HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Review of Port Authority Implementation Strategies 4 ROSENAOUN1T EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PORT AUTHORITY Port Authority Date: December 4, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Review of Port Authority Implementation AGENDA SECTION: Strategies New Business PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Deputy Director AGENDA NO. 5.a. ATTACHMENTS: Goals, Strategies Response Listing APPROVED BY Dated 11/30/2012 no.) RECOMMENDED ACTION: Update Item ISSUE In 2011 the Port Authority approved goals and strategies to achieve those goals. The attachment provides an update as to where the City is on achieving several of these multi -year goals. Staff has also noted in a few instances where more direction from the Port members might be necessary so staff can fulfill expectations. RECOMMENDATION This item is for discussion. It may be beneficial in the near future to relook at the goals and strategies and determine whether some should be updated, new ones added, and recognize which are complete. 2011 Goals, Strategies and Response Listing dated 11/30/2012 EXISTING BUSINESS RETENTION AND GROWTH Goal: To increase the positive interactions and engagement with existing businesses through partnership and networking in support of our desirable small town atmosphere. Objective: To increase the use of interactions, information and feedback to focus resources effectively. Implementation Strategies 2011 -2012: Introduce integrated message to business and the public (2011 4 quarter). 2012: Evaluate 2011 introduced weekly email communication to business outreach and determine effectiveness and next steps. 2012: Create retention metric for evaluating existing business engagement. 2012 -2013: Investigate new marketing opportunities for local businesses within city. (i.e. Taste of Rosemount) Response: At the 2011 Business Appreciation Lunch, the Economic Growth goals were unveiled and were the featured discussion during the presentation. During 2012, the City continued weekly emails to businesses, and continued to expand the business email listing. The business email has been used to reinforce economic development information to the local commercial owners. At the 2012 Business Appreciation lunch, another communication vehicle was introduced, a survey, with the recognition that additional surveys may be undertaken through a combination of the business email or other electronic options through the new website system. The City has had discussions with the Rosemount Business Council and the Rosemount Area Arts Council regarding special events that could highlight local businesses. There are partnerships underway, such as the sponsorship of the tree lighting ceremony which brings together RBC, RAAC, and the City's Youth Commission. Additional brainstorming to achieve this goal is necessary. At present, a business retention metric has not been identified and more study, direction and discussion is needed to complete this task. DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT Goal: To increase the number and variety of retail and commercial destinations to maintain Downtown as a place of commerce. Objective: To continue implementing the Development Framework for Downtown Rosemount (July 2004) with its eight identified focus areas. Implementation Strategies 2012: Secure a broker and /or developer and market Genz -Ryan property for a period of one year. 2011 -2013: Partner with MVTA to facilitate construction of Park and Ride and work to move up its anticipated 2013 construction date to increase downtown parking availability during non transit time. 2012 -2015: Create a Redevelopment Status List of existing properties and business owners within the Downtown Redevelopment areas for upgrades, renovations and revitalization opportunities. Report quarterly to Port Authority. Response: The Port Authority has commissioned a broker for the Genz Ryan site. The broker has been under contract since October 2010. The contract was recently extended for a 6 month period. The MVTA park and ride in Downtown Rosemount is almost complete and service out of the facility will occur on December 10, 2012. A draft list is being created and is available for review. UMore PARK DEVELOPMENT Goal: To increase sustainable business and employment opportunities within an extended and Tong -term community development. Objective: To increase clarity of scope, schedule and development costs. Implementation Strategies 2011 -2013: Monitor Alternate Urban Area -Wide Review (AUAR) as the Responsible Governmental Unit (RGU), collaborating with Empire Township and UMore. 2012 -2015 Partner with the UMore development group to establish marketing and job creation opportunities consistent with creating a regional hub for emerging and sustainable technologies. 2012 -2022: Investigate with UMore development group scope and timing of a demonstration project of sustainable development concepts and eco industrial park development. Response: The City, Empire Township and the University continue to work on the AUAR document. Internal meetings are held monthly and there are several `agency' meetings proposed in the beginning of 2013. The City has discussed formalizing an economic development strategy for developable portions of the UMore property. Additional discussion should occur. There has been little discussion about a demonstration project with University representatives in the near term. This topic should be added to the discussions about economic development. COMMERCIAL AMENITIES Goal: To increase the quantity of desirable underserved retail and commercial businesses. Objective: To secure a hotel facility within the city limits. Implementation Strategies 2011 -2012: Market /RFP Hotel Study and pursue investors and /or developer. 