HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the October 10, 2012 Work Session Proceedings ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 10, 2012 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, October 10, 2012 at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Shoe-Corrigan, Weisensel and Kearney attending. Staff present included Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, City Administrator Johnson, City Clerk Domeier, Community Development Director Lindquist, Senior Planner Zweber,Director of Public Works/City Engineer Brotzler and Finance Director May. DISCUSSION 2.A. Outdoor Athletic Field Analysis Heidi Kraemer and Craig Peroutka were in attendance to represent RAAA. Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided a summary of the staff report. He requested feedback on moving forward to bridge the gaps in the amount of fields needed within the community. Throughout the presentation questions were asked about the sizes of teams, current and projected field uses, and potential growth. Discussion was also held about options for the Flint Hills parcel including the number of fields, artificial turf and the pavement of roads at the facility. Mr. Schultz stated that St. Louis Park conducted a study related to the installation,use and maintenance of installing artificial turf. He will provide the City Council with more data at a later date. Mayor Droste requested that RAAA provide their top three wishes for fields. Ms. Kraemer replied that the group requests flat green space for multi-purpose uses,baseball fields in addition to the two fields coming online and more amenities such as dugouts and batting cages. Discussion was held about RAAA reaching out to its members to create partnerships and receive potential sponsorships. The City Council also suggested meeting with the school board to plan for future programming and facilities. Council Member Kearney questioned the options for bonding. City Administrator Johnson explained what projects require a referendum. Mayor Droste suggested that RAAA attend a meeting again with the City Council in February or March. Council Members expressed that RAAA would need to sell their story and show their needs to the residents. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan suggested that RAAA go to the other schools in the district to see their fields and programs. She stated it was important for Rosemount to have the same facilities and programming to keep students in Rosemount. She also suggested that the numbers, costs,planning and programming for indoor gym space,basketball,volleyball, senior exercise equipment and a splash pad be discussed early next year. The group also talked about doing a resident survey specific to the issues to learn what the resident's concerns are regarding the planning of additional amenities. 2.B. Request by Dakota Aggregates Nancy Ziegler,Dave Huhm,Jim Akin, Carla Carlson, Shawn Dahl,Tim Becken, and Pat Bergen were in attendance for the item. Senior Planner Zweber summarized and outlined the information provided with the staff report and attachments. Mr. Zweber highlighted the proposal, comments received through the public hearings, correspondence and Dakota Aggregates email from October 9 addressing concerns of the permit conditions. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 10, 2012 Discussion was held about the mining buffer. Mr. Zweber explained that if the phasing changes the berms can be changed. The current ordinance requires 10 feet. During the annual permit review the requirement could be considered because the Council could be more flexible on the annual permit. Further discussion was held about the location of the ancillary uses from the Enclave neighborhood. Mr. Zweber stated that the uses would be about 4,600 feet away from the residents. Discussion was held about the ground water issues that were raised during the public hearings. Mr. Zweber explained the proposed locations of the wells and the water flow to the wells. He explained more about the location of the bedrock. He also shared concerns raised by Commissioner Demuth. Mr. Zweber explained that the State has reviewed the records and only commercial pesticides were used. The University did not experiment in pesticides. Remediation has occurred and the environmental plans include what has and what will be done. Community Development Director Lindquist explained the PCA approval process. The bedrock is not a concern of the State or County. Discussion was held about the water treatment plant. Mr. Zweber explained the differences between surface water and groundwater. He also explained the testing process for the wells. Further discussion was held about the cost of a water treatment facility. Director of Public Works/City Engineer Brotzler explained the development scenarios and the location of potential wells. Discussion was held about the ancillary use facilities. Mr. Zweber highlighted the three issues provided in an email from Dakota Aggregates. Debate was held about the hours of operation in relation to the ordinance criteria. Mayor Droste supported two shifts. Tim Becken explained the reasoning behind the request for two shifts. Ms. Lindquist explained that the ordinance hours were adopted because of complaints about the noise, dust and travel. Further discussion was held about the installation of curbs. Ames representatives state they wanted to sheet drain and requested a period of time to install the pavement. 