HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120509 CCM - WS ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MAY 9, 2012 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, May 9, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145`h Street West, Rosemount. Mayox Droste called the meeting to order with Council MembeYS Shoe-CoYrigan,Weisensel, Kearney, DeBettignies and Weisensel attending. Staff present included City Adnunistrator Johnson, City Clexk Domeier, Director of Public WorksjCity Engineer Brotzler, Director of Park and Recreation Schultz,Assistant City Admuustrator Foster, Community Development Director Lindquist, Senior Planner Zweber and Community Development Director Lindquist. City Adinuiistrator Johnson stated that additional plans for the Steeple Center will be discussed in addition to the regular agenda items. DISCUSSION 2.A. MEETING WITH ROSEMOUNT AREA ARTS COUNCIL (RAAC) Jim Kotz,John Loch and Jeanne Schwartz were in attendance to represent the RA1�C. They provided informarion about the group's mission statement, events,goals and membership gxowth. Ms. Schwartz also provided information on the new logo,board members, and economic impact. They requested to be the front porch of Rosemount in the gathering space at the Steeple Center. Council Member Kearney liked the front poYCh concept. He questioned if RA.AC has had discussions with the senior group. Ms. SchwaYtz stated that RAAC has reached out to the group a couple of times but there was not a lot of response. RA11C is open to working with the group. Mayor Droste questioned the RAAC having access to the Steeple Center without city staff. Mr. Schultz explained some scenarios where he would prefer to have a staff person present. He did agree that there was an opportunity foY RAAC to provide a level of service during daytime hours. Council Member Weisensel stated that the front porch concept could serve as a visitor and/or welcome center. Discussion was held about signage. Mr. Schultz suggested waiting on a sign until the site is complete. Mayor Droste preferred doing the sound and lighting upgrades to the Steeple Center this year instead of waiting for another year. Mr. Schultz explained that past service agreements with other groups have been based on the historical relationship and the amount of community activity. He will work on generating a service agreement that would fit the needs of city staff and RAAC. He will also look into scheduling the sound and lighting later this year. 2.B. CENTER FOR URBAN AND REGIONAL AFFAIRS STUDENT PRESENTATION Carla Carlson introduced the student group to the City Council and pxovided background on the student initiatives. Members of the group pxovided a presentation on the Capstone project. Discussion was held regarding the presentation. The Capstone will be published on Saturday,May 12. STEEPLE CENTER FRONT STEPS Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided drawings of the proposed front steps at the Steeple Center. He explained the type of materials that would be used to build the steps. He ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MAY 9, 2012 suggested adding lighting to the project as proposed by the axchitect. The City Council supported the plan�vith rounded edges on the front steps and the addition of lighting. 2.C. DISCUSSION OF PERSONNEL VACANCIES City Adininistrator Johnson stated that staff was recommending that Jewel Ericson serve as the interim police chief and Jim Koslowski serve as interim operations superintendent. Assistant City Administrator Foster explained that past practice has been to provide a 10%pay increase to interim assignments and this percentage is in line with other cities who responded to a survey inquiry regarding their interun pay practices. The City Council supported the interim pay increases. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan wondered if the City Council should consider hiring a Public Safety Director posirion to oversee police and fire operations. Discussion was held regarding the oprion but the general consensus was that the City would benefit more from separate police and fire chiefs based on the size of the City and current operarions. Further discussion was held regarding the public works staffing. Mr. Brotzler explained the duties of summer seasonal along with the addirional needs for backfillixig the two employees on medical leave. He stated that he preferred to pursue a 6 month position to fill in for the medical leaves to find experienced employees with some of the necessary licensing. The City Council supported the hiting of a 6 month employee. Mr. Brotzlex further explained the Yequest before the City Council related to the resignarion of the Opexarions Superintendent. Candidates for an operations superintendent would likely be current public woYks supervisors in larger cities looking to move to a managerial level. Most candidates would have the necessary public works certifications, a 4 year degree or equivalent. He noted the current job description for the Operations Superintendent position that was included in the packet had been reviewed and compared with similar positions and was deterinuied to be consistent with the expectations of the position should Council elect to pursue Option 1. Mr. Brotzler stated that oprion 3 in the staff report is a good direction for the department for the foreseeable future, 5 to 10 years. An anticipated trigger for needing to consider the addition of another supervisory position is when/if a water treatment facility is developed. The option provides for employee growth within the organization. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan stated that employee development is important The City Council supported moving forward with option 3. A discussion was held regarding the recruitment of a new police chief. The City Council preferred that staff do the recnxitment and determine a timeline. Staff will also use a firm to assist with portions of the process. City Council prefeYxed that an Open House be held for staff and residents to meet all top candidates. The City Council also supported a 24/7 paid on call posirion within the Public Works Departtnent. UPDATES 3.A. UPDATES FROM CITY COUNCIL/STAFF Discussion was held regarding the meeting between the City Council and Fire Departrnent on May 8 related to pay and pension,the concern of fire marshal duries and equipment. Communiry ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MAY 9, 2012 Development Director provided an update on the duties of the Fire Marshal. She indicated that to date she has not received a complaint about the performance of the Fire Marshal. Mr. Schultz stated that the bid opening for the UMore ball field project would be held on May 10 at 10 a.m. He provided an update on the environmental infoYmation that was being reviewed by the PCA. The PCA will have their review done by May 25. MY. Schultz added that he would be attending the RAAA May 14 meeting. Kim Lindquist provided an update on potential hotel to be located in Rosemount. She explained some of the financial components and stated that the owner of the property wanted to build the public road. Discussion was held on the proposal and current policies. Council Member Keamey provided a recap of the RAA_A meeting held on May 8. Council Member Weisensel stated that the Youth Coininission Suinnut would be held on Saturday, May 12. He added that DCC reports and informarion are being added to Dropbox. He also requested that instead of using the word "volunteers" that the City Council would consider using the term"community builders". Mayor DYOSte provided an update on upcoming events the City Council could attend. ADJOURNMENT TheYe being no fuxther business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 10:15 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk