HomeMy WebLinkAbout4.a. Port Authority Goals�ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PORT AUTHORITY Port Authority Regular Meeting: February 19, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Port Authority Goals AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Deputy Director AGENDA NO. 4.a. ATTACHMENTS: Previously Distributed Goals, City Council draft 2013 goals APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion Item DISCUSSION Attached are the previously submitted goals and implementation strategies that were worked on by individual members. The Group has not met since their distribution. Also included are the 2013 draft Council goals. Additional discussion and feedback about next steps should occur. Hanson. Kathie From: mriley @frontiernet.net Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2013 7;09 PM To: Hanson, Kathie; Debettignies, Mark; Demuth, Vanessa; Domeier, Amy; Johnson, Dwight; Kim Shoe - Corrigan; Leuth, Robert; Peterson, Carl; Rosemount Mayor; Weisensel, Jeff; Weisensel, Jeff D.; Wolf, Daniel Cc: Lindquist, Kim Subject: Re: Port Authority Goals - Downtown Redev Hi Everyone— Here is information I have collected for my piece, Commerical Amenities. Goal: To increase the quantity of desirable underserved retail and commerical businesses. Objective: To secure a hotel facility. Implementation Strategies; Market/ Hotel Study. We have done that, largely in part really to seeking them out. To our future site selectors, in large part, communicating to them monthly on the progress of this new commerical amenitie. That could be done by email and putting on our website a link to the progress. One thing I found very interesting is City of Bloomington's website is fresh and inviting and current up to date information, with music and current videos. I found the South Loop link worth staff, council and port authority checking into. This is an excellent tool for site selectors also. The Radisson Blu link I found told me this community is where I want to do business. It promotes success, it is very engaging. 2012 -2015' - Investigate niche businesses, I spoke to the high school students a few years ago and took a survey among them asking what they would like to see come to Rosemount, 1st choice was you guessed it, a Chipotle, 2nd a Bicycle shop. I believe going after such niche retail is to speak to them personally and also electronically on bi yearly basis, to show them our progress and keep us fresh as a possible site. I also remember Trader Joes, Apple Valley residents got ahold of this and are currently contacting them with a 5000 signed petition. We as a city did contact Trader Joes and found a 300k pop, needed within a 10 mile radius, that was a few years ago, maybe its time again, keep them posted on our 2008 Maxfield Market Study, Hotel and other. businesses along with more population. I believe we can also tap into the Buzz of UMore, which I think will drive many new businesses to locate here. One way of capitolizes on this is to have a direct link on our website, the progress being made. We as a City need to create a fresh, current, up to date with the ever changing social media look to Site Selectors. I still believe in the old fashion approach of establishing relationships of calling, emailing, but this is also very important to keep those relationships fresh and happening. This is todays way of staying connected. Thank you all for your reading this. Sincerely; Mary Riley DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT Goal: To increase the number and variety of retail and commercial destinations to maintain Downtown as a place of commerce. Objective: To continue implementing the Development Framework for Downtown Rosemount (July 2004) with its eight identified focus areas. Implementation Strategies: 2013 Continue to make improvements to the Genz -Ryan property to make it more marketable. 2013 Survey residents of the downtown area to determine amenities that are desirable in the downtown area 2013 Investigate options for making the downtown area more pedestrian friendly 2013 -2014 Construct a Senior Center at the former St. Joseph's School property 2013 -2014 Create a Redevelopment Status List of existing properties and business owners of existing properties and business owners within the Downtown Redevelopment area for upgrades, renovations and revitalizations opportunities. Vanessa Demuth Jeff W. Goal: No changes Objective: No change Implementation Strategies Current 2011 -2012 Development Briefing - incomplete -roll into first 2013 implementation strategy 2011 -2012 Ambassador contacts: Formalize list to complete. 2011 -2012 Public Engagement - Create moves to Implement in 2013 2012 Greater MSP - Maintain status for 2013 2012 RBC and Chamber - Maintain status for 2013 2013 Proposed Goals 2013 Refine website presence to further develop community profile and economic development messaging to site selectors 2013 Implement public engagement strategy for business community and Rosemount residents 2013 Maintain regional Greater MSP and Positively MN regional marketing strategy involvement 2013 Maintain collaboration with Rosemount Business Council and localized Dakota County Regional Chamber of Commerce marketing efforts Goal Status updates -3 times/ yr [April- Aug -Dec] \!;VOLettiWA Industrial /Business (and Technology Park) Goal: To increase the quantity and quality of business and employment opportunities for residents while broadening the sector and tax base. (Retain) Objective: To increase viability and marketing direction for available development opportunities. (Retain) Implementation Strategies: 2011 -2012: Meet with undeveloped Business Park property stakeholders to understand their issues, goals, and timing related to development. Create action items based on outcomes: (keep this should be an annual activity) 2012: Continue to participate in the regional Twin Cities marketing strategy. Greater MSP. Evaluate yearly. (keep for next year as well) 2012: Investigate re- branding the Business Park to be consistent with a transition to sustainable and innovative development. ( need to review -- how much can we truly impact and control beyond existing zoning ) 2012 -2014: Investigate /partner to determine feasibility of establishing a "business incubator" growth model. Consider emerging technologies, sustainability, nanotechnology opportunities. (Continue with this initiative — follow up on work already completed and observe progress of other local incubator projects. Possible Additions /Changes 2013: Investigate partnerships with DCTC /Entrepreneurial programs that may aid in our ability to offer program assistance to startups and expansion opportunities. Including home based businesses. 2014: Promote and monitor efficacy of the CDA "Open for Business Program" to determine if this approach will promote growth and development. 2014: Develop marketing material that will allow potential developers /entrepreneurs a one stop location to understand all the resources /programs that are available to them in Rosemount. Consider special outreach to our Military communities. 2014/2015: Determine infrastructure gaps /needs that may be preventing potential businesses from locating In Rosemount; determine what if anything could be done to close those gaps. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PROCESS GOAL: To increase communication of value, timeliness and consistency of development to the economic development community, businesses and our residents Objective: To increase data driven level of service in communication and efficiency of operations Implementation Strategies 2012: Establish a joint meeting schedule with City Council (1 -2 times annually) 2012: Establish a metric to measure impact and value of development efforts (i.e. staff costs and expenditures as a percent of development costs and / or tax revenue). 2012: Establish an exit survey to develop metric for planning and development improvement recommendations 2013: Establish a ioint meeting schedule with City Council (1 -2 times annually} 2013: Establish a metric to measure impact and value of development efforts. Possible metrics: New businesses started; Number of new employees attributable to the same: Increase in value of property tax base attributable to the same. 2014: Schedule and conduct one -on -one or small group discussions with officers of the Chamber of Commerce and with individual businesses in the City as to concerns and suggestions for improvement in develop efforts. Dan Wolf Jan. 15, 2013 L"i Existing Business Retention and Growth Current Goal: To increase the positive interactions and engagement with existing businesses through partnerships and networking in support of our desirable small town atmosphere. Update: Goal is still relevant and does not need to be updated. Current Objective: To increase the use of interactions, information and feedback to focus resources effectively. Update: Objective is still relevant and does not need to be updated. Current Implementation Strategies: 2011 -2012: Introduce integrated message to business and the public. 2012: Evaluate 2011 introduced weekly email communication to business outreach and determine effectiveness and next steps. 2012: Create retention metric for evaluating existing business engagement. 2012 -2013: Investigate new marketing opportunities for local businesses within city (i.e. Taste of Rosemount) Updated Strategies: 2013: - Evaluate communication pieces to business, include commissioners on business communications used in outreach emails and mailings. - Initiate formal communication /meeting with Rosemount Business Council on a periodic basis. - Identify business retention statistics and analysis used by neighboring cities, identify other statistical resources, such as Greater MSP. - Create schedule of businesses that have left the City and ascertain reasons for leaving. Maintain this schedule for evaluation for next 3 years analysing data for trends and needs. Updated Strategies, continued 2013 - 2014: - Discuss and develop marketing opportunities (i.e. Taste of Rosemount) with the Rosemount Business Council and include input from the Rosemount Area Arts Council and organizers of Leprechaun Days to promote the businesses within the City. Consider promoting events to coincide with Rosemount High School Marching Band Festival & Silent Auction in September - Develop with interested business groups such as the Rosemount Business Council and representatives of the industrial park and UK/lore Park, input regarding business amenities that impact all businesses within the City. 2014: - Implement commercial amenities identified as supportive of existing businesses. - Implement commercial amenities identified as needed to attract for retail, industrial and service businesses. 4ROSEMOUNT Doty G°�� CITY COUNCIL Manage Rosemount - Provide Efficient and Effective Services MAINTAIN stable revenue streams for core services and fiscal discipline INCREASE technology and workflow measurements for greater productivity and customer satisfaction EXPLORE shared services and partnerships including a volunteer program Live in Rosemount - Become a More Sustainable Community IDENTIFY and IMPLEMENT best sustainability practices • Use Resilient Community, Star Communities, and Green Steps implementation strategies • Implement Comprehensive Plan strategies and create an Environmental Task Force. INCREASE well- designed and diverse public spaces ENCOURAGE community, cultural and leisure events to add vibrancy to our quality of life INCREASE existing community transportation and transit connections INCREASE community lifecycle housing options addressing rental, senior and affordability needs MAINTAIN an engaged, healthy, inviting, prepared and safe community Grow Rosemount - Attract and Support Businesses ENGAGE with regional transportation initiatives for major highways, transitways and high -speed rail and INCREASE public awareness of them. BUILD public infrastructure improvements designed to encourage private investment and development INCREASE the number and variety of business in Downtown Rosemount and other commercial locations EXPAND business and employment opportunities in the Business Park and UMore Park INCREASE marketing visibility to site selectors INCREASE Rosemount's business - friendly practices through streamlined business development and permitting processes Projects and Initiatives ( = new for 2013 -14) A. Redevelop Steeple Center campus with private senior housing and a public senior activity center B. Pursue a partnership for indoor recreational amenities with the YMCA and DCTC C. *Initiate sustainability advisory task force and engage STARcommunities.org to create a benchmarking tool for our community D. Construct Highway 3 underpass trail connections, splash pad, Erickson Park shelter, lighted tennis courts, Flint Hills green fields E. *Initiate municipal volunteer & ambassador programs F. *Communicate regional transportation initiatives and impacts (52/42/55 interchange, Zip Rail, Robert Street Transitway) G. Continue UMore Park development partnership with the University of Minnesota H. *Develop and implement public spaces and neighborhood park diversity standards for amenities, equipment and use I. *Implement Storm Water Management sustainable best practices J. *Implement a Virtual Incubator strategy to assist small business expansion /development K. *Implement technology initiatives within city departments L. Upgrade Steeple Center amenities (HVAC, sound systems, lighting) M. *Initiate planning of second Public Senior Housing project with Dakota County CDA N. *Provide annual update of Comprehensive Guide Plan implementation strategies O. *Increase performance measurements for City services and operations P. *Initiate event with 2014 Tournament of Roses RHS Band ambassador visit to community (key to city /jacket with logo) Q. *Investigate Fire Department long term strategies to manage on -call department performance-leadership/pay/equipment R. *Support sponsorship of Law Enforcement /Fire Explorer Post S. *Expand stakeholder partnerships with churches, ISD 196, National Guard, RAAA, RAHA, RAAC, and other organizations. T. *Initiate and partner in community special events planning and marketing strategies U. *Expand website use and communications for increased service delivery and citizen engagement