HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.B. Athletic Fields at Flint HillsROSEMOUt4TEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session Meeting: March 19, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Athletic Fields at Flint Hills AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. Director ATTACHMENTS: Phasing /Concept Plan, Estimate of Probable Costs and Soils Report APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion only. ISSUE The design work for the green fields to be built on the property donated to the City by Flint Hills Resources is well under way. Included in the packet is a copy of the concept plan that identifies what we expect to be the first phase of the project. Also included in the packet is a cost estimate of the proposed improvements. One issue that has come to staff's attention regarding the project is that we received some unfortunate news when reviewing our soil samples of the site. In the areas where we plan to build our first three fields, we have 1 to 3 feet of organic clay (topsoil) material. This material can be used on site for restoration purposes, but is not recommended to be used in the soil profile for growing athletic field turf. The soils found between 3 and up to 7 feet down also poses an issue for allowing the soils to drain properly. The concern with having this material in the profile of your field is that it can create a bathtub affect and trap water. This too causes issues with growing grass and having the fields drain properly. It was surprising to City staff and also to the representatives from Flint Hills Resources who we shared the soil reports with. Representatives from Flint Hills stated that because of the many mining sites in the area, they did not expect to see so much clay in the soils or at least at the depth it was found. The best way to handle the drainage concerns and possible future turf issues would be to make a soil correction and include drain tile in the upfront construction of the project. This does add to the upfront cost of construction but should provide us with a better end product. The City has built fields with the materials we have found on this site, but due to the expected heavy use these fields will endure, staff feels the soil corrections and drain tile should be considered. The attached estimate of probable costs does identify a variety of add alternates. Staff feels that to create the best end product with regards to the playing fields, we should consider add alternates one and two. Staff would then prioritize the remaining add alternates as follows: alternate 3 - parking lot and trails, alternate 4 - parking lot lights, alternate 5 - low maintenance seed restoration and alternate 6 - water service to the community gardens. Staff feels that because these fields will most likely not be ready for play until 2015, the parking lot installation could wait until that time. Staff would like to receive feedback and direction from the City Council on how to proceed with the project. �� /A WS & Associates, Inc. engineering • planning • environmental • construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel: 763 - 541 -4800 Fax: 763 - 541 -1700 Preliminary Cost Estimate and Design Recommendations To: Dan Schultz, City of Rosemount, Director of Parks & Recreation Tom Schuster, City of Rosemount, Parks Supervisor cc: Ed Youngquist, WSB From: Jason Amberg, WSB Date: March 13, 2013 Re: Outdoor Recreation Complex- Phase One Site Development City Project No. ENG012 7-A THLETIC COMPLEX WSB Project No. 1916 -79 Dan, the information below serves to outline the preliminary costs and recommendations for assembly of the bidding documents for this project. Please review and let me know if you concur with this approach defined in these recommendations or would like to discuss further. Thank you. BASE DEVELOPMENT: The project includes the following major `base development' elements. • 3 athletic fields • Irrigation system • Site restoration Summary of base development estimated costs: Professional fees/ permitting (includes design of alternates) = $143,383 Estimated cost to construct phase one base development = $459,825 Total Estimated Cost = $603,208 Note: refer to attached spreadsheet for more detail St. Cloud • Minneapolis • St. Paul Equal Opportunity Employer wsbeng.com K'10 19 16- 790 1AdminlDocs101916 -790 Pmjectrecommendations memo - 3- 13 -13. docx Page 2 of 3 RECOMMENDED ADD ALTERNATE BID ITEMS: The following items are recommended to provide flexibility in development based on actual bid results. Based on the poor quality of site topsoil and the time required for quality field establishment / grow -in, we recommend Add Alternate Option 1 and 2 as high priority items. Add Alternate Option I - Amended topsoil and draintile: Field sports such as soccer, lacrosse, rugby, and football have a much higher concentration of foot traffic in key areas of the field. The recently completed geotechnical report (attached for reference) indicates a significant layer of problematic clay soils overlying the more typical sandy materials in this region. Based on this information, we recommend Add Alternate Option 1 to provide quality fields and reduce long -term maintenance costs associated with problems related to clay soils for athletic field use. Including a blended sand /peat /topsoil mixture will result in decreased long -term maintenance costs by improving turf quality and drainage ability. Estimated cost = $265,600 (for all three fields) Add Alternate Option 2 — Athletic Field Draintile System: The draintile will help prevent the roots from becoming over saturated, which is a typical problem of sites with clayey soils such as this location. If this is not installed, the site clays can act as a bath tub retaining too much water within the growing medium. This option, combined with Option I above, is critical for development of quality fields. Estimated cost = $96,000 Add Alternate Option 3 — Parkine Lot Liahtina Svstem: Estimated cost = $30,000 Add Alternate Option 4 — Water Service for Community Garden Area: Estimated cost = $13,000 Add Alternate Option 5 — Expanded low- maintenance seed restoration: Estimated cost = $27,500 K 10 19 16- 790 1Admm IDocs10 19 16 -79 0 Project recommendations memo - 3- 13 -13. docx Page 3 of 3 Add Alternate Option 6 — Parking lot & Trails: End of memo The fields will not be ready for play until the spring of 2015 (or fall of 2014 at the very earliest). Estimated cost = $209,685 Note: A separate construction project will also incur additional professional fees to accommodate a separate bid package prep and observation / staking, etc. K 10 19 16- 790 1Admm IDocs10 19 16 -79 0 Project recommendations memo - 3- 13 -13. docx ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE COST DATE: 3/13/2013 Preliminary Design - Outdoor Recreation Complex (former Flint Hills property) City of Rosemount, MN Units Legend: LS = Lump Sum, SF = Square Feet, SY = Square Yard, EA = Each, LB = Pound, PAIR = Pair LF = Lineal Feet, FF = Face Feet, CY = Cubic Yard (in place measure), TN = Ton, GAL = Gallon BASE DID SCHEDULE: No. Section 1 - Removals, Earthwork &Erosion Control Estimated Unit Unit Bid Total Bid 2.01 Water Utilities for irrigation and drinking fountain services Qtv. LS (In Dollars) (In Dollars) 1.01 Mobilization 1 LS $25,000.00 $25,000.00 1.02 Perform all removals as indicated on plan sheet L2 1 LS $3,500.00 $3,500.00 2.04 On -site Earthwork for the park project area- complete, including: 1) 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 2.05 stripping, stockpiling, respreading, and fine grading all topsoil to required 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 Section 2 Total: minimum settled depth; 2) common excavation and placement of subsoil No. Section 4 - Miscellaneous Site Amenities Description Estimated Qty. materials to subgrade elevations in all work areas; 3) subsoil compaction Unit Bid (In Dollars ) Total Bid (In Dollars 4.01 Furnish and install Drinking Fountain - complete, as per plans, details, and specifications, including all attachments, sub - drainage system, valve box with draindown assembly, water connection, etc. 1.03 beneath trails, concrete, pavements, etc.; 4) grade maintenance as necessary 1 LS $150,000.00 $150,000.00 1 6 for duration of construction period; 5) temporary erosion control measures 1 $250.001 $1,500.00 Section 4 Total: $6,250.00 as noted on plan sheets / NPDES permits required to prevent migration of soils to down -slope locations, including maintenance during construction period - NOTE: does NOT include erosion control silt fencing or erosion control wood fiber blanket Furnish and install Erosion Control Silt Fence as indicated on plans - 1.04 complete, including ongoing maintenance throughout the construction 1,300 LF $2.50 $3,250.00 period and removal / restoration at project completion 1.05 Furnish and install Aggregate Construction Access- complete, including 1 EA $2,000.00 $2,000.00 maintenance removal and restoration Section 1 Total:1 $183,750.00 No. Section 2 - Utilities Description Estimated Qty. Unit Unit Bid n Dollars Total Bid In Dollars 2.01 Water Utilities for irrigation and drinking fountain services 1 LS $44,000.00 $44,000.00 2.02 Stormwater Utilities / conveyance system 1 LS $39,500.00 $39,500.00 2.03 Furnish and install a complete irrigation system for 3 athletic fields 1 LS $80,000.00 $80,000.00 2.04 Furnish and install booster pump system for irrigation system 1 LS $10,000.00 $10,000.00 2.05 Furnish and install electrical system (site service panel and irrigation connection) - complete as per plan sheets E1, E2, and related specifications 1 LS $35,000.00 $35,000.00 Section 2 Total: $208,500.00 No. Section 4 - Miscellaneous Site Amenities Description Estimated Qty. Unit Unit Bid (In Dollars ) Total Bid (In Dollars 4.01 Furnish and install Drinking Fountain - complete, as per plans, details, and specifications, including all attachments, sub - drainage system, valve box with draindown assembly, water connection, etc. 1 EA $4,750.00 $4,750.00 4.02 IFumish and install H.C. Parking signs - complete 1 6 1 EA 1 $250.001 $1,500.00 Section 4 Total: $6,250.00 0 No. Section 5 - Landscaping Description Est. Qty. Unit Unit Bid Total Bid (In Dollars) I (In Dollars) OUTDOOR RECREATION COMPLEX PHASE1IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJECT NO WSB PROJECT NO. 01916 -790 ENG0127- ATHLETIC COMPLEX ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE COST Page - 1 of 3 END OF �'A SE BlD S CHEDUL E OUTDOOR RECREATION COMPLEX PHASE1IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJECT NO. ENG0127- ATHLETIC COMPLEX ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE COST WSB PROJECT NO. 01916 -790 Page - 2 of 3 Furnish and install Type 1 Seed Mix - Irrigated Turf in all areas as 5.01 indicated on plans, details and specifications - complete, including 9.5 AC $3,000.00 $28,500.00 maintenance and guarantee Furnish and install Type 2 Seed Mix - Non - Irrigated Turf in all areas as 5.02 indicated on plans, details and specifications - complete, including 3.0 AC $3,500.00 $10,500.00 maintenance and guarantee Furnish and install Type 3 Seed Mix - Native in all areas as indicated on 5.03 plans, details and specifications - complete, including maintenance and 3.0 AC $5,000.00 $15,000.00 uarantee Furnish and install Type 4 Seed Mix - Infiltration in all areas as indicated 5.04 on plans, details and specifications - complete, including maintenance and 0.75 AC $6,000.00 $4,500.00 uarantee 5.05 Furnish and install Trees and Shrubs as indicated on plans, details and 1.0 LS $20,000.00 $20,000.00 specifications - complete, including maintenance and guarantee 5.06 Furnish and install Erosion Control Blanket as indicated on plans, details 5,800.0 SY $1.50 $8,700.00 and specifications - complete including maintenance and guarantee 5.07 Furnish and install Shredded Hard Wood Mulch as indicated on plans, 1,750.0 SF $1.50 $2,625.00 details and specifications - complete, including landscape fabric. Section 5 Total: $61,325.00 TOTAL BASE BID: $459,825.00 END OF �'A SE BlD S CHEDUL E OUTDOOR RECREATION COMPLEX PHASE1IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJECT NO. ENG0127- ATHLETIC COMPLEX ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE COST WSB PROJECT NO. 01916 -790 Page - 2 of 3 ADD ALTERNATE RID SCHEDULE: No. ADD Alternate Bid Description Estimated Unit Unit Bid Total Bid $603,208.00 + Estimated Add Alternate Construction Total Qty. Estimated Project Subtotal with all alternates In Dollars In Dollars Al Furnish and install 8" custom blended sand/peat /topsoil mixture over 3" 12,800.0 CY $20.75 $265,600.00 drainage sand layer - complete A2 IFumish and install Athletic Field Draintile System - complete 1 1.0 1 LS 1 $96,000.00 $96,000.00 A3 IFumish and install Parking Lot Lighting System - complete 1 1.0 1 LS 1 $30,000.001 $30,000.00 A4 Furnish and install Water Service Line and Hydrant for Community 1.0 LS $13,000.00 $13,000.00 Garden Area- complete Furnish and install Type 3 Seed Mix - Native in all areas as indicated on A5 plans, details and specifications - complete, including maintenance and 5.5 AC $5,000.00 $27,500.00 guarantee A6 Furnish and install Parking Lot and Trails as defined in subitems A6.1 through A6.8 below. A6.1 Furnish and install Vehicular Asphalt Paving - complete, including 2" wearing course mixture, tack coat, 2" base course mixture, over 8" MnDOT 6,300 SY $24.00 $151,200.00 3138 Class 5A aggregate base, over 20" select granular as per plans, details and city standard specifications A6.2 Furnish and install Pedestrian Asphalt Trail Paving - complete, including 2" wearing course mixture over 6" MnDOT 3138 Class 5A over 12" select 775 SY $20.00 $15,500.00 granular aggregate base plans, details and city standard specifications A6.3 Furnish and install MnDOT B612 Concrete Curb and Gutter - complete 2,300 LF $15.00 $34,500.00 as per plans and city standardspecifications A6.4 Furnish and install Parking lot striping: all parking stalls, handicap stalls, aisles, no parking areas, etc. as illustrated on plans - complete, including 1 LS $2,500.00 $2,500.00 blacking out existing striping and re- striping all parking areas A6.5 Furnish and place 4" thick Concrete Paving as per plans, details and 260 SF $5.50 $1,430.00 specifications - complete A6.6 Furnish and place 6" thick Concrete Paving as per plans, details and 290 EA $6.50 $1,885.00 specifications - complete A6.7 Furnish and install traffic and parking signage 1 LS $750.00 $750.00 A6.8 Furnish and place Truncated Dome as per plans, details and specifications 48 SF $40.00 $1,920.00 - complete. Total of item A6 Parking Lot and Trailsl $209,685.00 ADD ALTERNATE BID TOTAL: $641,785.00 END [�7F ADD AL lE�N,4 lE B/D SCHEDULE Constructi ®n Estimate Summary Estimated Base Bid Construction Total $459,825.00 Professional Fees / Permitting $143,383.00 Estimated Base plus Fees / Permitting $603,208.00 + Estimated Add Alternate Construction Total $641,785.00 Estimated Project Subtotal with all alternates $1,244,993.00 + Recommended 10% Contingency $124,499.30 OUTDOOR RECREATION COMPLEX PHASE1IMPROVEMENTS CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PROJECT NO WSB PROJECT NO. 01916 -790 ENG0127- ATHLETIC COMPLEX Estimated Construction Total $1,369,492.30 ESTIMATE OF PROBABLE COST Page -3of3 F1327.157 ' SOUTH LINE OF THE NORTH 722.25 FEET II W1/2 of NEB /4 of SEC. zz= - " " "" ,-- -------- - - - - -= I I T I I r , 0- r--------------------- - - - - -- > F �� -- - `C\ �` I i I i SOUTH LINT OF THFr+ NW1 /4 OF NE1 /4 ' SECTION 21, T.115, I R.19 , j' `--------- - - - - -- - - -J PB- ;------------ - - - - -- - - ------------------- - - - - -- / 000 W °lo Et AI °° o -- <�'` FA -9 w w M� o ol /coo o� _i I ¢ o i a ) ' Z o `------------------- - - - - -- I I Z I \ I 4 ch � I OF � I 3: O�0 N 2�� w iii I I I o �I Iii I FA -10 a� oe FA -11 1 A IT II IT PB -7 -- ���� PB -8 -33. �.. A\ - \ PB 6 oWER \ FA -17 FA -13 m LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount Recreation Complex CLIENT /MBI #: N41451NI3046 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: PB -1 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC N SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN CR �, No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu/RQD 0 Organic Clay, black OL Topsoil 1 - 1 HSA 2 Lean Clay, brown to light brown, soft to firm CL Fine Alluvium 3 8 2 SB 4 5 15 3 SB 6 7 Sandy Lean Clay, reddish brown, very soft CL -SC Mixed A1lvuium 8 4 4 SB 9 Sand with a little Gravel, fine grained, broom, SP Coarse Alluvium 10 medium dense, moist 11 12 5 SB l2 Sand, fine grained, brown, medium dense, moist 13 11 6 SB 14 . 10 7 SB 15 END OF BORING 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 2/12113 END: 2/12/13 DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTII CASING DEPTH CAVE -IN DEPTH WATER DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF 2112/13 9:00 AM 15 14 5 None 3 1/4" HSA 0'- 15' B. Ruchti 11 cGhie Betts, Inc. Consulting Engineers M Land Surveyors pi—... LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount Recreation Complex CLIENT/MBI #: N4I45/N13046 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: PB -2 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC N SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu1RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN or CR 0 Organic Clay, black OL Topsoil 1 - 1 LISA Silt, brown, medium dense, dry ML Fine Alluvium 2 3 12 2 SB 4 Sand with Gravel, fine to coarse grained, brown, SP Coarse Alluvium 5 medium dense, moist 19 3 SB 6 7 . . Sand with a Little Gravel, fine grained, light 8 brown, medium dense, moist 16 4 SB 9 16 5 SB 10 END OF BORING 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 2112113 END: 2/12/13 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -1N WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 2112/13 9:45 AM 10 9 3 None 3 114" HSA 0'- 10' B. Ruchti McGlie Beth, Consulting Engineers tared Surveyors Planncrc LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount Recreation Complex CLIENT/MBI #: N4145/NI3046 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: P13-3 DEPTH (FEET) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS GEOLOGIC ORIGIN o CR SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC nn LL PL Qu/RQD 0 Organic Clay, black OL Topsoil 1 Silt, brown, me turn dense, dry ML Fine Alluvium 2 3 12 2 SB 4]��J� 5 19 3 SB Sand with Gravel, fine to medium grained, brown, medium dense, moist SP Coarse Alluvium END OF BORING 6 7 S 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16— 17 18 19 20 21 22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS ,START: 2/12113 END: 2112113 DA'T'E TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE -IN DEPTH WATER DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF 2/12/13 10:15 AM 5 3 None 3 114" HSA 0'- 5' B. Ruchti 11rScGhie Bettsy Inc. Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors Piannore LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount Recreation Complex CLIENT /MBI #: N4145/N13046 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: P13-4 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC o SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL Pl_, Qu/RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN CR 3 0 Organic Clay, black OL. Topsoil 1 1 NSA Sand with Gravel, fine to medium grained, brown, SP Coarse Alluvium 2 medium dense, dry 3 12 2 SB 4 Sand with Gravel, fine to coarse grained, brown, 5 medium dense, moist 14 3 SB 6 Sand with a littel Gravel, fine to medium grained, brown, medium dense, moist 7 8 t 10 4 SB 9 1a 9 5 SB 11 12 13 15 6 SB 14 14 7 SB 15 END OF BORING 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 2/12/13 END: 2/12/13 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -1N WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 2/12/13 10:45 AM 15 6 None 3 1 /4" NSA 0'- 15' B. Ruchti i1 cGlfie Betts, Inc, Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors PlAnnnr� LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount Recreation Complex CLIENT /MBI #: N4145/N13046 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: P13-5 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PI, Qu /RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN or CR 3 0 J Organic Clay, black OL Topsoil 1 - 1 HSA 2 Lean Clay with a little Sand, brown, frozen CL Glacial Till 3 21 2 SB 4 Silty Sand, fine grained, brown, loose, moist SM Coarse Alluvium 5 9 3 SB 6 7 8 * Pushed Rock/Boulder 16 4 SB 9 Sand with a little Gravel, fine to medium grained, SP brown; loose, moist 10 S 5 SB 11 12 13 IO 6 SB 14 S 7 SB 15 END OF BORING 16 17 Is 19 20 21 22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENT'S START: 2/12/13 END: 2/12113 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 2112113 12:00 PM 15 6 None 3 114" HSA 0'- 15' B. Ruchd McGWe Betts, inc. Consulting gngineers & Lased SUINeYOTS pp.n ­ LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount Recreation Complex CLIENT /MBI 4: N4145/NI3046 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: P13-6 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC N SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu /RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN or CR 3 0 Organic Clay, black OL Topsoil I - 1 HSA 2 Silty Clay, brown, soft CL -ML Mixed Alluvium 3 8 2 SB 4 Sand with Gravel and a little Silt, fine to medium SP Coarse Alluvium . grained, brown, loose, moist 5 6 3 SB 6 7 , Sand with a little Gravel, Fine to medium grained, 8 brown, moist 15 4 SB 9 14 5 SB ] 0 END OF BORING 11 12 13 14 IS 16— 17 18 19 20 21 22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 2112113 END: 2/12/13 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -1N WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTI4 DEPTH DEPTH 2112113 2:00 PM 10 4 None 3 114" HSA 0'- 10' B. ltuchti MCGhie „R.Betts9lnc. CnnsuNing Engineers & Lend Surveyors P1.n 'c LOG OF 'TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount Recreation Complex CLIENT /MBI #: N4145/N13046 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: PB -7 DEPTH (FEET) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N or CR 5 PLE LABORATORY TESTS NSAIMI, TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu /RQD 0 Organic Clay, black OL Topsoil I HSA 2 Lean Clay, brown, frozen CL Fine Alluvium 3 12 2 SB 4 Sand with Gravel, fine to medium grained, brown, SP Coarse Alluvium medium dense, moist 15 3 SB 5 END OF BORING 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 1$ 19 20 21 22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 2112/13 END: 2/12/13 DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE -IN DEPTH WATER DEPTH BAILED DEPTI° IS MT?THOD CREW CHIEF 2/12/13 2:30 PM 5 2 None 3 1/4" HSA 0'- 5' B. Ruchti MCGhie Betts, Inc. Consulting Engineers land Surveyors Plannare LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount Recreation Complex CLIENT /MBI #: N4145/N 13046 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: P13-8 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC N a SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu /RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN CR 3 0 Organic Clay, black OL Topsoil 1 - I HSA Lean Clay, brown, firm CL Fine Alluvium 2 3 9 2 SB 4 Sand with a little Gravel, fine to medium grained, SP Coarse Alluvium brown, loose, moist 6 3 SR 5 END OF BORING 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14— 