HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009/03/11 CCM - WS1 2. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MARCH 11, 2009 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, March 11, 2009 at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Bills, Shoe Corrigan, Weisensel in attendance. Council Member DeBettignies arrived shortly thereafter. Also present were Police Chief Kalstabakken, City Clerk Domeier, Assistant City Engineer Dawley, City Engineer Brotzler, City Administrator Johnson, Finance Director MayDirector of Parks and Recreation Schultz and Assistant City Administrator Foster. DISCUSSION 2.A. City Emergency Operations Plan Upgrade Draft Police Chief Kalstabakken provided an overview of the Emergency Operations Plan (EOP). The City of Rosemount's plan was last approved and adopted by the City Council in 1996. A significant updating of the plan was done in 2004; however, the EOP was never brought to the City Council for formal adoption it was only reviewed at a Work Session. The current upgrade of the EOP is intended to be finalized and adopted by the City Council. Mr. Kalstabakken also provided Council Members with a handbook for government officials. Mayor Droste questioned if the City's Emergency Operations Center (EOC) would be at the Dakota Communications Center (DCC). Mr. Kalstabakken replied that the DCC was not designed to serve as an EOC. He stated that the City's current EOC is the Council Chambers. The Council Chambers has the technology set up to serve as an EOC. He added that the alternation EOC locations would be Fire Station No. 1 and Fire Station No. Mayor Droste questioned if the Police Chief serves as the incident commander. Mr. Kalstabakken explained that the incident commander would be determined upon the situation. Typically the position would be assigned to the fire chief, fire captain, police lieutenant or police sergeants as those employees are in charge of operational responsibilities. Discussion was held regarding the different annexes located within the EOP such as the primary goals, purpose of the plan, organization and assignment of responsibilities, notifications and warnings, direction and control, the public information officer, search and rescue, health and medical, security, evacuation and traffic control, fire department services, damage assessment, congregate care, Public Works Department clearance /utilities, radiological protection and haz -mat and law enforcement. Based upon the discussion and feedback Mr. Kalstabakken will make the proposed changes to EOP. He planned to bring the EOP back to the City Council for approval in May. Mayor Droste suggested holding a table top exercise to aid in planning for an emergency situation. Further discussion was held regarding the EOC location. 2.B. Fund Balance Excess Reallocation Finance Director May provided information on the possible uses of the excess General Fund fund balance for 2008. He stated that the City had $944,670 to redesignate and that staff 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MARCH 11, 2009 was recommending reallocating $592,000 to three debt service funds to put sufficient dollars in those funds to pay off the remaining debt and consequently reducing the future levies. He added that staff also recommends reallocating the remaining $352,000 to the Building CIP Fund for improvements to the St. Joseph's campus of buildings or future City building improvements. Discussion was held regarding the fund balance policy and market value homestead credit. Mr. May stated the agenda item will go before the City Council for consideration at the March 18, 2009 special meeting. 2.C. Shannon Parkway —145 Street to Connemara Trail Assistant City Engineer Dawley summarized the information provided in the staff report related to the speed of vehicles on Shannon Parkway between 145 Street and Connemara Trail. He reviewed the recommendations of the Speed and Traffic Volume Study conducted by WSB Associates for the corridor. Mr. Dawley stated that the costs associated with the project were included in the 2009 Street Improvement project and requested direction on proceeding with the restriping configuration as recommended. Council Member Shoe Corrigan questioned why Shannon Parkway was not treated as one unit from 160 Street to McAndrews Avenue. She stated that the traffic counts increase every year. City Engineer Brotzler stated that about four years ago we discussed a layout with City Council to reconfigure Shannon Parkway. The primary issue was appropriating dollars to make that change. He added that a second challenge was the section between Connemara Trail and the Shannon Parkway Elementary School because of the residential homes that access their property from Shannon Parkway along with the on -street parking complications. Mr. Brotzler stated that prioritizing the Shannon Parkway long range reconfiguration is a City Council decision. Mr. Brotzler noted that if the City Council direction was to move forward with the proposed changes staff would conduct another traffic study after the project is completed. He added that the restriping of the road would provide improvement of safety for the pedestrians using the crosswalks located along Shannon Parkway. Further discussion was held regarding the location of the trails and sidewalks in the area. Mayor Droste suggested that the item be discussed as a New Business item even though the cost associated with the project has been included in the 2009 Street Improvement Project budget. He thought it would benefit the residents who have expressed concerns about the speeds along Shannon Parkway. City Council directed staff to place the item on the March 18, 2009 City Council agenda for discussion and consideration. 