HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Professional Services Contract – UMore Ball Fields ROSEI vIOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: June 5, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Professional Services Contract — UMore AGENDA SECTION: Ball Fields Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. t0-3 Director ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Construction Administration APPROVED BY: Service Agreement op) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve entering into a professional services agreement with WSB to provide Construction Administration services for the UMore Ball Field Project. ISSUE We have come to the point with the UMore Ball Field project where we have received bids and awarded a contract. With the construction to start in the near future, the next step in moving forward is to contract with an engineering /architect firm to oversee the construction of the project. Staff has asked WSB to provide the City with a proposal for the construction administration for the project. This would include tasks such as coordinating the construction process, construction observations /inspections, construction staking and the development of as -built drawings. WSB has provided a proposal for the necessary services for the construction administration. WSB's proposal includes using Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. (HKgi) as a subcontractor for the landscape architect work, Barr Engineering for the electrical engineering services and McGhie & Betts for material testing on the project. The total cost for the construction administration phase of the project is $85,949. BACKGROUND The University of Minnesota contracted with HKgi to develop the original preliminary concept plan for the project. HKgi's cost estimate for the entire project was approximately $4,000,000. The consulting services that we typically need for a project of this size include: Step 1 - DESIGN DEVELOPMENT - The design development phase of the work will include further refinement of the layout and site organization, materials selection, grading and drainage strategies, and construction costs. Step 2 - CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTATION - Upon approval of design development documents, the consultant will prepare construction documents and technical specifications for site elements that are to be constructed. Step 3 - CONSTRUCTION ADMINISTRATION - The consultant would coordinate the construction process, construction observations /inspections, construction staking and the development of as -built drawings. SUMMARY Staff is recommending the City Council approve entering into a professional services agreement with WSB to provide construction administration services for the UMore Ball Field project. WSB May 31, 2012 Mr. Dan Schultz Park and Recreation Director City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Estimate of Professional Services Fee UMore Park and Ball Fields City of Rosemount, MN City Project No. ENG 0138 Dear Mr. Schultz: WSB & Associates is pleased to present this proposal for professional engineering services relating to the construction of public improvements associated with the UMore Park and Ball Fields. The scope of services presented in this proposal are based on discussions with the City of Rosemount, Design Documentation preliminary layouts and designs completed by Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. and WSB's history with the design and construction documents prepared for the improvements, as well as our familiarity with the administration of other construction projects within the City of Rosemount. Also attached are the following: • HKGi's Letter of Services Agreement for Landscape Architecture Construction Administration for the Ball Field Park located at UMore Park in Rosemount, Minnesota • Barr Engineering's Construction Phase Services Proposal • WSB's 2012 Fee Rate Schedule PROJECT UNDERSTANDING: This project is being constructed on land currently owned by the University of Minnesota and will be constructed as a City park. Preliminary design and construction documents of the ball fields, parking lot, access roads and other site amenities has been completed by HKGi and WSB and is the basis of this proposal. The land has been dedicated to the City of Rosemount by the U of M and Carl Bolander and Sons Company has completed the mass grading of the site as a donation to the City in the fall of 2011. Through Design Development, phasing for park improvements was developed, and this proposal addresses construction administration services for Phase 1 improvements, anticipated for a June 2012 start of construction. K:101916- 251AdminlProposal Files\UMore WSB CA proposa105- 30- 12.doc Umore Park CA Proposal May 31, 2012 Page 2 PROJECT APPROACH /SCOPE OF SERVICES WSB & Associates, Inc.'s project scope and proposed work plan is based on our understanding of the project as previously discussed. In order to complete the project, we propose the following scope of services: 1. Project Management - This task includes the coordination of necessary staff and resources during the construction of this project to ensure that the project is completed in a manner that meets the City of Rosemount's expectations and goals for the project are achieved on schedule and within budget. Morgan Dawley has been the acting project manager for the project from Design Documentation to Construction Documentation and will continue to serve in this role during the construction phase of this project. 2. Contract Administration — Construction administration will include the following tasks: • Conduct Pre - construction Conference and weekly meetings. WSB will schedule and lead the pre - construction conference. We will also attend weekly meetings during the project to allow for pro- active communication with the contractor which will maximize efficiency during the construction. Meeting minutes will be prepared and distributed to all the attendees. • WSB will provide all services necessary to answer contractor questions and provide design intent and clarification for any issues that may arise during the project, including review of civil shop drawings. • Preparation and execution of pay vouchers • In the event of changed conditions during the project, WSB will prepare and distribute any necessary change orders to expedite the work in the field. • At the City's request, WSB will prepare newsletters /schedule updates for City staff for communication with the public and elected officials as updates as to project progress. 3. Well Construction Services — Construction administration for the irrigation well will include the following tasks: • Submit appropriation permit to DNR. • Intermittent observation time by geologist during construction and test pumping. • Analysis of test pumping data, required for DNR permit and final pump design. • Shop drawing review. • Attendance at start up. K: 101916- 251AdminWroposal Fllesl UMore WSB CA proposal 05- 30- 12.doc Umore Park CA Proposal May 31, 2012 Page 3 4. Construction Observation — WSB will provide a part-time construction observer for the project that is familiar with construction projects within the City of Rosemount, assuming 20 hours /week for a construction duration of 13 weeks. If requested by the City, additional construction observation will be provided at hourly rates. • Survey coordination • Materials testing and certification coordination • Oversee contractor operations on site • Prepare daily construction diaries • Prepare weekly reports • Quantities and pay vouchers • Records for as -built drawing preparation 4. Construction Surveying WSB & Associates, Inc. will provide a survey crew as needed to perform the following services for the construction of the project: • Attendance at the preconstruction meeting • Preparing coordinate data for staking • Stake clearing limits • Rough grade staking • Subgrade tolerance certification • Stake sanitary sewer • Stake watermain • Stake storm sewer • Blue top subgrade staking • Blue top finished grade staking • Curb and gutter staking • Miscellaneous staking, including fences, lights, electric and sprinkler conduits • As -built survey 5. Record Drawings — WSB & Associates, Inc. will complete record drawings based on construction notes and the information gathered during the as -built survey. Record drawings will be provided to the City to review and final drawings will be prepared once the record drawings have been approved. K.: 1019J6- 25AdminlPraposal Files\UMore WSB CA proposal 05- 30- 12.doc Umore Park CA Proposal May 31, 2012 Page 4 PROPOSED FEE: WSB & Associates will provide the services as outlined in Project Approach /Scope of Services. A summary of the costs for each phase of the project is as follows: 1. Contract Administration $ 7,865.00 2. Well Construction Services $ 9,500.00 2. Construction Engineering Observation $ 23,140.00 3. Construction Surveying $ 12,944.00 4. Record Drawings $ 2,000.00 Total Proposed Fee $ 55,449.00 COMBINED TOTAL PROPOSED FEE (WSB, HKGi, Barr, and McGhie & Betts): Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. (HKGi) has provided WSB & Associates with a proposal for Construction Administration landscape architecture services (see attached) which details their understanding, approach, work plan for this project. As identified in their proposal, HKGi's fees for the Construction Administration phase are $14,000. Barr Engineering has provided WSB & Associates with a proposal for Construction Administration electrical engineering services (see attached) which details their understanding, approach, work plan for this project. As identified in their proposal, Barr Engineering's fees for the Construction Administration phase are $10,500. For materials testing and quality control, McGhie & Betts has provided WSB & Associates with an estimate for Construction Administration materials testing services upon review of the Construction Documents and Specifications including Soils, Aggregate, Proctors, Gradations, Topsoil Analysis, Concrete -Field & Cylinders, Bituminous MnDOT Gyratory- Non -Wear & Wear, Total Coliform Water Test, and all associated reports, project management, and clerical work. McGhie & Betts' fees for the Construction Administration phase are $6,000. The combined total proposed fees of WSB & Associates, Hoisington Koegler Group, Barr Engineering, and McGhie & Betts for construction phase engineering and landscape architecture services is $85,949. The proposed scope and fee presented herein represents our complete understanding of the project based on available information. If you have any questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (763) 541 -4800. Once again we appreciate the opportunity to submit this proposal and look forward to working with you and your staff. K: 10!916- 251Admm Proposal FileslUMore WSB CA proposal 05- 30- 12.doc Umore Park CA Proposal May 31, 2012 Page 5 Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Morgan Dawley, PE Project Manager Attachments: HKGi Letter of Services Agreement Barr Engineering Construction Phase Services Proposal WSB 2012 Fee Schedule ACCEPTED BY: City of Rosemount, MN By Date K:101916- 1544dmin1Proposal Files\UMore WSB CA proposal 05- 30- 12.dac March 16, 2012 Mr. Morgan Dawley, PE WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Ave. South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (763) 541-287-7173 Re: Letter of Services Agreement for Landscape Architecture for the Ball Field Park located at UMore Park in Rosemount, Minnesota. Dear Morgan, Hoisington Koegler Group, Inc. (HKGi) is pleased to provide WSB & Associates, Inc. (WSB /Client) with this proposal for landscape architecture services related to the Ball Field Park project located at UMore Park. The following letter outlines our understanding of the project, our approach, work plan, professional fees, and our assumptions for the project. PROJECT UNDERSTANDING AND APPROACH The scope of services to be provided by HKGi is understood to include construction documentation for the ball park at UMore Park based on the approved design development. It is our understanding that HKGi would work with WSB to complete construction documentation for phase one ball park elements as outlined in the attached phasing diagram and cost estimate. We understand HKGi will be responsible for the design and documentation of the following site elements associated with Phase One: - ball fields and associated practice facilities - landscape areas surrounding the ball fields - pedestrian walkways - planting - irrigation We understand that WSB will lead the project team. Construction documentation will include the preparation of construction drawings, technical specifications and bid documents for all site elements approved for Phase One. Our approach will include the collaboration and coordination with other design and construction team members, WSB and City Staff to prepare clear and constructible drawings, specifications and bid documents. The following is a more detailed discussion of the proposed work plan and deliverables: SCOPE OF WORK The Scope of Work includes the following tasks and deliverables: Construction Administration and Observation The general objective for this phase of the work is to provide assistance in the bidding and negotiation process, review of submittals and shop drawings, assistance with requests for information, and observation of the landscape and irrigation construction process to ensure the quality of the final product. The intent of the Construction Administration phase of this work is to assist the contractors in developing a clear understanding of the project for purposes of preparing construction bids and ultimately, recommending a contractor(s) for selection by the City of Rosemount. HKGi will make periodic visits to the site to become familiar with the progress and quality of construction and to determine whether the construction of the landscape work is proceeding in accordance with the design intent and contract documents. During such visits and on the basis of observations while at the site, HKGi will keep the client informed of the progress of construction. HKGi may recommend rejection of work to the client if the contractor fails to conform to the contract documents. HKGi will perform the following specific tasks: - Assist the Client with bidding and negotiations with potential contractor(s). - Prepare addenda to the Construction Documents, as clarification is required. - Attend construction meetings with contractor and subcontractors on an as- needed basis - Select and tag plant materials for conformance to the specifications at place of growth. - Review and approve samples of materials specified in the Construction Documents. - Respond to requests for information. - Observe field layouts and quality of workmanship of materials and installation. - Conduct a substantial completion punchlist. - At the end of 90 -day establishment period, HKGi will conduct a final inspection and, upon finding the project acceptable, HKGi will recommend acceptance of the landscape installation to the client. SCHEDULE HKGi is prepared to begin work immediately upon approval of this scope and fee. It is anticipated that the construction of Phase 1 site elements can be completed within a 4 -6 month timeframe. FEES AND EXPENSES 1. Basic services Compensation to HKGi for the services described herein and in accordance with the Conditions of this Agreement shall be for time and materials. The estimated design fees for Phase One Construction Administration and Observation related to site and irrigation design are as follows: Construction Administration and Observation $12,500.00 2. Reimbursable Expenses Reimbursable Expenses are in addition to compensation for Basic Services. Reimbursable expenses incurred