2012 -2015: Investigate /pursue niche businesses driven by unique markets instead of a growth model that depends on population size or number of "rooftops." Response: The City Council on November 27 approved the rezoning and site plan to permit a hotel development at the Rosewood Commercial area in the northeast corner of the County Road 42/ Hwy 3 intersection. The project should be under construction in the spring of 2013. The Port Authority has had some preliminary discussions on this topic but further work is needed. INDUSTRIAL BUSINESS (AND TECHNOLOGY) PARK Goal: To increase the quantity and quality of business and employment opportunities for residents while broadening the sector and tax base. Objective: To increase visibility and marketing direction for available development opportunities. Implementation Strategies 2011 -2012 Meet with undeveloped guided Business Park development stakeholders to understand their issues, goals and timing related to development. Create action items based on outcome. 2012: Continue to participate in the regional Twin Cities marketing strategy, Greater MSP. Evaluate partnership yearly. 2012: Investigate re- branding the Business Park to be consistent with a transition to sustainable and innovative development. 2012 -2014: Investigate /partner to determine feasibility of establishing a "business incubator" growth model. Consider emerging technologies, sustainability, nanotechnology opportunities. Response: Staff has continued to participate in Greater MSP and also continues to participate in Positively MN. Discussions about leveraging Rosemount's participation have revolved around future marketing opportunities for the Rosemount Business Park and the UMore property. Discussions continue to move forward on investigation of a business incubator or the City serving as some type of economic development services resource. This project may continue into 2013 as the MCCD consultant will begin work for the County in January 2013. Staff has not set up recent meetings with Business Park property owners. There have been several discussions with Ryan Construction over the last year as we have collaborated on several proposals. COMMUNICATIONS, MARKETING AND REGIONAL COOPERATION Goal: To increase the quantity and quality businesses. Objective: To increase the visibility and marketing of Rosemount business opportunities locally and regionally. Implementation Strategies 2011 -12: Develop a "development briefing" message (an "elevator speech" sales pitch). 2011 -12 Develop an economic development "ambassador" contact list and program. 2011 -2012: Create a long term public engagement strategy for the business community and Rosemount residents. 2012: Continue to participate in the regional Twin Cities marketing strategy, Greater MSP. 2012: Continue to collaborate with Rosemount Business Council and Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce to enhance more local marketing effort. Response: The City has developed a consistent economic development message which is the basis for the economic development page on the website. The website, along with the business emails, has been identified as part of the City's long term engagement strategy with community businesses. The annual Business Appreciation Lunch is also an opportunity to update the business community and highlight specific information, or unveil a new initiative. Members of the Port Authority and City Council continue to be engaged in the Business Council and the Regional Chamber of Commerce, as well as attending Greater MSP functions. There have been several conversations with the Business Council /Chamber representatives about more local marketing efforts. These discussions should continue. Staff has not compiled an ambassador contact list. At one time, it was discussed that a list would be compiled of business leaders who could represent the community when new projects were investigating Rosemount. If this is the deliverable for this item, staff can pull that together relatively quickly. If staff's understanding is incorrect further direction about this initiative should be given. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS Goal To increase communication of value, timeliness and consistency of development to the economic development community, businesses and our residents. Objective: To increase data driven level of service in communication and efficiency of operations. Implementation Strategies 2012: Establish a joint meeting schedule with City Council (1 -2 times annually). 2012: Establish a metric to measure impact and value of development efforts (i.e. staff costs and expenditures as a percent of development costs and /or tax revenue). 2012: Establish an exit survey to develop metric for planning and development improvement recommendations. Response: In the past, when substantive issues at the Port Authority were discussed, all members of the City Council were invited to attend and participate in the meeting. In 2012, agenda items were not deemed to be of that significance to have joint meetings. However, staff can begin scheduling joint meetings as a matter of course. As with other standing commissions, there is some interest in having a joint meeting after the Council's goals setting session so applicable goals and work plans can be synchronized. Staff has not established metrics measuring economic development activities cost versus value. Additional assistance from Port Authority members would be helpful to ascertain appropriate measurements.