HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the May 15, 2013 Work Session ProceedingsROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MAY 15, 2013 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Wednesday, May 15, 2013 at 6:30 p.m.in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145' Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Member Shoe - Corrigan, DeBettignies, Weisensel and Demuth attending. Staff present included City Administrator Johnson, Assistant City Administrator Foster, City Clerk Domeier, Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler, Community Development Director Lindquist, Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz, City Attorney Vose and Police Chief Werner. Planning Commissioners present included Commissioners Kurle, Miller, Weber and Husain. Also present from WSB & Associates, Inc. was Andi Moffit. DISCUSSION 2.A. Wetland Health Evaluation Project (WHEP) Presentation Director of Public Works /City Engineer Brotzler provided a summary of the staff report. Dan Stinnett was in attendance and provided the 2012 monitoring results. 2.13. UMore AUAR Scenarios Community Development Director Lindquist provided a summary of the staff report and the three scenarios proposed. Andi Moffit provided background and an overview of the plan. Commissioner Husain questioned the timeframe of development. Carla Carlson of the University provided that the timeframe would be based upon approvals and the market. Discussion was also held regarding the comprehensive plan amendments. Council Member Demuth questioned the ownership of the shoreline. Ms. Lindquist stated it has not been determined if the area would be public or private. Discussion was also held regarding the future of agricultural research at the site. Commissioner Demuth questioned the analysis done for the water supply. Director of Public Works /City Engineer provided the information on the aquifer decline noting that an analysis was not done as part of the AUAR. He also provided an update on the meetings held in Dakota County and the region related to the aquifer decline. Discussion was also held regarding the MUSA. Discussion was also held about the cleanup of the sites and whether the developer or the University would be responsible. Commissioner Demuth also questioned how the asbestos would be remedied. Ms. Carlson will provide additional information to Ms. Demuth. Council Member Weisensel stated that the University will have to remediate the site through development. Commissioner Miller shared his concerns about sustainability related to water storage, usage and collection. He questioned if there was an alternative option. Ms. Lindquist stated those types of concerns are not part of an AUAR. Council Member Demuth was concerned that the AUAR did not address water conservation. It was stated by several that water conservation is not part of the AUAR. Mr. Brotzler provided information about water conservation, measuring the standards today, and the aquifer decline issues in Rosemount. Ms. Lindquist stated changing the sustainability requirements is a policy decision. Commissioner Miller questioned if the water should be treated on site and the changes for infrastructure. Ms. Lindquist explained the purpose of the AUAR and determining the regional impacts. Mark Koegler stated that AUAR matches the creative framework of the master plan. He stated that the Appendix B covered some of those issues. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MAY 15, 2013 Discussion was held about the population and the traffic impacts. Mr. Brotzler explained the formulas for developing the impacts to traffic. Staff reviewed the timeline for moving forward. 2.C. Cable Franchise Renewal Update City Attorney Vose provided an update on the cable franchise renewal process. He highlighted the funding associated with the franchise. Discussion was held regarding the PEG and franchise fees, negotiations, and options moving forward during the renewal. The Council received the Needs Assessment commissioned by the Apple Valley, Farmington & Rosemount Cable Commission. Mayor Droste and City Administrator Johnson will check in with other cities about their franchise renewals process. 2.D. Sustainability Committee Discussion Community Development Director Lindquist provided a summary of the staff report. She requested direction from the City Council on moving forward. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan talked about the cost implications associated with some of the Johnson Control recommendations. She did not support a task force because of the size of the city, policy changes and lack of vision at this point. Mayor Droste shared information from articles he gathered related to other cities sustainability plans. Council Member Weisensel stated his thoughts on the origination of the sustainability goals. He shared the programs he wanted to the City to investigate. City Administrator Johnson shared that staff has been working on the programs and was addressing the goal of creating a sustainability task force. The direction was to continue participating in the Green Steps and Star Communities and evaluate the creation of a task force afterwards. Discussion was also held regarding a public meeting generating interest of people wanting to serve on the task force. 2.E. Ordinance Relating to Smoking City Clerk Domeier provided a summary of the staff report. The City Council supported the addition to the ordinance. The City Council will consider the ordinance at the May 21 meeting. UPDATES 3.A. National Police Week Police Chief Werner provided a summary of the staff report. Mayor Droste will make a statement about the anniversary of Rosemount fallen officer during the May 21 meeting. 3.13. YMCA Survey Results City Administrator Johnson provided a summary of the staff report and results from the survey. 3.C. Steeple Center Sound and Lighting Improvements Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided a summary of the staff report. The City Council supported pursuing bids for shades at the Steeple Center. Staff will evaluate the HVAC opportunities in coordination with the construction the senior center. 3.D. Donations for Flint Hills Athletic Complex Project Director of Parks and Recreation Schultz provided a summary of the staff report. The City Council supported receiving the donations proposed and encouraged staff to find additional donors. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS MAY 15, 2013 3.E. Set date for June budget meeting City Administrator Johnson provided options for a budget meeting in June. The City Council decided to meet on Tuesday, June 25 at 6:30 p.m. in the conference room at City Hall. 3.F. SKB Update Community Development Director provided an update on recent discussion with SKB. Discussion was held regarding the IUP extension, proposed expansion and the future of the trust fund. 3.G. Updates from City Council and Staff City Administrator Johnson provided information on the upgrades to the cable control room and equipment. Council Member Shoe - Corrigan requested that City Council consider holding work sessions after regular meetings. The City Council supported adding special work sessions following regular meetings when the agenda for the regular work sessions appears long. Council Member Weisensel provided an update on the status of the Youth Commission and the DCC statistics. Mayor Droste provided an update on the recent Regional Council of Mayor's meeting and MN Thrive Event. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by Weisensel, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 11:39 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Amy Domeier, City Clerk