HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j. Final Plat and Minor Planned Unit Development Amendment for Greystone 2nd Addition (Ryland Homes), Case 13-11-FP & 13-12-AMDROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting Date: March 19, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Case 13 -11 -FP & 13- 12 -AMD Final Plat and Minor Planned Unit AGENDA SECTION: Development Amendment for Greystone 2nd Addition (Ryland Homes PREPARED BY: Jason Lindahl, A.I.C.P. AGENDA NO. Planner ATTACHMENTS: Excerpt PC Minutes from 2- 27 -13, Resolution Approving the Final Plat, APPROVED BY: Resolution Approving the Minor PUD Amendment, Minor PUD Amendment, Park Dedication Declaration, Site Location Map, Greystone 2nd Addition Final Plat, Final Grading Plan, Erosion Control Plan, Lighting Plan, Landscape Plan, Greystone Preliminary Plat & Resolution, Greystone 1St Addition Final Plat, Engineer's Memo dated P p J February 15, 2013 RECOMMENDED ACTION: 1. Motion to adopt a resolution approving the Final Plat for Greystone 2nd Addition. 2. Motion to adopt a resolution approving a Minor Amendment to the Greystone 1St Addition Planned Unit Development Agreement adding the lots for Greystone 2nd Addition and a fourth architectural option that front elevations contain no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 3. Motion to approve the amended Greystone 1St Planned Unit Development Agreement, the Subdivision Development Agreement for Greystone 2nd Addition and the Revised Park Dedication Declaration as well as authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into these agreements. IJ,IJ F-11 X4 Applicant: The Ryland Group, Inc. Location: East of Akron Avenue between County Road 42 and Bonaire Path Area in Acres: 12.65 Acres Comp. Guide Plan Desig: LDR — Low Density Residential Current Zoning: R -1, Low Density Residential with the Greystone Planned Unit Development (PUD) The applicant, Ryland Group, Inc (Ryland Homes), requests approval of a Minor Amendment to the Gresystone 15` Addition Planned Unit Development Agreement and Final Plat for Greystone 2nd Addition to allow development of 31 single family lots. The minor PUD amendment is necessary to establish zoning standards and overall development design while the final plat is necessary to facilitate subdivision of the subject property into individual residential lots, oudots and public streets. Staff recommends approval of this application subject to the conditions detailed in the attached resolutions. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission reviewed this item on February 26, 2013. An excerpt of the draft minutes from that meeting is attached for your reference. No public hearing is required as part of this review. The Commission asked for clarification about the park dedication associated with the project. It was explained that there is a park dedication declaration drafted by the City Attorney that allows for future dedication of acceptable lands to the City upon final platting in the future. A condition of approval was also clarified to change the date of the Engineering memo. The Commission recommended the City Council approve the final plat. The approval would also support the modifications to the PUD Agreement. BACKGROUND In March of 2012, the City approved a Comprehensive Plan Amendment, Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development (PUD) for the 54 single family lots Greystone development. In May of that year, the City approved a Final Plat and PUD Final Site and Building Plan for Greystone 1" Addition which included 23 single family lots. The applicant now proposes to plat the remaining 31 single family lots into the second phase of this development to be known as Greystone 2 Addition. ISSUE ANALYSIS Land Use and Zoning. The proposed 31 lot single family development is consistent with the current land use and zoning classifications. The subject property is guided LDR — Low Density Residential and zoned R- 1, Low Density Residential with the Greystone Unit Development (PUD). As a result, the property is subject to all the standards of the R -1, Low Density Residential zoning districts as well as the standards for detached single family units contained in the original PUD. While this development is subject to all of the conditions and development standards contained in the PUD, the most notable are provided below. 1. Section 11 -2 -15 F. Single Family Detached Dwelling Garage Requirements: The home designs do not need to include an option for a three garage stall. 2. Section 11 -4 -5 F. 1. R -1 Minimum Lot Area: Reduce the interior lot minimum area from 10,000 to 8,600 square feet and corner lot minimum area from 12, 000 to 11,000 square feet. 3. Section 11 -4 -5 F. 2. R -1 Minimum Lot Width: Reduce the minimum lot width from eighty (80) feet to sixty (60) feet for interior and from ninety five (95) to seventy five (75) feet for corner lots. 4. Section 11 -4 -5 F. 4. R -1 Minimum Front Yard Setback: Reduce the front yard setback from thirty (30) feet to twenty five (25) feet. 5. Section 11 -4 -5 F. 5. R -1 Minimum Side Yard Setback: Reduce the side yard setback from ten (10) feet to seven and one half (7.5) feet. 6. Section 11 -4 -5 F. 9. R -1 Maximum Lot Coverage: Increase the maximum lot coverage to forty percent (40 %) for lots less than 9,750 square feet in size and thirty five percent (35 9/6) for lots between 9,750 square feet and 11,250 square feet. 7. Section 11 -5 -2 C. 6. D. (1) Single - family Detached Residential Driveway Maximum Width: No driveway width shall exceed fifty percent (50 9/6) of the front property line nor fifty percent (50 %) of the curb line in front of the property. 2 Minor Planned Unit Development Amendment Standards for amending a planned unit development are detailed in Section 11- 10 -6.E. Under this section, amendments are classified as either major or minor base on certain criteria. In this case, staff finds the proposed amendment to be minor based on the finding that it does not: 1. Substantially alter the location of buildings, parking areas or roads. 2. Increase or decrease the number of residential dwelling units by more than five percent (5 0/6). 3. Increase the gross floor area of nonresidential buildings by more than five percent (5 %) or increases the gross floor area of any individual building by more than ten percent (10 %). 4. Increase the number of stories of any building. 5. Decrease the amount of open space by more than five percent (5 %o) or alters it in such a way as to change its original design or intended use. 6. Create noncompliance with any special condition attached to the approval of the master development plan. By ordinance, minor amendments may be administratively approved by staff without review or a public hearing by the Planning Commission. However, City Council action is required on all PUD amendments as these agreements represent a contract between the property owner and the City. The current minor amendment establishes the lot configuration shown on the Greystone 2nd Addition final plat (attached), the standards from the original PUD noted above and the architectural standards detailed below. • Front Elevations: The front elevation design shall include one of the following elements: • Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; • A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; or • A side entry garage. In addition to these architectural standards, staff recommends the minor PUD amendment include a fourth option that front elevations contain no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. With the exception of the standards in the PUD, all the standards in the R -1, Low Density Residential zoning district shall apply. Final Plat. Standards for reviewing subdivision requests are detailed in Title 12 of the Rosemount City Code. This section of the Code outlines the two -step Preliminary and Final Plat process for land subdivision. In this case, the preliminary plat was approved in March 2012 consisting of 54 single family lots. The first phase of this development included 23 single family lots while the current application proposes to plat the remaining 31 lots. Streets & Access. Initial access to this development is provided through 14150 Street East and Addison Avenue (via Akron Avenue) which were constructed as part of Greystone 1" Addition. Street construction in the 2nd Addition will include the extension of 140'' Street East from Addison Avenue to Adrian Avenue. Adrian Avenue will terminate in the Adrian Court cul -de -sac to the south and a temporary cul -de -sac to the north. Subsequent development of the property to the north would connect the temporary cul -de -sac at the north end of Adrian Avenue with the future 139`h Street East. The Engineering memo includes a condition of approval requiring the applicant provide a roadway easement for the temporary cul -de -sac (see attached). 3 Landscape and Berming. The landscape plan appears consistent with the minimum number of plantings required by the City Code (one per interior lot or two per corner lot). Overall, the plan includes 112 trees and 180 shrubs. This includes a mixture of Hackberry, Honeylocust, Oak, and Sugar Maple boulevard trees along with an assortment of grasses, trees and shrubs in and around the storm water infiltration basins. As a result, the Subdivision Development Agreement includes a condition that the applicant provide a landscape security equal to $32,120 (110% of the value of all plantings). The Engineering memo includes a condition of approval stating that trees shall not be planted within the drainage way, over the proposed storm sewer or within the pond access location. The plantings should be placed a minimum of 15 feet from the storm sewer (see attached). Parks and Open Space. The Parks and Recreation department conducted a park dedication analysis during the Greystone 1st Addition review. That analysis examined the overall Greystone development including the ghost plat of Outlot A. Because topographic conditions in Greystone 1" Addition did not offer an acceptable piece of land for a park, the City agreed to defer park dedication until future subdivision. As a result, final plat approval of Greystone 151 Addition included a condition requiring the applicant to record a park dedication declaration identifying the terms and conditions for future park dedication. This declaration states that if all or any part of Oudot A, B or C Greystone 15C Addition receives final plat approval prior to