HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Dakota Aggregates Mineral Extraction Permit and IUP Request 9 ROSENAOUI EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission Work Session: July 24, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Case 12- 17 -ME; 12- 18 -ME; 12 -19 -IUP Request by Dakota Aggregates for a Large Scale Mineral Extraction Permit, AGENDA SECTION: Annual Operating Permit for Dry/Wet Discussion Mining Sub -Phase 1A; and an Interim Use Permit for Aggregate Processing PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 2.a. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map; Large Scale Mineral Extraction Permit Application; Annual Operating Permit Application; Aggregate i r Processing Interim Use Permit APPROVED BY: i� Application; Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion. ISSUE In May, the City approved an Ordinance to permit large scale mineral extraction as an interim use in the AG: Agricultural district. The Ordinance included requirements that the operator would need to receive an interim use permit (IUP) for the overall multiple year plan, receive an annual operating permit for the mining that would be conducted in the following year, and receive a separate IUP for any ancillary use (such as aggregate processing, concrete production, or asphalt production) included in the plan. On June 28, Dakota Aggregates submitted an application for large scale mineral extraction permit for the forty year mining operation, an annual operation permit for dry /wet mining sub -phase 1A, and an IUP for the aggregate processing. Dakota Aggregates, as this time, has not requested an IUP for any additional ancillary uses, such as the concrete or asphalt production. It is anticipated that Dakota Aggregates will apply for at least one IUP for concrete production this fall or winter. The objective of the Planning Commission meeting is to walk through aspects of the application and provide some critique of the application. Staff is interested in getting feedback from the Commission about mining related topics and whether there is additional information the Commission needs to assist in permit deliberations. A tentative schedule of the formal permit review process is provided in the body of this report. Along with Planning Staff, Dave Hume, the City's groundwater consultant from Leggette, Bashears Graham (LBG), will attend the work session to describe the Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan and the City's initial views and concerns. SUMMARY Dakota Aggregates has requested a large scale mineral extraction (LSME) permit for approximately 890 acres of land generally located south of County Road 42, north of County Road 46, east of Biscayne Avenue and west of Akron Avenue. Of the 890 acres, the northern 130 acres (colored green on the phasing plan) will not be mined and will be maintained as farmland (until development occurs) to buffer the Bloomfield and Enclave neighborhoods to the north. The southeastern 170 acres, named the Ancillary Use Facility (colored purple on the phasing plan), will not be mined and is intended to house various ancillary uses including aggregate processing, concrete and asphalt production, a vehicle maintenance facility, and a concrete product casting yard. The remaining 590 acres located east of Biscayne Avenue and north of County Road 46 are proposed to be mined over the next 25 years. There are additional plans for mining aggregate south of County Road 46 for an additional 15 years, but that land is located within Empire Township and is not part of this application. The ancillary uses, which will be supported by the 25 years of mining in Rosemount and 15 years of mining in Empire Township, are proposed to occur for 40 years. The 590 acres of mining proposed in Rosemount are divided into three areas. The northern 170 acres, named the North Dry Mining area (colored tan on the phasing plan) generally located north of the future extension of Boulder Trail, will be mined within the first 15 years of operation. The southwestern 185 acres, named the Dry /Wet Mining area (colored blue on the phasing plan), is proposed to occur for 25 years and will be the only area within Rosemount where mining activity could occur in the groundwater. The east central 235 acres, named the South Dry Mining area (colored yellow on the phasing plan), would be mined in years 16 through 25 of the permit and mining would only be allowed after the North Dry Mining area has been reclaimed. In addition to the LSME permit, Dakota Aggregates has applied for an annual operating permit to mine Dry /Wet Sub -Phase 1A in 2013 and an IUP for the aggregate processing operation at the Ancillary Use Facility (AUF). Sub -Phase 1A is approximately 25 acres of land located northwest of the Station Trail intersection with County Road 46. The aggregate processing area is approximately 70 acres of land located north and east of the Station Trail and County Road 46 intersection. The designated aggregate processing area includes a 13 -acre treed site located directly north of County Road 46. This area is to remain undisturbed to provide a buffer to the aggregate processing use. The remaining acreage is devoted to ancillary uses: 45 acres for aggregate processing including washing, screening, and stockpiling of material being mined; and 13 acres used for stockpiling, crushing, and screening used concrete and asphalt into recycled aggregate products (RAP). Dakota Aggregates has applied for an access permit from Dakota County for the intersection of Station Trail and County Road 46. North Dry Mining Area The 170 acre North Dry Mining area is roughly a rectangle; 2,000 feet north -to -south and 5,000 feet east to -west. The North Dry Mining area is located south of the Mining Buffer area about a quarter mile south of County Road 42, about a half a mile west of Akron Avenue, north of the South Dry Mining area about a mile north of County Road 42, and directly east of Biscayne Avenue. The North Dry Mining area is divided into seven phases, Dry Mining Phases 1 through 7. Phase 1 and 2 occupy the north 1,200 feet of the North Dry Mining area, while phases 3 through 7 run consecutively from the east to the west. Dakota Aggregates has committed to completing the mining of the North dry Mining area within 15 years of the issuance of the LSME permit. Accesses for the North Dry Mining are proposed to be Akron Avenue at County Road 42 and Biscayne Avenue at Boulder Trail. The first phases will use internal haul road constructed along the former rail line about a quarter mile south of County Road 42 to Akron Avenue, then north on Akron Avenue to County Road 42. Dakota Aggregates is requesting an access to Biscayne Avenue at Boulder Trail for the final phases of the North Dry Mining area. The truck traffic will head north on Biscayne Avenue to the intersection with Biscayne Avenue. Staff is working on an agreement with Dakota Aggregates and the University of Minnesota that requires their financial contribution to the future traffic signal at Biscayne Avenue and County Road 42. Once the North Dry Mining area is completed and reclaimed, all other access to the LSME would occur onto County Road 46. The screening and berming for the North Dry Mining area will be accomplished by maintaining the existing tree line and installing a berm west from the tree line to Biscayne Avenue. Similarly a berm will also be extended along the east side of Biscayne Avenue to the Boulder Trail access. The berms will be 2 installed as the annual operating permits for Dry Mining Phases 1 through 7 are issued. Dakota Aggregates has not applied to mine in these areas during 2013 as they are all future phases. Dakota Aggregates has provided an end use grading plan that provides a maximum of 5% grade along the northern and eastern edge of the North Dry Mining area and the grading of the future Boulder Trail corridor that would meet a 40 mph design speed. Dry/Wet Mining Area The 185 acre Dry /Wet Mining area is roughly triangular in shape and runs about 4,000 feet west to east along County Road 46 and about 3,500 feet north to south along Biscayne Avenue. The Dry /Wet Mining area is divided into five phases. Phases 1 through 4 run east to west along County Road 46 from Station Trail to Biscayne Avenue and Phase 5, the final phase, is along Biscayne Avenue running north to the future Boulder Trail access. These five phases are the only areas within the LSME permit that anticipate mining within the groundwater. Reclamation of the area will result in a lake to the northeast of the intersection of County Road 46 and Biscayne Avenue. The mining of the Dry /Wet Mining area is projected to take 25 years. The access to the Dry /Wet Mining Area will be from the intersection of Station Trail and County Road 46. Dakota Aggregates is working with Dakota County to determine improvements needed to the intersection to accommodate the mining access. The material mined from the Dry /Wet Mining area will be either trucked or conveyored to the aggregate processing area within the AUF during the dry mining activity (above the groundwater). Once the material is mined within two vertical feet of the groundwater, a barge will be installed into the lake with a clamshell or dragline bucket on a crane. From the crane, the mined material will be conveyored to the aggregate processing area. From the aggregate processing area, the mined material will either be expended with approved AUF uses or transported by truck using the Station Trail and County Road 46 intersection. The screening for the Dry /Wet Mining area will be a landscaped berm constructed along the north side of County Road 46 and the east side of Biscayne Avenue. The berming will be installed along with the annual operating permit for the individual phases and Dakota Aggregates has applied for an annual operating permit for Phase 1 in 2013. The end use grading plan proposed for the Dry /Wet Mining area includes a 2 to 1 slope adjacent to the Biscayne Avenue and County Road 46 right -of -ways to the lake edge with a 60 foot wide bench of a 10 to 1 slope at the waterline. Dakota Aggregates has not provided an end use grading plan for the South Dry Mining area to the northeast of the lake. That end use grading plan will need to be approved before any annual operating permit can be issued in the South Dry Mining area. South Dry Mining Area The 235 acre South Dry Mining area is roughly rectangular in shape, located south of the North Dry Mining area, about a half mile west of Akron Avenue, north of the AUF, and northeast of the Dry /Wet Mining area. The South Dry Mining area is divided into four phases labeled Dry Mining Phase 8 through 11. The material mined from the South Dry Mining will be truck or conveyored to the aggregate processing area within the AUF. From the aggregate processing area, the material would either be used in the uses located within the AUF or trucked using the access at Station Trail and County Road 46. The South Dry Mining area is proposed to occur in years 16 through 25 of the LSME permit. The screening of the South Dry Mining area is proposed by a landscaped berm along the south side of the future Boulder Trail. Dakota Aggregates has not proposed berming along the east side of the South Dry Mining area. Staff would anticipate that UMore will be developing with 15 years and would recommend landscaped berms be added to the east side of the South Dry Mining area. Dakota Aggregates has not provided an end use grading plan for the South Dry Mining area to the northeast of the lake. That end use grading plan will need to be approved before any annual operating permit can be issued in the South Dry Mining area. 3 Ancillary Use Facility The 170 acre AUF is roughly triangular in shape and is located directly north of County Road 46 from Station Trail on the west to Akron Avenue on the east. The AUF would contain 45 acres of aggregate processing, 20 acres of asphalt production, 12 acres for a concrete product casting yard, 30 acres of concrete production, 8 acres for a vehicle and equipment facility, 5 acres for an office, 10 acres of ponding, 13 acres of recycled aggregate products (RAP), and 30 acres of existing trees that will be maintained. The accesses for the AUF are proposed to be Station Trail at County Road 46 and Akron Avenue at County Road 46. There will be no mining of aggregate material within the AUF and the grading will be limited to leveling the property for the AUF use and the installation of berming and ponding. Dakota County has completed a trunk transportation study for the UMore property and the surrounding area. One of the recommendations is modifying the future alignment of Akron Avenue so that it travels through roughly the middle of the AUF site to connect with the County Road 42 and Akron Avenue intersection to the north and connect to Biscayne Avenue within Empire Township to the south. The AUF plan permits the future Akron Avenue extension through the AUF at a 55 mph design speed and future berming along Akron Avenue. The aggregate processing, office, and RAP will be located west of the future Akron Avenue and the asphalt production, casting yard, concrete production, and maintenance facility will be located east of the future Akron Avenue. Dakota Aggregates has applied for an IUP for the aggregate processing and RAP facilities using the access at Station Trail and County Road 46. No berming is proposed for the aggregate processing and RAP and site activity screening is proposed through maintaining 13 acres of existing trees on the north side of County Road 46, located east of Station Trail. All the other AUF uses will need to apply for separate IUP permits before those uses can be operated. It is anticipated that Dakota Aggregates will request the concrete production IUP later this fall or summer. .Annual Operating Permit Dakota Aggregates has applied for an annual operating permit that would allow the mining of 25.32 acres of Dry /Wet Mining Sub -Phase 1A. The access for Sub -Phase 1A would be the Station Trail intersection with County Road 46. Dakota Aggregates is working will Dakota County to permit and construct the improvements to Station Trail and County Road 46. Berming and landscaping will be constructed on the north side of the County Road 46 for at least 1,100 feet west of Station Trail. Additional berming to the west may be constructed based on the depth of the topsoil within Sub -Phase 1A. The mining of Sub -Phase 1 A will be conducted by scrappers and front -end loader to a depth within two vertical feet of the groundwater. Follow the mining of the dry material, the material within the groundwater will be mined using a crane on a barge located on the lake that is created. The material mining from Sub -Phase 1A will be trucked or conveyored to the aggregate processing facility to the east. The mining proposed within Sub -Phase 1A would remove material about 140 feet in depth at the final reclamation. The reclamation of the south side would be 2 to 1 slope adjacent to the County Road 46 right -of -way and the reclamation of the east side would be a 3 to 1 slope up to the aggregate processing area. The north and west sides of Sub -Phase 1A will be the continuation of the groundwater feed lake. Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan Barr Engineering has prepared a Hydrogeological Study and Water Monitoring Plan for the LSME permit. The hydrogeological study portion of the report is similar to the study conducted for the gravel environmental impact statement (EIS), but the water monitoring plan is substantially different as compared to the EIS. The hydrogeologic study shows that the groundwater generally flows from the southwest to the northeast towards the Mississippi River, but the study also shows a deposit of lower permeable till located under the AUF which either directs the groundwater to the north around the till or 4 down below the till to a higher permeable layer outwash above the bedrock. This groundwater flow pattern along with the creation of the lake that is connected with the groundwater affects the design of the water monitoring plan. The water monitoring plan has changed from the measures described in the EIS. One of the major factors that changed the monitoring plan is proposed additions to the City well system based on the expectation of UMore development. First, low•yield City wells RR -1 and RR -2 are replaced by a high yield Well 17 near the former Rosemount Town Hall site north of DCTC. Second, Well 18 was added in a location east of Akron Avenue and the City UMore ball fields. These two changes significantly change the groundwater flow patterns and therefore prompt changes to the groundwater monitoring plan. To address these changes, Barr has proposed a series of four monitoring wells about 2,000 feet northeast of the future lake shoreline. These wells would monitor the groundwater within the outwash that is fed from the lake, but staff is concerned that it would not monitor the impacts from the dry mining north of the lake nor the groundwater in the Jordan aquifer that would be fed from the lake. Staff would recommend at least three more monitoring wells: two wells that would monitor the groundwater in the outwash northeast of the dry mining area and one well that would monitor the Jordan aquifer that would feed proposed City Well 16. Dave Hume, the City's groundwater consultant from Leggette, Bashears Graham (LBG), will attend the work session to describe the Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan and the City's initial views and concerns. Environmental Contingency Plan; Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures Plan; and Stormwater Pollution and Prevention Plan Dakota Aggregates has submitted their Environmental Contingency Plan (ECP); Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SCPP) Plan; and Stormwater Pollution and Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as required by the City Code. Staff has not completed the review of these three plans, but will have a formal review and responses completed to include in the Executive Summary for the August 28 Planning Commission meeting. The ECP will need approval from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (PCA) before the mining can occur. Tentative Schedule Tonight's meeting is the first of four meetings that the Planning Commission is expected to review Dakota Aggregates' proposal. Tonight, staff will review the proposal and have the Planning Commissioner ask questions about the application submitted, but staff is not providing recommendations on the proposal and does not expect the Commissioners to have all of their issues and concerns formulated at this meeting. At the August meeting, staff will have an analysis of how well the submittal meets the Ordinance and the Planning Commission will open the public hearing and receive comment from the public. The Planning Commissioners will be asked to provide any issues or concerns they have at that meeting and to continue the public hearing to the September 25 meeting. On September 11, the Planning Commission will conduct a work session to review the issues and comments received and discuss permit conditions to address those concerns. On September 25, staff will review the recommended permit conditions and the Planning Commission will re -open the public hearing. If issues and concerns of the majority of the Planning Commissioners have been addressed, staff will ask the Planning Commission to close the public hearing and provide a recommendation to the City Council. If a majority of the Planning Commissioners has not had their issues and concerns addressed, then another meeting maybe required. Following a Planning Commission recommendation, the City Council will review the application during a work session to discuss the public comments received and the review the Planning Commission recommendation. At a regular meeting following the work session, the City Council will take formal action on the application. 5 Date Group Meeting Type Topic July 24 Planning Commission Work Session Introduction to the Proposal August 28 Planning Commission Public Hearing Gather Public and Planning Commission Comments September 11 Planning Commission Work Session Address Comments Received and Discuss Possible Permit Conditions September 25 Planning Commission Public Hearing Continue Public Hearing and Review Staff Recommendation Second Wednesday Review Planning Commission of the following City Council Work Session Recommendation and Comments month Received Third Tuesday of Review and Consider Approval of the the following City Council Formal Action month Mining Proposal RECOMMENDATION Provide feedback on the Dakota Aggregates proposal. 6 1)akui, ites Ef Tro ilc:1 Il i I 5 PI 7 A L 10 v s d yv r M 'Rill i 1 P 4,- 4ut.--0,4,.,,. _r.! iroliF OA N re I air 1 111 4,1 P i 4,4 tBY� Sri 4 f, f 4 ja 4 ,6, t a 4::::41:1:" 11 �YS1_ '�1 ����+EV10 i �.t li a ig- 4 i yy R f.: Tr .t asij Em 5 Nit/ .I IDA i n i 1 io' v p,...2 1w7 f i17 s�i�P T "6Wre M+ w,. .4.* fiMr v illlliill i II a 4 •Ailt 4 .r ____j E 1 I 1: t t i i LARyE SCALE 111, r f /hin1E 2�L f" dM i VI r r= y 4 y ,4:-.- Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not Map Scale guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search, 1 inch 1600 feet appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. UMore Park Large Scale Non Metallic Mineral Extraction UMore Park City of Rosemount June 26, 2012 1. Legal Description of the Land upon which Excavation is Proposed: That part South Half of Section 28, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying westerly of the following described line; Commencing at the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 28; thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing along the north line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1058.90 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 18 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds West a distance 1211.64 feet; thence South 07 degrees 11 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 1472.46 feet; thence South 75 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 126.03 feet to the south line of said Southeast Quarter and there terminating. EXCEPT the plat of UNIVERSITY ADDITION, said Dakota County. AND Section 33, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota; EXCEPT the East 133.00 feet of the North 549.43 feet of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 33; EXCEPT the East 133.00 feet of the South 930.25 feet of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 33; also EXCEPT that part of said Northeast Quarter described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, assumed bearing along the East line of said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 800.63 feet; thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 40.76 feet; thence North 38 degrees 17 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 819.06 feet; thence North 75 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 580.25 feet to the north line of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 51 seconds 14 seconds East, along said north line, a distance of 1111.53 feet to the point of beginning. AND That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, assumed bearing along the west line of said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 800.63 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, along said west line, a distance of 912.75 feet; thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 647.18 feet; thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds East a distance of 813.16 feet; thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 654.21 feet to the point of beginning. AND That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying southerly of the following described line: 1 Commencing at the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, assumed bearing along the west line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 549.45 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 2646.92 feet to the east line of said Southwest Quarter and there terminating And lying westerly, northwesterly and northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds East, along the south line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 2192.17 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 04 degrees 21 seconds 18 seconds East a distance of 142.12 feet; thence North 01 degrees 12 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 368.88 feet; thence North 01 degrees 58 minutes 09 seconds West a distance of 266.72 feet; thence northeasterly 194.60 feet, along tangential curve, concave to the southeast, having a central angle of 96 degrees 57 minutes 13 seconds and a radius of 115.00 feet; thence South 85 degrees 00 minutes 56 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 157.25 feet; thence easterly 99.70 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the north, having a central angle of 09 degrees 25 minutes 45 seconds and a radius of 605.84 feet; thence northeasterly 100.73 feet, along a reverse curve, concave to the northwest, having a central angle of 56 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds and a radius of 103.00 feet to the west line of said Southwest Quarter and said line there terminating. 2. Ancillary Use Facility Legal Description That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34 and the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, all in Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34; thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds East, assumed bearing along the south line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34, a distance of 2192.17 feet; thence North 04 degrees 21 minutes 18 seconds East a distance of 142.12 feet; thence North 01 degrees 12 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 368.88 feet; thence North 01 degrees 58 minutes 09 seconds West a distance of 266.72 feet; thence northeasterly 112.50 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the southeast, having a central angle of 56 degrees 02 minutes 58 seconds and a radius of 115.00 feet; thence northerly 56.43 feet, along a non tangential curve, concave to the east, having a central angle of 35 degrees 55 minutes 23 seconds, a radius of 90.00 feet and a chord which bears North 17 degrees 26 minutes 35 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 31 minutes 07 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 206.76 feet; thence northerly 83.26 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the west, having a central angle of 34 degrees 04 minutes 23 seconds and a radius of 140.00 feet; thence North 56 degrees 26 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 45.08 feet; thence North 00 degrees 31 minutes 07 seconds East a distance of 299.38 feet; thence North 88 degrees 50 minutes 09 seconds West a distance of 537.90 feet; thence North 01 degrees 06 minutes 55 seconds East a distance of 542.56 feet to the following described line; Commencing at the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34, a distance of 549.45 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 2646.92 feet to the east line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34 and there terminating. 2 thence North 89 degrees 28 minutes 53 seconds West, along said described line, a distance of 1701.18 feet to said west line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34; thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 48 seconds West a distance of 133.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 25 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 1911.08 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 6.69 feet; thence South 24 degrees 59 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 32.37 feet; thence South 38 degrees 36 minutes 54 seconds East a distance of 58.76 feet; thence South 24 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 21.39 feet; thence South 08 degrees 35 minutes 01 seconds East a distance of 17.27 feet; thence South 01 degrees 13 minutes 27 seconds East a distance of 55.61 feet; thence South 20 degrees 01 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 40.77 feet; thence South 20 degrees 03 minutes 43 seconds East a distance of 111.64 feet; thence South 15 degrees 03 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 118.93 feet; thence South 27 degrees 25 minutes 38 seconds East a distance of 247.59 feet; thence South 21 degrees 09 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 78.57 feet; thence South 18 degrees 19 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 190.08 feet; thence South 26 degrees 25 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 227.06 feet; thence South 46 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 98.15 feet; thence South 33 degrees 47 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 171.67 feet; thence South 23 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 90.20 feet; thence South 17 degrees 56 minutes 04 seconds East a distance of 178.92 feet; thence South 17 degrees 54 minutes 28 seconds East a distance of 132.38 feet; thence South 25 degrees 39 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 126.20 feet; thence South 30 degrees 29 minutes 59 seconds East a distance of 103.92 feet; thence South 28 degrees 45 minutes 36 seconds East a distance of 250.67 feet to the south line of said Southeast Quarter of Section 33; thence North 89 degrees 34 minutes 22 seconds East, along said south line, a distance of 1060.22 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT that part lying southerly of north right of way line of County State Aid Highway No. 46 per DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 253 and DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 254, according to the recorded plats thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. OVERALL GROSS AREA: 171.856 ACRES NET USABLE AREA: 100.30 ACRES 3. Land Owner: Regents of the University of Minnesota UMore Development LLC 230 McNamara Alumni Center 200 Oak Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455 Applicant: Dakota Aggregates, LLC 2025 Centre Pointe Boulevard, Suite 300 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 (651) 688 -9292 3 Operator: Dakota Aggregates, LLC 2025 Centre Pointe Boulevard, Suite 300 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 (651) 688-9292 4. Names and Addresses of All Adjacent Landowners within 1 /4 of a Mile Dakota Aggregates has submitted the names and addresses of all adjacent landowners within 1/4 mile of the mining site. (Provided by Dakota County Abstract and Title) 5. Existing land use designations on the subject property and zoned properties with in 1/4 mile: The existing land use within the proposed mining area is agricultural research. Residential zoning is present on the north side of County Road 42. Agricultural /Public Institutional uses are present to the south and to the east with the majority of this agricultural land being owned by the Regents of the University of Minnesota. Business and Industrial zoning lies to the west of the proposed mining site as well as Agricultural zoned land. Please refer to plan sheet 1.00 which displays all zoning classifications on the proposed mining site as well as the surrounding area zoning classifications. 6. Introduction and Purpose of the Proposed Excavation: Dakota Aggregates LLC (applicant /operator) is applying for a large scale nonmetallic mineral extraction permit on land within UMore Park which is located in the City of Rosemount. Dakota Aggregates LLC is proposing to operate the sand and gravel mining operation which will produce construction grade sand and gravel products. The mineral extraction and Ancillary Use Facilities are proposed on approximately 946 gross acres/ 682 net usable acres of land within the City of Rosemount which is owned by the Regents of the University of Minnesota. The proposed operation will include clearing and grubbing, relocation of surface soils and stockpiling of topsoil and other overburden material including clay for aggregate products and or pond /landfill lining, berm construction, mineral extraction, material transporting, material processing including crushing, screening, washing, asphalt production, concrete production, Recycled Aggregate Products (RAP) production, loading and transporting materials to and from the proposed extraction site, importation of clean compactable material for reclamation purposes and production of cast concrete products. It is estimated that approximately 35- 40 million tons of aggregate material (sand and gravel) will be sold over approximately 25 years. The quantity sold will be dependent upon the actual gravel deposit and the market demand for aggregate products. Extraction activities will reach approximately 75 feet below the natural water table in some areas of the Dry/Wet Mining phases. The mining process is mechanical and does not involve contact of groundwater with chemicals or pollutants that would degrade water quality. The materials extracted will consist of high quality granular and aggregate material (sand and gravel). Please refer to the Reclamation Interim and End Use and Erosion Sediment Control Plan sheets 3.00- 4.04 for proposed final interim and end use reclamation contours. Generally, there are 5 sectors within the UMore Mining Area which are displayed in the phasing plan: (Please refer to the Overall Site Information /Phasing Plan Sheet 1.01) 1. Mining Buffer 130 acres adjacent County Road 42 (depicted in green) 2. North Dry Mining Phases 1 -7 (North of future Boulder Trail depicted in brown) 3. South Dry Mining Phases 8 -11 (South of future Boulder Trail depicted yellow) 4. Dry/Wet Mining Phases 1 -5 (Depicted in blue) 4 5. Ancillary Use Facility (Depicted in Purple) A. Mining Buffer A mining buffer consisting of approximately 130 gross acres will exist on the northern portion of the North Dry Mining phases adjacent to County Road #42. No mining activities will take place within the mining buffer. A combination of existing trees and temporary berm construction along the northern boundary of the North Dry Mining phases will screen the mining activities from the residents located on the north side of County Road 42. Once mining activities have expired in the North Dry Mining phases, the berm along the south side of the mining buffer will be removed and another temporary berm will be constructed south of future Boulder Trail. B. North Dry Mining Phases 1 -7 Activities in the North Dry Mining phases will include relocation of surface soils, berm construction, crushing, mixing, screening, stockpiling, aggregate washing, loading, hauling and conveying of aggregate materials to the Ancillary Use Facility (AUF). Processing equipment will be portable in the North Dry Mining phases to allow for efficient relocation of the equipment as the mine face advances. North Dry Mining phases will be completed within 15 years from the commencement of mining in the North Dry Mining phases unless additional time is permitted by the City of Rosemount. C. South Dry Mining Phases 8 -11 Activities in the South Dry Mining phases will include stripping of surface soils, berm construction, crushing, mixing, screening, stockpiling, aggregate washing, loading, hauling and conveying of aggregate materials to the AUF. If utilized, processing equipment will be portable in the South Dry Mining phases to allow for efficient relocation of the equipment as the mine face advances. The South Dry Mining Phases will commence once North Dry Mining phase 7 is close to being mined out and or being reclaimed. D. Dry/Wet Mining Phases 1 -5 Activities in the Dry/Wet Mining phases will include relocation of surface soils, berm construction, crushing, mixing, screening, stockpiling, aggregate washing, dredging, loading, hauling and conveying of aggregate materials to the AUF. The extraction activities in the Dry/Wet Mining phases 1 A 2B will be consistent to those activities within the Dry Mining phases until excavation limits have approached the groundwater elevations. At the time which mining has approached the groundwater in the Dry/Wet Mining phaseslA -2B (approximately 80 acres), a dredge, draglines, backhoes, and other similar equipment will be utilized to extract the aggregate material which lies underneath the water in Dry/ Wet mining phases lAA -5BB. The side slopes in phases 1A -2B will be reclaimed as per the end use grading plan prior to commencement of mining activities in Dry/Wet Mining sub -phase 3A. For Dry/Wet mining phases IAA -5BB the future lake edge /side slopes will be reclaimed on a phase by phase basis or prior to the extraction operations advancing past 80 acres of open and un reclaimed mine area in Dry/Wet mining phases. E. Ancillary Use Facilities The 100 acre (Net useable) Ancillary Use Facility (AUF, or Facility) is depicted on the Site Operations plan Sheet 1.08. Ancillary operations will include aggregate production activities such as crushing, mixing, screening, washing, loading, stockpiling of aggregate materials, hauling, ready mixed concrete production, asphalt production, precast production, and RAP production. The Ancillary Use Facility is located along the far 5 southeastern portion of the mining area adjacent to CSAH #46, which is an area that will not be subject to mineral extraction/excavation. This area is underlain by dense glacial till which is an area of low aquifer vulnerability and provides a natural protective barrier to limit the migration of potential release into the groundwater. A maintenance facility and an office will be utilized within the AUF. The office will be utilized for administrative purposes and will be tied into the truck scaling operations. Fuel tanks will be stored within the Ancillary Use Facility in the fueling station as depicted on plan sheet 1.08. Prior to the maintenance facility and fueling station being permitted and constructed through an interim use permit, temporary fuel tanks will be proposed in other locations of the AUF and will be indicated in the interim use permit application(s). The fuel will be contained within double walled tanks, equipped with redundant spill control features such as level alarms and fueling area containment. The tanks and the fueling station will be routinely inspected and any problems will be addressed immediately upon discovery. Scale houses will be located within the AUF as well. Please refer to the Spill Prevention Control and Countermeasures Plan (SPCC) for greater detail pertaining to spill prevention. The casting yard which will be located in the Ancillary Use Facility, will be used for precast production of block, pipe, precast bridge beams, and other precast products. Please refer to plan sheet 1.08. 7. List of vehicles and equipment to be used on site: Scrapers Gantry Cranes Backhoe Excavators Conveyors Motor Graders Haul Trucks Bulldozers Scales Loaders Scale Houses Water Truck Dredges Aggregate Screeners Crushing Plants Wash Plants Asphalt Plant Concrete Batch Plants Pre Cast Plant Fuel Trucks Fuel Tanks Maintenance Vehicles Storage Bins Ready Mixed Concrete Trucks 8. Other Required Operating Permits Various operating permits will be required in addition to the required City of Rosemount permit requirements. The following is a list of the permit requirements which will be required for the proposed pit to operate. State Disposal System Construction Sand and Gravel, Rock Quarrying and Hot Mix Asphalt Production Facilii MPCA/NPDES Permit (Including Storm Water Prevention Plan) MPCA /Air Emissions for Plant Operations/ Processing Equipment DNR Water Appropriations Permit Dakota County Existing Access Improvement Permits Dakota County Well Permits (Monitoring) Dakota County Well Permits (Washing) Dakota County Well Sealing Permits (On a cases by case basis if wells are sealed as mining progresses) 6 9. Estimated Time frame of Extraction Activities: It is estimated that the mineral extraction activities will be completed in 25 years from the commencement of mining; however, the actual life of the extraction facility will be determined by the present and future demand of the mined products. Proposed Extraction Start Date: May 1, 2013 contingent upon City of Rosemount permit approvals. Proposed Extraction End Date: 25 years from the commencement of mining activities Proposed Site Reclamation: It is estimated that interim reclamation activities will commence approximately within 18 -24 months after completion of mineral extraction of each phase or prior to advancing into more than 80 acres of open mine area/phasing in a contiguous minable phase. The internal haul road areas of future Boulder Trail and the internal haul roads to access the rail bed internal haul route for access to Akron Avenue /CSAH #42 in Dry Mining phases 1 -7 may need to remain open and un reclaimed in accordance with hauling activities to the Biscayne Avenue /County Road 42 and Akron Avenue/ County Road #42 accesses. The North Dry Mining phases including future Boulder Trail and all other internal haul roads will be reclaimed to the end use reclamation grades within 12 months of all mining activities in the North Dry Mining phases ending. 10. Names of Highways, Streets, or other Public Roadways within the City upon which the Material will be Transported: Biscayne Avenue, Akron Avenue, County Road# 42, County Road# 46, County Road# 3, and State Highway# 52. 11. Haul Routes /Access Locations (Plan Sheet 1.07) The access points to and from the AUF will occur at the intersection of County Road #46 at Akron Avenue and at the intersection of County Road #46 at Station Trail. With the proposed mining operation spanning approximately 1.5 miles north to south and approximately 1.5 miles west to east, North Dry Mining will utilize access locations for ingress and egress to North Dry Mining phases 1 -7. During mining operations in the North Dry Mining Phases, the area depicted as future Boulder Trail will remain open and will serve as an internal haul road for material hauling activities utilizing the Boulder Trail/ Biscayne Avenue access location for access to CSAH #42. The access at Akron Avenue and County Road #42 will be utilized at the commencement mining of the North Dry Mining phases. In order to access Akron Avenue from the North Mining Area, an internal haul road will be constructed along the existing rail bed corridor which abuts North Dry Mining sub phase lA in the northeast corner. The Boulder Trail and Biscayne Avenue access will not be utilized until a traffic signal has been installed at Biscayne Avenue at County Road #42. Only one of these access points will be open for mining activities at any given time. 7 The internal haul routes for North Dry Mining phases 1 -7 will be maintained by the operator as needed and a water truck will be utilized to control potential haul road dust. Once all of the saleable material has been extracted and removed from North Dry Mining Phases 1 -7, the future Boulder Trail haul road and other internal haul roads will be reclaimed as per the end use reclamation plan within 12 months. Material mined from Dry Mining Phases 8 -11 and Dry/Wet Mining phases 1 -5 will be transferred to the AUF by a conveyor system corridor which will be determined by Dakota Aggregates and UMore Park representatives onsite to maximize conveying efficiency and to minimize disturbance to agricultural research as much as possible. Once the material is conveyed to the AUF, it will be processed into varying construction grade aggregate products that will be hauled offsite at either the Station Trail /CSAH 46 access or at the existing Akron Avenue /CSAH 46 access location. Main Access Point Locations The following AUF and North Dry Mining accesses will be the main access points associated with the mining operation. Approval from Dakota County will need to be secured prior to using the following accesses and or any other desirable access locations that encompass the UMA. A. County Road# 46 at Station Trail (AUF) B. Akron Avenue at County Road# 46 (AUF) C. Akron Avenue at County Road 42 (North Dry Mining) D. Biscayne Avenue /Boulder Trail at county Road #42 (North Dry Mining) The following table provides a summary of the site generated traffic assignments to the main primary and secondary access locations proposed for 2013 through 2030. All truck trip estimates per access location(s) are based on the projected annual 3rd quarter aggregate sales totals which is considered the peak time for extraction activities and sales. The actual timing for the use of these access points will be based on the economy and market demand. A complete traffic analysis which is included in the EIS documents is available for greater detail relating to traffic counts and access analysis in section 3.10 entitled "Traffic" Summary of Site Generated Traffic Assignments to Accesses for 2011 and 2030 2013 ADT AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour total enter exit total enter exit CSAH #46 at Station 270 28 14 14 16 4 12 Trail Existing Akron 268 27 13 14 16 5 11 Avenue and CSAH #46 CSAH #42 opposite 131 13 7 6 8 2 6 Akron Avenue Biscayne Ave. 131 13 6 7 8 2 6 opposite Boulder Trail Total 800 81 40 41 48 13 35 2030 .h,_. CSAH #46 at Station 460 48 24 24 28 9 19 Trail Akron Avenue and 459 46 23 23 28 9 19 8 CSAH #46 CSAH #42 opposite 298 30 15 15 18 5 13 Akron Avenue Biscayne Ave. 298 30 15 15 18 5 13 opposite Boulder Trail Total 1515 154 77 77 92 28 64 12. HydrogeoloEic Study A hydrogeologic study is included in the Water Monitoring Plan that will be initiated upon approval of the mining permit. The hydrogeological study includes previous and current geologic and hydrogeologic information completed as part of the EIS. Updated information including data collected from new wells and updated water monitoring data will be included in future reports as proposed in the Water Monitoring Plan. The Hydrogeological Study and Ground Water Monitoring Plan are attached. 13. Description, Location and Construction of all wells within 300 feet of the EIS Boundary Please refer to figure 4 of the Groundwater Monitoring/Hydrogeological Plan for information pertaining to existing and proposed wells. 14. Description of each Groundwater Excavation (Size, Shape and Location) All of the floating dredge operations in the Dry /Wet Mining Phases 1 -5 will be conducted below or near the approximate elevation of the groundwater. The excavation excluding the above water side slopes will encompass approximately 132 acres. Once the mining activities have expired an end use lake with an undulating/natural shoreline consisting of approximately 132 acres will remain. Please refer to Interim and End Use Reclamation plan sheets 3.00 4.04. 15. Description of the Proposed Fill Activity in (Grain Size Distribution, Quantity, and Placement Procedures): A. Dry /Wet Mining Phases 1 -5 The end use reclamation plan calls for leaving the open water feature intact as a lake. No fill activity except for virgin sand material is proposed within the Dry /Wet Mining phases and for establishing shoreline features as described below. As part of mining activities, varying quantities of the minus #4 (sand and finer) fraction of the native materials will generally settle back into the lake basin or be placed along the shoreline. Some areas may be re contoured with the native sand and silt materials to create natural bathymetric contours for the lake basin. These materials will typically be placed as the dredge areas progress and will include shallow bench areas as well as adjacent steeper sloped areas to serve as a trap for fine- grained sediments and any nutrients that are not captured by storm water runoff control features. Where shallow bench slopes are needed, the native sand material may be placed via heavy equipment or conveyor system. B. Dry Mining Phases 1 -11 (North and South Dry Mining) Materials will consist of clean and compactable materials during the reclamation activities in the Dry Mining phases. The majority of the fill material will consist of minus #4 granular material. Placement of the fill material will be accomplished with conveyors, trucks, scrapers, and dozers. 9 16. Description of the Aquifer Characteristics in the Area of Each Groundwater Excavation to be Affected by Proposed Fill Activity (Aquifer Thickness and General Geological) As noted above, the Groundwater Excavation will be left as an open -water lake feature. Although the native sand and gravel aquifer material may be disturbed, the only activities below water will consist of benching and re contouring with native sand and gravel materials with physical properties that are identical to those comprising the aquifer material. Geology of the deposit is described in the Gravel Resources Report (ProSource, 2008) and in the Groundwater Assessment Monitoring Report (Barr 2009). 17. Description of Impacts of the proposed Fill Activity on Groundwater Flow Regimes: A detailed description of groundwater flow in the uppermost saturated zone before, during and after mining is described in the EIS and supporting resource documents (Barr 2009, 2010). Groundwater moves from southwest to northeast across the mining area and will continue to do so in the future. As indicated in the EIS for the project, the mining operation will not significantly alter the flow direction, magnitude, or quality of groundwater. Long range simulations of groundwater pumping for wash water and other uses was evaluated during the EIS and found to have negligible impacts on surrounding water resources. 18. Groundwater Water Monitoring Plan The Groundwater Monitoring Plan describes the site geology and hydrogeology as well as the monitoring network dedicated to detection and response of potential impacts from the mining operations on water and groundwater. The Plan includes sampling locations, methods, frequency, quality assurance, and methods of analysis for the water data. The Groundwater Monitoring Plan for the facility will consist of the following: A description of the conceptual flow model including the geology, hydrostratigraphic units and map showing existing conditions, including existing wells A description of existing data and baseline conditions Identification of significant groundwater resources (e.g. supply wells) that are located downgradient of the mining operations and /or current Drinking Water Supply Management Areas. Identification of areas in the mine and Ancillary Use Facility that are planned for storage and handling of materials that are likely to contain readily leachable contaminants Discussion of likely constituents of concern that should constitute water quality monitoring parameters Summary of existing wells List of wells and schedule for decommissioning wells that will be sealed prior to mining The current and future monitoring wells proposed for detection monitoring Frequency of detection monitoring Parameters included in detection monitoring Methods for sampling and analysis A Quality Assurance Project Plan A definition of threshold criteria for implementing potential response actions resulting from detection monitoring (e.g. response plan) A response plan for contingency and corrective actions related to groundwater data. Spill response is described the SPCC Plan. 10 A description of how and when future conditions will change that will require review of the monitoring plan An annual report including description of the previous year's monitoring data and proposed actions or changes to be conducted in the future. The plan will follow standard industry practice and MPCA guidance for sampling groundwater. 19. Spill Prevention Control and Containment Plan (SPCC Plan) Federal law requires compliance with 40 CFR 112 for facilities storing more than 1320 gallons of above petroleum. This plan will describe the location, quantity and types of petroleum and hazardous substances stored and used within the UMA as well as the responsible persons, notification procedures, containment measures, inspection, documentation and spill response activities will be described within the report. 20. Potential Soil Contamination Areas with potential soil contamination have been investigated by the University and no impacts were identified. During mining operations, if potentially contaminated soil is encountered, it will be managed by University staff in accordance with the Environmental Contingency Plan (ECP). The ECP also includes procedures for characterization and temporary on -site management of potential soil contamination and disposal procedures. The presumptive method for disposing of contaminated soils will be to excavate and haul the soils directly to a permitted solid waste facility. 21. Environmental Contingency Plan (ECP) An environmental contingency plan is attached. The goal of the plan is to anticipate, identify, and respond to a variety conditions that may be uncovered within the subsurface during mining activities. The plan describes areas where potentially hazardous substances or petroleum are suspected to be present as a result of past land use activities. As noted above, areas with potential soil contamination have been investigated by the University and no impacts were identified. In addition, the plan provides a procedure for pre- mining site screening, training, operational procedures for identifying potential environmental contingency items, notification procedures, and appropriate steps toward identifying and addressing potential environmental concerns. The plan also includes a section regarding the assessment and response to potential asbestos containing materials that is in accordance with University policy and state requirements. 22. Response Action Plan (RA Plan) If potential soil contamination has been identified during the implementation of the ECP during excavation, a soil investigation by the University will be conducted in accordance with the MPCA guidance document titled Risk Based Site Characterization and Sampling Guidance (September, 1998). If the results of the investigation indicate that a release of petroleum or hazardous substances has occurred above appropriate land use specific MPCA risk -based criteria, a response action (RA) will be required. The results of the soil investigation and proposed RA will be described in a RA Plan which will be submitted to the MPCA for approval. Upon completion of the approved RA activities, an implementation report will be submitted to the MPCA for approval and the issuance of the appropriate letter(s) of assurance. 11 23. Location of Any and All Existing Wells and the Size and Depth Thereof: Please refer to the Groundwater Monitoring/Hydrogeological Plan for information pertaining to existing and proposed wells. 24. Surface Water Protection Plan The surface water protection plan describes Best Management Practices for managing storm water and erosion control at the UMA. An MPCA/NPDES storm water permit is required prior to the commencement of activities disturbing soil at the site which includes a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) as part of the permit. 25. Gravel Crushing (Accessory Use) A. Dry Mining Phases 1- 11(North and South Dry Mining) Primary crushing will occur with the use of a jaw crusher, cone crusher, conveyors, and a horizontal screen box. B. Dry/Wet Mining Phases 1 -5 Primary crushing will occur with the use of a jaw crusher, cone crusher, conveyors, and a horizontal screen box. C. Ancillary Use Facilities Primary, Secondary, and tertiary crushing will be performed in the AUF in conjunction with the crushing activities located in the Dry and Dry/Wet mining phases with use of a jaw crusher, cone crusher, conveyors, and a horizontal screen box. 26. Gravel Washing (Accessory Use) A. Dry Mining Phases 1- 11(North and South Dry Mining) Sand and gravel may be washed within an active Dry Mining phase with use of portable washing equipment such as horizontal screen decks, course and fine material screws, dewatering devices, conveyors and recalculating wash ponds B. Dry/Wet Mining Phases 1 -5 Sand and gravel may be washed within an active Dry/Wet Mining phase with use of portable washing equipment such as horizontal screen decks, course and fine material screws, dewatering devices, conveyors and recirculation wash ponds C. Ancillary Use Facilities The majority of the sand and gravel will be washed in the AUF. Equipment will include horizontal screen decks, course and fine material screws, dewatering devices, conveyors and recirculation wash ponds. 27. Offices associated with the Mining Operation and Ancillary Uses(Accessory Use) An office and scale houses will be utilized within the AUF and in the North Dry Mining Phases. The office and scales house locations are depicted on plan sheet 1.08. Portable scales may be 12 utilized in the North Dry Mining phases in locations to be determined by the operator at a later date. Generally, the portable scales will be set up near and parallel with either of the North Dry mining accesses. Since only one of these accesses will be utilized at any given time only one set of scales will need to be utilized at the open access. 28. Truck Washing (Accessory Use) A. Dry Mining Phases 1 -11 (North and South Dry Mining) None B. Dry/Wet/Dry Mining Phases 1 -5 None C. Ancillary Use Facilities Truck washing/rinsing will take place in both the ready -mixed concrete facility and in within the maintenance facility. Typically after loading, ready -mixed concrete trucks will be rinsed with a non -toxic biodegradable cleaner prior to leaving the AUF and entering onto the public roadway system. Truck/equipment washing will also occur within the maintenance facility. Typically, equipment will be cleaned prior to maintenance. The run -off associated with the equipment washing within the maintenance facility will be self contained with drainage trenches which will be connected to an oil and water separator. 29. Minor Vehicle and Mining Equipment Maintenance(Accessory Use) Minor vehicle and mining equipment maintenance will mainly occur in the AUF. However, routine minor vehicle maintenance may occur in the Dry Mining phases but only on equipment that is being utilized within the Dry Mining extraction activities such as a loader or bobcat during extraction activities or 1 to 2 scrapers and a bulldozer during berm construction and surface soil relocation activities which occur every couple of years. 30. Stockpiling(Accessory Use) Aggregate material and overburden material stockpiling will occur in both the AUF and within any active mining phase. Initially, overburden material will be utilized for berm construction. Once the berms are in place, overburden material may be stockpiled around the perimeter of an active or inactive mine phase and utilized for reclamation purposes once any given mine phase is being reclaimed or overburden material will be stockpiled adjacent to or within the aggregate and RAP processing facility and mixed with aggregate products as binder in certain aggregate material specifications such as class 5. 31. Storage of Machinery used daily in the Extraction Area(Accessory Use) Only equipment utilized daily within an active mine phase will be stored in the active mine phase. All equipment will be stored in an orderly fashion during the hours in which any given phase is not permitted by ordinance to operate. All equipment will be well kept and maintained to high quality standards. Equipment in active mining phases will include scrapers and bulldozers for relocation of surface soils and berm construction and processing equipment, conveyors, loaders, bobcats and possibly 1 to 2 generators for powering of the processing equipment during the extraction activities. 13 32. Ancillary Uses (Separate Interim Use Permit Required) A. Concrete Production: A ready -mixed concrete plant will be located in the Ancillary Use Facility. Production in this area requires a plant capable of storing and mixing the ingredients for the various mix designs. Ready -mixed plant sites within the AUF will have unenclosed storage silos for the cement materials, storage tanks for the liquid additives and drive over aggregate hoppers. The concrete plant within the Ancillary Use Facility will be enclosed. However, this plant will be operational before and during construction of the enclosed building which will house the primary ready- mixed concrete plant. An additional concrete plant may be utilized as well. However, this plant will be portable. Although this plant is portable, all requirements such as setback requirements, maximum stock pile heights of 60 feet, and the maximum plant height of 105 feet will be adhered to. Please refer to plane sheet 1.08. The construction of the enclosed concrete plant will need to be completed within 18 months of the IUP approval and the secondary concrete plant will not be permitted unless an IUP for the enclosed concrete plant has been issued. An Interim Use application will be submitted to the City for an enclosed ready mixed concrete plant at a date to be determined. 1. Air Emissions: Any facility that manufactures and sells concrete is subject to the air quality requirements as listed in Minnesota Rules 7011.0850.7011.0860. These rules require emission control standards in relation to the ready- mixed concrete facilities and will be adhered to by the operator. Additionally, any plant that produces more than 180,000 cubic yards of unhardened concrete per year must apply for an air emissions permit through the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA). 2. Outdoor Storage: There shall be no outdoor storage of finished concrete materials or products within the concrete plant area. All Equipment and raw material associated with the concrete plants will be screened from view from adjacent residential uses or the public right with a combination of berms and existing tree coverage along the north side of County road #46 and along the south side of the 130 acre mining buffer in conformance with section 11 -2 -9 "Outdoor Storage. 3. Hours of Operation/Haul Routes The proposed hours of operation for the concrete plants which will be located in the Ancillary Use Facility are 24 hours 7 days a week. Hauling activities associated with the Ready mixed concrete facility will only occur at the AUF access locations with direct access onto CSAH #46. Lighting that is required for nighttime operations will be shielded to prevent lights from being directed at traffic on public roadways in order to prevent vision of traffic on CSAH #46 and the level of lighting will not exceed 1 lumen at the EIS boundary in order to not disturb the surrounding properties. Noise levels will comply with the regulations established by the MPCA. B. Asphalt Production: (Separate Interim Use permit Required) An asphalt plant will be located in the Ancillary Use Facility and will be located in accordance with the setback requirements required by the City. The asphalt plant (Sheet 14 1.08) will require areas for liquid storage tanks and components which vary depending on the asphalt mix specifications including tanks for asphalt cement, tack oil, and heating oil. Additionally, raw aggregate storage bins will be required to separate and store the various raw aggregate products that are added to the various asphalt mixture specifications as they are produced as well as material stock piles which will not exceed the maximum height of 60 feet. The asphalt plant and all equipment associated with it will be set back a minimum of seventy five feet (75') from the EIS property boundary line and screened by natural features including berming or vegetation. Year round one hundred percent (100 opaque screening with earthen berms and landscaping will be constructed as needed and measured from ground level to the first thirty percent (30 of the overall height and fifty percent (50 opaque to fifty percent (50 of the overall height of the plant as viewed from eye level from surrounding right of way or roadways. A combination of berm construction and existing tree cover both to the north and abutting County Road 46 will sufficiently screen the plant and the other ancillary uses. An approved interim use permit will be required for the asphalt plant which will be submitted by Dakota Aggregates at a date to be determined. 1. Hours of Operation /Haul Routes /Access: The proposed hours of operation for the asphalt plant which will be located in the Ancillary Use Facility are 24 hours 7 days a week. Hauling activities associated with the asphalt facility will only occur at the AUF access locations with direct access onto CSAH #46. Lighting that is required for nighttime operations will be shielded to prevent lights from being directed at traffic on public roadways in order to prevent vision of traffic on CSAH #46 and the level of lighting will not exceed 1 lumen at the EIS boundary in order to not disturb the surrounding properties. Noise levels will comply with the regulations established by the MPCA. 2. Material Stockpiles: Material stockpiles associated with the asphalt plant will not exceed 60 feet in height. 3. Outdoor Storage There shall be no outdoor storage of finished asphalt materials or products. All Equipment and raw material associated with the asphalt plant will be screened from view from adjacent residential use or public right of way with a combination of berms and existing tree coverage along the north side of County road #46 and along the south side of the 130 acre mining buffer in conformance with section 11 -2 -9 "Outdoor Storage. 4. Air Emissions: Asphalt operations are subject to federal rules NSPS, 40 CFR Part 60, Subpart 1, which regulates particulate emissions and opacity. Moreover, asphalt operations are also subject to state requirements in Minnesota Rules 7011.0900- 7011.0922 which address the various testing, monitoring and operational requirements. 5. Waste By Products: The asphalt plant operation shall operate not to discharge onto the soils of the lot, across the boundaries of the lot or through percolation into the subsoil of the lot 15 or beyond the boundary of the lot where such use is located, toxic or noxious matter in such concentrations as to be detrimental to or endanger the public health, safety, comfort or welfare; or, cause injury or damage to property or business. 6. Odors: The asphalt plant will operate in a way so as to minimize the emission of odorous matter of such quality as to be readily detectable beyond the EIS boundary line of the site on which such use is located. C. Maintenance Facility (Separate Interim Use permit Required) The maintenance facility will be used to service and repair equipment associated with the mining operation and will comply with the City's general Industrial site, lot and building standards within subsections 11 -4 -16 F and G. Activities such as truck and loader routine maintenance such as lubrication, changing of tires, oil and filter replacements, and welding will generally be the maintenance items which will occur at this facility. The main fueling, storage, and processing areas will be located within the Ancillary Use Facility located on a portion of the mining area that will not be mined. The AUF is located on a portion of the mining area that is underlain by low- permeability geologic materials and possesses a significant thickness of buffering soil to protect groundwater resources. In addition, the operations will include settlement ponds and Best Management Practices to prevent leaching of materials to the underlying soil and minimize the risk of groundwater contamination. Maintenance facility operations are proposed 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Lighting that is required for nighttime operations will be shielded to prevent lights from being directed at traffic on public roadways in order to prevent vision of traffic on CSAH #46 and the level of lighting will not exceed 1 lumen at the EIS boundary in order to not disturb the surrounding properties. Noise levels will comply with the regulations established by the MPCA. An approved interim use permit will be required for the maintenance facility which will be submitted by Dakota Aggregates at a date to be determined. D. Casting Yard (Separate Interim Use permit Required) The casting yard will be located in the north eastern portion of the Ancillary Use Facility. Precast products for use on various construction projects such as bridge beams, rails, caps, and pipes will be manufactured within an enclosed portable structure and then cured in the outdoor casting yard. From time to time casting may need to occur outdoors when oversized products such as bridge beams are produced for various construction projects. The casting facility will contain various precast forms and components which are used in the production of the precast products. During precast production, ready -mixed concrete trucks will enter the casting facility to deliver the ready- mixed concrete that will be utilized to produce the various cast concrete products. Once the precast products have cured, they will be loaded onto trucks and exported to various jobs or stored within the casting yard until such products need to be transported to various construction projects. The finished precast products which will be stored in the casting yard will not exceed 15 16 feet in height and will be stored in a uniform fashion. A mobile gantry crane which will be approximately 30 feet in height will be utilized to transport precast concrete products from the casting /forming facility to either the storage yard and or for loading of trucks with the finished precast products. Year round one hundred percent (100 opaque screening with earthen berms and landscaping will be constructed as needed and measured from ground level to the first thirty percent (30 of the overall height and fifty percent (50 opaque to fifty percent (50 of the overall height of the plant as viewed from eye level from surrounding right of way or roadways. The proposed hours of operation for the casting yard which will be located in the Ancillary Use Facility are 24 hours 7 days a week. Hauling activities associated with the casting yard facility will only occur at the AUF access locations with direct access onto CSAH #46. Lighting that is required for nighttime operations will be shielded to prevent lights from being directed at traffic on public roadways in order to prevent vision of traffic on CSAH #46 and the level of lighting will not exceed 1 lumen at the EIS boundary in order to not disturb the surrounding properties. Noise levels will comply with the regulations established by the MPCA. An approved interim use permit will be required for the maintenance facility which will be submitted by Dakota Aggregates at a date to be determined. E. Aggregate Processing and Recycled Aggregate Production Products: (Separate Interim Use permit Required) Aggregate processing consists of extracting and conveying raw aggregate material from the active mine site and processing the raw aggregate into various specifications for construction grade sand and gravel products through the use of processing equipment such as wash plants, screens, conveyors, cone crushers and jaw crushers. Once processed, the aggregate products are stockpiled within the AUF aggregate processing facility and eventually loaded into outbound trucks once sold. Recycled Aggregate Products (RAP) mainly consists of recycled asphalt pavement and recycled concrete products which is produced by removing and reprocessing existing asphalt pavement and /or the demolition of concrete roads and is then recycled to produce various asphalt and concrete products. There will be aggregate and RAP storage and processing in the western portion of the Ancillary Use Facility. Trucks will import and unload used asphalt and concrete materials and then typically re load with finished aggregate products before they leave the site allowing for an efficient two -way haul scenario. Other trucks will enter the site empty and leave with aggregate products that have been extracted from within the mine site and processed in the AUF aggregate processing facility to meet various construction specifications. RAP material will be stored within the AUF which is approximately 70 feet above the water table and is located on a portion of dense glacial till which will act as a barrier to contamination to protect the groundwater from potential leachating of the RAP material. 17 The RAP processing plant will be screened with a combination of berms and existing tree coverage along the north side of County Road #46 and along the south side of the 130 acre mining buffer in conformance with section 11 -2 -9 "Outdoor Storage. A recirculation wash pond system designed to provide water for the washing of material will be built in the southern portion of the aggregate processing area. A pump will deliver water from this pond for the washing of material with this same water subsequently returned to the pond to maintain a closed -loop system. The proposed hours of operation for the aggregate processing and recycled aggregate production are 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Hauling activities associated with this facility will only occur at the AUF access locations with direct access onto CSAH #46. Lighting that is required for nighttime operations will be shielded to prevent lights from being directed at traffic on public roadways in order to prevent vision of traffic on CSAH #46 and the level of lighting will not exceed 1 lumen at the EIS boundary in order to not disturb the surrounding properties. Noise levels will comply with the regulations established by the MPCA. An Interim Use permit application has been submitted to the City of Rosemount for the aggregate processing and recycled aggregate products permit. 33. Setbacks: Setback boundaries shall be as follows. In the case that the setbacks are measures from zoning district boundaries that occur along a public street right -of -way, the zoning district boundary is assumed to be the centerline of that public right -of -way. a. Residential Zoning District: 350 feet b. Industrial, Commercial, or Institutional Zoning District: 150 feet c. Agricultural Zoning District: 30 feet d. Inhabited Residence: 200 feet e. Right of way, Streets, and City easements: 75 feet f. Pre existing water bodies: 150 feet 34. Height: The height of all conveyors shall be no more than a maximum of 65 feet. 35. Appearance, Screening, and Berming: A combination of berms and existing tree stands along the south side of the 130 acre mining buffer and adjacent to County Road 46 will provide adequate screening as per ordinance standards. The existing tree stands will provide at least 90% opacity. Prior to mineral extraction on a phase by phase basis, each phase of the mined area will be excavated to strip and stock pile surface soils for later use in reclamation. The soil will be stockpiled in a series of berms that will also serve as visual barriers along the property boundaries. Berming will be constructed 10 feet high measured from the shoulder of the road with a 5 foot top 18 and 3:1 interior side slopes with 4:1 exterior /right of way side slopes as indicated on the berming plan. The berm will be seeded and maintained as needed by the operator. As mineral extraction resides at lower elevations of depth, the equipment and the extraction area will not be visible to the adjacent residential properties on the North side of County Road 42. Please refer to Temporary Berm Cross Section Plan sheet 2.14. Additionally, the existing tree coverage will naturally assist in screening the mining operations as well. Gates will be installed at all access entrances in use. A. Berms (County Road 42) Initially, overburden material (black dirt and clay) will be utilized in berm construction along the northern boundary or the North Dry Mining phases abutting the south boundary of the mining buffer in areas where existing tree stands are not present. Secondary berms may be constructed as mining activities progress into North Dry Mining phases. If secondary berms are constructed in an active mine phase they will be removed and utilized for reclamation activities in any exhausted mine phase. Once the final North Dry Mining phases of 80 acres or less are mined out and are being reclaimed, the Berm along the northern boundary of the North Mining area will be removed and utilized in the reclamation process. B. Berms (South of Future Boulder Trail) Once the North Dry Mining phases are completed and the berming along the northern boundary of the North Dry Mining phases has been removed, a temporary berm will be constructed on the south side of future Boulder Trail if necessary for screening purposes as per the City's ordinance standards. C. Berms (Biscayne Avenue, County Road #46, and AUF) Berms will be constructed along Biscayne Avenue, County Road #46(where existing tree stands are not present), and around portions of the AUF as indicated on the berming plan. Once constructed on a phase by phase basis these berms will remain in place for the entire duration of the mining operation. The timing of berm construction along CSAH #46 and Biscayne will occur on a phase by phase basis depending on the quantity of surface soils which are present at the time that each period of surface soil relocation. Berming will be constructed to sufficiently screen an active mine phase or an active ancillary use in areas where existing tree stands do not provide adequate screening. When future Akron Avenue has been constructed through the AUF, berms will be constructed on the east and west sides of future Akron Trail where existing tree stands do not sufficiently provide the required screening. Upon completion of berm construction, excess black dirt and overburden material will be stockpiled adjacent to an active phase. The overburden material will also be utilized to construct temporary diversion dikes around open water areas within active mine phases in order to divert surface water around the active mining /pit area. Upon completion of mining activities in each phase, the topsoil will be evenly re spread on the exhausted mine phase once final grades have been established. After the black dirt has been re spread, the reclaimed ground will either be utilized for agricultural operations or will be established with the general seed mix consisting of a MN /DOT 250 design or equivalent seed mix The entire site will be maintained in a neat an orderly fashion. The operator will be responsible for noxious weed maintenance within any active phases of the extraction area as well. Berming details are displayed on plan sheets 2.00 -2.14. 19 36. Hours of Operation A. Dry Mining Phases 1- 11(North and South Dry Mining) Mining operations in the Dry Mining phases are proposed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Additionally, we would like to ask for the ability to operate up to 5 Sundays annually. If Sunday operations need to occur, we will notify the Community Development Director no less than 72 hours before a Sunday operation. B. Dry /Wet Mining Phases 1 -5 Dredging and processing activities in the Dry/Wet Mining phases will be conducted 24- hours a day 7 days a week. This will allow greater quantities of mineral extraction to occur on an annual basis without causing a nuisance to surrounding properties. The closest distance which any Dry/Wet Mining phase will be located in relation to the residences along county Road 42 is almost '/2 of a mile (2200 feet) which will allow for the mining operation to occur 24 hours a day without disturbing the residents located on the North side of County Road 42. Additionally the mine floor will be located approximately 80 feet below the top of the berms. C. Ancillary Use Facilities The AUF operations will be conducted 24 hours a day 7 days a week. With the short peak construction season in Minnesota, we will need as much processing time as possible to manufacture significant quantities of aggregate products to meet specifications for public and private projects that will arise over the life of the mining operation. In line with the most recent MNDOT and other local agency guidelines, nighttime and weekend construction activities need to occur in order to avoid peak hour traffic congestion which provides increased safety for the constructions crews. 37. Crushing and Washing Hours of Operation: A. Dry Mining Phases 1 -11 Crushing, washing and screening activities are proposed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. B. Dry /Wet Mining Phases 1 -5 24 hours of operation 7 days a week for crushing, washing and screening activities. C. Ancillary Use Facilities 24 hours of operation 7 days a week for crushing, screening, and washing activities. 38. Truck Hauling Hours of Operation: A. Dry Mining Phases 1 -11 Hauling activities are proposed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday. Additionally we would like to ask for permission to haul on a maximum of 5 Sundays annually from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. B. Dry /Wet Mining Phases 1 -5 Hauling activities utilizing the AUF access points onto County Road #46 are proposed at 24 hours a day 7 days a week. 20 C. Ancillary Use Facilities Hauling activities utilizing the AUF access points onto County Road #46 are proposed at 24 hours a day 7 days a week. 39. Staging Activities Staging activities will occur one half hour before normal hours and one half hour after normal hours of operation. Staging activities include lining up and loading of trucks, equipment inspections, fueling, and other similar related actions. Trucks may enter the site within one half hour before the normal hours; however, no gravel trucks may leave the site until normal hours of operation. After the p.m. normal hours of operation and within one half hour past the p.m. normal hours of operation, site clean up and equipment maintenance may occur as well. 40. Slopes: A. Mining During the entire period of operations, all excavations of the working face shall be sloped on all sides at a maximum ratio of one (1) foot horizontal to one (1) foot vertical, unless a steeper slope shall be approved by the City Engineer. B. Berming: The public view or right -of -way face of the perimeter berms shall be sloped at a maximum ratio of four (4) feet horizontal to one (1) foot vertical. The extraction side of the perimeter berm shall be sloped at a maximum ratio of three (3) feet horizontal to one (1) foot vertical. 41. Noise The mining operation will generate minimal noise through the use of construction equipment such as loaders, bulldozers, backhoes, crushers, dredges, etc. Mining and processing operations will be setback from adjacent properties and dwellings per ordinance standards. As mineral extraction resides at lower elevations of depth relative to the natural ground elevations, the noise from equipment will be minimized for the adjacent property owners. A 10 foot high berm with a 5 foot top and 4:1 side slopes (right of way side) will be constructed on a phase by phase basis adjacent to a County Road 42 on the northern boundary of the North Dry Mining phases where existing tree stands do not exist, Biscayne Avenue, adjacent to County Road 46 where existing tree stands do not exist, and as needed for screening around the AUF. Moreover, the AUF operations are at least 1 /2 1/3/4 miles away from such residences and will be screened with berms and existing tree stands as well. In the state of Minnesota, noise is regulated by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency and their Noise Program can be found at http: /www.pca. state .mn.us /programs /noise.html Noise standards are set for both daytime and nighttime hours and are dependent on a classification number as defined by the land use activity. If a noise source is found following a complaint, many times an adjustment in the field will alleviate the problem. If it becomes hard to locate the source, noise data may prove helpful in determining if the standards are being met along property boundaries and even whether the noise source is coming from the site in question. Through the use of a noise meter and data logger, this information can be plotted along with the standards to track the information over time. 21 A. Dry Mining Phases 1- 11(North and South Dry Mining) Operations in Dry Mining Phases 1 -11 will occur only between the hours of 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday and will maintain a setback from the residences on the North side of County Road #42 of at least 1000 feet and up to 1600 feet in relation to the northernmost North Dry Mining phases. Additionally, the 130 acre mining buffer along with berm construction to the North of the North Dry Mining phases will alleviate potential noise issues in relation to the residences located on the north side of County Road 42. B. Dry/Wet Mining Phases 1 -5 Operations in the Dry/Wet mining phases which will occur 24 hours a day 7 days a week will occur from approximately 1/2 1 1 /2 miles away from the residences on the north side of County Road 42. C. Ancillary Use Facilities Operations in the Ancillary Use Facility will occur 24 hours a day 7 days a week and will maintain a minimum distance of approximately 1 1 1 /2 miles in relation to the residences located on the north side of County Road 42. 42. Paved Access Roads/ Dust Control: The AUF and North Dry Mining access roads utilized by the mineral extraction operation connecting to any public roadway shall be hard surfaced for a distance of at least 150 feet measured from the mining side of the public right -of -way to minimize dust conditions. Vehicles, crushing and processing equipment, and active mineral extraction within the mining operation will be the primary source of dust generation. A water truck will be used as needed for dust control. The natural moisture of the in -place material especially in the Dry/Wet Mining phases as well as the moisture associated with the aggregate material washing process in many of the aggregate stockpiles will help reduce the fugitive dust generated from the mining process. The elevation difference between the mine floor and the surrounding land will also mitigate fugitive dust. The interior and secondary access /haul roads will be constructed of crushed rock to reduce the tracking of dirt and the generation of dust from the site. A water truck and or portable dust suppression systems will be utilized as needed for dust control. Most material will be transported to the plants via conveyors. The site will operate under an MPCA air emissions permit which regulates air emissions from equipment and fugitive dust emissions from general mining operations. 43. Explosives: Explosives will not be utilized in the mining operation. 44. Surface Water Protection Plan: The existing /pre- mining drainage for the site consists of approximately 475 acres of land that drains to landlocked basins within the site and approximately 448 acres of land that drains off -site to the west and to multiple locations in the east as shown on sheet 1.04. There is no drainage currently coming to the site from adjacent properties, as there are similar landlocked basins within those properties that handle their drainage on -site or there are drainage conveyances within their properties that take the drainage away from the proposed site boundary. The proposed /reclamation drainage for the site will consist of approximately 540 acres of land within the pit boundary, that drains to the on -site end -use permanent groundwater lake, approximately 280 acres of land adjacent to the pit boundary that will drain to on -site landlocked basins or constructed sediment and dry basins (no outflow 100 yr event), and approximately 103 acres of land that drains off -site to the west and to multiple locations in the east as shown on sheet 22 1.05. The landlocked basins adjacent to the pit are created by the permanent diversion dikes and existing depressions in the topography. The AUF area drains to constructed sediment and dry pond basins located within the AUF boundary. These basins are designed to treat the storm runoff per MPCA permanent volume requirements as well as retain the entire 100 yr storm volume generated by the ultimate AUF build out and the potential Future Akron Avenue extension. The sediment basin will be lined with on -site clay in order to maintain a normal water elevation for treatment. According to the Stormwater Trunk System map illustrated within the City's Comprehensive Surface Water Management Plan, there is future off -site drainage from areas to the north and west of the site that will be pumped to and potentially drained through the site /end use permanent groundwater lake. The -132 acre permanent groundwater lake will be able to handle these potential lift station inflows due to its large natural infiltration capacity (unlined lake side slopes) as well as its large surface area for potential flood bounce. These off -site drainage systems (pipe and lift stations) will be constructed as part of the City's Storm Water Capital Improvement Projects (CIP). During mining operations as well as post reclamation, the area surrounding the mining operation /pit boundary will remain in agricultural production or in vegetated green space with a general seed mix (MNDOT #250) and its runoff will be managed outside of the mining operation, not allowing the runoff to drain into the pit with construction of temporary and permanent diversion berms and or silt fence. The mining area itself will manage its runoff internally allowing no storm water runoff to leave the pit boundary. Overall, storm water runoff before and after mining will generally be the same as far as quality and will be less for runoff quantity during and after mining operations. A NPDES Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) will be used throughout the entire mining process relocation of surface soils, to active mining, to site reclamation. Additionally, the SWPPP will incorporate Best Management Practices as needed on a case by cases basis to insure all storm water runoff will be equal to or better than the pre- mining runoff in both quality and quantity. Plan sheet 1.06 depicts the potential temporary and permanent erosion and sedimentation control practices that may be utilized within the mining site. 45. Industrial Waste Water and Water Pumping Activities The wash plants (except for asphalt production which does not create any wastewater) associated with aggregate production will generate industrial wastewater which will contain suspended solids as a result of the washing of processed aggregate. This water will not contain any chemical additives. Water used for washing aggregates and concrete production will be recycled by circulation into wash water settlement basins (aggregate) or to a weir system (concrete) for treatment and then will be redirected back into the wash plant for re -use. Due to production losses, evaporation, and some infiltration, the additional sources of water (either from groundwater or the floating dredge) will be used as `make up' water to replace production loss and to maintain constant flow volume in the process. Dry mining operations will require appropriation of groundwater to support aggregate material washing activities and concrete production. The groundwater withdrawals would likely be temporary in nature because water can be supplied directly from the lake surface after the dredge operations are underway. The temporary groundwater demand will consist of an estimated total rate of 400 gallons per minute. Generally the washing activities will require 250 gpm of groundwater withdraw, whereas 23 concrete production will require 150 gpm of groundwater withdraw. The water supply for these operations will come from existing irrigation wells or a combination of new and existing wells. These withdrawal rates will not be constant and will vary with time of day and seasonally with the construction season. Aggregate wash plants and wash water settlement basins will be separate from ready -mixed concrete production settlement basins /weir systems. The aggregate processing wash water settlement basins will be lined and the concrete ready -mix settlement basins /weir systems will be constructed with concrete. In addition to the groundwater withdraw makeup; the wash plant will require recycled processed water from the lined wash water settlement basins. 46. Drainage characteristics during extraction, erosion control See plan sheets 1.04 and 1.05 for details regarding existing and proposed site drainage patterns. Plan sheets 1.06, 2.00 -2.13, and 3.00 -3.04 contain construction details and specifications, implementation sequences and locations, MPCA permit requirements for erosion and sediment control, berming/screening facilities, lake benching details, and proposed interim reclamation plans. The interim reclamation and proposed drainage plans will serve as a guide to elevations and drainage patterns across the site during mineral extraction. All erosion control standards will meet both the MPCA and the UMore Park Mining District Ordinance requirements including temporary and permanent diversion dikes around open water areas, turf establishment, silt fence installation as needed, and other potential BMP's as depicted on plan sheet 1.06. During the mining operation and interim /end use reclamation the entire mining/pit area will be recessed and therefore be self contained in regard to storm water runoff and erosion and sediment control. The pit floor within the mining area will receive all interior mining/pit area runoff during operations and post reclamation. All areas outside of the current mining phase will remain in agricultural production or their existing vegetated state reducing the potential for erosion and sediment related issues. These areas either will drain to an existing on -site landlocked basin or will continue off -site along its pre- mining drainage route. With the reduced runoff from the mining area, and the remaining area still in agricultural production, the runoff produced during mining phases and after reclamation will have no negative impact on the water quality of the receiving waters. In the Dry/Wet Mining phases, the water elevations will remain at the existing seasonal water table elevations within that particular phase. The current range of ground water elevations across the site is from 891 to 878, southwest to northeast. These ground water elevations, as determined by the preliminary soil boring log analysis (ProSource Technologies, Inc.), may differ from the actual elevations encountered during extraction due to changes in precipitation, ground water pumping, evaporation, seasonal variations, etc. throughout the life of the mine. Based on the previous information and given the fluctuating nature of the ground water elevations, it is estimated that the final end -use lake water surface elevation will be 880. 47. Dewatering: There will be no groundwater dewatering at any time during mining activities. 48. Domestic Wastewater Portable bathroom facilities (porta- potties) will be located in active mining phases as well as in the AUF. An Individual Sewage Treatment System (ISTS) may be utilized within the AUF in the future. If an ISTS is needed, all applicable local and state permits and regulations in regard to system installation and maintenance will be adhered to by the operator. 24 49. Topsoil: All topsoil located on the site before the mineral extraction operation begins, except the topsoil located over areas that are planned to be reclaimed as open water, will remain within boundaries of the operation. Additional topsoil may be retained to ensure that a minimum of 6 inches of topsoil is placed on all area reclaimed and restored as dry ground. 50. Landscaping All berms that will remain permanently in place for more than 15 years will be vegetated with a standard MNDOT #250 Seed Mix and landscaped on the public view right- of —way side with a density of one tree per 625 square feet with a minimum of 66% of the trees being conifers. The permanent berms include berming along Biscayne Avenue, County Road #46, the berm areas around the AUF and possibly the berms along future Akron Avenue which will be dependent on the actual timing of the construction of Future Akron Avenue. Permanent Berms will be constructed on a phase by phase basis and in some instances the berm may extend past the required coverage for the active mine phase. In these instances, the installation of trees is proposed to occur to the point at which berm construction and landscaping is required to sufficiently screen the active mine phase. All berms constructed will be vegetated with a MNDOT #250 seed mix regardless of whether or not the berm is part of the screening for the active mine phase. Please refer to landscape plan sheets 2.00 -2.13 for landscaping details. 51. Maintenance of Mining Vehicles All machinery will be kept operational. Abandoned machinery and rubbish will not be present at the mining site. All Machinery will be periodically inspected, repaired, and painted as needed. 52. Lighting: All lighting will be shielded to prevent lights form being directed at traffic on a public road in such brilliance that it impairs the vision of the driver and may not interfere with or obscure traffic sign or signals. All lighting will not exceed one lumen at the EIS boundary line. All lighting requirements and regulations are federally mandated by MSHA and OSHA in relation to mining operations including the UMore mining area. A. Dry Mining Phases 1- 11(North and South Dry Mining) Since Dry Mining phases 1 -11 will typically operate during the daytime, little to no lighting will be required. At most a few security lights may be installed for the night time hours. B. Dry/Wet/Dry Mining Phases 1 -5 A combination of portable light plants and permanent street light types of fixtures will be utilized for safety and visibility within the Dry/Wet /Dry Mining phases. C. Ancillary Use Facilities A combination of portable light plants and permanent street light types of fixtures will be utilized for safety and visibility within the Ancillary Use Facility. 53. Phasing Standards: Dry Mining and Dry/Wet Mining phases will contain sub phases that range from 3 to 25 acres in area. Once mineral extraction has expired in any given sub phase, mining activities will begin in the next sub- phase. More than one sub phase may be active simultaneously; however no more than 2 non contiguous 80 acre areas /phases of the mining operation will occur concurrently. 25 With the exception of South Dry Mining Phase 11, The Dry Mining portion of the phasing plan has been designed to extract minerals sequentially north to south in order to minimize the time in which land can be mined and reclaimed and to allow for orderly development of the property commencing in the north once the mined areas has been reclaimed. The Lessor (Regents of the University of Minnesota) has requested that Dry Mining phase 11 occur as the last phase in the UMore Mining Area. Relocation of these existing facilities requires substantial planning and time. Throughout the active mining sub- phases, the operator will relocate the surface soils encompassing several acres in order to open the mine face, to construct berming, and for the set up of portable processing equipment. As the aggregate material is extracted and the mine face advances, additional acreage will be opened and mined as needed. The equipment that will be used on this portion of the mine for extraction will include large front end loaders, back hoes, a dredge, crushers, screens and conveyors. The extracted materials are transported by conveyors and /or haul trucks to either a dry plant or to a wash plant within the AUF or in an active mine phase. The extracted material is processed through a series of crushers, cones, screens, conveyors, and wash decks to produce the commercial grade specifications in terms of aggregate products. The finished products are stockpiled in the AUF or in the active mine phases and eventually hauled offsite for specific projects around the metro area. Material will be excavated from the current elevations down to the elevations determined by the actual quality, quantity, and depth of the aggregate deposit, and then reclaimed to the elevations as depicted on the interim use or the end use reclamation plan. All areas outside of the current mining phase with the exception of internal haul roads will remain in agricultural production until mine expansion is needed. Once the saleable material has been extracted from an open mining sub- phase(s), extraction activities will progress into the next sub phase(s). At a minimum, at least one Dry Mining and one Dry/Wet Mining phase may be concurrently active at all times with the exception of the first year of extraction activities which only Dry/Wet sub -phase 1A will be active. In no case will more than 2 non contiguous 80 acre phases be active at any time. North Dry Mining Phase 1 is estimated to be active in 2014. Extracted material will either be shipped to the AUF by means of haul trucks and conveyors or shipped out at either of the two North Dry Mining access locations. Generally, the access points associated with the North Dry Mining Phases will be used in relation to specific construction projects and will not be utilized for normal retail product sales. This phase will include construction of the internal haul road along the existing rail bed corridor which will provide access to the Akron Avenue/ County Road #42 access location. Once the material has been mined out of Dry Mining Phase 1, mining will continue sequentially throughout the North Dry Mining phases. In order to maintain an internal haul road for access the rail bed internal haul road, it will be necessary to leave portions of retired mine phase(s) un reclaimed for the duration of the North Dry Mining activities. The internal haul roads remaining open within the North Dry Mining phases that connect to the rail bed haul road will be dependent on the actual timing of the signal improvements at CSAH #42 and Biscayne Avenue which are required to be installed prior to the mineral extraction operation can utilize this access. Once the signal improvements are in place and it has been determined by the operator that access onto CSAH #42 at Boulder Trail /Biscayne Avenue is desirable, portions of Future Boulder Trail will be utilized as an internal haul road and will remain open until the Boulder Trial /Biscayne Avenue at CSAH #42 is terminated for mining activities. Once this occurs, the internal haul roads connecting to the rail bed haul road for access to Akron Avenue at CSAH #42 will be reclaimed. Since South Dry Mining Phases 8 -11 will transport 100% of the aggregate material to the AUF, internal haul roads can be relocated as reclamation activities occur. Please refer to the phasing plan for great detail. 26 Dry/Wet Mining activities will occur in two phases. Initially, Dry/Wet Mining activities will occur from the existing grade to not closer than 2 feet from the water table in phases lA through 2B. Dry/Wet Mining sub -phase lA is estimated to begin in 2013. Once the overburden material has been relocated, stock piled or utilized for berm construction, mining activities will be initiated by the use of loaders, screens, crushers and conveyors and aggregate material will be transferred to the AUF for material processing. Once it has been determined that mining activities in Dry/Wet Mining Phase 1A have approached the water table but not closer than two feet above the water table, mining activities in lA will halt and mining will be initiated in Dry/Wet Mining Phase 1B. This will be the phasing sequence through Dry/Wet Mining Phase 2B. A water truck and or portable above ground dust suppression systems will be utilized as needed for dust control. The mine floor in Dry/Wet mining Phases lA 2B will need to remain open and un vegetated for hauling purposes and for the relocation of conveyors and processing equipment as the above water mining activities advance from sub -phase lA through 2B. The second stage of the Dry/Wet mining phases will utilize a dredge, drag lines, backhoes and other equipment capable of extracting material under water. Mineral extraction will occur to approximately 75 feet below the water table. The second stage of the Dry/ Wet mining operation will occur once mining activities have terminated in Dry/Wet Mining Phase 2B. A dredge, draglines, backhoes and other equipment capable of extracting material under water will be setup in Dry/Wet Mining sub- phase 1AA and will extract aggregate material below the water table to the approximate contours which are depicted on the End Use Reclamation Plan which will be conveyed to the AUF for material processing. Once the mining has expired in sub- phase 1AA, dredging/mining operations will move sequentially to Dry/Wet Mining sub -phase 1BB then to sub phase 2AA with the final Dry/Wet mining sub -phase 5BB estimated to be complete by 2037. Upon completion of sub- Phases IA -2BB, the side slopes as depicted on the end use reclamation plan will be constructed and vegetated with an approved seed mix. The remaining side slopes around the lake for Dry/Wet Phases 3AA -4BB will be reclaimed prior to Dry/Wet Mining Phases 5AA -5BB being opened. Within 18 -24 months of being mined out, Dry/Wet/Dry mining Phases 5AA -5BB side slopes for these phases will be reclaimed as per the end use grading plan. It is estimated that the Dry and Dry/Wet Mining phases /sub phases will be active for the following time frames; however, the actual life of each phase will be determined by the actual deposit and market demand for aggregate products throughout the life of the mining operation. Ancillary Use Facility: 2013 2053 100.3 Acres) North Dry Mining Phase 1: 2014 2016 30.30 Acres) Sub phase 1A 07.68 Acres) Sub phase 1B 10.05 Acres) Sub phase 1C 12.57 Acres) North Dry Mining Phase 2: 2016 2019 32.85 Acres) Sub phase 2A 06.82 Acres) Sub phase 2B 08.74Acres) Sub phase 2C 09.17Acres) Sub phase 2D 08.12Acres) North Dry Mining Phase 3: 2019 2021 24.62 Acres) Sub phase 3A 15.68 Acres) Sub phase 3B 08.94 Acres) 27 North Dry Mining Phase 4: 2021- 2023 24.11 Acres) Sub phase 4A 12.19 Acres) Sub phase 4B 11.92 Acres) North Dry Mining Phase 5: 2023 2025 22.35 Acres) Sub phase 5A 13.22 Acres) Sub phase 5B 9.13 Acres) North Dry Mining Phase 6: 2025 2027 17.03 Acres) Sub phase 6A 12.57 Acres) Sub phase 6B 04.46 Acres) North Dry Mining Phase 7: 2027 2028 17.12 Acres) Sub phase 7A 13.30 Acres) Sub phase 7B 03.82Acres) South Dry Mining Phase 8: 2028 2029 39.92 Acres) Sub phase 8A 13.82 Acres) Sub phase 8B 14.70 Acres) Sub phase 8C 11.40 Acres) South Dry Mining Phase 9: 2029 2032 64.66 Acres) Sub phase 9A 25.56 Acres) Sub phase 9B 16.20 Acres) Sub phase 9C 12.91 Acres) Sub phase 9D 9.99 Acres) South Dry Mining Phase 10: 2032 2035 70.92 Acres) Sub phase 10A 22.51 Acres) Sub phase 10B 17.41 Acres) Sub phase 10C 9.67 Acres) Sub phase 10D 21.33Acres) South Dry Mining Phase 11: 2035 2038 61.99 Acres) Sub phase 11A 22.08 Acres) Sub phase 11B 39.91 Acres) Dry/Wet Mining Phase 1: 2013 2018 43.53 Acres) Sub phase 1A 25.32 Acres) Sub phase 1B 18.21 Acres) Dry/Wet Mining Phase 2: 2018 2021 34.93 Acres) Sub phase 2A 17.03 Acres) Sub phase 2B 17.90 Acres) Dry/Wet Mining Phase 1: 2021- 2023 43.53 Acres) Sub phase 1AA 25.32 Acres) Sub phase 1BB 18.21 Acres) Dry/Wet Mining Phase 2: 2023 2025 34.93 Acres) 28 Sub phase 2AA 17.03 Acres) Sub phase 2BB 17.90 Acres) Dry/Wet Mining Phase 3: 2025 2027 31.77 Acres) Sub phase 3A 15.51 Acres) Sub phase 3B 16.26 Acres) Dry/Wet Mining Phase 3: 2027 2030 31.77 Acres) Sub phase 3AA 15.51 Acres) Sub phase 3BB 16.26 Acres) Dry/Wet Mining Phase 4: 2030 2032 31.79 Acres) Sub phase 4A 15.48 Acres) Sub phase 4B 16.31 Acres) Dry/Wet Mining Phase 4: 2032 2033 31.79 Acres) Sub phase 4AA 15.48 Acres) Sub phase 4BB 16.31 Acres) Dry/Wet Mining Phase 5: 2033 2035 42.94 Acres) Sub phase 5A 24.89 Acres) Sub phase 5B 18.05 Acres) Dry/Wet Mining Phase 5: 2035 2037 42.94 Acres) Sub phase 5AA 24.89 Acres) Sub phase 5BB 18.05 Acres) It is estimated that the majority of extraction activities will occur for at least the initial 25 years from commencement of the Dry Mining and Dry /Wet/Dry phases of the mining operation; however, the actual time period will depend on the market demand for aggregate products. 54. Site Reclamation, Rehabilitation, and Restoration: Interim reclamation will progress in increments; however, the first several years, as the AUF is established and extraction activities are under way, relatively little to no reclamation will occur. If needed for reclamation purposes, contaminant free compactable fill material may be imported to the site as well. At no time will more than two 80 acre areas of contiguous mine area be active. A. North Dry Mining Phases 1 -7 Final end use reclamation efforts in North Dry Mining phases /sub phases will occur once hauling and or conveying systems are no longer required within the given sub- phase and mining is initiated in the next sub -phase or prior to opening up more than 80 acres in the North Dry mining area. The perimeter of the mining area will be reclaimed at a slope of five to one or flatter with the overall site being reclaimed at approximately a 10:1 average slope. Upon completion of interim reclamation grading activities, the black dirt will be evenly re spread and will be suitable for agricultural use or will be established with a MNDOT 250 seed mix. As previously mentioned, in order to access the rail bed internal haul routes for access to Akron Avenue at County Road #42 and for access onto Biscayne Avenue, haul road corridors may need to remain open in expired North Dry Mining phases for the duration of utilizing these accesses. At no time will more than 80 acres be open simultaneously in the North Dry Mining phases including those areas utilized for internal 29 haul roads. At a minimum portions of sub- phase lA will need to remain open during the entirety of using Akron Avenue at County Road #42 for access in the North Dry Mining area. The extent to which this internal haul road will need to exist in retired phases is dependent on the signal improvements at Biscayne Avenue at County Road #42. The mining operation will not be permitted to utilize Biscayne Avenue until the signal improvements have been installed. Therefore it is uncertain at this time when the access may switch to the Biscayne Avenue at County road #42 and what North Dry Mining phase (s) will be retired and which phases will be active at the time which the traffic signal improvements have been completed. North Dry Mining activities including end use reclamation are estimated to be completed within 16 years from the commencement of mining activities in the North Dry Mining phases. The End Use Reclamation and Erosion Sediment Control Plan sheets 4.00 -4.04 depict all proposed end use reclamation standards and actions for the end use of residential and or commercial development. If the area is going to be utilized for farming activities prior to development and after mining has expired, the interim reclamation grades may be established prior to the final end use reclamation grades. However, the property will not be developable until the final end use reclamation grades have been established within one year upon completion of the of the North Dry Mining phases and has been accepted by the City. B. South Dry Mining Phases 8 -11 South Dry Mining activities will commence once North Dry Mining Phase 7 is under way or in the process of being reclaimed. Since all of the extracted aggregate material in the South Dry Mining phases will be transferred to the AUF, internal haul roads should be able to be relocated within the active mine phases and the internal haul roads located in the expired mine phase(s) should be able to be removed during reclamation activities in the expired phases. Upon completion of the interim reclamation grading activities, the black dirt will be evenly re spread and will be suitable for agricultural use or will be established with a MNDOT #250 seed mix. If the University determines that the areas in the South Dry mining phases will be utilized for farming activities for an amount of time before this land is developed, interim reclamation may occur primarily to establish appropriate conditions for farming activities. However, the end use reclamation grades will need to be established prior to urban development occurring. An end use reclamation plan has not been submitted for South Dry Mining phases 9 -11. Mining Activities in the South Dry Mining phase will not occur until an end use reclamation plan has been approved by the City. C. Dry /Wet Mining Phases 1 -5 In the Dry/Wet Mining phases /sub- phases which will remain as a permanent open water /recreational lake feature, the interior mine side slopes will be reclaimed at a 5:1 maximum slope and will be established with a MNDOT #340 native seed mix. These slopes will then transition to a 10:1 slope for approximately 50 feet to the edge of the open water from an estimated elevation of 885 down to 880 which will remain a recreational sand/beach area. An additional 10 feet of 10:1 slope will then transition into the lake from the 880 elevation down to an elevation of 879. From that point, a safe angle of repose will be utilized underwater. All areas outside of the lake /beach footprint will be re spread with black dirt and either vegetated and established with a MNDOT #340 native seed mix or will be utilized for agricultural purposes. The side slopes along the roadways will be a 2:1 maximum down to the 880 elevation. From the 880 elevation to an elevation of 874 the slopes will be a max of 2:1 for the first 12 feet and then will transition into a safe angle of repose. 30 The lake side slopes which are adjacent to roadways and interior side slopes will be established with an MNDOT #340 native seed mix down to the shoreline. However, 50 feet of the 10:1 slope measured from the shoreline up to and approximate elevation of 885 will remain as a recreational sand/ beach area. Permanent diversion dikes will be established around the perimeter of the lake boundaries located at the top of lake side slopes to divert exterior runoff away from the lake. Areas outside of the permanent diversion dike areas will be utilized for agricultural purposes or will be established with a MNDOT #340 native seed mix. D. Ancillary Use Facilities Reclamation activities within the AUF will occur in approximately 41.5 -42 years from the commencement of mineral extraction. Within 18 months of all AUF operations terminating, all structures, sub footings, and equipment will be removed from the site. The site will be graded to meet the approved reclamation plan elevations. Prior to black dirt being re spread across the AUF perimeter, Dakota Aggregates will provide the City with a clean /contaminant free soil certification letter from an appropriate and professional outside consulting firm. Once the site has been certified, the black dirt will be re spread and either vegetated with a general seed mix or will be utilized for farming operations. E. Significant Transportation Corridors Within 24 months of receipt of written notice from the City that Future Boulder Trail and Future Akron Avenue ROW is needed for either roadway or utility construction, mining will be completed within that ROW and the ROW will be reclaimed to the grades approved on the interim reclamation plan. F. Trunk Utility Services Within 24 months of receipt of written notice from the City that public trunk utility services are needed to be constructed within the mining operation, an easement will be provided to the City for utility construction, mining will be completed within the easement and interim reclamation grades will be established as per the approved interim reclamation grades. G. Water bodies and Drainage Plan The mining operation shall allow for the conveyance of surface water within the approved mining areas as called for in the Surface Water Management plan. H. Interim Reclamation Plan The interim reclamation plan depicts interim reclamation grades for all phases that would allow for agricultural use immediately following reclamation. Generally, the interim reclamation activities will commence within 18 -24 months upon a phase being retired; however, interim reclamation grades will be established prior to additional mineable acreage being open above and beyond the permitted two non- contiguous 80 acre mine phase areas. I. End Use Grading Plan An end use grading plan has been submitted for the North Mining Dry phases as well as for the Dry/Wet mining phases. An end use reclamation plan has not been submitted for South Dry Mining Phases 7 -11. An end use grading plan will need to be submitted and approved by the City prior to extractions activities occurring in South Dry Mining Phases 7 -11. The end use reclamation grades for the North Dry Mining area will be completed within one year after the North Dry mining area has terminated. Since the end use in the Dry/Wet mining phases is going to result in a 132 open water feature, end use reclamation grades 31 will be established once the Dry/Wet mining phases have been mined out and the lake side slopes have been established. Within 18 months of the reclamation of each phase, all buildings, structures and plants incidental to that phase of operation shall be dismantled and removed by and at the expense of the operator. J. Haul -back Materials and Operations: Haul back materials may be imported to the mining site and utilized for reclamation activities. All imported fill will be clean and compactable that is able to support urban development. Prior to any haul back activities, the operator will submit a haul back management plan which includes the types of fill to be deposited, where the fill derived from, and what testing of the fill will occur. The test results will be submitted to the City and no haul -back material will be imported to the extraction facility until the City has approved the haul -back material. Glossary 1) Asphalt Plant -used to manufacture asphalt or other forms of coated road stone, sometimes know as blacktop. This facility allows the combination of a number of aggregates, sand, and filler, in the correct proportions, heated and finally coated with a binder. The temperature of the finished product must be sufficient to be workable after transport to the final destination. Increasingly, (RAP) recycled asphalt or aggregate products are used as part of the mix. RAP is introduced after the heating process. 2) Berm -is a level space, shelf, or raised barrier separating two areas. 3) Bathymetric Bathymetric (or hydrographic) charts show lake bottom relief or terrain as contour lines (called depth contours or isobaths) and selected depths (soundings), and typically also provide surface navigational information. 4) Construction Aggregates -or simply "aggregate" is a broad category of coarse particulate material used in construction, including sand, gravel, crushed stone, slag, and recycled concrete. Aggregate serves as reinforcement to add strength to the overall composite material. Aggregates are used as a stable foundation with predictable, uniform properties, or as a low cost extender that binds with more expensive cement of asphalt to form concrete. 5) Contaminant Free Compactable Material minus #4 sieve sized material that is free of any toxic /waste impurities suitable for reclamation purposes. 6) Conveying (conveyor) -is a common piece of mechanical handling equipment that moves materials from one location to another. 7) Crushing /Crushing Plant -is a machine or plant designed to reduce large rocks into smaller rocks or gravel. Crushers hold material between two parallel or tangent solid surfaces and apply sufficient force to bring the surfaces together with enough energy within the material being crushed so that its molecules separate from, or change alignment in relation to, each other. 32 8) Dakota Aggregates LLC -a partnership company consisting of two locally owned companies, Cemstone Products Company, a Minnesota Corporation and Ames Construction Inc., a Minnesota Corporation 9) Dry Mining- mining and excavation area that will take place above the ground water table. 10) Floating Dredge (dredging) -is an activity of mining which is carried out underwater with a machine equipped to excavate material from underwater and bring it to shore where they can be processed into construction grade aggregates. 11) Granular Material generally referred to as fill sand or fill material. This material is generally a size #4 or less and is an excess of sand generally at a mine site. 12) Mineral Extraction -the specifics of mineral extraction or resource extraction depend on the resources being mined, for instance the harvesting of timber is called logging, metal ore or aggregates is called mining. 13) Mining Buffer /Set back -the distance a structure or activity must be from the edge of a lot. 14) Overburden -is the material that lies above an area of economic interest in mining and archaeology; most commonly the rock, soil and ecosystem that lies above the ore body. It is also known as waste or spoil. Overburden is removed during surface mining but is typically not contaminated with toxic components and may be used to restore an exhausted mine. 15) Portable Processing Equipment equipment designed on a skid or axel assembly which can move from point to point allowing for shorter travel times and reduced emissions. 16) Precast /Cast Concrete Products products such as bridge beams or plank, concrete pipe or culverts that are cast at a facility and later transported to a specific construction site after a proper curing time has been achieved. 17) Ready Mixed Concrete Plant -is a facility that manufactures specifically designed concrete for delivery to a customer's construction site in a freshly mixed or plastic unhardened state. Concrete itself is a mixture of Portland cement, water, and aggregates comprising sand and gravel or crushed stone. Ready Mixed Concrete is bought and sold by volume usually cubic yards. Ready Mixed Concrete can be custom made to suit different applications. 18) Reclamation/End Use process of creating useful landscapes that meet a variety of goals. It includes all aspects of this work, including material placement, stabilizing, capping, regarding, and placing cover soils, re- vegetation, and maintenance. 19) Recycled Asphalt and or Aggregate Products (RAP) -re- crushing, sizing and screening of left over or demolished concrete or asphalt products. These products are recycled (reproduced) and reused in production of new products or road base products used on construction sites. 20) Screening /Screening Plant -is a machine that takes granulated material and separates it into multiple grades by particle size. 21) Settlement Basins -a series of basins or ponds which process water flow to allowing enough time for water solids to settle out prior to being recirculated into the process. Ponds or basins are then cleaned and the solids are used in land reclamation. 22) Staging (staging area)- setting up of equipment or a truck fleet in preparation for a day's activity. 23) Stockpiling -is a pile or storage location for bulk materials, forming part of the bulk material handling process. Stockpiles are normally created by a stacking conveyor. Stockpiles are normally used in refineries, ports, and mine sites. 33 24) Relocation of surface soils- Removing topsoil (black dirt), clay, timber, brush and waste aggregate products from the top of the mining deposit to expose the quality sand and gravel needed in the production of high quality construction aggregates. 25) Ton of Material -a U.S. short ton of material consists of 2000 pounds 26) Topsoil -is the upper outermost layer of soil, usually in the top 2 to 8 inches. It has the highest concentration of organic matter and is where most of the earth's biological soil activity occurs. 27) Truck Scale -a platform device that a truck will drive onto for weighing to insure that the truck is of legal weight and or dimension. 28) UMore Park -is a 5,000 acre parcel of land owned by the University of Minnesota. The University has developed a master plan for the site in which a portion of the site will be mined for sand and gravel. The mining operation is part of the long term master plan. 29) Washing/Wash Plant- a machine which sand and gravel s conveyed into, separated by size, washed, dewatered, and then sent to stockpiles for load out. 34 z zVX 0 0NS 140 arcon390tl 'is. 133.9 .09 5991 OZ5-068(L56; %V., .09-0613Z6) 3WiN °!94 W Z a cuss NA 1...5 '05131m'z° 505 aosz V.LOSHNNI➢Q A D O AJJSI AINf m Al i ry 5a0A3nan5 91331.119N3 Stf3NNYld NV'Id )NISYHd /NOLLVRNOdM1 7.LI TIV2 IIA0 3 o m s r 'out I!!H 11 sawef n�a �g hI0LlV2I�d0 9HINI➢� 9021 aaoyffl t w. 4K d t t .X 1 i, 1 0 mVj egro 39,1330 0.1500 Y' o� till g, ff~ i s {I I P s NE; e p z I iau nwr.ov sure .a• •••sue sm rm.. aum nu+aw as� ..y 9 Y p a 4 'g I .o Z a. I MYi 7 i a Q ►6' l a la y •N• S, s f M j S/ i 2 w 3 2 •000_]® —"n1.111 1e 4 r..a f 4 4 nd50 ,C La/a/5 uaoloi ie. 3551100300 3rE110 05015 Z 061, t.. Xtl t 40_ I EH( ,f At.. HMI "I' 6F09 -P BOSS NU 1Nl1IJit.041 153M 1]. 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Is 2 1 -4— 1. ce-X-_-- I,: c L s 1:--- -.7 tIt'; C *'■1 1:, .rt i ,t E A, 7'4; 1 i„, n, v„ oa 771 1 r I 1 I 1 '7 sr t L t Y 0, 4 u s I 2 L... ..s —1117 -0. ..,-,s-3 0 0 UMore Park Large Scale Non Metallic Mineral Extraction Annual Operating Permit Application for Dry/Wet Mining Sub- Phase 1A UMore Park City of Rosemount June 26, 2012 1. Legal Description of the Land upon which Excavation is Proposed: That part South Half of Section 28, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying westerly of the following described line; Commencing at the northeast corner of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 28; thence South 89 degrees 48 minutes 43 seconds West, assumed bearing along the north line of said Southeast Quarter, a distance of 1058.90 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 18 degrees 23 minutes 48 seconds West a distance 1211.64 feet; thence South 07 degrees 11 minutes 26 seconds East a distance of 1472.46 feet; thence South 75 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds East a distance of 126.03 feet to the south line of said Southeast Quarter and there terminating. EXCEPT the plat of UNIVERSITY ADDITION, said Dakota County. AND Section 33, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota; EXCEPT the East 133.00 feet of the North 549.43 feet of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 33; EXCEPT the East 133.00 feet of the South 930.25 feet of the Northeast Quarter of said Section 33; also EXCEPT that part of said Northeast Quarter described as follows: Beginning at the northeast corner of said Northeast Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, assumed bearing along the East line of said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 800.63 feet; thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 40.76 feet; thence North 38 degrees 17 minutes 54 seconds West a distance of 819.06 feet; thence North 75 degrees 07 minutes 52 seconds West a distance of 580.25 feet to the north line of said Northwest Quarter; thence North 89 degrees 51 seconds 14 seconds East, along said north line, a distance of 1111.53 feet to the point of beginning. AND That part of the Northwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Northwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, assumed bearing along the west line of said Northwest Quarter, a distance of 800.63 feet to the point of beginning of the land to be described; thence continuing South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, along said west line, a distance of 912.75 feet; thence North 89 degrees 51 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 647.18 feet; thence North 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds East a distance of 813.16 feet; thence North 81 degrees 23 minutes 25 seconds West a distance of 654.21 feet to the point of beginning. AND 1 That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, lying southerly of the following described line: Commencing at the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, assumed bearing along the west line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 549.45 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 2646.92 feet to the east line of said Southwest Quarter and there terminating And lying westerly, northwesterly and northerly of the following described line: Commencing at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter; thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds East, along the south line of said Southwest Quarter, a distance of 2192.17 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence North 04 degrees 21 seconds 18 seconds East a distance of 142.12 feet; thence North 01 degrees 12 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 368.88 feet; thence North 01 degrees 58 minutes 09 seconds West a distance of 266.72 feet; thence northeasterly 194.60 feet, along tangential curve, concave to the southeast, having a central angle of 96 degrees 57 minutes 13 seconds and a radius of 115.00 feet; thence South 85 degrees 00 minutes 56 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 157.25 feet; thence easterly 99.70 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the north, having a central angle of 09 degrees 25 minutes 45 seconds and a radius of 605.84 feet; thence northeasterly 100.73 feet, along a reverse curve, concave to the northwest, having a central angle of 56 degrees 01 minutes 50 seconds and a radius of 103.00 feet to the west line of said Southwest Quarter and said line there terminating. DRY /WET MINING SUB -PHASE 1A AREA: 25.32 ACRES 2. Land Owner: Regents of the University of Minnesota UMore Development LLC 230 McNamara Alumni Center 200 Oak Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455 Applicant: Dakota Aggregates, LLC 2025 Centre Pointe Boulevard, Suite 300 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 (651) 688 -9292 Operator: Dakota Aggregates, LLC 2025 Centre Pointe Boulevard, Suite 300 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 (651) 688 -9292 Dry/Wet Mining Sub- Phase lA Activities related to Dry /Wet Mining sub -phase lA will include relocation of surface soils, berm construction, crushing, mixing, screening, stockpiling, aggregate washing, dredging, loading, hauling and conveying of aggregate materials to the Ancillary Use Facility (AUF). Once the 2 overburden material has been relocated, stockpiled or utilized for berm construction, mining activities will be initiated by the use of loaders, screens, and conveyors and aggregate material will be transferred to the AUF for material processing. Once the material is conveyed to the AUF, it will be processed into varying construction grade aggregate products that will be hauled offsite at either the Station Trail/CSAH# 46 access or at the existing Akron Avenue /CSAH# 46 access location. Wet Mining sub -phase lA is estimated to begin in 2013 and will initially utilize only the Station Trail at CSAH #46 access. A berm will be constructed adjacent to the south perimeter of Dry/Wet Mining sub -phase 1A. The public view or right -of -way face of the berm shall be sloped at a maximum ratio of four (4) feet horizontal to one (1) foot vertical. The extraction side of the perimeter berm shall be sloped at a maximum ratio of three (3) feet horizontal to one (1) foot vertical. Upon completion of berm construction, excess black dirt and overburden material will be stockpiled adjacent to the active sub phase. The overburden material will also be utilized to construct temporary diversion dikes around open water areas within the active mine phase in order to divert surface water around the active mining/pit area. Since the berm associated with Dry/Wet Mining sub -phase lA will remain permanently in place for more than 15 years it will be landscaped on the public view right- of —way side with a density of one tree per 625 square feet with a minimum of 66% of the trees being conifers. Permanent Berms will be constructed on a phase by phase basis and in some instances the berm may extend past the required coverage for the active mine phase. In these instances, the installation of trees will occur to the point at which berm construction and landscaping is required to sufficiently screen the active mine phase. All berms constructed will be vegetated with a MNDOT #250 seed mix regardless of whether or not the berm is part of the screening for the active mine phase. The extraction activities in Dry/Wet Mining sub -phase 1A will be consistent to those activities within the North and South Dry Mining phases until excavation limits have approached the groundwater elevations. Once it has been determined that mining activities in Dry/Wet Mining sub -phase 1 A have approached the water table but not closer than two feet above the water table, mining activities in lA will halt and mining will be initiated in Dry/Wet Mining sub -phase 1B. This will be the phasing sequence through Dry/Wet Mining sub -phase 2B. The second stage of the wet mining phases will utilize a dredge, drag lines, backhoes and other equipment capable of extracting material under water. Mineral extraction will occur to approximately 75 feet below the water table. A dredge, draglines, backhoes and other equipment capable of extracting material under water will be setup in Dry/Wet Mining sub phase IAA and will extract aggregate material below the water table to the approximate contours which are depicted on the End Use Reclamation Plan which will be conveyed to the AUF for material processing. Once the mining has expired in sub phase IAA, dredging/mining operations will move sequentially to Dry/Wet Mining sub- phase 1BB then to sub- phase 2AA with the final wet mining sub- phase 5BB estimated to be complete by 2037. Upon completion of mineral extraction in sub phases 1A -2BB, the side slopes as depicted on the End Use Reclamation Plan will be constructed and vegetated with a MNDOT 340 seed mix design prior to mining being initiated in Dry/Wet Mining sub -phase 3A. 3 Extraction activities associated with Dry/Wet Mining sub -phase 1A will be conducted 24 -hours a day 7 days a week. This will allow greater quantities of mineral extraction to occur on an annual basis without causing a nuisance to surrounding properties. Operations in the Dry /Wet mining sub phases will occur from approximately 1/2 1 1 /2 miles away from the residences on the north side of County Road 42 which will allow for the mining operation to occur 24 hours a day without disturbing these residents. With the short peak construction season in Minnesota, we will need as much processing time as possible to manufacture significant quantities of aggregate products to meet specifications for public and private projects that will arise over the life of the mining operation. In line with the most recent MNDOT and other local agency guidelines, nighttime and weekend construction activities need to occur in order to avoid peak hour traffic congestion which provides increased safety for the constructions crews. Only equipment utilized daily within an active mine phase will be stored in the active mine phase. All equipment will be stored in an orderly fashion during the hours in which any given phase is not permitted by ordinance to operate. All equipment will be well kept and maintained to high quality standards. Equipment in active mining phases will include scrapers and bulldozers for relocation of surface soils and berm construction and processing equipment, conveyors, loaders, bobcats and a dredge, draglines, backhoes and other equipment capable of extracting material above and under water. A water truck and or portable above ground dust suppression systems will be utilized as needed for dust control. The mine floor in Wet Mining sub phases 1A 2B will need to remain open and un vegetated for hauling purposes and for the relocation of conveyors and processing equipment as the above water mining activities advance from sub -phase lA through 2B. Lighting that is required for nighttime operations will be shielded to prevent lights from being directed at traffic on public roadways in order to prevent vision of traffic on CSAH #46 and the level of lighting will not exceed 1 lumen at the EIS boundary in order to not disturb the surrounding properties. Noise levels will comply with the regulations established by the MPCA. All stormwater and spill procedures can be found in the attached Dakota Aggregates Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan. The Hydrogeologic Study Water Monitoring Plan and the Environmental Contingency Plan which both encompass the entire large scale mineral extraction operation are attached. In the Wet Mining phases /sub phases which will remain as a permanent open water /recreational lake feature, the interior mine side slopes will be reclaimed at a 5:1 maximum slope and will be established with a MNDOT #340 native seed mix. These slopes will then transition to a 10:1 slope for approximately 50 feet to the edge of the open water from an estimated elevation of 885 down to 880 which will remain a recreational sand/beach area. An additional 10 feet of 10:1 slope will then transition into the lake from the 880 elevation down to an elevation of 879. From that point, a safe angle of repose will be utilized underwater. All areas outside of the lake /beach footprint will be re spread with black dirt and either vegetated and established with a MNDOT #340 native seed mix or will be utilized for agricultural purposes. The side slopes along the roadways will be a 2:1 maximum down to the 880 elevation. From the 880 elevation to an elevation of 874 the slopes will be a max of 2:1 for the first 12 feet and then will transition into a safe angle of repose. The lake side slopes which are adjacent to roadways and interior side slopes will be established with an MNDOT #340 native seed mix down to the shoreline. However, 50 feet of the 10:1 slope 4 measured from the shoreline up to and approximate elevation of 885 will remain as a recreational sand/ beach area. Permanent diversion dikes will be established around the perimeter of the lake boundaries located at the top of lake side slopes to divert exterior runoff away from the lake. Areas outside of the permanent diversion dike areas will be utilized for agricultural purposes or will be established with a MNDOT #340 native seed mix. 5 "n- O69(l56) %tli 4609 069(ZS6) 7NONd '-----77 9` b+ s 65o9- s Nrrorv3soa '16 3M 133x15 N1o91 9o 9t cuss N ry 3�smM^H 'OZ: >05 •Z6 wtl M OO 1 y'". 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NOLW ado Drur1 x1Vd aaoy� n 1° 3 o n f 0031 44040, 's `s mm "m 1 asP ,Im g =q Ism Nmm gl 2'L- mi g :h- 2 c m F 1 0 9 e e ONNY 'so s`z E R gz° R< 4 e 1 1! 8 9 11 zo x o ism a 4omv f -c.r�® go mai QQ 14 1 5 higi4 05101; Ili e� I �e hi! t� m�4 ill I r I tB p Egge 4 16 0 1 Vi Pg� p 'E. m'1 ''Eziss r, Pli i -IFS a� gal b h1 s P` 7 z u z 7 1 1 0 s 1 I I 1 l II I 0 o 0 ,o T), �I� I S 9 ON H b S 3 .,.nnvvyvv.vvvww 0 7 -C --.--7----- -.-1- 14— ---7---------- -7- 1N \\i N It v- 1 -7- 7 =7 7 7 i la it., I N\ A i \\\\kt k ,1 1 11 r I A 1: ti■1 it■ \-tl iNii. 7// -4,,. *m kt vat X k; 4 ‘6‘‘ A N a k i r X. ‘4 N, )441\ *AI *V --.4:- 048 j� i ce EY r O O C t �1 C j C .<1_:_ i s y j II UMore Park Large Scale Non Metallic Mineral Extraction Interim Use Permit Application for Aggregate Processing and Recycled Aggregate Production Products UMore Park City of Rosemount June 26, 2012 Ancillary Use Facility Legal Description That part of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34 and the Southeast Quarter of Section 33, all in Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota, described as follows: Beginning at the southwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34; thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 10 seconds East, assumed bearing along the south line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34, a distance of 2192.17 feet; thence North 04 degrees 21 minutes 18 seconds East a distance of 142.12 feet; thence North 01 degrees 12 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 368.88 feet; thence North 01 degrees 58 minutes 09 seconds West a distance of 266.72 feet; thence northeasterly 112.50 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the southeast, having a central angle of 56 degrees 02 minutes 58 seconds and a radius of 115.00 feet; thence northerly 56.43 feet, along a non tangential curve, concave to the east, having a central angle of 35 degrees 55 minutes 23 seconds, a radius of 90.00 feet and a chord which bears North 17 degrees 26 minutes 35 seconds West; thence North 00 degrees 31 minutes 07 seconds East, tangent to last described curve, a distance of 206.76 feet; thence northerly 83.26 feet, along a tangential curve, concave to the west, having a central angle of 34 degrees 04 minutes 23 seconds and a radius of 140.00 feet; thence North 56 degrees 26 minutes 44 seconds East a distance of 45.08 feet; thence North 00 degrees 31 minutes 07 seconds East a distance of 299.38 feet; thence North 88 degrees 50 minutes 09 seconds West a distance of 537.90 feet; thence North 01 degrees 06 minutes 55 seconds East a distance of 542.56 feet to the following described line; Commencing at the northwest corner of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34; thence South 00 degrees 11 minutes 58 seconds West, along the west line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34, a distance of 549.45 feet to the point of beginning of the line to be described; thence South 89 degrees 28 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 2646.92 feet to the east line of said Southwest Quarter of Section 34 and there terminating. thence North 89 degrees 28 minutes 53 seconds West, along said described line, a distance of 1701.18 feet to said west line of the Southwest Quarter of Section 34; thence South 89 degrees 42 minutes 48 seconds West a distance of 133.00 feet; thence North 89 degrees 25 minutes 32 seconds West a distance of 1911.08 feet; thence South 00 degrees 00 minutes 00 seconds West a distance of 6.69 feet; thence South 24 degrees 59 minutes 14 seconds East a distance of 32.37 feet; thence South 38 degrees 36 minutes 54 seconds East a distance of 58.76 feet; thence South 24 degrees 49 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 21.39 feet; thence South 08 degrees 35 minutes 01 seconds East a distance of 17.27 feet; thence South 01 degrees 13 minutes 27 seconds East a distance of 55.61 feet; thence South 20 degrees 01 minutes 53 seconds East a distance of 40.77 feet; thence South 20 degrees 03 minutes 43 seconds East a distance of 111.64 feet; thence South 15 degrees 03 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 118.93 feet; thence South 27 degrees 25 minutes 38 seconds 1 East a distance of 247.59 feet; thence South 21 degrees 09 minutes 19 seconds East a distance of 78.57 feet; thence South 18 degrees 19 minutes 12 seconds East a distance of 190.08 feet; thence South 26 degrees 25 minutes 05 seconds East a distance of 227.06 feet; thence South 46 degrees 46 minutes 51 seconds East a distance of 98.15 feet; thence South 33 degrees 47 minutes 16 seconds East a distance of 171.67 feet; thence South 23 degrees 42 minutes 30 seconds East a distance of 90.20 feet; thence South 17 degrees 56 minutes 04 seconds East a distance of 178.92 feet; thence South 17 degrees 54 minutes 28 seconds East a distance of 132.38 feet; thence South 25 degrees 39 minutes 33 seconds East a distance of 126.20 feet; thence South 30 degrees 29 minutes 59 seconds East a distance of 103.92 feet; thence South 28 degrees 45 minutes 36 seconds East a distance of 250.67 feet to the south line of said Southeast Quarter of Section 33; thence North 89 degrees 34 minutes 22 seconds East, along said south line, a distance of 1060.22 feet to the point of beginning. EXCEPT that part lying southerly of north right of way line of County State Aid Highway No. 46 per DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 253 and DAKOTA COUNTY ROAD RIGHT OF WAY MAP NO. 254, according to the recorded plats thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. OVERALL GROSS AREA (Entire AUF): 171.856 ACRES NET USABLE AREA (Entire AUF): 100.30 ACRES NET USABLE AREA: 43.87 ACRES (Aggregate Processing and Recycled Aggregate Production Products) Land Owner: Regents of the University of Minnesota UMore Development LLC 230 McNamara Alumni Center 200 Oak Street S.E. Minneapolis, MN 55455 Applicant: Dakota Aggregates, LLC 2025 Centre Pointe Boulevard, Suite 300 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 (651) 688 -9292 Operator: Dakota Aggregates, LLC 2025 Centre Pointe Boulevard, Suite 300 Mendota Heights, MN 55120 (651) 688-9292 Aggregate Processing and Recycled Aggregate Production Products: Aggregate processing consists of extracting and conveying raw aggregate material from the active mine phase to the Ancillary Use Facility (AUF) and processing the raw aggregate into various specifications for construction grade sand and gravel products through the use of processing 2 equipment such as wash plants, screens, conveyors, cone crushers and jaw crushers. Once processed, the aggregate products are stockpiled within the AUF aggregate processing facility and eventually loaded into outbound trucks once sold. Recycled Aggregate Products (RAP) mainly consists of recycled asphalt pavement and recycled concrete products which is produced by removing and reprocessing existing asphalt pavement and /or the demolition of concrete roads and is then recycled to produce various asphalt and concrete products. There will be aggregate and RAP storage and aggregate and RAP material processing in the western portion of the Ancillary Use Facility. Trucks will import and unload used asphalt and concrete materials and then typically re load with finished aggregate products before they leave the site allowing for an efficient two -way haul scenario. Other trucks will enter the site empty and leave with aggregate products that have been extracted from within the mine site and processed in the AUF aggregate processing facility to meet various construction specifications. Initially, approximately 3 -5 acres in the RAP processing facility and approximately 10 -15 acres in the aggregate processing facility will be utilized for production and stockpiling. As production is increased after the first couple of years, additional acreage will be utilized for RAP and aggregate material processing and stockpiling. Prior to RAP and aggregate material production and stockpiling, the surface soils in the areas that will be utilized will be relocated and utilized for berm construction or stockpiled out of the current RAP and aggregate material processing/stockpiling areas for later use in reclamation activities. The RAP and aggregate processing plants will be screened by existing tree coverage along the north side of County Road #46 and along the south side of the 130 acre mining buffer. Moreover, berm construction adjacent to County Road #46 which will be constructed in accordance with Dry /Wet Mining Phase 1A will provide additional screening. A recirculation wash pond system designed to provide water for the washing of material will be built in the southern portion of the aggregate processing area. A pump will deliver water from this pond for the washing of material with this same water subsequently returned to the pond to maintain a closed -loop system. The proposed hours of operation for the aggregate processing and recycled aggregate production are 24 hours a day 7 days a week. Hauling activities associated with this facility will only occur at the AUF access locations with direct access onto CSAH #46. Initially, Station Trail at County Road #46 is the access which will be utilized for the aggregate processing and RAP facility. An internal haul road will be constructed which will connect to Station Trail and will provide internal access to and from the RAP and aggregate processing facilities as trucks access this facility at County Road #46 and Station Trail. At a minimum, the RAP /aggregate processing facility is approximately 1 mile away from the residents located on the North side of County Road #42. With the short peak construction season in Minnesota, we will need as much processing time as possible to manufacture significant quantities of aggregate products to meet specifications for public and private projects that will arise over the life of the mining operation. In line with the most recent MNDOT and other local agency guidelines, nighttime and weekend construction activities need to occur in order to avoid peak hour traffic congestion which provides increased safety for the constructions crews. 3 Lighting that is required for nighttime operations will be shielded to prevent lights from being directed at traffic on public roadways in order to prevent vision of traffic on CSAH #46 and the level of lighting will not exceed 1 lumen at the EIS boundary in order to not disturb the surrounding properties. Noise levels will comply with the regulations established by the MPCA. RAP material will be stored within the AUF which is approximately 70 feet above the water table and is located on a portion of dense glacial till which will act as a barrier to contamination to protect the groundwater from potential leachating of the RAP material. A water truck and or portable above ground dust suppression systems will be utilized as needed for dust control. The AUF aggregate processing and recycled aggregate production area drains to sediment and dry pond basins which will be located within the AUF northeastern boundary. These basins are designed to treat the storm runoff per MPCA permanent volume requirements as well as retain the entire 100 yr storm volume generated by the ultimate AUF build out and the potential Future Akron Avenue extension. The sediment basin will be lined with on -site clay in order to maintain a normal water elevation for treatment. The sediment basins and dry pond basins are designed to be constructed in increments to handle the AUF runoff based on the areas within the AUF that are active. All stormwater and spill procedures can be found in the attached Dakota Aggregates Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) and Spill Prevention, Control and Countermeasures (SPCC) plan. The Hydrogeologic Study Water Monitoring Plan and the Environmental Contingency Plan which both encompass the entire Large scale mineral extraction operation are attached. Reclamation activities within the aggregate processing and recycled aggregate facility will occur in approximately 41.5 -42 years from the commencement of facility operations. Within 18 months of all aggregate processing and recycled aggregate operations terminating, all structures, sub footings, and equipment will be removed from the site. The site will be graded to meet the approved reclamation plan elevations. Prior to black dirt being re spread across the aggregate processing and recycled aggregate production perimeter, Dakota Aggregates will provide the City with a clean /contaminant free soil certification letter from an appropriate and professional outside consulting firm. Once the site has been certified, the black dirt will be re spread and either vegetated with a general seed mix or will be utilized for farming operations. 4 a n, ,r I•• `,5 2 g t 9k SO. ,r9so,c1S3M—.....Lagyfin 6.,:ig -29oSI4L---;ii .42 LI.I. rici 3.0 TinaA0 ,,,....,41,- vi,osaN-Nlnyll .,,..a331, 3,11S! 016 SYHd V 111°8 '1=' on tt09 1NOHd ry -,:;1.:''':;';'::! ya3d0 DNINin 10Z9 'Xr opSZ ''.'.'0°,7:`1=,',':',1'°::g. NOLL Lass N. 7"..- '2'1,11.153 sa3NNVid ,,i rf.,-. 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Prepared for Dakota Aggregates June 2012 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose 1 1.2 Site History and Previous Investigations 1 1.3 Report Organization 2 2.0 Description of Proposed Mining Activities 4 2.1 Description of Mining and Operations Locations 4 2.2 Description of Potential Release Scenarios and Spill Response 4 2.3 Rosemount Large Scale Mining Ordinance 5 2.3.1 a) Description of Groundwater Excavation 5 2.3.2 b) Location and Construction Information for Wells within 300 feet of FEIS Boundary5 2.3.3 c) Description of Proposed Fill Activity 5 2.3.4 d) Aquifer Characteristics of Aquifer Affected by Fill Activity 5 2.3.5 e) Description of Impacts of proposed Fill Activity 5 2.3.6 f) Description of Groundwater Monitoring Plan that the Monitoring will Provide Timely Detection of Potential Impacts 6 2.3.7 g) Measures That Will Be Taken to Avoid, Prevent, Contain, and Detect Potential Releases 6 2.3.8 h) Depth to Prairie du Chien Aquifer and Determine the Appropriate Separation between the Mining Activity and Bedrock 6 2.3.9 i) Other Information as the City May Require 6 3.0 Hydrogeologic Setting 8 3.1 Geologic Setting 8 3.1.1 Paleozoic Deposits 8 3.1.2 Quaternary Deposits 9 3.2 Hydrogeologic Setting 9 3.3 Hydrostratigraphy 10 3.4 Aquifer Characteristics 11 3.5 Conceptual Flow Model 11 \barr.com \projects \Mpls\23 MN \19 \23191101 Dakota Aggregates UMA Pennitti \WorkFiles \GW Monitoring Plan \Dakota Agg UMA GWMP i 062512 doe 3.6 Groundwater Flow Model 12 3.6.1 Predictive Simulations Flow Directions 12 3.6.2 Predictive Simulations Worst Case Scenario Release Evaluation 12 Diesel Fuel Release into Groundwater 13 Pesticide Tank Rupture into Groundwater Excavation (Mine -Pit Lake) 14 3.7 Monitoring Zones 15 4.0 Monitoring Strategy 16 4.1 Monitoring in the Drinking Water Supply Management Area 16 4.2 Monitoring Other Areas and Protection of Sensitive Receptors 18 4.2.1 Upgradient Monitoring 18 4.2.2 Ancillary Use Facility 19 4.2.3 Drinking Water Supply Wells 19 5.0 Water Monitoring Network 20 5.1 Monitoring Wells 20 5.1.1 Existing Monitoring Wells 20 5.1.2 New Monitoring Wells 21 Well Locations and Depths 21 Well Construction 21 Monitoring Parameters 21 5.1.3 Baseline Monitoring and Statistical Analysis 22 5.2 Surface Water 22 5.3 Monitoring Parameters 23 5.3.1 Monitoring Parameters Not Included in UMA Groundwater Monitoring 23 5.4 Monitoring Frequency 23 5.5 Sample Collection 24 6.0 Laboratory Analysis 26 6.1 Laboratory Procedures 26 6.2 Laboratory Instrument Calibration 26 6.3 Laboratory Quality Assurance 26 6.4 Laboratory Corrective Action 27 7.0 Reporting and Schedule 30 7.1 Reports 30 7.2 Well Construction and Other Data 30 7.3 Schedule 30 8.0 References 31 V \barr.com \projects \Mpls \23 MN \19 \23191101 Dakota Aggregates UMA Permitti \WorkFiles \GW Monitoring Plan ADakota Agg UMA GWMP 11 062512.doc List of Tables Table 1 Existing Water Wells within 300 feet Table 2 Monitoring Well Construction Details Table 3 Analytical Parameters, Methods and Reporting Limits Table 4 Sample Preservation and Holding Times List of Figures Figure 1 Site Location Figure 2 Site Map Sites of Concern and Auxiliary Use Facilities Figure 3 Overview of Mining Activities Figure 4 Wells at or Near the UMA Figure 5 Post Mining Distance between Outwash and Top of Prairie du Chien Figure 6 Local Bedrock Topography Figure 7 Generalized Stratigraphic Column Figure 8 Groundwater Flow Map (Uppermost Saturated Unit) Figure 9 Bedrock Groundwater Flow Map Figure 10 Conceptual Cross Section Figure 11 Groundwater Flow Vectors Figure 12 Particle Traces from Approximate Lake Boundary 2050 Pumping Conditions Figure 13 Groundwater Travel Time Isochrons 2050 Pumping Conditions Figure 14 Diesel Release Simulation Figure 15 Pesticide Release Simulation Figure 16 Jordan Sandstone Aquifer Vulnerability Projected 2050 Drinking Water Supply Management Area Figure 17 Proposed Monitoring Well Locations Figure 18 Surface Water Monitoring Locations \barr.com \projects \Mpls \23 MN \19 \23191101 Dakota Aggregates UMA Permitti \WorkFiles \GW Monitoring Plan \Dakota Agg UMA GWMP 111 062512.doc 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Purpose This document contains the surface water and groundwater monitoring plan (Water Monitoring Plan) for the proposed sand and gravel mining area and ancillary use facility (AUF) at the University of Minnesota Outreach, Research, and Experimentation Park (UMore Park) property located within the City of Rosemount, Minnesota (Figure 1). The proposed mining area and AUF, referred to collectively as the UMore Mining Area (UMA), is located in Section 33 and portions of 28 and 34, Township 115, Range 19W, Dakota County, Minnesota, and comprises approximately 946 acres in the northwestern corner of UMore Park. The UMA was the subject of a Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) prepared by the University of Minnesota (www.umorepark.edu). The portion of the UMA that lies within the City of Rosemount is referred to as the Site in this report. Portions of the proposed mining operation will be within the City of Rosemount Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA). The mining plan and operations have been designed using Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) guidance to protect groundwater resources. The primary strategy to protect groundwater and surface water includes locating the bulk storage facilities for the petroleum and chemical storage used for production of aggregate products in the (AUF). The AUF is located in an area defined by MDH as having low aquifer vulnerability due to the geologic materials (clay till) that are present at this location. The purpose of this plan is to put controls in place to monitor the surface water and groundwater should a release of hazardous substances or petroleum products occur in the UMA and to meet the requirements of the City of Rosemount mining ordinance for a Hydrogeologic Study and a Water Monitoring Plan (Section 9 of the Large Scale Aggregate Mining Study). This Plan also provides information for the establishment of a release detection monitoring network. The network will consist of both groundwater monitoring wells and a surface water monitoring program. This Plan also establishes the baseline monitoring that will be conducted prior to mining and the operational detection monitoring that will be conducted after mining begins. 1.2 Site History and Previous Investigations UMore Park, including the UMA, was once owned by the U.S. Government and was conveyed to the University of Minnesota (University) in 1947 and 1948. UMore Park includes portions of the former Gopher Ordnance Works (GOW), which was constructed and operated from 1942 to 1945 by E.I DuPont de Nemours for the U.S. Government. The vast majority of GOW operations were located over one mile east of the UMA. Most of the UMA, including the Site, was used as buffer land between the GOW operational areas and the City of Rosemount. The Site was primarily used as farmland during GOW operations and after the GOW was decommissioned. There are no University tenant sites and no leased farmland within the UMA. The GOW was established to manufacture smokeless gunpowder, sulfuric acid, and nitric acid for the World War tI effort. Dinitrotoluene (DNT), aniline, oleum, dibutyl phthalate (DBP), and diphenylamine (DPA) were imported for use in the smokeless gunpowder manufacturing process. Other potential constituents related to the former GOW include metals, herbicides, asbestos, and volatile and semi volatile organic compounds. None of these processes were located at the Site. By 1946, the GOW had been decommissioned and many of the buildings had been decontaminated and demolished by the federal government. From 2008 to 2010, the UMA was extensively investigated by the University. The UMA and AUF were included in two Phase I Environmental Site Assessments (Peer, 2006; Barr, 2009a) and were the subject of environmental investigations (Barr, 2009b; Barr, 2009c; Barr, 2010a) and an extensive groundwater assessment (Barr, 2009d). Based on these studies, one Site of Concern (SOC) was identified within the Site (Figure 2). The SOC and the AUF were investigated for the substances associated with the GOW and post -GOW land uses and no detections above background or appropriate risk limits were identified (Barr, 2009b; Barr, 2009c, Barr, 2010a). Because no releases of hazardous substances or petroleum products were identified in the UMA, groundwater monitoring wells were sampled for major cations and anions for general characterization purposes. No transformers associated with PCBs or former GOW buildings associated with asbestos containing materials are known or suspected to have existed within the UMA or the AUF. Because agricultural activities are currently on -going and will continue in the non mining portions of the UMA for a while, the use of fuel, fertilizer, and pesticides (related to the agricultural activities) is expected to be concurrent in various parts of the UMA during at least part of the mine operations. Liquid pesticide storage and loading occurs at a University- operated facility located outside the UMA, near the southern boundary of UMore Park. No previous baseline groundwater data has been collected at the Site for on -going activities such as pesticides and petroleum storage /usage. 1.3 Report Organization This report is organized into the following sections: Section 2: Description of Proposed Mining Activities Section 3: Hydrogeologic Setting Section 4: Monitoring Strategy Section 5: Water Monitoring Network Section 6: Laboratory Analysis Section 7: Reporting and Schedule Section 8: References 2.0 Description of Proposed Mining Activities This section provides an overview of the mining area and proposed mining activities. 2.1 Description of Mining and Operations Locations The UMA was divided into areas (phases) that are proposed for active wet and dry mining. The wet and dry mining phases are shown on Figure 3. No portion of the mining area is located within former GOW operational areas or subsequent University tenant sites with contamination. MDH guidance regarding mining within DWSMAs has been used to develop the mining plan and to avoid potential releases of hazardous substances or petroleum products. No bulk storage of fuels or potential contaminants will occur within the mine pit area. The AUF is an area of low aquifer vulnerability that was specifically selected and integrated into the mining plan to be used as a fueling, bulk storage and operations area so that groundwater quality will not be impacted. All fueling and storage areas in the AUF will be in areas with secondary containment systems to prevent releases of petroleum products or hazardous substances to the ground and /or groundwater. Detailed information on the location of petroleum products and hazardous substances within the AUF and spill response procedures are included in the Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasures (SPCC) Plan and are summarized below with respect to the UMA mining phases. 2.2 Description of Potential Release Scenarios and Spill Response The mining activities will occur within the sand and gravel deposits documented at the UMA (ProSource, 2008) using powered heavy equipment, conveyors and an electric dredge. The possible sources of contamination related to mining operations include small quantities of fuels and oils. Small leaks or drips will be addressed by routine equipment maintenance and inspections. Any leaking equipment on the pit floor will be removed upon discovery of the leak. A worst case failure scenario would include failure of a fuel tank and would be immediately indicated by failure of the equipment and stoppage of operations. Such a release might result in up to 355 gallons of fuel contacting native soil. If this occurs, the released fuel will be contained with sorbent booms and covered with sorbent materials to the extent possible and the spill area will be excavated to remove impacted soil. The impacted soil will be disposed a permitted solid waste facility. Routine groundwater monitoring (discussed later in this plan) will be conducted to verify that response actions successfully addressed the release. The electric dredge does not use petroleum fuel, but will be maintained with lubrication oils and fluids. In the event an equipment failure on the dredge results in a release, these lubrication oils and fluids could drip into the surface water body in the mine pit and result in a sheen. Any visible oil in the water will result in the shutdown of the equipment, inspection of the dredge, and visual inspection of the excavation area. Sorbent booms will be placed to contain the release and skimmer pumps will be available to remove any residual sheen on the water surface. Surface water sampling will be conducted to verify that there are no dissolved constituents near the release area. If petroleum products are detected, additional testing will be performed to assess the extent of the affected excavation (e.g. testing of deeper water intervals within the below -water mining area). 2.3 Rosemount Large Scale Mining Ordinance The following subsections have been prepared to specifically address items a) through i) within Section 9 of the Rosemount City Large Scale Mining Ordinance. 2.3.1 a) Description of Groundwater Excavation The operator will extract sand and gravel from the surface over the majority of the UMA. Mining in some areas of the UMA will be conducted below the water table and above the PDC bedrock. The below -water mining will create a mine pit lake approximately 132 acres and dimensions of approximately 2,150 feet by 1,685 feet. The mining above and below the water table will be phased over time as indicated on Figure 3. 2.3.2 b) Location and Construction Information for Wells within 300 feet of FEIS Boundary The locations of all wells at and in the vicinity of the UMA are shown on Figure 4. Available construction data is included in Table 1. 2.3.3 c) Description of Proposed Fill Activity No offsite fill will be placed at or below the water table. Native fine sand and the silt -sized fraction of the materials mined from below -water mining area may be returned at or within the groundwater excavation after the larger aggregate materials are sized and separated. 2.3.4 d) Aquifer Characteristics of Aquifer Affected by Fill Activity No fill activity is proposed for the groundwater excavation areas except native sand. 2.3.5 e) Description of Impacts of Proposed Fill Activity No fill activity is proposed for the groundwater excavation areas except native sand. 2.3.6 f) Description of Groundwater Monitoring Plan that the Monitoring will Provide Timely Detection of Potential Impacts This monitoring plan provides detection monitoring for the mining operation on a variety of timescales depending on the context of a hypothetical release. The primary means of immediate detection of a spill or release from operations will be routine observation, inspections, and training as described in the SPCC Plan. The SPCC plan describes how releases are detected within minutes to hours and immediate response actions and equipment are used to address spills and releases within both the mine area and the AUF. This monitoring plan includes surface water monitoring, which will detect a release within the groundwater excavation within zero to six months from the time of the release and years prior to potential offsite impact. This plan also provides a groundwater monitoring plan that will detect a release in groundwater from the water table on the order of years to hundreds of years before it can reach a potential receptor (downgradient of the Site). The groundwater at the Site moves very slowly and the monitoring wells are positioned for early detection releases of relative to groundwater travel times. Monitoring wells proposed along the downgradient edge of the mining area so that evidence of a release from within the mined area would migrate to the groundwater monitoring network. 2.3.7 g) Measures That Will Be Taken to Avoid, Prevent, Contain, and Detect Potential Releases See sections 2.2 and 2.3.6 above. 2.3.8 h) Depth to Prairie du Chien Aquifer and Determine the Appropriate Separation between the Mining Activity and Bedrock As shown on Figure 5, the depth between the underlying bedrock and the base of mining is 10 to 20 feet. 2.3.9 i) Other Information as the City May Require 1. The City has requested that monitoring wells be located in areas that are no greater than a four- to six -year time of travel from potential release areas and are positioned at locations along flow paths that would allow for efficient detection of a potential release and /or verify that there are no adverse impacts to offsite receptors should a spill occur. The following groundwater modeling simulations and additional information were requested: locations of potential future pumping wells, and modified rates to match current City projections 2. Flow paths and time of travel from the pit area and the groundwater excavation area 3. Well positions relative to those flow paths so that wells are positioned at the depths that would intercept a hypothetical release 4. Reports of worst case scenario simulations of the fate and transport of a spill of petroleum in the mine pit, and a spill of pesticides (typical of current use) into the groundwater excavation 5. Rationale for the parameter list and frequency of monitoring that specifically addresses any parameters that are not included in the proposed groundwater monitoring plan that were included in soil sampling for previous investigations. 3.0 Hydrogeologic Setting This section describes the physical characteristics of the Site and provides information to comply with the Rosemount Mining Ordinance requirement for a "Hydrogeologic Study." As discussed in the Predictive Simulations Report (Barr, 2010b), spills that may occur in the AUF would not travel far from the spill area due to the very slow rate of groundwater movement through the till that underlies the AUF. As discussed later in this section, during the preparation of this Plan, the City of Rosemount requested that potential contaminant releases from or in the vicinity of the proposed mine pit lake be evaluated as well. A potential release to groundwater in the vicinity of the proposed mine pit lake will most likely migrate first to the saturated glacial outwash deposit. 3.1 Geologic Setting The geology at the UMA consists of approximately 20 to 180 feet of unconsolidated glacial deposits overlying an erosional bedrock surface. The general stratigraphic relationships between these units are described in the following subsections. The information used to describe the Site is based on over 150 borings placed as part of previous investigations and publicly available well records. Figure 4 shows a map of all wells within the UMA and within 300 feet of the boundary. Table 1 includes well construction information for these wells. 3.1.1 Paleozoic Deposits The uppermost bedrock units within the UMA and surrounding area consist of Paleozoic Era units. A map of bedrock topography is included on Figure 6. Remnants of the St. Peter Sandstone (St. Peter) are present discontinuously in the UMA and UMore Park. In areas along the southern UMore Park boundary, the St. Peter is within 25 feet of the ground surface. The Prairie du Chien Group (PDC), which underlies the St. Peter, comprises the uppermost continuous bedrock unit in the area and is the uppermost bedrock unit within a bedrock valley that stretches through the UMA (Figure 6). The uppermost two thirds of the PDC are comprised of the Shakopee Formation dolostone; the lower one third is comprised of the Oneota Formation dolostone (MGS, 1990). The PDC and underlying Jordan Sandstone are the uppermost bedrock aquifers in the area and are used locally for crop irrigation and municipal water supply, respectively. Paleozoic bedrock units beneath the Jordan Sandstone include the St. Lawrence Formation (an aquitard or confining layer), the Franconia Formation (an aquifer; recently renamed as Tunnel City Group; Mossler, 2008), the Ironton and Galesville Sandstones (regional aquifers; recently renamed the Wonewoc Sandstone; Mossier, 2008), the Eau Claire Formation (a regional confining unit), and Mount Simon and Hinckley Sandstones (the deepest regional aquifer in the Twin Cities Area). A stratigraphic column showing the uppermost Paleozoic deposits at the UMA is shown on Figure 7. 3.1.2 Quaternary Deposits Dakota County has been glaciated numerous times during the Quaternary Period, resulting in the deposition of unconsolidated glacial sediments above the Paleozoic bedrock deposits. A conceptual stratigraphic column is shown on Figure 7. The surficial soils at the UMA are relatively thin <5 feet thick) and are derived from loess (wind -blown silt) or consist of localized fill associated with post settlement development. In most places, the underlying near surface deposit consists of sand and gravel associated with the Rosemount Outwash Plain (MGS, 2007). Diamicton (clay till) sediments consisting of a mixture of gravel and sand within a fine- grained matrix are present beneath the surficial outwash throughout much of the UMA and UMore Park. The diamicton sediments are mapped as Cromwell Formation till —which is associated with the Superior Lobe and Pierce Formation till, a Pre Sangamon deposit associated with the Winnipeg provenance (MGS, 2007). Other fine grained sediments, including low energy fluvial or lacustrine deposits are present discontinuously within the outwash across the Site. An older, pre -Late Wisconsinan outwash deposit has also been identified within the UMA and was differentiated from the Superior Lobe outwash by its lower gravel content and the presence of iron mottling (ProSource, 2008). This older outwash deposit is directly overlain by either Superior Lobe outwash or till deposits, depending on location. 3.2 Hydrogeologic Setting The depth to groundwater varies from approximately 50 to 60 feet below the ground surface (bgs) in the UMA depending on the surface topography and the slope of the water table. The water table elevation beneath the UMA is approximately 880 feet MSL. The groundwater surface is within Quaternary sediments across most of UMore Park, the exception being the Site boundary where St. Peter Sandstone is present near the ground surface. Where the water table is located within the outwash or the St. Peter, groundwater flow occurs under unconfined conditions. Confined groundwater flow in outwash occurs where overlying till deposits are present at or beneath the water table. The till deposits are likely saturated to at least the elevation of the water table within the surrounding outwash and likely higher due to some slight mounding of recharge on the low permeability material. Groundwater flow is to the east /northeast across UMore Park towards the Mississippi River in both the uppermost stratigraphic unit and in the bedrock as shown on Figures 8 and 9, respectively. The hydraulic horizontal gradient is on the order of 0.003 feet /foot. Measured vertical gradients between screened intervals of nested wells indicate that gradients were generally neutral to downward. Model results (Section 3.6) indicate that the hydraulic gradient has a downward component resulting in flow downward into the PDC and St. Peter bedrock. The position of the nested well in the outwash adjacent to the clay till is indicated as a somewhat stagnant area in the model which would explain the largely neutral gradient at this location relative to the water table (Figure 9). 3.3 Hydrostratigraphy Discussion of the hydrostratigraphy at the UMA and UMore Park focuses primarily on the vertical and lateral extent of the outwash, diamicton, and bedrock units. Generalized cross sections through the UMA are presented on Figures 10 and 11. Geologic data used to develop the cross sections are from the Groundwater Assessment Report (Barr, 2009d), previous investigations (ProSource, 2008), and publicly available information from the Minnesota County Well Index (CWI) (MGS, 2012). The groundwater surface shown on the cross sections approximates the local groundwater contours in the outwash as based on measurements collected on April 3, 2009. The groundwater surface is dashed where it is projected through diamicton deposits. Figure 10 shows the planned total thickness of the Quaternary deposits that will remain above the bedrock when the proposed mining is completed. The approximate extent of diamicton deposits are shown by hatching on Figures 8 and 9. Major observations regarding the stratigraphy at the Site include the following observations: Within the UMA, the outwash deposit ranges in thickness from 15 to 160 feet. In the southwest and east central portions of the UMA, diamicton is present at and below the water table (Figures 10). Within the saturated zone, the diamicton is up to 100 feet thick and is laterally continuous over distances ranging from one half to two miles. The diamicton is generally underlain by at least 10 feet of outwash, however, in some places diamicton directly overlies bedrock (Figure 10). Knobs of St. Peter Sandstone are generally in direct connection with the glacial outwash (Figure 10). The PDC is the uppermost bedrock unit in apparent bedrock valleys (Figures 10 and 11). 3.4 Aquifer Characteristics The majority of mining activity at the Site will occur above the water table. However, in areas where excavation will occur below the water table, the mining will be within the outwash aquifer. Based on the results of pumping tests and single well tests, hydraulic conductivity in the outwash ranges from 1.6 to 290 feet /day (Barr, 2009). Vertical hydraulic conductivity in the outwash estimated from pumping test data is on the order of 100 feet /day. Hydraulic conductivity of the clay till is 7.7 x10 feet /day. The hydraulic conductivity of the St. Peter Sandstone is estimated to be on the order of 1 foot /day. Horizontal average linear velocities (groundwater flow rates) are approximately 3.5 feet /day assuming a hydraulic conductivity of 290 feet per day, porosity of 0.25, and horizontal gradient of 0.003. For hydraulic conductivity of 1.6 feet per day, the flow rate would be 0.02 feet per day. 3.5 Conceptual Flow Model The conceptual site model is based on geologic and hydrogeologic data collected within the UMA and surrounding area during multiple investigations. This conceptual model is used as the basis for the development of the groundwater flow model discussed in Section 3.6. The geology at the UMA and UMore Park consists of Paleozoic bedrock units overlain by Quaternary glacial sediments. The contact between the bedrock and glacial deposits is an erosional surface that varies from bedrock highs within 10 to 20 feet of the ground surface in the southeast corner of UMore Park to an approximately 200 foot -deep bedrock valley which spans UMore Park from the southwest to the northeast. Bedrock highs are capped with remnants of St. Peter Sandstone, a fine grained, poorly- to well- cemented sandstone deposit. The PDC underlies the remnant St. Peter and is in contact with the Quaternary deposits within the limits of the bedrock valley. The Quaternary sediments, from oldest to youngest, include outwash and a sequence of Pre Sangamon till deposits interpreted to be of the Pierce Formation, outwash consisting of sand and gravel deposits associated with the Superior Lobe (Cromwell Formation), and a thin mantle of loess at the ground surface. Figure 10 is a conceptual cross section showing groundwater flow within UMore Park. The presence of a thick sequence of diamicton deposits is anticipated to influence groundwater flow direction in the immediate vicinity of the diamicton. The hydraulic conductivity of the diamicton is estimated to be approximately six orders of magnitude less than the outwash. Due to the contrast in hydraulic conductivities between the outwash and the diamicton, groundwater likely flows beneath or around the diamicton deposits and, to a lesser extent, through the deposit. 3.6 Groundwater Flow Model A three dimensional steady state groundwater flow model was developed based on the investigation of the Site. The groundwater model was used to characterize the flow system and test future mining scenarios. The calibrated model development is described by Barr (2009d) and in the Predictive Simulations Report (Barr, 2010b). The groundwater model was used to select optimum locations for monitoring wells using the flow paths and groundwater vectors predicted by the model under a variety of conditions. 3.6.1 Predictive Simulations Flow Directions The City of Rosemount provided updated locations for three proposed pumping wells (Wells 16 -18) and pumping conditions for the year 2050. Figures 12 and 13 summarizes the pumping scenarios evaluated as requested by the City of Rosemount and shows the position of existing and proposed wells relative to the groundwater flow directions. Figure 11 provides cross sections of flow oriented along the major east -west axis of flow in the model. The model results indicate that groundwater flow paths are typically slow and much of the water moving into the groundwater excavation from the southwest exits to the northwest of the UMA either around or under the thick till sequence located in the east central and southeast portion of the UMA and under the AUF. Because the hydraulic gradient has a downward component, any dissolved contamination would migrate vertically as well as horizontally. Due to slow travel times in groundwater, the monitoring wells must be located both horizontally and vertically to intercept a plume from a potential release. 3.6.2 Predictive Simulations Worst Case Scenario Release Evaluation A release of petroleum in the AUF was evaluated in the Predictive Simulations Report (Barr, 2010b). The evaluation indicated that a release of diesel fuel would not reach the sand and gravel aquifer because the plume would reach a steady state relative to the rate of migration and natural processes that would either disperse or degrade the plume before it could move through the low permeability till in the AUF. At the request of the City of Rosemount, two additional potential contaminant release scenarios were simulated to evaluate the effect of potential groundwater impact in the event of hypothetical spills in the mining area. As shown on Figures 12 and 13, the groundwater flow model indicates that when the proposed mine pit lake is present, the groundwater flow paths with the highest average groundwater flow velocities downgradient of the lake stare at the northern end of the lake and approximately 850 feet north of the southern boundary of the UMA. The average groundwater flow velocities along these flow paths are very similar and, for the purposes of the contaminant transport modeling discussed in the following sections, considered to be the same. Diesel Fuel Release into Groundwater The first of these potential release scenarios evaluated the transport from the catastrophic release of diesel fuel in the vicinity of the mine pit lake. This is a conservative scenario that assumes a worst case in that none of the spill response activities required in the SPCC plan are implemented and that the contaminant source concentration remains constant through time. Neither of those assumptions are intended to represent likely conditions but for illustration purposes, those assumptions assume that the modeling is conservatively protective in terms of its predictions. For this scenario, it was assumed that the a release would occur in a location near proposed mine pit lake that is along one of the fastest groundwater flow paths and that all released diesel fuel would reach the water table. As was done for the simulation of the diesel fuel release in the AUF (Barr, 2010b), total benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylenes (BTEX) was modeled because the BTEX compounds are more soluble and mobile than other diesel fuel constituents. The constant source concentration was assumed to be 2.78 mg /L which is the effective solubility of total BTEX in water from diesel fuel (EPA, 2007). The contaminant transport code MPNE1D (Neville, 2004) was used to model the transport along the groundwater flow paths with the highest flow velocities emanating from the proposed mine pit lake. The model results show the predicted steady state (i.e., equilibrium) concentrations along the flow paths. The transport model results are shown on Figure 14. The modeling results indicate that the concentration of total BTEX (the most mobile components of diesel fuel) would be degraded to a concentration well below the drinking water standard for benzene (which is the lowest standard of the BTEX compounds) well before the contaminant plume could reach the closest proposed Rosemount wells. For a release near the northern portion of the proposed mine pit lake, the total BTEX concentration would degrade to a concentration well below the drinking water standard for benzene before the plume could reach the Site boundary. Although the assumption of a catastrophic release, no spill response, and a continuous and constant contaminant source concentration is unrealistic, it provides a useful worst case comparison because if this extreme example poses no risk to the environment than a lesser spill would be expected to have markedly lower or negligible impact. If a spill occurs in the mine -pit lake, spill response would include product recovery with floating booms and skimmer pumps. Pesticide Tank Rupture into Groundwater Excavation (Mine -Pit Lake) Another potential release scenario requested by the City evaluated at a situation in which on -going agricultural activities around the mining or after reclamation could result in a catastrophic release from a liquid pesticide tank. The largest of the pesticide tanks used by the University would be approximately 1,000 gallons, based on current practices (UofM 2012 email correspondence). The release of an entire tank of pesticide into the groundwater excavation would be a worst case situation because of the lack of soil cover, which would otherwise act to attenuate the pesticide release. An obvious conclusion from this simulation is that the most effective area to monitor for a potential impact to groundwater is the mine -pit lake itself. The University provided a list of agricultural chemical products currently used at the UMore property. Constituents of the chemical products were compared to the list of agricultural chemicals for which the MDH has identified health -based drinking water standards. Based on this comparison and the solubility of chemicals on the MDH list, dicamba was chosen as the representative chemical for the transport modeling. The source concentration was assumed to be the concentration of dicamba that would result from 1000 gallons of the commercial chemical ClarityTM being spilled into the proposed mine pit lake and completely mixed. This scenario also assumed no biodegradation of dicamba and that the contaminant source concentration is constant through time. The contaminant transport code MPNEID (Neville, 2004) was used to model the transport along the groundwater flow paths with the highest flow velocities emanating from proposed mine pit lake. The results of the transport modeling are shown on Figure 15. Note that the calculated initial concentration of dicamba for this worst case scenario is well below the drinking water standard for dicamba and the concentration would decline to undetectable levels before the dicamba could reach the closest proposed Rosemount wells. For a release near the northern portion of the proposed mine pit lake, the dicamba concentration would decline to an undetectable level before the plume could reach the Site boundary. 3.7 Monitoring Zones The results of the modeling indicate that much of the groundwater flowing through the Site moves within the outwash and around or below the till unit. Therefore, the principal monitoring zone for groundwater leaving the UMA is the lower (deeper) outwash below the glacial till. This suggests that monitoring wells should be positioned so that their screened interval is within the lower portion of the outwash. The water table wells are unlikely to be effective over most of the UMA because a release at the water table would move a significant distance vertically before it can be detected. By the time a release reaches the position of a water table well, there is a significant potential that the detectable constituents may be below the screened interval. 4.0 Monitoring Strategy The goal of monitoring at the Site is to provide timely detection of a release so that acti ons can be taken to prevent impacts to groundwater and protect drinking water supplies. Because a portion of the UMA is located within a Well Head Protection Area (WHPA) and DWSMA, there are special operational and monitoring requirements that will be implemented. Because different types of operations occur in different portions of the site and groundwater flow velocities vary, slightly different monitoring strategies are required for other portions of the UMA as described below. 4.1 Monitoring in the Drinking Water Supply Management Area The WHPA and DWSMA in the vicinity of the UMA are shown on Figure 16. As shown, portions of the UMA are located within the WHPA and DWSMA. There are issues of concerns regarding the proposed mining activities related to this area. These are identified in a Wellhead Protection Issues Guidance document related to Mining Activities prepared by the Minnesota Department of Health, March 2006 (draft see letter from MDH for most recent version). The entire project has been designed following the recommendations included in the MDH guidance document. Each of these issues is addressed below. 1) Movement of disease organism into the aquifer within the time period they remain viable in groundwater: The United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) states human pathogens may remain viable in groundwater for one to two years. Any onsite sewage treatment associated with the UMA would be contained within the ancillary use facility area. The AUF is an area of low aquifer vulnerability and is not within the DWSMA. An area of low aquifer vulnerability means that contamination is unlikely to occur in the event of a release because the low permeability of the materials do not allow them to migrate any appreciable distance before they are cleaned up or naturally attenuated. The EIS included modeling that demonstrated that a spill of diesel fuel would not be able to migrate away from the AUF before it was removed by natural processes. This worst case simulation did not include obvious spill response efforts that would contain a release if it were to occur. 2) Contamination related to fuel and fuel breakdown products: Bulk fuel will be stored within the AUF which is not located within the DWSMA. Furthermore, the fuel tanks will be above ground storage tanks and will meet Dakota County and /or Minnesota Pollution Control Agency rules. Additionally, a spill prevention plan with appropriate emergency spill response procedures will be in place for the entire UMA operation including the mine floor and groundwater excavation area. 3) Contamination related to storing equipment, wastes, and hazardous materials: No waste materials will be stored or processed in the DWSMA. All wastes generated will be processed in accordance with all applicable state and local requirements. Recycled bituminous materials, if managed in the UMA, will be within the AUF. No land spreading of animal manures, industrial, or municipal sludge will take place within the DWSMA. Small releases related to mobile equipment and generators are possible but will be managed by frequent inspection and surface water and groundwater monitoring will be conducted in the mine areas. Because hypothetical spills are likely to be small and are not related to a particular location on the mine floor if they do occur, groundwater wells must be located far enough away from potential release areas to ensure that they are able to detect a possible plume. Wells that are placed too close to the mine area may miss the dissolved constituents that indicate a release to groundwater. Surface water monitoring of the groundwater excavation is described below. 4) Operation of a bituminous batch plant: No bituminous batch plant will be operated within the DWSMA. 5) Groundwater withdrawal related to mining operations: A relatively minor amount of water will be withdrawn for make -up water related to washing and dust control. Appropriation permitting will be subject to MDNR regulations. 6) Wells in mining areas: A number of existing wells within the mining area are screened within the Quaternary deposits above the Jordan and PDC. Additional monitoring wells will be placed in the outwash upgradient and downgradient of mining areas to detect evidence of a potential release before it can reach the deeper aquifers. The wells will be located so that they will be screened at intervals that are most likely to detect evidence of contaminant migration. Because vertical gradients are generally downward in the UMA, this means that the primary target of monitoring is the lower portion of the outwash above the PDC bedrock. A hypothetical release to surface water would potentially allow dissolved chemical constituents (e.g. petroleum) to migrate into the outwash aquifer. Therefore, the earliest detection monitoring possible at the Site will be via surface water monitoring in the open water portion of the groundwater excavation. Because the surface water will be mixed by mining and wind activity a hypothetical release would tend to disperse into the water body prior to entering groundwater. This means that a single surface water location point will be representative of water quality in the groundwater excavation. 7) Illegal dumping or other uses of mining areas: Access to the mining area will be controlled by berming, locked gates at access points or other appropriate measures to prevent public access and potential use of the area for dumping or disposal. The mining area within the DWSMA will not be used for stockpiling or spreading of animal manure. The active mining area will not be utilized for recreational purposes. 8) Site reclamation: Appropriate Site reclamation plans have been developed that will address how future land use and surface water will be controlled to reduce direct infiltration of contaminants into the aquifer. 4.2 Monitoring Other Areas and Protection of Sensitive Receptors The goal of monitoring at the Site is to provide timely detection of a release so that actions can be taken to prevent impacts to groundwater. This section includes an evaluation of monitoring needs outside the DWSMA. 4.2.1 Upgradient Monitoring In order to assess the potential for contaminants to migrate onto the Site (unrelated to operations in the UMA) at least two upgradient wells will be placed along the western edge of the Site. One of these wells will be screened in the lower portion of the aquifer and the other will be screened at the water table. 4.2.2 Ancillary Use Facility Because the AUF is underlain by thick, low permeability clay till, the risk of groundwater impacts is very low. For this reason it is considered an area of low aquifer vulnerability. In addition, the low permeability of this area makes it difficult to obtain useful groundwater samples. This is because previous investigations have indicated that very little water (which would carry evidence of a release) is available to flow into monitoring wells. The presence of this low permeability till would prevent significant vertical migration of a spill in this area allowing for the spill to be thoroughly contained and cleaned up. Therefore, spill response and containment will provide adequate protection in this area and no groundwater monitoring is proposed for the AUF. 4.2.3 Drinking Water Supply Wells The goal of monitoring is implicitly intended to protect current and likely future City water supply wells. The addition of new drinking water supply wells or changes in groundwater flow patterns may indicate the need for additional monitoring. The need for and types of monitoring required under such circumstances will be addressed on an on -going basis as part of annual review process by the City. A possible means for a release to enter groundwater would be a spill directly into the groundwater excavation. Therefore, surface water and groundwater monitoring of the excavation and nearby area is proposed to protect existing and potential future water supply wells. 5.0 Water Monitoring Network This section describes the program for monitoring groundwater quality and groundwater levels during mining operations. The purpose of the groundwater monitoring plan is to collect data that will be used to assess groundwater flow patterns and detect changes in water quality that might be related to a release from mining or other activities within the UMA. The monitoring focuses on establishing baseline conditions for comparison of future events and on- going detection monitoring where future events are compared to the statistical baseline and upgradient groundwater data. The plan also includes sampling of the surface water within the groundwater excavation. 5.1 Monitoring Wells 5.1.1 Existing Monitoring Wells The UMA groundwater monitoring system will include routine sampling and analysis events to determine if the Site is impacting local groundwater. The groundwater monitoring system at the UMA will include existing monitoring wells constructed at UMore. The monitoring well network will initially consist of the following wells: MW -E2 -209 (upgradient), MW -B1 -001 (upgradient), 208404 (water level only, downgradient), MW -A3 -003 (downgradient). These wells are completed in the water table aquifer within Quaternary deposits in the UMA. The MW well designations were completed as part of the Groundwater Assessment Report associated with the EIS (Barr, 2009d). Well 208404 is a domestic well associated with the University of Minnesota North Beef Farm. Because this well was not constructed as a groundwater monitoring well it will be used for water level data collection only. The locations of these monitoring wells are shown on Figure 17. These monitoring wells will be a part of the long -term groundwater monitoring program associated with the UMA. Well construction details are provided in Table 1. 5.1.2 New Monitoring Wells Well Locations and Depths Additional monitoring wells are proposed at locations shown on Figure 17. These wells are intended to be installed permanently for the purpose of long -term monitoring of groundwater conditions. Wells located downgradient of the groundwater excavation (Figure 17) are positioned along an extension of the glacial till that will not be mined. This feature is important for several reasons. The first is that it provides a location where permanent wells can be placed without having to replace them to accommodate future mining. This maintains continuity in the data collected from the well over time. Secondly, it means that a potential release into the groundwater excavation or nearby mining areas will be diverted downward or around the till body and thereby will effectively "funnel" the release toward the monitoring wells screened in the lower portion of the outwash. Monitoring of the water table is not necessary in this area because very little flow can occur where the till is present, similar to the conditions in the AUF. Other wells shown on Figure 17 are distributed around the mining area to provide release detection and coverage of the mining area at the Site. Upgradient wells are positioned to provide data on ambient groundwater conditions that may be influenced by offsite activities (i.e., agriculutural and industrial land use). Well Construction All wells will be constructed in accordance with Minnesota Well Code and Dakota County Well Ordinance requirements for monitoring wells. All wells will be equipped with ten foot -long screens. Unless otherwise prohibited by Well Code, PVC will be used for well construction. Wells completed in the outwash aquifer will be 2 -inch diameter wells. Additional well construction details are provided in Table 2. Technical specifications for wells will be developed prior to construction. All wells and water -level measuring points will be surveyed for location and elevation and referenced to a known benchmark. Monitoring Parameters The monitoring well network will be sampled and analyzed for the parameters in Table 3. The wells will be sampled for the parameters listed below as well as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and diesel range organics (DRO) on a semiannual (twice per year) basis to address potential spills or releases related to mine operations. Initial sampling events will include nitrates and pesticides to create a baseline to verify that past operations have not resulted in a release of pesticides to groundwater. These parameters may be sampled on a reduced frequency if baseline monitoring indicates that these are not detected in groundwater. Table 4 identifies the sample containers, sample preservation methods, and holding times for each analytical parameter class. The parameters include water level, major ions (calcium, sodium, potassium, magnesium, carbonate bicarbonate, sulfate, and chloride), nitrate, and total dissolved solids (TDS). These parameters provide general water quality information that will be useful in determination of potential changes in water quality that may precede or be associated with a release detection of a particular contaminant. Field parameters to be collected at the time of sampling will include specific conductance, turbidity, temperature, and redox potential. A sampling and analysis plan (SAP) protocol developed for investigations at UMore Park and approved by the MPCA will be adopted for use at the UMA (Barr, 2009e). The that includes sample collection procedures, well evacuation, and QA /QC procedures that will be followed for each event. 5.1.3 Baseline Monitoring and Statistical Analysis After a new monitoring well is installed and developed, baseline monitoring will be conducted. Baseline monitoring will consist of collecting groundwater samples for an extended parameter list during four consecutive quarterly monitoring events. The initial baseline monitoring event may be conducted during a routinely scheduled sampling event or as a standalone event as appropriate. The remaining baseline monitoring events will be conducted during the next two consecutive quarterly sampling events. The samples from each well will be analyzed using Sen's trend test to determine if trends are increasing over the first four monitoring events. If a statistically increasing trend is noted, the data from future events will be compared to upgradient data. After eight events are collected with no statistically increasing trend, Shewhart -CUSUM control chart methods may be used. Control charts allow for collection of background data and statistically compare the results from new events to the well's own background dataset. This is the preferred method of statistical analysis (ASTM D6312) because it incorporates natural heterogeneity present at each well and helps avoid false positives. 5.2 Surface Water Surface water monitoring will be conducted at a single monitoring location near the midpoint of the open portion of the groundwater excavation. This location is expected to vary over time because the dimensions and size of the excavation will vary. Samples will be collected during the spring, summer, and fall monitoring events. Anticipated sample locations are shown on Figure 18. 5.3 Monitoring Parameters Theoretical groundwater impacts are expected to be most likely associated with a potential leak or release of petroleum at the mine floor from mobile equipment. Alternatively, small leaks from conveyor motors or mechanized equipment could result in a release of petroleum products. Because the volume of petroleum involved in these operations is small, the risk to groundwater is remote. Therefore, petroleum and related compounds are the priority contaminants of concern at the Site as shown on Table 3. In addition, general water chemistry parameters and agricultural chemicals are also included to detect changes in water quality that may be associated with other land use (i.e., farming) that may occur concurrent with mining. 5.3.1 Monitoring Parameters Not Included in UMA Groundwater Monitoring PCBs and asbestos are not included in the monitoring list because these parameters are not mobile in the environment and are not soluble in water. Furthermore, operations associated with these materials have not been associated with past activities in the UMA nor are they associated with any proposed future activities related to mining. Metals parameters are not included because previous investigations have not indicated evidence of metal contamination within the Site area. Metallic compounds are not associated with future land use activities in the UMA. Gunpowder chemicals were not manufactured or used within the Site and are not associated with proposed future activities. Semi volatile organic compounds (SVOCs) have not been detected in previous investigations within the Site area. Although bituminous materials such as asphalt cement are potential sources of SVOCs these will be managed in the AUF and are unlikely to come into contact with groundwater or surface water. These materials tend to bind with soil materials, and have a low solubility in water therefore they are unlikely to migrate into groundwater or pose a threat to water supplies. 5.4 Monitoring Frequency Typical travel times in groundwater are relatively slow compared to the pace of human activity. This means that groundwater flow traverses the Site on the order of years rather than days or weeks. As such, a semi annual monitoring frequency (once every six months) provides representative samples of groundwater and surface water. An important consideration for groundwater monitoring is that in order for the results of the monitoring to be statistically valid, each sample must be independent of others. This means that the water that was sampled during an event must move completely out of the well bore before another sample can be collected. For a typical 2 -inch diameter monitoring well with an 8 -inch diameter annular space, and a conservative flow rate of 0.02 feet per day (Section 3.4), a single traverse of the 8 -inch (0.67 feet) annular space would be 33 days. The time for the equivalent of three well volumes to traverse the annular space would be 99 days. In more transmissivity portions of the aquifer, transit times may be shorter, therefore sampling every 60 days should be adequate to provide independent samples between monitoring events. 5.5 Sample Collection Groundwater and surface water sampling field services at the Site will be conducted by qualified field staff. Samples will be collected using standard sampling procedures specified by the USEPA and the MPCA. Standard Procedures for Water Quality Monitoring is included in Appendix C. The sampling procedures describe the use of dedicated and non- dedicated sampling equipment, field measurements, documentation and reporting, and other pertinent information that collectively provides the analytical laboratory with representative water samples. Wells will be sampled with dedicated bailers or portable pumps. All non dedicated sampling equipment will be decontaminated between samples. Monitoring wells equipped with dedicated bailers may be sampled in order of convenience. The use of dedicated bailers eliminates the potential for cross contamination between network monitoring wells. All other samples will be collected moving from upgradient to sidegradient, to downgradient. Well inspections will be performed during routine monitoring events in accordance with MN Rules 7035.2815 subp. 10 (T). The condition of the well and surrounding area will be observed and recorded on a field information form by the sampling team. 5.6 Response Actions If groundwater or surface water concentrations are verified by statistical testing to be elevated above background levels, additional actions will be required. The nature of the response will depend on the parameters affected and the location(s) of elevated concentrations. Potential actions generally may include increased sampling frequency, additional well installation, and source identification and source removal, as needed. 6.0 Laboratory Analysis 6.1 Laboratory Procedures Analytical measurements of project samples will be conducted in accordance with established methods, procedures, and laboratory standard operating procedures (SOPs). All analytical project work will be performed according to the analytical methods specified in Table 3. Section 6.2.2 of the laboratory Quality Assurance Manual (QAM) provides details regarding training and initial demonstration of competency of laboratory staff. Section 7.5.2 of the laboratory QAM provides information on the laboratory certification program. The laboratory certifications have been included in Appendix C of the Field Sampling Plan for SOCs 1 -3, 6 -8, UMore Mining Area, UMore Park, Dakota County (FSP) (Barr, 2009). 6.2 Laboratory Instrument Calibration Calibration of laboratory equipment will be based on approved written procedures documented as SOPs and based on manufacturer's recommendations and analytical method requirements. The Laboratory QAM provides details regarding the calibration procedures and calibration frequency of all laboratory analytical systems and equipment. Records of calibration, repairs, or replacement will be filed and maintained at the laboratory and will be subject to review. Additional details pertinent to instrument calibration can be found in the laboratory QAM. 6.3 Laboratory Quality Assurance The QC effort for laboratory analysis will meet or exceed those specified in the analytical methodologies utilized (EPA, Standard Methods, ASTM, etc.). The laboratory has a written comprehensive quality assurance /quality control (QA /QC) program which provides rules and guidelines to ensure the reliability and validity of work conducted at the laboratory. The laboratory QA program is documented in the laboratory QAM, which is on file with Barr and with the MPCA. Compliance with the QA /QC program is coordinated and monitored by the laboratory's QA department, which is independent of the operating departments. Minnesota laboratory certification information for Legend and Braun Intertec are included in Appendix C of the FSP. The stated objectives of the laboratory QA /QC program are as follows: Ensure that all procedures are documented, including any changes in administrative and /or technical procedures. Ensure that all analytical procedures are conducted according to sound scientific principles and have been validated. Monitor the performance of the laboratory by a systematic inspection program and provide for a corrective action, as necessary. Collaborate with other laboratories in establishing quality levels, as appropriate. Ensure that all data are properly recorded and archived. All laboratory procedures are documented in writing as either SOPs or method procedures and are edited and controlled by the Laboratory Quality Assurance Officer. Internal QC procedures for analytical services will be conducted by the laboratories in accordance with their SOPs and the individual method requirements in a manner consistent with appropriate U.S. EPA methods. The laboratory utilizes quality control checks with specifications that include the types (sample spikes, surrogate spikes, reference samples controls, and blanks), the frequency, the compounds to be used for sample spikes and surrogate spikes, and the QC acceptance criteria for these checks. The laboratory will document within each data package when either initial and ongoing instrument and analytical QC functions have not been met. Any samples analyzed and determined to be in nonconformance with the QC criteria will be reanalyzed if possible by the laboratory, if sufficient sample volume is available. It is expected that sufficient volume of samples will be collected to allow for reanalysis. 6.4 Laboratory Corrective Action Corrective action in the laboratory may occur prior to, during and after initial analyses. A number of conditions such as broken sample containers, multiple phases, low /high pH readings, and potenti ally high concentration samples may be identified during sample log -in or just prior to analysis. Following consultation with lab analysts and section leaders, it may be necessary for the laboratory Quality Control Coordinator to approve the implementation of corrective action. The submitted SOPs specify some conditions during or after analysis that may automatically trigger corrective action or optional procedures. These conditions may include dilution of samples, additional sample extract cleanup, automatic reinjection /reanalysis when certain quality control criteria are not met, etc. Corrective actions are required whenever an out -of- control event or potential out -of- control event is noted. The investigative action taken is somewhat dependent on the analysis and the event. Laboratory personnel are alerted that corrective actions may be necessary if: QC data are outside the warning or acceptable windows for precision and accuracy; Blanks contain target analytes above acceptable limits; Undesirable trends are detected in spike recoveries or RPD between duplicates; There are unusual changes in detection limits; Deficiencies are detected by the QA Department during internal or external audits or from the results of performance evaluation samples; or Inquiries concerning data quality are received Corrective action procedures are often handled at the bench level by the analyst, who reviews the preparation or extraction procedure for possible errors, checks the instrument calibration, spike and calibration mixes, instrument sensitivity, and so on. If the problem persists or cannot be identified, the matter is referred to the laboratory supervisor, manager and /or QA department for further investigation. Once resolved, full documentation of the corrective action procedure is filed with the QA department. These corrective actions are performed prior to release of the data from the laboratory. The corrective actions will be documented in both Legend's corrective action report (signed by analyst, section leader and quality control coordinator), and the narrative data report sent from the laboratory to the Barr QA Manager. Corrective action is the process of identifying, recommending, approving and implementing measures to counter unacceptable procedures or out -of quality- control performance which can affect data quality. Corrective action can occur during field activities, laboratory analysis, data review, and data assessment. All corrective actions proposed and implemented will be documented in the regular quality assurance reports to management. Corrective action is only implemented after approval by the project manager or his designee. If immediate corrective action is required, approvals secured by telephone from the project manager should be documented in an additional memorandum. Corrective action will be implemented if it is determined that the data generated does not meet the project objectives. Possible corrective actions might include: 1. No corrective action. 2. Reanalysis of samples. 3. Re- collection and analysis of samples. For noncompliance problems, a formal corrective action program will be determined and implemented at the time the problem is identified. The person who identifies the problem will be responsible for notifying the project manager, who in turn will notify the MPCA. Implementation of corrective action will be confirmed in writing through the same channels. Any nonconformance with the established quality control procedures in the Sampling and Analysis Plan will be identified and corrected in accordance with this section. The MPCA project manager, or their designee, will issue a nonconformance report for each nonconformance condition. Corrective actions will be implemented and documented in the field record book. No staff member will initiate corrective action without prior communication of findings through the proper channels. If corrective actions are insufficient, work may be stopped by stop -work order by the Barr or MPCA Project Manager. 7.0 Reporting and Schedule 7.1 Reports Annual monitoring reports will be submitted to the City that include results of the monitoring activities conducted during the monitoring period, and monitoring data accompanied by information sufficient to establish the reliability, precision, and accuracy of the reported values. Reports will be submitted by March 1 of the year following the monitoring year. Electronic data deliverables (EDD) for groundwater and leachate samples will also be submitted in Barr's EQuIS format. The schedule of the EDD submittals will be consistent with the hard copy report submittals. 7.2 Well Construction and Other Data A monitoring well construction memorandum and updated well map will be submitted to the City upon installation of new wells or in the future annual reports. 7.3 Schedule Well installation and monitoring will proceed upon approval of the mining permit. If the permit is approved in September 2012, baseline sampling of the existing wells will commence immediately. Wells will be installed by November 2012 and the first complete round of samples will be collected in late November or early December 2012. A delay in permitting will result in delays in the above schedule. Subsequent events will be collected by June and November of each subsequent year. 8.0 References Barr Engineering, 2009b. Phase II Investigation Report, Sites of Concern 1 -3 and 6 -8, UMore Mining Area, Dakota County, Minnesota. Barr Engineering, 2009c. Supplemental Site Inspection (SOC 4) /Remedial Investigation (SOC 5) Report, UMore Mining Area, Dakota County, Minnesota. Barr Engineering, 2009d. Groundwater Assessment Report, Resource Document for Environmental Impact Statement, UMore Mining Area, Dakota County, Minnesota Barr Engineering, 2009e. Sampling and Analysis Plan, Phase II Investigation Work Plan, Sites of Concern 1 -3 and 6 -8, UMore Mining Area, Dakota County, Minnesota. Barr Engineering, 2010a. Technical Memorandum Preliminary Subsurface Investigation Results Ancillary Use Facility (AUF), UMore Mining Area, Dakota County, Minnesota. Barr Engineering, 2010b. Predictive Simulations to Assess Potential Effect of Mining Activities on Groundwater, Resource Document for Environmental Impact Statement, UMore Mining Area, Dakota County, Minnesota Minnesota Geological Survey (MGS), 1990. Geologic Atlas, Dakota County, Minnesota. MGS, 2007. Surficial Geology of the Twin Cities Metropolitan Area, Minnesota. MGS, 2012. County Well Index, update March 26, 2012. Mossier J.H., 2008. Paleozoic Stratigraphic Nomenclature for Minnesota. Minnesota Geological Survey Report of Investigations 65. Neville, C.J., 2004. MPNEID- Analytical Solution for One Dimensional Solute Transport with Multiprocess Nonequilibrium, Ver. 4.1, S.S. Papadopulos Associates, Inc. Peer, 2006. Phase I Environmental Site Assessment, UMore Park, Rosemount, Minnesota, Prepared for the University of Minnesota by Peer Environmental and Engineering Resources, Inc. ProSource Technologies, Inc., 2008. Geological Assessment, UMore Park, Rosemount and Empire Township, Minnesota. USEPA, 2007. EPA On -line Tools for Site Assessment Calculation: Effective Solubility Calculator, http:/ /www.epa.gov /athens /learn2model /part- two /onsite /es.htm O E 0 0 01 0 0 0 0 0 0 R 2 v ni v v v td i< dm�co000 zN N bNZ^ W 1 O N 0 0 a1 0 0 0 0 0 0 d p 2 is v ni v a a a 0o a v 0i of Q ri r. 0 H 0 00 00 00 00 Z Z Z Z f-- Z N I, N Z 00 N .c c N 0 .0 to r•-• Ll Q Q Q Q 0 Q 0 0 C< M 0 N .,-I Z Z Z 0 N Z I .0-1 m Z n 4 t d N O d O m m 3 aL O I c 0.. .-1 Li., N in 0 Q N c-1 Q Q n I2 d 0 0 Z Z Z Z Z c 4 Z 2 O v co 0l .a> N ,E 0 r 0 0 0 0 a 0 O< z V OO 0 0 0< 0 z V 0 C N (''.1 N 0 Z ct z z 7 0 0) al o ti X U U 2- 0 0c 1' C N c 0 O 0 0 0 0 Q H Q Q a1 Q a> Q H Q Q 0 c d 0 H z z z c..---. z z z z z 0 0 d 0 2 0 0 0 3 2 a v a, c y o o v a a v o, o a1 0 c c a> 0 0 0 d 0 z z d co O A -0 p y 0 0 0 0 00000000000 2 N 0 c o 0 0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 O ai ai o; vi of vi a a a .-i o o m 6 0 Q 0) N N a 4- a a u--, N u-1 N V In a co U1 v v) c 10 c N (7 W 01 Ol Ol 01 0l Ol Ol 0l 0l 0l 01 01 01 0l O H r N G w .0 a 1 C 0 Ol .--1 0l N 00 N M 00 0 0 u1 00 0 cr 00 N CO !6 2 C C^ ml 0l 0 0 e-1 0 0 N d' 0 0 0 00 O N N d n• r- .-'1 00 e-1 cT N 41 N 0 N N N 00 0 T 0) 0 o N c-1 c-1 c-1 c) N N N O O c'I O N -I N e-i a ,a `s 0 c 0 01 01 O1 01 rn o O1 Ol Ol Ol O1 01 O1 T O1 F m w 0 E 0 v m w o a v v v v v v v v v v v a v v E N N CO 0 p 0 re 0 W N N N c O 00 N N m N e-1 1\ 0 In N 12 C 0> 1 c t 0 0 0 0 0 C V 0 N 0 Cr) V N s O L C> r1 '..1 co .--1 N c .--1 1 N m N .-1 N N m a> N O w N In u1 Lc If) ul In Lo Lc N u1 u1 LO u1 In LL W rn 0 v v v a a v v a v v v a v v v v m 2 `o L 0 oao 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3 O d O 1\ N v1 O O O N 0 0 4 0 01 0.9 U` H O -4-1 -l-1 Cr N V O N N N N 7 N N 0 ry a LL N Y 3 3 o 00 01 01 N 00 00 1 00 01 00 c-1 N n 0n 0 N N 0 1 0 0 0 3 1 0 0 CI CO A n a V a O V 0 0 .--1 0 .-I. V O O V '0 3 000000 a Z N n N 1 N N N N c-I N c-1 N N N N Q U X D a) d 17 G 0 0 0) a1 CU CO c Q on CC 0 7 0 c a Q 0 a O Z U to E 0) -0 N Oa o0 0 0 0 g 0 O a> 0 13 E c E Y 1) Z o C Zs y m o v v E m D 0 ra to a 00 c -a a> O Q 0 0, H L O c O L w c U N Z 0 0 0 N E c N 0 0 c v1 io 4 'O g a a1 g O r0 c E 2 v a 0 E r> 0 0 N LT E 3 c T. V> O 0 0) co "1 U n> O 0 O a> 0- c v a) c a r a x o c O c 0 0 w u) Q Q E O1 0 a> -E d> 222a. w 0 C O N 0 O wQ M.L.. m O C E a. -71-, R L C p N I J 0 C s D co N 0 t -J w Z .0 W Z 2 2, \j) 2 333333 cNNrN i 4..... 7 e 2 2�3© at 1 55 �m� 2 Q s a 3g /a� ea p as tE z O 2 k a �7�( acs 2 §2 4�k) }2(/\// �77e '47. a+ 2a) 2 2 8. 2 0 /r te Cr' a o aa a Cl. I1 c. E 0, 0 c ..5.. i..,' k .0 |kkxxx k 2 z au u §2$± F?, a) 2 2 t, 8 44 CI i a� Table 3 Analytical Parameters, Methods and Reporting Limits Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan UMore Mining Area Rosemount, Minnesota Method (EPA Method MN MitPCA unless noted Detection Reporting EPA Vatues DW!GW taram #,pr AS Number WAX, otherwise) Limit Unlit Test Unit MCLs Table =Sumntar Table General Chemistry (Braun) Nitrate Nitrite as N N +N Water /Liquid SM 4500 NO3 F 0.015 0.020 mg /L 10 Nitrogen, Total Kjeldahl TKN Water /Liquid EPA 351.2 0.15 0.50 mg /L Nitrogen, Total TN Water /Liquid Calculation 0.50 0.50 mg /L Phosphorus, Total 7723 -140 Water /Liquid 365.1 0.0028 0.010 mg /L General Chemistry (Legend) Alkalinity, Bicarbonate as CaCO3 BALKA Water /Liquid SM 2320 B -97 N/A 20 mg /L Chloride 16887 -00 -6 Water /Liquid 9056A 0.0029 0.10 mg /L 250 SWDR Nitrate as N NITA Water /Liquid 9056A 0.02 0.10 mg /L 10 10 HRLMCL 10 MCL Nitrate Nitrite as N N +N Water /Liquid Calc. /9056A 0.03 0.20 mg /L 10 Sulfate 14808 -79 -8 Water /Liquid 9056A 0.024 0.10 mg /L 250 SWDR Solids, Total Dissolved TDS Water /Liquid SM 2540 C -97 N/A 10 mg /L 500 SWDR Metals Arsenic 7440 -38-2 Water /Liquid 60108 1.1 10 ug /L 10 10 MCL Calcium 7440 -70 -2 Water /Liquid 60106 30 1000 ug /L Iron 7439 -89-6 Water /Liquid 60108 3.8 50 ug /L 300 SDWR Lead 7439 -92 -1 Water /Liquid 6010B 0.42 3.0 ug /L 15 TT(7) NA Magnesium 7439 -95-4 Water /Liquid 60106 2.1 1000 ug /L Potassium 7440 -09 -7 Water /Liquid 6010B 1.6 1000 ug /L Sodium 7440 -23-5 Water /Liquid 60108 5.3 1000 ug /L Mecury Mercury I 7439 -97 -6 I Water /Liquid I 7470A I 0.000037 1 0.00020 I mg/L 1 2 1 1 2 MU_ Organochlorine Pesticides (Legend) 4,4" -DDD 72 -54 -8 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.031 0.40 ug /L 1 HRL93 1 HRL93 4,4" -DDE 72 -55 -9 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.031 0.40 ug /L 1 HRL93 1 HRL93 4,4" -DDT 50 -29 -3 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.031 0.40 ug /L 1 HRL93 1 HRL93 a- Chlordane 5103 -71 -9 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.032 0.40 ug /L Aldrin 309 -00 -2 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.033 0.40 ug /L 0.02 HBV97 alpha -BHC 319 -84 -6 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.028 0.40 ug /L 0.06 HBV97 beta -BHC 319 -85 -7 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.031 0.40 ug /L 0.2 HBV97 delta -BHC 319 -86 -8 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.030 0.40 ug /L Dieldrin 60 -57 -1 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.031 0.40 ug /L 7 0.006 HRLO8 (1) 0.006 HRL09 Endosulfan I 959 -98-8 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.032 0.40 ug /L Endosulfan II 33213 -65 -9 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.032 0.40 ug /L Endosulfan sulfate 1031 -07 -8 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.031 0.40 ug /L Endrin 72 -20 -8 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.033 0.40 ug /L 1 2 2 HBV97 Endrin aldehyde 7421 -93-4 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.040 0.40 ug /L Endrin ketone 53494 -70 -5 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.031 0.40 ug /L gamma -BHC (Lindane) 58 -89 -9 Water/Liquid 8081A 0,029 0.40 ug /L 0.2 0.2 HBV97 gamma Chlordane 5566 -34 -7 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.032 0,40 ug /L 2 2 MCL Heptachlor 76 -44 -8 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.031 0,40 ug /L 0.4 0.08 HRL93 0.08 HRL93 Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57 -3 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.031 0.40 ug /L 0.2 0.04 HRL93 0.04 HRL93 Methoxychlor 72 -43 -5 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.029 0,40 ug /L 40 40 MCL Toxaphene 8001 -35-2 Water /Liquid 8081A 0.29 1.0 ug/L 3 0.3 HRL93 In HRL93 Organochlorine Pesticides (Braun) 4,4" -DDD 72 -54 -8 Water /Liquid 80818 0.027 0.25 ug /L 1 HRL93 1 HRL93 4,4" -DDE 72 -55 -9 Water /Liquid 80818 0.027 0.25 ug /L 1 HRL93 1 HRL93 4,4" -DDT 50 -29 -3 Water /Liquid 8081B 0.030 0.25 ug /L 1 HRL93 1 HRL93 a- Chlordane 5103 -71 -9 Water /Liquid 8081B 0.027 0.25 ug /L Aldrin 309 -00 -2 Water /Liquid 80818 0.029 0.25 ug /L 0.02 HBV97 alpha -BHC 319 -84 -6 Water /Liquid 8081B 0.029 0.25 ug /L 0.06 HBV97 beta -BHC 319 -85 -7 Water /Liquid 80818 0.028 0.25 ug /L 0.2 HBV97 delta -BHC 319 -86 -8 Water /Liquid 8081B 0.024 0.25 ug /L Dieldrin 60 -57 -1 Water /Liquid 8081B 0.027 0.25 ug /L 0.006 HRLO8 (1) 0.006 HRL09 Endosulfan 1 959 -98 -8 Water /Liquid 8081B 0.027 0.25 ug /L Endosulfan II 33213 -65 -9 Water /Liquid 8081B 0.038 0.25 ug /L Endosulfan sulfate 1031 -07 -8 Water /Liquid 8081B 0.029 0.25 ug /L Endrin 72 -20 -8 Water /Liquid 80818 0.027 0.25 ug /L 2 2 HBV97 Endrin aldehyde 7421 -93-4 Water /Liquid 80818 0.030 0.25 ug /L Endrin ketone 53494 -70 -5 Water /Liquid 8081B 0.034 0.25 ug /L gamma -BHC (Lindane) 58 -89 -9 Water /Liquid 8081B 0.028 0.25 ug /L 0.2 0.2 HBV97 gamma Chlordane 5566 -34-7 Water /Liquid 80816 0.027 0.25 ug /L 2 2 MCL Heptachlor 76 -44 -8 Water /Liquid 8081B 0.033 0.25 ug /L 0.4 0.08 HRL93 0.08 HRL93 Heptachlor epoxide 1024-57 -3 Water /Liquid 8081B 0.028 0.25 ug /L 0.2 0.04 HRL93 0.04 HRL93 Methoxychlor 72 -43-5 Water /Liquid 80818 0.022 0.25 ug /L 40 40 MCL Toxaphene 8001 -35-2 Water /Liquid 8081B 1.0 5.0 ug /L 3 0.3 HRL93 0.3 HRL93 \barr.com \projects \Mpls\23 MN \19 \23191101 Dakota Aggregates UMA Permitti \WorkFiles \GW Monitoring Plan \Tables \Table 3 SAP_Legend 6- 18- 12_criteria DRAFT.xls 1 of 3 Table 3 Analytical Parameters, Methods and Reporting Limits Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan UMore Mining Area Rosemount, Minnesota Method (EPA Method MN GW MPCA unless noted Detection Reporting EPA Values DWIGW parpmetet CAS:Num ix ber Ma otherwise) Limit Limit Test Unit MCLs Table Summary table, MDA List 1 Pesticides (Braun) EPTC 759 -94 -4 Water /Liquid 827 0.16 0.50 ug /L 200 HRL93 200 HRL93 Propachlor 1918-16-7 Water /Liquid 82 0.21 0.50 ug /L 90 HRL93 90 HRL93 Ethalfluralin 55283 -68 -6 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.2 0.50 ug/L Deisopropylatrazine 1007 -28-9 Water /Liquid 8270 0.18 0.50 ug /L Trifluralin 1582 -09-8 Water /Liquid 8270 0.16 0.50 ug /L 5 HBV95 Desethylatrazine 6190.65 -4 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.1 0.50 ug /L Phorate 298 -02 -2 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.14 0.50 ug /L 1 HBV95 Prometon 1610 -18-0 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.086 0.50 ug /L 100 HRL93 100 HRL93 Simazine 122 -34 -9 Water /Liquid 827 0.16 0.50 ug /L 4 4 HRLMCL 4 HRL09 Atrazine 1912 -24-9 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.12 0.50 ug /L 3 (6) 3 HRLMCL 3 MCL Propazine 139 -40 -2 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.18 0.50 ug /L 10 HBV95 Terbufos 13071 -79 -9 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.13 0,50 ug /L 0.2 HBV95 Fonofos 944 -22 -9 Water /Liquid 8 0.16 0.50 ug /L 10 HBV95 Triallate 2303 -17 -5 Water /Liquid 827 0.13 0.50 ug /L 9 HBV95 Metribuzin 21087 -64 -9 Water /Liquid 8270D 0,17 0,50 ug /L 10 HBV10 (1) 10 HBV10 Dimethenamid 87674 -68 -8 Water /Liquid 8 0.14 0.50 ug /L 40 HBV99 Acetochlor 34256 -82 -1 Water /Liquid 8270 0.12 0.50 ug /L 9 HRL08 (1) 9 HRL09 Alachlor 15972 -60 -8 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.083 0.50 ug /L 2 5 HRL08 (1) 5 HRL09 Cyanazine 21725 -46 -2 Water /Liquid 8270 0.17 0.50 ug /L 1 HRL08 (1) 1 HRL09 Metolachlor 51218 -45 -2 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.059 0.50 ug /L 300 HRL11 (1) 300 HBV09 Chlorpyrifos 2921 -88 -2 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.15 0.50 ug /L 20 HBV95 Pendimethalin 40487 -42 -1 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.079 0.50 ug /L 90 HBV95 MDA List 2 Pesticides (Braun) Dicamba 1918 -00-9 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.16 0.50 ug /L 200 HRL93 200 HRL93 M.P.C.A. 94 -74 -6 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.13 0.30 ug /L 3 HRL93 3 HRL93 2,4 -D 94 -75 -7 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.22 0.50 ug /L 70 70 HRL93 70 HRL93 Triclopyr 55335 -06 -3 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.10 0.50 ug /L 300 HBV99 Pentachlorophenol 87 -86 -5 Water /Liquid 82 0.18 0.50 ug/L 1 1 HRLMCL 1 MCL 2,4,5 -T.P. 93 -72 -1 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.13 0.50 ug /L 50 50 HRLMCL 50 HRL09 /MCL 2,4,5 -T 93 -76 -5 Water /Liquid 827 0D 0.069 0.50 ug /L 70 HRL93 70 HRL93 Dinoseb 88 -85 -7 Water /Liquid 82700 0,097 0.50 ug /L 7 7 HBV97 2,4 -D.B. 94 -82 -6 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.11 0.50 ug /L 60 HBV95 Bentazon 25057 -80.0 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.12 0.50 ug /L 200 HBV98 Picloram 1918 -02 -1 Water /Liquid 8270D 0.079 0.50 ug /L 500 500 HRL93 500 HRL93 VOCs Water/Liquid 1,1,1,2 Tetrachloroethane 630 -20 -6 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.29 1.0 ug /L 70 HRL93 70 HRL93 1,1,1- Trichioroethane 71 -55 -6 Water /Liquid 82608 0.16 1.0 ug /L 200 9000 HRLO8 (1) 9000 HRL09 1,1,2,2 Tetrachloroethane 79 -34 -5 Water /Liquid 82606 0.16 1.0 ug /L 2 HRL94 2 HRL93 1,1,2- Trichloroethane 79 -00 -5 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.19 1.0 ug /L 5 3 HRL93 3 HRL93 1,1,2- Trichlorotrifluoroethane 76 -13 -1 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.25 1.0 ug /L 200000 HRL93 200000 HRL93 1,1- Dichloroethane 75 -34 -3 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.15 1.0 ug /L 100 RAA09 (1) 100 RAA09 1,1- Dichloroethene 75 -35 -4 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.24 1.0 ug /L 7 200 HRL11 (1) 200 HBV09 1,1- Dichloropropene 563 -58 -6 Water /Liquid 82606 0.14 1.0 ug /L 1,2,3 Trichlorobenzene 87 -61 -6 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.35 5.0 ug /L 1,2,3- Trichloropropane 96 -18 -4 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.22 2.5 ug /L 0.003 HBV10 (1) 0.003 HBV10 1,2,4 Trichlorobenzene 120 -82 -1 Water /Liquid 82606 0.30 5.0 ug /L 70 4 HBV11 (1) 70 MCL 1,2,4- Trimethytbenzene 95 -63 -6 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.072 1.0 ug /L 100 RAA10 100 RAA10 1,2- Dibromo-3- chloropropane 96 -12 -8 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.40 5.0 ug /L 0.2 0.2 MCL 1,2- Dibromoethane (EDB) 106 -93 -4 Water /Liquid 82608 0.15 2.5 ug /L 0.05 0.004 HRL93 0.004 HRL93 1,2- Dichlorobenzene 95 -50 -1 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.12 1.0 ug /L 600 600 HRL93 600 HRL93 1,2- Dichloroethane 107 -06 -2 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.26 1.0 ug /L 5 1 HBV11 (1) 4 HRL93 1,2- Dichloropropane 78 -87 -5 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.19 1.0 ug /L 5 5 HRL94 5 HRL93 1,3,5- Trimethytbenzene 108 -67 -8 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.11 1.0 ug /L 100 HRL08 100 HRL09 1,3- Dichlorobenzene 541 -73 -1 Water /Liquid 82606 0.15 1.0 ug /L 600 LHA 1,3- Dichloropropane 142 -28 -9 Water /Liquid 82606 0.16 1.0 ug/L 1,4- Dichlorobenzene 106 -46 -7 Water /Liquid 82608 0.081 1.0 ug /L 75 10 HRL94 10 HRL93 2,2- Dichloropropane 594 -20 -7 Water /Liquid 82608 0.66 5.0 ug /L 2- Butanone 78 -93 -3 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.65 20 ug/L 4000 HRL94 4000 HRL93 2- Chlorotoluene 95 -49 -8 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.081 1.0 ug /L 100 LHA 4- Chlorotoluene 106 -43 -4 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.11 1.0 ug /L 100 LHA Acetone 67 -64 -1 Water /Liquid 82606 3.8 20 ug/L 4000 HRL11 (1) 4000 HBV10 Ally' chloride 107 -05 -1 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.51 5.0 ug /L 30 HRL94 30 HRL93 Benzene 71 -43 -2 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.071 1.0 ug /L 5 2 HRL08 (1) 2 HRL09 Bromobenzene 108 -86 -1 Water /Liquid 82608 0.082 1.0 ug /L Bromochloromethane 74 -97 -5 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.20 1.0 ug /L 90 LHA Bromodichloromethane 75 -27 -4 Water /Liquid 82608 0.23 1.0 ug /L 80 (2) 6 HRL93 6 HRL93 (4) \barr.com \projects \Mpls\23 MN \19 \23191101 Dakota Aggregates UMA PermittlWorkFiles \GW Monitoring Plan \Tables \Table 3 SAP_Legend 6- 18- 12_criteria DRAFT.xls 2 of 3 Table 3 Analytical Parameters, Methods and Reporting Limits Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan UMore Mining Area Rosemount, Minnesota Method (EPA Method MN GW MPCA unless noted Detection Reporting; EPA Values OWft3W P ar; ,CAS Number Matrix otherwise) Limit Limit Test Unit' MCLs Table Summary Tat% Bromoform 75 -25 -2 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.26 5.0 ug /L 80 (2) 40 HRL93 40 HRL93 (4) Bromomethane 74 -83 -9 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.32 5.0 ug /L 10 HRL93 10 HRL93 Carbon tetrachloride 56 -23 -5 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.15 1.0 ug /L 5 1 HBV10 (1) 1 HBV10 Chlorobenzene 108 -90 -7 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.20 1.0 ug /L 100 100 HRL93 100 HRL93 Chloroethane 75 -00 -3 Water /Liquid 82608 0.27 2.5 ug /L RAA08 (3) Chloroform 67 -66 -3 Water /Liquid 82608 0.15 1.0 ug /L 80 (2) 30 HRL08 (1) 30 HRLO9 (4) Chloromethane 74 -87 -3 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.24 2.5 ug /L 30 LHA cis -1,2- Dichloroethene 156 -59 -2 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.12 1.0 ug /L 70 50 HRLOB (1) 50 HRL09 cis -1,3- Dichloropropene 10061 -01 -5 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.18 1.0 ug /L Dibromochloromethane 124 -48 -1 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.26 2.5 ug /L 80 (2) 10 HRL93 10 HRL93 (4) Dibromomethane 74 -95 -3 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.24 2.5 ug /L Dichiorodifluoromethane 75 -71 -8 Water /Liquid 82608 0.25 5.0 ug /L 700 HRL11 (1) 700 HBV09 Dichlorofluoromethane 75 -43 -4 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.21 1.0 ug /L ND RAA09 RAA09 (3) Ethyl ether 60 -29 -7 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.27 5.0 ug /L 200 RAA10 (1) 200 RAA10 Ethylbenzene 100 -41 -4 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.28 1.0 ug /L 700 50 HRL11 50 HBV10 Hexachlorobutadiene 87 -68 -3 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.42 10 ug /L 1 HRL93 1 HRL93 Isopropylbenzene 98 -82 -8 Water /Liquid 82606 0.12 1.0 ug /L 300 HRL93 300 HRL93 (2) m,p- Xylene 108 -38 -3 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.57 2.0 ug /L 106 -42 -3 300 HRL10 (1) Methyl isobutyl ketone 108 -10 -1 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.40 5.0 ug /L 300 HRL94 300 HRL93 Methyl tert-butyl ether 1634 -04 -4 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.16 1.0 ug /L 70 HBV00 Methylene chloride 75 -09 -2 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.85 5.0 ug /L 5 5 HRLMCL 5 MCL Naphthalene 91 -20 -3 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.30 5.0 ug /L 70 HBV11 (1) 300 HRL93 n- Butylbenzene 104 -51 -8 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.15 2.5 ug/L n- Propylbenzene 103 -65 -1 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.094 1.0 ug /L o- Xytene 95 -47 -6 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.19 1.0 ug /L 300 HRL10 (1) p- Isopropyltoluene 99 -87 -6 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.14 2.5 ug /L sec Butylbenzene 135 -98 -8 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.11 1.0 ug /L Styrene 100 -42 -5 Water /Liquid 82608 0.21 1.0 ug /L 100 100 MCL tert- Butylbenzene 98 -06 -6 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.091 1.0 ug /L Tetrachloroethene 127 -18 -4 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.28 1.0 ug /L 5 5 HRLMCL 5 HRL09 Tetrahydrofuran 109 -99 -9 Water /Liquid 82608 0.75 20 ug /L 100 HRL Toluene 108 -88 -3 Water /Liquid 82606 0.10 1.0 ug /L 1000 200 HRL11 200 HBV09 trans -1,2- Dichloroethene 156 -60 -5 Water /Liquid 82608 0.056 1.0 ug /L 100 100 HBV11 (1) 100 HRL93 trans -1,3- Dichloropropene 10061 -02 -6 Water /Liquid 82608 0.14 1.0 ug /L Trichloroethene 79 -01 -6 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.18 1.0 ug /L 5 5 HRLMCL 5 HRL09 Trichlorofluoromethane 75 -69 -4 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.29 1.0 ug /L 2000 HRL93 2000 HRL93 Vinyl chloride 75 -01 -4 Water /Liquid 8260B 0.21 1.0 ug /L 2 0.2 HRL08 (1) 0.2 HRL09 Diesel Range Organics Diesel Range Organics (C10 -C28) DRO Water /Liquid WI DRO 20 100 ug /L 200 HBV99 (11) Notes: EPA MCLs (2) 1998 Final Rule for Disinfectants and Disinfection By- products: The total for trihalomethanes is 0.08 mg /L. (6) Under review. (7) Copper action level at 1.3 mg /L, Lead action level at 0.015 mg /L TT Treatment technique. MN GW Values Table (1) Value is representative of the lowest exposure duration published in the Minnesota Department of Health Groundwater Values Table. MPCA DW /GW Summary Table (2) While a HRL was promulgated for this chemical, due to research that has become available since the HRLs were promulgated, the MDH no longer recommends the HRL value. (3) Consult with MDH. (4) THM (Total Halo Methanes) total for all THMs combined can not exceed 80 ug /L. 1998 Final Rule for Disinfectants and Disinfectant By- Products. (11) TPH value is based on pyrene as a surrogate (MDH memo 10/8/99). \barr.com \projects \Mpls\23 MN \19\23191101 Dakota Aggregates UMA Permitt\WorkFiles \GW Monitoring Plan \Tables \Table 3 SAP_Legend 6- 18- 12_criteria DRAFT.xls 3 of 3 Table 4 Sample Preservation and Holding Times Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan UMore Mining Area Rosemount, Minnesota Parameter Preservative /Container Type EPA Recommended Volume Holding Time Water Metals HNO to pH <2; 6 months Cool to 6 °C, plastic (250 ml) Mercury 28 days Cool to 6 °C, VOCs HCI to pH <2, glass (set of 3 -40 ml 14 days vials) Total Phosphorus (Total Kjeldahl Nitrogen and H to pH <2; 28 days Nitrate Nitrite as N, if Cool to 6 °C, plastic (250 ml) needed) CI, SO 28 days; Chloride, Sulfate, Nitrate Cool to 6 °C, plastic (60 ml) NO NO as N 48 Nitrite as N hours Bicarbonate Alkalinity as Cool to 6 °C, plastic (1000 ml) Bicarb. AIk.= 14 days; CaCO TDS TDS 7 days Cool to 6 °C, HCI to pH <2, glass (1- 7 days to extraction; DRO Silica Gel liter amber) 47 days collection to analysis Pesticides Cool to 6 °C, glass (1- liter) 7 days to extraction; 40 days to analysis \barr.com \projects \Mpls \23 MN \19\23191101 Dakota Aggregates UMA Permitti \WorkFiles \GW Monitoring Plan \Tables \Table 4 .doc 1 i .1 11;, 1 t E t rya.':. I• 52 `\r titi w 111 v T., 1 t t r r v JAI!! h r Q Y m 1 d V` 'VI V1�" cr TIM Cl! E w 2 i d O 3 a 1 f E 52 7 o' y U r LL r PROJECT LOCATION o F. a r 1 s f r 1 0 r I T lam\ L 1 9 s Dakota Co. j .12 erm il liuft River J LL I. I 1 1 Ancillary Use Facility Boundary Figure 1 UMore Mining Area (UMA) M UMore Park Boundary SITE LOCATION Q Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan UMore Mining Area 0 3,000 6,000 12,000 Rosemount, MN Feet Source. MnDOT, MN DNR, Dakota County, Barr, SEH, HKGi. USGS topographic map background downloaded from the U.S. BARR Department of Agriculture, Natural Resources Conservation Service. If t W i 1 i V i ,'250C bt It 4 P% x 'i w t 4 R r ,C1 IP t t. d 4 y a 4 ti 4r,—,'.9? *LIPPr-. gr 1 ---1— y 9' i.....,"..„ r r eN I F I 1�.+ f f t 1 r ya 1 i i 1 nt a j 1 l 1� 1 i. 1 1 jl j .(x i j I� I 1 ._._•_._.I 1 1 1 j �e j l H t f,:.. J 1. J� Imagery 1945 Markhurd eel.. photos ootalned from Aero -Metnc Inc. O UMore Mining Area (UMA) Q UMore Park Boundary J Site of Concern (SOC) Boundary Figure 2 L I A ncillary Use Facility Boundary SITE MAP LOC N SOC &ATIONS SOC1 Former Railroad "Y" Hydrogeolog AUF S tudy and SOC2 Forestry ResearchlFormer GOW Storage Water Monitoring Plan SOC3 Ag. EngineeringlK Street Dump 0 450 900 1,800 UMore Mining Area SOC4 DNT Platform and DA1 Rosemount, MN S005 Central Former Services /Former DNT AOC Bunkers 3 (AOC 5) SOC8 Undet. Use Area Feet SOC7 Susp. Disposal Area BARB Source: Dakota County. Barr, James R. Hill, HKGI Birch St W b•,. C•:ri ge)Last C' 142nd Aie V. r F, C B =_e -'I St Ni G 145th S' vi 131, 1 2 2 MINING BUFFER ROSEMOT DRY MING PHASE 2 ACres B74 ACres 91]ACrez 8'2 PCaz Z ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT DRY MINING r p YYY DRY MINING PHASE d ROSEMOUNT DRY MINING r PHASE PHASE I 3 ROSEMOUNT SUB PHASE 45 SUB PHASE 4A ASE JA 0 L SUB PHASE 3B DRY MINING PHASE 6 S08 PHASE SA 1192 ACres 1219 Afros B94 Afros 15 68 Acres ROSEMOUNT 1322 ACres S DRY MINING SUB PHASE 6A 'w PHASE ROSEMOUNT DRY. MINING 0 25]ACrez PHASE8 ROSEM PHASE RI MINING 4 d Y'k r. SJB PHASE 7A SUB PHASE BA SUB PHA 88 5 E BC yy Y P-,,0 33G ACres SUB 'RASE 58 1S 82ACras 14 ]GAre5 4 e, .N 9 J t. 7 LB -P SEIIB f 4, PHASE 7B S' B- SE BB n 5 3 3d2 c ras 1 ROSEMOUNT DRY MINING 2 PHASE 9 I •1 r 3 2 •7 1000Acres cres s .s .,e B- ASE ROSEMOUNT DRY MININ T. `y1 PHASE 10 AsE I0D i B SE I, a fa IS f,,'1',::7'„,, 1A s k. R i ROSEMOUNT 1] 4 t 3 'i DRYIWET MINING 0,68 PH M. a PHASE 5 5AA(WETi 0 24. 89 Acrd, 1 ,x s., N Y x' f i 1 *LOCATION OF AGGREGATE a PLANT B ANCILLARY 't PHA SUB -PH ASE I SUB PHASE 2` FACIL ITIES'j' nix B DRY) 381DRY1 '�B PI ASF A 0 PHASE SUB PHASE 2BIDRY) 1 2 363B0/001-1 3B B(WET) SUB PHASE GAL 631 ACres 1038ACres 280(WETI ^+y-'� t 1]90 Acres N ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNi ROSEMOUN ue DRVIWET MINING ROSEMOUNT o PHASE d DRYNYET MINING DRY/WET MINING DRYNJET MINING O PHASE 3 PHASE 2 PHASE 1 SUB PHASE SUB PHASE SUB PHASE SUB PHASE DA Rv SUB PHASE SUB )a AIDRTI �Yg ra 1 SUB PHASE S B ASE 'vjt ET wET) s o s as ssl ACr•E jy.� wET 760th St r. L V. 1 0 t i t.! R C'. e R A J f 0 1 ft. f. t .s.. Press (Twin Cities Figure 3 8 UMore Mining Area (UMA) UMore Park Boundary OVE OF MINING ACTIVITIES 7 Underwater Mining Area N N HWater Monitoring Study and Water onitoring Plan UMore Mining Area 0 450 900 1,800 Rosemount, MN Feet BARR i 0 t r�k'1400. St W .S 1. P W_' Ill Q` s x 0"'s a 140h1 f 5 t C. Y r e• X a r r �o r f Y g ch st v v r, d s r t J A u 9ust 7 WaY n 1 rk f r pp r r f G r f &m li.ty /'rry lr� -'Y cf7 r a F C. 'r, 1 f lash sl w�- nstn St e r. ycs' 0 �e 4 B „ay e ,Vag .r y ve, ..0 t, 4, 4"f 'ii ;2`.p: ;.4... "r b kk I `vv. 'a t y f. '",vt !y1 '�£t Cw 0 0208400 II r r t't 00207816 t gy m' -MW -B1 -001 .°2 BOulder 0010 20761 s 1 5# '11/).A, a s f:� elf 8 "A yfi •i,� 1. y a I I CEl'JIIU m m t' PW t 202 Et r UE -E2- 208402 ,,1 00207607 y F Or 2D7f 71fi,! ,p x 4f n.ntiK g a y }:tip» m i r xf 4 aL r� f 8 Q UMore Mining Area (UMA) Figure 4 Q UMore Park Boundary UMore Mining Area (UMA) 300' Buffer N ...am!. Wells (County Well Index) Water Monitoring Plan Water well UMore Mining Area 0 500 1000 2,000 Rosemount, MN Feel Source. Dakota County, Barr, James R. Hill, MKGi. Well data is from the Dakota County Well and Water Management System (WELLMAN), MN County Well BARB Index, and trnn Bar. c.-l. 13, h st v./ L, 4"cgiii i -42 tiftra- 92 7.,?' r i- "":7;. l /1, a, ..--*IkstaM .....r......w. 1 1 4 'V F i- E O ,t O 1 I i. i° 'ft L t• 4 11. i I ,e- ..:1 ..erz„.! .1 O ---ar i6Olh'St V k li A i i• 1 f'*. .0 iiiiit+ '11 .1, f III r, r.', 0, •i- 1 4 t Ic dk I 4!...3.: Imagery: 200Suaenal =1 assail...la C Figure 5 =3 UMore Mining Area (UMA) Distance (ft) =I UMore Park Boundary 011. 14.7 40.0 POST MINING DISTANCE BETWEEN Underwater Mining Area IIII 40.1 60.0 0 OUTWASH AND PRAIRIE DU CHEIN Hydrogeologic Study and Ej 60.1 80.0 Water Monitoring Plan 80.1 100.0 UMore Mining Area Inil 100.1 120.0 0 450 900 1,100 Rosemount, MN Ail 120.1 140.0 Feet 140.1 160.0 IIIII 160.1 180.0 BARR ■NI. 7Th -81° O „,,,,,,,,fli g6 co a .....7 ce E g a J 11 N 0 m. ico s8 =e 6 I m, ger 2 (fAr n ,.Citie I UMore Mining Area (UMA) Figure 6 MI UMore Park Boundary LOCAL BEDROCK TOPOGR 'i Bedrock Contour N a er oni o UMore Mining Area 0 1,500 3,000 Rosemount, MN 1 Feet ER BARR Source: MnDOT, MN DNR, Dakota County, Barr, SEH. moo. a) c c c Z a) Z co c D CC U 1._ a) a) co c J c c c O O a c c N 0 U C a Q 0 0 3 U 4. al iii o 0 0 c =co �caO V Y Y w w O 0_ C a) cn f0 fB 7 7 7 a) Q 'a 'C U) J .J Q Q Q W' O Q C ti Ur C N 1- O a) O .e C LL F- O 9 O 0 cn Q c4 O E o c W p N n o6 O c J O G) 0 CO O Q U` D c N MS C O W o c a Z 73 a) a c cn W a) 06 c.) g c o o 0 E ro co co LL J .0 E U Z v O O 0 C 4J LL 7 O C O C o u_ E v) c a) c 3 3 E a a co O 5 J U) 0_ U) a) O C 4) O U N N a N -a in N c6 co o O C "O N C N O -0 w N N O .a C O c co d 0 C O '3 "a "a CO f`6 N a) .0 C13 cC Q. d N 2 •C a) -0 to To cr y co C t cm O N cC to E O C E E O o O v C .0 N O o E O E E U C -d N C O N O C C_ a D p p c0 LL 1--• "a LL 0 E v0 O W N C V F1 L t a cz G -o c i4. 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SUB -PHASE 6B k I IIIIII 1 SUB H SE 713 1,I r .I, 4 3.82 Acres .46 Acres ROSEMOUNT DRY MINING,. a PHASE 9 :ai 1 SUB- PHASES SUB- PHASEt i I x S UB- PHAS�E19L 25.56 Acres 18:20 Acres !I X99 A crash 1 i SUB- PHASE* i e 5B(DRY) V SUB -PHASE r 5BB(WET) ROSEMOUNT DRY MINING 18.05 Acres PHASE 10 SUB -PHASE 10C 1 9 67 Acres SUB PHASES I SUB-PHASE ED t 22.51 Acres i X41 A. ROSEMOUNT SUB -PHASE 1 R. DRY/WET MINING 5A(DRY) PHASE 5 SUB -PHASE 5AA(WET) 24.89 Acres SUB -PHASE i SU B -PHASE SUB -PHASE SU P H A SE 4B(DRY) y, A 36 (DRY) 2B(DRY) `1B(DR1) e „SUB-PHASE 'SUB -PHASE SUB -PHASE SUB -PHASE 8 4BB(WET) 3BB(WET) 2BB(WET) 1BB(WET) ':16.31 Acres 16.26 Acres 18. Acres 17.90 Acres ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT ROSEMOUNT DRY /WET MINING DRY /WET MINING PHASE 1 PHASE 4 DRY /WET MINING DRY /WET MINING g PHASE 3 PHASE 2 SUB -PHASE SUB -PHASE SUB -PHASE SUB -PHASE c 4A(DRY) 3A(DRY) 2A(DRY) 1A(DRY) 6, SUB PHASE SUB -PHASE SUB -PHASE SUB -PHASE 3,, =d 4AA(WET) 3AA(WET) 2AA(WET) 1AA(WET) '15:48Acres'. 51 15. Acres, 17- 03 Acres 25`32 N r S S 4 m ImaOery 2009 Aerials Expres iin C •s Figure 18 UMore Mining Area (IJMA) UMore Park Boundary O SURFACE WATER MONITORING LOCATIONS Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan Surface Water Sample Location UMore Mining Area f Underwater Mining Area 0 200 400 800 Rosemount, MN Feet