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WA'T'ER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 2/12/13 END: 2/12/13 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 2/12/13 3:00 PM 5 2 None 3 1 /4" HSA 0'- 5' B. Ruchti MCGllle Betts, tnc. ConsuiHng Engineers Lend Surveyors Pl4nnnrc LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount Recreation Complex CLIENT /MBI #: N4145/N13046 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: P13-9 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC o SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu1RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN CR 0 Organic Clay, black OL Topsoil 1 Lean Clay, brown CL Fine Alluvium 2 3 4 "`, Gravelly Sand, fine to medium grained, brovvn GP -SP Coarse Alluvium S Sand with Gravel, fine to medium grained, broFVn SP 7 8 9 , 10 END OF BORING 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 2/13/13 END: 2/13/13 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -IN WATER RAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 2113113 7:30 AM 10 4 None 3 1/4" If 0'- 10' B. Ruchti McGWe Betts, inc. Consulsing Engineers Land Surveyors pinr.�n.r LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount Recreation Complex CLIENT /MBI #: N41451N13046 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: PB -10 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu1RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN or CR 0 Organic Clay, black OL Topsoil 1 2 3 Lean Clay, brown CL Fine Alluvium 4 5 6 2 Sand with Gravel, lien to medium grained, brown SP Coarse Alluvium 8 9 10 :: END OF BORING H- 12— 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 2113113 END: 2113113 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -IN WATER BAILEE? DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 2113113 8:00 AM 10 4 None 3 114" HSA 0'- 10' B. Ruchti McGhie Betts, inc. Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors Plpnnare LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount Recreation Complex CLIENT /MBI #: N4145/NI3046 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: PB -11 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC 1 �, SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD L.L PL Qu /RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN or CR 3 0 Organic Clay, black OL Topsoil 1 Lean Clay, brown CL Fine Alluvium 2 3 4 Sand with Gravel, fine to medium grained, brown SP Coarse Alluvium 5 6 2 8 . 9 . 10 END OF BORING ]1 12 13 14 15 16— 17 18— 19 20 21 22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 2/13/13 END: 2/13/13 DATE 'TIME SAMPLED CASING CAVE -IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHAT DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 2/13/13 8:30 AM 10 4 None 3 1/4" HSA 0'- 10' B. Rachti MC1FWe Betts, Inc. Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount Recreation Complex CLIENT /M131 #: N4145/N 13046 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORINGNUMBER: PB -12 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC o �, SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPF. MC DD LL PL Qu1RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS ORIGIN CR 0 Organic Clay, black of, Topsoil 1 Lean Clay, brown CL Fine Alluvium 2 3 4 Sand with Silt and Gravel, tine to medium grained, SP Coarse Alluvium brown, moist 5 6 7 Sand with Gravel, fine to medium grained, brown 8 9 10 11 END OF BORING 1.2 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21— 22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 2113113 END: 2/13/13 DATE TIME SAMPLED CASING, CAVE -IN WATER BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHTCF DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH DEPTH 2113/13 9:00 AM 10 4 None 3 1 /4" HSA 0'- 10' B. Ruchti MCGhie Betts, inc. Consulting Engineers Lend Surveyors Plwnn.rc LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT: Rosemount Recreation Complex CLIENT /MBI #: N4]45/N]3046 LOCATION: Rosemount MN BORING NUMBER: PB -13 DEPTH (FEET) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SURFACE ELEVATION: USCS GEOLOGIC ORIGIN or CR a 3 SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No. TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu /RQD 0 Organic Clay, black OL Topsoil I 2 3 4 Lean Clay, brown CL Fine Alluvium 6 7 8 Sand wifb Gravel, Fine to medium grained, brown SP Coarse Alluvium 9 10 H- END OF BORING 12— 13 14 is 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START: 2/13113 END: 2113/13 DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE -IN DEPTH WATER DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF 2/13/13 9:30 AM 10 4 None 3 1 /4" HSA 0'- 10' B. Ruchti McGh a $ettsy lnc. Consulting Engineers Land Surveyors Piannore