams • Monitor escalation procedures • Coordinate IT communications (e.g. downtime notifications, IT updates, etc.) When the Help Desk receives an incident or service request from a customer, a tracking number and priority fevel (See Section 6.5 — Incident and Service Request Prioritization) will be assigned. If the Help Desk agent cannot resolve the incident quickly either through a permanent solution or workaround, they will hand it off to the appropriate technical specialists and/or teams for further investigation, diagnosis and resolution. The customer is notified of the incident status and priority level assigned. 6.5 Incident and Service Request Prioritization One of the key roles of the Help Desk staff is to assess event impact and urgency and determine an adequate priority level. These activities are not an exact science, as there are virtually unlimited scenarios and potential situations. However, the following framework and variables/factors are used as a benchmark when determining priority ratings: • Number of Users Affected by the Incident • Single user • Multiple Users, floors or work units • Work site • Multiple work sites • Business Impact of the Incident • Low — low/minimal impact on business customer • Moderate — moderate/minor impact on business customer • High — high impact on business customer • Existence of a short term fix or work around SLA EXHIBIT B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 6 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities Service parameters are defined based on criticality of service and/or application and appropriate priority assigned based on impact and urgency. A guideline to the priorities assigned is specified below: • • . • A major service or mission critical application is unavailable; • Has a high impact and is highly visible; affects a large number of users, application or service; • Short term fix or work around is not available Priority 1- Immediate • Service reauest in this category are rare and limited to those that are considered urgent in nature; Provider management a roval re uired • A service or application is unavailable or degraded; • Has a high impact and is highly visible; affects a large number of users, application or service; • Short term fix or work around is available Priority 2- High • Service request for access to applications, systems, directories, groups, etc. • A service or application is down or degraded; • Has a moderate impact or moderately visible; affects a limited number of users, a lication or service Priority 3- Moderate • Service reauest for new hardware, software, telecom changes, etc. • A non-critical service or application is down or degraded; • Has a low impact; affects a small number of users or a single user; • A workaround or maintenance is acce table Priority — 4 Low • Senrice reauest for a general question or a request for information Where: • Large number of users = 75 or more • Limited number of users = 25-75 • Small number of users = 1-25 The above numbers are provided as guidelines but business impact may also be a factor. SLA EXHIBIT B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 7 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities 6.6 Response and Resoiution Times INCiDENTS An incident (problem} is an event which causes an interruption to, or reduction in, the quality of a service, incidents are given a priority rating between 1 and 4 with priority 1 being the highest. The following table outlines the Key Performance Indicators for INCIDENTS: - . . - .. . . ' . 1- Immediate 15 Minutes 4 hours or less 2- Hi h 1 hour 4 hours 3- Moderate - 2 hours 2 business da s 4- Low 4 hours 5 business da s • Time to Respond is the time the Incident is opened to initial contact by a technician. • Time to Resolve is the total time from incident reported to resolution. • Priority of incidents can be raised from lower to higher priority if no response is received from the Service Provider within the response time window defined as per this SLA. Please refer to section 6. 7— Escalation Procedures for further details. SERVICE REQUESTS A service request refers to common customer request that does not involve a failure or disruption of a service. Examples of such requests include: new hardware/software requests, telecom requests, physical staff moves, etc. All service requests are assigned a priority from 1 through 4. It is recommended, whenever possible that customers provide as much advance notice as possible prior to the required date. The following table outlines the Key Performance Indicators for SERVICE REQUESTS: ' • • •• • • • 1- Immediate Same Da within 1 business da 2- Hi h 2 Da s within 3 business da s 3- Moderate 2 Da s within 4 business da s 4- Low 2 Da s within 8 business da s • Custom requests are excluded from the above key performance indicators. Custom Requests refers to an IT related request that does not fall into the Incident or Service Request categories. Examples of such requests include: new system design and technical review and analysis, major office relocations/moves etc. The Provider manages these requests on a case-by-case basis as each request is unique and may require significant project planning and resources. As a result, it is not possible to define standard response and resolution times. The Provider will respond to and discuss such requests within a reasonable period of time. SLA EXHIBIT B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 8 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities 6.7 Escalation Procedures The Heip Desk escalates incidents and service requests according to the procedures outlined below. Customers may initiate escalation when they believe their incidents or service requests are not being handied in a timely manner. The customer should contact the Help Desk and ask for their incident or service request to be escalated. The Help Desk agent will escalate your request to the Provider's internal management team as noted below. -•• � � • � • � � � � • �'• � Standard Business Hours are 7:00 a.m. — 6:00 .m. Monda — Frida unless otherwise s ecified Escalation Level Priority 1 Priority 2 Priority 3 Priority 4 Contact* Incident Incident Incident Incident Help Desk Immediate Immediate 2 hours 4 hours Notification Notification Service Delivery Immediate 1 hour 4 hours 8 hours Manager or Notification Technical Team Mana er or Lead Technolo Director 1 hour 2 hours 8 hours Next Business Da Business Unit 1 hour 2 hours 8 hours Next Business Day Mana ement 6.8 Service Provider Responsibilities Service Provider responsibilities and/or requirements in support of this Agreement include: • Meet service measurements as outlined in Section 7.2 — Service Measurement and Performance Targets; • Monitor customer satisfaction via a customer survey tool; • Follow escalation process when deemed appropriate; • Provide Service Reviews to Customer as outlined in Section 7.3 — Service Level Reviews; • Provide appropriate notification to Customer for all scheduled maintenance as outlined in Section 7.6 — Server Maintenance. 6.9 Service Assumptions Assumptions related to in-scope services and/or components include: • Services are provided to Dakota County customers only; • Services are provided only for standard devices and applications; • Support for major upgrades will be defined as "projects" and are outside the scope of this agreement; • Availabifity of needed equipment in the event of failure; • Availability of external vendor support, if required; • Changes to services will be communicated to all stakeholders. Some components of service delivery are outside the Provider's control. These components could affect the service goals listed in this document. While the Provider will make every effort to mitigate any damage caused by these problems, excluded from the service measurements listed in this agreement are any problems related to: • Failure of the Provider's vendor's equipment; • Actions or inactions of the Provider's vendor or contractor; • Outages and/or degraded performance of infrastructure not managed by the Provider SLA EXHIBIT B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 9 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities 6.10 Customer Requirements Customer responsibilities and/or requirements in support of this Agreement include: • Staff/users within the business units report problems/issues in a timely manner; • Staff/users follow the established procedures as outlined in Section 6.4 — Incident and Service Request Reporting and Management for reporting incidents or initiating service requests; • Staff/users within the cities understand the features and functionality of the permitting application they need to use in order to complete their work assignments. It is the responsibility of cities to ensure staff obtains the necessary training. • Provide a detailed description of the problemlissue being encountered; • Provide error messages received, if appropriate; • Reasonable availability of customer(s) when resolving a reported incident or service request 7. Service Level Management Effective support of in-scope services is a result of maintaining consistent service levels. The following sections provide relevant details on service availability, monitoring, measurement and reporting of in-scope services and related components. 7.1 Availability Restrictions Customer requests for service availability outside the coverage pa�ameters as outlined in Section 6.3 - Service Availability should be submitted in writing to the Provider for review. If needed, this SLA may be amended to reflect those changes or a supplemental SLA negotiated. 7.2 Service Measurement and Performance Targets The following measurements will be established and maintained by the Service Provider to ensure optimal service provision to the Customer: )- . '- . .- Target Incident Time the Help Desk responds to 90% of incidents will be Acknowledgment customer acknowledging receipt acknowledged in 30 Minutes or less Time and/or re ort of incident. Target Incident Provider response time from time 80% of incidents responded to within Response Time incident is opened to initial established timelines based on contact b a technician. riorit levels. See Section 6.6 Target Incident Total time from incident reported 80% of incidents resolved within Resolution Time to resolution. established timelines based on riorit levels. See Section 6.6 Number of Number of outages during the 99.9% of the time mission critical Unscheduled Core Availability Time systems will be available.* Outa es Target Service Total time from service request 80% of service requests resolved Request reported to resolution within established timelines based Resolution Time on riorit levels See Section 6.6 "Mission critical systems are currentfy defined as: Email, Phones, Internet Access, Jail Management Systems, JAIIMS, CJIIN, CfBERLaw, Portals (Criminal History), and any Community Services Systems that administer support to Public Health and Social Senrices. Most of those systems are housed at the State of Minnesota but our nefinrork is required to run them. SLA EXHIBIT B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-t2 Page 10 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities 7.3 Service Level Reviews The Service Provider will use a phased approach in initially conducting Service Level reviews. The reviews will be conducted on an annual basis or as needed. The IT Relationship Management will facilitate the Service Level reviews with the appropriate city point of contact. 7.4 Service Requests In support of services outlined in this Agreement, the Service Provider will respond to reported incidents and/or service requests submitted by the Customer within the established time frames as outlined in Section 6.6 — Response Times. 7.5 Service Maintenance All services and/or related components require regularly scheduled maintenance ("Maintenance Window") in order to meet established service levels. Please refer to the table provided in Appendix E— Maintenance Schedule for a description of those activities and scheduled timeframes. Those activities will render systems andlor applications unavailable for normal user interaction. • For those activities outlined in Appendix B— Maintenance Schedule the customer will be notified 5 days in advance of the scheduled maintenance; • Notification of service outages and/or emergency or critical maintenance will be made within 60 minutes of an occurrence, whenever possible. These notifications may come from either the Help Desk or some other part of Information Technology depending on the source of the problem. Amendments: SLA EXHIBIT B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 11 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities Appendix A: Definitions Acknowledqement Time is the time the Help Desk responds to Customer acknowledging receipt and/or report of incident. Availabilitv — the ability of a component of or an IT service to perform its required function at the required times. Cateqory — a classification of a group of incidents that are similar in a defined way. Customer — the term used to refer to the department, or division using the services. Downtime — the period of time during which a Service or component is not available to customers. Escalation — the mechanism that assists in the timely resolution of an Incident. _ Imaact — the measure of business criticality. Inctdent — any event which is not part of the standard operation of a service and which causes, or may cause, an interruption to, or a reduction in, the quality of that service. IT Infrastructure — all of the components required to deliver IT Services (e.g. hardware, software, telecom, networks, etc.). Known Error - the status give to a Probfem once root cause is identified and a Workaround is developed (if appropriate) Problem — the unknown root cause of one or more existing or potential Incidents. Priori — the value given to an IncidenUProblem to indicates its level of importance in the organization. Helq Desk — the single point of contact for customers to report incidents/problems and submit service requests. Service Level Aqreement (SLAI — a written and signed agreement befinreen IT and internal Customers documenting the delivery and support of IT services. Service Reauest — a simple request from a Customer that does not involve a failure such as a software installation, enhancement request, etc. Time to Resolve is the total time from incident reported to resolution. Time to Respond is the time the Incident is opened to initial contact by a technician. Underpinninst Contract — an agreement made befinreen an external vendor/supplier and IT in support of an SLA. User — the term used to refer to the person who makes day-to-day use of the service. Workaround — a temporary fix to an Incident/Problem that allows the Customer to maintain a level of productivity. SLA EXHIBIT B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 12 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities Appendix B: Maintenance Schedule �- . . •. •. . . • ..- Windows Updates on Apply Microsoft Monthly 10 hours — from Windows Servers Windows Security approximately 6:30 Patches, Hot-Fixes, p.m.- Midnight one and Hardware Driver Friday per month U dates Avaya Call Pilot Apply fixes As needed — average 1 hour Call Pilot Maintenance 4-5 times er ear Server Outa e New Windows Server Servers are generally Annually No Server outage Installation and replaced on a four Our Virtualized Replacement year cycle, required environment allows hardware upgrades us to handle these for increased capacity upgrades. We are and erformance 100°!o virtualized. Window Server Upgrade memory, Annually 1 hour Server outage Hardware Upgrades hard drive space, etc. Systems deemed critical will be scheduled for after hours. As operating systems get better the ability to add disk space without interruption to the Servers is comin . Windows Operating Instalf new versions of Annually 1 hour Server outage System and Service the Operating System during normal Pack Upgrades and/or Service Pack business hours — releases systems deemed critical will be scheduled for after hours. Avaya CS1000 Install fixes or 3-4 Times a Year 2 hour Phone Server Maintenance upgrades to the outage during normal telephony business hours — environment This is deemed critical will be scheduled for after hours. Nefinrork Sw+tch Installation of new Annually 2 hour Switch Devices switches outages deemed critical and will be done after hours. Server Firmware Install fixes to correct Annually No Server outage Upgrades hardware and during normal performance business hours — problems; and systems deemed general release critical will be versions scheduled for after hours. We will do these u rades usin SLA EXHIBIT B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 13 of 14 SLA for Dakota County Cities Vmotion in VMware Remote Office Rotate Server Daily — by designated No outage Windows Servers Tape backup tapes to remote office staff Backup Rotation Information Technology to be sent to Iron Mountain dail Dakota Firewall Rule Update Dakota As needed 1 hour during off Base and Policy Firewall rules and business hours U dates olicies Mainframe Software Upgrade Software to Monthly 4 hours during off Fixes and U rades kee current business hours SLA EXHIBIT B TO ONE-STOP PERMIT SYSTEM AGREEMENT 4-26-12 Page 14 of 14