HomeMy WebLinkAbout2009/12/21 CCM - SWS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 21, 2009 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a special work session of the Rosemount City Council was duly held on December 21, 2009, at 6:05p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Shoe Corrigan, DeBettignies, Bills and Weisensel attending. Staff members present included Community Development Director Lindquist, City Administrator Johnson, and Recording Secretary Hanson. Police Chief Kalstabakken arrived later. DISCUSSION 2.A. FTTH Franchise Agreement Revisions Jeffrey Feldman of EveresTV was present and gave a detailed update on the transaction including four main items to work out for the transaction to take place. One, Mr. Feldman stated one large wholesale customer decided to install their own system which results in $20,000 less revenue for FTTH. Second, issues need to be resolved with Telecom Construction which is a subcontractor hired by Rudder. A third issue Mr. Feldman mentioned is that Rudder had not filed Minnesota sales tax for the past two years. The State wants to get paid in the next six months. The final item Mr. Feldman stated is related to the level of service provided to the customers that should include DVR and HD service which requires extra funding. Mr. Feldman stated a purchase agreement and management agreement have been executed. He does not expect any buildout to occur in 2010 due to these immediate issues. City Administrator Johnson reviewed the buildout guidelines including one benchmark at the end of 2011 wherein 800 new housing units need to be completed; a second benchmark at the end of 5 years which is state regulated wherein a substantial portion of the project needs to be complete; and a continuing requirement that 500 units need to be completed each year after 2011 until the end of the agreement term. The buildout is more performance standard based than area based as in the past. Mr. Johnson stated the next step is to finalize the ordinance language and have the Council approve it at the January 5 Council meeting. Ehlers will review the financials of EveresTV and should have that complete by the next week. Council member DeBettignies asked Kevin Kawell of Rudder if there will be any marketing research done on which areas to complete first. Mr. Kawell responded that the marketing research was done previously but that higher density areas are the best to complete more units at a time. Mr. Kawell asked the Council if they felt comfortable with the transaction as it was proceeding, and the Council responded they were and wanted to see it go forward. 2.B. Goal Setting Meetings City Administrator Johnson stated the Council should consider scheduling their goal setting meetings in January. It was decided to meet Friday evening, January 22, 2010, from 5:00 9:OOp.m. and Saturday, January 23, 2010, from 8:00a.m.- 4:00p.m. The location was not CITY OF ROSEMOUNT SPECIAL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 21, 2009 City Administrator Johnson stated the Council should consider scheduling their goal setting meetings in January. It was decided to meet Friday evening, January 22, 2010, from 5:00 9:OOp.m. and Saturday, January 23, 2010, from 8:00a.m.- 4:00p.m. The location was not determined. City staff need not attend but should submit written summaries of 2010 goals and progress on 2009 goals. 3.A. Updates Police Chief Kalstabakken updated the Council on the liquor violation of Rosemount Liquor. As a result of it being their fifth violation in 54 months, the Council is able to issue a notice of closure for a period of 15 days under the terms of the resolution approved after the fourth violation in 2008. Mr. Kalstabakken further stated that Rosemount Liquor is trying to sell the business and apparently has a signed purchase agreement. Rosemount Liquor owners have indicated that they are forced to close for 15 days, it could revoke their purchase agreement. The majority of the Council supported issuing a notice to close for the 15 days immediately. City Administrator Johnson mentioned that the Council may need to consider an issue at the January 5t Council meeting relating to employee discipline. Council member Shoe Corrigan asked the other Council members if they had heard of a local veteran who is on disability and his wife is dying of cancer. The veteran is a graduate of Eagan High School who resides in Rosemount. Council member Shoe Corrigan stated that the Eagan community is giving support to the family and wondered if anyone had heard of the Rosemount community giving support. Mayor Droste suggested contacting the head office at the National Guard Armory for more information. Other miscellaneous updates included an announcement that the Rosemount Area Arts Council will hold a blue grass festival around the time of Leprechaun Days; the Community Action Council would like to set up a meeting in January regarding the expansion of the Family Resource Center and the $75,000 grant money received for interior improvements; and a discussion took place on the DCC and the fact that 57.5% of the calls received are made from wireless phones, even from home. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council, Mayor Droste made a motion to adjourn the meeting, second by Bills. The meeting was adjourned at 7:36p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary