HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.k. Minor PUD Amendment An Application From U.S. Homes Corporation (Lennar) for a Minor Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development 4 ROSEN'tOIJN1f EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: September 18, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Case 10-06-AMD — Minor PUD Amendment. An Application From U.S. Homes Corporation (Lennar) for a Minor Amendment to the AGENDA SECTION: Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Consent (PUD) Agreement Related to Impervious Surface Coverage Standards. PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P. AGENDA NO. Planner ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Minor Amendment to the Planned APPROVED BY: Unit Development Agreement for Prestwick Place, Site Map, Letter Spreadsheet from Lennar RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Motion to adopt a resolution approving a Minor Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development (PUD) agreement revising the maximum impervious surface coverage standard for Prestwick Place 3rd Addition, subject to conditions. 2. Motion to authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to execute a Minor Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development agreement revising the impervious surface coverage standard for Prestwick Place 3rd Addition. SUMMARY Applicant: U.S. Homes Corporation (Lennar) Location: West of Akron Avenue,north of County Road 42,and south of Connemara Trail. Area in Acres: 27.32 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Desig: LDR—Low Density Residential Current Zoning: R-1,Low Density Residential with the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development (PUD) The applicant, U.S. Homes Corporation (Lennar),requests an amendment to the existing Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development (PUD) agreement. Their proposed amendment would increase the maximum impervious surface lot coverage standard to forty percent (40%) for lots less than 9,750 square feet in size and thirty five percent (35%) for lots between 9,750 square feet and 11,250 square feet. In exchange for the increase in impervious surface coverage, staff is requiring the applicant to agree to certain architectural enhancements. The architectural enhancements are those regulated in the DR Horton project, also part of Prestwick Place. The applicant did not have an issue with the request as their models would comply with these requirements. Staff has administratively reviewed this item and recommends approval. Currently, the Prestwick Place PUD agreement is silent with respect to impervious surface coverage and Y � p p g specifically states that the underlying zoning ordinance standards apply when no specific standards is given. As a result, the thirty percent (30%) lot coverage standard for the R-1 Low Density district currently applies. According to the applicant (see attached letter), the combination of the relatively narrow lots in Prestwick Place 3`d and the thirty percent (30%) impervious surface coverage standard for the R-1,Low Density zoning district places significant restrictions on their ability to offer a choice of homes to their customers. Lennar believes that the requested change will allow their homes to fit properly within each home site and give future residents the opportunity to add reasonably sized improvements such as patios,walkways, and three season porches. By Ordinance city staff can administratively approve minor amendments to a planned unit development agreement. This process does not require a public hearing or action by the Planning Commission prior to staff review and action by the City Council. Council action is required because a PUD agreement is a contract between the developer and the City. BACKGROUND There are two main reasons behind impervious surface lot coverage standards. The first relates to storm water runoff. The City's Storm Water Management Plan was designed to accommodate urban development based upon certain assumptions. To create this plan, each zoning district was assigned a maximum impervious surface coverage standard. Based on these standards, the plan laid out a storm sewer and ponding system to accommodate the accompanying runoff. It also assigned a fee for each unit to pay for its impact on the storm water system. By limiting the impervious surface coverage to the designated standard, the City attempts to manage storm water runoff at a rate similar to natural open land conditions. The second reason for impervious surface coverage standards relates to aesthetics and development density. The proportion of pervious (open land and grass) versus impervious (buildings,patios, driveways, sidewalks) creates a certain atmosphere of openness or the feel of a more compact neighborhood. The higher the impervious surface coverage on a given property, the more dense a neighborhood appears. ISSUE ANALYSIS The Planned Unit Development amendment process is detailed in Section 11-10-6.E. It classifies amendments as either major or minor and establishes criteria for determining the classification. The proposed amendment is considered minor because it does not: 1. Substantially alters the location of buildings,parking areas or roads. 2. Increase or decrease the number of residential dwelling units by more than five percent (5%). 3. Increase the gross floor area of nonresidential buildings by more than five percent (5%) or increases the gross floor area of any individual building by more than ten percent (10%). 4. Increase the number of stories of any building. 5. Decrease the amount of open space by more than five percent (5%) or alters it in such a way as to change its original design or intended use. 6. Create noncompliance with any special condition attached to the approval of the master development plan. 2 The proposed minor amendment will maintain the current thirty percent (30%) impervious surface lot coverage on the majority of the lots in the Prestwick Place 3rd neighborhood (see table below). Overall, this neighborhood contains 64 single family lots. The applicant's request is to increase the maximum impervious surface lot coverage standard to forty percent (40%) for lots less than 9,750 square feet in size and thirty five percent (35%) for lots between 9,750 square feet and 11,250 square feet. Any lot larger than 11,250 square feet would be subject to the underlying zoning standard of thirty percent (30%). Given these standards, 35 lots remain at the current thirty percent (30%) standard, 13 lots will be allowed thirty five percent (35) coverage, and 16 lots will be allowed forty percent (40%) impervious surface coverage (see attached analysis from Lennar). Impervious Surface Coverage Analysis for Prestwick Place 3'd Addition Number Proposed Impervious Surface Coverage Standards of Lots Less than 9,750 sq. ft.=40% 9,751 to 11,250=35% Larger Than 11,250=30% Total 16 13 35 64 It should also be noted that the City Council recently approved increased imperious surface coverage standards for surrounding developments in both Prestwick Place and Greystone. In Prestwick Place, the City Council approved an increase to thirty five percent (35%) for the DR Horton development. In addition, the City Council approved the same proposed scale of impervious surface coverage standards in this application for the Greystone development. In exchange for the increase in impervious surface coverage, staff is requiring the applicant to agree to certain architectural enhancements. These enhancements are part of both the neighboring DR Horton development in Prestwick Place and the Greystone development just to the east. The applicant has agreed to these requirements and staff believes they will provide unifying architectural elements to these three distinct neighborhoods. These architectural enhancements include: • The front elevation designs shall including one of the following features: o Three and a half(3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding windows,doors, or the wall behind the front porch. o A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation,including the garage. o A side entry garage. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a Minor Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development (PUD) agreement to increase the maximum impervious surface lot coverage standard to forty percent (40%) for lots less than 9,750 square feet in size and thirty five percent (35%) for lots between 9,750 square feet and 11,250 square feet. Any lot larger than 11,250 square feet would remain subject to the underlying zoning standard of thirty percent (30%). In exchange for the increase in impervious surface coverage,staff is requesting the applicant to agree to certain architectural enhancements. These enhancements are part of both the neighboring DR Horton development in Prestwick Place and the Greystone development just to the east. The applicant has agreed to these requirements and staff believes they will provide unifying architectural elements to these three distinct neighborhoods. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant and the findings made in this report. 3 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2012 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE PRESTWICK PLACE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AGREEMENT REVISING THE MAXIMUM IMPERVIOUS SURFACE COVERAGE STANDARD AND REGULATING FRONT ELEVATION DESIGNS FOR PRESTWICK PLACE 3RD ADDITION WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received a request from U.S. Home Corporation (Lennar) to amend the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development agreement to revise the impervious surface coverage standards;and WHEREAS, this revision would increase the imperious surface coverage standard to forty percent (40%) for lots less than 9,750 square feet in size and thirty five percent (35%) for lots between 9,750 square feet and 11,250 square feet;and WHEREAS, the revision will also regulate the front building elevations to meet one of four standards listed in the PUD agreement,and WHEREAS, this revision is consistent with the standards for surrounding developments within the Prestwick Place and Greystone developments;and WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the proposed revisions and found them acceptable under the terms and conditions of the original Prestwick Place 3rd Addition Planned Unit Development agreement and recommends approval of this minor amendment to this PUD; and WHEREAS,minor amendments to a planned unit development (PUD) agreement may be reviewed and approved by the City Council without a public hearing before the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, on September 18`h, 2012, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the application and staff's recommendations. NOW,THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Minor Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development Agreement revising the impervious surface coverage standard for Prestwick Place 3rd Addition, subject to: 1. Execution of the Minor Amendment to the Prestwick Place Planned Unit Development agreement revising the impervious surface coverage standard for Prestwick Place 3rd Addition. ADOPTED this 18th day of September, 2012,by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. Y P Y �' tY William H. Droste,Mayor ATTEST: RESOLUTION 2010- Amy Domeier, City Clerk 2 AMENDMENT TO THE PRESTWICK PLACE 2ND ADDITION FINAL SITE AND BUILDING PLAN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT ADDING ADDITIONAL FRONT ELEVATION ENHANCEMENTS THIS DECLARATION made this day of , 2012, by and between the D.R. Horton, Inc. — Minnesota, a Delaware corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant"), and the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "City"); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property described on Attachment One, attached hereto and made a part hereof(hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Properties"); WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to a Planned Unit Development Agreement, "Prestwick Place 2" Addition Final Site and Building Plan Planned Unit Development Agreement" dated July 19, 2011, (hereinafter referred to as the "Planned Unit Development Agreement"); and WHEREAS, Declarant wishes to amend the Planned Unit Development Agreement as hereinafter provided, which amendment has been approved and consented to by the City of Rosemount, acting through its City Council, as evidenced by the duly authorized signatures of its officers affixed hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the Planned Unit Development Agreement except as modified herein. Paragraph 2.c. of the PUD Agreement shall be replaced with the following: c. The front elevation design shall including one of the following elements: 1 1) Three and a half(3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; 2) A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; 3) A side entry garage; 4) Or no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 2. Except as modified by paragraph 1 of this Amendment, the Planned Unit Development Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 3. The obligations and restrictions of this Amendment run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Amendment may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT D.R. Horton, Inc. - Minnesota By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of 2012, by , the , for and on behalf of D.R. Horton, Inc. - Minnesota by and on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public 2 This Amendment is approved and consented to by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT By: William H. Droste, Mayor And by: Amy Domeier, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ,2012, by William H. Droste and Amy Domeier, the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount,a Minnesota corporation,by and on behalf of said corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651-423-4411 3 LENNAM Jason Lindahl 8/28/2012 1 City of Rosemount 2875 145`h St West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Prestwick Place impervious coverage Dear Mr. Lindahl: The purpose of this application is to formally request the City of Rosemount review the impervious surface limits for the US Home Corporation, D/B/A Lennar portion of the Prestwick Place neighborhood. While we appreciate the City's willingness and flexibility to allow narrower lots, we have come to the realization that the underlying zoning as it relates to impervious restrictions puts incredible strain on our ability to build homes. With this application we are requesting that all homesites with an area less then 9,750 sq ft are allowed a maximum impervious coverage of40%. We further request homesites with sq ft areas between 9,751 and 11,250 are allowed maximum impervious coverage of 35%. We believe this change will allow our buildings to fit properly within each homesite and give the future residents opportunity to add reasonable sized improvements such as patios,fire pits,three season porches, and walkways to their home. Included with this letter is a table that demonstrates the limitations set forth by the current requirements. Homesites highlighted in yellow currently do not meet the requirements. The first group of homes represents our landmark collection that was designed for 65' wide homesites. The second group is made up of our university collection,designed to fit on 70' wide homesites. In the end,we feel this request will help the City maintain its intentions while allowing for the creation of a neighborhood for which it will be proud. We appreciate your consideration and foreword to your support of this request. If you have any questions,feel free to contact me. Best regards, - JQe Jablonski ,, 'Development Area Manager US Home Corporation, D/B/A Lennar 16305 36th Ave N - Suite 600 Plymouth, MN 55446-4270 auanbJeor. .. is I I .... —. __—--_..__ — 17 ze e e eIo e ae e e e eee e e eeee e e ee eee e e e eeee- ae eee(eeee ee-e e lI i OSO£ M N O N O M N^ Q r r Ni M N O N G)O O CO r CO N V•Q N^ ^^N^ N U1^I t0(0-N h 0 0 0 G)O I ''. 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