2.D. Tree Removal /Preservation, 2009 Street Improvement Project, City Project #426 Assistant City Engineer Dawley stated that during the completion of the topographic survey of the project area and detail design for the project, a significant number of mature trees were determined to be located within the street right -of -way and project excavation limits and would typically be removed prior to the start of construction. Mr. Dawley provided pictures of the impacted areas and more information about the tree impacts to the services. 1 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MARCH 11, 2009 Mr. Dawley provided an overview on the four options as listed in the staff report for mitigation for the full and /or partial replacement of water and sanitary sewer services. He stated that staff recommended moving forward with Option A and the second preference was Option D. Council Member Shoe Corrigan questioned if the City would pay for the removal of trees. Mr. Dawley stated the cost to remove and replace the trees has been included in the project budget. City Engineer Brotzler stated that when the City removes a tree it replaces the tree. City Administrator Johnson stated that the City Council was not restricted to going forward with just one option. Mayor Droste directed staff to invite residents to the annual Arbor Day tree giveaway. Council Member Weisensel was concerned with paying for tree removal and replacement in areas where trees should not have been planted, such as within the road right -of -way. Mr. Brotzler stated that the City has had to remove and replace trees in projects in the past but not to this extent. Council Member Weisensel questioned if all property owners receive the same tree. Mr. Dawley explained that residents are given a list of the different types of trees they can choose from for replacement. Council Member Shoe Corrigan questioned if residents chose Option D could the amount owed be part of the assessment. Mr. Brotzler stated that staff would work with the City Attorney to structure a formal agreement for payment. Discussion was held regarding the importance of communicating and educating the property owners. Staff was directed to include an article in the spring newsletter regarding planting trees in the right -of -way. The City Council was in agreement to move forward with Option A and use Option D as a secondary choice but the expense would be placed on the property owner. 2.E. FTTH /Rudder Franchise Violation Letter City Administrator Johnson provided background on the franchise violations and pursuant to those discussions the City Attorney provided a draft violation letter for City Council review. He requested any feedback on the draft letter that detailed the violation of the franchise agreements. Discussion was held regarding the violations and the effects on the current customers and the City. City Council directed staff to send the letter. 2.F. HIPP (High Performance Partnership) Memo of Understanding City Administrator Johnson summarized the information provided in the staff report. He stated that while the DCC was a success there is a feeling that the HiPP partnership needs refreshing and refocusing at this time. After discussing the current and historical information on the county -wide HiPP Initiative the City Council directed staff to place the MOU item on the March 18, 2009 City Council agenda for discussion and consideration. 2.G. Public Purpose Expenditure Policy Assistant City Administrator Foster stated that staff was proposing slight modifications to the existing policy relating to the Public Purpose Expenditures. The policy addresses expenditures made by the City regarding employees, groups, and elected officials. She stated that the Council last approved this policy on April 3, 2003. Staff recommends clarifying the circumstances of to whom and when flowers are sent to properly recognize certain life ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MARCH 11, 2009 events. City Administrator Johnson stated that the net cost of the change to the policy was approximately $300 -$400. Finance Director May explained how the employee recognition events are covered in the Council budget. Ms. Foster stated that the City Attorney recommended removing the donation language from the policy. Discussion was held about sending flowers for different events. Ms. Foster stated she would bring the item before the City Council for consideration at an upcoming meeting. 2.H. Review Draft Goals for 2009 -2010 City Administrator Johnson requested City Council review of the draft and to propose additional changes. Council Member Weisensel suggested adding "Monitor and Update the 10 -Year CIP Plan" to the Infrastructure /Facilities goal. Discussion between staff and City Council ensued regarding the proposed goals and modifications were suggested. Staff will incorporate the new suggestions and create a final draft of the document for council consideration. UPDATES 3.A. Updates by City Council /Staff Bio- diesel Plant /Empire Township City Administrator Johnson stated that staff attended an Empire Township meeting regarding the proposed bio- diesel plant. He expressed staff concern about the traffic and noise that would occur with the plant. Discussion was held regarding the proposed plant and the concerns about the proximity to the UMore land and Vermillion Highlands. City Council directed staff to prepare a letter opposing the bio diesel plant for discussion and consideration on the March 18, 2009 City Council Agenda. MVTA City Administrator Johnson provided an update on the progress with the MVTA. Applebee's City Administrator Johnson provided an update on the liquor violation that occurred at Applebee's changed ownership in 2008. Water Treatment Plant City Administrator Johnson stated that he and City Engineer Brotzler have come across some low interest loans and economic stimulus grant money for a water treatment plant. Property Tax Statements Mayor Droste stated that residents have received property tax statements and noted there has been a decrease in property values. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Mayor Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was adjourned at 10:50 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk