HomeMy WebLinkAbout38942 - JANUARY 1979 - DECEMBER 1980January 1b, 1979 Regular TARS Report Critical Area Plan Uniform Fire Code and Life Safey Code 208 Plan Section 31 Feasibility Report Street Lighting Brobacks 10th, 11th and 12th Additions Employee Salaries for 1979 and 1980 Mark Robideau Pay Scale Lettering of Well Houses Tree Trust Program Park Study for Carroll's Woods and Schwarz Property Stop Signs in Carrollton Addition Resolution 1979 -2 (CLARIFICATION OF SET BACK REQUIREMENTS IN MARION TERRACE REPLAT 2nd ADDITION IN ROSEMOUNT) February 6, 1979 Special Public Hearing on Proposed Assessment Rolls for Utility, Street Storm Sewer and Street Light Improvement Project 1978 -1 Adoption of Resolution 1979 -3 (ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR UTILITY, STREETS, STORM SEWER AND STREET LIGHT IMPROVEMENTS CARROLLTON ADDITION, AUTHORIZING CERTIFICATION TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR FOR PLACEMENT ON THE TAX ROLLS FOR A PERIOD OF THREE (3) YEARS WITH AN INTEREST RATE OF EIGHT (87) PERCENT ON THE UNPAID BALANCE.) February 6, 1979 Regular Tax Increment Redevelopment Project Reconstruction of County Road 39 County Road 42 Plans Street Lighting Brobacks 10th, llth and 12th Additions Building Permit Application Procedure Resolution 1970 -4 (ESTABLISHING BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROCEDURE). Brauer and Associates Planning Contract for 1979 Remodeling of Ken Rose Center Industrial Revenue Financing Contract Comprehensive Design Study for Holland- Jensen Park C.O. Field Application Payment #4 Dakota County Road and Bridge Apportionments Proposal February 7, 1979 Special Public Hearing Draft Mississippi Critical River Corridor Ordinance February 20, 1979 Regular 1 Valley Oaks Addition Request for P.U.D. Preliminary Plans- Resolution 1979 -6 (GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL FOR VALLEY OAKS ADDITION P,U,D. AND OUTLINING CHANGES TO BE SHOWN IN THE FINAL PLANS). Elderly Housing Project through H.U.D. February 20, 1979 Regular -cont. Revised Mississippi River Critical Area Plan and Mississippi River Corridor Ordinance- Resolution 1979 -7 (APPROVING FINAL DRAFT OF CRITICAL AREA PLAN AND ORDINANCE AND AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION TO METROPOLITAN COUNCIL AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY BOARD FOR REVIEW). Amendment to By -Laws of Rosemount Fire Relief Association Lebanon Hills Regional Park Master Plan Per Capita Levy Limits Grant Amendment Between Metropolitan Council and City of Rosemount Resolution 1979 -8 (REQUESTING FUNDS FROM METROPOLITAN COUNCIL FOR 1978 -79 ENTITLEMENT LAND USE PLANNING ACT). Fire Department New Officers Bob Hughley Full Pledged Fire Department Member Tree Subsidy List Petition from Patrons of MTC Route 46 Tip Board Gambling License from V.F.W. Post #9433 February 27, 1979 Special Report on Per Capita Levy Limit Difficulties March 6, 1979 Regular Harry Sieben Jr. Introduced Custom Pumper for Fire Department Downtown Development Project Resolution 1979 -9 (STATING PRELIMINARY GUIDELINES FOR REDEVELOPMENT WHEN ESTABLISHING A TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT). Orrin Thompson Letter Regarding Birger Property Authorization to Prepare Cost Proposal and Feasibility of Developing Birger Farm Genz Simon Road Study Chippendale Avenue Improvements Tree Subsidy Payments March 20, 1979 Regular Chippendale Avenue Reconstruction Report from TARS Valley Oak Addition Apollo Addition Section 19 Feasibility Cost Study Report Tree Removal Bids for Carroll's Woods Request for Load Restrictions in Mickelson's 2nd Addition Clear Zone Requirements New Water and Sewer Rolls- Resolution 1979 -10 (AMENDING RESOLUTION 1973 -1, SECTION I, SUBSECTION A, B and D). Request for 5 ton Load Restriction on 160th Street- Resolution 1979 -11 (CAUSING WEIGHT LIMIT POSTINGS ON 160th STREET FROM HIGHWAY 3 TO THE WEST BOUNDARY, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT) Park and Rec Committee Vacancy Low Income Subsidized Housing on Cimarron Avenue Tax Increment Financing Gambling License for V.F.W. Post #9433 Renewal of Kennel License to Beverly Markgraf Negotiation Notice from L.E.L.S. for new Police Contract April 3, 1979 Special Public Hearing Consider Rezoning from Hammel, Green and Abrahamson in Section 30 April 13, 1979 Regular Bids for Tree Removal in Carrolls Woods Stop Signs Along Chili Avenue Richman Cook -Labor and Equipment Foreman Front mounted rotary lawn mower for Park and Rec Moratorium of Non- sewered developments in Rosemount 1979 Park improvements projects Bike trail Downtown redevelopment project update New radion system for Maintenance Department D contract for Valley Oak P.U.D. Alley easement request from A.J. McDonough Resolution 1979 -13 (CAUSING A SIMPLE LOT DIVISION) Tracking shelves for cooler at liquor store April 10, 1979 Special Public Hearings Establishing a H.R.A. for downtown redevelopment project Final P.U.D. for Valley Oak Addition Preliminary P.U.D. Resolution 1979- 14(APPROVING THE CONCEPT PLAN FOR APOLLO ADDITION) April 17, 1979 Regular Fiscal policy report by Springsted Development Contract for Valley Oak Addition Brian Development petition Cost estimates for Chippendale and Dodd intersection Resolution 1979 -15 (ESTABLISHING A HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN ROSEMOUNT). Alley easement requested by A.J. McDonough V.F.W. Post 179433 Temporary beer license Dakota County Developmental Learning Center Resolution 1979 -16 (GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND LEASING OF A DEVELOPMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT CENTER UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 447.45 TO 447.50, INCLUSIVE, AND THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE OBLICATION TO FINANCE THE PROJECT) Fire Department Hourly Wages Purchase of Hurst Tool by Fire Department May 1, 1979 Special Public Hearing Rezoning of property at the intersection of Dodd Blvd and Delft Avenue May 1, 1979 Regular Highway 3 Overlay project Ordinance XVII.26 (AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3) Valley Oak Addition Ordinance XVII_27 (AMENDING ORDINANCE XVII.3) Proposed moratorium discussion Estimates for relocation of Dodd and Chippendale intersection Street Lights Broback's 10th, llth and 12th Additions May 1, 1979 Regular -cont. Flood Plain insurance study Field fence at City Hall ballfield Extension for Rosemount's Critical Area Plan New picnic tables Concept plan for development of Carroll's Woods and Schwarz Pond Resolution 1979 -17 (AUTHORIZING DAKOTA DEVELOPMENTAL LEARNING CENTER, INC. TO ACT ON BEHALF OF THE CITY IN THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A DEVELOPMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT CENTER UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 447.45 TO 446.50 INCLUSIVE). Request to hold a surplus sale Craig Fleming resignation May 8, 1979 Special Discussion on Genz -Simon road study, the interim Comprehensive Sewer Plan and set a Public Hearing date for Solberg Construction Mining permit Resolution 1979 -18 (ADOPTING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT INTERIM COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN(May 8, 1979), THE METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL COMMISSION "S RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE METROPOLITAN DISPOSAL SYSTEM (December 1, 1971), AND THE POLLUTION CONTROL AGENTY'S WPC 40 INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS STANDARDS May 14, 1979 Special Public Hearing Final input of Housing and Redevelopment Authority Board May 15, 1979 Regular Bids on new radio system (rejected) Resolution 1979 -19 (CONFIRMING AND APPROVING THE TERMS OF OFFICE FOR COMMISSION] AND APPOINTMENT OF THE CAHIRMAN AND SECRETARY FOR THE CITY OF ROSFM OUNTHOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY) Resolution 1979 -20 (APPROVING THE FINAL DRAFT OF THE ROSEMOUNT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN) Check received from Broback builders for street lights in Broback 10th, 11th and 12th Additions Redevelopment contract for Valley Oaks Final tree subsidy list Building Inspector services for Empire and Coates Receipt of cease and desist order for Public Works Dept. to enter the Union Industrial Revenue note for Spectro Alloys Corporation Resolution 1979 -21 (RECITING A PROPOSAL FOR A COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO THE PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF SAID PROJECT TO THE COMMISSIONER OF SECURLTIES, AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND MATERIALS IN CONNECTION WITH SAID PROJECT). Merging of Forestry Dept. with Park and Rec Bathroom remodeling for City Hall and liquor store May 22, 1979 Special Public Hearing Mining permit application of Solberg Construction Resolution 1979 -22 (PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A MINING PERMIT TO SOLBERG CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. A MINNESOTA CORPORATION) May 22, 1979 Special Equalization hearing, antenna placement on water tower, secretary resignation and replacement, need for ice maker at Liquor store Hiring of M aurya Loftus as Council Secretary Consent Calendar introduced June 5, 1979 Special Public Hearing Proposed moratorium on subdivisions June 5, 1979 Regular Authorize agreement for Building Inspector services for Empire and Coates Valley Oaks Addition re: building permit denial Section 19 Sewer study MinnD.O.T. Resigning program Mechanic Position Surplus sale equipment Ordinance XVII.28 (ESTABLISHING A MORATORIUM ON SUBDIVISION OF LAND IN CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT). Hand Held radios for Police Department Petition from residents of Brobacks 6th, 7th and 8th Additions re: unkept homes and yards Capital improvement plans Wenzel welding bill Resolution 1979 -23 (PROVIDING FOR A SIMPLE LAND DIVISION) Divine Redeemer ambulance subsidy Erickson Park (56 Acres) Community Action Council Advisory Board Forestry and Park and Rec Merged Bathroom remodeling project June 19, 1979 Regular Building Inspector agreement between Empire and Coates MinnD.O.T. resigning program approval Proposal from HGA- approved Overlay of Highway 3 and 145th Street Schwarz property Utility Street improvement project in Carrollton Addition Surplus sale results LacLavon proposal Radios from Air Comm Dakota Homes appeal set hearing date Rosemount Green appeal set hearing date Section 19 report Resolution 1979 -24 (AUTHORIZING JAMES E. STAATS, POLICE CHIEF, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT TO SIGN APPLICATIONS FOR REIMBURSEMENT FROM THE MINNESOTA PEACE OFFICERS TRAINING BOARD) Cenex buffer easement Don Brown, City Weed Inspector Resolution 1979 -25 Cable TV ordinance July 3, 1979 Regular Chippendale Bike trail 1942 Fire Truck Bathroom plans and specs Cable TV Ordinance July 3, 1979 Regular -cont. Street lights for Brobacks 10th, 11th and 12th Additions City requested to take over private road on 150th Street and Fischer Ave. Resolution 1979 -26 (RELINQUISHING ROSEMOUNT'S HOUSING RESPONSIBILITIES TO THE DAKOTA COUNTY HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY) Resolution 1979 -27 (AUTHORIZING THE HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF DAKOTA COUNTY TO ENTER INTO A COOPERATION AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT). H.R.A. Loan for Lamperts yards site New fire truck Carrollton Addition street repair July 17, 1979 Regular HGA petition for street and utilities Authorize bids for seal coating Hiring of Bennie Hotvedt Maintenance /Mechanic Resolution 1979 -28 (RATIFYING AND AFFIRMING REDEVELOPMENT PROJECT) Loan agreement between City of Rosemount and the H.R.A. Vic Wenzel bill Interim. Sewer plan Civil defense Gerald Hoffstrom suspended July 23, 1979 Special Public Hearing South Rose Park replat preliminary plat hearing Carlson's request to rezone Broback's request to rezone in Broback Addition and Broback 6th Addition Ordinance XVII.29 (AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3) Ordinance XVII.30 (AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3) July 24, 1979 Special Public Hearing Dakota Homes appeal July 31, 1979 Special Public Hearing Rosemount Green project appeal August 7, 1979 Regular Mr. M.E. Ramsdell, introduced University of Minnesota veterans program Bathroom remodeling Sanitary sewer line capactiy on Biscayne Rosemount Green Development- approved Carroll's Woods access agreement Part -time Forester from Apple Valley Resolution 1979 -29 (PROVIDING FOR A SIMPLE LAND DIVISION) Rahn's 8th Addition and 9th Addition Black topping bids Utility blade for 1979 Ford pick -up Fire truck Street light on Dahomey Avenue Authorize quotes for 10,000 gallon underground tank unleaded gas Purchase of cash register August 21, 1979 Special Revenue Sharing ideas presented August 21, 1979 Regular Contract with Jerry Hoffstrom Bids received for 10,000 gallon unleaded gas tank Critical Area and Comprehensive Plan update Highway 3 project Public Hearing: Proposed plat of Rahn's 8th addition, proposed plat of Rahn's 9th Addition, Proposed rezoning of Rahn's 8th Addition, proposed rezoning of Rahn's 9th Addition RAHA request for Arena location Cooperative Power Assoc. regarding transmission line location Back taxes on Rahn's 7th Addition and Broback 10th Addition CENTEL Telephone request for alley vacation Alice Anderson's resignation from Planning Commission Metro Waste Control Committion bids for sludge disposal area New fire truck update Maintenance department union vote August 28, 1979 Special Capital Improvement Program discussion Planning Commission Secretary for full time Administrative position discussion Council salary discussion September 4, 1979 Regular South Rose Park Park dedication RAHA Arena proposal Erickson Park development Park dedication for non platted developments Rosemount Green proposal park dedication Bike trail Forestry contract update HGA development feasibility report Developmental Learning Center, Inc. loan agreement Simple lot division in Carrollton Addition Rezoning of Rahn's 8th Addition Planning Commission By -Laws adopted September 11, 1979 Special 1980 Budget discussion September 18, 1979 Special Public Hearing Rich Valley Development Company rezoning request Revenue sharing hearing September 18, 1979 Regular Cenex easement for Critical River Area Resolution 1979 -30 (ACCEPTING THE CRITICAL RIVER BUFFER EASEMENT FROM CENEX) HGA- Resolution 1979 -31 (TO AUTHORIZE APPLICATION TO THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT TO PROCURE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT FUNDS TO PAY FOR THE COSTS OF STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE HAMMEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON PROJECT). RAHA new proposal for arena site Feasibility report for Rahn's 8th Addition Rahn's 8th Addition Fire truck update Forestry Department contract approved Simple lot division Carrollton Addition Police Department Contract Revenue Sharing statement of Assurances Street lights in Brobacks 12th Addition 132nd Court West Petition Rich Valley Development Company Ordinance XVII.31 (AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE XVII.3) Backstop for Kidders Park Authorization to advertise for City Forester position Twin Puddles park development plan Joint cooperation agreement for City of Rosemount and Dakota County HRA Association of Metropolitan Municipalities Ordinance No. II.2 (ESTABLISHING SALARY AND PER DIEM AMOUNTS FOR THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS) Administrative position discussion Feasibility report for Orrin Thompson's development Irving Balto- Auditor for 1979 Audits Resolution 1979 -32 (CONFIRMING DATES FOR THE REGULAR CITY ELECTION AND DECLARING COUNCIL VACANCIES TO BE PLACED ON THE REGULAR CITY ELECTION BALLOT) Sludge storage area at Rosemount treatment plant Jerry Hoffstrom termination hearing report Metro Cable Metro Environment seminar Resolution 1979 -33 (CAUSING ABATEMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSEMENTS ON RAHN'S 7th ADDITION PARK) September 25, 1979 Special Public Hearing CENTEL Telephone alley vacation request Dakota Homes continuation from July 24, 1979 Petition presented from property owners re: CENTEL alley vacation Resolution 1979 -34 (CAUSING VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN ALLEY) Dakota Homes denied Joint cooperation between Dakota County H.R.A. and City of Rosemount September 27, 1979 Special Discuss proposed Community Development Block Grant pre application Resolution 1979 -35 (ADOPTING THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN) September 28, 1979 Special Discuss proposed Community Development Block Grant pre application October 2, 1979 Regular Street lighting Broback 21th Addition Dakota County Developmental Learning Center Resolution 1979 -36 (RELATING TO A $425,000 DEVELOPMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT CENTER REVENUE NOTE; AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 447.45 to 447.50 INCLUSIVE) Development contract for Broco Contracting for Rahn's 8th Addition Plans and specs for Rahn's 8th Addition MickLesons 2nd Addition 132nd Court West sewer problem Police contract Resolution 1979 -37 (CERTIFYING TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR THE 1980 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND TO AUTHORIZE THE NECESSARY SIGNATURES) Resolution 1979 -38 (DESIGNATING THE USE OF REVENUE SHARING FUNDS) Request from Don Brown to advertise for plans and specs for a tandem truck Petition presented for Chippendale Avenue Divine Redeemer Ambulance Service update Emergency energy referral plan Administrative position discussion CES card counter agreement October 9, 1979 Special Review plans and specs for Rahn's 8th Addition improvements, authorize ad for bids and authorize signatures on the final plat. Feasibility study cost for Chippendale Avenue and 132nd Court West Resolution 1979 -39 (APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECS FOR RAHN`S 8th ADDITION, AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS AND ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENTS) Feasibility cost study for County Road 42 and 160th Street October 16, 1979 Special Simple Lot Division in Carrollton Addition Resolution 1979 -40 (CAUSING VACATION OF A PORTION OF A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT) Resolution 1979 -41 (PROVIDING FOR A SIMPLE LOT DIVISION) October 16, 1979 Regular Set Public Hearing for HGA rezoning request Set Public Hearing for A G Auto and Tourdot rezoning request Set PUD Hearing for Chippendale Condominiums Rich Valley Development Company Resolution 1979 -42 (AMENDING RESOLUTION 1978- 24'SECTI0N 1, SUBSECTIONS I P) Development contract between Broco Contracting and City of Rosemount Final plat approval for Rahn's 8th Addition Police Contract Forestry Position Carroll's Woods Tree Removal 132nd Court West Interim Sewer Plan Street Lights Proposed in Broback's 10th, 11th 12th Additions RAHA Snow Removal Request Authorization to Advertise for New Squad Cars Authorization to advertise for new Patrolman position Vacation extension request by Police Department Request from Fire Department to insulate and Panel Fire Hall "Outlot B" Broback Industrial Park October 16, 1979 Regular Cont. Mileage Reimbursement Raise Fire Rating R Administrative Position Discussion Levy Limits Developmental Learning Center update Holiday Schedule Resolution 1979 -43 (REAFFIRMING PRECINCT POLLING PLACES, APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES AND SETTING COMPENSATION FOR ELECTION JUDGES) Dictaphone Machine System October 23, 1979 Special Bids for Rahn's 8th Addition Ordinance No. XVII.32 (AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3) Ordinance No. XVII.33 (AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3) South Rose Park Addition Replat Chippendale Avenue Study Review Resolution 1979 -44 (PETITIONING THE DAKOTA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO CHIPPENDALE AVENUE FROM L50th STREET TO 160th STREET) Ordinance No. XVII.34 (AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE XVII.3) 132nd Court West Sewer Problem Job Description for Planning Director Dean Johnson appointed Planning Director CETA Position November 6, 1979 Regular Police Contract Valley Oak Addition Improvements South Rose Park Development Contract Job Description for City Forester Ordinance No. XVI.7 (THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ESTABLISHING A SHADE TREE PROGRAM, PROVIDING REGULATION FOR THE CONTROL OF CERTAIN DISEASED AFFECTING TREES, INCORPORATING AGENCY RULES AND REGULATIONS AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF) Resolution 1979 -45 (AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF THE 1980 SHADE TREE PROGRAM APPLICATION) Snow Blade for Pick -up Snowmobile Trail through Carroll's Woods Election ResuLts Resolution 1979 -46 (DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION AS THEY APPEAR ON THE FACE OF THE ELECTION RETURNS AS MADE BY THE ELECTION JUDGES AND SUBMITTED BY THE CITY CLERK) Cooperation Agreement between Minnesota State Highway Department and the City of Rosemount for Snow Removal Resolution 1979 -47 (IN COOPERATION WITH STATE FOR SNOW REMOVAL ON TRUNK HIGHWAY 3 Restitution Program through D akota County Ordinance No. XVI.15 (PROHIBITING THE SALE, TRANSFER AND POSSESSION OF DRUG RELATED DEVICES) CETA Position Park Improvements NSP News R Resolution 1979 -48 (OPPOSING THE COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PROGRAM CONCEPT FOR DAKOTA COUNTY) Funding for Rahn's 8th Addition Improvements 911 Emergency Phone System November 20, 1979 Special Public Hearings: 1. HG.4 Request for Rezoning 2. A G Auto Body's Rezoning Request 3. Chippendale Condominiums PUD Request Ordinance No. XVII.35 (AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3) Ordinance No. XVII.36 AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3) Resolution 1979 -49 (PROVIDING FOR A SIMPLE LOT DIVISION) November 20, 1979 Regular Maintenance Contract Lan -O -Ken Sewer Study (132nd Ct. W.) Rahn's 8th Addition Resolution 1979 -50 (CREATING A CONSTRUCTION FUND AND PROVIDIN( SHORT TERM FUNDING FOR RAHN'S 8th ADDITION IMPROVEMENTS Barb Toombs and Linda Gottsch appointed to Park and Rec Committee South Rose Park Development Contract Valley Oak Addition Improvements County Road 42 Broback Industrial Park Addition Mobile home Minnesota Presentation Dakota County Sheriff's Agreement for Antenna No Parking Sign on Chili Avenue Speeding along 148th Street West and Dodd Boulevard (Letter from Clifton Sorenson; Police Contract Administrative Position NSP Power Line Distribution in Pine Bend Industrial Area Office Dividers Police Squad Car Bids December 4, 1979 Regular South Rose Park Development Contract Spectro Alloys No Parking Signs on Chili Avenue Resolution 1979 -51 (ESTABLISHING NO PARKING ZONES ON CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT) Rich Valley Development Company- Resolution 1979 -52 (PROVIDING FOR A DEVEIOPER'S CONTRACT BETWEEN RICH VALLEY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AND THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT) LMCR APPLICATION Resolution 1979- 325(AUTHORIZING FILING OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT TO DEVELOP OPEND SPACE UNDER THE PROVISION OF THE FEDERAL LAND AND WATER CONSER- VATION FUND ACT AND THE STATE OF MINNESOTA) Hiring of Peter Hanson as City Forester Specifications for Tandem Axel Dump Truck Maintenance Dept. Mobile home Minnesota Feasibility Study Arcon Construction Company bill MTC 1980 Passenger Waiting Shelters Neighborhood Problem on 148th Street Unemployment Benifits paid to Jerry Hoffstrom December 11, 1979 Special Maintenance Contract December 18, 1979 Regular Resolution 1979 -54 (PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE NOTES PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 474, MINNESOTA STATUTES, TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO BE LOANED TO SPECTRO ALLOYS CORPORATION FOR AN INDUSTRIAL PROJECT) December 18, 1979 Regular Lan -O -Ken Study Arcon Construction Company Bill Development Contract Mobilehome Minnesota LELS Summons Henry Fox terminated from Planning Commission Comprehensive Plan Street Improvements Easement encroachment, Lot 8, Block 1, Broback 4th Addition Ordinance No. II.4 (REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. 11.2) Resolution 1979 -55 (SUPPORTING THE RECONSTRUCTION OF COUNTY ROAD 42) Office Dividers Payroll Change Proposal Peace Officer update Suburban Police Recruitment Program 1980 Salaries Fire Department Pay Rate January 2, 1980 Regular Oath of Office to Council Members Easement Encroachment Arcon Construction billing LELS Summons Report South Rose Park Development Contract Park Dedication for South Rose Park Bids received on Tandem Axel Dump Truck Maint. Dept. Bike Trail Recommendation Turnback of County Roads to the City Jerry Hoffstrom's unemployment eligibility decision Resolution 1980 -1 (REQUESTING THE DAKOTA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT H.R.A. AND THE DAKOTA COUNTY H.R.A. FOR A COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT) Easement vacation request from Spectro Alloys Committee and Commission appointments Resolution 1980 -2 (NAMING DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY FUNDS) Dakota County Tribune appointed official newspaper Appointment of City and Assistant Weed Inspector Chippendale Avenue feasibility study January 15, 1980 Special Public Hearings: 1. Broback I -Park Improvements 2. Easement vacation Lot 8, Block 1, Broback 4th Addition January 15, 1980 Regular Broback Industrial Park Improvements Easement vacation request Superior Ford request to withdraw their bid for tandem axel truck Set bond sale date for Rahn's 8th Addition Improvements and South Rose Park Refinancing Resolution 1980 -3 (PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC SALE OF $230,000 GENERAL OBLICATION IMPRO- VEMENT BONDS OF 1980, SERIES A) Critical Area Plan Bike Trail Maintenance Contract James O'Leary hired as Peace Officer Minnesota Government Data Practices Act Resolution 1980 -4 (APPOINTING A RESPONSIBI AUTHORITY AND ASSIGNING DUTIES PURSUANT TO THE MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICE ACT) January 15, 1980 Regular cont. Resolution 1980 -5 (AUTHORIZING SYSTEM) Metro Cable Kathy Reineke HUD Community LELS proceedings League of Minnesota MWCC 201 Meeting resignation Development Cities February 5, 1980 Special Public Hearings: 1. Community Development Funding 2. Spectro Alloys Easement vacation request February 5, 1980 Regular Resolution 1980 -6 (CAUSING VACATION OF A UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT) Mobilehome Minnesota feasibility study Valley Oak Addition feasibility study Bike trail Slope easement for County Road 42 construction Broback Industrial Park Street Improvements Erickson Park Master Plan Change Order #1 Rahn's 8th Addition Tanker Truck Fire Department Maintenance Constrct RAHA Meeting Rosemount demolition dump increases Resolution 1980 -7 (ESTABLISHING RATES FOR THE ROSEMOUNT DEMOLITION DUMP) Campital Improvement Program County Road 42 Construction Project Resolution from Apple Valley Final account balances 201 Facilities Meeting Sharing of Equipment between communities- Mendota Heights letter Steve Toombs appointed to Planning Commission Divine Redeemer Hospital Meeting County Road 42 Construction Project February 7, 1980 Special Capital Improvement Program February 12, 1980 Special Public Hearings: 1. Amendment to Subd. Ordinance XVII.37 Review T Truck Specs 2. Community Development Block Grant Resolution 1980- 8(AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF THE FULL APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUND: 3. Critical Area Plan Resolution 1980 -9 (ADOPTING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CRITICAL AREA PLAN) Ordinance No. XVII.38 (AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE XVII.3) Ordinance No. XVII.39 (AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE XVII.3) Rosemount Comprehensive Plan discussion February 19, 1980 Special Review Lan -O -Ken Addition Study PARTICIPATION IN THE SUBURBAN POLICE RECRUITMENT from Planning Commission Block Grant application February 19, 1980 Regular Bonds for re- financing of South Rose Park and Rahn's 8th Addition Broback Industrial Park Improvements Feasibility report for Chippendale Mobilehome Minnesota feasibility report Maintenance Contract Plans and specs for tanker truck -fire department Final budget balances Capital Improvement fund Public Hearing: Metro Cable Inc. Fire contract Police contract Park and Rec Director- Spring professional development workshop Wage increases for liquor store part -time Water hook -up resolution Wilroy Company option Forestry Director wage increase Eldore Lillo appointed to P ark and Rec Committee County Road 42 easement RAHA meeting HRA Funding Natural Disasters conference March 4, 1980 Regular Mobilehome Minnesota feasibility report Chippendale Avenue feasibility report Lan -O -Ken Addition Bike trail Erickson Park Comprehensive Plan Maintenance Contract Street and sign inventory Street sign changes Resolution 1980 -10 (REQUESTING THE STATE OF MINNESOTA ACCOMPLISH THE NECESSARY STUDIES TO ESTABLISH SPEED LIMITS ON CERTAIN ROADS WITHIN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNI Divine Redeemer certificate of need Street light request for Simon's Addition Tree inspector fo summer of 1980 Simple lot division South Rose Park Resolution 1980 -11 (PROVIDING FOR A SIMPLE LAND DIVISION) Street light at intersection of hwy 55 and County Road 38 Terry Duffy's resignation from Park and Rec Committee Equipment sharing request from Mendota Heights Offer from Madsen and Sons to purchase Rosemount demolition ladfill March 18, 1980 Special Public Hearing: Metro Cable Franchise Ordinance March 18, 1980 Regular Valley Oak Addition update Chippendale Avenue feasibility Resolution 1980 -12 (.ACCEPTING THE FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR CHIPPENDALE AVENUE WEST, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT IMPROVEMENT 1980 -2 AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR CITY OF ROSEMOUNT IMPROVEMENT 1980 -2) March 18, 1980 Regular Lan -O -Ken Addition Rich Valley Development Company Resolution 1980 -13 (AMENDING CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1979 -52) Minn.DOT letter referring to Hwy. 3 Street lights Resolution 1980 -14 (SETTING OUT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET LIGHT FIXTURES AND POLES) Fire Contract Comprehensive Plan Erickson Park Bids received for tanker truck Fire Department Valley Oak Addition Road Restrictions Municipal Industrial Bonding Connection and hook -up charges Emergency Medical Services Resolution 1980 -15 (URGING DAKOTA COUNTY TO IMPLEMENT EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES) April 1, 1980 Regular Comprehensive Plan Street light for Simon's Addition Erickson Park Valley Oak Addition Resolution 1980 -16 (ACCEPTING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VALLEY OAK ADDITION IMPROVEMENTS, AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS AND SETTING BID OPEING FOR 2:00 P.M. MAY 2, 1980) Dakota County Dispatching Agreement Lan -O -Ken Addition Motion wording Reconsider street light at intersection of Hwy 55 and County Road 38 Informal quotes for traffic control devices Police Contract Maintenance Contract Park Grant Application Priorities Change of office hours Raod restrictions 201 Facilities plan Fiscal review HRA transfer $400.00 V.F.W. tipboard gambling license renewal April 15, 1980 Special Public Hearings: 1. Valley Oak Addition Improvements 2. Revenue Bonding for McMenomy project Resolution 1980 -17 (GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF SAID PROJECT TO THE COMMISSIONER OF SECURITIE AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND MATERIALS IN CONNECTION WITH SAID PROJECT) April 15, 1980 Regular Insurance presentation Valley Oak Addition Improvements Resolution 1980 -20 (AMENDING RESOLUTION 1980 -16) Minnesota Statutes Chapter 474 Authorization April 15, 1980 Regular cont. David Grannis appointed bond counsel Comprehensive plan deadline extension Resolution 1980 -18 (REQUESTING AN EXTENSION OF THE PLAN SUBMITTAL DEADLINE ESTABLISHED UNDER THE METROPOLITAN LAND PLANNING ACT) Bide trail feasibility study Police contract accepted Maintenance contract Grant application for Erickson Park Flood Plain Ordinance amendments Tom Thumb appeal Petition for street lights in Broback 10th Addition Quotes for summer brochure Rosemount Community Tree Management Program presentation Part -time help in Maintenance /Utility department Resolution 1980- 18,19REQUESTING AN EXTENSION OF THE PLAN SUBMITTAL DEADLINE ESTABLISHED UNDER THE METROPOLITAN LAND PLANNING ACT) Administrators for the Rosemount Community Housing Project Community Development Block Grant Fiscal Review update Cooperative Power Line Agreement Drug Paraphernalia Ordinance County Road 42 results of County Board Meeting April 22, 1980 Special Comprehensive Plan distribution Hold Public Hearing on Chippendale Project Set Public Hearing dates for Flood Plain amendments and Tom Thumb appeal and Moratorium ordinance extension May 6, 1980 Regular He]yn Duff Honored Liquor Store Expansion Lan -O -Ken Addition Motion from March 18, 1980 Regular Council Meeting, request to be changed New Owner of Ken Rose Shopping Center and Senior Citizen Discussion Discussion on Cooperative Power Line Association Authorization to purchase Playground Equipment Lutheran Church of Our Savior Acknowledging City's Request for use of vacant fie Street Lights in Simon Addition Erickson Park and St. Joseph's Property Boundaries Access Possibilities to Erickson Park Discussion First Annual Park Improvement Weekend May 17, 1980 Update on Chippendale Condominium PUD Amendment Set Public Hearing for6 /10/80 Chippendale Avenue Improvements Discussion Plans and Specs authorized for Chippendale Avenue Maintenance Contract Accepted Authorization for Park and Rec Director to contact Emmett Carroll and Request a 17 foot easement for Bike Trail to Diamond Path Update on Bill Berg Driveway Request Resolution 1980 -21 (AUTHORIZING THE CLERK'S OFFICE TO PAY A BOUNTY ON POCKET COPHER AND SETTING THE BOUNTY FEE) Bev Markgraf Kennel License Renewal Revised Hook -up Charges and Sewer and Water Core Facility Charges Set Special Meeting for June 10, 1980 May 6, 1980 Regular cont. Set Bond Sale Date for Valley Oak Addition for 5/14/80 Municipal State Aid Funds Presentation Abatement for Outlot C Valley Oak Addition Vermillion Township Comprehensive Plan Presented May 14, 1980 Special Set Bond Sale Date for Valley Oak Improvements Resolution 1980 -22 (PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC SALE OF $880,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1980, SERIES B) May 14, 1980 Special Equalization Hearing by County Officials Outlot C, Valley Oak Addition and Ken Rose Center Abatement Request Approved Don Carroll Request to Remain on Green Acres (Carrollton Addition) May 20, 1980 Special Public Hearing: Flood Plain Ordinance Revisions Tom Thumb Hearing May 20, 1980 Regular Koch Refining Industrial Development Bond Approved Resolution 1980 -23 (CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL TO UNDERTAKE AND FINANCE AN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT POLLUTION CONTROL PROJECT) City Utility Hook -up Charges Discussion Bids for Valley Oak Improvements Carlson Request for Access in South Rose Park- Approved County Road 42 Bid Opening Expanding Assessment Area for Chippendale Project Discusson Senior Citizen Discussion Maintenance Contract Central Telephone Request to place a cable route authorize engineer to draw plans and specs for new sidewalk on cable route Seal Coating specifications Authroize advertisement for bids for seal coating County Para- transit study Resolution 1980 -24 PROVIDING STAFF INVOLVEMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PARATRANSIT PROPOSAL) and include Planning Director's involvement as staff representative Set Special Meeting date to meet with U.S. Home Corporation for 5/29/80 Chippendale Avenue Improvements meeting set for 5/29/80 May 29, 1980 Special Review Orrin Thompson proposed development cart way dedication June 3, 1980 Regular Brief review of Metropolitan Council storm sewer studies Senior Citizen discussion Authorization for rent to be paid for June Senior Citizen Center June 3, 1980 Regular Public Hearing: Moratorium Extension adopt Ordinance No. XVII.40 RENEWING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.28) Revenue Bonding Procedures for Dakota Offices Resolution 1980 -25 (AUTHORIZING THE RECONSTRUCTION OF A PROJECT UNDER MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT AND THE SALE AND ISSUANCE OF THE COMMER- CIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE NOTE TO FINANCE THE PROJECT) Seal coating bids presented Revised development contract for Valley Oak Addition approved Discussion of $380,000 General Obligation Improvement Bond Centel Request and Sidewalk specifications update Flood Plain ordinance adopt Ordinance No. XVII.41 (AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3) Maintenance Contract Effective Date Report on Chippendale Avenue meeting with property owners Board of Review (reconvened) Carrollton Classification denied Green Acres Request for authorization for plans and specs for bike trails Quotes received for reparis to 130th St W Proposed street light locations in South Rose Park Addition Appointment to Para transit committee Rich Valley Development Company requests Fiscal meeting date (change to 6/19/80) County Road 42 update Comprehensive Planning Grant Cost estimates for case under County Road 42 June 10, 1980 Special Two Public Hearings: 1. Chippendale PUD Amendment 2. Koch Refining Bonding June 17, 1980 Regular Resolution 1980 -26 (GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, REFERRING THE PROPOSAL TO THE COMMISSIONER OF SECURITIES FOR APPROVAL, AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENT Bond Sale bids for General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1980, Series B Traffic signs on Chili Avenue Report on St. Joseph's Church boundaries Resolution 1980 -28 IN SUPPORT OF THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL STORM SEWER ASSESS- MENT PROPOSAL STUDY) Chippendale Avenue Improvements final plans and specs accepted Authorize advertisement for bids for Chippendale Project Final plans and specs for sidewalk and curb improvement 1980 -7 Authorization to obtain quotes for sidewalk and curb improvements Notice of approval of City of Rosemount Interim Comprehensive Sewer Plan Steve Strese salary adjustment- approved Bluff, Cross increase request Rosemount Cable TV Commission approval of service area received from So. St. Pau June 19, 1980 Special Director to staff regarding financing of development improvements Resolution 1980 -29 (AMENDING RESOLUTION 1973 -1) July 1, 1980 Regular Eileen McDonough's services to Fire Department Traffic Signs on Chili Avenue Request for stop sign on Canada Avenue Bid opening date for Chippendale Avenue Improvements Establishing speed limit on Pine Bend Trail Resolution 1980 -30 (ESTABLISHING A 50 M.P.H. SPEED LIMIT FROM HWY #55 APPROXIMATE 1.5 MILES SOUTHEASTERLY ON PINE BEND TRAIL) Senior Citizen Center update Revenue Sharing Hearing set for 7/29/80 and Budget Meeting set for 7/29/80 Broback I -Park Valley Oak Vacation of Easements Hearing set 7/29/80 Roadside Mower Richman Cook Salary adjustment Valley Oak Building permit request Parking problems in City Paratransit committee appointment Brush and shrub burning at dump July 15, 1980 Regular Traffic signs on Chili Avenue Petition for traffic sign at intersection of Canada Avenue and 148th Street Resolution 1980 -31 (CAUSING PLACEMENT OF TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AT CERTAIN LOCATIONS ON CANADA AVENUE) MSA Funding update PLans and specs for trail systems- approved Bid opening for trails system 2:00 p.m. 8/1/80 Authorization to purchase lights for Caulfield Park July 17, 1980 Recessed Council Meeting Chippendale Avenue Improvement Assessment Policy Leasing of Park Land denied Solberg Gravel Pit problem Amendment to Joint and Cooperative Agreement Suburban Police Recruitment System Report on EMS Funding meeting Concept PUD and Preliminary Plat Hearing 8/12/80 Bingo License request from William Polta Liquor License request from William Polta Liquor Ordinance Revisions Second Revenue Sharing Hearing set 8/19/80 Resolution 1980 -32 (PROVIDING FOR A SIMPLE LOT DIVISION) Ordinance XVII.42 (AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE N0. XVII.3) Storm Damage to the City and City property update Authorize to obtain the bids for Fire Department roof Idea of emergency power for the City Hall Debris removal update Leprechaun Days festivities Resolution 1980 -33 (REQUESTING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL EXTEND THE REVIEW PERIOD FOR LOCAL INPUT ON THE PROPOSED RULES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR AMENDMENTS TO COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLANS) July 29, 1980 Special Erickson Park Revenue Sharing Funds Leprechaun Days Revenue Sharing Funds Senior Citizens Revenue Sharing Funds Possible New Location Valley Oak Addition Vacation of all Easements Comprehensive Guide Plan Additional $2,000.00 for Amendments U. S. Bureau of Census Number of Housing Units in Rosemount August 5, 1980 Regular Chippendale Avenue Improvement Assessment Policy Bids Rosemount Municipal Liquor Store Addition Bike Trails Low bid Bituminous Consulting Contract Valley Oak Addition Replat Signature Approval Ordinance XVI.16 Sale of Drug Paraphernalia Rosemount Municipal Liquor Store Janitorial Services Resolution to Establish Salary Ranges and Policies for Non -Union Employees Codification of City Ordinances Proposal from Sterling Codifers Insurance Coverage Blue Cross /Blue Shield Broback I -Park Weed Problem Block Party 3200 Block of Lower 150th Street Camfield Circle Block Party 146th Street West at Chippendale Avenue Fire Department New Radio Base Bid to Motorola Debris from Storm Thanks to Don Brown and employees Insurance City Vehicles Broco Contracting Letter of Credit Rahn's 8th Addition August 12, 1980 Special U. S. Home Concept PUD Public Hearing U. S. Home Corporation Preliminary Plat Chippendale Avenue Improvement Project Assessment Policy Chippendale Avenue Improvement Project Low Bid Richard Knutson North Star Property Public Hearing August 19, 1980 Special Revenue Sharing Uses Preliminary Report August 19, 1980 Regular U. S. Home Concept PUD Hearing Adoption U. S. Home Preliminary Plat H Adoption Senior Citizen Center Funding Resolution 1980 -40 $270,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds Bike Trail Location Rich Valley Development Company Extension Renewal of Mining Permit Resolution 1980 -41 Elections Fire Contract Coates League of Minnesota Cities Proposed Building Cable TV Newport Insurance City Vehicles Erickson Park Funding Municipal Liquor Store Repair of Air Conditioner City Brochure Reprinting Low Bid Valley Printing Valley Oak Improvements Payment #k2 Brown and Cris Chippendale Avenue Improvements Valley Oak Contract Change Order September 2, 1980 Regular Resolution 1980 -42 Erickson Park Development Grant Bike Trail Extension Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance Letter Licensing Ordinance Include Installers and Plumbers Fire Contract with Coates Liquor Store Addition Plans and Bids Resolution 1980 -43 Broback I -Park Update on Cleanup Steve Strese Union Eligibility North Star Station Rezoning Ordinance SVII.43 League of Minnesota Cities Cuts in State Aid Temporary Clerk Dean Johnson September 9, 1980 September 9, 1980 Special Assessment Policy for new Sewer and Water Districts Proposed 1981 Budgets September 16, 1980 Special Rahn's 8th Addition Assessments September 16, 1980 Regular Chippendale Project Low Bid Dain Bosworth Liquor Store Addition Financing Bike Trail Estimated Cost Extension and Opening Bids Liquor Ordinance Questions Final Budgets Resolution 1980 -46 New Phone System Purchase Comprehensive Plan September 23, 1980 Special Comprehensive Guide Plan October 7, 1980 Regular Liquor Store Expansion Low Bid Resolution 1980 -48 Bonding Liquor Store Expansion Budget Authorization of Levy Douglas McCrillis's Yard Rat Problem Liquor Ordinance Changes Rich Valley Mining Permit Approval Comprehensive Plan East /West Collector Corridor Valley Oak Replat Rezoning Ordinance XVII.44 Divine Redeemer Ambulance Service Contract Approval Bike Trail Low Bid Minnesota Valley Surfacing Parking Lot Extension at Utility Garage Low Bid Pine Bend Paving Sidewalk Discussion Valley Oak Addition Water Products Company Variance LELS Contract Compensation Time Proposal 1981 Police Squad Cars Open Bids Carroll's Woods Access Plans New Radio Staats Snow Removal on Highway #3 Jointly with State Siren Funding on General Election Ballot Resolution 1980 -50 New Telephone System Low Bid Executone October 7, 1980 Regular Can't. Permit Centel Telephone Company Conduit Linda Hanson Dakota County Tribune Leaving Thanks October 14, 1980 Special Comprehensive Guide Plan Public Hearing October 21, 1980 Special Gillispie /Kriesel Plat and Preliminary Plat Review Public Hearing October 21, 1980 Regular J. E. Parranto Gravel Permit 125th St. and Rich Valley Blvd. MSA Application Resolution 1980 -51 U. S. Home E.A.W. Revisions Resolution 1980 -52 Approving Preliminary Plat Gillispie Kriesel Addition Carroll's Woods Trail Development Signing of Contract Storm of July 15 Follow -up Insurance Claims Valley Oak Addition Utility Problem Comprehensive Guide Plan Approval of Revision LELS Proposal McDonald's Corporation Industrial Revenue Bonding Plan Dean Johnson Acting Clerk November 4, 1980 Regular Meeting Hammerly Fire Engine Company Equipment Not Received November 4, 1980 Regular J. E. Parranto Mining Permit Amending Resolution Koch Refining's Industrial Development Revenue Bond for the Air Pollution Abatement Project U. S. Home Corporation Carrolls North /South Collector Streets Brian Development Lift Station Valley Oak Addition Recommendations on Softball Facilities Purchase of Grapple Fork Low Bid Resolution 1980 -56 Amendment to the Fiscal Year 1981 Dakota County Housing Assistance Plan Chippendale Project Change Order Curb on West Side Purchase of Pick -up for the Maintenance Department Low Bid Wilroy Ford Resignation Eldore Lillo Park and Recreation Committee Expansion of Precinct I Siren Warning System Canvassing of Ballots Resignation of Maurya Loftus Recommendation to Hire Roxann Duffy November 18, 1980 Regular Fire Department Program being Completed by Eileen McDonough University of Minnesota Real Estate Tax Program U. S. Homes EAW Rosemount to Submit Comprehensive Plan to Metro Council North /South Collector between 145th St. and U. S. Homes Development LELS Compensation Time Proposal Rewrite Appendix B Police Squad Car Bids Additional Funds Valley Oak Park Grading Informal Quote Wangren 1 1 November 18, 1980 Regular Cont. Chippendale Special Assessment Agreement with Chippendale 42 Partnership Siren System Delayed Bonding MSA Funding Application Update McMenomy Sheldon Building Memo for City Use December 2, 1980 Regular Gillespie /Kriesel Plat Review Final PUD and Rezoning for U. S. Homes Resolution 1980 -58 Siren System Central Telephone Construction McMenomy Building Rich Valley Blvd. Public Hearing Planning Commission By -Laws Planning and Building New Secretary Forestry Program Grant -In -Aid Application No Parking Signs Greenspan Apartments Fire Department By -Laws Liquor Store Construction Update Joint Development of Schwarz Property December 16, 1980 Speeial Public Hearing on the Amendment to Zoning Ordinance XVII.45 December 16, 1980 Regular Amendment to Ordinance XVII.45 Valley Oak Change Order No. 2 New Position for Maintenance Utilities Departments Wachter and O'Leary Fence Removal Payment Resolution 1980 -59 Joint Powers Agreement Siren System Schwarz Property Development Carrolls Woods Trail Access Plans and Specifications CIP Equipment Fund for 1981 Zoning and Planning Seminar Kenneth Frey Tree Removal Payment Charles Novak Letter Revenue Sharing Program Hazardous Waste Committee Westin Office Closes Christmas Eve and New Years Eve 1:00 p.m. ATTEST: F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Printed this ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 2, 1979 Respectfully submitted, Faye Wollan Council Secretary day of -G -C! 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 16, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held January 16, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. Mayor Knutson led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. MOTION by Jensen that the minutes of the January 2, 1979 Regular Council Meeting be approved as corrected and so be ordered published. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Discussion was held regarding the report from Springsted, Inc., fiscal consultants, relative to the TARS report submitted to the City by the League of Minnesota Cities pertaining to tax increment financing for the downtown redevelopment project as it relates to the proposed issuance of General Obligation Tax Increment Bonds. See Clerk's File 1979 -9. Comments and concerns were directed to Walt Hartman from the League of Minnesota Cities. MOTION by Knutson authorizing the fiscal consultants, Springsted, Inc. to research the debt service applicable to the levy limits as described in Bob Pulscher's letter to the Council dated January 11, 1979. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Discussion was held regarding advancing to the second phase of the project. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 16, 1979 MOTION by Knutson authorizing Phase II of the Downtown Comprehensive Plan from the Technical Assistance and Research Service of the League of Minn- esota Cities in the amount agreed upon by their previous letter of commit- ment with the understanding that the completion of this phase would depend upon a favorable report from Springsted, Inc. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Dean Johnson, City Planner, updated the Council on the Critical Area Plan briefly reviewing maps on existing land use /occupancy and the plan proposal for the area. He stated the submittal date of the plan to the Metropolitan Council and the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board is set for February of this year and requested plan approval by the Council at this time or by the next Regular Council Meeting. Following discussion, Dick Muenich from Brauer Associates updated the Council on the Mississippi River Corridor Ordinance. He stated the attorney has reviewed the first two drafts and the Planning Commission has been reviewing the Ordinance. A third draft is being prepared and Dick requested the Council to consider scheduling a public hearing on the Ordinance at the earliest possible date. MOTION by Jensen setting a Special Meeting of the City Council for February 7, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. to consider the Mississippi River Critical Area Plan and Ordinance. Second by Knutson. MOTION by Knutson to amend the original MOTION to include the approval of discussion with the Environmental Quality Board and Metropolitan Council staff regarding the Plan and the Ordinance that applies to it. Second by Stauffer. Vote on amendment: Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Vote on original MOTION: Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Adoption of the Uniform Fire Code and the Life Safety Code by the City was discussed at this time. Input was heard from the Fire Chief along with his recommendation to adopt the Codes. Comments and concerns were expressed by the Council. See Clerk's File 1979 -10 for Fire Chief's memo dated January 11, 1979. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Ordinance XVIII.3 (AN ORDINANCE ADOPTING A UNIFORM FIRE CODE PRESCRIBING REGULATIONS GOVERNING CONDITIONS HAZARDOUS TO LIFE AND PROPERTY FROM FIRE OR EXPLOSION, AND ESTABLISHING A BUREAU OF FIRE PREVENTION AND PROVIDING OFFICERS THEREFOR AND DEFINING THEIR POWERS AND DUTIES). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Councilman Jensen stated the Fire Department's minutes for the December meeting regarding a motion on newly elected members to the Fire Department was confusing. A separate letter indicating approval on the permanent position will be sent out. Prior to discussion on the 208 Plan, the City Planner introduced Orrin Thompson and Bob Carlson. Mr. Thompson presented an aerial photo of Harry Birger land which they purchased for development of approximately 1,500 units of single and multiple dwellings with a phase plan of 200 to 300 units per year. Following this presentation, the City Planner updated ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 16, 1979 the Council on the 208 Areawide Water Quality Plan stating that the public hearing has been scheduled for January 25, 1979, and requesting Council authorization for him to comment on this Plan at the public hearing. MOTION by Knutson to support the Planner in his presentation to the Metropolitan 208 Plan and his efforts on the City's behalf as it applies to future expansion of the waste facilities and endorse any statements he makes on behalf of the City based on his exper- ience. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The City Planner next reported on a proposed 7 four unit townhouse project in Rosemount which has been recommended for Section 8 funding by the Metropolitan Council. He stated a site plan and rezoning request should be forthcoming from the developer. See Clerk's File 1979 -11. Elderly housing in the downtown redevelop- ment areas was also mentioned. Bob Pulscher from Springsted, Inc. was present to discuss with the Council the Section 31 feasibility report prepared by Short, Elliott d Hendrickson. Considerable discussion followed with input from Norm Hendrickson, City Engineer, and Bill Price, engineer from Suburban Engineering representing Valley Oaks Addition. The Council acknowledged receipt of letter from Broback Builders, Inc. regarding street lights in Broback's 10th, 11th and 12th Additions. See Clerk's File L979 -12. Discussion followed after which the Superintendent of Streets and Utilities was instructed to get together with N. S. P. to determine what type of lighting would be feasible and prepare a layout plan considering all overhead lights possible and bring back recommendations at the next Regular Council Meeting. The Clerk reported that unsuccessful attempts had been made to contact Mr. Feuerstein regarding mobile home request. The Council decided to wait until contact has been made before any action is taken. The Superintendent of Streets and Utilities updated the Council on the Highway 3 improvement project stating the Highway Depart- ment will be further discussing the overlay of Highway 3 with the Council in the next couple months. Considerable discussion was held regarding employee salaries for 1979. MOTION by Ratzlaff recommending increases for 1979 and 1980 as follows: Clerk Sec. Clerk Finance Director Sec. /Typist Recording Sec. Liquor Mgr. Asst. Liquor Mgr. Bartender Sargeant Police Chief Park Maint. Park Rec. Director Supt. Streets Util. Maint. Foreman Maint /Utility Maint. Mechanic Maint. Building Official City Planner Bartender Forester Asst. Forester Crew Chief Tree Injector Part -time Police Part -time forestry: MONTHLY INCREASES 1979 1980 80.00 80.00 63.33 66.25 80.00 80.00 49.50 65.00 29 hr. .29 hr. 80.00 80.00 none .39 hr. 48.00 48.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00 50.00 50.00 90.00 96.00 80.00 80.00 75.00 (after 4 -1 -79) 75.00 50.00 50.00 81.00 39.00 None 72.00 96.00 82.00 130.00 134.00 .35 hr. .35 hr. 50 hr. None assigned 25 hr. None assigned 25 hr. None assigned 20 hr. None assigned 30 hr. None assigned City Forester $6810.57 for 1979 1980 none assigned ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 16, 1979 Assistant forestry crew starting at $2.90 per hour for 1979, none assigned for 1980 Second by Jensen. MOTION by Knutson to amend the original MOTION to include the considerations one thru five on his memo dated January 2, 1979: 1. No cost of living considerations for 1979 or 1980 2. Longevity pay effective 1 -1 -79 a. After 5 years 1% current rate b. After 10 years 2% current rate c. After 15 years 3% current rate 3. One (1) paid personal leave day per year 4. 9 paid holidays per year (instead of 8 as listed on memo) 5. All other policies as established in personnel policy. Second by Ratzlaff. MOTION by Stauffer to amend the original MOTION to raise Secretary Clerk salary to $89.33 for 1979 and $86.25 for 1980. Second by Walsh. Vote on second amendment: Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. ROS N1 U11Y KJ Ltulm, Regular Council Meeting January 16, 1979 Vote on irst amendment: Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaf:. Nays 0. Vote on original MOTION: Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 13 for yearly breakdown. MOTION by Knutson to comply with recommendation from the Police Chief to put Officer Mark Robideau at $1050 pay scale starting January 1, 1979. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -14. MOTION by Knutson to agree to the recommendations from the Utility Commission and the Maintenance Superintendent for the lettering of two well houses and the maintenance building. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -15. Jerry Hoffstrom, City Forester, presented a proposal to the Council concerning a funded "tree trust program" with Hastings. Following discussion, the Forester was instructed to pursue the project and come bar to the Council with initial cost, production cost and mainter ce cost estimates. The Pa and Recreation Director requested Council authorization to cons t with Brauer Associates for the purpose of a park study to esta. 1 a master development plan for Carroll's Woods and Schwarz' )perty. Discussion followed. MOTION by Ratzlaff authorizing the expenditure of $2500 out of the Park Funds Bond Issue Account for the purpose of a park study by Brauer and Associates for the ultimate use of a grant application. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays Jensen. °s 4. Nays 1. Much d on was held regarding the Park and Recreation Committee plan tc lish a special task force on athletic facilities in Rosemou'.. he Director was authorized to proceed with his plans. See Clerk's ile 1979 16 for Director's memo dated January 11, 1979. MOTION by Jensen authorizing location of stop signs in the Carrollton Addition per Police Chief's memo dated January 16, 1979. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -17. MOTION by Knutson that the bills be paid from their respective funds in the amount of: General: $221,397.50 and Liquor: $31,039.29. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 18. MOTION by Stauffer authorizing the transfer of $1540 to the self supporting Recreation Program Account per Park and Recreation Director's memo dated January 11, 1979. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes 6 Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -19. MOTION by Knutson authorizing the encumbrance of funds out of the 1978 Park and Recreation budget for use in the 1979 budget per Director's memo dated January 5, 1979. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -20. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -2 (A RESOLUTION OF CLARIFICATION OF SET BACK REQUIREMENTS IN MARIAN TERRACE REPLAT 2ND ADDITION IN ROSEMOUNT). Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Councilman Ratzlaff reported on the Clean Air Committee meeting he attended on January 10, 1979 in Bloomington. MOTION by Knutson to grant vending machine permits as 1 sted in Clerk's Office memo dated January 16, 1979. Second by Walsh. yes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 197 -21. MOTION by Stauffer granting License to do Business to crampanies listed in Clerk's Office memo dated January 16, 1979. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -22. See Clerk's File 1979 -23 for Police and Animal Warden reports for December. See Clerk's File 1979 -24 for Fire Department's December minutes. See Clerk's File 1979 -25 for Building Department report for December. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous 1, cision this meeting was adjourned at 12:25 a.m. ATTEST: ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 16, 1979 Respec' submitted, z Se lect Faye Wo11an Council S on F. Darling Clerk Treasurer y� Printed this 15 day of ?.Y�19'W�' 1 971. Dakota .uty Tribune. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on February 6, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Ratzlaff absent. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to conduct a Public Hearing on the proposed Assessment Rolls for Utility, Street, Storm Sewer and Street Light Improvement Project 1978 -1 and further to adopt an Assessment Roll for Improvement Project 1978 -1. The Public Hearing was convened at 7:33 p.m. by Mayor Knutson. The City Clerk had in his presense the affidavit of Mailing Notice and the affidavit of Publication of Notice. See Clerk's File 1979 -26 for Public Notice as published and mailed. Councilman Ratzlaff arrived at 7:10 p.m. ATTEST: ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS rJ Special Council Meeting 1 February 6, 1979 Discussion followed with no objections to the proposed assessment roll. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -3 (A RESOLUTION ADOPTING TV' ASSESSMENT ROLL FOR UTILITY, STREETS, STORM SEWER AND STREET TGHT IMPROVEMENTS CARROLLTON ADDITION, AUTHORIZING CERTIFICAT7 TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR FOR PLACEMENT ON THE TAX ROLLS FOR A PERIOD OF THREE (3) YEARS WITH AN INTEREST RATE OF EIGHT (87.) PERCENT ON THE UNPAID BALANCE. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing and Adjourn the Special Council Meeting. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Respectfully submitted, Cf Gf Z C2J 6 1 0,12a# Laurinda Weatherly Acting Council Secretary F. Darling Clerk Treasurer ''L'` Printed this day of/ 1979. Dakota County Tribune. 8 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 6, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held February 6, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. Mayor Knutson led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: Remodeling permit fees for the professional suite in the Ken Rose Shopping Center. C.O. Field Co. payment for garage addition billing. Springsted contract on the I.R. funding. Dakota County park development plan. Tree subsidy payment listing. MOTION by Jensen that the minutes of the January 16, 1979 Regular Council Meeting be approved as printed and so be ordered published. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Glen Uitdenbogerd was present from the Rosemount Fire De artment Relief Association to discuss with the council the amendment of Bylaws. Further discussion was tabled until the next regular meeting. Mr. Gary Winter was present from the League of Minnesota Cities. Mr. Richard Treptow and Mr. Greg Savage were present from Springsted, Inc. to discuss the fiscal feasability of the tax increment redevelopment project as explained in the Springsted letter dated January 31, 1979. Considerable discussion followed. See Clerk's File 1979 -27. Mayor Knutson reported on the 208 hearing held on'January 25, 1979. Mayor Knutson gave a report on the reconstruction of Cot cy Road 39. Discussion was held on the construction of walkways alone, County Road 39 and Chili Avenue along the Carrollton Plat. Discussion was held on the County Road 42 plans presented by Dakota County Highway Department, Letter from Short,Elliot,Hendr'ickson was discussed as they expressed concern regarding some right and left turn lanes along County Road 42. Clerk was instructed to forward copy of SEH letter to the Dakota County Highway Department for their review and comment. See Clerk's File 1979 -28. Don Brown was present to discuss his memo dated Februar; i, 1979 regarding street lighting in Broback 10,11, 12 and Rahn's 7th Add: ions. See Clerk's File 1979 -29. MOTION by Knutson that the City Council agree to the understanding with Mr. Henry Broback as stated in his letter dated January 5, 1979 to accept responsibility of $300 per light for 11 street lights to be installed. Payment of $3,300 can be expected from Broback Builders for street lighting in Broback 10, 11, and 12 Additions according to City street light specifications and that the City accept the payment of $3,300 for lighting on Broback 10, 11, and 12 Additions only. Second by Jensen. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 6, 1979 Don Brown discussed with the council the pencil quotes received on nut and bolt requirements. MOTION by Ratzlaff to award the bid for nuts and bolts to General Industrial Supply in the amount of $523. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The City Council considered the request from the Building Official to adopt building permit application procedure for the City of Rosemount. See Clerk's File 1979 -30. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -4 (A RESOLUTION EST?.BLISHING BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION PROCEDURE). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Discussion followed regarding Brauer Associates ongoing planning contract for 1979. See Clerk's File 1979 -31. MOTION by Jensen to approve the contract with Brauer Associates for the 1979 ongoing planning program and further authorizing the necessary signatures by the Mayor and City Clerk. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Discussion was held with the City Forester and City Clerk regarding proper procedure for bidding. MOTION by Knutson authorizing the City Clerk to advertise for bids for tree removal in Carroll's Woods. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Discussion followed regarding permit fees for the professional suite remodeling in the Ken Rose Center. MOTION by Ratzlaff to waive permit fees for contractors performing the remodeling of the professional suite in the Ken Rose Center. Second by Knutson. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Council discussed the industrial revenue financing contract presented by Springsted, Inc. See Clerk's File 1979 -32. The Clerk was instructed to place the contract on file and to notify Springsted, Inc. that should the City of Rosemount be requested to sponsor such funding the contract would be discussed at that time. Councilman Arnie Jensen discussed the letter received from the consulting engineers retained by Dakota County to prepare a complete comprehensive design study for Holland- Jensen Park. The Council directed that the Park Rec. Director provide input at the next regular council meeting. See Clerk's File 1979 -33. 9 1 0 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 6, 1979 MOTION by Stauffer that the bills be paid from their respective funds in the amount of: General $490,169.56. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -34. MOTION by Jensen authorizing the appropriation of $1,305.75 to the self supporting recreation account per Park Rec. Director's memo dated February 2, 1979. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -35. C.O. Field Application Payment #4 in the amount of $17,492.00 was discussed_ As indicated in architects letter dated February 2, 1979,_they recommend that the retainage be reduced to 57 which would leave a balance unpaid of $4,482.00. Don Brown requested that the Council consider withholding any further payment until the items outlined in the architects letter are completed. See Clerk's File 1979 -36. MOTION by Knutson to set the retainage on the C.O. Field contract on the City Maintenance Garage at $22,154.00. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen, Walsh. Nays Ratzlaff. Ayes 4. Nays 1. A tree subsidy list prepared by the Forestry Department was presented for discussion. It was noted that a payment was requested for an_individual who did not have a Rosemount address. The Clerk was instructed to inform the Forester that any subsidy payment requests should state the location address where the tree was removed from and further to place this list in line for approval at the next regular meeting. Mayor Knutson asked the council to consider City participation in Minnesota City Week which is the week of February 26 March 2. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -5 (A RESOLUTION OF PARTICIPATION IN MINNESOTA CITIES WEEK). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The Mayor reminded the council of the League of Minnesota Cities Annual Legislative Conference to be held March 1 further requesting that the city pay the $16.00 registration fee for any council member wishing to attend. MOTION by Knutson to pay the registration fee of $16.00 for any council member who wishes to attend the Leauge of Minnesota Cities Annual Legislative Conference. Second by Jensen. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson read the letter from the Dakota County Senior Council expressing their gratitude to the City for the use of the Council Chambers for their meetings. Mayor Knutson directed that this letter be placed on file. See Clerk's File 1979 -37. Mayor Knutson reminded the Council of the Special Meeting scheduled for tomorrow, February 7, to discuss the Mississippi Critical River Corridor. MOTION by Jensen to approve the License to do Business, Vending Machine License, and Cigarette License as listed on the Clerk's memos dated February 6, 1979. See Clerk's File 1979 -38. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Abstain Knutson. The Clerk presented a proposal regarding the Dakota County Road and Bridge Apportionments. This proposal would ask for special legis- lation to allow reduction of the Dakota County Levy Limit in an amount equal to all 1978 payments of road and bridge apportionments to cities in Dakota County and increasing the Levy Limit for all cities in Dakota County receiving road and bridge apportionments by an amount equal to the 1978 road and bridge apportionments received by the individual city. MOTION by Knutson to support the road and bridge special legislation as prepared by the Dakota County .Administrators and City Clerks. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:20 p.m. ATTEST: 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS" Regular Council Meeting February 6, 1979 Respectfully submitted, cYIZG(/Lt nf/d 47,00 c Laurinda Weatherly Acting Council Secretary Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Printed this day of M "1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting February 7, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Feting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held February 7, 1979, at 7:30 p.m., in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. Mayor Knutson led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing on the Draft Mississippi Critical River Corridor Ordinance to receive Public Input. Mayor Knutson convened the Public Hearing at 7:40 p.m. The City Clerk had in his presense the affidavit of Mailing and Publication of the Public Notice. Mayor Knutson introduced the Planner Dean Johnson and the Planning Consultant Richard Muenich of Brauer Associates. Mayor Knutson turned the meeting over to the Planner and Consultant at this point to allow them to explain the reason for the Public Hearing and what would be accomplished by the adoption of the Critical River Corridor Ordinance. Mayor Knutson opened the meeting for input. Audience and Council questions were answered by the Planner and Consultant. Mayor Knutson asked Mr. Muenich to highlight the Ordinance Draft for the benefit of those present. Motion by Knutson to close the Hearing and adjourn the Special Council Meeting. Second by Ratzlaff. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decisision this meeting was adjourned at 8:25p.m. ATTEST: F. Clerk- Treasurer Respectfully submitted, OCR e U/1 4 Laurinda Weatherly Acting Council Secretary r Printed this /5 day of l/( $x979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 20, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held February 20, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. Mayor Knutson led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. MOTION by Jensen that the minutes of the February 6, 1979 Special Council Meeting be approved as printed and so be ordered published. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the minutes of the February 6, 1979 Regular Council Meeting be approved as printed and so be ordered published. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen that the minutes of the February 7, 1979 Special Council Meeting be approved as printed and so be ordered published. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Representatives were present representing Valley Oaks Addition to request concept approval for a P. U. D. preliminary plan. Discussion followed regarding oversizing of trunk utilities and assessment policies. See Clerk's File 1979 -39 for Planner's memo dated February 14, 1979 and S. E. H. letter dated February 12, 1979. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -6 (A RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL FOR VALLEY OAKS ADDITION P. U. D. AND OUTLINING CHANGES TO BE SHOWN IN THE FINAL PLANS). Second by Jensen. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Nan McKay was present from the Dakota County Housing and Redevelop- ment Authority to discuss elderly housing for Rosemount through the H. U. D. program. Much discussion followed. No Council action was taken at this time. Dean Johnson, City Planner, was present to request Council approval on the revised Mississippi River Critical Area Plan and Mississippi River Corridor Ordinance and authorize him to submit both documents to the Metropolitan Council and the Environmental Quality Board for formal review. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -7 (A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL DRAFT OF CRITICAL AREA PLAN AND ORDINANCE AND AUTHORIZING SUBMISSION TO METROPOLITAN COUNCIL AND THE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY BOARD FOR REVIEW). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Amendment to the by -laws of the Rosemount Fire Relief Association was discussed. 13 14 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 20, 1979 MOTION by Knutson that the by -laws of the Rosemount Fire Relief Association be changed according to recommendations submitted by the Relief Association. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -40. The Council discussed with the Park and Recreation Director his memo dated February 15, 1979 regarding the Lebanon Hills Regional Park Master Plan. The Director was instructed to keep the Council informed on the progress of the plan. See Clerk's File 1979 -41. Discussion was held regarding the per capita levy limits for the City of Rosemount. See Clerk's File 1979 -42. MOTION by Knutson to set a Special Council Meeting for Tuesday, February 27, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussing assessment policies and levy limits and how they relate to the City's priorities and develop- ment. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Council reviewed the grant agreement amendment between the Metropolitan Council and the City of Rosemount. See Clerk's File 1979 -43. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1979 -8 (A RESOLUTION REQUESTING FUNDS FROM METROPOLITAN COUNCIL FOR 1978 -79 ENTITLEMENT- LAND USE PLANNING ACT). Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen authorizing the Planner to attend the Dakota County Extension Service symposium on Saturday, February 24, 1979 with fees paid and authorize him to take equal compensation time at a later date. Second by Knutson. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -44. The Director of Parks and Recreation was present to request approval from the Council to prepare specs and obtain quotes for a riding lawn mower. See Clerk's File 1979 -45. MOTION by Stauffer authorizing the Director of Parks and Recreation to prepare specifications and obtain quotes on a riding lawn mower. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff approving Building Official's request to attend the fifth annual Energy Conference and Exhibits on February 22 and 23, 1979 at the Radisson South Hotel in Bloomington. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, J Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the Council confirm the election of new officers to the Fire Department: Chief, Ray McNamara, Assistant Chief, Eldon Stauffer, Secretary Treasurer, Kenneth Gist, Fire Marshall, James Staats. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Abstain Stauffer. MOTION by Jensen to accept Bob Hughley as a full pledged Fire Department member. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 20, 1979 MOTION by Knutson that the bills be paid from their respective funds in the amount of: General: $258,812.47 and Liquor: $96,167.90. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -46. The Council discussed the tree subsidy list layed over from the February 6th Regular Council Meeting. MOTION by Jensen to deny request for payments for tree subsidy as listed on Forester's memo. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -47. Joe Walsh, Council liaison for the Forestry Department, was directed to review the subsidy program with the Forester to discuss changes. MOTION by Knutson to set May 22, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the Board of Review Meeting and that the consulting accountant be notified of this action. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Council discussed the petition received from patrons of MTC Route 46 bus regarding complaints and improvements needed in the bus service. MOTION by Stauffer to acknowledge receipt of the petition and have it placed on file in the Clerk's Office. Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -48. Mayor Knutson stated he would follow -up on this by sending a letter to MTC reminding them of Rosernount's assessed contribution for bus service. A truck parking complaint was discussed by the Council. Mayor Knutson stated he would get in touch with the resident concerning the problem. See Clerk's File 1979 -49. The Mayor stated two seminars are scheduled in February and March through the University of Minnesota Dakota County Extension Service in Farmington and any Council member interested could attend. Another meeting has been scheduled on February 28, 1979 at the M. P. C. A, Board Room in Roseville regarding the Clean Air Act and how it affects industrial growth. The Council Secretary was instructed to pass the information onto the Planning Commission to see if anyone would be interested in attending. See Clerk's File 1979 -50. MOTION by Jensen authorizing Mayor Knutson to register as a member of the Minnesota Mayor's Association with the registration fee of $10.00 to be paid. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson reported on the Governor's meeting he attended at the State Capitol on February 13, 1979. See Clerk's File 1979 -51. MOTION by Knutson approving License to do Business to companies listed on Clerk's Office memo dated February 20, 1979. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes 1'. Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -52. MOTION by Stauffer approving Vending Machine Permits and License to Sell Cigarettes to companies listed on Clerk's memo dated February 20, 1979. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -53. MOTION by Ratzlaff to acknowledge receipt of a Tip Board Gambling License application from V.F.W. Post 9433 to be acted on in 30 days. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to concur with Clerk's request authorizing him to hold interviews for part -time help in the Clerk's Office and to submit recom- mendations at the next Regular Council Meeting on March 1, 1979. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -54 for Building Department yearly summary report for 1978. See Clerk's File 1979 -55 for Fire Department report for January. See Clerk's File 1979 -56 for Police and Animal Warden reports for January. See Clerk's File 1979 -57 for Forestry Department report December 16, 1978 through January 14, 1979. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:28 p.m. ATTEST: ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 20, 1979 Respectfully submitted, ZU 6 Faye Wo11an Council Secretary Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Printed this 1 1 day on 1�VA—F-1979. Dakota County Tribune. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held February 27,1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. Mayor Knutson led the group in the Pledge of Alligiance. The purpose of this special meeting was to hear a report from Mr. Robert Pulscher of Springsted, Inc, regarding our Per Capita Levy Limit difficulties, review of our current assessment policy, looking forward to possible changes in the fiscal policy regarding special assessments and to review 1979 budgets with department heads, with the idea of looking for possible spending cuts to assist the City in the budgeting and levying process in 1980. Mr. Pulscher gave the Council an overview of the current Levy problem while suggesting score study requirements to allow a com- plete review of the assessment policy. Financing by Equipment Certificate, levied Capital Improvement Funds and bonding were discussed. NOTION by Knutson to authorize the City Engineer to study all improvements within the City to determine the amount of Core Facility that has been installed, the total cost of the Core Facility and how much of this Core Facility remains to be paid for and further that when the City Engineer has prepared this in- formation he is to transmit the report to Springsted Inc. for their study and recommendations for possible fiscal policy changes. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh Stauffer Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Councilman Jensen left the meeting at 8:28 p.m. The Tax Increment District was discussed with the Council directing the Clerk and City Planner to prepare a draft resolution stating that the City Council is desirous of a Tax Increment Project, however, they do not wish to have the City Levy taxes to support such a development. Discussion followed with individual department heads with regards to their budgets and possible areas of savings within their budgets. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Second by Stauffer. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decesion this Special Meeting was adjourned at 10:04 p.m. )2i7 telt /2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting February 27, 1979 Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer 17 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 6, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held March 6, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. Mayor Knutson led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. MOTION by Jensen that the minutes of the February 20, 1979 Regular Council Meeting be approved as printed and so be ordered published. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer that the minutes of the February 27, 1979 Special Council Meeting be approved as printed and so be ordered published. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. At this point Representative Harry Sieben, Jr. was introduced. Represent- ative Sieben discussed various topics with the Council including per capita levy limits and how they apply to the City of Rosemount. The Council discussed the letter received from Hamerly Custom Productions, Inc. regarding the Custom Pumper they are building for the Fire Department. See Clerk's File 1979 -58. Discussion was held on the Downtown Development Project. The Clerk was instructed to contact Walt Hartman at the League and inform him the City is interested in beginning the next phase of the program. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -9 (A RESOLUTION STATING PRE- LIMINARY GUIDELINES FOR REDEVELOPMENT WHEN ESTABLISHING A TAX INCREMENT DISTRICT). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Discussion was held regarding a letter received from Orrin Thompson relating to the Birger property development. A staff meeting has been scheduled for March 13th to discuss the proposal. See Clerk's File 1979- 59 for letter received from Orrin Thompson Homes. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Short, Elliott Hendrickson to prepare a cost proposal on the feasibility of developing sewer to serve the Birger farm and that this information be available for the meeting on March 13th with Orrin Thompson. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Steve Campbell was present from Short, Elliott Hendrickson with a report on the Genz Simon road study. Discussion was held relating to cost of improving the road and also sewer and water feasibility as it relates to the development of the Birger property. The Council felt that both pro- posals should be considered at the same time. MOTION by Knutson acknowledging receipt of the Genz Simon development report from Short, Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. and that the Council recognizes at this point that sewer alignments will need to be established before the Council can reasonably discuss the report with the residents of the area and that further discussion be layed over until the last meeting in ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 6, 1979 May at which time a public meeting could be set for discussion of the road and ditch improvements in the Genz Simon development as well as sewer alignments as they relate to the Birger property and possible these developments also. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Much discussion was held on the proposal for improvements to Chippendale Avenue (County Road 39) referring to the City Engineer's letter dated February 16, 1979 and the Park and Recreation Director's memo dated February 27, 1979. Following discussion, the Clerk and the Superintendent of Streets and Utilities were instructed to review details and bring back to the Council. Steve Campbell stated a resolution would be prepared regarding no parking on Chippendale. See Clerk's File 1979 -60. The Clerk briefly reported on the Symposium the City Planner attended on February 24th. MOTION by Knutson to set a Public Hearing for April 3, 1979 at 7:15 p.m. for the purpose of rezoning the Hammel Green and Abrahamson property between 145th Street West and Dodd Road from AG to RM. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -61 for Planner's memo to Council dated March 5, 1979. The letter from Senior Housing, Inc. of St. Paul was briefly discussed. See Clerk's File 1979 -62. A letter from the City of Roseau regarding flood plain leg- islation was acknowledged and placed on file. See Clerk's File 1979 -63. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the Director of Parks and Recreation to attend a seminar on April 5th and 6th, 1979, at the Sunwood Inn and Convention Center in St. Cloud and that the fee of $37.00 be paid. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -64. MOTION by Stauffer authorizing the Police Chief to attend the Spring Training Seminar for Police Chiefs on March 28th through March 30th at the Sheraton Inn Northwest in Brooklyn Center and the fee of $60.00 be paid. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -65. MOTION by Jensen that the bills be paid from their respective funds in the amount of: General: $94,515.99. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -66. The Council discussed the tree subsidy payments that were denied at the last meeting with input from Councilman Walsh. See Clerk's File 1979 -67 for City Forester's memo to Council. MOTION by Knutson that the Council reconsider the previous motion made at the Regular Council Meeting on February 20, 1979 and the 19 20 Council will grant the tree subsidy payments to Bill Kailey and Mark Waldof for trees removed in 1978. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays Jensen, Stauffer. Ayes 3. Nays 2. Discussion was then held on the 1979 tree subsidy program budget submitted by the Forestry Department. See Clerk's File 1979 -68. MOTION by Knutson that the Council concur with the recommendations from the City Forester to terminate the 1979 tree subsidy program for private property owners and that $7,000 be left in the budget for removal and disposal of diseased trees from City property; that the budgeted program of $6500 for the establishment of a nursery be removed from the budget and that any diseased trees from the 1978 program that have not been removed in 1978 will not be paid for out of the 1979 budget. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff authorizing the transfer of $296.75 to the self- supporting Recreation Program Account per Park and Recreation Director's memo dated March 5, 1979. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -69. The Council discussed the City Council Leadership and Performance Seminar information received from the Mendota Heights City Administrator. See Clerk's File 1979 -70. MOTION by Knutson to acknowledge receipt regarding the retreat seminar from Mendota Heights and ask the Clerk to notify Orvil Johnson, City Administrator, that the City regrets not being able to attend. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The Mayor reported on the League of Minnesota Municipalities Legislative Conference he attended on March 1, 1979. See Clerk's File 1979 -71 for Mayor's memo to Council dated March 2, 1979. MOTION by Knutson to approve vending machine permit and license to sell cigarettes per Clerk's Office memos dated March 2, 1979. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -72. MOTION by Stauffer granting license to do business to companies listed on Clerk's memo dated March 2, 1979. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -73. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:29 p.m. f' rh I 7 on F. 'Darling Clerk Treasurer (2 L ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 6, 1979 Respectfullysubmitted, Faye Wollan Council Secretary d— c4 Z=.%6 KUJLMUlN1 1.11I enuuncui1NU Regular Council Meeting March 20, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held March 20, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. MOTION by Jensen that the minutes of the March 6, 1979 Regular Council Meeting be approved as corrected and so be ordered published. Second by Rat2laff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Councilman Jensen reported on the meeting held on March 12th with Dakota County regarding the reconstruction of County Road 39 (Chippendale Avenue). See Clerk's File 1979 -74 for Superintendent's memo to Council dated March 16, 1979. Some residents of the area were present to express their concern regarding the proposed sidewalk trail along Chippendale Avenue and how it will effect their property, especially their private fences. The Council reviewed the report received from TARS outlining a schedule of events that must be followed to establish a tax increment redevelopment district, with input from Dean Johnson, City Planner. See Clerk's File 1979 -75. MOTION by Knutson,to set a Public Hearing for April 10, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of hearing and establishing an HRA for the downtown business district in Rosemount. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. A representative for the Valley Oak Addition was present to request the Council to schedule a public hearing for the final P.U.D. plat. See Planner's File 1979 -9 for Dean Johnson's recommendations to Planning Commission dated March 16, 1979. MOTION by Jensen setting a Public Hearing for the Valley Oak Addition final P.U.D. plat for April 10, 1979 at 7:45 p.m. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to hold a Public Hearing for the Apollo Addition for preliminary P.U.D. concept approval immediately following the Valley Oak Addition public hearing on April 10, 1979. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Planner's File 1979 -10 for recommendations from the City Planner. See Clerk's File 1979 -76 for City Planner's memo to Council dated March 20, 1979 regarding both P.U.D.'s. Norm Hendrickson from S.E.H., Inc. reviewed with the Council the 21 22 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 20, 1979 feasibility cost study report for Section 19 authorized by the Council on March 6, 1979. Discussion followed. MOTION by Jensen authorizing the engineering firm, Short, Elliott Hendrickson, Inc., to prepare a feasibility study for Section 19 to the extent that it is covered in S.E.H's report dated March 19, 1979. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -77. The Council reviewed with the City Forester the tree removal bids received for Carroll's Woods. The decision to award the bid was Layed over until the April 3rd Regular Council Meeting pending a written withdrawal from one of the companies. See Clerk's File 1979 -78 for list of bidders. The Council discussed the letter received from Robert Gottsacker requesting the City to post load restrictions on Danbury Way in Mickelson's 2nd Addition. MOTION by Knutson that Mr. Cottsacker be notified that until the streets in Mickelson's Second Addition have been accepted by the City, the City will not assume responsibility for the posting of roads in the Addition. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -79. The letter from Robert Sandeen, Dakota County Highway Engineer, regarding clear zone requirements was acknowledged by the Council and ordered placed on file. See Clerk's File 1979 -80. The Clerk stated Bob Pulscher, City Financial Consultant from Springsted, Inc., is working on new assessment procedures and policies for the City and should have some information available for the next Regular Cour Meeting on April 3, 1979. Some discussion was held regarding non sewered development in Rosemount with input from Dean Johnson, City Planner. See Clerk's File 1979 -81. The Council reviewed new water and sewer rates proposed by the Utility Commission. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1979 -10 (A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 1973 -1, SECTION I, SUBSECTION A, B AND D). Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Councilman Ratzlaff discussed posting a five ton load restriction on 160th Street upon recommendations by the Superintendent of Streets and Utilities. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -11 (A RESOLUTION CAUSING WEIGHT LIMIT POSTINGS ON 160TH STREET FROM HIGHWAY 3 TO THE WEST BOUNDARY, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the bills be paid from their respective funds in the amount of: General: $140,265.45 and Liquor: $32,626,16. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -82. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 20, 1979 MOTION by Ratzlaff to authorize payment to C.O. Field Company in the amount of $8855 as recommended by the City Architect in his letter dated March 19, 1979. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -83. The Mayor stated that he was informed of a vacancy on the Park and Recreation Board and that applications will be accepted to fill the vacancy. A planning workshop has been scheduled through the Dakota County Planning Department on March 21st at 7:00 p.m. at the Apple Valley City Hall. The City Planner stated four members of the Planning Commission are going to attend. A public input meeting has been scheduled at Apple Valley City Hall on April 10, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss the future develop- ment of Holland- Jensen Dakota County Park. Councilman Ratzlaff stated he would contact the Director of Parks and Recreation for his attendance. Councilman Stauffer reported on the Chamber of Commerce meeting he attended at which the Doctor situation was to be discussed. He informed the Council that none of the invited speakers were in attendance. Discussion was held regarding the letter from the Department of Housing and Urban Development requesting a response to the support of the low income subsidized housing that is proposed for Cimarron Avenue. The City Planner will respond to the letter stating the Council was favorable to the development. See Clerk's File 1979 -84 for letters from H.U.D. and Planner's memo dated March 15th. Two action alerts were received from the League of Minnesota Cities pertaining to legislation on tax increment financing. See Clerk's File 1979 -85. The letter received from Empire Township regarding a contribution to the Rosemount Park and Recreation Department was acknowledged by the Council. See Clerk's File 1979 -86. The Park and Recreation Director will be responding to the Letter. Discussion was held on the letter the Mayor received from Kathy Ridder, newly appointed member to the Metropolitan Council, per- taining to commission and committee vacancies. See Clerk's File 1979 -87. MOTION by Knutson to grant a tipboard gambling license to VFW Post 9433 based on the application and their $100 annual license fee. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, J Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -88 for recommendations from the Police Chief and the Building Department. 24 MOTION by Jensen to grant renewal of residential kennel license to Beverly Markgraf and Friends of Animal Adoption. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979-89. The Clerk stated he received a negotiation notice from L.E.L.S for a new police contract beginning in 1980. MOTION by Knutson authorizing the Police Chief and the City Clerk to be the negotiators for the City for the new contract. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Brief discussion was held on proposed legislation for 1979 on election procedures. See Clerk's File 1979 -90 for Fire Department report for February. See Clerk's File 1979 -91 for Police and Animal Warden report for February. See Clerk's File 1979 -92 for Building Department report for February. See Clerk's File 1979 -93 for Forestry Department report. MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:19 p.m. Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 20, 1979 Respectfully submitted, t'6 Faye Wollan Council Secretary Printed this '1 day ofL/ /'2-Ci 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting April 3, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held April 3, 1979 at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Jensen absent. The purpose of this Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing to consider a rezoning, request of Hammel, Green Abrahmson, Inc. to rezone from AG to RM property in Section 30. See Clerk's File 1979 -94. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice to affected property owners. See Clerk's File 1979 -95. Wes Sorenson representing H.C.A. presented a proposed site plan to the Council which they briefly reviewed. There was no opposition to the proposed rezoning. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Ordinance XVII.25 (AN ORDINANCE APIENDING ZONCNG ORDINANCE XVII.3). Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to adjourn the Special Meeting. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. ATTEST: Don F. Darlin g Clerk Treasurer NUJr. iv 1 kAlt FttULtr.U1Nbb Special Council Meeting April 3, 1979 Respectfully submi ted, 7(.&& Faye Wollan Council Secretary Printed this Lc day oft"L/ 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting April 3, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held April 3, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Jensen absent. Mayor Knutson led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. MOTION by Stauffer that the minutes of the March 20, 1979 Regular Council Meeting be approved as printed and so be ordered published. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The bids received on tree removal for Carrolls Woods layed over from 25 2 6 ROSE,IOUN1' CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting April 3, 1979 the last meeting were discussed with the City Forester. He stated that about half of the trees to be removed from the woods will be covered by the Research Grant with the State reimbursing the City for those costs. MOTION by Knutson that the bid for tree removal in Carrolls Woods be awarded to Scherer Tree Service, P.O. Box 48, Prior Lake, Minnesota, with the understanding that the Forester will be able to confirm all the requirements of the contract and contractor will comply and agree to the conditions. The reason for not accepting the low bid by Bred Well, Inc. would be because of the type of cutting operation that they intend to use, as specified in telephone conversation with the City Forester, which is standard logging operation as opposed to selective cutting which was part of the bid requirement and that, in addition, the bid at time of opening did not contain an equipment list as required. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. A memo from the Superintendent of Streets and Utilities regarding recom- mendations for stop signs along Chile Avenue was discussed. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1979 -12 (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING INSTALLATION OF STOP SIGNS AT CERTAIN INTERSECTIONS WITHIN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to appoint Richman Cook to permanent status of Labor and Equipment Foreman with a $75.00 per month pay increase effective April 1, 1979. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -96 for Superintendent's memo and recommendation dated March 29, 1979. The Council reviewed with the Director of Parks and Recreation the bids received for a front mounted rotary lawn mower for the Park and Recreation Department. MOTION by Knutson that the base bid from Minnesota Toro, Inc. in the amount of $5850 without trade -in be accepted for a front mounted rotary lawn mower with the understanding that delivery will be in the specified time and also recotnend Carlson Tractor bid for the outright purchase of the Ford unit with all attachments for the sum of $900.00 be accepted. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -97. The Council discussed the letter received from Dave Grannis III, City Attorney, pertaining to information on establishing a moratorium on non sewered devel- opments in Rosemount. The City Planner stated further review is needed of the proposal by the Planning Comr..ission before any action is taken. See Clerk's File 1979 -98 for letter received from Dave Grannis. City park improvement projects for 1979 were discussed with the Park and Recreation Director. MOTION by Ratzlaff to authorize the Park and Recreation Director to proceed in obtaining quotes and materials for items 1, 2 and 3 as listed on his memo dated March 30, 1979. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 99. nu,)f.L 1 tf111 10,LV1t.VJ Reeular Council Meeting April 3, 1979 Discussion was held on developing a bike trail along the west side of Chili Avenue in the Carrollton Addition. It was decided to include this project in with the bike trail for Chippendale Avenue. Dean Johnson, City Planner, updated the Council on the downtown redevelopment project stating that the project, according to studies made by the developer, would not be feasible without a tax levy. Discussion followed. Councilman Walsh reported that specifications for the new radio system for the maintenance equipment have been prepared and a bid opening date is needed. MOTION by Walsh setting bid opening date on the new radio system for May 8, 1979 at 2:30 p.m. Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. A Development Contract for Valley Oak Addition P.U.D. was discussed per City Planner's recommendation on his memo dated April 3, 1979. See Clerk's File 1979 -100. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the City Attorney to draw up a Development Contract for the Valley Oak Addition P.U.D. and that if at all possible to have it ready by the 10th of April for the Public Hearing. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. A.J. McDonough was present to discuss with the Council the possi- bility of the City obtaining an alley easement between the properties in the school addition and St. Joseph's Catholic Church so he can have access to the garage he proposes to build. See Clerk's File 1979 -101. Council action was layed over until the Superintendent of Streets and Utilities has had a chance to inspect the area. Summer maintenance help for the Park and Recreation Department was discussed. MOTION by Stauffer authorizing the Director of Parks and Recreation to advertise for a summer maintenance position in the Dakota County Tribune and hire the most qualified candidate per Director's memo dated March 26, 1979. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -102. The Park and Recreation Director's memo regarding summer brochure printing was discussed. MOTION by Ratzlaff to authorize the sunuiLer brochure printing and award printing to the low bidder, Robert's Litho, for a total amount of $662.00. Second by Knutson. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -103. MOTION by Ratzlaff to set a rezoning hearing for Wayne Blilie for May 1, 1979 at 7:15 p.m. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. 28 ROSEMOnt CITY FKULr tu.DUJ Regular Council Meeting April 3, 1979 MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1979 -13 (A RESOLUTION CAUSING A SIMPLE LOT DIVISION). Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. Discussion was held regarding memo from the Liquor Store Manager requesting authorization to purchase new tracking shelves for cooler in off -sale area of the liquor store. See Clerk's File 1979 -104. MOTION by Knutson authorizing the Liquor Store Manager to proceed with the purchase of and installation of tracking shelves for off -sale cooler as specified in memo dated March 29, 1979 and the purchase be made from Refrigeration Systems, Inc. of St. Paul in the amount of $1204.00. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the bills be paid from their respective funds in the amount of: General: $266,250.85 with the exception of item 19 to Firestone Stores for $52.31 which is to be held until Don Brown is sat- isfied with the adjustment at such time he is authorized to release the check. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -105. MOTION by Stauffer authorizing the transfer of funds into the self supporting program account per Park and Recreation Director's memo dated March 28, 1979. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -106. A public meeting has been scheduled by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for Wednesday, April 25, 1979 to discuss the Minnesota Flood Insurance Program for Rosemount. Councilman Walsh stated he would try to attend the meeting. The Mayor reminded the Council of the Special Council Meeting on April 10, 1979 at 7 :30 p.m. MOTION by Knutson to grant license to do business to companies listed on Clerk's memo dated April 3, 1979. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -107. MOTION by Stauffer to grant a vending machine permit to Peerless Novelty Corporation as listed on Clerk's memo dated April 3, 1979. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979-108. The Clerk informed the Council that Bob Pulscher, fiscal consultant, will have a report together on assessment policies prior to the next Regular Council Meeting on April 17th to allow the Council time to review the report. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, IAJ Faye Wo1Lan Council Secretary ATTEST: on F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Printed this o 6 day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS 29 Regular Council Meeting April 3, 1979 A O 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting April 10, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held April 10, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Councilman Jensen in the absence of Mayor Knutson. Councilman Jensen led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The purpose of this Special Meeting was to conduct three public hearings for the purpose of: 1) establishing an H.R.A. for the downtown redevelopment project, 2) final P.U.D. for the Valley Oak Addition and 3) preliminary P.U.D. approval for the Apollo Addition. Councilman Jensen convened the first Public Hearing at 7:32 p.m. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication of the Public Notice. See Clerk's File 1979 -109. The City Planner, Dean Johnson, explained the purpose of establishing an H.R.A. for Rosemount. Some discussion was held. Mayor Knutson arrived at the meeting at this point and took his chair. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Public Hearing for the Valley Oak Addition P.U.D. was convened at 7:45 p.m. The City Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Mailing Notice and Publication of the Public Notice. See Clerk's File 1979 -110. Dan Johnson, Engineer from Suburban Engineering, reviewed the final plat proposal. Some input was heard from the audience. 30 The Development Contract being prepared by the City Attorney for Valley Oak Was not available for this meeting. MOTION by Stauffer to close the Public Hearing. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. At 8:01 p.m. the Public Hearing for the Apollo Addition P.U.D. was convened. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Mailing Notice and Publication of the Public Notice. See Clerk's File 1979 -111. A representative from the architectural firm of Charles Novak, Inc. was present with a concept plan for the property. Much discussion followed with audience participation expressing their concern on storm water drainage and access points to the development. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -14 (A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE C0NCEPT PLAN FOR APOLLO ADDITION). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. No action was taken on the Valley Oak Addition P.U.D. and the H.R.A. proposal at this meeting. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn the Special Meeting. Second by Jensen. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ATTEST: 1 7- Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Printed this U ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting April 10, 1979 Respectfully submitted, cQ) Faye Wollan Council Secretary day of /Y /G'K/ 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting 31 April 17, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held April 17, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. MOTION by Stauffer that the minutes of the April 3, 1979 Regular Council Meeting be approved as printed and so be ordered published. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the minutes of the April 3, 1979 Special Council Meeting be approved as printed and so be ordered published. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen that the minutes of the April 10th Special Council Meeting be approved as printed and so be ordered published. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Bob Pulscher from Springsted, Inc. was present to review with the Council the fiscal policy report prepared by their company. Consid- erable discussion was held with questions directed at Mr. Pulscher. Following this, the Council decided any decision on the matter would have to be layed over until they have had time to review the report in more detail. David Grannis, City Attorney, reviewed with the Council the Develop- ment Contract for Valley Oak Addition P.U.D. Considerable discussion followed. MOTION by Knutson that the final plat and development contract for Valley Oak Addition be held over until the next Regular Council Meeting at such time Council will accept staff recommendations for approval and signing of the final plat. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to accept Brian Development petition for City of Rosemount to construct utilities, streets, curb and gutter and street lights in Phase I of Valley Oak Addition as outlined in the Phasing Flan for Valley Oak Addition and order it placed on file. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -112. Norm Hendrickson from Short, Elliott Hendrickson, Inc. was present with the report and cost estimates for the Chippendale and Dodd intersection improvement. After reviewing the report, the City Engineer was instructed to contact the County Engineer to clarify certain concerns the Council had on the report. See Clerk's File 1979 -113. 32 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting April 17, 1979 MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -15 (A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A HOUSING AND REDEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY IN ROSEMOUNT). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Discussion was held on the alley easement requested by A.J. McDonough at the last regular council meeting with input from the Superintendent of Streets Utilities. No Council action was taken. See Clerk's File 1979 -114 for Superintendent's memo to Council dated April 13, 1979. MOTION by Stauffer to grant V.F.W. Post 9433 a temporary 3.2 beer license for a softball tournament at the City Hall field on May 5th and 6th and the fees be waived. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -115. Thomas MacNalLy and Michael Reeslund were present representing the Dakota County Developmental Learning Center to request the Council to consider a non profit development center for the care, treatment and training of the mentally retarded and persons with cerebral palsy. They requested that government obligation bonds be issued for the development. Discussion followed with input from the City Attorney stating a legal description of the property would be necessary. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -16 (A RESOLUTION GIVING PRE- LIMINARY APPROVAL TO THE ACQUISITION, CONSTRUCTION AND LEASING OF A DEVELOPMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT CENTER UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 447.45 to 447.50, INCLUSIVE, AND THE ISSUANCE OF REVENUE OBLIGATION TO FINANCE THE PROJECT) with the inclusion of legal description of the land. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer setting a Special Meeting for May 8, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of discussion on the Genz Simon area road study. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to reschedule the May 15, 1979 Regular Council Meeting to 8:00 p.m. due to School Board Elections. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Fire Department hourly wages were discussed by the Council. See Clerk's File 1979 -116. MOTION by Knutson to establish the Fire Department hourly rate at $2.90 per hour for 1979 which is consistent with previous policy of minimum wages set by the City. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen that the bills be paid from their respective funds in the amount of: General: $37,010.13 and Liquor: $36,105.16. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -117. The road and bridge levy letter received from the Dakota County Auditor was discussed briefly. See Clerk's File 1979 -118. Two reports have been received from the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission regarding Chemical Waste Landfill Facility Plans. The reports are to be placed on file in the Planner's Office. Mayor Knutson reminded the Council of the scheduled dinner for retiring Metro Council members. Councilman Stauffer reported that a Hurst Tool has been purchased by the Fire Department recently from the Fireman's Rescue Fund and two large donations from businessmen of Rosemount. MOTION by Jensen to grant License to do Business to the companies listed on the Clerk's Office memo dated April 17, 1979. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -119. See Clerk's File 1979 -120 for Building Department report for March. See Clerk's File 1979 -121 for Fire Department report for March. See Clerk's File 1979 -122 for Police and Animal Warden report for March. See Clerk's File 1979 -123 for Forestry report from March 16, 1979 to April 15, 1979. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. ATTEST: on F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Printed this day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting April 17, 1979 Respectfully submitted, Faye Wollan Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting May 1, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held May 1, 1979 at 7:18 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. -33 :34 The purpose of the Special Meeting was to conduct a Public Hearing for the purpose of rezoning property at the intersection of Dodd Boulevard and Delft Avenue in the southwest corner of Section 30 from R -1 to R -M. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1979 -124. Wayne Blilie, a representative of the developer of the property, presented a site plan for the apartment building. Concerns and questions were directed at Mr. B1ilie by the Council and the audience. At 7:31 p.m. the Mayor interrupted the Public Hearing to open the Regular Council Meeting which was scheduled for 7:30 p.m. Mayor Knutson reconvened the recessed Public Hearing at 7:35 p.m. Further input was heard from residents present. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing and adjourn the Special Council Meeting. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting May 1, 1979 Respectfully submitted, 'c,4ve 20061u) Faye Wollan Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 1, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held May 1, 1979 at 7:32 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. Mayor Knutson led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. After opening the Regular Meeting, the Mayor declared the Regular Meeting recessed to reopen the recessed Public Hearing. Mayor Knutson reconvened the Regular Meeting at 7:52 p.m. MOTION by Jensen that the minutes of the April 17, 1979 Regular Council Meeting be approved as printed and so be ordered published. Second by ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 1, 19 Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Ron Voelker, Project Engineer from the Department of Transportation, was present to discuss with the Council the Highway 3 overlay project. See Clerk's File 1979 -125 for letter from D.O.T. dated April 11, 1979. Discussion followed with Mayor Knutson suggesting the overlay be extended to 145th Street rather than 142nd Street as originally proposed. MOTION by Jensen requesting the Department of Transportation to extend the Highway 3 paving overlay project to 145th Street in Rosemount. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Clerk was instructed to submit a letter to the D.O.T. requesting the extension. Considerable discussion was held on the Valley Oak Addition final plat approval. The City Attorney began the discussion by reviewing the development contract phasing proposal. Bonding requirements were discussed in length along with concerns the Council had on the water main charges that would be paid by the City. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Ordinance XVII.26 (AN ORDINANCE .AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to approve the final plat for Valley Oak Addition contingent upon the satisfactory completion of the development contract by the City Attorney and staff as discussed here tonight and other stipulations previously submitted by the City Planner and staff and approved and further that upon completion of the developers contract to authorize the Mayor and Clerk's signatures on the Valley Oak Plat and Developer's Contract. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -126 for letter to City Attorney from the City Planner and Clerk's memo to Council dated April 26, 1979. The memo to Council from the the Director of Parks and Recreation pertaining to grading of Valley Oak Addition perk dedication met with the Council's approval. See Clerk's File 1979 -127. The fiscal policy report review was layed over by the Council until a later date. The letter received from the Metropolitan Waste Control Commission concerning the developers application for federal financing for the Valley Oak Addition was discussed with input from the City Planner. An interim comprehensive sewer plan is being prepared by the City Engineers and will be submitted for Council review on May 8th. See Clerk's File 1979 -128 for letter from M.W.C.C. dated April 20, 1979. .35 16 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 1, 1979 MOTION by Knutson to adopt Ordinance XVII.27 (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE XVII.3) to rezone the area formerly known as Sky Acres from R -1 to R -M. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Discussion was held on the proposed moratorium with input from the City Attorney. MOTION by Jensen setting a Public Hearing date for June 5, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. regarding the moratorium proposal on all subdivision platting in Rosemount. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Discussion was held on the revised cost estimates received from the Dakota County Highway Department pertaining to the relocation of the Dodd and Chippendale intersection with input from Steve Campbell of Short, Elliott Hendrickson. See Clerk's FiLe 1979 -129 for letter received from S.E.H. MOTION by Knutson that the Council will not be considering the Dodd and Chippendale intersection improvement with the Chippendale improvement project and that Don Brown and the Consulting Engineer be authorized to take this information back to the County for the pre- construction conf- erence meeting tomorrow morning, May 2, 1979. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Clerk informed the Council that a check from Broback Builders is forthcoming in the amount of $3,300 for street light installation in Broback's 10th, llth and 12th Additions. MOTION by Knutson authorizing the Superintendent of Streets and Utilities to draw up plans and specifications for street lights in Broback's 10th, 11th and 12th Additions and have them ready for the next Regular Council Meeting on May 15, 1979. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Clerk reported on the meeting and Public Hearing he and the City Planner attended on April 25th regarding the flood plain insurance study. See Clerk's File 1979 -130. Quotes received for the outfield fence at the City Hall ballfield were discussed. MOTION by Stauffer to accept low bid from Midwest Fence Company of South St. Paul in the amount of $698.70 for materials for the City Hall ballfield. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -131 for Director's memo to Council dated April 26, 1979. The City Planner discussed with the Council a letter received from Metro- politan Council requesting an extension of time for final review of Rose mount's Critical Area Plan. See Clerk's File 1979 -132 for letter from Metropolitan Council dated April 20, 1979. MOTION by Knutson to grant the extension of time to Metro Council's request with the understanding that they realize it's their request we are granting The Council acknowledged the resignation of Craig Fleming from the Utility Department. The Superintendent stated he would like to fill the vacancy by hiring someone with a mechanical background. Don Brown was instructed to draw up a job description with salary range and submit to the Council for review. See Clerk's File 1979 -135. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 1, 1979 an extension on and that there be a time limit established of July 1, 1979. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Quotes received on new picnic tables for City parks were discussed. See Clerk's File 1979 -133. MOTION by Knutson that low bid from Hamele Associates for six picnic tables be accepted at a cost of $704.22 plus freight. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The concept plan for development of Carroll's Woods and Schwarz's pond submitted by the Park and Recreation Director was discussed by the Council and given concept approval. The Director was also authorized to draw up a joint grant application with the School District for development of the property purchased from Schwarz. See Clerk's File 1979 -134 for Director's memo dated May 1, 1979 and park bond issue and grant funds surrJnary. Mike Willard, representing the Rosemount Jaycees, stated that funds are to he donated from their association as a contribution for park development in Rosemount. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -17 (A RESOLUTION AUTH- ORIZING DAKOTA COUNTY DEVELOPMENTAL LEARNJNG CENTER, INC. TO ACT ON EEHP.LF OF THE CITY IN THE ACQUISITION AND CONSTRUCTION OF A DEVELOPMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT CENTER UNDER MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 447.45 to 447.50 INCLUSIVE). Second by Knutson. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Superintendent of Streets Utilities was present to ask the Council for authorization to have a surplus equipment sale of which the proceeds would be used to purchase a refrigerator and other things for the utility garage. MOTION by Jensen authorizing Don Brown to put together a surplus equipment list. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen authorizing Don Brown to use the funds from the surplus sale to furnish a lunch room facility at the utility garage. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to set a Special Meeting for May 14, L979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of holding a Public Hearing to receive corrcents on the Ros&rnount Redevelopment Flan and that the H.R.A. Comni *_tee and the Planning Commission be in attendance. e ;:3 8 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 1, 1979 Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen that the bills be paid from their respective funds in the amount of: General: $233,133.53. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -136. MOTION by Knutson to approve the transfer of funds to the self- supporting program account as listed on the Park and Recreation Director's memo to Council dated April 27, 1979. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -137. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the transfer of funds for the Erickson Park Drainage /Erosion Project as follows: $2250 from 451 -10 to 451 -52 (capital outlay) and $850.00 from 451 -41 to 451 -52 as outlined in Park and Recreation Director's memo dated April 23, 1979. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -135. MOTION by Stauffer to deny payment of the subsidy list submitted by the Forester. Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -139. Council discussed the Clerk's memo recommending transfer of funds from park bond proceeds to Park Bond Debt Redemption Fund. See Clerk's File 1979 -140. The Council favored not taking funds out of the park bond fund at this time for debt redemption as they felt that if the City has the opportunity to obtain matching funds, this opportunity should be pursued. A memo from the Clerk regarding the Council budget problem was discussed. MOTION by Knutson authorizing the transfer of funds in the amounts stated in the Clerk's memo of April 24, 1979 and also authorize Councilman Stauffer to research the budgets and see what other areas the Council might be able to recover some funds to continue to operate for the balance of the year. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jen`nen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -141. MOTION by Jensen authorizing the fee of $20.00 to be paid to the Citizens League for annual membership. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The Mayor reminded the Council of the Special Meeting scheduled for May 8, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for discussion on the Genz -Simon road study. Another item added to the agenda for that night was the interim comprehensive sewer plan and M.U.S.A. MOTION by Knutson to grant vending machine permit to Tom's Red Owl per Clerk's Office memo dated May 1, 1979. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -142. MOTION by Jensen to grant a temporary 3.2 beer License to the Rosemount Softball Association for May 19th and 20th at the Erickson softball field and that the fee be waived. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -143. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS ;3 9 Regular Council Meeting a7 May 1, 1979 Respectfully submitted, Faye WoLlan Council Secretary Printed this %)ki day of 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSE ?FOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting May 8, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held May 8, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Purpose of the Special Meeting was to discuss the Cenz-Simon road study and the Interim Comprehensive Sewer Plan and to set a Public Hearing date for Solberg Construction ruining permit. Mayor Knutson turned the meeting over to Norm Hendrickson and Steve Campbell, City Engineers, who presented a written report and slides of the road improvements they were proposing; namely, widening 130th Street and applying an aggregate surface, ditch regrading and oiling of the road to control dust. The proposed cost of the project would be $46,868. The Mayor stated the cost of the project would have to be accessed back to the property owners in the Genz- Simon area. Much discussion followed from residents of the area. Street lights were discussed also and most of the residents present did not feel street lights were needed. Following discussion, it was decided that the City would research the cost of repairing the frost boils located on 130th Street. Dean Johnson, City Planner, presented information and a map of the proposed Interim Comprehensive Sewer Plan to be submitted to the 40 Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. Some discussion followed regarding the service area boundary. As originally proposed, the preliminary urban service area boundary ran down the center Line of Section 32. The Council proposed that the boundary be shifted to include the north half of the northeast quarter of Section 32 within the urban service area. See Clerk's File 1979 -144. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -L8 (A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT INTERIM COMPREHENSIVE SEWER PLAN (May 8, 1979), THE METROPOLITAN WASTE CONTROL CO`CIISSION'S RULES AND REGULATIONS FOR THE METROPOLITAN DISPOSAL SYSTEM (December 1, 1971) AND THE POLLUTION CONTROL AGENCY'S WPC 40 INDIVIDUAL SEWAGE TREATMENT SYSTEMS STANDARDS (as printed 1 State Register 710, October 3, 1977). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff setting a Public Hearing date for May 22, 1979 at 7:15 p.m. for the Solberg Construction Company mining permit. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. ATTEST: Don F. Darling, Clerk Tr asurer Printed this day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting May 8, 1979 Respectfully submittgd, Faye Wollan Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held May 14, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The purpose of this Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing for final input on the formation and purpose of the Housing and Redevelopment Authority Board. The Clerk had in his presence the Public Notice Publication and the Affidavit of Publication. See Clerk's File 1979 -145. Input and questions were asked by members of the Planning Commission and the audience. M0IION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing and adjourn the Special Meeting. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Printed this day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting Nay 14, 1979 Respectfully submitted, Faye Wollan Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held May 15, 1979 at 8:00 p.m. The Meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 15, 1979 41 42 fl,J,n,.una Regular Council Meeting May 15, 1979 MOTION by Stauffer that the minutes of the May 1, 1979 Special Council Meeting be approved as printed and so be ordered published. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays O. MOTION by Jensen that the minutes of the May 1, 1979 Regular Council Meeting be approved as corrected and so be ordered published. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the minutes of the May 8, 1979 Special Council Meeting be approved as printed and so be ordered published. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to concur with Lindberg Pierce recommendation to pay the final payment of $13,119 to C.O. Field Company for the garage addition together with a stipulation that the City hold the check until the roof guarantee has been received. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -145. Considerable discussion was held on the bids received for the new radio system. Input was received from two of the three bidders_. MOTION By Ratzlaff to reject all bids for the radio system and that spec- ifications he rewritten and new bids obtained. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -146. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1979 -19 (A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING AND APPROVING THE TERMS OF OFFICE FOR COMMISSIONERS AND APPOINTMENT OF THE CHAIRMAN AND SECRETARY FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT HOUSING AND REDEVEL- OPMENT AUTHORITY). Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt Resolution 1979 -20 (A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL DRAFT OF THE ROSEMOUNT REDEVELOPMENT PLAN). Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Council acknowledged receipt of a check from Broback Builders in the amount of $3300.00 for street lights in Broback's 10th, 11th and 12th Additions. The Superintendent stated he would have plans and specifications prepared for Council review: See Clerk's File 1979 -147. Dave Grannis, City Attorney, updated the Council on the Redevelopment Contract for Valley Oak Addition stating that the final draft has been sent to the attorney representing Brian Development Company but, as of this date, had not been reviewed with the clients. Jerry Hoffstrom, City Forester, was present to discuss with the Council the final tree subsidy list for 1978 that was rejected by the Council at the last me etinc_. Ray Barton, whose name was included on the list, was present to explain his reason for the delay in removing the diseased trees from his property. Considerable discussion followed. See Clerk's File 1979 -148 for Forester's memo to Council dated May 14, 1979. MOIION by Ratzlaff approving the payment of the tree subsidy list submitted to the Council on April 30, 1979 for dutch elm and oak wilt diseased trees. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 15, 1979 Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -139. Two residents from Broback's 10th Addition were present to request permission to block off 147th Street for the purpose of a block party. MOTION by Jensen to grant permission to residents to block off 147th Street between Chippendale and Cimarron .Avenue on June 23, 1979 between 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m. for the purpose of a block party. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Brief discussion was held on a proposal from Empire Township and the City of Coates regarding building inspection services. Action was layed over until the June 5th meeting to allow time for the City Clerk and Building Inspector to research the proposal. See Clerk's File 1979 -149. The Council acknowledged receipt of the Cease Desist Order from the Teamster Public Law Enforcement Employees Union for the Public Works Department to enter into a union contract. See Clerk's File 1979 -150. Jerry Hoffstrom, City Forester, informed the Council that Koch Refinery has agreed to allow the Forestry Department to treat diseased trees on their property on a contractual basis. MOTION by Jensen to approve the treating of approximately 64 diseased elm trees for Koch Refining by the Forestry Department for a total cost of $1,800.00. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The request from the Park and Recreation Director for three members of the Park and Recreation Committee to attend a board /coamission workshop in Bloomington was discussed. MOTION by Knutson to approve request for up to three members from the Park and Recreation Committee to attend the workshop outlined in the Director's memo dated May 9, 1979 at $15.00 per person. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -151. The Council acknowledged the letter received from the Metropolitan Council concerning the Environmental Assessment Worksheet for Koch Refinery storage facility improvements. See Clerk's File 1979 -152. MOTION by Knutson that the Council endorses the Fire Department recommendation to put Steven Strese in the category of a permanent rne^.ber of the Rosemount Fire Department. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Steven J. Mattson of Juran Moody was present to request the City Council to consider a $900,000 Industrial Development Revenue note for Spectro Alloys Corporation. Discussion followed with Brian 44 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 15, 1979 Kvasnik and Orrin Kirschbaum, owners of Spectro Alloys, responding to Council inquiries. The City Attorney indicated that a time limit should be established for the project and a stipulation added that any costs incurred by the City of Rosemount would be paid for by the developer. See Clerk's File 1979 -153. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -21 (A RESOLUTION RECITING A PROPOSAL FOR A COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT, GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO THE PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, AUTHORIZING THE SLBMISSION OF AN APPLICATION FOR APPROVAL OF SAID PROJECT TO THE COMMISSIONER OF SECURITIES, AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND MATERIALS IN CONNECTION lti1TH SAID PROJECT) with the conditions added by the City Attorney at this meeting. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen that the bills be paid from their respective funds in the amount of: General: $33,461.51 and Liquor: $93,075.73. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -154. The letter received from the Community Action Council regarding a Youth Development Program was discussed briefly. The letter will be forwarded to the Park and Recreation Cornittee for their review. See Clerk's File 1979 -155. The Clerk reminded the Council of the Public Hearing scheduled for 7:15 p.m. on May 22, 1979 for the Solberg Mining Permit and the Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on June 5th on the moratorium district. Considerable discussion was held regarding the memo from Councilman Walsh about merging the administration of the Forestry Department with the Park and Recreation Department for 1980. Councilman Walsh was instructed to put together some administrative guidelines and present them at the June 5th Regular Council Meeting, See Clerk's File 1979 -156. Bathroom remodeling costs for the City Hall and Liquor Store was discussed. Further action was layed over until the Clerk obtains an updated report from Lindberg Pierce architects. See Clerk's File 1979 -157 for memo to Council dated May 1, 1979. Some discussion was held on the relocation of the Scorpio Lounge with input from the City Attorney. Mayor Knutson proclaimed Monday, May 25th, as Memorial Day. MOTION by Jensen to grant License to do Business to the Companies listed in Clerk's Office memo dated May 15, 1979. Second by Ratzlaff. .o Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979-158. The Clerk informed the Council that Laurinda Weatherly, OEA girl, will be leaving the City the end of May. MOTION by Jensen to authorize Don Darling to interview and hire one girl from the OEA program to take the place of Laurinda Weatherly to start Regular Co_ncil Meeting May 15, 1979 the early part of June. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Overtime hours for part -time City employees was discussed. MOTION by Knutson establishing the salary as previously established for the Forestry Department in the category listed and that the maximum salary be allowed for the year 1979 not to exceed the State hourly work week as established by the State law of 48 hours. Second by Jensen. Ayes 0. Nays Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. See Clerk's File 1979 -159 for Building Department report for April. See Clerk's File 1979 -160 for Police and Animal Warden report for April. See Clerk's File 1979 -161 for Fire Department's April minutes. See Clerk's File 1979 -162 for Forestry Department report from April 16, 1979 to May 15, 1979. MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. ATTEST: 7 4/:] ee2 1 4 on bar1ing Clerk Treasurer Printed this Oath— day of Respectfully submitted, Faye Wollan Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting May 22, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held on Nay 22, 1979 at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The purpose of this Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing on the Mining Permit Application of Solberg Construction. 45 46 The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Public Notice for the hearing. See Clerk's File 1979 -163. Loren Howard of Solberg Construction presented the mining operation plans and specifications. Discussion followed. MOTION by Ratzlaff to close the Public Hearing. Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -22 (A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE OF A MINING PERMIT TO SOLBE.RG CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC., A MINNESOTA CORPORATION). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to adjourn this Special Meeting. Second by Ratzlaff. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:29 p.m. Printed this ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting May 22, 1979 Respectfully submitted, on F. Darling Clerk Treasurer day of 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting May 22, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held May 22, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Purpose of the meeting was to hold the Equalization Hearing by County Officials, discuss antenna placement on the water tower, secretary resig- nation and replacement, and the need for an ice maker for the liquor store. Mayor Knutson opened the Equalization Hearing and introduced the represent- atives from the County. Those being John O'Toole, Mike Eeep, Rill Peterson, Tom Holmes and Tom Krier. Mayor Knutson explained that while the County Representatives answered audience questions the Council would move to the Steno Pool Area of the City Hall to continue discussion on the balance of the a&enda. Joe Walsh asked the Council to consider regulations regarding radio base ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council 'Meeting May 22, 1979 stations with antenna on the water tower. Suggested regulation would require the base units to he placed in Well House 07 on all future installations. After considerable discussion the Clerk was directed to contact Carlson Equipment about moving their radio equipment into Well House #7. Discussion followed regarding the resignation of Council Secretary Faye Wollan. The Clerk presented a recommendation for replacing Faye, that being Maurya Loftus at a starting salary of $725.00 per month. Maurya can start June 4th. MOTION by Ratzlaff to hire Maurya Loftus as Council Secretary at a monthly salary of $725.00 starting as soon as possible. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A short discussion was held on ways of shortening the Council meetings. The Clerk was directed to prepare the agenda and include a consent calendar as a means of shortening the meetings. This will be reviewed at the end of two months to see if it has helped. Bill Quigley was present to inform the Council that the ice maker at the Liquor Store was broke down. He had obtained three quotes for new machines and recommended replacing the old machine instead of repairing it as it has been in service at the Liquor Store for 15 years and was a used unit when the City bought it. Bill Quigley presented the three quotes to the Council. Refrigeration Systems, Inc. quote of $1600.00, Carbonic Machines, Inc. quote of $1773.00 and Ace Ice Company quote of $1827.00. Quigley recommended the low quote of Refrigeration Systems, Inc. informing them that of the three machines, the low quote :cakes the same type cube as the old one and he prefers this kind of cube. MOTION by Jensen to purchase an ice cube machine from Refrigeration Systems, Inc. for $1600.00. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Council at this time returned to the Council Chambers. MOTION by Jensen to close the Equalization Hearing and authorize the necessary signatures by the Council and Clerk on the Assess- ment Rolls book. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Walsh. In favor. 5 ayes. Opposed none whereupon the Mayor declared the meeting adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held June 5, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Stauffer absent. The purpose of this Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing on a proposed moratorium on Subdivisions. Mayor Knutson turned the meeting over to Dean Johnson, City Planner, who outlined the boundaries and presented the rationale for the placement of the boundaries. Discussion followed with attorneys' present who represented land owners adjacent to the boundary line. At.7:30 p.m. Mayor Knutson polled the Council for agreement to continue the hearing for fifteen minutes. Unanimous agreement was reached to continue until 7:45 p.m., but no longer. After much discussion, the Mayor informed the audience the decision will be made under agenda item 5 J later on in the Council Meeting. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing and adjourn the Special Council Meeting. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Printed this day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS A 9 Special Council Meeting June 5, 1979 Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loftus Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting June 5, 1979 MOTION by, Knutson that the City Council approves including the Forestry jeep on the surplus equipment sale list, and further authorize including all other items and equipment deemed excess prior to the actual date of the sale. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Ordinance RVII.28 (an INTERIM ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING A MORATORIUM ON SUBDIVISION OF LAND IN CERTAIN AREAS WITHIN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT). Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Police Chief Staats presented information on Hand Held Radios, requesting the Council to authorize purchase or lease of one unit for use by the Police Department. He recommended purchase or leasing of a Johnson built radio (REBCO). Purchase price of $1,224.00 or rental price of $110.16 per month with an option to buy at the end of one year for $1.00. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the leasing of one REBCO Portable Radio from Air Comm at a monthly rental cost of $110.16 with an option to buy at the end of one year. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Council acknowledged receipt of a petition and ordered it placed on file, from residents of the Broback 6th, 7th and 8th Addition, regarding unsightly and unkept homes and yards. The Mayor suggested that the Police Chief, Building Official and Maintenance Superinten- dent visit the area and inspect for ordinance violations and forward this information to Grannis Grannis for their handling. See Clerk's file 1979 166. School District 196 and 199 Capital Improvement Plans were discussed. The Clerk and Planner were instructed to respond per Planners memo. See Clerk's File 1979 -167. The Council discussed the Wenzel welding bill and decided not to pay the bill until Vic Wenzel came in to talk to the Council. See Clerk's File 1979 -168. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt Resolution 1979 -23 (A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A SIMPLE LAND DIVISION). Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. The Mayor discussed with the Council the Divine Redeemer Ambulance Subsidy. Don Ratzlaff agreed to attend a possible meeting for this study group. The Council discussed the offer to purchase the north twelve acres of Erickson Park (56 Acres). The Council unanimously agreed to decline the offer. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Dean Johnson to attend one of the sessions related to the League of Minnesota Cities on or around June 15. The City will pay his fee. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. 51 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting June 19, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held June 19, 1979 at 7:33 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. MOTION by Jensen to approve the Consent Calendar items A through I as listed on the agenda. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -169. MOTION by Stauffer that the Mayor and the Clerk sign the Building Inspector agreements if they are approved by Coates and E Township. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen that the City of Rosemount participate with the Department of Transportation in the Resigning Program for the City of Rosemount and that Short, Elliott and Hendrickson be named as the consulting engineers for the inventory purpose and the Force Account be used in erecting these signs. Also, authorize the Mayor to sign the agreements. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the Council agrees to the proposal from Hammel Green and Abrahamson, and that the Department of Housing and Urban Development be informed that the City Council has no objections at this time. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Mayor acknowledged receiving a letter from the district design engineer regarding our request for an extension of the overlay of Highway 3 and 145th street which was agreed to do with the exception of adjustment of inplace water valve boxes. Park and Rec Director, Randy Oppelt, discussed the joint development of the Schwarz property with funding through grants. MOTION by Ratzlaff that we authorize Randy Oppelt to pursue the grant application for the improvements of the Schwarz property and authorize the Mayor to sign said application when completed. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Norm Hendrickson of Short, Elliott and Hendrickson, explained some of the deficiencies and corrective measures being taken in the Utility Street Improvement Project in the Carrollton Addition. MOTION by Jensen to accept bids for Item #7 from Richard Dorniden for the safe with stand for $5.00, Item 69 from Don Brown for galvanized E angles 6" x 19' for 15 at $3.10 each, and 15 at $2.10 each, Item S10 from Don Brown for galvanized Z angles for 4 at $1.50 each, and cal- culator from Richard Dorniden for $5.00. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Abstain W Nays 0. Ayes 4 Nays 0, Abstain 1. See Clerk's File 1979 -170. On- street parking was added to the agenda, but due to bad weather conditions, it will be put on a future agenda. The bookkeeping system was discussed for the H.R.A. Board. It was decided not to put this on the computer at this time. Check writing and bookkeeping will be done by hand. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. g Clerk Treasurer Printed this 0411 day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEU1L\u Regular Council Meeting June 19, 1979 Respectfully submitted, La. V Maurya Loftus Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting July 3, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held July 3, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Stauffer absent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. MOTION by Jensen that the Consent Calendar be approved as printed. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -172. Linda Fisher, of Larkin, Hoffman, Daly and Lindgran Ltd., represented two Rosemount residents concerning the Chippendale Bike Trail. She expressed her clients feelings regarding the proposed bike trail. There was much discussion between the Council and Miss Fisher. The Council decided not to consider where the bike trail should go until the curb is in place allowing for better visual orientation to estab- lish the best alignment for the trail. Councilman Jensen asked the Clerk to notify the property owners when this is on the agenda. There was much discussion regarding the disposition of the 1942 Fire Truck. It was suggested that the Fire Truck be donated to the Lions Club for use in parades. 55 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting July 3, 1979 MOTION by Knutson to set up a Public Hearing for the South Rose Park Replat, the South Rose Park Rezoning and the Broback Builders Rezoning requests on July 23, 1979 with hearings to start at 7:30 p.m. and to continue until all hearings have been held. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to concur with the request from the residents of Chianti and Chippendale to block off the road from 11:00 a.m. to 12:00 midnight for a block party on July 14, 1979. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979- 175. The Clerk updated the Council on the status of the new fire truck. Hamerly Fire Company has requested permission to use the new fire truck for a static display at the Michigan State Fire Chiefs Convention on July 16th and 17th in Midland, Michigan with delivery in Rosemount late on July 18th. MOTION by Knutson that the City of Rosemount agrees to Hamerly Fire Company displaying the new fire truck at the Michigan State Fire Chiefs Convention in Midland, Michigan on July 16th and 17th.. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Steve Campbell was present to update the Council on the Carrollton Addition street repair. He stated it is not ready to recommend approval to the Council. A letter from Laurence R. Mills was presented to the Council regarding Civil Defense. Joe Walsh expressed interest in attending the meeting. The Mayor suggested to the Council to review the questionaire and notify the Clerk if they wish to attend the meeting. See Clerk's File 1979 -176 for Building Officials report for June. MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Don F. Darling Clerk Treasurer Printed this t L day of Respectfully submitted, ya CL O L Council Secretary Dakota County Tribune. 5i ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting July 17, 1979 for partial payment of the outstanding welding bill, and that the amount reduced by $350.00 authorized for payment. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Dues for membership in the League of Minnesota Cities was discussed by the Council. MOTION by Ratzlaff that we accept the bill in the amount of $978.00 for membership beginning September 1, 1979 in the League of Minnesota Cities and authorize payment. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979- 180. Norm Hendrickson was present to discuss with the Council the Interim Sewer Plan. Mayor Knutson asked the Clerk to contact M. E. Ramsdell, of the Metro Sewer Board, and invite him to the next Regular Council Meeting. MOTION by Knutson to schedule the first Revenue Sharing Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. August 21, 1979. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Joe Walsh reviewed the Civil Defense Meeting he attended in Hastings. on July 11, 1979. It was brought to the attention of the Council the need for a designated leader in case of a disaster. MOTION by Knutson that the Clerk be authorized to send a letter to the County Administrator, or Executive Secretary, indicating Rosemount's support for filling the position according to the 1973 laws. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Mayor reminded the Council of the Agricultural Preserve Meeting at Empire on July 19, 1979. He said if anyone was interested they are welcome to attend. MOTION by Ratzlaff that we grant a temporary 3.2 beer license for July 22, 1979 for the Rosemount V. F. W. for use during Leprechaun Days and waive the license fee. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -181, MOTION by Walsh that the City Council approve and endorse the Mayor's suspension of Gerald Hoffstrom for the direct violation of City personnel policy adopted June 19, 1975, Section 23, Paragraphs C, F and S, and that Mr. Hoffstrom be dismissed as the City Forester for those same reasons. Also, that the responsibilities of the City Forester be transferred to the Park and Rec Director with compensation at a rate of $100.00 per month for the balance of 1979, with compen- sation coming from the salary section of the Forestry budget. Second by Jensen. Much discussion followed. Ayes Knutson, Jensen, Walsh. Nays Stauffer, Ratzlaff. Ayes 3, Nays 2. See Clerk's File L979 -182 for Fire Department's Report for June. See Clerk's File 1979 -183 for Police Department's Report for June. See Clerk's File 1979 -184 for Animal Warden's Report for June. .59 Discussion followed with no opposition to the rezoning. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting July 23, 1979 The Affidavit of Publication has not been received as yet, but the Clerk noted that it has been published in the Dakota County Tribune for two weeks. MOTION by Jensen to recommend approval to rezone the Carlson property' as spelled out in Agenda item 3B to rezone part of Lot 2, Block 3 of South Rose Park Addition that was replatted as part of Lot 4, Block 3, South Rose Park Addition Replat with the understanding that the actual rezoning will take place after the offical deliniation is received on the parcel to be rezoned. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson opened the Public Hearing on the Broback request to rezone Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 1, Broback 6th Addition and Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Broback Addition. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Mailing of the Hearing notice. The Affidavit of Publication has not been rec- eived as yet, but the Clerk noted that it has been published in the Dakota County Tribune for two weeks. No one was present to represent Broback's request to rezone. The Clerk and Planner explained to the Council that they had requested the Broback's to accomplish this rezoning to allow them to build single family homes on these parcels as a way of cleaning up those vacant lots. MOTION by Knutson to close the Hearing on the rezoning of Lots 2, 3 and 4, Block 1, Broback 6th Addition, and Lots 6 and 7, Block 4, Broback Addition. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson opened the Public Hearing on the Rezoning of Outlot "A Broback 6th Addition. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Mailing of the Hearing notice. The Affidavit of Publication has not been re- ceived as yet, but the Clerk noted that it has been published in the Dakota County Tribune for two weeks. The Clerk and Planner again explained that they had requested the Broback's to accomplish this rezoning to allow them to build single family haves on these parcels as a way of cleaning up those vacant lots. MOTION by Stauffer to close the Hearing on Agenda item 3 D, Broback's request to rezone from C -3 to R -1, Outlot A, Broback 6th Addition. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen. Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting July 24, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held July 24, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Councilman Jensen with Mayor Knutson absent. Councilman Jensen led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing on Northtown Sales Inc., d /b /a Dakota Homes appeal of Planning Commission denial of concept for trailer park. At the request of the petitioners, the meeting was recessed to September 25, 1979. See September 25, 1979 minutes for complete meeting of July 24, 1979. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting July 31, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held July 31, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing regarding the proposal of Minea Real Estate Investments Rosemount Green Project appeal of Planning Commission denial of concept for condominium Trailer Park. The Clerk had in his presence the Affadavit of Mailing and Publication of the Public Notice. See Clerk's File 1979 -185. The Mayor turned the meeting over to Mr. Craig Minea for his present- ation. Representatives for the Minea Project were Jerry Minea, Mary Stolberg, from Stewartville, Minnesota, Al Magneson, Planner who prepared the plans, Lisa Drake, of the National Manufactured Housing Association, and Jeff Bonner, an attorney from Minneapolis. There were many Rosemount residents in attendance at the meeting. Lisa Drake gave a slide presentation on Manufactured Mobile. Homes. Mayor Knutson opened discussion from the floor. Many concerns were pointed out by the residents. Those regarding 63 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting August 7, 1979 Councilman Jensen asked that item 3f be removed from the Consent Calendar and that block parties be clarified by rules and regulations stating that there will be no selling of tickets, no booths, no raffles, no games of chance or no selling of intoxicating liquor at any block party. MOTION by Jensen that the Clerk notify the people from Camfield Circle block party that their request is approved, but there will be no collection of any money or the selling of any tickets or intoxicating liquor. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -187. MOTION by Knutson to approve the Consent Calendar. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -188. Mr. M.E. Ramsdell, Commissioner from the Metropolitan Waste Control, was present to introduce himself as our representative and to inform the City that he is willing and able to fully represent the interests and concerns of the City as they are presented to him by the City Council. Charles Kosse, Veterans Counselor, was present representing the University of Minnesota Veterans Resource Center. He stated that all the City need do to participate in this program is to provide supervision, the number of hours worked, and a monthly employee progress report. The program will be funded through the University so the City will have nothing to do with the salary or benefits. MOTION.by Jensen that the City participate with the University of Minnesota Veterans program and utilize a Vo -Tech student in the City of Rosemount_ as a mechanic trainee under the supervision of Don Brown's department. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Bob Pierce, architect from Lindberg Pierce, presented the Council with the bathroom remodeling bids, and recommended the low bid from Wilker Construction. MOTION by Ratzlaff to grant the bathroom remodeling bid to Wilker Construction of Apple Valley for remodeling the City Hall bathroom and the Municipal Liquor Store bathroom with a total bid of $7,441.00. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -189. The Mayor acknowledged receipt of a letter from City Engineer, Norm Hendrickson, regarding the size and capacity of the sanitary sewer line on Biscayne Avenue north of 145th Street. Much discussion followed. See Clerk's File 1979 -190. MOTION by Knutson to grant concept approval for Rosemount Green Development as presented at the July 31, 1979 Special Meeting. Second by Stauffer. After further discussion from the Council and the audience, Mayor Knutson called for the question. 6 5 KOSEMOUN1' CIIl ERnCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting August 7, 1979 Steve Campbell and Don Brown discussed the seal coating bids that were received. MOTION by Knutson to award the black topping bid to Black Top Service Company of Burnsville, Minnesota for the deduct amount of $8,175.00. Second by Jensen. Attorney Dave Grannis informed the Council that since there was only a 5% bid bond submitted by Black Top Service, this bid did not meet specifications. Vote on the motion: Ayes Knutson. Nays Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Ayes 1, Nays 4. Discussion followed. MOTION by Ratzlaff to award the seal coating bid of City Project 1979 -1 to Allied Blacktop Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota for the deduct amount of $8,400.00. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Ratzlaff. Nays Knutson. Ayes 4, Nays 1. See Clerk's File 1979- 195. Don Brown discussed with the Council the need for a blade for the 1979 Ford 4 x 4 pick -up. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Don Brown to obtain quotes for a utility blade for the 1979 Ford pick -up. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -196. Steve Campbell and Don Brown discussed with the Council the frost boil problem on 130th Street. The Council informed Don Brown to include this item in his 1980 budget for further discussion at budget time. The Council discussed the memo from the Clerk's office regarding the fire truck from Hamerly Company. Councilman Walsh stated that items 11 and 12 were deleted, and items 1 through 10 were not received. MOTION by Knutson that we return the $91,200.00 check for Hamerly Custom Productions for the new fire truck to the Clerk's office for cancellation, and that a new check be authorized for $75,000.00 for a portion of the total cost and that the remaining portion be held until all items are received, installed and in working condition. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -197. Mrs. Bovaird, of 14675 Dahomey Avenue, presented a request signed by the residents of the area for a mid -block street light on Dahomey Avenue. MOTION by Jensen to concur with the request for a street light on Dahomey Avenue in mid -block and further obtain whatever easements need be obtained. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -198 ATTEST: on Darling Clerk /Treasurer �r ROSEMUIINT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting August 21, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held August 21, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold Revenue Sharing ideas with the citizens of Rosemount, and to hear some of their ideas for use of the money. The Clerk had in his presence the Affadavit of Publication and the Affadavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. The Senior Citizens Group was present to express their thanks to the Council for providing a room in the Ken Rose Shopping Center. The idea of a ramp or elevator was presented by them for use for wheel chairs and handicaps. It was suggested by Councilman Walsh that the Senior Citizens Center receive $4,200.00, giving them an increase of $600.00, and the Ambulance Subsidy be reduced to $4,000.00. See Clerk's File 1979 -202. John Loch was present to represent the Chamber of Commerce, and request $3,000.00 for use in financing Leprechaun Days next year. See Clerk's File 1979 -203. Josephine Stannard asked the Council to consider a municipal swim- ming pool financed with Revenue Sharing money. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn the Special Meeting. Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Respectfully submitted, Maurya Yoftus Council Secretary Printed this Or day of -`l4 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting August 21, 1979 with information coming from the meeting he had with the Minnesota D.O.T. representative. Two of the questions that were directed to the Council to be answered were: (1) Should the D.O.T. include in its design of the storm sewer system for the Highway 3 Project capacity for storm sewer water from areas within the City that are now a problem? (2) Would the City be willing to invest some design time into the project to speed its arrival to the funding source? After much discussion, the Council decided they did not want to participate in the project, and have Don Brown notify the Minnesota D.O.T. of their decision. Mayor Knutson interrupted the Regular Council Meeting at 8:32 p.m. to allow a Public Hearing to be held that was scheduled for 8:30 p.m. Mayor Knutson stated the purpose of the Public Hearing was to hear the proposed plat of Rahn's 8th Addition, the proposed plat of Rahn's 9th Addition, the proposed rezoning of Rahn's 8th Addition from RM to R -1, the proposed rezoning of Rahn's 9th Addition from RM to R -1, and the proposed rezoning of Rahn's 9th Addition from RM to C -1. The Clerk had in his presence the Affadavit of Publication and the Affadavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. John Broback requested to formally withdraw the Fairfax Construction request for preliminary plat for Rahn's 9th Addition, and a petition for rezoning of Lots 2 through 9, Block 1, Rahn's 9th Addition from RM to R -1, and Lot 1, Block 1, Rahn's 9th Addition from Rm to C -1. The Council agreed that the items under agenda number 4, items 2, 4, and 5 would be deleted from the Public Hearing, and no Public H will be held on these three items. The Hearing continued and discussion followed on item number 1, the proposed plat of Rahn's 8th Addition. MOTION by Ratzlaff to concur with preliminary plat approval for Rahn's 8th Addition and refer back to the City Planner's memo dated July 19, 1979 for variances and restricted access agreements subject to the City Engineer's opinion on variances and lot grading. Second by Knutson. Discussion followed. MOTION by Knutson to amend the motion to include the requirements for the Development Contract and also a requirement for a park dedication for Rahn's 7th Addition, and that a satisfactory deed be issued to the City before the final plat is approved. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays Ratzlaff. Ayes 4, Nays 1. See Clerk's File 1979 -208. Vote on original motion: Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. 71 awing completed the He ing proposed for item number 1, the Mayor opened scussion on item numbee 3, the proposed rezoning of Rahn's 8th Addition fr•m RM to R -1. Discu •ton fo With no e pr developer hat was instruc decision lini ob to the rezoning, it was requested by the e rezoning not be accomplished at this time. The Cl k d to place this item on a future agenda prior to the 60 day ation set by the zoning ordinance for final disposit'.n. MOTION by Knuts to close the Public Hearing. Second by Ratzla f. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. No one was present discuss the Mickelson 1st Addition Str•et. The Clerk was instructed to not'fy Mickelson's that before further d elopment occurs the road will have to .•e constructed. The Council also r-ceived an update on the streets in Micke on's 2nd Addition, with reports indicating that they are almost ready fo final inspection and accepta. e. MOTION by Knutson to set Re nue Sharing Hearing da for Tuesday, September 18, 1979 at 7:15 p.m. Secon by Jensen. Ayes Knu son, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Steve Morris and Bob Bockie, were present to discuss the RAHA Arena sight location request. Steve Norris pr:sented a •st sheet with all the items to be included in the arena. The Council suggested they should take Committee for their recommendation. S A letter from the Cooperative Power location was brought to the atten See Clerk's File 1979 -210. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting August 21, 1979 is to the Park and Recreation Clerk's File 1979 -209. tion regarding transmission line Council. No action was taken. A letter from O'Connor and Ha nan regarding Rah 's 7th Addition Park and Broback 10th Addition Park ership was discuss It indicated that Brobacks felt that they sh•.uld not have to pay the back taxes since the City has had use of it. _t was pointed out that the Rahn's 7th Addition Park would be deeded to he City as part of the Rahn 8th Addition replat procedure. It was fe that it would be in the best i terest of the Broback Builders to ansfer title to the outlot in Brobacks 10th Addition. at this time. See 'lerk's File 1979 -211. A letter from El le Stark of the Housing and Redevelopment uthority of Dakota County s discussed. No action was taken. See Cler 's File 1979 -212. the tion acent Attorney, vid Grannis, and City Planner, Dean Johnson, presente Centel re uest for an alley vacation to allow them to place an add to the isting telephone structure one foot or more on the alley a as th present building is encroaching on the alley by at least one f•.t. Thi request is being made to allow Centels building to be constructed wi out an offset wall as previously discussed. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting August 28, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held August 28, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Walsh absent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to discuss the Capital Improvement Program and review individual department budgets for 1980. The American Legion Post #65 Tipboard Gambling License Renewal was added to the agenda. MOTION by Stauffer that we approve the American Legion Post ;165 Gambling License renewal with the understanding that we will have a favorable report from the Police Chief, Fire Marshall and the Building Official. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -220. Discussion began on the Capital Improvement Program. Some of the suggestions made are as follows: 1. Road improvements 2. Rebuilding the signal lights on 145th Street and Highway #3 3. Installation of new signal unit at County Rd. 42 and State Highway #3 4. Design and alignment problems of roads 5. New water tank truck for the Fire Department 6. New base radio unit for the Fire Department 7. New officer for the Police Department 8. Erickson Park improvements 9. Trails 10. Park Dedication funds Following this discussion, each department budget was reviewed briefly. The idea for a new secretary for the Planning Commission was discussed. The idea for a full-time secretary was brought up to help with the Planner's load, but the Council thought that a part -time secretary who could come in a couple times a week would be sufficient, and them come to the meetings two nights a month. The Clerk was instructed to come up with a recommendation for this position and present it to the Council. J ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting September 4, 1979 The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. MOTION by Jensen to approve the Consent Calendar. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -223. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, discussed with the Council the South Rose Park Park Dedication as recommended by the Park and Recreation Committee. It was suggested by the Park and Recreation Committee that residential multiple zoned platted areas be charged $35.00 per unit for park dedication and that this is to be included in the development contract which will be paid by the developer when the building permit is issued. MOTION by Jensen to concur with the Park and Recreation Committee recom- mendation to charge South Rose Park $35.00 per unit for any multiple housing and to be paid at the time the building permit is issued, and include this in the developer contract. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Randy presented the recommendation from the Park and Recreation Committee concerning the RAHA arena proposal. They recommended that the School District pursue this project. MOTION by Knutson as the City of Rosemount can not, at this time, support any financial commitment to the RAHA proposal, but the Council encourages them to support through the School District and Community Services first, with the understanding that this is not a local Rosemount arena and not a Rosemount group seeking this support as the RAHA covers more than just Rosemount. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The Park and Recreation Committee recommended to the City Council that Erickson Park development should be developed into an adult and youth athletic facility, and that a master plan be prepared. The development would occur when time and money permit. They suggested that the idea of an outdoor pool not be considered because of the lack of funds needed to operate an outdoor pool. They also recommended that the trail funds not be used for developing the park. The recommendation from the Park and Recreation Committee on park dedication for non platted developments was that all non- platted residential development should be required to dedicate $35.00 per dwelling unit for park purposes. The Clerk was instructed to revise the Zoning Ordinance Park Dedication section to include this item. MOTION by Knutson that we authorize publication and notification of a public hearing for the purpose of amending the Zoning Ordinance as it relates to Park and Recreation development for non platted residential developments for Tuesday, October 16, 1979 at 7:15 p.m. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Park and Recreation Committee recommended for the Rosemount Green (Mines) Park Dedication that the following area of the proposed park dedication not 77 Steve Broback was present to discuss the rezoning of.Rahn's 8th Addition. He stated that the assessments for Rahn's 8th Addition have been paid. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the engineer to proceed with the feasibility report for Rahn's 8th Addition. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The Mayor updated the Council on the Metro actions. He had talked to Ed Ramsdell, our representative, and he said he would get in touch with the Mayor when he knew more about the sludge storage area bids. MOTION by Knutson to set the next budget meeting for Tuesday September 11, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Planning Commission Bylaws were discussed. MOTION by Knutson to adopt the Planning Commission Bylaws as requested by the Planning Commission with the addition of a repealer clause in this new set of Bylaws. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting September 4, 1979 Respectfully submitted, (41 h TC a& iVa Maurya Loftus Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 11, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held September 11, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. 79 80 The Mayor led the Croup in the Pledge of Allegiance. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold discussion on the 1980 budgets. Tentative approval was granted for each department budget as follows: AT T: on F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this Council 45,600.00 Government Buildings 29,000.00 Clerk 57,495.00 Finance 18,455.00 Police 227,185.00 Animal Warden 6,300.00 Fire Department 43,600.00 Maintenance 161,314.00 Building Official 26,833.00 Park and Recreation 76,870.00 Forestry 31,995.00 Planning 29,900.00 Elections 2,600.00 Insurance 35,000.00 Capital Improvements 143,400.00 MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this Special Meeting was adjourn at 9:30 p.m. A ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 11, 1979 Respectfully submitted, Maurya L Kftus Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 18, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held September 18, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 18, 1979 The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold two Public Hearings. The first Public Hearing was on Rich Valley Development Company for rezoning from Agricultural District to I -CEN (General Industrial District). The second was to hold a Revenue Sharing Hearing. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on Rich Valley Development Com- pany. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and Notification of Public Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1979 -225. Leon Cohen was present representing Rich Valley Development Company. With him were representatives from Barton Enterprises. See Clerk's File 1979 -226. Dean Johnson, City Planner, expressed his feelings on Rich Valley Development Company rezoning. He advised that the Planning Com- mission had recommended the rezoning on the basis of site conditions, existing industry in the area, road, rail and pipeline availability. He reserved specific comment on the tank storage proposal until spe- cific site plan information is presented to the Planning Commission. MOTION by Stauffer to close the Public Hearing on Rich Valley Devel- opment Company. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson opened the Revenue Sharing Public Hearing at 7:15 p.m. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented a proposed use for Revenue Sharing money. He requested funding for a concession booth for Erickson Park. Rich Lonnquist and Jerald Olson were present to represent the Softball Association. Rich suggested that a concession booth and washroom facilities be built for the athletic fields. He also stated that the Softball Association is growing, so therefore, these improvements would be put to use. See Clerk's File 1979 -227. John Loch was present speaking for Rosemount Jaycees. He suggested the same need for a concession booth, bleachers and maybe lights for the softball fields. The Mayor suggested pulling the funds together since all the needs were so closely related between the Softball Association and the Rosemount Jaycees. The Clerk requested Revenue Sharing Funds for a second ballot card counter. See Clerk's File 1979 -228. The breakdown of Revenue Sharing money requests are as follows: 1. Independent meeting facility for Senior Citizens $4,200.00 2. Ambulance Subsidy Program 3. Leprechaun Days Program 4. Election Equipment Ballot Counter 4,000.00 3,000.00 2,000.00 81 82 5. Public Safety Improve traffic signals at 145th and Hwy 3 7,000.00 6. Erickson Park Improvements 7. Trails System Development MOTION by Stauffer to close the Public Hearing on Revenue Sharing. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Respectfully submitted, cK ittlk Clerk /Treasurer ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 18, 1979 The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. 20,000.00 16,177.00 The Cenex Easement for the Critical River Area was discussed. Maurya L'df tus Council Secretary Printed this day of NJ 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting September 18, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held September 18, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. Additions added to the agenda were: 3 f. -VFW Gambling license for raffles; 4 m. -132nd Court West; 4 n. -Rich Valley Development Company rezoning; 6 m.- Metro Environment seminar. MOTION by Jensen to approve the Consent Calendar. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -229. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -30 (A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE CRITICAL RIVER BUFFER EASEMENT FROM CENEX). Second by Jensen. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -230. Perry Bolin, of Hammel Green and Abrahamson, requested that item number one in his letter of September 11, 1979 regarding the spreading of assess- Discussion followed. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS •-1 Regular Council Meeting September 18, 1979 ments, be skipped over and he requested the Council to prepare an application to the Department of Housing and Urban Development for Community Development grant funds to aid in construction of improve- ments within the HGA development. MOTION by Jensen to set a Public Hearing for September 27, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. and the next meeting to be held at 9:00 a.m. on September 2.8, 1979. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979- 231. Mr. Bolin suggested that a resolution should be made to authorize Community Development grant funds to pay for the costs of street and utility improvements. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -31 (A RESOLUTION TO AUTHORIZE APPLICATION 10 THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND DEVELOPMENT TO PROCURE COMrMUNITY DEVELOPMENT GRANT FUNDS TO PAY FOR THE COSTS OF STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS FOR THE HADIEL GREEN AND ABRAHAMSON PROJECT.) Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Steve Morris, representing the Rosemount Area Hockey Association, presented a new proposal to build an ice arena in the City of Rosemount. This proposal asks that the City provides only the building site. All other items previously requested of the City will be borne by the Hockey Association. The Council suggested a developers contract be drawn up with the organization regarding the ongoing maintenance and operation of the building without any request of the City, for x number of years, to assume this building or the operation. MOTION by Jensen that the City of Rosemount cooperate with the Rosemount Area Hockey Association and the location of the facility to be in the north end of Erickson Park and that R Oppelt be contacted when the park is being designed ,and developed. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 Steve Campbell, of Short, Elliott Hendrickson, presented the feasibility study for Rahn's 8th Addition. MOTION by Knutson that the feasibility report on Rahn's 8th Addition be accepted. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Steve Broback was present to present the amended petition and exhibit "A" for Broco Contracting. MOTION by Jensen to order final plans and specs for Rahn's 8th Addi- tion. Second by Ratzlaff. Discussion followed regarding trees. Vote on the motion: Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. 84 Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -233. HUD's letter on Rahn's 8th Addition was presented to the Council. The Clerk stated that this letter was for information only. See Clerk's File 1979 -234. Councilman Stauffer updated the Council on the fire truck payments. He stated that all that has been paid for is the equipment that we have re- ceived. We are still waiting for a few items, which will not be paid for until they are received. Randy Oppelt updated the Council on the Forestry Department. He had in his presence the signed contract with the changes made. Discussion followed. MOTION by Jensen to approve the agreement with Jerry Hoffstrom as presented by R Oppelt. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. See Clerk's File 1979 -235. Don Carroll and Doug Kilpatrick were present to answer the Council's ques- tions on the simple lot division for Don Carrells' property. The Clerk stated that a Public Hearing is needed in order to vacate the present easement and establish another. It was understood by Mr. Carroll that he would pay all costs involved in the publication of the public notice. MOTION by Knutson to hold a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, October 16, 1979 for the purpose of vacating an easement in the Carrollton Addition and that the Clerk arrange for publication and notification. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979- 236. Red Staats updated the Council on the Police Union Contract. The Council would like to see the wording changed in Appendix A so it reads more clearly. Discussion followed. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting September 18, 1979 The Revenue Sharing Statement of Assurances was presented to the Council for signatures. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the necessary signatures for the Revenue Sharing Statement of Assurances. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Don Brown was present to discuss with the Council the need for street lights in Broback 12th Addition. There were many residents from the proposed street light area present to express their comments. Larry Murray stated that he was in favor of the street lights for crime protection and accident prevention. All of the residents agreed that the lights should be all the same, not half of one kind on one side of the street and another kind on the other side of the street. One question that the Council brought up was did the residents want the lights to be attractive or did they want them to be functional. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting September 18, 1979 A petition was presented by Gary Ross from the residents in favor of the street lights. Discussion followed. Don Brown will check with NSF on the prices of both types of lighting. See Clerk's File 1979- 237. The residents of 132nd Court West petioned the Council about their water problem. They suggested that they would like to see the engineer re -study the problem. They feel that the best solution would be to hook up to City sewer. Much discussion followed. This will be placed on the agenda for the October 2, 1979 R Council Meeting. See Clerk's File 1979 -238. Vern Win expressed his concerns on the Rich Valley Development Company rezoning. He presented 11 questions to the Council and asked if they had been considered before making their decision on the rezoning. Discussion followed. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Ordinance XVII.31 (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (No. XVLL.3). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -239.. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented quotes for a backstop for Kidder Park. His recommendation was from the low bidder, Midwest Fence Company for $390.00. MOTION by Ratzlaff to purchase the backstop for Kidders Park from Midwest Fence Company in the amount of $390.00 with specifications expressed in Randy Oppelt's memo of September 14, 1979. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -240. Randy Oppelt presented a request for authorization to advertise for a City Forester position. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Randy to advertise for a part time forester according to our discussion and ask Randy to make the final decision for us as soon as possible. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -241. Randy presented the Twin Puddles Park Development Plan to the Council. He stated that he would like to have Short, Elliot Hendrickson prepare drawings and include cost estimates and final grades for the proposed development. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, to make arrangements for the Planning on the recreation facilities in Twin Puddles Park as prepared in his memo dated 85 86 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting September 18, 1979 September 10, 1979. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -242. Dakota County H.R.A. presented a joint cooperation agreement for the City of Rosemount. MOTION by Jensen to authorize signatures on the joint cooperation agreement, Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -243. Dick Asleson, representing the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities, discussed with the Council joining the Association. H gave a brief summary of how the association works and what they can do for a community. Discussion followed. MOTION by Jensen that Rosemount participate in the Association of Metro- politan Municipalities and request that the dues be prorated based on the time of year we join and the Mayor be designated as the voting delegate with the alternate being the Clerk. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -244. An Ordinance establishing salary and per diem for the Council was presented. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Ordinance II.2(AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING SALARY AND PER DIEM AMOUNTS FOR THE MAYOR AND CITY COUNCIL MEMBERS). Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The Council discussed the administrator position. See Clerk's File 1979 -245. The Mayor suggested that there should be a meeting to provide input on this position from all the staff. It was noted that there will be a staff meeting the Friday before each Regular Council Meeting to help the staff prepare for the meetings with the first meeting to be September 28, 1979 and discussion of the administrator position will be held. A letter from Orrin Thompson was presented regarding the cost of the feasi- bility study prepared by Short, Elliot Hendrickson. Gary Thompson stated they felt that 70' of the benefit is theirs and the rest of the benefit lies outside their area. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to those land owners benefited and ask them to pay their share. A letter received from Irving Balto was discussed concerning his proposal for auditing the City records, excluding the liquor funds, for the year ending December 31, 1979. MOTION by Jensen to accept the letter from Irving Balto and we look forward to using them 4s the auditor of the 1979 audits. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer,.Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -246, MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -3 (A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING DATES FOR THE REGULAR CITY ELECTION AND DECLARING COUNCIL VACANCIES TO BE PLACED ON THE REGULAR CITY ELECTION BALLOT). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. ROSEMOIINT CITY 1ROCEEDMGS 8'1 Regular Council Meeting September 1S, 1979 The letter from the Minnesota Department of Transportation was presented regarding children playing signs. No Council action was requested. See Clerk's File 1979 -247. The letter from Mark Hurd Aerial Surveys Incorporated was presented. The Council felt that there is nothing that needs to be flown at this time. See Clerk's File 1979 -248. A letter dated September 6, 1979 from Matt Gonring, of the Metro- politan Waste Control Commission, regarding the sludge storage area at the Rosemount Treatment Plant.was presented. The Council would like to contact Bernard Harrington and tell him there is no need for further input at this time on the sludge storage area at the Rosemount Treatment Plant. See Clerk's File 1979 -249. The Mayor stated that if anyone was interested in attending the Metro Waste Meeting in Vermillion, it will be held on Thursday, September 27, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. at the Vermillion Village Hall. See Clerk's File 1979 -250. Joe Walsh updated the Council on the hearing he and Don Darling attended concerning Jerry Hoffstrom's termination. He stated that they will not know the results until a future date. Don Darling presented a Letter from Metro Cable. The Council referred this to the Cable TV Commission. The Mayor presented a letter for a Metro Environment Seminar which the City Planner, Dean Johnsbn, was interested in attending. Dean stated that he may not make all the meetings, but there were two he wanted specifically to attend, because of the Legislative impact which nay result from the sessions. MOTION by Ratzlaff to authorize Dean Johnson to attend the meetings given by the Government Training Service. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays O. See Clerk's File 1979 -251. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -33 (A RESOLUTION CAUSING ABATEMENT OF SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS ON RAHN'S 7th ADDITION PARK). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 for Police Department's report for August. See Clerk's File 1979 -253 for Fire Department's report for August. See Clerk's File 1979 -254 for Building Department's report for August. MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 11:07 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Mdurya L&ftus Council Secretary 88 Carling Clerk /Treasurer ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting September 18, 1979 Printed this day o o[�, 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 25, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held September 25, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The Mayor opened the Special Meeting at 7:00 p.m. with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Mayor added the Joint Cooperation Agreement with Dakota County H.R.A. to the agenda under Item 6 for discussion. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold two Public Hearings. The first Public Hearing was for an alley vacation from CENTEL Telephone Com- pany. The second Public Hearing was a continuation from July 24, 1979 regarding Dakota Homes appeal of the Planning Commission denial of concept for a trailer park. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on the alley vacation. Glen Nord, and other CENTEL representatives, were present for their request for an alley vacation. There was much discussion and comments from the residents regarding their use of the alley. Eugene Duff presented a petition from the property owners surrounding the alley to be vacated. The petition stated that they will agree to closing the 8" portion upon which the CENTEL building is already existing on, but they recommend a time limit for the life of the building at which time this 8" portion would return to public alley use. There was much discussion on the set back requirements. The Mayor interrupted the Public Hearing at 7:34 p.m. to ask the Council if they wished to continue with the alley vacation Public Hearing. The Council wanted to continue with the Public Hearing on the alley vacation. Discussion followed. MOTION by Knutson that we acknowledge receipt of and ask that the petition The Mayor stated that since Dakota County H.R.A and Hammel Green and Abrahamson have the same kind of proposal, the City can only participate in one of them. MOTION by Jensen to rescind our action agreeing to a joint agreement with Dakota County H.R.A. and go ahead with Hammel Green and Abrahamson's. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 8:25 p.m. ATTEST: on 'arling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held September 27, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Stauffer absent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed Community Development Block Grant pre application and receive citizen input. Dean Johnson, City Planner, briefly explaine4 and outlined the Citizen Parti- cipation Plan with the Council. He stated that this plan is to assure low and moderated income persons, members of minority groups, and residents of blighted areas and neighborhoods the opportunity to express their viewpoints and participate in all activities involving Community Development Funding through the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. Discussion followed. day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 25, 1979 Ik Respectfully submitted, Maurya\.Loftus Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 27, 1979 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 25, 1979 be made part of the record and placed on file. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratlzaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -255. MOTION by Jensen to close the Public Hearing.on the alley vacation. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratlzaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on Dakota Homes at 7:44 p.m. Steve Isaacson was present representing Dakota Homes. It was his feeling that he did not think his concept would be approved since the Council has already approved another mobile home park. He stated that the community would not like two mobile home parks. Discussion followed on sewer and water. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing on Dakota Homes at 7:55. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Councilman Jensen felt that he can not see why we should not grant CENTEL their request since they are an asset to the community. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -34 (A RESOLUTION CAUSING VACATION OF A PORTION OF AN ALLEY). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays Knutson. Ayes 4, Nays 1. The Mayor requested to see the Planning Commission minutes for the reasons of denial for the Dakota Homes Mobile Home Park. Discussion followed. MOTION by Jensen that we deny the Dakota Homes Concept at this time requesting a mobile home park in Section 32. Second by Walsh. Discussion followed. MOTION by Knutson to amend the motion to state that several reasons for this denial are the relationship to and affect upon the surround- ing uses of lands. This is in our Subdivision Ordinance 6.4 and also refer to the commitments that we have to developments which have presently put us at our limit as far as financial issues are concerned; such as Carlson's South Rose Park, Valley Oak, Gavins Apollo PUD and the redevelopment of downtown Rosemount. And also, that we feel now is not the time to begin development on the south- east quadrant of Highway 3 and County Road 42 until we have established priorities for that area on a land development use. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Vote on the original motion: Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Joint Cooperation Agreement between Dakota County H.R.A. and the City of Rosemount was discussed. 89 MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -35 (A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLAN). Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -256. The City Planner gave a brief description of the purpose of the Community Development application and introduced Perry Bolin, of Hammel Green and Abrahamson, who also described the project and the proposed Community Development Program Application. He stated that the total amount requested for this application is $75,000.00. He also stated that the purpose of the application is to provide additional funds which will assist in the Rosemount Community Housing Project. He gave several uses which the money from the funds would be used for. They included special assessments, sewer availability charge, and water availability charge, park dedication, trail development, sub surface soil exchange, and site drainage /storm sewer. Because of the involvement of City consultants to date on the project and anticipated expenditures on legal, planning, engineering and general administration, the sum of $1,500.00 was to be included in the request for Administration /Planning. Mike Conlan, of Northland Mortgage Company, was present as a repre- sentative for Hammel Green and Abrahamson. He was asked to come to answer any questions pertaining to federal funding activities in particular, those which assisted Low and moderate income housing. Mr. Bolin also stated that there will be more pre applications submitted than can be funded. The program requirements for the application were also discussed. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Jensen. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 8:15 p.m. Don F. Darling, Clerk /reasurer Printed this R 4-7:' day o L' ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 27, 1979 Respectfully submitted, affitchi- Maurya Loftus Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. 91 9 2 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held September 28, 1979 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Walsh absent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 28, 1979 The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the proposed Community Development Block Grant pre- application and receive citizen input. Perry Bolin, of Hammel Green and Abrahamson, was present to outline the Community Development Plan for the Council, including purpose and project costs. It was noted again that more pre applications would be submitted to HUD than can be funded. Councilman Jensen asked whether HGA will be deeding additional property for the trail. Dean Johnson, City Planner, questioned whether a trail can legally be placed in a drainage easement. Mr. Bolin stated that HGA would go along with the City if an additional easement is required. Much discussion followed on site drainage and storm water holding capacity. MOTION by Knutson having fulfilled the requirements of two Public Hearings for the pre application for the Community Development Block Grant, this second hearing be adjourned. Second by Ratzlaff. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:35 p.m. AZT EST: ---:62411 on F. Da ing Clerk /Treasurer Respectfully submitted, Maurya oftus Council Secretary Printed this day of 1979. Dakota County Tribune. 1 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 2, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held October 2, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Stauffer absent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Gary Ross was present to request to be put on the agenda regarding the street lighting in Broback's 12th Addition. He also asked the Council if they had made any decisions. The Mayor stated the Council has not heard from Don Brown concerning the matter. Their decision will be made on a future agenda after receiving input from Don Brown and reviewing the situation. MOTION by Jensen to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979- 257. e Tom McNally, from Dakota County Developmental Learning Center, presented the papers that require signatures from the Mayor. Discussion followed. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -36 (A RESOLUTION RELATING TO A $425,000 DEVELOPMENTAL ACHIEVEMENT CENTER REVENUE NOTE; AUTHOR- IZING THE ISSUANCE THEREOF PURSUANT TO MINNESOTA STATUTES, SECTIONS 447.45 TO 447.50, INCLUSIVE). Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to authorize signatures on documents relative to bond sales for Dakota County Developmental Learning Center. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. Steve Broback, of Broco Contracting, presented the Development Contract between the City of Rosemount and Broco Contracting Company for Rahn's 8th .Addition. Steve Campbell, of Short, Elliott and Hendrickson, suggested since the City Attorney has not seen the new Development Contract, the Council should wait until we get his opinion. Steve had many changes on the contract and pointed them out to the Council. Discussion followed. wr.-<v-i MOTION by Jensen to approve the Developers Cont't between Broco Contracting Company and the City of Rosemount with the changes and word changes eluded to by the engineer and additional improvement payment be included and the Attorney's approval of the contract before signatures are applied. Second by Knutson, Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -258. Steve Campbell updated the Council on the plans and specs for Rahn's 93 94 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 2, 1979 8th Addition stating that they will be ready Monday, October 8, 1979. MOTION by Knutson to set a Special Council Meeting for Tuesday, October 9, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of accepting the plans and specs for Rahn's 8th Addition and authorization to advertise for bids. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Don Brown and Steve Campbell have inspected Mickelson's 2nd Addition streets and recommend they be accepted by the City for maintenance. A memo dated September 27, 1979 from Randy Oppelt was presented concerning dead trees on the road right -of -way in Mickelson's 2nd Addition. It was suggested that the owners be notified and asked to remove these before the City can accept the streets. MOTION by Jensen that the Clerk notify Mickelson's and tell them that before we accept the streets on the second addition, they must remove the dead oak trees as referred to in the Forester's memo dated September 27, 1979. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979- 259. There were many residents from 132nd Court West to discuss the sewer problem with the Council. Much discussion followed with input from the residents and Council members. The question was brought up if a cost study could be prepared. Discussion followed. MOTION by Knutson that the Council authorize the engineer to present a cost estimate at the next meeting for such a study. Second by Jensen. Discussion followed. Vote on the motion: Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. There was no information received from LELS regarding the Police Contract. No Council action was taken. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -37 (A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR THE 1980 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND TO AUTHORIZE THE NECESSARY SIGNATURES). Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -38 (A RESOLUTION DESIGNATING THE PLANNED USE OF REVENUE SHARING FUNDS). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Don Brown, Maintenance Supervisor, presented a request to advertise for plans and specs for a tandem dump truck. Discussion followed. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the Maintenance Supervisor to advertise for bids for a single axel and tandem axel unit for the purposes as described in his memo of September 28, 1979 and his subsequent memo of October 2, 1979. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 260. 1 1 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 2, 1979 A petition was presented from the owners of real estate abutting on Chippendale Avenue for the City to install sanitary sewer, municipal water, grading, concrete curb and gutter and blacktop on the right- of-way of Chippendale Avenue from the intersection of said Chippendale Avenue with County Road 42 at the north line of Sections 3L and 32 of Rosemount, south to the South line of said Sections 31 and 32, to its intersection with 160th Street West. Discussion followed. MOTION by Knutson that the Council acknowledge receipt of the petition and ask it to be placed on file. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979- 261. Discussion followed. MOTION by Knutson that we ask the Clerk to check with the attorney and get an opinion from him regarding the petition as to how it relates to the cost of the project and request the engineer to pre- pare a feasibility study on this project. Also, find out the terms on the Green Acres impact regarding this proposal. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to set the Regular H.R.A. Meeting for 8:00 p.m. on Tuesday, November 6, 1979 and the Regular Council Meeting to start immediately after. Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Mayor updated the Council on the meeting on Ambulance service from Divine Redeemer. The Clerk pointed out that there could be four more communities join- ing in with us and Divine Redeemer and that we could benefit from it. An Emergency Energy Referral Plan from Governor Quie was presented by the Mayor. He stated that this plan was to provide an emergency housing center, have a twenty -four hour referral number, and have somebody to be on hand to notify personnel in the community. The Fire Hall was suggested to be used as the emergency housing center, and the Sheriff's Department was suggested for the twenty -four hour referral number and the person to notify in case of an emergency. Councilman Walsh stated that there is no sleeping facilities at the Fire Hall, and was wondering if the State was going to furnish the blankets and cots. Discussion followed. No Council action is needed for this, but the Mayor stated that he would like the staff to research this. See Clerk's File 1979 -262. A Metro- Council meeting at the Burnsville City Hall on October 4, 1979 was presented in a letter from Charlie Weaver. The Mayor stated that he will be attending, and if anyone wishes to attend, they are welcome. 95 96 There was much discussion on the Administrator position. No Council action was taken. The CES Card Counter Agreement to include Inver Grove Heights was discussed. MOTION by Jensen to authorize signatures when Inver Grove Heights' signed document arrives. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. An Energy Conservation Audit S that is to be held at Dakota County Vo -Tech was presented. The Mayor stated that the Building Inspector has an interest in attending this. MOTION by Knutson to authorize attendance of the Building Inspector at this seminar. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979- 263 for Building Department's report for September. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:10 p.m. on' F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this M day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 2, 1979 Respectfully submitted, L ikeia r t M Maurya Loftus Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting October 9, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held October 9, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to receive and review the plans and Specs for Rahn's 8th Addition improvements, authorize ad for bids on Rahn's 5th Addition improvements, and authorize the necessary signatures on Rahn's 8th Addition final plat. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS 97 Special Council Meeting October 9, 1979 The feasibility study cost for Chippendale Avenue and 132nd Court West was added to the agenda under item number 7. The Mayor turned the meeting over to Steve Campbell, of Short, Elliott Hendrickson, who presented the plans and specs for Rahn's 8th Addition improvements as listed in the Developers Contract. Councilman Jensen questioned the type of lighting that was suggested to be put in. He stated that light poles are out there now. The Mayor suggested an addendum be made to include this in the specs. Steve Campbell stated that the bids for Rahn's 8th Addition improve- ments would be opened Monday, October 22, 1979 at 2:00 p.m. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979-, (A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECS FOR RAHN'S 8th ADDITION, AUTHORIZING ADVERTISE- MENT FOR BIDS AND ORDERING THE IMPROVEMENTS). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. A memo from Dean Johnson, City Planner, was presented regarding the Development Contract. Since there are changes in the Developers Contract ,.the signing of the final plat for Rahn's 8th Addition will be delayed until these changes are made. See Clerk's File 1979 -264. MOTION by Knutson to set a Special Council Meeting for Tuesday, October 23, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of reviewing the bids on Rahn's 8th Addition improvements. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Steve Campbell presented the feasibility study cost for improvements on Chippendale Avenue between County Road 42 and 160th Street. The report will cover street grading, utilities, such as sanitary sewer, watermain and drainage, concrete curb and gutter and bituminous street paving. It will also consider traffic problems such as traffic generated in the area, street system review, the design of the streets, including width requirements and special design needs for County Road 42. The study will take approximately six to eight weeks. Cliff and Rich Carlson were present to answer any questions that the Council had concerning Chippendale Avenue and 160th Street. The Clerk was instructed to contact owners along Chippendale Avenue and see if these people want this study done. See Clerk's File 1979 -265. Steve also presented the feasibility study cost regarding sanitary sewer problems on 132nd Court West and the adjacent property. The study will try to determine the type and extent of the problems and consider alternative solutions. See Clerk's File 1979 -266. There will be no Council action until the studies are complete. This will be placed on a future agenda. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Stauffer. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 8:18 p.m. Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this I day o ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting October 9, 1979 Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loftus Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting October 16, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held October 16, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing on the easement vacation for a simple lot division in Carrollton Addition. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. There was no one present to discuss the simple lot division in Carrollton Addition. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing on the vacation in Carrollton Addition. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -40 (A RESOLUTION CAUSING VACATION OF A PORTION OF A DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENT). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, W. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1979 -41 (A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A SIMPLE LOT DIVISION). Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. 1 MOTION by Knutson to adjourn the Special Meeting. Second by Stauffer. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:24 p.m. ATTEST: on F. 'Darling Clerk /Treasurer ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting October 16, 1979 Respectfully submitted, ufik, a Loftus Maurya Council Secretary Printed this lye day o 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 16, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held October 16, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the Agenda: Insulating and paneling of Fire Hall exterior walls. Dicataphone system discussion. MOTION by Jensen to approve the Consent Calendar as printed. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -267. MOTION by Jensen to set a Public Hearing for Hammel Green and Abrahamson's request for a rezoning for Tuesday, November 20, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to set a Public Hearing for Tuesday, November 20, 1979 at 7:15 p.m. for the purpose of A G Auto and Tourdot rezoning request. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -268. MOTION by Knutson to set a PUD hearing for Chippendale CondorEinium on Tuesday, November 20, 1979 immediately following the 7:15 p.m. hearing. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. 99 100 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 16, 1979 Leon Cohen, of Rich V Development Company, presented their request for access of 125th Street through the old Markham farm. Much discussion followed on when they would get the road blacktopped. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -42 (A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 1978 -24 SECTION 1, SUBSECTIONS I P). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, J Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -269. A letter from David Grannis III, City Attorney, was presented concerning the latest draft of the Development Contract between Broco Contracting Company and the City of Rosemount. Mr. Grannis recommended that the Council author- ize execution of the agreement with the changes that were made. MOTION by Knutson to approve the Developers Agreement between the City of Rosemount and Broco Contracting Company and that the necessary signatures be authorized. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -270. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the final plat and to authorize the necessary signatures for Rahn's 8th Addition. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Police Contract with the new wording was presented. Councilman Jensen stated that the Council should have the final say in the negotiations with LELS and would recommend that the LELS negotiator appear before the Council at the next regular Council meeting. See Clerk's File 1979 -271. The Clerk was instructed to notify the representative from LELS and ask him to come to the R Council Meeting of November 6, 1979, a half hour will be allowed for discussion of the Police Contract regarding wages. Councilman Walsh stated that he would like to see how Rosemount compares to the surrounding communities concerning wages and longevity. Chief Staats will supply that information to the Council. Randy Oppelt, Forestry Supervisor, discussed with the Council the forestry position being full or part time. MOTION by Knutson that we authorize the Park and Recreation Director, Forestry Supervisor, to draw up a job description for a City Foresterrnd Park Maintenance person according to his memo, that we also authorize R to advertise for this position, and appoint the Park and Recreation Director, Commissioner of Forestry Joe Walsh and the Clerk to be on the screening committee for the applications and also authorize the use of Dave Gullifer for evaluating these applications. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -272. Randy Oppelt updated the Council on the research project and Carroll's Woods tree removal. He stated that Jerry Hoffstrom has completed half of task #2 and has written up a purchase order for it. Councilman Walsh questioned Randy about what was going to happen to the wood that was being cut down from these trees. He has been asked if it could possible be bought for fire wood. ,.ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS -1:01 Regular Council Meeting October 16, 1979 Randy felt that this was not a good idea for three reasons: 1) There is no public access road to the site. 2) Once we would let people in, there would be no way to control how much they take. 3) Unless they store the diseased Elm tree wood properly and use it before next spring, it could spread the disease. See Clerk's File 1979 -273. There were many residents from 132nd Court West present concerning their sewer problem. Considerable discussion followed. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the engineering firm to conduct a study as outlined in their Letter of October 9, 1979 and at such time as the study is complete, and the costs are available, we will notify the residents and ask them to attend another meeting to see That the cost will be. Second by Jensen. Discussion followed on when the study could be complete. The engineers indicated that they could have it done by the December 18, 1979 Regular Council Meeting. Vote on the MOTION: Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -274. The Mayor acknowledged the approval of the Interim Sewer Plan from Metropolitan Council. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, updated the Council on the street lights proposed in Broback's 10th, llth and 12th Additions. He discussed the various locations that have been proposed. MOTION by Ratzlaff that we approve the lights as proposed by Don Brown in Broback 10th Addition and approve the installation of the lights in the Broback llth Addition, and that we do not approve any lights not in existence in the 12th Addition. Second by Jensen. Discussion followed. MOTION by Jensen to amend the MOTION to include authorization for one street light on Damask Avenue on the curve between Lots 15 and 16. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays Ratzlaff. Ayes 4, Nays 1. Motion carried. Vote on the original MOTION: Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays Walsh. Ayes 4, Nays 1. Motion carried. See Clerk's File 1979 -275. Randy Oppelt discussed the RAHA request for snow removal at Rosemount Senior High hockey rinks. Also present was Jerry Cassem, Director of Community Services, to present his request for the City to maintain the Rosemount High School hockey rinks. Discussion centered on if the City had the time to plow the rinks for the high school, and if they had the type of plows that were needed. Councilman Ratzlaff, Don Brown, and Randy Oppelt will get together and resolve this. See Clerk's File 1979 -276. 102 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 16, 1979 Police Chief Staats requested authorization to advertise for bids for two new squad cars. He stated that one of the old squad cars would be traded in when the other two are purchased. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the Police Chief to advertise for bids on two new squad cars. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Chief also requested authorization to advertise for a new position. This position would be for a new patrolman who would take the place of one of the present patrolman who will be promoted to investigator. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize the Chief of Police to advertise for a new patrolman. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen. Nays Ratzlaff. Ayes 4, Nays 1. Motion carried. A vacation extension for the Police Department was also discussed. The extension would be until March of 1980. The Chief felt that they will not be able to get vacations taken by the end of the year due to injuries within the department. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the extension as requested by the Police Chief, 1979 vacations schedule to run through March of 1980. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. A letter from Ray McNamara, Fire Chief, was presented concerning the Rosemount Fire Department's request to insulate and panel the outside walls in the meeting room and two offices. A correction was mode to the letter. Instead of 3/8" sheetrock, it would be 1/2" sheetrock, causing the cost to be a little higher. MOTION by Ratzlaff to authorize the Fire Chief to proceed with sheetrocking, insulating and panelling of the meeting room and two offices as outlined in his letter of October 14, 1979. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -277. A letter from the City Engineers Association of Minnesota was presented. They were asking the City for $5.00 to meet the cost of the City Engineers Association "Standard Utility Specifications" publication. MOTION by Jensen to approve the billing if the information is available and a copy is in this office. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratlzaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays O. See Clerk's File 1979 -278. The Mayor presented a listing from the County regarding two parcels listed as forfeited due to deliquent taxes. They were: 1) the storm water holding pond Outlot B" Broback I -Park; 2) a small parcel in the Correction Section #7. MOTION by Knutson to approve the classification as presented by the County and that we notify the County that the City of Rosemount is interested in "Outlot B" Broback Industrial Park and authorize the arrangements necessary for obtaining "Outlot B" Broback Industrial Park. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -279. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS S 0 3 Regular Council Meeting October 16, 19 The Mayor reminded the Council of the Metro Waste Meeting on November 1, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. Mileage reimbursement was discussed as presented in the first Staff Meeting memo. It was unanimous by the staff that the Council be asked to consider increasing the mileage reimbursement from L5 cents to 19 cents effective immediately. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the Clerk to pay 19 cents a mile for employees who use their own car for City business effective November 1, 1979. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -280. League of Minnesota Cities Regional Meeting is scheduled for October 25, 1979. If any one is interested from the Council, they may attend. The Association of Metropolitan Municipalities is asking for a rep- resentative from Rosemount to be on one of the Committees. The Council members were asked to think about this, and let the Mayor know if any of them would be interested in a position at a later date. Mr. M.E. Ramsdell's memo regarding tours of facilities was presented. He would like to see the Counties of Dakota, Scott and Carver tour the Metro Plant. No Council action was taken. See Clerk's File 1979 -281. The Utility Commission recommended to the City Council a fire rating review. A listing dated July 3, 1978 from Don Brown, shows the improvements of the City's utilities since the last rating study. MOTION by Ratzlaff to concur with the letter written by the Mayor to W. J. Mooers of the Fire Underwriters Inspection Bureau. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -282. The Administrative position was discussed. No Council action was taken. A legislative hearing on levy limits was presented in a letter from Harry Sieben, Jr. The Clerk was instructed to contact either Harry Sieben, Jr., or Maureen Novak, his secretary, and let them know that we are, at this point, satisfied with the levy limit situtation. See Clerk's File 1979 -283. The Mayor updated the Council on the Developmental Learning Center. He stated that the bond sale took place last week and construction has started. There has been no word from Minnesota Project. No Council action was taken. There was discussion on the holiday schedule for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Eve. A request was Trade for the Council 104 to consider closing down at noon on the day before Thanksgiving and all day Christmas and New Years Eve. The Clerk pointed out that this would be for this year only as these holidays fall on a Tuesday this year. MOTION by Knutson that we authorize a half day•of work for the day before Christmas and the day before New Years Day, and that the office be staffed by no less than two people for that half day. Scheduling is to be arranged by the department heads and their various people. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize the City staff to close at 12:00 noon on the day before Thanksgiving. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer. Nays Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Ayes 1, Nays 4. NOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -43 (A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING PRECINCT POLING PLACES, APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES AND SETTING COMPENSATION FOR ELECTION JUDGES). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Due to the elections on November 6, Don Darling and Frank Coggin will be tied up for a portion of the meeting. It was agreed by the staff that since Dean Johnson has to be here for the H.R.A. Meeting, he would be the logical one to fill in. MOTION by Ratzlaff to appoint Dean Johnson as Deputy Clerk for the November 6, 1979 Regular Council Meeting. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Clerk presented a proposal for a dictaphone machine. He had a proposal from Systems 3 Incorporated for one dictaphone machine, a hearing set, six tapes and two recorders. He stated that Don Brown would have his own recorder and there would be one left in the office. MOTION by Ratzlaff that we authorize $675.86, or less, for a dictation system. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -284. See Clerk's File 1979 -285 for Police Department's report for September. See Clerk's File 1979 -286 for Fire Department's report for S See Clerk's File 1979 -287 for Animal Warden's report for September. See Clerk's File 1979 -288 for Brauer Billings for September. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:54 p.m. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 16, 1979 Respectfully submitted, Maurya bbftus Council Secretary F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this day o, 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CifY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting October 23, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held October 23, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Jensen absent. Mayor Knutson led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Steve Campbell, of Short, Elliott and Hendrickson, presented the bids for Rahn's 8th Addition. He recommended the low bidder, Brown and Chris, Incorporated, with a bid of $58,629.60. See Clerk's File 1979 -289. Steve Broback, of Broco Contracting, agreed with the recommendation from Steve Campbell for Brown and Chris. He also had in his presence the proof of payment for site grading. See Clerk's File 1979 -290. MOTION by Knutson that based on the recommendation of the Engineer's and upon receipt of the payment waiver from the developer, we award the bids for Rahn's 8th Addition Utility and Street Construction Improvements 1979 -2, to Brown and Chris, Incorporated, Lakeville, Minnesota for a grand total amount of $58,629.60. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize the necessary signatures for Rahn's 8th Addition Final Plat. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Ordinance XVII.32 (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt Ordinance XVII.33 (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE XVII.3) Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays O. Dean Johnson, City Planner, presented a memo regarding South Rose Park Addition Replat. See Clerk's File 1979 -291. Wayne Cordes, of Harry S. Johnson Company, was present to represent the South Rose Park Addition. Discussion followed on access points and the County's recommendation regarding this matter. See Clerk's File 1979 -292. MOTION by Knutson to approve the South Rose Park Replat Addition and authorize the necessary signatures on the Hardshell copies. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. There were many residents present regarding the Chippendale Avenue Study Review. In viewing the considerations, the Mayor feels that the City should take over the road. The City could petition the County to turn over the road to use along with the petition for the improvements. 10r 106 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting October 23, 1979 MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -44 (A RESOLUTION PETITIONING THE DAKOTA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOR IMPROVEMENTS TO CHIPPENDALE AVENUE FROM 150th STREET TO 160th STREET). Second by Stauffer. Discussion followed. Vote on MOTION: Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Ordinance XVII.34 (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE XVII.3). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Steve Campbell, of Short, Elliott and Hendrickson, presented a questionaire for the 132nd Court West sewer problem to be• distributed to the residents and have them fill it out. Councilman Walsh questioned if the location of the wells should be added to the questionaire. The Council agrees with the questionaire form and hopes that we will get good results. The Mayor presented a memo regarding a job description for a Planning Director. He stated that Dean Johnson has done a very good job as a Planner and has taken on more responsibilities than were anticipated when he started this job. The Mayor felt that a position should be created as Planning Director, as outlined in his memo of October 20, 1979, and the salary range be established with a 61/2ie increase on January 1, 1980. See Clerk's File 1979 -293. Councilman Walsh stated that he felt the salary should be a little higher due to the fact that this position in surrounding areas is closer to $1,500.00 a month. MOTION by Walsh we establish a job title of Planning Director and that Dean Johnson be appointed to this position with a monthly salary of $1,500.00 per month effective November 1, 1979 with a 61/2% cost of living increase effective January 1, 1980. Second by Stauffer. MOTION by Stauffer to amend the MOTION to say the salary for this position be $1,400.00 per month. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays Walsh. Ayes 3, Nays 1. Motion carried. Vote on original MOTION: Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Clerk is to suggest at the next staff meeting for the department heads to draw up a job description to help the Council when they review salaries in the future. Dean Johnson, City Planner, presented an idea of hiring a CETA person as recommended by Kathy Reineke. He stated that this person would cost the City nothing to employ and would only be here for a year unless the City would ask for an extension. The Mayor suggested that we should look into this and invite the CETA person to come for an interview. The Clerk was instructed to set up an interview with the CETA person and possibly being hired to work for the City. The Clerk will bring his reconnendation to the Council after this is completed. MOTION by Ratzzaff to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:11 p.m. kci a ":7 Doh F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Discussion followed on corrections in the minutes. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting October 23, 1979 Respectfully submitted, L PULLIN Maurya Lotus Council Secretary Printed thi4 Y$ day of 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 6, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held November 6, 1979 at 8:20 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The late start and rescheduling of the R Council Meeting was due to the elections. Items added to the agenda: The 911 Emergency Phone System. The election results. MOTION by Jensen to approve the Consent Calendar for November 6, 1979 with the corrections as noted. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratlzaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -294. Dick Nelson and Fred Jalonen, of Law Enforcement Labor Services, Incorporated, were present regarding the Police Contract. Also present were members of the Police Department. Mr. Nelson presented figures on how Rosemount's salaries compare to surrounding communities. Several concerns were noted when comparing salaries and benefits with other City employees. Longevity was also discussed. See Clerk's File 1979 -295. i .O •�I 308 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 6, 1979 The Council asked the negotiators if they could be at the next Council Meeting on November 20 to reach a decision on the Police Contract. Don Koebel was present for a discussion on Phase I of the Valley Oak Addition improvements. Roger Short, of Short, Elliott and Hendrickson, was also present and suggested two feasibility reports be ordered for the V Oak petition and the Chippendale petition. The Council questioned whether some of this information had already been prepared. He also asked if the Council felt a need for the Fiscal Consultants advice or maybe an attorney's opinion regarding the consolidation of the two projects. Mr. Short said he would be able to prepare a report for staff review prior to the November 20 Regular Council Meeting. The South Rose Park Development Contract was laid over until the November 20 Regular Council Meeting to give the developer more time to review the Development Contract. Randy Oppelt, Forestry Supervisor, presented the job description for the City Forester position. MOTION by Knutson to accept the City Forester Park Maintenance worker job description and statement of duties as presented by the Park Director, and ask that these be used as part of the hiring procedure for that position. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -296. Randy also informed the Council that the deadline for the Shade Tree Disease Control Program was November 15, 1979. See Clerk's File 1979 -297. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Ordinance No. XVI.7 (AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ESTABLISHING A SHADE TREE PROGRAM, PROVIDING REGULATION FOR THE CONTROL OF CERTAIN DISEASES AFFECTING TREES, INCORPORATING AGENCY RULES AND REGULATIONS AND PROVIDING FOR PENALTY FOR VIOLATION THEREOF.) Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratlzaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -45 (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING SUBMITTAL OF THE 1980 SHADE TREE PROGRAM APPLICATION.) Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Randy gave a brief update on the Forestry Department. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, presented the informal bids for the snow blade for the pickup. He recommended to award the bid to L -Z Company Incorporated in the amount of $1,274.00, with a delivery date of two weeks after notification. MOTION by Jensen we approve the purchase of a snow plow from L -Z Company Incorporated for the price of $1,274.00. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -298. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented a request to renew the trail through Carrolls Woods for snowmobiles. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 6, 1979 MOTION by Stauffer to authorize use of the snowmobile trail on the north end of Carrolls Woods for another year. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -299. Randy stated that there are three vacancies on the Park and Recreation Committee and informed the Council that he should have recommendations for the positions at the next meeting.. The City Clerk interrupted the Council Meeting to announce the election results. He stated that Leland Knutson was re- elected Mayor, and Don Ratzlaff and Arnie Jensen were re- elected Councilman. See Clerk's File 1979 -300. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1979 -46 (A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION AS THEY APPEAR ON THE FACE OF THE ELECTION RETURNS AS MADE BY THE ELECTION JUDGES AND SUBMITTED BY THE CITY CLERK). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Don Brown presented a cooperation agreement between the Minnesota State Highway Department and the City of Rosemount for the removal of snow on Highway 3. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -47 (A RESOLUTION IN COOPERATION WITH STATE FOR SNOW REMOVAL ON TRUNK HIGHWAY NUMBER 3). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Molly Schaffer, and John Rowe, of Dakota County Court Services, pre- sented a restitution program for juveniles through Dakota County. Discussion followed on what the program was about and how it was handled. MOTION by Ratzlaff to try this program on a temporary basis. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -301. A paraphernalia ordinance was presented to the Council and a memo from the Clerk dated October 31, 1979. See Clerk's File 1979 -302. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Ordinance No.XV1.15 (AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SALE, TRANSFER AND POSSESSION OF DRUG RELATED DEVICES). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Dean Johnson, City Planner, updated the Council on the interview he, the Mayor and the Clerk had with the CETA person. He stated that this person would be used mostly for clerical work and his training was much more advanced than this. He also stated that the program was made to help improve skills, but with as much training and schooling he has had it would be better if he found something his skills could be used for. The Council did not recommend that the City utilize the CETA program at this time. A letter was presented by the Jaycees regarding park improvements. They stated that they have withdrawn their financial committment for 109 110 the development of Carrolls Woods /Schwarz Pond Park and will utilize their resources in another way within the community. They are still interested in the development of the property but will no longer continue to accu- mulate funds for it. They also stated that they will continue to follow this and will be prepared to help in whatever way they can when develop- ment °tarts. See Clerk's File 1979 -303. The Mayor presented a report from NSP on their recent news release indicating Rosemount as one of several potential sites for a new power plant serving the Metro Area. The Mayor asked the Council if anyone was interested in a waste treatment plant tour sponsored by the Minnesota Environmental Education Board. No interest was shown. Councilman Walsh reported on the meeting he attended November 5, 1979 with the Corrections Subcommittee of the Human Services Advisory Committee. The purpose of the meeting was to review and receive comments on the subcommittee's conclusions and recommendations. It was apparent that the law enforcement agencies did not support the rehabilitation program being reviewed. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -48 (A RESOLUTION OPPOSING THE COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS PROGRAM CONCEPT FOR DAKOTA COUNTY). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Clerk reported on the funding for Rahn's 8th Addition Improvements. He suggested that since bonding is not practical now, the City could loan the money to this fund and bond when the interest rates come down. Councilman Walsh updated the Council on the 911 Emergency Phone System. He stated that the plan has been approved by the Dakota County Board and will go into effect December 31, 1981. The Clerk presented a memo regarding the Dakota County Board Agenda, and informed the Council that the hearings have been affirmed as printed. See Clerk's File 1979 -304. See Clerk's File 1979 -305 for Building Department report for November. MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:52 p.m. ATTEST: Dean Johnson Acting Clerk Printed thin fon day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 6, 1979 Respectfully ubbmittt Maurya L ftu Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. Discussion followed. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting November 20, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held November 20, 1979 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Stauffer absent. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to conduct three Public Hearings for: 1) Hammel Green and Abrahamson's request for rezoning, 2) A G Auto Body's rezoning request, 3) Chippendale Condominiums PUD request. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on Hammel Green and Abrahamson's request for rezoning. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1979 -306 and 1979 -307. Perry Bolin, of Hammel Green and Abrahamson, reviewed the HGA request with the Council. Input was made from Hubert Uitdenbogerd, a nearby resident, concerning the proposed development's location of streets. MOTION by Ratzlaff to close the HGA rezoning hearing. Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Mayor opened the hearing on A G Auto Body and Tourdot Upholstery rezoning request. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1979 -306 and 1979 -307. Al Monk was present from A G Auto Body and Tourdot Upholstery for their request to rezone from Agriculture to C -2. MOTION by Knutson to close the hearing on A G Auto Body and Tourdot Upholstery for rezoning. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Mayor opened the hearing on the Chippendale Condominiums PUD. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication. See Clerk's File 1979 -306. John Broback was present to request a PUD for the proposed Chippendale Condominium project. He stated that he is asking for preliminary site plan approval on phase one and approval of a simple lot division. Discussion followed with comments and recommendations given by the Planning Director from the Planning Commission. MOTION by Knutson to close the hearing on Chippendale Condominiums. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. 411 112 Mayor Knutson opened the meeting for action required to grant the approval requested. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Ordinance No. XVII.35 (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Ordinance No. XVII.36(AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE NO. XVIT.3). Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt Resolution 1979 (A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A SIMPLE LOT DIVISION). Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to adjourn the Special Meeting. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting November 20, 1979 Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loftus Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 20, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held November 20, 1979 at 7:32 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Stauffer absent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. A note was made that the Jackpot total needed to be changed due to a voided check. MOTION by Ratzlaff to approve the Consent Calendar as listed with corrections. 1 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting kr November 20, 1979 Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -308. A representative from the Teamsters Union, Larry Evans, gave a brief update on the Maintenance Contract. He stated that he would like to get together with the Council and discuss the contract in detail. MOTION by Knutson to set a Special Meeting for the purpose of the Labor Agreement Teamsters Employees Union for December 11, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratlzaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Police Contract was laid over until later in the meeting due to the Representatives' late arrival because of a meeting elsewhere. Steve Campbell, of Short, Elliott and Hendrickson, updated the Council on the Lan -O -Ken Study. He stated that they have received all but two surveys concerning the sewer problem on 132nd Court West. The two people requested not to be included in the study. Discussion followed on what would happen if these two people decided they wanted to get into this later. A resolution was presented regarding Rahn's 8th Addition Improvements by the Clerk. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -50 A CONSTRUCTION FUND AND PROVIDING SHORT TERM ADDITION IMPROVEMENTS). Second by Ratzlaff. Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. (A RESOLUTION CREATING FUNDING FOR RAHN'S 8th Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Mayor Knutson recommended to the Council to appoint Barb Toombs and Linda Gottsch to the vacancies on the Park and Recreation Committee as presented by Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director. MOTION by Knutson that Barb Toombs and Linda Gottsch be appointed to the vacancies on the Park and Recreation Committee. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -309. No one was present for South Rose Park and the Development Contract. The Mayor suggested that tbia be put on the next Council agenda. The Mayor acknowledged a letter from Norm Hendrickson regarding the Valley Oak Improvements. See Clerk's File 1979 -310. The Clerk updated the Council on the Chippendale Avenue Improvements. He stated that the County will turn the road over to the City as soon as the contract is finalized on the upgrading between 145th Street and 150th Street. MOTION by Knutson that we authorize the feasibilty study for street grading, utilities including sanitary sewer, water main and drainage facilities, concrete curb and gutter and bituminous street paving, as outlined in the Engineer's letter of November 12, 1979. Second by ,113 114 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 20, 1979 Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Councilman Jensen presented a notice of Public Hearing regarding County Road 42. He expressed the need for participation from Rosemount or nothing will be done concerning the road. The meeting is to be held December 12, 1979 at 7:00 in the Rosemount City Hall Council Chambers. No one was present regarding Broback Builders request for street improve- ments in Broback Industrial Park Addition. The Council felt that a petition of 100% would have to be presented before they can pursue the street improvements. MOTION by Knutson to notify Henry Broback and inform him that a petition of 1007. of the people would have to be presented before the improvements can be considered. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -311 for Planner's review concerning the improvements. Mobilehome Minnesota representatives, Dave Alley, planner, Jerry Wallek, designer, and Jack Benedict presented their concept plan to the Council. A brief slide presentation was used to illustrate the types of mobile homes and the subdivision design that is being proposed. They stated that they were asking the Council to request the City Engineers to complete a feasibility cost study for sewer and water. The Council in- formed them that they would have to draw up a contract for the purpose of guaranteeing payment of engineering costs. A letter from Sheriff Rod Boyd was presented requesting permission to move the Dakota County Sheriff's radio repeater and antenna to the water tower on Chippendale and County Road 42. See Clerk's File 1979 -312. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the antenna agreement with the Dakota County Sheriff's office. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jense, Walsh. Nays 0. The Police Chief presented a letter of request for a no parking sign to be placed on Chili Avenue and 143rd Street West. See Clerk's File 1979 -313. The Council decided that this should be placed on the next Council agenda to be able to notify the residents that surround the area and get their opinions. MOTION by Jensen to put this on the next Council agenda. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. Clifton Sorenson sent a letter to the Council with his request to do something about the speeding along 148th Street West to Dodd Boulevard. The Police Chief stated that it has been patrolled and the Policemen have been using radar along the road. See Clerk's File 1979 -314. The Mayor will put a letter together to inform Mr. Sorenson that it was discussed with the Police Chief and will have a report in a couple of weeks. 1 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 20, 1979 Fred Jalonen, of Law Enforcement Labor Services, and Dave Peterson, Rosemount Police Officer, were present to discuss the Police Contract. Much discussion followed on salary increase and longevity. Councilman Jensen felt that the salary increase was to high and suggested a $140.00 per month increase for the years 1980 and 1981 keeping the longevity and all other provisions the same. MOTION by Jensen to offer an across the board increase for all positions of $140.00 per month per employee for 1980 and $140.00 per month per employee for 1981. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Ratzlaff. Nays Knutson. Ayes 3, Nays 1. The Administrative position was discussed. Don Brown, Utilities Super- intendent, and Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, were present to express their opinions on the Administrative position. Much dis- cussion followed on how they felt individually about the position. Councilman Walsh suggested to bring this subject back up in July or August and see how the Department Heads feel at that time. The Mayor presented information from NSP for improved power distribu- tion in the Pine Bend Industrial area. The proposal includes the extension of a 1.5 mile 115 KV transmission line from a Substation in Inver Grove Heights to a new Substation located in Koch Refinery. The Planning Commission approved the request to construct the new Substation at its Nover..ber 15, 1979 Regular Meeting. A hazardous waste meeting will be held Tuesday, November 27, 1979 at the State Capitol from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. No one indicated they would be able to attend this meeting. The idea of office dividers was suggested to the Council which would be installed in the Clerk's office and in the Planner and Building Official's office. More information is needed before the Council can act on this. The Clerk presented police squad car bids from Wilroy Ford. The bids were for two new squad cars in the amount of $11,653.27 with trade in. See Clerk's File 1979 -315. Police Chief Staats found nothing wrong with the bids and recommended approval. MOTION by Walsh to award the bids for two new police squad cars to Wilroy Ford for $11,653.27 with trade in. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -316 for Fire Department's report for October. See Clerk's File 1979 -317 for Police Department's report for October. See Clerk's File 1979 -318 for Animal Warden's report for October MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:19 p.m. lid ATTEST: on F. Darling Clerk /T Printed this day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 20, 1979 Respectfully submitted, l,./ Maurya L15f tus Council Secretary 1979. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 4, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held December 4, 1979 at 7:31 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Mayor asked to delay further Council business until the Regular H.R.A. Meeting was completed. The Regular Council Meeting was resumed at 7:38 p.m. Items added to the agenda: 5c -John Corcoran Neighborhood Problem. 7a- Unemploy- ment Payment. MOTION by J to approve the Consent Calendar.with corrections. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -319. Cliff Carlson, representing South Rose Park, discussed the South Rose Park Development Contract. He asked if the City's Attorney, Dave Grannis, could meet with their Attorney, Ed McMenomy, and review the contract together. Thiswill be on a future agenda when information arrives from the Attorney's. 1 Spectro Alloys requested to be Meeting on December 18 as they on the bond issue. Many residents were present to Chili Avenue and 145th Street. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 4, 1979 rescheduled for the Regular Council have a problem in their proceedings discuss the no parking signs along The main reason for opposition was the residents felt that speeding along this road would be increased due to no cars being parked along the road. Another concern brought up was the hours the no parking signs would be enforced. The Council was questioned whether certain hours could be enforced instead of no parking 24 hours a day. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -51 (A RESOLUTION ESTABLI- SHING NO PARKING ZONES ON CERTAIN STREETS WITHIN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT). Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Leon Cohen, of Rich Valley Development Company, explained his letters dated November 29, 1979 regarding Resolution 1979 -42. He stated that they are confused about the language in the resolution and it does not agree with their understanding of what happened at the Council meeting when it was adopted. See Clerk's File 1979 -320. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1979 -52 (A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A DEVELOPER'S CONTRACT BETWEEN RICH VALLEY DEVELOPMENT COMPANY AND THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT). Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented a Resolution for the LMCR Application. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1979 -53 (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FILING OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT TO DEVELOP OPEN SPACE CINDER THE PROVISION OF THE FEDERAL LAND AND WATER CONSERVATION FUND ACT AND THE STATE OF MINNESOTA). Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Randy presented a recommendation for a City Forester, that being Peter Hanson with a starting salary of $5.50 per hour. Mr. Hanson can start December 10, 1979. See Clerk's File 1979 -321. MOTION by Jensen that we concur with Randy Oppelt's recommendation to hire Peter Hanson for the City Forester /Park Maintenance position with the pay schedule as listed in Randy's memo dated November 30, 1979 and work to begin December 10, 1979. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Don Brown, Maintenance Superintendent, presented specifications for a new tandem dump truck. He stated that he is asking the Council to approve the specs and authorize him to advertise for bids which would be opened on December 2.8, 1979 at 11:30 a.m.• See Clerk's File 1979 -322. MOTION by Jensen to authorize Don Brown to advertise for bids on a tandem axel dump truck as presented in his specs. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Steve Campbell, of Short Elliott and Hendrickson, discussed the 117 118 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 4, 1979 feasibility study for sewer and water improvements in the proposed mobile home trailer park east of Highway 3 and south of Brockway Glass. The study would cover sanitary sewer and watermain facilities for the plat. See Clerk's File 1979 -323. Also present was Jack Benedict, Vice President of Mobilehome Minnesota. The Council stated that they wanted to be. sure that he understood the City will not be paying for this study, and that a contract should be drawn up between Mobilehome Minnesota and the City of Rosemount stating this. MOTION by Knutson to authorize our Attorney to draw up a contract with Mobilehome Minnesota for engineering studies as outlined in Short Elliott and Hendrickson's letter of December 3, 1979. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Steve Campbell also presented an invoice from Arcon Construction Company for street patching work on Chili Avenue in the Carrollton Addition. Arcon is requesting additional payment because this action required them to have their street contractor come in on two different occasions. Steve said he would get in touch with Arcon and try to negotiate the price. See Clerk's File 1979 -324. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the Engineer to go back to Arcon and try to get more information on how they arrived at their prices and authorize the engineer to try and get it reduced. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A letter dated November 12, 1979 from the Metropolitan Transit Commission was presented. The letter requested site recommendations for 1980 passenger waiting shelters. See Clerk's File 1979 -325. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the Clerk to contact the MTC Project Manager informing them that Rosemount has no immediate need for additional bus shelters and should not be considered for the L980 Shelter Program. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. A neighborhood problem was brought to the attention of the Council from residents from the area of 148th Street. They stated the physical appearance of the building is horrendous. The residents were asking the Council for he p to alleviate the problem they have with the tenants. The residents asked the Council if there may be some violations of fire, safety or health codes that could be brought against them to force them out of the building. The Clerk will get in touch with the residents when he has information from the Attorney. The Mayor reminded the Council of the meeting of the Metro Development Guide Hearing on January 7, 1980. He stated that he would like this discussed with Dean Johnson, Planning Director, and have Dean prepare a memo for the December 18 Regular Council Meeting. 1 t 1 The Mayor reported on the meeting he had with Dakota Electric on November 29, 1979. The meeting was mostly concerned with the rising prices and their explanation for them. The Clerk presented a bill from the Minnesota Department of Economic Security asking for $675.00 for unemployment benefits paid to Jerry Hoffstrom. It was the Council's feeling that the City did not owe this money since the results of the hearing have not been received. MOTION by Ratzlaff that the bill received from the Minnesota Depart- ment of Economic Security not be paid. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -326 for Building Departments report for November. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this& day o ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 4, 1979 Respectfully s bmitted, Maurya L bftus Council Secretary 1919. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting December 11, 1979 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held December 11, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The purpose of this Special Meeting was to discuss and continue negotiations with Local 320, Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Employees Union who are representing the City Maintenance forces. 11 120 Mr. Lawrence Evans, Business Agent for Local 320, presented his proposal. Richard Lonnquist, local steward, Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, and Don Brown, Maintenance Superintendent.were also present. Discussion followed. Councilman Jensen excused himself and left the meeting at 8:35 p.m. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision Mayor Knutson declared this meeting adjourned at 9:38 p.m. Printed this j0 day o ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting December 11, 1979 Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling Clerk 19g6. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 18, 1979 Pursuant to due call• and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held December 18, 1979 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 4 g. Summons from LELS. 5 d. Easement Encroachment. MOTION by Jensen to approve the Consent Calendar. Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -327. Steve Matson, of Juran and Moody, presented a resolution required for the bond issue. Discussion followed on comments from Dave Grannis. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -54 (A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE NOTES PURSUANT TO CHAPTER 474, MINNESOTA STATUTES, TO PROVIDE FUNDS TO BE LOANED TO SPECTRO ALLOYS CORPORATION FOR AN INDUSTRIAL PROJECT), subject to a guarantee being signed by Spectro Alloys Incorporated, Brian Kvasnik and Orrin Kirschbaum at the time of closing, holding the City of Rosemount harmless at this time and any time in the future and agreeing to pay any expenses of the City of Rosemount that may be incurred as a result of said note of sale including but not limited to administrative costs, expenses and attorneys fees, and 1 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 18, 1979 authorize the Mayor and the Clerk to sign document. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Steve Campbell, of Short, Elliott, Hendrickson, presented the report for the Lan -O-Ken study. He suggested that before a formal presentation is made the residents be given a chance to look over the study. MOTION by Stauffer to hold a Special Council Meeting on Tuesday, February 19, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A memo was presented from the Planning Director concerning the Metropolitan Council Hearing on January 7, 1980. The hearing is required to make changes in the housing policies of the Metropolitan Development Guide. The proposed policies reflect reduced funding available in the Subsidized Housing Allocation Plan. The Planner and Mayor indicated they would get together to prepare comment for the Public Hearing. Steve Campbell presented letters he received from Arcon Construction Company and McNamara- Vivant regarding payment in the Rosemount project. Norm Hendrickson, of Short, Elliott, Hendrickson, gave his opinions on this matter. He feels that it was part of the job they had to do and if they looked at it properly when they were starting, they would have realized they had to patch that up separately from laying all the streets. See Clerk's File 1979 -329. Councilman Jensen suggested that the Clerk and Steve Campbell research this to see if money is left in the project and if it will cover the bill. The contract between the City of Rosemount and Mobilehome Minnesota was presented. Everything seemed to be in order and the Council felt it should be forwarded to Mobilehome Minnesota. See Clerk's File 1979 -330. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the contract and forward it to Mobilehome Minnesota. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Clerk stated that he has not heard from Ed McMenomy or Cliff Carlson regarding the South Rose Park Development Contract. No action will be taken until there is a response from them. A summons was presented to the Council from Law Enforcement Labor Services alledging unfair labor practices. MOTION by Jensen to refer the summons from Law Enforcement Labor Services to the Attorney for him to respond to. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -331. A recommendation from the Planning Commission regarding Mr. Henry Fox's termination was presented. The Mayor had talked with Mr. Fox and he stated that due to other commitments he currently has, the extra Planning Commission Meetings have been impossible to attend. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the termination of Mr. Henry Fox from the Planning Commission. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. -12 122 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 18, 1979 Dean Johnson, Planning Director, presented and briefly explained the Comprehensive Plan as approved by the Planning Commission. He asked if it could be possible to have the Council's comments on the Background Analysis and the Coals and Policies sections by the first meeting in January. Dean stated the reason for this was time was running out. Also, if the Council finds anything missing or anything that needs to be changed, they should bring it up at this time. Henry Broback was present to discuss the petition for street improvements in Broback I -Park Addition. Mr. Broback presented a petition, as requested by the Council, to the Clerk's Office. The petition needed to have 1007, of the property owners sign the petition. There was one property owner who has not signed the petition as of yet. The Council stated that a Public Hearing will need to be held before the City can install blacktop streets in the I -Park Addition, since the petition was not 1007.. See Clerk's File 1979 -332. MOTION by Knutson to set a Public Hearing for the purpose of street improvements for Broback I -Park Addition for Tuesday, January 15, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Nays 0. The Clerk disclosed an easement encroachment on Lot 8, Block 1, Broback 4th Addition. He asked the Council to schedule a Public Hearing for an easement vacation. He also stated that Don Brown, Steve Campbell and himself will check and see if the City can give up any portion of the easement. MOTION by Knutson to set a Public Hearing for the purpose of vacating a portion of an easement on Lot 8, Block 1, Broback 4th Addition for 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, January 15, 1980. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Mayor reminded the Council of the meeting date for the first meeting in 1980. That being January 2, 1980. He also reminded the Council of the H.R.A. Meeting starting at 8:15 a.m. on January 2nd and 15th. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Ordinance No. 1I.4 (AN ORDINANCE REPEALING ORDINANCE NO. II.2). S by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. A resolution supporting construction on County Road 42 in Rosemount and Apple Valley was presented. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1979 -55 (A RESOLUTION SUPPORTING THE RECONSTRUCTION OF COUNTY ROAD 42). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Office partitions, as presented in the Staff Meeting memo, were discussed. The recommendation from the Staff Meeting was to move the Forestry Department into the existing conference room and utilize the kitchen area as the Conference room. Discussion followed with comments by Dean Johnson. See Clerk's File 1979 -333. MOTION by Jensen to authorize installation of partitions as presented in the sketch for the two offices and the Forester to be given a desk fn the Steno Pool. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. 1 1 A memo dated December 12, 1979 from the Clerk was presented concerning a payroll change proposal. The proposal is to go to a 26 pay period year instead of the 24 pay period we are now on. See Clerk's File 1979 -334. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the payroll change proposal as submitted by the Clerk in his memo of December 12, 1979. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Chief Staats reported on the advertising for a Peace Officer. He stated he has received seven applications and would like to get a few more to choose from before making a recommendation. Chief Staats also briefed the Council on the Suburban Police I Recruitment System and stated that he would like to get into this program, but not at this time. ii 1980 salary confirmation and recommendations from the Clerk were presented. MOTION by Knutson to confirm 1980 salaries as outlined by the Clerk's memo of December 13, 1979 regarding all positions as listed on that memo, namely Maurya Loftus, George Romo, Randy Oppelt and Dean Johnson, and Randy Oppelt to continue to receive the $100.00 per month Forestry payment for 1980. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -335. The question of the Fire Department pay for 1980 was brought up. MOTION by Walsh that the Fire Department hourly rate for 1980 be minimum wage. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1979 -336 for Fire Department's report for November. See Clerk's File 1979 -337 for Police Department's report for November. See Clerk's File 1979 -338 for Animal Warden's report for November. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Second by Jensen. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was ajourned at 9:00 p.m. ATTEST: a rling, Clerk Printed this day of Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loftus Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 18, 1979 198. Dakota County Tribune. 123 12 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 2, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held January 2, 1980 at 7:40 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Clerk administered the oath of office to the newly elected Council members. Items added to the agenda: 6j. H.R.A. Resolution. 7b. AMM Meeting. 7c. Suburban Anti -Metro Meeting. 7d. Spectro Alloys Easement Vacation. MOTION by Jensen to approve the Consent Calendar as listed. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -1. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, was present to express his concerns on the partial release of an easement located between Lots 8 and 9, Block 1, Broback 4th Addition. He recommended the City should not give up any portion of this easement. His reasoning for this was if this trunk main needed to be worked on, there would only be a 12 foot wide easement to work within and feels this would be almost impossible as this is a 18 inch concrete pipe and is at a depth of about 16 feet. See Clerk's File 1980 -2. The Clerk reminded the Council there is a Public Hearing scheduled for January 15, 1980 at 7:15 p.m. for a decision on the release of the easement. Steve Campbell, of Short Elliott and Hendrickson, presented a letter concerning the Arcon billing for gravel in the Carrollton Addition. His recommendation to the Council was for the City to pay for the patching of the streets only. See Clerk's File 1980 -3. MOTION by Jensen to authorize paymnent of $720.00 to Arcon Construction Company for patching work done on Chili Avenue according to the bill of September 27, 1978 and the funds to be taken out of the Carrollton project. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Steve also stated that he will write a letter to Arcon Construction Company and inform them that the City will not be paying the amount requested for gravel. The Clerk reported that Dave Crannis, Attorney, has not completed the report for the LELS Summons, but will have it completed by January 3, 1980. The South Rose Park Development Contract was presented with the changes. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, questioned if park dedication had been included in the development contract. Discussion followed. MOTION by Knutson that approval by the Council for signatures to be affixed once the conditions of the park dedication have been satisfied and check out with the Attorney and the Carlson developers. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer Nays 0. 1 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 2, 1930 Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, presented the bids on the tandem dump truck. He stated he does not have a recommendation ready at this time, but hopes to have one by the next regular meeting. See Clerk's File 1980 -4. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented the Park and Recreation Committee's recommendation for bike trails. See Clerk's File 1980 -5. Discussion followed on the location of the trails and maintenance. The Mayor suggested this to be put on the next Council agenda. A letter dated December 14, 1979 from Robert Sandeen was presented concerning the turnback of County Roads to the City. See Clerk's File 1980 -6. The determination review of Jerry Hoffstrom's unemployment eligibility decision was presented. The decision indicated that Mr. Hoffstrom is eligible for unemployment payments. Discussion followed. See Clerk's File 1980 -7. MOTION by Knutson that we approve payment of Mr. Hoffstrom's claim up to the date of September 18, 1979 and further beyond that date would be subject to further consideration due to the fact that the claimant was under contract to the City for further work and we have no intention of paying for unemployment for that period of time. Second by Walsh. Discussion folLwed on where payment of the bill would come from. MOTION by Knutson to amend the original motion to include that this claim will be paid out of the 1979 Forestry funds. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays Ratzlaff. Ayes 4, Nays 1. Vote on original motion: Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays Ratzlaff. Ayes 4, Nays 1. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -1 (A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE DAKOTA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS AUTHORIZE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT H.R.A. AND THE DAKOTA COUNTY H.R.A. FOR A COMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Membership dues for the Dakota County League of Municipalities was presented. MOTION by Ratzlaff to authorize membership dues paid to the Dakota County League of Municipalities for the year of 1980 in the amount of $263.00. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File.1980 -8. The Mayor informed the Council that there is an Association of Metropolitan Municipalities meeting on January 9, 1980 at 1:30 p.m. MOTION by Jensen to approve payment of $9.25 to any staff or Council member who wishes to attend the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities meeting on January 9, 1980 at 1:30 p.m. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. 125 126 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 2, 1980 The Mayor presented a letter concerning a Suburban Anti-Metro Meeting on January 16, 1950 at 7:30 p.m. at the State Capitol. Anyone interested may attend. See Clerk's File 1980 -9. The Clerk presented a request for an easement vacation from Spectro Alloys. MOTION by Jensen to set a Special Meeting for the purpose of vacating an easement in the Hollenbeck- Nelson Addition for February 5, 1980 at 7:15 p.m. Second by Knutson. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Appointments for Commissions and Committees were presented. It was noted that on the Park and Recreation Committee the new members, Linda Gottsch and Barb Toombs would have three year terms. See Clerk's File 1980 -10. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the recommendations from the Mayor for Comnissions and Committees as follows: Otto Ped Planning Commission Dale Westin Utility Commission Linda Gottsch Park and Recreation Committee Barb Toombs Park and Recreation Committee Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Health Officer appointments were presented. Those being Dr. Raymond Mardell, D.D.S. and Dr. T.W. Lai, M.D. See Clerk's File 1980 -11. MOTION by Jensen to concur with the Mayor's recommendation for Health Officers. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Council appointments for 1980 were also presented. See Clerk's File 1980 -12. MOPION by Jensen to concur with the Mayor's recommendation on Council appointments for 1980 as follows: Arnie Jensen Don Ratzlaff Eldon Stauffer Joe Walsh Lee Knutson Acting Mayor Corenissioner for Public Improvements Utility Commission Commissioner of Roads and Streets Commissioner of Parks and Recreation Commissioner of Forestry Commissioner of Finance Liquor Commissioner Commissioner for Building Inspection Commissioner for Planning Commissioner for Public Health Commissioner for Insurance Commissioner for Public Safety Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. 1 MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1980 -2 (A RESOLUTION NAMING DEPOSITORIES FOR CITY FUNDS). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A recommendation for the Dakota County Tribune as the official news- paper was presented. See Clerk's File 1980 -13. MOTION by Knutson we recommend the Dakota County Tribune as the official newspaper. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Appointments for City Weed Inspector and the Assistant Weed Inspector were presented. Those being Leland Knutson for City Weed Inspector and Don Brown for Assistant Weed Inspector. MOTION by Ratzlaff to appoint Mr. Leland Knutson as the City Weed Inspector and Mr. Don Brown as Assistant Weed Inspector. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Clerk brought up the feasibility study on Chippendale Avenue. He stated that as soon as the County had turned the roads back over to the City that the feasibility study for Chippendale Avenue should be ordered. MOTION by Knutson that we authorize a feasibility study on Chippendale Avenue and request the Engineer to bring back a report at the earliest meeting date. The study will include that portion of Chippendale from 150th Street (County Road 42 by pass) to 160th Street. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -14 for Building Department's report for December. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Ratzlaff. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:22 p.m. ATT_E&'1',: on Darling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this day of Lot ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 2, 1980 Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loftus Council Secretary 1980. Dakota County Tribune. 127 1 28 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held January 15, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to conduct two Public Hearings: 1) considerations proposed in Broback I -Park for road improvements. 2) easement vacation Lot 8, Block 1, Broback 4th Addition. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing for street improvements in Broback I -Park Addition. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980 -15. Henry Broback was present to represent Broback's request for road improve- ments in the Broback I -Park area. Mr. Broback stated that the proposed width of the road is 15 It was the Council's feelings that this was not adequate. As stated in the Zoning Ordinance, the width of the road should be between 20 and 24 feet. Todd Jeppesen was also present to express his feelings about the road improvements. His main concern was the cost of the improvements. MOTION by Stauffer to close the Broback I -Park road improvements Public Hearing. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Mayor opened the meeting on the easement vacation for Lot 8, Block 1, Broback 4th Addition at 7:15 p.m. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980 -16. Mr. Larry Day, of 14755 Danville Avenue West owner of the property, was present to answer any questions the Council had concerning his request for the easement vacation. See Clerk's File 1980 -17 for Mr. Days' letter from his attorney. MOTION by Jensen to close the Public Hearing on the easement vacation and adjourn the Special Meeting. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. ATTEST: Datl ing Clerk /Treasurer Printed thisP?' day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting January 15, 1980 Respectfully Maurya L ftus Council Secretary 1980 Dakota County Tribune. 1 1 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 15, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held January 15, 1980 at 7:32 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 5f. Set date and time for H.U.D. Hearing. MOTION by Jensen that the Consent Calendar be approved for January 15, 1980. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, W Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -18. The action required on the Public Hearing concerning road improvements in Broback I -Park was discussed. MOTION by Jensen to refer the Broback I -Park road improvements to the engineer and ask them to come back with a cost update, some recommenda- tions on cul -de -sacs on the south end and the cost estimates are to show alternates of curbed street both sides, curbed on east side and no curbs at all. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Action required for the Public Hearing on Mr. Larry Days' request for an easement vacation was discussed. David Grannis, Attorney, suggested that a easement contract be drawn up stating that the City will not be liable for any damage to the garage if work would need to be done on the sewer. MOTION by Jensen we authorize an easement contract to be drawn up as requested by Larry Day and to be approved by the Attorney, and that it include the City will not be liable for any damage to the garage if work would need to be done on the sewer and to authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the contract after satisfactory remarks by the City Attorney. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, presented a letter he received from Superior Ford stating they want to withdraw their bid for $47,783.00 and are requesting an additional $500.00 to make the total bid $48,523.00 if the bid cannot be withdrawn. (It was noted that the two figures do not add up to the right amount.) The reason given for this additional $500.00 would be for the delivery of the unit. See Clerk's File 1980 -19. Discussion followed on what legal action could be taken if the City went ahead and awarded the bid to Superior Ford at their original bid amount. MOTION by Stauffer we award the tandem axel dump truck bid to Superior Ford of Plymouth, Minnesota in the amount of $47,793.00. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Nays 0. Dick Treptow, of Springsted, was present to schedule a bond sale date for Rahn's 8th Addition Improvements and South Rose Park Refinancing. 129 130 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 15, 1980 MOTION by Jensen to set the bid opening date for Tuesday, February 19, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. for bonds for Rahn's 8th Addition improvements and for South Rose Park Refinancing. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt Resolution 1980 -3 (A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC SALE OF $230,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1980, SERIES A). Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the hearing date for the Critical Area Plan and Ordinance be set for February 12, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson that the hearing date for the Comprehensive Plan be set for February 12, 1980 immediately following the completion of the Critical Area Plan and Ordinance hearing. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to set a hearing for the amendment of Subdivision Ordinance XVII.4 for February 12, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Mayor presented memos from Councilman Walsh and himself regarding the bike trail alignment. See Clerk's File 1980 -20. Much discussion followed on the location of the trails and the types of trails they should be. The Mayor would like to recommend that Section 31 be incorporated along with the Chippendale study and have it as part of the project, and would like to recommend further that if we set an alignment on the west side of Chippendale between County Road 42 and 145th Street that we continue that alignment all the way down through the Chippendale extension to the Rosemount line. MOTION by Knutson that we send a recommendation to the Park and Recreation Committee that the Council is interested in a bike walk- trailway along the west side of Chippendale from the south corner of Rosemount up to 145th Street and that the trail then will cross 145th Street and join up to the proposed trail along Chili Avenue and that also we recommend alignment of the trail system along 145th Street on the south side of the street to a logical termination at the boundary of the east Broback Addition. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, J Walsh. Nays 0. The Public Works Contract was discussed. The Council was presented a copy of the Lakeville Public Works Department Contract and comparisons were made between Lakeville and Rosemount. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, and Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, were directed to read over the Lakeville contract and come back at the February 5 Regular Council Meeting with their reactions. Police Chief Staats presented his recommendation for a Peace Officer, that being James O'Leary. He stated that he would need a motion stating that 1 1 Councilman Jensen left the meeting at 9:05 p.m. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 15, 1980 Mr. O'Leary would be hired after the test results are in. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the hiring of James O'Leary upon completion of the psychological testing as required by our application and the Chief to make the judgement at such time as it is complete. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The recent Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, which concerns the retention and public access to City records, was presented. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -4 (A RESOLUTION APPOINTING A RESPONSIBLE AUTHORITY AND ASSIGNING DUTIES PURSUANT TO THE MINNESOTA GOVERNMENT DATA PRACTICES ACT). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1980 -5 (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING PARTICIPATION IN THE SUBURBAN POLICE RECRUITMENT SYSTEM). Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. A letter from Metro Cable Incorporated was presented requesting the Council to set a Public Hearing for the purpose of discussing the new rate schedule increases proposed. See Clerk's File 1980 -21. MOTION by Stauffer to set a Public Hearing for February 19, 1980 at 9:00 p.m. to consider the proposed rate increase by Metro Cable Incorporated. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. The Mayor presented a resignation from the Planning Commission, that being Kathy Reineke. MOTION by Knutson that we regretfully accept Kathy Reinekes' resigna- tion from the Planning Commission. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A proposal for an addition to the Liquor Store off sale area was presented. It was the Council's feelings that this would not be feasible at this time and was tabled for future discussion. MOTION by Stauffer to set two Public Hearings for February 5, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. and February 12, 1980 at 7:15 p.m. for the H.U.D. Community Development Block Grant application. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. David Grannis, Attorney, updated the Council on the Law Enforcement Labor Services proceedings. He stated he has submitted the response to their summons and will keep in touch with the Mayor to let him know what is happening. See Clerk's File 1980 -22. The Clerk presented a letter from the League of Minnesota Cities asking if the City wishes to subscribe to the Local Government Legislative Bulletin. The Council feels that since the Clerk receives a copy of 131 132 this bulletin, a subscription would not be necessary. See Clerk's File 1980 -23 The League of Minnesota Cities sent an order form for a directory of Minnesota Municipal Officials. The Council stated they have no use for it. A conference for newly elected Council members on January 25 and 26 was presented by the Mayor. He stated there should be no need to attend,as these meetings are mostly concerned with inexperienced members. The Mayor reminded the Council of the Anti -Metro Meeting to be held tomorrow, January 16, 1980, at 7:30 p.m. at the State Capitol. The Mayor stated he would try to attend. The Mayor presented a Public Meeting Notice regarding a Public Meeting on the MWCC 201 Study which will be held January 22, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. in Bloomington. See Clerk's File 1980 -24. See Clerk's File 1980 -25 for Fire Department report for December, 1979. See Clerk's File 1980 -26 for Police Department report for December 1979. See Clerk's File 1980 -27 for Animal Warden report for December 1979. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. ATTEST: n F. D Clerk /Treasurer Printed this i4' day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting January 15, 1980 Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loftus Council Secretary 1980 Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting February 5, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held February 5, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. 1 1 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS 133 Special Council Meeting February 5, 1980 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980 -28. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold two Public Hearings: 1) to receive public input concerning Community Development Funding, 2) Spectro Alloys Easement Vacation request. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, was present to explain the purpose of the Community Development Funding. He mentioned the main purpose of the Public Hearing is to allow for citizen input on the preparation of the City Housing Assistance Plan. Perry Bolin, of Hammel Green and Abrahamson, was also present to answer any questions the Council may have concerning the Community Development Funding and how it will affect the HGA development. Mr. Bolin pointed out there will be two tot lots which were not included on the original plan. He further stated there will be a landscape area which would be used for a picnic area and a trail on the north side of the development. MOTION by Walsh to close the Public Hearing on Community Development Funding. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson opened the Public Hearing on Spectro Alloys easement vacation request at 7:15 p.m. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980 -29. Orrin Kirschbaum, of Spectro Alloys, was present representing Spectro Alloys and their request for an easement vacation on Lots 2 and 3, Block 1, Hollenbeck and Nelson .Addition. Discussion followed on who owned the land around this area. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing on Spectro Alloys easement vacation request and adjourn the Special Meeting. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. n ATTEST o barling Clerk Respectfully su Maurya Lofk s' Council Secretary Printed this l;) day o ii 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ..<.134 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 5, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held February 5, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 5 c. Demolition dump rates. 5 d. Staff request for Special Council Meeting. MOTION by Knutson to approve the Consent Calendar. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -30. Discussion follwed on the decision for an easement vacation as requested by Spectro Alloys. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1980 -6 (A RESOLUTION CAUSING VACATION OF A UTILITY AND DRAINAGE EASEMENT). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Steve Campbell, of Short Elliott and Hendrickson, updated the Council on the feasibility report for Mobilehome Minnesota. He stated they have almost completed the study and would present the report at the next regular meeting. Steve Campbell also presented the feasibility report for the Valley Oak Addition. He briefly went through the report with the Council. Discussion followed on whether the Chippendale study should be completed before the Valley Oak Addition plans and specifications are ordered. John Kratz, representing Brian Development, requested the plans and speci- fications be ordered as soon as possible. The reason for this being they would like to get started building houses and at least get a start on the project. Roger Short, City Engineer, suggested the Council should read through the feasibility report before ordering the plans and specifications. The Council stated they are not trying to delay the project, but would like a chance to read through the report. This will be on the agenda for the February 19 meeting. R Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented the Park and Recreation Committee's recommendation for the Chippendale Avenue Trail. They recom- mended the trail should be along the east side of Chippendale away from the curb, on the west side of Chili, and on the south side of 145th Street. They felt that although this would require the moving of fences and removal of trees, it would provide safer crossing and be better for the most people in the long run. They also felt the east side would be better as far as trail design. See Clerk's File 1980 -31. Much discussion followed on the Park and Recreation Committee's recommend- ation. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 5, 1980 MOTION by Knutson we request the Engineer to study the feasibility and include in the Chippendale Plans the development of a bike trail on the west side of Chippendale to a width of eight feet adjacent to the curb. Second by Jensen. Discussion followed. Vote on Motion: Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays Stauffer, Ratzlaff. Ayes 3, Nays 2. Motion carried. R Oppelt questioned what is to be done about the trail on 145th Street and Chili Avenue. MOTION by Knutson we request the Engineer to study the trail system on 145th Street using a south alignment from the intersection of Chippendale to the west property line of the HGA development. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen. Nays Ratzlaff. Ayes 4, Nays 1. Robert Sandeen, Dakota County Engineer, presented a slope easement for County Road 42 construction. He has scheduled a meeting on February 6, 1980 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the Rosemount City Hall with the property owners along County Road 42 that will need to grant easements for this project. MOTION by Walsh to grant the slope easement as requested and authorize the necessary signatures. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -32. Steve Campbell, of Short Elliott and Hendrickson, presented the cost estimates for street improvements in Broback Industrial Park. Mr. Henry Broback was present and stated he wanted the Council to order the road to be blacktopped so he can get a building permit to finish the building he has already started. Councilman Ratzlaff suggested that the other property owners surrounding the area should be notified about this matter and asked to come to the next Council meeting to express their feelings on the matter. The Clerk stated he will get in contact with the property owners and ask them to come to the next meeting. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented the Master Plan for Erickson Park and a recommendation stating Brauer and Associates, Ltd., be given the job of Master Plan Review. He feels that since Brauer and Associates, Ltd., work in the area of park design, it makes them a better choice for this project. He also presented a proposal submitted by Brauer for review and document presentation. See Clerk's File 1980 -33. Ray McNamara, Fire Chief, stated there has been trouble getting to the Fire Hall during an emergency at the height of the softball season now, and if more fields are being proposed, there should be another access to the fields in addition to the one on Brazil and 145th Street. The Council questioned paragraph C no. 1 of the Brauer proposal for Erickson Park Master Plan Review, stating a more definite fee be established. 135 i36 Much discussion followed with changes and revisions. ROSE1•MOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 5, 1980 Randy was directed to research the possibility of access to Erickson Park from Highway 3. This will be put on the agenda when Randy has the requested information. The Clerk presented change order #1 for Rahn's 8th Addition. The change order was for two bituminous street patches on Upper 149th Street. See Clerk's File 1980 -34. MOTION by Knutson to approve change order #1 for Rahn's 8th Addition in the amount of $466.30. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Ray McNamara, Fire Chief, was in attendance to discuss the Fire Department's request for a tanker truck. See Clerk's File 1980 -35. A letter from David Grannis, City Attorney, was presented concerning Municipal contracting bid requirements. The letter stated when a contract is estimated to exceed $10,000 the City must go out for bids. MOTION by Knutson we authorize the Fire Chief to draw up plans and specif- ications for a used tanker truck and to present these to the Council at the earliest possible date for authorization to proceed. Second by Jensen. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, and Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented their comments on the Maintenance Contract. See Clerk's File 1980 -36. They were directed to draw up a contract according to the changes and invite Larry Evans, Business Agent for Teamsters Local Number 320, to the Council meeting at which it will be presented. The Mayor indicated there will be a meeting for the RAHA Ice Arena at 7:00 p.m. on February 11, 1980 at the Rosemount.Middle School lecture room. Councilman Ratzlaff stated he will try to attend. Councilman Jensen presented a request to change the rates for the Rosemount demolition dump. He stated the reason for this was the rates are so low compared to other dumps that it is quite possible that haulers from the surrounding cities would be able to fill the dump in a very short time. He recommended the rates should be more competitive to leave room for H.R.A. demolition projects. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -7 (A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING RATES FOR THE ROSEMOUNT DEMOLITION DUMP). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The staff requested the Council to set a Special Meeting for preliminary review of the Capital Improvement Program required for the Comprehensive Plan. This would also help in assembling this into a single document for distribution to the Council for the February 12 Public Hearing. MOTION by Knutson to set a Special Council Meeting for Thursday, February 7, 1980 at 8:30 a.m. for Capital Improvement Program. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 5, 1980 The Mayor stated there is a LMC AMM Legislative Conference to be held February 12, 1980 which he will try to attend. MOTION by Jensen to authorize anyone from the Council to attend this meeting, further authorizing the City to pay the registration fee. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Mayor presented a resolution from Apple Valley stating support for the County Road 42 construction project. See Clerk's File 1980-37. A letter from the Finance Officer regarding final account balances was presented. The Council felt that this should wait until after looking at the Capital Improvement Program. Mayor Knutson reported on the 201 Facilities Meeting he attended on January 23, 1980. The main reason for these meetings was to highlight and update staff and the public on the results of the 201 studies resulting from the Clean Water Act of 1977. See Clerk's File 1980 -38. The Mayor also reported on the Anti -Metro Meeting he attended on January 16, 1980. See Clerk's File 1980 -39. The Mayor presented a letter from Mendota Heights that was requesting the sharing of equipment between communties. The Clerk and Mayor will discuss this with Orvil Johnson, Mendota Heights City Administr- ator, and ask him exactly what they are looking for. See Clerk's File 1980 -40. Letters concerning the Bureau of Criminal Affairs from the different State representatives were presented. The letters expressed their concerns regarding the P.O.S.T. Board Certification Program. See Clerk's File 1980 -41. Planning Commission applicants were presented to the Council. Those being Eldore Lillo, Bernard Szczesniak, Ed Doyle and Steve Toombs. After much discussion, Steve Toombs was chose because he represents the downtown business area that is not represented on the Commission at this time. See Clerk's File 1980 -42. MOTION by Knutson that Steve Toombs be appointed to the Planning Commission. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Stauffer. Nays Walsh. Ayes 4, Nays 1. Motion carried. The Mayor reported on the Divine Redeemer Hospital Meeting he attended on January 30, 1980. See Clerk's File 1980 -43. The Mayor reminded the Council about the meeting scheduled for February 6, from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. concerning Dakota County easement requirements for the County Road 42 construction project. Councilman Jensen stated he would try to attend. MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 12:05 p.m. 13'x' 138 A EST: n F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this 1 1? i 1) 1 day Printed thisi day o ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 5, 1980 Respectfully su mitted, Maurya Lo us Council Secretary 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting February 7, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held February 7, 1930 at 8:30 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilmembers Walsh and Stauffer absent. Councilmember Stauffer arrived and assumed his chair at 8:32 a.m. Mayor Knutson explained the prupose of this meeting, that being staff request for Council direction on the Capital Improvement Program needed for the Comprehensive Land Use Plan. Dean Johnson reviewed for the Council the Capital Improvement Program listing, highlighting the areas the staff has requested direction on. Discussion followed regarding the Capital Improvement Program with Council providing input on the areas of concern. Dean Johnson summarized the Council direction stating that he will prepare a proposed Capital Improvement Program and will have it available at the Public Hearing on February 12, 1980. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Jensen. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this meeting was adjourned. ectfu 1 submitted, on F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting February 12, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held February 12, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Council member Stauffer absent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on the amendment to Subdivision Ordinance XVII.4 The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980 -44. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Ordinance XVII.37 (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SUBDIVISION ORDINANCE XVII.4). Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. No one was present to represent the Fire Department and their request for review of specifications for a tanker truck. This was laid over until later in the meeting in case someone showed up. MOTION by Ratzlaff to close the Public Hearing. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on the Community Development Block Grant at 7:15 p.m. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980 -45. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, stated the purpose of the Hearing was to encourage and receive citizen participation in the preparation of the Housing Assistance Plan and full application for the Block Grant. He also explained the critical timing for the completion of the Housing Assistance Plan being prepared by the County HRA, approval of the Housing Assistance Plan by the County Board, and completion of the document for submittal on February 19, 1980. The members on the Council stated they would each call one of the Commissioners and request their approval of the Dakota County Housing Assistance Plan at the February 19 County Board Meeting. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt Resolution 1980 -8 (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE FILING OF THE FULL APPLICATION FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDS). Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing at 7:32 p.m. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on the Critical Area Plan at 7:32 p.m. 139 1 40 There was no other input from the audience. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980 -46. There were many residents present. Mr. Leonard Evanoff, property owner no Pine Bend Trail, state his opposition to the adjustment of the Urban Diversified and Rural Open Space boundary on the basis of ownership. Much discussion followed. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting February 12, 1980 MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1980 -9 (A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT CRITICAL AREA PLAN) Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The proposed rezonings within the Critical Area were discussed. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Ordinance XVII.38 (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE XVII.3). Second by Ratzlaff. Discussion followed with comments made by Mr. Evanoff concerning one of the CENEX parcels. He felt that it should not be zoned industrial, because he does not want to see the only river frontage Rosemount has to be used for industry. Vote on MOTION: Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Mississippi River Corridor Ordinance was discussed next. MOTION by Knutson to adopt the Mississippi River Corridor Ordinance, O No. XVII.39 (AN ORDINANCE .AMENDING ZONING ORDINANCE XVII.3). Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to close the Public Hearing at 8:15 p.m. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on the City of Rosemount Comprehensive Plan at 8:15 p.m. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980-47. Mr. Ray Knutson and Mr. Bob Burk, representing Koch Refining Company, and Mr. Ed Stegman, representing N -Ren Corporation, were present to give public input from the industries in Rosemount concerning the Comprehensive Plan. Their discussion centered on State and Federal air quality legislation and how it may affect industrial growth in the Pine Bend Area. Mr. Burk stated he would like to compliment the Planners, Dean Johnson and Dick Muenich, for doing such a good job on the Critical Area Plan and Ordinance and that the City should be proud of them. Mr. Dick Muenich, of Brauer and Associates, Ltd., gave a brief pr^sentation on the Comprehensive Plan. He stated he would like the Council to give preliminary approval at this time so a mock -up of the plan and graphics can be prepared. This does not mean additional revisions can not be made. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loftu Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting February 12, 1980 MOTION by Jensen since there are no obstacles that we can see at this time, the Consultant and Planning Director should proceed with an informal printing of the graphics and text, with the changes were noted at the Public Hearing. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this Special Meeting was adjourned at 9:17 p.m. Printed thist3 17 .5 day cifitcalzh 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting February 19, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held February 19, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to review the sewer study for the Lan -O -Ken Addition. The Mayor turned the meeting over to Steve Campbell, of Short, Elliott and Hendrickson, who gave a brief review of the sewer study. The Mayor asked the residents of the Lan -O -Ken Addition if they had any questions or comments they wished to make at this time. They requested answers to the questions they submitted in their letter dated December 21, 1979. See Clerk's File 1980 -48. The Mayor recessed the Special Meeting to open the Regular Council Meeting at 7:32 p.m. 141 14 2 The Mayor reconvened the Special Meeting at 7:45 p.m. The Council stated within a couple of weeks they would like to receive an analysis of yes and no answers from each one of the residents who live in the Lan -O -Ken Addition stating whether they want the sewer installed or not. The Mayor closed the Special Meeting as the business to be handled has been taken care of. on Darling Clerk /Treasurer Printed thisl Respectfully s bmitted, Li nk, Maurya Lotus Council Secretary Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held February 19, 1980 at 7:32 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting February 19, 1980 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 19, 1980 Mr. Bob Pulscher, Fiscal Agent from Springsted Incorporated, presented the bid for bonds on the refinancing of South Rose Park and for Rahn's 8th Addi- tion Improvements. The only bid was received from the First National Bank of St. Paul in the amount of $227,757.50 with an interest rate of 6.99797.. Mr. Pulscher recommended we award the bid to the First National Bank of St. Paul. MOTION by Knutson to award the bid to the First National Bank of St. Paul with the interest rate and amount quoted. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Mayor recessed the Regular Council Meeting to continue the Special Meeting. The Regular Council Meeting was reconvened at 8:05 p.m. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 19, 1980 Items added to the agenda: 6 g. Solid and Hazardous Waste Legislative Meeting. 6 h. Don Ratzlaff's memo regarding Randy Oppelt's wage review. Corrections were discussed in the minutes and bills. MOTION by Jensen to approve the Consent Calendar as corrected. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -49. Steve Campbell, of Short, Elliott and Hendrickson, presented three sub alternates for the cross section of the road proposed for improve- ments in Broback Industrial Park, those being: .A. a 24 foot road way with gravel shoulder on both sides. B. Gravel should on the west side and curb and gutter on the east side. C. Curb and gutter on both sides. Discussion followed with input from Todd Jeppesen, Roger Jeppesen and Robert Jeppesen and a representative for Mr. Henry Broback. A letter was presented from Mr. John Broback offering his input concerning the frontage road in Broback Industrial Park. It was his feeling that the action that needed to be taken should be precisely what was requested in the initial petition.and any other action would have to be requested in a new petition. See Clerk's File 1980 -50. MOTION by Knutson to table any further discussion on this until we have heard from some of the property owners. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Mr. Broback's representative questioned if a building permit would be issued and the Council stated there will be no permit issued until the road in question is resolved. Steve Campbell stated the feasibility report for Chippendale Avenue will be ready by the next Regular Council Meeting. John Kratz, representing Valley Oak Addition, requested the Council to order the plans and specifications to be drawn up. He questioned what would happen if the plans and specifications for Chippendale Avenue were approved or if they were not approved. Norm Hendrickson, of Short, Elliott and Hendrickson, stated there will be no effect since these two are separate bids. MOTION by Knutson to order the Engineer to prepare the plans and specifi- cations for Valley Oak Addition utility and street improvements. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The feasibility report for Mobile Home Minnesota was presented. The Clerk stated there was no representation from Mobile Home Minnesota because they would like a chance to look over the feasibility report. They have asked to be placed on a later agenda. MOTION by Jensen to accept the feasibility report for Mobile Home Minnesota and place this on a later agenda. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes 14 144 Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS R Council Meeting February 19, 1980 The Mayor has been informed of a solid and hazardous waste meeting. Norm Hendrickson, of Short, Elliott and Hendrickson, will check into this and try to attend. Randy OppeLt, Park and Recreation Director, presented the revised Maintenance Department Union Contract. Discussion followed. See Clerk's File 1980 -51. MOTION by Walsh to submit the Labor Agreement between the City of Rosemount and Teamsters Union Local No. 320. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Jensen. Nays 0. Randy also presented a memo with the level the present employees are at in the wage schedule. He also requested to change Rick Cook's job classification to Public Works Foreman since he will not be included in the union. See Clerk's File 1980 -52. Randy stated he will check with Mr. Larry Evans and see what needs to be changed in Rick Cook's job classification. Ray McNamara, Fire Chief, was present to review the plans and specifications for the Fire Department's request for a tanker truck. MOTION by Knutson to accept the plans and specifications for the Fire Department tanker truck with the change in item 4b11 being changed to a 1970 or newer model. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -53. MOTION by Jensen to authorize advertisement for bids on the Fire Department tanker truck. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A memo from the Finance Officer regarding 1979 final budget balances was presented. See Clerk's File 1980 -54. MOTION by Knutson to establish a Capitol Improvement Fund with the final balance from 1979 of $19,018.13. Second by Jensen. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Mayor interrupted the Regular Council Meeting to open the Public Hearing scheduled for 9:00 p,m. The purpose of the Public Hearing was to hold a hearing on Metro Cable Incor- porated rate increase. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980-55. Mr. Frank Woytek was present to represent Metro Cable Incorporated and their request for an increase of $2.00. See Clerk's File 1980 -56. MOTION by Jensen to grant the increase applied for by Metro Cable Incorporated. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing on Metro Cable Incorporated. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer; Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 19, 1980 Ray McNamara, Fire Chief, presented a letter concerning the fire contract with the University of Minnesota. He feels the contract should provide for a complete list of the location and type of explosive or hazardous materials, amount stored, who owns the material stored and a phone number to contact. He also felt the list should be updated every six months to keep the information current. See Clerk's File 1980 -57. The Clerk stated he will meet with Mr. Bill Cook concerning Ray McNamara's letter. This will be laid over until the wording is acceptable. Changes in the Police Contract were discussed as presented in the Mayor's memo. See Clerk's File 1980 -58. Much discussion followed on wages. MOTION by Walsh to accept the changes as presented in the Mayor's memo, approve the 1980 wage schedule but change the 1981 wage increase to coincide with the proposed Maintenance Contract and change the coverage of insurance listed in item #6 of the appendix from 100% to 50% as it reads in the current personnel policy. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented a request to attend the Spring Professional Development Workshop March 12 through the 14th. He stated he would like to attend the March 13 and 14 sessions. See Clerk's File 1980 -59. MOTION by Jensen to concur with the Park Director's request to attend the Spring Professional Development Workshop and the City to pay the necessary fees. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Councilman Ratzlaff requested to continue discussion on the Police Contract. His concerns was picking up of the officers between shifts. The Council unanimously agreed to have stricken from the proposed contract that part of Section 2 home pick up and delivery that reads "from any employee outside the city at other than shift change times." A letter from Bill Quigley, Liqour Store Manager, regarding part time wage increases was presented. See Clerk's File 1980 -60. MOTION by Jensen to approve the wage increases are recocmended by the Liquor Store Manager for part -time employees. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Nays 0. The Clerk stated there are two or three different resolutions concerning water hook up. He thought it would be a good idea to get together with Bob Pulscher and come up with one resolution. This will be laid over until a resolution is prepared. The Council was asked to set a Public Hearing date for the revised Cable T.V. franchise. 145 146 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 19, 1980 MOTION by Ratzlaff to set a Public Hearing for 7:15 p.m. on March 18 for the revised Cable T.V. franchise. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Nays 0. An option to lease with an option to purchase from Wilroy Company was presented. The land that was being proposed is located between the Wilroy lot and the hockey rinks in the 56 Acres. See Clerk's File 1980 -61. MOTION by Jensen to enter into an agreement with Wilroy Company and accept the conditions and prices that have been presented to the Council on this option to lease with an option to purchase. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Mayor stated there will be a Metropolitan Council Hearing on landfills on March 5, 1980. Anyone interested may attend. A memo from Don Ratzlaff was presented regarding the Forestry Director wage. He felt that Randy is entitled to a six month review and considered for a $75.00 per month increase. See Clerk's File 1980 -62. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt a salary increase of $75.00 per month for Randy Oppelt, Forestry Director, based on the memo of February 14, 1980. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays Walsh. Ayes 4, Nays 1. A memo from the Mayor regarding the vacancy on the Park and Recreation Committee was discussed. The Mayor recommended Eldore Lillo for this appointment. See Clerk's File 1980 -63. MOTION by Ratzlaff we concur with the Mayor's memo and appoint Eldore Lillo to the Park and Recreation Committee vacancy. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The Clerk updated the Council on the progress of the County Road 42 easement acquisition. He stated Mr. Sandeen has all easements except one. The Mayor informed the Council there will be another RAHA meeting February 20, 1980 at 7:00 p,m. in the Rosemount Middle School lecture room "A" to discuss the proposed arena. He also reported on the previous arena meeting with RANA held February 11, 1980. He stated there was not much to report except it was discussed in length with Dr. Berquist. A letter from the Clerk was presented regarding H.R.A. funding. He was requesting to transfer $900.00 to the H.R.A. for legal fees and administrative costs. See Clerk's File 1980 -64. MOTION by Knutson we agree with the Clerk's recommendation to transfer $900.00 to the H.R.A. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays Ratzlaff. Ayes 4, Nays 1. A letter from Governor Albert Quie was presented concerning the Conference on Natural Disasters to be held March 14, 1980. Red Staats, Police Chief, will be attending the meeting. See Clerk's File 1980 -65. MOTION by Ratzlaff to authorize payment for Red Staats to attend the con- ference on natural disasters. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Council was informed of a Metro Council workshop on lower cost housing to be held March 4, 1980 which Dean Johnson, Planning Director will be speaking. See Clerk's File 1980 -66. See Clerk's File 1980 -6T for Fire Department's report for January. See Clerk's File 1980 -68 for Police Department's report for January. See Clerk's File 1980 -69 for Animal Warden's report for January. See Clerk's File 1980 -7 for Building Department's report for January. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agree- ment this meeting was adjourned at 10:38 p.m. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loft Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting February 19, 1980 Printed this) J day o 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 4, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held March 4, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 3 i. Spring Training Institute for Police Chiefs. MOTION by Jensen to approve the Consent Calendar as presented. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -71. 14( 148 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 4, 1980 Mobile Home Minnesota feasibility report was presented. The Clerk stated that he and Dean Johnson, Planning Director, met with Mobile Home Minnesota earlier today. Mobile Home Minnesota stated that the report indicates that the project is feasible but wanted further information to what the hook -up charges were going to be in the future and what kind of assessments could be expected when an eastern trunk sewer is extended through the Brockway draw before they proceed any further on this project. Mobile Home Minnesota has requested to be placed on a later agenda. Norm Hendrickson, of Short Elliott and Hendrickson, presented the feasibility report on Chippendale Avenue. Norm stated he would like to review the report with the Council before any public input is received. This will be discussed at the next regular Council meeting on March 18. MOTION by Jensen to accept the feasibility report for Chippendale Avenue and place this on the next regular meeting agenda. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Mayor presented letters from the residents of the Lan -O -Ken Addition. The letters stated the results of the poll taken. See Clerk's File 1980 -72. Norm Hendrickson stated the next step, if the City chooses to continue this proposal, would be to amend the Interim Plan and recommend approval to Metropolitan Waste Control Commission. MOTION by Knutson we acknowledge receipt of the poll submitted by the Lan -O -Ken Addition and acknowledge receipt of two letters to be made part of the file on this project and suggest that further discussion on this be delayed until the next regular meeting. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Glen Uitdenbogered was present to state his opposition to the bike trail that is proposed on the west side of Chippendale. His main reasons for opposition was with backing out of driveways along this trail, it would be difficult to watch for the children riding along the trail. He also stated the crossings are dangerous to get from one side to the other. MOTION by Knutson to change the position and location of the bike trail on Chippendale Avenue from County Road 42 and ask the engineer to prepare a study for us on a trail running on the east side of Chippendale Avenue from County Road 42 to 147th Street along the existing trail alignment and terminate the trail at 147th Street. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented alternate solutions to the parking problem in Erickson Park. He presented six alternates, those being: A) Old sewer plant road to Highway 3 B) Access road through Mobile Home Minnesota development to Highway 3 C) Access road through Toombs property on Highway 3 (south edge) D) South of cemetery across church property to Highway 3 R) Across the State Highway D property to 145th St. (permanent or seasonal for volunteers access to Fire Hall) F) Widen Brazil Avenue to allow for an emergency vehicle lane and signal lights. See Clerk's File 1980 -73. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the Park and Recreation Director and the Commissioner of Parks to contact the State and Mobile Home Minnesota to explore the possibilities with them of access through their property with the right of ways we discussed and the possibility of sharing the costs for access with Mobile Home Minnesota and ask them to report back as soon as possible. Second by Walsh. MOTION by Jensen to amend the Motion to include a member of the Fire Department to attend the meeting also. Second by Stauffer. Discussion followed on the amendment. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 4, 1980 Vote on amendment: Ayes Jensen. Nays Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Ayes 1, Nays 4. Motion failed. Vote on original Motion: Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Clerk stated that the Comprehensive Plan has not arrived. This will be placed on the agenda when it arrives. The Mayor stated there is nothing to report on the Maintenance Contract as Larry Evans, Business Agent, Local No. 320, has repeatedly missed appointments to discuss the proposed contract. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, stated he has sent a letter to Larry Evans requesting Richman Cook to be removed from the Union. See Clerk's File 1980 -74. This will be discussed at a later date. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, presented a request for authorization to advertise for bids for the purchase of street signs and posts. Discussion followed. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Don Brown to obtain informal quotes for sign and street inventory according to his memo submitted on the traffic study. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -75. Don Brown also presented a letter from Short Elliott and Hendrickson concerning street sign changes. Red Staats, Police Chief, was also present to give continents. He stated the school should register their speed sign located on 142nd Street with the State since it has not been register yet. He also recommended speed signs for the service road by Koch and on Pine Bend Trail. The sign on Pine Bend Trail should have a road check done by the State and let them tell us where the sign should go. See Clerk's File 1980 -76. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1980 -10 (A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE STATE OF MINNESOTA ACCOMPLISH THE NECESSARY STUDIES TO ESTABLISH SPEED LIMITS ON CERTAIN ROADS WITHIN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT). Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. 149 150 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 4, 1980 MOTION by Knutson that item #2 for the sign changes referred to in Don Brown's memo of February 29, 1980 be left in their present locations and that we take no action on this. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -77. The Mayor presented a letter from Divine Redeemer requesting a Certificate of Need. The purpose of the Certificate of Need is to allow their building and renovation project to proceed. Improvements are proposed for the lab, x -ray, surgery, physical therapy and the emergency room. See Clerk's File 1980 -78. The Mayor stated he will respond with a letter. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented a request for a street Light for the pond in the Simon's Addition. The request was made by residents of the Simon Addition to allow evening skating on the pond. The Council directed R to ask. the residents if the placement of an electrical outlet for them to plug their lights into and the City paying for the electricity and installation of the outlet, would satisfy their needs. See Clerk's File 1980 -79. Randy Oppelt also presented a request to advertise for a tree inspector for the summer of 1980. MOTION by Walsh to authorize Randy to advertise for a tree inspector for the summer of 1980 as outlined in his memo of February 28, 1980. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -80. The Mayor presented a resolution for a simple lot division on Lot 2, Block 2, South Rose Park Addition. The Clerk also presented a memo from the Planning Director with Planning Commission referrals concerning the simple lot division. See Clerk's File 1980 -81. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -11 (A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A SIMPLE LAND DIVISION.) Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Don Brown presented a request from Bernice Wenzel for a street light on the intersection of Highway 55 and County Road 38. Don Brown has checked out the request and is requesting authorization to install a street light. See Clerk's File 1980 -82. MOTION by Knutson to authorize a street light at the intersection of Highway 55 and County Road 38 as presented in his memo of February 27, 1980. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Randy Oppelt presented Terry Duffy's resignation as a member of the Park and Recreation Committee. See Clerk's File 1980 -83. MOTION by Jensen to accept Terry Duffy's resignation from the Park and Recreation Committee directing that a letter of thanks be forwarded to him. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 4, 1980 The Mayor presented a request from Mendota Heights regarding equipment sharing between communities. Don Brown and the Clerk will get together and compile a listing of equipment owned by Rosemount and forward to Mendota Heights for their further handling. A letter from Madsen and Sons, a demolition company, was presented offering to buy the land referred to as the Rosemount Demolition Landfill. They would like to use the site for a machinery storage site after the hole is filled. See Clerk's File 1980 -84. MOTION by Knutson that we acknowledge receipt of the letter from Madsen and Sons of Hutchinson, Minnesota and ask this to be placed on file. Second by Stauffer. Discussion follwed. It was the Council's feeling that the City is not interested at this time for selling the landfill. MOTION by Walsh to amend the Motion and for the Clerk to send a letter to Madsen and Sons stating the Rosemount Demolition Dump is not for sale at this time. Second by Ratzlaff. Vote on amendment: Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Vote on original Motion: Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Mayor stated there is a meeting set for Saturday, March 22 at 9:00 a.m. for the Mayors' Steering Committee. The Mayor sees no reason for continuing to be on this committee and is going to request to be withdrawn from the mailing list. The Mayor reported there is a Solid and Hazardous Waste meeting which will be held tomorrow, March 5, at 2:00 p.m. at the Metropolitan Council offices. The Mayor stated he will try to attend. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. Don F. D Clerk Printed this day of 001,7 Respectfully submitte Maurya Loftus Council Secretary 1980. Dakota County Tribune. 151 152 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City n «o Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held March 18, 1980 at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The purpose of this Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing on the Metro Cable Franchise Ordinance. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication. See Clerk's File 1980 -85. Mr. Frank Woytek, of Metro Cable Incorporated, was present to answer questions concerning the franchise ordinance. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Ordinance No. X1.10 (AN ORDINANCE GRANTING A FRANCHISE TO METRO CABLE, INCORPORATED, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS, TO OPERATE AND MAINTAIN A COMMUNITY TELEVISION SYSTEM IN THE CITY; SETTING FORTH CONDITIONS ACCOMPANYING THE GRANT OF FRANCHISE; PROVIDING FOR CITY REGULATIONS AND USE OF THE COMMUNITY TELEVISION SYSTEM AND PRESCRIBING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLATION OF ITS PROVISIONS) and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign said Ordinance. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to close the Public Hearing. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this Special Meeting was adjourned. ATTEST: on F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting March 18, 1980 Respectfully submitted, Maur Loftus Council Secretary Printed this!1 day of 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 18, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held March 18, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting 153. March 18, 1980 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 5 c. Public Hearing request by Mr. Edward McMenomy regarding Municipal Industrial Bonding Project. MOTION by Knutson to approve the Consent Calendar as submitted. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -86. Steve Campbell and Norm Hendrickson, of Short Elliott and Hendrickson, reported on the Valley Oak Addition. Steve Campbell stated the plans and specifications are 75% complete and should have them here at the next meeting. He also stated that before completing the Valley Oak report, there should be more information on what is to be done on Chippendale Avenue. Discussion followed. Steve Campbell also reported on the Chippendale Avenue feasibility study. Much discussion followed regarding MSA funding. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -12 (A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR CHIPPENDALE AVENUE WEST, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT IMPROVEMENT 1980 -2 AND SETTING A PUBLIC HEARING FOR CITY OF ROSEMOUNT IMPROVEMENT 1980 -2). Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. There was no representation from the residents of the Lan-O -Ken Addition. Discussion centered on letters received concerning the sanitary sewer. The majority of the letters indicated the residents did not want the sanitary sewer installed. See Clerk's File 1980 -87. MOTION by Jensen to notify the residents of the Lan -O -Ken Addition stating the City will not proceed further with the sanitary sewer project for these reasons: 1. Not enough people were in favor of pursuing the project at this time. 2. Cost involved. 3. The interest rates have changed; therefor, the bonding capacity is not available. 4. The residents are outside the Metro Sewer Service District and would have to go to Metropolitan Council to get the Comprehensive Plan amended to include this area. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Mr. Leon Cohen, of Rich Valley Development Company, was present with a request to extend the initial permit term, omit sections 1.E, 1.F, 1.G and 1.K in Resolution 1979 -52 and the surety bond to be reduced from $25,000 to $5,000. Much discussion followed on Rich Valley's proposal. Mr. Robert Abdo, lawyer for Rich Valley, addressed the Council 154 regarding 125th Street. Discussion followed. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 18, 1980 The Council feels that before granting full approval of Rich Valley's request there should be evidence indicating the terms of the proposed resolution can be met, as presented in the Planning Director's memo of March 18, 1980: 1. Evidence from the County Engineer that sand and gravel hauling will be permitted from May 1 to October 1, 1980. 2. Evidence that Rich Valley can obtain the necessary right of ways and to construct a new 125th Street according to City specifications by October 1, 1980 or provide a permanent alternative site access. 3. That Rich Valley furnish new exhibits for this permit. 4. That Section 1.K not be excluded from any new or amended resolution. 5. The surety bond be re- evaluated and the final amount of the bond will be a representative of any liabilities the City may incur. See Clerk's File 1980 -88. After considerable discussion, the Council agreed only to extend the date on which the permit must be granted by. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt Resolution 1980 -13 (A RESOLUTION AMENDING CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1979 -52). Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Mayor presented a letter from the Minnesota-Department of Transportation referring to Highway #3. No action is needed. See Clerk's File 1980 -89. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, presented a memo regarding street lighting from Dakota Electric and N.S.P. His reconmendation was to accept item A from Dakota Electric and item A from N.S.P. See Clerk's File 1980 -90. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -14 (A RESOLUTION SETTING OUT CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR STREET LIGHT FIXTURES AND POLES). Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The fire contract between the University of Minnesota and the City of Rosemount was presented. See Clerk's File 1980 -91. MOTION by Jensen to approve the Fire contract between the University of Minnesota and the City of Rosemount and authorize the necessary signatures. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The distribution of the Comprehensive Plan to neighboring communities has been delayed until the plan is received. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, asked the Council for guidance on the access to Erickson Park since a concern came up as to whether it might be premature to contact Mobile Home Minnesota regarding access before they have received concept approval. See Clerk's File 1980 -92. It was the Council's feeling that it should be pointed out to Mobile Home Minnesota that this is just to see if this access would be feasible, not definite. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 18, 1980 Randy Oppelt will continue to pursue this. Ray McNamara, Fire Chief, presented the bids received for the Fire Department tanker truck. He recommended the purchase of the 1974 Ford Tandem diesel truck from Genz and Ryan in the amount of $21,500. See Clerk's File 1980 -93. MOTION by Jensen to award the tanker truck bid to Genz and Ryan in the amount of $21,500. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to set a Public Hearing for Valley Oak Addition Replat for 7:00 p.m. on Tuesday, April 15, 1980. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. A memo from Don Brown concerning road restrictions was presented. He is recommending to place a 4 ton per axle weight restriction on 160th Street from the City's west boundary to State Highway #3. See Clerk's File 1980 -94. MOTION by Ratzlaff to accept Don Brown's recommendation for a road restriction sign to be placed on 160th Street from the City's west boundary to State Highway #3. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Nays 0. A question was brought up if this could be automatic annually. Don Brown stated he will check into this and report his findings. The Clerk presented a request from Edward McMenomy requesting Municipal Industrial Bonding for the remodeling of an existing commercial structure. MOTION by Knutson to schedule a Public Hearing immediately following the hearing scheduled for 7:00 p.m. on April 15, for Municipal Industrial Revenue Bonding as requested by Edward McMenomy. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Mayor reported on the meeting he attended on solid and hazardous waste which was held March 5, 1980. See Clerk's File 1980 -95. The Clerk updated the Council on fiscal problems concerning connection charges and hook -up charges. The Mayor presented a resolution from Farmington stating their opposition to the proposed Minnesota Agricultural Preserves Act. See Clerk's File 1980 -96. No action is needed. The Mayor also presented a resolution from Mendota Heights urging Dakota County to implement emergency medical services. See Clerk's File 1980 -97. The Mayor feels that Rosemount should take a position on this by considering a resolution to be drawn up similar to the one from Mendota Heights. 155 156 MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -15 (A RESOLUTION URGING DAKOTA COUNTY TO IMPLEMENT EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Clerk presented a request to attend a Data Practices Workshop to be held April 24, 1980. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize the Clerk to attend the Data Practices Workshop and the fee of $10.00 to be paid. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -98 for Fire Department's report for February. See Clerk's File 1980 -99 for Police Department's report for February. See Clerk's File 1980 -100 for Animal Warden's report for February. See Clerk's File 1980 -101 for Building Official's report for February. MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this meeting was adjourned at 10:25 p.m. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting March 18, 1980 Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loftus Council Secretary 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting April 1, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held April 1, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Jensen absent. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting April 1, 1980 Items added to the agenda: 3 g. Comprehensive Plan Deadline Extension, 5 d. 201 Facilities Plan, 5 e. H.U.D. Grant Seminar. Discussion followed on the minutes of the March 18 Regular Council Meeting and the wording of the Lan -O -Ken Addition motion. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, also discussed the extension of the deadline for the Comprehensive Plan as presented in his memo dated April 1, 1980. He was requesting authorization to prepare a resolution to be presented at the next meeting. See Clerk's File 1980 -102, MOTION by Knutson to approve the Consent Calendar with the exception of the minutes of the March 18 Regular Council Meeting. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -102. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented his findings concerning the light for the skating pond in Simon's Addition. He stated he has contacted Dakota Electric regarding the installation of a service pole and they will install a transformer free of charge on the pole at a rate of $3.50 per month plus electrical usage. Corrigan Electric estimated installation charges to be around $150.00 to $200.00. See Clerk's File 1980 -103. The Council directed Randy to check with the electrical companies and the idea of installing a street Light instead of a transformer. Randy will get back to the Council at a later date. Randy also reported on the meeting he had with Dick Zerba of Mobil home Minnesota concerning access to Erickson Park through the proposed development. Mr. Zerba indicated he would be willing to pursue the idea further and will be taking a more detailed look at the grading for the proposed development which would give them a good idea as to the feasibility of the access once the study is completed. See Clerk's File 1980 -104. Randy further stated he has contacted the State regarding access across their property and has not received a response as yet. Norm Hendrickson, of Short, Elliott and Hendrickson, presented the plans and specifications for Valley Oak Addition. He recommended setting the bid opening for May 2, 1980 at 2:00 p.m. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -16 (A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR VALLEY OAK ADDITION IMPROVEMENTS, AUTHORIZING ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS AND SETTING BID OPENING FOR 2:00 P.M. May 2, 1980). Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. The Clerk presented the Dakota County Dispatching Agreement and stated the other cities included in this agreement have agreed to accept it. See Clerk's File 1980 -105. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the Dakota County Dispatching Agreement and authorize the necessary signatures. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. 15/ 158 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting April 1, 1980 Discussion was held on the wording of the motion regarding the Lan -O -Ken Addition at the March 18th Regular Council Meeting. The Mayor stated the only way the motion can be amended is to have the person who stated the motion to make another motion to open discussion on this item and re -word it. This will be put on the agenda when Councilman Jensen is in attendance. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, presented a request to reconsider the installation of a street light for County Road 38 and Highway 55. His reasoning for this being since the authorization for the light to be installed, N.S.P. has sent a letter stating that a one time charge of $568.50 will be charged for the installation of a transformer for this light. See Clerk's File 1980 -106. MOTION by Knutson after reconsidering the request for a street light to be placed on County Road 38 and Highway 55, the Council has decided not to consider the request because of the exorbitant costs of purchasing a transformer to be installed for said Light. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Don Brown also presented informal quotes for traffic control devices. He recommended awarding the quotes to Hamele Recreation Company incorpor- ated contingent upon receipt of a letter from them,- certifying their signs meet Minnesota Department of Transportation specifications. See Clerk's file 1980 -107. MOTION by Walsh to award the traffic control devices quotes to Hamele Recreation Company Incorporated, of Hamel, Minnesota per Don Brown's memo dated March 28, 1980. Second by Knutson, Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -108. The Mayor reviewed the items which are still being discussed concerning the Police Contract. Those items being home pick -up and delivery, wage increases for 1981, longevity and dependent insurance coverage. Much discussion followed. Sec Clerk's File 1980 -109. It was the Council's feelings to keep the home pick -up and delivery as we had proposed in the original contract, to offer 10k% for the 1981 formula for wages, to offer longevity to be three steps and the schedule to be 17. after 5 years, 2% after 10 years, 3% after 15 years, and to offer 65e dependent insurance coverage. The Mayor stated he will get in contact with Fred Jalonen, negotiator for LELS, and let him know what the Council has proposed at this point. Don Brown and Randy Oppelt were present to discuss the Maintenance Union Contract. The Council feels that they have done everything they could to settle this contract and are now waiting for a response from Larry Evans concerning the contract. See Clerk's File 1980 -110. Randy Oppelt presented a memo on the Park Grant Application priority for 1980. He recommended Erickson Park should receive first priority for two reasons: 1) Due to the fact that there is already a grant for the development of Carrolls Woods and Schwarz Pond which will receive funds this summer and that the cartway has not been dedicated yet, another grant application at this time would not be as beneficial as a grant for another park. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting April 1, 1980 2) Considering the access problem which must be resolved before a development plan can be finalized, it seems the earliest possible date of development would be late summer or next fall. If we apply for the grant at this time, the funds should be available by next spring and we would have the potential of doubling our dollars while only delaying the project for six months. The Council directed Randy to continue his efforts on the Erickson Park proposal. The Clerk presented a memo from the Staff Meeting of March 27, 1980 with a request from the staff to change the office hours year round to 7:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. with 30 minute lunch. See Clerk's File 1980 -111. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the request to change the office hours per staff request, to be effective the first Monday in May, 1980. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. A letter from David Grannis, City Attorney, was presented regarding establishing road restrictions on certain city streets. His feeling was the Council must pass an ordinance determining the need for limitations and authorizing the City Street Maintenance Department to post weight restrictions. See Clerk's File 1980 -112. The Council directed Don Brown to review ordinances from surrounding communites concerning road restrictions and get back to the Council on his findings. The Mayor reported on the 201 Facilities Plan. He presented a report that needs to be reviewed by each member of the Council and comments to be made concerning this. See Clerk's File 1980 -113. The Clerk reported that a meeting will be held regarding the Small Cities Grant. MOTION by Knutson to authorize attendance and expenses where necessary for Council or staff for any portion of the seminars that come under this program of Government Training Service for grants, Community Economic Development and Private Developers Seminars. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The Clerk presented a fiscal review in a memo dated March 28, 1980. The memo stated Bob Pulscher, Fiscal Agent, will be prepared to present recommendations concerning bonding and Section 19 and 31 feasibility studies at the April 15th Regular Council Meeting. See Clerk's File 1980 -114. A request from the H.R.A. Board to transfer $400.00 to legal fees was presented. MOTION by Stauffer to transfer $400.00 to the H.R.A. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Mayor presented a bulletin from the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities regarding the annual meeting to be held Thursday, May 22, 1980. 159 160 MOTION by Knutson to authorize expenses paid that may be incurred by any member of the Council or administrative staff who may want to attend this meeting and to notify the Clerk before May 22. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Clerk presented a request for renewal of the V.F.W. tipboard gambling license. See Clerk's File 1980 -115. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize renewal of the tipboard gambling license contingent on satisfactory reviews by the Police Chief, Fire Chief and Building Official. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this day o Respectfully submitted, Like will Maurya Loftus Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting April 1, 1980 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting April 15, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held April 15, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Jensen absent. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold two Public Hearings: for Valley Oak Addition Improvements and for Revenue Bonding for the McMenomy Project. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on the Valley Oak Addition Improvements. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980 -116. John Kratz, of Brian Development and Dan Johnson, of Surburban Engineering, presented the revisions on the Valley Oak Addition Improvements and discussed the changes with the Council. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, also discussed park dedication as stated in the Park and Recreation Director's memo of April 10, 1980. See Clerk's File 1980 -117. MOTION by Walsh to close the Public Hearing for the Valley Oak Addition Improvements. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on the Revenue Bonding for the McMenomy Project. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication from the St. Paul Pioneer Press and the Dakota County Tribune. See Clerk's File 1980 -118. Mr. Edward McMenomy was present to discuss the project with the Council. He stated there are three businesses already scheduled in the remodeled Bernier building. Dr. Lai and the McMenomy and Sheldon Law Firm will relocate their offices there and a dentist will open a new practice at this location. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1980 -17 (A RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT PURSUANT TO THE MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, AUTHORIZING THE SUBMISSION OF AN APPLI- CATION FOR APPROVAL OF SAID PROJECT TO THE COMMISSIONER OF SECURITIES AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS AND MATERIALS IN CONNECTION WITH SAID PROJECT.) Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing of Revenue Bonding for the McMenomy Project and adjourn the Special Meeting. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. ATTEST: on F,J' Darling Clerk /Treasurer Respectfully submitted, Maurya LoftiYs Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting April 15, 1980 Printed in the Dakota County Tribune this day o 1980. 161 162 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting April 15, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held April 15, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Jensen absent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the Agenda: 4 f. Check for Second Squad Car $5,827.27, 5 h. Set Public Hearing Date for Flood Plain Amendments, 7 g. County Board Business Related to County Road 42, 7 h. Frank Kirsebom Seminar Request. Mr. Robert Toombs, of Toombs Insurance Agency, presented the City insurance coverage with a recommendation that a $500.00 deductible be written into the policy on all buildings. MOTION by Knutson that we agree with the recommendations on the immediate change in the deductible for the buildings to be written into our policy as it is renewed on May 1, 1980 and recommend Councilman Walsh, our insurance liaison, and staff to meet and re- evaluate the insurance coverage on all equipment and vehicles for future revisions of the insurance policies. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Mr. Toombs next presented a group life insurance plan. Mayor Knutson suggested to keep this for discussion when salary schedules come up for review. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the Consent' C as amended. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -119. Action on the Valley Oak Addition Improvements Hearing was discussed. MOTION by Knutson to approve the amendment to the PUD for the development proposed that we have seen this evening on the Valley Oak Addition and with hold signatures contingent upon the changes in the Development Contract as discussed. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -20 (A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 1980 -16) changing the date for bid opening of Valley Oak Addition Improvements to May 9, 1980 at 2:00 p.m. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Further action on the Revenue Bonding Hearing for the McMenomy Project was discussed. Mayor Knutson presented a statement concerning the project under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 474 and asked that he be authorized to sign said statement and forward it. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize the Mayor to complete and forward the statement concerning a proposed project under Minnesota Statutes Chapter 474. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEUINub Regular Council Meeting April 15, 1980 The Clerk presented the idea of David Grannis, City Attorney, to be bond counsel for this project for the reason he has had numerous experiences with these types of projects. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize David Grannis to be City bond counsel for the McMenomy Bonding Project. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, presented a resolution for the extension of the deadline for the comprehensive plan. MOTION by Walsh to authorize Dean Johnson to send a letter to Mr. Charles R. Weaver of the Metropolitan Council and adopt Resolution 1980 -18 (A RESOLUTION REQUESTING AN EXTENSION OF THE PLAN SUBMITTAL DEADLINE ESTABLISHED UNDER THE METROPOLITAN LAND PLANNING ACT). Second by Stauffer. Discussion followed on whether the resolution should be separate from authorizing a letter to be sent. Stauffer withdrew the second. MOTION by Walsh we authorize Dean Johnson to submit a letter to Mr. Charles R. Weaver as drafted on April 15, 1980. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -120. 6t$ MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1980 -04 (A RESOLUTION REQUESTING AN EXTENSION OF THE PLAN SUBMITTAL DEADLINE ESTABLISHED UNDER THE METROPOLITAN LAND PLANNING ACT.) Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Steve Campbell, of Short, Elliott and Hendrickson, presented the bike trail feasibility study. The study was for three proposed locations: 1) On Chippendale Avenue from County Road 42 up to and matching the existing bike trail. 2) On 145th Street from the west Line of the HCA Development to Chippendale Avenue. 3) West of Chippendale from 145th Street to the north of 143rd and matching the existing trail to the high school. Steve stated the total project cost outlined by the study would be $19,600. MOTION by Knutson to accept the feasibility study as prepared and presented. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Discussion followed regarding the Police Contract centering on home pick -up and delivery and lunch and dinner breaks. The Council decided if they accepted the contract, a policy would have to be made concerning home pick -up and delivery and lunch and dinner breaks. MOTION by Knutson to adopt the Police Contract with the changes most recently recommended and submitted to the Council on the 15th of April, 1980 and to accept this contract according to the effective 164 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting April 15, 1980 date of January 1, 1980. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. A memo from Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, was presented concerning the Maintenance Contract. See Clerk's File 1980 -121. It was suggested to have Larry Evans contacted and ask him to be at the next meeting to discuss the Maintenance Contract and submit a counter proposal. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented a memo dated April 15, 1980 regarding the grant application for Erickson Park. He stated the maximum amount is $100,000 but the grant would be for $50,000. See Clerk's File 1980 -122. MOTION by Ratzlaff to approve the grant application. for Erickson Park. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, presented a request to set a Public Hearing for the Flood Plain Ordinance Amendments. MOTION by Stauffer to set the Flood Plain Public Hearing for May 20, L980 at 7:00 p.m. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A letter was presented from Tom Thumb Food Markets for an appeal of the Planning Commission decision at their March 23, 1980 Planning Commission Meeting petitioning the Council to set a Public Hearing for their review. MOTION by Knutson to set a Public Hearing for Tom Thumb appeal of Planning Commission decision for 7:15 p.m. on Tuesday, May 20, 1980. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, presented a petition from the residents of the Broback 10th Addition requesting street lights to be installed. He stated the street lights will be installed around April 23rd or 24th with weather permitting. See Clerk's File 1980 -124. MOTION by Walsh to accept and place on file, the petition from the residents of the Broback 10th Addition concerning street lights received April 8, 1980. Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented quotes for printing of the summer brochure. He recommended the low bid from Gold Star Printing, of Lakeville, in the amount of $355.47. See Clerk's File 1980 -125. MOTION by Ratzlaff to authorize the summer brochure bid be awarded to Gold Star Printing in the amount of $3.55.47. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. Randy Oppelt introduced Peter Hanson, City Forester, who gave a presentation of the Rosemount Community Tree Manasement Program. Peter outlined the program and answered questions concerning the program. See Clerk's File 1980 -126. MOTION by Walsh to accept the Forestry Department's recommendation for the Rosemount Community Tree Management Program for 1980. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. :.166 meeting was adjourned at 10:03 p.m. ATTEST: c to Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer h ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting April 15, 1980 Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loftus Council Secretary Printed in the Dakota County Tribune this% r� day o7 /y 1 1980. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting April 22, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held April 22, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Acting Mayor Jensen called the meeting to order with Mayor Knutson absent. Acting Mayor Jensen led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was amended to add the rescheduling of Public Meetings on May 20th, Public Hearing request for extension of the Moratorium Ordinance. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hear the Planner's request to distribute the Comprehensive Plan to neighboring communities and others and to hold a Public Hearing on the Chippendale Project 1980 -2. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, discussed the Planning Commission recommendation to authorize distribution of the Comprehensive Plan to adjacent communities. He explained that the recommendation was made because of time requirements under the Land Planning Act, but the Commission felt further revision and editting was necessary. He suggested that the Council could authorize distribution of the plan now or authorize the Commission to distribute copies at its discretion. The Council felt that since time is so important, they would Like to see the Planning Commission refer the plan to the neighboring communities when they are satisfied. MOTION byStauffer to authorize the distribution of the Comprehensive Plan to neighboring communities and others after the Planning Commission has seen it again and approves it. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Don Brown presented a request for part -time help in the Maintenance/ Utility Department. See Clerk's File 1980 -127. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize advertising for part -time help per Don Brown's memo dated April 11, 1980. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt Resolution 1980 -19 (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT H.R.A. TO ACT AS GRANT ADMINISTRATORS FOR THE ROSEMOUNT COMMUNITY HOUSING PROJECT COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT.) Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Clerk updated the Council on the fiscal review. He stated Bob Pulscher, Fiscal Agent, will probably have the information ready by the April 22, 1980 Council Meeting. The Mayor reminded the Council of the Board of Review Meeting to be held May 14, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. A letter was presented concerning the Cooperative Power Association Line dated July 23, 1979. He suggested the Council review this again as there might be some public reaction when this project gets underway. See Clerk's File 1980 -128. MOTION by Ratzlaff to continue the Cooperative Power Line Agreement discussion at the next Regular Council Meeting. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. A letter to Red Staats, Police Chief, from David Grannis, City Attorney, was presented in regards to the Paraphernalia Ordinance. It is a draft ordinance including revisions needed due to rulings made by the 8th Circuit Court of Appeals. No Council action was taken. See Clerk's File 1980 -129. Results of the County Board Meeting concerning County Road 42 was discussed. The Clerk stated he has heard nothing, but will get back to the Council when he does. The Building Cffical presented a request to attend an energy seminar at the University of Minnesota on May 1st and 2nd. See Clerk's File 1980 -130. MOTION by Knutson to underwrite expenses of registration• fees for Frank Kirsebom's attendance at the Energy Conservation Seminar to be held May 1st and 2nd. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -131 for Building Official's report for March. See Clerk's File 1980 -132 for Fire Department's report for March. See Clerk's File 1980 -133 for Police Department's report for March. See Clerk's File 1980 -134 for Animal Warden's report for March. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting 1 65 April 15, 1980 Discussion and comments followed. Acting Mayor Jensen opened the Public Hearing on the Chippendale Avenue Project. 1980 -2. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. Bob Pulscher, Fiscal Agent from Springsted, Incorporated, reviewed the fiscal situation with the Council regarding the Chippendale Project and the general condition of the City fiscal policies. Much discussion followed. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting April 22, 1980 Mayor Knutson took his chair at 7:35 p.m. Norm Hendrickson, of Short, Elliott and Hendrickson, presented and reviewed the costs and proposed assessments for the Chippendale Project. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing on the Chippendale Project 1980 -2. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Bob Pulscher questioned the Council on when they could get together to reach a decision on connection and hook -up charges. The Clerk was instructed to place this on the May 6th Regular Council Meeting agenda for discussion. The Clerk presented a memo regarding the Special Meetings that are scheduled for May 20, 1980. He advised the Council the School Board Elections fall on that date with the polls staying open until 8:00 p.m. which denys the ability to conduct meetings prior to 8:00 p.m. See Clerk's File 1980 -135. MOTION by Knutson to reschedule the Public Hearings on the Flood Plain Amendments and the Tom Thumb appeal to start at 8:00 p.m. and the May 20, 1980 Regular Council Meeting to follow immediately after the close of the Public. Herrings. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Dean Johnson requested the Council to schedule a Public Hearing to consider the extension of the Moratorium Ordinance, which will expire in June. MOTION by Stauffer to set a Public Hearing for June 3, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. for the Moratorium Ordinance extension. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, a U t�taurya Lof us Council Secretary 16'7 168 ATTEST: on F. •.r ing Clerk /Treasurer Printed th ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting April 22, 1980 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 6, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held May 6, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Mayor interrupted the Regular Meeting to present to Helyn Duff a silver platter in honor of her 15 years of service. Helyn is leaving the Dakota County Tribune. MOTION by Stauffer the Consent Calendar be approved as presented. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -136. Bill Quigley, Liquor Store Manager, discussed the proposed addition for the off -sale section of the liquor store. See Clerk's File 1980 -137. The Council felt this should go to the Planning Commission and get their input concerning the addition before making any decisions. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Lindberg and Pierce, architects, to !ake a preliminary drawing of this revised proposed expansion to the liquor store and upon receipt of this plan that it be submitted for review to the Planning Connission for their input and ask them to advise the Council of the feasibility of the expansion and how it relates to parking and the zoning ordinance. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen, Walsh. Nays Ratzlaff. Ayes 4, Nays 1. The Mayor read the motion of the March 18, 1980 Regular Council Meeting regarding the Lan -O -Ken Addition. Mr. Forrest Krogh requested the motion be changed because he felt the word majority was not right. The Council directed the Clerk to re -word the motion to read "not enough people were in favor of pursuing the project at this time MOTION by Knutson the minutes of the March 18, 1980 Regular Council Meeting ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 6, 1980 be approved with the change that has been expressed and ordered published. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A letter from Michael Choban regarding the sale of the K Rose Shopping Center was presented along with a letter from William Polta, the new owner, regarding the rent increase for the Senior Citizen area. The C felt a presentation by the senior citizens would be appreciated if they wanted to stay in the same area. The Clerk will get in touch with them and arrange to have representation at a later meeting. See Clerk's File 1980 -138. Discussion followed on the Cooperative Power Association power line. The Clerk was instructed to write a short letter to the CPA people requesting a set of final plans and specifications to allow the City to review with respect to existing and future utility placement. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented a request for authorization to purchase playground equipment per his memo dated April 30, 1980. See Clerk's File 1980 -139. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the Park and Recreation Director to buy playground equipment from Landscape Structures, Earl Anderson and Associates, for a 6 foot high platform, 10 to 12 kids, and attachments for $1,655.00 and two seat belt swings at 400.00 for Kidder Park and from Landscape Structures, Earl Anderson and Associates a wood platform with slide and tire swing for $2,380.00 and two seat belt swings at $400.00. Second by Knutson. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Randy also presented a.letter from Reverend Roger Ernst, Pastor of the Lutheran Church of Our Savior, acknowledging the City's request to use the vacant field on the north side of the church for a neighborhood park /softball field. See Clerk's File 1980 -140. MOTION by Knutson to enter into an agreement with the Lutheran Church of Our Savior for use of a portion of their property for playground to be maintained by the City, according to the intentions as expressed in the letter we have received on April 28, 1980. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Randy Oppelt reported on the street light for the Simon Addition. He has discussed the costs with Dakota Electric and has estimates for the installation of a 150 watt street light at $60.00 plus $8.75 per month or a 100 watt street light for $60.00 plus $7.75 per month. Another consideration would be for installation of service where the residents would provide extension cords and lights which would cost $150.00 to $200.00 plus $3.50 per month. He recommended the installation of a street light. See Clerk's File 1980 -141. MOTION by Knutson the request for a street light and installation of extension cords and outlets.in the Simon Addition skating pond be denied because of the cost factor and the fact that we would be promoting public use of private property. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. 16J 17 0 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 6, 1980 Randy Oppelt reported on the meeting he had with Del Schwanz and Don Brown concerning the Erickson Park and St. Joseph property boundaries. He presented a profile sheet with elevations of the properties and the present and proposed boundaries. See Clerk's File 1980 -142. The Council felt that Father Dunn should be contacted and set a meeting to discuss this. MOTION by Jensen to authorize Randy Oppelt and Don Brown to pursue the property lines settlement with St. Joseph's cemetery and the City of Rosemount as they appear on the sketch presented May 6, 1980. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Randy presented a letter he received from the Minnesota Department of Transportation regarding the request for a fire lane access and temporary easement over the west 30 feet of the Rosemount property on Burma and 145th Street. They stated permission is granted provided certain conditions are accepted by the City of Rosemount. See Clerk's File 1980 -143. Discussion followed on different access possibilities to the park. No Council action was taken. Randy stated the Rosemount Jaycees have coordinated the first annual Park Improvement Weekend to be held May 17, 1980, and put this on the agenda to let the Council be aware of the program.. See Clerk's File 1980 -144. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, briefed the Council on the Chippendale Condominium PUD amendment. He stated John Broback has requested the amendment which would allow an office use on the west 210 feet of Outlot B, in Rahn's 7th Addition. He also requested the Council to schedule a Public Hearing for the PUD amendment and proposed rezoning. See Clerk's File 1980 -145. MOTION by Jensen to set a Public Hearing for the Chippendale Condominium PUD amendment for 7:30 p.m. on June 10, 1980. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Steve Campbell and Glen Van Wormer, of Short Elliott and Hendrickson, were present to discuss the Chippendale Avenue improvements. The engineers were asked to explain the large traffic volume forecast for this road. Lengthy discussion followed. See Clerk's File 1980 -146. MOTION by Knutson to order the plans and specifications for the Chippendale Avenue improvements to 156th Street with the 24 foot road section grading to full width, the section from County Road 42 to 151st Street to be three lanes plus with curb and gutter and lights on the east side and that the alternate possibility be explored for grading the right of way from 156th Street to 160th Street with the narrower section in mind. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays Jensen. Ayes 4, Nays 1. The Clerk was instructed to check with Dave Grannis and the possibility of expanding the assessments after the plans and specifications have been ordered. A letter from Larry Evans, Business Agent for Local No. 320, was presented regarding the Maintenance Contract. See Clerk's File 1980 -147. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 6, 1980 MOTION by Knutson for authorization to submit to the Minnesota Teamsters Public and Law Enforcement Union Local No. 320, the contract for the agreements that have been reached in the letter of agreement with modifications as received from Larry Evans dated April 17, 1980 with the effective date of the contract being May 6, 1980. Second by Jensen. MOTION by Knutson to amend the MOTION to include authorization for signatures. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Vote on original MOTION: Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Park and Recreation Director requested authorization to contact Emmet Carroll and ask him for a 17 foot easement on his property which would enable the bike trail to extend to Diamond Path. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize Randy Oppelt to request of Emmet Carroll a 17 foot easement on his property for the bike trail extension. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0, Dean Johnson, Planning Director, briefed the Council on the Berg Construction Company driveway request. Also present was Bob Rhodes representing Charles Novak, architect for Berg Construction Company. Dean further stated the Planning Commission felt they did not have the authority to grant the request for a driveway since it is on City right -of -way and there are no specific plans for Carousel Way at this time. Steve Campbell, Engineer, recommended a roll -over driveway instead of curb cuts to prevent any drainage problems on Carousel Way until the entire street has been constructed. MOTION by Knutson that the Council has discussed this and have agreed it would be possible for Berg Construction to put a driveway in on the alignment of Carousel Way allowing access to his parking lot area, but we do not have an agreement because it would be necessary for this agreement to be reached through the developer. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt Resolution 1980 -21 (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE CLERK'S OFFICE TO PAY A BOUNTY ON POCKET GOPHER AND SETTING THE BOUNTY FEE). Second by Knutson. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Clerk presented a request from Bev Markgraf for renewal of a kennel license. See Clerk's File 1980 -148. MOTION by Knutson to approve the kennel license renewal request from Bev Markgraf based upon the Police Chief's recommendation. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Councilman Ratzlaff left the meeting at 10:45 p.m. 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 6, 1980 Revised hook -up charges and sewer and water core facility charges were presented in a memo from the Clerk dated April 30, 1980. See Clerk's File 1950 -149. MOTION by Stauffer to set a Special Meeting for 8:00 p.m., June 10, 1980 to discuss with Bob Pulscher, Fiscal Agent, the fiscal policy, hook -up charges and other financial matters. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to set a Special Council Meeting for May 14, 1980 at 8:00 a.m. for the bond sale of Valley Oak Addition. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Mr. Glen Van Wormer, of Short Elliott and Hendrickson, gave a brief presentation on the procedures for cities over 5,000 population to receive Municipal State Aid funds. Discussion followed. MOTION by Jensen to authorize Short Elliott and Hendrickson to prepare the Municipal State Aid application for the City of Rosemount. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The Clerk presented an abatement for Outlot C in Valley Oak Addition. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize the abatement for Outlot C in the V Oak Addition. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Mayor presented a renewal for the Citizens League Membership. See Clerk's File 1980 -150. MOTION by Jensen to renew the membership in the Citizens League per Mayor's recommendation. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen. Nays 0. The Mayor reminded the Council of the Board of Review to be held Wednesday, May 14, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. An invitation for dedication ceremonies for the Empire Waste Water treatment plant was presented. The dedication is scheduled for 9:00 a.m., Wednesday, May 7, 1980. See Clerk's File 1980 -151. The Mayor stated he has the Vermillion Township Comprehensive Plan on file if anyone is interested in taking a look at it. A letter from Charles Weaver regarding the 208 Water Quality Management meeting was presented. The meeting is to be held Thursday, May 22, 1980 at 5:00 p.m. See Clerk's File 1980 -152. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 11:02 p.m. Printed thi ectfuLly subgitted, MavYya Lotus Council Secretar Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held May 14, 1980 at 8:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Jensen with Mayor Knutson and Councilman Stauffer absent. Purpose of the meeting was to set a Bond Sale date for Valley Oaks Improvements. Councilman Stauffer arrived at 8:08 a.m. and assumed his chair. Bob Pulscher of Springsted reviewed the fund requirements and optional repayment schedules with the Council. Mr. Pulscher agreed with the Council that Schedule II (ten year assessment program) of the study provides the best repayment schedule and further suggested that the Bond Sale be scheduled for 7:30 p.m. June 17, 1980. See Clerk's File 1980 -153. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1980 -22 (A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC SALE OF $880,000.00 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1980, SERIES B.) Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, RatzLaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Stauffer. In favor 4 ayes, opposed 0. Acting Mayor Jensen declared this meeting adjourned. Printed thi Clerk Respectfully submitted, ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting May 14, L980 f t 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting May 14, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held May 14, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Stauffer absent. Purpose of the meeting was to hold the Equalization Hearing by County Officials. 17 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting May 14, 1980 Mayor Knutson explained the program to those in attendance and turned the meeting over to the Dakota County Officials. John O'Toole explained the Latest changes in valuation calculations, homestead credits and market values. Audience questions and concerns were answered by Dakota County Officials. Mr. O'Toole presented abatement requests on two parcels. Those being Outlot "C Valley Oak Addition and the Ken Rose Center. See Clerk's File 1980 -154. MOTION by Jensen to grant the abatements as presented on Outlot "C Valley Oak Addition and the Ken Rose Center. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Don Carroll requested the Council allow his development (Carrollton Addition) remain on Green Acres as he claims the property qualifies under Minnesota Statutes. Mr. O'Toole suggested that Mr. Carroll contact Bob Lind of the Assessors Office, arrange a meeting on the property to determine if the area qualifies as indicated by Mr. Carroll. MOTION by Knutson to lay over the Don Carroll request to the Regular Council Meeting of June 3, 1980. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to close the Equalization Hearing and authorize the necessary signatures by the Council and Clerk on the .Assessment Rolls Book. Second by Knutson. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Jensen. In favor 4ayes, opposed 0. The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned. Printed thi Respectfully submitted, F. Darling Clerk 1980. Dakota County Tribune. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held May 20, 1980 at 8:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Jensen with Mayor Knutson and Councilman Ratzlaff absent. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing on the Flood Plain Ordinance Revisions and hold the Tom Thumb Appeal Hearing. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication for the Flood Plain Ordinance Revisions and the Tom Thumb Hearing. See Clerk's File 1980 -155. Acting Mayor Jensen opened the Public Hearing on the Flood Plain Ordinance Revisions. The Clerk stated no action is requested as stated in the Planning Director's memo dated May 20, 1980. The Planning Director recommended the Council not take action at this time since there has not been any formal comments from the Chicago HUD Office. He further stated he has sent a letter to HUD requesting formal comments be mailed to the City prior to May 30. This would allow revisions to be made prior to the adoption at the June 3 Regular Council Meeting. See Clerk's File 1980 -156. MOTION by Stauffer to close the Public Hearing on the Flood Plain Ordinance. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Jensen. Nays 0. Acting Mayor Jensen opened the Public Hearing on the Tom Thumb Appeal. Mr. Ed Howard, representing Tom Thumb, was present to address the Council concerning Planning Commission denial to install gasoline pumps in the south end of their parking lot. Also present was Mr. Drew Ricks, gasoline and petroleum manager for Tom Thumb. Discussion followed with comments from David Grannis, City Attorney, regarding the zoning. He stated the property would have to be rezoned to C -3. MOTION by Jensen to concur with the Planning Commission and their decision on the Tom Thumb gas island. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to close the Public Hearing on the Tom Thumb Appeal and adjourn the Special Meeting. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. ATTEST: on F. Da ling, Clerk Respectfully subTitted, nab Loftus Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting f tt May 20, 1980 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 20, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held May 20, 1980 at 8:20 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Jensen with Mayor Knutson and Councilman Ratzlaff absent. Acting Mayor Jensen led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilman Ratzlaff arrived at 8:22 p.m. Items added to the agenda: Wenzel Mechanical Softball Team Beer License request and License to Do Business. MOTION by Walsh to approve the Consent Calendar for May 20, 1980 with additions and to waive the fee for Wenzel Mechanical Softball Team. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -157. A letter was presented from O'Connor and Hannan, Attorneys at Law, regarding Koch Refining Industrial Development Bond. See Clerk's File 1980 -158. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1980 -23 (A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR A PUBLIC HEARING ON A PROPOSAL TO UNDERTAKE AND FINANCE AN INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT POLLUTION CONTROL PROJECT) and setting a Public Hearing for 7:45 p.m. on Tuesday, June 10, 1980. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Senior Citizen discussion was delayed until later in the meeting. The proposed resolution amending City utility hook -up charges was presented. It was the staff's recommendation to delay adopting the resolution until the June 10th Special Meeting. The Clerk was directed to place this on the June 10th Special Meeting agenda. Steve Campbell and Norm Hendrickson, of Short Elliott- Hendrickson, presented the bids received for the Valley Oak Improvements. Steve recommended to award the Valley Oak Improvements contract to Brown and Cris for the base bid amount of $652,577.30 and to be contingent upon the development contract being signed and finalized by Valley Oak and the sale of bonds. MOTION by Walsh to award the Valley Oak Improvements to Brown and Cris for the base bid amount of $652,577.30 contingent upon signing of the Valley Oak Development Contract and upon the sale of bonds to be held June 17. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -159. Cliff and Ron Carlson were present to request access in South Rose Park between 150th and 151st Street on Chippendale. They also questioned the Council regarding the raised median. Discussion followed on the access request and a brief update of the Chippendale project. MOTION by Ratzlaff to delete the median on the Plans and Specifications for the Chippendale project. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 20, 1980 The Clerk presented a memo dated May 12, 1980 concerning the County Road 42 bid opening and stated the bid was awarded to low bidder, Leon Joyce, in the amount of $1,148.016.41. He further stated the bid is $450,000.00 below the estimate. He will get back to the Council on the starting date of the project. See Clerk's File 1980 -160. The question of expanding the assessment area for the Chippendale Project was directed to Dave Grannis. He sees no problem of expanding the area if the Council would decide to do so, but would have to hold another hearing. No action was taken. Ray Tousignant, representing the Senior Citizens, was present to express the senior citizens feelings on the rent increase. He stated they have been looking for another meeting place, but also stated they would like to continue holding their meetings at the Ken Rose Center if possible. Member Jensen mentioned the Mayor has been informed of an empty portable at the school which could be used to hold the meetings. Mayor Knutson assumed his chair at 9:12 p.m. Another suggestion that was presented was to re- negotiate with Mr. Polta since he has already gone down $80.00 for the rent. Councilman Jensen state he will try to attend the June 3, 1980 meeting of the Senior Citizens. Mr. Polta will also be invited to discuss the rent situtation. There was nothing to report on the Maintenance Contract. A request from Central Telephone was presented for a cable route to be placed along the south side of 145th Street from Cameo Avenue east beyond the railroad tracks. This item was referred to the City Council from the Utilities Commission at their meeting held May 12, 1980. Don Brown recommended, at the Utilities Meeting, placing the cable in the sidewalk area on the south side of 145th Street which would require the removal and replacement of the sidewalk along this route. It was felt that the sidewalk should be replaced since it is in bad shape. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the Engineer to draw up plans and specifications for a sidewalk between Cameo Avenue and South Robert Trail on 145th Street south side. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Seal Coating specifications were presented for the 1980 seal coating MOTION by Knutson to authorize the plans and specifications for seal coating. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to authorize advertisement for bids to seal coat bituminous streets in Rosemount as presented in the proposal on May 20, 1980 and set the bid opening date for seal coating project for 2:00 p.m. on Monday, June 2, 1980. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A resolution authorizing the City's involvement in the County Para- transit study was presented. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -24 (A RESOLUTION PROVIDING STAFF INVOLVEMENT FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A PARA- TRANSIT PROPOSAL) and also include the Planning Director's involvement as staff representative. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Clerk presented a request from staff to set a Special Council Meeting to meet with U.S. Homes Corporation, the Planning Director, Engineer and City Attorney to discuss the U.S. Homes proposal. MOTION by Ratzlaff to hold a Special Council Meeting at 8:00 a.m., Thursday May 29, 1980 for the purpose of discussing the preliminary plat of U.S. Homes and invite the professional staff to attend. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Mayor reminded the Council of the Pine Bend Sanitary Landfill Draft EIS meeting to be held May 29, 1980. He stated the Planning Director has shown an interest in attending. Steve Campbell, City Engineer, suggested it would be a good idea to invite some of the property owners in and meet with them on the request for an additional 17 feet on the Chippendale Project. The Clerk was instructed to contact the property owners and inform them of a meeting to be held Thursday, May 29, 1980 at 10:00 a.m. to discuss the Chippendale Avenue improvements. See Clerk's File 1980 161 for Building Official's report for April. See Clerk's File 1980 -162 for Fire Department's report for April. See Clerk's File 1980 -163 for Police Department's report for April. See Clerk's File 1980 -164 for Animal Warden's report for April. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Second by Walsh.. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this meeting was adjourned at 9:48 p.m. Don F. Darling, Cler Maurya Loftus Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting May 20, 1980 Respectfully subm.ted, iziA Printed in the Dakota County Tribune this day of JLL,R i 1980. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held May 29, 1980 at 8:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilmen Jensen, Stauffer, and Walsh absent. Since there was not a quorum present, the meeting was delayed. Councilman Stauffer arrived at 8:30 a.m. and the meeting was convened. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to review the Orrin Thompson proposed development of the Birger property. Orrin Thomson, Gary Thompson and Chuck Winden arrived at 9:00 a.m. Much discussion followed with the major concerns being roads, parks, bike trails and access to the property. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, requested that the cart way be dedicated to the City at the earliest possible time. The Thompson people will re -draw their preliminary plans to include some guidelines giving regards to parks, roads, bike trails, access points and request an additional Council /staff meeting in the near future. MOTION by Stauffer to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this meeting was a.,. at 10:10 a.m. 1 Printed this ectfully s bmitted, eputy Clerk ROSEMOUNT CITY PROULCDitUD Special Council Meeting 1 May 29, 1980 '1 J day of 1980 Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS R Council Meeting June 3, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held June 3, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. 180 The Regular Council Meeting was recessed to allow the completion of the H.R.A. Meeting. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Regular Council Meeting was reconvened at 7:36 p.m. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting June 3, 1980 Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, presented a request from a resident to discuss the street signs on Chili Avenue. The Council suggested this be put on the next Council agenda. MOTION by Jensen that the Consent Calendar be approved. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -165. Mr. Jim Barton, of the Metropolitan Council staff, gave a brief review of the Metropolitan Council storm sewer studies that are being planned. He asked the Council to respond in the near future as to their interest in being involved in these studies. The Clerk was instructed to place this on the next Council agenda for action. Mr. William Polta, owner of the Ken Rose Shopping Center, and many senior citizens, were present to discuss the Senior Citizen Center. Discussion followed on rent. The Mayor stated the idea of using the portable at the middle school, which was presented at the last Council meeting, is not available. He stated the portable is going to be used this fall. No other alternatives have been presented. The Clerk pointed out that the rent for the Senior Citizen Center was not listed on the bills paid and he requested a motion authorizing the rent be paid for June in an amount agreeable with Mr. Polta. MOTION by to pay $500.00 for the rent of the Senior Citizen Center for the month of June. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Mayor interrupted the Regular Council Meeting at 8:05 p.m. to hold a Public Hearing scheduled for 8:00 p.m. to consider extending the Moratorium. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication. See Clerk's File 1980 -166. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, briefed the Council on the revision of the moratorium ordinance. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Ordinance No. XVII.40 (AN ORDINANCE RENEWING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.28). Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meetitt*: June 3, 1980 MOTION by Stauffer to close the Public Hearing. Second by Walsh. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Mr. Edward McMenomy was present concerning the revenue bonding procedures for the reconstruction of the old Bernier building into office space. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -25 (A RESOLUTION AUTHOR- IZING THE RECONSTRUCTION OF A PROJECT UNDER MINNESOTA MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT AND THE SALE AND ISSUANCE OF THE COMMERCIAL DEVELOPMENT REVENUE NOTE TO FINANCE THE PROJECT). Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Steve Campbell, of Short Elliott Hendrickson, presented the seal coating bids. He stated the low bidder was Bituminous Roadways, Inc. Steve turned this item over to Don Brown for his recommendation. Don Brown recommended awarding the bid to Bituminous Roadways, Inc. and take the base bid less deduct for a total of $13,393.80. See Clerk's File 1980 -167. MOTION by Jensen that the bids be accepted as listed: Bituminous Roadways, Inc. Black Top Service $13,393.80 Minneapolis G L Seal Coating, Inc. Anoka $14,330.00 Burnsville $15,095.80 Hi -Way Surfacing Co. Marshall $15,575.00 and award to low bidder, Bituminous Roadways, Inc. in the amount of $13,393.80 and using RC 800 oil. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. David Grannis, City Attorney, presented the revised development contract for the Valley Oak Addition. Also present to discuss the revised contract was John Kratz, of Brian Development. Mr. Grannis briefly reviewed the revised contract with the Council. MOTION by Jensen to accept the revised development contract for Valley Oak Addition and authorize the proper signatures. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Clerk presented a letter from Bob Pulscher, Fiscal Agent, regarding the marketability of the $880,000 General Obligation Improvement Bond issue which is scheduled for June 17th. He further stated he sees no reason for the bonds not to be issued. See Clerk's File 1980 -168. MOTION by Walsh to change his Motion from the May 20, 1980 Regular Council Meeting to delete "Upon the sale of bonds to be held June 17, 1980 Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Steve Campbell reported on the progress of the Centel request and sidewalk specifications. He also presented an estimate cost sheet. See Clerk's File 1980 -169. 181 82 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting June 3, 1980 He stated the survey is completed and the specifications will be presented at the June 17th Regular Council Meeting. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, informed the Council the Chicago HUD office has no comments regarding the Flood Plain Ordinance and recommended adopting the ordinance. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Ordinance No. XVII.41 (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE XVII.3) and authorize the necessary signatures and to forward the ordinance to the Federal Government. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A letter from Larry Evans, Business Agent for Teamsters Local No. 320, was presented. The letter stated the contract was rejected by the members of the union in the Public Works Department for the reason the members feel the effective date should be January 1, 1980 instead of May 6, 1980. It was the Council's feelings to leave the effective date May 6, 1980 and for Mayor Knutson to resubmit the contract as is. See Clerk's File 1980 -170. Steve Campbell reported on the meeting he had with the Chippendale Avenue property owners on Thursday, May 29, 1980. He stated the plans and spec- ifications are 75% to 80% complete. Mayor Knutson interrupted the Regular Council Meeting to reconvene the Board of Review Meeting that was held May 14, 1980. The purpose of reconvening the Board of Review Meeting is for the Carrollton classification. Mr. Donal Carroll was present to discuss this item with the Council. Discussion followed on Mr. Carroll's request for Green Acres classification un the Carrollton Addition. MOTION by Knutson that we deny the request for Green Acres classification for the Carrollton Addition except Outlot A. Second by Jensen. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to close the Board of Review Meeting. Second by Stauffer. Ayes 5, Nays 0. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented a request to author- ize plans and specifications for bike trails on Chili, Chippendale and 145th Street. The Engineer stated he could have the plans and specifications by the first meeting in July. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize the Engineer to draw up plans and specif- ications for bike trails on Chili, Chippendale and 145th Street. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Don Brown presented the quotes received on the repairs to 130th Street West. See Clerk's File 1980 -171. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS/ Regular Council Meeting June 3, 1980 Don Brown further recommended awarding the quotes to Solberg Aggregate Company in the amount of $5,309.00, providing the fabric used is acceptable to our Engineers. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the job on 130th Street West to Solberg Aggregate Company in the amount of $5,309.00. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Don Brown also presented the proposed locations of street lights for South Rose Park Addition. Discussion followed with no action taken. The Mayor stated there is a need to appoint three citizens from Rosemount to serve on the Para- transit Committee. He has no recommendations at this time. The Dakota County Tribune was asked to announce this need in the paper. Dean Johnson presented a request from Rich Valley Development Company to reduce the surety bond amount, ask that the City Attorney prepare a document that would bind Rich Valley Development Company to the terms of Resolution 1979 -52 and that Rich Valley Development Company furnish the revised exhibits as request by the Planning Director. MOTION by Knutson that the Council agree to a $5,000.00 form of credit from Rich Valley Development Company in a type of surety that is acceptable to our attorney, and that we authorize the attorney to prepare a document binding Rich Valley Development Company to the terms of Resolution 1979 -52 and that Rich Valley Development Company furnish revised exhibits as requested by the Planning Director which would comply with the two parcels that we are describing and need to be mined. With those terms accepted by the Council, it would allow a mining permit to be executed. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. A memo from the Clerk, along with a letter from Bob Pulscher, Fiscal Agent, was presented concerning the meeting date for the Fiscal Meeting. Mr. Pulscher stated he will be unable to make this meeting date, but would like to reschedule it. See Clerk's File 1980 -172. MOTION by Ratzlaff to set a Fiscal Meeting for Thursday, June 19, 1980 at 9:00 a.m. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The Clerk stated there is nothing to report on the County Road 42 project except they have started and detour routes are being planned. Dean Johnson discussed the Comprehensive Plan Grant with the Council. He stated we will be receiving $17,043.00 for the 1980 -81 year. 183 Don Brown presented cost estimates for a case to be placed under County Road 42 immediately south of the City Hall, prior to the reconstruction and asked if there was any interest by the Council. No interest was shown. 84 ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk Printed this day of Maurya Loftus Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting June 3, 1980 MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this meeting was adjourned at 10:24 p.m. Respectfully submitted, 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting June 10, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held June 10, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold two Public Hearings: 1) Chippendale PUD Amendment, 2) Koch Refining Bonding. The Clerk requested to amend the agenda for street name changes in the Valley Oak Addition Replat and place it under item 7. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on the Chippendale PUD Amendment. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980 -173. John Broback was present to answer questions the Council had regarding his request for an amendment to the PUD. He stated the purpose was to change the original use on the west 210 feet of Outlot B from an 11 unit condominium to an office building which would contain a model for the other condominiums as well as the offices for Fairfax Construction Company. MOTION by Knutson to approve the amendment to the PUD and that the Motion includes the rezoning request and the simple lot division to accomodate these requests. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to close the Public Hearing on Chippendale PUD Amendment, Second by Walsh. Ayes 5, Nays 0. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on Koch Refining Bonding. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication from the local newspaper and from a newspaper of general distribution in the metro area. See Clerk's File 1980 -174. Mr. Frank Walz, of O'Connor and Hannan, and Ray Knutson, of Koch Refining Company, were present to answer questions regarding Koch Refining Bonding. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1980 -26 (A RESOLUTION GIVING PRELIMINARY APPROVAL TO A PROJECT UNDER THE MUNICIPAL INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT, REFERRING THE PROPOSAL TO THE COMMISSIONER OF SECURITIES FOR APPROVAL, AND AUTHORIZING PREPARATION OF NECESSARY DOCUMENTS.) Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Clerk presented a Resolution listing the street name changes in the Valley Oak Addition. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1980 -27 (A RESOLUTION CONFIRMING STREET NAME CHANGES IN VALLEY OAK ADDITION). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. TEST 1 fr` Darling Clerk /Treasurer 7 Printed this': r day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting (con June 10, 1980 Respectfully submitted, `pct Maurya Loftus Council Secretary 1980. Dakota County Tribune. 185 1,;16 RCS EMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting June 17, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held June 17, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Stauffer absent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The agenda was amended to include the acceptance of the notice of approval of the City of Rosemount Interim Comprehensive Sewer Plan. Mr. Richard Treptow of Springsted, Inc., was present for the bond sale bid opening scheduled for 7:30 p.m. He adivsed the City Council that four bids had been received on the $880,000.00 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1980, Series B. Bids were opened and read aloud. First National Bank of St Paul with Account members First National Bank of Minneapolis and M. H. Novick and Co. inc. with a Net Interest Cost of $392,426.03, and Net Effective Rate of 6.23557. BANCNORTHWEST with Account members American National Bank of St Paul and Cronin and Marotti, Inc. with a Net Interest Cost of $385,835.22 and a Net Interest Rate of 6.1308 ALLISON WILLIAMS with Account members Dain, Bosworth, Inc and Piper, Jaffery and Hopwood, Inc with a Net Interest Cost of $387,409.37 and Net Effective Rate of 6.15587. Carleton D. Beh Co Net Interest Cost of $383,908.24 and a Net interest Rate of 6.10027. Carleton D. Beh Co was low bidder and Richard Treptow stated that Springsted, Inc. recommends awarding the bid to the low bidder Carleton D. Beh Co. MOTION by Walsh to accept the bids as presented. Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerks File 1980 -17 MOTION by Jensen to award the bid to the low bidder Carleton D. Beh Co for the $880,000.00 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1980, Series B, at the net interest rate of 6.1002% as bid. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to approve the Consent Calendar as presented, further waiving the fee for both temporary beer licenses. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerks File 1980 -176. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting (cont.) June 17, 1980 187 Don Brown was present to discuss traffic signs on Chili Ave north of 145th Street. No one from the area was present for this discussion. Don Brown advised the City Council that he has asked Glen Van Wormer of SEH to review this area and prepare a recommendation for the Council. This is not available at this time due to Glen being out of town. MOTION by Walsh to authorize Glen Van Wormer of SEH to review the traffic patterns on Chili Ave north of 145th Street and present his recommendations at the July 1, 1980 Regular Council meeting. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Randy Oppelt discussed the boundary negotiations he has had with St Joseph's Church. He reported little or no progress has been made in these negotiations. Council advised that negotiations should be suspended at this time as there is really no immediate need to finalize the boundary location at this time. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -28 A RESOLUTION IN SUPPORT OF THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL STORM SEWER ASSESSMENT PROPOSAL STUDY. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Steve Campbellpresented the final plans and specifications for the Chippendale Avenue Improvement. Discussion followed on the area and extent of the improvement. MOTION by Knutson to accept the the Plans and Specifications for the Chippendale Improvement Project. Improvement 1980 -2. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to authorize advertisement for bids on Project 1980- 2 setting the date and time of July 11, 1980 at 2p.m. for bid opening. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. Steve Campbell presented the final plans and specifications for Sidewalk and Curb Improvement 1980 -7, required by the Centel request to place conduit between Cameo Ave and Burma Ave on 145th Street. MOTION by Jensen directing Don Brown and Steve Campbell to obtain quotes for the Sidewalk and Curb Improvement 1980 -7 and setting up a meeting with Centel, after quotes are available, to discuss this project. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson stated that the City of Rosemount has received notice of approval of the City of Rosemount Interim Comprehensive Sewer Plan. This was ordered placed on file. See Clerk File 1980 -177. Randy Oppelt presented his recommendations for a salary adjustment for seasonal employee Steve Strese. See Clerk's File 1980 -175. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS y,_ R LLU c Regular Council (cont.) I ,i q MOTION by Jensen to concur with the recommendation presented by Randy Oppelt, increasing the hourly rate for Steve Strese to $4.50 per hour effective June 1, 1980. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Information was reviewed regarding increased Blue Cross costs effective July 1, 1980. The Clerk informed the Council that several quotes are being awaited at this time to allow the Staff to make a recommendation to the Council as to the future health plan for City Employees. He further requested that the Council consider making the dependent coverage City share uniform for all City Employees. Union members present policy is 657 dependent coverage payment by the City with Non Union members policy of 507 dependent coverage payment by the City. MOTION by Knutson to extend the dependent coverage provisions of 657 participation by the City to the non -union employees who are covered under that policy and also authorize Blue Cross Blue Shield coverage until such time as a more in depth review of bids from other firms are available for comparison. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to concur with the Rosemount Cable TV Commission recommendation of a positive response to the notice of Proposed Cable TV Service Area received from South St Paul. Clerk to prepare and forward the necessary correspondence. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Mayor reminded the Council of the Annual Community Education meeting to be held July 21, 1980. Randy Oppelt was directed to pre- pare a performance review of the Community Education program for Council information. The Mayor reminded the Council of the upcoming Recreation Open Space Guide Plan Meeting. Randy Oppelt will attend appropriate sessions as the City Representative. r "LLDC- The Mayor reminded the Council of the Special Meeting scheduled for 9a.m., June 19, 1980. The Mayor had nothing to report on the Para- Transit item. No appoint- ments have been made to the committee as yet. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Don F. harling, Clerk )e (q3 alto. Coup c a e, ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting q June 19, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held June 19, 1980 at 9:00 a.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Much discussion followed. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilmen Jensen and Stauffer absent. The purpose of this Special Meeting was to allow Council direction to Staff regarding financing of development improvements. Robert Pulscher of Springsted was present to lead the discussion. Other professional staff members present were David Grannis III, Attorney, Norm Hendrickson and Steve Campbell, Engineers. Mr. Pulscher distributed a memo he had formulated from information gathered during several meetings with Staff regarding projected develop- ments requiring installation of improvements. See Clerk's File 1980 -179. General agreement was reached to fast track a program aimed at establishing an area assessment policy for core facility. A calendar of events is to be establsihed to outline the procedures and provide information needed to establish the necessary policies to allow planned expansion of municipal utilities and streets for development. MOTION by Knutson to adopt a calendar based on the discussion heard here today to set a mid -July meeting (date and time to be set at the July 15th Regular Council Meeting) for follow up on todays discussion, that being to pursue the idea of area wide assessment proposal and revision of assessment and hook up charges. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Discussion followed on assessment of major corridor street improvements. No action was taken. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -29 (A RESOLUTION AMENDING RESOLUTION 1973 -1) this resolution affects an increase in sewer and water hook up charges. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to adourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this meeting was adjourned at 10:59 a.m. Respectfully submitted, Don F. D Clerk Treasurer Printed in the Dakota County Tribune this day of 1980. f? 190 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting July 1, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held July 1, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: Consent Calendar 3h. Senior Citizen July Rent, $500.00, 3i. Lions Temporary Beer License for Tractor Pull on July 20, 1980, 5g. Parking Problems, 6b. Brush Burning, 6c. Emergency Medical Services. Discussion followed on Eileen McDonough.'s services to the Fire Department. The Mayor will contact Ray McNamara, Fire Chief, and ask him for a report and an estimated completion date of the project. MOTION by Jensen the Consent Calendar be approved and the fees for all permits be waived. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -180. Steve Campbell, of Short Elliott and Hendrickson, presented a memo from Glen Van Wormer and his report on traffic signs for Chili Avenue north of 145th Street. He gave three alternatives for the placement of the stop signs: 1) remove the north bound stop sign on Chili Avenue to make a two-way stop, 2) place a south bound stop sign on Chili Avenue to make a four -way stop, 3) leave the signs as they are to make a three -way stop and add the supplementary signs. See Clerk's File 1980 -181. Discussion followed on the alternates. A request was also presented to place a stop sign at Canada Avenue and 148th Street to aid in the crossing to Camfield Park. Mr. Van Wormer was asked to look into this area along with Chili Avenue. Due to a mishap with the Postal Service, the bid opening date for Chippendale Avenue Improvements has been requested to be changed to July 18, 1980 at 2:00 p.m. MOTION by Knutson to change the bid opening date for Chippendale Avenue Improvements from July 11, 1980 to Friday, July 18, 1980 at 2:00 p.m. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Wall. Nays 0. Don Brown, Maintenance Superintendent, presented a memo concerning a traffic study to establish a reasonable speed limit on Pine Bend Trail. He recommended adopting a resolution establishing a 50 m.p.h. speed limit from Highway 4[55 approximately 1.5 miles southeasterly on Pine Bend Trail. See Clerk's File 1980 -182. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt Resolution 1980 (A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A 50 M.P.H. SPEED LIMIT FROM HIGHWAY #55 APPROXIMATELY 1.5 MILES SOUTH- EASTERLY ON PINE BEND TRAIL). Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The report on the Senior Citizen Center had been presented at the H.R.A. Meeting. It was determined that the report need not be restated for this meeting. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting July 1, 1980 MOTION by Knutson to set the first Revenue Sharing Hearing for public input for 7:00 p.m. on July 29, 1980 and set the first budget meeting for 7:30 p.m. July 29, 1980. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff; Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. There was no representative for Broback's request for a building permit in Broback I -Park. This was layed over until later in the meeting. A request from Valley Oak Addition to set a hearing date for the vacation of all easements in the Valley Oak Addition was presented. M0T10N by Knutson to set a hearing for the vacation of all easements in the Valley Oak Addition for July 29, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. and the budget meeting immediately following. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Don Brown presented the bids received on the replacement for the roadside mower: Bahls Motor and Implement Company Itaska Equipment Company Hastings $3,760.00 Savage $4,186.00/$4,409.00 Carlson Tractor and Equipment Company Rosemount $4,680.00 He recommended awarding the bid to low bidder, Bahls Motor and Implement Company, Hastings, for the bid amount of $3,760.00 for a GEHL DM 160 Roadside Mower. See Clerk's File 1980 -18 MOTION by Ratzlaff to award the bid for a roadside mower to Bahls Motor and Implement Company, Hastings in the amount of $3,760.00 Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. A memo from Don Brown and Randy Oppelt was presented regarding Richman Cook's salary adjustment. It was suggested during the negotiations of the Maintenance Contract that if Richman Cook was removed from the union he should receive equal compensation to that of the union members. Discussion followed. See Clerk's File 1950 -184. MOTION by Knutson to authorize a salary adjustment for Richman Cook in the amount of $1,646.72 per month to be effective July 13, 1980. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. A letter from John Kratz, General Manager of Brian Development, was presented requesting a conditional building permit to allow construction of a quad building in Valley Oak Addition to be used as a model building. Discussion followed. See Clerk's File 1980 -185. Mr. Kratz further requested that authorization for future request of approvals, like these, be made by the recommendation of the Building Inspector and Planning Director without having to bring them to the Council each time. 191 92 Discussion followed. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting July 1, 1980 MOTION by Knutson to recommend this request to be accomplished by the staff and consultants and that the Building Inspector and Planning Director handle these requests on a case by case basis within the staff. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Councilman Walsh presented a memo concerning parking problems within the City. He feels that an ordinance controlling three major parking problems should be adopted. See Clerk's File 1980 -186. 1. General parking in posted restricted areas, such as fire lanes, handicapped parking areas, police office area, and the fire station restricted area. 2. Parking on City streets and City parking lots and not allowing abandoned, junked or racing cars in public view. 3. Parking in City parks and other city properties where posted no parking, such as grass areas and playing fields. MOTION by Knutson to refer the memo and comments to the Police Chief for his review and drafting of a parking ordinance and further that the ordinance include a 72 hour limit as suggested in the memo. Second by Stauffer. Discussion followed with the problem of parking on the grass at the various softball fields and what could be done to resolve the problem. Vote on the MOTION: Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Mayor stated there has been two citizens who agree being appointed to the Paratransit Committee. Those being Margaret Alsip and Alice Anderson. Mayor Knutson recommended that the Council appoint Mrs. Alsip and Mrs. Anderson to the Paratransit Committee. MOTION by Knutson that the City of Rosemount appoint Margaret Alsip and Alice Anderson to the Paratransit Committee. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Councilman Jensen asked the Council for information on burning of brush and shrubs at the burning dump. Randy Oppelt, Director of Parks and Recreation and Forestry, was present and stated only diseased elm trees and shrubs could be burned in this dump. Don Brown stated the City dump could be used but will require contact with him before dumping as the area is secured. The Mayor presented a memo concerning funding requests for the Emergency Medical Services Program. See Clerk's File 1980 -187. He stated he will turn this item over to the Police Chief and Fire Chief along with the letter and ask them to get together and decide who is available to attend the meeting. No representation showned up for Broback I -Park building permit request. See Clerk's File L980 -188 for Police Department's Report for May. See Clerk's File 1980 -189 for Animal Warden's Report for May. See Clerk's File 1980 -190 for Fire Department's Report for May. See Clerk's File 1980 -191 for Building Department's Report for June. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:07 p.m. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loftus Council Secretary Printed in the Dakota County Tribune thi ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting July 1, 1980 day of ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting July 15, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held July 15, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Ratzlaff absent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 5 f. Request for lights in Camfield Park. 1980. MOTION by Jensen to approve the Consent Calendar and waive the fee for the VFW Club beer license for Leprechaun Days, and Brown and Cris Payment #1 to be paid when money is available. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -192. Glen Van Wormer, of Short Elliott- Hendrickson, discussed his memo on traffic signs proposed for Chili Avenue. Discussion followed. See Clerk's File 1980 -193. 193 is 4 MOTION by Walsh to leave the stop signs on Chili Avenue as they are now and put up advisory signs for a trial period of a couple of months. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. A petition was presented from the residents around the area of Camfield Park. The petition was for a traffic sign to be placed at the intersection of Canada Avenue and 148th Street to reduce speed and provide a crossing for pedestrians to Camfield Park. MOTION by Knutson to accept and place the petition on file in the Clerk's office. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -194. Mr. Van Wormer also presented a memo commenting on this request. The recommendation from Short Elliott- Hendrickson was not to install the stop signs at Canada Avenue between 145th Street and Lower 150th Street. The reason being it is doubtful the installation of a stop sign on Canada Avenue would bring about the results of Lower speeds or a safe crossing to the park as anticipated by the residents. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -31 (A RESOLUTION CAUSING PLACEMENT OF TRAFFIC CONTROL SIGNS AT CERTAIN LOCATIONS ON CANADA AVENUE). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. An update on the MSA funding was presented by Glen Van Wormer. Mr. Van Wormer presented the total mileage of the City of Rosemount according to MSA standards. See Clerk's File 1980 -195. MOTION by Knutson to accept and approve the plans and specifications for the trails system. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Walsh to set the bid date for the trails system for 2:00 p.m. on August 1, 1980. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to authorize Randy Oppelt to purchase lights for Camfield Park as requested. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Walsh. Second by Knutson. To recess the Regular Council Meeting to Thursday, July 17, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. Respectfully sub itted. AT ST: on arling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this hi day of Maurya Loftus Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting July 15, 1980 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Recessed Council Meeting July 17, 1980 195 Mayor Knutson reconvened the recessed Regular Council Meeting of July 15, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. July 17, 1980 with all members present. Chippendale Improvement assessment policy was discussed. Council directed that this item be placed on the Regular Council agenda for discussion at the August 5, 1980 meeting and that Springsted, Inc. be present for the discussion. No action will be taken on the construction bids for this project before August 5, 1980. The Special Meeting for Fiscal Policy discussion will be scheduled at the August 5, 1980 Regular Meeting. Possible leasing of park land was discussed. The City has been maintaining Lots 37 and 38 Auditors Subdivision as a park area without the benefit of a lease to date. The City Council indicated they would rather see this area developed, therefore, they choose not to enter into a lease arrangement on this property. Clerk was instructed to notify the owner that the City does not wish to enter a lease agreement on this property but would still maintain the area until they develop the property. The Solberg Gravel Pit problem was discussed. The Council acknowledged receipt of the letter from Marlin Rechtzigel and the memo from the Planner outlining the action taken by City staff. The Clerk was directed to place the letter and memo into the permanent records and that the site is to be monitored for compliance with the temporary mining permit provisions. See Clerk's File 1980 -196. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the first amendment to the Joint and Cooperative Agreement Suburban Police Recruitment System, and authorize the necessary signatures. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -197. Chief Staats reported on the EMS Funding meeting that he had attended. He stated that all qualified first responders in Dakota County could total close to 40 units. This would not leave much for each unit should they all apply. He reported that the Police and Fire Departments will be making a joint application for funding after they have deter- mined what the request should include. MOTION by Ratzlaff to authorize the Police and Fire Departments to make joint application for funds to the EMS Board. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to set a Special Meeting for 7:30 p.m., Tuesday, August 12, 1980 for the purpose of holding Public Hearings on the Concept PUD and Preliminary Plat presented by U.S. Home. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Bingo license request from William Polta was discussed. Attorney Grannis informed the Council that the request is not in the proper form and does not contain the necessary information. See Clerk's File 1980 -198. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Recessed Council Meeting July 17, 1980 MOTION by Jensen directing the Clerk to send William Polta a copy of the ordinance covering bingo license, informing him to follow the ordinance in preparing a complete application for license. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Liquor license request from William Polta was discussed. Attorney Grannis informed the Council that the request is not in the proper form and does not contain the appropriate information, also, he recommended that the Liquor Ordinance should be updated to include Wine License and other controls the Council would see fit to include in a new Ordinance. See Clerk's File 1980 -199. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Attorney Grannis to draft revisions to the Liquor Ordinance for consideration at the earliest possible time and further instructing the Clerk to notify William Polta by letter the reason for the delay on his request. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Walsh to set the second Revenue Sharing Public Hearing for 7:00 p.m., Tuesday, August 19, 1980. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1980 -32 (A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A SIMPLE LOT DIVISION). Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt Ordinance XVII.42 (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (N0. XVII.3). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Discussion followed on storm damage within the City and to City property. Fire Chief McNamara, Police Chief Staats, and Superintendent Brown were present to discuss damage with the Council. The Fire Hall roof has been damaged to the extent that it will have to be replaced in its entirety and it has been recommended that an energy roof should be considered. The Council was informed that the insurance company has insisted that at least two pencil quotes be obtained on the roof repair. It will not be necessary to go through the formal bidding procedure. The insurance company suggested that to make bid comparative, very brief specifications should be obtained. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the Fire Department to obtain two bids for repair to the Fire Hall roof and proceed with repair by the low bidder. Bids to be obtained for both replacing the roof as it was and also converting it to an energy roof to allow the insurance company to determine their obligation. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Chief Staats asked the Council to consider emergency power for the City Hall. He was instructed to obtain information and cost estimates for an emergency power unit of sufficient size to provide emergency power to run some lights, the furnace fans and the Police radio system and place it in the Government Building Budget for 1981. Don Brown reported that debris removal is coming along fine, the employees are doing a super job and cooperation has been overwhelming. He stated that Northfield had offered the use of trucks, etc. He choose to let them assist where needed more. They are helping Lakeville. He asked to be allowed to keep the crew working through Saturday, keeping the dump open from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. both Saturday and Sunday. Council agreed to this. Mayor Knutson thanked Don Brown and his crew for their efforts and he will pen a thank you to Northfield for their offer of help. Mayor Knutson reminded the Council of the upcoming Leprechaun Days festivities. Mayor Knutson asked if any members of the Council plan to attend the Community Education. Joe Walsh stated he will be attending. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1980 -33 (A RESOLUTION REQUESTING THE METROPOLITAN COUNCIL EXTEND THE REVIEW PERIOD FOR LOCAL INPUT ON THE PROPOSED RULES AND REQUIREMENTS FOR AMENDMENTS TO COMPREHENSIVE GUIDE PLANS). Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Clerk advised the Council that Department Heads will be asking for direction at the budget meeting on August 29th. Line item budgets will not be ready at that time. See Clerk's File 1980 -200 for Police Department report for June. See Clerk's File 1980 -201 for Fire D report for June. See Clerk's File 1980 -202 for Animal Warden report for June. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:10 p.m. Printed this day of Res ac.tfully submitted, Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Recessed Council Meeting July 17, 1980 1980. Dakota County Tribune. 19 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held July 29, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Acting Mayor Jensen with Mayor Knutson and Councilman Stauffer absent. Acting Mayor Jensen led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda 8. Census Report. Acting Mayor Jensen opened the Public Hearing on Revenue Sharing Planned Uses. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication of the Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980 -203. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, is requesting for Revenue Sharing funds to be used for the development of Erickson Park. He stated it is questionable whether the park grant will come through; if not, Revenue Sharing funds could be used for the first phase of development. See Clerk's File 1980 -204. Charlene Weatherly, Ann Loch and Debbie Marthaler, representing Leprechaun Days, reported Revenue Sharing funds to be used for next year's Leprechaun Days. They also gave the Council a few of the ideas to be added to next year. Councilman Stauffer assumed his chair at 7:05 p.m. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting July 29, 1980 Ray Tousignant, representing the Senior Citizens, presented their request for Revenue Sharing funds to be used for the Senior Citizen's rent. Mayor Knutson assumed his chair at 7:10 p.m. Also discussed was the location of the Senior Citizen Center. Mr. Tousignant stated he has contacted Eland's for the use of the Kirby office in the Cedo Building. Another idea presented was the garage at Rosemount Dodge. These possibilities will be looked into further. Councilman Walsh presented two ideas for Revenue Sharing funds. One was for the ambulance subsidy, the other for a siren warning system. The Mayor presented a request from residents for Revenue Sharing funds to be used for professional fees to investigate toxic spraying on the University lands. MOTION by Walsh to close the Public Hearing for Planned Uses for Revenue Sharing funds. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing for the vacation of all easements in the Valley Oak Addition at 7:30 p.m. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS nn Special Council Meeting, SOO July 29, 1980 The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980 -205. The Clerk gave a brief review of the Valley Oak Addition easement vacation request. The Planning Director commented that the new replat has everything in order. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1980 -34 (A RESOLUTION CAUSING VACATION OF ALL UTILITY AND DRAINANGE EASEMENTS IN THE VALLEY OAK ADDITION). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing. Second by Jensen. Discussion followed with questions from Mr. and Mrs. Gergen concerning the placement of the pipeline. Vote on MOTION: Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The Clerk presented minutes from the Special Staff Meeting held July 22, 1980 regarding budgets. See Clerk's File 1980 -206. Much discussion followed with no action being taken. This will be added to the August 5th Regular Council agenda. The Clerk also presented a request from Liquor Store Manager, Bill Quigley, for a $50.00 increase for Bi1L Ross. This will be added to the August 5th Regular Council agenda for discussion. Planning Director, Dean Johnson, presented a recommendation from the Planning Commission for an additional $2,000.00 for amendments to the Comprehensive Guide Plan. The amendments would be to re- arrange the structure of the plan. He stated he has enough money in professional services to cover the additional money. MOTION by Knutson to approve the additional $2,000.00 for amendments to the Brauer Contract as recommended by the Planning Commission. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Planning Director also presented the Plan Amendment Guidelines for local comprehensive plans. He is proposing to go to the Metropolitan Council hearing to be held Thursday, July 31, 1980 and read Rosemount's position statement into the records. See Clerk's File 1980 -207. A letter from the U.S. Bureau of Census was presented with the unofficial preliminary count of household units in Rosemount. The Planning Director feels these figures are inaccurate and will present documented proof that Rosemount has more housing units than the Census Bureau has figured. See Clerk's File 1980 -208. MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Ratzlaff. There being no 20b further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Printed this IT day of Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loftus Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting July 29, 1980 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting August 5, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held August 5, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Regular Council Meeting was recessed to continue the H.R.A. Meeting. The Regular Council Meeting was reconvened at 7:35 p.m. Items added to the agenda: 3 g. Fire Department Memo Part -Time Salary Position, 3 h. Payment for Tandem Truck, 4 n. Weeds in Broback I -Park, 5 c. Fire Department Bids for Base Station Radio, 6 c. Solid Waste Meeting, 6 d. Councilman Walsh Report on Insurance Meeting August 5, 1980, 7 a. Letter of Credit Broco Contracting. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, stated payment for the tandem truck would not be released until approved by his department. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meetin(9 Z August 5, 1980 T1 MOTION by Walsh to approve the Consent Calendar. S by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -209. Mr. Ron Langness, of Springsted, Inc., was present to answer questions the Council had regarding the Chippendale Avenue Improvement Assessment Policy. Steve Campbell, of Short Elliott- Hendrickson, presented a cost sheet for the Chippendale Avenue Improvement Project. See Clerk's File 1980 -210. Much discussion followed. MOTION by Jensen to request the Engineer to bring to the August 12, 1980 Special Council Meeting, the basis for residential assessment and also write up curb and gutter with an extra 500 feet on both sides. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. A representative from Springsted, Inc., will be at the August 12, 1980 Special Council Meeting at 7:00 p.m. to discuss the background on the Chippendale Avenue Improvement Assessment Policy. The long range fiscal policy meeting will be set at this meeting also. Steve Campbell presented the bids received for the Chippendale Avenue Improvements. He stated low bidder was Richard Knutson, of Burnsville, in the amount of $268,813.26. Awarding the bids is being delayed until the August 12, 1980 Special Council Meeting to allow the Council to receive information on the background of the project. MOTION by Knutson to accept the bids for the Chippendale Construction Project, City Improvement 1980 -2 and order them placed on file. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -211. Mr. Robert Pierce, of Lindberg Pierce, Inc., presented the preliminary plan for the proposed off -sale addition to the Rosemount Municipal Liquor Store. He also estimated the cost to be $150,000.00. See Clerk's File 1980 -212. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1980 -35 (A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING PRELIMINARY PLANS AND ORDERING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE EXPANSION AND UPGRADING OF THE LIQUOR STORE). Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays Ratzlaff. Ayes 4, Nays 1. Steve Campbell presented the bids received for bike trails, City Improvement 1980 -4, with low bidder being Bituminous Consulting and Contract in the amount of $15,685.90. See Clerk's File 1980 -213. MOTION by Walsh to accept and award the bike trail bids to Bituminous Construction and Contract of Minneapolis in the amount of $15,685.90. 262 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS R Council Meeting August 5, 1980 Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The setting.of the second budget meeting was rescheduled to August 19, 1980. The Valley Oak Addition Replat was presented for signature approval. MOTION by Walsh to authorize the necessary signatures for the Valley Oak Replat contingent upon Planning Commission signatures. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. An ordinance regarding the sale of drug paraphernalia was presented. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Ordinance XVI.16 (AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE POSSESSION, MANUFACTURING, DELIVERY AND ADVERTISEMENT OF DRUG PARAPHERNALIA). Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. A renewed contract between Bill Ross and the City of Rosemount for janitorial services to the Rosemount Municipal Liquor Store was presented. See Clerk's File 1980 -214. MOTION by Jensen to agree with the contract with Bill Ross and authorize the Mayor and Clerk's signatures. Discussion followed on Mr. Ross's insurance coverage. It was noted it should be renewed. Vote on MOTION: Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A resolution to establish salary ranges and policies for non -union employees was discussed. The starting date for the increase would be the first pay period in September. MOTION by Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1980 -36 (A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING SALARY RANGES AND POLICIES FOR NON -UNION EMPLOYEES AND SETTING AN EFFECTIVE DATE FOR NEW SALARY RANGES). Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. A memo The memo Sterling Ordinances. dated August 1, 1980 from the Building Official was presented. was a recommendation from staff to accept the proposal from Codifers, Incorporated for the codification of our See Clerk's File 1980 -215. City MOTION by Walsh to accept the proposal from Sterling Codifers for the codification of the City Ordinances and the supplement service to be on an annual basis. Second by Jensen. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Clerk presented his memo concerning bids received for hospital and medical insurance. See Clerk's Fi1e1980 -216. He stated even though Blue Cross /Blue Shield is slightly higher, the staff indicated they would prefer to stay with them. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting August 5, 1980 MOTION by Walsh to continue using Blue Cross /Blue Shield Insurance for hospital and medical coverage. Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The weed problem in Broback I -Park was discussed. Alsokiscussed was the miscellaneous equipment lying around, and what the City could do to clear this area up. MOTION by Jensen to authorize Don Brown to notify the property owners who have a mess along County Road 33, Broback I -Park, and to request these areas to be cleaned of weeds and debris or the City will clean the area and bill the property owners. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. A request to close off traffic from the 3200 block of Lower 150th Street and Camfield Circle for a block party was presented. See Clerk's File 1980 -217. The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to the residents giving restrictions for block parties. MOTION by Knutson to authorize closing of the 3200 block of Lower 150th Street and Camfield Circle on Saturday, August 23, 1980. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. A request to close off traffic on 146th Street West at Chippendale Avenue on one end and Chianti at the other end for a block party was presented. See Clerk's File 1980 -218. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize blocking off traffic on 146th Street West on August 16, 1980 for a block party. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Ray McNamara, Fire Chief, presented quotes received for a new radio base. The Fire Department recommended awarding the bid to Motorola Communications and Electronics, Inc. in the amount of $2,373.00. See Clerk's File 1980 -219. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the purchase of the Motorola base unit for the bid and proposal that we see attached and the pencil quote of $118.00 for the installation, for a total purchase price of $2,373.00. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Mayor expressed his thanks again to Don Brown and his employees for cleaning up the debris from the storm. Don Brown presented a follow up memo on the storm. See Clerk's File 1980 -220. He also stated a note of thanks should be written to the University for the use of their cat and dozer. Don Brown will take care of this. Mayor Knutson also commented on the fine job Linda Hanson, reporter for the Dakota County Tribune, did on taking pictures for Leprechaun Days. 1203 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting August 5, 1980 4 A letter regarding the toxic spraying meeting the Mayor attended on July 30, 1980 was presented. This was for Council information only, no action is required. See Clerk's File 1980 221. The Mayor stated there will be a meeting on the Waste Water Management and Facilities Plan, August 14, 1980, in Edina. Councilman Walsh reported to the Council on his meeting with Frank Goggin, Bob Toombs and Don Brown on August 5, 1980 regarding insurance on City vehicles. He stated he would like to continue investigating coverage on all the vehicles to get a list compiled of changes which should be made in the deductible clauses. The list will be ready for the August 19 Regular Council Meeting. The Clerk presented a request from Broco Contracting asking they be allowed to present a letter of credit as financial guarantee for completing improve- ments required in Rahn's 8th Addition. This is required by the VA and FHA before they will guarantee mortgages in that subdivision. Council agreed to the arrangements requested. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer Respectfully sub ¢y a Maurya Loftus Council Secretary Printed in the Dakota County Tribune this t day of 1980. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting August 12, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held August 12, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Ratzlaff absent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 7. Set Rezoning Hearing for North Star Property. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on U.S. Home Concept PUD. Deputy Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980 -222. Robert Hoffman, of Larkin, Hoffman, Daly, Lindgren Lawfirm, gave a brief overview of the proposed development. Mr. Hoffman then asked Charles Winden, Orrin Thompson's Engineer, to give a detailed review of the site. Also present were Orrin Thompson, Chairman, Orrin Thompson domes, a division of U.S. Horne Corporation, and Linda Fischer, Attorney. Questions were directed to U.S. Home representatives and the Council. Discussion followed. MOTION by Knutson to continue the Public Hearing on U.S. Home Corpor- ation Concept PUD until the next Regular Council Meeting to be held August 19, 1980. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson opened the Public Hearing on the U.S. Home Corporation Preliminary Plat. Mr. Winden gave a review on the U.S. Home Preliminary Plat. MOTION by Knutson to continue the Public Hearing on U.S. Home Corporation Preliminary Plat until the next Regular Council Meeting on August 19, 1980, to immediately follow the continuation of the Concept PUD Hearing. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson recessed the Council Meeting at 8:10 p.m. to allow the public, who were present concerning the U.S. Home proposed development, to review the preliminary plat. Mayor Knutson reconvened the Council Meeting at 8:25 p.m. Norm Hendrickson and Steve Campbell, of Short Elliott- Hendrickson, were present to discuss an assessment policy for the Chippendale Avenue Improvment Project. Mr. Hendrickson gave a presentation concerning the assessment policy and explained the costs which would be involved. A letter from Bob Pulscher, Fiscal Agent for Springsted, Inc., was presented outlining considerations for an assessment policy. Included in his letter was the recommendation that the City use MSA funds for future roadway projects, if they become available. MOTION by Knutson to agree with the Engineers and Fl l Agents recommenda- tions as a basis for approval of the Chippendale Avenue Improvement project. However, the final assessment policy would be established at the time of the Final Assessment Hearing. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Steve Campbell reviewed the bids received for the Chippendale Project. He recommended awarding the bid to low bidder, Richard Knutson, of Burnsville, in the amount of $268,813.21. See Clerk's File 1980 -223. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1980 -37 (A RESOLUTION AWARDING THE CONSTRUCTION BIDS FOR THE CHIPPENDALE STREET IMPROVEMENT -CITY OF ROSEMOUNT IMPROVEMENT 1980 -2). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays Setting of the Special Meeting date to establish a long range fiscal policy was delayed until the August 19 Regular Council Meeting. A request from the Planning Director to set a Public Hearing for the rezoning of the North Star property was presented. He stated the property involved is the former Wilcox Apartment property, which is zoned RM Multiple Family and should be C -3 Highway Service Commercial. MOTION by Stauffer to set a Public Hearing for the purpose of rezoning of the North Star property for September 2, 1980 at 9:00 p.m. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:05 p.m. ATTEST: Clerk Printed this day of Respectfully sub M ary tt s Council Secretar ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting August 12, 1980 ted, 1980. Dakota County Tribune. Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held August 19, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing on Revenue Sharing uses. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication. See Clerk's File 1980 -224. The Mayor listed the requests for Revenue Sharing funds and asked if there were any additions: Leprechaun Days Erickson Park Development Senior Citizen Rent Ambulance Subsidy Siren Warning System Heavy Metals Investigation The Mayor further stated a preliminary report must be drawn up, but no cost figures are required. MOTION by Walsh to close the Revenue Sharing Hearing and adjourn the Special Council Meeting. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. ATTEST: Respectfully submitted, (k J Jith Maurya Loftus L. Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting 20" August 19, 1980 n Darling, Clerk P /L L B tau j C 0 a ti IQSI' rc arjab ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting August 19, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held August 19, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. 208 The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 51. Park and Rec Trail Extension, 5J. Rich Valley Development Company Request, 7F. L.MC Legislative Proposal, 7G. Governor's Meeting, 7H, Air Conditioner at Liquor Store, 8B. Application for Payment #2 Brown and Cris, 8C. Change Order on Chippendale Improvement Included in V Oak Contract. A memo from the Finance Officer regarding lowering the total amount of bills was presented. One check was being voided to make the total $139,464.87. MOTION by Walsh to approve the Consent Calendar for the August 19 Regular Council Meeting with corrections. Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen, Walsh. Abstain Ratzlaff. Ayes 4, Nays 0, Abstain 1. See Clerk's File 1980 -225. Mayor Knutson reconvened the U.S. Home Concept PUD Hearing from the August 12, 1980 Special Council Meeting. The meeting was opened for any comments which may have been received during the week. Robert Hoffman, of Larkin, Hoffman, Daly and Lindgren Law Firm, Chuck Winden, Engineer, Orrin Thompson and Robert Carlson were present regarding U.S. Home Corporation. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, briefly explained his memorandum to the Council concerning the potential affect an adjacent properties as a result of this development. He stated the resolutions to approve the PUD and preliminary plat took these concerns into consideration. MOTION by Knutson to close the Hearing on the U.S. Home Concept PUD. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson reconvened the U.S. Home Preliminary Plat Hearing from the August 12, 1980 Special Council Meeting to receive input or comments which may have been received. MOTION by Stauffer to close the U.S. Home Preliminary Plat Hearing. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Action required on the two reconvened hearings was discussed. MOTION by U.S. HOME the Mayor Stauffer, MOTION by U.S. HOME Jensen to adopt Resolution 1980 -38 (A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CORPORATION PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT CONCEPT PLAN) and authorize and Clerk's signatures. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Stauffer to adopt Resolution 1980 -39 (A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE CORPORATION PRELIMINARY PLAT) and authorize the necessary signatures. Second by Walsh. Councilman Ratzlaff questioned why the quad section is preliminary plat. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting August 19, 1980 not included in the ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting August 19, 1980 Dean Johnson explained that the City does have the option to require preliminary review when the final plat is prepared. It is not detailed at this time because the developers feel housing styles may change in the next three to five years. Vote on the MOTION: Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. A memo from the Clerk regarding funding for the Senior Citizen Center was presented. He stated $4,200.00 was allocated to the seniors through Revenue Sharing and we have a balance of $2,005.00. We need an additional $2,500.00 to finish out the year. He recommended using the remaining $500.00 from the Ambulance Subsidy. See Clerk's File 1980 -226. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the funding through the balance of 1980 for the Senior Citizen Center rent to come out of the Ambulance Subsidy remaining $500.00. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Agnes Scott asked the Council if something could be done about the poor conditions occuring at the Senior Citizen Center. Those being no hot water, no air conditioning and no women's bathroom. The Clerk will inform the Building Official to visit the center and inspect the conditions. Bob p Fiscal Agent from Springsted, Inc., presented a proposed resolution to issue $270,000 General Obligation Improvement Bonds of 1980, Series C for street improvements in the City. Discussion followed. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -40 (A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR PUBLIC SALE OF $270,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1980, SERIES C). Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to set a Special Meeting for September 9, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. for the purpose of Fiscal Review and the second budget meeting. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Dave Grannis III, Attorney, asked that the draft liquor ordinance be delayed until the September 2, 1980 Regular Council Meeting. MOTION by Jensen to set an assessment hearing for Rahn's 8th Addition Improvements for 7:00 p.m., September 16, 1980. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Mayor asked if anyone has anything to report on the progress of the Centel Telephone Conduit Route Project along 145th Street. No one has received any information regarding this project. 209 210 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting August 19, 1980 Park and Recreation Director, Randy Oppelt, informed the Council the utilities companies want to know the location of the bike trails, which are going to be placed on Chippendale Avenue between County Road 42 and 160th Street, so they know where to place the utilities. Randy recommeneded placing the trail on the west side. He feels that the majority of the residents will live on that side, and they could be directed across Chippendale in a specific location rather then throughout the whole route. The Council feels the west side is fine but eventually would like to see a trail on the east side also. Randy Oppelt also reported he has received a verbal agreement from Richard and Emmett Carroll for an additional 17 feet of easement on the south side of 145th Street for the purpose of constructing a trail. He is requesting authorization to have plans and specifications drawn up and go out for bids this fall. MOTION by Walsh to authorize the Engineer to prepare plans and specifications for a trail from the H.G.A. development driveway to Delft Avenue for presentation to the Council at the earliest possible time. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Robert Abdo, Attorney and Leon Cohen from Rich Valley Development Company, were present to request an extension on the deadline for renewal of their mining permit, which was due August 2, 1980. Mr. Abdo explained that the unresolved status of 125th Street and agreement with the county to use Rich Valley Boulevard had created the delays. Mr. Abdo requested that the Council allow gravel trucks access to the pit via their property south of 125th Street, thereby eliminating the need for improvements to 125th Street at this time. MOTION by Knutson to an agreement for the drafting of the permit and with the understanding that the City Attorney and Rich Valley Development Company understand the conditions discussed here tonight and be included in the permit. Second by Stauffer. The Planning Director questioned whether an amendment to Resolution 1979 -52 would have to be made. He suggested it was possible to deny the mining permit altogether, but allow Rich Valley Development Company to clear the stockpiles and grade the site with an excavation permit. This would eliminate further delays and amendments to the conditions of Resolution 1979 -52, but would prohibit further mining in the area until the entire permit process was renegotiated. Vote on the MOTION: Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. A resolution regarding elections on September 9 and November 4 were presented. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1980 -41 (A RESOLUTION REAFFIRMING PRECINCT POLLING PLACES, APPOINTING ELECTION JUDGES AND SETTING COMPENSATION FOR ELECTION JUDGES AND CAPTAINS). Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting August 19, 1980 211 A fire contract for Coates was discussed. Clerk, Councilman Stauffer and Roger Franzmeir, Mayor of Coates, will put together a contract and bring it back to the Council for their review. A memo from the League of Minnesota Cities was discussed concerning a proposed building for the League. Discussion followed on four options for payment of the building that were suggested by the League. MOTION by Jensen to use the alternate payment option to assist in the payment of the League of Minnesota Cities proposed building and authorize the Clerk to send in the form. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. A cable t.v. notice of intent was presented from the City of Newport. MOTION by Knutson to accept the Rosemount Cable T.V. Commission recommendation regarding the proposed cable service area for Newport, authorizing the Clerk to prepare and forward a comment document as required lending support to the proposed service area. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Councilman Walsh presented a list of insurance changes in his memo of August 6, 1980 and gave a brief review of his findings on the City vehicles and buildings coverage. See Clerk's File 1980 -227. Mayor Knutson announced there will be a Public Hearing held by MTC on September 2, 1980. A letter providing information on funding for Erickson Park from the Office of Local and Urban Affairs was presented. See Clerk's File 1980 -228. The letter stated the City's application was ranked high enough to be considered, further. Randy Oppelt stated the next step will be to prepare a final application, which he will take care of. Mayor Knutson stated he has received the League of Minnesota Cities Legislative Proposal and announced it is available for anyone on the Council who wishes to look it over. Mayor Knutson announced a meeting with Governor Al Quie concerning potential reduction in state aids will be held Wednesday, August 20, at 3:00 p.m. Anyone interested may attend. A request for authorization to repair the air conditioner at the liquor store was presented. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the Clerk to co- operate with the liquor store manager in repairing the liquor store air conditioner and heating units. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Quotes for the reprinting of the City Brochure were presented: Valley Printing, Lakeville, $750.00 Gold Star Printing, Lakeville, $796.11 Automated Printing, Apple Valley, $905.75 Dakota Printing, Apple Valley, $1,584.54 The Clerk recommended awarding the bids to low bidder, Valley Printing, Lakeville in the amount of $750.00. MOTION by Ratzlaff to authorize the reprinting for 2500 copies of the City brochure to Valley Printing, Lakeville, in the quoted amount of $750.00. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Application for payment #2 from Brown and Cris in the amount of $178,218.25 was presented. MOTION by Jensen to approve application for payment #2 to Brown and Cris for the Valley Oak Addition Improvements as presented. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A change order from Brown and Cris was presented on the Chippendale Avenue Improvements. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize signing the change order on the Chippendale Avenue Improvements in the Valley Oak Contract. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -229 for Police Department's report for July. See Clerk's File 1980 -230 for Animal Warden's report for July. See Clerk's File 1980 -231 for Fire Department's report for July. See Clerk's File 1980 -232 for Building Department's report for July. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this meeting was adjourned at 9:40 p.m. Clerk Printed in the Dakota County Tribune this Respectfully su mitted, (i/k&tt Maurya oftus Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting August 19, 1980 day of 1980. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting September 2, 1980 213 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held September 2, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. An addendum to the agenda was presented: 5b. Park Maintenance Position Steve Strese, 6e. League of Minnesota Cities Action Alert Cuts in State Aid. A correction in the minutes was discussed. MOTION by Stauffer to approve the Consent Calendar with the word change in the minutes. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -233. A resolution for application for the Erickson Park Development Grant was presented. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1980 -42 (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING FILING OF APPLICATION FOR GRANT TO DEVELOP OPEN SPACE UNDER THE PROVISION OF THE STATE NATURAL RESOURCE FUND). Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, updated the Council on the plans and specifications for the bike trail extension. He stated Steve Campbell, Engineer, will have them by the next council meeting. Randy also informed the Council all easements have been signed by Richard and Emmett Carroll. The I Liquor License Ordinance was presented. Linda Hanson, Dakota County Tribune reporter, was asked to run an article in the newspaper on this subject to give the people who are involved a chance to look the ordinance over and make their consents. MOTION by Jensen to acknowledge receipt of the letter from Grannis Grannis regarding the Intoxicating Liquor License Ordinance and place this on the agenda for the next regular council meeting. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Planning Director, Dean Johnson, presented the Licensing Ordinance. He stated private sewer installers and plumbers should be included as number 10. Mayor Knutson suggested fencing be included in this list also. The annual fee for license and renewal was discussed. It was decided $25.00 would be sufficient. This will be on the agenda for the next council meeting. The Fire Contract for Coates was held over to a later date pending contact with Roger Franzmeier. 21 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting September 2, L980 Bob Pierce, Architect for Lindberg Pierce, presented the plans and specifications for the Liquor Store addition, and briefly reviewed them with the Council. Mr. Pierce recommended to advertise for bids and open them on Thursday, October 2, 1980 at 2:00 p.m. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -43 (A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING AND APPROVING FINAL PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR THE LIQUOR STORE ADDITION AND SETTING A DATE AND TIME TO RECEIVE BIDS). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Don Brown, Maintenance Superintendent, updated the Council on the clean up of Broback I -Park. He stated notices were sent out for both the weeds and old equipment to be removed. The final day of clean up was August 29 but Art Broback called and asked if the City would give him an extension until Friday, September 5. He stated he would have everything removed by that date. MOTION by Ratzlaff to set a hearing date for the Valley Oak Replat Rezonings for 9:00 p.m., October 7, 1980. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Council acknowledged receipt of a memo from Randy Oppelt regarding Steve Strese's employment status. The memo referred to the fact that Steve will have worked 100 days on September 15 which makes him eligible to join the union and receive union wages and benefits. The Council chose not to take action allowing Steve Strese the opportunity to excercise his rights for the Union Contract. See Clerk's File 1980 -234. The Mayor informed the Council that Metropolitan Council will be having a 1981 work program and budget public hearing on September 16 at 5:00 p.m. The Mayor announced there will be a Sewer Sludge Disposal meeting on September 24 at the Empire Townhall at 7:30 p.m. The Mayor interrupted the Regular Council Meeting to hold the Public Hearing for the Rosemount North Star Station Rezoning. Councilman Ratzlaff left his chair during the Public Hearing due to possible conflict of interest. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. The Mayor opened the P Hearing on the N Star Rezoning. Mr. Arnold Thommes, resident, expressed the need for a fence to be placed along the North Star property to eliminate the traffic through his yard and other neighbors yards. Councilman Walsh pointed out that the easterly exit on Lower 147th Street should be an enter only and suggested the curb could be extended. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 9, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held September 9, 1980 at 8:00 p.m, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilman Ratzlaff ab- sent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Purpose of the Special Meeting was to discuss assessment policy for new sewer and water districts and review proposed 1981 budgets, Dean Johnson, Planning Director, gave a brief update on the status of the Comprehensive Plan and asked the Council to consider setting a Special Meeting for a presentation and discussion of the plan revision. MOTION by Knutson to set a Special Meeting at 7:30 p.m., September 23, 1980 for the purpose of reviewing the Comprehensive Plan, Second by Walsh, Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen, Nays 0. Bob Pulscher, Springsted Inc made a presentation to the City Council outlining alternative financing methods for proposed utility improvements over the next 15 years. Mr. Pulscher used overhead transparencies to illustrate various debt service schedules that had been programmed by his office. The highlight of the present- ation was the emphasis on the increases required in connection charges if area assessments are not imposed to recover trunk utility costs. Questions were directed to Mr, Pulscher, Norm Hendrickson, City Engineer; Dave Grannis, City Attorney; Fred Hoisington, Planning Consultant; and Dean Johnson, Mayor Knutson broke off the discussion at 9:40 p.m., requesting that thistopic be continued at the September 16 Regular Meeting to give the Council members the opportunity to review the information handed out at the meeting. Mayor Knutson opened the discussion on budgets at 9:45 p.m, with Police, Maintenance, Parks Forestry, Building and Planning Department Heads present. The Council reviewed all budgets individually, occasionally requesting more detailed information. The Council noted the collective effort by staff to reduce total budget ex- penditures, but noted concern that the total budget was so close to the levy limitation. Concern was also expressed regarding the capital improvement program. Because operating budgets are anticipated to be at the levy limit for several years, the Council discussed the potential need for referendums on the large capital expenditures such as buildings, warning sirens and park improvements. Council members gave several suggestions for further budget cuts to be reviewed at the September 16 Regular Meeting; MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this meeting was ad- journed at 11:18 p.m. RUSLMUUNI Lill rAUl.Lnulnuo Regular Council Meeting September 2, 1980 Dean Johnson, Planning Director, stated if the driveway was eliminated on the western edge of the store, a sidewalk should be extended from the former Wilcox property to Lower 147th Street. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Ordinance XVII.43 (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE (N0. XVII.3). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to close the Public Hearing on the North Star Station Rezoning. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen. Nays 0. Results of the Public Hearing was discussed. MOTION by Knutson that the Clerk notify the Building Inspector that no further building permits be issued for this project until the following conditions are met: a fence on the west line of the property to close off all access to private property, that the signing on the east driveway off 147th Street be considered to be a one -way, the curb be extended west of Highway 3 approximately 15 feet or as recommended by staff and the sidewalk on Highway 3 be extended the full length to 147th Street. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The Mayor reminded the Council of the Special Meeting on September 9 at 7:30 p.m. for the fiscal and budget meetings. The Mayor stated the League of Minnesota Cities Regional Meeting will be held October 8 at Northfield. A memo from the League of Minnesota Cities regarding cuts in State Aid was presented. The Clerk informed the Council we should wait and see what will happen with Revenue Sharing. This will be delayed until the September 9th meeting. See Clerk's File 1980 -235. The Clerk suggested that Dean Johnson act as temporary Clerk for the Special Council Meeting on September 9th as the Clerk and Deputy Clerk will be at the polls for voting. MOTION by Jensen to appoint Dean Johnson as temporary Clerk for the September 9th Special Council Meeting and noting the starting time of this meeting to be 8:00 p.m.. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous agreement this meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. on U ar ing Clerk Printed this day of Respectfully submitt /'/�7,� Maurya Loftus V Council Secretary efi_tt t 1980. Dakota County Tribune. v Printed this Respectfully Submitted, Dean R. Johnson Acting Deputy Clerk ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 9, 1980 day of 5'LIf rf.YY/� 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 16, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held September 16, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Knutson called the Special Meeting to order with all members present. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing on Rahn's 8th Addition Assessments. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit. of Mailing Hearing Notice. The Affidavit of Publication was not mailed to the Clerk's Office due to a delay at the Tribune. See Clerk's File 1980-236. There was no representation from Broback's. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -44 (A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ASSESSMENT ROLLS FOR UTILITY, STREET AND STREET LIGHT IMPROVEMENTS RAHN'S 8th ADDITION, AUTHORIZING CERTIFICATION TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR FOR PLACEMENT ON THE TAX ROLLS FOR A PERIOD OF THREE (3) YEARS WITH AN INTEREST RATE OF EIGHT (8%) PERCENT ON THE UNPAID BALANCE.) Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to close and adjourn the Public Hearing on Rahn's 8th Addition Assessments. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. ATTEST: Don F. D Clerk Respectfully subm ted, ur ya Loi s Council Se retary Printed in the Dakota County Tribune this day of 1980. 2?'. 218 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting September 16, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held September 16, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 3g. Application for payment #3 Brown and Cris $65,440.35, 6b. Letter from Craig Minea, 5g. Phone System Discussion. Councilman Stauffer stated payment to Motorola should be temporarily delayed since we have not received the base radio. A note was made by Mayor Knutson to change the spelling of a word in the minutes. MOTION by Jensen to approve the Consent Calendar and delay payment to Motorola as requested by Councilman Stauffer, and a change in the minutes. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File L980 -237. Dick Treptow, representing Springsted, Inc., presented the bids received for the bond sale to finance the Chippendale Project. Mr. Treptow opened and read the bids aloud. Bids were received as follows: American National Bank and Trust Company with M.H. Novak and Company Net interest cost of $145,442.28 with an interest rate of 7.63477% First State Bank of Minneapolis Net interest cost of $143,921.67 with an interest rate of 7.5549% Dain Bosworth Net interest cost of $140,047.83 with an interest rate of 7.35159% First State Bank of St. Paul with First State Bank of Rosemount Net interest cost of $147,953.33 with an interest rate of 7.7665% Marquette National Bank Net interest cost of $140,725.77 with an interest rate of 7.3871% See Clerk's File 1980 -238. Mr. Treptow recommended awarding the bid to low bidder, Dain Bosworth, with a net interest cost of $140,047.83 and an interest rate of 7.35159 MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -45 (A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING BID ON SALE OF $270,000 GENERAL OBLIGATION IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1980, SERIES C PROVIDING FOR THEIR ISSUANCE AND LEVYING A TAX FOR THE PAYMENT THEREOF), Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Clerk updated the Council on the financing for the Liquor Store Addition. He stated Bob Pulscher, from Springsted, Inc., recommended this not be a bond sale fit ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting September 16, 1980 but rather a negotiated sale. His reason for this being he does not want to sell the bonds before the contract is awarded. Lengthy discussion followed on the fiscal policy which had been carried over from the September 9, 1980 Special Council Meeting. Council and staff provided input to Springsted to further carry out the research on the assessment and hook -up policies of the City of Rosemount. Further Council discussion to be held at the September 23, 1980 Special Meeting. The Rich Valley Gravel Permit and Resolution was laid over until the next Regular Meeting to allow the Council to read through the material presented tonight. Steve Campbell, Engineer of Short Elliott- Hendrickson, presented the plans and specifications for the bike trail extension. Mr. Campbell stated the estimated cost of this project is $30,130.00 which is over the Park and Recreation budget. An alternative would be to construct half of the trail from the Hammel, Green and Abrahamson development to Dallara Avenue rather than to Delft Avenue. Ron Jacobson, resident, questioned the Council about the existing bike trail. He asked if the trail was going to be extended across to the Carroll property to provide a better link to Chili Avenue. The Council informed Mr. Jacobson the land is still owned by Donal Carroll and that connection will not be constructed until the balance of the Carrollton Outlot is developed. MOTION by Knutson to accept the plans and specifications for the bike trail extension and set the bid opening date for Friday, October 3, 1980 at 2:00 p.m. for that portion of trail from the existing trail on 145th Street to Dallara Avenue. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Liquor Ordinance was discussed. The Council asked the Clerk to contact Dave Grannis, Attorney, and question him about the necessity of a wine license if a liquor license is already purchased. Also discussed was the distance a liquor store has to be from a church or a school. The Clerk will bring the information back to the Council. The Licensing Ordinance was presented with the changes as requested at the last meeting. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt Ordinance XVI.17 (AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE LICENSING AND REGULATION OF CERTAIN TRADES AND BUSINESSES.) Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Final budgets were presented and discussed. See Clerk's File 1980 -239. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -46 (A RESOLUTION CERTIFYING TO THE COUNTY AUDITOR THE 1981 LEVY REQUIRED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT). Second by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. 219 220 Mani 'r be 1 tle is .I ta.y 1 rl: .iae! of :hly Henrin-i, tt ^d. util scus ,7s 3rd o /Pt in eu "",71.1 75 ,pi- "•.oK;:d star ase u se purchh tssion fol'. ;e phone system ff, Jensen, ;ve Plan for Jensen, capuct Co,: August. )ort fo'• August. r gust. the Council assess the <tion of if 11 be checked Ling at ,c;. Agency is for ation. further this The Clerk presented information for a new phone system. He stated the unit could be purchased two ways: either by outright purchase using the remaining balance in Department budgets or enter into a Lease purchase agreement for 5 years and make monthly installments. Discussion followed. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize the Clerk to purchase a new phone system for the City Hall. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to hold a Public Hearing for the Comprehensive Plan for October 14, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. A letter from Craig Minea was presented. The letter requested the Council to consider putting in streets and utilities for 75 units, and assess the total over a five year period. Discussion followed on the question of if the City could install the utilities and not own them. This will be checked out with the City Attorney. See Clerk's File 1980 -240. The Mayor reminded the Council of the Sewer Sludge Disposal meeting at Empire to be held September 24, 1980. The Mayor presented a proposal from Divine Redeemer regarding the ambulance service. The Mayor presented a letter from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency regarding the 132nd Court West sewer problem. He stated this is for information only and to keep the council informed on the situation. See Clerk's File 1980 -241 for Police Department's report for August. See Clerk's File 1980 -242 for Fire Department's report for August. See Clerk's File 1980 -243 for Animal Warden's report for August. See Clerk's File 1980 -244 for Building Official's report for August. ATTEST: Don P. Darling Clerk ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting September 16, 1980 MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Knutson. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loftus Council Secretary Printed this 23rd day of October, 1980. Dakota County Tribune. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Councilman Stauffer departed at 9:00 p. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting September 23, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held September 23, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. Mayor Knutson called the Special Meeting to order with all members present. Mayor Knutson set the record straight that this meeting was not a public hearing as indicated on the agenda, but a Special Council Meeting to review the Comprehensive Guide Plan prior to the Public Hearing scheduled for October 14, 1980, and to review the City's fiscal assessment policy. Fred Hoisington, of Brauer and Associates, Ltd., and Dean Johnson, Planning Director, presented the preliminary Comprehensive Guide Plan for discussion. Much discussion followed on all phases of Comprehensive Plan. Additional discussion will follow on several items at the October 7, 1980 Regular Council Meeting. A letter from the Fiscal Consultant, Springsted, was presented with additional information on area assessments and was discussed briefly.. This will be on the agenda for the October 7, 1980 Regular Meeting. MOTION by Knutson to adjourn. Second by Ratzlaff.;' being no further business to come before this Council and upbn.unanimous decision this Special Meeting was adjourned at 9:55 p.m. Respectfully.submltted, .t31 Francis J. Coggin Deputy Clerk Printed this 2.3 day of 1980. Dakota County Tribune. 2 2 1 J 29 2 L ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 7, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held October 7, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City HaLL. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 3g. Minutes of September 16, 1980 Special Council Meeting, 3h. Brown and Cris Payment $79,363.21, 4n. Water Products Request for Variance to Specifications in Valley Oak Addition, 5g. Insurance Invoices Rating Revenue Pending, 6e. Reminder of meeting with Chairman Weaver of Metropolitan Council, 7c. Centel Conduit. Councilman Stauffer stated the check being held for Motorola can be released. The radio has been received. MOTION by Walsh to approve the Consent Calendar. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -245. Bob Pierce, of Lindeberg- Pierce, presented the bids received for the expansion of the Liquor Store. See Clerk's File 1980- 246.for Lists of bids for General Construction, Mechanical Contractor, and Electrical Contractor. Mr. Pierce stated low bidder for each of the categories was King Construction--General Construction $134,490, Mechanical Construction Grendahl Mechanical $46,000, and Electrical Construction Jemm Electric Company $19,583. Mr. Pierce also presented an alternate proposal for re- roofing the existing building. Mr. Pierce recommended acceptance of this alternate proposal since it would bring the roof insulation up to energy standards. The cost of the alternate is $8,982. This would make the total construction cost, including the re- roofing alternate $209,059. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1980 -47 (A RESOLUTION ACCEPTING THE CONSTRUCTION BIDS FOR THE PROPOSED ADDITION TO AND THE UPGRADING OF THE LIQUOR STORE, ORDERING THE PROJECT AND AWARDING THE CONTRACTS TO THE LOW BIDDERS). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Bob Pulscher, Fiscal Agent for Springsted, presented bids negotiated for the bonding of the Liquor Store Construction. He stated M.H. Novick Company was selected with an interest rate of 8.6309 See Clerk's File 1980 -247. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1980 -48 (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE ISSUANCE AND SALE OF $1- 50,000 MUNICPAL BUILDING AND REVENUE BONDS OF 1980). Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS R Council Meeting October 7, 1980 The Council continued discussion from the September 16 Special Council Meeting on the Fiscal Policy. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the Clerk, Fiscal Agent, Planning Consultant, Attorney and Engineer to develop the necessary policies and programs needed to put this into effect. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Clerk presented the budgets as they will be certified to the County. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the levy and certify to the County the budget proposals as presented. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Glen Koppin, resident, presented a log of complaints made concerning the condition of Douglas McCrillis's yard. Mr. Koppin went through the log with the Council. There were many residents present who agreed with Mr. Koppin regarding this problem and registered their complaints to the Council. Their main concern was the rats and mice that were coming from this yard. Dave Grannis III, City Attorney, stated there are three options that could be used. The first option was that another letter be written to Mr. McCrillis requesting the condition be cleaned up, the second option was for the Police Department to issue a citation ticket for the violation of a City Ordinance, and third option was the residents could file a formal complaint with the Attorney's office. Mr. Grannis recommended a citation ticket be issued that would require Mr. McCrillis to appear in court. The Council directed the Police Department to issue a citiation ticket this week and have this problem go to the courts. The City Attorney will work with the Police Chief to get this problem solved. The Clerk also presented a complaint on Canada Avenue regarding auto repairs in yards. The Police Chief was directed to keep informed on this problem and report back to the Council. The Liquor Ordinance was presented with changes as requested. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Ordinance No. XVI.18 (AN ORDINANCE LICENSING AND REGULATING THE SALE OF INTOXICATING LIQUOR WITHIN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, AND REPEALING ORDINANCES XVI.5 AND XV1.6) Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Conditions of the Rich Valley Mining Permit were presented. See Clerk's File 1980 -248. The City Attorney recommended the mining permit be approved subject to the conditions prepared by the Planning Director and City Attorney. MOTION by Jensen to approve the mining permit for the Rich Valley Development Company subject to the conditions prepared by the Planning Director and City Attorney and attach the conditions to the permit. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Discussion continued on the Comprehensive Plan from the September 23, 1980 Special Council Meeting. A memo was presented from the Planning Director 22' 224 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCFEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 7, 1980 showing three potential locations of the east -west collector corridor. See Clerk's File 1980 -249. Discussion followed. The Carlson's were present representing South Rose Park. The Council recommended to the Planning Director and Planning Commission alternate #1 and asked the Planning Commission to change the wording in the Comprehensive Plan to allow commercial development in South Rose Park. Mayor Knutson recessed the Regular Council Meeting at 9:10 p.m. to hold a Public Hearing for the V Oak Replat Rezoning. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. MOTION by Stauffer to close the Public Hearing. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Ordinance No. XVII.44 AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. XVII.3) Second by Jensen J Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Ambulance Service Constract was presented. 1980 -250. Second by Walsh. Nays 0. (AN ORDINANCE Ayes Ratzlaff, See Clerk's File MOTION by Walsh to authorize the necessary signatures for the Divine Redeemer Ambulance Service Contract. Second by Knutson. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Jensen. Nays 0. City Attorney presented a letter regarding the Carroll -Dagen suit. The Council directed the Attorney to negotiate with Don Fluegel, and have information at the next Regular Council Meeting. Steve Campbell, of Short Elliott- Hendrickson, presented the bids received for the bike trail extension. Bids were received as follows: 1. Minnesota Valley Surfacing $19,754 2. McNamara Vivant $19,999 3. Bituminous Consulting and Cont. $21,956.10 4. Barber Construction Co, Inc. $22,699 5. Bituminous Roadways $24,838.70 See Clerk's File 1980 251. The Engineers recommended awarding the bid to low bidder, Minnesota Valley Surfacing in the amount of $19,754.00. MOTION by Walsh to accept the bids for the 145th Street bike trail improvement to Minnesota Valley Surfacing for $19,754.00. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. 1. Pine Bend Paving, Inc., Rosemount $2,204.00 2. Minndakota Roadways, Burnsville $3,850.00 3. Northwest Asphalt, Inc., Eden Prairie $4,510.00 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 7, 1980 Don Brown, Maintenance Superintendent, presented the bids received on the proposed parking lot extension at the utility /maintenance garage. They were as follows: See Clerk's File 1980 -252. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the proposal for the parking lot extension for the utility /maintenance garage and award the bid to Pine Bend Paving, Inc. in the amount of $2,204.00. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, K Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. A request from the staff for a sidewalk requirement policy was discussed. After discussing a need for a policy, the Council felt sidewalks are only needed on collector streets. The Clerk and Don Brown will carry this back for discussion at the next Staff Meeting. Don Brown and Councilman Jensen informed the Council of a request from Water Products Company for a variance to the specifications in the Valley Oak Addition. The variance is needed to drop in extension rods for 89 service line stop boxes. It was also noted payment will be withheld until the project is completed and inspected by Don Brown. MOTION by Knutson to notify Water Products that we will accept their substitute shut offs for 89 water services in Valley Oak Addition and ask for some consideration of an extended 5 year warranty on their product. Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A proposal for an appendix to be made to the current LELS contract was presented. The appendix would be for consideration or addition of compensation time to the present contract. The Council stated they would like to see the proposal in writting, and ask LELS local #2 to draft a proposal and bring it back to the Council. See Clerk's File 1980 -253. Police Chief, Red Staats, requested authorization for bids for 1981 Police Squads. Discussion followed on if a trade in would be included. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the Police Chief to go out for bids for two new squad cars and one trade in. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Randy Oppelt, Park the preparation of off 142nd Street. Randy was directed and Recreation Director, requested the Council to approve plans and specifications for access to Carroll's Woods See Clerk's File 1980 -254. Discussion followed. to get a brief quote from Brauer and Associates and 295 2 2 6 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 7, 1980 bring it back to the Council for further consideration. Red Staats requested authorization to purchase a radio to replace the one channel unit presently in service in his squad car. He is in need of a multi channel radio. MOTION by Stauffer to authorize the Police Chief to purchase a radio through the State of Minnesota. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to set the Gillispie /Kriesel plat hearing for October 21, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Don Brown presented a proposed resolution with the State of Minnesota for joint snow removal on Highway #3. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1980 -49 (A RESOLUTION IN COOPERATION WITH THE STATE OF MINNESOTA FOR SNOW REMOVAL ON TRUNK HIGHWAY #3). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Don Brown also informed the Council insurance rating review is scheduled for October 20th and 22nd. They will be checking the fire trucks and the flow of the water hydrants. The Mayor reminded the Council of the LMC Regional Meeting to be held October 8th at Northfield. Councilman Walsh presented a proposal for putting a siren funding referendum on the November 4th ballot. See Clerk's File 1980 -255. Also brought up for discussion was a standby generator for the City Hall. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1980 -50 (A RESOLUTION CALLING FOR AN ELECTION ON GENERAL OBLIGATION CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BONDS OF 1980). Second by Knutson. Discussion followed with a comment from Councilman Jensen. He feels the people should be allowed to make their own judgement and decision concerning these issues. Maybe a news release could be scheduled or flyers be distributed. Vote on the MOTION: Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. The Mayor announced it will be Local Government Day on October 21, 1980. The Mayor reminded the Council of the Special Meeting on the Comprehensiv Plan to be held October 14, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. The Mayor informed the Council of a meeting scheduled with the Metro- politan Council Chairman, Charles Weaver to be held at the Apple Valley City Hall at 7:30 p.m., October 15, 1980. Bids received for the telephone system were presented by the Clerk. He stated the funds for this could be made available from unpledged Revenue Sharing Funds which have accumalated over the past three years. See Clerk's File 1980 -256 for memo from Finance Officer regarding the funding. The bids received were as follows: Centel Telephone Company $14,729 Executone Communications Systems $13,064 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 7, 1980 The Clerk recommended awarding the bid for the telephone system to Executone and pay outright for the purchase of the equipment in the amount of $13,064.00. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the purchase of the Executone Phone System for the quoted price of $13,064 and this purchase to be paid with out of existing funds available as an outright purchase. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Leon Nyssen, of Centel Telephone Company, updated the Council on the conduit which is going to be placed along Cameo Avenue to Highway 3 and along Highway 3 to Burma Avenue. Discussion followed on replacement of the sidewalks. It was also noted that an agreement should be drawn up before the permit is issued. MOTION by Stauffer to have Don Brown supervise issuance of a permit and inspect the project. Second by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The Clerk informed the Council that Linda Hanson, reporter for the Dakota County Trihune, is leaving. The Mayor thanked Linda for her services. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Second by Jensen. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:45 p.m. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk Respectfully submi taur Loftu Council Secretary Printed in the Dakota County Tribune this 4 day of J42e uevrtbe,4, 1980. 22';` 228 Councilman Jensen arrived at 8:00 p.m. ROSEMUUN l Special Council Meeting October 14, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held October 14, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with Councilmen J and the Clerk absent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. The Mayor stated the purpose of this Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing on the Comprehensive Guide Plan. Mayor Knutson introduced Dean Johnson, Planning Director and Fred Hoisington, Planning Consultant from Brauer and Associates, Ltd., to the audience. The Mayor then turned the meeting over to Dean Johnson who briefly outlined the Comprehensive Plan and what it involves. After Mr. Johnson's presentation, the discussion was opened for public input. John Loch, businessman, questioned the parkway proposed in the Orrin Thompson development and what affect it will have on the downtown area. His main concern was that all the traffic would bypass the downtown area, therefore, causing downtown to go downhill. Councilman Ratzlaff stated the parkway would actually provide better access to the downtwon, considering the scale of development. Without the parkway, traffic would be oriented to Apple Valley businesses. It was also noted that the parkway will not be constructed all at once, it will be constructed in phases, the first being to 145th Street. Another item discussed was commercial areas proposed in the Orrin Thompson development. The Planning Director indicated there were no commercial aCeas approved in the Thompson development. 1w The Clerk drtiTA-d at 8:10 p.m. John Loch also questioned the Council whether the City Hall will be moved downtown. The Planning Director stated the only department in the City Hall that would possibly move at this time, would be the Police Department. This would be based upon the need for additional space. If the Police. Department moved into the downtown, new office space would be available for expansion of other departments at the City Hall. Dr. Mike Mardell asked what could be done to prevent the deterioation of the downtown while other areas outside of downtown will be developing. He asked if the Council could make a promise to this effect. Mayor Knutson stated a promise like that could never be made because of the variables involved and the fact that Council membership constantly changes. It would really depend on the vitality of the business community and how active they are in sustaining the downtown. It was pointed out that there has been remodeling of the downtown with considerable improvements being made to the Shopping Center, the old Bernier Building, removal of the Lampert building, North Star additions and proposed addition to the Municipal Liquor Store. The Mayor informed the Council and the audience that he has been approached by some of the businessmen who asked what would have to be done to improve the lighting, sidewalks and landscaping of the downtown. Mayor Knutson then asked the businessmen in the audience how they felt about this. John Loch stated the most important problem downtown is parking, and asked if something could be done to improve this situation. The idea of the Council meeting with some of the businessmen to discuss problems and solutions in the downtown area was left up to the initiation by the Chamber of Commerce. Cliff Carlson asked the Council and the businessmen how they felt about the idea of a shopping center going in at South Rose Park; were they against it or for it? John Loch stated the businessmen would like to see development in South Rose Park rather than outside of town and would do their best to compete with them. MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Ratzlaff. There being no furhter business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 8:38 p.m. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk Respectfully submitte Maurya Loftu Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting October 14, 1980 Printed in the Dakota County Tribune this O let day of /4 aent Le N 1980, 229 230 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting October 21, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held October 21, 1980 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The purpose of the Special Meeting was to hold a Public Hearing to review the Gillispie /Kriesel Plat and Preliminary Plat Review. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. The Affidavit of Publication has not been received, but the Clerk stated it has been published in the newspaper. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, reviewed the conditions of the Gillispie /Kriesel plat with the Council. See Clerk's File 1980 -257 for list of conditions. Discussion followed on road right -of -way dedication adjacent to the railroad as it appears the road encroches on the railroad right -of- way. Mayor Knutson recessed the Public Hearing at 7:30 p.m. to open the Regular Council Meeting. Mayor Knutson reconvened discussion on streets for the Gillispie/ Kriesel plat. It was noted the ghost plat is still necessary and all easements are required on lot lines. MOTION by Ratzlaff to close the Public Hearing on the preliminary plat of Gillispie /Kriesel and adjourn the Special Meeting. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. ATTEST: Don F. D Clerk /Treasurer Respectfully submfkted, Maurya Loftus Council Secretary T1� Printed this PO day of JloUp,ry,brr 1980. D County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 21, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held October 21, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Knutson recessed the Regular Council Meeting to reconvene the Special Meeting. Mayor Knutson reconvened the Regular Council Meeting at 7:40 p.m. Items added to the agenda: 5j. LELS Proposal, 7e. County Road 42 Ceremonies, 8a. Hammerly Fire Engine Company Discussion. A change was noted on the bills listing. Solberg Aggregate should read $666.90. The Clerk stated Bob Distad, from Dakota County, will be unable to attend the meeting tonight, and will be here on November 18th. MOTION by Walsh to approve the Consent Calendar. Second by Knutson. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -258. A letter from J.E. Parranto was discussed. Mr. Parranto was present to request a gravel permit on 125th Street and Rich Valley Boulevard, and request the Council to reinstate the resolution so they may proceed. He also requested if the permit is issued, to allow for the erection of an asphalt mixing plant on the site which will meet State of Minnesota Pollution Control Standards. Dean Johnson, Planning Director, stated he would like to see new exhibits, limited to the 160 acre parcel. Two items which are not included in the conditions, but should be, are: #1 access to property on 125th Street, and #2 there is no water permit for 160 acres. Mr. Johnson also stated he is not prepared to make a recommendation for the go ahead of this project and feels the engineer should have a chance to look over the final plans and submit a recommendation to the City Council. Mayor Knutson recommended that Mr. Parranto co- ordinate this with the Planning Director, get a resolution drawn up and place this on the agenda for the November 4 regular meeting. Glen VanWormer, of Short Elliott- Hendrickson, discussed the M.S.A. appli- cation with the Council. He stated the deadline is December 15, but would like to have everything submitted by November 1st or no later than the 15th, so if anything should go wrong we could retrieve the application for correction and possibly be in a position to receive money next year. Mr. VanWormer recommended determing the state aid system tonight to be able to start preparing the application. He presented Rosemount's qualifying M.S.A. mileage and recommendations. See Clerk's File 1980 -259. �c 232 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 21, 1980 MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -51 (A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING M.S.A. FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND DESIGNATING THE SYSTEM FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. The Planning Director presented revisions to the U.S. Home E.A.W. original text. Linda Fischer, of Larkin, Hoffman, Daly Lindgren, representing the developer, was present to answer any questions relating to the document. It was the Staff's recommendation, per Staff Meeting Minutes, a resolution be adopted since the E.A.W. was found not to have a significant effect on the environment because of the development. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, pointed out since there will be a large area of trees removed, a reforestation program should be looked at. It was noted that in the revisions there was an item which referred to this. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1980 -52 (A RESOLUTION FINDING NEGATIVE DECLARATION ON THE U.S. HOME CORPORATION ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT WORKSHEET). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Councilman Jensen asked Mayor Knutson to move item #5i. up for action on the Gillispie /Kriesel Plat. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -53 (A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT TO BE KNOWN AS GILLISPIE /KRIESEL ADDITION AND AUTHORIZE PREPARATION OF THE FINAL PLAT). Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented cost estimates for plans and specifications for Carroll's Woods. MOTION by Walsh to authorize Brauer and Associates to prepare plans and specifications for Carroll's Woods trail development and also the signing of the contract. Second by Ratzlaff. Discussion followed. Vote on the Motion: Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays MOTION by Knutson that the City's Park and Recreation Director be authorized to begin discussion with the School District according to the time table and plans and specifications received October 16 from Brauer and Associates, Ltd. Second by Walsh. Discussion followed. See Clerk's File 1980 -260. Vote on the Motion: Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson asked R to keep him informed on the time table with the School District and if he needs help to let him know. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting October 21, 1980 Mayor Knutson presented a followup letter from the Finance Officer regarding damage caused by the storm of July 15. Insurance claims totaled $24,092.83. See Clerk's Fi1e1980 -261. MOTION by Jensen to authorize submittal of insurance claims for storm damage to the insurance company for payment. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Utility problems in the Valley Oak Addition were discussed. Councilman Jensen briefly reviewed the Utilities Commission's feelings on this subject. The main problem is the system is failing most of the chlorination tests. It was suggested to hold payments until these tests are successfully accomplished. The Engineers will handle the problem. Planning Director informed the Council the commercial section of the Comprehensive Guide Plan has been changed to include retail uses as discussed at the Public Hearing held October 14, 1980. The final plan is ready for distribution. MOTION by Walsh to approve the Comprehensive Guide Plan as re- written and authorize distribution of 16 copies to neighboring connunites and School District and necessary copies to Metropolitan Council be withheld until such time as the Planning Director deems it prudent to submit them. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. A proposal from LELS Local #2 was presented regarding compensation time. See Clerk's File 1980 -262. MOTION by Knutson to acknowledge receipt of the LELS proposal and place this on the November 18 regular meeting agenda to allow the Council to review this item. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. A letter from McDonald's Corporation was presented concerning a revenue bonding request. See Clerk's File 1980 -263. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the Attorney, Dave Grannis, to work with McDonald's Corporation to develop the industrial revenue bonding plan that they are proposing as stated in their letter dated October 9, 1990. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Knutson to appoint Dean Johnson as the Acting Deputy Clerk for the November 4, 1980 Regular Council Meeting. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer to hold the Regular H.R.A. Meeting November 4 at 8:00 p.m. and the Regular Council Meeting immediately following. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. The Clerk discussed the canvassing of ballots at the November 4th meeting. He suggested when the agenda is finished, recess the meeting until November 5 at 8:00 a.m. The Council was in agreement with this suggestion. Mayor Knutson informed the Council of the meeting of the Para Transit Committee which will be held November 24, 1960 at 7 :30 p.m. at Eagan City Hall. •'23 2 Mayor Knutson reminded the Council of the AMM Meeting to be held at St. Louis Park, October 29 at 7:30 p.m. Mayor Knutson informed the Council of a meeting on Metropolitan Council Plan Amendment Policy to be held October 28th in Eagan. Mayor Knutson reported on the meeting he attended with Metropolitan Council Staff members on October 15 at the Apple Valley City Hall. The Mayor stated the Dakota County Board of Commissioners has set October 27, 1980 as the date to hold a ribbon cutting ceremony and officially open County Road 42. The ceremony is scheduled for 1:30 p.m. and will be held in front of the City Hall. The Clerk reported we have not received the rest of the equipment from Hammerly Fire Engine Company for the fire truck we purchased. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the Assistant Fire Chief, Clerk and City Attorney to pursue this matter and settle the issue of equip- ment not received. Second by Walsh. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -264 for Police Department report for September. See Clerk's File 1980 -265 for Animal Warden report for September. See Clerk's File 1980 -266 for Fire Department report for September. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 9:50 p.m. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer ROSEMOUNT (1Tt rnUUmnus.w Regular Council Meeting October 21, 1980 Respectfully submitted, Maurya Lof us Council Secretary Printed this r2/9 day of )140,09n444. 1980. Dakota County Tribune. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 4, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held November 4, 1980 at 8:10 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 4d. Brian Development Request, 5h. Don Brown and Rick Cook Public Work Conference Request to attend, 6d. EMS Meeting November 13, 6e. Open House New School Dedications, 6f. Precinct I. MOTION by Walsh to approve the Consent Calendar for November 4, 1980 with the corrections in the minutes. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -267. Dean Johnson, Acting Clerk, presented a resolution amending a previous resolution concerning the mining permit between J.E. Parranto and the City of Rosemount. Bart Lund, representing Parranto's, was present to answer any questions the Council might have MOTION by Jensen to adopt Resolution 1980 -54 (A RESOLUTION AMENDING CITY OF ROSEMOUNT RESOLUTION 1978 -23). Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Frank Walz and Tom Seger presented a resolution for Koch Refining's Industrial Development Revenue Bond for the air pollution abatement project. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1980 -55 (A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE EXECUTION OF (1) A BOND PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF SAINT PAUL AND (2) A POLLUTION CONTROL FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION AND LEASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT AND KOCH REFINING COMPANY AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE ISSUANCE OF AN $8,000,000 INDUS1RI.AL DEVELOPMENT POLLUTION CONTROL BOND AND FURTHER ACTIONS CONCERNING SAID AGREEMENTS). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Dean Johnson reported on the meeting he had with the Carroll's and Orrin Thompson concerning the U.S. Home Corporation north -south collector street. Discussion followed on placement of the collector street. This item will be placed on the November 18th Regular Meeting agenda for action. A letter from John Kratz, General Manager of Brian Development, was presented concerning the three phase power service for the lift station in the Valley Oak Addition. See Clerk's File 1980 -268. A memo from the Clerk was also presented stating he has been in touch with the City Attorney, David Grannis III, and it is both their feelings that this is a project cost and could be handled by the City if funds were included in the bond issue. It was noted that a brief review was made and indicates funds may not be available at this time. Clerk's File 19E0 -269. MOTION by Knutson that the Council agrees to include the costs for the installation of a 3 -phase power service to Brian Development for a lift C V 236 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 4, 1980 station out of the project cost if funds are available. If funds are not available, the developer would be made to assume the total amount of the agreement. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. A memo presented by Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, was discussed. The memo referred to the Park and Recreation Committee's recommendations on softball facility use and regulations. Discussion followed. See Clerk's File 1980 -2 MOTION by Walsh to approve the Park and Recreation Committee's recommendation for softball facility use per Park and Recreation Director's memo of October 30, 1980 with the 9:00 p.m. closing time to be changed to agree with the present closing policy. Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays Jensen Stauffer. Ayes 3, Nays 2. Motion carried. Councilman Ratzlaff stated he felt the motion did not include the items referred to in the memo. Discussion followed. Mayor Knutson withdrew his second on the motion for the reason the motion did not consider beer drinking. MOTION by Ratzlaff to reconsider the previous motion and vote. Second by Knutson. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Councilman Ratzlaff recommended the Park and Recreation Director and the Park and Recreation Committee re -write the rules and regulations including other alternatives and clarify their recommendations. Also, to consider including if a team does not follow the rules, they could be expelled from the league. Randy also presented a request to attend the fall MRPA conference to be held November 19, 20 and 21st. MOTION by Jensen to concur with the Park and Recreation Director's request to attend the MRPA Conference at the Thunderbird Hotel on November 19, 20 and 21st, and the cost of $56.50 to be paid out of the Park and Rec Funds. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Don Brown and Randy Oppelt presented the quotes received to purchase a grapple fork which would fit the loader bucket. See Clerk's File 1980 -27 1. Quotes were received as follows: Carlson Tractor $705.00, and Hughes Equipment Company $693.30. It was noted these prices do not include installation. MOTION by Knutson to recommend the grapple fork be purchased after a review by the Maintenance Supervisor and Foreman as to which would better fit their needs. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adopt Resolution 1980 -56 (A RESOLUTION ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 4, 1980 REQUESTING AN AMENDMENT TO THE FISCAL YEAR 1981 DAKOTA COUNTY HOUSING ASSISTANCE PLAN). Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. The Planner presented a request to attend the NAIOP half -day seminar to be held November 12 in Bloomington. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the Planner to attend the seminar of November 12, L980. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. A change order on the Chippendale Project was presented. See Clerk's File 1980 -272. The change order is for the addition of curb and gutter along the east line of the McNamara property. MOTION by Jensen to concur with McNamara's request for curbing on the west side abutting the property with a 9 ton load limit. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson„ Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Don Brown, Maintenance Superintendent, presented the quotes received for the purchase of a pick -up for the Maintenance Department. Quotes received are as follows: Rosemount Dodge $5,450, Haugen Ford $5,520, and Wilroy Ford $5,610. See Clerk's File 1980 -273. Mr. Brown pointed out the truck from Rosemount Dodge is a 1979, the truck from Haugen Ford is.a 1980, and the truck from Wilroy Ford is a 1981. His recommendation was to award the bid to Wilroy Ford for $5,610.00. MOTION by Walsh to purchase a 1979 truck from Rosemount Dodge in the amount of $5,450. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Walsh. Nays Stauffer, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Ayes 2, Nays 3. Motion failed. MOTION by Ratzlaff to purchase outright a 1981 F -100 pick up from Wilroy Ford in the amount of $5,610.00. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Don Brown presented a request for Rick Cook and himself to attend the Public Works Conference to be held November 20 and 21st. MOTION by Knutson to authorize Don Brown and Rick Cook to attend the Public Works Winter Conference to be held November 20 and 21st, and that the necessary fees to be paid. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays Ratzlaff. Ayes 4, Nays 1. Motion carried. Mayor Knutson reported on the meeting he attended in Eagan on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment proposal. The Mayor reminded the Council of a Metro Council Meeting on the Agricultural Preservation Act to be held November 6, 1980. Planning Director stated he will be attending. The Mayor presented a resignation from Eldore Lillo from the Park and Recreation Committee. See Clerk's File 1980 -274. 23'. 228 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS R Council Meeting N 4, 1980 MOTION by Knutson to accept with regrets the resignation from Eldore Lillo from the Park and Recreation Committee. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson informed the Council there will be a Emergency Medical Service Meeting November 13, 1980 at 7:00 p.m. The Mayor stated open house for the dedication of new Independent School District 196 schools is on the same night of the next Regular Council Meeting. He will send a letter of regrets for being unable to attend. Councilman Stauffer brought to the attention of the Council the need to expand Precinct I. He stated there were many more voters this year and with the incoming developments, something will have to be done; be it either more polls or splitting the precinct in two. This will be discussed at a later date. MO'PION by Knutson to recess the Regular Council Meeting at 10:22 p.m. and reconvene at 8:00 a.m. November 5, 1980. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson reconvened the recessed Council Meeting at 8:00 a.m. with members Walsh, Ratzlaff and Jensen present. The purpose of the reconvening of the Council Meeting was the canvassing of ballots regarding the $100,000 Siren Warning System Bond Issue. The vote was as follows: "YES" 1,493, "NO" 676. MOTION by Walsh to adopt Resolution 1980 -57 (A RESOLUTION DECLARING THE RESULTS OF THE ELECTION AS THEY APPEAR ON THE FACE OF THE ELECTION RETURNS AS MADE BY THE ELECTION JUDGES AND SUBMITTED TO THE CLERK). Second by Jensen. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Discussion followed on the resignation of the Council Secretary Maurya Loftus. Members were unanimous in expressing their appreciation of past performance and their regrets in losing Miss Loftus. MOTION by Knutson to accept the resignation of Maurya Loftus and be effective November 14, 1980. Second by Jensen. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Knutson. Nays 0. T he Clerk presented a recommendation to hire Roxanne Duffy to replace Maurya with her starting salary to be $802.00 which is the starting salary on the range of this position. MOTION by Knutson to authorize the hiring of Roxanne Duffy as Council Secretary with a starting salary to be $802.00 and to start as soon as possible. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. Councilman Walsh questioned the Clerk if a resolution should be drawn up regarding the installation of the warning sirens. This will be added to the next agenda on November 18th. MOTION by Jensen to adjourn. Second by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 8:10 a.m. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 4, 1980 Respectfully submitted, Maurya Loftus Council Secretary Printed in the Dakota County Tribune this day oft 4 1980 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 18, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held November 18, 1980 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 5h. Chippendale Special Assess- ment Agreement, 5i. Siren System Discussion, 5j. MSA Funding Update, 7c. McMenomy Memo Discussion. Motion by Jensen to approve the Consent Calendar for November 18, 1980 as presented. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -275. Motion by Jensen to notify the Fire Chief that the program Eileen McDonough is preparing for the fire department must be completed by January 1, 1981, if not the Fire Chief is to come before the Council to explain the continued need and advise the completion date. Second by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Bob Distad from the Dakota County Attorneys Office was present to report to the Council on the status of the Real Estate Tax program with the University of Minnesota. Much discussion followed regarding this program. 239' 240 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 18, 1980 Motion by Knutson to authorize and appoint our Finance Officer Frank Coggin the responsibility of coming up with the dollars and cents figures that are necessary to enter into further discussion on the University Property and in turn authorize our Attorney to become involved and to coordinate these efforts with ISD 196 (Joanne Ellison) and the County Attorneys Office for the final arrangements to meet, confer and negotiate with the University of Minnesota regarding tax liability on University of Minnesota properties used for housing, business and agricultural pursuits by other than the University of Minnesota within the City of Rosemount. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. City Planner Dean Johnson introduced Orrin Thompson, Bob Carlson,, Joe Franks and Bob Hoffman who were present to represent U.S. Homes during Council discussion of the U. S. Homes EAW progress as well as Council discussion of the Comp Plan Amendment Procedure. See Clerk's File 1980 -276 Bob Hoffman, Attorney for U. S. Homes reviewed with the Council the Memorandum from the Metro Council Planning Staff to the Physical Development Committe containing comments on the U. S. Homes EAW in which Metro Council Planning Staff is recommending that a full State EIS be required. He pointed out the several occasions in the memo where the Staff mentioned that Rosemount had not submitted'their Comp Plan as required and asked the Council to consider submitting the Comp Plan at this time to allow further review of the EAW. Motion by Knutson that Rosemount submit the Comprehensive Plan to the Metropolitan Council at the earliest possible time with the under- standing that it may have some impact on the U. S. Homes review. Second by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. Timing on the PUD Public Hearing on the U. S. Homes proposal was discussed. Motion by Notice of rezoning, Second by Nays 0. Knutson to authorize the Clerk to prepare and publish the Public Hearing for the U. S. Homes Final PUD to include setting the date and time of 7:00 p.m. December 16, 1980. Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. The North /South Collector between 145th Street and the U. S. Homes development was discussed. Planner and Engineer presented three alternate alignments for that section of road. The owners of the Carroll property would support only that alignment that placed the road half on their property and half on the neighboring property. Motion by Knutson that the North /South Collector from the U.S. Homes development south to 145th Street be considered on the alignment that would place it entirely on the Carroll's property and that the sewer and water easements be considered on the same alignment and that the roadway be required prior to the second phase of development. Second by Ratzlaff. KuLLMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 18, 1980 Motion by Knutson to amend the motion to say that the align- ment of the North /South roadway not necessarily be established but would give consideration to the provisions that have already been made by U. S. Homes for the alignment of the roadway that abuts their property to be partially on their development. Second by Stauffer. Vote on Amendment. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. Vote on Original Motion. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Sgt Knutsen and Officer Peterson were present to discuss the LELS Comp Time Proposal. Sgt Knutsen stated that he could support approval of this request provided further provisions be provided in the agreement. Item #1 to be added would be that Comp Time be taken at the convenience of the Department, Item #2 to be added would be a maximum accumulation of 40 hours of actual Comp Time, not 40 hours times 11/2. Motion by Stauffer to recommend that LELS rewrite Appendix "B" for the approval of Chief Staats and Sgt Knutsen for submission in final form to the Council. Second by Knutson. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Police Squad Bids were presented to the Council. It was pointed tout that $13,000.00 was budgeted for this but the low bid reveals that an additional $1,749.00 will be needed. It was recommended that this could come from the funds levied for with- out specified use in the 1981 budget. Council indicated that this will be handled at the time the units are received by utilizing either fund balances from the 1980 budgets or from the unspecified levy in the 1981 budget as recommended. Motion by Stauffer to accept the bids as received and award the bid to Wilroy Co for two LTD's for the bid price of $14,749.00 with the one trade in. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -277. Mayor Knutson informed the Council that he is still pursuing the Schwarz Property development with the School District to arrive at a solution for a development agreement on this property. Valley Oak Park Grading was discussed. Park Director Oppelt presented an informal quote from Wangren in the amount of $4,000.00 to do the final park grading. Motion by Jensen to accept the quote and award the contract to Wangren for the Park Grading as outlined for the quoted amount of $4,000.00. Second by Walsh. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -278. 24 2 ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting November 18, 1980 Mayor Knutson presented the Chippendale Special Assessment Agreement with the Chippendale 42 Partnership, recommending the Council accept the agreement and authorize the necessary signatures. See Clerk's File 1980 -279. Motion by Stauffer to accept and authorize the Mayor and Clerk to sign the Special Assessment Agreement with the Chippendale 42 Partnership. Second by Jensen. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen. Nays 0. The SiremSystem was discussed with regard to timely bond sale as well as other preparations. Bonding may be delayed as recommended to allow a very conservative bond sale amount. Also, the County Emergency' Coordinator has informed Councilman Walsh that he is available to work with any community without special requests from local councils and will be available to the City of Rosemount to work on the siren system. See Clerk's File 1980 -2 Norm Hendrickson, City Engineer presented an update on the MSA Funding Application. Preparation of the application has revealed that an additional three quarters of a mile of roadway alignment can be added to the application at this time. He is recommending that a one half mile section be added in Section 31 adjacent to the east /west center- line from Chippendale west to the north /south centerline of Section 31. Motion by Jensen to concur with the Engineers request to include an additional one half mile of MSA designation in the MSA Funding Applica- tion. Location to be added is a one half mile section adjacent to the east /west centerline of Section 31 from Chippendale Avenue to the north/ south centerline of Section 31. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson reminded the Council of the Dakota County Planning -DNR meeting scheduled for 7pm November 19, 1980 at the Government Center Board Room and the Paratransit Committee meeting at 7:30pm November 24, 1980 at the Eagan City Hall. Mayor Knutson reviewed his memo regarding the McMenomy Sheldon Building development with the Council. Their request for a specified City Staff person to coordinate with was discussed. See Clerk's File 1980 -281. Motion by Knutson that Park Forestry Director Randy Oppelt be auth- orized by the City Council to investigate use of the McMenomy Building by the City per his memo. Second by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer. Nays 0. Motion by Walsh to adjourn. Second by Ratzlaff. There being no further business to come before the Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10 :25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Don F. Darling, Clerk Published in the Dakota County Tribune thisfo day of, 980. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 2, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held December 2nd, 1980, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with members Ratzlaff and J absent. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 4f. Central Telephone Construction; 4g. McMenomy Property Discussion; and 5f. Fire Department By -laws Change. MOTION by Walsh to approve the Consent Calendar for December 2nd, 1980. Seconded by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer and Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -282. Dean Johnson suggested the Gillespie /Kriesel Plat Review be held over to the December 16th, 1980, Regular Council Meeting. Dean Johnson reported that the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Final PUD and Rezoning for U. S. Homes. There was no further action on this matter, Steve Campbell reported that the information on the Valley Oak Addition Change Order No. 2 was not available. Red Staats reported that the rewrite of the LELS contract was completed. MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -58, (A RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR A COMP TIME AGREEMENT TO BE ADDED AS APPENDIX "B" TO THE LELS CONTRACT EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1st, 1981). Seconded by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson and Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -283. Walsh presented an update on the Siren System. He stated there was a need for one easement. MOTION by Knutson authorizing the City Attorney to work on the acquisition of an easement for the installation of sirens. Seconded by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Walsh and Stauffer. Nays 0. Don Brown presented an update on the Central Telephone Con- struction. Discussion followed. No action was taken. See Clerk's File 1980 -284. Randy Oppelt presented an update on the McMenomy Building. Ed McMenomy would like the City to consider the use of the lower Level of this building for a Community Room. Discussion followed. A response to McMenomy will be delayed to allow further study of the matter. See Clerk's File 1980 -285. 01. eA Dean John set for r MOTION by i/!rtcc of Public 11( rin the date P t- Ayes Walt t Dean John p- By -laws. from 7:3! Lc MOTION b; ".Laufie-t Comnissic. from Knutson Dean Jo hired to pointed money wot work out a t, MOTION by and Build !'t interview job descr its be at the Ayes Knut The Coo Applica Discussiot Chippenda) MOTION by Rosemount of the st Nays 0. The Fire error in MOTION and aut for his 1 Mayor Knu Nays 0. A report Store Coy will be a report f, io ''I d s p -J- rudary. Nays C. �r a t:o thr. 1 lib al,a,igc Li in t .:•eLi.n tit of the i CO p S; -;ed by WaL• Aye Council consid an addit-onal set-etas; bk. v,n .ing Director and Building Off;::iai. 1! ate available aid a considerable o�. hi ari house seirotary ratl firm. 1)! src�.:ion fol lowed. y nt. in: 1-diaiely, p, i,•. t iy as pos:ibie acco;Jittg to nd B„iloing Inspector, au: Seconded bi Walsh (7.AU1. -T 19i'.•�...15. Sig.ls fr„m Grec... •r ehicln_ at the bike t• 'arki.:., Signs on ]li:•• r.dal•• 'venue, Po 'n. titarf`_: me the t t Assi Knui nr. rd; ;7e p of 9hhe cu.... 1 tit Int nt I n i• A letter from Crannis on- the :125th- Street Determination was discussed. No action was taken. See G1erk's File- 1980 -289. Mayor Knutson reminded the CouncilTof the Metropolitan Council's meeting on the Land Disposal Abatement: -Final Report on December 3rd, 1980, at 7:00 p.m.. See Clerk's File 1980 -290. The Mayor reminded the Council of the A -95 Process Seminar on December 5th, 1980, at 9:00 a.m.. Mayor Knutson also reminded the Council'of the DNR`Trails Forum Region 11 meeting on December 3rd, 1980, at 7:00 p.m. at the St. Paul Central High School and also on December Llth, at 7:00 p.m. at the Southdale Branch of the Hennepin County Library. A memo from Mayor Knutson was discussed_regarding the Joint Development of the Schwarz property with Independent School District No. 196. See Clerk's File 1980291. The Council was reminded by Mayor Knutson of the Hazardous Waste meeting on December 9th, 1980, at 7 p .m at the Dakota County Board Room. Mayor Knutson will be attending. The Clerk stated that John Loch requested that the City the employees working at the Ken Rose Center to park their cars at the old Lampert's site for a period of three weeks during the Christmas season. The City will agree to the parking of cars, however, the City will not plow this space. MOTION by Stauffer to adjourn Seconded by Knut son. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 8:52 p.m.. Respectfully submitted, ATTEST: Don F: Darling Clerk /Treasures Printed this b T k day of .3 198t,.Dakota County Tribune. Rox nnnn Duffy y`t Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 2, 1980 216 ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Special Council Meeting December 16, 1980 Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a Special Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held December 16th, 1980, at 7:15 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor opened the Public Hearing on the amendment to zoning Ordinance No. XVII.3. The Clerk had in his presence the Affidavit of Publication and the Affidavit of Mailing Hearing Notice. See Clerk's File 1980 -292. Pat Farrell, representing Rich Valley Partnership, explained to the Council the need for the rezoning from Agriculture to Industrial Park. MOTION by Stauffer to close the Public Hearing on amending the zoning Ordinance No. XVII.3 and adjourn the Special Meeting. Seconded by Walsh. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff and Jensen. Nays 0. Respectfully submitted, 61 Roxann Duffy Council Secretary ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 16, L980 Printed this J,t4. day of �.l o_na0.a `.t.( 198i. Dakota County Tribune Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the Regular Meeting of the City Council of the City of Rosemount was duly held December 16th, 1980, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. The meeting was called to order by Mayor Knutson with all members present. The Mayor led the group in the Pledge of Allegiance. Items added to the agenda: 3e. Application for payment #2 Chippendale Project; 3f. Application for payment #6 revised Valley Oaks; 5c. Agricultural Preserve Program; 5d. Tree Program Kenneth Frey; 5e. Letter from Architect Novak; 6f. Park and Recreation Commission Appointments. ttwLMUUn1 L11I PKULtLU1NUS Regular Council Meeting December 16, 1980 MOTION by Stauffer to approve the Consent Calendar for December 16th, 1980. Seconded by Walsh. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen and Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -293. The Council discussed the proposed amendment to zoning Ordinance No. XVII.3. MOTION by Jensen to adopt Ordinance XVII.45 (AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE XVI1.3). Seconded by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh and Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -294. The Mayor suggested the Gillespie /Kriesel Plat Review be held over to the January 6th, 1981, Regular Council Meeting. Norm Hendrickson, City Engineer, presented an update on the Valley Oak Change Order No. 2. The contractor asks that the bill for the hauling of fill be added to the contract. MOTION by Knutson recommending that the Finance Officer research the Chippendale Project and Valley Oaks Project for bonding funds available and report back to the Council if the projects would support the additional costs Seconded by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer and Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -295. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, presented to the Council the need for a new position in the Maintenance and Utilities Departments, with an approximate beginning date of March 1st, 1981. The position would be funded 50 per cent by the Maintenance Department and 50 per cent by the Utilities Department. The Utilities Commission at their December 8th, 1980, Regular Meeting granted approval to advertise for this position. The union scale entry level salary would be $6.20 per hour, at present. MOTION by Jensen to advertise for Maintenance /Utilities Departments by the Maintenance Department and Department. Seconded by Stauffer and Knutson. Nays Ratzlaff. See an entry level employee for the with the funding to be 50 per cent 50 per cent by the Utilities Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer Clerk's File 1980 -296. Norm Hendrickson, City Engineer, presented the Council with bills from Harold Wachter and Dennis O'Leary for fence removal. It was noted that the payment of these bills was written into the easement agreement between the City and Wachter and O'Leary. MOTION by Jensen to approve the bills for Harold Wachter and Dennis O'Leary for the moving of the fences from their property. Seconded by Ratzlaff. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff and Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -297. James Staats, Police Chief, presented the Joint Powers Agreement on the Siren System Bidding. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 16, 1981 MOTION by Knutson to adopt Resolution 1980 -59 (A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT, NAMING JOE WALSH AS AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FOR PURPOSES OF REPRESENTING THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT IN PARTICIPATING IN THE JOINT POWERS AGREEMENT FOR A SIREN SYSTEM.) Seconded by Stauffer. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen and Walsh. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -298. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented the Carrolls Woods Trail Access Plans and Specifications for the Council's review. MOTION by Jensen to submit the Plans and Specifications as prepared by Brauer and Associates for the Carrolls Woods Trail Access to Independent School District No. 196 for their review. Seconded by Stauffer. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh, and Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1988 -299. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, informed the Council he had met with the School District regarding the Schwarz property development. He stated the School District is interested in proceeding with the preparation of the plans and specifications and going out for bids in February. HGA will prepare the School District's portion of the proje•t. MOTION by Stauffer authorizing Brauer and Associates to draw plans and specifications for the City's portion of the Schwarz property development. Seconded by Walsh. Ayes Ratzlaff, Jensel, Walsh, Stauffer, and Knutson. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 300. The Council reviewed letters received from the Metropolitan Council regarding the Comprehensive Plan. No action was taken. See Clerk's File 1980 -301. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities, requested the Council authorize the Finance0fficer to hold monies in the CIP Equipment Fund for 1981. Much discussion followed regarding the designation of funds in this account. MOTION by Knutson that in the future the Council will consider CIP memos from department heads for designation to specific uses from a General CIP fund which will carry no computerized designation other then a general CIP account. Second by Stauffer. Ayes Jensen, Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, and Ratzlaff. Nays 0. MOTION by Stauffer that the memo from Don Brown dated December 12, 1980, be attached to the 1981 CIP Budget. Seconded by Walsh. MOTION by Ratzlaff amending the motion to say that the memo be approved with the deletion of the last two paragraphs. Seconded by Stauffer. Vote on Amendment. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff. Nays Jensen. Vote on Original Motion. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Walsh. Nays Jensen. See Clerk's File 1980 -302. ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 16, 1980 The letter from the Dakota County Extension Office regarding a zoning and planning seminar on January 8th, 15th and 22nd, 1981, was discussed. MOTION by Jensen authorizing the Planning Commission, Council Members and /or City Staff to attend the Zoning and Planning Seminar in Farmington and for the City to pay for the cost of said seminar. Seconded by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh and Stauffer. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -303. Don Brown, Superintendent of Streets and Utilities and Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented a need for clarification of the Step Increase Effective Dates for Teamsters 320 Contract. Discussion followed. No action taken. Joe Walsh presented an update on the Agriculture Preserve Program. Discussion followed. No action taken. Randy Oppelt, Park and Recreation Director, presented the Council with a letter from Kenneth Frey regarding payment by the City for removal of a diseased boulevard tree. MOTION by Knutson to authorize payment of $50.00 for tree cutting and $30.00 for stump removal and that the Forester send along with the payment an explanation of the program and how the Council arrived at these figures. Seconded by Stauffer. Ayes Ratzlaff, Walsh, Stauffer and Knutson. Nays Jensen. See Clerk's File 1980 -304. A letter from Charles Novak, Architect, regarding consideration for future City jobs was discussed by the Council. The Clerk was asked to advise Mr. Novak that he will be considered on any forthcoming project. See Clerk's File 1980 -305. A letter from the Secretary of the Treasury regarding the Revenue Sharing Program was discussed. MOTION by Jensen to authorize the signature of the Statement of Assurance. Seconded by Stauffer. Ayes Walsh, Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff and Jensen. Nays 0. See Clerk's File 1980 -306. Mayor Knutson presented a letter from the HRA regarding the 1981 Housing Assistance Plan. Discussion followed. No action was required. See Clerk's File 1980 -307. Mayor Knutson reported that the Bureau of Census indicates that a preliminary population count for Rosemount is 5080. See Clerk's File 1980 -308. Mayor Knutson and Joe Walsh reported on the Hazardous Waste meeting. Joe Walsh reported on the Five -Year Transportation Plan Report for Dakota County. Discussion followed. nrt 250 The Mayor reported that the Utilities Commission had recommended appointment of Dale Westin to the Regional Hazardous Waste Criteria and Siting Committee. MOTION by Knutson appointing Dale Westin to the Regional Hazardous Waste Criteria and Siting Committee. Seconded by Jensen. Ayes Stauffer, Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen and Walsh. Nays 0. Mayor Knutson informed the Council that the Park and Recreation Committee has three vacancies. The Council will attempt to recruit new members. Don Darling, City Clerk, presented a Staff request to close the City Offices at 1:00 on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. December 26th and January 2nd will be regular work hours. MOTION by Stauffer approving the change in the closing time to 1:00 p.m. on Christmas Eve and New Years Eve. Seconded by Ratzlaff. Ayes Knutson, Ratzlaff, Jensen, Walsh and Stauffer. Nays 0. MOTION by Ratzlaff to adjourn. Seconded by Walsh. There being no further business to come before this Council and upon unanimous decision this meeting was adjourned at 10:18 p.m.. ATTEST: Don F. Darling Clerk /Treasurer ROSEMOUNT CITY PROCEEDINGS Regular Council Meeting December 16, 1980 Respectfully submitted, Roxann Duffy Council Secretary Published in the Dakota County Tribune this JO 7k day of t LQ.ry 198L.