HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.C. Cable Franchise Renewal Update4ROSEMOUNTEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: May 15, 2013 AGENDA ITEM: Cable Franchise Renewal Update AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Emmy Foster, Assistant City AGENDA NO. Administrator ATTACHMENTS: Cable Franchise Renewal Process APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Discussion BACKGROUND The City of Rosemount is a part of a Joint Cable Commission with the cities of Apple Valley and Farmington. The existing joint powers agreement establishing the Cable Commission gives the Commission authority to negotiate jointly for the franchise renewals on the behalf of the member cities. This evening, Attorney Bob Vose from Kennedy & Graven will be present to give an update to the cable franchise renewal process. A Needs Ascertainment Related to Cable Franchise Renewal report is attached for your information. The foundation of the City's requests of the franchise ordinance should be documented in a needs assessment. This assessment serves as the City's legal foundation if the collaborative franchise renewal process were to stall and the formal renewal process were to be employed. The Cable Commission jointly contracted for a needs assessment with Holly Hansen Consulting. The assessment was conducted in 2012 and finalized in 2013. No formal action needs to be taken to receive this report. t t • t Apple Valley, Farmington, Rosemount Cable Commission Needs Ascertainment Related to Cable Franchise Renewal January 14, 2013 Holly Hansen Consulting HollyMHansen @comcast.net EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Background and Process The cities of Apple Valley, Farmington, and Rosemount have individually granted identical franchises to Charter Communications, which expire in mid 2014. The cities created a Joint Powers Commission ( AFRCC) to serve as an advisory body for the administration of the cable system, operations of community television, and telecommunications activities and issues. In accordance with its responsibilities the AFRCC is preparing for franchise renewal and retained Holly Hansen Consulting to conduct a Needs Ascertainment that included a review of the franchise, PEG equipment and operations, focus groups and interviews, and a non - scientific public survey. Charter Communications is presently engaged in upgrading its system to an all- digital cable subscriber network. The PEG Channels (Public, Educational, and Governmental) are analog and the franchise requires five PEG channels of 6 MHz. each. This is important to note as Standard Digital (SD) Channels require less spectrum than analog channels, and with the digital conversion, Charter will be able to fit 8 — 10 SD channels in the space of a single (6 MHz.) analog channel. Although the current franchise designates five 6 MHz channels for PEG access and community programming, only four PEG Channels are active: • Channel 10 ISD 9192 in Farmington ISD #196 in Apple Valley and Rosemount • Channel 12 Community Access Bulletin Board • Channel 16 Cities of Apple Valley and Farmington • Channe122 City of Rosemount, Dakota County programming A review of the franchise documents and supporting materials revealed that the cities do not appear to have received FCC reports from Charter, as required by the current franchise. This requirement is under the "Design" section of the franchise and would pertain to reports such as Proof of Performance, signal leakage reports, and reports of other tests that may have been made and filed with the FCC. A review of the three city halls' council chambers and control room equipment was conducted as part of the project. The findings were that the equipment at the cities was 10 — 12 years old and some of it was failing. As a result, the AFRCC decided to move ahead with replacing the equipment and has retained a vendor to provide a design and recommendations for the equipment used to cablecast city meetings. Ms. Hansen also reviewed the equipment used in government productions and playback for channels 12, 16, and 22 as well as council meetings from each city and copies of government programming such as Valley Beat, Hook and Ladder and community event coverage. Discussions were held with AFRCC staff regarding productions, equipment resources, and priorities for franchise renewal. AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Focus Groups and interviews were conducted by Ms. Hansen with the AFRCC Commissioners, AFRCC staff, representatives from each of the cities, representatives from school districts #192 and #196, and the Apple Valley Telecommunications Advisory Committee. Technology continues to change and improve and it can be expensive to replace all the components of a system to make it fully integrated. The equipment in use by the AFRCC cities and government programming is a combination of analog and digital, which does not provide optimum quality (regardless of the equipment age issue) and creates a cumbersome workflow. HD (High Definition) is the digital standard that is becoming more prevalent and will continue to expand over the next franchise term. Given the equipment that the AFRCC and its cities have in place, it makes the most sense from an economic and technical viewpoint to skip the SD (Standard Digital) phase and transition from analog to High Definition in the entire workflow process. Due to computer technology that is central to the operation of today's video production equipment, replacement schedules run 5 -7 years; some equipment will therefore need to be replaced more than once during a ten year franchise period. Public Web Survey A public survey was conducted via the website of each of the three cities. The survey was available for approximately one month and although it is not scientific, it gave the public an opportunity to voice their opinions about Charter Communications and local programming. Highlights from the survey include the following findings. Local Programming ■ 75% of respondents were somewhat to very interested in watching local programs. ■ 88% of respondents had watched a local program within the past 6 months. ■ Council meetings were the most frequently watched, followed by ISD #196 programs, and Planning Commission meetings. ■ Shows the public would like to see include high school sports, community events, and local history as the top three choices. Charter Communications • The top three services taken are: Internet, regular cable service, and HD cable service. • More people were dissatisfied with Charter's customer service than were satisfied. • Only 27% of respondents who called Charter with a problem got it resolved with one phone call. • Top three reasons people don't subscribe to Charter: 1) too expensive, 2) poor customer service, and 3) they subscribe to satellite TV. • Charter's local office received higher marks and there were more satisfied respondents than dissatisfied. • Open -ended comments were coded into categories, the top three comment types were: 1) Charter is too expensive, 2) people want competition from another provider, and 3) Charter has poor customer service. ii AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Key Needs and Interests /Recommendations PEG Channels and Support ■ Maintain the PEG channels in their existing locations (10, 12, 16, and 22). ■ Maintain the requirement for five channels for PEG access and community programming. ■ Simulcast PEG channels in SD and HD to ensure that subscribers who have HD technology can view PEG programming in the same format. ■ Provide PEG programming in a Video on Demand format, consistent with the quality and usability of Charter's other offerings of On Demand programming. ■ Ensure that the PEG fee is adequate to support PEG needs, including the equipment upgrade and replacement needs over the term of a renewed franchise. ■ Preserve the ability of the AFRCC to increase the PEG fee throughout the term of the franchise to ensure PEG funding keeps pace with inflation. Other Franchise Provisions ■ Maintain many of the provisions of the current franchise including but not limited to franchise fees, insurance, bonds, and letter of credit. ■ Maintain Grantor's enforcement ability. ■ Maintain the existing requirement for emergency message override of the system to advise and protect citizens. ■ Maintain requirements regarding customer service. ■ Maintain reporting requirements of Grantee including but not limited to financial reports, technical reports, and customer service- related reports. ■ Maintain Charter's local office for the convenience and accessibility of local residents. ■ Provide and maintain a high quality, reliable, up -to -date cable system. ■ Continue to provide drops and complimentary service to existing governmental and educational facilities. Provide future drops and complimentary cable service under the same terms and conditions throughout the term of a renewed franchise as facilities are built or re- located. iii AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction Document and Media Review Focus Groups and Interviews AFRCC Programming Equipment Needs Drops to Public Facilities Web Survey Needs and Interests /Recommendations Attachment A Web Survey Results AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 1 2 3 11 13 19 22 24 26 1V INTRODUCTION Project Description The cable franchises between Charter Communications (Grantee) and the individual cities of Apple Valley, Farmington and Rosemount will expire in mid 2014. To prepare for franchise renewal, the AFRCC (Apple Valley, Farmington, and Rosemount Cable Commission) retained Holly Hansen Consulting (Consultant) to perform a needs ascertainment. The scope of work to be performed by the Consultant included the following tasks: ■ Review franchise and PEG documents • Review PEG programming media • Review the three city halls facilities and equipment • Review government production and playback equipment • Interview AFRCC to identify key franchise issues • Interview AFRCC staff • Conduct three focus groups • Research equipment trends and costs • Analyze and format data • Prepare non - scientific public web survey, analyze and format results • Prepare written report with findings and recommendations • Present report to AFRCC Process Evolution In addition to the tasks noted above, during the course of conducting this study, two actions took place that had an impact on the project and development of recommendations for this report. One action was the decision of the AFRCC to pursue the upgrade of the equipment at each of the city halls and enter into a contract with Alpha Video to consult and design systems for the three cities. This equipment was in need of replacement; it was old, had reliability problems, and the video was of poor quality at all three locations. Since this issue is being addressed in detail by Alpha Video, this report will provide an overall estimate of costs associated with the city hall upgrades. The second action was Charter's announcement that it is converting to an all- digital format now. This affects the timing of recommendations regarding technical upgrades needed in AFRCC production, playback, and the connections from each of the three cities to Charter's headend. AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 DOCUMENT AND MEDIA REVIEW Documents Reviewed • Franchise Agreements for Apple Valley, Farmington, and Rosemount • Charter Transfer Resolution July 2009: Reorganization under U.S. Bankruptcy Court • Franchise Fee Settlement Agreement 2009 • Charter Renewal Notification Letter: November 2011 • AFRCC Budget ■ Data from ISD 9192 • Programming Policies ■ Data from ISD 9196 • Joint Powers Agreement 1999 ■ Programming Statistics Findings Overall, the franchise does not appear to need major changes. Areas to update include those related to PEG and technology. There are very few subscriber complaints filed with the AFRCC. Section C2 -6 (a) (1) requires Grantee to dedicate five 6 MHz channels for PEG access and community programming; only four PEG Channels are active (10, 12, 16 and 22). Section C2 -4 (g) (Design Provisions) of the Franchise requires Grantee to file results of any test required by the FCC to be filed with the city or its designee within ten days of the conduct of such test. This would include reports such as the twice annual Proof of Performance test and the CLI (Cumulative Leakage Index) Test. It does not appear that Charter has filed copies of FCC reports with the AFRCC or its member cities. The 2009 Franchise Fee Settlement Agreement includes certain exclusions to Gross Revenues that should be incorporated into a renewal franchise document. A city review regarding the amounts required for insurance, bonds, subcontractors, and the Letter of Credit would be useful in determining whether the amounts listed in the existing franchise are sufficient for an anticipated ten year renewal franchise. Media Reviewed Excerpts from city council meetings from Apple Valley, Farmington, and Rosemount were viewed on DVD copies. Excerpts from Valley Beat, Hook and Ladder, Beyond the Yellow Ribbon, Candidate Forums, State of the City addresses, and assorted PSAs and promos were also viewed. The video from the city hall equipment was grainy and of poor quality, although other production values were good. The poor video quality is due primarily to the age of the equipment. The video quality of other programs produced by AFRCC staff was significantly better. N AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 FOCUS GROUPS AND INTERVIEWS Three focus groups were conducted for the project. A Government Focus Group consisted of city staff from the AFRCC cities, an Educational Focus Group was attended by representatives from ISD 4192 and ISD 9 196, and the third group was held with the Apple Valley Telecommunications Advisory Committee (AVTAC). Two interviews were also conducted: one with AFRCC video staff, and a second interview with the AFRCC directors. Government Focus Group City departments represented in this group included Parks and Recreation, and Police and Fire Chiefs from all three cities. A variety of media is used to communicate with the public, including city web sites, e-mail, local newspapers, direct mail, newsletters, telephone messages, banners, sign boards, the cable channels' bulletin boards, Valley Beat and Hook and Ladder. The trend for the cities has been to use traditional print media such as the local newspaper less frequently, and to use electronic -based communications, including city web sites and video, more often. It is important to provide information to the public in a variety of forms as one participant noted: "Different generations get information in different ways." Another participant stated that "You have to bridge all gaps to communicate." Types of Programs Would Like to Watch • Information about the city: what's available, where things are located • Information about city departments and functions (what we do, why we do it) • Safety messages: PSAs, short programs • Street closings, road work updates • Recycling • Citizen Police Academy • Show about the cities (e.g. video magazine) Barriers to producing programs and issues facing the cities included: need more expertise and time, viewership is unknown, don't know how programs are marketed, city tax money is tight — have to do more with less, and competition for viewer attention. There was an interest in having the PEG channels available in HD and PEG programming available in a Video on Demand (VOD) basis as well. One person commented that they "liked the convenience of Video on Demand and watching when I want to watch." Others commented that VOD would be "helpful" and "Great, but not if it costs the city." Emergency provisions in the existing franchise was also discussed and seen as important to keep in a renewal franchise. Section C2 -3 (h) of the existing franchise states: `In the case of any emergency or disaster, the grantee shall, upon request of the city, make available its facilities to city during the period of emergency or disaster. " 3 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 AVTAC Focus Group The Apple Valley Telecommunications Advisory Committee (AVTAC) focus group was attended by five members who are long -time members and residents of Apple Valley, and the City staff liaison. This is the third franchise renewal these advisors have been part of, except for one member for whom this is his second franchise renewal. The opinions of this group were sought to augment public input from the web survey, and to incorporate a long -term view and experience of cable franchising in the Apple Valley area. Observations by committee members about Charter Communications included: Working Well • There are fewer complaints in the quarterly logs than there used to be. • Drop burials are better; not as bad as they used to be (doesn't take as long). • The local office and local techs are helpful. Needs Improvement • There is not much presence /participation from Charter (at meetings). • There are pixelation problems in the video: could vary by parts of the network. • The 8884 (call center) does not admit to company having a technical problem. • Customer service was better when you could call the local office. • Age of end -user equipment is a problem; Charter needs a replacement program. • Charter should give notice when promo rates are about to expire. PEG and Prnrammin2 • Programming is good to get message out (Valley Beat, Hook and Ladder). • Live city council and planning commission meetings are high quality. • Quality has improved the last 5 -6 years. • Would like to have HD (PEG) channels. • Explore TV Guide possibilities. • Would like VOD "a lot," "awesome," "a game changer." • PEG fee should be increased every few years. • PEG fee increase of $0.25 would be "almost painless." • PEG fee is a user fee, not a tax. We don't hear from the public on Public Access; used to, but not any more. Franchise Renewal Keep PEG fee up with inflation. Suggest PEG fee of $0.85 per subscriber. ■ Like HD for the city channel(s). Like VOD. ■ Keep 5t' channel. ■ 10 -12 year franchise. ■ Get fiber between Master Control and head end for HD, VOD, etc. • Get HD equipment for 4 channels. • Get more fiber into the system (closer to the home). I AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Educational Focus Group Background and Channels The Educational Focus Group was attended by representatives from ISD #192, serving the Farmington area, and ISD #196, serving Rosemount -Apple Valley - Eagan. Prior to the focus group, both districts were sent questionnaires asking for information on funding, staffing, programming, and equipment currently being used for video production and playback. These questionnaires were collected at the focus group session. In addition to the AFRCC cities, some ISD 4192 programming is shown on Channel 12 in Charter's Lakeville system. This channel is shared with Lakeville's Public Access and ISD #192 is seeking its own channel in the Lakeville system to enable it to run a full program schedule and live School Board meetings. ISD #196 programs Channel 10 in Charter's Lakeville system and Channel 19 in Comcast's Burnsville -Eagan system in addition to Channel 10 in the AFRCC system. A limited amount of ISD 9196 programs are also shown on Channel 20 in Comcast's Inver Grove Heights (Northern Dakota County) system. The two districts share Channel 10 in the AFRCC system; their signals are narrow casted on a 24x7 basis to residents in their districts, which enables each district to have full -time channel programming. There are no written agreements between the districts and Charter Communications regarding how their playback signals are to be transmitted from their master controls to the Charter head end, but these arrangements have been made over time and are working. The schools in each district are connected via fiber networks. District programs have won some awards over the past few years: ISD #192 won an Award of Merit for Patriotic Day Pledge of Allegiance Tribute from the MN School Public Relations Association in 2010. AV High School won a National Broadcast Pacemaker Award in 2012 and seven (7) NATAS (National Association of Television Arts and Sciences). Eastview won two (2) NATAS Awards. Staffing, Funding and Equipment The staff assigned to educational access is small in both districts: ISD 9192 has two stipend positions that represent a .5 FTE and ISD #196 has a stipend position and staff that represent 1.0 FTE. Educational access is funded by the general fund in both districts. Master control for ISD 9196 Channel 10 is located at Apple Valley High School; the signal is analog and is transmitted over fiber to Charter's head end. A Leightronix video server, DVDs, and mini -DV are playback formats, which are all Standard Definition (SD). The District programs Channel 10 on a 24x7 basis. Master control for ISD #192 is located at Boeckman Middle School; the signal is analog and sent over district -owned and Charter -owned fiber. ISD #192 also programs its Channel 10 on a 24x7 basis and uses a Tightrope Media System Cablecast server (SX4), which is Standard Definition. Production equipment is primarily located at the school level and is a mixture of analog and Standard Definition (SD). 5 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Programming Programs are produced by students and staff at both districts, are typical of educational access in other areas and include: school board meetings, school concerts and plays, high school sports, student news and magazine shows, and special events. ISD #192 Prouammin2 PROGRAM 2010 2011 2012 School Board Meetings 24 28 24 Staff Programs (including Educational Matters 6 10 18 Tiger News HS 20 20 20 Midday Show with Charlie Weireke 187 187 10 TOTAL 50 58 72 ISD #196 Prouammin2 PROGRAM 2010 2011 2012 School Board Meetings (average) 18 18 18 Staff Programs (average) 2 2 2 Student/Community Ed. *(average) 167 167 167 TOTAL 187 187 187 ISD #196 Programming Community Education 20% School Board 15% High School 15% Elementary 40% Middle School 10% 6 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Working Well ISD #192 • Channel 10 location. • Convenience of playback automation. • Integration of website and cable channel. • Board meetings are popular. • Elementary schools do daily newscasts. • Fiber connection to all schools. • Have own RF network and channel line up — send to all schools. • Each school can originate a live program to Channel 10. ISD #196 • Broad reach of cable (e.g. parents, retirees, students, etc.). • Channel 10 location. • Charter is mostly responsive when we have a technical problem. • Channel commitment: all schools are on the channel. • Fiber connections to all schools. Needs Improvement ISD #192 • Equipment in the buildings is old (S -VHS vintage). • Have had a few audio problems with the channel. • Don't want townships to freeload (Empire). ISD #196 • Transmitter overheats • Fairly good relationship with Charter, but takes awhile to troubleshoot problems. • Had issue with Apple Valley- Rosemount and Farmington sections getting the wrong Channel 10 feeds. • Have had problems with audio bleed from other channels; has been better last 6 months. • Not enough access to (video production) equipment. • No Public Access • No van Franchise Renewal • Maintain Channel. • Remain on lowest tier of service. • HD capability. • VOD. • Channel Guide listing to know what's on. • Would like some benefit from PEG fee. • Would like shared portable production resources (van). 7 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 AFRCC Interview Process This meeting began with a general discussion of what was "top of mind" for the Commission when its members thought about franchise renewal. Following this discussion, several aspects of the franchise were reviewed by the Consultant, including provisions regarding drops, PEG channels and funding. Results from the staff interviews were shared with the Commission and a focused discussion /goal setting process was facilitated by the Consultant. The following issues were identified using a Goal Grid planning process. The issues below in italics were those identified as being the most important. However, this was a short planning process and additional priorities may be identified by the Commission and member cities during the next year of the franchise renewal process. The Commission also noted that cost and staff time need to be taken into account in making any changes. AFRCC GOAL GRID ACHIEVE Money is the most important thing HD PEG Channels Equipment upgrades to city halls 10 -I5 year franchise Video playback on Channel 12 Video on Demand for PEG More local programming More government programming Closed captioning PRESERVE Franchise Fee PEG Fee Location of PEG Channels Ability to increase PEG fee PEG fee option for operations Customer services/local office AVOID 5 year franchise Reduction of franchise fee Restriction on use of PEG fees Getting stuck with analog and SD channels Getting stuck on Channel 99 ELIMINATE Obsolete, non-functional equipment Excessive staff time spent on repairs Foreign CSR offices /call centers (Note: Italicized items above are the higher priorities.) AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 AFRCC Staff Interview The AFRCC has two full time staff who were interviewed by the Consultant regarding technical issues, video production and playback capabilities, channel usage, and programming. Discussions regarding Charter and priority issues for the upcoming franchise renewal were also held. In addition to the staff interview, several conversations with staff took place throughout the project both by telephone and in person. Staff provided documents, information and video for review and tours of the three City Hall Council Chambers and equipment used to produce city meetings Working Well • Have a high quality product; get compliments on meeting coverage. • Meeting video staff are quick to get shots, follow the action. • Have good production values on other programs (Valley Beat, Hook and Ladder). Needs Improvement • Don't have time, budget or personnel to do more programming. • Equipment is getting old and malfunctioning. • Need equipment upgrades (city halls and government production). • Would like HD. ■ Picture is sometimes a little fuzzy. A Goal Grid planning exercise was conducted with staff. The non - prioritized results are below. AFRCC STAFF GOAL GRID ACHIEVE AVOID HD equipment Adversarial relationship w/ Charter HD channels for all PEG Uninformed City Councils 5t' channel, so each school district has own Increased PEG fee Upfront capital grants for city hall upgrades PRESERVE ELINHNATE 5t' PEG channel Problems due to old equipment Use PEG fee for operations PEG channel locations Protect cities, customers Customer service standards Letter of credit, bonds, abandonment, etc. Emergency override provision Reliable cable system Good relationship with Charter I AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 COMBINED GOAL GRIDS: AFRCC AND STAFF ACHIEVE AVOID Commission: Commission: Money is the most important thing 5 year franchise HD PEG Channels Reduction of franchise fee Equipment upgrades to city halls Restriction on use of PEG fees 10 -I5 year franchise Getting stuck with analog and SD channels Video playback on Channel 12 Getting stuck on Channel 99 Video on Demand for PEG More local programming More government programming Staff: Staff: HD equipment Adversarial relationship w/ Charter HD channels for all PEG Uninformed City Councils 5t' channel, so each school district has own Increased PEG fee Upfront capital grants for city hall upgrades PRESERVE ELIMINATE Commission: Commission: Franchise Fee Obsolete, non-functional equipment PEG Fee Excessive staff time spent on repairs Location of PEG Channels Ability to increase PEG fee Distant CSR offices /call centers that are not PEG fee option for operations equipped to solve many customer Customer services/local office complaints and CSRs who do not communicate well in English. Staff: 5t' PEG channel Use PEG fee for operations Staff: PEG channel locations Problems due to old equipment Customer service standards Letter of credit, bonds, abandonment, etc. Emergency override provision Reliable cable system Good relationship with Charter (Note: Italicized items above are the Commission's higher priorities.) 10 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 AFRCC PROGRAMMING Channel Usage The following channels are programmed by AFRCC: • Channel 12 Community Access Bulletin Board • Channel 16 Government Access: Apple Valley and Farmington • Channe122 Government Access: Rosemount and Dakota County Board Meetings PROGRAM 2011 2012 Apple Valley City Council 22 25 Apple Valley Planning Commission 16 16 Apple Valley Parks & Recreation Advisory Committee 5 4 Town Hall: Cedar Avenue 1 Apple Valley State of the City 1 1 Apple Valley Beyond the Yellow Ribbon 1 2 Valley Beat * 6 6 Hook and Ladder 6 6 Candidate Forums 4 Farmington City Council 23 23 Farmington Planning Commission 11 11 Farmington State of the City 1 1 Rosemount City Council 24 24 Rosemount Planning Commission 12 13 Rosemount State of the City 1 1 Liquid Assets 1 Improved Water Maintenance 1 Public Service Announcements and Promos* 30 30 Dakota County Board Meetin s ** 23 23 TOTAL 184 191 * Valley Beat has won a national LEVA Award (Law Enforcement Video Association) and an award from NATOA (National Association of Telecommunications Officers and Advisors). ** Dakota County Meetings and approximately 60% of PSAs are from outside sources. 11 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Community Organizations Served: Channel 12 American Cancer Society Grace Lutheran Church of Apple Valley Apple Valley American Legion Post 91776 Hayes Community Center Apple Valley Baptist Church Home In -Stead Apple Valley Garden Club House of Hope Twin Cities Apple Valley Toastmasters Bible Bee.org BNI Minnesota Boy Scout Pack 295 Christian Heritage Academy Dakota County Farmington Library Dakota Electric Association DARTS Dunsmore Real Estate Eastview Lacrosse Association Faith Lutheran Church Faith United Methodist Church Farmington Boy Scout Troop #116 Farmington Business Association Farmington Lutheran Church Farmington Soccer Club Gardening Matters Lions International MN Soybean Festival MOMS Club of Apple Valley South National Day of Prayer (South of the River) Paideia Academy Pickleball Rambling River Center of Farmington Relay for Life Rosemount American Legion Post 965 Rosemount Cub Scout Troop # 270 Rosemount United Methodist Church Rosemount VFW Shepherd of the Valley Church South Cross Community Church South Metro ATV Club The Rivers Senior Living Trinity Campus of Farmington 12 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 EQUIPMENT NEEDS City Halls Due to aging equipment and ongoing problems at the three city halls, the AFRCC has decided to implement the replacement /upgrade process for the equipment used to cablecast city meetings. The Commission has retained Alpha Video to recommend and design systems for the council chambers and control rooms at Apple Valley, Farmington, and Rosemount City Halls. Since this effort is already underway, it is not necessary for this report to address equipment needs in detail regarding the equipment used for the cablecasting of city meetings. General cost estimates are provided for the City Hall upgrades based on the Consultant's experience, system size, and discussion of usage and needs with AFRCC staff. The Council Chamber cameras, control room, and transmission equipment at each city hall should be upgraded to a HD format to ensure it remains up -to -date for as long as possible. The cost estimate for the Apple Valley Council Chambers is slightly higher than Farmington and Rosemount due to the configuration of its chambers and equipment needs. In addition to the initial cost of upgrading the city halls, equipment replacements will need to be made over the term of a renewed franchise. The transmission equipment (encoders and decoders) would need to be specified by Charter to ensure the equipment is appropriate for integration into the Charter cable system. It is recommended that the encoders /decoders be HD capable to provide the AFRCC with the maximum amount of flexibility with respect to the channel carriage on the cable system. For example, if the PEG signal is HD, Charter can carry it as a HD channel on the cable system and also convert it to a SD channel for simulcasting. CITY HALL INITIAL EQUIPMENT UPGRADES Government Production Current Equipment The AFRCC staff uses a combination of analog and SD equipment to record, edit, and playback programming on the Government Channels. The field equipment was last updated ca. 2006 and uses Mini -DV, DVD, and VHS formats for recording. Editing is performed in a non - linear format using Final Cut Pro and a Photo Shop suite. One editing computer is new (2012) and the other is ca. 2006. The playback system uses a video server (Tightrope SX4) that has SD and 13 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 APPLE VALLEY FARMINGTON ROSEMOUNT City Equipment U rade $175,000 - 190,000 $135,000 - 160,000 $135,000 - $160,000 HD encoder and decoder 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTAL $180,000 - 195,000 $140,000 — 165,000 $140,000 — 165,000 Government Production Current Equipment The AFRCC staff uses a combination of analog and SD equipment to record, edit, and playback programming on the Government Channels. The field equipment was last updated ca. 2006 and uses Mini -DV, DVD, and VHS formats for recording. Editing is performed in a non - linear format using Final Cut Pro and a Photo Shop suite. One editing computer is new (2012) and the other is ca. 2006. The playback system uses a video server (Tightrope SX4) that has SD and 13 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 BNC (analog) outputs. Bulletin Board messages are generated using the Tightrope CG systems for Government Channels 16 and 22 and Power Point is used for Community Channel 12. The Apple Valley Police Department has a studio area that the AFRCC uses to record parts of Valley Beat. The field cameras are used with "studio in a box" equipment that includes a switcher, camera and preview /program monitors, and an audio mixer Mini -DV and DV recorders that are rack - mounted in Anvil cases. The "studio in a box" equipment is used for remote productions such as candidate forums and events in addition to Valley Beat. Other programs are produced EFP -style (Electronic Field Production) using one or two isolated cameras whose footage is combined in the editing process. Graphics for both types of productions are added during the editing process. The equipment that is currently used to produce these programs is a combination of analog recording, digital non - linear editing, digital and analog playback, and analog transmission. The conversions between analog and digital needed to perform different function in the production process requires real -time converting and rendering of video, which adds to the staff time it takes to produce a program. Converting digital playback files to an analog format for transmission to the Charter head end adversely affects the technical quality of the program. <1 Playback Rack: Ch. 12, 16, & 22 Master Control Apple Valley 14 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Equipment Trends Digital formats and tapeless formats have been the direction many production operations have been taking over the past several years. The costs for equipment have been going down while the quality and capabilities of equipment have improved significantly. HD is more widely available via cable and satellite systems, newer television sets are HD capable and viewers are demanding more HD programming. SD (standard definition) as a production format is being replaced by HD, and when considering equipment replacements and upgrades, it makes economic sense to forgo the SD step and transition into HD production capability. Even if the HD channel capability is not immediately available, HD production and transmission generate the highest quality product that can be down - converted to SD and analog. The end result to a viewer is a higher technical quality program than one produced in analog or SD and then up- converted to HD. As noted previously, Charter is in the process of converting the cable system serving the AFRCC cities, and analog signals will no longer be sent to viewers when the conversion is completed, although viewers can down - convert the digital signals to analog for viewing on older television sets. Another aspect about newer technology is that much of the technology used in various pieces of video production equipment is computer based and can have a shorter life span than some of the old analog equipment. This means that equipment may need to be replaced on a schedule that is more similar to the replacement schedule used for computers. A conservative estimate would be that equipment will need to be replaced every 5 -7 years. Depending on the current status and when existing equipment is replaced, it may need to be replaced once or twice during a new franchise term. 15 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Government Equipment Needs DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REPLACE ONCE Field Equipment HD camera with studio accessories (3 units) $30,000 $30,000 HD field monitor (3 ) 2,400 2,400 Camera accessories 3,000 3,000 Taxes, shipping, warranties 10,000 10,000 Total Field Equipment $45,400 $45,400 Studio in a Box Studio accessories for cameras 3 sets $6,000 $6,000 HD production switcher 12,000 12,000 HD monitors or multi- viewer 3,000 3,000 Audio mixer 1,000 1,000 Recording & backup recording 6,000 6,000 Rack case w/ casters 2 1,600 1,600 Taxes, shipping and warranties 5,920 5,920 Total Studio in a Box $35,520 $35,520 Accessories Microphones (lavalieres, hand held, shotgun) $5,000 $5,000 Lighting w/ cases 5,000 5,000 Tripods 3) w/ cases, 1 dolly 2,000 2,000 Cables, cases, headphones, memory cards, misc. 5,000 5,000 Taxes, shipping and warranties 3,400 3,400 Total Accessories $20,400 $20,400 Edit Edit station hardware & software 2 $10,000 $10,000 HD Monitors (2) 2,400 2,400 Backup/video server/storage 2 4,000 4,000 Taxes, shipping, warranties 3,280 3,280 Total Edit $19,680 $19,680 Playback and Dubbin 3 channels Transmission equipment for HD signal (3 channels) $15,000 $15,000 Tightrope SX2 HD video server, cablecast bundle 2) 60,000 60,000 Cablecast Pro server /controller 8,000 8,000 Carousel CG310 (3 units) 13,500 13,500 HD monitors (each channel outbound & incoming = 6) 7,200 7,200 Cables, HD routing switcher, connectors, etc. 8,000 8,000 DVD duplicator 2,500 2,500 Blu -ray DVD players 8 (playback backup system) 4,000 4,000 Taxes, shipping, warranties, installation 16,800 16,800 Total Playback and Dubbing $135,000 $135,000 E AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Educational Access Channels and Equipment As previously noted, ISD #192 and ISD #196 both cablecast programming from their school districts on Channel 10: ISD #192 in Farmington and ISD #196 in Apple Valley and Rosemount. Both districts like the Channel 10 position and did not express an interest in changing the current arrangement. The districts have a variety of analog, SD, and some HD equipment which is primarily located at the school level in both districts. Funding for equipment purchases is provided by the general fund of each district. At the focus group, representatives from both districts indicated an interest in having access to some shared equipment that could be used for staff - facilitated productions, including high school sports. Since both ISD #192 and ISD #196 cablecast programming in other franchise areas in addition to the AFRCC cities, there are possibilities for funding to come from these communities, the AFRCC and the general fund for each district. If such a joint effort were to be undertaken, it would require an entity to organize it, develop guidelines, and manage the use and care of any shared equipment. Although such an undertaking is beyond the scope of this project, it is mentioned here to bring it to the awareness of the AFRCC in case it would like to follow up on such an initiative. An amount for a shared equipment grant is listed below for the AFRCC to accept, reject, or alter based on its policies and priorities. Cost estimates to upgrade the encoders /decoders at each of the districts to HD is listed below. The HD format is suggested because each of the districts has some HD- capable equipment and will likely continue to make HD equipment purchases in a new franchise term. Transmitting programming in a HD format enable the signal to be re- transmitted in HD when HD channels are available on the Charter system, and the signal can also be converted to a SD standard. Transmitting in a HD format will ensure the highest quality and will be most cost - effective for the districts as they will not have to convert from the present analog to SD and then make a later transition to HD transmitting. Educational Access Equipment Needs DESCRIPTION AMOUNT REPLACE ISD 9192 SD encoder /decoder $5,000 $5,000 ISD 4196 SD encoder /decoder 5,000 5,000 Shared equipment rant 10,000 10,000 TOTAL $20,000 $20,000 17 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Summary of Capital Equipment Needs The following table represents initial capital costs for upgrading equipment for the AFRCC, its member cities, and ISD 9192 and ISD 4196. Costs listed in the "Replacement" column indicate estimated costs for replacing equipment a second time during a ten year franchise. It is estimated that existing equipment will be replaced during the first 3 -4 years of the franchise, that life spans of computer -based equipment are 5 -7 years, and that some equipment will need to be replaced a second time during a ten year franchise term. DESCRIPTION INITIAL UPGRADE REPLACE TOTALS: 10 YEARS Apple Valley City Hall $180,000 - $195,000 $97,500 Farmington City Hall 140,000 - 165,000 82,500 Rosemount City Hall 140,000 - 165,000 82,500 TOTAL CITIES $460,000 - $ 525,000 $262,500 $722,500 - $787,500 AFRCC Field Equipment 45,400 45,400 AFRCC Studio in a Box 35,200 35,200 AFRCC Accessories 20,400 15,000 AFRCC Edit 19,680 19,680 AFRCC Playback 135,000 135,000 TOTAL AFRCC $255,680 $250,280 $505,960 ISD 9192 & ISD 9196 20,000 20,000 TOTAL EDUCATION $20,000 $20,000 $40,000 TOTAL EQUIPMENT $735,680 - $800,680 $532,780 $1,268,460 - $1,333,460 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 DROPS TO PUBLIC FACILITIES Apple Valley Government Facilities Municipal Center/City Hall 7100 — 147th Street West Aquatic Center* 14421 Johnny Cake Ridge Road Central Maintenance Facility 6442 West 140 Street Fire Station 1 15000 Hayes Road Fire Station 3 14195 Essex Avenue Fire Station 2 13995 Galaxie Avenue Hayes Community Center 14603 Hayes Road Hayes Senior Center 14601 Hayes Road Ice Arena (Hayes Park 14595 Hayes Road Ice Arena (High School 14452 Hayes Road Liquor Store #1 * 7525 West 1481 Street Liquor Store 92* 14261 Essex Avenue Liquor Store #3 5470 West 157th Street Police Department 7100 — 147 Street West Redwood Community 311 County Road 42 Teen Center 14255 Johnny Cake Ridge Road Valle wood Golf Course 4851 West 125th Street *If landlord permits and if economically feasible Apple Valley Schools: ISD #196 Apple Valley High School 14450 Hayes Road Cedar Park Elementary 7500 Whitney Drive Cedar Valley Learning Center ** 141420 Glenda Drive Dakota Ride 4629 — 14e Street Diamond Path Elementary 14455 Diamond Path District Office 14445 Diamond Path Eastview High School 6200 — 140t Street Falcon Ridge Middle School 12900 Johnny Cake Ridge Road Greenleaf Elementary 13333 Galaxie Avenue Highland Elementary 14001 Pilot Knob road School of Environmental Studies* 12155 Johnny Cake Ridge Road Scott Highlands Middle School 14011 Pilot Knob Road Southview Elementary 1025 Whitney Drive Tranisition Plus /Pathwa /ALC 5840 — 149h Street West Valley Middle School 900 Gardenview Drive Westview Elementary 225 Gardenview Drive • If landlord permits and if economically feasible • *Needs a drop 19 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Farmington Government Facilities City Hall 430 Third Street Central Maintenance Facility 19650 Municipal Drive FAA Center 512 Division Street Farmington Library 508 Third Street Fire Station 1 21625 Denmark Avenue Fire Station 2 19695 Municipal Drive Liquor Store 109 Elm Street Liquor Store* 18350 Pilot Knob Road Municipal Pool 626 Heritage Way Police Department 19500 Municipal Drive Schmitz Maki Ice Arena 114 Spruce Street Senior Center 325 Oak Street * If landlord permits and if economically feasible to serve Farmington Schools: ISD #192 Akin Road Elementary School 5231 1951 Street West Boeckman Middle School 800 Denmark Avenue Dodge Middle School 4200 — 208 Street West Farmington Elementary School * ** 500 Maple Street Farmington High School * 20655 Flagstaff Avenue Farmington Idea Program" 304 Spruce Street Instructional Service Center ** 510 Walnut Street Meadowview Element 6100 — 195 Street West North Trail Elementary 5580 — 170th Street West * If becomes economically feasible to serve ** Verify drop status ***Need drop into building 20 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Rosemount Government Facilities City Hall 2875 West 145h Community Center 13885 South Robert Trail Family Resource Center 14521 Cimarron Avenue Fire Station 1 14700 Shannon Parkway Fire Station 2 2047 Connemara Trail West Public Works Building 14425 Brazil Avenue Public Works Garage 14455 Brazil Avenue Rosemount Steeple Center 14375 South Robert Trail Rosemount Schools: ISD #196 Rosemount Elementary 3155 West 143rd Street Rosemount Middle School 3135 West 143r Street Rosemount High School 3335 West 142n Street Shannon Park Elementary 13501 Shannon Parkway Other Rosemount Educational Facilities* Alliance Education Center 300 Biscayne Avenue West Dakota County Technical College 1300 East 1451 Street First Baptist School 14400 Diamond Path West St. Joseph Catholic School 13900 Biscayne Avenue West * If landlord permits and if economically feasible to serve 21 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 WEB SURVEY OVERVIEW Process A non - scientific survey was conducted as part of the needs assessment process to gather public input regarding satisfaction levels with Charter Communications and interest in local programming. Survey questions were developed by the consultant based on AFRCC priorities, and the survey questionnaire was reviewed and finalized by the Commission before being launched on the cities' web sites. The survey was promoted by the cities of Apple Valley, Farmington, and Rosemount, and was accessible on their websites from November 8 — December 9, 2012. Respondents answered 20 questions: four questions were of a demographic nature, one was open - ended, and 15 questions focused primarily on respondent's satisfaction with Charter, and interest in and use of the local channels. As noted above, this was not a scientific survey and does not represent a random sample. Respondents self selected to take the survey, and the results do not necessarily represent the views of all Charter subscribers. Demographics There were 290 responses to the survey. The first table below compares the relationship of each the three AFRCC cities to the whole in three measurements: the 2010 Census, subscribers to Charter, and respondents to the survey. Compared to the percentage of cable subscribers by city, Apple Valley was under represented in the survey by 13 %, Farmington was under represented by 3 %, and Rosemount was over represented by 16 %. Males represented 58% of the respondents and females 42 %. This is slightly higher than Dakota County demographics from the 2010 census, which showed that males represented 49.6 % of the population and females 50.4 %. city 2010 Census Cable Subscribers Survey Respondents Apple Valle 53% 59% 46% Farmington 23% 21% 18% Rosemount 24% 20% 36% Age Range 2010 Census Representation Survey Respondents Under 25 n/a 1% 25 -34 14% 14% 35 -44 15% 25% 45 -54 17% 24% 55 -64 1 11% 1 22% 65+ 1 9% 1 14% 22 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Response Highlights A sample of responses is listed below. For complete results, see Attachment A to this report. Local Programming ■ 75% of respondents were somewhat to very interested in watching local programs. ■ 88% of respondents had watched a local program within the past 6 months. ■ Council meetings were the most frequently watched, followed by ISD #196 programs, and Planning Commission meetings. ■ Shows the public would like to see include high school sports, community events, and local history as the top three choices. Charter Communications The top three services taken are: Internet, regular cable service, and HD cable service. ■ More people were dissatisfied with Charter's customer service than were satisfied. ■ Only 27% of respondents who called Charter with a problem got it resolved with one phone call. ■ Top three reasons people don't subscribe to Charter: 1) too expensive, 2) poor customer service, and 3) they subscribe to satellite TV. ■ Charter's local office received higher marks and there were more satisfied respondents than dissatisfied. ■ Open -ended comments were coded into categories, the top three comment types were: 1) Charter is too expensive, 2) people want competition from another provider, and 3) Charter has poor customer service. 23 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 NEEDS AND INTERESTS /RECOMMENDATIONS PEG Channels and Support Based on information gathered during the needs assessment process and the Consultant's experience with other communities, there is a need and interest in ensuring that PEG access continues and is enhanced in a renewal franchise period. A renewal franchise should include the following provisions for PEG access channels, programming, and support. ■ Maintain the PEG channels in their existing locations (10, 12, 16, and 22). ■ Maintain the requirement for five channels for PEG access and community programming ■ Ensure that the AFRCC maintains the equivalent bandwidth currently allocated to it (5 PEG channels at 6 MHz. each) or receives adequate compensation if the AFRCC chooses to use less than the 30 MHz. provided by the current franchise. ■ Maintain PEG channels on the lowest tier of service. ■ Provide PEG channels in a SD format that is non - discriminatory and consistent with the digital quality and capabilities provided to broadcast channels. ■ Simulcast PEG channels in SD and HD to ensure that subscribers who have HD technology can view PEG programming in the same format. ■ Provide PEG programming in a Video on Demand format, consistent with the quality and usability of Charter's other offerings of On Demand programming. ■ Maintain the connections for the transmission of live and recorded programming from the city halls of Apple Valley, Farmington, and Rosemount and ISD #192 and ISD #196. ■ Ensure that the PEG fee is adequate to support PEG needs, including the equipment upgrade and replacement needs over the term of a renewed franchise. ■ Preserve the ability of the AFRCC to increase the PEG fee throughout the term of the franchise to ensure PEG funding keeps pace with inflation. 24 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Other Franchise Provisions Based on information gathered during the needs assessment process and the Consultant's experience, the following needs and interest have been identified and should be addressed in a renewal franchise. ■ Maintain many of the provisions of the current franchise including but not limited to franchise fees, insurance, bonds, and letter of credit. ■ Maintain Grantor's enforcement ability. ■ Maintain the existing requirement for emergency message override of the system to advise and protect citizens. ■ Maintain requirements regarding customer service. ■ Maintain reporting requirements of Grantee including but not limited to financial reports, technical reports, and customer service- related reports. ■ Maintain Charter's local office for the convenience and accessibility of local residents. Provide and maintain a high quality, reliable, up -to -date cable system. Continue to provide drops and complimentary service to existing governmental and educational facilities. Provide future drops and complimentary cable service under the same terms and conditions throughout the term of a renewed franchise as facilities are built or re- located. 25 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 ATTACHMENT A Web Survey Results 26 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 SubscriberStatus Never Subscriber 4% Former Subscriber 19% Current Subscriber 77% 27 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Why Don't Subscribe 60 50 50 35 40 31 30 20 11 10 7 0 Too Poor Subscribe Poor Watch Other Expensive Customer to Satellite Technical Broadcast Service. TV Quality TV 27 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Watch Local Channels No 45% Yes 55% 28 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Charter Services Used 250 233 194 177 200 142 129 150 100 68 50 0 Internet Regular HD Cable 0n Telephone Pay -Per- Cable TV TV Demand View Watch Local Channels No 45% Yes 55% 28 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Times Watched Local Shows Past six Months 9+ Times 8% 0 Times 12% 4 -8 Times 19% \-1 -3 Times 61% Local Shows Watched Past Six Months 140 119 120 100 76 80 48 60 40 28 23 23 20 19 20 0 o� I< t 'A aA O� 29 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 How Interested In Watching Local Shows? Not At All Extremely 4% 5% Very Not Very 618% 21% Somewhat 52% Watch More Local If On Demand? Definitely Not 2% Probably Not Definitely 15% 19% Not sure 24% Probably 40% 30 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Local Shows Would Like To See Top Four Categories so T2 70 68 66 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 HS Sports Community Local History HS Events Events Other Show Topics of Interest 60 50 40 33 30 20 10 0 City Local City Arts & Music Elementary Middle School Department News School Events Events Info. 49 49 45 29 31 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Technical Quality of Local Channels Very Unsatisfied Very Satisfied 7% 5% Unsatisfied 12% Neutral 34% Satisfied 42% Variety of Local Shows Very Unsatisfied Very Satisfied Unsatisfied 2% 2% 9% Satisfied 34% Neutral 53% 32 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Charter's Overall Technical Quality Very Very Satisfied Unsatisfied 6% 15% Satisfied Unsatisfied 33% —( 23% l Neutral 23% Charter's Customer Service Very Satisfied Very 5% Unsatisfied 28% Satisfied 22% Unsatisfied P�Neutral 23% 22% 33 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Customer Support Via Charter's Website Very Satisfied 4% Very Satisfied Unsatisfied 16% 27% A k 0 Neutral 26% Unsatisfied 27% Customer Support Via Charter's Local Office Very Unsatisfied 2% Very Satisfied 8% Unsatisfied 28% J1 Satisfied 35% Neutral 27% 34 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Calls Required To Resolve Problem 3 Calls 16% �c 4+ Calls 25% Open -Ended Comments �1 Call 27% 2 Calls 32% Of the 290 survey respondents, 166 or 57% contributed comments. There were no comments on local programming, and ten of the comments were positive about Charter. Cost was the highest concern expressed by respondents, followed by poor customer service, and poor technical quality that included problems with channel quality and outages, and problems with equipment provided by Charter such as DVRs. Programming was also a concern, especially the relocation of programming to higher -cost tiers of service. Of those providing written comments, 38% wanted competition in the cable market and more options than just having Charter as a cable provider. 35 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Open -Ended Comments 90 80 70 63 57 60 48 50 40 30 20 10 0 Too Want Poor Poor Programming Expensive Competition Customer Technical Issues Service Quality 35 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 39 35 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 Verbatim Open -Ended Comments (Unedited) I'm satisfied with Charter's offerings and pricing. I am not impressed with what I see from other vendors like Comcast. I would be pretty unhappy if our area transitioned to Comcast (perhaps other vendors too, I have not heard as much about other vendors other than Comcast). 2. When we moved to Apple Valley, our only cable option was Charter, & we had a horrible experience. We moved to Dish, which I'm not happy with Dish, but it's better than Charter. Please, figure out a way to get Comcast in Apple Valley. Thank You. Apple Valley needs to start offering its residents more options. I have nothing against Cable providers but I am fed up with Charter. I am currently shopping for a new home and will consider the town I move to regarding the entertainment options that are available. 4. Charter website is terrible. As current customer they block you from trying to see options to change and will not allow you to see fees. Internet speed is a fraud, they charge us for "faster" speed but I think they are screwing us. Overall, if I had a choice to change services - I would TODAY!!! Website is terrible and not user friendly. Can't find fees for anything. Main office on Cedar Ave is terrible -you can't find a phone number to contact them or a website. Charter is worthless, I want something new /ANYTHING! ! ! 6. We are just ending our 2 year contract with them and have not been impressed with their service. I am l000king at changing to Frontier. 7. When is the overbuild of FTTH coming to other neighborhoods? This was a requirement of their franchise agreement! 8. Need many many more hd channels 9. Certain channels start to flicker or completely "pop out." Have had the box replaced as well as some of the wiring but still an issue. Not sure if it is due to some of the lines run to the house going bad or corrupt. 10. Charter does not offer good pricing or product options on basic television. Our community needs a low cost television option for basic channels and this option should be availalbe as a stand alone product or bundled. AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 11. It would be nice if Charter offered OnDemand for Fox as well. I am always getting advertisements about phone serivice, however EVERYTIME I call, they say it is not available in my area. Prices could be better. Really hate having to use Charter. 12. Charter is very expensive for what you get. It would be nice to get someone else. 13. Charter is too expensive for the low quality and smaller number of cable channels they offer. Offering local community programming on Charter exclusively is a total disservice to the community. I dropped Charter cable because they charge twice what competitors charge for half -as -many channels. 14. I would like to see a change from charter as their products and services are limited when compaired to comcast and their ixfinity program. Charter doesn't seem to care about their customers as well. Very frustrating and expensive for what you get. 15. We, like many other Apple Valley Residents, would like the opportunity to have more cable /internet /phone provider choices to choose from (for example, comcast, century link, etc.). It is not fair for Charter to have a monopoly on these services. It makes the costs much higher than they should be. 16. I have had excellant service everytime I have had to work woth anyone at Charter. 17. Charter's terrible service is the reason I went to satellite TV. I will not go back to Charter ever again!!!! 18. Charter is expensive and doesn't provide the channels i want as part of a reasonable package. Some folks do wish to have Big 10 network, CMT, Oxygen, without subscribing to HBO or Skin -e -max. I am actively looking for an alternative, but feel held hostage by my internet connestion through them. 19. their price is too high. I had comcast before I moved to Apple Valley and the same services were less. 20. Too many channels moved to Basic Plus requiring higher fees. Other companies have lower prices and better equipment but not allowed to compete against Charter in area. Was given wrong information by Charter sales people and when it came time for equipment installation promises not fulfilled. 21. Very expensive for the amount of TV may family watches... We are currently looking for an alternative. 37 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 22. The price charged for bundled services is REDICULOUSLY high. I am considering dropping Charter. Office hours are TERRIBLE. NO weekend hours and are only open late on Wednesday nights, which is church night. Please research city of Rosemount going to citywide WIFI. This could benefit many. 23. I would like to try Comcast. Everyone I know that has Comcast has better quality and pays a lot less than we pay. 24. Wish Big Ten Network was still included, instead of being taken away. Also would like to see WCHA Hockey on TV again. Comcast is going to cover St. Cloud State Games. Contemplating a switch to Direct TV in the Future do to the above mentioned. 25. I believe the cost of cable TV is way to high for what you get. We subscribe to Direct TV because the costs are lower. We subscribe to the phone and internet (also too high) because it is better than the alternatives. 26. The price for cable is extremely high and keeps rising a few cents each month. After awhile, it adds up to be quite a bit of an increase. 27. Charter's offerings appear to be substantially below that of other options and with higher pricing. 28. I'm going to grad school online, needs the internet connection, but the cable TV service is just terrible. When you complain they tell you, you need to pay them to come out and look at the wiring in your house. Our programs unsynch, where the voice and the picture are different. 29. We are very unhappy with the price and customer service. The service is expensive and their customer service is very cumbersome & time consuming to use & often requires you to unplug everything before giving the message that service is unavailable. Service outage seems to happen frequently. 30. After moving to Rosemount, we used FTTH for a few months - that was HORRIBLE. Quickly switched to Charter. Service is poor, the cable tv went out a lot (so much for that being a satellite issue), and the picture was always fuzzy. We recently switched back to satellite and are very satisfied. 31. Bad customer service and overprice product 12 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 32. the worst customer service, many outages, cable box failure, horrible pricing, billing horrors, programming is old and repetative, movies are repeated too often, customer service reps read from script and do not address specific concerns, problems, the billing is different every month in errors 33. Because data are data, Charter should be mandated to deliver local programming over the Internet as well as their CATV in order to best reach all people in the area. 34. Bill is always changing, do not have and discounts and is over priced right now 35. Charter's irresponsible contractors for instal ,svc wrk, unwilling to take responsibility, help recover /repair damages to home from instals EXPAND Comcast's coverage, ANY other cable provider's access to our market S of McAndrews, Comcast svcs N of the rd but not on our side. 36. I have had to replace my DVR box several times. The equipment works fine for awhile and then incurs recording and playback problems 37. Charter is terrible.The technitians were unable to install phone lines, but billing department continues to bill me.I have called numerous times as well as gone into the location on Pilot Knob to resolve this. Very poor customer service, high fees, very unsatisfied. Please get comcast in this area! 38. rates are too high and with no other competition they continue to increase. If you don't call on the right exact date after one year, your rates will go up and even if you do call each year rates continue to increase 39. Whenever we had a problem, Charter C.S. was very helpful and problem was resolved in a timely manner. We like Charter and would not want to lose their services - We have our phone, H.S. internet and T.V. with Charter for years and totally satisfied with their service and programming availability. 40. I wish I had other options than just Charter or Frontier or Satillite. If there are other Vendors like Xfinity or others, please tell me. 952 -431 -5253. John Westrum, Apple Valley. 8010 132nd Court. Charter service has a lot of outages. I think their services are high priced. 41. I don't like the package choices I am given for cable TV. I would like to select the channels I want and view similar to purchasing songs on iTunes. They need to improve their technology to make this possible. They spend too much money on advertising. Thanks for allowing me to comment. 39 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 42. Please do not renew the franchise license with Charter. By having a monopoly, they price gouge customers. Just the Basic Cable package costs $25 + tax. However, they don't even offer it as they want you on one of their three packages (Bad, Really Bad and Worst) that start at $55! 43. I think Charter's pricing could be more competitive i.e. cheaper. With cable there is no choice for the consumer for any other cable options, not fair. 44. I think that Charter has capitalized on the exclusive service they offer. My price has steadily gone up. Being a customer for over 15 years, I have never gotten a "loyal customer" discount. I have been told "discontinue your service for 3 months and we can sign you up as a new customer ". Thanks 45. We have been relatively happy with the services provided by Charter Communications. However, we feel that their pricing is very high, and there are no other companies to choose from. It would be nice to see more than one option for cable service in the area. 46. I know in this economy it would be nice to have the oportunity to not have to spend close to 200.00 for a basic package of intemet /phone /tv. 47. I would like to see more competition for the cable services. Would a city owned service be more competitive? I note that in cities where there is competition among cable companies, costs go down. 48. HD programming should NOT require cable boxes (required to be leased) as modern TV's have the ability to decode HD signals. Channel realignment causes me to lose the channels I want forcing me to either pay more for less or go into HD programming which REQUIRES a cable box and leasing fees 49. Too many "deals" then high price and all the sales are hard to understand 50. have had to return cable boxes several times as they were defective. It seems as if Charter should be repairing the defective boxes and remote control devices before handing them off to another customer. I have wasted many trips to the Charter office to return defective devices. 51. We need more options for providers as costs are getting out of control. Comcast and Direct TV are much lower but can not get them. 52. I would like more variety in cable companys to choose from. Charters customer service is poor and always has been since I moved here in 1998. I think the market should decide what companys make it and which do not. I do not understand why the city makes this decision and not the market (us). Thanks .1 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 53. I wish Charter would include the Weather Channel and the TV schedule channel in with "Basic" cable -- they used to. I mis the weather channel! And how do they expect to "sell" me on additional channel packages if I don't know what the channels are? Let customers select channels they want. 54. I moved to the Rosemount area last spring. This community should be offering customers more of a choice besides Charter and direct TV. I would like to see COMCAST in this area. THey have improved their customer service so much in recent years and should be given a chance in this area. 55. Price is too expensive for the service provided. Have to take too many channels not wanted to get the few we watch. 56. Please open up the market to Comcast_ I moved too Apple Valley recently from Bloomington where I had Comcast. Comcast/X- Finity provided more channels, more on -demand options, and faster internet for less than I am paying with Charter. 57. We pay more for Charter for less channels and slower Internet. When lived in Bloomington 1 year ago we paid 30 dollars less for the same service. Comcast deal is better than Charter we had faster internet and more tv channels. There needs to be competition to keep the price fair. 58. I would very much like to have the option of basic cable tv for local channels only at a lower rate. I was told by Charter when I asked that they did not offer such a plan. However, I know that other cable providers such as Comcast in Mpls and St. Paul have this option. 59. Customer service via telephone is less than satisfactory. More often than not, I get an overseas call center and there is a language barrier. They often seem to be speaking from a script. Only way to get US help is to ask to cancel my account. Then I'm transferred to a US call center, get results. 60. The price is hugely expensive. The cost of basic cable just kept going up every year, so I dropped it completely and now I watch shows on Netflix. If the cost was more reasonable, I would consider subscribing again. 61. If you call with phone, you have a hard time getting out of automated; very irritating! Also, recording on DVR not always reliable. Cable box buzzes; dropped occasionally as well. I am saisfied with the choice of programming. Picture quality is generally good. 41 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 62. VERY tired of Charter moving channels from Basic to higher levels. Removing channels is essentially a price increase. Charter claims providers require; we doubt. IF required, provision should be made to include the higher channels in Basic. Continued movement will result in switch to satellite. 63. Our family feels that it would be nice to at least have a choice as to what provider we use. 64. I had a question on my bill and was passed around 5 times before I got someone in INDIA! who said she couldn't help me. I had to call another number which was disconnected 65. I have not heard much good about them, I have Comcast and I like it just fine. Charter - NO THANKS! 66. every time I call w /issue (there are lots, modem goes down, DVR, doesn't work, slow internet, incorrect bills they always have a different program option and its more expensive, or I have to order more to get the shows I want. Seem like scam sometimes trying to get a straight answer from them 67. I wish they would stick with one price plan, Why don't they tell customers about new packages? Not fair that I pay more than I needed to for channels that are cheaper now. Wish they were more honest about "true" prices 68. Always raising prices, moved Hallmark channel and Country channel from basic cable to a premium channel, change channel numbers without notifying customer 69. Had to get new remote three times before I had one that worked -The choices of pay per view movies are terrible -do not all movies go to cable ?? there also is too much repeating of same movies on regular cable channels -I think I could go back to local channels only and be entertained. 70. I have always had issues with Charter -their service and am 'stuck' using them if I want to live in Apple Valley and not get a satellite dish. I lived in Eagan for a while and loved Comcast -Had no trouble at all. Moved back to AV and this is the only thing we dislike. Give us another cable option. 71. I really wish other cable services were available to us ie Centery Link, Quest, etc. because I feel Charter's rates are too high and competition would be good. Now we do not have a choice!! 72. it would be nice to have a choice for cable provider Mi AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 73. most questions were for Charter's TV programming and service. I have DirecTV and only use Charter for broadband and landline phone 74. Charter takes advantage of being the only option of cable programming in this area. They have a take it or leave it attitude and without competition - quality will be poor and prices will be out of control. They have the monopoly and they treat their "customers" accordingly. 75. I would like to thank you for the opportunity to voice our reality with Charter 76. Communications. Our internet service is horrible, the cable goes out often, their equipment has caught fire, and their web interface (website) is unusable! Please consider something else. At 180.00 a month, this is nuts! 77. My concern is with renewing once a contract is up. If you're a new customer you get a better deal than a renewing customer. That certainly does not reward it's customers. Also one's ability to have some various options in channel line up - it's either too little or too much. 78. I am not happy that Charter keeps taking programs away from me. They are forcing you to take their digital subscription. 79. Cable packages have different catagories. The HD channels are scattered through the catagories. If a customer wants more than one HD channel, the customer must purchase each catagory at an additional charge. I think this should be stopped. The rates are high enough. 300 characters insufficient. 80. The price fixing is outrageous and their customer service is very disappointing (it takes many calls and visits to the office before problems /questions can be answered /solved),I wish there was more competition so the prices would be so inflated because they have a monopoly in Rosemount for cable. 81. I have on occasion found it difficult to call and acctually speak to a Charter employee that is based in the United States. This makes understanding difficult. 82. The only thing I am unhappy with is I can lock into a price but only way to reduce my price was to upgrade There are no other options other than getting a satellite dish and I think that the lack of competition lets them have all the power. I am paying $218 a month for cable, phone and internet. 83. Charters cable TV is the only provider in Rosemount which gives them the ability to over charge we need another provider to cut cost o cable tv. 84. Why Charter and Frontier does not have any competition in AV, F and R? 43 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 85. Their customer service is non - existent and i've been told by a rep, we can charge what we want because there is no choice, unless you don't want service. HD quality is horrible and distorts during important times movies sports etc. When service is called they simply say to turn off the box and reset 86. The way they handled this change, and the lack of a satisfactory solution is just not acceptable. We had use of 4 -V's in the house and now we have 2. They sau we have a weak connection? 87. We discontinued all TV services due to cost and kept internet only, which is really all we can afford for "entertainment" purchases. Charter's rates for television are outrageous unless you sign long -term contracts. In this economy, a contract on a non - necessity is a risk we cannot take. 88. I would like to see FSN +, ESPNU, and ESPN3 added to the Basic Cable TV package. I would also like to see more package and pricing options. 89. the cost seems too high. could the service somehow be put out for bids? 90. I hate paying for basic cable services,then pay an additional charge for a "cable box" just to receive what is already being paid for. Then pay for an HD Equipment Upgrade, when I'm already paying for a cable box.I'm paying for a Wire Maintenance Plan -what is that all about? NEED MORE THAN 300 CHTRS 91. charter is our only option for cable. Their prices are NOT competitive with other cable providers! . One of our local channels (WCCO 4) cuts out daily for a few seconds at a time; this happens many times per hour. Calls have done nothing to resolve the problem. 92. Charter is charging 7.225% sales tax. The sales tax in this area (Farmington) is 7.125 %. Have gotten no satisfaction from Charter. I have contacted the state attorney generals office. 93. I believe that Charter's price for Cable TV is at the high end of the market. And, their recent ad campaign is misleading. For example, the ad says Charter provides X number of free HD programs but all broadcasts must now be in HD. Charter doesn't say you must pay an extra $5 @ mo for anHD box. 94. you need other cable companies in apple valley besides charter and frontier. more compatition to lower the costs. 95. Charter has terrible customer service. Every time I call it's someone from India and I can't understand them. rd AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 96. To expensive, and bad customer service! Not able to make payment arrangements or set up a future payment so your cable will not get disconnected. Tis is something I can do with Verizon and many other companies! 97. With YouTube you don't need to waste tax payer money on paying charter to broadcast anything, put it on YouTube for FREE or links on City of Rosemount site to view. 98. I would like to have a choice between carriers. I think have just one cable carrier available results in higher prices. Their only real competition here is the satellite services, and that just doesn't work in my wooded neighborhood. 99. The cost keeps going up, and programming channels are being taken away. With no competition it;'s a monopoly and the cost vs. benefit is not desireable_ When can we hookup to the new cable channel "jaguar" that is near us, but do not have access.? CMT needs to be brought back. 100. Charter's services are so grossly over - priced. Their customer service is incredible poor. They disrespect the customer and employ bullying tactics. If I had a better choice, I'd switch. We really hope you can do something about their overpriced services. 101. every couple months are rates increase with no more new services, when you call , they just want to sll you more. time to get some competition so the rates and quality stay high 102. I wish there was another cable option in Rosemount. Charter no longer offers discounts for people who subscribe to lower tier packages. They only promote packages with many channels at a high price. People who want this already have options with satellite tv. I would like more/better choice. 103. The workers at the local office in Apple Valley off Cedar Ave. are very rude and unfriendly. They also keep raising rates. Why are cable companies allowed to monopolize an area? Bring in multiple companies to held bring rates down!!!!! 104. I think Charter has way too much of a monopoly in cable Tv. They pretty much can charge what they want or make changes at will. Their customer service is atrocious at best and trying to talk to a "live" person is extremely difficult. I definitely would not recommend Charter to anyone. 45 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 105. high charges & rising (across the country) Fin ill so it's read or watch tv or go online. 2 yr contracts are typical, required. ur locked in! big bucks to end one. cust svc calls take 20 -30 minutes. stressful. can't stand that automated voice. repair calls r scheduled 3 -4 days later:( 106. I wish we had access to Channel 17's weather programming (tpt2 -wx). There are multiple tpt -2 substations but why not the weather? I also have issues with the DVR not recording programs that have been scheduled to record. It would also be nice to be able to record more than 2 shows at once. 107. I am 64, retired, and NEVER had a WORSE experience with ANY company. I HOPE ROSEMOUNT DOES NOT RENEW WITH CHARTER. Both my daughter and grand- daughter in other cities have Charter and also have terrible experiences with Charter! At least, give us some choices of another company to go with. 108. We have called repeatedly about the previews that are played during the on- demand selection process. While searching for CHILDREN'S SHOWS, there are extremely offensive and inappropriate previews playing in the preview box (horror movies, R rated movies, violence, sexual). Disgusting. 109. I think Charter services are expensive. I would like to see better rates for their services. 110. Seems as though there are better cable values available through other carriers. 111. The signal has been spotty. Multiple times I have had connection errors that take ten to fifteen minutes to resolve. Calling Charter doesn't help. I did not have this issue with Comcast in South St Paul. 112. It would be nice to explore more competitive pricing from other companies. Charter has good quality, although I believe there are better options out there. 113. It appears some of the channels do not take advantage of HD. At this point i would guess the majprity of TV sets have been replaced with the new format. 114. Charter bundles claim they do not charge movie channels for 24 months, but charges for them after 12 months. Charter's billing is very conplexed has hidden charges. Local cities should investigate multiple offerings. Charter takes advantage of customers because of the non competitive environment. 115. The best part about Charter is that you are not required to have a set top box on any TV to view basic and expanded basic channels. This should continue. IS AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 116. Charter is OVERPRICED in comparison to other communities and channels offered. I DO NOT NEED 20 HISPANIC CHANNELS when I get nearly NO watchable movie channels. My cable bill with internet is $96.00 per month and I get NO premium channels - I WILL TAKE ANY OTHER CABLE COMPANY OVER CHARTER!!!!!!!! 117. We used Charter TV for 15+ years and found that the service was deteriorating. Customer Service over the phone was nonexistent and required a trip to their Lakeville office. Updated equipment (DVR, etc.) was rarely available without going on a waiting list for months. Pricing was noncompetitive. 118. I would like to have more cable providers beside Chater Communications. Chater is VERY EXPENSIVE!!!! I wonder sometimes if someone is getting kickbacks. 119. loose picture, sound or both about 4 times per hour. duration varies from 1 second to several minutes. 120. Prices are too high and when you get into a special package for X amount of time when that comes to the end you are bumped back up to a higher price without much of a notice. when you call on support you get people that are hard to understand. As far as i am concered there are better deals out there 121. I want to see more competition, It is basically a monopoly and very expensive if you bundle. I would also like the ability to choose only the channels I like to watch. 122. Added a $20 fee for canceling cable w/o telling me. Then did not send a bill that month.They also double billed me and didn't show at scheduled for equipment pick -up and turned it over to equipment collections co. in less than 30 days from when they were to pick it up. SCAM! 123. Would like new internet services in our area. 124. Will never get charter cable. Would only think about a new service such as Verizon FIGS. Please encourage other providers. 125. It took 5 techs to get my cable installed. They won't run cable and they have installed it incorrectly. I wouldn't recommend any cable because of the fees and extra costs. For $200 /month one would think you would get a service that was worth the expense. 126. We have had Charter out three times to fix both audio and video. They have not been able to correct the problem. We just put up with it. 47 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 127. Phone technical people great. They work with you until problem resolved. Customer service reps not customer oriented. Pricing for cable continues to climb and no special offered just for TV. Company continues to rip people off because there is no other competition for cable. 128..., the signal is still not acceptable. I am very disappointed with charter and bascially have given up. I keep chcking to see if FTTP oR THE cable company that supplies evermore will ever extend thier service, but hope there can be another option....... couldn't explain charter is crap 129. Want more competition and choice options. Would like to have Comcast as a choice besides Charter. This should help to lower service costs. 130. The customer service at Charter Communications is, and has always been, in need of improvement. We have been very dissapointed that we have no alternative to Charter. We would like a different provider than Charter for Cable TV. 131. Don't find Charter 2 b the best value... compared 2 Comcast or satellite. Their cable product is also suspect ... alot. 2 many'Wait for channel' notes and channel never comes on line (which I'm paying for). Last night ALL channels went this route. I went to bed so not sure when they came back up. 132. -I think Charter should be forced to offer a no contract, very cheap basic cable option -I would like to see at least two cable companies in our area so we have a choice - Charter cable programming was not very accessible. The Guide channel made it really difficult to find something to watch 133. Poor customer service, bad pricing. Will give clients obsolete equipment that breaks or fails after a short time. Will call you a lot to add services and when you do order they forget to process it. Horrible moving here and being told Charter was only option and hearing bad things from others 134. I think it is terrible that we have no access to cable TV or the higher speed of the internet! ! ! We are the slaves of Frontier Phone service.... faster internet is just a mere block away!!!! In this day and age I would expect that faster internet for streaming would be available for everyone!!!! 135. We were Charter customers for quite some time. We had a number of technical issues... especially internet, and never really had good customer service. Additionally, we weren't satisfied with the programming offered nor with the price charged. We lost our tv connection frequently M. AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 136. They keep removing programs, or channels and still charging high fees. so much adds per hr, it makes you feel like your paying to watch adds, removing channels is my big complaint. 137. I don't know why there isn't more competition between cable companies. For example, my parents live on the East Coast and in their town they have a choice between Verizon, Comcast and RCN. We should not rule Charter out, but they should not be the only choice either. 138. PLEASE, get another cable company in here. Charter was horrible to deal with, I simply needed a new modem, for which I was paying a monthly fee, they refused to test the modem, I went for 2 1/2 months without internet because they refused to listen to me. Long story, not enough room here to tell. 139. Charter Communications performance is extremely poor and continues to get worse. Their infrastructure cannot support the technology of today and into the future. 140. We often had periods when we did not have service due to some kind of technical problems. I wrote to Charter headquarters and complained about pricing. We had Comcast cable service when we lived in IL. I think Comcast has better programming options and better service than Charter. 141. I feel that Charter's prices are too high. In addition," regular channels ", such as the Big 10 Network where the U of Minnesota is a part of, should be included in basic packages (I don't have this channel). I would welcome including other cable providers into the discussion to drive prices down. 142. The tv service is ok. I have huge. Issues with the internet and the wsy they do appts. I keep losing internet service. A service tech hsd an appt 10sm to noon. No one showed but because I missed their call the appt was cancelled. This is not the first time. 143. programming choices much fewer than other providers for same cost (e.g. Comcast); on demand extremely ltd compared to Comcast; had problem with interruption of sys & tv pixiliation, they said it was due to upgrades but don't buy that; finally 4th visit technician resolved it; VERY AGGRAVATING 144. Sure would be nice to have another cable company option ... Dish is a proven failure. 145. The service is getting very expensive and I am considering dropping it. Too bad they can't have a rate like the phone company cheap rate w/o a lock time period. It would make it easier to make commitment and be a satisfied customer. Brand loyalty. AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 146. Charter does not have enough people at the front desk to help customers during the day. They also call at all hours of the day trying to sell more product. 147. Charter is too expensive and the service is unreliable. PLEASE look for another provider for the Farmington area. 148. after I got one of their pkg. deal they always seem to take one of my fravore ch. out of that pkg. 149. We were previous customers in St. Cloud, but ran into massive billing issues. We decided to give Charter another chance when we moved into the Rosemount. Unfortunately, it was the same story. Both times we were quoted a price and then charged a much higher price then what was originally agreed upon. 150. We had Comcast in Coon Rapids and never had any problems with billing or technical support. We went with Charter on two occasions and had to constantly battle customer support for price increases that we were never notified of. Incredible disconnect from billing department and sales /customer service 151. After Charter switched to Digital, now we will pay an extra $5 per month (after one year) and will get fewer channels. Comcast provides around 50 channels as part of their Basic -Basic programming (the Federally required one). We're annoyed with Charter and would rather have Comcast in this area. 152. Install was done improperly. Called about a billing problem it was difficult to understand the CSR. My problem was resolved but on my next bill, I was charged for a new service that I did not request. I do not have a converter box, so they keep removing access to channels, yet I still pay the same. 153. 1. I'm disappointed Charter offers deals to new customers but doesn't make an effort (with discounts) to retain existing customers. Repeat customers should be rewarded for their loyalty. 2. Why don't we have a choice in cable providers, like we do for garbage haulers? 154. I am extremely disappointed that we lost the Big Ten Network coverage, as well as, the Game Show Network. I would really like to see the BTN again. Also, disappointed with the clarity of the TV picture when the cable box is hooked up to the TV. 155. We definitely have need for more competition in terms of TV service and internet service. Prices are too high and there is a general disregard for providing any service. Frontier Communications which I also have dealt with over the years has been poor in providing any customer service. 50 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013 156. Poor channel lineup when compared to similar services offered by TimeWamer or Comcast in adjacent areas of the Twin Cities. HD selection is very sub- standard for the price of HD subscription. I only subscribe to Charter Internet, and only because I don't have another high -speed provider to use. 157. Too many occasions of interrupted cable service. Too many internet connection problems. Our Charter bundle jumped significantly when our introductory offer expired. They were unwilling to reduce our rate without losing services. We would like to have a different cable service. 158. We don't like the programming choices given from Charter. They offer way too much inappropriate programming and not enough quality programming. We don't watch much that they offer. 159. I think Charter is gouging the residents of AV on it's fees for services. Our other option is Frontier. Yet, all the communities around AV can have Comcast. Force competition and drive monthly charges down, improving the services to the residents of AV. Let Comcast in and have its residents decide! 160. I've been a long time Charter customer and have been very satisfied with the company. Their customer service has always been friendly and accommodating. I look forward to many more years with Charter. 161. Good customer service. 162. Need different company. Charter doesn't care!!!! 163. our tv picture quality has been bad ever since we signed on with charter 6 yrs ago. we have had aprox. 15 service calls to our house to fix the problem,which require you to waste 1/2 your day waiting for them.I think someone who has had that many service calls should be 1 st on the list for service. 164. Charter continually decreases the number of channels (basis & expanded basic) available but does not reduce the cost. Seems like the reduction in available channels is a ploy on the part of charter to force people to subscribe to higher priced packages. 165. We believe Charter rates are unacceptably high (we pay over $100 per month). When we call Charter with issues, we're given promises which are routinely ignored. When we complain, we are given some "mumbo jumbo" explanation or are left sitting on hold. We are refused access to a supervisor. 51 AFRCC PEG Needs Assessment Report Dated 1 -14 -2013