HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.a. Wellhead Protection Plan, Part 2 RGSE4OUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: December 18, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Wellhead Protection Plan, Part 2 AGENDA SECTION: Public Hearing PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of P /lic AGENDA NO. Works/City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: October 8, 2012 Utility Commission Packet (Includes Wellhead Protection APPROVED BY: Plan, Part 2) Oat RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt the Wellhead Protection Plan, Part 2. ISSUE In accordance with Minnesota Administrative Rules,Chapter 4720,Public Water Supplies,municipal water suppliers are required to maintain a Wellhead Protection Plan for municipal water wells. The City's initial Wellhead Protection Plan,Parts 1 and 2 were completed in 2002 and 2003,respectively. In accordance with state rules,an update of these documents is required every 10 years. The Wellhead Protection Plan, Part 1 update was approved by the Minnesota Department of Health in April 2010. At this time, the Final Draft Wellhead Protection Plan, Part 2 update is complete and being presented to Council for adoption. BACKGROUND The Wellhead Protection Plan,Part 1 included the development of wellhead protection areas for each of the city's eight municipal supply wells along with the delineation of a drinking water supply management area (DWSMA) for the city. Also included in Part 1 was the completion of a vulnerability assessment for the groundwater aquifers within the DWSMA. Part 2 of the Wellhead Protection Plan includes the following: • Review of data elements identified by the Minnesota Department of Health as applicable to the DWSMA. • Results of an inventory of potential contaminant sources within the DWSMA. • Review of changes,issues,problems, and opportunities related to the public water supply and the identified potential contaminant sources. • A discussion of potential contaminant source management strategies and the goals, objectives,and action plans associated with these management strategies. • A review of the wellhead and source water protection evaluation program and the city's alternative water supply contingency strategy. A public hearing is required prior to city approval of the plan update. Nancy Zeig ler with WSB and Associates, Inc.will be in attendance at the meeting to provide a brief presentation of the plan update and respond to questions. G:\ENGPROJ\ENG 0093-Wellhead Protection Plan\Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2\20121218 CC Public Hearing-Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2.docx SUMMARY Staff recommends S e ommends City Council approval of the Wellhead Protection Plan, Part 2 update. 2 PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN AMMENDMENT— PART 2 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the City Council of the City of Rosemount,Minnesota will meet at 7:30 o'clock p.m. or as soon thereafter as possible,Tuesday, December 18, 2012 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall,2875 145th Street West,to present the Wellhead Protection Plan Amendment—Part 2. The plan was initially developed in 2003 and has been amended in conformance with the rules and regulations outlined by Minnesota Rules 4720.51 to 4720.5590. The City of Rosemount's Wellhead Protection Plan has been designed with the appropriate management strategies and corresponding goals to meet the specific needs of the Rosemount community. Consistent with the Minnesota Rule (4720.5350, subpart 4), a Public Hearing has been scheduled for local review and comment on the Wellhead Protection Plan Amendment Part 2 Report. We welcome your participation at this event. Person(s) who wish to offer testimony or evidence about the proposed Plan will be heard. Written or oral materials will be considered. Dated this 6th day of November 2012. BY ORDER OF THE CITY COUNCIL. Amy Domeier City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County,Minnesota Auxiliary aids and services are available-Please contact Amy Domeier at(651)322-2003, or TDD No. (651)423-6219, no later than December 12h, 2012 to make a request. Examples of auxiliary aids or services may include:sign language interpreter, assistive listening kit, accessible meeting location, etc. PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING ON THE Rosemount Town Pages WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN AMENDMENT—PART 2 AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN,that the City STATE OF MINNESOTA) Council of the City of Rosemount,Minnesota will meet at 7:30 o'clock p.m.or as soon thereaf. )SS. ter as possible,Tuesday,December 18,2012 in the Council Chambers of the City Hall,2875 COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) 145th Street West,to present the Wellhead Pro- tection Plan Amendment—Part 2. Peri Williams being duly sworn,on oath says that he/she The plan was initially developed in 2003 and has been amended in conformance with the rules and is an authorized agent and employee of the publisher of the regulations outlined by Minnesota Rules 4720.51 known as The Rosemount Town Pages,and has full knowledge to 4720.5590. The City of Rossigned s Well- newspaper, 9 9 head Protection Plan has been designed with the of the facts which are stated below: appropriate management strategies and corre- sponding goals to meet the specific needs of the Rosemount community. (A) The newspaper has complied with all of the requirements constituting Consistent with the Minnesota Rule(4720.5350, qualification as a legal newspaper,as provided by Minnesota Statutes subpart 4),a Public Hearing has been scheduled 331A.02,331A.07 and other applicable laws,as amended. for local review and comment on the Wellhead Protection Plan Amendment Part 2 Report. We welcome your participation at this event. (B) The printed CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WELLHEAD PROTECTION Person(s)who with to offer testimony or evi- dence about the proposed Plan will be heard. Written or oral materials will be considered. which is attached was cut from the columns of said newspaper,and was Dated this 6th day of November 2012. printed and published once each week for 2 successive BY ORDER OF THECITYCOUNCIL weeks;it was first published on Friday,the 15TH day of Amy Domeier NOV ,2012 and was thereafter printed and published on every City Clerk City of Rosemount Thursday,to and including Thursday,the 22ND day of Dakota County,Minnesota NOV ,2012. Auxiliary aids and services are available-Please contact Amy Domeier at(651)322-2003,or MD No.(651)423-6219,no later than December 12th,2012 to make a request. Examples of auxil- iary aids or services may include:sign language interpreter,assistive listening kit,accessible ROS OUNT TQWN PAGES meeting location,etc. (Nov 15 and 22) BY: TITLE: Legal Notice Clerk Subscribed and sworn to before me on this AY OF NOV 2012 411 1. i'-A / i" � 1 -ry -uslic ' . r _ • ,) KAREN M.GEORGAKAS Notary Public-Minnesota My Commission Expires Jon 31,2017 Client# FEES: Order# 1595972 File Publication Fee $ 78.10 Please remit payment to: RiverTown Multimedia, PO Box 15,Red Wing,MN 55066 4ROSEMOUI\T1T EXECUTIVE SUMMARY UTILITY COMMISSION Utility Commission Meeting: October 8, 2012 AGENDA ITEM: Wellhead Protection Plan Part 2 AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, PE, Director of Public AGENDA NO Works/City Engineer 6a. ATTACHMENTS: Draft Wellhead Protection Plan Part 2 APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Authorize the Release of the Draft Wellhead Protection Plan Part 2 for a 30-day Public Review and Comment Period. BACKGROUND: As a municipal water supplier, the City is required to maintain a Wellhead Protection Plan for the municipal water wells. The initial Wellhead Protection Plan Parts 1 and 2 were completed in 2002 and 2003,respectively. In accordance with state wellhead protection rules,the update of these documents is required every 10 years. The City's Wellhead Protection Plan Part 1 was updated and approved by the Minnesota Department of Health in April of 2010. At this time, the draft Wellhead Protection Plan Part 2 (attached)is being brought to the Commission for review and authorization to distribute for a required 30- day public review and comment period. Nancy Zeigler with WSB &Associates,Inc.will be in attendance at the meeting to provide an overview of the draft amendment. SUMMARY: Staff is requesting Utility Commission authorization to release the draft plan for a 30-day public review and comment period. G:\ENGPROJ\ENG 0093-Wellhead Protection Plan\20121008 UC Wellhead Protection Plan Part H Update.doc ih 3 r 4! s• Rr ,ley tis. - riii 0M0 NT .. s ...;.,.,;.?4,, • k fiCi.' 4. a \1I 1 ;{` 4 ' '' - ---- ---- II' A, f t'4". I ,. s, A WSB Almmem &Associates.Inc. p Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 WELLHEAD PROTECTION PLAN PART 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA TABLE OF CONTENTS Wellhead Protection Plan 1 Part 2 1 City of Rosemount,Minnesota 1 Table of Contents 1 Public Water Supply Profile 4 Public Water Supply 4 Wellhead Protection Manager 4 Consultant/Technical Assistance 4 General Information 4 Public Water Supply Wells 5 Documentation List 6 Step Date Performed 6 Executive Summary 7 Goal 1: 8 Goal 2: 8 Goal 3: 8 Goal 4: 8 Chapter One 9 Data Elements and Assessment(4720.5200) 9 I. Required Data Elements 9 A. Physical Environment Data Elements 9 B. Land Use Data Elements 12 City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 1 page Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 C. Water Quantity Data Elements 14 D. Water Quality Data Elements 15 II. Assessment of Data Elements 15 A. Use of Municipal Wells 15 B. Wellhead Protection Area Delineation Criteria 15 C. Quality and Quantity of Water Supplying the Public Water Supply Well 15 D. Land and Groundwater Uses in the Drinking Water Supply Management Area (DWSMA) 16 Chapter Two 18 Impact of Changes on Public Water Supply Wells(4720.5220) 18 I. Potential Changes Identified 18 A. Physical Environment 18 B. Land Use 19 C. Surface Water 19 D. Groundwater 19 II. Impact of Changes 20 A. Water Use 20 B. Influence of Existing Water and Land Government Programs and Regulations 20 C. Administrative,Technical,and Financial Considerations 23 Chapter Three 25 Issues,Problems,and Opportunities(4720.5230) 25 I. Land Use Issues,Problems,and Opportunities 25 A. Source Water Aquifer 25 B. Groundwater Quality 25 C. Drinking Water Supply Management Areas 26 II. Issues,Problems,and Opportunities Disclosed at Public Meetings and in Written Comments 26 III. Issue,Problems,and Opportunities Related to the Data Elements 27 IV. Issues,Problems,and Opportunities Related to Status&Adequacy of Official Controls,Plans,and Other Local,State,and Federal Programs 27 Chapter Four 28 Wellhead Protection Goals(4720.5240) 28 Goal 1: 28 City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 2 I P a g e WeIihead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 Goal 2: 28 Goal 3: 28 Goal 4: 28 Chapter Five 29 Objectives and Plans of Action(4720.5250) 29 I. Objectives 29 II. Plans of Action 29 Chapter Six 41 Evaluation Program(4720.5270) 41 Chapter Seven 42 Alternative Water Supply Contingency Strategy(4720.5280) 42 Appendix A-Tables Table 1:Potential Contaminant Source Inventory Table 2:Monthly Precipitation Appendix B-Figures Figure 1:DWSMA Location Figure 2: Bedrock Geology Map Figure 3:Soil Cover Figure 4:Soil Permeability Figure 5: Erodible Lands Figure 6: Public Waters and Wetlands Figure 7A:City of Rosemount Zoning Figure 7B:Empire Township Zoning Figure 7C:City of Apple Valley Zoning Figure 7D:City of Lakeville Zoning Figure 8: Current Land Use Figure 9: Potential Contaminant Sources Inventory Figure 10:Water Supply Systems in DWSMA Figure 11:Stormwater Conveyance System in the DWSMA Figure 12: Sanitary Sewer Systems in the DWSMA Figure 13:2030 Future Land Use Figure 14:Weather Station Location Figure 15: Pipelines City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 Wage Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY PROFILE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-4941 Phone:(651)322-2022 Fax: (651) 322-2694 E-Mail:andy.brotzler @ci.rosemountmn.us WELLHEAD PROTECTION MANAGER Andy Brotzler Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount,Minnesota 55068-4941 Phone: (651)322.2022 Fax: (651) 322-2694 E-Mail:andy.brotzler@ci.rosemountmn.us CONSULTANT/TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Nancy Zeigler,PE WSB&Associates,Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue,Suite 300 Minneapolis,Minnesota 55416 Phone: (763) 541-4800 Fax: (763)541-1700 E-Mail:nzeigler @wsbeng.com GENERAL INFORMATION Unique Well Number(s):457167,474335, 112212,509060,554248,706804,722623,753663 Size of Population Served:22,239 County:Dakota City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 4 page Wellhead Protection Plan- Part 2 Draft October 2012 PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY WELLS Local Well Unique Casing Depth Well Depth Date Name Number Aquifer (ft) (ft) Constructed Well No.R 1 457167 Jordan 345 400 03/18/1989 Well No.R 2 474335 Jordan 345 400 01/09/1990 Well No.7 11.2212 Jordan 400 490 04/13/1976 Well No.8 509060 Jordan 389 498 01/01/1990 Well No.9 554248 Jordan 374 481 11/22/1996 Well No. 12 L 706804 Jordan 395 475 12/22/2004 Well No. 14 722623 Jordan 413 485 12/29/2005 Well No. 15 753663 Jordan 390 487 05/16/2008 City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 ' P a g e e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 DOCUMENTATION LIST STEP DATE PERFORMED Part I Approval Notice Received from MDH March 18,2012 Scoping 2 Meeting Held(4720.5349,subp. 1) January 24,2011 Scoping Decision Notice Received(4720.5340,subp.2) February 15,2011 Remaining Portion of Plan Submitted to Local Units of Government(LGUs) (4720.5350,subp. 1&2) October,2012 Review Considered(4720.5350,subp.3) October-December,2012 Public Hearing Conducted(4720.5350,subp.4) December 2012 Remaining Portion WHP Plan Submitted(4720.5360,subp. 1) December 2012 Approved Review Notice Received City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 Wage Wellhead Protection Plan- Part 2 Draft October 2012 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The Wellhead Protection Plan (the Plan)for the City of Rosemount(City)addresses the eight municipal water supply wells used by the City(Wells No. 7,8,9, 12, 14, 15,RR-1,and RR-2)and the associated source water aquifer(the Jordan Sandstone-the aquifer from which the municipal wells pump water). Part 2 of the Plan was completed in October of 2003 and approved by the Minnesota Department. The Wellhead Protection Plan (Part 1 and Part 2)presented the delineation of the Wellhead Protection Areas(WHPA)and the drinking water supply management area (DWSMA)and the vulnerability assessments for the system's wells and aquifers within the DWSMA.The boundaries of the WHPA/DWSMA as shown in the 2003 Part 2 Plan have since expanded and are shown in Figure 1,Appendix B.Portions of the WHPA/DWSMA extend into a portion of Empire Township,the City of Lakeville,and the City of Apple Valley.Water supply wells covered by this delineation and this Part 2 Plan Update are listed on page 5 and in Chapter 1. The vulnerability assessment for the aquifers within the DWSMA was performed using available information and indicates that the vulnerability of the aquifers used by the system varies from high to low.The results of the aquifer vulnerability assessment determine what types of potential contamination sources must be managed within the DWSMA: • Low vulnerability areas-wells • Moderate vulnerability areas-wells and tanks • High vulnerability areas-all land uses and potential contaminant sources This document updates those portions documented in Part 2 and includes the following information: • A review of data elements identified by the Minnesota Department of Health as applicable to the DWSMA. • Results of an inventory of potential contaminant sources within the DWSMA. • Review of changes,issues,problems,and opportunities related to the public water supply and the identified potential contaminant sources. • A discussion of potential contaminant source management strategies and the goals, objectives,and action plans associated with these management strategies. • A review of the wellhead and source water protection evaluation program and Rosemount's alternative water supply contingency strategy. The goals and objectives of this Plan focus on managing potential contaminant sources within the DWSMA,reducing the potential contaminant pathways to the source water aquifer that may be provided by private wells,educating property owners and water supply users,and working with Empire Township,the City of Lakeville,and the City of Apple Valley to ensure proper management of the portion of the DWSMA in their respective community. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 7 f P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 The City of Rosemount's WHP team has identified the following goals for implementation of this Plan: GOAL 1:The City will work to maintain or improve the current level of water quality so that the municipal water supply will continue to meet or exceed all applicable state and federal water quality standards. GOAL 2:The City will work to continue to supply sufficient water quantity for system users and emergency needs. GOAL 3:The City will provide and promote activities that protect the source water aquifer that provides water to the municipal system.This will include increased public awareness of the Wellhead and Source Water Protection Program and groundwater-related issues,and management of the identified potential contaminant sources and conveyance mechanisms within the DWSMA. GOAL 4:The City will continue to collect data to support future wellhead and source water protection efforts. Implementation of these goals will be achieved through direct management efforts to the following areas to prevent future contamination of the aquifer and increase awareness of groundwater protection: A. Well Management B. Public Education C. Storage Tank Management D. Septic Systems (ISTS) E. Stormwater Management F. Potential Contaminant Source Management G. Hazardous Waste Management H. Data Collection I. Water Conservation J. Planning and Zoning K. Evaluation The success of the Wellhead Protection Plan must be evaluated in order to determine whether or not the Plan is accomplishing what the City of Rosemount intended to do.Monitoring and evaluation of the Wellhead Protection Plan and associated activities will be conducted every two and a half years that the Plan is in effect. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 8 ! Page Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 CHAPTER ONE DATA ELEMENTS AND ASSESSMENT (4720.5200) Rosemount currently uses the following wells to provide the City's drinking water: • Well 7-unique number 112212 • Well 8-unique number 509060 • Well 9-unique number 554248 • Well 12-unique number 706804 • Well 14-unique number 722623 • Well 15-unique number 753663 • Well RR-1-unique number 457167 • Well RR-2-unique number 474335 The DWSMA delineated in the Wellhead Protection Plan area delineation study extend into a portion of Empire Township,the City of Lakeville and the City of Apple Valley.The DWSMA is found in Township 114,Range 19,Sections 4,5,6,7,8,Township 115,Range 19,Sections 16,20,21,22, 26,27,28,29,30,31,32,33, 34,Township 115,Range 20,Sections 25,36,and Township 114, Range 20,Section 1. L REQUIRED DATA ELEMENTS A. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT DATA ELEMENTS In accordance with Minnesota Rules Chapter 4720.5200,the data elements and their assessments required to be included in the Wellhead Protection Plan for the City of Rosemount are presented in this Section.Data elements discussed in this Section include precipitation, geology and hydrogeology,soils,and water resources. 1. Precipitation Rosemount's municipal wells and the source water aquifer within the DWSMA are classified as vulnerable to contamination,and as such precipitation must be evaluated to determine if it could potentially apply to the Plan. As shown on Figure 14,Appendix B,there are three National Weather Service(NWS) precipitation gauging stations in Dakota County.These stations are located in Farmington, Hastings,and at the University of Minnesota Rosemount Agricultural Experiment Station.In addition,there are a number of other precipitation gauging stations in Dakota County whose locations are not shown on the map.Locations of the NWS stations and the additional gauging stations are identified by township,range,and section in Table 2, Appendix A. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO.1582-06 9 I P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 As outlined in the Part 1 Plan,and reiterated in the 2003 Part 2 Plan,the Jordan Sandstone aquifer is under leaky-confined hydrogeologic conditions in and around Rosemount and considered vulnerable because of the presence of tritium in some wells. This combined with the vulnerability of the DWSMA ranging from low to high,it is important to consider precipitation in relation to management of land use in the DWSMA because it can act as a transportation mechanism by infiltration or runoff.A contaminant maybe displaced through the soil medium in the direction of the source water aquifer,through the municipal storm sewer system,or across impermeable surface features during rain events. 2. Geology The regional groundwater flow system is composed of three aquifers:the glacial drift/St.Peter Sandstone,the Prairie du Chien Group,and the Jordan Sandstone.The City of Rosemount municipal wells are all completed in the Jordan Sandstone aquifer. The surficial geologic unit in the vicinity of the DWSMA consists of unconsolidated glacial drift deposits including sand,gravel,and clay.Based on the well logs for the Rosemount municipal wells,these unconsolidated deposits are approximately 90 to 180 feet thick within the DWSMA. The uppermost bedrock unit within the DWSMA varies with location and includes the Platteville Limestone,Glenwood Shale,St.Peter Sandstone,and the Prairie du Chien,as shown in Figure 2,Appendix B.Well logs for the Rosemount municipal wells indicate that,where present,the St.Peter Sandstone is approximately 30 to 40 feet thick The Prairie du Chien dolomite in the area of the DWSMA is approximately 200 feet thick As a result,the top of the Jordan Sandstone is more than 320 feet below the ground surface within the DWSMA. The water table in the Rosemount area is generally present in the drift deposits.Where it is not in the glacial drift,the water table is in the St.Peter Sandstone.As noted above, the groundwater flow system is divided into three aquifers.Hydraulic interaction with the deeper regional aquifers beneath the Jordan Sandstone is considered negligible. Between each aquifer unit in the study area is a leaky aquitard.Between the glacial drift/St.Peter Sandstone aquifer and the underlying Prairie du Chien Group,the aquitard consists of the basal portion of the St.Peter Sandstone(a shaley unit approximately 5 to 15 feet thick) and glacial till. Between the Prairie du Chien Group and the Jordan Sandstone,a resisting aquitard layer is present that combines the leakage resistance effects of vertical anisotrophy of hydraulic conductivity and lower hydraulic conductivity conditions in the basal portion of the Oneota Formation (the basal member of the Prairie du Chien Group).As a result,the Oneaota Formation separates the Prairie du Chien Group aquifer from the underlying Jordan Sandstone aquifer.This interpretation is supported by Part 1 analysis that are consistent with the Jordan Sandstone being under leaky-confined conditions.While it addresses the Prairie du Chien Group and the Jordan Sandstone as a single aquifer,the Dakota County City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 10 page Wellhead Protection Plan- Part 2 Draft October 2012 Geologic Atlas also indicates that the Prairie du Chien-Jordan aquifer is under confined conditions under most of Rosemount,including in the vicinity of the DWSMA. Infiltrating precipitation and leakage from lakes and rivers,which tend to be perched above the water table,recharge the glacial drift/St.Peter Sandstone aquifer in Dakota County.The primary source of water for the bedrock aquifers(i.e.the Prairie du Chien and the Jordan Sandstone) is leakage from adjoining aquifer units.The Dakota County, groundwater discharge is to the major streams;the Minnesota River,the Mississippi River,the Vermillion River,and the Cannon River. Groundwater flow in the vicinity of the Rosemount DWSMA is generally northeasterly in all aquifer units. 3. Soil Conditions Surficial soil types within the DWSMA are shown on Figure 3,Appendix B. Since the Rosemount municipal wells and source water aquifer within the DWSMA are classified as vulnerable,surficial soil characteristics must be evaluated to determine if they could potentially apply to the plan.While there are known erodable lands within the DWSMA (Figure 5,Appendix B),they are not currently causing sedimentation problems. Based on the aquifer vulnerability assessment results,issues related to surficial soil characteristics or the surficial soil types may have an effect on the management strategies developed for the DWSMA.Surficial geologic materials in the City of Rosemount consist of sand,gravel,and porous soils. (Figure 4,Appendix B).City staff is well aware that all types of land development and land use activity may have an impact on the source water aquifer due to surface water infiltration through the permeable soil types in the City of Rosemount DWSMA. 4. Water Resources Surface water resources must be evaluated to determine if they could potentially apply to the Plan,since the Rosemount municipal wells and source water aquifer within the DWSMA are classified as"vulnerable". Based on the aquifer vulnerability assessment results,issues related to surface water resources may impact the quality of the groundwater reaching the City's wells.Due to the geologic conditions in and around the City's DWSMA and the vulnerability of the aquifer to contamination,surface water management is critical for maintaining a water supply of high quality.The quality of the source water is dependent on the quality of its recharge.Recharge sources/mechanisms are noted above.Surface water management will be conducted so as to reduce the potential negative effects that surface waters may have on the source water aquifer.Management strategies in this Plan will address current and future surface water quality in the area so that aquifer recharge and water availability does not become an issue for the City. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 11 Page Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 B. LAND USE DATA ELEMENTS Current and historic land use in the vicinity of the DWSMA is discussed in this section. Parcel information for the City of Rosemount, Empire Township,City of Apple Valley,and City of Lakeville were used to delineate the DWSMA(see Appendix B). 1. Land Uses a. Current Land Use It is important to understand land use in order to determine key areas for concern in managing a wellhead protection area.For example,knowledge about the location of future development or areas of redevelopment within the DWSMA may reveal a need to closely manage the activity within more sensitive areas.Additionally,any land uses that currently pose a potential threat to the City's water supply would need to be highlighted to increase awareness of any concerns.Since the Rosemount municipal wells and the source water aquifer within the DWSMA are classified as vulnerable,current land use must be evaluated to determine if it could potentially apply to the Plan. Figure 6,Appendix B shows the DWSMA superimposed over the existing land use maps for those communities within the DWSMA from their Comprehensive Plans. Land uses found within the DWSMA include agricultural,single family residential, multi-family residential,commercial,office,industrial,institutional, parks/recreational and open space,and gravel mining.Information for this section was taken from the City of Rosemount's Comprehensive Plan(2009),Empire Township's Comprehensive Plan(2009),City of Apple Valley's Comprehensive Guide Plan(2010),and City of Lakeville's Comprehensive Plan(2008). Potential threats to the water supply were determined by analyzing data relevant to the public water supply wells,the quality of water being drawn into the wells,or land and groundwater uses around the wells.MDH provided a list of potential contaminant sources extracted from state and federal databases on above ground and underground storage tanks,leaking underground storage tanks,state permanent list of priorities sites,voluntary investigative cleanup sites,agricultural chemical storage sites,hazardous waste generators,etc.Listed sites within the DWSMAs were identified and mapped(see Figure 9,Appendix B).Results of this inventory indicate the presence of several potential contaminant sources within the DWSMA.These potential sources include various commercial,medical,dental, mineral extraction,disposal,institutional,industrial,and storage tank sites.A summary of the results is presented in Table 1,Appendix A. Possible contaminant sources were identified and evaluated within the DWSMA.It is important to realize that the WHPA does cover multiple municipalities,so cooperation between Rosemount and the neighboring Township and Cities is City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 12 [ P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan- Part 2 Draft October 2012 essential.The following potential contaminant sources were found to be within the DWSMA: • Public and Private Wells. Figure 10,Appendix B shows a map that includes all public and private wells that were located. 46 wells, 12 of them for public supply,are located within the DWSMA. There may be more wells that were not located. All of these wells are either active or sealed,with some exceptions. The exceptions include two"Scientific Investigation"use wells,and four public wells that are considered"unknown"or"abandoned"but do not have sealing records. There are no known shallow disposal wells in the DWSMA • ISTS. Shallow groundwater is highly susceptible to pollution from septic tanks. There are 22 parcels in the DWSMA with septic systems,as determined by the absence of sanitary sewer connections for parcels with structures. The septic systems are shown in Figure 12,Appendix B. • Spill Sites. There are multiple areas of known contamination within or near the DWSMA-the Gopher Ordinance/UMore Park sites and the Flint Hills refinery to the northeast of the DWSMA are the two largest. These and others are potential contaminant sites and are currently being monitored by the MPCA. • Storage Tanks. Documented storage tanks within the DWSMA include multiple fuel stations,both automotive and pipeline related,and farms. The rest of the documented storage tanks in the DWSMA are for heating oil and industrial chemicals. These are all shown on Figure 9,Appendix B. • Other, There are numerous sites within the DWSMA that are included in the PCSI,including dumps and leaking underground tanks that have been removed, Hazardous Waste Generators such as dental offices,x-ray machines,film development chemicals,solvent tanks,dry cleaners,paint storage and application,a funeral home,and a decommissioned wastewater treatment facility that should all be monitored as potential contaminant sources. b. Historical Land Use The historical land use analysis conducted for the 2003 Well Head Protection Plan was updated to determine if historical land use could potentially apply to the Plan. A review of available information on historic land use in the City of Rosemount, Empire Township,City of Apple Valley,and the City of Lakeville was conducted. Research was conducted based on aerial photography,historic land use maps and utility as-built drawings.Field investigations were performed in designated areas where no information was available. Land activity was reviewed for potential influence on water quality in the DWSMA. Similar to the 2003 analysis,the information available did not indicate any land use or land activity that would potentially create a significant impact within the City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 13 I P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 DWSMA.Agriculture was determined to be the primary land us/land activity in the area.There have been no properties within the DWSMA that have presented a threat to the source water aquifer within the DWSMA based on a previous land use activity. Empire Township has indicated that,prior to the start of sand and gravel mining in the portions of the Township within the DWSMA,the land use in this area had been agricultural and no other prior land uses are known. 2. Public Utilities Since portions of Rosemount's DWSMA are classified as vulnerable,public utilities were evaluated to determine their potential influence and impact on Rosemount's drinking water supply.Public utilities located within the DWSMA include water,sanitary sewer and stormwater piping,as shown in Figures 10, 11,and 12,Appendix B.The public utilities in the DWSMA should not create a significant risk to groundwater quality because of their relatively shallow depth or encasement in pipe,since Part 1 of the City's WHPP did not show a hydraulic connection between surface waters and the City's aquifers. Empire Township is largely utility-free,with most properties having their own well and individual sanitary treatment system(septic system). C. WATER QUANTITY DATA ELEMENTS Water levels in lakes and streams can have an impact on an aquifer that is unconfined if there is a connection between the surface water system and the aquifer system.Part 1 of the Wellhead Protection Plan did not identify any hydraulic connection between surface water and the aquifer systems in Rosemount's DWSMA.However,high capacity wells in the same aquifer can influence the hydraulics of the aquifer if the pumping rate and volume is large enough. 1. Surface Water Quantity Surface water bodies did not influence the delineation of the wellhead protection areas, but were still included in the model. A conjunctive delineation was not required to be included in the model and was not performed. 2. Ground Water Quantity Fixed radius capture zones were also calculated for five nearby high capacity wells(see Part 1) in addition to the eight municipal wells. For these additional high capacity wells the average pumping rates from 2003-2007 were used. Projections of future pumping rates were determined only for the Rosemount municipal wells. The capture zones of these wells did not intersect the capture zones of the Rosemount municipal wells and were,therefore,not considered in the analysis. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 14 page Wellhead Protection Plan- Part 2 Draft October 2012 D. WATER QUALITY DATA ELEMENTS Water quality is an indication of aquifer vulnerability. 1. Surface Water Quality Since surface water in the vicinity of the City is not in direct hydraulic connection with the City's aquifers,surface water quality was not reviewed. 