HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. Business Survey Discussion ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PORT AUTHORITY Port Authority Date: July 17, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Business Survey Discussion AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Community Development AGENDA NO. 5.c Director ATTACHMENTS: Lakeville Business Survey, Burnsville Business Survey, Draft Rosemount Survey APPROVED BY: Questions RECOMMENDED ACTION: Further Discussion. ISSUE At the June meeting a revised draft survey was forwarded to the Port Authority for discussion. It was noted during the meeting that staff was expecting to receive two business surveys recently conducted in neighboring communities: Lakeville and Burnsville. Those are attached for the Port Authority's information. The two surveys are similar in structure to what Rosemount used to do as a resident survey. A company is hired, in these two cases Decision Resources, and then they work with the city to determine survey questions. Some of the questions are continued over time for benchmarking purposes and others are more relevant to what is occurring at the time. For example, many years ago the Rosemount survey asked about financial support of an athletic complex prior to the referendum on the Outdoor Athletic Complex. The survey is conducted over the phone where follow up questions can be posed easily, depending upon the first response. The survey subjects are selected randomly and there are other controls that make the survey statistically significant within a certain percent. This allows the city to extrapolate the results to the greater community. RECOMMENDATION Review information and provide any additional feedback. DECISION RESOURCES, LTD. CITY OF BURNSVILLE 3128 Dean Court 2012 BUSINESS STUDY Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 FINAL MARCH 2012 IF A NAME IS LISTED, ASK: Hello, may I speak with IF NO NAME IS LISTED, ASK: May I speak with the owner or manager of this business? Hello, I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a statewide survey research firm located in Minneapolis. We've been retained by the City of Burnsville and the Burnsville Chamber of Commerce to speak with a random sample of Burnsville businesses about issues facing the community. This survey is being taken because both the City and the Chamber are interested in your opinions and suggestions. I want to assure you that all individual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. Your business name will not be referred to anywhere in the results. Do you have a few minutes now to help us with this survey? 1. What is your type of business RETAIL 29% retail, service, manufacturing or CORPORATE OFFICES 1% something else? BUSINESS SERVICES 10% MANUFACTURING 6% (ELSE: DISTRIBUTOR 5% BANKING /FINANCIAL 1% HOTEL /HOSPITALITY 10 RESTAURANT 8% COMMUNICATIONS 1% ELECTRONIC /TECHNOLOGY 5% MEDICAL RELATED 6% REAL ESTATE 3% CONSUMER SERVICES 23% SOMETHING ELSE 2% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% 2. How long has your business been at LESS THAN ONE YEAR 4% this current site? ONE TO TWO YEARS 8% THREE TO FIVE YEARS...19% SIX TO TEN YEARS 24% 11 TO 15 YEARS 17% SIXTEEN TO TWENTY YRS 11% OVER TWENTY YEARS 17% REFUSED 0% 3. What was the primary reason you HOME -BASED BUSINESS....6% located your business in Burns- LOCATION 30% ville? CUSTOMER BASE 12% SPACE AVAILABILITY 9% CLOSE TO HOME 9% BOUGHT EXISTING 5% CORPORATE DECISION.... 27% OTHER 1% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% 4. Which ONE of the following reasons TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM.13% would you say also played a key CLOSENESS TO YOUR role in locating in Burnsville? WORKFORCE 8% (ROTATE AND READ #1 #4) EDUCATION LEVEL OF WORKFORCE 0% CUSTOMER BASE 56% NONE OF ABOVE 19% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 4% 5. What do you like MOST, if any- UNSURE 1% thing, about having your business LOCATION 34% in Burnsville? CUSTOMER BASE 27% NICE COMMUNITY 9% CLOSE TO RETAIL/ AND SERVICES 8% FRIENDLY PEOPLE 14% HOME -BASED 4% SCATTERED 2% 6. And, what do you like LEAST, if UNSURE 12% anything, about having your busi- NOTHING 43% ness in Burnsville? LACK OF CUSTOMERS 3% NOT ENOUGH SPACE 1% HIGH TAXES 90 SLOW INTERNET 2% TRAFFIC CONGESTION.... 