HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Approval of the July 24, 2012 Work Session Meeting Minutes b. PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MEETING MINUTES JULY 24, 2012 PAGE 1 CaII to Order: Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a work session meeting of the Planning Commission was held on Tuesday, July 24, 2012. Chairperson Powell called the meeting to order at 7:10p.m. Commissioners Miller, Husain, DiNella, Demuth and Weber present. Commissioner Ege was absent. Also in attendance were Senior Planner Zweber, Planner Lindahl, and Recording Secretary Hanson. DISCUSSION: a. Request by Dakota Aggregates for a Large Scale Mineral Extraction Permit, Annual Operating Permit for DrylWet Mining Sub -Phase 1A; and an Interim Use Permit for Aggregate Processing (12 17 ME, 12 18 ME, 12 19 IUP). Dakota Aggregates has submitted an application for Large Scale Mineral Extraction permit for the forty year mining operation, the annual operation permit for dry /wet mining sub -phase 1A, and the IUP for the aggregate processing. Senior Planner Zweber gave a brief overview of applications submitted. Chairperson Powell asked Mr. Zweber to supply an overview of the studies that were completed on the effects of the additional traffic. Dave Hume, the City's groundwater consultant from Leggette, Brashears Graham, Inc. (LBG) gave a presentation of the Hydrogeologic Study and Water Monitoring Plan prepared by Barr Engineering for Dakota Aggregates on the UMore Mining Area. Included in Mr. Hume's presentation were the following: Background review of previous submittals Meetings with Dakota Aggregates and /or City Staff. Site location. General site stratigraphy (different levels of ground materials). Conceptual hydrogeologic cross section (groundwater flow direction). Uppermost saturated unit flow map; bedrock aquifer flow map. Groundwater flow simulation. Bedrock surface topography. Post mining distance between outwash and top Prairie du Chien bedrock aquifer. Location of SOCs (sites of concern). Mining schedule. Existing wells within 300 feet mining buffer. Groundwater Flow Paths. Diesel release simulation; pesticide release simulation. [A brief discussion took place regarding the direction of contaminant flow and the effects of where it could go. Mr. Zweber added that the groundwater monitoring wells are there to catch any contaminants flowing towards the groundwater.] Projected DWSMA (Drinking Water Supply Management Area) (2050 pumping) and aquifer vulnerability. Proposed MW (monitoring wells) locations. PLANNING COMMISSION WORK SESSION MEETING MINUTES JULY 24, 2012 PAGE 2 Mr. Zweber discussed the schedule for reviewing the entire mining plan and steps at each meeting. 8/28: public hearing. 9/11: work session review public hearing comments and discuss conditions. 9/25: public hearing continuation review staff recommendations. 2n Wednesday of following month: City Council work session to review PC recommendation and comments received. 3rd Tuesday of the following month: City Council meeting for formal action. Chairperson Powell stated there are approvals to be obtained from several other agencies and asked if those approvals will be conditions of the Commission's approval. Mr. Zweber replied that they will be conditions of approval and some of those approvals may be obtained by the next meeting. Chairperson Powell asked if the City has received any feedback from Empire Township. Mr. Zweber replied that staff has spoken with the chair and the township consultants. He stated that Empire Township has different issues including that a lot of surface water runs into the Vermillion River so that their groundwater monitoring will not focus on only well water but the river water also. Commissioner Weber asked about the access points hauling away from the mine and how the additional truck traffic will be handled. Mr. Zweber stated that traffic will not head south on Biscayne where the paving has ended. Also that the University will be expected to provide a contribution for improvement of Biscayne Avenue in the future and Dakota Aggregate will not be expected to contribute at this time. He further stated that Akron Avenue, south of County Road 42 is owned by the University, not the County. Mr. Zweber added that truck traffic will happen north of the ballfields and will pass ballfield traffic during operation time. The traffic issues can be discussed by the Planning Commission over the next three meetings. Chairperson Powell asked if the City could assess for roadway improvements that may be as a result of the additional truck traffic. Mr. Zweber responded that staff has begun verbal negotiations with the University and Dakota Aggregates, and the City Attorney is working an agreement to address those issues. Mr. Zweber stated that all of the plans have been submitted to Dakota County requesting their comments and staff should have their comments in time for the meeting on August 28` Adjournment: There being no further business to come before this Commission, Chairperson Power adjourned the meeting at 8:31p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kathie Hanson, Recording Secretary