2. Ground Water Quality Groundwater bacteriological and chemical data have been reviewed as part of Part 1 of the Wellhead Protection Plan. II. ASSESSMENT OF DATA ELEMENTS A. USE OF MUNICIPAL WELLS The City of Rosemount currently operates(8)active water supply wells (Wells No.7,8,9, 12,14,15,RR1 and RR2),located in and around the City(see Figure 1,Appendix B). Additional information about Rosemount's water supply system in general is presented in the City's 2030 Comprehensive Guide Plan-Water Supply Plan.In addition,well construction details,well logs,and past and projected pumping rates are included in the Wellhead Protection Plan Part 1 document. B. WELLHEAD PROTECTION AREA DELINEATION CRITERIA See the Part 1 Plan for documentation regarding how the following delineation criteria were applied to determining the boundaries of the WHPA: 1. Time of Travel- 10 years 2. Aquifer Transmissivity-geologic information,MPCA Metro Model,Metropolitan Council's Metromodel 2.0 3. Daily Volume of Water Pumped-historical volumes and projected future volumes, which ever was greater. 4. Hydrologic Boundaries- Major groundwater flow boundaries in the area consist of the Minnesota River to the northwest,the Mississippi River to the northeast,and the Vermillion River to the south.For groundwater flow modeling,the boundaries consisted of the Minnesota and Mississippi Rivers,a constant head boundary south of the Vermillion River,and a specified flux boundary to the west. S. Groundwater Flow Field-MODFLOW C. QUALITY AND QUANTITY OF WATER SUPPLYING THE PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY WELL Rosemount continue to have excellent drinking water quality that is free of pathogens and disease causing organisms and meets or exceeds state and federal water quality requirements.Water samples have been regularly obtained from the City wells and tested for regulated contaminants.As mentioned in Part 1,data summaries were obtained from City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 15 page Wellhead Protection Plan- Part 2 Draft October 2012 the Minnesota Department of Health,and it was determined based on this data that tritium was detected in City Wells No.R1, 7,8,and 9.Tritium is not a health hazard,but is an indicator of vertical migration travel time and aquifer vulnerability.The presence of tritium indicates that some portion of the water entered the aquifer(s)after 1953. Levels of nitrate have been below detection/accuracy limit and have not been identified as a concern by MDH No volatile organic compounds(VOCs)were detected. Pumping records submitted to the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources as identified in Part 1 were used to identify the extraction rates of the City wells.These data, along with the past and projected pumping rates,are presented in Part 1. D. LAND AND GROUNDWATER USES IN THE DRINKING WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT AREA (DWSMA) The DWSMA associated with Rosemount municipal wells has been determined to be vulnerable,ranging from low to high vulnerability. Land uses within the DWSMA could affect source water protection efforts or the management of the DWSMA. A summary of potential contaminant sources identified in the DWSMA was provided in Table 1, Appendix A.Proactive management of existing wells,unsealed or used wells are of immediate concern within the vulnerable portions of the DWSMA.Management strategies must also be developed for hazardous waste generators,public utilities infrastructure and non-point sources of contamination in the highly vulnerable portions of the DWSMA. Specific non-point source land use acreage was not determined for this report,but the land use and zoning maps(see Figure 5 and 6,Appendix B)provide a tool for understanding the scope of land uses in the DWSMA.Furthermore,the inventory was made as complete as practicable at the time of the development of this Plan.Additional land use discussion is included in Part Three.Plan goals,objectives,and actions are included in Part Four and Part Five. Management strategies are discussed in Part Five,which focus on activities that have the most potential to impact the aquifer system the City of Rosemount is using for its drinking water supply.Despite the vulnerable designation of a majority of the DWSMA,non-point sources of contamination are of less immediate concern than are larger potential point sources,particularly those in high vulnerability areas. Privately owned wells,particularly those that are completed in or penetrate the Jordan aquifer,will continue to be considered when developing the management strategies for the Rosemount DWSMA. Unmaintained,damaged,poorly constructed,or unused/abandoned wells could provide a direct route for contaminants to enter the Jordan aquifer. Potential contaminant sources within the DWSMA identified through the PCSI include storage tank sites,chemical storage sites,hazardous waste generators,dumps,residential land uses,transportation corridors,and gravel pits.These land uses/facilities will be considered when developing the management strategies for the Rosemount DWSMA. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 16 Page Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 As previously noted,there are some non-municipal wells that extend into the Jordan aquifer within the DWSMA.These wells could provide pathways for contaminants to reach the Jordan aquifer.Such wells will be addressed by the management strategies developed for the DWSMA. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO.1582-06 17 ( P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 CHAPTER TWO IMPACT OF CHANGES ON PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY WELLS(4720.5220) In accordance with Minnesota Rules 4720.5220 a wellhead protection plan must identify and describe expected changes that may occur during the next ten years to: 1. The physical environment 2. Land use 3. Surface water 4. Groundwater L POTENTIAL CHANGES IDENTIFIED A. PHYSICAL ENVIRONMENT Currently,changes in the physical environment,the municipal wells or corresponding DWSMAs are anticipated in the next 10 years or the life of this Plan. Gravel pits currently in the DWSMA may expand or new gravel mining operations may become active on properties within the DWSMA in the next 10 years. In May 2012 the City approved an Ordinance to permit large scale mineral extraction as an interim use in the AG;Agricultural zoning district.In June 2012 an application was submitted for a large scale mining extraction permit.The proposed mining activity extends into the southeast corner of the DWSMA in low,moderate and high vulnerable areas. The City of Rosemount will work with the Township Board of Supervisors to manage the portion of the DWSMA within the Township. The extraction efforts on behalf of the mining operation in Empire Township,within the DWSMA,may influence the surface to water table aquifer interaction over the course of the operation.As described in Chapter 1,the water table occurs in geologic units that are stratigraphically above the source water aquifer. However,it is potentially possible that any contaminants that would reach the water table as a result of the mining operation could eventually migrate to the source water aquifer. Changes to the physical environment resulting from gravel mining operations are unlikely to affect the aquifer vulnerability significantly since the vulnerability is already classified as "high"because of the presence of tritium in the City wells.However,where processing of concrete and asphalt will occur,the DWSMA is classified as"low"to"moderate".Therefore, changes to the physical environment will likely not affect the management strategies for the Rosemount DWSMA presented in this Plan unless research and/or monitoring reveals that existing City wells are impacted by planned mining operations. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 18 page Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 B. LAND USE Many of the properties within the DWSMA are developed.A land use map for the year 2008 and a future land use map for the year 2030 are shown on Figures 6,Appendix B and Figure 11,Appendix B,respectively.Projected land uses are used to be consistent with Empire Township,the City of Apple Valley,and the City of Lakeville's current growth planning.Comparison of the year 2008 and the future land use for the year 2030 indicates that,in general,undeveloped properties within the DWSMA will be developed.Future uses of these properties will include residential,commercial,public/institutional,park and open space and potential gravel mining areas. Future land use proposed for the year 2030 includes agricultural,residential(low,medium, and high),office,commercial,light industrial,institutional,parks and open spaces,and potential gravel mining.All of these future land uses are currently present within the DWSMA,thus no new land uses not currently present within the DWSMA are anticipated during the next 10 years of the life of this Plan. C. SURFACE WATER Part 1 of the Wellhead Protection Plan determined that surface water did not significantly contribute to Rosemount's water supply. However,surface water that infiltrates into the groundwater system has the potential to enter the water supply if the strata isolating aquifers from the water table leak(which may be the case where fractured carbonate rock is first bedrock). Recent changes in stormwater management have placed an emphasis in local infiltration of stormwater in order to improve surface water quality. It is yet unclear as to how local stormwater infiltration will affect the quality and quantity of the recharge water, By infiltrating stormwater on site it may improve groundwater quantity,since less water will be conveyed out of the recharge areas. However,contaminants may also be infiltrated along with the water. The long term effects of infiltration should be monitored. Proposed aggregate mining will create a mine pit lake due to mining below the water table and stormwater management and reclamation plans in and around the DWSMA will include the construction of permanent stormwater ponds. These activities may potentially impact groundwater in the Jordan if the water table and the Prairie du Chien aquifers are more hydraulically connected to their source aquifer than currently thought. Rosemount is taking an active approach to mitigating risks that mining and reclamation may impose to the water supply. This includes requirements such as approval of a groundwater monitoring plan and spill and emergency response plans specific to mining operations. D. GROUNDWATER The metropolitan Council and the Minnesota DNR have determined that water level in the Metro area groundwater systems have been gradually falling over the last few decades. Falling water levels in the aquifer used to source Rosemount's water supply will result in higher energy use or lower pumping rates over time. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 19 ( P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 The MN DNR is implementing groundwater monitoring conditions to appropriations permits in order to monitor this change more closely. Rosemount is aware that falling regional groundwater levels cast some doubt on the very long term (century scale) sustainability of the source aquifers even though there are potential recharge areas within Rosemount's DWSMA. Rosemount is supporting the monitoring program through the ongoing water level monitoring in the two observation wells near Well 14 and the one at UMore Park. One more observation well is planned at the time of this report. As discussed in the previous section,proposed aggregate mining may potentially impact groundwater in the Jordan and the City is taking an active approach to mitigating risks that mining and reclamation may impose to the water supply. This includes approval of a groundwater monitoring plan specific to mining operations. II. IMPACT OF CHANGES A. WATER USE Rosemount's Comprehensive Plan identifies population grow of approximately 42,000 by the year 2030.As demand increases,new wells will be constructed in the Jordan Sandstone formation.The City has planned for two weilfields;one in the south west area of Wells 7,8, 9,and 12;and the other in the northeast area of Wells 14 and 15.The next 2 wells are anticipated to be in the northeast wellfield.However,growth in the UMore area may necessitate the construction of a future well in the UMore area. To reduce the need for additional wells,the City has a policy of encouraging water conservation through education of its residents and an inclining block rate structure. B. INFLUENCE OF EXISTING WATER AND LAND GOVERNMENT PROGRAMS AND REGULATIONS There are a number of existing rules and regulations at the Federal,State,County,and Local levels requiring regulations related to managing wells,storage tanks,and other land use issues within the system's DWSMA. Federal and State Regulations All tank operators and owners must comply with both federal and state regulations for underground storage tanks.At the federal level,tank operators and owners for underground storage tanks(USTs)must comply with 40 CFR Part 280-282. At the state level,operators and owners must comply with Minnesota Rules,Chapter 7150.Enforcement of state and federal regulations is the responsibility of the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency(MPCA).The existing federal and state regulations provide adequate controls to manage underground storage tanks within the DWSMA. Above ground storage tanks (ASTs)which store liquid substances that may pollute the waters of the state are regulated by Minnesota Rules,Chapter 7151,if the site capacity is less than one million gallons.Above ground storage tank regulations are also enforced by City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 20 p P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan- Part 2 Draft October 2012 the MPCA.Existing regulations provide adequate controls to manage storage tanks within the DWSMA. In addition to the MPCA,the state and local fire marshal also regulate tanks. Dakota County Regulations Dakota County has land use ordinances in place that can aid in the regulation of possible contamination sites.The County adopted the Dakota County Comprehensive Plan"DC2030" in May of 2009 which outlines the County's role in addressing land and public infrastructure issues within the County.The Comprehensive Plan describes overall objectives and policies that are designed to guide the County toward the accomplishment of its visions by the year 2030 and has specific information relating to surface water management and sustainable communities including contaminated sites and other green infrastructure.Additionally Dakota County adopted an update to the 1992 Groundwater Plan in 2000 that contains more than 100 initiatives on various aspects of groundwater protection. Primary objectives include information and education,abandoned wells,pesticide issues,industrial issues, aquifer and wellhead protection,and groundwater supply.The updated Plan also includes a groundwater inventory and long-range management goals for groundwater-related issues. Dakota County collects and maintains data related to surface water and groundwater.This information can be utilized by communities throughout the County to gain a deeper understanding of the groundwater conditions in their jurisdiction.Funding programs for sealing unused water wells are also available through the County,as well as numerous education and outreach opportunities.The County also supports the Dakota Soil and Water Conservation District in its programs to assist County residents in protecting and conserving natural resources. City of Rosemount Regulations The City of Rosemount controls water and land use within the City through the enforcement of their Zoning Ordinances and other provisions of the City Code.The land in the DWSMA includes portions of the City of Rosemount and is zoned as shown in Figure 7A,Appendix B. Other official controls available to the City of Rosemount for regulating land use within the DWMSA include performance standards such as shoreland management regulations and wetland standards and health and sanitation codes,including individual sewage treatment system (ISTS)standards.Stormwater standards are also implemented throughout the City and within the DWSMA. The Wellhead Protection Plan,along with other controls listed above,are anticipated to be adequate in managing land use activities for the purposes of wellhead protection within the portions of the DWSMA in the City of Rosemount.Any deficiencies noted will be addressed and corrected in future revisions to the Wellhead Protection Plan. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 21 ' Page Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 Empire Township Regulations That portion of Empire Township within the DWMSA area is zoned as shown in Figure 7B, Appendix B,and generally includes area of agricultural,low density residential, commercial,public/institutional,mining and industrial land uses. Official controls available to Empire Township for regulating land use within the DWMSA beyond Zoning Ordinances and the Comprehensive Plan include performance standards such as floodplain and shoreland management regulations and wetland conservation standards and health and sanitation codes,including individual sewage treatment systems (ISTS)private well standards.Stormwater management standards are also implemented throughout the Township and within the DWSMA. Empire Township adopted the 2030 Comprehensive Plan in August 2009.Land use changes in this area will be present,as the area within the DWSMA will is guided for gravel mining activities through the year 2030.Existing controls are anticipated to be adequate,but monitoring of the gravel mining activities will need to a priority. City of Apple Valley Regulations Zoning and building permit ordinances and regulations are the primary means by which the City of Apple Valley controls land use.That portion of the City of Apple Valley within the DWSMA area is zoned as shown in Figure 7C,Appendix B. Other official controls available to the City of Apple Valley for regulating land use within the DWMSA include performance standards such as shoreland management regulations and wetland standards and health and sanitation codes,including individual sewage treatment systems(ISTS)and private well standards.Stormwater standards are also implemented throughout the City and within the DWSMA. These controls,along with provisions outlined with the City's 2030 Comprehensive Plan, are anticipated to be adequate in managing land use activities for the purposes of wellhead protection within the portions of the DWSMA in the City of Apple Valley.Significant changes are not anticipated in the portion of the DWSMA within the City of Apple Valley within the 10-year period of this Plan,and existing controls are anticipated to be adequate. City of Lakeville Regulations The City of Lakeville uses zoning and building permit ordinances to regulate land use.That portion of the City of Lakeville within the DWSMA area is zoned as shown in Figure 7D, Appendix B. Additional official controls available to the City of Lakeville for regulating land use within the DWSMA include performance standards such as shoreland management regulations and wetland standards,as well as health and sanitation codes.Stormwater standards are also implemented throughout the City and within the DWSMA. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 22 P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan- Part 2 Draft October 2012 The City's 2030 Comprehensive Plan guides that portion of the City of Lakeville in the DWSMA for medium density residential land use,where current land use allows agricultural and gravel mining activities.Monitoring of reclamation and restoration of these areas will be critical as future residential development occurs,however existing controls are anticipated to be adequate. Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization Regulations Dakota and Scott Counties formed the Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization (VRWJPO)to implement the 2005 Watershed Plan.The Watershed Plan leads the development and implementation of policies,programs,and projects that protect and preserve water resources in the 335-square mile area that drains to the Vermillion River and its tributaries. The Watershed Plan provides the management goals,policies and objectives that the VRWJPO will use to protect,improve,preserve,and manage water resources in the Watershed,and the need and reasonableness for standards,rules,and ordinances to enforce the objectives of the Plan. In addition to the Watershed Plan,the VRWJPO adopted a set of Watershed Standards in October 2006 and Watershed Rules in March 2010. The Standards and Rules assist in accomplishing statutory purpose to protect, preserve and manage surface and groundwater systems within the Vermillion River Watershed.Most notable interrelationship is the hydrology of the Vermillion River and the potential changes associated with anticipated urban development in the area. Although not the local government unit(LGU)for the communities within the DWSMA, standards and rules established by the VRWJPO provide guidance and best management practices by regulating the improvement or alteration of land and waters within the Watershed. C. ADMINISTRATIVE, TECHNICAL,AND FINANCIAL CONSIDERATIONS The City of Rosemount will have adequate resources available to regulate the public water supply's source water.Funds to support ongoing wellhead and source water protection efforts will come from the City's water utility fund.Wellhead and source water protection activities will be evaluated on an annual basis,and any changes in the focus of the tasks will also be evaluated to determine if additional funding will be necessary to accommodate the changes. For this Plan to be effective,the City will need to collaborate with other surrounding and overlapping jurisdictions and agencies to raise public awareness of the issues affecting its public water supply through public education programs.Therefore,a number of the wellhead and source water protection actions in this Plan will include public education. Increasing water demand resulting from an increasing population will make is necessary for the City to expand its public water supply system in the future.City staff continues to City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 23 j P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 evaluate the water distribution system as the community grows.In addition to constructing additional municipal wells,additional storage reservoirs,water treatment facilities,and water distribution systems will likely be needed as well. The decommissioning of existing and/or the installation of additional municipal wells in the next 10 years will affect the size and shape of the WHPA and DWSMA for Rosemount's municipal wells.The City intends to amend and update its Wellhead Protection Plan at the time new wells are constructed and put into service. It is also important for the City of Rosemount to continue to work with the Empire Township,the City of Apple Valley,and the City of Lakeville to manage the portions of the DWSMA that extend into their jurisdictions.In addition,the City of Rosemount intends to work in conjunction with Dakota County and neighboring communities to protect the source water resources as much as possible when it is beneficial and logistically feasible. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 24 1 P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan- Part 2 Draft October 2012 CHAPTER THREE ISSUES,PROBLEMS,AND OPPORTUNITIES(4720.5230) I. LAND USE ISSUES, PROBLEMS,AND OPPORTUNITIES A. SOURCE WATER AQUIFER Part 1 of the WHPP determined that the WHPA and corresponding DWSMA for the source aquifer range from low to high vulnerability to contamination and therefore some locations are more likely to be affected by land use activities.Land use and zoning regulations can protect the quality of the aquifers by discouraging types of construction or activity that may cause contamination.Rosemount and other communities in the DWSMA have land use and zoning ordinances in place that could be revised in the future if needed to address potential contaminant sites.Additionally,Rosemount has a Comprehensive Plan in place that includes policies for managing growth of the City,the allowable land uses,water supplies,and wells. Policies identified in the Comprehensive Plan will help protect the City's source water aquifer.The challenge to Rosemount is the fact that portions of their DWSMA is located in other communities and outside of their control.Cooperative participation in the management of the local aquifers to help assure sustainable water supplies for all users is a challenge and an opportunity. Rosemount will continue to see growth within the DWSMA and therefore may consider additional high capacity wells before 2030.Additional high capacity wells in the City's DWSMA may impact the delineated WHPA's and necessitate the updating of the DWSMA. The City will work with the Wellhead Protection Consultant to amend this Plan as required by the MDH when additional municipal wells are installed.In addition,if private high- capacity wells are installed in the source water aquifer within or near the DWSMA there could be changes to the shape and extent of the WHPA and DWSMA delineated for this Plan. The ongoing collection of data has been identified as an opportunity to support future wellhead protection efforts. B. GROUNDWATER QUALITY Groundwater pumped from the Jordan Sandstone aquifer by the Rosemount municipal wells is currently free of pathogens and disease-causing organisms.In addition, Rosemount's public water supply currently meets or exceeds state and federal water quality requirements.For aesthetic purposes,the City treats the water,by chemical addition at the wellheads,to prevent precipitation of iron and manganese in the distribution system.The presence of tritium in some of the wells (discussed previously)is not a health risk,but an indication of the vulnerability of the aquifer. Well water quality sampling will need to continue so that possible contamination can be identified.There are numerous private wells within the DWSMA and will need to continue City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 25 Page Wellhead Protection Plan- Part 2 Draft October 2012 to be regulated.Coordination with other local units of government in the DWSMA and MDH and DNR to share and maintain information on wells and potential contaminants will be a challenge and an opportunity. Education of landowners,especially those with private wells,individual sewage treatment systems(ISTS),or other contaminant sources such as storage tanks, will be important in the control of contamination affecting the groundwater quality. C. DRINKING WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT AREAS Land use found within the DWSMA include agricultural,single family residential,multi- family residential,commercial,office,industrial,institutional,parks/recreational and open space,and gravel mining.Potential contaminant sources identified are of concern and need to be monitored. As previously mentioned,a concern for the City of Rosemount will be that it does not have legal capabilities to regulate activities in areas within its DWSMA that are outside Rosemount's city limits.In addition,Rosemount does not have authority over water appropriations within its DWSMA and relies on the DNR to address issues related to pumping of the aquifer. Some opportunities identified include: • Working with other municipalities in the DWSMA and government entities to share information,and create policies that prevent contamination of aquifers. • Tracking the potential contaminant source and updating the list of potential contaminant sources as new information becomes available. • Landowner education and proper well management. • Routinely monitoring for land use and potential contaminant source changes within the Inner Wellhead Management Zone(IWMZ),200ft radius around well,in consideration of State Well Code requirements. • Place high priority on new and existing wells identified in the IWMZ and One Year Time of Travel Area for the implementation of best management practices. II. ISSUES,PROBLEMS,AND OPPORTUNITIES DISCLOSED AT PUBLIC MEETINGS AND IN WRITTEN COMMENTS At the beginning of the wellhead protection amendment process,the City of Rosemount sent a notification to other local units of government of its intention to amend their wellhead and source water protection efforts.After approval by the MDH,Rosemount sent copies of the Part 1 report to the local units of government The City was not informed of any issues,problems,or opportunities by the local units of government during that time.In 2003,the City of Rosemount adopted Part 2 of the WHPP. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 26 1 P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 III,ISSUE,PROBLEMS,AND OPPORTUNITIES RELATED TO THE DATA ELEMENTS Part 1 and Part 2 of Rosemount's Wellhead Protection Plan have utilized current local and regional information available for compiling and assessing data elements.At a minimum,this Plan will be revised or updated every 10 years as required by the Wellhead Protection Rules and the most recent and accurate data will be utilized at that time.To support on-going wellhead protection efforts,the City will collect data on wells,water quality and land use within its DWSMA. Due to limited resources to independently collect the full range of data and recreate the necessary databases,the City will continue to mainly rely on databases maintained by the State and County agencies to obtain data and verify data,as needed. IV.ISSUES, PROBLEMS,AND OPPORTUNITIES RELATED TO STATUS&ADEQUACY OF OFFICIAL CONTROLS,PLANS,AND OTHER LOCAL,STATE,AND FEDERAL PROGRAMS Numerous controls,plans and programs exist that may be used to achieve the wellhead protection goals identified in this Plan.State and local units of government currently enforce land use ordinances,zoning laws,sewer ordinances,well permits,and groundwater use appropriation permits.The City will continue to work with Empire Township,Apple Valley,and Lakeville to ensure proper management of the portion of the DWSMA that extends into their respective municipality.It is anticipated that most local issues may be adequately addressed through these existing processes and adopting of best management practices. The wellhead protection team does not recommend any additional regulations be imposed at this time.However,the team does recommend that overall regional coordination of wellhead protection efforts be initiated. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 27 ( P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 CHAPTER FOUR WELLHEAD PROTECTION GOALS(4720.5240) In accordance with Minnesota Rules 4720.5240 this section must address goals for present and future water use and land use to provide a framework for determining plan objectives and related actions. Goals outlined in this part were selected based on the information gathered and compiled from the data elements,delineations of the WHPAs and DWSMA,results of the vulnerability assessments, results of the PCSI,expected changes in land and water uses,identified issues,problems,and opportunities,and evaluation of this information. The public water supply is considered to be vulnerable.In addition,portions of the amended DWSMA extend into the Empire Township,City of Apple Valley and the City of Lakeville.Therefore, the goals and objectives of this Plan will focus on managing potential contaminant sources within the DWSMA,reducing the potential contaminant pathways to the source water aquifer that may be provided by private wells,educating property owners and water supply users,and working with Empire Township,Apple Valley,and Lakeville to ensure proper management of the portion of the DWSMA in their respective community. The City of Rosemount's WHP team has identified the following goals for implementation of this Plan: GOAL 1:The City will work to maintain or improve the current level of water quality so that the municipal water supply will continue to meet or exceed all applicable state and federal water quality standards. GOAL 2:The City will work to continue to supply sufficient water quantity for system users and emergency needs. GOAL 3:The City will provide and promote activities that protect the source water aquifer that provides water to the municipal system.This will include increased public awareness of the Wellhead and Source Water Protection Program and groundwater-related issues,and management of the identified potential contaminant sources and conveyance mechanisms within the DWSMA. GOAL 4:The City will continue to collect data to support future wellhead and source water protection efforts. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 28 ' Page Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 CHAPTER FIVE OBJECTIVES AND PLANS OF ACTION(4720.5250) I. OBJECTIVES Given the issues,problems,and opportunities discussed in Part Three and the goals stated in Part Four,the Wellhead Protection Plan delegates direct management efforts to the following areas to prevent future contamination of the aquifer and increase awareness of groundwater protection: A. Well Management G. Data Collection B. Public Education H. Water Conservation C. Storage Tank Management I. Planning and Zoning D. Septic Systems (ISTS) j. Implementation E. Stormwater Management K. Evaluation F. Hazardous Waste Management IL PLANS OF ACTION A. Well Management Objective Al: Take measures to promote property owners to properly seal abandoned,unused,unmaintained,or damaged wells. Action Al: Make property owners aware of potential technical and financial resources that are available to assist them in securing grant funding for properly sealing wells. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH and Dakota County Time Frame: Within 12 months following adoption of this Plan,then continue annually Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Use the City's website,newsletters,or direct mailings to make well owners aware of Dakota County's well sealing cost-share program. Objective A2: Take measures to identify properties with abandoned,unused, unmaintained,or damaged wells and potential cross connections between private wells and the City's water system. Action A2: Identify properties with potential water supply cross connections or wells that pose a hazard to the public water supply. Who: City of Rosemount Staff or retained consultant City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 29 I P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 Cooperators: MDH,MDA,DNR,MPCA,Dakota County,Empire Township,Apple Valley, and Lakeville Time Frame: Within 2 years following adoption of this Plan or when MDH grant is available. Estimated Cost: Staff time or consultant time How: Through mapping and field investigation,as well as historical records. When possible,the list of parcels likely to have wells will be incorporated into the City Building Officials records or shared with other cities in the DWSMA.When the application is made to rebuild or demolish an existing building,the records can be reviewed to determine if a well search is required. Objective A3: Educate the public about proper well management. Action A3: Provide links to MDH and Dakota County well management web sites on the City's website,include information in the City's newsletter or other direct mailings. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH,and Dakota County Time Frame: Within 12 month of adoption,then continued annually Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Use the City's website,newsletters,or direct mailings. Objective A4: Investigate"unlocated"or undocumented wells within the City and DWSMA. Action A4: Provide data to MDH,Dakota County well management,and the Minnesota Geological Survey regarding the measured location of "unlocated"and undocumented wells,and investigate the"as-built" construction of wells without construction records. Who: City of Rosemount Staff or retained consultant Cooperators: MDH,Dakota County,and MGS Time Frame: Following identification of"unlocated"and undocumented wells and when MDH grant is available. Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Through surface measurements and inspections. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 30 ( P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 Objective AS: Incorporate Wellhead Protection Initiatives into City Plans Action A5: Rosemount will use this Wellhead Protection Plan as a resource when updating its Comprehensive Plan,Local Water Management Plan,Water Supply Plan,and other relevant plans. Who: City of Rosemount Staff or retained consultant Cooperators: Empire Township,Apple Valley,and Lakeville Time Frame: Coinciding with plan preparation schedules for the specified plans. Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Wellhead Protection initiatives will be addressed and incorporated into Rosemount's various plan updates.Rosemount will cooperate with neighboring and overlapping jurisdictions to address land use management issues for the portions of the DWSMA outside the City. Objective A6: Identify New High-Capacity Wells within the DWSMA Action A6: Rosemount will identify new high-capacity wells that are proposed for construction in or near Rosemount's DWSMA,and/or major changes to groundwater appropriations for existing high-capacity wells,to determine whether the pumping of wells will alter the current boundaries of the DWSMA delineations or other portions of the City's WHP Plan. Who: City of Rosemount Staff or retained consultant Cooperators: DNR and MDH Time Frame: Within 1 year after the approval of this Plan and then annually Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Staff will annually request information from the Regional DNR office on any newly proposed/constructed high capacity wells within or near the DWSMA or any changes to existing appropriations permits for high capacity wells.Assistance from a retained consultant and the MDH will be requested to evaluate whether proposed pumping(or changes to pumping)will change the boundaries of the DWSMA delineated for Rosemount's wells or if the vulnerability of the aquifer the wells utilize will be affected. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 31 P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan- Part 2 Draft October 2012 B. Public Education(General) Objective B1: Develop a public support and understanding for the wellhead protection plan through the use of web sites,newsletters,and handouts. Action B1.1: Include information about wellhead protection and groundwater protection in the City newsletter. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH Time Frame: Within 12 months following adoption of this Plan. Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Identify and obtain existing educational materials available from MDH and other sources.Write newsletter articles describing wellhead protection and include contact information and web site addresses for existing educational resources. Action B1.2: Provide information about the Wellhead Protection Plan and links to other wellhead protection related resources on the City's web site. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH,Dakota County,MDA,and EPA Time Frame: Ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Provide a summary of wellhead protection goals and implementation. Provide links to wellhead protection related web sites including MDH, Dakota County,MDA,and EPA. Action B1.3: Educate property owners of agricultural lands on the issues related to agricultural activity and how these issues effect or relate to this WHPP. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County,SWCD,MDA,NRCS,OEA Time Frame: Ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Coordinate with Dakota County's Environmental Education Program,the SWCD,and the Minnesota Department of Agriculture(MDA)to act as resources for best management practices in relation to agricultural land use.Other agencies such as the NRCS and the OEA have also established goals and strategies for environmentally safe land use practices. Information will be made available to identified property owners through the use of the City's website and mailers. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 32 1 P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 Action B1.4: Contact and educate land owners within mining/extractive land use areas of Empire Township regarding future use and development of the DWSMA that extends into the Township. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County,Empire Township and their retained consultants (engineering) Time Frame: Ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: A resolution passed by Empire Township gives the City of Rosemount opportunity to be involved in the land use and land development process within Empire Township and,thereby,ensuring protection of the source water aquifer within the DWSMA.Continued cooperation will be needed. C. Storage Tank Management Objective Cl: Notify owners of storage tanks located within the DWSMA that the tank is in a source water protection area,and educate the owners of properties containing the storage tanks of the importance of spill prevention. Action C1: Update list of storage tank owners and contact each property owner and make them aware of their placement within the City's wellhead protection area. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MPCA Time Frame: Within 1 year following adoption of this PIan Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Send mailings out to property owners notifying them about the DWSMA delineation and the importance of spill prevention.Provide contact numbers for appropriate government agencies to each property owner. Action C2: Hold information workshop with PCA to make storage tank owners aware of their placement within the City's wellhead protection area. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MPCA Time Frame: Within 2 years following adoption of this Plan Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Send letter out to property owners notifying them of informational meeting and hold meeting in with PCA. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 33 ( P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 D. Septic Systems(1STS) Objective Dl: Coordinate with Dakota County to educate property owners about the need for having onsite sewage treatment systems that comply with environmental standards and other regulations. Action Dl: Assist the County's efforts to educate property owners about SSTS systems and property maintenance of them. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County Time Frame: Ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Provide assistance to Dakota County as requested. Objective D2: Cooperate with Dakota County to maintain a septic system inventory. Enforce the City's SSTS codes(Chapter 6) Action D2: Set ISTS standards that are equal to or stricter than those contained in Minnesota Rules Chapter 7080. Who: City of Rosemount Staff and Dakota County Cooperators: Dakota County Time Frame: Already in place and being implemented,ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: The City of Rosemount has adopted Subsurface Sewage Treatment Systems(SSTS)standards(Chapter 6 of the City Code).Compliance is enforced by the City's Building Inspection Division. E. Stormwater Management Objective El: Educate the public on proper stormwater management,turf management,proper lawn care practices and water conservation. Action El: Provide information to the community with respect to the everyday issues regarding stormwater and lawn care. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County Time Frame: 2012 growing season,then ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Include information on the City's website,in the City's newsletter, distribute direct mailers,or include water billing inserts to educate the City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 34 I P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 community on some best management practices that may be implemented. Objective E2: Cooperate with other agencies and programs to manage stormwater quality. Action E2: Work in cooperation with the NPDES permit program implemented in areas overlapping the DWSMA Who: City of Rosemount Staff,City Council Cooperators: MPCA,Dakota County,Vermilion River Watershed Joint Power Organization Time Frame: Ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: The City of Rosemount has updated its Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan(SWPPP)to meet NPDES stormwater permit requirements.The SWPPP includes measures for public education and outreach,public involvement and participation,illicit discharge detection and elimination,construction site runoff control,post construction runoff control,and pollution prevention and good housekeeping.Additional measure will be added to comply with current MPCA permit requirements.Many of the SWPPP goals are shared with the WHP Plan. F. Hazardous Waste Management Objective Fl: Educate the public on the proper disposal of hazardous waste items. Action Fl: Jointly sponsor an annual household hazardous waste collection day with Dakota County in Rosemount. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County Time Frame: Ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Include information on the City's website,in the City's newsletter, distribute direct mailers,or include water billing inserts to encourage residents within the DWSMA,and throughout the City,to participate in the County's household hazardous waste collection day. Objective F2: Develop a Hazardous Waste Management Plan to protect the health, safety and welfare of the public and to protect the environment from hazardous waste contamination. Action F2: Develop a Hazardous Waste Management Plan in relation to sand and gravel mining within the DWSMA in areas of high vulnerability. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 35 P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan- Part 2 Draft October 2012 Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County and MPCA and communities within the DWSMA Time Frame: 2 years after plan approval Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Review existing hazardous waste management regulations and plans and develop a City plan for managing a hazardous waste release in a mining area located in an area of high vulnerability within the DWSMA. Objective F3: Educate hazardous waste generators about hazardous waste management. Action F3: Offer"Hazard Waste Training Seminar"for all hazardous waste generators covering all the information that the average generator needs to stay in compliance with the rules. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Dakota County/MNTAP Time Frame: 2016 Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Include information on the City's website or in the City's newsletter to encourage residents and business owners within the DWSMA,and throughout the City,to participate in Hazardous Waste Training Seminars sponsored by the County or other agencies. G. Data Collection Objective G1: Continue to collect and maintain local geologic and hydrogeologic data in order to improve and augment current information and to provide additional data for future revisions to this Plan. Action G1.1: Monitor static and pumping levels in municipal wells. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: None Time Frame: Already in place,ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Conduct routine collection of groundwater levels in the municipal wells, which will provide data for the evaluation of groundwater elevation trends over time.A decreasing trend in static water levels in the municipal wells may be cause for the City to pursue more restricted water use measures and/or more effective methods to control public City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO.1582-06 36 P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 water supply use.This data can also be used to verify the groundwater flow field in the source water aquifer. Action G1.2: Cooperate and support future data collection efforts by other agencies. Who: City of Rosemount Staff or retained consultant Cooperators: MPCA,DNR,MDH,MCES,USGS,neighboring cities,and Dakota County Time Frame: Already in place,ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Provide assistance to agencies as requested. Objective G2: Evaluate the water quality monitoring strategy and results to ensure that they are consistent with federal and state requirements yet also take into account local conditions. Action G2: Maintain water quality sampling requirements mandated by MDH and analyze trends in water chemistry,looking for any possible degradation of quality or changes in aquifer hydraulics. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH Time Frame: Already in place,ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Identify changes to trends in water chemistry by evaluating records of analysis results. This includes sharing data with the MDH and the option to sample for radiological testing. Objective G3: Monitor surface water to groundwater connection during mining activities and after mine pit lake is constructed in UMore mining area. Action G3.1: Work with MDH to conduct stable isotope sampling and testing. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH Time Frame: Annually after mine pit lake construction Estimated Cost: Staff time How: MDH to perform stable isotope sampling and testing. Action G3.2: Work with MDH to conduct tritium sampling and testing. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH Time Frame: Already in place,ongoing City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 37 I P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 Estimated Cost: Staff time How: MDH to perform tritium sampling and testing every 5 years to assess change in aquifer vulnerability. Action G3.3: Require and review groundwater monitoring plan to be submitted with mining permits and review monitoring results annually. Who: City of Rosemount and consultant Staff Cooperators: Mining Company,MDH Time Frame: During Mining Permit approval process&annual review of permit. Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Review groundwater monitoring plan submitted with mining applications specifically monitoring well locations and sampling plan. Review monitoring data annually at a minimum and adjust plan as needed based on results. Objective G4: Maintain up to date information about wells and potential contaminant sources within the DWSMA. Action G4: In cooperation with existing state or local agencies and programs,create and maintain a database of wells,ISTS,storage tanks,and shallow disposal wells within the DWSMA. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: MDH and Dakota County Time Frame: Data base already created,review annually and update as funding is available. Estimated Cost: Staff time or consultant time. How: An inventory of wells and potential contaminant sources was performed as part of the development of this Plan.Data base will be reviewed annually and updated as information becomes available. H. Water Conservation Objective Hi: Implement a community-wide water conservation program. Action H1: Implement conservation measures included in the Water Supply Plan as part of the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: None Time Frame: Already in place,ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time City of Rosemount MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 38 I P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 How: Educate the public to encourage users to voluntarily incorporate water saving habits and tools into their lifestyles,improve the exiting water system's operation and maintenance procedures and incorporate costs associated with water conservation programs,adjusting water rate structure and ensure that all customers are paying for the water they use through audits and meter replacement or calibration. I. Planning and Zoning Objective 11: Eliminate or reduce the potential pollution risks to the source water aquifer and minimize the risk of altering the WHPA and DWSMA area. Action 11: Include a review of this Plan as part of the normal zoning and planning review process. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: None Time Frame: Already in place,ongoing Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Copies of this Plan will be distributed to the City Planner and Planning Department and they will review this Plan as part of their planning review process. Action I2: Participate with other jurisdictions within the DWSMA to identify land use changes outside the city limits. Who: City of Rosemount Staff Cooperators: Empire Township,City of Lakeville,City of Apple Valley Time Frame: Completed as part of the WHPP process Estimated Cost: Staff time How: Copies of this Plan will be distributed to other jurisdictions within the DWSMA. J. Implementation Objective J1: Track and report Wellhead Protection activities to aid in implementing Wellhead Protection Objectives Action 11: Complete and submit an annual report on completed WHP activities to the Utility Commission. Who: City of Rosemount Staff or consultant Cooperators: None Time Frame: Annually after approval of plan Estimated Cost: Staff time or consultant time City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 39 P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 How: Report will be prepared and provided to the Utility Commission. K. Evaluation Objective Ki: Evaluate Plan Action I1: Complete an evaluation report every 2.5 years Who: City of Rosemount Staff or consultant Cooperators: None Time Frame: Every 2.5 years Estimated Cost: Staff time or consultant time How: Prepare a written report using the MDH Wellhead Protection Program Evaluation form or a format selected by the City.Provide report to the Utility Commission,City Council and MDH Source Water Protection Unit. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO. 1582-06 40 { P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan- Part 2 Draft October 2012 CHAPTER SIX EVALUATION PROGRAM (4720.5270) The success of the Wellhead Protection Plan must be evaluated in order to determine whether or not the Plan is accomplishing what the City of Rosemount intended to do.Monitoring and evaluation of the Wellhead Protection Plan and associated activities will be conducted every two years that the Plan is in effect The evaluation activities will include the following items: • Track the implementation of the goals,objectives,activities,and tasks discussed in Part Five of this Plan; • Determine the effectiveness of specific management strategies regarding the protection of Rosemount's municipal water supply; • Identify possible changes to these strategies which may improve their effectiveness;and • Determine the adequacy of financial resources and staff availability to carry out the management strategies planned for the each year. The City of Rosemount will continue to coordinate with the MDH in the annual monitoring of the City's municipal water supply to determine if the management strategies presented in this Plan are having a positive impact on water quality and to identify what water quality problems may still be occurring and how they need to be addressed. At the end of each evaluation period(every two and a half years)City Staff will make a written report to the City of Rosemount City Council regarding progress in implementing the Wellhead Protection Plan,as well as an evaluation of the costs and benefits of the Plan activities.This report may be completed using the MDH Wellhead Protection Program Evaluation form.A copy of the report will also be sent to the MDH Source Water Protection Unit in St Paul.The City will also keep a copy of the report in its records.The intent of the annual reports is to compile a complete and comprehensive study of the implementation the source management strategies for use when the City updates or revises this Plan.As required by the Wellhead Protection Rules,this Plan will be updated every 10 years at a minimum. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO.1582-06 41 ( P a g e Wellhead Protection Plan-Part 2 Draft October 2012 CHAPTER SEVEN ALTERNATIVE WATER SUPPLY CONTINGENCY STRATEGY(4720.5280) A contingency plan is put into effect to establish,provide,and keep updated certain emergency response procedures and information for the public water supply,which may become vital in the event of a partial or total loss of public water supply services as a result of a natural disaster, chemical contamination,civil disorder,or human-caused disruption. In October 2007,Rosemount completed its Water Emergency and Conservation Plan,an update to its May 1996 Plan. As required,the plan was submitted to the DNR Waters-Water Permit Programs and the Metropolitan Council for review and approval.The plan has been adopted by the City and incorporated in the City's 2030 Comprehensive Plan.Copies of the Water Emergency and Conservation Plan and the 2030 Comprehensive Plan are available from the City. City of Rosemount,MN WSB Project NO.1582-06 42 ' Page TABLE 1:POTENTIAL CONTAMINANT SOURCE INVENTORY Number MPCA ID Name Address City Land Use Activity 1 3788447 Haefs Brothers Address Unknown Rosemount Feedlot I 2 124029 Cemstone Products Co 4360 170th St W Rosemount Tank Site 3 MNS000113217 Cemstone Products Co-Farmington 4360 170th St W Farmington Hazardous Wa 4 Multiple Activities Hedberg Aggregates Inc 4375 170th St W Farmington Multiple Activi S Multiple Activities Cemstone Products Co-Empire Pit 170th 4375 170th St W Farmington Multiple Activi 6 6886 Star Radio Facility 4272 170th W Lakeville Leak Site 7 REM03779 City of Rosemount Dump See location description Rosemount Unpermitted 1) 8 Multiple Activities Williams Energy Services-Rosemount 15938 S Robert Trl Rosemount Multiple Activi 9 MNS000110015 Dosco Design Build Inc 16273 Chippendale Ave W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 10 122576 Dakota County Trans Dept 2800 160th St W Empire Township Rosemount Tank Site 11 Multiple Activities Dakota CountyTransportation 2800 160th St W Rosemount Multiple Activi 12 Multiple Activities Phil's Body Shop Inc 2955 160th St W Rosemount Multiple Activi 13 MNR000060293 AAA Auto Salvage-Rosemount 2871 160th St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 14 MNR000109306 Metropolitan Mosquito Control 2695 160th St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa• 15 Multiple Activities Commercial Asphalt Co-Plant 903 4000 160th St W Rosemount Multiple Activi 16 Multiple Activities ID Woodcraft Inc 2605 160th St W Ste 109 Rosemount Multiple Activi• 17 MNS000121707 Allison Specialty Components-Rosemount 2605 160th St W Ste 114 Rosemount Hazardous Wa 18 MND985676600 AAA Auto Salvage 2595 160th St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 19 7154 Ag Research Center 2375 160th St W Rosemount Leak Site 20 Multiple Activities AM Auto Salvage/U-PulI-R-Parts 2871 160th St W Rosemount Industrial Stor 21 VP18540 Lange Gas 160th St and Robert Trail S Rosemount Voluntary Inve 22 10920 Mcmenomy Farm 15872 Chippendale Ave Rosemount Leak Site 23 MNR000118760 Dakota Fence of Minnesota Inc 15953 Biscayne Ave W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 24 Multiple Activities Knutson Services Inc 2875 160th St Rosemount Multiple Activi 25 VP20130 Rosemount Mini Storage 15854 Chippendale Ave Rosemount Voluntary Inve 26 MND093919371 Murgic's Automotive Inc 15640 Canada Cir Rosemount Hazardous Wa 27 MNR000025460 Rosemount Electric 15659 Cornell Ct N Rosemount Hazardous Wa 28 Multiple Activities Rosemount Demolition Landfill See location description Rosemount Multiple Activi 29 MNR000000737 City Limits Lanes 15400 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 30 MND058335779 Rosemount Boating Ctr dba Rilar Marine 3316 152nd St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 31 MN0000199521 Ricks Automotive Repair 15280 S RobertTrl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 32 MND982636714 Eim Auto 15185 Carrousel Way Rosemount Hazardous Wa 33 MNR000060301 Service Master-Rosemount 15185 Carrousel Way Ste B Rosemount Hazardous Wa 34 Multiple Activities Webb Co 15197 Boulder Ave Rosemount Multiple Activi 35 MND131549206 ISO 196-Rosemount 15180 Canada Ave W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 36 Multiple Activities District#196 Office East 15180 Canada Ave W Rosemount Multiple Activi 37 Multiple Activities Wensmann Homes 3312 151st St W Rosemount Multiple Activi 38 MN0000474056 Rosemount Family Physicians 15120 Chippendale Ave W#SiteB Rosemount Hazardous Wa 39 MN0000201608 Chroust Kurt DOS 15120 Chippendale Ave W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 40 MND982208704 CQ of Rosemount Minnesota 2161 3320 151st St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 41 PW5103024103 Taylor Rental 3322 151st St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 42 1098 Bill Berg Construction Co Inc 3328 151st St W Rosemount Tank Site 43 Multiple Activities Carlson Equipment 15125 S Robert Trl Rosemount Multiple Activi 44 Multiple Activities Commercial Millwork Solutions 15051 Biscayne Ave W Rosemount Multiple Activi 45 MNS000162719 Dakota Childrens Dentistry 3410 151st St Rosemount Hazardous Wa 46 122063 Kwik Trip#397 15065 Dodd Blvd Apple Valley Tank Site 47 MNS000142893 Fairview Rosemount Clinic 15075 Cimarron Ave Rosemount Hazardous Wa 48 MNS000157602 Walgreen's Store 4038 15034 Shannon Pkwy Rosemount ' Hazardous Wa 49 1130 Holiday Stationstore#222 15066 Chippendale Ave Rosemount Tank Site 50 Multiple Activities Tom Thumb Food Markets#276 15040 Canada Ave Rosemount Multiple Activi 51 MNS000154039 Cub Foods 1651 3784 150th St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 52 55564 Valvoline Rapid Oil Change 3480 150th St Rosemount Tank Site 53 MNR000009266 Valvoline Instant Oil Change 3480 150th St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 54 MNS000151191 Robinson Dental Excellence 15031 Crestone Ave W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 55 MNS000106179 Checker Auto Parts 1858 3420 150th St W Ste 109 Rosemount Hazardous Wa 56 MNR000062430 _Cannon Equipment 15100 Business Pkwy _Rosemount Hazardous Wa TABLE 1:POTENTIAL CONTAMINANT SOURCE INVENTORY Number MPCA ID Name Address City Land Use Activity 57 Multiple Activities Navy Reserve Intellig.Area 10 14950 Akron Ave Rosemount Multiple Activi 58 MNS000139758 Rosemount Dental 14895 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 59 3788549 State of Minnesota Address Unknown Rosemount Feedlot 60 MND064765514 Roys Sports Center 14815 Dallara Ave W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 61 Multiple Activities Auto Fitness Center The 14810 S Robert Trl Rosemount Multiple Activi 62 52660 Master Transmission 14805 Robert Trl Rosemount Tank Site 63 Multiple Activities Extreme Motor Sports 14785 S Robert Trl Rosemount Multiple Activi 64 Multiple Activities River Country Cooperative 4411 Upper 291st St E Randolph Multiple Activi 65 MND981948185 Dakota Equipment Repair 14762 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 66 MND982640450 Cha's Auto Imports 14760 S Robert Trl Ste 1 Rosemount Hazardous Wa 67 MNS000160721 Rosemount Saw&Tool 14760 S Robert Trl Ste 3 Rosemount Hazardous Wa 68 MNR000064527 Genuine Parts Co-Napa Auto 14760 S Robert Trl Ste 2 Rosemount Hazardous Wa 69 PW5103022087 New Rosemount Dodge The 14755 S Robert TrI Rosemount Hazardous Wa 70 1163 Genz-ryan Plumbing&Heating Co 14745 S Robert TrI Rosemount Tank Site 71 VP22482 DCTC Leased Property(see UMORE Park) See location description Rosemount Voluntary Inve 72 MND985743780 A Womans Touch Furniture Restoration 14690 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 73 12835 4th Street Switch Station 14685 S Robert Trl Rosemount Leak Site 74 12835 Super 7 14685 S Robert Trl Rosemount Tank Site 75 MN0000975656 Shamrock Animal Hospital 14670 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 76 MND060477411 Rosemount Saw&Tool-14650 14650 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 77 Multiple Activities Former Ratzlaff Service Station 14630 S Robert Trl Rosemount Multiple Activi 78 1154 Former Murgics Service Station 15635 S Robert St Rosemount Tank Site 79 Multiple Activities Mike M Murgic 15635 S Robert Trl Rosemount Multiple Activi 80 123240 Brockway Glass 13500 Highway 3 S Rosemount Tank Site 81 121676 Bentson Asphalt 160th St Coates Tank Site 82 55460 Pine Bend Pump Station Highway 55&Highway 52 Rosemount Tank Site 83 18720 M F Mickelson 12145 12155 Danbury Way Rosemount Tank Site 84 16159 Chicago&Northwestern Trans Co 1849 Highway 42 Rosemount Tank Site 85 13471 Rosemount Station Highway 42 W Rosemount Tank Site 86 Multiple Activities Gopher Ordnance Plant See location description Rosemount Multiple Activi 87 3788255 Richard Fox Farm Address Unknown Rosemount Feedlot 88 18435 Oak Ridge Elementary School 4350 Johnny Cake Ridge Rd Rosemount Tank Site 89 MNS000146142 Magellan Pipeline Co LP-Pump Station 12555 Clark Rd Pump Station Rosemount Hazardous Wa 90 3788247 Jeff Schoeller Farm Address Unknown Rosemount Feedlot 91 MNS000106922 Car-Nay-5 160th St&Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 92 18295 Former Genz-Ryan Property Lower 147th St W and Robert Tr S Rosemount Leak Site 93 4672 Rosemount Research Center 15325 Babcock Ave 1920 153rd St Rosemount Tank Site 94 MND985756378 Chicago Northwestern Rr Twp 115N R 19W Sec 28 NW 1/4 Rosemount Hazardous Wa 95 MNR000028464 Rosemount Family Dentistry PA 14590 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 96 MND023010812 Greif Bros Corp 2750 145th St W Rosemount CERCLIS Site 97 MND981802481 Champion Auto Store 405 14555 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 98 MNR000065367 Savemore Automotive 14555 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 99 MNS000135343 ISD 917 Technical Center 1300 145th St E Door 13 Rosemount Hazardous Wa 100 Multiple Activities Dakota County Technical College 1300 145th St E Rosemount Multiple Activi 101 MND985722024 Snyder Ronald J Dds 14525 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 102 MND985706936 Johnson Family&Sports Chiropractic 14520 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 103 Multiple Activities Nash of Rosemount 14515 Dodd Blvd Rosemount Multiple Activi 104 1173 Formrcity Of Rosemount City Hall 1367 145th St E Rosemount Tank Site 105 MND985709641 NAPA Rosemount 2990 145th St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 106 MND985752377 Geraghty James H&William H :2978 145th St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 107 MND050729532 Meisenholders Quick Cleaners 2978 145th St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 108 MND023010812 Greif Brothers Corp-Rosemount 2750 145th St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 109 1270 Greif Brothers Corp 2750 145th St W Rosemount Tank Site 110 MNR000026567 MN Energy Resources-Rosemount 2665 145th St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 111 10330 City Of Rosemount Public Works Garage 2875 145th St W Rosemount Leak Site 112 '1224 Truck Station District#9 2835 145th St W Rosemount Tank Site TABLE 1:POTENTIAL CONTAMINANT SOURCE INVENTORY Number MPCA U) Name Address City Land Use Activity 113 Multiple Activities Frontier Communications 14475 Cameo Rosemount Multiple Activi• 114 VP11300 Cy-Con Yard 2929 145th St Rosemount Voluntary Inve 115 MN0000017319 Johnson Chiropratic 14465 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Was 116 Multiple Activities Larrys Standard 14460 S Robert Trl Rosemount Multiple Activi 117 MN0000133959 Rosemount Chiropractic Center 14450 S Robert Trl Ste 208 Rosemount Hazardous Was 118 Multiple Activities Dakota Central Offices 14450 S Robert Trl Rosemount Multiple Activi 119 MN0000010645 Rosemount Medical Clinic 14450 S Robert Trl Ste 204 Rosemount Hazardous Wa, 120 Multiple Activities Rosemount Middle/Elementary-CSW 3155 144th St W Rosemount Multiple Activi 121 MNR000105650 ISD 196 Rosemount Elementary School 3155 144th St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa: 122 VP10420 Geraghty Property 2978 W 145th St Rosemount Voluntary Inve 123 634 Rosemount Development 145th St&S Robert Trl Rosemount Leak Site 124 MND985667161 Dakota County Public Health 14455 Brazil Ave W Rosemount Hazardous Wa: 125 Multiple Activities Rosemount City Of 14455 Brazil Ave W Rosemount Multiple Activi 126 MND982211286 Shamrock Animal Hospital 14390 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Was 127 MND023011133 Frontier Ag&Turf 2925 145th St Rosemount Hazardous Was 128 17602 Church Of Saint Joseph 14375 S Robert Trl Rosemount Tank Site 129 13742 Saint Joseph School 14355 S Robert Trl Rosemount Tank Site 130 12421 City Of Rosemount Mechanic Gara 14435 Brazil Ave Rosemount Tank Site 131 Multiple Activities Dakota County Highway Dept 14300 Biscayne Ave Rosemount Multiple Activi 132 Multiple Activities ISO 196 Rosemount Middle School 3135 143rd St W Rosemount Multiple Activi 133 Multiple Activities Knutson Rubbish 14345 Biscayne Ave W Rosemount Multiple Activi 134 MND981100498 Dakota County Highway Dept 14300 Biscayne Ave W Rosemount Hazardous Wa, 135 Multiple Activities Rosemount Organizational Mntnce Shop 14221 Biscayne Ave W Rosemount Multiple Activi 136 'MNR000016634 National Guard Maintenance OMS 1 14221 Biscayne Ave W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 137 Multiple Activities Rosemount High School-CSW 3335 142nd St W Rosemount Multiple Activi 138 MND982618126 lsd 196 Rosemount High School 3335 142nd St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa. 139 MND102246733 Ricks Auto Repair 13975 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 140 MND982209140 Dakota Small Engine Service 13965 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 141 MND052710050 A&G Autobody Inc 13955 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Was 142 MN0000994418 Community Center 13885 S Robert Trl Rosemount Hazardous Wa 143 Multiple Activities Rosemount TACC 13865 S Robert Trl Rosemount Multiple Activi 144 VP1170 Brockway Glass Rt 3&135th St W Rosemount Voluntary Inve 145 REM03810 Closed Sewage Treatment Plant See location description Rosemount Unpermitted D 146 3788251 Jeffrey Nelson Farm Address Unknown Rosemount Feedlot 147 3788253 John H Gillespie Farm Address Unknown 'Rosemount Feedlot 148 MND023010614 Phils Auto Body 2025 135th St W Rosemount Hazardous Wa 149 3788249 lames D Pickens Farm Address Unknown Rosemount Feedlot 150 3788259 Arthur T McMenomy Jr Farm Address Unknown Rosemount Feedlot 151 PW5103025012 Mn Operating Engineers PO Box E 1 Rosemount Hazardous Wa 152 185969 DO 153 255137 MGS-12 SI 154 179702 TREV1S,WALTER DO , 155 100962 MEYERS,WILLARD DO 156 407103 LAUER.ALBERT DO 157 185278 U OF M ROSEMOUNT#2 IR 158 553561 COMMERCIAL ASPHALT DO 159 207602 DO 160 437879 MARANELL,BOYD DO 161 232246 NORTHERN PROPANE GAS OT 162 506638 AAA AUTO SALVAGE DO 163 198269 MARGIC,MIKE DO 164 207617 SWINE AND SHEEP FARM DO 165 101119 DEHMLOW,DOUG DO 166 509060 ROSEMOUNT 8 PC 167 