HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the April 11, 2012 Work Session Proceedings ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS APRIL 11, 2012 CALL TO ORDER PuYSUant to due call and notice thereof a regular�vork session of the Rosemount City Councii was held on Wednesday,Apri111, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145`'' Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Weisensel, Shoe-Corrigan, DeBettignies and Shoe-CoYrigan attending. Staff present included City Admuustrator Johnson, City Clexk Domeier, Director of Public Work/City Engineer Johnson, Senior Planner Zweber, Finance Director May, Director of Parks and Recrearion Schulz,Utilities Commissioners Harmsen, Speich and Mulhern were in attendance. Pete Willenbring of WSB &Associates was also in attendance. City Administrator Johnson suggested moving item 2.B.Jeffrey Feldman, FTTH to the beginning of the agenda. The City Council agreed to the agenda change. DISCUSSION 2.B. Jeffrey Feldman, FTTH Jeffrey Feldman of FTTH provided an update on FTTH including iniriatives, sales and build out and fiber projects in the area. He stated his next goal is to hire a salesperson. Discussion was held regarding the franchise agreement and other opportuniries available throughout Dakota County. 2.F. Scheduling future meetings/events City Adininistrator Johnson requested feedback on the meetings and events outlined in the staff repoYt. The meetings and events have been set as follows: • Apri123, 2012—Joint Meeting with the Parks Coinmission at 7 p.m. • May 5,2012 —Youth Coininissioner Interviews beginning at 10:30 a.m. • May 8, 2012—Umore AUAR meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. • May 8,2012—Joint Meeting with Fire Department beginning at 8:30 p.m. • May 10, 2012—Couimissioner Appreciate Dinner beginning at 6 p.m. • May 12, 2012—Youth Coininission Suininit 2.A. Surface Water Management Plan Review DirectoY of Public Works/City Engineer Brotzler summarized the background of the plan and where the City is at today. He also provided a presentation on the Rosemount Surface Water Management Plan Overview. Discussion during the overview included the 1998 plan, the 1998 storm wateY plan oudet locations,water resource management changes, current adopted plan, storm water trunk plan system,infiltration at Shannon Pond, curYent conditions,watershed basins. Pete Willenbring of WSB &Associates explained the difference in events between related to rain or snow melt and provided history on flooding in the area. Council Member Weisensel talked about the use of dry wells. Mr. Brotzler provided more information on the area basins that the City needs to store and infiltrate the water to provide flood protection. Discussion was held regarding the opportuniries at the UniveYSity site. Furthex discussion was held about alternatives to current plan, the oudets,the options, cost to developers compared to what they ate currendy paying and having a sexies of regional ponds. Mayor Droste suggested obtauung another opinion from a consultant about a plan before spending $30 million. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS APRIL 11, 2012 Mr. Brotzler continued to provide information on the stormwater utility rates and area charges. He explained that for the future rate and funding structure there could be a contribution from each city fund to pay for thethe project. Once a fmal direction is set and a plan is in place discussion should be held regarding the equity standpoint of using the storm utility fund to contribute to the outfall/oveYflow. Council Member Kearney noted that 1/3 of the City has not paid for the overflow. Mr. Brotzler explained that since the development of Evermoox the stormwater area charges have been based on the current plan. Further debate was held regaxding interim solutions and interixn contracts with landowners. In an ultunate development scenario the City should ensure it has the ability to have an overflow. Council Member Weisensel wanted to preserve the ability to go out into the river. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan was interested in other solutions around the country or world. She suggested using dry wells. Mr. Willenbring provided ideas for water reuse. Council Member Kearney suggested that staff work with Flint Hills on some potential oprions. Mr. BYOtzler explained that staff has met with Flint Hills and talked about a potential parmership. There has been interest from Flint Hills and staff could work on getting an agreement in place. The City Council was comfortable with the framework of the current plan. Staff will continue discussions with Flint Hills and inquire about the cost for obtaining a permit for the Mississippi Yeview outfall. Mr. Brotzler stated that the Utilities Commission will work on updating xates, costs and discussion about the Flint Hills and University land. The Commission will also factor how landowners will fit into the plan. 2.C. Large Scale Mineral Extraction Ordinance Update SenioY Planner Zweber provided in gYeat detail a suminary of in the information provided in the staff report. He also provided a summary of the last Planning Cominission meeting where the item was discussed and the reasoning behind the Corrunissioner nay votes. Mr. Zweber also reviewed each comment provided by Commissioner DeMuth and provided follow-up on a meeting he had with the Commissioner eaYlier in the day. Further discussion was held regarding moving forward with the Ordinance and the permitting process. 2.D. Steeple Center— Front Steps Director of PaYks and Recreation Schultz summarized the information provided in the staff report. He shared pictuxes as provided in the packet. Discussion was held about potential options for the front entty that would be open and welcoming. The City Council requested to check into the cost of pavers to be used in the front steps. The City Council also prefeYred an entry similar to the rounded step example provided in the packet with a platform that abuts the stairs up to the building 2.E. Budget calendar for 2013 budget City Adnunistrator Johnson requested feedback on the proposed dates. The City Council supported the proposed calendar. UPDATES 3.A. Labor Negotiations/Personnel City Adinuustrator Johnson provided updates on the labor negotiations to date. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS APRIL 11, 2012 3.B. Senior Housing City AdministratoY Johnson provided an update on the fmancing stage of the project. He stated that Mr. Trucker was looking for an equity paYtner. Discussion was held regarding the concerns about cost sharing the City's share of the project. 3.A. Labor Negotiations/Personnel DiYector of Public WoYks/City Engineer Brotzler stated that the OpeYarions Superintendent submitted his resignation effective May 31, 2012. Mr. Brotzler explained the functionality of the departxnent and his ideas for the replacement of the posirion. The City Council requested that Mr. Brotzler provide a written proposal that includes a proposed job description to review at another meeting. 3.C. Updates from City Council/Staff City AdininistratoY Johnson provided a sample of the proposed new webpage design. The City Council liked the proposed layout. Council Member Weisensel suggested that staff beta test the new site with a group of residents. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan stated she along with some staff will be attending a meeting with Michael Ryan on Friday,Apri113 at 4:30 p.m. Council Member Kearney stated that in regards to the surface wateY management plan review that he wanted to the City receive a second opinion on the plan. Mayor DYOSte provided an update on the CAC Yecnutment. He also provided area economic development news. ADJOURNMENT There being no furthex business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by Kearney, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 11:36 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City C1eYk