HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.b. Minutes of the January 9, 2013 Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 9, 2013 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, January 9, 2013 at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room at City Hall, 2875 145`h Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Shoe - Corrigan, Weisensel and Demuth attending. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, City Clerk Domeier, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, Community Development Director Lindquist and Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler. DISCUSSION 2.A. Michael Manning — Erickson Park Development Plans Mike Manning, Athletic Director at RHS and Heidi Kramer, President of RAAA were in attendance for the discussion. Mr. Manning shared his concerns about the changes proposed at Erickson Park. He proposed adding four courts at the high school with lighting and potentially adding four courts by the stadium. Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided history on the placement of the tennis courts. The location at Erickson Park fit well because of the proximity to the Downtown and the schools. He shared concerns about adding tennis courts east of the high school because of the loss of a baseball field and football field. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan stated that tennis courts were pushed aside to build more soccer fields and baseball fields. She explained that money has been saved for almost 10 years to build additional fields at the athletic complex site. She also stated that the tennis courts would serve more than just youths in the community. Council Member DeBettignies questioned the plans for the tennis courts at the high school. Mr. Manning showed where the tennis courts would be located on the school property. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan expressed the concerns about the wind at the location. She questioned how the City and high school could partner to meet the needs of the schools and the challenges of competing with other schools in the district. Mayor Droste also questioned the long range plans. Mr. Manning stated he had nothing to bring to the table. He stated that the fields at Erickson Park are a benefit because of the walking distance to the school. Ms. Kramer provided information on the growth of programs for RAAA and the pressure to get more fields. Council Member Weisensel talked about the turf management of the fields. Discussion was held about using artificial turf and the investment return. Mr. Schultz questioned if the high school has done any master planning to redo the layout of the fields at the high school. Mr. Manning explained the different programming being used on the green space by the schools. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan questioned if Mr. Manning and Ms. Kramer felt if the residents would be more supportive to build at the Outdoor Recreation Complex (ORC). Ms. Kramer stated she felt the sport minded families would be supportive of the ORC. Discussion was also held regarding the plans for the proposed Y located by DCTC. Mr. Manning did not feel the school would get as much use at the new facility in comparison to DCTC events. Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz suggested making the extra baseball field that was proposed for additional tennis courts into green space. He did not encourage adding more tennis courts at Bloomfield Park because of the location and saturation. Discussion was held about the programming for the different sports. Ms. Kramer stated that Rosemount is not picked for large tournament bids because we do not have the space. Mayor Droste requested more commitment ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JAN IJARY 9, 2013 from USTA and other organizations on the number of tournaments that could be scheduled. Ms. Kramer suggested moving the tennis courts to the ORC. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan explained the issues with planning for tournaments if the courts are not located next to each other. The City Council wanted to ensure that uses of funds are being prioritized correctly. They want more information on the number of users, tournaments and field needs. Mr. Manning and Ms. Kramer asked to be included on the future planning. 2.13. Banners for Outside Organizations Community Development Director Lindquist provided history on the item. She stated that staff is proposing purchase banner for particular events such as Leprechaun Days, Haunted Trail, Yellow Ribbon, and RAAC to start off the banner changes. She explained the issues with entities purchasing banners and that the City Attorney suggested that the City pay for the banners. Mayor Droste was concerned with the amount of labor spent on the banners and preferred to use one large banner instead. Discussion was also held about using different types of feather banners for smaller events, placement of banners along County Road 42, installation of an information sign into the location points of the City. Discussion was also held about item being displayed on the Community Center reader board. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan stated that she wanted the banners to decorate the Downtown and showcase the events. An idea was also to utilize the current flag holders on the light poles. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan preferred to use the banners. Staff will provide additional banner and labor estimates for the ideas to discuss at the goal setting meetings. 2.C. Wetland Management Plan Update Andi Moffit of WSB & Associates was in attendance for the discussion. Senior Planner Zweber provided a summary of the staff report. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan talked about protecting the wetland preserves. She noted that Rosemount was one of the first cities to have a wetland management plan. Mayor Droste suggested using more rain gardens within the city. Director of Public Works /City Engineer provided history on the alternative stormwater techniques discussed over the years. Discussion was held about incorporating other techniques into projects. Council Member Weisensel talked more about the wetland buffering. Staff will bring the updates to the City Council for consideration at a meeting in February. 2.1). Robert Street Transitway Update Senior Planner Zweber provided a summary of the staff report. Mr. Zweber specifically explained the density issues within Rosemount. He also shared in detail the alternatives that have been studied for the corridor. The City Council discussed the transitway in relation to other corridors. Council Member Weisensel shared his concerns about the stops at site number 32. Mr. Zweber explained the reasons for the current design based upon the employment in that area. He also explained that the ridership may change based upon the AUAR at UMore. Council Member Demuth questioned the use of existing rail. Mr. Zweber talked about the density around that area not meeting the criteria. 2.E. 2013 Equipment Purchases Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler summarized the information provided in the staff report. Mayor Droste suggested using other entities wash bays. Mr. Brotzler stated staff is washing the trucks after every plow event. Currently staff washes the trucks after each event but noted the constraints with the current space and equipment. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS JANUARY 9, 2013 Council Member Shoe - Corrigan questioned if equipment dollars are set aside. City Administrator Johnson stated yes and that the funds are planned out for 10 years. Discussion was also held about the purchase of designated water truck. Mayor Droste questioned if it could be shared with the Fire Department. Mr. Brotzler replied absolutely that it could be filled with water and fuel and ready to go from a Public Works garage. UPDATES 3.A. Senior Housing Update Community Development Director Lindquist provided an update on the site plan. The next meeting is scheduled for next week. The City Council will review the site plan before any neighborhood meeting. It is anticipated that the site plan may be ready by the goal setting session for a preliminary review. She also provided an update on the construction management issues. Council Member Demuth raised concerns about the traffic patterns and access to the site. Council Member Weisensel shared his takeaways from the meeting with Doran Companies about the use of the contractors and construction schedule. Council Member Weisensel added that special meetings may need to be held after regular meetings for the purposes of reviewing and discussing the project. 3.13. Goal Setting Meeting City Administrator Johnson distributed a list of goals submitted by each department. The goal setting meetings will be held the evening of January 25 and morning of January 26. City Council will review the goals and submit any questions to Mr. Johnson. Staff does not have to attend the goal setting meetings. 3.C. Updates from City Council /Staff Community Development Director Lindquist provided information on the University's Resilient Communities Report. The City Council supported the initiative and will send ideas to Ms. Lindquist. Ms. Lindquist also provided information on a proposed project by KJ Walk for Rosewood Crossing. The City Council was not supportive of the single family housing proposed project based upon the location. Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler shared that staff met with Farmington Public Works staff on considering and evaluating to share equipment. Mayor Droste provided information on the City Council pay rates and timing implications for increases. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by Weisensel, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 10:34 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk