HomeMy WebLinkAbout20120912 CCM WS ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on th Wednesday, September 12, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Shoe-Corrigan, Weisensel, and Kearney attending. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Community Development Director Lindquist, Finance Director May and Recording Secretary Dorniden. Administrator Johnson informed the Council that Item 2.B. Outdoor Athletic Field Needs was being pulled from the agenda. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan asked that it not be removed from the agenda. Mayor Droste moved it to Updates. DISCUSSION 2.A. FTTH Update Administrator Johnson apprised the Council that the City is working with FTTH on an agreement bringing free services to Fire Station 2, which is our Emergency Operations Control Center. It will then have a completed fiber loop and digital fiber for the TV. He then introduced Jeffrey Feldman from FTTH for an update. Jeffrey Feldman and Jimmy Seliga of FTTH provided an update on FTTH happenings in Rosemount. Mr. Feldman felt since his last visit with the Council everything has been positive. The last quarter they have been upgrading a lot of DVR Home services. The Prestwick Additions and Glendalough new additions have also been connecting to their services. They have also partnered with the County. With the connection from DCTC to Abbeyfield (Prestwick) they are pulling in more equity and equipment. Mayor Droste reminded everyone that the City can’t acknowledge just one private entity. The technology is changing, but once fiber is in the ground it’s there to stay. They are working out all the wireless problems and should have the east side to the fire station by fall. All around FTTH is getting positive feedback from their users. Council Member Weisensel said while out campaigning he saw a lot of Charter stickers in Harmony, Country Hills and Evermoor. FTTH might want to go that route. Upon a request to financing assist in system expansion, it was noted that the City doesn’t want to be in the cable business. Mayor Droste thanked them for coming in. Finance Director May followed them out with the agreement that needed to be signed for connecting Fire Station #2 to the system. C. Senior Housing Development Discussion Administrator Johnson welcomed Bill Stoddard with Doran Companies and David Wolterstorff, AIA with WAI Continuum. Mr. Stoddard led off talking about the points that need to have Council direction. Some of the items were the multi-generation center (pool & fitness), land price trade-off, remaining grant money and a developer’s agreement. A handout/drawing was passed out from the architect. Mr. Wolterstorff had a power point presentation showing different urban inspired projects and what they have in mind for Rosemount. He stressed some of the items that made these urban projects successful were the action the buildings had, comfortable atmosphere and wifi connections. Some have “pub” areas with liquor lockers, ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 the dining areas had public coming in and paying cash while the residents had meal services. . It’s all in the management of the facility. Mr. Wolterstorff expressed the Wow factor of the public spaces indicating he was envisioning an atrium. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan liked the idea of a café. She also expressed the need for space for classrooms and suggested a second floor on the public senior center for either classrooms or storage. There was much discussion on putting in a second floor with storage getting a price for both open space and finished space. The pool/fitness room was a big discussion item. Mr. Stoddard maintained it would be geared for seniors, but opened up to the public. All Council Members agreed the City is not interested in funding the pool/fitness room and wanted Mr. Stoddard to be perfectly clear in that respect and no funds would be available for that from the City to construct, maintain or operate the pool and fitness area. Community Development Director Lindquist provided a summary of the staff report. She had also handed out a concept plan that Staff created. She wanted to make sure that the kitchen is to be connected to the Steeple Center as a staging area, not a full kitchen with the café toward the front of the building/multi- function area. One of the biggest obstacles facing Staff and Council is splitting of the space. It has to be determined what space is the developer’s space and what the City wants as their responsibility. There is also the issue of public access which may vary in hours and also activities and ages of participants. Staff doesn’t think it is prudent to have the public go through the private senior housing spaces. Again it was made clear that the City does not want to financially partner in the construction or maintenance of the pool/fitness center. Mr. Stoddard reiterated that their vision is to see the pool/fitness center be used for more than just the senior community. Parks & Recreation Director Schultz said it may be possible to have RAAC furnish a volunteer to man the reception desk to give direction within the building. In the multi-purpose room there would be storage, however personal items would have to be taken with residents. The City would like about 5,000 square feet of space with a possibility of 5,000 square feet more on the second floor. Administrator Johnson commented that the seniors need to be on the first floor and also need to realize the wow factor of their building. Again, Council Member Shoe-Corrigan stressed that the City is not interested in paying for the pool/fitness center. Mayor Droste asked what the budget Council can give. The City has SKB funding and some surplus funding from prior budget years, however that is competing for other items within the City. The land is estimated at $250,000. Community Development Director Lindquist said Mr. Trucker felt that 1.5 million for the senior project with the free land should be a good deal for the City. Staff does not believe that is a reasonable proposal. Mr. Stoddard thought the increase of underground parking and programming should be equitable exchange for the land. He’s not worried about the pool, he feels it’s built on the premise of “build it and they will come”. Council Member DeBettignies felt the pool would be a huge amenity for the City and their different groups, but the City isn’t interested in operating and maintaining it. st Mayor Droste reiterated that the City would like the cost of 5,000 square feet on the 1 floor and 5,000 square feet on the second floor. The second floor they want pricing for a shell and for finished product. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 Council would like to see a fully operational café in the public access area, they particularly liked the walkways. Mr. Stoddard said the expanded underground parking allows 67 spaces, with 41 spaces above ground. There are about 90 units in the senior building broken down into independent, assisted and memory care living. They will have 38 independent units, 32 assisted and 21 memory care. They are also allowing for 10- 12 staff on-site. Council felt the staffing was a low number. Administrator Johnson advised Mr. Stoddard that the land price needs to be negotiated. There are three items that would need to go into the talk about the land price.  1.4 million underground parking  Offer programming to services in the multi-use area  Maintenance of facilities It has to be determined what is public space, City space and senior space. This should be spelled out in the development agreement. The development agreement would also clarify how many parking spaces are for public space. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan wondered how much it would take to buy out Michael Ryan ($450,000) and use his lot for parking. Council members discussed this option and many indicated the purchase wouldn’t be worth the cost because you’d only get around 10 spaces out of the lot, which would be very expensive parking spaces. Council Member Kearney spoke about the financing and the price the underground parking. It was noted that even with the proposed parking there would be limited parking for City functions. Bill Stoddard and the Council discussed the various monies available through the Liveable Communities Grant. It was noted that the grant program is a reimbursement program, so the funds must be expended first, and meet eligibility requirements before the City will get reimbursed. The details of who will install some of the amenities financed through the LCDA grant will prompt who will be reimbursed. There are public spaces and private spaces anticipated in the various funded items. For example, $200,000 is for stormwater management which is assumed to be an underground storage tank. There was further discussion about providing reimbursement to the developer is they are the ones who initially pay for the work and it complies with the grant agreement. Additional negotiation will be needed and final responsibilities will need to be determined in the final development agreement. The LCDA funds (grant) of $400,000, $200,000 of that is designated for the underground storage tank. D. Community Center Banquet Room Improvements Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided a summary of the staff report. There were pictures for the Council to look at. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan felt that there should be a fireplace of some kind in the lobby. Council member Shoe-Corrigan felt the lobby needs to be more esthetically pleasing, more inviting. Some thoughts were a fireplace with furniture around it, a cascading waterfall, etc. The work will th start after December 17. The restrooms are in serious need of rejuvenation. The Council liked the looks of the trough sink. Council Member Weisensel wanted to make sure we noted if we are using recyclable, ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 sustainable materials where possible and asked about the light fixtures, making sure they are the LED/energy efficient. Parks and Recreation Director Schultz will check on the products being used, however a couple years ago all the lights were changed out to the energy efficient lights in both the Community Center and City Hall. E. Erickson Park Shelter Building Improvements Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided a summary of the staff report. All agreed the shelter is very outdated. The bathrooms aren’t ADA accessible and the kitchen isn’t a licensed kitchen. It needs to be upgraded and cleaned up. Council agreed that the City should focus on the bathrooms as a high priority, get rid of the stove and fan and put in a countertop in its place in the kitchen/concession area. They also suggested maybe checking with DCTC or the high school to get someone in to soften the walls a little, possibly painting the concrete. There really isn’t any Park Dedication funding to do a lot. Most funding has been poured into the UMore fields through 2013. The general consensus is to make it look nice, but don’t let it cost a lot. Outdoor Athletic Fields Park and Recreation Director Schultz apprised the Council that the facilities need that the RAAA had presented to them wasn’t calculated right and that was why it was pulled from the agenda. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan stated that the school district needs to work with the City. She said Rosemount’s schools are receiving less than the other schools in the district. She wanted the rest of the Council to know that the football program has taken over the concession stands at Rosemount High School and the other programs have to submit a portion of their profits to the football program if they want to use the concession stand. ISD #196 changes in middle school sports is impacting youth football and displacing the in-house soccer. Rosemount needs to stand up to the District, they are too nice. The school board members need to know what is going on. Factual data needs to be condensed and taken to them through RAAA. RAAA needs to lobby the Athletic Director at the Rosemount High School. Council suggested that Mike Manning and John Wollershiem be invited to a meeting regarding the use of fields. F. Planning Commission Vacancy City Administrator Johnson provided a summary of options the staff report. He requested that the City Council decide how to move forward with the vacancy. Council asked how the Planning Commission Work Session went the evening before on the Dakota Aggregate Mining permit. Community Development Director Lindquist said everything went fine. Senior Planner Zweber met with the County and Department of Health to keep them informed. Council agreed that the City should wait until after the election to see if Vanessa Demuth is elected to City Council and if she would be, then consider letting the Commission go back down to five. Council wants to have qualified people on the Commission. As of now the Planning Commission will keep operating with six members. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS SEPTEMBER 12, 2012 UPDATES 3.A. Updates from City Council/Staff Park and Recreation Director Schultz updated the Council on the UMore Ball fields. They are 90% complete and we now have green grass. Council Member Weisensel informed the Council that he attended a meeting today regarding the Robert Street transit area. He said he drew a line on the map for them right through Rosemount. At this time there is no anticipated light rail. They had a lot of nice maps showing densities. Ruthie Batulis from the Dakota County Chamber was also at the meeting. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan had two items she wanted to bring up. First she wondered if anything was done about the banners for special events. This was brought up some time ago, but nothing has been done. Businesses should partner with the school district to do banners on the poles. The second item was if they’d found the missing child as of yet. Administrator Johnson reported what was known. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan asked that the Council be informed through e-mail regarding things like this. Community Development Director Lindquist updated the Council on the status of the hotel. The plat was submitted today along with the Super America site plan.. There was a layout of the hotel along with a colored rendering, although it may be too late to start construction this year. . th Mayor Droste has heard a lot of chatter from the public regarding the 145 Street project and how it is hampering the school traffic. Council is being blamed for the project being started so late when in fact it’s due to delays because of Leprechaun Days and Frontier moving their lines. They will hopefully be paving within the next two weeks. He also commented that the building numbers are up from last year. th CDA is sponsoring an economic development event on October 26 inviting small businesses. The owner of the Saints is going to be speaking. Mayor Droste asked if Council Member Weisensel would attend as all other Council Members have previous commitments. It is an 8:00 a.m. breakfast and he would be expected to give a 10 minute welcome. Weisensel agreed to attend. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 10:32 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Cindy Dorniden