HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Request by KJ Walk, Inc. ROSEI\4OUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PLANNING COMMISSION Planning Commission Meeting Dates: September 25 and October 23, 2012 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: November 20, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Case 12-20-PP, 12-21-PUD, 12-22-FP, 12- AGENDA SECTION: 29-CUP, and 12-30-PUD Request by KJ Walk Inc. for a Eight (8) Lot Preliminary Plat; Public Hearing a Two (2) Lot Final Plat; Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning to C-4 PUD Zoning West of Business Parkway and C-3PUD Zoning East of Business Parkway; a Conditional Use Permit (CUP) for a gas station; and a Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan for a Country Inn & Suites. PREPARED BY: Eric Zweber, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 5.a. ATTACHMENTS: Location Map; Preliminary Plat; Final Plat; Preliminary Grading & Site Utilities Plan; APPROVED BY: SuperAmerica Color Rendering; Preliminary Gas Station Site Plan; SuperAmerica Elevations; SuperAmerica Floor Plan; Gas Station Landscape Plan; Country Inn & Suites Color Rendering; Country Inn & Suites Elevations; Hotel Site Plan; Hotel Landscape Plan; Hotel Photometric Plan; Joint Tenant Sign Elevations; Excerpt from the Draft September 25 Planning Commission Minutes; and E-mail from David Harchanko regarding Country Inn & Suites Elevation Changes. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Rosewood Commercial Preliminary Plat , subject to the following conditions: 1. Dedicate an additional 25 feet of Right-of-Way for County Road 42 per the Dakota County Plat Commission recommendation. 2. Provide and record an access easement across Lot 2, Block 1 from the private drive west of Business Parkway to Lot 1, Block 1. Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Rosewood Commercial Final Plat , subject to the following conditions: 1. Compliance with the Conditions of the Rosewood Commercial Preliminary Plat. 2. Payment of park dedication, GIS and truck utility charges shall be based upon 4.529 acres. 3. The drainage and utility easement over the storm water pipe shall be expanded to thirty five (35) feet in width. 4. The final plan for the trunk storm sewer system will be designed by the City Engineer. 5. The intersection of the private drive and Business Parkway will need to include the private drive lanes matching the alignment of the through travel lanes of 149th Street. Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with the Rezoning of the property from R-1: Low Density Residential and C-4: General Commercial to C-4 PUD: General Commercial Planned Unit Development West of Business Parkway and C-3 PUD: Highway Commercial Planned Unit Development East of Business Parkway, subject to the following conditions: 1. A deviation from City Code Section 11-8-6 C. 2. b. to allow a joint tenant monument sign up to twenty five (25) feet tall and displaying up to eight (8) separate businesses. Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Conditional Use Permit for a Gas Station with Car Wash, subject to the following conditions: 1. The north curb cut for the right-in ingress from Business Parkway shall not extend beyond the median curb. Final design of the right-in ingress must be approved by the City Engineer. 2. A sidewalk shall be installed from the south entrance from the gas station to the sidewalk on the east side of Business Parkway. 3. The canopy over the gasoline pumps shall not exceed eighteen (18) feet in height. 4. A photometric plan must be provided that shows that the light does not exceed 0.5 lumens on the north property line and 1.0 lumen on the east, south, and west property lines. 5. A three to one (3:1) slope berm shall be installed within Outlot A and planted with conifer trees spaced every fifteen (15) feet. 6. A landscaping security of $15,675 (57 trees times $225 per tree times 110%) shall be provided until all the vegetation is installed a one year warranty period has expired. Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan for a Hotel, subject to the following conditions: 1. A sidewalk shall be installed from the south entrance from the hotel to the sidewalk at the cul-de-sac of the private drive. 2. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-14 G. 3. to require 25% brick or stone of all non-glass exterior materials. The brick and stone should be focused on the architectural significant features such as the entry feature and the room columns. The remaining building material can be EIFS, cement fiber siding or PTAC grills. 3. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-14 F. 10. to allow the maximum principal building height up to be forty five (45) feet. 2 4. Stormwater for the site shall be directed to the pond to the north on Lot 7, Block 1. 5. An access easement to the maintenance bench of the pond to the north shall be provided to the City for recording. 6. A landscaping security of $7,425 (27 trees times $225 per tree times 110%) shall be provided until all the vegetation is installed a one year warranty period has expired. SUMMARY Warren Israelson of KJ Walk, Inc. has submitted an application for an eight (8) lot commercial subdivision that will provide a site for a new hotel and gas station with car wash,along with six (6 additional commercial lots. The plans indicate that there will be a private road west of Business Parkway and a public road east of Business Parkway.The public road will ultimately be extended to Biscayne Avenue and serve as an access for development in this project and for the adjoining property.The adjacent lot,currently owned by TCF Bank,is not part of this application,but the City is working with TCF and Mr. Israelson to see if the frontage road can be constructed in the near future to spur economic development.The City Council will begin discussing that issue at their November work session. The applicant has also submitted information for site plan and conditional use permit approvals for a gas station with canopy and drive-thru car wash;and for a Planned Unit Development Final Site and Building Plan approval for a three story hotel. The gas station will be located on Lot 1,Block 2,located east of Business Parkway and fronting onto County Road 42. The plans include five (5) pumping islands that can accommodate four (4) vehicles each. The 3,200 square foot building is located on the north side of the site,in-between the canopy and the public road,and single family residences beyond. The drive-thru car wash is located on the north of the building,with stacking on the north and east side of the building.The proposed gas station (non service stations having gas pumps) and car wash use prompts the need to rezone the property to a C-3 Highway Service Commercial. Because the entire commercial area will be a PUD the eastern side would be C-3 PUD and staff is looking at C-4 (General Commercial District) PUD in the west. The hotel is proposed to be located on Lot 6,Block 1, on the far west side of the site. The hotel is would be a Country Inn&Suites franchise with a three story design and approximately 70 rooms and a swimming pool. September 25, Planning Commission Meeting The Planning Commission conducted a public hearing at their September 25 meeting. One resident spoke during the hearing questioning the height of the screening trees that will be planted and the screening for the canopy lights. Senior Planner Zweber stated that the Code requires conifer trees to be six (6) feet tall when installed and the canopy lights will be completely recessed LED lights. The Planning Commission continued the Public Hearing to the October 23 meeting. Commissioner Husian questioned if vapors from the gas station were considered during the decision to locate the gas station, south of existing residences. Mr. Israelson did not know if SuperAmerica considered that issue during the design. Commissioner Husian has since provided articles to staff regarding gasoline vapor. Staff has prepared some comments regarding this issue later in this Executive Summary. 3 Commissioner Miller expressed concerns that the traffic from the gas station will exceed the local roads, including 149th Street and Business Parkway. Commissioner Miller requested additional analysis of the traffic for the October 23 meeting. Staff has provided additional traffic analysis information later in this Executive Summary. Preliminary Plat The site is 26.581 acres and is being platted into eight (8) lots and dedicates a portion of 149th Street right of way. There will be seven (7) lots west of Business Parkway, six (6) of which will gain access directly from the private drive. Lot 1,Block 1 will need an access easement across Lot 2,Block 1 to provide access to the private drive. There is no access allowed from County Road 42 or from the west due to the rail line. Lots range in size from 0.941 acres to 14.9 acres. The largest,lot 7 is anticipated for more of a big box user which is not identified at this time. Dakota County has required the dedication of an additional 25'of right of way along County Road 42. East of Business Parkway, there is one developable lot (Lot 1,Block 2), 60 foot wide right-of-way for 149th Street West, and an eighteen (18)wide outlot between 149th Street and the residents to the north. The outlot will contain a three foot high berm and a row of evergreen trees to screen the residents. Lot 1, Block 2 is proposed for a gas station,possibly a SuperAmerica. Access The primary access to the development is from Business Parkway. At this time there is a full access at the intersection with County Road 42. Under the approved County Road 42 Corridor Study,at some point the access will be modified to a 3/4 access. That means that cars from the east and west can turn in,and cars can turn right but there will be no left out from Business Parkway. Staff has been informed that the intersection modifications would occur when there was too much traffic at the intersection, therefore prompting safety concerns or when a signal light is installed at Biscayne Avenue. The idea is that people wanting to exit the commercial area to the east (left turn) would use a newly constructed frontage road, labeled 149th Street on the plat. The first segment of the road could be constructed with this project. Staff has begun conversations with TCF Bank, the owner of the adjacent property,explore if there are ways to construct 149th Street to Biscayne Avenue before the development of the TCF property occurs. The City Council will be discussing 149th Street extension at their November work session. Access to the individual platted lots will be through a combination of public or private access,depending upon lot location. Parcels in the west will use a private drive system, owned and maintained by the individual property owners. Engineering staff will review the road alignment and design to ensure it is acceptable and would accommodate the amount of commercial traffic anticipated by the overall project. The City does not have specific construction standards for private drives. In the east, the road will be public and designed by the City. It is anticipated that at the intersection with Business Parkway the road will have three lanes, one-in,and two-out;one being a left turn lane and the other for right or through movements. The road design will be of a commercial standard in recognition of the designated land use for the adjoining southern properties. Full access to the gas station will be from the public road (149th Street) to the north but also through a free right ingress access from Business Parkway. The current ingress access from Business Parkway may allow left turns in. Staff has prepared a condition that the north curb cut must extend beyond the median to ensure that the existing median on Business Parkway would prevent any left turn into the gas station. 4 149th Street will have turn lanes 300 feet long that will result in stacking and limitation on free turning movements and therefore there is a single access onto 149t Street located as far from the intersection as possible on the west side of the property. Sidewalks There are sidewalks existing on both sides of Business Parkway. The preliminary plat shows sidewalks on the south side of 149th Street, on the south side of the private drive across Lots 2, 3, and 4 of Block 1,then crossing to the north side of the private drive to the edge of Lot 6 that would contain the hotel. The site plans for the hotel and the gas station both show sidewalks in front of their businesses,but neither contains sidewalk connections from the business to the sidewalks along the roads. Staff has prepared a condition for the gas station conditional use permit (CUP) to require a sidewalk connection form the south business entrance to the sidewalk on the east side of Business Parkway. Staff has also prepared a condition for the hotel planned unit development (PUD) to require a sidewalk connection from the hotel main entrance to the sidewalk at the private drive cul-de-sac bulb. Final Plat The proposed final plat includes two (2) lots,three (3) outlots and the right-of-way for 149th Street and County Road 42. Lot 1,Block 1 is configured for the hotel and Lot 1,Block 2 is configured for the gas station with car wash. Staff finds that the final plat is consistent with preliminary plat. The developable area of the plat (Lot 1,Block 1;Lot 1,Block 2, and the right-of-way for 149th Street) is 4.529 acres. The developers will need to pay for park dedication and trunk utility charges based on 4.529 acres. The outlots will pay for their development charges upon a final plat that creates additional developable lots. Joint Signage As a part of the PUD approval,KJ Walk requests a deviation from the sign standards to construct a 22 foot 6 inch tall joint tenant sign in the southwest corner Lot 5,Block 1. The City Code limits signs to twenty feet in height,but the City has granted PUD deviations for joint signage in the recent past including Celtic Crossing and Rosemount Commons. The sign would accommodate seven signs,one for each commercial lot located west of Business Parkway. The sign located on the west side of the development would give the eastbound driver the most notification allowing the driver time to move to the left turn lane on Business Parkway. Staff would expect that having a larger joint use sign would reduce the amount of individual signs for each of the businesses. The sign is proposed of a stone base and parallel vertical columns with a standing seem metal hip and gable roof. The sign panel would have two larger sign panels on the top and five smaller sign panels below. The top most sign panel is expected to be saved for the anchor tenant of Lot7,Block 1, and County Inn&Suites is claiming the second panel. The bottom five panels would be reserved for Lots 1 through 5,Block 1. Staff is supportive of the design and height of the joint tenant sign,but staff is recommending the PUD requirement to be slightly taller than requested in case Lot 7,Block 1 has more than one tenant. Staff has prepared a recommendation that the sign be allowed to be up to twenty five (25) feet in height with up to eight (8) tenant signs. Dakota County Plat Commission/County Road 42 The Dakota County Plat Commission has required an additional 25 feet of right-of-way along County Road 42. The 2030 Dakota County Transportation Plan depicts County Road 42 expanding to a six lane road from Biscayne Avenue to the west. A six lane County Road requires 200 feet of right-of-way, 100 feet on each side of the road. There is currently 75 feet of right-of-way on the north side of County Road 42 requiring the additional 25 feet of right-of-way dedication. 5 The current intersection of Business Parkway is a full intersection,the long term County Road 42 plans describes the intersection as a 3/4 intersection. A 3/4 quarter intersection allows right and left turn onto Business Parkway,but only a right out onto County Road 42. The intersection of Claret Avenue and County Road 42 by the Cub Foods is an example of a 3/4 intersection. The Plat Commission stated that the 3/4 intersection may be required if safety concerns arise at the intersection or when 149th Street is extended to Biscayne Avenue. In preparation of the 3/4 intersection, the City has begun conversation with the property owner to the east,TCF Bank,to determine if it there is way to construction 149th street to Biscayne before their property develops. The City Council will discuss the 149th Street extension at their November work session. GAS STATION WITH CAR WASH The gas station is proposed to be a brick building with a shingled hip roof. Window and glass doors will face south towards County Road 42,a garbage enclosure is located on the west side of the building,and a car wash is attached to the north side of the building. The garbage enclosure is brick on the north and west sides and a composite wood door on the south side. The car wash is brick with three windows facing north and garage doors facing east and west. The canopy has brick columns and a color band around canopy. The lights proposed are LED lights fully recessed into the canopy and therefore the fixtures will not be visible from the neighboring properties. The canopy is proposed to be 20 feet 6 inches tall,2 feet 6 inches in excess of the Code maximum of 18 feet. Staff recommends that the canopy be lowered to 18 feet in height. A landscaping plan has been proposed for all four sides of the site and an additional twenty four(24) black hills spruce trees along the berm in the outlot north of 149th Street. The plan includes 57 trees and 156 scrubs. This landscape plan is compliant with the City Code. SuperAmerica has proposed four signs on the building and four signs on the canopy. The building has a "car wash" sign on the west side of building, a"SuperAmerica" sign of the east side of the sign, an illuminated"SuperAmerica" sign banner over the doors and windows on the south side of building,and a roughly 5 foot by 10 foot manual reader board sign located east of the entrance to state what sales they are having. The canopy has a 3 foot by 3 foot logo sign on the north and south side of the canopy and a "SuperAmerica" sign on the east and west sides of the canopy. Staff is supportive of the signs that are proposed. SuperAmerica has not submitted a pylon sign,but staff has discussed with them the sign standards. The photometric plan will need be revised to address the revised site plan and lot combination. Lighting levels cannot exceed 0.5 lumens on the north property line and 1.0 lumen on the east, south,and west property lines. Commissioner Husain's Gasoline Vapor Comments Commissioner Husian expressed concern with a gas station producing gasoline vapor too close to existing residents. Commissioner Husian provided staff a Discovery Magazine article that stated that a Spanish university conducted a study that observed gasoline vapors as far as 100 meters (328 feet) from a gasoline pump. The study recommended that gasoline pumps are placed at least 50 meters (164 feet) from residences and 100 meters from high risk uses, such as schools and hospitals. 6 The proposed gasoline pumps are located about 220 feet from the north gas station property line,about 290 feet from the nearest property line,and about 320 feet from the rear setback line of those residential lots. These measurements are in excess of the 164 feet recommended setback from the Spanish study. Commissioner Miller's Traffic Comments Commissioner Miller expressed concern that the traffic generated from the gas station will exceed the local roads surrounding the gas station. 149th Street will be constructed with a 240 foot long left turn land (turning south onto Business Parkway. The intersection of 149th Street and Business Parkway is 300 feet from County Road 42. At twenty (20) feet per car for stacking,that provides twenty seven (27) cars on 149th Street and Business Parkway before the other local streets would be effected. It is also unclear if the residential neighborhood will ultimately be disconnected from the traffic pattern in g Y p the south,near the commercial area. Several years ago,when a big box user was looking at the site, there was a plan which disconnected Business Parkway near the residential area. At this time, staff is not recommending a change to the local circulation,but it will be evaluated when there is more information about the other commercial development in the area. Under the current road pattern,there would be no reason for commercial traffic to head north into the residential neighborhood,unless the driver was from the neighborhood. HOTEL County Inn&Suites submitted a Planned Unit Development (PUD) Final Site and Building Plan application for the development of lot 6,Block 1. Staff understands that the location of a hotel on a lot that is not adjacent to County Road 42 is suitable. A three story hotel design on Lot 6,Block 1 will be visible from County Road 42 if a one story commercial use is constructed on Lot 5,Block 1. The PUD request is for flexibility in two C-4 zoning requirements: building height and building materials. The maximum building height for the C-4 district is 35 feet. This building height is suitable for the majority of commercial uses from most single story retail uses to a three story, flat roofed office building. The proposed hotel has a twelve (12) foot tall first floor,a ten (10) foot tall second floor,and an eight(8) foot tall third floor,resulting in a total of thirty (30) feet before the roof. The first and second stories are taller than the third floor due to the uses that located on the first floor. The hotel lobby and particularly the Y pool require ceiling heights that exceed a typical seven (7) plus foot ceiling height required for hotel rooms. For this reason, staff is supportive of a deviation for the C-4 principal building height up to 45 feet. The original hotel submittal showed the future fourth generation design. This is a much more modern design than the typical Country Inn&Suite design that has a pitched roof with a significant brick or stone exterior. The fourth generation design is dominated by a flat roof and a slate and grey appearance. The exterior building materials were only eleven percent(11%) stone,with the majority of the exterior material being fiber cement siding. Staff discussed with the applicant that this design was significantly different than the City Code requirement,listed as follows: 11-4-14 G. 3. Permitted Materials:The exterior wall surfaces of all buildings shall be constructed of at least fifty percent(50%)brick or natural stone. The remaining fifty percent(50%)of the wall surface may be specialty integral colored concrete block (including textured, burnished, and rock faced block), tile (masonry, stone or clay), architectural textured concrete panels cast in place, or better. EIFS or masonry stucco may be used for the sign band areas and/or architectural accents totaling no more than ten percent(10%)of the nonglass, brick or stone portion of the building. Unadorned concrete is prohibited. 7 Staff believes that a three story hotel has a significant different exterior design than a traditional single story retail use in the C-4 district and therefore staff can support some deviation from a 90%masonry building. The fourth generation design's 11% stone design is too far from the Code standard. When discussing the options of changes to the fourth generation design to add more brick or stone,the developer has offered to revert back to the third generation design that includes a pitched roof and earth tones. The developer stated that the third generation design is easier to include more brick and stone and staff believes that this design has more residential style elements and would transition better between the Downtown and the neighboring residential neighborhood. This decision to revert to the third generation design was made on Thursday, October 18 and therefore the revised building elevation could not be attached to this Executive Summary. The current attachments include a color rendering of the third generation design and black and white building elevation show the fourth generation design. Those building elevations describe the layout of the 70 room hotel design,but the building materials and roof style will change. Staff does not expect that the revised design will meet the 90%masonry standard,but will be better than the original 11% stone design. Staff has proposed a PUD condition that the non-glass exterior materials be at least 25%brick and stone and that the remaining materials can be EIFS, fiber cement siding, or packaged thermal air conditioning (PTAC) grills. The developer hopes to have the revised building elevations ready for the October 23 Planning Commission meeting. Staff will e-mail the elevations to the Planning Commission once they are received. The landscaping and photometric plans meet or exceed the Code requirements. The site plan includes the ability to expand the hotel to the west in the future if the hotel market could support the addition. Staff has prepared conditions that the storm water design be modified to send the storm water to the pond located on Lot 7,Block 1 to the north and to provide an easement to the storm water pond maintenance bench located in the northwest corner of the lot. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff has prepared recommendation for all five requests: preliminary plat, final plat,PUD master development plan with rezoning, site plan for the gas station,and PUD final site and building plan for the hotel. Staff prepared five separate motions so that the Planning Commission could comment or recommend changes to a single motion without affecting the other motions. 8 ROSEWOOD COMMERCIAL AIR. j ! :--. r '. hi.; . iiiS.. ,, ar ii°' .., f t "l __._._."�I. et- ,--IF, lh i ' . I' ll VI r: :? : - p.7, -t. -- 'i In mew: r , , ,.. ;4 4, ft...1, 'C , °I. , r . tie ; y ..a ,,+t , 1•t i ,: .r.. � -- i �' ,terI C !' ,,. 4,.. ir t ---r; r— _ , e ",� , ' .r 4 ",. r Y r i t. y .. it,ti j �, rrrrt- r r r. \\ . i:- 1/ •tali,t� "sir :� 4f _, .. _ f' �t 5- _ ,,. fi4,... i -`" I , r ' .—r` ` r--t—`: • ,. �+ r f- r` i` f , ' 141 r (. r-r-r--r,_ -t" - t_ ! - Ir." . C�\o/junntry Inn &Suites ` i ,_ f.•. lll"'lZl €;- �� , ,/ ROSEWOOD COMMERCIAL SuperAmeric • f Joint Tenant Sign 4 u? ,,,:,i ` 1 L a4 t E 1 ti +, ,nMM1l , . t�l°'�1 }A'� ,.. e l r {{# Y Lr S=e.M� �.. i r� / 3 6 4*t / . _ R i � l a. 'A wet :ti Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a Map Scale legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning 1 inch = 492 feet verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 9/20/2012 gi? • ' J aa l e4 ( � Eo= - a c gpea 44 0 1 �{ 01 occ, L o ion ' c i tifalifll gi {fi �wo > w A H <2a ei ` f E w T — 's a _ , l -g1}}11 62 ot N a -9- 7 -i am 1' -all } { 0 o B p —9--__...t i- — a'2 g g 8 N m rn°E o `8gt,P °. mr78 o I. °g T 3 o_VN33 or b =eg;2N33 E.' ¢ �'3m=.(17, cv°m '513 §o6Ut ° `, 2.51;11; cm °Q �m © c °pn t'= 1Oa2t co 0 so l i ; I /r , o // L. "''''''''.1 /7 4 �,� ,♦ // O `.r [•K iiiaL RINI y1S,mx I `.Y � , o f N n I r r--------- 1._ _8 3 I .....)j ♦\ I lJ� ` W ? ,F, 11 ♦`I a ` m a., J ; s a. „, V 1 r I -- 1 W \ \ LIJ a ,•D]'a6 K[e[ i1a 1[AK f= `\ w. ,_ s e ':--'— --x-----.--1 (l` .„, /C�'�TIC�YI�i�.,F�[0. �rl vl l�n •. [iL[[ R A—Ark • '!1'_ "E.s[- net,'MO i ti'i �x1 I O >. I `�i ° sl K I V F :' dad 0 ° R1 1. 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II` ---;\ --.2-._:\s Illi, ■‘4e I/ Sile \ --;10,C, ‘,_i- '773„i_14 ,_ _ . ..,... ...__..,,,_ ...., e . ,_ ,---,_ 000 __, ic„•••"" *....iit3 ..\\ r II . 1 �' l k gAS-6'. k, j4 . 4 .10) -- ) k ,�z -\ it, s ......, l i 1 I 1 I 9 =I I r • CI rim ,==: yr 1 . 'N./ EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 25, 2012 5.a. Request by KJ Walk Inc. for a Nine (9) Lot Preliminary Plat; a Two (2) Lot Final Plat; Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning to C-4 PUD Zoning West of Business Parkway and C-3PUD Zoning East of Business Parkway; and a Conditional Use Permit(CUP)for a SuperAmerica Gas Station (12-20-PP, 12-21-PUD, 12-22-FP, and 12-29-CUP). Senior Planner Zweber reviewed the staff report and stated that staff recommends approval of the Preliminary Plat with the five conditions. This recommendation would allow the City Council to approve the Preliminary Plat in October and,weather permitting, the developer to install the public 149th Street and the private drive before asphalt plants stop production. Mr. Zweber further stated that staff recommends that the Final Plat,PUD with Rezoning,and CUP Public Hearing be continued to October 23 for additional revisions. This continuance will also allow staff to post notice for the public hearing on October 23. The public hearing was opened at 6:43pm. The applicant,Warren Israelson, of KJ Walk, Inc.,presented the Commission with a revised site plan for the gas station showing they added width for the landscape buffer, combined the two lots, and fixed the exit onto 149th Street. He stated they are contemplating having two final plats since SA is in a more urgent status than the hotel. He requested the Commission approve the SA site plan with the preliminary plat to expedite the installation of the infrastructure. Commissioner Miller asked about the need for another gas station when there is a closed station on Highway 3 and another in operation on Highway 3 just on the other side of the railroad tracks. Mr. Israelson stated he was not privy to internal discussions of SA but he does know the location is important. He stated SA initially proposed four rows of pumps and after they completed further analysis, they increased it to five rows of pumps. He further stated it will be a corporate operated SA station. Commissioner Husain asked about the landscaping between the site and the residential area and also asked how the applicant was going to mitigate the potential health hazards from gas fumes. Mr. Israelson replied that the landscape buffer will be a 3 foot berm, 20 feet long with spruce trees spaced 15 feet apart which will provide nice screening. Mr. Israelson did not have any information with respect to the potential health hazard from the gas fumes. Commissioner DiNella asked staff if all of the items were submitted on one application or separate applications. Mr. Zweber stated that all five applications are filed separately and can be split so that the timing of events may be different. Chairperson Powell asked Mr. Zweber if this is the first time staff has seen the new site plans and asked for staff to comment on the closed gas station on Highway 3. Mr. Zweber stated that the City has had discussions with a potential buyer about reopening the gas station. Two problems for the site were lack of convenient store space and lack of spaces for cars. Mr. Zweber stated the traffic count between Highway 3 and County Road 42 is very different and that the City has received comments that the busier gas stations on the Highway 3 and County Road 42 are too busy at times and that causes traffic concerns. Mr. Zweber stated he spoke with the applicant by telephone earlier in the day but that he had not seen the new plans. Melissa Kenninger,2734 148th Street, thanked Mr. Zweber for his time in meeting with her individually on this matter. She requested there be a condition as to the height and type of spruce trees planted on the berm. She asked how the lighting will be shielded from the resident backyards. Ms. Kenninger then requested more information on the traffic design and expressed her concern with traffic using their street for a short cut to Biscayne. Chairperson Powell asked staff to provide background on the blocking of the roadway and what past discussions there were about a cul-de-sac. In addressing Ms. Kenninger's concerns,Mr. Zweber stated that City Code requires that pine trees are a minimum of 6 feet of height,but he expects 8 feet of screening at the SA site with the 6 foot tall trees being planted 2 feet up the side of the berm. With respect to lighting,Mr. Zweber stated that the building itself would provide a lot of the screening and explained what types of lights will be used and their strength. Mr. Zweber stated the lighting should be turned off after operating hours. With respect to the traffic pattern,Mr. Zweber stated the purpose for the new 149th Street going east to Biscayne is to alleviate the increase of traffic going north on Business Parkway. He gave a brief background of past discussions in averting the public from the residential area and stated the City could do traffic counts on the road in that area to get a better understanding of the impact. Chairperson Powell asked Mr. Zweber if staff had concerns with the new plans. Mr. Zweber stated the new drawings seem to address the concerns stated in the staff report. He stated that if the Commission is comfortable with the changes made,they could recommend approval to the City Council and any required corrections could be submitted in time for that meeting. Commissioner Miller asked what other businesses could be developed in a C3 zoning designation and asked for a clarification of the traffic access onto County Road 42. Mr. Zweber stated the main difference between C3 and C4 is C3 is for regional commercial. He explained on the site plan the access and direction of traffic and stated that it is planned to be 3/4 access with a signal light at Biscayne only. Chairperson Powell asked if SA was aware of the plan for the intersection to only be a 3/4 access and Mr. Zweber responded that they are. Chairperson Powell asked which Commissioners are prepared to vote on the SA site plan. Commissioners DiNella and Demuth each said they could vote on the site plan. Commissioner Miller said he would not be in favor of the rezoning given the increase in traffic. Chairperson Powell stated he was hesitant to take action considering staff has not had a chance to review the new plans. There were no further public comments. MOTION by Powell to continue the current public hearing to the October 23,2012, Planning Commission meeting for the Rosewood Commercial Final Plat, the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning, and the SuperAmerica Conditional Use Permit. Second by Miller. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion approved. MOTION by DiNella to table the Rosewood Commercial Preliminary Plat until the October 23,2012 Planning Commission meeting. Second by Miller. Ayes: 6. Nays: None. Motion approved. From: David Harchanko [mailto:davidh @apollodevco.com] Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2012 2:40 PM To: Zweber, Eric Cc: Luke Israelson; Warren Israelson; Campbell, Christopher; trumanh @th-arch.com; Joe Goracke; Mark Mayville Subject: RE: Country Inn &Suites Exterior Materials Hi Eric, Thanks you for helping to keep us on track with the Planning Department review and submittal process as you prepare for the next public meeting. We discussed the Rosemount PUD requirements with respect to the hotel design and have determined that we are agreeable to using a current Country Inn & Suites prototype design instead of the `modern' version previously submitted. We agree that a traditional design will fit well considering the proximity to downtown Rosemount and the residential areas. These more traditional designs will also facilitate closer compliance to the PUD guidelines. The building footprint will change slightly but we will retain the basic site plan configuration. I have attached some examples of what the building can look like—we will need to work with you regarding the selections and exact placement of materials. Best Regards, David Harchanko www.apollodevco.com 1Apollo rvcit pritent 17815 Hutchins Drive Minnetonka MN 55345 952-401-7883