March 20, 2022, the subdivision shall include transfer of fee title to Outlot D for park purposes to satisfy the park dedication requirements for Greystone 1" Addition along with whatever park dedication is required for the associated new development. The subdivision of Oudot B, Greystone 15t Addition into Greystone 2 "d Addition necessitates revision of the park dedication declaration (see attached). The City Attorney revised this document to reflect development of Oudot B and designates Outlot C, Greystone 1" Addition as the parkland dedication for the 31 lots in Greystone 2nd Addition. Sidewalks, Trails and Pathway. The applicant's plans demonstrate sidewalks and trails will be placed consistent with the requirements of the preliminary plat. This includes sidewalks along the south side of 140"' Street East and the west side of Adrian Avenue. The sidewalks in Greystone 2nd Addition will then connect to the City's overall pedestrian and bicycle network through the sidewalks and trails in Greystone 1" Addition and Akron Avenue. Engineering Comments. The Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed Greystone 2 "d Addition final plat. Comments regarding this application are detailed in the attached memo dated February 15, 2013 (see attached). CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Both the Planning Commission and staff recommend approval of the final plat, minor PUD amendment, and Park Dedication Declaration for Greystone 2 "d Addition creating 31 single family lots. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, findings made in this report and the conditions detailed in the attached resolutions. 4 EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING FEBRUARY 26, 2013 7.a. Request for Final Plat and Minor Planned Unit Development Amendment for Greystone 2 "d Addition (13- 11 -FP, 13- 12 -AMD). Planner Lindahl stated that the applicant, Ryland Group, Inc (Ryland Homes), requests approval of a minor PUD amendment and final plat for Greystone 2nd Addition to allow development of 31 single family lots. The minor PUD amendment is necessary to establish zoning standards and overall development design while the final plat is necessary to facilitate subdivision of the subject property into individual residential lots, outlots and public streets. Mr. Lindahl further explained the recommendation and conditions. Commissioner Miller asked whether or not Outlots C & D would be dedicated to the City for park dedication. Mr. Lindahl stated because topographic conditions in Greystone 1" Addition did not offer an acceptable piece of land for a park, the City agreed to defer park dedication until future subdivision. As a result, final plat approval of Greystone 1s` Addition included a condition requiring the applicant to record a park dedication declaration identifying the terms and conditions for future park dedication. This declaration states that if all or any part of Oudots A, B or C Greystone 1" Addition receives final plat approval prior to March 20, 2022, the subdivision shall include transfer of fee title to Oudot D for park purposes to satisfy the park dedication requirements for Greystone 1S` Addition along with whatever park dedication is required for the associated new development. As a result, staff recommends a condition of approval require the applicant to update the park dedication declaration to reflect development of Outlot B and the designation of Outlot C as the parkland dedication for the 31 lots in Greystone 2nd Addition. Mr. Zweber added that the City does not want ownership right away to avoid interference with the current farming operations and will recommend to the City Council modify the original declaration designating Oudot D as the park dedication for Greystone 1S` and Oudot C as the park dedication for Oudot C. Chairperson Powell stated the cul -de -sac far exceeds the standard length. Mr. Zweber stated that staff is confident the cul -de -sacs will be connected with future development to the north. Chairperson Powell asked if the date of the engineering memo referenced in Condition C of the recommended action should be February 15d' and non 22nd, and staff confirmed that was correct. MOTION by Powell to recommend the City Council approve the Final Plat for Greystone 2nd Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. Conformance with all requirements of Resolution 2012 -16 approving the Preliminary Plat for Greystone. 2. City Council Approval of a Minor PUD Amendment establishing the lot configuration shown on the Greystone 2nd Addition final plat and a fourth architectural option that front elevations contain no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 3. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer detailed in the attached memorandum dated February 20 15, 2013. 4. Revision of the Park Dedication Declaration to reflect development of Oudot B and the designation of Outlot C as the parkland dedication for the 31 lots in Greysfone 2nd Addition. Second by Weber. Ayes: 4. Nays: None. Motion approved. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2013 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR GREYSTONE 2nd ADDITION WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received a request for Final Plat approval from The Ryland Group, Inc. concerning property legally described as: Oudot B, Greystone 1" Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota WHEREAS, on February 26, 2013, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the Final Plat for Greystone 2nd Addition; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2013, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Final Plat for Greystone 2nd Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. Conformance with all requirements of the Greystone Preliminary Plat. 2. Recording a Park Dedication Declaration upon Outlot C of Greystone 1s` Addition as the park dedication requirement for the 31 lots in Greystone 2nd Addition. 3. Execution of a subdivision development agreement for Greystone 2 "d Addition. 4. Provision of a landscape security equal to $32,120. 5. Conformance with the requirements within the City Engineer's Memorandum dated March 15, 2013 ADOPTED this 19' day of March, 2013, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Jeffrey May, Deputy City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2013 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE GREYSTONE 1sT ADDITION PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AGREEMENT ADDING THE LOTS FOR GREYSTONE 2ND ADDITION AND A FOURTH ARCHITECTURAL OPTION WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received a request from Ryland Group, Inc., to amend the Greystone 1" Addition Final Site and Building Plan Planned Unit Development Agreement to add the lots for Greystone 2nd Addition and a fourth architectural option; and WHEREAS, the Greystone 2nd Addition Final Plat includes 31 single family lots consistent with the Greystone Preliminary Plat; and WHEREAS, the list of front elevation design options in the Planned Unit Development Agreement shall include the additional option that Front elevations contain no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows; and WHEREAS, staff has reviewed the proposed amendment and found it acceptable under the terms and conditions of the original Planned Unit Development Agreement and recommends approval of this minor amendment to this PUD; and WHEREAS, Minor Amendments to a Planned Unit Development Agreement may be reviewed and approved by the City Council without a public hearing before the Planning Commission; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2013, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the application and staff's recommendation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Minor Amendment to the Greystone 15` Addition Final Site and Building Plan Planned Unit Development Agreement to add the lots for Greystone 2nd Addition and a fourth architectural option, subject to: 1. Execution of the Minor Amendment to the Greystone 15` Addition Final Site and Building Plan Planned Unit Development Agreement to add the lots for Greystone 2nd Addition and a fourth architectural option. ADOPTED this 19`h day of March, 2013, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Jeffrey May, Deputy City Clerk A MINOR AMENDMENT TO THE GREYSTONE 1ST ADDITION PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) AGREEMENT ADDING THE LOTS FOR GREYSTONE 2ND ADDITION AND A FOURTH ARCHITECTURAL OPTION THIS DECLARATION made this 19th day of February, 2013, by and between The Ryland Group, Inc., a Maryland corporation, (hereinafter referred to as the "Declarant "), and the CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, a Minnesota municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as the "City "); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property described as Oudot B, Greystone 1st ADDITION, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA (hereinafter referred to as the "Subject Property "); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to a Planned Unit Development Agreement, "Greystone 1St Addition Final Site and Building Plan Planned Unit Development Agreement ", dated May 15, 2012 and recorded with the Dakota County Recorder as document number 2888242 on August 20, 2012, (hereinafter referred to as the "Planned Unit Development Agreement "); and WHEREAS, Declarant wishes to amend the Planned Unit Development Agreement as hereinafter provided, which amendment has been approved and consented to by the City of Rosemount, acting through its City Council, as evidenced by the duly authorized signatures of its officers affixed hereto. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents, plan and drawings: a. City Resolution No. 2013 -_, Attachment One b. Greystone 2nd Addition Final Plat, Attachments Two, Three and Four c. Cover Sheet, Attachment Five d. Final Grading Plan, Attachment Six and Seven 1 e. Erosion Control Plan, Attachment Eight and Nine f. Grading and Erosion Control Details, Attachment Ten g. Lighting Plan, Attachment Eleven h. Landscaping Plan, Attachment Twelve and Thirteen All of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made part hereof. 2. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the Planned Unit Development Agreement except as modified herein. a. Front Elevations: The list of front elevation design options in the Planned Unit Development Agreement shall include the additional option listed below: 1. Front elevations contain no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 3. Except as modified by paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Amendment, the Planned Unit Development Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 4. The obligations and restrictions of this Amendment run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Amendment may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT Its By Its STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 2013, by and , the and 2 , for and on behalf of a by and on behalf of said Notary Public This Amendment is approved and consented to by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT LN William H. Droste, Mayor And by: Amy Domeier, City Clerk STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF DAKOTA ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 2013, by William H. Droste and Amy Domeier, the Mayor and City Clerk, respectively, for and on behalf of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota corporation, by and on behalf of said corporation. THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 651- 423 -4411 3 Notary Public CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2013 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR GREYSTONE 2nd ADDITION WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received a request for Final Plat approval from The Ryland Group, Inc. concerning property legally described as: Outlot B, Greystone 1't Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota WHEREAS, on February 26, 2013, the Planning Commission reviewed and recommended approval of the Final Plat for Greystone 2nd Addition; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2013, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Final Plat for Greystone 2nd Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. Conformance with all requirements of the Greystone Preliminary Plat. 2. Recording a Park Dedication Declaration upon Outlot C of Greystone 1" Addition as the park dedication requirement for the 31 lots in Greystone 2nd Addition. 3. Execution of a subdivision development agreement for Greystone 2nd Addition. 4. Provision of a landscape security equal to $32,120. 5. Conformance with the requirements within the City Engineer's Memorandum dated March 15, 2013 ADOPTED this 19d' day of March, 2013, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Amy Domeier, City Clerk ATTACHMENT ONE 0 O MM G') 70 O O 0 4D, • 0 0, �3 L 11-48-W 200.00 m> 310111— �09 ""sr f g z? o is S 81 is c� L4 I °' 74-� IF 1 P 18 0001' -- I I - -i � 0 3.t1-90 2S is FkwviaT 7—i j 0) am , m ,.TVV L j �4._w m --I Y, 11 I rri I I Rcoo --- - - - - - - - - - 91 00 - - - - - - - - - - - - - 10 L-= _______ -_J Ai - -- - - - - —_ - i L4 wY ADRIAN COURT,., ADRIAN AVENUE s I„ Iv Iv71 Iv Iv "o Im "A' -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Ig L N00*07'39"E 770.04 G') 70 O O 0 4D, • 0 �3 L m> 310111— �09 f g z? o G') 70 O O 72 i m z 0 _ D A ' D C C 4 - A { N N W W /mV '1 ^� CIO > O o c� �z m m °u N g m m m ( n N m m �M z NS v o D _ P, J o z UM O ADRIAN COURT ADRIAN AVENUE 5z U., Is, rn 01 .. ........ I .. 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Groth, husband and wife (collectively referred to as "Groths "), ( Minnova and Groths are sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "Declarants "); WHEREAS, Minnova is the owner of Outlot B, Greystone 1St Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota ( "Outlot B ") which is being replatted as Greystone 2nd Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota; and WHEREAS, Groths are the fee owners and contract for deed vendors, and Minnova is the contract for deed vendee, under Contract for Deed recorded with the Dakota County Recorder on February 5, 2003 as document number 1995549 as amended by Amendment to Contract for Deed dated as of March 3, 2006, and recorded with the Dakota County Recorder on March 20, 2006, as document number 2413680, and as further amended by Second Amendment to Contract for Deed dated May 4, 2009 and recorded with the Dakota County Recorder on May 13, 2009 as document number 2656601, and as further amended by that certain Third Amendment to Contract for Deed dated May 24, 2012, and recorded in the Dakota County Recorder on 4205050 CLL RS220 -345 1 as document number , of Outlots A, C and D, Greystone 1St Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota ( "Outlots A, C and D" respectively)(collectively, the "Subject Property "); and WHEREAS, Declarants or their authorized representatives applied to the City of Rosemount, Minnesota (the "City ") for approval of the subdivision and platting of Greystone 1st Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, and approval of a planned unit development ( "PUD ") for development of Greystone 1 st Addition; and WHEREAS, the plat of Greystone 1St Addition includes 23 residential units platted as Lots 1 through 14, Block 1, Lots 1 through 4, Block 2 and Lots 1 through 5, Block 3, Greystone 1 st Addition; and WHEREAS, the park dedication ordinance of the City required the dedication of .92 acres of land for park for said 23 lots, or payment of cash in lieu of such dedication; and WHEREAS, Declarants requested, and the City agreed, that the land dedication for park purposes for said 23 lots be deferred; and WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the planned unit development subdivision and plat of Greystone 1St Addition, the City required the execution and filing of a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions, which Declaration was recorded on August 8, 2012 with the Dakota County Recorder as Document No. 2888243 (hereinafter the "2012 Declaration "); and WHEREAS, Declarants or their authorized representatives, applied to the City for approval of the subdivision of Outlot B, Greystone 1St Addition as Greystone 2 Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota, and approval of a PUD for the development of Greystone 2 "d Addition; and WHEREAS, the plat of Greystone 2nd Addition includes 31 residential lots, platted as Lots 1 through 10, Block 1 and Lots 1 through 21, Block 2, Greystone 2nd Addition; and 420505v1 CLL RS220 -345 2 WHEREAS, the park dedication ordinance of the City requires the dedication of 1.24 acres of land for park for said 31 lots, or payment of cash in lieu of such dedication; and WHEREAS, Declarants have requested, and the City has agreed, that the land dedication for park purposes for such 31 lots be deferred as is hereinafter provided; and WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the PUD and the plat of Greystone 2nd Addition, the City required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions (hereinafter the "2013 Declaration "); and WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of the PUDs and subdivisions of Greystone 1St Addition and Greystone 2nd Addition, the Declarants desire to subject Outlots A, C and D, Greystone 1St Addition to the terms hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarants declare that Outlots A, C and D, Greystone 1st Addition, shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. If all or any part of Outlot A is subdivided by City Council approval of a final plat at any time before March 20, 2022, such subdivision shall include transfer of fee title to Outlots C and D for park purposes in satisfaction of park dedication requirements for the 23 residential lots in Greystone 1St Addition and the 31 lots in Greystone 2nd Addition, in addition to whatever park dedication is required in connection with the creation of additional developable lots in such new subdivision. 2. If no part of Outlot A is subdivided by City Council approval of a final plat before March 20, 2022, the owner of Outlot D will pay the City a cash payment in lieu of land dedication for park purposes for the 23 lots approved in the plat of Greystone 1St Addition and the owner of Outlot C will pay the City a cash payment in lieu of land dedication for 420505v1 CLL RS220 -345 3 park purposes for the 31 lots approved in the plat of Greystone 2nd Addition. The amount of said payments shall be the amount of cash payment in lieu of park dedication for 23 single family residential lots and 31 single family residential lots, respectively, determined in accordance with the requirements of the ordinances and regulations of the City in effect on March 20, 2022. 3. In the event the property owners do not so pay the City within 30 days of the receipt of an invoice therefor, the City may disapprove any subdivision of Outlot A; provided, however, that such remedy is not exclusive, and the City may enforce the terms of this agreement by any means available in law or equity. 4. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarants, their successors and assigns, which successors and assigns shall be jointly and severally responsible for obligations under this Declaration, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. 5. The 2012 Declaration is superseded and terminated by this 2013 Declaration. 420505v1 CLL RS220 -345 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarants have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. MINNOVA LAND, LLC LIM STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF ) Its President The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this — day of , 2013, by the for and on behalf of a by and on behalf of said STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF Notary Public GROTHS Wayne Groth Sheila M. Groth The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ^ day of , 2013, by Wayne Groth and Sheila M. Groth, husband and wife. Notary Public 420505vl CLL RS220 -345 5 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT C STATE OF MINNESOTA SS COUNTY OF DAKOTA William H. Droste, Mayor Amy Domeier, City Clerk The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this day of ' 2013, by William H. Droste, Mayor, and Amy Domeier, City Clerk, of the City of Rosemount, a Minnesota municipal corporation, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: Kennedy & Graven, Chartered 470 U.S. Bank Plaza 200 South Sixth Street Minneapolis, MN 55402 420505v1 CLL RS220 -345 6 CONSENT The undersigned Mortgagee of the real estate described in the attached Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions ( "Declaration ") pursuant to the Mortgages recorded as Document Nos. 2807140 and 2413682 as amended by Document No. 2807141 in the office of the Dakota County Recorder, hereby consents to all of the terms and provisions contained in the Declaration. The undersigned Mortgagee further agrees that its interest in the property covered by the Mortgages is subject to the Declaration and to all of the terms and provisions contained in it and agrees that if the Mortgagee forecloses its mortgage(s) on the property, or takes a deed in lieu of foreclosure, the Mortgagee will take title subject to the Declaration. THE BUSINESS BANK Its: STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ss. COUNTY OF HENNEPIN ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this , the Bank, on behalf of the corporation. Notary Public 420505v1 CLL RS220 -345 7 day of , 20, by of The Business Site Location Map - Greystone 2nd Addition Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a Map Scale legal document and should not be substituted for a title search, appraisal, survey, or for zoning 1 inch = 990 feet verification. Dakota County assumes no legal responsibility for the information contained in this data. 2/21/2013 10 Z 61 e 3 V ct - - - - - - - - - - P OSOO•4,'48•W 200.00 00 01, , I 1 — 6'. ' 12 — — — — — — — — — — — i R 'S ob — I L_____— _ —___J — — — — — — — —___J 91 Is —,woo L____— — — — — — — 56 — IL — — — — — — — — — — — 4� I VI - — — — — — — — — — — — 8: L---------- J.,:,, F — W067 —716 , 8 L J 0 0 7.. w I V) ol E. m —4 8 "j n8 M----------- ---------- L--------- J' 03 ll BP --WE 1e ----------- 10 L — — — — — 0 �T , -- — _---- - - -- -J U A� ADRIAN COURTS ADRIAN AVENUE�' -P E ----- --- -- 1� co I ----- rj 'L L L ----- ------ ir t L LE" N0097'39"E 770.04 0 M -0 Hf Z➢ 0 fz &m g - L — f IF � I 'Pp'y"�� � I t -i T• a 11 cl w 29 lit � -- �y 5 � I � - � v \ \.•i 13Ha. sI, ,f - �_ J � n �' \ifs � �'' 1 L__ �_ II I I I �p �b i �, •i ..� V � jI �' :� ,I �� � I• �- N 1 7 , � - ICY �` ( / „ ,.¢� y i `� e sao \I IS�� URY'E RIA VENUE C) C ` gg �"'Z fL. 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F c S .. ,„ N ta2a r,IF�rc m S�FFT w N CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2012 -16 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR GREYSTONE WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received a request for Preliminary Plat approval from The Ryland Group, Inc. concerning property legally described as: All that part of the West Half of the Southeast Quarter of Section 22, Township 115, Range 19, Dakota County, Minnesota lying south of the southerly right of way line of the Union Pacific Railroad. WHEREAS, on December 27, 2011, January 24, 2012, and February 28, 2012, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the Preliminary Plat for Greystone; and WHEREAS, on February 28, 2012, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat for Greystone; and WHEREAS, on March 20, 2012, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission's recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Preliminary Plat for Greystone, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of the Comprehensive Plan Amendment by the Metropolitan Council 2. Approval of a Major Planned Unit Development rezoning the subject property and designating minimum lot requirements and setbacks. 3. The street names of Street B and Street C are switched on sheet 3 and 4 (Preliminary Plat). These street names need to be updated. 4. The trunk storm sewer is proposed to be downsized from 33 inches at Akron Avenue to 27 inches through Block 1. This system will need to convey all offsite storm sewer originally designed with the Akron Avenue roadway project. The storm sewer is required to be 33 inches from Akron Avenue to the 42 -inch storm pond outlet near Street A. A temporary cul -de -sac is shown at the north end of Street B and Street C. 5. The temporary turn around easements shown on the preliminary plat should be updated to be roadway easements. 6. Storm sewer, sanitary sewer, and water main on Street B are shown south of the Greystone property line. A drainage and utility easement over these utilities from the property to the south is required to be secured by the developer. The intersection of Street B and Street A is required to be modified. Street B, south of Street A, shall have a 14 -foot northbound thru lane, a 13 -foot left turn lane, and a 14 -foot southbound thru lane. Street B, north of Street A shall have a 14 -foot northbound thru lane and a 14 -foot southbound thru /right turn lane. The thru lanes north and south of Street A are required to align with each other and shall be parallel with the roadway alignment. With this configuration, a striped median will be required to be located on Street B, north of Street A. The striped median is required to have a 20 -foot tangent section with a 20:1 taper back to the 32 -foot road section. RESOLUTION 2012 -16 7. The Greystone preliminary plat is approved without a current land dedication or payment of park dedication fees. The plat of Greystone will include land to the north (the Groth parcel), currently identified as Oudot A, which will be platted into additional outlots. One of the outlots will be of a size that satisfies the park dedication requirements for the first 54 units in the Greystone Development. The property to the north ( Groth parcel) will be made subject to a covenant that provides: • If the Groth parcel is subdivided within the next 10 years, the outlot identified as future park land will be deeded to the City to satisfy the park dedication requirements of the 54 units in Greystone and additional park dedication will be required for additional units in a new subdivision. • If the Groth parcel is not subdivided after 10 years, the owner of the Groth parcel will pay to the City the cash dedication requirements for the original 54 units. The fee will be based on the approved park dedication fees at the time of payment or at the mutual agreement between the land owner and the City, a land dedication of 2.16 acres contiguous to the platted parcel will be made. This parcel will have access to a public street and will meet the land dedication requirements included in the City's Subdivision Ordinance. Upon payment of the fee or dedication of land, the City will release the Groth parcel from the obligations of the covenant. ADOPTED this 20' day of March, 2012, by the City C cil of the City of Ros ount. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: 0 wuku zj Amy Domeier, City Clerk C 2 _n!m ;gmo° eg�a n� nm�9. s q � $ S1� i M E3d€ r I •� -1 L______J L____J .. Ir— r_Nr P II W I I II I� � w I II 16 L -- L —J z _ i 140 s I I � I I I � ♦�� �� (•_mil I s _141ST ST E s I o i y -------------- -- '• e9z99 C� «' C � J 1 _J 'a 1 0 R W. W. WIN _ _. I I ate L____J W I � I L - -- JJ R. g` OUTLOT C n - - a c 1 O e = c ;; o OUTLOT D x o ^> m Do =z O ,6 iii °R I Zp v 1l V,21f- z2 s< is ;: o mZ I se reast Bum I I I —S _n!m ;gmo° eg�a n� nm�9. s q � $ S1� i M E3d€ r I •� -1 L______J L____J .. Ir— r_Nr P II W I I II I� � w I II 16 L -- L —J z _ i 140 s I I � I I I � ♦�� �� (•_mil I s _141ST ST E s I o i y -------------- -- '• e9z99 C� «' C � 1 _J 'a 1 0 W I N1 Hu L____J W I � I L - -- JJ ST •r i v i. I } I 40 _..01. -_- i I I I I I I , L-4' I I I , Lv_q mn. xn. 51_9]i�x P, � N 11 z��--I-- --II I ' 1 V / z 9 4,ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM DATE: February 15, 2013 TO: Jason Lindahl, Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Eric Zweber, Senior Planner Andrew Brotzler, Director of Public Works / City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Chris Watson, Management Analyst Kathie Hanson, Planning Department Secretary FROM: Phil Olson, Assistant City Engineer RE: Greystone Final Plat Review SUBMITTAL: Prepared by Pioneer Engineering, the Greystone Preliminary Plat was dated February 1, 2013 and received on February 4, 2013. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: • Final Plat (3 sheets) • Final Grading & Erosion Control Plan (6 sheets) • Landscape Plan (2 sheets) • Lighting Plan GENERAL COMMENTS: Trees shall not be planted within the drainage way, over the proposed storm sewer, or within the pond access location. The plantings should be placed a minimum of 15 feet from the storm sewer. EASEMENT COMMENTS: 2. A roadway easement is required for the temporary cul -de -sac at the north end of Adrian Avenue. This was shown on the title sheet of the grading plan. Signage for the conservation easement in the ponds shall be provided by the developer and an extended maintenance warranty shall be required to ensure establishment of the naturally vegetated areas. 4. The width of drainage and utility easements over all public utilities shall be verified during final design. 5. Storm sewer is proposed along the side and back lot lines of certain properties to convey rear yard drainage. Drainage and utility easements along these lines shall prohibit the installation of sheds to ensure that access can be provided for storm sewer maintenance. Fences are allowed but shall not restrict drainage and are required to include gates for truck access over the drainage and utility easement. Also, landscaping that will block access should be prohibited. These restrictions should be added as a restriction on the property deed. This will impact the following properties: o Block 1: Lot 1 through Lot 7 (7 lots) o Block 2: Lot 12 and Lot 13 (2 lots) PRIVATE UTILITY COMMENTS: 6. All work occurring within the Xcel Energy easement shall be by agreement or permit. An agreement or permit between the developer and Xcel Energy shall be submitted to the City. GRADING COMMENTS: 7. All silt, clay, and topsoil, shall be removed within the street and sidewalk. Mass grading for this project was completed with the previous phase and some clay, topsoil, and silt was left within the street and sidewalk section. Removal of this material may be completed as part of the city project for public streets and utilities. DEVELOPMENT FEES: 8. The development fees below are estimated based on the 2013 Fee Resolution. These fees are due with the final plat and subdivision agreement. o GIS Fees: $60 /unit * 31 units = $1,860 • Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $1075 /acre * 12.66 acres = $13,610 • Watermain Trunk Charge: $6500 /acre * 12.66 acres = $82,290 o Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6865 /acre * 10.33 acres = $70915.45 9. The developer has verbally requested funding for the project improvements and area charges through assessments. A formal letter with this request is required. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651 - 322 -2015.