10% SIGNAGE ISSUE 13% CITY REGULATIONS 3% SCATTERED 4% Let's talk about your business location for a moment.... 7. Which of the following areas of the City of Burnsville do you consider your business location part of? (READ LIST) BURNSVILLE CENTER 15% HIGHWAY 13 CORRIDOR 28% NORTH BURNSVILLE INDUSTRIAL AREA 5% HEART OF THE CITY 15% SOUTHCROSS 7% COUNTY ROAD 42 CORRIDOR 28% SOMETHING ELSE 1% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 2% 8. Does your business own the build- OWN 41% ing in which you are located, or TENANT 58% are you a tenant? DON'T KNOW 1% REFUSED 0% 9. Is your business home based? YES 9% NO 91% DON'T KNOW 0% REFUSED 0% 10. Does your business have plans to YES 7% expand or renovate in the next one NO 83% to three years? DON'T KNOW 9% REFUSED 0% IF "YES," ASK: (n =21) 11. Will that be an expansion, EXPANSION 52% a renovation, or both? RENOVATION 29% BOTH 19% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% 12. Will the expansion or reno- YES 67% vation be at this site? NO 33% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% IF "NO," ASK: (n =7) 13. Is there one major reason why the expansion or renovation will not take place at your current Burnsville site? NO ROOM, 29 WANT TO EXPAND BUSINESS TO OTHER CITY, 57 CITY REGULATIONS, 14 14. As things stand now, how long in LESS THAN ONE YEAR 1% the future do you expect this ONE TO TWO YEARS 2% business to operate in Burnsville? THREE TO FIVE YEARS 4% SIX TO TEN YEARS 11% OVER TEN YEARS 73% DON'T KNOW 9% REFUSED 0% 15. How many full -time employees work NONE 1% at this location? 1 -4 52% 5 -9 24% 10 -14 8% 15 -19 3% 20 OR MORE 12% DON'T KNOW 0% REFUSED 0% 16. How many part -time employees work NONE 27% at this location? 1 -4 33% 5 -9 15% 10 -14 10% 15 -19 2% 20 OR MORE 12% DON'T KNOW 1% REFUSED 0% 17. Did the number of full -time em- INCREASE 7% ployees working at this location DECREASE 7% increase, decrease or remain about REMAIN ABOUT SAME 85% the same during the past twenty- DON'T KNOW 1% four months? REFUSED 0% 18. During the next twenty -four months INCREASE 14% will the number of full -time em- DECREASE 4% ployees working at this location REMAIN ABOUT SAME 73% increase, decrease or remain about DON'T KNOW 8% the same? REFUSED 1% 19. What percent of your workforce DON'T KNOW 3% lives in Burnsville? 0% 9% 30% OR LESS 28% 31% TO 49% 8% 500 17% 51% TO 75% 16% 76% TO 99% 7% 100% 11% 20. What is the average commute time DON'T KNOW 8% of your employees to and from HOME -BASED 7% work? 10 MINUTES OR LESS....31% 11 TO 19 MINUTES 36% 20 MINUTES 13% OVER 20 MINUTES 6% I would like to ask you about the overall composition of your workforce. For each of the following, please tell me approx- imately what percentage of your workforce is composed of that group. 21. Non -high school graduates? 5% 22. High school graduates? 33% 23. Technical or vocation school graduates? 22% 24. College graduates? 40% 25. What employment skills and compet- UNSURE 1% encies are most important to your CUSTOMER SERVICE 44% company? COMMUNICATION 13% PROMPTNESS 7% MATH 2% ARTS /VISUAL 3% TECHNOLOGY 7% WORK ETHIC 10% ATTENTION TO DETAILS 10% SALES 2% SCATTERED 2% 26. What employment skills and compet- UNSURE 9% encies, if any, need to be im- NONE 16% proved for the future? PROMPTNESS 9% COMMUNICATION 22% MATH 8% ORGANIZATION 7% WRITING 1% BEING A TEAM PLAYER 6% ATTENTION TO DETAILS..12% TECHNOLOGY 6% CUSTOMER SERVICE 2% SCATTERED 1% 27. How would you rate the business EXCELLENT 17% atmosphere in Burnsville ex- GOOD 75% cellent, good, only fair or poor? ONLY FAIR 7% POOR 1% DON'T KNOW 0% REFUSED 0% 28. Is there anything the City govern- UNSURE 25% ment of Burnsville can do to im- NOTHING 31% prove the business atmosphere in ALLOW SIGNS 21% the city? LOWER TAXES 12% BETTER SPENDING 2% MORE REDEVELOPMENT 2% ENFORCE CODES 2% TAX INCENTIVES 2% SCATTERED 4% Moving on.... 29. How would you rate the adequacy of EXCELLENT 27% the labor pool for your business GOOD 60% excellent, good, only fair, or ONLY FAIR 10% poor? POOR 1% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 2% IF "GOOD," "ONLY FAIR" OR "POOR:" (n =214) 30. What changes or improvements UNSURE 5% would you recommend to rate NONE 15% the adequacy of the labor OVERCOME LANGUAGE pool for your business as BARRIERS 29% excellent? IMPROVE PROMPTNESS.... 15% MORE COLLEGE GRADUATES.8% BETTER MATH 10% BETTER TECHNOLOGY TRAINING 12% CUSTOMER SERVICE 3% SCATTERED 3% 31. In particular, has your business YES 23% encountered any issues related to NO 76% the growing diversity of the labor DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% pool, such as language /cultural difficulties or supplementary training needs? IF "YES," ASK: (n =70) 32. What specific issues has your UNSURE 1% business encountered? LANGUAGE BARRIERS 96% MORE TRAINING 3% 33. Has your business been impacted by VERY SERIOUS 3% traffic congestion during the past SOMEWHAT SERIOUS 18% two years? (IF "YES," ASK:) How NOT TOO SERIOUS 38% much of an impact on your business NOT AT ALL SERIOUS 41% was it very serious, somewhat DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% serious, not too serious, or not at all serious? IF "VERY SERIOUS" OR "SOMEWHAT SERIOUS," ASK: (n =63) 34. How was the business speci- UNSURE 3% fically impacted by traffic DELAY IN DELIVERIES...33% congestion? LONGER TRAVEL TIME....47% CUSTOMERS COULDN'T GET TO BUSINESS.16% 35. Which road or highway are you HIGHWAY 42 25% MOST concerned about High- HIGHWAY 13 24% way 42, Highway 13, Highway HIGHWAY 169 3% 169, Interstate 35E, Inter- INTERSTATE 35E 3% state 35W, Cedar Avenue, Nic- INTERSTATE 35W 16% ollet Avenue, or something CEDAR AVENUE 2% else? NICOLLET AVENUE 2% SOMETHING ELSE 6% COMBINATION (VOL) 19% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% To improve traffic flow into and out of the City of Burnsville.... 36. Which do you consider the best ap- LANE EXPANSIONS 43% proach lane expansions on major BUS RAPID TRANSIT 14% highways and streets OR bus rapid BOTH (VOL) 33% transportation systems to destina- NEITHER (VOL) 6% tions outside of the city? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 4% Moving on... 37. When you consider the property EXCELLENT 2% taxes you pay and the quality of GOOD 59% city services you receive, would ONLY FAIR 10% you rate the general value of city POOR 2% services as excellent, good, only DON'T KNOW 21% fair or poor? REFUSED 6% 38. Would you favor or oppose an in- FAVOR 19% crease in city property taxes to OPPOSE 43% maintain city services at their DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 38% current levels? IF "OPPOSE," ASK: (n =128) 39. What city services would you UNSURE 12% be willing to see cut? NONE /CUT WASTE 38% ADMINISTRATION 5% ACROSS THE BOARD 38% PARKS AND RECREATION... 6% POLICE 2% 40. In comparison with nearby areas, VERY HIGH 5% do you feel that the property SOMEWHAT HIGH 36% taxes in Burnsville are very high, ABOUT AVERAGE 29% somewhat high, about average, SOMEWHAT LOW 0% somewhat low or very low? VERY LOW 0% DON'T KNOW 26% REFUSED 4% Let's now talk about City services.... 41. How would you rate the City of EXCELLENT 7% Burnsville's attitudes and respon- GOOD 79% siveness toward local businesses ONLY FAIR 9% excellent, good, only fair or POOR 2% poor? DON'T KNOW 3% REFUSED 0% 42. During the past year, have you had YES 26% contact on an official basis with NO 72% anyone working for the City of DON'T KNOW 2% Burnsville? REFUSED 0% IF "YES," ASK: (n =78) 43. Which ONE of the following POLICE 18% departments did you most FIRE 4% recently have contact with? AMBULANCE (EMS) 0% RECREATION 0% PUBLIC WORKS (STREETS/ WATER /PARKS) 14% ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT...1% PLANNING 1% INSPECTIONS /PERMITS...37% NEIGHBORHOODS VOL- UNTEER SERVICES 0% UTILITY BILLING /FIN- ANCE 8% CITY ADMINISTRATION (MANAGER,CLERK,HR) 5% BURNSVILLE -EAGAN COM- MUNITY TELEVISION 1% CITY RECEPTIONIST/ INFORMATION DESK 8% COMMUNICATIONS 0% INFORMATION TECH- NOLOGY 0% SOMETHING ELSE (VOL) 1% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% 44. In general were you satisfied SATISFIED 87% or dissatisfied with the way DISSATISFIED 10% in which that contact was DON'T KNOW 1% handled by the city? REFUSED 1% 45. When you consider the needs of the EXCELLENT 5% community, how would you rate the GOOD 80% City of Burnsville's responsive- ONLY FAIR 11% ness to renovation and expansion POOR 1% projects excellent, good, only DON'T KNOW 3% fair or poor? REFUSED 0% 46. All in all, do you think things RIGHT DIRECTION 92% in Burnsville are headed in the WRONG TRACK 6% right direction, or are things off DON'T KNOW 2% on the wrong track? REFUSED 0% Moving on.... 47. What is your primary source of in- UNSURE 0% formation about Burnsville City NOTHING 3% government, services and activi- CHAMBER NEWSLETTER.... 11% ties? THIS WEEK 14% STAR TRIBUNE 8% CITY WEBSITE 16% SUN 4% CITY NEWSLETTER 19% CABLE TELEVISION 1% WORD OF MOUTH 21% SCATTERED 3% A number of organizations publish newsletters and other informa- tion for businesses. For each of the following, tell me if you have received or accessed that information at your place of busi- ness.... (ROTATE LIST) YES NO DKR 48. "The Burnsville Bulletin," the City Newsletter? 65% 34% 1% 49. The Burnsville Chamber of Commerce newsletter, e- bulletins, or website? 41% 59% 0% 50. The City of Burnsville website? 52% 47% 1% 51. Cable television access programming? 13% 86% 1% 52. City of Burnsville e- bulletins or social media? 34% 66% 0% 53. Burnsville Convention and Visitor's Bureau mailings or website? 35% 65% 0% 54. Are you aware of the marketing YES 61% efforts of the Burnsville Conven- NO 38% tion and Visitor's Bureau? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% 55. What kind of high -speed Internet WIRELESS 15% service does your business cur- CABLE MODEM 21% rently have wireless, cable LEASED CIRCUIT 14% modem, leased circuit, DSL, or DSL 42% none at all? NONE 4% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 3% IF #1 #4, ASK: (n =279) 56. How satisfied are you with VERY SATISFIED 33% the speed of your high- SOMEWHAT SATISFIED 56% speed Internet very sat- SOMEWHAT DISSATISFIED.. 8% isfied, somewhat satisfied, VERY DISSATISFIED 3% somewhat dissatisfied, or DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% very dissatisfied? 57. How satisfied are you with VERY SATISFIED 27% the cost of your high -speed SOMEWHAT SATISFIED 57% Internet very satisfied, SOMEWHAT DISSATISFIED.. 7% somewhat satisfied, somewhat VERY DISSATISFIED 4% dissatisfied or very dissat- DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 5% isfied? 58. Does your business currently sub- CABLE 26% scribe to cable television, satel- SATELLITE 15% lite television or neither? NEITHER 58% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% IF "CABLE," ASK: (n =79) 59. When you consider the charge EXCELLENT 8% you pay for cable service GOOD 76% and the quality of the ser- ONLY FAIR 14% vice you receive, would you POOR 1% rate the value of cable DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% service as excellent, good, only fair or poor? I would like to read you a short list of utility services used by your business in Burnsville. For each one, please tell me if you would rate the quality of the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor. If you have no opinion, just say so.... (ROTATE LIST) EXCL GOOD FAIR POOR DK /R 60. Water and sewers? 8% 64% 23% 2% 3% 61. Telephone? 11% 82% 6% 1% 1% 62. Electric? 11% 79% 8% 1% 1% 63. Street lighting? 8% 75% 13% 2% 2% Now, for each of those services, tell me if you view that utili- ty's rate as very high, somewhat high, about average, somewhat low, or very low. Again, if you have no opinion, just say so (ROTATE LIST) VHI SHI AVG SLO VLO DKR 64. Water and sewers? 6% 19% 49% 0% 0% 25% 65. Telephone? 4% 13% 62% 0% 0% 21% 66. Electric? 8% 17% 52% 0% 0% 23% 67. Street lighting? 2% 9% 61% 0% 0% 27% Changing topics.... As I read the following statements, please answer "yes" or "no." (READ LIST) YES NO DKR 68. Customers and employees feel safe shop- ping and doing business in Burnsville. 99% 0% 0% 69. During the past few years, the appearance and maintenance of business properties has improved. 90% 7% 3% 70. The City has maintained a good balance between development and preservation of natural resources. 91% 4% 5% 71. The quality and timeliness of the snow plowing of city streets is satisfactory? 98% 2% 0% 72. Major city streets excluding county, state and federal highways are well maintained in Burnsville? 96% 4% 0% Changing topics.... 73. During the past two years, has INCREASED 8% crime increased, decreased, or re- DECREASED 7% mained about the same in your area ABOUT THE SAME 80% of the city? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 4% 74. How serious of an impact has crime VERY SERIOUS 1% had on your business during the SOMEWHAT SERIOUS 6% past two years very serious, NOT TOO SERIOUS 40% somewhat serious, not too serious, NOT AT ALL SERIOUS 52% or not at all serious? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% 75. I would like read you a list of public safety issues. Please tell me which one you consider to be the greatest concern in the City of Burnsville? (READ LIST) 76. Which one would be the second greatest concern? (RE -READ LIST, IF NECESSARY, OMITTING FIRST CHOICE) GREAT SECOND Shoplifting 11% 5% Vandalism 8% 6% Burglary 7% 4% Fraud and bad checks 8% 1O% Graffiti 2% 5% Petty thievery 6% 7% Identity theft 6% 6% Potential for terrorism 0% 0% Computer crime 1% 2% Violent crime 1% 0% Gangs and drugs 2% 1% Traffic speeding 11% 7% NONE (VOL.) 31% 38% SOMETHING ELSE 1% 2% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 6% 8% Moving on.... 77. Is your business a current member YES 29% of the Burnsville Chamber of NO /YES 7% Commerce? (IF "NO," ASK:) Is your NO /NO 57% business a former member of the DON'T KNOW 7% Burnsville Chamber of Commerce? REFUSED 0% 78. During the past year, have you YES 5% contacted the Burnsville Chamber NO 93% of Commerce about an issue facing DON'T KNOW 1% your business? REFUSED 0% IF "YES," ASK: (n =16) 79. In general were you satisfied SATISFIED 100% or dissatisfied with the way DISSATISFIED 0% in which that contact was DON'T KNOW 0% handled by the Chamber? REFUSED 0% 80. Now, for demographic purposes, REFUSED 0% could you tell me your position or PRESIDENT 8% title in this Company? OWNER 26% PARTNER 4% MANAGER 60% CEO 2% 81. In what city do you live? UNSURE 0% BURNSVILLE 45% SAVAGE 8% EAGAN 6% APPLE VALLEY 9% PRIOR LAKE 5% LAKEVILLE 5% MINNEAPOLIS 3% SAINT PAUL 3% REST OF DAKOTA COUNTY 4% REST OF METRO 2% WASHINGTON COUNTY 2% OUT OF METRO AREA 2% REST OF HENNEPIN 7% DECISION RESOURCES, LTD. CITY OF LAKEVILLE 3128 Dean Court Business Study Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 FINAL MARCH 2010 IF A NAME IS LISTED, ASK: Hello, may I speak with IF NO NAME IS LISTED, ASK: May I speak with the owner or manager of this business? Hello, I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a statewide survey research firm located in Minneapolis. We've been retained by the City of Lakeville to speak with a random sample of Lakeville businesses about issues facing the community. This survey is being taken because the City is interested in your opinions and suggestions. I want to assure you that all individ- ual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. Your business name will not be referred to anywhere in the results. Do you have a few minutes now to help us with this survey? 1. How long has your business been at LESS THAN ONE YEAR 3% this current site? ONE TO TWO YEARS 8% THREE TO FIVE YEARS...18% SIX TO TEN YEARS 30% 11 TO 15 YEARS 22% SIXTEEN TO TWENTY YRS..7% OVER TWENTY YEARS 11% REFUSED 0% 2. Thinking back to when you moved to HOME -BASED BUSINESS...12% Lakeville, what factors were most LOCATION 46% important to you in selecting the CUSTOMER BASE 8% city? AVAILABILITY OF SPACE 7% CLOSE TO HOME 8% BOUGHT EXISTING 9% CORPORATE DECISION 8% GOOD SCHOOLS 2% SCATTERED 1% 3. How would you rate the business EXCELLENT 27% atmosphere in Lakeville ex- GOOD 58% cellent, good, only fair or poor? ONLY FAIR 11% POOR 3% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% 4. What do you like MOST, if any- DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 1% thing, about having your busi- LOCATION 48% ness in Lakeville? CUSTOMER BASE 20% NICE COMMUNITY 11% FRIENDLY PEOPLE 12% HOME -BASED 8% SCATTERED 1% 5. And, what do you like LEAST, if UNSURE 5% anything, about having your NOTHING 51% business in Lakeville? LACK OF CUSTOMERS 4% NOT ENOUGH SPACE 2% HIGH TAXES 24% TRAFFIC CONGESTION 1% POOR ECONOMY 2% LOCATION 5% CITY SIGNAGE RULES 5% POOR INTERNET 1% 6. Do you have any plans to move your YES 3% business from the City of Lake- NO 90% ville in the next five years? DEPENDS (VOL.) 4% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 3% IF "YES" OR "DEPENDS," ASK: (N =20) 7. Could you tell me one or two DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 5% reasons why you are thinking NOT ENOUGH SPACE 15% about moving your business in LACK OF CUSTOMERS 15% the next five years? HIGH TAXES 35% BUILDING FOR SALE 5% CITY SIGNAGE RULES 10% DOWNSIZING 10% POOR INTERNET 5% Turning to city services.... First, I would like to read you a list of a city services. For each one, please tell me whether you would rate the quality of the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? EXC GOO FAI POO DKR 8. Police protection? 33% 64% 1% 0% 2% 9. Traffic enforcement? 23% 69% 5% 1% 1% 10. Fire Protection? 33% 60% 1% 0% 6% EXC GOO FAI PO0 DKR 11. Storm drainage and flood control? 15% 73% 3% 1% 8% 12. Upkeep and maintenance of parks? 21% 61% 1% 0% 17% 13. Outdoor ice rinks? 8% 48% 3% 1% 41% 14. Upkeep and maintenance of city beaches? 13% 45% 5% 3% 34% 15. Park and recreation programming? 11% 50% 3% 0% 36% 16. Senior Center programming? 7% 32% 5% 0% 56% 17. Arts Center programming? 7% 43% 6% 0% 44% 18. Park ranger program? 6% 33% 4% 0% 56% 19. Forestry program? 7% 34% 5% 0% 54% 20. Condition of city trails? 18% 49% 3% 0% 30% 21. Snow removal on city trails? 14% 42% 6% 1% 37% 22. Animal control? 7% 63% 2% 0% 28% 23. Educational programming provided by the Police and Fire Department? 13% 57% 3% 0% 27% 24. Community celebrations, such as Pan -o -prog? 17% 64% 4% 1% 14% 25. Street lighting? 11% 78% 8% 1% 2% 26. Lighting along bicycle and pedestrian trails? 9% 47% 9% 0% 35% 27. Building and Inspection services? 10% 59% 9% 1% 21% 28. Property maintenance enforce- ment? 7% 71% 7% 2% 13% 29. Economic development and planning? 7% 60% 13% 3% 18% 30. Quality of drinking water? 10% 70% 12% 3% 4% Roadways in the City of Lakeville consist of both city and county streets. City streets are those found in residential neighbor- hoods and also include major streets such as Ipava Avenue, Jac- quard Avenue, Flagstaff Avenue and Holyoke Avenue. County streets are the following major roadways: Cedar Avenue or County Road 23; Kenwood Trail or County Road 50; Dodd Boulevard or County Road 9; 185th Street or County Road 60, 215th Street or County Road 70; and Pilot Knob Road or County Road 31. Again, please tell me whether you would rate the quality of the following services as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? EXC GO0 FAI PO0 DKR 31. Snowplowing of city streets? 12% 83% 5% 0% 0% 32. Street sweeping? 12% 76% 8% 1% 3% 33. Street maintenance and repair? 7% 75% 15% 3% 1% 34. Mowing of boulevards? 12% 71% 8% 3% 7% Now, I would like to re -read you that list of city services. For each one, please tell me if you consider it be an essential city service, a very important city service, a somewhat important city service, or not a very important service at all. ESS VRI SMI NOT DKR 35. Police protection? 88% 1O% 2% 0% 0% 36. Traffic enforcement? 68% 24% 6% 1% 1% 37. Fire Protection? 88% 11% 0% 0% 0% 38. Storm drainage and flood control? 58% 36% 6% 0% 1% 39. Upkeep and maintenance of parks? 22% 48% 24% 4% 3% 40. Outdoor ice rinks? 9% 31% 39% 14% 8% 41. Upkeep and maintenance of city beaches? 13% 44% 33% 4% 7% 42. Park and recreation programming? 9% 45% 33% 5% 8% 43. Senior Center programming? 15% 46% 22% 4% 14% 44. Arts Center programming? 5% 36% 31% 12% 17% 45. Park ranger program? 7% 29% 29% 13% 24% 46. Forestry program? 8% 29% 31% 11% 21% 47. Condition of city trails? 14% 38% 32% 8% 9% 48. Snow removal on city trails? 13% 40% 27% 10% 11% 49. Animal control? 11% 51% 27% 5% 6% 50. Educational programming provided by the Police and Fire Department? 22% 43% 27% 4% 4% 51. Community celebrations, such as Pan -o -prog? 18% 37% 36% 7% 3% 52. Street lighting? 63% 29% 7% 1% 0% 53. Lighting along bicycle and pedestrian trails? 39% 33% 13% 8% 7% 54. Building and Inspection services? 16% 55% 24% 2% 4% 55. Property maintenance enforce- ment? 27% 55% 14% 2% 2% 56. Economic development and planning? 30% 45% 18% 3% 4% 57. Quality of drinking water? 66% 31% 2% 0% 1% 58. Snowplowing of city streets? 62% 34% 2% 2% 0% 59. Street sweeping? 27% 40% 27% 6% 0% 60. Street maintenance and repair? 61% 33% 3% 1% 1% 61. Mowing of boulevards? 24% 42% 22% 6% 6% Moving on As you may know, business property tax revenues are divided among the State of Minnesota's fiscal disparities, the City of Lake- ville, Dakota County, your local public school district. 62. In comparison with nearby cities, VERY HIGH 19% do you think that the business SOMEWHAT HIGH 37% property taxes in Lakeville are ABOUT AVERAGE 18% very high, somewhat high, about SOMEWHAT LOW 1% average, somewhat low, or very VERY LOW 0% low? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.... 260 63. Do you consider the city portion VERY HIGH 16% of your business property taxes to SOMEWHAT HIGH 36% be very high, somewhat high, about ABOUT AVERAGE 20% average, somewhat low, or very low SOMEWHAT LOW 1% in comparison with neighboring VERY LOW 0% cities? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.... 270 64. When you consider the business EXCELLENT 5% property taxes you pay and the GOOD 59% quality of city services you re- ONLY FAIR 20% ceive, would you rate the general POOR 3% value of city services as excel- DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.... 130 lent, good, only fair, or poor? 65. For each dollar of business pro- 10 PERCENT OR LESS 3% perty taxes you pay, about what 11 TO 20% 21% percentage do you think goes to 21 TO 30% 27% city government ten percent or 31 TO 40% 21% less, 11 to 20 percent, 21 to 30 41 TO 50% 5% percent, 31 to 40 percent 41 to 50 OVER 50 PERCENT 2% percent or over 50 percent? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.... 21% Now, for the final time I am going to read the list of city services. Given the current economic and financial environment, the city may have to make some additional tough choices in the next couple of years with respect to scaling back or eliminating certain city services. For each of the following please tell me if you would support an increase in funding for the service, keep the funding for the service at its current level, make cuts in the funding for the service, or eliminate funding for the service. (ROTATE) INC SAM CUT ELM DKR 66. Police protection? 5% 90% 3% 0% 3% 67. Traffic enforcement? 0% 87% 9% 0% 3% 68. Fire Protection? 4% 90% 2% 0% 3% 69. Storm drainage and flood control? 0% 83% 12% 0% 4% 70. Upkeep and maintenance of parks? 1% 64% 26% 1% 8% 71. Outdoor ice rinks? 0% 51% 34% 3% 12% INC SAM CUT ELM DKR 72. Upkeep and maintenance of city beaches? 2% 58% 28% 1% 11% 73. Park and recreation programming? 0% 59% 26% 2% 13% 74. Senior Center programming? 1% 63% 15% 1% 20% 75. Arts Center programming? 0% 50% 29% 3% 17% 76. Park ranger program? 0% 43% 31% 4% 22% 77. Forestry program? 0% 49% 28% 4% 19% 78. Condition of city trails? 0% 65% 19% 2% 13% 79. Snow removal on city trails? 0% 62% 21% 7% 11% 80. Animal control? 1% 69% 16% 2% 12% 81. Educational programming provided by the Police and Fire Department? 3% 66% 20% 3% 8% 82. Community celebrations, such as Pan -o -prog? 0% 72% 17% 2% 8% 83. Street lighting? 5% 85% 6% 0% 4% 84. Lighting along bicycle and pedestrian trails? 2% 70% 16% 1% 11% 85. Building and Inspection services? 2% 67% 21% 1% 10% 86. Property maintenance enforce- ment? 3% 73% 16% 1% 7% 87. Economic development and planning? 3% 68% 19% 1% 9% 88. Quality of drinking water? 6% 87% 3% 0% 4% 89. Snowplowing of city streets? 3% 90% 5% 0% 2% 90. Street sweeping? 0% 75% 20% 1% 4% 91. Street maintenance and repair? 4% 88% 4% 1% 3% 92. Mowing of boulevards? 0% 70% 20% 3% 7% IF "INCREASE FUNDING" FOR ANY SERVICE, ASK: (N =58) You stated you wanted to see (a /some) city service(s) re ceive additional funding.... 93. Would you favor or oppose an FAVOR 31% increase in city business OPPOSE 55% property taxes to provide DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 14% that additional funding? IF "FAVOR," ASK: (N =18) 94. By what percentage would ONE PERCENT 5% you be willing to in- TWO PERCENT 32% crease your business THREE PERCENT 42% property taxes to pro- FOUR PERCENT 5% vide funding for ser- NINE PERCENT 5% vices you mentioned? TEN PERCENT 11% IF "CURRENT LEVEL," ASK: (N =286) You stated you wanted to see (a /some) city service(s) re- ceive funding at the current level.... 95. Would you favor or oppose an FAVOR 11% increase in city business OPPOSE 68% property taxes if it were DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 21% needed to maintain those city services at their current level? IF "FAVOR," ASK: (N =30) 96. By what percentage would ONE PERCENT 7% you be willing to in- TWO PERCENT 30% crease your business THREE PERCENT 17% property taxes to main- FIVE PERCENT 23% tain funding for ser- NINE PERCENT 10% vices you mentioned? TEN PERCENT 3% FIFTEEN PERCENT 7% TWENTY PERCENT 3% 97. Would you favor or oppose cuts in STRONGLY FAVOR 11% city services if they would reduce FAVOR 30% your current CITY business pro- OPPOSE 29% perty taxes? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) STRONGLY OPPOSE 9% Do you feel strongly that way? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED....22% Thinking about communications.... 98. How would you prefer to receive information about Lakeville City Government and its activities? (PROBE FOR THREE RE SPONSES) FIR SEC THI DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% 4% 6% NONE 1% 9 %....15% "MESSAGES" /CITY NEWSLETTER 40 %....21 %....11% CITY'S WEBSITE 25 %....20 %....12% LOCAL NEWSPAPER 15 %....29 %....270 CABLE TELEVISION 0% 2% 8% CITY MEETINGS 0% 2% 2% CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 8% 5% 4% CITY STAFF /COUNCIL 0% 0% 1% OTHER BUSINESS OWNERS /MANAGERS 0% 2% 9% E -MAIL 8% 2% 1% MAILINGS 3% 2% 1% AUTOMATED TELEPHONE CALLS 0% 2% 3% Moving on.... 99. Now, for demographic purposes, PRESIDENT 6% could you tell me your position or OWNER 43% title in this Company? MANAGER 48% SCATTERED TITLES 3% 100. How many full -time employees work NONE 7% at this location? 1 -4 50% 5 -9 17% 10 -14 14% 15 -19 7% 20 OR MORE 7% 101. How many part -time employees work NONE 34% at this location? 1 -4 37% 5 -9 11% 10 -14 10% 15 -19 2% 20 OR MORE 6% 102. Is your business home based? YES 15% NO 85% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% 103. In what city do you live? LAKEVILLE 59% BURNSVILLE 5% PRIOR LAKE 7% FARMINGTON 3% MINNEAPOLIS 4% APPLE VALLEY 3% EAGAN 3% SCOTT COUNTY 2% ROSEMOUNT 2% REST OF DAKOTA CO 2% REST OF HENNEPIN CO 3% SCATTERED 7% IF "NOT IN LAKEVILLE," ASK: (N =121) 104. Could you tell me one or CLOSE TO FAMILY 10% two reasons why you decided GOOD LOCATION 7% not to move Lakeville? ALWAYS LIVED THERE....32% GOOD SCHOOLS 3% LOWER TAXES 6% LIVED FOR LONG TIME...24% HOUSING /NEIGHBORHOOD..17% SCATTERED 2% 105. Is your business a current member YES 40% of the Lakeville Chamber of NO /YES 9% Commerce? (IF "NO," ASK:) Is your NO /NO 51% business a former member of the DON'T KNOW /REFUSED 0% Lakeville Chamber of Commerce? 106. What is your type of business RETAIL 18% retail, service, manufacturing or MANUFACTURING 14% something else? SERVICE 58% SCATTERED 10% Website: Have you accessed the City Website in the last year? Y or N Did you have a business related question? Y or N Did you find what you were looking for? Y or N Is there additional information you would like to see on the website? Open ended question Business Email: Do you recall receiving the Business Email every Wednesday? Y or N Do you find the emails informative? Y or N Is there a topic of interest you wish the emails could cover? City Staff: Have you been to City Hall, or spoken to staff in the last year? Y or N Was the reason Business related or other? Business or Other Was the issue related to: o Licensing o Building Permit o Planning o Utility Billing o Road Construction o Economic Development o Other: How would you rate the information you received from the City Staff: o Complete or not complete o Useful or not useful How would you rate your overall experience with City Staff: o Excellent Good Fair Poor Business Climate: Is your business doing better this year as compared to one year ago? Y or n Is there something the City could do that would positively assist your business? y or n If yes, please provide: If the City sponsored a special event on a week night that could showcase specific businesses, would you be interested in participating? Y or n Have you heard about the Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce? Y or n Are you or have you ever been a member of the Chamber of Commerce: y or n