554248 ROSEMOUNT9 PC 168 101181 WACHTER,DON DO TABLE 1:POTENTIAL CONTAMINANT SOURCE INVENTORY Number MPCA ID Name Address City Land Use Activity 169 706804 ROSEMOUNT 12 PC 170 441911 U OF M BEEF BARN DO 171 208404 UNIV.OF MN.NORTH BEET FARM DO 172 207616 FIELD WELL IR 173 112212 ROSEMOUNT 7 PC 174 441909 U OF M SWINE BARN DO 175 208400 AG.EXP.STATION ROSEMOU , 176 207601 OSTERTAG,BARNEY DO 177 212277 ROSEMOUNT 5 PC 178 212000 ROSEMOUNT4 PC 179 216482 BROBACK,JOHN DO 180 174675 DAKOTA COUNTY AREA VO.I DO 181 208401 ROSEMOUNT 1 PC 182 201152 ROSEMOUNT2 PC 183 412400 RELLER,JOHN DO 184 207614 VILLAGE HALL PS 185 457167 ROSEMOUNT 1 N PC 186 474335 ROSEMOUNT RURAL 2 S PC 187 753663 ROSEMOUNT 15 PC 188 702837 ROSEMOUNT MUNI TW-14 TW 189 722623 ROSEMOUNT 14 PC 190 128715 GILLESPIE,JACK DO 191 208398 ENGLENT,EDWIN DO 192 101047 ALBU,PAUL DO 193 159506 GILLISPIE,TIM DO 194 128714 KRIESEL,WALTER IR. DO 195 124320 MCMENOMY,ARTHUR SR. DO 196 216203 NORTHERN NATURAL GAS CO 197 186309 ANDERSON,JERRY DO 198 255146 MGS-21 SI 199 23940 JOE MARTHALER 170 ST Coates 35250 200 53158 NSP 15636 Cornell Trail Rosemount 36798 201 52911 NSP 15636 Cornell Trail Rosemount 36770 202 24533 LUNDA CONSTRUCTION 15601 CLAYTON AVE S Rosemount 35349 203 17188 UNKNOWN 4300 WEST 155TH STREET Rosemount 33665 204 15866 UNKNOWN 4300 155TH STREET Rosemount 33664 205 16773 KNUTSON SERVICES,INC. '15120 CHIPPENDALE Rosemount 33864 206 30583 HOLIDAY COMPANIES 15066 CHIP N'DALE AVENUE Rosemount 36321 207 50076 Holiday Companies 15066 CHIPPENDALE AVE Rosemount 36446 208 26831 PIPELINE 14950 AKRON AVE Rosemount 35728 209 5654 UNKNOWN 14550 SO ROBERT TR Rosemount 32713 210 14679 ED MCMENOMY 14450 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL Rosemount 33339 211 16487 KNUTSON SERVICES,INC. 14345 BISCAYNE AVENUE Rosemount 33798 212 5881 INDEPENDENT SCHOOL DIST#196 3135 143RD ST W Rosemount 32735 213 23082 MIDDLE SCHOOL 3135 143RD ST Rosemount 35118 214 19054 WINTZ COMPANY 13500 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL Rosemount 34367 215 4391 WINTZ COMPANIES 13500 ROBERT TR S Rosemount 32491 216 15997 WINTZ COMPANY 13500 SOUTH ROBERT TRAIL Rosemount 33693 217 51989 NSP @ Keegan Lake Substation 2425 RONAIRE PATH WEST Rosemount 36652 218 17330 NORTHERN STATES POWER COMPANY 2425 BONAIRE PATH WEST Rosemount 33985 219 3040 Pesticide Disposals Apple Valley Agricultural D 220 5080 Star Radio Facility LUST Empire Township Spill,Leak,Lea 221 ,5080 Star Radio Facility LUST Empire Township Spill,Leak,Lea 222 5034 Model Concrete Empire Township Industrial Was 223 5136 Model Concrete Empire Township Industrial Was 224 5137 NW of 160th Street&Shannon Parkway ,Rosemount Large,Unilimi TABLE 1:POTENTIAL CONTAMINANT SOURCE INVENTORY Number MPCA ID Name Address City Land Use Activity 225 5138 Appliance Service Disposals Rosemount Mixed Municip 226 5038 Murgis Auto Disposal Rosemount Hazardous Wa. 227 5039 Rosemount South Dump Rosemount Large,Unilimit 228 5141 Rosemount Demolition Rosemount Regulated Was 229 5143 Rosemount Elevator Disposal Rosemount Industrial Was 230 5079 Carlson Tractor&Equipment Co LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 231 5079 Carlson Tractor&Equipment Co LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 232 5145 CP Rail Crow and Crow Ready Mix disposals Rosemount Large,Unilimit 233 5145 CP Rail Crow and Crow Ready Mix disposals Rosemount Large,Unilimit 234 5043 Rosemount Central Dump Rosemount Large,Unilimit 235 5146 Rosemount Ride Share Rosemount Large,Unilimit 236 5146 Rosemount Ride Share Rosemount Large,Unilimit 237 5047 Saint Joseph's Cemetary Dump Rosemount Large,Unilimit 238 5148 Alliance Lumber Rosemount Industrial Was 239 5049 Demolition#49 Used Car Demolition Dump Rosemount Large,Unilimit 240 5150 Pizza Shop Demolition Dump Rosemount Large,Unilimit 241 5100 Pond SE of 160th Street East&Shannon Parkway Empire Township Large,Unilimit 242 5097 Gas Supply Lead Paint Disposal Rosemount Industrial Was 243 5098 Demolished Building Rosemount Rosemount Large,Unilimit 244 5001 Maranell Dump Empire Township Agricultural Di 245 5002 Strese Oil Company&Rosemount Ice Company Rosemount Hazardous Wa 246 5073 GOW Burning Ground Rosemount Industrial Was 247 5105 Knutson Transfer Rosemount Regulated Was 248 5104 Knutson Transfer Rosemount Regulated Was 249 5104 Knutson Transfer Rosemount Regulated Was 250 5110 Recycle Minnesota Resources Rosemount Regulated Was 251 5152 AES Disposal Empire Township Large,Unilimit 252 5120 GOW Hazardous Waste Burn Pit Rosemount Hazardous Wa 253 5120 GOW Hazardous Waste Burn Pit Rosemount Hazardous Wa 254 5121 AES Beef Research North Rosemount Large,Unilimit 255 5121 AES Beef Research North Rosemount Large,Unilimit 256 5327 Dakota County Highway Shop LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 257 5004 Brockway Glass Wastewater Lagoon West Rosemount Industrial Was 258 5161 Greif Bros Corporation Disposal Rosemount Hazardous Wa 259 5161 Greif Bros Corporation Disposal Rosemount Hazardous Wa 260 5355 GOW Officers quarters Cesspools Abandandoned Rosemount Industrial Was 261 5358 Brockway Glass Disposals Rosemount Hazardous Wa 262 5358 Brockway Glass Disposals Rosemount Hazardous Wa 263 5359 Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Lagoon Rosemount Regulated Was 264 5359 Rosemount Wastewater Treatment Lagoon Rosemount Regulated Was 265 5366 Brockway Glass Property Dump Rosemount Hazardous Wa 266 5366 Brockway Glass Property Dump Rosemount Hazardous Wa 267 5368 Williams Pipeline Company Spill Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 268 5369 AAA Auto Salvage Rosemount Hazardous Wa 269 5369 AAA Auto Salvage Rosemount Hazardous Wa 270 5040 Hampton Development Corporation Rosemount Household or I 271 5060 Geronime Farm Dump Empire Township Household or I 272 5075 Incidential Dumping Rosemount Household or I 273 5140 Rosemount Construction Yard Disposal Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 274 5112 Rail Spur Incidential Disposals Rosemount Industrial Was 275 5086 Geronime Disposals Empire Township Industrial Was 276 5086 Geronime Disposals Empire Township Industrial Was 277 5165 Garrety Building Release Rosemount Hazardous Wa 278 5089 Chicago Northwestern Railroad Dump Rosemount Industrial Was 279 5320 Dakota County Highway Storage&Disposals Rosemount Industrial Was 280 5091 AAA Auto Salvage Rosemount Industrial Was TABLE 1:POTENTIAL CONTAMINANT SOURCE INVENTORY Number ■PCA ID Name Address City Land Use Activity 281 3184 Model Stone Cement&Asphalt Dumps Apple Valley Industrial Was 282 3337 Prairie Crossings LUST Apple Valley Spill,Leak,Lea 283 5404 City of Rosemount Public Works Garage LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 284 5400 Transportation Facility LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 285 5408 Frontier Communications LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 286 5410 Tom Thumb LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 287 5409 Former Arctic Cat LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea . 288 5423 Dakota County Vo Tech LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 289 5406 Amoco SS#8585 LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 290 5413 Rosemount Development LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 291 5403 Kellys Fuel(Texaco)LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 292 5412 Rosemount Middle School LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 293 5412 Rosemount Middle School LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 294 5421 Ratzlaff Service LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 295 5419 Parking Lot LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 296 5414 McMenomy Farm LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 297 5414 McMenomy Farm LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 298 5424 Former Brockway Glass LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 299 5058 Concrete Slab&Foundation Disposal Empire Township Household or I 300 5142 Former Murgis Service Station Rosemount Spill,Leak Lea 301 5178 Rosemount National Guard Armory Disposals Rosemount Hazardous Wa 302 5202 Ag Research Center LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 303 5202 Ag Research Center LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 304 5124 KQRS MAC Contaminated Soils Disposal Empire Township 305 5124 KQRS MAC Contaminated Soils Disposal Empire Township 306 5179 Hedburg Burning and Disposal Empire Township 307 5046 Lange Gas Equpment Co.Disposals Rosemount Industrial Was 308 5046 Lange Gas Equipment Co.Disposals Rosemount Industrial Was 309 5094 Williams Energy Disposals Rosemount Industrial Was 310 5094 Williams Energy Disposals Rosemount Industrial Was 311 5094 Williams Energy Disposals Rosemount Industrial Was 312 5387 Brockway Glass WWTP Disposals Rosemount Industrial Was 313 5388 Brockway Glass and Golf Course Disposals Rosemount Industrial Was 314 3040 Pesticide Disposals Apple Valley Agricultural D. 315 3184 Model Stone Cement&Asphalt Dumps Apple Valley Industrial Was 316 5080 Star Radio Facility LUST Empire Township Spill,Leak,Lea 317 5124 KQRS MAC Contaminated Soils Disposal Empire Township 318 5080 Star Radio Facility LUST Empire Township Spill,Leak,Lea 319 5124 KQRS MAC Contaminated Soils Disposal Empire Township 320 5080 Star Radio Facility LUST Empire Township Spill,Leak,Lea 321 5179 Hedburg Burning and Disposal Empire Township , 322 5039 Rosemount South Dump Rosemount Large,Unilimi 323 5141 Rosemount Demolition Rosemount Regulated Wa: 324 5039 Rosemount South Dump Rosemount Large,Unilimi 325 5142 Former Murgis Service Station Rosemount Spill,Leak,Les 326 5141 Rosemount Demolition Rosemount Regulated Wa: 327 5142 Former Murgis Service Station Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 328 5145 CP Rail Crow and Crow Ready Mix disposals Rosemount Large,Unilimi 329 5172 Dakota Equipment Repair Rosemount Hazardous Wa 330 5097 Gas Supply Lead Paint Disposal Rosemount Industrial Was 331 5046 Lange Gas Equipment Co.Disposals Rosemount Industrial Wa: 332 5098 Demolished Building Rosemount Rosemount Large,Unilimi 333 5040 Hampton Development Corporation Rosemount Household or 334 5002 Strese Oil Company&Rosemount Ice Company Rosemount Hazardous Wa 335 5003 Strese Oil Co LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Le; 336 5120 GOW Hazardous Waste Burn Pit _Rosemount _Hazardous Wa TABLE 1:POTENTIAL CONTAMINANT SOURCE INVENTORY Number MPCA ID Name Address City Land Use Activity 337 5996 Navy Reserve Intell Area 10 LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 338 5120 GOW Hazardous Waste Burn Pit Rosemount Hazardous Wa. 339 5996 Navy Reserve Intell Area 10 LUST Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 340 5112 Rail Spur Incidential Disposals Rosemount Industrial Was 341 5139 Railroad Tie Disposal Rosemount Industrial Was 342 3184 Model Stone Cement&Asphalt Dumps Apple Valley Industrial Was 343 3183 Model Stone&McNamara Tanks,Leaks&Spills Apple Valley Spill,Leak,Lea 344 5058 Concrete Slab&Foundation Disposal Empire Township Household or I 345 5124 KQRS MAC Contaminated Soils Disposal Empire Township 346 3040 Pesticide Disposals Apple Valley Agricultural Di 347 3184 Model Stone Cement&Asphalt Dumps Apple Valley Industrial Was 348 3183 Model Stone&McNamara Tanks,Leaks&Spills Apple Valley ,Spill,Leak,Lea 349 5039 Rosemount South Dump Rosemount Large,Unilimit 350 5141 Rosemount Demolition Rosemount Regulated Was 351 5142 Former Murgis Service Station Rosemount Spill,Leak,Lea 352 3184 Model Stone Cement&Asphalt Dumps Apple Valley Industrial Was 353 3183 Model Stone&McNamara Tanks,Leaks&Spills Apple Valley Spill,Leak,Lea 354 3182 Model Stone Shop Drain Disposal Apple Valley _Hazardous Wa Table 2 Average Precipitation 2 005-2009 Rosemount Agricultural Experiment Station (COOP ID 217107) Precipitation Precipitation Month (inches) Year (inches) Jan 1.02 20051 24.65 Feb 1.01 2006 27.53 Mar 2.00 2007 36.79 Apr 2.91 2008 27.74 May 3.17 2009 29.21 Jun 3.49 Jul 2.38 Aug 6.43 Sep 2.77 Oct 3.31 Nov 1.01 Dec 1.77 Missing data for January to March,and August P:\Mpls\23 MN\19\23191012 Rosemount Pt 1 WHPP Amend 1\WorkFiles\Precip Data,xlsx I or,- • _ v .1 gor i i. S Mi7cAndrewsl +`-1 t wle©. ,-- .... h..,k ti b a Connenari '),tt.. ~o _ - ROSEMOUNT 14 O ROSEMOUNT 15 ...11 y.111 as -s;,,,,. , ,- H .• ; _ s U:7�.l7Ll © , :c C „sm yes .. #4,7- ' to i:O -. _ �i t`: I>: E' ''� __ 'r ROSEMOUNT •� dl.d -w•, t , ! dr . : RURAL2S QI 'O ••- OC\T _ - :! • �--• � P ti`,- ROSEMOUKf' rROSEMOU NT=1N _ Q 5 rir- y : '- ROSEMOUNT 7_' '` , - �. I Ja -I . rROSEMOUNT 12 � � � 0� 5: ROSEMOUNT9 - aa a. ,4.n Y ROSEMOUNT 8 < ..,, g ■ 3 f ••� % i ,- r, UNIVERSIT"Y" OF _Apple Valley ?i' ' _ _ ��� _.Rosemount__ Q_. _f 3_:s_•rcaa=r.• 1s0th05 - _ _.�.. - _-*------ Lakeville _ Empire Twp i f I I_iesM °—' 3 I - -. ROSEMOUNT RESET. 0. > r, - . • a W . .•. s"*ter- i i t . t Lakeville I ? ;; .- Legend Farmington - / Rosemount DWSMA ` - P.o... ._z ® Municipal Wells r Copyright- 2011 1 N 4 ROSEMOUNT Figure 1: DWSMA Location A Wellhead Protection Plan WSB MINNESOTA City of Rosemount MN Y 1 inch = 3,400 feet A'101008 198295 .1 C / —) J ( V 208397 �.. 753663 N. ■ ) , i j 207612 l 211999 474335 ti� F- 42 N C O 1 112212 678244 554248 207615 x 'j 4 I CI 0 O , O 0 . B i 506638 8 124317 r y /n m 4 co ....] N U N O a _ ,I2- ( 7 ii. —— N O N O O O m d \ I 0 ( 40i15 7 °o . co l A\ Map modifed from Mossier and Tipping (2000) Bedrock Geology PLATTEVILLE-GLENWOOD FRMS. ST. PETER SANDSTONE PRAIRIE DU CHIEN GROUP Q JORDAN SANDSTONE ST.LAWRENCE-FRANCONIA FRMS. 0 Miles 0.5 1 Figure 2 O Wells BEDROCK GEOLOGY DWSMA Kilometers WHPP Amendment 0 1 2 City of Rosemount ilmilmm Geologic Cross Section Alignment Dakota County, MN I •\- v � I I 1 : I I h 0 1 6 J McAndrews `—� t -.' Q3© I E 8 Li N I- \ 3 t__: �,, ,- t V, I r `.rt�T)(aJ - " Q3Q 135th StQ N ti` ROSEMOUNT 14 r"ROSEMOUNT 15- / in (� Connemaria —n ✓ ��� ��yy��,, 1 ,r' ": \ '� �%� X73 n MN d 1 '• Aim \- J a0 ( / • , i / � ' % ROSEMOUN T flN � t RURA'2 S N O. O I f /1 \ ROSEMOUT yt N ex � _ 145theQ 1- EM IN 1 t ROSEMOUNT 7/ ` O ri ' tr0 \----C O 150th Stt111V MC ] ROSEMOUNTy12 41 j ROSEOUNT 9, O ,,-e.\-4 6. , jr� O ROSEMOUNT 8 / � �c,',,..„,-.' '" 1 0 m ,I \J _Apple Valley 1 j_{t -`--' ,N,-,,, sue` r' �J ,0 Rosemount .i I //. -7-160th St W --+ Empire Twp ,< / • ? ' p p , =, 3 ,..; 'N',17, ..(' , ,...,, Noilri.„Vil lir ■111.. Ls: , / v, y 1, --\1_, \, 1.7-0th StQ (�L%'/ , i Legend ��/ DWSMA Sandy Loam %l i� ® Municipal Wells Fine Sandy Loam / Soil Type Fill -- / i Sand and Gravel Loam - / Gravel-Sandy Loam 1 Silty Loam Lakeville __ Farmington , Loamy Sand Silty Clay Loam 1 Coarse Sandy Loam 1 Water N 4 ROSEMOUNT Figure 3: Soil Type Wellhead Protection Plan A WSB MINNESOTA City of Rosemount MN Y 1 inch = 3,400 feet 4 IL - \-I i I - x 2 , 1 McAndrews EX] L- TaibegtfE I I Li 1 El 1 1 7., -,. i illii , \ (a I I' \ pins --L 1 1 -1f/Plr'"reallft i 1 [ II * j e •Olkir ‘46, in . „.. . ,..., .... si. ... ....„ . 135iliStgi _. ROSEMOUNT 14 N, --- '' ROSEMOUNT R 15 - - 0 - ■-" 2 [ --,--t , $---,- - - -- - (1 CC- e1512areibri, — — , 1 ... 1 .,.....141 ti,.. 11,64* ------''‘..."%t%,,,.,...".1.411 1 Tai ,-,,,, ,., -0 E I V j‘ '.7' Ta 0 ...---.,f ...,, - > E 4 i'S / ROSEMOUNT 0 0 .....Mir. RURAL-2 SN, I /---___,.. -1 .4, : -ROSEMOUNT,,, N a. ix < ' 145th uma 42 I - somentg 4 - 1'(PIP'. A 446 , ,i iv a. , — P t$ ROSEMOUNT ozw (2) _ ihme_....., _ , • : ....-Ra. - (-------ffliTh—i------ ,L )(--; ROSEMOUNT 12 • 0 VIE 46 ROSEMOUNT 9 4 ; •'2.\ _ ,o0 .) .--. s- - -- — ,V0 -, i S? (\ .■ OCThsik`N, ■.L.;, Ai / f.--Th, 4 ROSEMOUNT 8 / ,. .1. Cr--- \ L') *s----r. 4/ Apple Valley E- . n -1 ,th Rosemount --- - ' / - --/-'1, --- -(', eeozo--ttr . I AEI \ I .2\2-;1 cr- I r,Hk I I a \\'N'C:ook NI Empire Twp Lakevill; / / 4P"4 .- Legend > , r CD CD / c., ■ \— 11111 DWSMA•to 'EL' , —I i.....1.1 L115_____ t"-- 1/ - 17-0th'St W .-. ,' , _. __,..--„,__---\ I\ ri"!...i7" .,, //k ii." 1}17. cl -‘\ / ' . 0 Municipal Wells Permeability 0 IIII 0.5 1---- 1 / / I 2 / / , r 1._ / / r Lakeville i L .. 4 i Farmington i 5 1 i \ i 111111 6 . \ N 4 ROSEMOUNT Figure 4: Minimum Soil Permeability A Wellhead Protection Plan A WSB MINNESOTA City of Rosemount MN 1 inch = 3,400 feet &A—am7,,!!!!‘„ I 1 ! 111 / Xt 0 a ci 1 ci J -1I C (72 McAndrews X a 8 i 1E1 4- \ ■ ■ \` �m N - \ — \ 1 1 a � n j N On .. _ m i 135th Q�W 135ttiSt Q f ROSEMOUNT 14 R OSEMOUNT 15 j r W Connenall • i � �t � To o -� i -- ' c ROSEMOUNT aN �_ // �� r �- 2 RURAL�2Q Q , i Q : ROSEMOUNTi1 N '145th�Q 4 1 41111 Iv a a �' E j OSEMO 7' S�� Q tti 0 150th St W ROSEMOUNT03 O\Ja ROSEMOUNT19 4' 4Q a 3 4' i� CO U . It' ROSEMOUNT 8 �L m l • I.' _Apple Valley Rosemount -- / - ----A'-1 lsotht - .--I Lakeville 1 , � � � � EmpireTwp i ..� t l 3 �''f - P41%91 ik 19 ♦ > t- `its. _ No oili ........ Y i s„ f ` t 'EL AN W St© 58 r EP Iv Legend _ DWSMA O Municipal Wells Lakeville Erodible Lands Farmington ' Highly Erodible Land Potentially Highly Erodible Land N 4 ROSEMOUNT Figure 5: Erodible Lands Wellhead Protection Plan )k A iWSB MINNESOTA City of Rosemount MN Y 1 inch = 3,400 feet & .....,;(. „,, .,,,,ei, h. Lebanoetrills 1-4 t t”)a '3 o i':/ 019 ‘-' RegionabPYrko I 9% \.:15 ....• I- 40 . e-;, . • • 0 ° ,0 -§ • c> lay 0 e °<' '')% ' 0 0 .....v. 4- . ,.., , 0c. N .:,...........:$- •,r) e 0 1> s '1 ..■0 0 4/6. ttr. 0 .... a .o McAndrews 123 L'' - et t, 125th age o' ik ` 2)29 (172 El R Z 6);* (9 o . . d 1 0 0 15 Hu 0 Q) OD P 0 91 co \N ii ntington. 0 • 15 Park a . Zit, or 0 03 . \ , a • LI tit. litt • 1 • .• , 3 „ c t,lik\val .7 6 o ,-NC) ° e r u0 0 15114410 4::)1 e:4 lLA 0 0 Z 4!:*.al'i?'-' ::*•-3P 1C:' D ,••• `,. ..• Pa•0vr k 0 3,3 3 Tha•C.a zi t,„3.i 4.0:a.'Pa.rk 0 9.cJ Park A a•..• ta.•rotri.-,;. ,00'0; _: 1.-30 i05s t hi p --I..t---..- 13•e5 :t t iS....t ROSEMSUNT 14 ROSEMOUNT 15 ... Sumerfiel = C onne Park nilTr --..."- MPark / " ., -f co nnemara V / 7 ... ...• C ...-".. 3 CD C • Carroll Enckso - - - ..---. — - ,QPar / Tintah 75 0 'Park* ROSEMOUNT ,ark .>4:0 E C / / .....---.■'' , • RURAL 2 S 8`9 - , _- Rosemount ..;;,• ' 8 1st ROSEMOUNT 1 N < ..- School Park 145th eilV/ 145th 0111 Dpatr)key Kidder Biscayne e . ... oad. Park •-• Dallara - ,--• co Di,...• , 0. Park Twin r f Par 1 ake Pu, • 0. ° - ' "d 7 'es ‘d Park 416 DI-mond g,..3 r.. ,Z ROSEMOUNT 7 la 16/ Pa h Pa n, _ TM OW ---' , . a a A 4. ROSEMOUNT 12 4 6 ROSEMOUNT 9 o-- : .0o ' ‘.). „ E •-• 1.","-:- P3'1‘ ROSEMOUNT 8 D 0,...,... '.., Winds /- Park - / . I/ p• / `=0 0 t Apple Valley Rosemount _ Empire Twp . Lakeville 9:.-.0/ 0 !<', 'C\ 6......... =1 . (Di w • ta,I o. V i w 1 . > • 170th St W al • C.3 u• 75 c a) I c.) Legend N _ DWSMA . . \IV/%41 '':i :•:-..:•::!- ,,.:.:•.:::::'...:.:,.:.:. NWI Wetlands Lakeville 4 / . Fa rmin:gt-co—n— ; / DNR Public Waters ---,-._.--, 1111e7:... 0 Municipal Wells - N-------- N 4 ROSEMOUNT Figure 6: Public Waters and Wetlands A Wellhead Protection Plan WSB MINNESOTA City of Rosemount MN 1 inch = 3,400 feet &Amodid.fne j , 0 f 7 n n Ir o 0 5' ,,, hi d F.c a o s oW 9t F I Jillc o a \'\ N mgy m / jA -w o m c y g C° Ev J e • 1• 73 O R L N q t c E 11- z 80a 88 ,qi ce .470 L.Lir ow Z 4 ' Co o OH � O E N O c 4 N U O= O 4-,■+ v-:t. a o\ v r U ti S JI 0 o I E Ili 0 0 it 10 m q„ 2 I ` a�I1 • t O a a m c °7. ; .0 ,7, g el cm .o. a Rim 4- iih*e -1 r 2 01:1 a.,-"::-.- _il 10:-...%.4_ ________plie ----e,„„....52 11 1 oum 1 E o a 0 o � o r 'E i'' �C ,b i I � if IP.Iniklitgli■ 117 •• ‘I ' 4. ,,,,,,,,, ,c,.. N J 2= ft Y 1 �F V I SOJODUJ ,a. iAPPLE VALLEY ROSENAUNT __,__, 1 1 CRATES u . 4,114 STE / ° pa-, fy a L i■ ��7 i 3 4 = I v ».m sTW vERUJUION rxP I I nn iwm Rw •v pp - M s n. :cnT SS,e 'r _ FARMIt TON toW ETy me.37 t I yiMST W I r t I Y'Par ' EUREKA I 1 \ CASTLE ROCK TWP PE.WPTONTVP / Empire Township Zoning Districts overlay Districts Dakota County, MN AG-Agricultural Preservation FO Floodolain Overlay Zoning Map MXR-Mixed Residential 50 Shoreland Overlay CB-Commercial/Business ME-Mineral Extraction Farmington Orderly Annexation N Rtsnone Source.Dakota CountA as May woo W" C'wyon,.. '`ROSEMOUNT Figure 7B: Empire Township Zoning N A Protection Plan - Part 2 WSB MINNESOTA City of Rosemount, MN &4.cvntiares.Ow 015 03 ®Miles AA 0 1.125 2.250 65063 Ra 0-i R-1 Al Ra R-2 el Feet J Ri R1 MN Q '+' Ra A-SR.S`* .0.t.] n A. PD-162 r R-2 Ml]C wJC ...WO,.GMaene : elleywpp6 Munklpal GC 1 inch•2.333 feet 662C 2C • , RP•1:20.000 R-S *4 Ra MC 2670 MJC RJ o CORD 13 Ai RJ M]C M7CM]C 1�RJR Ri„-Rr Ri CC pO R4 RJ RJ Ra RJ Ri Ri , 14'n. _ 1. , RJR J R4 1R14re~O 44 R4 a 1 Ri 2 >Aa $ e .1;46,4 41 •RJ 'T 'emu , RJ :..-:C S 111114 RJ• •PO-130 RJR) ro-1M R4 Q.. A 114 life NCC RJ RJR442 R4 • RJ as . iC RJ RJ RJ RJ R4 RJ R-1 RJ M2L M24 s • , RJ RJC 1 -CO RD b 2 Ra RJ R Ra 1 ii-1 Ri 0 •I PD-106 I RJ R4 R-1 a4 MJIi0NA MC 3 I PD-ISO 1 RJ RJ R4 04 J >'•-� S 1 FAROUAR S io . e1 I R-1 04 S, Ra I Ri RJ y to M6C RI GO cc N R4 44 RJ R4 RJ RJ RJ"4 "All' Ai R�� .1 R 1 1 SMC Ra Ri R,��RJ Ra RJR i.. �R.ARJ ,:R'3� g MC Ra R-S RJ RJ R4 R A-1 Ra T1{t>„_ R.1 R-1 PONI RJ RJ Ri RQ M 1FIC R•1 .. R4 4 I R4 Aa R4 ii ACL R4 Ra R RJ RJa Aa Aa Ai Ri RJ RJ�A v R4 11461 aJ' 4 Ri Ra RCL R4 R Ri RJ RJ RJ IA* Ra 60.... RaMde R4 J Ra R4RJ R4 RQ Rtl RJ Aa a 430 M1$ R.ROL 44 4 04 R4 04 A act. R-CL R4 04 RL INC MC MAC 1411,ST 1401 sT w II: tt1111�M2c 4M 3T W 44 lirt . 1 R.,as � Mxu'WICRJ RJ R4 J RdR4R4 RJ s C Ra R J Ri M Ma� R Ra RJ ��,{s"- R I L MiC MJC�.t Ra R4R4R4 Ri O Ri RiAPo-nO R4`MC Le Q R4Ra RJ , PON a 10.421 1 , RJ.7'„ ._.4 RJ Ri R I. R R4 u r¢� Ai t • roan t t so 6.A ,�R4 i Ri r ���r Ra ro1a I-x 750100• Ra �t Ht wed$ 4 R4 . R4 , r . , t 4 RJR POJ.1 n e-2t1 PD-290 L`i I Q L1 "O • a , R4 y 14 3 .0.1.21 , RRJ RJ R RJ R-3 RJRCCaa v ' e • •:t' ,,41. �3 PO-646 : : . _ I-1 Ft e4 A , • at t t RJ CAa RJ 3L-3 15015 STOO RO 41 1 ' D-A Po-z6a ' 11011,a VI(CO 0.: A 2 2A P� P-'" -" rwzs, JRd Ra JRJ RJ -0R4R4RJ .0.)u PD-N1 P13-264 DJ79 'PO-629 P j'4. Me Ri RJ'` PD 72. Rat , 2 R4 a Rau4 R. RJAJ�RJ ./'y D731 1 90� itl' �`P M Ri R 3 Ra RJ R�4 Ra 1 .z't! µ .04".P0.}1. ]1a 6 Y P0N. OP' 44 R4 A Rd Ri 141 R4 Ri RJ O Ra 3 RJ yN] • Me . P0.1N s "\Rd ca R4 s , LAC•y ) R4 Ra I • , ' ' Po-71. 7433 0.0432• I ' I A VON 5[Y ) 04 R4 I I PD-26t , 6 6 _- •ro-]0. , _�4 A4 I 1 PDaOe , , e • 2 - PD-1Ne 1 M6C Ra '16D5 ST 1iO RO4)1 . • AO- • ' ' A • •A• • ' RAOIT AI(CO RD 43) w • r City of a representation of a combination APPLEVALLEY 111.y,, u1du1,ul,o ts::: h u1.11.c eir rite complete Apple Valley Zoning Regulations.All Zoning Designations are subject to change.Information .m each Planned Development available at Apple Valley Municipal Center DESIGNATIONS. ACRES: PERCENT: Zoning district land areas are estimates based upon map elements. Realdenual: Latest Revision:Ordinance Number 884 Date:3/25/10 0 R-I-Single Family 40,000 Sq.Ft 263.8 2.63% 0 R-2-Single Family 18.000 Sq.Ft 142.4 1.27% City of Apple Valley Planning Department 0 R-3-Single Famiy 11,000 Sq.Ft 2,745.2 24.51% 0 R-4-Single Famit (Reserved) 0.00 0.00% Telephone(952)953-2575 0 R-CL Residential Cluster 173.9 1.55% 01 R-5-Two Family 15,000 Sq.Ft 44.2 0.39% Multiple Family(A,B.C): 0 M-I.3-4 Units/Acre 0.00 0.00% 0 M-2-3-5 Units/Acre 25.8 0.23% 0 M-3.3-6 Units/Acre 136.3 1.22% - • 0 M-4-6-8 Units/Acre 81.7 0.73% ANO0 IIII M-5-6-10 Units/Acre 29.1 0.26% - M-6-6-12 Units/Acre 83.0 0.74% • M-7-12-20 Units/Acre 137.9 1.23% I n M-8-12-24 Units/Acre 82.7 0.74% - __ Business: r 0 NCC-Neighborhood Convenience Center 9.7 0.09% SHINGTOS 0 LB&LB-I-Limited Business 36.3 0.32% Hers IN GB&GB-1-General Business 26.0 0.23% ------ • RB-Retail Business 114.8 1.03% "- = SC•Regional Shopping Center 0.00 0.00% �ir / VB-Vistor Business 0.00 0.00% i Industrial: CARVER -- - 0 BP-Business Park 34.2 0.31% J5 ' APPLE VALLEY• ID I-I-Limited Industrial 72.0 0.64% ® 1-2-General Industrial 185.2 1.65% L- 1 Ill Older: DAKOTA 0 PD-Planned Development 2,517.0 22.47% IN A-Agricultural 209.0 1.87% Q SG-Sand&Gravel 539.3 4.82% II 1 II P-Institutional 1,170.6 10.45% Fasting Lakes/Ponds 413.4 3.69•/ 0 Right-of-Way 1,926.0 17.20% TOTALS: 11,200.0 100.00% /V SH-Shoreland District t- y ROSEMOI INT Figure 7C: City of Apple Valley Zoning N A Wellhead Protection Plan - Part 2 WSB MINNESOTA City of Rosemount, MN m 4ssochates,Inc. III 11 z � 2 , r 3 Z - - —_- i '•�� _ /� i sR=!"!amnna#oi�:sWx�sxxxn so !: . 000ss�r . g a 0g ;a i ""-- . F $PZn . $4x RF. 7ri v;4 s�. , I u ----MI J - "er , TIo � $$._C „G t - �: C � *� KE@ i ii3�SIQ � a c ode it-•\r a 1 + '1'J T_F.,,..r • ¢e a a i 3 3 e v u . i :::_— ^ w. - q `I+.�I N ffz ,... !,- zz g�8iw'l ill `,..:•...;,..,•� i d (t, •,a1_ . 99ii!I g. =.R o. Lev . IF- • lbI. � ♦ Iz1t �� ;8d.3id`atow£{ ,-.k•01 3 1 ' 1diwA6 g'"'���3If i>Y zaz�YS: y b w �T y'lh , �` , 7 I i00 F000E01fUE®EU IO111iE0lIDI l0IUD�2 ` °tom r•J .. .,t a a r€�R. i �.il r F .. l �. F ` _� i'LL==diIfl iLDf— N a` J € In � 000e ,:, — �� € Z .= .1 ��111� i I( ;" �I ;:fl,��ll._I ill�g' ,..5;zw;3:::: Ev..5:-: 1.....RE,AriiiiiMP.,41111116 --? im wwill II I.., ' t r: ',..,..i.q.4 44 I PP.'''- ._ 11: 0 ,r4:11,4*-14*Itla..1...:,•:,,,....,..i,,,,...,:t..,..,slgii• ..•.%,".4.:11:id-,:.:*;::::.1:24 1 fto 1111 '1'''i:.,:-.:*4i il■ ri..,T.:4...:...',":slirl..:17.i,,,AZ.1 I ° a- 46 000s +- �...._. a . 1 m RS 4-1 44.- -.."-1-1".:1':i..1::).C.t.S.'SX.. .:, ;11.4:3■4".1',..• .:::1..........II - t iliL ';;; '''.. . '?x'3,3•.. �- -?- 6;• .f�" •:i'i. ;;R .'1 j �! L — r 1"�-11 '"\ i — 6 y:ti ri p.■ Ile�� ►, m.! �, 3 r , ,1„..:-, .rs ,�L����� xt ",., -r 1:111 "; inn! r • 1n o/ r 1 . -, j'P� + �• •' Y 1 +� = �I 1 =t" f, 9i_ry yTr• .. t..,,• , -1 it i 1 7 _/ •��+. \l\. : *Item;; Lt ' 111:41'4-T1 ' a. ; y L pr f C�0001.1.,, I ,. T 1; , . �•" . ►.1 _,,,,,vc,,tsva;;; ig ,:-'", ':-IVO:P., -• rIVM3 . --f■ Is aril LftZe4A . '' Artai!-Ellk::!*:;%..._....:-..f.,.; IMb. 2 WY. 1 1 .._ . 1 ,_.::....1..• T-.s Ll o00Zt ;�(1��F: NI='1' "�/,"`^1,��:• .■I,li�i •��" i� ■ 2 grjaillinsir.161; • J OMNI 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 N. N N W O I �' v ti+3 ,-I ©044 A l N McAndrews 123 J`-' 4LF i etIQ 47 k- 8 ° i a .. i __ I _ �Kegan -- o 'Lrake Farquhar I Lake 1 . ' e - `z o , 135t - 135th St©.,7 o t -11 ��� > aUic- + "'6 nd1u G t EfICkSOn �� yy� �r co o o ....N , ; .� / ; Io : ;d ai l i tir• �.. xd_..go 'F y Ell R � . . ••ham omb G o a a � = . ..'mss 1- , 42 145th MT• P I4 42 145thIStlEs Diamond t_ Path . m' . ■ ° _ . ,,. ParkrLake '—a--q s 1 %,.., — Diamond ,�RIO Pat PPSrk 'E Diamond,.0 . ii, ate#�."'_Q -a) _,416:5P. r / CO CO a%e - u / a / in A , ..___ . T -- Apple Valley L Rosemount gist.W - Empire Twp Lakeville i /' - / / 3 . // .. --1 .._. tE / w E / Q w C / C© Q /___ _ — .........■.--- Legend / I Agriculture NE Existing Parks/Open Space -Agricultural Research Business Park / I 'Urban Residential is Commercial Transitional Residential r-4 General Industrial / L j Medium Density Residential Gravel Mining Lakeville -1 I ..77 High Density Residential `_ _ Right of Way Farmington Public/Institutional r Water Q DWSMA f N ` t ROSEMOLINT Figure 8: Current Land Use A Wellhead Protection Plan - Part 2 A WSB MINNESOTA City of Rosemount, MN Y 1 inch = 3,400 feet I Lebanon Hills L .""j Regional Park I It / T 1 l rn -0 s72 McAndrews D +`— IeQ 8 ■ iiiEl ■ !;n:ngton ■ n m Park \ a I i o Farquhar I F Lake ��� I •Farquar i� i i Park l Shannon a,,e • " -- Park / E © m. 135thcStl • • // ROSEMOUNTI4 ROSEMOUNTI5 Summerfield , rz .Connemaria ---/ Park Pond Park r .- �© Connemara i�� lit >, ..+ Park �� d 3 Carroll • Erickson/ �� Tintah ea O Wood • Park/ • i 7 Park > E Park t .! r ROSEMOUNT." d N •• / ���� RURAL 2 S Q Ros&ou r,i ROSEMOUNT 1 N aney Q • Sc,00l a 1Aheara Biscayne ...© Park K,dder Y.,- - • Da Nara Park - / Park ` Di Paris • a."'C Par ake Puddrs CnnppFrda.° Fa'h 4,!J Di mond Park Park ROSEMOUNT 7• • • yfif Path Parr. 150th StQ • • • • J. ,ROSEMOUNT 12 aei JROSEMOUNT 9 • F O°a • ROSEMOUNT 8` tpt ®• _Apple Valley ♦____!# • ! •• �soth stw 46,-- Rosemount Lakeville h Empire Twp d 3 i. Y . Lm i:1 Q •4`• •• 470th St(V �� r � 1 Fmni.ft Legend Lakeville NM DWSMA Farmington -1 : ® Municipal Wells t. • PCSI Locations Figure 9: Potential Contaminant Source N 4 ROSEMOUNT Inventory (PCSI) Locations A A WSB MINNESOTA Wellhead Protection Plan City of Rosemount MN 1 inch = 3,400 feet Lebanon Hills e� 1 Regio al Par _� y / r ti f R McAndre s Rd -1-I ,o 1 Ial Y Flu/imgt, • p Park \ uT a' Farquhar I Lake 33 Farq ar , Leo • °al illillir 'PSk 81 at"a �� '�f / • 4. 135th St W 135th St .' ; ��� / • 1ROSEMOUNT 14 © \ t � .�����l • • ROSEMOUNT 15 I` ■ X10 Summ field ,� CO�nernari //tai P Schwarz = a Tr �,, / ��1 1 , Pond Park, / / 7 D,40th St W �Lyo nemar. 3 — — , �� / s d , ilk Carroll r • rick • ��� / •Tintah j O t, o Wood P r . ♦EA Park 6,,:P ROSEMOUNT Park �c, ► �� . I�_ d O A� RURAL 2 S mg now 0 ,Br �� Roogem�unt i :, ' �` ROSEMOUN�1 N a IX Delaney •Q & awl-.rk 145th St W' 42 145th St E Park IN U ascayn- 11 •al.r. �, fa Par La 1 -__ . I de • VI V , t �a Twi .mfi-1. I g\ . o� 'uddle If i h`P rku ,Park Di.mo • E Rag 0 ROSEMOUNT 7 • • 4e.p.�npa o\ , '150thStW s' - • ` V `r 1 ±`' 41 iI*� ROSEMOUNT 12 6\,a air=ROSEMOUNT,9 p Q °aa+®��i `Q �' 0 >. Apple le,°MI .'ark. t• >' u vEa4'°ark ROSEMOUNT-8 / y mom 11 ♦ file m �• Wind-t!. x r_407 Park -ONA11110 , 45, A Apple Valle • Rosemount __. Y -- ---ice 160th St W V. - Lakeville / • Empire Twp / • /1 a / Y ,a_ • w • . //' •• 1 Legend DWSMA _ Lakeville Water Main Farmington 1 ® Municipal Wells I I • Wells I N 'CI'ROSEMOUNT Figure 10: Water Supply System in DWSMA Wellhead Protection Plan A WSB A. MINNESOTA City of Rosemount MN tY 1 inch = 3,400 feet <.A.,,<.,<,,.,<.,,»< Lebanon Hills - • '`- Regional Park I , 31 r r ( �`I — •+ McAndrews '. I+`—I !:' - •TM MQ �° I r i \ � 0 • Y L H_�fhngton \ 15— Park .• 1 i \ % Farquhar .3y 1 0 V 0 Lake V` ; 1 a Far car 33 J / I i F ark 1 T' Shannon , . e dr„e�p ��i r /-I T I � %Park '� ath� 1WT.*.,. 135th StQ I. Apo �,.J} ffOUNT 14 ROSEMOUNT 15(t.'Summerfield _ COnne T I S J •-rz marls TV Pond Park ilC Tr 1 Coy emar. >■ 73 140th SON I�„ Y .131 / �i� d ti- a Carroll- rickso l jN 7 O r'� ev O' o Wood- Park/ ark �'+ c Park ��i� d H I �Li �� RURAL 2 S Q- '�/ + / ROSEMOUNT 1 N Q Rosemoupt ,, t 'D lags Q r 4 Schookaa '`45th SON y e , � IGdder Biscayne Dallara_ Park _ Palk Dl, _ L:14 Park vi n C rnf,el y - Pa', e c Puddle Cn opendale 'raj- a /ry V ►� Di.mond E "'Pa k P�'�, ROSEMOUNT/7 PPk `° I d t (150th St W i r., , ROSEMOU NT 1 2 ry `1 I ROSEMOUNT9 o •` j OFF” T a i 0 tv ,/ ,Nple alley .i 1,,,IT i i u0i East°a k ROSEMOUNT 8; m 1 I W nd l` Park / ~Apple Valley 1 � 71- Rosemount ►—_ -- . • / yTrr7* -T1'11YT160thStW . -- Em ire Lakeville / p p / / / / / i // fe L- /fi % Q W 1-70th St© • h Legend Lakeville ME DWSMA 1 Farmington Storm Sewer Municipal Wells N �ROS DUN.l, Figure 11: Stormwater Conveyance System in DWSMA A Wellhead Protection Plan WSB MINNESOTA City of Rosemount MN 1 inch = 3,400 feet I i‘_ Lebanon Hills L i 1 Regional Park I r �` I i d i 6 McAndr s Rd -.1-I Cr 032ThEntU et I te 1 z -a � ti Fluri ington `\ y ilit:ti Park 1 a r 1 Farquhar \1 • Lake -ke •• Far -r 33 i eop ��• Ai • r 1111 �Q 135th Still ROSEMOUNT 14 lir h ROSEMOUNT 15 p T. • p L IA% � Pa e d Schwarz C`,n=aria Tr ^ �i 73 Pond Park 14 s�W o -skar. Y _ -_-_.t_ / __._ �� � 41I•= a� Carroll-. Erickso/ MI O c Wood Par / �� a PI n ah ( Park / -1;4101■ a ROSEMOUNT ID 1,,:, AL f / '.. V o RURAL 2 S Qi .lfN,�,��.� RoSemo�nt i i ' Q t7 ROSEMOUNT 1'N •elaney Q Sehool•Park 145th St.W 145th Park Kidd-r lily J stay .. .l ar z 111111! t, �� P.r • ,0, al1IJ P.rJ � 1 a -mfre(. i \ k` e o fvldl- . hr`p-n _ ark1_. • r1 ••. .nd E Rai �� P.r ROSEMOUNT 7 42;r=ark 150th St W �' / I i;'a I Rf SEMOUNT 9 / > soda: �O ROSEMOUNT 12 >, .......1•Y e Apple are L o co I Par N -s "a ROSEMOUNT8 r - :5 0 m it g Winds 1" • rP.rk Apple Valle - ' • Rosemount • - j.- Empire Twp Lakeville • lsoth • 5) 3 // • > I— I • . " I • w / p • I 170th,/ St W e ___ 1-1-1— 1 • • • • • 4 Legend ® Municipal Wells \ • ISTS Sites Lakeville _� Sanitary Sewer Farmington I Interceptors i I j \ DWSMA Figure 12: Sanitary Sewer System in DWSMA N A •C ROSEMOLINT Wellhead Protection Plan WSB MINNESOTA City of Rosemount MN ty 1 inch = 3,400 feet ..( s-x l i -\ I ,-1 ©� a. 0 McAndrews `-'� i�C�7 f N 1 H 11 = II a ll i 1 _ Kegan o =arquhar I r• Lake S - Apo i-4 1 ic\\ „ . 135th -- 135thcStlj el Schwarz - COnnerna-ria Tr ws° :'+:`�:� / � � Ponder ' /�-del- n di x$0,11/� 1 le, / SQ021aVii >. , k ._. //,/, iii;N���,i/� r1A•N'�1i,� -a I r._ r„. 2 Q 0 ,., _. _�� !Ii'EfT1',1 '� 3 Q ^.. .1 Q �Q 42 145thlSt Er Diamond ;, -�. .., Path Park'+ake Diem'i: Path Pay- i WWI'..'e . . .p , d Q c A U N li 1 in it Apple Valley L 4sr-W 46 Rosemount Lakeville Empire Twp U a) Q. = 3 N a) Y u. CZ CL J W > ' t al© •: R d Legend I C. Agriculture I I Business Park / 1E // V I= Agricultural Research Commercial / [1 Urban Residential Downtown / F-1 Transitional Residential _-.__' General Industrial / / r 7 Medium Density Residential Gravel Mining / Lakeville _ _, High Density Residential _`j Right of Way -I PubliGlnstitutional 4 Water Farmington 1 ■ Existing Parks/Open Space Q DWSMA 1 • N Figure 13: Future Land Use \,*';ROSEMOUNT Wellhead Protection Plan - Part 2 A t4B MINNESOTA City of Rosemount, MN Y 1 inch = 3,400 feet s Lebanon Hills 1.—". Regional Park 1 x et .7 1 h%1' I r g ii McAndrews ; -.`-1, ' ee cr 8 \ i l Huntington, ? Park — \ 1 \ a Farquhar i 1 3 Lake ��� ke 1 0 Farquar i on � < Park ■, Shannon dKre ��� —! Park "��7lVi/ ea(►a1 • 1 35th St© ROSEMOUNT 14 ROSEMOUNT 15 �� i Su Park eld -.,rz COrynernaria ��� 0 Pond Park �/ N Connemara It /_ . i� it s o© w, Park / N C Carroll b Enckso �� T 7 mtah m O Wood ' Pa / E Park / �. ROSEMOUNT Park O d ��� RURAL 2 S N a O Rosemount L....," ROSEMOUNT 1 N Delaney Q Kidder School Park 145th Q;©B scayoe ea Park Dallara Park f - Park DI Park. Caste :. Chlpoendaa eves Pa', :, Park a ae WDi mood Pa'k ROSEMOUNT/7 P.(h Park MIME ,r ROSEMOUNT 12 0 i ROSEMOUNT 9 < aa� J OO ±)7---""',":. x 511,z? Apple ale, 1 par; Eas 'a-4 � ROSEMOUNT 8 y Apple Valley z __ Rosemount _ Lakeville F 1 - Empire Twp b t' b Rosemount Agricultural d Experiment Station S t tp 4. Lakeville Legend Farmington 1 IIIII DWSMA Municipal Wells N 4ROSEMOUNT Figure 14: Weather Station Location Wellhead Protection Plan WSB MINNESOTA City of Rosemount MN Y 1 inch = 3,400 feet Lebanon H�;Is L. I Keg of Park I x CO 6 1' ,lam N 1 1 C 2 Li McAndrews �J '1-1' 'J ' Q3Q o ; 8 ` T In I Huntington IPark - \ Farquhar i Aihi I ° Lake ,may, �Farquar . i Park \ Shannon-- Park et135ttiSt Q ROSEMOUNT 14 ROSEMOUNT 15 Summerfield Connemaria O �i��/ Park 'ond Park / • Connemara 1 / - - �Q > 4-, Park u,. / -- _ C Carroll Erickso l Tin tah W 0 Wood- Park/ Q Park Park / ROSEMOUNT-1 C1 �� �.` a RURAL 2 S -c,-. O Rosemount • / Q V ROSEMOUNT 1 N Delaney 4 School F'ark 145th�Q 42' 145th 1a Park K;dder Biscayne .c Dal iara Park Park," Di. .. is Pa''' T;��r Camk elc Par:. eke P, d e; C°12°P-da'e Par1I Aght Dimond Pa'^ Pa'®ROSEMOUNT/7 P. Park © I ROSEMOUNT 12 I \Ja i ROSEMOUNT.9 ell -6:9� 1 0 Oo 1 Apple alley I �a'_k , Eas -a k Par'r ROSEMOUNT 8 O a; -. Apple Valley, r, __ Rosemount Lakeville TOD Empire Twp 5 l- a) a1 . CO E W Q ilt/ TI 470th StQ CD u v c CD O. a t U / Legend / DWSMA Lakeville Natural Gas Pipeline Farmington 1 4 --- POL Pipeline 1 , u 0 Municipal Wells 1 ! N at ROSEMOUNT Figure 15: Pipeline Locations Wellhead Protection Plan A WSB MINNESOTA City of Rosemount MN Y 1 inch = 3,400 feet Q i i \ J Trill IP - -_,, Mf114Y3 > , / O. i _-, a �' °osemount - ��■= / 6 In 4 imirsorri _ if/ ' crrAi cal )-- AI in Well. • `v W 11 9 I \ 0) g itv i_ils L m 2 4 WeII 8 mil Air / a ix . t O 0, N , LL N W O 'A, O W ,. Empire Twp. 0 J I LL 2 Aquifer Vulnerability DWSMA - High fl Muncipal Boundaries BARR I Low Miles Figure 10 Moderate 0 0.5 1 AQUIFER VULNERABILITY MDH Well Vulnerability ' WHPP Amendment Kilometers Cit of Rosemount O Not Vulnerable 0 1 2 y 0 Vulnerable _ Dakota County, MN