by HKGi directly related to the project include, but are not limited to, travel, photography, telephone charges and printing expenses. Reimbursable expenses $1,500.00 3. Total Professional Fees $14,000.00 4. Additional Services Services in addition to those described above are to be compensated on a Time and Materials basis per HKGi's current published hourly rate schedule. Additional services will include redesign of previously approved work, major revisions to program and /or expansion of scope of work. Whenever practical, changes, additions, or modifications to the scope of work shall be authorized by written change request; however, the absence of such a written change order shall not act as a bar to payment of fees due HKGi, provided the change was in fact approved and ordered by the Client. HOURLY RATES Personnel 2012 Hourly Rates Senior Principal $145- $170/Hr Principal $120- $145/Hr Senior Professional $120- $160/Hr Professional II $90- $120/Hr Professional I $60- $90/Hr Technical $40- $60/Hr Secretarial $55/Hr Testimony $195/Hr resourceful. naturally. BAR R engineering and environmental consultants May 23, 2012 MR. MORGAN DAWLEY, PE WSB & ASSOCIATE S, INC. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 RE: UMORE BALLPARK PROJECT — ROSEMOUNT, .WIN CONSTRUCTION PRASE SERVICES Dear Morgan: Thank you for contacting us regarding electrical engineering services for the construction phase of the proposed UMore Park and Ball Fields project in Rosemont, MN. We are providing this letter to outline our understanding of the project, our proposed scope of services, and our proposed fees for this project. PROJECT DESCRIPTION This is basically a continuation of our design services for the project, in which we provided electrical and lighting design for the irrigation well and also the parking lot lighting and ballfield convenience power. Bids are anticipated to be available (lighting portion of the project) early May, and award of construction contract anticipated for late May, 2012. Construction completion ancitipated in the fall of 2012. The contract for irrigation well construction has already been awarded as of the date of this letter. SCOPE OF SERVICES —.. In support of your efforts, Barr proposes to provide the following subconsultant services to WSB: 1. Attend the preconstruction meeting, anticipated to be held at Rosemount City Hall. 2. Provide coordination assistance regarding the two contracts (one for irrigation well, and one for parking lot and softball fields). Barr Engineering Co. 4700 West 77th Street, Suite 200, Minneapolis, MN 55435 952.832.2600 www.barr.com Morgan ©awley May 23, 2012 Page 2 3. Respond to contractor's requests for information (MA's). 4. Shop drawing review. 5. LJp to four (4) construction meetings at or near the project site. 6. Up to three (3) interim site observation visits with associated reports, understood to be timed to coincide with the construction meeting attendance dates. 7. One (1) final site visit with associated punch list, understood to be timed to coincide with construction meeting attendance date. 8. Electrical record plans put into CAD based on red -lined drawings received from Contractor. PROPOSED FEE Barr Engineering proposes to provide the outlined scope of services to WSB on an hourly basis to the anticipated maximum amount of $10,500. Reimbursable amounts such as automobile mileage are included, and services are billed monthly. Additional site visits may be provided at the hourly rate of $1 and mileage reimbursement of 55.5 cents per mile. Thank you for the opportunity to present this proposal. We look forward to working with you on this project_ If you are in agreement with this proposal, please sign one copy and return it to us for our records. Please call with any questions or comments. Sincerely, BARR ENGINEERING CO. Mark E. Ziemer, P.E. Senior Electrical Engineer 1i: \Proposals:2012\VSB UM ore E1ee CA PP1., May 20I2.doxx Morgan Dawley May 23, 2012 Page 3 Accepted By: WSB ASSOCIATES BY Its: Date: H.:' \J'roposa1 \2012`AVS13 UMore (Flee CA PP!.. May 20] 2.docs on WSB 2012 Rate Schedule 0 N Billing Rate /Hour �p Principal $137 m to Associate $128 n Project Manager $1071$1141$121 Project Engineer $941$991$1071$1141$121 Graduate Engineer $791 $841$89 Planner $72 Engineering Specialist $89 1 $991$1071$114 Engineering Technician $491 1 $62 1 $681 $79 Scientist $56 1 $621$68 Construction Observer $79 1 $841$891 $94 I $99 Coring Crew One - Person Crew $145 Two- Person Crew $220 Survey Crew One - Person Crew $110 Two - Person Crew $144 Three - Person Crew $168 Office Technician $33 1 $621$72 Costs associated with word processing, cell phones, reproduction of common correspondence and mailing are included in the above hourly rates. Vehicle mileage is normally included in our billing rates, but can be charged separately if specifically outlined by contract. Reimbursable expenses include costs associated with plan, specification and report reproduction, permit fee, delivery cost, etc. Rate Schedule is adjusted annually. Each staff person is assigned one billing rate that is commensurate with their experience and expertise. Multiple rates illustrate the varying levels of experience within each category. ii Engineering • Planning • Environmental • Construction on wsbeng.com