HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the June 13, 2012 Work Session Proceedings ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 13, 2012 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of City Hall at 2875 145t Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Kearney and Weisensel attending. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan was absent. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, City Clerk Domeier, Community Development Director Lindquist, Finance Director May, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler, Interim Police Chief Ericson and Assistant City Administrator Foster. DISCUSSION 2.A. HEALTHEAST AMBULANCE SERVICE Laura Olson, Director of Operations, introduced the HealthEast team. Jeff Groess, Manager of Ambulance Operations, explained how HealthEast dispatches their ambulances and the 911 deployment response times. Keith Wesley, Medical Director, stated his goal was to make sure all the providers have the tools for the mission. Further discussion was held about the interface with DCC and solving the issues with communications. They have met with Diane Lind to work out the interface logistics. HealthEast also provided information how the response times will be improved. 2.B. SENIOR HOUSING UPDATE Community Development Director Lindquist stated we have been working on the senior housing project for a year. She stated that as of late, there has not been much activity other than Jim Trucker has been trying to secure financing. She stated that staff gave him a deadline until the end of May. She stated that Mr. Trucker has asked for an extension. Staff questioned if the city should be looking at other options. The other development groups were still interested in doing the project. Discussion was held about using Ebenezer. Council Member DeBettignies questioned the lease back to Ebenezer. Mr. Trucker explained the fee basis and the obligations on a monthly basis based upon the income. Ms. Linguist explained that it would be a straight management contract. Mr. Trucker stated that on August 18 he turned in a proposal and provided a timeline of moving forward on receiving approvals, meeting with the USDA, investors and working on a concept plan. He explained that he had changes in his team and has spent time looking for new partners. He has nine developers capable of handling the project. He wanted more time to continue working with some developers and requested a six month extension. Council Member Kearney questioned the time spent with the USDA. Mr. Trucker explained that the USDA finances all kinds of projects however they gave Mr. Trucker incorrect information and it cost him a lot of time. City Administrator Johnson explained that prior to the census that Rosemount was considered rural and therefore eligible for certain USDA programs. Mayor Droste was concerned that a six month extension was too long. Mr. Trucker stated that the average timeline for a project was a year and a half to two years before a spade is put in the ground. Council Member Weisensel disagreed and stated that the project could have happened in the proposed timeline because Mr. Trucker submitted a proposal that said it would happen. Council Member Weisensel expressed his frustration with Mr. Trucker not managing the process or having a ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 13, 2012 risk plan. He added that Mr. Trucker's communication plan was not very good. It was a realistic schedule that was backed up by Mr. Trucker's presentation. Council Member Weisensel believed that extending the project another six months would not be in the best interest of the community. Mr. Johnson stated that Mr. Trucker asked staff for a 30 -45 day extension and now is requesting six months. Mr. Trucker stated he talked to other city managers and explained the deal and was told that six months was not a ridiculous request. Mr. Trucker stated he was more concerned to hear that Ms. Lindquist contacted the other development teams. Ms. Lindquist stated that she told Mr. Trucker she was checking with the other teams to see if they were still interested. Council Member Weisensel stated that Ms. Lindquist contacting the other teams was a prime example of risk management. Mr. Johnson stated that he approved Ms. Lindquist making those contacts based upon the options in order to present all of the information to the Council. Mr. Trucker provided information on possibly using Kraus Anderson for the project. He explained that Kraus Anderson did not want to finance Ebenezer. Council Member DeBettignies stated that Mr. Weisensel brought up good arguments. Mayor Droste did not want to wait another five or six months to start a project. Mr. Trucker requested that the City Council have a fair system. Council Member Weisensel stated that additional discussion will need to be held on moving forward. 2.C. PLANNING COMMISSION VACANCY City Administrator Johnsons explained the options for filling the vacancy as provided in the staff report. The City Council directed City Clerk Domeier to contact the applicants that were interested in serving on the Planning Commission to see if there was still interest. When the list has been compiled and sent to the City Council, the City Council will email their choice to Ms. Domeier. 2.D. FRONT DESK RECEPTION City Administrator Johnson provided a summary of the staff report. Mayor Droste stated that with the new website residents will look to the website for information. Council Member Weisensel preferred to move toward option 3. Discussion was held about phone calls, coverage, work duties and administration work. Mr. Johnson stated that staff will continue to use the phone tree and provide an update on the system at the next work session. CONTINUATION OF 2 .B. SENIOR CENTER DISCUSSION Further discussion was held about the Senior Housing item. Council Member Kearney suggested that the interested parties have a commitment letter or a letter of understanding with equipment investors. Ms. Lindquist will contact the other parties and noted that Stonebridge and Mr. Frisbee have their own equity partners in place. The City Council requested that Mr. Trucker and any other interested parties provide a letter of commitment from a lender by July 10. 2.E. 2013 BUDGET DISCUSSION City Administrator Johnson provided an overview on the budget by summarizing the information in staff report. He explained that the proposed budget did not include revenue from player fees. He stated that staff made the assumption that we would not count on the revenue based upon the deferment of fees the past two years. He questioned if the City Council wanted to reconsider the use of fertilizer and herbicides in the parks. He explained that two years ago the use of the ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 13, 2012 chemicals was cut out of the budget. He shared pictures of the parks where the service was cut. The City Council preferred to put the money for fertilizer and herbicides in the proposed 2013 budget. Discussion was held about the wages of firefighters and concerns about the level of staffing. Council Member Weisensel stated he received an email from a firefighter stating that if the pension level was reduced many would retire. Discussion was held about the pension amount noting a clear message should be sent that the City Council was not looking to reduce the benefit level. Further debate was held about paying the firefighters hourly. Council Member Kearney questioned the dispatch services percentage increase. Mr. Johnson explained that the DCC was not raising Rosemount's assessment. He explained more about an credit adjustment made three years ago is now expiring. Mr. Johnson planned to bring the budget back to the City Council in August. He stated the fiscal disparities should be known by August. UPDATES 3.A. PARK AND RIDE SCHEDULE Community Development Director Lindquist provided an update on the proposed deadline. It was anticipated that the land lease would be signed this week and forwarded to MnDOT. She provided further information about the Met Council possibly requiring a restriction on the property for 20 years. 3.B. AUDIO - VISUAL IMPROVEMENTS FOR CONFERENCE ROOM AND COUNCIL CHAMBERS City Administrator Johnson summarized the information in the staff report. The City Council supported moving forward with improvements in the conference room and Council Chambers. They City Council also supported fast tracking the addition of air conditioning at the Steeple Center. 3.C. RAAC AGREEMENT Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided an update on the RAAC Agreement. The Agreement will include allowing RAAC access to the Steeple Center for the "front porch" activities along with partnerships on programming, activities, advertisements and brochures. More information will be provided to the City Council at the July work session. 3.D. HIPP UPDATE City Administrator Johnson stated that a press release was recently sent out about the new HiPP initiatives. 3.E. UPDATES FROM CITY COUNCIL /STAFF City Administrator Johnson provided an update on a letter received from RAAA. He also requested feedback on continuing the State Auditor's Performance Management Program and the new requirements of the program. He explained that the data required will require more staff time than the previous year. The City Council agreed that performance measurements could be done internally and to not continue the State program. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JUNE 13, 2012 Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided an update on the parking issues at Bloomfield Park. Community Development Director Lindquist stated that Carla Carlson was appointed by the UMore LLC to be the new executive director. Council Member Kearney provided more information about the RAAA letter that was sent. Discussion was held regarding the RAAA letter. Council Member DeBettignies questioned when election signs could be posted. City Clerk Domeier stated that elections signs are allowed beginning on June 29. Mayor Droste provided information on Met Council questions regarding reducing the planned density of the Greystone Plat. The Met Council considers density to be related to affordable housing. Ms. Lindquist provided information on the density levels. Mayor Droste also provided an update on the Spectro Alloy fines. He also provided an update on the foreclosed home located on Azalea Court. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by Weisensel, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 10:37 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk