HomeMy WebLinkAbout3.A. National Police Week15-Al' ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY CITY COUNCIL City Council Work Session: May 15, 2013 BACKGROUND To recognize National Police Week 2013 and the Annual LEMA Law Enforcement Memorial Event on May 14th and 15th at the Minnesota Peace Officer Memorial Chief Eric Werner provides an update to the City Council to honor the service and sacrifice of those law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty while protecting our communities and safeguarding our democracy. There are approximately 900,000 law enforcement officers serving in communities across the United States, including the 22 dedicated members of the Rosemount Police Department. Nearly 60,000 assaults against law enforcement officers are reported each year, resulting in approximately 16,000 injuries. Since the first recorded death in 1791, almost 20,000 law enforcement officers in the United States have made the ultimate sacrifice and been killed in the line of duty, including Officer John E. McDermott of the Rosemount Police Department. Officer McDermott's name, along with the names of these dedicated public servants, is engraved on the walls of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. Officer McDermott's final End of Watch was May 22, 1923. In Washington D.C. the service and sacrifice of all officers killed in the line of duty will be honored during the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund's 25th Annual Candlelight Vigil, on the evening of May 13, 2013, as part of National Police Week, which takes place this year on May 12 -18. May 15 is designated as Peace Officers Memorial Day, in honor of all fallen officers and their families and U.S. flags should be flown at half - staff. In Minnesota the Annual LEMA Law Enforcement Memorial Events will be May 14th and 15th at the Minnesota Peace Officers Memorial. Events include Wreath Laying Ceremony, Standing of the Memorial Guard State Capitol Grounds and a Candlelight Vigil: Commencing at 7:30 pm on the State Capitol Grounds. AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: National Police Week PREPARED BY: Eric T. Werner, Chief of Police �G'J ` AGENDA NO. 3 A, ATTACHMENTS: Officer John Francis McDermott APPROVED BY: Memorial Information RECOMMENDED ACTION: Update BACKGROUND To recognize National Police Week 2013 and the Annual LEMA Law Enforcement Memorial Event on May 14th and 15th at the Minnesota Peace Officer Memorial Chief Eric Werner provides an update to the City Council to honor the service and sacrifice of those law enforcement officers killed in the line of duty while protecting our communities and safeguarding our democracy. There are approximately 900,000 law enforcement officers serving in communities across the United States, including the 22 dedicated members of the Rosemount Police Department. Nearly 60,000 assaults against law enforcement officers are reported each year, resulting in approximately 16,000 injuries. Since the first recorded death in 1791, almost 20,000 law enforcement officers in the United States have made the ultimate sacrifice and been killed in the line of duty, including Officer John E. McDermott of the Rosemount Police Department. Officer McDermott's name, along with the names of these dedicated public servants, is engraved on the walls of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington, D.C. Officer McDermott's final End of Watch was May 22, 1923. In Washington D.C. the service and sacrifice of all officers killed in the line of duty will be honored during the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund's 25th Annual Candlelight Vigil, on the evening of May 13, 2013, as part of National Police Week, which takes place this year on May 12 -18. May 15 is designated as Peace Officers Memorial Day, in honor of all fallen officers and their families and U.S. flags should be flown at half - staff. In Minnesota the Annual LEMA Law Enforcement Memorial Events will be May 14th and 15th at the Minnesota Peace Officers Memorial. Events include Wreath Laying Ceremony, Standing of the Memorial Guard State Capitol Grounds and a Candlelight Vigil: Commencing at 7:30 pm on the State Capitol Grounds. Officer John Francis McDermott Rosemount Police Department Died - May 22, 1923 Please leave a memorial message by E -mail and I will then post the message on the memorial page. If you should have more information on the Officer or have some pictures you would like on this web page send Page 1 of 2 Officer John Francis McDermott End of Watch: May 22, 1923 1p ROSerrtOUrit Police 2MIrtmcritw http:// www.nmlema.org /fallen_insert.php ?officer _ id =209 5/7/2013 me an E -mail. On Monday night May 21 st, 1923 Officer McDermott was working as night watchman in Rosemount. He was filling in a shift for his fellow Police Officer Joe Heinen. According to McDermott he observed two suspicious men that stopped their car near the creamery and walked into town arousing his suspicion. Having previous knowledge of three unknown men that had previously threatened to "get" the Rosemount "cop" from fellow Police Officer Heinen who was the regular night watchman, McDermott called on three fellow Police Officer's and concealed himself near Rosemounfs First National Bank. Shortly afterwards a car drove up to the Hynes filling station. McDermott believed that the three suspects in the vehicle were the same ones that had made the threats and started running across the street toward Garaghty's store to investigate. One of his fellow Police Officer's that responded to the incident at that time and who remains unknown observed McDermott and mistook him for one of the possible suspects. That Officer commanded McDermott to stop. When McDermott did not respond to the verbal commands the Officer shot a warning shot into the air. McDermott continued to ignore the Officer's commands at which time the Officer shot McDermott several times with a shotgun, wounding him in his lungs and his head. Upon hearing the gun shots, the three suspects got into their vehicle and fled the scene. Officer's discovered that the victim of the gun shot wounds was their fellow Officer McDermott and transported him to Sanford Hospital in Farmington, MN where he had died from his wounds on May 22, 1923. He was 27 years old and unmarried. William F Wilson Emil Engstrom Page 2 of 2 http:// www.mnlema.org /fallen_insert.php ?officer _ id =209 5/7/2013