HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.C. Captial Improvements Plan �� ROS�MQI..I� EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: November 14, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Capital Improvements Plan A ENDA SECTION: � PREPARED BY: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator AGENDA NO. 2�� ATTACHMENTS: Proposed 2013-2022 CIP; Memos from Andy Brotzler on Equipment and Water APPROVED BY: Treatment Plant 0 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and direct staff on any changes BACKGROUND The City updates its 10 year Capital Improvements Plan (CIP) annually. The CIP is a good planning tool and is looked upon favorably by bond rating agencies. This latest update incorporates both new projects identified in the City's 2012-2013 goals and updates available sources of funds. Staff consideYS that all pYOjects shown in the plan can be funded with available or reasonably projected revenues with the exception of the unfunded "future" items listed on the last page. DISCUSSION The updated plan provides for all of the projects specifically mentioned in the 2012-2013 adopted Council Goals including the Highway 3 underpass, neighborhood amenities, a splash pad, Erickson park builcling improvements, tennis courts and senior exercise stations. Brazil Avenue and the Erickson Park parking lot were both paved this year. The plan also continues to provide for a public Senior Center and for a joint indoor recreation project with the YMCA and DCTC. The Park and Ride facility is also under construcrion and may be in service before the end of 2012. The 2013 portion of the plan also provides for improvements in the sound and lighting at the Steeple Center as well as the addition of air conditioning. New tables and chairs and renovated restrooms for the Community Center are also included. The plan also shows some design and ROW acquisition costs for the County Road 42/Highway 52 interchange and construction of the proposed frontage road north of County Road 42 and east of Business Parkway. Last, but not least, funding for initial development of the greenfields on the Flint Hills park property is included. A new project in 2014 is pedestrian railroad crossing improvements at the 145th street crossing. Equipment needs were discussed with the Council several months ago when Andy Brotzler brought forwaxd a new system for evaluating equipment replacement needs which is partially modeled after the Dakota County system. The Council directed that staff unplement the new evaluation system and a separate memo in this packet shows the Yesults of the unplementation. r�ll major items of equipment must be individually approved by the Council before they are actually purchased. There is also a separate memo on a water treatment plant which may be scheduled for 2016 or some ensuing year. While the City is not faced with violation of any primary drinking water standards, quality issues relating to iron and manganese in the water may indicate that a water treatment plant should be constructed. This reasonable projection that we may want a treatment plant is the main reason for the periodic increases in water rates the past few years. CONCLUSION The Council should review the program,particularly the portions in the early years, and direct staff on any desixed changes. The draft plan will then be scheduled for review by the Planning Commission to verify that it is not inconsistent with the adopted Comprehensive Plan and will finally be presented for adoption by the Council in December. 2 �"iROSEIuIOLINT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: November 14, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Fleet Evaluation Matrix AGENDA SECTION: PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of Fj�►'V AGENDA NO. Works/City Engineer a ATTACHMENTS: Draft Final Fleet Evaluation Matrix, Fleet APPROVED BY: Replacement Worksheet, Vendor Letter RECOMMENDED ACTION: Review and discuss. BACKGROUND The attached fleet evaluation matrix was reviewed by Council at the August 15, 2012 City Council Work Session. During this re�iew, the following items were noted and have been completed: • Update Fleet Replacement Worksheet to include "Estimated Replacement Cost", "Scheduled Replacement Year", and"Recommended Replacement Year". • Evaluate and compare financial impact to long-term funding based on new evaluation method. o The annual Equipment CIP levy amount is and has been based as an annual average of the long-range funding needs for the replacement of capital equipment,including fleet vehicles. Overall, the utilization of the matrix results in ininimal changes to the previously anticipated schedule for the replacement of equipment. As shown in the attached Fleet Replacement Worksheet,at this time only three items are proposed to be advanced by one year each. r�lso, there are five vehicles that have been deferred one or more years from the anticipated replacement year based on the evaluation. • Distribute draft Fleet Evaluation Matrix for vendor review. o The draft Fleet Evaluation Matr�was forwaYded to MacQueen Equipment, Inc., RDO Equipment Co., and Titan 1�lachinert. r� response�vas received from l�lacQueen Equipment, Inc. and staff inet with a representative from MacQueen Equipment, Inc. who noted that the proposed criteria and scoring system appeared reasonable. • Survey� surrounding communities to inquire�vhether squad cars are serviced in-house or externally. o Lieutenant Ericson conducted an informal survey and reported that all responding communities utilize in-house resources to ser�-ice squad caYS. G:APublic Woxks\I?yuipmen[\F?quipment Replac�ment\2111 21 1 1 4 CW5 tlect c��aluation matris.docs • Develop vehicle idling policy. o To date, Public Works has maintained an unwritten pracuce for vehicle idling based on varying conditions throughout a ��ear. In an effort to clarify the expectations for vehicle idling in the Public Works Department, an adininistrative policy has been prepared that outlines the protocol and eYpectations for vehicle idling based on the conditions and equipment being utilized. r1s previously discussed, the Draft Final Fleet Evaluation l�latrix has been prepared to address the following goals: • To provide an objective method for the consistent evaluauon for equipment replacement • To balance the effective eYpenditure of City dollars on a fleet currendy valued at$3,376,000 * • To preserve the ser�-ice levels defined in the Publlc Works Quality Standards SUMMARY �t this time, staff would like to review with Council the Draft Final Fleet Evaluation 1�latrix. The Final Fleet Evaluation MatriY will be incorporated into the Public Works Quality Standards as the basis for evaluating and determining the timing for the future replacement of equipment. It is anticipated that the annual update of the Public Works Qualiry Standards will be brought before Council in December. *The fleet value of�3,376,000 includes light-duty pickups, heavy-duty plow trucks,and heavy-duty equipment in the Public`�'orks Department only. It does not include lawn mowers,small equipment or Police or Fire Department vehicles. 2 ROSE1VlOLiNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT September 25, 2012 1�1r. Dave Wiese MacQueen Equipment, Inc. 595 r�ldine Street St. Paul, MN 55104 Re: Equipment Evaluation Matrix Dear Mr. Weise: Enclosed is an equipment evaluation matrix we have developed at the City of Rosemount. Our goal in developing this matr�was to create an objective evaluation of our equipment so that a reasonable, long-term replacement schedule can be established. We are seeking your input to deterinine if the parameters for heavy equipment are reasonable as listed in the matrix. Our Public Works staff will be discussing this evaluation matriY with the Cit��Council at a work session on October 10, 2012. Please respond with your comments by Wednesday, October 3 so we can include the information in our discussion at the Work Session. 1�1y contact information is listed below. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. We appreciate your feedback. Sincerely, Christine A. Watson,Public Works Coordinator 651-322-2091 chtistine.�vatson a,ci.rosemountmn.us Cc: r,ndrew J. Brotzler, Director of Public Works / City Engineer Jim Koslowski,Public Works Supervisor Dean Sandstrom, City I�Techanic Bill Murphy, City Mechanic C:AUsers\ajb\Appllata\],ocal\�[icrosoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Riles\ContentOudool;AR'C�]JO1\20120925 request[o reciew macris- Mac(�uccn(3)docs � � 1 �' d ;� :� F }� �' IDE A �JD l� �iOGRE55 2875 145th Street West• Rosemount,MN 55068-4997 •651-423-4411 •TDD/TTY 651-423-6219• Fax 651-322-2694 www.ci.rosemouni.mn.us � R EMOLINT , OS PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT September 25, 2012 Mr. Tun Thompson RDO Equipment Co. 12500 DuPont Avenue S Burnsville, MN 55337 Re: Equipment Evaluation Matrix Dear Mr. Thompson: Enclosed is an equipment evaluation matrix we ha�re developed at the City of Rosemount. Our goal in developing this matr�was to create an objective evaluation of our equipment so that a reasonable,long-term replacement schedule can be established. We are seeking your input to determine if the parameters for heav-y equipment are reasonable as listed in the matrix. Our Public Works staff will be discussing this evaluation matri�c with the City Council at a work session on October 10, 2012. Please respond with your comments by Wednesday, October 3 so��e can include the information in our discussion at the Work Session. 1�1�� contact information is listed below. Thank you so much for your time and consideration. We appreciate your feedback. Sincerely, Christine A. Watson, Public Works Coordinator 651-322-2091 christine.�catson cr�ci.rc>semount.mn.us Cc: �ndrew J. Brotzler, Director of Public Works / City Engineer Jim Koslowski, Public Works Super�-isor Dean Sandstrom, City Mechanic Bill Murphy, City Mechanic C:AUsers\ajb\.AppData\Local\blierosof[\Windo�vsV"1'emporary Intemet 1�iles\ContentOutlook\R'f(ZJI]O1\2ULU925 cequest to re�-ic�c matris- Rll0(2).docx SPIRIT OF PR/DE AND Pf? OGRESS 2875 145th Street West• Rosemount,MN 55068-4997 •651-423-4411 •TDD/TTY 651-423-6219• Fax 651-322-2694 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us � R E1Vl NT , os ou PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT September 25,2012 Titan Machinery 15125 South Robert Trail Rosemount, 1�1N 55068 Re: Equipment Evaluation Matrix Dear Equipment Sales Manager: Enclosed is an equipment evaluation matriY we have developed at the City� of Rosemount. Our goal in developing this matr�was to create an objective evaluation of our equipment so that a reasonable, long-term replacement schedule can be established. We aYe seeking your input to determine if the parameters for heavy equipment are reasonable as listed in the matrix. Our Public Works staff will be discussing this evaluarion matrix with the City Council at a work session on October 10, 2012. Please respond with your comments by Wednesday, October 3 so we can include the information in our discussion at the Work Session. My contact information is listed belo�v. Thank y�ou so much for your time and consideration. We appreciate youY feedback. Sincerely, Christine r1. Watson, Public Works Coordinator 651-322-2091 christm�.��-atson a�ci.rosemountmn.us Cc: r�ndrew J. Brotzler, Director of Public Works / Ciry Engineer Jim Koslowski, Public Works Supervisor Dean Sandstrom, City Mechanic Bill Murphy, Ciry Mechanic C:AUsess\ajb\AppData\Local\blierosoft\Windows\1'empocary In[eme[Piles\ContentOudook\RTQJI,f O1\20120925 reques-t to review matriz- "l�itan(2).docs SPIRIT OF PRIDE AND P� OGRES � 2875 145th Street West• Rosemount,MN 55068-4997• 651-423-4411 •TDD/TTY 651-423-6219• Fax 651-322-2694 www.ci.rosemount.mn.us Equipment Evaluation and Cost Summary _ _ -- I _ i -- . _ _ _ __ _- -- _ _ . � ; i � Service ' Critical Estimated Years Scheduled Recommended Current j Total ' IVehicle ! ' Type Condition ' Function ' Purchase Replacement Since Replacement Replacement Age Mileage or Mileage Maintenance M&R Reliability Total Condition ID Description Rating Rating Rating Purchase Date Cost'` Cost Purchase Year** CIP Year Year Rating Hours Rating Costs i Rating Rating Rating i Category 434 Dump Tandem 3 4 3 05/21/01 $126,245 $165,000 11.4 2013 2013 2013 11 92,239 6 $61,208 4 Y 5 36 � IV - - - -- -_ - - � _ - - . _ _ _- - __ - - __ _ , 603 Explorer- Parks 1 3 1 ! 08/05/98 $28,622 $30,000 142 2010 2013 2013 14 94,254 9 $12,818 4 1 33 IV _ -- - -- - - - -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �� 8431 Water Truck 3 4 4 02/02/98 $98,990 $130,000 14.7 i 2010 2013 2013 14 89,491 5 ! $27,044 2 3 35 IV - ._ _ - - - - -_ _ - _. __ _ _ - - - --- - $253,857 $325,000 � 2013 Total � $101,070 � - _ - -- - -- __ _ - - - __ _. . - __ - __ -_ _ __ _ _ - - j 306 Pick Up F350 Dump 2 4 2 04/02/99 $40,914 $50,000 13.6 2011 2013 2014 13 45,410 4 $5,857 1 1 27 III � 307 ,Pick Up F350 2 4 ' 2 j 04/26/99 $28,629 $35,000 13.5 _2011 _ 2013 _ 2014 13 57,119 5 ' $5,690 2 1 29 i III 335 Pick Up F350 w/Top 1 3 1 11/30/00 $30,719 $35,000 11.9 2012 2013 _ 2014 11 108,450 10 � $4,989 , 1 1 II 28 � III � __ - --_ _. __ __ __ _ __ _ _ __ _- - - _ __ _ -- 343 Pick Up F250 1 3 I 1 06/12/00_ $23,897 $30,000 12.4 __ 2012 2013 2014 12 77,411 _ 7 $8,427 3 1 � 28 III I � 344 Pick Up F350 Dump I 2 3 2 07/06/00 $24,222 $50,000 12.3 ' 2012 2013 2014 12 49,036 � 4 ! $10,636 4 1 28 � III 433 Dump Single 3 3 _ 3 05/21/01 _ $104,867 L $160,000 i 11.4 � 2013 , 2014 2014 11 i 59,226 3 i $20,007 1 3 27 ' III � ,_ _ _ - _ __ _ _ 8408 Tractor-John Deere 3 3 2 08/14/02 $37,963 $100,000 10.2 2022 2022 2014 10 2,830 5 $20,159 5 1 :, 29 I III - - - - - __ __ _ . _ _ _ __ _ _ -- � _ . _ _ . _ �8421 Loader 3 , 3 2 05/23/95 $168,516 $200,000 17.4 2015 2015 2014 17 6,526 6 $49,922 3 1 3� IV _ - __ _ _ ----- - - - - - - - 8446 Vactor' 2 3 4 06/19/95 $199,605 $325,000 17.4 2015 2015 2014 17 2,379 2 $32,861 1 1 30 IV _ r _ _ $659,332 $985,000 _, _2014 Total . _ - $158,548 � - - - _ - - - _ � _ _ _ _ _ - 311 Pick Up F350_ 2 3 2 05/08/03 $26,314 $35,000 9.5 2015 2015 2015 9 70,746 7 $4,344 1 1 25 II _- ----- - - - - - -- _ . - - - - - - - - - - - _. � 312 Pick Up F350 2 3 � 2 05/08/03 $26,170 $35,000 9.5 2015 2015 2015 I 9 _ 61,014 6 $7,705 � �25 II � 331 Pick Up F350 2 3 2 03/11/03 $27,481 $35,000 9.6 2015 2015 2015 9 63,623 6 , $4,176 1 1 , 24 II I � 303 Dakota- Inspections � 1 � 4 1 03/27/99 $18,206 $25,000 13.6 2011 2015 2015 13 41,519 4 $3,691 2 1 26 III � 601 Van - Parks T 1 2 1 05/22/03 $20,478 $30,000 9.4 2015 2015 2015 9 ' 24,150 2 $1,813 1 1 17 I _ 1 � _ - - - _ - - _ : - - - _ _ _ 8413 Grader 3 4 � 4 + 05/16/01 $174,707 $200,000 11.5 2016 2016 2015 11 i 5,096 5 � $48,562 2 3 32 IV i � - _ _ _ _- - _ _ _ _ � 8444 Sweeper _ 2 2 ' 2 02/10/05 $143,953 $170,000 7.7 2015 2015 2015 7 1,931 3 $32,423 2 3 � 21 II __ _ _ i _ . - _ _ __ _ .- _ _ _ _ _ - - � $437,309 ' $530,000 ' �! T � 2015 Total � ' $102,714 ! -1 ��_ - - - - _ -- -- - _ - - -- - - - - - - - - - - j 310 Pick U F350 Dum 2 3 ' 2 � 03/12/03 $43,580 $50,000 9.6 2015 2016 2016 9 37,600 3 $4,282 1 1 21 II _ _ i -- - _ - _ _ _ _ - - __ _ ! 332 Pick Up F350 2 4 2 03/04/03 $28,895 $35,000 9.7 2015 2016 2016 9 52,819 5 $7,052 2 1 25 II � - - - --._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , - - -- � - - ' 333 Pick Up F350 � 2 3 2 03/05/03 $27,846 $35,000 9.7 2015 2016 2016 9 43,817 4 $6,117 2 1 23 II ' - - - - _ _ 334 Pick Up F350 2 3 2 ; 02/24/03 $27,264 $35,000 9.7 2015 2016 2016 9 54,803 5 $5,404 2 1 24 II _ _ _ __. _. _ - - - - - _ 336 Pick Up F350 2 � 2 2 05/05/04 $26,410 $35,000 8.5 2016 2016 2016 8 69,661 6 , $5,427 2 1 23 II _ _ _ _ _ _. - - - - ' 8409 Tractor- New Holland � 3 ! 3 2 � 11/15/01 $118,228 $125,000 11.0 2021 2021 2016 10 2,337 4 $23,025 1 ' 5 28 ' III - - - _ _ _ _ I $272,223 $315,000 ! 2016 Total $51,307 __ _ _ , - - __ _ _- - 435 Dump Tandem 3 2 3 07/27/05 $161,609 $175,000 7.3 2017 2017 2017 7 i 57,376 3 $23,001 1 3 22 II - ,_ _ . _ _ _ 614 Taurus - Inspections ' 1 2 1 06/16/05 $13,433 $20,000 7.4 2017 2017 2017 I 7 42,100 4 $1,811 1 1 17 I 8443 Sweeper 2 2 2 02/23/07 $144,197 $170,000 5.7 ' 2017 2017 2017 5 1,204 2 $11,651 1 1 � 15 I - - - - - _. , $319,239 $365,000 2017 Total ' $36,463 Condition Categories < 20 = Excellent (I) 20-24 = Good (II) G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\Equipment Rating 2012 25 -30 = Qualifies for Replacement(III) Sorted by Year Page 1 of 2 > 30 = Needs Immediate Consideration (IV) Equipment Evaluation and Cost Summary I , Service I' � Criticai Estimated Years Scheduled Recommended Current Total I � � � I Vehicle Type Condition Function Purchase Replacement Since Replacement Replacement Age Mileage or Mileage Maintenance M&R Reliability Totai �Condition ID Description Rating Rating Rating Purchase Date Cost* Cost Purchase Year"* CIP Year Year Rating Hours Ratiny Costs Rating Rating Rating Category 315 Pick Up F350 2 2 2 05/26/06 $24,252 $35,000 6.4 2018 2018 2018 6 42,127 4 � $11,028 4 3 23 I II - - - -- _ - - _ _ - - -- -- - - -_ _-- � _ 329 Pick Up F150 Crew Cab 1 2 1 04/14/06 $28,760 $32,000 6.5 2018 2018 2018 6 45,517 4 $5,267 1 1 16 I -_ - , ____ _ -_. 340 Pick Up F350 Dump 2 2 2 06/05/06 $43,334 $50,000 6.4 2018 2018 2018 6 28,748 2 $2,257 1 1 16 � I � � --_ � _ _ _�_ - --- --- _ _ _ _ ___ - . . _ . - - - 346 Pick Up F150 Ex Cab 1 I 2 1 '! 05/08/06 $24,865 $30,000 6.5 2018 2018 2018 6 � 28,861 2 $4,054 1 1 14 I _ . _ __ 436 Dump Single 3 2 3 07/27/05 $126,878 $160,000 7.3 2017 2018 2018 7 34,279 2 $15,503 1 3 21 II � - --- __ _ _ __ ___ . - - : 612 Focus- Inspections 1 I 2 ' 1 04/03/00 $13,806 $20,000 12.6 2012 2018 2018 12 40,112 4 $1,857 1 1 22 ' II _ ___ _ '; � _ _ _ - -- __ - _. - -- __ _ 613 'Focus-Comm Center , 1 2 1 �, 04/03/00 $13,806 $20,000 12.6 2012 2013 2018 , 12 40,988 4 � $2,696 2 1 23 II _ _ ; _ : _ - ,_ '�, 621 Minivan -City Hall � 1�- 3 1 04/01/98 $19,559 $25,000 14.6 2010 2013 2018 �� 46,296 4 { $2,199 1 , 1 25 II _ _ __ _ - _ -- - - - _ _ . _ -------T 8417 Sidewalk Trac 2 4 ' 4 11/23/03 $74,336 $100,000 8.9 2023 2013 2018 8 888 1 $10,615 1 '� 1 ' 21 II 8445 Jetter' 2 2 4 04/10/06 $172,453 $200,000 6.6 2018 2018 2018 6 2,201 2 _ $14,655 1 1 � 18 I �_ i ____ _ ' , � $542,048 $672,000 ' � 2018 Total � � $70,131 345 Pick Up F350 UtC�ane _---_2 2 3 05/18/07 - $42,5�20 $00 000 5.5 2019 2019 2019 5 48,588 4 $7,269 - 1 1 I 18 I i ' P Y ' I _ __ _ -- __ _ _ � ' � $135,922 $150,000 2019 Total , $14,505 _ - - __ . _ __ _ _ ._ __ __ _-- -- -- ' 430 Dump Single 3 i 1 3 08/29/08 $156,970 $175,000 4.2 2020 2020 2020 4 17,507 1 �' $8,182 1 3 16 I _ ----- - __ - - -_ __ _ _ - . _- - - - _. _ ---�- 615 Ranger- Inspections 1 1 1 01/28/08 $17,896 $25,000 4.8 2020 2020 2020 4 23,209 2 $1,019 1 1 11 I ' r - - -. - _ _ __ _ I $174,866 $200,000 2020 Total ' _ � $9,201 - --- -_ - - - _ _ ___ _ .___ __ � ___ -- -- �' 330 Pick Up F350 Ex Cab 2 1 2 05/17/11 $34,109 $35,000 1.5 2023 2023 2023 1 9,210 0 ' $264 1 1 ' 8 i � -_ -- _�___ . _ --- _ _ _ __-- 341 Pick Up F350 2 1 2 05/17/11 $32,116 $35,000 1.5 2023 2023 2023 1 7,979 0 $284 1 1 8 I - - - __ _ _ _ ___ _-- ' $66,225 $70,000 2023 Total $548 - � -- - - -- _ - -- - � 432 Dump Single 3 � 1 3 07/20/12 ' $160,000 $175,000 _ 0.3 2024 2024 2024 0 , 100 0 $50 1 1 9 I � _ - __ - --- . _ _ _ _ _ - -- __- I 8419 �oader 3 2 2 07/06/05 $200,711 $210,000 7.3 2025 2025 2025 7 2,219 2 $25,640 1 3 20 II - -- _ _ - __ - -- _ _ _ , 8406 Tractor-John Deere 3 2 � 2 08/09/06 $42,363 $100,000 6.2 2026 2026 2026 6 1790 3 $9,206 2 1 19 I _____ _-�-- - - - - _ 8407 Tractor/Backhoe 2 2 ' 3 03/28/08 $111,715 $130,000 4.6 2028 2028 2028 4 1,047 2 $3,228 1 1 � 15 I --- -__ __ __ __ - _ _ $3,375,811 $4,227,000 Grand Total $582,611 'Vactor and Jetter trucks paid with Sewer and Storm Utility funds, not Equipment CIP funds. '' Purchase Cost provided by Finance Department " Scheduled Replacement Year is based on expected life as defined in the Public Works Quality Standards Qualifies for Replacement Needs Immediate Consideration Condition Categories <20 = Excellent(I) 20 -24 = Good (II) G:\Public Works\Equipment\Equipment Replacement\Equipment Rating 2012 25 - 30 = Qualifies for Replacement(III) Sorted by Year Page 2 of 2 > 30 = Needs Immediate Consideration (IV) !tROSENIOLIl�1T EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: November 14, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Water and Sewer Utility Rate Review and AGENDA SECTION: Future Water Treatment Facility PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director o��lic AGENDA NO. Works/City Engineer + ATTACHMENTS: October 8, 2012 Utility Commission Executive Summary; Memorandum from APPROVED BY: Nancy Zeigler, WSB &Associates, Inc.; Figure for Water Issue Calls RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND: In 2010 the City implemented a tiered water rate structure to compl��with state requirements for the promorion of water conser�-ation. r�s part of this effort, staff developed a long-range model for the water and utiliry funds to assist with the evaluation and establishment of both water and se�cer utilit��rates. These models,which are included in the attached Utility Commission Executive Summary from the October 8, 2012 Utility Commission meeting, project out 10-years both the anticipated eYpenditures and revenue needs to correlate with the pYOposed rates. The Utility Cotiunission did review the proposed 2013 water and sewer utility rates and passed a motion to recommend City Council approval of the rate changes shown for 2013. Additionally, for the water rate projections, the model includes the funding with debt service of a future water treatment facility beginning in 2016. This is not to say that 2016 is the exact time that a water treatment facility�vill be constructed; rather it is the earliest date that the construction of�vater treatment facility is fmancially feasible based on the current and proposed water utilit5�rate increases and water utility fund balance. Over the years there have been several informal discussions about the need and tii�iing for a water treatment facility. At this time, the city is able to meet the primary drinking water standards established by the I�iinnesota Departtnent of Health and EPA with the addition of chlorine, fluoride, and polyphosphate at each city well. Based on this and the anticipation that future wells may produce similar quality water,it is not anticipated that a�vatex treatment facility will be necessary to meet the primary drinking�vater standards. The one exception to this, as outlined in the attached memorandum from Nancy� Zeigler, is in regards to radium levels in the city's source water. To date, radium levels have not exceeded the primary-drinking water standard, but in one instance during the development of Well 12, radium levels in the test�vell�vere near the maYimum leveL Follo�ving development and construction of the production�vell, the radium levels fell�vell belo�v the maxirrium level. G:AUtilitics\Itatcs\2U121114 CWS Water Sewer Rates&WTP.docs Based on the above information, the need or desire for a water treatment facility would be to meet secondary drinking water standards for iron and manganese. Secondary drinking water standards relate to the aesthetic quality of water and are not health-related. This generally includes taste, color and odor of the water. Currendy the city's water does not meet the secondary drinking water standards for iron and manganese;it is this that a future water treatment plant would be constructed to treat. The above information and attached memorandum is included to facilitate Council discussion on the merits of planning for the construction of a future water treatment facility. SUMMARY Staff will provide an overvie�v of the proposed water and sewer utility rate changes for 2013. G:AUtilities\Rates\2U12ll14 C�C'S Water Se�ccr Rates&W I'P.doc� , '�"'� ROSEMOL.�NT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UTILITY COMMISSION Utility Commission Meeting: October 8, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Water and Sewer Utility Rate Review AGENDA SECTION: i New Business � - — — --— ------fi-- -__.__ PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of Public ' AGENDA NO. 6b. i Works / City Engineer ' � — - , � ---- --- — --_ ---- ---- � � ATTACHMENTS: Water Rate Analysis spreadsheet; i Sanitary Sewer Rate Analysis � APPROVED BY: spreadsheet -- -- — -- ,-- --- ------ - RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Recommend City Council Approval of Water and Sewer Utility Rate Changes for 2013. BACKGROUND: WATER UTI�ITY RATES In \Iarch ?(�lti, tlir Cin im�lctncntr�i a ticrcci���atrr ratr structurc in ��rdcr t�� ���m�l�� ���idi ll\K reyuiremenrs t<>encourage ���ater cc>nsen-ati�m. Staff ha: c�m�j�lete�i it� annual rr�-ie«-of thc ��-ater utilit�� fund acti�-in- and acijustee3 thc spreaelsheer muciel r�� retlect dte rr��j�u.ed chan�rs tor 3(11 i anel be��<>ncl. 13a�ccl c�n this rc�-ie��-, sr.iff is }�r<>p<�sin� thc f<,llo«'in� rares fc>r?U 13,��'hich rctlrct a S'�� i�icrra�c o�-cr tl�c ratcs in ?OL': Residcntral Commcrcial/Industrial Tier 21113 Rate ?t113 Rate �1'icr '�112 Kate 2Q1 i Rate '� C�— 1 t�nUU i Si�.9� I S l.u�i i 1�— l u�i,u�m S 1.1�� , �I.I G �� lf�,i)tal —3ta,1)�l(� SL1G � 51.3? t��u,��t�t —?tlntu�i� I St.;- � S1.-1-� '� aU,i)r)1 —Gu�lnt) 51.-47 Sl.:i-4 3ttu��Ul —3��u����u � SLGS S1.�G > bU,Uf)il �?.I)U �?.1 I) > 31)U,UOU S"'.11) S?.?1 Irri�;adorl Orll� �' S?.1111 ti?.1� "indudes inulti-fanilec�nvn/in�j/in>t ieri�;ati�>n ��nl�� i�ieter; '1'hr ���atcr r�tc m��del incltidcs tlic fi�ll�����i�i� irctns <>f n��tc: • l.i�t_?: .�nnual resicicntial grc���rh i� estim:iteci t�> be ?"�� in ?1113 (l�a�c�l un the anrici��ated numbcr �af a�-ail�blc builclalilr l��t,), ?.�°�� iii ?i11-F, i"�� i�l ?(11�, a►lcl 3.�"„per��rar fr��m ?O1G thr��us�h ?ll??. • I.I\l�.�: �'t\CCj Y1tl' Cf7:11�Cti fll'C �f���lt)Sl'lj [U ll1CCl':1SC J`�u �l'1' V'C.1T. • I.I�t.�?�-�5: In calculatin� thc �u:i�c re�cnue, rlic f<�ll�����int;a��um��i<>ti� ���ric t�lade regardiii�; tl�c number c�f accc>L�nt: in each tirr ancl rhe a��er:��;e us:i�;e c>n t}i<�.e acc��unr; (the�e a.:uniF�ti<�i7s are basca �>n.lctual u;.i�c• �lata fr<>m ?t1l I): (� t u'w.x,f�.u.>.._'�r�'IiM6kl'C\\.�t.t.in.l�.���rl�.u�...i��c� Residenrial Cornmercial/Industtial '1'ier °���in tier .A�� . usa c �1'ier °�� iu tier _A�- . usa�e Il— ll)11111) -- �--�- ��"o '',llll(1 U— l�)ll,l)1l11 i j''0 311,U(Ill ltt�)�Il — i��,Ut111 �j"o lt5't1U11 11)1�111)1 —?n��,l)l11) Li"o 1-1u,uUt1 31 I 1 ll I l —(il 1 Illlll 1 i°o �?.I Il1l) ?l ll),UI I� —il ll 1 I ll)l) J°�, ?-}l l,l)1 ll I > (>l)IlUll 7°0 9�I11)I) > 3�111,1)I111 �)°,� 1.111(1,UOU FUTURE WATER TREATMENT FACILITY �l�he artacheci��-ater rate mc>del inclucle: Eunclin�; the ani�trucdc>n of a �urp<�seei��-ater trearment facilir�� in ��)��i. 1 Illi 111� 1)CCII 5�1OVCil tii (�ll' V�l'Lll' ���1�) U11��' tl'(1111 :l fL111C�1I7�?C:1�1li111C1' SCAt1(.���Ulllt, ��)1�) �tlll� C{il ccar d�at c�istin�;dcbt�ct�-ic�u-ill 1>c rrtircd. l.<>c>kin�; ahcac3, tlic timi�i�; fc�r thc c<�nstructic�n of a a-atcr txe�lm�enc facilit�- �cill affect rl�e prc�jectecl rate incrcases, lf the �rc>ject i; delared, the rates ma�� be able to be mc��iitted. :��ditit»i,i] infortnarioil ���ill be pi����-i�1ed :�t the tneerin�:ibcxit die Cin's ��'ater characreristics. SEWER UTIUTY RATES :�s illi�:tratcd in dlc s�lnitarti� sc��-cr s��rcadshcct tn�>cicl, thc ti�c�j r:itc i, �r�,����secl t�> i�icrcasc S1.(1U ��cr ��car, ancl thc �i:age rate is F�r�>�x�sed t�> incrcasc �"��, j�cr��car. �l'he table bcl��«� icicntifies t}ie current and �ropt�scci rates: Sen•er Rates �U1?Ratc ?I"113 Rate I'isccl Ratc J�1.1111 �??.I)II l�;a�e Ratc ' SL��i SLGG "lllc� :c���cr ratc mc>c3rl includcs thc f�>llu��-in� itctn� c>f n�>tc: • l.i�l�: il: .Annual sc��•cr sci�•icc char�±c incrcasc frc�m the :�Icn•������litan Councii is cstimatrcl tu bc ����� �)C�lllril[7�111 �I)(J ��PCA�1<�U� iriO(�t'IS �l:ll� :ll1 :lilI1U11 111CL1'1�l f)� J��u�. 1111� I111t' ICl'Ill 1CCO111125 tUI' ncarh- GIl°„ <>f the total �r��jecrecl e��etl:es eacl� �e:tr. • 1.1�1�:3�: "t'his linc currcnrl�� �h�����s a 3"„ aiiilunl iricrcasc f�>r lift stati<>n c�j�en�r�. �taff is in thc pr<>cc�s ��f cle��rl���in�.i m:iintc»:iiuc �lan f��r tlic s:tnitarr sr���cr�ti�stctn tliar���ill includc rc�airs, uj�datcs, an�l cnh:inccmcnts t�� nc� ciirrcnt f:tcilirics. 'l�hc cc�;t fc�r thi; maintcnancc plan «-ill br r�:flrctcd iii linc » bc�iiirlin�; iti ?(11-�, �>ncc .i rcas�>nablc cstimatc is dctcrmiiic�i. 'llic prc�}�<>sccl ratcs for?i)13 ��•ill n<�t bc affcctc�l bt- thi� nc��� }�lan. SUMMARY: �taff i� rcyuc�tin� ��rilir�� Cc�tnnii��i�>n rccommcn�iatiun r�� thc (:it�� (:��uncil tc> aj�}�rc>��c thc ��ru�<»c�l utilit�� ratc chnn�es t��r ?�11i. Water Rate Analysis Description 2011 Projected 2011 Actual 2012 Projected 2013 Budgeted 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1 Water Demand MG 835.74 855.76 930.00 949.08 972.93 1,002.39 1,037.46 1,073.24 1,110.42 1,149.00 1,188.98 1,230.37 1,273.16 1 2 Estimated Growth 1.2% 1.0% 0.6% 2.1% 2.5°/a 3.0% 3.5% 3.4% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 2 3 Projected Residential Accounts(excluding association irrigation) 6,330 6,312 6,342 6,470 6,630 6,830 7,070 7,315 7,570 7,835 8,110 8,395 8,690 3 Demandsand 4 Connections Commercial Accounts(excluding irrigation) 120 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170 175 4 5 Institutional/Industrial Accounts(excluding irrigation) 40 40 42 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 45 5 g Irrigation-only Accounts(excluding single family) 115 118 120 120 125 130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 6 � Water Fixed Char e $/accounUquarter $ 10.00 $ 10.00 $ 10.50 $ 11.03 $ 11.58 $ 12.16 $ 12.76 $ 13.40 $ 14.07 $ 14.77 $ 15.51 $ 16.29 $ 17.10 7 8 Residential Tier 1 0-10,000 al S 0_90 S 0 90 S 0.95 � 1.00 � tQ5 $ 1 (0 � t16 � 122 $ 1 2E3 S 1 34 S 1.4; �, 1 48 � 1.55 8 9 Residential Tier 2 10,001 -30,000 al S 1.10 � 1 10 $ 1.16 S ?22 S 1.28 S 1_34 � t.41 � 1 48 S 1.55 � 1.63 S ' 7? S 1.80 S 1.89 9 10 Residential Tier 3 30,001-60,000 al 5 1 40 S 1.40 S 1 47 S 1.54 � 1.62 $ t JO $ 1 79 S 1.88 S 1 97 $ 2.07 S 2 t? S 228 S 2 39 10 11 Residential Tier 4 >60,000 al � 1.90 S 1.90 S 2.00 � �10 � 2 21 S 2.32 S 2--t� 5 2.56 S 2.69 S 2.82 S Z�c 3.11 S 3.27 11 12 Irri ation Meters Multi Fam/Comm/Ind/Inst � 2.00 S 2.00 $ 210 $ Z'5 � 226 5 2.37 4 2.49 $ 261 S 'L74 $ 2 88 S 3 02 S 3.17 � 3.33 12 13 Comm/Ind/Inst Tier 1 0-100,000 al S t05 S 1 05 S 1.10 S � 16 S 122 S �28 S 1.34 S 1.41 ?_43 S 1 55 S 1.h3 S � ?? S 1_80 13 14 Proposed Rates Comm/Ind/Inst Tier 2 100,001-200,000 al 5 1.30 $ 1_30 � �-37 $ 1_44 � 1 51 $ 1.59 $ 1 67 � 1 J5 � t 8�1 $ 1_93 5 2.Q3 S Z13 S 2 24 14 15 and Tiers Comm/Ind/Inst Tier 3 200,001-300,000 al S t60 S L60 S 1 68 S t]6 � 8� 1.94 2.04 S 2.14 5 225 S 2.36 S 2.48 26u 273 15 16 Comm/Ind/Inst Tier 4 >300,000 al S 2.00 � 2 00 5 2_10 S 221 � 2.32 S 2 44 w 2.5h $ 2 69 $ 2-82 � 2 96 � 3-11 3 27 $ 3.43 16 17 Surchar e-Sin le Famil 5/8" $/account $ 8.80 $ 8.80 $ 8.80 $ 8.80 $ 8.80 $ 8.80 $ 8.80 $ 8.80 $ 8.80 $ 8.80 $ 8.80 $ 8.80 $ 8.80 17 18 Surchar e-Multi Famil 5/8" $/account $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 $ 6.80 18 19 Surchar e-1" $/account $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 $ 13.50 19 2o Surchar e-1.5" $/account $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 $ 28.00 20 21 Meter Maintenance-1" $/accounU uarter $ 6.25 $ 6.25 $ 625 $ 6.25 $ 6.25 $ 6.25 $ 6.25 $ 6.25 $ 6.25 $ 6.25 $ 6.25 $ 6.25 $ 6.25 2� 22 Meter Maintenance-1.5"($/accounUquarter) $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 $ 11.25 22 23 601 49400 Water Utili Fund Be innin Balance $ 3,418,423.38 $ 3,760,473.14 $ 3,692,497.43 $ 4,001,204.20 $ 4,535,978.50 $ 5,154,702.43 $ 4,827,894.70 $ 3,980,519.93 $ 3,700,171.22 $ 3,026,988.61 $ 2,753,667.86 $ 2,432,759.15 23 24 CRP,E ui ment,Tower Reserves $ 230,000.00 $ 232,500.00 24 25 Available Water Utility Fund Beginning Balance $ 3,188,423.38 $ 3,527,973.14 $ 3,692,497.43 $ 4,001,204.20 $ 4,535,978.50 $ 5,154,702.43 $ 4,827,894.70 $ 3,980,519.93 $ 3,700,171.22 $ 3,026,988.61 $ 2,753,667.86 $ 2,432,759.15 25 26 Calculated Fixed Char es $ 264,200.00 $ 278,418.00 $ 298,336.50 $ 321,125.18 $ 347,391.69 $ 377,524.09 $ 410,069.27 $ 445,487.99 $ 484,014.40 $ 525,900.27 $ 571,416.24 $ 620,853.19 26 27 Residential Tier 1 0-10,000 al $ 39,879.00 $ 42,174.30 $ 45,290.00 $ 48,730.50 $ 52,591.00 $ 57,408.40 $ 62,470.10 $ 67,827.20 $ 73,492.30 $ 80,045.70 $ 86,972.20 $ 90,028.40 27 28 Residential Tier 2 10,001 -30,000 al $ 247,882.80 $ 262,026.07 $ 281,263.84 $ 302,513.64 $ 326,364.72 $ 355,875.52 $ 386,875.72 $ 419,680.80 $ 455,746.28 $ 495,650.76 $ 539,294.80 $ 558,245.60 28 29 Residential Tier 3 30,001 -60,000 al $ 157,338.48 $ 166,013.27 $ 177,909.47 $ 191,479.70 $ 206,703.12 $ 225,289.79 $ 244,812.57 $ 265,470.82 $ 288,616.33 $ 313,506.65 $ 341,199.66 $ 353,189.41 29 30 Residential Tier 4 >60,000 al $ 230,412.00 $ 242,923.97 $ 279,167.56 $ 300,829.62 $ 325,108.00 $ 354,150.44 $ 384,651.96 $ 417,667.18 $ 453,677.84 $ 492,763.60 $ 536,054.33 $ 554,891.26 30 31 Irri ation Meters Multi-Fam/Comm/Ind/Inst $ 240,000.00 $ 262,500.00 $ 268,750.00 $ 282,500.00 $ 296,250.00 $ 311,250.00 $ 326,250.00 $ 342,500.00 $ 360,000.00 $ 377,500.00 $ 396,250.00 $ 416,250.00 31 32 Revenue Comm/Ind/Inst Tier 1 0-100,000 al $ 14,716.80 $ 16,092.12 $ 17,782.80 $ 19,236.96 $ 20,743.68 $ 22,302.96 $ 24,085.62 $ 25,929.60 $ 27,834.90 $ 29,985.48 $ 32,206.14 $ 32,955.12 32 33 Comm/Ind/Inst Tier 2 100,001-200,000 al $ 13,603.20 $ 14,906.09 $ 15,797.60 $ 17,072.64 $ 18,431.92 $ 19,839.04 $ 21,395.40 $ 23,046.40 $ 24,752.52 $ 26,666.64 $ 28,643.16 $ 29,309.28 33 34 Comm/Ind/Inst Tier 3 200,001-300,000 al $ 9,568.00 $ 10,494.28 $ 11,564.00 $ 12,492.00 $ 13,490.20 $ 14,538.80 $ 15,662.40 $ 16,880.00 $ 18,138.40 $ 19,538.40 $ 20,984.00 $ 21,472.00 34 35 Comm/Ind/Inst Tier 4 >300,000 al $ 103,392.00 $ 113,326.20 $ 138,852.00 $ 149,947.20 $ 162,037.80 $ 174,625.20 $ 188,276.40 $ 202,536.00 $ 217,857.60 $ 234,511.20 $ 252,324.00 $ 25$192.00 35 ' 36 Calc.Meter Maintenance-1" inc.2%/ ear $ 17,175.00 $ 18,150.00 $ 18,513.00 $ 18,88326 $ 19,260.93 $ 19,646.14 $ 20,039.07 $ 20,439.85 $ 20,848.64 $ 21,265.62 $ 21,690.93 $ 22,124.75 36 37 Calc.Meter Maintenance-1.5" inc.2%/ ear $ 8,910.00 $ 9,000.00 $ 9,180.00 $ 9,363.60 $ 9,550.87 $ 9,741.89 $ 9,936.73 $ 10,135.46 $ 10,338.17 $ 10,544.93 $ 10,755.83 $ 1Q970.95 3� � 38 Miscellaneous Water Revenues antenna,interest $ 240,000.00 $ 225,400.00 $ 230,000.00 $ 250,900.00 $ 263,600.00 $ 276,300.00 $ 277,900.00 $ 281,100.00 $ 284,300.00 $ 287,500.00 $ 290,600.00 $ 293,800.00 38 39 Total Usage Revenue(excluding surcharge) $ 1,587,077.28 $ 1,603,302.00 $ 1,661,424.29 $ 1,792,406.77 $ 1,925,074.30 $ 2,061,523.92 $ 2,218,492.27 $ 2,372,425.23 $ 2,538,701.30 $ 2,719,617.39 $ 2,915,379.25 $ 3,128,391.29 $ 3,262,281.95 39 40 100's-Salaries and Benefits 4% add 2 os.in 2017 $ 445,400.00 $ 401,168.00 $ 421,200.00 $ 422,600.00 $ 439,600.00 $ 457,200.00 $ 475,500.00 $ 674,600.00 $ 701,600.00 $ 729,700.00 $ 758,900.00 $ 789,300.00 $ 820,900.00 40 4i 200's-Office Materials and Su lies $ 24,700.00 $ 20,536.00 $ 24,700.00 $ 24,900.00 $ 25,700.00 $ 26,500.00 $ 27,300.00 $ 28,200.00 $ 29,100.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 30,900.00 $ 31,900.00 $ 32,900.00 41 42 216.00-Chemicals tied to o rowth $ 90,000.00 $ 59,746.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 65,000.00 $ 66,600.00 $ 68,600.00 $ 71,000.00 $ 73,400.00 $ 75,900.00 $ 78,500.00 $ 81,200.00 $ 84,000.00 $ 86,900.00 42 43 220.01-Water Meter Purchases re lacements $ - $ - $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10,001.00 43 a4 220.02-Water Meter Purchases new homes $ 40,000.00 $ 23,283.00 $ 25,400.00 $ 30,000.00 $ 50,900.00 $ 63,600.00 $ 76,300.00 $ 77,900.00 $ 81,100.00 $ 84,300.00 $ 87,500.00 $ 90,600.00 $ 93,800.00 44 a5 300's-GIS,Le al,Office,Com uter,En ,Prof Svcs $ 162,000.00 $ 160,230.00 $ 173,100.00 $ 157,100.00 $ 161,900.00 $ 166,800.00 $ 171,900.00 $ 177,100.00 $ 182,500.00 $ 188,000.00 $ 193,700.00 $ 199,600.00 $ 205,600.00 45 46 400's-Trainin ,Conferences,Contracted Re air $ 17,000.00 $ 26,570.00 $ 27,900.00 $ 27,100.00 $ 28,000.00 $ 28,900.00 $ 29,800.00 $ 30,700.00 $ 31,700.00 $ 32,700.00 $ 33,700.00 $ 34,800.00 $ 35,900.00 46 47 500's-Buildin s,Inspections,Purchases,Furniture $ 21,000.00 $ 560.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 16,600.00 $ 17,100.00 $ 17,700.00 $ 18,300.00 $ 18,900.00 $ 19,500.00 $ 20,100.00 $ 20,800.00 $ 21,500.00 $ 22,200.00 47 Expenses 48 530.03-CRP of Water Main $ 150,000.00 $ - $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 154,500.00 $ 159,100.00 $ 163,900.00 $ 168,800.00 $ 173,900.00 $ 179,100.00 $ 184,500.00 $ 190,000.00 $ 195,700.00 48 49 710.00-Transfers for Other Im rovements $ 298,666.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - a9 50 Utilit E ui ment Purchases from CIP $ 5,200.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 55,000.00 $ - $ 43,750.00 $ 66,300.00 $ - $ - $ - 50 51 Well and Tower Ex enses combined $ 222,900.00 $ 197,291.00 $ 224,600.00 $ 272,800.00 $ 281,000.00 $ 289,400.00 $ 298,100.00 $ 307,000.00 $ 316,200.00 $ 325,700.00 $ 335,500.00 $ 345,600.00 $ 356,000.00 51 52 Tower Maintenance from lon -term schedule $ 77,300.00 $ - $ 154,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 155,000.00 $ 155,000.00 $ - $ 505,000.00 $ 5,000.00 $ 500,000.00 $ 305,000.00 $ 505,000.00 $ 505,000.00 52 53 WTP O eratin Ex enses $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 $ 50,000.00 53 54 WTP Debt Service$12,000,000 15 years @ 4.0% $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1,098,200.00 $ 1,098,200.00 $ 1,098,800.00 $ 1,098,400.00 $ 1,097,000.00 $ 1,097,000.00 $ 1,097,000.00 54 55 Total Ex enses $ 1,255,500.00 $ 1,188,050.00 $ 1,296,900.00 $ 1,326,100.00 $ 1,390,300.00 $ 1,442,800.00 $ 2,545,300.00 $ 3,219,800.00 $ 2,819,050.00 $ 3,392,800.00 $ 3,188,700.00 $ 3,449,300.00 $ 3,511,901.00 55 56 Year End Balance before debt service $ 3,520,000.66 $ 3,892,497.43 $ 4,158,804.20 $ 4,535,978.50 $ 5,154,702.43 $ 4,827,894.70 $ 3,980,519.93 $ 3,700,171.22 $ 3,026,988.61 $ 2,753,667.86 $ 2,432,759.15 $ 2,183,140.10 56 5� Balance chan e amount $ 364,524.29 $ 466,306.77 $ 534,774.30 $ 618,723.92 $ 326,807.73 $ 847,374.77 $ 280,348.70 $ 673,182.61 $ 273,320.75 $ 320,908.71 $ 249,619.05 5� 58 Balance change% 10.33% 12.63°/a 13.37% 13.64% -6.34% -17.55% -7.04% -18.19% -9.03% -11.65% -10.26% 58 G:\Utilities\Rates\Water Rates 20120622 Debt Service Impact Description 2011 Projected 2011 Actual 2012 Projected 2013 Budgeted 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 59 Water Core Fund Be innin Balance $ 408,028.77 $ 444,515.88 $ 91,765.88 $ 91,765.88 $ 91,765.88 $ 91,765.88 $ 133,765.88 $ 486,640.88 $ 1,041,265.88 $ 1,617,640.88 $ 2,215,765.88 $ 2,835,640.88 59 60 Water Core Fund Revenue from New Connections $ 174,000.00 $ 65,250.00 $ 278,400.00 $ 348,000.00 $ 435,000.00 $ 522,000.00 $ 532,875.00 $ 554,625.00 $ 576,375.00 $ 598,125.00 $ 619,875.00 $ 641,625.00 60 61 Ca ital Investment Fund Be innin Balance $ 629,631.83 $ 360,989.34 $ 280,294.94 $ 268,287.02 $ 327,103.82 $ 576,162.48 $ 888,880.63 $ 1,211,458.42 $ 1,544,270.53 $ 1,887,692.17 $ 2,242,099.07 $ 2,607,867.55 6t 62 WaterSurchar e-Sin IeFamil 5/8" 95% $ 211,675.20 $ 212,076.48 $ 216,356.80 $ 221,707.20 $ 228,395.20 $ 236,420.80 $ 244,613.60 $ 253,140.80 $ 262,002.40 $ 271,198.40 $ 280,728.80 $ 290,593.60 62 63 Capital Water Surchar e-Multi Famil 5/8" 5% $ 8,608.80 $ 8,625.12 $ 8,799.20 $ 9,016.80 $ 9,288.80 $ 9,615.20 $ 9,948.40 $ 10,295.20 $ 10,655.60 $ 11,029.60 $ 11,417.20 $ 11,818.40 63 Investment Fund 64 Revenue WaterSurchar e-1" inc.2%/ ear $ 37,098.00 $ 39,204.00 $ 39,988.08 $ 40,787.84 $ 41,603.60 $ 42,435.67 $ 43,284.38 $ 44,150.07 $ 45,033.07 $ 45,933.73 $ 46,852.41 $ 47,789.46 64 65 Water Surchar e-1.5" inc.2%/ ear $ 22,176.00 $ 22,400.00 $ 22,848.00 $ 23,304.96 $ 23,771.06 $ 24,246.48 $ 24,731.41 $ 25,226.04 $ 25,730.56 $ 26,245.17 $ 26,770.07 $ 27,305.48 65 66 Total Water Surcharge Revenue $ 279,558.00 $ 282,305.60 $ 287,992.08 $ 294,816.80 $ 303,058.66 $ 312,718.15 $ 322,577.79 $ 332,812.11 $ 343,421.63 $ 354,406.90 $ 365,768.48 $ 377,506.93 66 6� Estimated DebtService $ 958,000.00 $ 981,000.00 $ 736,000.00 $ 584,000.00 $ 489,000.00 $ 480,000.00 $ 180,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 67 68 Debt Service Capital Investment Fund Contribution to Debt Service $ 564,000.00 $ 363,000.00 $ 300,000.00 $ 236,000.00 $ 54,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 68 69 Water Core Fund Contribution to Debt Service $ 394,000.00 $ 418,000.00 $ 278,400.00 $ 348,000.00 $ 435,000.00 $ 480,000.00 $ 180,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 69 70 Water Utility Fund Contribution to Debt Service $ - $ 200,000.00 $ 157,600.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 70 71 Ca ital Investment Fund Year End Balance $ 345,189.83 $ 360,989.34 $ 280,294.94 $ 268,287.02 $ 327,103.82 $ 576,162.48 $ 888,880.63 $ 1,211,458.42 $ 1,544,270.53 $ 1,887,692.17 $ 2,242,099.07 $ 2,607,867.55 $ 2,985,374.48 7t Year End Fund �Z Balances �Nater Core Fund Year End Balance $ 188,028.77 $ 444,515.88 $ 91,765.88 $ 91,765.88 $ 91,765.88 $ 91,765.88 $ 133,765.88 $ 486,640.88 $ 1,041,265.88 $ 1,617,640.88 $ 2,215,765.88 $ 2,835,640.88 $ 3,477,265.88 72 73 Water Utility Fund Year End Balance $ 3,520,000.66 $ 3,760,473.14 $ 3,692,497.43 $ 4,001,204.20 $ 4,535,978.50 $ 5,154,702.43 $ 4,827,894.70 $ 3,980,519.93 $ 3,700,171.22 $ 3,026,988.61 $ 2,753,667.86 $ 2,432,759.15 $ 2,183,140.10 73 G:\Utilities\Rates\Water Rates 20120622 Sanitary Sewer Rate Ana/ysis Description 2011 Projected 2011 Acutal 2012 Projected 2013 Budgeted 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 1 Water Demand MG from water s readsheet 835.74 855.76 930.00 949.08 972.93 1,002.39 1,037.46 1,073.24 1,110.42 1,149.00 1,188.98 1,230.37 1,273.16 1 2 Q1 Water Demand MG -14%of total demand 117.00 113.87 122.33 132.87 136.21 140.33 145.24 150.25 155.46 160.86 166.46 172.25 178.24 2 3 Projected Sanita Sewer Flows MG * 490.55 507.60 510.50 521.17 534.11 550.19 569.40 589.01 609.40 630.58 652.54 675.28 698.81 3 Demands and 4 Connections Estimated Growth 1.2% 1.0% 0.6% 2.1% 2.5% 3.0°/a 3.5% 3.4% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 3.5% 4 5 Residential Accounts includes multi-famil 6,330 6,312 6,342 6,470 6,630 6,830 7,070 7,315 7,570 7,835 8,110 8,395 8,690 5 g Commercial/Ind/Inst Accounts 160 160 167 175 180 185 190 195 200 205 210 215 220 6 � Projected Rates Sanita Sewer Fixed Char e $/accounU uaRer $ 20.00 $ 20.00 $ 21.00 $ 22.00 $ 23.00 $ 24.00 $ 25.00 $ 26.00 $ 27.00 $ 28.00 $ 29.00 $ 30.00 $ 31.00 7 8 Usage Rates Per 1000 Gallons $ 1.50 $ 1.50 $ 1.58 $ 1.66 $ 1.74 $ 1.83 $ 1.92 $ 2.02 $ 2.12 $ 2.23 $ 2.34 $ 2.45 $ 2.58 8 10 602 49450 Sewer Utilit Fund Be innin Balance $ 2,283,028.04 $ 2,042,465.61 $ 1,708,065.61 $ 1,444,565.61 $ 1,588,794.34 $ 1,654,846.09 $ 1,933,559.95 $ 2,203,584.53 $ 2,471,703.86 $ 2,893,286.94 $ 3,446,359.55 $ 4,112,681.12 10 11 CRP and E ui ment Re lacement Reserve $ 184,500.00 $ 180,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 1.00 11 12 Available Sewer Utility Fund Beginning Balance $ 2,098,528.04 $ 2,240,789.61 $ 1,862,465.61 $ 1,708,065.61 $ 1,444,565.61 $ 1,588,794.34 $ 1,654,846.09 $ 1,933,559.95 $ 2,203,584.53 $ 2,471,703.86 $ 2,893,286.94 $ 3,446,359.55 $ 4,112,680.12 12 16 Fixed Char es $ 519,200.00 $ 626,520.00 $ 673,440.00 $ 726,000.00 $ 781,040.00 $ 839,160.00 $ 900,480.00 $ 965,120.00 $ 1,033,200.00 $ 1,104,840.00 16 �� Revenue SewerUseChar es -70%ofwaterdemandbilled $ 839,918.70 $ 1,188,233.39 $ 1,285,425.23 $ 1,396,921.70 $ 1,517,345.98 $ 1,648,403.02 $ 1,790,959.16 $ 1,945,946.01 $ 2,114,365.06 $ 2,297,292.59 17 18 Miscellaneous Revenue -10%of usa e revenue $ 135,911.87 $ 181,475.34 $ 195,886.52 $ 212,292.17 $ 229,838.60 $ 248,756.30 $ 269,143.92 $ 291,106.60 $ 314,756.51 $ 340,213.26 18 19 Total Revenue $ 1,495,030.57 $ 1,506,064.00 $ 1,626,000.00 $ 1,514,500.00 $ 1,996,228.73 $ 2,154,751.75 $ 2,335,213.87 $ 2,528,224.58 $ 2,736,319.32 $ 2,960,583.08 $ 3,202,172.62 $ 3,462,321.56 $ 3.742,345.85 19 25 100's-Salaries and Benefits 4% add 1 os.in 2017 $ 446,400.00 $ 403,496.00 $ 422,200.00 $ 423,100.00 $ 440,100.00 $ 457,800.00 $ 476,200.00 $ 585,300.00 $ 608,800.00 $ 633,200.00 $ 658,600.00 $ 685,000.00 $ 712,400.00 25 26 200's-Materials and E ui ment $ 11,800.00 $ 4,340.00 $ 11,800.00 $ 13,800.00 $ 14,300.00 $ 14,800.00 $ 15,300.00 $ 15,800.00 $ 16,300.00 $ 16,800.00 $ 17,400.00 $ 18,000.00 $ 18,600.00 26 27 300's-Communications,Com uter,En ,Prof Svcs $ 80,800.00 $ 58,831.00 $ 100,500.00 $ 89,800.00 $ 92,500.00 $ 95,300.00 $ 98,200.00 $ 101,200.00 $ 104,300.00 $ 107,500.00 $ 110,800.00 $ 114,200.00 $ 117,700.00 27 28 400's-Trainin ,Conferences,Contracted Re air,Misc $ 7,000.00 $ 1,297.00 $ 7,800.00 $ 11,000.00 $ 11,400.00 $ 11,800.00 $ 12,200.00 $ 12,600.00 $ 13,000.00 $ 13,400.00 $ 13,900.00 $ 14,400.00 $ 14,900.00 28 29 500's-Buildin s,Machine ,Furniture,E ui ment $ 21,000.00 $ - $ 21,000.00 $ 21,000.00 $ 21,700.00 $ 22,400.00 $ 23,100.00 $ 23,800.00 $ 24,600.00 $ 25,400.00 $ 26,200.00 $ 27,000.00 $ 27,900.00 29 30 Expenses 530.03-CRP of Sewer Main $ 150,000.00 $ - $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 $ 150,000.00 30 31 602-Sewer Service Char es 7% er ear startin 2015 $ 981,447.72 $ 981,478.00 $ 1,030,000.00 $ 1,030,000.00 $ 1,081,500.00 $ 1,157,300.00 $ 1,238,400.00 $ 1,325,100.00 $ 1,417,900.00 $ 1,517,200.00 $ 1,623,500.00 $ 1,737,200.00 $ 1,858,900.00 31 32 611 -Interest on Lease Pa ments $ - $ 3,232.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 32 33 710.00-Transfers for Other Im rovements $ - $ 172,451.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - 33 34 Utilit E ui ment Purchases from CIP $ 30,000.00 $ - $ - $ - $ - $ 137,500.00 $ - $ - $ 87,500.00 $ 28,300.00 $ - $ - $ - 34 35 Lift Station Ex enses $ 37,100.00 $ 79,263.00 $ 37,100.00 $ 39,300.00 $ 40,500.00 $ 41,800.00 $ 43,100.00 $ 44,400.00 $ 45,800.00 $ 47,200.00 $ 48,700.00 $ 50,200.00 $ 51,800.00 35 36 Total Expenses $ 1,765,547.72 $ 1,704,388.00 $ 1,780,400.00 $ 1,778,000.00 $ 1,852,000.00 $ 2,088,700.00 $ 2,056,500.00 $ 2,258,200.00 $ 2,468,200.00 $ 2,539,000.00 $ 2,649,100.00 $ 2,796,000.00 $ 2,952,200.00 36 37 Year End Balance $ 2,042,465.61 $ 1,708,065.61 $ 1,444,565.61 $ 1,588,794.34 $ 1,654,846.09 $ 1,933,559.95 $ 2,203,584.53 $ 2,471,703.86 $ 2,893,286.94 $ 3,446,359.55 $ 4,112,681.12 $ 4,902,825.97 37 38 Balance chan e $ 154,400.00 $ 263,500.00 $ 144,228.73 $ 66,051.75 $ 278,713.87 $ 270,024.58 $ 268,119.32 $ 421,583.08 $ 553,072.62 $ 666,321.56 $ 790,145.85 38 39 %change -8.29% -15.43% 9.98% 4.16% 16.84% 13.97% 12.17% 17.06% 19.12% 19.33% 19.21% 39 'Sanitary Sewer Flows are calculated from July 1 through June 30 of the following year. This is the number used by MCES to calculate the following year Sanitary Service Charges(line 31). For example: flows from July 1,2011 through June 30,2012 will determine our 2013 service charges. MCES charges per 1,000 gallons $1.93357 $2.01762 Percent change from previous year 1.472% 4.347% G:\Utilities\Rates\Sewer Rates 20120622 Model � WSB �Y.� Infrastructure�Engineering�Planning�Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis,MN 55416 Tel: 763 541-4800 Fax: 763 541-1700 Memorandum To: Andy Brotzler,PE, Ciry Engineer/Public Works Director City of Rosemount From: Nancy Zeigler, PE, Senior Project Manager WSB & Associates, Inc. Date: October 8, 2012 Re: City Water Quality Water Treatment Plant Ciry of Rosemount,MN Rosemount Source Water Quality Currently, Rosemount's water supply is treated with chlorine, fluoride, and polyphosphate at each wellhead. The finished water is not in compliance with secondary drinking water standards for iron and manganese. Excessive iron and manganese concentrations can cause red, black,brown, and yellow colored water and are a source of customer complaints. High iron and manganese levels are an aesthetic concern, not a health concern. Polyphosphate is added to help the iron and manganese stay in solution. However, some iron and manganese settles out in the distribution mains and water towers and increases the need for flushing and cleaning. Concentrations of radium approach the primary drinking water standard maximum contaminant level (MCL) in the city,but do not exceed the standard. If radium levels in an existing well or a future well exceed the primary drinking water standard for 4 consecutive quarters, the Minnesota Department of Health would notify the city of a violation and require that the source not be used or a plan be developed and implemented for lowering the radium to an acceptable level. Based on current source water conditions, recommended treatment would include iron and manganese removal with chemical addition and filtration. The presence of manganese during the treatment process will coincidentally reduce radium levels. If additional radium removal is needed in the future, an additional chemical can be fed during treatment. Space for the additional radium removal chemical feed could be provided in the water treatment plant. ���,;r,r;..��«<,�e,->o,���,��.�;e�..,��,�,,,���,������,�,,.. Mr. Andy Brotzler October 8, 2012 Page 2 Current iron, manganese and radium concentrations are summarized below. 2007 System 2011 Element Standard A� . � MDH Well 12 We1114 Well 15 g Data Total 5 pCi/L 1.5-4.6 1.7—3.4 2.4 2.1 3.3 Radium Iron 0.3 ppm 0.53 No data 0.453 0.159 0.147 Manganese 0.05 ppm No data No data 0.072 0.119 0.154 i � ; i 9 i � �����.� � PoMO y r__� .. w.: � s L"'— J� n[taeu - OAM �'�� � •• LAhC � � (, • � � �" ` NO � YAl1E _ I • PONO i__I \• � � M�11!IOND � - ' •. � � I � � � � � � � 73 I � I � � • 9CMW�Rl � • � i ...,.�. • . POND � . i COYVl11 POND ��`"" � • � • • �� i • • � � t • : i � ���o . . i �,w���s • • • • ro�o i • i � i • • • � •• � ;I • • • I � � � � • • � . � � � � �f I I I� � • � � • I ��• • OYEARY'S• • � �r PoMD i3�2t=0 . � � � d' � N � I w� I I • �� I j wu�r � j � OAIt � iMND I � • � }O � � a0 � I • • • �p I 4�'' + , � , � o .,� _' � I � �' -- -------------------�--"-----------------------------�------------------------------'--------------- '---°-------� '-----------------'—¢-------------------------------------------------- �------------- Odor or � �'�� ROSEMOL��1T' Discolored Water N M I N N E S 0 TA � 120 Requests from 8/2006-10/2012 MSA Funds Building Street Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewer Stortn Water Sewer Storm Debt Serv Total Year Item-Descri tion De artment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Utili Utili Utili Le Other Cost 2013 1 Re lace Skate Tile Arena 75,000 1 75,000 2013 2 2008 E ui ment Certificates 5-Years Council 90,000 2 90,000 2013 3 LDH Hose Re lacement Fire 8,000 8,000 2013 4 1/2 Ton 4x4 Picku for Officers Addition Fire 35,000 35,000 2013 5 SCBA Com ressor Addition Chan ed from 2014 Fire 45,000 45,000 2013 6 Cit -Wide Software Gen'I.Govt. 50,000 50,000 2013 7 Air Conditionin at Stee le Center Park&Rec 100,000 6 100,000 2013 8 Sound and Li htin E ui ment at Stee le Center Park&Rec 100,000 6 100,000 2013 9 New Tables for Ban uet Room Park&Rec 20,000 20,000 2013 10 New Chairs for Ban uet Room Park&Rec 29,000 29,000 2013 11 Build 4 Tennis Courts Park&Rec 250,000 250,000 2013 12 Communit Center Restroom Im rovements Park&Rec 45,000 6 45,000 2013 13 Senior Excercise E ui ment Park&Rec 50,000 6 50,000 2013 14 Nei hborhood Amenities Park&Rec 50,000 6 50,000 2013 15 Erickson Park Shelter Park 8 Rec 100,000 6 100,000 2013 16 S lash Pad Park&Rec 300,000 6 300,000 2013 17 Green Fields Flint Hilis Park 8 Rec 800,000 6 800,000 2013 18 Senior Center Park&Rec 1,400,000 6 1,400,000 2013 19 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation 2 Police 15,000 15,000 2013 20 Re lace Video E ui ment in S uads 4 Police 20,000 20,000 2013 21 2 S uads Sell Back 2-#930&1070 Police 47,000 6,000 3 53,000 2013 22 DCC Ca ital Costs Year 7 of 7 Police 21,750 4 21,750 2013 23 PW Buildin Addition Lease/Purchase Year 15 of 20 Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 2013 24 Pedestrian Im rovements Pro ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2013 25 Pavement Mana ement Pro ram Pub Works 662,500 225,600 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,188,100 2013 26 CSAH 42 at TH 52 Interchan e Desi n/ROW Ac uisition Pub Works 3,675,175 7 3,675,175 2013 27 Fronta e Road Bisca ne Avenue to Business Parkwa Pub Works 700,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,000,000 2013 28 TH 3 Under ass Pub Works 1,012,350 1,012,350 2013 29 Aerator Attachment Pub Works 15,000 15,000 2013 30 Ex lorer-Park&Rec Re lace#8603 1998 Vehicle Pub Works 28,000 2,000 5 30,000 2013 31 Water Truck Re lace#8431 1998 Vehicle Pub Works 110,000 20,000 5 130,000 2013 32 Tandem-Axle Dum Truck Re lace#8434 2001 Vehicle Pub Works 130,000 35,000 5 165,000 Totals 24,000 787,500 552,000 225,600 250,000 1,712,350 100,000 100,000 100,000 110,000 110,000 100,000 0 6,869,925 11,041,375 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2013 $1,363,500 $0 (1) Skate Tile funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Funding for Equipment Certificates comes from available reserves. (3) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (4) Funding for final DCC payment comes from available reserves. (5) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. (6) Other funding for Parks projects comes from Building CIP/SKB reserves. (7) Other funding for 42/52 Study&ROW will come from County,Federal and County State Aid funds The City portion($337,000)wfll come from a combination of Street CIP and MSA funds Total Building CIP levy for 2013 is$24,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2013 is$730,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2013 is$460,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). 1 of 11 M� Funds Building Street Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Debt Serv Total Year Item-Descri tion De artment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Utilit Utili Utili Le Other Cost 2014 1 Re lace Skate Shar ener Arena 15,000 1 15,000 2014 2 Re lace Coolin Tower Moved from 2015 Arena 75,000 1 75,000 2014 3 PC Printer Re lacements Finance 10,000 10,000 2014 4 PC Workstation U rades From 2009 Finance 60,000 60,000 2014 5 4x4 Brush Truck Re lacement 1991 Vehicle Truck, Pum &Tank Fire 75,000 75,000 2014 6 A enda Mana ement Software Gen'I.Govt. 25,000 25,000 2014 7 Cit -Wide Software Gen'I.Govt. 50,000 50,000 2014 8 YMCA/DCTC Facilit Year 1 of 5 Gen'I Govt. 500,000 5 500,000 2014 9 New Nei hborhood Park Built N-1 Prestwick Place Park&Rec 500,000 500,000 2014 10 Document Shredder Police 4,000 4,000 2014 11 Re lace 2 Lasers Police 5,000 5,000 2014 12 Re lace De artment Lon Guns Police 10,000 10,000 2014 13 Re lace S uad La to s 4 Police 18,000 18,000 2014 14 Re lace Video E ui ment in S uads 4 Police 20,000 20,000 2014 15 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Police 24,000 24,000 2014 16 4 S uads Sell Back 4-#0950,0980, 10110&10140 Police 100,000 12,000 2 112,000 2014 17 PW Buildin Addition Lease/Purchase Year 16 of 20 Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 2014 18 Railroad Crossin Im rovements Moved from"Future" Pub Works 450,000 450,000 2014 19 Pedestrian Im rovements Pro ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2014 20 Pavement Mana ement Pro ram Pub Works 767,200 404,400 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,471,600 2014 21 RN Kubota Re lace#8401 2004 Unit Pub Works 15,000 2,000 3 17,000 2014 22 Sho Hoist Re lace#0001 Pub Works 20,000 20,000 2014 23 Tree S ade Re lace#0162 Pub Works 30,000 30,000 2014 24 3!4-Ton Picku Re lace#8343 2000 Vehicle Pub Works 26,000 4,000 3 30,000 2014 25 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8307 1999 Vehicle Pub Works 31,000 4,000 3 35,000 2014 26 1-Ton Picku w/To Re lace#8335 2000 Vehicle Pub Works 31,000 4,000 3 35,000 2014 27 1-Ton Picku w/Dum Re lace#8306 1999 Vehicle Pub Works 45,000 5,000 3 50,000 2014 28 1-Ton Picku w/Dum Re lace#8344 2000 Vehicle Pub Works 45,000 5,000 3 50,000 2014 29 Tractor-John Deere Re lace#8408 Pub Works 95,000 5,000 3 100,000 2014 30 Sin le-Axle Dum Truck Re lace#8433 2001 Vehicle Pub Works 130,000 30,000 3 160,000 2014 31 Loader,Win 8 Plow Re lace 8421,0195&0212 1995 Vehicle Pub Works 180,000 20,000 3 200,000 2014 32 Vac Truck Re lace#8446 1995 Vehicle Pub Works 137,500 137,500 50,000 3 325,000 2014 33 Well#16 Construction Pub Works 1,250,000 4 1,250,000 Totals 24,000 892,200 1,049,000 404,400 500,000 450,000 1,250,000 0 0 110,000 247,500 237,500 0 731,000 5,895,600 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2014 $7,965,200 $0 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Replace Skate Sharpener and Replace Cooling Tower funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. (4) Funding for Wetl#16 will come from a Water Revenue bond issue. (5) Other funding for YMCA/DCTC facility will come from SKB reserves Total Building CIP levy for 2014 is$24,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding altematives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2014 is$850,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2014 is$637,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). 2of11 MSA Funds Building Street Equipment Paric Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Debt Serv Total Year Item-Descri tion De aRment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Utili Utilit Utili le Other Cost 2015 1 Re lace Ice Resurfacer Arena 145,000 1 145,000 2015 2 Phone Server Re lacements From 2010 Finance 20,000 20,000 2015 3 PC File Server Re lacements From 2010 Finance 100,000 100,000 2015 4 4x4 Brush Truck Re lacement 1996 Vehicle Truck,Pum &Tank Fire 85,000 85,000 2015 5 Cit -Wide Software Gen'I.Govt. 50,000 50,000 2015 6 YMCA/DCTC Facilit Year 2 of 5 Gen'I Govt 500,000 6 500,000 2015 7 Covered Benches at Charlie's Park Park&Rec 25,000 25,000 2015 S UMore Ballfield Im rovements Park&Rec 300,000 300,000 2015 9 Remodel Police Offices-Add Office Police 30,000 30,000 2015 10 Surveillance Cameras and Miscellaneous E ui ment Police 15,000 15,000 2015 11 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Police 15,000 15,000 2015 12 Re lace S uad La to s 4 Poiice 18,000 18,000 2015 13 Re lace AudioNideo Recordin E ui ment-Interview Rooms Police 25,000 25,000 2015 14 New S uad Emer enc E ui ment&Installation Police 25,000 25,000 2015 15 3 S uads Sell Back 2-#190,1040 and 1 New Police 70,000 6,000 2 76,000 2015 16 PW Buildin Addition Lease/Purchase Year 17 of 20 Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 2015 17 Pedestrian Im rovements Pro ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2015 18 Pavement Mana ement Pro ram Pub Works 860,000 633,600 100,000 100,000 302,120 1,995,720 2015 19 Count Road 73-Bonaire Path to IGH Desi n Pub Works 64,300 78,600 3 142,900 2015 20 Paver Trailer Re lace#0514 Pub Works 10,000 10,000 2015 21 6"Trash Pum Re lace#8088 Pub Works 20,000 20,000 2015 22 6"Trash Pum Re lace#8089 Pub Works 20,000 20,000 2015 23 Dod e Picku -Ins ections Re lace#8303 1999 Vehicle Pub Works 23,000 2,000 4 25,000 2015 24 Full Size Van-Park&Rec Re lace#8601 2003 Vehicle Pub Works 26,000 4,000 4 30,000 2015 25 1-Ton Picku for Irri ation Re lace#8331 2003 Vehicle Pub Works 29,000 6,000 4 35,000 2015 26 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8312 2003 Vehicle Pub Works 30,000 5,000 4 35,000 2015 27 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8311 2003 Vehicle Pub Works 30,000 5,000 4 35,000 2015 28 Roller Re lace#8129) Pub Works 35,000 35,000 2015 29 Groundsmaster Mower Re lace#8066 2006 Unit Pub Works 65,000 20,000 4 85,000 2015 30 Groundsmaster Mower Re lace#8073 2006 Unit Pub Works 65,000 20,000 4 85,000 2015 31 Swee er Re lace#8444 2005 Unit Pub Works 72,500 72,500 25,000 4 170,000 2015 32 Grader Re lace#8413 2001 Unit Pub Works 180,000 20,000 4 200,000 2015 33 Water Stora e Facilit Pub Works 2,800,000 5 2,800,000 Totals 54,000 1,049,300 1,028,500 633,600 325,000 0 2,800,000 0 0 110,000 110,000 374,620 0 836,600 7,321,620 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2015 $2,131,800 $0 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Ice Resurfacer funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for County Road 73 project from County share of project. Costs are for Design. (4) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. (5) Funding for the Water Storage Facility will come from a Water Revenue bond issue. (6) Other funding for YMCA/DCTC facility will come from SKB reserves. Total Building CIP levy for 2015 is$24,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potentiai SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2015 is$964,305(P/M($900,000)Plus County Road 73(64,305)). If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenu Total Equipment CIP levy for 2015 is$637,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). 3of11 MSA Funds Building Street Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Debt Serv Total Year Item-Descri tion De Rment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Utili Utili Utili Le Other Cost 2016 1 Re lace Zamboni Batteries Arena 25,000 1 25,000 2016 2 Restroom Rehab Arena 25,000 1 25,000 2016 3 Paint Arena Ceilin Arena 85,000 1 85,000 2016 4 1/2 Ton 4x4 Picku Chief 2 Re lace 2003 Vehicle Fire 40,000 40,000 2016 5 Rescue Truck Re lace R-11 Fire 125,000 125,000 2076 6 Cit -Wide Software Gen'I.Govt. 50,000 50,000 2016 7 YMCA/DCTC Facilit Year 3 of 5 Gen'I.Govt. 500,000 7 500,000 2016 8 Sun Shelter at Bioomfield Park Park&Rec 45,000 45,000 2016 9 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Poiice 5,000 5,000 2016 10 Re lace Radar Units Police 15,000 15,000 2 30,000 2016 11 1 S uad Sell Back 1-#1120 Police 24,000 3,000 3 27,000 2016 12 PW Buildin Addition Lease/Purchase Year 18 of 20 Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 2016 13 Pedestrian Im rovements Pro ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2016 14 Pavement Mana ement Pro ram Pub Works 912,000 181,500 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,393,500 2016 15 Count Road 73-Bonaire Path to IGH ROW Costs From 2015 Pub Works 347,000 424,200 4 771,200 2016 16 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8336 2004 Vehicle Pub Works 30,000 5,000 5 35,000 2016 17 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8332 2003 Vehicle Pub Works 30,000 5,000 5 35,000 2016 18 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8333 2003 Vehicle Pub Works 30,000 5,000 5 35,000 2016 19 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8334 2003 Vehicle Pub Works 30,000 5,000 5 35,000 2016 20 1-Ton Picku w/Dum Re lace#8310 2003 Vehicle Pub Works 44,000 6,000 5 50,000 2016 21 Tractor-New Holland Re lace#8409 and#0177 Ditch Mower Pub Works 110.000 15,000 5 125 000 2016 22 Generator Re lace#8057 1996 Unit Pub Works 27,500 27,500 5,000 5 60,000 2016 23 Weil#17 Construction Pub Works 1,500,000 6 1,500,000 2016 24 Water Treatment Facilit Pub Works 10,000,000 6 10,000,000 24,000 1,384,000 533,000 181,500 45,000 0 1,500,000 0 0 10,137,500 137,500 t00,000 0 1,123,200 15,165,700 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2016 $7,941,000 $0 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Zamboni Batteries,Restroom Rehab&Paint Arena Ceiling funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Radar Units comes from DWI Forfeiture Fund. (3) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (4) Other funding for County Road 73 project from County share of project. Costs are for ROW. (5) Other funding for Pubiic Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. (6) Funding for Well#17 and the Water Treatment Facility will come from a Water Revenue bond issue. (7) Other funding for YMCA/DCTC facility will come from SKB reserves. Total Building CIP levy for 2016 is$24,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2016 is$1,302,040(P/M($955,000)Plus County Road 73(347,040)). If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB rev� Totai Equipment CIP levy for 2016 is$637,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). 4of11 MSA Funds Building Street Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewer Stortn Water Sewer Stortn Debt Serv Total Year Item-Descri tion De aRment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Utili Util' Utili Le Other Cost 2017 1 Re lace Ice Ed er Arena 8,000 1 8,000 2017 2 PC Workstation U rades From 2012 Finance 70,000 70,000 2017 3 Cit -Wide Software Gen'I.Govt. 50,000 50,000 2017 4 YMCA/DCTC Facilit Year 4 of 5 Gen'I.Govt 500,000 7 500.000 2017 5 Skate Park Ex ansion Park 8 Rec 30,000 30,000 2017 6 Flint Hills Athletic Fields Im rovements Park&Rec 3,000,000 2 3,000,000 2017 7 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Police 18,000 18,000 2017 8 PoRable Alarm Re lacements Police 20,000 20,000 2017 9 Public Areas Surveilance Camera S stem Police 75,000 75,000 2017 10 3 S uads Sell Back 3-#1330, 1370 8 14110 Police 70,000 9,000 3 79,000 2017 11 PW Buildin Addition Lease/Purchase Year 19 of 20 Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 2017 12 Pedestrian Im rovements Pro ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2017 13 Pavement Mana ement Pro ram Pub Works 967,000 185,040 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,452,040 2017 14 Count Road 73-Bonaire Path to IGH Construction Pub Works 1,405,900 1,718,300 4 3,124,200 2016 15 CSAH 42 Brid e at TH 52 Moved from 2015 Pub Works 3,125,000 9,375,000 5 12,500,000 2017 16 Taurus-Ins ections Re lace#8614 2005 Vehicle Pub Works 16,500 3,500 6 20,000 2017 17 Crash Attenuator Re lace#0049 Pub Works 20,000 20,000 2017 18 Groundsmaster Mower Re lace#8068 2008 Unit Pub Works 65,000 20,000 6 85 000 2017 19 Swee er Re lace#8443 2007 Vehicle Pub Works 72,500 72,500 25,000 6 170,000 2017 20 Tandem-Axle Dum Truck Re lace#8435 2005 Vehicle Pub Works 140,000 35,000 6 175,000 24,000 1,092,000 617,000 1,590,940 30,000 3,125,000 0 0 0 110,000 110,000 172,500 0 14,693,800 21,565,240 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2017 $1,733,000 $0 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Ice Edger funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Flint Hills Fields Improvements unknown at this time. (3) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (4) Other funding for County Road 73 project from County share of project. Costs are for construction. (5) Other funding for CSAH 42 Bridge at TH 52 comes from County State Aid. (6) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. (7) Other funding for YMCA/DCTC facility will come from SKB reserves Total Building CIP levy for 2017 is$24,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2017 is$1,010,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding aiternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2017 is$637,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Sof11 MSA Funds Building Street Equipment Park imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Debt Serv Total Year Item-Descri tion De rtment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Utili Utili Utili le Other Cost 2018 1 4x4 Brush Truck Re lacement 2000 Vehicle Truck,Pum 8 Tank Fire 75,000 75,000 2018 2 Cit -Wide Software Gen'I.Govt. 50,000 50,000 2018 3 YMCA/DCTC Facilit Year 5 of 5 Gen9 Govt 500,000 3 500,000 2018 4 Communit Center/Armo Remodel Park&Rec 150,000 150,000 2018 5 Re lace Emer enc E ui ment&Installation Police 24,000 24,000 2018 6 Re lace S uad La to s 4 Police 24,000 24,000 2018 7 Evidence Processin Room E ui ment U rades Police 30,000 30,000 2018 8 4 S uads Sell Back 4-#05120,08t60, 1480&14140 Police 100,000 12,000 1 112,000 2018 9 PW Buildin Addition Lease/Purchase Year 20 of 20 Pub Works 24,000 10,000 10,000 44,000 2018 10 Pedestrian Im rovements Pro ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2018 11 Pavement Mana ement Pro ram Pub Works 1,026,000 106,595 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,432,595 2018 12 Ford Focus-Park&Rec Re lace#8613 2000 Vehicle Pub Works 18,000 2,000 2 20,000 2018 13 Ford Focus-Ins ections Re lace#8612 2000 Vehicle Pub Works 18,000 2,000 2 20,000 2018 14 Minivan Re lace#8621 1998 Vehicle Pub Works 23,500 1,500 2 25,000 2018 15 1/2-Ton Ex-Cab Picku Re lace#8346 2006 Vehicle Pub Works 24,000 6,000 2 30,000 2018 16 1/2-Ton Ex-Cab Picku Re lace#8329 2006 Vehicle Pub Works 26,000 6,000 2 32,000 2018 17 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8315 2006 Vehicle Pub Works 30,000 5,000 2 35,000 2018 18 1-Ton Picku w/Dum Re lace#8340 2006 Vehicle Pub Works 43,000 7,000 2 50,000 2018 19 Trackless Sidewalk Machine Re lace#8417 Pub Works 90,000 10,000 2 100,000 2018 20 Sin le-Axle Dum Truck Re lace#8436 2005 Vehicle Pub Works 125,000 35,000 2 160,000 2018 21 Jetter Re lace#8445 2006 Vehicle Pub Works 131,250 43,750 25,000 2 200,000 174,000 1,151,000 700,500 106,595 0 0 0 0 0 110,000 241,250 143,750 0 611,500 3,238,595 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2018 $2,025,500 $0 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of oid vehicles. (2) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for YMCA/DCTC facility will come from SKB reserves Total Building CIP levy for 2018 is$24,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2018 is$1,070,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2018 is$637,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). 6of11 M� Funds Building Street Equipment Par1c Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Stortn Debt Serv Total Year Item-Descri tion De aRment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Utili Utilit Utilit Le Other Cost 2019 1 Re lace Skate Tile Moved from 2018 Arena 90,000 1 90,000 2019 2 PC Printer Re lacements Finance 10,000 10,000 2019 3 PC Workstation U rades From 2014 Finance 70,000 70,000 2019 4 Re lace Pa ers Fire 30,000 30,000 2019 5 Re lace Mobile Com uters Fire 35.000 35,000 2019 6 Re lace Hand Held Radios Fire 35,000 35,000 2019 7 Re lace Dictation E ui ment&Software Police 12,000 12,000 2019 8 Re lace S uad La to s 3 Police 18,000 18,000 2019 9 Re lace Emer enc E ui ment&Installation Police 30,000 30,000 2019 10 3 S uads Sell Back 3-#1450 CSO, 1540&15150 Police 75,000 9,000 2 84,000 2019 11 Pedestrian Im rovements Pro ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2019 12 Pavement Mana ement Pro ram Pub Works 1,088,000 1,230,810 2,516,598 100,000 100,000 100,000 5,135,408 2019 13 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8345 2007 Vehicle Pub Works 43,000 7,000 3 50,000 2019 14 Utilit Picku w/Crane Re lace#8342 2007 Vehicle Pub Works 28,300 28,300 28,400 15,000 3 100,000 0 1,213,000 315,000 1,230,810 0 2,516,598 0 0 0 171,300 128,300 128,400 0 121,000 5,824,408 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2019 $1,528,000 $0 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Skate Tile funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. Total Building CIP levy for 2019 is$0. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2019 is$1,135,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2019 is$637,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). 7of11 MSA Funds Building Street Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Storm Debt Serv Total Year Item-Descri tion De rtment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Utili Utili Utili Le Other Cost 2020 1 Arena Rink S stem Moved Partiail from 2017 Arena 450,000 1 450,000 2020 2 Phone Server Re lacements From 2015 Finance 20,000 20,000 2020 3 PC File Server Re lacements From 2015 Finance 100,000 100,000 2020 4 Aerial Platform Truck Re lacement Purchased in 2020 Fire 1,200,000 # 1,200,000 2020 5 Aerial Platform Truck Re lacement Year 1 of 5 Fire 252,000 252,000 2020 6 S uad Set U and E ui ment Instaltation Police 6,000 6,000 2020 7 Ex and Public Area Cameras Police 25,000 25,000 2020 8 New S uad Emer enc E ui ment&Installation Police 25,000 25,000 2020 9 2 S uads Sell Back 1-#1520&1 New Police 48,000 3,000 2 51,000 2020 10 Pedestrian Im rovements Pro ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2020 11 Pavement Mana ement Pro ram Pub Works 1,154,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,454,000 2020 12 Ford Ran er-Ins ections Re lace#8615 2008 Vehicle Pub Works 21,500 3,500 3 25,000 2020 13 Sin le-Axle Dum Truck Re lace#8430 2009 Vehicle Pub Works 140,000 35,000 3 175,000 0 1,279,000 385,500 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 100,000 252,000 1,691,500 3,908,000 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2020 $1,664,500 $252,000 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $1,200,000 (1) Arena Rink System funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. Total Building CIP levy for 2020 is$0. If there is a difference,the difference beNveen this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2020 is$1,205,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2020 is$637,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). 8of11 MSA Funds Building Street Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewer Stortn Water Sewer Storm Debt Serv Totai Year Item-Descri tion De artment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Utili Utili Utili Le Other Cost 2021 1 Re lace Skate Shar ener Arena 20,000 1 20,000 2021 2 Re lace Chiller Barrel Moved from 2016 Arena 55,000 1 55,000 2021 3 Aenal Platform Truck Re lacement Year 2 of 5 Fire 252,000 252.000 2021 4 S uad Set U and E ui ment Installation Police 20,000 20,000 2021 5 4 S uads Seil Back 4-#OS-150, 16120, 1730&17110 Police 100,000 12,000 2 112,000 2021 6 Pedestrian Im rovements Pro ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2021 7 Pavement Mana ement Pro ram Pub Works 1,224,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,524,000 0 1,349,000 120,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 100,000 252,000 87,000 2,108,000 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2021 $1,469,000 $252,000 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Skate Sharpener and Chiller Barrel funding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. Total Building CIP levy for 2021 is$0. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as pote�tial SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2021 is$1,280,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2021 is$637,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). 9of11 MSA Funds Building Street Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewer Storm Water Sewer Stortn Debt Serv Total Year item-Descri tion De rtment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Utili Utili Utiii le Other Cost 2022 1 Re lace Com ressors Arena 60,000 1 60,000 2022 2 PC Workstation U rades From 2017 Finance 70,000 70,000 2022 3 Aeriai Platform Truck Re lacement Year 3 of 5 Fire 252,000 252,000 2022 4 3 S uads Sell Back 3-#1770, 1880 8 18140 Police 75,000 9,000 2 84,000 2022 5 Pedestrian Im rovements Pro ram Pub Works 125,000 125,000 2022 6 Pavement Mana ement Pro ram Pub Works 1,224,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 1,524,000 0 1,349,000 145,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 100,000 100,000 100,000 252,000 69,000 2,115,000 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Year 2021 $1,494,000 $252,000 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Compressors fu�ding comes from Arena Fund operations/reserves. (2) Other funding for Squad Cars comes from auction sales of old vehicles. (3) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. Total Building CIP levy for 2022 is$0. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Street CIP levy for 2022 is$1,280,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). Total Equipment CIP levy for 2022 is$637,000. If there is a difference,the difference between this number and the number from above is a result of a 10-year funding program and other funding alternatives(such as potential SKB revenues). 10 of 11 MSA Funds Building Street Equipment Park Imp From Water Sewer Stortn Water Sewer Stortn Debt Serv Total Year Item-Descri tion De artment CIP CIP CIP Assess Fund State Core Core Core Utili Utili Utili Le Other Cost Future 1 Public Works/Cit Hall Buildin Ex ansion Council 4,000,000 1 4,000,000 Future 2 Tender Truck Addition Moved to Future Fire 180,000 2 180,000 Future 3 En ine Truck Addition Moved from 2019 and 2017 Fire 700,000 3 700,000 Future 4 Add Fire Station#3 Same time as additional En ine Truck Fire 3 Future 5 ADA Com liant U rades Stud Park&Rec 20,000 20,000 Future 6 Communi Center Covered Walk Park 8 Rec 175,000 175,000 Future 7 Communit Center Roof Re lacement Park&Rec 180,000 180,000 Future 8 Stee le Center E�erior Restoration Park&Rec 200,000 200,000 Future 9 Buckthorne Removal-Carroll's Woods Park 8 Rec 225,000 225,000 Future 10 Covered Benches at Ballfelds Park&Rec 230,000 230,000 Future 11 TH 3 Aesthetic Im rovements Pub Works 448,500 4 448,500 Future 12 North Central Sanita Sewer Extension Pub Works 5 Future 13 Street Construction-BoulderAvenue 6ctension Pub Works 3,000,000 6 3,000,000 2023 14 1-Ton Ex-Cab Picku Re lace#8330 Pub Works 25,000 10,000 7 35,000 2023 15 1-Ton Picku Re lace#8341 Pub Works 25,000 10,000 7 35,000 2023 16 Generator Re lace#8059 2003 Unit Pub Works 27,500 27,500 5,000 7 60,000 2024 17 Groundsmaster Mower Re lace#8066 2015 Unit Pub Works 70,000 20,000 7 90,000 2024 18 Groundsmaster Mower Re lace#8073 2015 Unit Pub Works 70,000 20,000 7 90,000 2024 19 Sin le-Axle Dum Truck Re lace#8432 Pub Works 135,000 40,000 7 175,000 2025 20 Loader,Win 8 Piow Re lace 8479 Pub Works 160,000 50,000 7 210,000 2026 21 Groundsmaster Mower Re lace#8068 2017 Unit Pub Works 70,000 25,000 7 95,000 2026 22 Tractor-John Deere Re lace#8406 Pub Works 95,000 5,000 7 100,000 2028 23 Tractor/Backhoe Re lace#8407 Pub Works 105,000 25,000 7 130,000 555,000 0 1,700,000 0 230,000 0 0 0 0 27,500 27,500 0 0 7,838,500 10,378,500 Total CIP Funding Requirements-Future Years $2,255,000 $0 (#) These items will be funded with the issuance of Equipment Certificates. $0 (1) Funding for the City Hall Expansion($1,000,000)&PW Building Expansion($3,000,000)wilt come from a general bond issue. (2) Funding and timing of purchase of Tender Truck(Addition)still to be determined. (3) Timing for Fire Station#3 and Additional Engine Truck sti�l to be determined. (4) Other funding for TH 3 projects will come from grants or other incentives. (5) Future costs associated with the sanitary sewer will include extensive street reconstruction on the following streets: 124th St, 125th St,Blanca Ave W,128th St,Bolivia Ave,130th St W,Biscayne Ave,Bengai Ave, 129th St W,CR 38, 132nd Court and Bonnaire Path. Costs and funding are not available at this time. (6) Other funding for Boulder Avenue extension will come from a PoR Authority bond issue. (7) Other funding for Public Works equipment comes from trade-in value of old vehicles. 11 of 11