HomeMy WebLinkAbout20110713 CCM - WSROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JULY 13, 2011 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, July 13, 2011, at 6:33p.m. in the Conference Rooms at City Hall, 2875 145` Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Shoe - Corrigan, Weisensel, DeBettignies and Kearney attending. Staff members present included City Administrator Johnson, Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler, Finance Director May and Recording Secretary Hanson. Parks and Recreation Director Schultz arrived later. DISCUSSION a. Presentation by Diane Lind, DCC Diane Lind, Executive Director of the Dakota Communications Center provided an update on DCC call volumes and activities, including the increase of 911 calls from cell phones and VoIP; 911 call pickup times; percentage of CAD events (calls involving a dispatcher and responder) for Rosemount; call processing times; and number of inquiries in 2010 from the Fire Dept. and Police Dept. Council member Weisensel asked Ms. Lind to clarify the needed number of dispatchers and the pressure to add more staff. Ms. Lind stated the preferred number is 52 but that number has not always been reached due to the length of time required to train a dispatcher. b. Water and Sewer Utility Rates City Engineer Brotzler provided a review of the recommended 2012 water and sewer rates. City Administrator Johnson pointed out that these increases are geared towards getting a water treatment plant in the future, plus that the first tier users will still be paying less than last year. Council member Kearney asked if outstanding debts would be paid by 2016 according to the debt service schedule. Mr. Brotzler gave an explanation of the debt service schedule and the two different funds, Utility Fund and Core Fund, involved. C. Budget Follow -Up Information City Administrator Johnson provided several items for discussion pertaining to the 2012 budget, including service level options, ice arena utilization percentages, fuel consumption figures, and tax comparisons to other cities. With respect to service levels, Mr. Johnson stated that all items in Section A have been implemented, together with Item 3 and 8 of Section B. Part of Item 4 in Section B has been reduced due to funds coming from the CIP and using SKB funding. It was recommended that the current part -time GIS staff member become full time and use WSB for high end consulting, thereby eliminating the need for additional GIS staff person. Council member DeBettignies expressed concern with difficulties reaching someone at the City's main number on one occasion and requested more information be provided at the next meeting on call volume and customer traffic levels. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JULY 13, 2011 Discussion took place on fuel consumption and what methods could be implemented to reduce the level of consumption. City Engineer Brotzler shared with the Council several improvements in the Public Works department that have reduced costs including improved computer mapping system for locating meters, trailering lawn equipment to and from sites, and reduced irrigation methods. Council member Shoe - Corrigan stated that Council doesn't actually want to make the policies but would rather like to hear about what staff is doing to try to improve performance, simply so the Council members can answer questions from the public if ever asked. Ice arena usage percentages were discussed and how usage could be increased or possibly if rates could be increased to offset some of the expenses. Council member Shoe - Corrigan asked Parks and Recreation Director Schultz if staff could inquire with DCTC about possibly starting an inter -mural team to sell more ice time. d. Planning Commission Vacancy and Joint Meeting Discussion took place regarding the Planning Commission's recent vacancy and the possibility of holding a joint meeting between the Council and Planning Commission. It was decided to contact the previous three applicants who specifically requested to serve on the Planning Commission to see if they were still interested in serving. Council will then discuss the possibilities at a work session after the July 19` City Council meeting. At that time, they will also discuss a possible date for a joint meeting. UPDATES a. RAAA Update Council member Kearney, as council liaison with RAAA, gave an update on the operation of the group stating the boards at the program levels are strong but the main board is struggling with a lack of member participation. It was decided to waive the $2.00 maintenance fee until next year and try to increase membership in the meantime. b. Sample Property Update City Engineer Brotzler gave an update on Mr. Sample's property located 4450 138 Court West and the storm pipe installation. A proposed plan that includes installing a storm sewer system on Mr. Sample's property was reviewed onsite with him on Monday, July 11. Mr. Sample inquired if he would be compensated for easements necessary to complete the improvements. It was noted that he would not as the proposed improvements are in response to his concerns with drainage on his property. At this time, Mr. Sample is reviewing the proposed improvements and will respond to staff. It was also discussed that Mr. Sample has constructed a retaining wall blocking access to the backyard. The wall appears to have been constructed within the drainage and utility easement and across the property line into the neighboring property. Staff will be sending Mr. Sample a letter advising him that the wall can not be located in the drainage and utility easement. If the City is to conduct any work on the property, Mr. Brotzler stated the City would require a full indemnity agreement, particularly for impacts to Mr. Samples septic system. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JULY 13, 2011 c. GreenStep Cities Program It was decided to participate in the GreenStep Cities Program to become recognized as a Class A GreenStep City within the next couple of years. Staff is to gather more information on the requirements and procedures to the program. d. Park and Ride Update City Administrator Johnson stated that the Park and Ride project is currently delayed due to the Minnesota State shutdown since the State was involved in both the environmental review and historical review. e. Updates from City Council / Staff City Administrator Johnson explained an issue with Fireside Restaurant failing to inform the City of new ownership and management of the restaurant which could be in violation of their liquor license. It was discussed whether or not the City should fine the restaurant for their lack of disclosure. City Administrator Johnson stated that Michael Herman, owner of Shenanigans, wrote a letter to the Community Development Director reiterating his interest in selling the bar to the City. The Council requested staff to find out what particular businesses are located in the houses along Highway 3 next to the Waterford complex. Council member Weisensel reminded the Council of the business park tour with the Port Authority scheduled for August 13t from 7:00- 10:00a.m. Mayor Droste stated staff will be meeting with DCTC and TKDA regarding a plan to possibly partner with YMCA for a facility at DCTC. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Mayor Droste made a motion to adjourn, Council member DeBettignies seconded. The meeting was adjourned at 10:34p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary D