HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120420 CCM - RM ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 20, 2012 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and norice thereof a regulaY meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday, March 20, 2012, at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145`h Street West,Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members Weisensel,DeBettignies, Shoe-Corrigan and Kearney attending. Staff inembers present included Ciry Administrator Johnson,City Attorney LeFevere, Community Development Director Lindquist,Parks and Recreation Director Schultz and Recoxding Secretary Hanson. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO THE AGENDA - - City Admuiistrator Johnson stated there were no addiuons or corrections to the agenda. Motion by Droste to adopt the Agenda. Second by Weisensel. Ayes:5 Nays: 0.Absent:0. Motion carried. PRESENTATION, PROCLAMATlONS AND ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS None. PUBLIC COMMENT There was no public comment. CONSENT AGENDA Motion by DeBettignies. Second by Kearney. Motion to apprave the Consent Agenda. a. Minutes of the March 6,2012 Regular Meeting Proceedings b. Bills Listing c. Acquisition of Easements—Diamond Path Trail Project,City Project 434 d. Receive Donations—Parks&Recreation Dept. e. Expenditure Approval from the Donation account—Parks&Recreation Dept. f. Authorization to Advertise for Bid—Umore Ball Field Project—Phase One g. On-Sale License on Public Premise h. Fire Department Vehicle Purchase i. Park and Ride Review j. Request by The Ryland Group,Inc. for a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Preliminary Plat,and Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning to Develop a 54 Lot Subdivision named Greystone,Case 11-33-PP, 11-34-PUD& 11-35-CP (Resolution 2012-15,2012-16,and 2012-1� k. CSAH 42/Akron AUAR Update (Resolution 2012-18) Ayes: DeBettignies, Shoe-Corrigan,Droste,Weisensel,Kearney Nays: None. Absent:None. Motion carried. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 20, 2012 PUBLIC HEARINGS 7.a. Evermoor Glendalough 8`''Addition Final Plat—U.S. Homes Corporation Vacation of the Drainage and Utility Easement Over Outlot C, Evermoor 6`'' Addition,Case 07-34-FP Community Development Director Lindquist suminarized the staff report. The public heas7ng was opened at 7:35p.m. There were no public comments. MOTION by DeBettignies to close the public hearing. Second by Weisensel. �------- ---------------Ayes: Shoe-Corrigan,Droste,Weisensel,Keamey,DeBettignies Nays: None. Absent:None. Motion carried. Public hearing was closed at 7:35p.m. Motion by DeBettignies. Second by Kearney. Motion to adopt a resolution approving vacation of the drainage and utility easement over Outlot C,Evermoox Glendalough 6`�Addition, subject to conditions. Ayes: Shoe-Corrigan, Droste,Weisensel,Kearney,DeBettignies Nays: None. Absent:None. Motion carried. (Resolution 2012-19) NEW BUSINESS 9.a. ShadeTree Pest and Disease Control Ordinance—First Reading Patks and Recreation Di�ector Schultz summarized the staff report. City Attorney LeFevere xecommended the amount of days for both the time to submit an appeal and before the hearing should be 10 calendar days. Mr. Schultz explained to the Council that the Department of Agricultute is the governing agenry in these matters and they would be immediately contacted if there was a potential problem. He further stated that private property owners would be xesponsible £or either removing the infested trees or trearing them. Motion by DeBettignies. Second by Weisensel. _ Motion to apptove the first reading and set the second reading for Apri13,2012. Ayes: Droste,Weisensel,Kearney,DeBettignies, Shoe-Corrigan Nays: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. 9.b.Large Gathering on Public Park Land Ordinance-First Reading Parks and Recreation Director Schultz summarized the staff report. A discussion took place on whether or not the surety bond requixement is necessary or too excessive for smaller events. Mr. Schultz stated that the surety bond amount is determined on the size of the event, the trash level,number of toilets, and discussions with the vendors involved. He stated that ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS MARCH 20, 2012 the groups inquiruig about holding large gatherings can usually manage the surery bond Yequirement. Further discussion took place on the fee schedule,how it is determined the amount of portable toilets that are placed at an event,and what type of events�vould fall under the ordinance. Motion by Kearney. Second by DeBettignies. Motion to apptove the first reading and set the second reading for Tuesday,April 3, 2012. Ayes: Weisensel,Kearney,DeBettignies,Shoe-Corrigan,Droste Nays: None. Absent:None. Motion cazried. ANNOUNCEMENTS - - --- Mayor Droste reviewed the calendar. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come befoxe the City Council and upon a Motion by Mayor Droste to adjourn, second by Council member DeBettignies,the meeting was adjoumed at 8:09p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Kathie Hanson,Recorciing Secretary