2.C. WSB Contract Bret Weiss, President of WSB &Associates was in attendance to represent WSB. City Administrator Johnson provided a brief history of the City's relationship with WSB and the plans for moving forward. He stated that WSB's costs were in-line and talked about the benefits of retaining Andy Brotzler as the Public Works Director/City Engineer. Mr.Weiss provided information to cover issues raised during previous meetings with Mr.Johnson and Mayor Droste. He outlined his memo sharing the value that WSB has offered to the City including the lowest overhead fee and fee schedule in the industry. He also provided handouts that explained the different expertise WSB employees offer and the new service areas that WSB now includes. Mayor Droste expressed concern about the engineering costs being higher than what other cities are being charged. Mr. Weiss provided supplemental information on past projects and the difference in charges between city projects and developer projects. Mayor Droste was also concerned about consultants looking at the projects and not in-house staff. He was concerned that WSB may be gold plating. Mr. Weiss stated that the public and staff are both educated and would find out pretty ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 10, 2012 quickly if WSB was gold plating. He stated that WSB performs projects as cost effectively as possible. Mayor Droste stated that there should be a checks and balance system. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan pointed out that Mr.Johnson oversees the contract. Mr.Johnson stated that other staff oversees the contract as well. He offered to provide more information in staff reports about the projects and associated costs. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan added that Mr. Weiss has already stated that their fees are in-line. Mayor Droste again stated that he wanted a checks and balance system in place. Council Member DeBettignies stated that he views Mr. Brotzler as a city employee and valued how he addresses and manages projects. Council Member Weisensel was concerned about the lack of innovation and the amount of money being accumulated in the utility funds. He also did not like that Mr. Brotzler wanted to recruit for a new operations superintendent before thinking of different ideas for staffing. Mr.Johnson stated that he was the one who wanted to recruit for an operations superintendent. He added that the 5%increase on the water rates was for the future water treatment plant. Mr.Johnson added that Mr. Brotzler does many things for the city that are not billed back to the city. Council Member DeBettignies spoke of Mr. Brotzler's integrity and character. Mr. Weiss shared that WSB staff has a good reputation. He added that their innovation is best in the industry. Council Member Weisensel asked that the innovation and projects be included on the website. Mayor Droste shared his concern about the transportation in Rosemount in the last 10 years. Mr. Weiss stated that transportation is a broad word. He explained different transit projects that WSB has done in other cities. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan stated that the Council did not know where they wanted the transportation priorities 10 years ago. Mr.Johnson talked about the Akron Avenue project. He also talked about the public persona and the written and verbal communication skills that Mr. Brotzler possesses. Finance Director May provided history on the city having its own engineering and using consultant companies. Community Development Director Lindquist also shared her experience in other cities with using an engineering consultant firm. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan suggested going out to bid to address the Mayor Droste's concern. Mayor Droste stated the City should have an in-house engineer. Council Member Shoe-Corrigan stated that option was not cost effective at this point. Mr.Johnson stated that the city is working with a really good company and the costs are in-line. Mr. Weiss offered to share proposals that WSB has submitted other cities. He asked that the Council consider the quality of work they are receiving from WSB. Council Member DeBettignies stated that the contract between WSB and the City was a win-win situation. Council Member Weisensel suggested that the Council negotiate with WSB for a five year contact. Council Members Shoe-Corrigan and DeBettignies concurred. Mr.Weiss will submit a proposed agreement to Mr.Johnson. Further discussion on the proposed contract will take place at the November 14 work session. 2.D. Senior Housing Community Development Director Lindquist stated that staff and the developer having been working on the conditions of the agreement. City Attorney LeFevere has been developing the preliminary development agreement for City Council review in November. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 10, 2012 2.E. Neighborhood Amenities Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided a summary of the staff report. The City Council discussed using stamped concrete;recycled materials;metal benches;benches that match the location;and incorporating the triskele design into stamped concrete. UPDATES 2.A. YCMA/DCTC Update Mayor Droste provided an update on the market feasibility. He added that the group is considering doing a survey. The next meeting will be held on November 8. 2.B. Updates from City Council/Staff City Administrator Johnson stated that his annual review paperwork would be sent out to the City Council. Discussion was held about senior housing at the Genz Ryan site. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 11:55 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk