HomeMy WebLinkAbout20111012 CCM - WS ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 12, 2011 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Rosemount Ciry Council was held on Wednesday,October 12,2011 at 6:30 p.m.in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145`'' Street`�est,Rosemount,Minnesota. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Kearney,DeBettignies,Shoe- Corrigan and Weisensel attending. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, Ciry Clerk • Domeier,Director of Public Works/City Engineer Brotzler,Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz,Finance Director May and Community Development Director Lindquist. DISCUSSION 2.A. Dakota County Transportation Update Director of Public Works JCity Engineer Brotzler introduced Dakota County Engineers Krebsbach and Sorenson. Mr. Krebsbach provided information on the Robert Street Corridor Alternative Analysis Study and updates on the project. He added that the County was aware of potential changes at the UMore site but that the project would have to follow the regional guidelines. Mr. Krebsbach also provided information on the 52 corridor updates and potential improvements for the enrire cortidor. Discussion was also held xegarding the lack of left turn lanes,poor sight lines, federal funding and the long term plans for the corridor. Mr. Brotzler stated that to receive MnDOT participation it would need to be a full system interchange. Mr. Sorenson provided an update on the 2030 Dakota County Transportation Plan. He provided information on the trends related to the changing revenues, aging system,alternative modes and demographics and continued growth. He also provided the goals proposed for the plan. Discussion ensued on the proposed improvements and expansions including the City participating in the costs. 2.B. SKB Development Contract Community Development Director Lindquist summarized the information provided in the staff report. Mayor Droste summarized that SKB was looking at converting organic waste into topsoil with no fee to the City because they intend to use it internally and potentially externally if successful. He expressed concerns about the truck loads and the conversion of the use on site from landfilling to recycling.. Rick O'Gara of SKB explained the landfill process and the amount of top soil needed for the operations. He noted that SKB was not changing over to a recycling facility. Mr. O'Gara provided graphs showing the 2010 City fees for MSW Landfills vs. Rosemount fees. He explained the calculation of landfill fees on a per cubic yard of air space,wet versus dry material and tonnage versus other measurements. He noted that some of the fees are much higher because those landfills are licensed for MSW,whereas the Rosemount landfill is not. He also showed a comparison of the 2010 fees and the proposed 2011 fees. Discussion was held about the composting process, the source separated solids that would now be brought to the site, and the Counry permitting process for composting. Mr. O'Gara stated he �vould rather try to negotiate a fee to permit the composting activity based on the landfill activiry instead of tying it directly to the composting. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 12, 2011 Council Member Shoe Corrigan stated that every landfill pays a different set of fees to the city that hosts it. She added that Rosemount has a host fee because�vhen the landfill is done the City�vill not be collecting tax dollars as the property�vill remain vacant. Discussion ensued regarding fees and uses at the landfill. SKB agreed that they will extend its current payment to the City of$25,000 per year for the lifetime of the facility's operation with conditions and will negotiate with staff on moving forward. The composting issue will be discussed separately from the host fee. The development agreement will need to be modified should the amended composting ordinance be adopted. 2.C. Draft Capital Improvement Program (CIP)for 2012-2021 City Administrator Johnson provided an overview of the highlighted items included in the CIP. Finance Director May noted that an additional$50,000 should be included in the 2012 CIP for the Akron Avenue Corridor Study. Mr.Johnson stated that for the seruor housing projected no projected cost was included at this time. He noted that there were funds in the building CIP for a potential partnership with the YMCA and DCTC for a future project. Council Member Weisensel questioned the equipment replacement in the Public Works Department. City Engineer Brotzler provided the specifics for the replacement of a dump truck. Council Member Kearney questioned the parks improvement funds. Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz summarized the uses for the funds,current funds on hand,costs for ball parks, tennis courts and neighborhood parks. Council Member Kearney questioned building maintenance and specifically the replacement of the shelter at Erickson Park. Discussion ensued regarding the rating of the parks in Rosemount and further explanation of the capital replacements was provided by Mr. Brotzler and Mr. Schultz. Mayor Droste suggested that staff should be looking at utilization of the parks. Discussion ensued regarding the replacement and upgrades to local parks. UPDATES 3.A. Community Gardens Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided an update on the community gardens. Discussion ensued about using neighborhood parks as pilot projects for additional garden space. 3.B. Possible Partnership with DCTC/YMCA Project Ciry Administrator Johnson provided an update on the potential partnership. He also shared some conceptual drawings. Concerns were raised about the costs based upon the partnerships. 3.C. Proposed amendments to MVTA Joint Powers Agreements City Administrator Johnson provided an update on the proposed amendments. His main concerns would be committing with revenue bonds and the liability to the City. Council Member Kearney expressed concerns about the County participating,revenue and voting implications. Mayor Droste provided background on the voting rights of the members. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 12, 2011 3.D.Youth Commission City Admirustrator Johnson provided an update on the appointment of Youth Commissioners. Director of Parks and Recrearion Schultz suggested using one of the applicants as the student liaison for the Parks Commission. The City Council supported appointing all applicants at this time without interviews. 3.E. Updates from City Council/Staff City Administrator Johnson stated that the November work session would need to be rescheduled. The City Council will instead meet on November 7,2011 at 6:30 p.m. He also provided an update on the coal tar ordinance. The City Council desired to discuss the ordinance again at a work session before consideration at a regular City Council meeting. Council Member Kearney provided his ideas for prioritizing projects, the fund balance policy and future SKB investments. Council Member`�eisensel provided an update on the DCC monthly statistics and recommended a book called Planning the Future. Mayor Droste provided updates on Frontier, a Greater MSP event,local veteran memorials and the upcoming wind turbine event. CITY ADMINISTRATOR PERFORMANCE REVIEW The City Council conducted the annual performance review of Ciry Administrator Johnson. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by Kearney, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 12:05 a.m. on October 12,2011. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk