HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.f. Service Agreement – Rosemount Area Arts Council (RAAC) 4 ROSEN4OUI'4T EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting: August 6, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Service Agreement — Rosemount Area AGENDA SECTION: Arts Council (RAAC) Consent PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. (1, Director ATTACHMENTS: Proposed Service Agreement APPROVED BY: o0J RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the 2012 Service Agreement with the Rosemount Area Arts Council. ISSUE At the City Council Work Sessions on May 9, 2012 and July 17, 2012 the City Council discussed the "Rosemount's Front Porch" proposal that was provided to the City of Rosemount from RAAC. The discussion regarding the proposal was focused on RAAC providing a welcome center in the Gathering Space at the Steeple Center (Rosemount's Front Porch). RAAC would provide a volunteer during week days to act as a pseudo- visitor's bureau, providing local information and directions to visitors and residents about local amenities. In return for the efforts of RAAC's Front Porch services, RAAC would receive rent -free use of the City facilities for RAAC sponsored activities as outlined in the service agreement. Based on the previous discussions regarding the topics mentioned above, the attached service agreement is being provided for the City Council to review and consider approving. SERVICE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND THE ROSEMOUNT AREA ARTS COUNCIL THIS AGREEMENT is made the day of July, 2012 by and between the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City ") and the Rosemount Area Arts Council, a Minnesota Non- Profit 501c3 (hereinafter referred to as "RAAC "); WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, for the past five years RAAC has sponsored or co- sponsored a variety of community arts cultural activities (that have included a Bluegrass Americana Festival, Author Readings, Christmas at the Steeple Center, Film Festival, Photo Contest, Poetry Slam and other art classes); and WHEREAS, the city council of the City has determined that it is in the best interest of the City and its citizens to promote the City and its businesses and to provide arts and cultural opportunities for its residents by entering into an agreement with the RAAC to conduct community arts and cultural activities and to host a Front Porch program to increase access to the Steeple Center and provide local information for visitors and residents in 2012; NOW, THEREFORE, on the basis of the premises and the mutual covenants and agreements hereinafter set forth, it is agreed as follows: 1. The Rosemount Area Arts Council will organize and conduct, in cooperation with the city staff, arts and cultural activities listed in attachment A, and other similar events and activities, which shall be conducted on various dates and in various locations, on dates to be agreed upon by RAAC and the staff from the Parks and Recreation Department, in accordance with practices and standards of other activities conducted in past years. Services shall include the recruitment, selection, training, and managing of such volunteers and independent contractors as are necessary to conduct the RAAC sponsored arts activities, and shall include but not be limited to: a. advertising and promotions including the design, production and distribution of flyers, posters, and the development and installation of signs and banners; and b. securing all necessary governmental permits and seeking approval of other required City action; and 1 c. soliciting financial support from individuals, businesses and organizations including sponsorships of certain events; and 2. RAAC will undertake the work of this agreement as an independent contractor, and the RAAC officers, volunteers, independent contractors, and agents shall not be deemed agents or employees of the City for any purposes including, but not limited to, income tax withholding, workers' compensation and unemployment compensation. 3. The RAAC will maintain liability insurance providing the following coverages: Commercial general liability with personal injury limits of not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence and a general aggregate limitation of not less than $2,000,000. The City of Rosemount will be named as additional insured on all such policies and proof of insurance will be provided to the City. 4. As consideration for the services provided by RAAC, the City will allow RAAC access to recreational facilities owned and operated by the City, at no cost to RAAC. RAAC will need to secure facility use permits and abide by the policies set forth by the City for the use of said facilities. 5. All services and activities conducted by RAAC shall be on a nondiscriminatory basis and in full compliance with all state and federal civil and human rights laws, regulations and rulings. 6. Those possessing current peddlers /solicitors' licenses cannot be part of the RAAC activities unless they have registered with RAAC and have been approved by RAAC's Board of Directors. 7. In consideration of the performance by the RAAC of the foregoing, the City will provide space in the City's Parks and Recreation Brochure for the arts and cultural activities listed in attachment A. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: William Droste, Mayor By: Amy Domeier, City Clerk ROSEMOUNT AREA ARTS COUNIL By: Chairperson B Treasurer 2 Attachment A List of Activities to be coordinated by RAAC: Bluegrass Americana Festival — A RAAC event since 2009, it has been the proud recipient of multiple MRAC grants and showcased a wide assortment of Bluegrass music as well has classical gospel and more American Roots Music for the whole town to enjoy. In addition this event brought in events such as craft shows, square dancing and other forms of activities to create audience participation. Utilizing the amphitheater and Central Park were ideal for its alignment during Leprechaun Days. The Steeple Center will create new avenues for expanding the festival. Author Readings — RAAC has worked through the Robert Trail Library several times a year to honor local authors dedicaed to the art of writing and welcomed in the public to hear the authors speak of their journies. The Steeple Center would be a good space to expand on this idea with writing /author conferences and book fairs. Christmas at the Steeple Center — A well received new event to the Steeple Center, this variety show event was packed full of artists from musicians to dancers utilizing their talents in the name of a favorite time of year. The Steeple Center is the perfect place to call home for the holidays. It is a big event with a "small- town" feel. Photo Contest — Celebrating the photographer in all of us, the Steeple Center has been the perfect place to display entries and discuss the art. The contest focuses on finding the beauty of the Rosemount Area and displaying it to the public. Community Chime Choir — A new event in 2012, it invites the local community to become part a musical group that can come together to learn, practice, then perform to the public for years to come in a setting befitting a choir. Mystery Dinner Theater — An annual event since RAAC's inception, it is an event the public looks forward to every year as way to be entertained, solve a mystery, and enjoy good food and company. Film Festival — Celebrating Minnesota's amateur and finest independent filmmakers, the film festival was the first official event of the Steeple Center in 2008. In the future it could also be utilized in the all times of the year for other feature presentations, art- education and any special showings /contests that require a similar media set -up. Rosemount's Front Porch - The Front Porch Program is a program created to welcome in visitors to Rosemount. The title relates back to a time when neighbors greeted one another from their front porches and thus created a foundation for lasting relationships for years to come. The Rosemount Area Arts Council is volunteering its time during set hours to welcome people whether it be the local community or visitors from afar. The goal would be to give them a tour of the facilities and the proper materials from the city activities, area businesses, and local organizations so they see all the city has to offer. Rosemount's Front Porch will function as a quasi- visitors /convention bureau, local branch of the chamber of commerce and well as the welcoming center. It will be a casual drop -by center and will often feature works of local art to view and /or purchase. It is the hope of this program to make the Steeple Center the hub of the city for events and activities that entertain, educate, create community participation, actively support local businesses, as well has create the foundations for future partnerships among local organizations, city government, schools and businesses.